1940 U.S. Federal Census of Moss, Edgefield, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Edgefield County > 1940 Census of Moss

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsClyde born about 1909
AdamsHortence born about 1910

B Surnames

BaconCarrie Louborn about 1911
BaconGilbert born about 1937
BaconStevenson born about 1909
BaconStevenson Jr born about 1936
BeanWilbur born about 1922
BellIda born about 1898
BellWilliam born about 1901
BlockerAlma born about 1917
BlockerBettie born about 1913
BlockerCharlie born about 1939
BlockerMay born about 1872
BlockerWallace born about 1915
BooneGeorge born about 1913
BooneGladys born about 1914
BooneHoward born about 1936
BooneJ Fborn about 1867
BooneJames born about 1910
BooneRhett Wborn about 1919
BooneSeabelle born about 1878
BooneToomodore born about 1915
BorumAlbert born about 1919
BradleyJohn born about 1875
BradleyLucy born about 1895
BrendaAlma born about 1937
BrendaImogene born about 1938
BroadwaterA Rborn about 1889
BroadwaterG Wborn about 1896
BroadwaterKathryn born about 1928
BroadwaterPauline born about 1885
BrooksArlena born about 1922
BrooksEd born about 1909
BrooksJohnson born about 1887
BrooksJulia born about 1929
BrooksQueen born about 1912
BrooksSallie born about 1890
BrownFannie born about 1911
BrownFannie Maeborn about 1934
BrownHattie Louborn about 1930
BrownJohn Thomasborn about 1927
BrownJohnie born about 1902
BrownPerline born about 1929
BrunsonAbney born about 1903
BrunsonD Dborn about 1884
BrunsonEmmie Lborn about 1887
BrunsonJ Pluttborn about 1892
BrunsonJames Wborn about 1903
BrunsonLina born about 1904
BrunsonLucinda born about 1910
BrunsonLuther Rborn about 1890
BrunsonMae born about 1910
BrunsonMary Mimsborn about 1878
BrunsonNancy born about 1875
BrunsonOlga Wborn about 1877
BrunsonWalter born about 1901
BrunsonWalter Mborn about 1917
BryanAlvin born about 1938
BryanBobby born about 1928
BryanCatherine born about 1931
BryanCecil born about 1902
BryanCecil born about 1925
BryanMattie born about 1905
BryanSarah born about 1933
BryanWilliam Pborn about 1924
BurdetteElizabeth born about 1927
BurdetteLula Maeborn about 1906
BurdetteRalph born about 1905
BurdetteRalph Samuelborn about 1930
BurgessEunice born about 1905
BurnettMae born about 1903
BurnettThomas Hborn about 1895
BusseyAlonzo born about 1890
BusseyBecky Louborn about 1932
BusseyDorothy born about 1929
BusseyJames born about 1928
BusseyJohnie born about 1913
BusseyJohnie born about 1932
BusseyJuanita born about 1938
BusseyLucille born about 1935
BusseyLula born about 1909
BusseyLuvenia born about 1913
BusseyMary born about 1871
BusseyMary Juliaborn about 1933
BusseyMinnie Leeborn about 1939
BusseyPercy born about 1868
BusseyPerry Jr born about 1928
BusseyThomas Howardborn about 1935
BusseyWilbur born about 1925
BusseyWillie born about 1907
BusseyWillie born about 1930
ButlerCharles born about 1933
ButlerE Jborn about 1905
ButlerErvett born about 1934
ButlerMattie born about 1906
ButlerRobert born about 1920
ByranHarold born about 1933
ByranJune born about 1937
ByranRuth born about 1905
ByranVivian born about 1922
ByranWill born about 1891
ByranWilliam born about 1921
ByranYancy born about 1930
ByrdAmelia Wborn about 1883
ByrdBenjamin born about 1910
ByrdBenjamin Jr born about 1939
ByrdBessie Maeborn about 1926
ByrdEdith born about 1938
ByrdEttie Lewisborn about 1923
ByrdFreddie born about 1936
ByrdGeorge born about 1887
ByrdHenrietta born about 1904
ByrdJ Hborn about 1902
ByrdLucy born about 1890
ByrdLuther born about 1900
ByrdRosa born about 1917
ByrdWilliam born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainArmelia born about 1934
CainCharlie born about 1922
CainCharlie born about 1939
CainChristine born about 1939
CainClaude born about 1913
CainClaude Jr born about 1938
CainEllen born about 1920
CainHelen born about 1922
CainJames born about 1915
CainJames born about 1939
CainLaura born about 1910
CainMarshal born about 1874
CainOlnea born about 1918
CainRufus born about 1912
CainRufus born about 1937
CainRuth Ellaborn about 1933
CainWillie born about 1939
CainWillie Maeborn about 1912
CainWillie Wborn about 1917
CallihamDavid born about 1936
CallihamHelen born about 1908
CallihamJ Pborn about 1927
CallihamMarion born about 1934
CallihamMartha born about 1866
CallihamRaymond born about 1931
CallihamRobert born about 1929
CallihamStonney born about 1939
CallihamW Rborn about 1904
CarterAndrew born about 1916
CarterNellie Louborn about 1939
CarterThelma born about 1921
CartledgeBetty born about 1928
CartledgeBilly born about 1921
CartledgeHerman born about 1932
CartledgeIda Louborn about 1898
CartledgeJoe born about 1858
CartledgeJoseph born about 1891
CartledgeLouise born about 1927
CartledgeLoyd born about 1924
CartledgeMary Ellieborn about 1934
CheathamCharles Aborn about 1890
CheathamLolah Wborn about 1860
CheathamP Wborn about 1860
ChinJohn Henryborn about 1910
ChristieConstance born about 1909
ChristieIna born about 1873
ChristieRobert Miltonborn about 1939
ChristieS born about 1878
ChristieThomas Dborn about 1912
ChristieThomas Jr born about 1936
CoatnerChristine born about 1927
CoatnerD Aborn about 1905
CoatnerElise born about 1934
CoatnerLouise born about 1934
CoatnerZulline born about 1907
ColemanCharlie born about 1915
ColemanFannie Belleborn about 1909
ColemanFrances Miranoborn about 1939
ColemanJames Cecilborn about 1933
ColemanJim born about 1898
ColemanThomas born about 1938
CollinsL Wborn about 1862
CollinsSallie born about 1890
CookHiedard born about 1902
CorleyAlbert born about 1887
CorleyAry born about 1930
CorleyEdith born about 1922
CorleyEmma born about 1908
CorleyGenora born about 1900
CorleyJames Tborn about 1891
CorleyKatherine born about 1925
CorleyLottie born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DawkinsElestes born about 1928
DawkinsJack born about 1903
DawkinsRebecca born about 1903
DeanMarion born about 1920
DeanRufus born about 1920
DockinsGus born about 1912
DockinsGus Jr born about 1936
DockinsMary born about 1914
DockinsWade born about 1938
DornEva Maeborn about 1918
DornHenry Lborn about 1939
DornLonnie born about 1907
DowRevie born about 1926

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E Surnames

EdwardsMary born about 1875
EdwardsRobert born about 1937
EdwardsThomas born about 1873

G Surnames

GarrettCharlie born about 1913
GarrettCharlie born about 1933
GarrettClara born about 1904
GarrettDavid born about 1935
GarrettElese born about 1925
GarrettHenry born about 1927
GarrettHubert born about 1931
GarrettJames born about 1929
GarrettJoseph born about 1939
GarrettLandy born about 1900
GarrettMagdeline born about 1922
GarrettMary born about 1883
GarrettRuth born about 1923
GarrettThomas born about 1920
GarrettViola born about 1922
GibbsTom born about 1900
GilchristCora Bellborn about 1936
GilchristGrace born about 1915
GilchristHarmon born about 1933
GilchristLandy born about 1916
GilchristMary Louborn about 1938
GilchristNandie born about 1915
GilchristRaymond born about 1935
GilchristSam Bborn about 1940
GilchristTom born about 1910
GilchristWillie Lborn about 1932
GloverArlina born about 1922
GloverBerthline born about 1934
GloverBessie Louborn about 1930
GloverDolly born about 1901
GloverEbbie Gloverborn about 1921
GloverEdma born about 1926
GloverHammer born about 1937
GloverLura born about 1924
GloverMarth Jeanborn about 1938
GloverPerlina born about 1935
GloverRosanie born about 1932
GloverWilstein born about 1928
GordonAnna Belleborn about 1939
GordonElizabeth born about 1934
GordonFelix born about 1925
GordonGeneva born about 1937
GordonGeorge Jr born about 1929
GordonGeorgia born about 1906
GordonJames born about 1932
GordonJulian born about 1892
GordonMary Edithborn about 1936
GordonRosa Florenceborn about 1938
GordonWilliam born about 1926
GrayJames born about 1900
GreenCurtis born about 1908
GrenekerMrs Hattieborn about 1872
GriffisAnna Belleborn about 1926
GriffisAnnie Trobaborn about 1862
GriffisBelle Mborn about 1895
GriffisCarolyn born about 1928
GriffisCarrie Bborn about 1870
GriffisElizabeth born about 1896
GriffisEmma Bborn about 1938
GriffisFuller born about 1888
GriffisJ Jborn about 1857
GriffisMarion born about 1929
GriffisReed born about 1934
GriffisSamuel born about 1936
GriffisT Mborn about 1897

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H Surnames

HamptonLouise born about 1929
HamptonPearl born about 1925
HarrisE Zborn about 1926
HarrisMatthew born about 1890
HarrisMattie born about 1904
HarrisonMary Ruthborn about 1940
HarrisonRuth born about 1922
HarrisonWilliam born about 1918
HastingsLobietha born about 1915
HollowayLonnie Maeborn about 1917
HopperBetty Jeanborn about 1932
HopperElizabeth born about 1915
HopperEthel born about 1936
HopperHandy born about 1876
HopperHandy Jr born about 1919
HopperIda born about 1934
HopperJohn born about 1910
HopperL Wborn about 1938
HopperLawerence born about 1910
HopperLouise born about 1917
HopperMariah born about 1875
HopperMattie Louborn about 1930
HopperRuth born about 1938
HopperW Bborn about 1928
HughesJ Sborn about 1887
HughesMary Aborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonBetty Jeanborn about 1937
JacksonC Tborn about 1934
JacksonCarletha born about 1924
JacksonElizabeth born about 1925
JacksonFilds born about 1910
JacksonJohnie born about 1935
JacksonJulia born about 1919
JacksonMarjorie Reeborn about 1939
JacksonMiledge born about 1910
JacksonMinnie born about 1886
JacksonOdell born about 1920
JacksonOllie Ruthborn about 1937
JacksonSallie Maeborn about 1912
JacksonWilber Jamesborn about 1937
JacksonWillie born about 1886
JacksonWillie born about 1935
JamesLouis born about 1919
JoensBennie Maeborn about 1936
JoensKatherine born about 1914
JoensWillie born about 1910
JoensWillie Eugeneborn about 1938
JohnsonArlena born about 1915
JohnsonEmmily Cborn about 1939
JohnsonJames Williamborn about 1938
JohnsonMinnie born about 1922
JohnsonRosa born about 1900
JohnsonWilliam born about 1915
JohnsonWillie born about 1920
JohnsonWillie Fborn about 1938
JonesAlice born about 1933
JonesAlvin born about 1908
JonesAlvin Jr born about 1939
JonesElisse born about 1938
JonesEmily born about 1913
JonesHelen born about 1937
JonesLucille born about 1938
JonesMary born about 1935
JonesMaybelle born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KempWillie born about 1922
KeyDella born about 1905
KeyJosie Maeborn about 1938
KeyMaggie Dellaborn about 1936
KeyMollie Maeborn about 1931
KeyRobert Leeborn about 1939
KeyRoosevelt born about 1933
KeyWilliam born about 1892
KeyWillie Davidborn about 1930

L Surnames

LagroomFrank born about 1910
LagroomNancy born about 1900
LakeHenry born about 1895
LakeNancy born about 1868
LakeShip born about 1908
LandrumBlydena born about 1919
LandrumClyde born about 1928
LandrumHelen born about 1929
LandrumJames born about 1920
LandrumJohn born about 1902
LandrumLydia born about 1883
LandrumOdell born about 1931
LandrumRobert born about 1874
LandrumRosa born about 1910
LandrumWallace born about 1916
LangleyErline born about 1939
LangleyEttie born about 1884
LangleyFred born about 1912
LangleyJohn Edwardborn about 1934
LangleyKathleen born about 1911
LangleyLelia born about 1921
LangleyMargaret born about 1919
LangleyMaxy born about 1880
LangleyWalter Earleborn about 1911
LangleyWilliam Dborn about 1912
LangleyWilliam Wateborn about 1939
LanhamCharitie born about 1910
LanhamSam born about 1905
LeeAnnah born about 1875
LeeCarie Louborn about 1920
LeeKatherne born about 1939
LeeOllie born about 1918
LeePearl born about 1923
LeeSusie Maeborn about 1928
LeeTom Leeborn about 1912
LeeW Mborn about 1862
LucasFrank born about 1902
LuchieWalter born about 1914

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M Surnames

MartinEmmer born about 1911
MartinEmmer Lizaborn about 1936
MartinHenry Leeborn about 1912
MartinJohnie Josephborn about 1940
MartinJoseph born about 1912
MartinSlep born about 1925
MartinWillie Maeborn about 1938
MathisAnnie Bborn about 1900
MathisCarrie Maeborn about 1933
MathisEthel born about 1926
MathisHelen Vborn about 1938
MathisJames born about 1898
MathisJames born about 1924
MathisJohnie born about 1922
MathisMargaret born about 1927
MathisMary Belleborn about 1937
MathisNell born about 1929
MathisOtis born about 1931
MathisWillie Jamesborn about 1936
McClamRichard born about 1925
McClendonEmma born about 1865
McClendonFrank born about 1866
McConellJulia Clairesborn about 1925
McManusAlberta born about 1938
McManusAlvin born about 1918
McManusMarion born about 1919
McManusRosa born about 1918
McManusWillie born about 1904
McManusWillie Jr born about 1939
MedlockGene born about 1940
MedlockJames born about 1936
MedlockKathleen born about 1923
MedlockLizzie born about 1876
MedlockLois born about 1932
MedlockPress born about 1868
MedlockRobert born about 1930
MedlockRoger born about 1927
MedlockSam Hardborn about 1916
MedlockVirginia Maeborn about 1938
MedlockW Hborn about 1896
MedlockWade Hamptonborn about 1939
MiddletonMarrion born about 1903
MiddletonWilliam born about 1890
MillerBillie born about 1913
MitchellBetty born about 1934
MitchellDaniel Jamesborn about 1858
MitchellGeorge born about 1876
MitchellGladys born about 1934
MitchellHallie Maeborn about 1930
MitchellHattie Elizabethborn about 1926
MitchellJ Dborn about 1922
MitchellJanie born about 1891
MitchellMabel born about 1907
MitchellMary Bborn about 1881
MitchellMary Louborn about 1928
MitchellOlin born about 1932
MitchellRaymond born about 1904
MitchellVelma born about 1900
MooreAnnie Joeborn about 1929
MooreBenjamin born about 1936
MooreCleveland born about 1933
MooreJames Jr born about 1904
MooreJanie Maeborn about 1932
MooreMary Bellaborn about 1906
MooreMary Leeborn about 1926
MooreOscar born about 1938
MooreRoger born about 1927
MorganAbe born about 1922
MorganAnnie born about 1915
MorganBelle born about 1887
MorganCorrie born about 1890
MorganEddie born about 1919
MorganEddie born about 1937
MorganEliza born about 1917
MorganElla born about 1921
MorganFelia born about 1918
MorganHarry born about 1928
MorganIrene born about 1864
MorganJ Evanborn about 1901
MorganJanie Maeborn about 1935
MorganRhett born about 1924
MorganRuby born about 1905
MorganSallie born about 1926
MorganShep born about 1875
MorganT Gborn about 1882
MorganThomas Pborn about 1861
MorganWilliam born about 1908
MosleyElla born about 1884
MoultrieMollie Sborn about 1870
MoultrieR Lborn about 1904

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N Surnames

NewsonAminee born about 1931
NewsonEvelyn born about 1938
NewsonLillian born about 1919
NewsonMatthew born about 1917
NewsonMatthew Jr born about 1939
NicholsonBetty Marieborn about 1929
NicholsonRobert Hborn about 1878
NicholsonSallie Maeborn about 1882
NipperJames born about 1919

O Surnames

OfieldGladys born about 1935
OliphantEd born about 1897
OliphantJanie born about 1898
OliphantMattie born about 1888
OliphantRoosevelt born about 1934
OliphantWilliam born about 1931
OwensEstelle born about 1901
OwensMatthew born about 1900

P Surnames

PardueManly born about 1913
PardueSadie Louiseborn about 1940
PardueSara Lucilleborn about 1938
PardueWillie Maeborn about 1916
PattenAlonzo born about 1938
PattenBertha Maeborn about 1932
PattenMatthew born about 1907
PattenMatthew Jr born about 1930
PattenRosa born about 1935
PattenSunie born about 1904
PattonLandrum born about 1940
PattonMamie born about 1917
PattonMarion born about 1938
PattonSadie Maeborn about 1935
PattonWill born about 1915
PercivalFrank born about 1913
PercivalSara born about 1918
PercivalVirginia born about 1939
PhillipsElizabeth born about 1930
PhillipsHiawatha born about 1905
PhillipsMartha Vborn about 1935
PhillipsNellie born about 1905
PhillipsRoselle born about 1932
PhillipsThelma born about 1928
PopeMary Ethelborn about 1902
PopeWilliam born about 1901
PriceBeaufort born about 1916
PriceLelia Maeborn about 1938
PriceMary Emmaborn about 1916
PrinceR Lborn about 1874
PryceAdeline born about 1925
PryceAnnie Leeborn about 1934
PryceFreddie born about 1929
PryceJames born about 1923
PryceJohnie Maeborn about 1936
PryceJulius born about 1887
PryceRebecca born about 1890
PryceRuby Maeborn about 1927
PryceThelma born about 1918
PryceTom born about 1912

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R Surnames

RandallBilly born about 1935
RandallHarold Jacksonborn about 1940
RandallHomer born about 1906
RandallJames born about 1933
RandallMary Francesborn about 1936
RandallRosa Belleborn about 1907
ReardenArthur born about 1913
ReardenCorrie Jelborn about 1923
ReardenDavid born about 1938
ReardenElijah born about 1925
ReardenEthel born about 1885
ReardenGeorge born about 1882
ReardenGeorge born about 1934
ReardenHarrison born about 1937
ReardenJames Fborn about 1924
ReardenJasper born about 1932
ReardenJohnie Cborn about 1892
ReardenJohnie Wilsonborn about 1921
ReardenJoseph born about 1936
ReardenJulian born about 1930
ReardenLe Roy born about 1917
ReardenMamie born about 1905
ReardenMartha born about 1930
ReardenMary Jborn about 1868
ReardenMary Rebeccaborn about 1928
ReardenMinnie born about 1888
ReardenNorris born about 1896
ReardenNorris Jr born about 1938
ReardenOssy born about 1895
ReardenRobert Adamsborn about 1927
ReardenRuth born about 1906
ReardenRuth born about 1936
ReardenWillie born about 1891
ReardonEvelyn born about 1917
ReardonGeorge born about 1880
ReardonLelia born about 1881
ReardonWalker born about 1919
ReelCarrie born about 1897
ReelJohn Lakeborn about 1932
ReelMary born about 1925
ReelRobert born about 1928
ReelW Aborn about 1896
ReelWilliam born about 1921
ReynoldsJulia born about 1885
ReynoldsLogan born about 1898
RobinsonAlbert born about 1908
RobinsonAlbert Jr born about 1935
RobinsonClaude born about 1933
RobinsonEugene born about 1901
RobinsonJames born about 1934
RobinsonJennie born about 1882
RobinsonLena Belleborn about 1939
RobinsonLucinda born about 1899
RobinsonMajor born about 1867
RobinsonMattie Belleborn about 1913
RobinsonSallie Maeborn about 1937
RobinsonWillie born about 1910
RobinsonWillie born about 1931

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S Surnames

ScismDwight born about 1918
ScismLebran born about 1917
SeiglerLillian born about 1925
ShineWarren born about 1922
ShirleyH Fborn about 1907
ShirleyJ Lborn about 1917
ShirleyManda born about 1879
ShirleyW Jborn about 1875
SimmonsAlbert born about 1932
SimmonsAnnie born about 1914
SimmonsCharlie born about 1924
SimmonsHattie born about 1873
SimmonsJanie born about 1900
SimmonsLinus born about 1898
SimmonsZack born about 1922
SimpkinCharlie born about 1870
SimpkinLula born about 1876
SimpkinSimuel born about 1916
SimpkinsAlbert born about 1918
SimpkinsAlfred born about 1885
SimpkinsBetty born about 1872
SimpkinsCarrie Louborn about 1928
SimpkinsCharlie Wborn about 1924
SimpkinsEddie born about 1897
SimpkinsEliza Maeborn about 1927
SimpkinsEthel Maeborn about 1927
SimpkinsEugene born about 1922
SimpkinsFrancis born about 1935
SimpkinsFrank born about 1935
SimpkinsJames born about 1926
SimpkinsJessie born about 1939
SimpkinsJohnie born about 1921
SimpkinsLillian born about 1932
SimpkinsLiza born about 1899
SimpkinsLucidia born about 1901
SimpkinsLucretia born about 1895
SimpkinsMary born about 1923
SimpkinsMary Elizaborn about 1922
SimpkinsMary Louborn about 1904
SimpkinsMorgan born about 1923
SimpkinsRebecca born about 1884
SimpkinsRebecca born about 1937
SimpkinsRobert Eborn about 1934
SimpkinsRobert Edwardborn about 1926
SimpkinsRuby born about 1930
SimpkinsRufus born about 1930
SimpkinsSam born about 1931
SimpkinsWalter born about 1901
SimpkinsWilliam born about 1928
SinglerHenry born about 1884
SinglerW Mborn about 1849
SinglerWilliam born about 1882
StidmanDella born about 1906
StromBessie Maeborn about 1923
StromGeorge Sborn about 1878
StromJ Nedborn about 1914
StromJohn Robertborn about 1904
StromLilla born about 1878
StromNolia Kborn about 1903
StromPhaddeous born about 1909
StromSallie born about 1887
StromWilliam Rborn about 1915
SwearingenGeorge born about 1925
SwearingenJulia born about 1886
SwearingenJulia born about 1928
SwearingenL Lborn about 1876

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T Surnames

TalbertAlmastine born about 1929
TalbertBetty born about 1860
TalbertBetty Louborn about 1922
TalbertBeufort born about 1919
TalbertDella born about 1903
TalbertEzra Gborn about 1877
TalbertFannie Bborn about 1886
TalbertFelton born about 1926
TalbertGarrett born about 1905
TalbertGarrett Jr born about 1937
TalbertGladys born about 1932
TalbertHelen born about 1929
TalbertJames born about 1939
TalbertJas born about 1873
TalbertJoe Lutherborn about 1931
TalbertJohnie born about 1894
TalbertMarjorie born about 1924
TalbertNancy born about 1934
TalbertRuby born about 1936
TalbertThelma born about 1911
TalbertTilford born about 1921
ThomsonWilliam born about 1923
TimmermanB Eborn about 1905
TimmermanBob born about 1931
TimmermanF L Jrborn about 1894
TimmermanFrancis born about 1923
TimmermanJack born about 1929
TimmermanLaurin born about 1934
TimmermanLee born about 1922
TimmermanMamie born about 1907
TimmermanRuth born about 1925

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V Surnames

VanStanly born about 1932

W Surnames

WashAnsel born about 1939
WashBlanche born about 1912
WashCarrie born about 1908
WashCarrie Maeborn about 1925
WashCharles born about 1936
WashCharlie born about 1880
WashClaude born about 1938
WashDouglas born about 1940
WashEarle born about 1896
WashEllen born about 1907
WashFrances born about 1931
WashHarold born about 1933
WashHelen born about 1928
WashHughs born about 1875
WashJ Bborn about 1922
WashJ Eborn about 1938
WashJ Lborn about 1923
WashJohnie born about 1906
WashJulian born about 1895
WashLelia born about 1882
WashMarion born about 1933
WashMary born about 1867
WashRebecca born about 1901
WashSam born about 1907
WashWallace born about 1927
WashWilliam born about 1936
WashingtonGeorge born about 1875
WashingtonJennie born about 1872
WashingtonLillie Belleborn about 1927
WatesAlvin born about 1926
WatesAnnie born about 1876
WatesCaleo born about 1896
WatesD Bborn about 1872
WatesD Lborn about 1894
WatesEva born about 1907
WatesFranklin born about 1926
WatesFred Lborn about 1901
WatesHerbert born about 1934
WatesIona born about 1896
WatesRaymond born about 1930
WatesVernon born about 1922
WatesViola born about 1903
WatsonBessie born about 1932
WatsonCasper born about 1931
WatsonClarence born about 1938
WatsonEleanor Janeborn about 1933
WatsonFrank born about 1909
WatsonJenny Belleborn about 1906
WatsonJim born about 1928
WatsonJoan born about 1939
WatsonMark born about 1923
WatsonMyrtle born about 1900
WatsonPolly born about 1919
WatsonSloan Mborn about 1893
WatsonTalton born about 1905
WatsonWilliam Fborn about 1931
WatsonWillie Maeborn about 1917
WatsonWoodrow born about 1918
WeaverJames born about 1867
WeaverLouvenia born about 1876
WestAlma born about 1920
WestLowell born about 1914
WhatleyEdgar Donaldborn about 1927
WhatleyJ Tborn about 1866
WhatleyMarie born about 1938
WhatleyRonnie born about 1935
WhatleyTennie Olaborn about 1876
WilliamsAline born about 1924
WilliamsAlma born about 1887
WilliamsAnn born about 1934
WilliamsAnna Belleborn about 1931
WilliamsBessie Rborn about 1928
WilliamsBobby born about 1931
WilliamsCarrie born about 1929
WilliamsCarrie born about 1930
WilliamsConnie born about 1930
WilliamsEdward born about 1917
WilliamsEdwin born about 1920
WilliamsEliza Aborn about 1875
WilliamsEmily born about 1935
WilliamsEthel born about 1899
WilliamsFrancis born about 1929
WilliamsGeorge born about 1926
WilliamsGuy born about 1928
WilliamsH Lborn about 1883
WilliamsHenry Hborn about 1889
WilliamsHoward born about 1923
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1925
WilliamsJames born about 1937
WilliamsLandrum born about 1938
WilliamsLewis born about 1932
WilliamsLid born about 1900
WilliamsLois born about 1927
WilliamsMary Elizabethborn about 1923
WilliamsMary Sborn about 1939
WilliamsMattie born about 1935
WilliamsMiram born about 1925
WilliamsNorwood born about 1931
WilliamsPatty born about 1933
WilliamsRachel born about 1905
WilliamsRoger born about 1919
WilliamsSallie Hborn about 1888
WilliamsSara born about 1925
WilliamsSara Maeborn about 1894
WilliamsT Pborn about 1900
WilliamsWillie born about 1900

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Y Surnames

YeldellAlonzo born about 1940
YeldellAnnie born about 1904
YeldellEnmer Reborn about 1933
YeldellEsther born about 1938
YeldellGeorge Hborn about 1893
YeldellJames Bborn about 1926
YeldellJohnie Sborn about 1929
YeldellOdis born about 1931
YeldellRawleigh born about 1937
YeldellRuth born about 1927
YeldellWillie born about 1935

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