1940 U.S. Federal Census of Montvale, Pickens, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Pickens County > 1940 Census of Montvale

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdcoxCharles born about 1935
AdcoxEzra born about 1938
AdcoxFurman born about 1912
AdcoxHelen born about 1914
AdcoxWalker born about 1916
AlexanderRuth born about 1928

B Surnames

BrownEllen born about 1923
BrownRoy born about 1919

C Surnames

CantrellAnnie born about 1898
CantrellBernice born about 1922
CantrellCephes born about 1894
ChapmanAlice born about 1903
ChapmanB Dborn about 1933
ChapmanBlanch born about 1924
ChapmanCleon born about 1937
ChapmanEdna born about 1931
ChapmanHenry born about 1906
ChapmanHomer born about 1929
ChapmanLouiella born about 1936
ChapmanMyra born about 1907
ChapmanRoe born about 1902
ChapmanRuth born about 1928
ChapmanWilliam born about 1926
ChappellBerlen born about 1928
ChappellBrackett born about 1935
ChappellDoris born about 1937
ChappellErnest born about 1924
ChappellFannie born about 1900
ChappellFaye born about 1933
ChappellFreeman born about 1906
ChappellFulton born about 1924
ChappellJ Conelborn about 1875
ChappellLizzie born about 1882
ChappellOlga born about 1932
ChappellSadie born about 1914
ChappellSibyl born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavesJ Cborn about 1925
DavesLucile born about 1935
DavesMack Tborn about 1897
DavesRalph born about 1931
DavesShirley born about 1939
DavesSue born about 1937
DavesViola born about 1897
DodgensDill born about 1874

E Surnames

EddingsBates born about 1901
EddingsDonald born about 1932
EddingsEdna born about 1907
EddingsElizabeth born about 1926
EddingsEnoch Eborn about 1891
EddingsKatherine born about 1928
EdensElizabeth born about 1910
EdensIra born about 1928
EdensJohn born about 1887
EdensMary born about 1896
EdensSleta born about 1923
EdensWindell born about 1926
EvansLillie Maeborn about 1918
EvansLula born about 1894
EvansRobert born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallawayRena born about 1876
GassawayMary born about 1863
GassawaySam born about 1863
GillespieAddie born about 1859
GillespieGarth Cborn about 1926
GillespieJames born about 1856
GillespiePerry Jborn about 1869
GilstrapArthur born about 1910
GilstrapB Fborn about 1922
GilstrapBen born about 1922
GilstrapCora born about 1892
GilstrapDerrell born about 1927
GilstrapElijah Mborn about 1896
GilstrapEssie born about 1903
GilstrapEva born about 1919
GilstrapFlorine born about 1925
GilstrapFrances born about 1931
GilstrapFurman born about 1915
GilstrapHovie born about 1914
GilstrapJ Lborn about 1929
GilstrapJake born about 1887
GilstrapJerry born about 1939
GilstrapKenneth born about 1927
GilstrapLarry born about 1932
GilstrapLillie born about 1885
GilstrapLona born about 1911
GilstrapLuther born about 1883
GilstrapMae born about 1917
GilstrapMinnie Sueborn about 1936
GilstrapRoy born about 1911
GilstrapVivian born about 1933
GilstrapWillie born about 1919
GrantAddie born about 1902
GrantAddie Louborn about 1940
GrantBertha born about 1923
GrantBillie born about 1861
GrantBillie born about 1926
GrantCecil born about 1929
GrantDonald born about 1931
GrantDorothy born about 1931
GrantElizabeth born about 1936
GrantInez born about 1921
GrantJoe born about 1934
GrantKatie Sueborn about 1940
GrantVeda Maeborn about 1925
GrantWalter born about 1885
GravelyBettie Joeborn about 1936
GravelyHavey Lborn about 1900
GravelyJessie Leeborn about 1913
GravelyLuther born about 1894
GravelyMary born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalcombeBillie Maeborn about 1928
HalcombeG Coyborn about 1893
HalcombeIrene born about 1922
HalcombeJ Bborn about 1920
HalcombeJames born about 1926
HalcombeLillie born about 1892
HendricksGuynell born about 1929

I Surnames

InabinetAsbury born about 1924
InabinetHarold born about 1925
InabinetIda born about 1880
InabinetVaughn born about 1898

L Surnames

LaddAndrew born about 1918
LaddBill born about 1910
LaddDillie born about 1903
LaddMatthew born about 1877
LewiaAlberta born about 1921
LewiaBirce born about 1920
LewisAnnie born about 1869
LewisAzalee born about 1929
LewisBarney born about 1930
LewisCharles born about 1932
LewisDean born about 1919
LewisDewey born about 1924
LewisEssie born about 1896
LewisEvelyn born about 1934
LewisFaye born about 1937
LewisFlorence born about 1916
LewisGarvin born about 1931
LewisGladys born about 1939
LewisHildred born about 1940
LewisJimmie born about 1902
LewisLaura born about 1933
LewisLester born about 1922
LewisLizzie born about 1872
LewisLois born about 1910
LewisM H Dockborn about 1869
LewisMea Nettieborn about 1871
LewisMildred born about 1900
LewisNalmer born about 1906
LewisOlin born about 1931
LewisOmmie Rborn about 1905
LewisPaul born about 1911
LewisRuby born about 1934
LewisT Jborn about 1932
LewisVelma born about 1937
LewisViolet born about 1928
LewisVirgil born about 1900
LewisWallace born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MasonFrances born about 1931
MasonJohn Sborn about 1873
MassingaleEdith born about 1913
MassingaleLawrence born about 1913
McCallB Mborn about 1886
McCallCharlie born about 1927
McCallColeman born about 1899
McCallCora Leeborn about 1939
McCallEmmitt born about 1923
McCallEnglish born about 1926
McCallFaye born about 1926
McCallGenevie born about 1923
McCallGeraline born about 1937
McCallGrace born about 1931
McCallJanie born about 1935
McCallJerry born about 1925
McCallLawton born about 1921
McCallMae born about 1901
McCallNellie born about 1902
McCallThalia born about 1930
MurphreeElmeda born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealeyBetty born about 1935
NealeyCharles born about 1939
NealeyEthel born about 1910
NealeyFred born about 1910
NealeyHarold born about 1931
NealeyHulda born about 1933

O Surnames

OwensAddie born about 1896
OwensClaude born about 1891
OwensEdith born about 1918
OwensEstis born about 1933
OwensGrace born about 1929
OwensLester born about 1926
OwensLorette born about 1924
OwensLouise born about 1938
OwensOtis born about 1935
OwensWilliam born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PattersonGenevie born about 1924
PortenBillie Geanborn about 1933
PortenHoyt born about 1914
PortenJanet born about 1916
PorterBessie born about 1914
PorterCless born about 1939
PorterGladys born about 1908
PorterIrene born about 1927
PorterJ Bborn about 1937
PorterJosephine born about 1880
PorterJoy born about 1904
PorterRuby born about 1935
PorterSarah born about 1928
PorterThelma born about 1932
PorterZ Thomasborn about 1912
PowellBertha born about 1910
PowellClara born about 1932
PowellDennis born about 1934
PowellEula born about 1912
PowellFrances born about 1938
PowellGirlee born about 1908
PowellHarold born about 1932
PowellIla born about 1905
PowellJ Cborn about 1926
PowellJohn Lelandborn about 1938
PowellL Cborn about 1924
PowellLouisa born about 1903
PowellMary born about 1935
PowellMitchell born about 1940
PowellRomaine born about 1931
PowellRose born about 1928
PowellRussell born about 1932
PowellT Cborn about 1922
PowellThomas born about 1894
PriceDenna born about 1893
PriceLake born about 1927
PriceMargaret born about 1924
PricePaul born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReeceAlbert born about 1931
ReeceCarl born about 1920
ReeceCauley born about 1906
ReeceCleon born about 1935
ReeceEula Belleborn about 1933
ReeceGarland born about 1918
ReeceGrady born about 1896
ReeceHarold born about 1926
ReeceJames born about 1928
ReeceLeon born about 1935
ReeceLillie born about 1895
ReeceLuella born about 1927
ReeceMary born about 1934
ReeceNorman born about 1922
ReeceSula Maeborn about 1930
ReeceSusie born about 1908
ReeceWalter born about 1926
ReidBertha born about 1906
ReidClaude born about 1939
ReidErnest born about 1921
ReidEssie born about 1902
ReidFaye born about 1933
ReidFloyd born about 1928
ReidFrank born about 1936
ReidInez born about 1924
ReidJ Dborn about 1937
ReidJames born about 1891
ReidL Vborn about 1931
ReidOtis born about 1935
ReidRichard born about 1925
ReidViola born about 1930
ReidWesley born about 1894
ReidWill born about 1899
RevisBertha born about 1903
RevisEtonia born about 1934
RevisEtrulia born about 1926
RevisIla born about 1897
RevisOlin born about 1919
RevisRuth born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SimmonsClarence born about 1917
SimmonsIda Maeborn about 1912
SimmonsWesley born about 1937
SmithCecil born about 1931
SmithChristine born about 1923
SmithEdgar born about 1929
SmithEnos Mborn about 1900
SmithOla born about 1903
SmithPriscilla born about 1926
SmithRachael born about 1934
StansellBetty Joeborn about 1937
StansellDewey born about 1935
StansellErnest born about 1932
StansellIrene born about 1913
StansellJ Tborn about 1938
StansellLunie born about 1905
StansellWillie Maeborn about 1939
StewartB Cborn about 1917
StewartVirginia born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasBarbara born about 1930
ThomasElla Maeborn about 1926
ThomasEvelyn born about 1933
ThomasHelen born about 1922
ThomasLoyd born about 1924
ThomasNellie born about 1936
ThomasWalter born about 1921
ThomasWinnie born about 1901

W Surnames

WalkerLula Maeborn about 1892
WalkerSamuel Gborn about 1879
WinchesterDaniel Dborn about 1882
WinchesterErnest born about 1913
WinchesterEssie born about 1918
WinchesterFrank born about 1913
WinchesterLaura born about 1882
WinchesterMyrtie Maeborn about 1916

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