1940 U.S. Federal Census of New Hope in Orangeburg County, Orangeburg, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Orangeburg County > 1940 Census of New Hope in Orangeburg County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbleOctavia born about 1890
AbrahamAnnie Belleborn about 1939
AbrahamBeulah Mayborn about 1937
AbrahamEugene born about 1919
AbrahamJohn born about 1936
AbrahamLeroy born about 1923
AbrahamMary Sueborn about 1922
AbrahamThedore born about 1924
AntleyCecil born about 1898
AntleyCecil Jr born about 1930
AntleyEarnest born about 1932
AntleyEugenia born about 1928
AntleyFrankie born about 1938
AntleyFred Wborn about 1866
AntleyKathleen born about 1905
AntleyNellie Louiseborn about 1934
AsheBarbara born about 1932
AsheBetty Jeanborn about 1929
AsheDollie born about 1905
AsheH Lborn about 1882
AsheHarry Dotborn about 1934
AsheHarry Jborn about 1906
AsheI Jborn about 1910
AsheI J Jrborn about 1937
AsheJewel born about 1928
AsheJulia Aborn about 1886
AsheLurline born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaltzegarClarence born about 1898
BaltzegarJessie born about 1900
BaltzegarLoreta born about 1923
BaltzegarRichard born about 1917
BaltzegarRilla born about 1889
BaltzegarWillie born about 1889
BaltzegarWillie Mayborn about 1921
BaxterAnnie Leeborn about 1927
BaxterBennie born about 1903
BaxterBertie Leeborn about 1939
BaxterCathleen born about 1931
BaxterCharlie Jr born about 1931
BaxterDorothy born about 1926
BaxterEmma born about 1912
BaxterEmma Leeborn about 1923
BaxterErtha Leeborn about 1933
BaxterEssie Leeborn about 1920
BaxterEugenia born about 1891
BaxterGeorge Jr born about 1927
BaxterJames born about 1926
BaxterJessie Mayborn about 1928
BaxterLillie Mayborn about 1926
BaxterLuella born about 1900
BaxterLula Mayborn about 1914
BaxterMary Ellenborn about 1907
BaxterRia born about 1860
BaxterRomie born about 1908
BaxterRosie born about 1900
BaxterWallace born about 1929
BerryCharlie born about 1928
BerryEarnest born about 1882
BerryEarnest Jr born about 1928
BerryEllan born about 1925
BerryGarrison born about 1865
BerryJessie born about 1900
BerryLillie Mayborn about 1926
BerryLurline born about 1922
BerryMaggie born about 1902
BerryRuth born about 1926
BerryWarnell born about 1920
BodrieDorothy born about 1934
BodrieElija born about 1918
BodrieGeorgia Mayborn about 1939
BodrieRosa Belleborn about 1922
BonnettArther Lborn about 1904
BonnettArther Jr born about 1925
BonnettFlorence born about 1931
BonnettMarion born about 1910
BonnettMinnie born about 1907
BooneBetty born about 1919
BooneBurnice born about 1904
BooneEmily born about 1927
BooneHarritte born about 1927
BooneLewie Cborn about 1889
BooneLewie C Jrborn about 1931
BooneMadison born about 1925
BooneMattie born about 1926
BooneMattie Lborn about 1897
BooneRatis Sborn about 1881
BooneRosie born about 1921
BooneS R Jrborn about 1923
BooneTheo born about 1894
BooneTheo Jr born about 1928
BooneVance born about 1931
BooneWalton Bestborn about 1890
BowmanAddie Leeborn about 1919
BowmanAlfonso born about 1903
BowmanAlice born about 1908
BowmanAzalea born about 1920
BowmanBennie born about 1937
BowmanCalvin born about 1922
BowmanCarrie Mayborn about 1932
BowmanCarrie Nealborn about 1926
BowmanChristie Belleborn about 1922
BowmanClarie born about 1927
BowmanCoy born about 1926
BowmanDaisy born about 1872
BowmanDaisy born about 1875
BowmanDaniel born about 1923
BowmanDavid born about 1927
BowmanDavid born about 1932
BowmanDavid born about 1938
BowmanDonald born about 1935
BowmanEdolph born about 1922
BowmanEdward born about 1936
BowmanElizabeth born about 1929
BowmanEloise born about 1934
BowmanEmma born about 1900
BowmanEmma Leeborn about 1937
BowmanErnest born about 1929
BowmanErnest born about 1934
BowmanGeorge born about 1914
BowmanGussie Mayborn about 1938
BowmanHenry born about 1928
BowmanHerbert born about 1933
BowmanI Mborn about 1898
BowmanIm Jr born about 1934
BowmanJames born about 1875
BowmanJames Wborn about 1866
BowmanJennie Leeborn about 1929
BowmanJesse born about 1917
BowmanJimmie born about 1928
BowmanJoe born about 1885
BowmanJoe born about 1937
BowmanJohn born about 1893
BowmanJohn born about 1919
BowmanJohn Henryborn about 1919
BowmanJohn Jr born about 1930
BowmanJohnnie born about 1932
BowmanJulia born about 1877
BowmanLawman Jr born about 1927
BowmanLessie born about 1920
BowmanLevis born about 1925
BowmanLilla born about 1918
BowmanLillie Mayborn about 1928
BowmanLizel born about 1899
BowmanLouise born about 1920
BowmanLowman born about 1895
BowmanMaizie born about 1929
BowmanMarian born about 1901
BowmanMartha Leeborn about 1931
BowmanMary born about 1932
BowmanNellie born about 1880
BowmanPernice born about 1920
BowmanPerry born about 1939
BowmanPhillip born about 1901
BowmanRalph born about 1930
BowmanRichard born about 1890
BowmanRother born about 1910
BowmanThomasina born about 1922
BowmanViola born about 1890
BowmanWarren born about 1895
BowmanWesley born about 1901
BowmanWesley born about 1910
BowmanWilhamena born about 1890
BowmanWilliam born about 1904
BowmanWillie born about 1939
BowmanWillie Maeborn about 1913
BreedloveJulia Fborn about 1872
BreedloveNorris born about 1860
BrownEloise born about 1921
BrownEulecy born about 1937
BrownFrank born about 1940
BrownJacob born about 1918
BrownJames born about 1912
BrownJulia born about 1880
BrownLaurie born about 1932
BrownPricalla born about 1890
BrownRebecca born about 1918
BrownUrlee born about 1940
BrownWillie born about 1936
BryantCharlie born about 1885
BullEunice Cborn about 1897
BullKate born about 1923
BullNewton Mborn about 1897
BurkyGable born about 1900
BurkyIsaac born about 1932
BurkyMary Leeborn about 1934
BurkyRebecca born about 1932
BurkyVictoria born about 1901
BurkyVictoria born about 1937
ByrdAbraham born about
ByrdAbraham Jr born about 1895
ByrdAlice born about 1927
ByrdAmanda born about 1912
ByrdArchie born about 1887
ByrdBennie born about 1908
ByrdBennie Jr born about 1932
ByrdBessie born about 1895
ByrdBeulah born about 1930
ByrdCaroline born about 1939
ByrdCatherine born about 1918
ByrdClara born about 1939
ByrdEloise born about 1923
ByrdEugene born about 1935
ByrdFannie born about 1930
ByrdFencena born about 1936
ByrdFlossie born about 1926
ByrdFrank born about 1910
ByrdFred born about 1918
ByrdFreddie born about 1933
ByrdGeorge born about 1921
ByrdHarry born about 1932
ByrdHazard born about 1892
ByrdHazard born about 1920
ByrdJames born about 1928
ByrdJames born about 1929
ByrdJasper born about 1921
ByrdJeniva born about 1939
ByrdJessie Leeborn about 1924
ByrdJulia born about 1905
ByrdLeroy born about 1936
ByrdLillie Mayborn about 1930
ByrdMarcus born about 1923
ByrdMargie born about 1922
ByrdMarian born about 1897
ByrdMarie born about 1928
ByrdMartha born about 1932
ByrdMary born about 1900
ByrdMary born about 1932
ByrdMellie born about 1912
ByrdOlar born about 1911
ByrdPatcy born about 1872
ByrdPaul born about 1935
ByrdPearl born about 1922
ByrdRebecca born about 1935
ByrdRuth born about 1938
ByrdWilliam born about 1906
ByrdWilliam Jr born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallowayAnna born about 1910
CallowayGeorge born about 1910
CallowayJoseph born about 1921
CallowayLula born about 1924
CallowayMartha born about 1890
CallowayMary born about 1935
CallowayQuillie born about 1920
CallowaySue born about 1937
CarmichalDavid born about 1932
CarmichalFrank born about 1909
CarmichalFrank Jr born about 1929
CarmichalHenry born about 1931
CarmichalIda Mayborn about 1940
CarmichalIdella born about 1915
CarmichalJohn Albertborn about 1936
CarmichalMinnie Leeborn about 1935
CarmichalRichard born about 1937
CarnLawton born about 1930
CarnMollie born about 1898
CarnNorman born about 1893
CarsonEliza born about 1896
CarsonEmma L Mborn about 1927
CarsonJohnnie born about 1882
CathenEdith born about 1920
CathenJack born about 1920
CathenJaunita born about 1939
CauthanMargaret born about 1926
CauthanMinnie born about 1893
CauthanSara born about 1930
CauthanW Jacksonborn about 1887
ChisolmAlice born about 1881
ChisolmFelicia born about 1876
CobbsJames born about 1923
CobbsMargaret born about 1892
CobbsSamuel born about 1919
CollierDaniel born about 1911
CollierHubert born about 1909
CollierJulia born about 1907
CollierJulia born about 1910
CollierLula born about 1934
CollierMalachi born about 1908
CollierMallie born about 1905
CollierMarie born about 1928
CollierMaude born about 1907
CollierWillie born about 1931
ColterAlfred born about 1886
ColterBessie born about 1924
ColterClarrey born about 1926
ColterElla Ruthborn about 1937
ColterErline born about 1921
ColterHerman born about 1917
ColterJessie Mayborn about 1931
ColterJohn Henryborn about 1920
ColterJohnnie Leeborn about 1940
ColterLawrence born about 1919
ColterLillie born about 1920
ColterLottie born about 1938
ColterMaggie Leeborn about 1924
ColterMarie born about 1910
ColterSallie born about 1918
ColterSara born about 1922
ColterViola born about 1888
ColterViola born about 1928
ColterWillie born about 1900
CoxCattie Bborn about 1870
CoxClyde born about 1897
CoxJames born about 1909
CoxRuth born about 1902
CoxVernon born about 1900
CruesAlma Louborn about 1940
CruesEffie Leeborn about 1935
CruesFlorence born about 1905
CruesJohnnie born about 1902
CruesMargaret born about 1926
CruesThedore born about 1931
CrumAletha born about 1895
CrumBenjamin Cborn about 1884
CrumCornelia born about 1892
CrumCornelia born about 1920
CrumJake born about 1905
CrumJames Hborn about 1912
CrumMalina born about 1886
CrumMarjie born about 1927
CrumMary born about 1930
CrumMinnie born about 1906
CrumSam Wborn about 1883
CrumTheodore born about 1917
CurryDilsey born about 1854

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DannellyFlorida born about 1914
DannellyJohn born about 1913
DannellyJohn born about 1939
DashPeter born about 1860
DashSylvia born about 1880
DashWill born about 1918
DavisEddie born about 1940
DavisFlorence born about 1927
DavisMary born about 1900
DavisMary born about 1933
DavisNephus born about 1932
DavisRosalee born about 1931
DavisWillie born about 1870
DingleCefus born about 1934
DingleEssie born about 1886
DingleGladys born about 1916
DingleGravin born about 1936
DingleHenry born about 1917
DingleJames born about 1905
DingleLeroy born about 1922
DinglePerlie born about 1935
DingleSam born about 1880
DingleSam Jr born about 1905
DingleSuranne born about 1912
DixonBennie born about 1928
DixonBulah born about 1923
DixonD Lborn about 1936
DixonDavid born about 1934
DixonDoshie born about 1911
DixonElla born about 1913
DixonFreddie born about 1931
DixonGeorge born about 1920
DixonGeorgia Mayborn about 1916
DixonGrace born about 1925
DixonGrant born about 1880
DixonGrant Jr born about 1905
DixonHayward born about 1937
DixonHenry born about 1893
DixonHenry born about 1929
DixonHenry Jr born about 1909
DixonJames born about 1938
DixonJenna born about 1891
DixonJulia born about 1918
DixonMittie born about 1885
DixonOdis born about 1932
DixonPerry born about 1925
DixonRuth born about 1923
DixonSamuel born about 1913
DixonSamuel Jr born about 1933
DixonSara born about 1886
DixonSara born about 1931
DixonWillie Wanborn about 1938
DooleyBetsy born about 1867
DooleyJohn Jr born about 1938
DooleyLillie Belleborn about 1918
DooleyMamie born about 1939
Dukes??? born about 1914
DukesAdelle born about 1907
DukesAlice born about 1900
DukesAnnie born about 1926
DukesArchie born about 1915
DukesCharlie Wborn about 1884
DukesClarice born about 1918
DukesDavid born about 1917
DukesHenry born about 1928
DukesIrvin born about 1914
DukesIrvin born about 1921
DukesJames Tborn about 1912
DukesJimmie born about 1935
DukesJohn born about 1871
DukesLewis born about 1915
DukesMarcus Lborn about 1869
DukesMargie born about 1939
DukesMary born about 1877
DukesMary born about 1911
DukesMinnie born about 1873
DukesMinnie born about 1880
DukesMinnie born about 1917
DukesNita born about 1877
DukesOlivia born about 1889
DukesSue born about 1879
DukesVernon born about 1924
DulyBetsy born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdesCallie born about 1905
EdesHarry born about 1934
EdesLawrence born about 1926
EdgemondAlbert born about 1921
EdgemondHomer Rayborn about 1937
EdgemondJeff born about 1897
EdgemondKate born about 1900
EdgemondVirginia born about 1927
EdgmonAlbert born about 1921
EdgmonCarl born about 1932
EdgmonHarvey born about 1904
EdgmonHumer Rayborn about 1936
EdgmonJeff born about 1900
EdgmonKatherine born about 1901
EdgmonMaggie born about 1875
EdgmonMaude born about 1934
EdwardsJohn Davidborn about 1921
EdwardsMyriam born about 1928
EdwardsOtis born about 1926
EdwardsRichard born about 1893
EdwardsThomas born about 1923
EdwardsZelma born about 1903
EisonAnnie Mayborn about 1915
EisonClifton born about 1936
EisonEula born about 1929
EisonFairey Belleborn about 1931
EisonJune born about 1910
EisonLeon born about 1934
ElliottDora born about 1890
ElliottEtta born about 1922
ElliottMartha born about 1923
ElliottTom born about 1927
EllisEmma born about 1905
EllisEva born about 1928
EllisFrederick born about 1932
EllisLadson born about 1924
EllisLula born about 1900
EllisMurry born about 1930
EllisNathan born about 1883
EllisNathan Jr born about 1923
EllisRose born about 1936
EmeryJohn born about 1918
EnseyIdella born about 1921
EnseySandy born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaireyCarrie born about 1910
FaireyDorothy born about 1927
FaireyEna Maryborn about 1938
FaireyEvelyn Lborn about 1901
FaireyFrank Jr born about 1898
FaireyIva Leeborn about 1915
FaireyJannings born about 1921
FaireyJohnnie Cborn about 1912
FaireyJohnnie E Jrborn about 1916
FaireyJohnnie Iiiborn about 1940
FaireyLucile born about 1902
FaireyMargaret born about 1890
FaireyMartha Lborn about 1887
FaireyMattie born about 1873
FaireyMossie Hborn about 1885
FaireyNadine born about 1910
FaireyRobert L Srborn about 1879
FaireyRobert Lee Jrborn about 1911
FaireySam Jborn about 1909
FaireyWilbur born about 1901
FairyFrank born about 1875
FairyRena born about 1874
FelderAnnie Mayborn about 1916
FelderBella born about 1865
FelderDaniel born about 1884
FelderDaniel Jr born about 1920
FelderEdward born about 1936
FelderFelicia born about 1918
FelderFreddie born about 1919
FelderHarold born about 1931
FelderHenrietta born about 1921
FelderHenry born about 1915
FelderHenry Jr born about 1935
FelderJervais born about 1923
FelderJoe born about 1880
FelderJohn born about 1901
FelderJohn Bborn about 1939
FelderJohn Henryborn about 1915
FelderJoseph born about 1934
FelderJulia born about 1880
FelderLucile born about 1916
FelderMack born about 1885
FelderMamie born about 1894
FelderMary born about 1890
FelderMary born about 1916
FelderMary Anneborn about 1937
FelderMerline born about 1940
FelderMinnie born about 1890
FelderMinnie Leeborn about 1939
FelderMozelle born about 1923
FelderMozelle born about 1927
FelderRaymond born about 1936
FelderRogers born about 1918
FelderRossie born about 1928
FelderSam born about 1932
FelderWilliam born about 1925
FogleAlma born about 1923
FogleAnnie born about 1919
FogleBeckie born about 1895
FogleClara Leeborn about 1935
FogleEmanuel born about 1912
FogleErada born about 1913
FogleErtha Leeborn about 1925
FogleFrank born about 1926
FogleLillie Mayborn about 1921
FogleMarion born about 1931
FogleSara born about 1938
FogleWesley born about 1930
FolkGrant born about 1861
ForstAda born about 1885
ForstErnest born about 1927
ForstJervais born about 1925
FranklinBetty Roseborn about 1936
FranklinClemons born about 1913
FranklinEveriza born about 1934
FranklinGladys Maeborn about 1939
FranklinIneza born about 1915
FranklinLewis born about 1926
FrederickAnnie Leoborn about 1910
FrederickHerbert born about 1936
FrederickJoseph born about 1938
FrederickLeo born about 1910
FrederickLeroy born about 1932
FrederickMargaret born about 1940
FrederickPerry born about 1933
FrostClifford born about 1930
FrostElizabeth born about 1905
FrostElizabeth born about 1934
FrostEmma born about 1929
FrostEstelle born about 1925
FrostEva Genaborn about 1933
FrostFrank born about 1924
FrostJim born about 1895
FunchessAlice born about 1935
FunchessDaisy born about 1908
FunchessDaniel born about 1875
FunchessDorothy born about 1927
FunchessElaine born about 1938
FunchessHamp born about 1878
FunchessHerbert born about 1900
FunchessJanet born about 1929
FunchessJennie born about 1877
FunchessJohn Davidborn about 1901
FunchessJuliam born about 1879
FunchessMary born about 1933
FunchessMaynard born about 1930
FunchessMerle born about 1901
FunchessMinnie born about 1880
FunchessStephen born about 1905
FunchessWilliam born about 1876
FunchessWilliam born about 1928
FunderburkErnest born about 1910
FunderburkLillie Mayborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallowayFelicia born about 1921
GallowayHerman born about 1917
GallowayLillie Reanborn about 1939
GallowayMerle born about 1910
GallowayWilliam born about 1900
GarvinAileen born about 1900
GarvinAllen born about 1892
GarvinBerna born about 1931
GarvinJesse Bborn about 1926
GarvinLurlene born about 1928
GarvinNorman born about 1937
GarvinOdessa born about 1920
GarvinReva born about 1934
GarvinVernel born about 1931
GavinAllen born about 1900
GavinEdward born about 1922
GavinJessie Belleborn about 1927
GavinLucile born about 1905
GavinLurline born about 1928
GavinNorman born about 1936
GavinOdessa born about 1922
GavinReba born about 1934
GavinRuby born about 1901
GavinVernille born about 1929
GavinVernon born about 1929
GoldsmithAlex born about 1891
GoldsmithAlonzo born about 1921
GoldsmithAlvalee born about 1925
GoldsmithAnnie born about 1922
GoldsmithBurnett born about 1928
GoldsmithCreighton born about 1927
GoldsmithDavid born about 1885
GoldsmithDavid Eborn about 1933
GoldsmithDoole born about 1900
GoldsmithEla born about 1885
GoldsmithGenea born about 1893
GoldsmithGeorge born about 1877
GoldsmithHarold born about 1922
GoldsmithHayden born about 1917
GoldsmithJohnnie born about 1900
GoldsmithLaura born about 1879
GoldsmithLucia born about 1891
GoldsmithLurline born about 1930
GoldsmithMaden born about 1928
GoldsmithMalquenne born about 1922
GoldsmithMamie born about 1918
GoldsmithMitchell born about 1924
GoldsmithNathan born about 1920
GoldsmithOliver born about 1916
GoldsmithRobert born about 1923
GoldsmithWalter born about 1924
GoldsmithWillie born about 1917
GooarElla Mayborn about 1932
GooarJohn Ernestborn about 1931
GooarSara born about 1905
GooarStephen born about 1936
GoodenAndrew born about 1910
GoodenAndrew Jr born about 1932
GoodenGladys born about 1915
GoodenHelen born about 1937
GoodenKelley born about 1929
GoodenMaxwell born about 1933
GoodwinFlorence born about 1890
GoodwinFrank born about 1929
GoodwinHattie born about 1874
GoodwinHelen born about 1927
GoodwinHollis born about 1922
GoodwinJames born about 1920
GoodwinJohn Wesleyborn about 1923
GoodwinMalachi born about 1890
GoodwinNathaniel born about 1924
Gordin??? born about 1939
GordinElise born about 1915
GordinGeorge born about 1911
GordinGeorge Jr born about 1932
GordinJeremiah born about 1937
GordinMilton born about 1936
GordinSheldon born about 1933
GordonCatherine born about 1926
GordonDavid born about 1930
GordonGracie born about 1924
GordonIdella born about 1894
GordonJames born about 1880
GordonMyrtle born about 1922
GovanAlbert born about 1933
GovanAlice born about 1938
GovanBessie born about 1906
GovanEugene born about 1930
GovanSam born about 1903
GovanSam Jr born about 1929
GrantAnnie born about 1900
GrantCatherine born about 1924
GrantConnie born about 1904
GrantDarcus born about 1870
GrantDavis born about 1920
GrantEmma born about 1884
GrantFrances born about 1923
GrantHenry born about 1901
GrantJulia born about 1904
GrantLizzie born about 1915
GrantLucia born about 1880
GrantMaynard born about 1895
GrantThedore born about 1923
GrantVirginia born about 1902
GrantWillie born about 1880
GrantWillie born about 1921
GriffinCarrie Leeborn about 1896
GriffinJulian Lborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarrisAdalla born about 1925
HarrisAlice born about 1939
HarrisJames born about 1913
HarrisJosephine born about 1892
HarrisMamie born about 1915
HarrisMary born about 1936
HarrisRobert born about 1937
HarrisWillie born about 1895
HarrisonOctavia born about 1873
HaynesAlfornia born about 1927
HeathEloise Jborn about 1888
HeathWilliam Sborn about 1863
HeathWilliam S Jrborn about 1925
HigginbottomClarence born about 1901
HigginbottomClarence Jr born about 1932
HigginbottomRosa born about 1900
HopkinsAmanda born about 1886
HopkinsCharles born about 1876
HopkinsDavid born about 1933
HopkinsElszie born about 1885
HopkinsGeraldine born about 1925
HopkinsMarion born about 1884
HopkinsS Jborn about 1928
HopkinsWilliam born about 1914
Hughes Bettyborn about 1878
HughesErnestine born about 1928
HughesHenry born about 1877
HughesLillie born about 1910
HughesNorman born about 1936
HughesRobert Wborn about 1906
HughesRobert Wborn about 1931
HuiettElma born about 1917
HuiettJohn born about 1914
HuiettJohnnie born about 1939
HuiettSandra born about 1937
HuntCoy born about 1924
HuntEuallce born about 1901
HuntLeila born about 1908
HuntRichard born about 1927
HuntRobert Cborn about 1898
HuntWillie born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InabinetHart born about 1886
InabinetLillie born about 1917
InabinetMurrey born about 1885
InabinetOscar born about 1916
InabinetOscar Jr born about 1937
InabinetRosa Leeborn about 1934
InabinetSims born about 1890
IrickBelle born about 1888
IrickBillie Ruthborn about 1931
IrickBlanch Eborn about 1918
IrickCharlie born about 1885
IrickColie Bborn about 1915
IrickRoy Jr born about 1933
IrickRuth born about 1913
IrickSandra born about 1939
IrickYvonne born about 1936
Izlar??? born about 1933
IzlarCaroline born about 1935
IzlarDorn born about 1938

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J Surnames

JacksonMelvina born about 1889
JamesFannie born about 1868
JamesLucius born about 1888
JamesNerissa born about 1926
JamesonAlice born about 1925
JamesonCarrie born about 1910
JamesonErtha Leeborn about 1924
JamesonFlorine born about 1927
JamesonJames born about 1937
JamesonJeremiah born about 1933
JamesonJoseph born about 1932
JamesonJulia Leeborn about 1930
JamesonMarion born about 1936
JamesonPeter born about 1928
JamesonPeter born about 1929
JamesonPinckney born about 1924
JamesonRosa Leeborn about 1929
JamesonWalter born about 1904
JamisonArther born about 1913
JamisonCatherine born about 1930
JamisonCornelia born about 1875
JamisonDora born about 1922
JamisonEmma Leeborn about 1914
JamisonFred born about 1910
JamisonJames born about 1932
JamisonLonzo born about 1926
JamisonMargaret born about 1939
JamisonMattie Kborn about 1927
JamisonVera born about 1920
JamisonVergie born about 1919
JamisonWillie born about 1918
JeffersonCarrie Leeborn about 1937
JeffersonLawrence born about 1925
JennyJohn born about 1875
JennyJohn born about 1935
JennyLucile born about 1924
JohnsonAlsce born about 1914
JohnsonAlsce Jr born about 1939
JohnsonBillie Juneborn about 1931
JohnsonCornelia born about 1933
JohnsonEphrum born about 1914
JohnsonEphrum Jr born about 1934
JohnsonHerny born about 1884
JohnsonLam born about 1891
JohnsonLeila born about 1901
JohnsonLeroy born about 1939
JohnsonLucile born about 1911
JohnsonMary Janeborn about 1922
JohnsonMattie born about 1935
JohnsonSamuel born about 1932
JohnsonWeigle born about 1914
JohnsonWillie born about 1904
JohnsoneL Jborn about 1933
JohnsoneOllie born about 1910
JohnsonePauline born about 1938
JohnsoneWillie born about 1901
JonesBessie born about 1908
JonesDaisy Bellborn about 1930
JonesFelicia born about 1890
JonesLawrence born about 1875
JonesStephen born about 1909
JudsonAlmeda born about 1910
JudsonAnnie Leeborn about 1933
JudsonLucy Anneborn about 1938
JudsonRussell born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaiserAbbie born about 1867
KayserBetty Rayborn about 1939
KayserCornelia born about 1914
KayserJack born about 1904
KellyBeatrice born about 1927
KellyMaggie born about 1880
KellyMarie born about 1937
KellyMary born about 1930
KellyPearline born about 1934
KellySam Jr born about 1888
KellyTennie born about 1905
KellyThomas born about 1920
KellyTom born about 1919
KellyWalter born about 1920
KempFannie born about 1872
KempJames born about 1877
KempMinnie born about 1912
KempSimmie born about 1911
KeyserAnna born about 1902
KeyserErtha Mayborn about 1935
KeyserWise born about 1896
KobbsArchie born about 1928

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L Surnames

LawtonAggie born about 1885
LawtonGladys born about 1918
LawtonOllie born about 1902
LawtonW Bborn about 1925
LawtonWillie born about 1880
LeeSuel born about 1893
LewisBen born about 1874
LewisCarrie Lellborn about 1931
LewisElla born about 1878
LewisFairy Belleborn about 1935
LewisGovan born about 1871
LewisIvory born about 1918
LewisJerrey born about 1915
LewisLee Grantborn about 1905
LewisSara born about 1881
LyonsCarrie born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackElise born about 1922
MackEliza born about 1939
MackInetha born about 1935
MackLatta born about 1920
MackMarie born about 1908
MackNathaniel born about 1936
MackThomas born about 1932
MartinFrank born about 1891
MartinFrank Jr born about 1927
MartinGenner Mborn about 1923
MartinGeorge born about 1927
MartinHarvey born about 1922
MartinHazel Cborn about 1921
MartinIretha born about 1939
MartinJames born about 1937
MartinJanie born about 1872
MartinJohn Wborn about 1875
MartinJulia born about 1901
MartinJulia Mborn about 1933
MartinLillie Mayborn about 1932
MartinLizzie born about 1868
MartinLucille born about 1931
MartinMargaret born about 1924
MartinMary born about 1913
MartinRobert born about 1930
MartinWilliam born about 1880
MartinWillie Leeborn about 1926
MayesLettie born about 1878
MaysClay born about 1938
MaysDorothy born about 1931
MaysFrank born about 1900
MaysHattie born about 1910
MaysLewis born about 1928
MaysLouise born about 1913
MaysMaggie born about 1885
MaysSam born about 1913
MaysSam Jr born about 1927
MaysTom born about 1860
McCormickJessie Leeborn about 1933
McCormickMary Ellenborn about 1899
McCormickMary Leeborn about 1926
McCormickWillie born about 1921
McKinsieSallie born about 1860
McKinzyDan born about 1885
McKinzyLeila born about 1908
MettsEthel born about 1905
MettsJoe Wborn about 1873
MettsNora Annborn about 1934
MettsRufus born about 1901
MettsRufus Jr born about 1939
MillhouseJimmie born about 1930
MillhouseMargaret born about 1923
MillhouseOliver born about 1882
MillhouseOliver Jr born about 1919
MillhouseRobert born about 1915
MillhouseRosa Leeborn about 1882
MillhouseRosa Leeborn about 1933
MillhouseTheo born about 1921
MimHattie born about 1918
MimNettie born about 1919
MimsLewis born about 1919
MorseDavid born about 1931
MorseRebecca born about 1932
MossEmma born about 1876
MurryBertha born about 1921
MurryCelia born about 1915
MurryEugene born about 1919
MurryEvangeline born about 1936
MurryFrankie born about 1938
MurryJoseph born about 1923
MyersBlanche born about 1924
MyersCarrie Leeborn about 1936
MyersClyton born about 1930
MyersEllan born about 1910
MyersEvangaline born about 1920
MyersLewis born about 1934
MyersMildred born about 1928
MyersMinnie born about 1932
MyersOlar born about 1900
MyersPerry born about 1920
MyersViola born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverAddie born about 1916
OliverHampton born about 1906
OliverJessie Leeborn about 1937
OliverWillie born about 1929
OralSolomon born about 1913

P Surnames

ParkerAnna Louborn about 1924
ParkerGeorge born about 1928
ParkerLillie Bellborn about 1905
ParkerWells born about 1930
PearsonBella born about 1908
PearsonNoey born about 1898
PearsonTherman born about 1936
PearsonWillie Jr born about 1931
PercyCarrie Maeborn about 1935
PercyCharles born about 1932
PerkinsEliza born about 1893
PhillipBessie born about 1915
PhillipCurbe born about 1937
PhillipDavid born about 1933
PhillipFred born about 1935
PhillipWilbert born about 1915
PrestaGeorge born about 1938
PrestaLottie born about 1913
PrestaMadine born about 1929
PrestonNelson born about 1920
PriesterAlfonso born about 1905
PriesterEddie born about 1914
PriesterGeorge born about 1939
PriesterMay Belleborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RazorMattie born about 1887
ReainerAnnie born about 1890
ReainerMazie Eborn about 1921
ReainerWallace born about 1890
ReimerGeorge Annborn about 1927
ReimerGussie Leeborn about 1929
ReimerHerchules born about 1925
ReimerSam Wborn about 1924
ReimerThelma born about 1937
RhodeBernice born about 1938
RhodeCornelia born about 1904
RhodeCornelius born about 1940
RhodeEdward born about 1910
RhodeEllen born about 1884
RhodeEssa Maeborn about 1929
RhodeIsaac born about 1884
RhodeIsaac born about 1936
RhodeIsaac Jr born about 1912
RhodeJames born about 1932
RhodeJoseph born about 1923
RhodeLula born about 1917
RhodeMamie born about 1923
RhodeMozelle born about 1924
RhodeNathan born about 1935
RhodeNathaniel born about 1921
RhodeTance born about 1903
RhodeTance Jr born about 1928
RichardsonAngie born about 1888
RichardsonElliott born about 1885
RichardsonFlorrie born about 1910
RichardsonLilla born about 1899
RichardsonRosa Leeborn about 1860
RickenbakerBertha born about 1906
RickenbakerEarnest born about 1890
RickenbakerEloise born about 1931
RickenbakerLewis born about 1924
RickenbakerWillie born about 1926
RoadEvelyn born about 1901
RoadJervey born about 1895
RobinsonDan born about 1890
RobinsonIsabelle born about 1875
RobinsonLillie Mayborn about 1924
RobinsonMargaret born about 1890
RobinsonThedore born about 1876
RoseHenry born about 1924
RoseVirginia born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SainAlbert born about 1860
SainEugenia born about 1864
SamuelSara born about 1860
SchunhoffArther born about 1903
SchunhoffBertie Marieborn about 1931
SchunhoffBob born about 1918
SchunhoffHenry born about 1868
SchunhoffMaggie born about 1870
SchunhoffMarie born about 1906
SchunhoffMaude born about 1904
SeabrooksBeatrice born about 1916
SeabrooksLonnie born about 1915
ShulerAgnes born about 1905
ShulerDan Pborn about 1879
ShulerDella Marieborn about 1937
ShulerEstelle born about 1881
ShulerJohnnie born about 1940
ShulerLaura born about 1915
ShulerLily born about 1895
ShulerMary born about 1918
ShulerMary Anneborn about 1866
ShulerSam born about 1888
ShulerWillie born about 1913
SimonsBennie born about 1895
SimpsonBleese born about 1922
SimpsonChristpher born about 1913
SimpsonDavid born about 1904
SimpsonDavid Jr born about 1927
SimpsonDorothy born about 1935
SimpsonDorothy Leeborn about 1935
SimpsonEarl born about 1931
SimpsonEdna born about 1905
SimpsonEdward Jr born about 1916
SimpsonEmit born about 1910
SimpsonEmit Jr born about 1932
SimpsonEmma Ruthborn about 1928
SimpsonGeorge born about 1913
SimpsonGeorge born about 1915
SimpsonGeorge Unionborn about 1939
SimpsonGeorge Jr born about 1939
SimpsonGeorgia Annborn about 1937
SimpsonGeorgia Anneborn about 1936
SimpsonJohnnie born about 1939
SimpsonLeon born about 1934
SimpsonLewis born about 1938
SimpsonLillie Belleborn about 1935
SimpsonMaggie born about 1914
SimpsonMaggie born about 1917
SimpsonMaggie Leeborn about 1939
SimpsonMarie born about 1917
SimpsonMarie born about 1933
SimpsonMary born about 1918
SimpsonMilford born about 1923
SimpsonMollie born about 1924
SimpsonPearl born about 1917
SimpsonPearl born about 1932
SimpsonRebecca born about 1914
SimpsonSara born about 1885
SimpsonShirley Aneborn about 1936
SimpsonSylvia born about 1880
SimpsonVirginia born about 1934
SimpsonWill born about 1937
SimpsonWillie born about 1939
SimpsonWillie Samborn about 1926
SimsAlma born about 1892
SimsAshmore born about 1926
SimsDavid born about 1921
SimsDavid born about 1924
SimsErnest Leroyborn about 1929
SimsJames born about 1931
SimsLila Bellborn about 1919
SimsMavis born about 1929
SimsNathanial born about 1935
SimsOlar born about 1894
SimsRobert born about 1922
SimsRosa born about 1921
SimsSammual born about 1929
SimsThomas Jr born about 1931
SimsTitus born about 1875
SimsTom born about 1891
SimsWillie born about 1923
SimsWillie born about 1927
SmithFloride born about 1890
SmithSally Sborn about 1907
SmithSara Nealborn about 1911
SmithTally born about 1936
SmithWatt born about 1880
SmithWatt Elias Iiborn about 1935
SmoakAdam Cborn about 1906
SmoakAdam C Jrborn about 1932
SmoakAlton born about 1919
SmoakAnarintha born about 1925
SmoakAndrew Fborn about 1913
SmoakDaisy born about 1917
SmoakDorothy born about 1927
SmoakEmma born about 1864
SmoakEthel Ruthborn about 1909
SmoakGeorgia Leeborn about 1921
SmoakJacqueline born about 1928
SmoakLewis born about 1923
SmoakMammie born about 1900
SmoakPerry born about 1902
SmoakRuby born about 1913
SmoakViola born about 1892
SmoakWilliam Hborn about 1881
SnellingsCarrie born about 1917
SokesAnna born about 1901
SokesHerbert born about 1925
SokesJoe born about 1927
SokesNorman born about 1923
SpearsBill born about 1919
SpellElia born about 1933
SpellEvile born about 1936
SpellHenry born about 1927
SpellJames born about 1934
SpellJoe born about 1921
SpellMattie born about 1929
SpellViola born about 1902
SpellWilliam born about 1900
StokesArther born about 1896
StokesAuther Jr born about 1933
StokesElizabeth born about 1918
StokesFlorida Maeborn about 1930
StokesFreddie born about 1924
StokesHelen born about 1895
StokesJohn born about 1938
StokesMary born about 1880
StokesPeter born about 1877
StrangeGeorgia Mayborn about 1936
StrangeInez born about 1938
StrangeJames born about 1930
StrangeJulia born about 1916
StrangeWilliam born about 1900
StrangeWilliam Jr born about 1935
StromanDaisy born about 1899
StromanShelly born about 1898
StromanWillie born about 1923
SummersAda Belleborn about 1924
SummersAgnes born about 1885
SummersAnna born about 1925
SummersAnnie born about 1900
SummersArthur born about 1900
SummersArthur born about 1917
SummersBerthel born about 1933
SummersBertie born about 1931
SummersBette born about 1936
SummersClarice born about 1921
SummersDavid Jr born about 1932
SummersDavis born about 1894
SummersDora born about 1928
SummersElizabeth born about 1931
SummersEllan born about 1901
SummersFranklin born about 1936
SummersHarold born about 1915
SummersHenry born about 1904
SummersHenry born about 1925
SummersHenry born about 1934
SummersHenry Jr born about 1928
SummersJack born about 1915
SummersJames born about 1927
SummersJervais born about 1914
SummersJervais Jr born about 1935
SummersJohn born about 1865
SummersJohn born about 1893
SummersLaura born about 1933
SummersLawrence born about 1939
SummersLula Mayborn about 1915
SummersMaggie born about 1907
SummersMalachi born about 1920
SummersMamie born about 1912
SummersMargaret born about 1936
SummersMarion born about 1933
SummersMattie Mayborn about 1931
SummersMildred born about 1926
SummersMozelle born about 1924
SummersNathan born about 1921
SummersPatsy born about 1938
SummersRebecca born about 1869
SummersRena born about 1901
SummersRichard born about 1935
SummersRobert born about 1890
SummersRobert born about 1922
SummersRuth born about 1922
SummersSara born about 1935
SummersSudie born about 1895
SummersThomas born about 1924
SummersThomas born about 1926
SummersWillie Deanborn about 1923
SyfrettDanny born about 1929
SyfrettDovie Bborn about 1901
SyfrettDovie Jr born about 1923
SyfrettGussie born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TainJohn Nborn about 1903
TainRuby born about 1917
ThomasAddison born about 1895
ThomasAddison Jr born about 1924
ThomasAlexander born about 1918
ThomasBonnie born about 1930
ThomasCalvia born about 1928
ThomasCarrie Belleborn about 1940
ThomasEarl born about 1940
ThomasElla born about 1900
ThomasErnest born about 1926
ThomasEugene born about 1910
ThomasEvelyn born about 1930
ThomasFrances born about 1900
ThomasFrank born about 1890
ThomasGeorge born about 1905
ThomasGeorgia Mayborn about 1932
ThomasGladys born about 1926
ThomasGuy born about 1897
ThomasGuy Jr born about 1938
ThomasHattie Mayborn about 1924
ThomasIva Leeborn about 1937
ThomasJames born about 1922
ThomasJames born about 1935
ThomasJanie Mayborn about 1929
ThomasJulia born about 1928
ThomasJunius born about 1930
ThomasL Cborn about 1928
ThomasLucile born about 1902
ThomasMarie born about 1918
ThomasMartha born about 1873
ThomasMary born about 1911
ThomasMary Sueborn about 1935
ThomasMattie born about 1919
ThomasNathaniel born about 1937
ThomasRaeford born about 1925
ThomasRaymond born about 1932
ThomasRobert born about 1929
ThomasRosa Belleborn about 1920
ThomasRuth born about 1922
ThomasSamuel born about 1939
ThomasSara born about 1921
ThomasWillaim born about 1933
ThomasWilliam born about 1918
ThomasWilliam born about 1934
ThomasWillie born about 1926
ThomasWillie Rayborn about 1935
TluleyFred born about 1913
TluleyFred Jr born about 1937
TluleyJames born about 1933
TluleyLula born about 1939
TluleyMissouri born about 1914
TownDaisy Mayborn about 1938
TownErnest born about 1939
TownLucile born about 1917
TownMarion born about 1915
TownMarion Jr born about 1936
TownMattie Louborn about 1934
TuckerBennie born about 1935
TuckerDavid born about 1933
TuckerMamie born about 1900
TuckerMarie born about 1922
TuckerQueen born about 1930
TuckerSam born about 1895
TuckerWillie born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtseyEarline born about 1921
UtseyEva born about 1937
UtseyFrank born about 1917
UtseyHarry born about 1910
UtseyJulia Bellborn about 1936
UtseyLetha Mayborn about 1934
UtseyLizzie born about 1917
UtseyRena born about 1915
UtseyWilma born about 1918

V Surnames

VonlehJohn born about 1900
VoseBernice born about 1880

W Surnames

WadeAlice born about 1894
WadeAnnie born about 1900
WadeBennie born about 1917
WadeDorothy born about 1918
WadeFrank born about 1887
WadeIzear born about 1895
WadeJames born about 1891
WadeJames born about 1924
WadeLeon born about 1935
WadeLula Bborn about 1922
WadeRosa born about 1875
WalkerAda Mayborn about 1939
WalkerBernice born about 1934
WalkerCarrie Leeborn about 1929
WalkerClarence born about 1907
WalkerEmma born about 1917
WalkerHarrison born about 1900
WalkerJames born about 1932
WalkerJulia Mayborn about 1936
WalkerLeroy born about 1898
WalkerLeroy Jr born about 1929
WalkerLessie born about 1880
WalkerLucile born about 1915
WalkerMary born about 1926
WalkerMary Ellaborn about 1927
WalkerPauline born about 1904
WalkerRichard born about 1932
WestberryCharlie born about 1890
WestberryLynn born about 1923
WestberryMattie born about 1890
WestberryNell born about 1922
WhaleyAllfear born about 1912
WhaleyAlma born about 1940
WhaleyClarence born about 1920
WhaleyGeorge born about 1882
WhaleyWillie Louborn about 1938
WhestoneElizabeth born about 1874
WhestoneFrank Wborn about 1871
WhestoneFrank Jr born about 1915
WhiteJim born about 1913
WhiteMaggie born about 1894
WhittleElizabeth born about 1937
WhittleJames born about 1908
WhittleLottie born about 1910
WillaimsCecil born about 1924
WillaimsJessie Leeborn about 1930
WillaimsMary Ellenborn about 1890
WillaimsNeil born about 1932
WillaimsRuth born about 1932
WilliamEdward born about 1935
WilliamFannie Maeborn about 1918
WilliamRobert born about 1936
WilliamsDavid born about 1890
WilliamsEarley born about 1895
WilliamsErnest born about 1927
WilliamsS Fborn about 1922
WillinghamDavid born about 1890
WillinghamFlossie born about 1921
WillinghamLovis born about 1918
WillinghamVisie born about 1895
WolfeFaye born about 1924
WolfeFlorrie born about 1923
WolfeHattie born about 1900
WolfeHenry born about 1878
WolfeJohn Wborn about 1919
WolfeJonason born about 1907
WolfeRebecca born about 1888
WolfeRebecca born about 1932
WolfeRichard born about 1926
WolfeRobert born about 1887
WolfeShedric born about 1890
WolfeWillie Mayborn about 1929
WrightBeatrice born about 1927
WrightClifford born about 1931
WrightDavid born about 1863
WrightDavid born about 1864
WrightDavid born about 1919
WrightEddie born about 1929
WrightEddie born about 1930
WrightErene born about 1884
WrightHezekiah born about 1924
WrightHezikiah born about 1923
WrightJacob born about 1918
WrightJohnnie Nborn about 1939
WrightJulia born about 1860
WrightJulia born about 1919
WrightJulia born about 1920
WrightLurlene born about 1900
WrightRebecca born about 1919
WrightThomas born about 1921
WrightVictoria born about 1898
WrightWesley born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanJimmie Leeborn about 1935

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