1940 U.S. Federal Census of Red Bluff, Marlboro, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Marlboro County > 1940 Census of Red Bluff

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlma born about 1896
AdamsAnnie Lborn about 1931
AdamsAnnie Ruthborn about 1940
AdamsBertha born about 1911
AdamsBertha born about 1922
AdamsBetty Jeanborn about 1939
AdamsC Mborn about 1889
AdamsCletus born about 1932
AdamsDora Leeborn about 1927
AdamsEdna born about 1928
AdamsFlora born about 1920
AdamsFlorene born about 1930
AdamsFred born about 1889
AdamsFred Jr born about 1923
AdamsJames born about 1913
AdamsJames born about 1929
AdamsJames Dborn about 1935
AdamsJames Tborn about 1917
AdamsJane born about 1924
AdamsJanie born about 1926
AdamsJenne Leeborn about 1923
AdamsJohn born about 1935
AdamsKathleen born about 1925
AdamsLiza born about 1914
AdamsLois born about 1936
AdamsLoungs born about 1936
AdamsLucille born about 1903
AdamsLucille born about 1923
AdamsMaggie born about 1884
AdamsMarvin born about 1917
AdamsMarvin Jr born about 1935
AdamsMary Ruthborn about 1940
AdamsPearl born about 1905
AdamsPearly Leeborn about 1938
AdamsRoosevelt born about 1902
AdamsRoosevelt Jr born about 1928
AdamsRosalie born about 1936
AdamsSam born about 1915
AdamsSusie born about 1913
AdamsWalter born about 1905
AdamsWalter Jr born about 1934
AdamsWilliam born about 1939
AdamsWillie Bellborn about 1938
AdamsWillie Maeborn about 1921
AlbrightBobby Joborn about 1936
AlbrightEddie born about 1922
AlbrightGeneva born about 1923
AlbrightHazel born about 1929
AlbrightHelen born about 1925
AlbrightKive Forestborn about 1892
AlbrightLula Mborn about 1906
AlexanderCharlotte born about 1871
AlfordNathan born about 1920
AllenBlance born about 1914
AllenBlanche born about 1913
AllenBobby Jborn about 1934
AllenBuddy born about 1936
AllenDesmer born about 1918
AllenElla Jborn about 1937
AllenGeorge born about 1938
AllenHomer born about 1935
AllenJessie born about 1923
AllenLois born about 1926
AllenMillie Aborn about 1939
AllenMilton born about 1916
AllenOdell born about 1919
AllenRobert born about 1893
AllenRosa born about 1885
AllenShelley born about 1940
AllsbrookCurtis born about 1931
AllsbrookNancy born about 1912
AllsbrookNaomi born about 1929
AllsbrookThomas born about 1880
AmmonsCliff born about 1898
AmmonsInez born about 1899
AmmonsJennie born about 1866
AndersonClara born about 1909
AndersonJackquline born about 1940
AndersonJoe born about 1907
AndersonJosephine born about 1929
AndersonLila Mborn about 1927
AnglinBobby Lborn about 1936
AnglinChristine born about 1930
AnglinEugene born about 1933
AnglinSadie born about 1913
AnglinTroy born about 1938
AnglinWelton born about 1904
ArnoldDavid Cborn about 1889
ArnoldEmma born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAlton born about 1903
BakerDora born about 1916
BakerWayne born about 1916
BaldenHattie born about 1922
BaldenJonny born about 1939
BaldenSonny born about 1932
BarberErvin born about 1918
BarberEthel Bborn about 1901
BarberJanie born about 1907
BarberWilliam born about 1895
BarberWillie Cborn about 1925
BarfieldCharlton born about 1915
BarfieldEstelle born about 1909
BarfieldHenry born about 1871
BarfieldRembert born about 1935
BarfieldsAllie born about 1899
BarfieldsAllman born about 1923
BarfieldsBarts born about 1889
BarfieldsRudie born about 1925
BarfieldsSanford born about 1927
BarkerJohn born about 1871
BarkesElla born about 1870
BarnesAnnison born about 1926
BarnesBennett born about 1924
BarnesBeulah born about 1897
BarnesBillie born about 1921
BarnesClyde born about 1893
BarnesClydie born about 1926
BarnesElizabeth born about 1885
BarnesEugene born about 1928
BarnesEvtha Maeborn about 1924
BarnesFrances born about 1929
BarnesJesse born about 1918
BarnesJoseph born about 1871
BarnesLeebell born about 1922
BarnesNellie Gayborn about 1928
BarnesThomas Jr born about 1926
BarnesVirginia born about 1920
BarringtonFairley born about 1888
BarringtonMartha Janeborn about 1896
BassBarto born about 1889
BassBobby born about 1940
BassBruce born about 1924
BassEsther born about 1920
BassHelen born about 1895
BassJasper born about 1918
BassLouise born about 1920
BassOscar born about 1909
BassRupert born about 1922
BassRuth born about 1924
BassVera Mborn about 1930
BattonAnnie Belleborn about 1910
BattonH Cborn about 1895
BattonJunior born about 1936
BattonLola Bborn about 1938
BaughBettie born about 1923
BaughEdward born about 1921
BaughJohn born about 1884
BaughLulie born about 1890
BaxleyColon born about 1923
BayleyHattie born about 1902
BayleyPhyllis born about 1939
BeasleyAlma born about 1896
BeasleyBerta born about 1901
BeasleyEarnest born about 1917
BeasleyElma born about 1933
BeasleyHomer born about 1931
BeasleyJack born about 1929
BeasleyJoyce born about 1939
BeasleyPerry born about 1923
BeasleyShirley born about 1936
BeasleyWill born about 1901
BechamJonnie born about 1907
BegmanMary born about 1922
BellLuther born about 1875
BellamyFannie born about 1908
BelvinBenson born about 1916
BelvinBunchie born about 1922
BelvinIda born about 1885
BelvinWalter born about 1881
BentonBill born about 1896
BentonCarlis born about 1921
BentonFrancis born about 1929
BentonMargaret born about 1903
BerryEthel born about 1939
BerryEthel Mborn about 1904
BerryLuther born about 1912
BerryRuby born about 1930
BerryWilliam born about 1901
BerryWilliam born about 1933
BerryWinfred born about 1937
BessCharles born about 1935
BessJ Cborn about 1921
BetdeaEmma born about 1892
BethaMartha born about 1888
BethaMitchell born about 1870
BetheaAnder Jborn about 1918
BetheaBeatrice born about 1919
BetheaBill born about 1908
BetheaCharlie born about 1881
BetheaDanie Maeborn about 1939
BetheaGregg born about 1898
BetheaGregg Jr born about 1921
BetheaHenry born about 1923
BetheaJ Wborn about 1937
BetheaJulius born about 1924
BetheaKadie born about 1917
BetheaLuvenia born about 1895
BetheaMary born about 1904
BetheaMary Idaborn about 1925
BetheaMitchell born about 1930
BetheaMorris born about 1929
BetheaNathaniel born about 1927
BetheaRachael born about 1880
BetheaRosa Leeborn about 1905
BetheaRosa Leeborn about 1939
BetheaSamuel born about 1934
BetheaThomas born about 1938
BetheaVesta Leeborn about 1930
BetheaWillie born about 1918
BillingsAlfonzo born about 1927
BillingsAnnie Ruthborn about 1935
BillingsGeorgianne born about 1910
BillingsJack born about 1909
BillingsJames born about 1939
BillingsMaggie born about 1926
BillingsTrussel born about 1930
BlackmanDorothy born about 1916
BlackmanJames born about 1914
BlandDorothy born about 1931
BlandEarl born about 1924
BlandKatheleen born about 1933
BlandTarney born about 1906
BlandWilliam Bborn about 1903
BlantonDonree born about 1937
BlantonElla born about 1892
BlantonElmer born about 1912
BlantonOdell born about 1919
BlantonPauline born about 1918
BlantonRobert born about 1917
BlantonVirginia born about 1936
BledsoeFloyd born about 1914
BledsoeFloyd Jr born about 1937
BledsoeMarie born about 1916
BlueGertrude born about 1920
BoboDorothy born about 1918
BodfreyEthel born about 1901
BodfreyFenton born about 1890
BoldwinJulia born about 1916
BoldwinLena born about 1889
BoldwinRobert born about 1912
BoltonAnnie Lborn about 1908
BoltonBobbie born about 1939
BoltonHenry born about 1909
BoltonJack born about 1933
BosticAnnie Maeborn about 1920
BostickArnetha born about 1914
BostickEvandia born about 1940
BostickJames born about 1910
BostickJames Millieborn about 1937
BostickLee born about 1902
BowensClyde born about 1914
BradhamLula born about 1901
BrantonFrancis born about 1936
BrantonHelen born about 1932
BrantonJim born about 1886
BrantonLouise born about 1926
BrantonMargaret born about 1929
BrantonMccoy born about 1916
BrantonMyrtle born about 1922
BrantonPaul born about 1924
BrantonSallie born about 1902
BrasingtonL Hborn about 1898
BrasingtonPearl born about 1901
BrayboyBeulah born about 1914
BrayboyJames born about 1916
BrayboyKermin born about 1938
BrayboyMargaret born about 1932
BrayboyNazarene born about 1929
BrayboyWilliam born about 1933
BregmanErnest born about 1920
BregmanJane born about 1870
BregmanLacey born about 1915
BregmanLeann born about 1917
BregmanPearlie born about 1928
BregmanWalter born about 1918
BregmanWalter Jr born about 1936
BridgemanMary born about 1918
BridgemanPaul born about 1923
BridgesLillian born about 1898
BridgesT Jborn about 1884
BridgmanAlice born about 1940
BridgmanArline Kborn about 1919
BridgmanB Hborn about 1894
BridgmanIna born about 1921
BrightSallie born about 1896
BrigmanArtes born about 1933
BrigmanBettie Rborn about 1936
BrigmanBill born about 1901
BrigmanBruce born about 1899
BrigmanClyde born about 1915
BrigmanClyde born about 1930
BrigmanDoris born about 1929
BrigmanDorothy born about 1930
BrigmanDorothy born about 1931
BrigmanElizabeth born about 1935
BrigmanElizah born about 1882
BrigmanEthel born about 1909
BrigmanFay born about 1930
BrigmanFay born about 1937
BrigmanFlossie born about 1905
BrigmanJames born about 1890
BrigmanJames born about 1916
BrigmanJames born about 1929
BrigmanJames born about 1932
BrigmanJene born about 1907
BrigmanJessie born about 1934
BrigmanJosephine born about 1899
BrigmanL Dborn about 1935
BrigmanLillie born about 1899
BrigmanLizzie born about 1911
BrigmanLouise born about 1912
BrigmanLula born about 1886
BrigmanMary born about 1897
BrigmanMary Fborn about 1939
BrigmanMashall born about 1939
BrigmanMyrtle born about 1913
BrigmanNellie born about 1932
BrigmanOra Lborn about 1914
BrigmanTommie born about 1910
BrigmanVirginia born about 1929
BrigmanWilliam born about 1910
BrigmansBaering born about 1896
BrigmansNellie born about 1901
BrimonAnna Janeborn about 1936
BrimonAnnie born about 1920
BrimonJohn born about 1919
BrimonMabel Leeborn about 1938
BrinsonEloise born about 1935
BrinsonLee born about 1932
BrinsonLeo born about 1909
BrinsonLiza Janeborn about 1936
BrinsonMary Leeborn about 1926
BrinsonSallie born about 1910
BrinsonSamposn Jr born about 1938
BrinsonSampson born about 1912
BrinsonSamuel born about 1940
BristowMaggie born about 1865
BristowRuth born about 1900
BrittSallie born about 1871
BriveyAnnie Maeborn about 1925
BriveyElla born about 1903
BriveyLuther born about 1922
BriveyRaymond born about 1897
BrooksAlvis born about 1908
BrooksBlondie born about 1916
BrooksBobbie born about 1931
BrooksCharles Fborn about 1939
BrooksCharley Cborn about 1902
BrooksIda born about 1882
BrooksMary born about 1914
BrooksMary Eborn about 1902
BrooksO'neal born about 1911
BrooksRobert born about 1904
BrooksRoy born about 1936
BrownAnnie Bellborn about 1935
BrownBarbara born about 1933
BrownBonnie born about 1906
BrownCarrie born about 1879
BrownCharlotte born about 1901
BrownElise born about 1923
BrownElizabeth born about 1927
BrownEstella born about 1907
BrownJames born about 1917
BrownJohn Henryborn about 1888
BrownJohn Wesleyborn about 1932
BrownLea born about 1939
BrownLelia born about 1918
BrownLouis born about 1915
BrownMaggie born about 1912
BrownRobert born about 1906
BrownWalter born about 1906
BrumblesBobby born about 1936
BrumblesCharles born about 1895
BrumblesMathes born about 1927
BrumblesMildred born about 1928
BrumblesRoy born about 1921
BrumblesRuby born about 1914
BrutonLinda born about 1934
BrutonMary born about 1933
BucklesAnnie born about 1900
BucklesBettie Jborn about 1933
BucklesDouglas born about 1929
BucklesLula Bborn about 1922
BucklesManuel born about 1924
BucklesMargaret born about 1927
BucklesMorgan born about 1897
BullardAllen born about 1925
BullardAndrew born about 1876
BullardCatherine born about 1930
BullardClyde born about 1907
BullardEdna Ruthborn about 1925
BullardElizabeth born about 1895
BullardEstella born about 1922
BullardGeorge born about 1934
BullardInez born about 1925
BullardJoel born about 1893
BullardJoel C Jrborn about 1921
BullardLizzie born about 1907
BullardMary Anieborn about 1886
BullardMcneil born about 1921
BullardNellie born about 1886
BullardOscar born about 1927
BullardSherril born about 1927
BullockAlec born about 1886
BullockBetsy born about 1888
BullockDouglas born about 1923
BullockEmma born about 1886
BullockEvie born about 1900
BullockFred born about 1907
BullockGrace born about 1933
BullockJames born about 1922
BullockLeroy born about 1921
BullockMelvin born about 1922
BullockNorman born about 1895
BullockRobert born about 1924
BullockSarah born about 1855
BullockWilliam born about 1886
BullockWoodrow born about 1915
BunchNora Leeborn about 1908
BunchReuben born about 1901
BundyAlice Sborn about 1877
BundyBob born about 1875
BundyEvelyn born about 1917
BundyJames Wborn about 1912
BundyLula born about 1874
BundyMay born about 1915
BundyPaula born about 1940
BurdyBlavela Rborn about 1923
BurdyGrace born about 1913
BurdyLuke born about 1880
BurdyMamie born about 1887
BurgessBelle born about 1903
BurgessHenry born about 1930
BurgessRobert born about 1933
BurgessVera Mborn about 1927
BurgessW Rborn about 1901
BurgoyneBoyde Lborn about 1920
BurgoyneKatheleen born about 1922
BurgoyneMattie born about 1892
BurgoyneWilliam born about 1889
BurkeAnnie born about 1882
BurkeLewis born about 1884
BurkeMaburn born about 1909
BurlerFlossie born about 1934
BurroughsAlger born about 1908
BurroughsC Eborn about 1910
BurroughsDaisy Bellborn about 1912
BurroughsElise born about 1920
BurroughsEthel born about 1924
BurroughsFlorence born about 1885
BurroughsI Sborn about 1883
BurroughsLonnie born about 1918
BurroughsLoyd born about 1916
BurroughsMary born about 1911
BurroughsMary born about 1921
BurroughsRuby born about 1914
BusbyAustin born about 1928
BusbyErnest born about 1908
BusbyFlorence born about 1929
BusbyPaul born about 1938
BusbyVirginia born about 1912
ButlerAnnie born about 1888
ButlerEd born about 1887
ButlerEd Jr born about 1923
ButlerElise born about 1923
ButlerErnest Jr born about 1924
ButlerJames Mborn about 1913
ButlerJames Mborn about 1936
ButlerMyrtle born about 1914
ButlerThelma born about 1914
ButlerVester born about 1920
ButterAddie born about 1890
ButterArtimus born about 1921
ButterBonnie Maeborn about 1934
ButterFlorence born about 1930
ButterGoldie born about 1912
ButterJohn Wborn about 1912
ButterMaxine born about 1935
ButterWarren born about 1924
ButterWillie Cborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CagleDaniel born about 1924
CagleEdwards born about 1931
CagleElizabeth born about 1929
CagleIslamae born about 1933
CagleJames born about 1908
CagleOllie Fayborn about 1937
CaglePearlie born about 1908
CaisonHenry born about 1913
CaisonSarah born about 1914
CalderMary born about 1877
CallahanJanie Rborn about 1931
CallahanLucile born about 1927
CallahanMary born about 1903
CallahanMary Gborn about 1929
CallahanRay born about 1902
CallahanRichard born about 1935
CallahanRoy born about 1924
CambellDan born about 1890
CambellLeroy born about 1919
CambellMary born about 1893
CambellWillis born about 1924
CannonFrancis Cborn about 1917
CannonFred born about 1890
CannonFred Mrs born about 1892
CannonHarry born about 1917
CannonJoe born about 1886
CannonSarah born about 1905
CarlileNoah born about 1909
CarlileRuby Fborn about 1920
CarlisleEthel born about 1911
CarlisleFranklin born about 1939
CarlisleMary Cborn about 1936
CarlisleRebecca born about 1932
CarlisleSimon born about 1910
CarlisleWinfred born about 1930
Carter??? born about 1939
CarterBlanchard born about 1918
CarterCallie born about 1894
CarterChristine born about 1939
CarterD Dborn about 1926
CarterDocia born about 1892
CarterDoris born about 1924
CarterDouglas born about 1919
CarterEd born about 1915
CarterEd Jr born about 1936
CarterEstelene born about 1917
CarterEstelle born about 1928
CarterFranklin born about 1935
CarterGaston born about 1887
CarterGeraldine born about 1936
CarterGertrude born about 1930
CarterGrady born about 1933
CarterJames Pborn about 1919
CarterJewel Pborn about 1932
CarterLaura born about 1921
CarterLula born about 1916
CarterMable born about 1917
CarterMaggie born about 1912
CarterNelia Maeborn about 1911
CarterP Sborn about 1911
CarterPauline born about 1917
CarterPerry Jr born about 1934
CarterRuby born about 1916
CarterViolet born about 1918
CarterWiley born about 1905
CarterWillie born about 1881
CartretteAlvie born about 1868
CartretteJimmie born about 1933
CartretteJohn born about 1898
CartretteMaud born about 1905
CartretteSearboro born about 1922
CartrightArnold born about 1901
CaulderAnnabel born about 1924
CaulderEugene born about 1935
CaulderFrank born about 1930
CaulderGeorge born about 1903
CaulderGeorge born about 1928
CaulderLindsay born about 1935
CaulderPrentice born about 1938
CaulderSudie born about 1908
CaulkC Cborn about 1918
CaulkLois born about 1922
ChambersEmma born about 1922
ChambersLeo born about 1916
ChanceEd born about 1905
ChanceEdgbert born about 1933
ChanceElla Maeborn about 1910
ChanceWallace born about 1938
ChapmanEulah born about 1923
ChavisBeatrice born about 1930
ChavisBillie Hborn about 1932
ChavisBlanch born about 1926
ChavisDan born about 1916
ChavisDon Jr born about 1935
ChavisJanie Lborn about 1940
ChavisViola born about 1909
CheckGeorge born about 1874
CheckGeorge Wborn about 1901
CheckHazel born about 1920
CheckNannie born about 1879
CheeksClara born about 1920
CheeksDaisy Rayborn about 1932
CheeksDouglas born about 1935
CheeksEarl born about 1915
CheeksHomer born about 1898
CheeksJames born about 1938
CheeksLetha born about 1911
CheeksMamie born about 1911
CheeksMarshall born about 1940
CheeksRay born about 1909
CisceroJohn born about 1886
ClarkAdell born about 1919
ClarkAngus born about 1917
ClarkBob born about 1866
ClarkBunk born about 1868
ClarkElizabeth born about 1933
ClarkFlorence born about 1884
ClarkFred born about 1910
ClarkLulu born about 1905
ClarkLuther born about 1892
ClarkMargaret born about 1864
ClarkMildred born about 1909
ClarkNaomi born about 1925
ClarkNathaniel born about 1922
ClarkTerrell born about 1910
ClarkWade born about 1908
ClemmonsCora born about 1887
ClemmonsSam Hborn about 1864
CliftonBessie born about 1896
CoatesEdwin Sborn about 1899
CoatesEdwin S 3rdborn about 1928
CoatesGeneva born about 1897
CoatesMargaret born about 1927
CobleAdam born about 1928
CobleB Fborn about 1896
CobleB F Jrborn about 1932
CobleClarence born about 1912
CobleDoc born about 1917
CobleEd born about 1936
CobleEdna born about 1921
CobleHoward born about 1935
CobleJames born about 1919
CobleL Kborn about 1884
CobleLaura born about 1908
CobleLorena born about 1885
CobleMagdalene born about 1922
CobleMarther born about 1877
CobleNed born about 1936
CobleNorman born about 1939
CobleOrpah born about 1920
CobleRosie born about 1918
ColderDavid born about 1895
ColemanJames born about 1925
ColemanMary born about 1900
ColemanRosalie born about 1928
CollinsHattie Maeborn about 1923
CollinsRosevelt born about 1918
CookAlice born about 1906
CookBernice born about 1926
CookBettie born about 1922
CookBetty born about 1931
CookClara born about 1915
CookElizabeth born about 1881
CookIsabel born about 1922
CookLeo born about 1916
CookMartha born about 1915
CookMary Aliceborn about 1937
CopeLaura born about 1893
CopelandFrank born about 1912
CopelandMinnie born about 1916
CousarMinnie born about 1888
CouserHattie born about 1885
CovingtonA Wborn about 1916
CovingtonFred born about 1915
CovingtonH Cborn about 1919
CovingtonHarold born about 1920
CovingtonHattie born about 1900
CovingtonIda Bborn about 1920
CovingtonLillie Belleborn about 1899
CovingtonLynell born about 1927
CovingtonMac born about 1891
CovingtonMaggie born about 1870
CovingtonMarvin born about 1911
CovingtonNiel born about 1875
CovingtonReba born about 1930
CovingtonRichard born about 1922
CovingtonRoberta born about 1890
CovingtonVivian born about 1924
CoyAlice born about 1914
CoyCarl born about 1911
CoyCarson born about 1931
CoyCharles Rborn about 1935
CoyClyde born about 1913
CoyDewey born about 1939
CoyEdwin born about 1934
CoyFlossie born about 1912
CoyInez born about 1885
CoyLevern born about 1936
CoyMargaret born about 1934
CoyMerrel born about 1933
CoyOra born about 1883
CoyRaymond born about 1908
CoyWayne born about 1935
CrawBessie born about 1888
CrawEsther born about 1915
CrawRonald born about 1939
CrawWade born about 1919
CrawfordMay born about 1906
CribbAnnie born about 1887
CribbDudley Dborn about 1882
CribbG Wborn about 1893
CribbLouise born about 1932
CribbLoyad born about 1913
CribbLucile born about 1920
CribbMargaret born about 1937
CribbMary born about 1900
CribbMary Fborn about 1935
CribbOrtis born about 1918
CribbR Bsborn about 1928
CribbVirginia born about 1922
CrowleyHarbert born about 1915
CulberthJohn Dborn about 1914
CulberthLillian born about 1914
CulberthWilliam born about 1933
CulbrethLena born about 1891
CulbrethRuby born about 1914
CurryDrucilla born about 1938
CurryGeneva born about 1915
CurryMattie born about 1933
CutchinBobby Wborn about 1934
CutchinEdgar born about 1912
CutchinEmma Jborn about 1929
CutchinFay born about 1935
CutchinLula born about 1905
CutchinRachael Dborn about 1938
CutchinThaddeus Evieborn about 1884
CutchinWalter born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanfordBetty Vborn about 1937
DanfordEthel born about 1915
DanfordFloyd born about 1912
DavidAlfred born about 1934
DavidAnnie Louiseborn about 1940
DavidElizabeth born about 1929
DavidFlossie Leeborn about 1925
DavidGeorgia born about 1877
DavidHattie Maeborn about 1930
DavidHenry born about 1887
DavidHenry Maeborn about 1930
DavidMary born about 1904
DavidMillie born about 1926
DavidPearlie born about 1908
DavidRosa Leeborn about 1916
DavidSonny born about 1931
DavidsLillian born about 1913
Davis??? born about 1920
DavisCharlie born about 1903
DavisCharlotta born about 1901
DavisElise born about 1931
DavisGeorge born about 1926
DavisHelen born about 1904
DavisJames born about 1915
DavisJesse born about 1935
DavisMary Leeborn about 1922
DeanBernice born about 1921
DeanElizabeth born about 1932
DeanLawton born about 1897
DeanLeonard born about 1908
DeanLula Meborn about 1903
DeaverDerwood born about 1904
DeaverEstella born about 1875
DeaverHoyt born about 1913
DeaverJohnie born about 1918
DeaverLucile born about 1915
DeaverOveta born about 1920
DeaverPatricia Annborn about 1935
DeaverRobert Fborn about 1940
DeaverWill born about 1870
DevaughanAnnie born about 1931
DevaughanArmanus born about 1894
DevaughanEdward born about 1920
DevaughanEvans born about 1928
DevaughanGertrude born about 1922
DevaughanJake born about 1918
DevaughanJames born about 1925
DevaughanMargie Le born about 1908
DevaughanMartha born about 1921
DevaughanRosa Leeborn about 1923
DevaughanVida born about 1927
DevaughenRosie born about 1923
DevaughnMartha born about 1921
DirggersFay born about 1937
DirggersFrancis born about 1939
DirggersJulius born about 1923
DirggersShadie born about 1905
DirggersWade born about 1901
DockeryLula born about 1883
DormanWoodrow born about 1917
DouganGrace Lborn about 1940
DouganMinnie Lborn about 1924
DouganThomas born about 1901
DouglasHannah born about 1882
DouglasJane born about 1890
DouglasJohn Gborn about 1875
DouglasJohn Sborn about 1896
DouglasMaud born about 1905
DouglasMyrtle born about 1939
DouglasRoland born about 1927
DouglasWilliam born about 1938
DoveDebbie born about 1865
DrakMode born about 1915
DrakTheola born about 1917
DrakeMinnie born about 1900
DrakeNolia Mborn about 1920
DriggersBertie born about 1901
DriggersElizabeth born about 1934
DriggersJames Rborn about 1926
DriggersJennette born about 1939
DriggersLillie Maeborn about 1920
DriggersLois born about 1924
DriggersMary Lborn about 1937
DuncanJohn born about 1934
DupreCharles born about 1929
DuprePally born about 1898
DupreWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmunsonWoodard born about 1908
EdwardsAddie Jborn about 1870
EdwardsBen born about 1899
EdwardsBurris born about 1925
EdwardsGeorge born about 1896
EdwardsHelen born about 1916
EliasAlbert born about 1895
EliasGloria born about 1938
EliasNajla born about 1906
EliasViolet born about 1936
EliottAdam born about 1892
ElliottArleth born about 1926
ElliottClarence born about 1932
ElliottLottie Maeborn about 1930
ElliottMinnie born about 1928
EllisArchie Kborn about 1937
EllisAshbell born about 1932
EllisDoris born about 1912
EllisEdward born about 1930
EllisEloise born about 1934
EllisJessie Jborn about 1902
EllisJulia Aborn about 1902
EllisLemene born about 1936
EllisLester born about 1904
EllisLuther Lborn about 1924
EllisMadie born about 1910
EllisMyrtle born about 1914
EllisRalph born about 1934
EllisRetha Mborn about 1922
EllisWesley born about 1928
EllisonAnnie Janeborn about 1920
EllisonClarence born about 1919
EllisonDon born about 1923
EllisonDuncan born about 1895
EllisonEthel Leeborn about 1922
EllisonJohn born about 1931
EllisonLona born about 1894
EllisonMillie born about 1928
EllisonPaul born about 1928
EllisonSavannah born about 1921
EllisonSoloman born about 1935
EnglishAlberta born about 1922
EnglishAnnie born about 1920
EnglishJerry born about 1891
EnglishJerry Jr born about 1920
EnglishMary born about 1936
EnglishMattie born about 1893
EttisJohn Dborn about 1939
EttisLera born about 1920
EttisPaul born about 1918
EvansPearl born about 1918
EveretteDella born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairclothAnnie born about 1912
FairclothPurdy born about 1893
FairfaxAddie born about 1882
FarmerEmma born about 1888
FarmerHenry born about 1874
FarmerJanie born about 1887
FarmerLulu Maeborn about 1925
FarmerWoodrow born about 1918
FarrisJack born about 1912
FarrisJack Wborn about 1939
FarrisJimmie born about 1938
FarrisLucile born about 1936
FarrisMary born about 1912
FawlerAlice born about 1927
FawlerAlton born about 1898
FawlerEtter born about 1924
FawlerLester born about 1922
FawlerMimie born about 1895
FawlerMinnie born about 1895
FayGladys born about 1923
FenderBanner born about 1904
FenderWalter born about 1896
FieldsArdie born about 1863
FinchLillie born about 1880
FincherAddie born about 1900
FlakeKirby born about 1917
FletcherAnnie born about 1876
FletcherCarrie born about 1877
FletcherElizabeth born about 1870
FletcherFrank born about 1925
FletcherGalloway born about 1891
FletcherGrover born about 1885
FletcherHelen born about 1924
FletcherJackie Dborn about 1920
FletcherJasper born about 1871
FletcherJohn Eborn about 1868
FletcherJohn Wborn about 1926
FletcherLulu born about 1893
FletcherLulu Betteborn about 1917
FletcherManne born about 1885
FletcherMentie born about 1873
FletcherNicholas born about 1873
FletcherOscar born about 1904
FletcherOscar Jr born about 1939
FletcherPauline born about 1895
FletcherRobt born about 1927
FletcherVirginia born about 1911
FletcherWade Hborn about 1869
FlowersBeatrice born about 1916
FlowersBobby born about 1937
FlowersBurris born about 1918
FlowersColey born about 1912
FlowersGerald Lborn about 1938
FlowersHarry born about 1905
FlowersJoseph born about 1920
FlowersLois Jborn about 1937
FlowersLonie Mborn about 1918
FlowersLucile born about 1932
FlowersMaybell born about 1917
FlowersOscar born about 1940
FlowersRuby Nellborn about 1929
FlowersWallace born about 1934
FlowersWilliam born about 1911
FlowersWillie born about 1935
FloydDanniel Vborn about 1925
FloydErnest Wborn about 1918
FloydJohn Aborn about 1923
FloydMildred Vborn about 1922
FlynnClaud Jr born about 1940
FlynnDoris born about 1938
FlynnLois born about 1939
FlynnLouise born about 1918
FlynnPaul born about 1915
ForeDavid born about 1937
ForeMamie born about 1913
ForeMildred born about 1930
ForeRembert born about 1905
ForeRembert Jr born about 1934
ForeRichard born about 1939
ForeRosa Lborn about 1928
ForeZ Cborn about 1925
FowlerElizabeth born about 1870
FowlerInez born about 1904
FowlerPearl born about 1904
FowlerW Hborn about 1905
FowlerWalton born about 1909
FowlerWanda born about 1929
FowlerWilma born about 1927
FreemanCalvin born about 1924
FreemanLillie born about 1891
FreemanMargaret born about 1922
FryGladys born about 1923
FullerBertha born about 1912
FullerDewy born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddyAlice born about 1914
GaddyBobby born about 1938
GaddyElizabeth born about 1934
GaddyEva born about 1891
GaddyFrancis born about 1913
GaddyJames born about 1902
GaddyJames born about 1935
GaddyJohn Dborn about 1922
GaddyMozelle born about 1919
GaddyR Hborn about 1920
GaddyRufus born about 1890
GaineyAaron born about 1901
GaineyAda born about 1906
GaineyAddie born about 1894
GaineyAlter born about 1932
GaineyArchie Lborn about 1928
GaineyArthur born about 1906
GaineyBessie Mborn about 1933
GaineyBruce born about 1926
GaineyClaud born about 1938
GaineyDatsie Fborn about 1923
GaineyElizabeth born about 1935
GaineyEvelyn born about 1906
GaineyJ Gborn about 1894
GaineyKennet born about 1929
GaineyMckinley born about 1939
GaineyMurtis Lborn about 1935
GaineyPaul born about 1928
GaineyPauline born about 1926
GaineyR Lborn about 1924
GaineyRaymond born about 1903
GaineyRaymond born about 1932
GardnerElvie born about 1912
GardnerFrancis born about 1916
GardnerG Bborn about 1887
GardnerG B Jrborn about 1923
GardnerInez born about 1921
GardnerLula born about 1890
GarnerBlease born about 1914
GarnerDoris born about 1936
GarnerLouise born about 1920
GauseBobby born about 1938
GauseDan born about 1917
GauseDelilah born about 1920
GauseDonnie born about 1919
GauseHarvey born about 1936
GauseSarah Eborn about 1881
GeigerD Rborn about 1896
GermanAdal born about 1939
GermanAlbert Lborn about 1931
GermanAnna Cborn about 1908
GermanGeneva born about 1927
GermanJack Hborn about 1934
GermanJoseph Fborn about 1929
GermanLuther born about 1902
GermanMary born about 1935
GibsonAlfred born about 1923
GibsonBetty Sueborn about 1927
GibsonBill born about 1935
GibsonCaroline born about 1916
GibsonDorothy born about 1923
GibsonEddie born about 1935
GibsonEdna born about 1911
GibsonElizabeth born about 1920
GibsonEmily born about 1867
GibsonErnest born about 1900
GibsonGeorgia born about 1888
GibsonGladys born about 1920
GibsonHomer born about 1908
GibsonJeff born about 1872
GibsonJohn born about 1892
GibsonKirk born about 1892
GibsonLaulee born about 1897
GibsonMamie born about 1875
GibsonMilby born about 1920
GibsonNelson born about 1925
GibsonPaul born about 1910
GibsonRobert born about 1930
GibsonSallie born about 1868
GibsonTed born about 1887
GibsonVera born about 1932
GibsonWill born about 1873
GibsonWilliam born about 1925
GibsonZile born about 1913
GiddionsCarrie born about 1900
GiddionsDavid born about 1928
GiddionsElizabeth born about 1936
GiddionsJ Wborn about 1922
GiddionsMyrtle born about 1925
GiddionsW Dborn about 1895
GiddionsWalker born about 1933
GilbertGeneva born about 1912
GilbertJimmie born about 1935
GilbertLafon born about 1936
GilbertSybil born about 1939
GilbertWalter Jr born about 1908
GilchristCharles born about 1882
GilchristIda born about 1892
GilchristIla Francisborn about 1929
GilchristJ Cborn about 1920
GilchristMayola born about 1928
GoinsAlfonzo born about 1925
GoinsAlonzo born about 1909
GoinsKenneth born about 1935
GoinsLucille born about 1911
GoinsPauline born about 1890
GoinsWalter born about 1938
GolstonCecil born about 1921
GolstonEmanuel born about 1891
GolstonEugene born about 1919
GolstonFlorence born about 1924
GolstonLelia born about 1895
GolstonSara Aliceborn about 1926
GoodaleBobby born about 1936
GoodaleCarl born about 1940
GoodaleCarol Leeborn about 1937
GoodaleElijah born about 1912
GoodaleMaggie born about 1916
GoodmanZeola born about 1918
GoreBernice born about 1919
GrahamAlfred born about 1926
GrahamAlma born about 1899
GrahamBettie born about 1890
GrahamDan born about 1907
GrahamIrene born about 1928
GrahamJames born about 1917
GrahamJerrey born about 1929
GrahamJohn born about 1886
GrahamL Wborn about 1893
GrahamMyrtle born about 1907
GrahamPearl born about 1921
GrahamSophie born about 1935
GrahamZennie C Cborn about 1921
GrangerAnnie born about 1919
GrangerBettie Jeanborn about 1937
GrangerDoris Vborn about 1929
GrangerJean Tborn about 1927
GrangerWilliam born about 1903
GranthamCharles Sborn about 1893
GreerBernestine born about 1923
GreerD Aborn about 1930
GreerDavid born about 1935
GreerGerlaine born about 1927
GreerHouston born about 1899
GreerLena born about 1908
GrierColie born about 1901
GrierFay born about 1933
GrierGrady born about 1927
GrierJunior born about 1931
GrierLorence born about 1930
GrierMarion born about 1902
GrierMary born about 1905
GrierMary Lborn about 1937
GrierMyrtle born about 1906
GriffBlanch born about 1906
GriffFred born about 1905
GriffinIsla born about 1897
GriffinJ Cborn about 1915
GriffinJames Eborn about 1930
GriffinMargaret born about 1921
GriffinSonny born about 1937
GroomsFred Lborn about 1926
GroomsJennie born about 1873
GroomsJohn Lborn about 1903
GroomsJohn L Jrborn about 1923
GroomsLela Maeborn about 1904
GulledgeJ Cborn about 1901
GulledgeJackson born about 1926
GulledgeJessie Cborn about 1923
GulledgeMargaret born about 1924
GulledgeOdessa born about 1901
GunterIda born about 1912
GunterJack born about 1911
GunterSarah born about 1934
GwaltneyBob born about 1932
GwaltneyLil born about 1899
GwaltneyLillian born about 1924
GwaltneyPhil born about 1888
GwaltneyPhil Jr born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalesBessie born about 1915
HalesBuck born about 1915
HalesFrank born about 1921
HalesGiles born about 1886
HalesJo Pearlborn about 1936
HalesNellie born about 1928
HalesPearl born about 1887
HalesRaymond born about 1920
HalesSadie born about 1919
HallCaley born about 1914
HallEsther born about 1905
HallHarvey born about 1933
HallJ Wborn about 1938
HallLouise born about 1915
HallMarrie born about 1938
HallMay born about 1930
HallWayne born about 1939
HallWilliam born about 1906
HamiltonFleda born about 1911
HamiltonRonald born about 1937
HancookBenjamin born about 1902
HancookElijah born about 1923
HancookJohn Tborn about 1924
HancookMary born about 1905
HanlinEdward born about 1912
HardyAvie Jborn about 1878
HardyEd born about 1921
HardyEvelyn born about 1910
HardyIna born about 1883
HardyWilliam Jborn about 1872
HarpoolAlvin born about 1886
HarpoolCarlee born about 1902
HarpoolHugh Aborn about 1937
HarpoolMargaret born about 1939
HarrelsonCarl born about 1934
HarrelsonClara born about 1930
HarrelsonDorothy born about 1923
HarrelsonDorothy born about 1935
HarrelsonHelen born about 1927
HarrelsonHoover born about 1932
HarrelsonJ Eborn about 1921
HarrelsonJ Tborn about 1924
HarrelsonJohn born about 1894
HarrelsonKatie born about 1911
HarrelsonL Cborn about 1906
HarrelsonL C Jrborn about 1940
HarrelsonLaurence born about 1925
HarrelsonLaurin born about 1925
HarrelsonMary born about 1895
HarrelsonRobt born about 1921
HarrelsonWillie born about 1927
HarrisDewey born about 1895
HarrisEdward born about 1922
HarrisMary born about 1897
HarrisWendell born about 1921
HarrisonBobbie Sueborn about 1935
HarrisonGrace born about 1913
HarrisonJohnnie Aborn about 1913
HastyElsie Lborn about 1918
HatcherFred born about 1923
HatcherJames born about 1928
HatcherLarry born about 1922
HatcherLevon born about 1923
HatcherLloyd Lborn about 1920
HatcherMyrtle born about 1900
HatcherNoah born about 1894
HatcherRuby born about 1933
HatcherVernard born about 1928
HatcherWilliam born about 1876
HayesDaisy born about 1893
HayesJoe born about 1916
HeffnerClarence born about 1938
HeffnerIzetta born about 1914
HeffnerJemmie born about 1933
HerndonBettie born about 1917
HerndonJack born about 1918
HerringAdeline born about 1911
HerringCharles born about 1933
HerringGrady born about 1909
HerringL Bborn about 1928
HerringLela Maeborn about 1938
HesterLizzie born about 1872
HightEliza born about 1886
HillBobbie born about 1931
HillClaudia born about 1897
HillDorothy born about 1927
HillElla born about 1888
HillEthel born about 1923
HillJ Fborn about 1888
HillJames born about 1921
HillJerome born about 1924
HillJessie born about 1921
HillJohn born about 1890
HillJulia born about 1933
HillLoman born about 1903
HillLora Bellborn about 1925
HillLorina born about 1927
HillMary Cborn about 1929
HillMattie born about 1893
HillMittie born about 1902
HillNina Lborn about 1923
HillSallie born about 1872
HinesBillie Mborn about 1934
HinesCarrie Bborn about 1929
HinesCharles Pborn about 1932
HinesEdward born about 1876
HinesLillie born about 1900
HinesMary born about 1867
HinesMay born about 1910
HinesPorter born about 1892
HodgeDorothy born about 1913
HodgeJames born about 1938
HodgeRobert born about 1905
HodgesAllie born about 1912
HodgesEarl born about 1902
HodgesEarl Jr born about 1936
HodgesLawrence born about 1924
HodgesLola born about 1935
HodgesLonnie born about 1904
HodgesR Cborn about 1938
HodgesWill born about 1904
HolesLarena born about 1874
HolesNeedham born about 1872
HoltBeulah born about 1918
HoltKathleen born about 1921
HoltMary born about 1893
HoltMary Sborn about 1916
HoltR Hborn about 1892
HoltRobert born about 1923
HomerDouglas born about 1874
HomerEugene born about 1916
HomerMable born about 1879
HoodAnnie born about 1875
HoodBeatrice born about 1909
HoodEloise born about 1935
HoodGeneva born about 1915
HoodRaymond born about 1911
HoodThelma born about 1906
HootonCharles born about 1927
HootonGeneva born about 1932
HootonJackia born about 1936
HootonJames born about 1891
HootonJames Jr born about 1929
HootonLouise born about 1906
HootonLucile born about 1938
HopkinsHannah Jborn about 1938
HopkinsLattie born about 1906
HopkinsLois Cborn about 1934
HopkinsThomas Eborn about 1930
HopkinsWalter born about 1909
HopkinsWalter Jr born about 1932
HopkinsWilliam Jborn about 1936
HornChristine born about 1933
HornJames Lborn about 1931
HornLauren born about 1932
HornLena born about 1907
HornMartha Kateborn about 1936
HornPrentice born about 1926
HornWade born about 1929
HousandAlvis born about 1875
HousandBaily born about 1915
HousandBen born about 1906
HousandEdward Jborn about 1939
HousandEvelyn born about 1912
HousandFlorence born about 1882
HousandJames born about 1922
HousandJosephene born about 1937
HousandMary Kateborn about 1936
HousandPauline born about 1919
HousandWillie born about 1927
HubbardGrady born about 1920
HubbardMillie born about 1916
HuckClarence born about 1914
HuckEmma Jr born about 1936
HuckGwendol Jr born about 1940
HuckRuth born about 1914
HuckTheda born about 1939
HudsonAlfred born about 1935
HudsonAlvin born about 1927
HudsonBeatrice born about 1922
HudsonBetty Jeanborn about 1939
HudsonCaroline born about 1893
HudsonGates born about 1918
HudsonHelen born about 1921
HudsonHorace born about 1926
HudsonJames born about 1924
HudsonJohn Dborn about 1919
HudsonLuther born about 1894
HughesEmma born about 1871
HulanBettie Joborn about 1936
HulanHelena born about 1920
HulanWalter born about 1916
HuntJess born about 1908
HuntVirginia born about 1914
HunterErvin born about 1915
HunterMary born about 1919
HurleyFannie born about 1909
HurleyLeigh Hughborn about 1929
HurleyMary Eborn about 1927
HurleyRobert Eborn about 1933
HurleyW Bborn about 1909
HurleyWilliam Mborn about 1931
HuttoD Lborn about 1900
HuttoJanie born about 1902
HyattBetty Joborn about 1940
HyattGeorge born about 1885
HyattGladys born about 1933
HyattGoldie born about 1934
HyattHardy born about 1929
HyattHenrietta born about 1884
HyattHenry born about 1911
HyattJessie born about 1925
HyattJulia born about 1909
HyattLouise born about 1913
HyattLouise born about 1938
HyattLucile born about 1918
HyattLulie Maeborn about 1908
HyattMarie born about 1920
HyattMary Eborn about 1925
HyattMary Jborn about 1903
HyattMissouri born about 1913
HyattWallie born about 1882
HyattWalter born about 1906
HyattWill born about 1911
HyattWilliam born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InabinetDick born about 1914
InabinetHenry born about 1910
InabinetMary Lborn about 1883
InabnetRuth born about 1915
InezAlthea born about 1912
InezAnnie Mborn about 1915
InezSarah Nborn about 1927
InezWilimena born about 1925

J Surnames

JacksonAllie born about 1907
JacksonAnnie born about 1895
JacksonBeatrice born about 1925
JacksonBonnie born about 1910
JacksonBubba born about 1936
JacksonDavid born about 1930
JacksonEffie born about 1886
JacksonEugene born about 1935
JacksonEvalla born about 1915
JacksonEvelyn born about 1927
JacksonGeorgia Bueborn about 1937
JacksonHenry born about 1875
JacksonM Lborn about 1893
JacksonM L Jrborn about 1923
JacksonMaggie born about 1906
JacksonMargaret born about 1865
JacksonMary born about 1934
JacksonMaxie born about 1902
JacksonMildred born about 1927
JacksonNorman born about 1928
JacksonOphelia born about 1903
JacksonRetha born about 1906
JacksonRobert born about 1940
JacksonWalter born about 1882
JacksonWill born about 1876
JacksonWill born about 1896
JacobsAnnie born about 1888
JacobsAnnie born about 1903
JacobsAnnie born about 1917
JacobsAnnie Bellborn about 1925
JacobsBarbara Jborn about 1939
JacobsBelle born about 1904
JacobsBuck born about 1911
JacobsElla Maeborn about 1913
JacobsElla Maeborn about 1927
JacobsFlorine born about 1920
JacobsHattie born about 1877
JacobsJesse born about 1906
JacobsJoseph born about 1920
JacobsLester born about 1936
JacobsMary Louiseborn about 1929
JacobsMattie born about 1903
JacobsMona born about 1917
JacobsRosabel born about 1925
JacobsThelma born about 1902
JacobsWade born about 1924
JacobsWhiteford born about 1913
JacobsWilliam born about 1872
JacobsWillie born about 1916
JacobsWillie Frankborn about 1933
JamesIda Leoborn about 1922
JamesOra Leeborn about 1939
JamisonElizabeth born about 1939
JamisonLarry born about 1936
JamisonOllie Mborn about 1914
JamisonReeves Gborn about 1912
JamisonSylvia born about 1937
JarbowJohn born about 1912
Jenkins??? born about 1928
JenkinsBernice born about 1893
JenkinsBird born about 1931
JenkinsClarence born about 1920
JenkinsEdgar born about 1896
JenkinsJessie born about 1899
JenkinsL Lborn about 1897
JenkinsLou Ellenborn about 1918
JenkinsRuth born about 1934
Johnson??? born about 1926
JohnsonAggie born about 1922
JohnsonAlene born about 1932
JohnsonAlma born about 1923
JohnsonAnnie born about 1898
JohnsonAnnie Bborn about 1924
JohnsonBeaulah born about 1901
JohnsonBertha born about 1921
JohnsonCarl Wborn about 1939
JohnsonClarence born about 1925
JohnsonConnie Rborn about 1930
JohnsonDaniel born about 1905
JohnsonDorine born about 1921
JohnsonDorothy born about 1931
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1929
JohnsonEulah born about 1883
JohnsonFannie born about 1893
JohnsonFernie born about 1882
JohnsonFoster born about 1914
JohnsonGeneva born about 1919
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1894
JohnsonGeorge W Jrborn about 1923
JohnsonGordan born about 1916
JohnsonGrace born about 1928
JohnsonHarold Hborn about 1930
JohnsonHarris born about 1892
JohnsonHervey born about 1930
JohnsonHoward born about 1905
JohnsonJane born about 1936
JohnsonJanie born about 1885
JohnsonJessie born about 1894
JohnsonJulia born about 1925
JohnsonKatherine born about 1860
JohnsonLauren born about 1918
JohnsonLena Mborn about 1926
JohnsonLillie Maeborn about 1930
JohnsonLois born about 1925
JohnsonLonnie born about 1914
JohnsonLucina born about 1933
JohnsonLula Vborn about 1874
JohnsonMade born about 1913
JohnsonMaggie born about 1906
JohnsonMoley born about 1918
JohnsonMyrtle born about 1937
JohnsonNaomi born about 1920
JohnsonNolan Wborn about 1935
JohnsonOtis born about 1939
JohnsonPaul born about 1908
JohnsonPauline born about 1902
JohnsonPauline born about 1932
JohnsonPhilip born about 1926
JohnsonRay born about 1924
JohnsonRhoda born about 1923
JohnsonRosa Leeborn about 1927
JohnsonRufus born about 1933
JohnsonViola born about 1907
JohnsonWalker born about 1883
JohnsonWalker born about 1937
JohnsonWalter Aborn about 1928
JohnsonWillie Mborn about 1920
JonesAda born about 1893
JonesAddie born about 1908
JonesAlfred Cborn about 1934
JonesCarol born about 1937
JonesCatherine born about 1935
JonesChristine born about 1901
JonesClara born about 1914
JonesColeman born about 1925
JonesDan Lborn about 1938
JonesDaniel born about 1923
JonesDee born about 1886
JonesDewy born about 1905
JonesDewy Jr born about 1933
JonesDon Sborn about 1935
JonesDot born about 1935
JonesDouglas born about 1914
JonesEdgar Tborn about 1936
JonesEdith born about 1904
JonesEdith Eborn about 1928
JonesElizabeth born about 1911
JonesEloise born about 1934
JonesEmma born about 1905
JonesEva Maeborn about 1930
JonesFelton born about 1931
JonesFerdinand born about 1875
JonesGeorge Cborn about 1913
JonesIda born about 1887
JonesJacline born about 1920
JonesJames born about 1912
JonesJames born about 1922
JonesJames Aborn about 1893
JonesJames Jr born about 1935
JonesJennie Rborn about 1928
JonesJettie born about 1930
JonesJohn Bborn about 1886
JonesJohnnie born about 1907
JonesJoyce born about 1936
JonesJulian Cborn about 1931
JonesJunius born about 1927
JonesLillian born about 1910
JonesLizzie born about 1921
JonesLottie born about 1909
JonesLouise born about 1925
JonesMable born about 1917
JonesMaggie born about 1887
JonesMargaret born about 1918
JonesMargie born about 1922
JonesMary Cborn about 1903
JonesMary Oborn about 1930
JonesMatthew Dborn about 1901
JonesMatthew Gborn about 1939
JonesMinnie Lborn about 1928
JonesMontez born about 1939
JonesNathan Dborn about 1939
JonesNellie born about 1925
JonesPhyllis born about 1934
JonesReba born about 1900
JonesRobert born about 1910
JonesRobert born about 1939
JonesRosa born about 1884
JonesRosa Leeborn about 1910
JonesRosa Maeborn about 1913
JonesRosalie born about 1922
JonesRuby born about 1916
JonesRuby Eborn about 1925
JonesSam born about 1905
JonesSam born about 1920
JonesSam Bborn about 1915
JonesSandy born about 1929
JonesSimon born about 1904
JonesSimon Pborn about 1937
JonesSylvia born about 1938
JonesTurner born about 1871
JonesW S Jrborn about 1925
JonesWilliam born about 1933
JonesWilliam Rborn about 1936
JonesWilliam Sborn about 1899
JonesWillie born about 1916
JonesWilma born about 1920
JonesWilsie born about 1921
JonesWilson born about 1917
JordonLulu Maeborn about 1921
JordonNellie born about 1897
JordonThelma Maeborn about 1932
JordonWillile Jr born about 1935
JusticeClaud born about 1915
JusticeFrank born about 1889
JusticeLily born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KearnsBilly born about 1937
KearnsBobby born about 1938
KearnsFrank Jr born about 1917
KearnsJohn born about 1939
KearnsPauline born about 1920
KeelsAnnie Leeborn about 1901
KeelsBert born about 1905
KeelsCameron born about 1931
KeelsHazel born about 1897
KeelsJunius born about 1900
KeelsPeggy born about 1934
KeelsSarah Wilsonborn about 1924
KeeterBertha born about 1912
KeeterCharlie born about 1906
KeeterInez born about 1934
KeeterJanice born about 1939
KeeterWilliam Cborn about 1932
KelleyBernice born about 1933
KelleyDennie born about 1936
KelleyErline born about 1930
KelleyEthel born about 1907
KelleyJ Hborn about 1909
KelleyJennie born about 1938
KennedyAlbert born about 1932
KennedyBobby born about 1934
KennedyBuck born about 1891
KennedyIsabel born about 1900
KennedyJohn Pborn about 1938
KennedyJuanita born about 1928
KennedyJulia Mborn about 1935
KennedyLouis born about 1919
KennedySusie born about 1905
KennedyTommy born about 1920
KerseyMargaret born about 1928
KingAline born about 1901
KingCarrie Pborn about 1878
KingFrancis born about 1932
KingGolam born about 1928
KingMerritt born about 1898
KingMerritt Jr born about 1925
KingPearl born about 1923
KirbyAgnes born about 1922
KirbySusie born about 1905
KirleyEthel born about 1903
KirleyJulian Dborn about 1897
KnightFrank born about 1890
KurbyGrover born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertBessie born about 1901
LambertBillie born about 1930
LambertBobby born about 1933
LambertJ Jborn about 1892
LambertJames Jr born about 1921
LambertJerna born about 1919
LaseineEthel born about 1910
LaseineJames Sborn about 1909
LawrenceHenry born about 1903
LaytonAlvin Jr born about 1927
LaytonBessie born about 1905
LaytonGilbert born about 1931
LaytonJulius born about 1861
LaytonLucile born about 1931
LaytonVirginia born about 1929
LeahArethea born about 1922
LeakJames Lborn about 1920
LedgeEva born about 1912
LeeA Jborn about 1927
LeeCatherine born about 1922
LeeCora born about 1903
LeeDavid born about 1892
LeeFrancis born about 1931
LeeGolda born about 1877
LeeHoward born about 1921
LeeJames born about 1918
LeeJoe born about 1876
LeeJohn Wborn about 1897
LeeJohn W Jrborn about 1933
LeeMae born about 1903
LeeMavis born about 1927
LeeMurphy born about 1902
LeeNeely born about 1877
LeeNella born about 1894
LeePeggy born about 1937
LeeSalskinner born about 1939
LeeSidney born about 1915
LeeVera born about 1908
LegetteLouise born about 1918
LegetteOllie Lborn about 1937
LegetteS Lborn about 1939
LegetteSloan born about 1917
LegittoAlice born about 1909
LegittoAudie Leeborn about 1939
LegittoElizabeth born about 1930
LegittoGertrude born about 1933
LegittoHenry born about 1908
LegittoHorace born about 1932
LegittoJames Henryborn about 1938
LegittoLegrand born about 1925
LegittoRoxie born about 1928
LesterIsaac born about 1886
LesterSavanah born about 1905
LesterTheodore born about 1921
LesterVirginia born about 1934
LettBenny born about 1902
LettBertha born about 1929
LettBilly born about 1931
LettJunior born about 1933
LettLavern born about 1937
LettSue born about 1905
LevineAlexander born about 1901
LevineAlexander Jr born about 1929
LevineChristian born about 1930
LevineFanny born about 1899
LevineIsaac born about 1936
LevineMark born about 1934
LewellenAllie born about 1910
LewellenBarnett born about 1901
LewellenDelbert born about 1905
LewellenDorothy born about 1928
LewellenFranklin born about 1933
LewellenGeorge Rborn about 1932
LewellenGladys born about 1911
LewellenLawrence born about 1894
LewellenMargery born about 1926
LewellenMattie born about 1897
LewellenMattie Lborn about 1906
LewellenPeggy born about 1930
LewellenRobert Eborn about 1936
LewellenRoy born about 1936
LewellenRuth Eborn about 1940
LewellenThomas Pborn about 1909
LewellenTommie born about 1930
LewellenVirginia born about 1939
LewisLillian born about 1898
LewisMaybelle born about 1906
LewisOtley born about 1891
LewisRose Nellborn about 1932
LewisWinnie born about 1926
LilesAlbert born about 1938
LilesBobbie born about 1925
LilesClyde Lborn about 1879
LilesDouglas born about 1917
LilesEleanor born about 1923
LilesFrances born about 1919
LilesFrank born about 1914
LilesGray Donborn about 1927
LilesMary Francesborn about 1939
LilesMollie Odomborn about 1922
LilesMyrtle born about 1888
LilesUnderwood born about 1921
LivingtonJesse born about 1900
LivingtonSarah born about 1921
LockeyAlfred born about 1924
LockeyAnie born about 1885
LockeyCharles Wborn about 1940
LockeyDaisy born about 1883
LockeyEunice Qborn about 1918
LockeyGrover born about 1910
LockeyJames Wborn about 1869
LockeyLetha born about 1920
LockeyLollie born about 1921
LockeyMildred born about 1924
LockeyRobert born about 1916
LockeyRosa Leeborn about 1921
LockeySarah Eborn about 1934
LocklearAlec born about 1907
LocklearBeulah born about 1909
LocklearEdmund born about 1907
LocklearFurman born about 1921
LocklearGurther Mborn about 1909
LocklearJames Hborn about 1927
LocklearMarvin born about 1919
LocklearWoodrow born about 1916
LongDanice born about 1939
LongEthel born about 1915
LongFrancis born about 1934
LongHenrietta born about 1893
LongJ Wborn about 1933
LongJohn born about 1915
LongLola born about 1921
LongRoberta born about 1926
LongRobt Cborn about 1892
LongThomas born about 1924
LoveAmanda born about 1904
LoveAviel born about 1919
LoveBetty born about 1938
LoveBeulah born about 1889
LoveCarlton born about 1939
LoveDan born about 1902
LoveDavid born about 1912
LoveEllam born about 1929
LoveFeary born about 1917
LoveJames born about 1936
LoveJessie Bborn about 1915
LoveLonnie born about 1938
LoveLonnie Kborn about 1939
LoveMaxine born about 1933
LoveMelba born about 1930
LoveMerl Fborn about 1940
LoveN Fborn about 1884
LoveNewby born about 1936
LovePrentiss born about 1923
LovePricilla born about 1920
LoveWanda born about 1932
LoveWill born about 1887
LovettEddie born about 1936
LovettGrace born about 1917
LynchPauline born about 1890
LynshLila Sborn about 1893
LynshNorman Wborn about 1884
LytchJames Dborn about 1890
LytchOllie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagerLagrand born about 1931
MagerLois born about 1899
MagerRoyal born about 1894
MakerBlanche born about 1892
MakerNassef born about 1887
MannMaude born about 1885
MannSam born about 1879
ManneyClarence born about 1909
ManuelColean born about 1905
ManuelJohn born about 1904
ManuelJonnie born about 1925
ManuelMamie born about 1910
ManuelNora born about 1920
MarksLiza Janeborn about 1879
MarrisonBub born about 1897
MarrisonLauch born about 1871
MarrisonLizzie born about 1906
MarrisonNellie born about 1873
MarrisonRosa Lborn about 1914
MarrisonRussell born about 1916
MarshEdna born about 1925
MarshElla Leeborn about 1916
MarshErnest born about 1928
MarshRetha Maeborn about 1936
MarshWill born about 1912
MarshallHarris Aborn about 1910
MarshallHarris Jr born about 1935
MarshallHurst born about 1939
MarshallMary Hborn about 1910
MartenCharles born about 1931
MartenEstaline born about 1922
MartenEugene born about 1929
MartenEulon born about 1907
MartenFred born about 1893
MartenVirginia born about 1927
MartinAda born about 1900
MartinAnie born about 1886
MartinBlanche born about 1911
MartinDavid born about 1939
MartinDorothy born about 1931
MartinEdgar born about 1928
MartinElizabeth born about 1937
MartinEmmabel born about 1932
MartinFranklin born about 1934
MartinGertrude born about 1929
MartinHattie Maeborn about 1936
MartinJack born about 1933
MartinLounever born about 1936
MartinMaggie born about 1927
MartinMary Leeborn about 1924
MartinMary Wborn about 1939
MartinMyrtle born about 1918
MartinOscar born about 1911
MartinPatty born about 1936
MartinRandolph born about 1926
MartinSamuel born about 1929
MartinStewart born about 1909
MartinThomas Pborn about 1880
MartinWillie born about 1900
MartinWilson born about 1918
MasonWillie Cborn about 1920
MatsonMarie born about 1911
MatthewsPearlie born about 1901
MauneyArline born about 1939
MauneyKenneth born about 1937
MauneyLillie born about 1914
MaxcyEthel born about 1907
MayerClarence born about 1939
MayerElbert born about 1937
MayerEris born about 1919
MayerSon born about 1918
McArthurRoxie born about 1883
McArthurWilliam born about 1885
McBrideArletha born about 1918
McBrideErline born about 1933
McBrideFrancis born about 1929
McBrideGertrude born about 1925
McBrideHenry born about 1905
McBrideJames born about 1924
McBrideLeardis born about 1930
McBrideLouis born about 1900
McBrideLouis Ellenborn about 1934
McBrideWillie born about 1924
McCallAlema born about 1919
McCallAnnie Bellborn about 1922
McCallBertha born about 1920
McCallCarrie Bellborn about 1895
McCallTracy born about 1892
McCallWilliam born about 1894
McCallumJames born about 1925
McCallumMary born about 1901
McCallumMary Eborn about 1921
McCallumNannie Leeborn about 1874
McCaskillBurdette born about 1932
McCaskillDavid born about 1931
McCaskillDouglas Jborn about 1935
McCaskillGladys born about 1910
McCaskillNancy born about 1938
McCaskillThomas born about 1910
McCleanAlma born about 1905
McCleanBalla born about 1919
McCleanBelton born about 1901
McCleanBelton Jr born about 1929
McCleanCleveland born about 1939
McCleanDorothy born about 1934
McCleanEldora born about 1921
McCleanEva born about 1939
McCleanJames born about 1932
McCleanJoe Louisborn about 1937
McCleanKatie Maeborn about 1931
McCleanLella born about 1927
McCleanLeona born about 1923
McCleanLeroy born about 1927
McClellanBuster born about 1913
McClellanJessie born about 1939
McClellanNettie born about 1936
McClellanQueenie born about 1918
McCollBeatrice born about 1924
McCollDac born about 1899
McCollGeorgia born about 1865
McCollLan born about 1890
McCollLizzie born about 1897
McCollSara born about 1915
McCollSarah born about 1904
McCollVance born about 1876
McCollumBillie Mborn about 1913
McCollumBillie M Jrborn about 1935
McCollumCarrie born about 1911
McCollumCatherine born about 1916
McComickEthel born about 1917
McComickLeo born about 1915
McCordClyde born about 1916
McCordElizabeth born about 1919
McCordNeely born about 1898
McCordOscar born about 1897
McCormickIda born about 1883
McCormickMary born about 1912
McCormickNathan born about 1870
McCosserDavid born about 1870
McCosserMaggie born about 1875
McCoyFred Jr born about 1938
McCoyGeorgia Mborn about 1928
McCoyLegrande born about 1930
McCoyLeons born about 1905
McCoyLewis born about 1931
McCoyLewis O'dellborn about 1898
McCoyMarie born about 1934
McCoyMaurice born about 1932
McCoyMay born about 1900
McCoyMinnie born about 1912
McCoyPink born about 1881
McCoyPink born about 1937
McCoyThomas Jr born about 1936
McCrimmonAnnie Jborn about 1890
McDonaldArch born about 1881
McDonaldBettie born about 1935
McDonaldClara born about 1915
McDonaldDouglas born about 1914
McDonaldMaggie born about 1878
McDowellJohn born about 1890
McDowellJohn Jr born about 1922
McDowellRuby born about 1928
McEachernCarrie Lborn about 1912
McEachernLizzie born about 1882
McEachernLula born about 1887
McGuirtAshbow born about 1911
McGuirtBetty Janeborn about 1937
McGuirtBobby born about 1939
McGuirtJames born about 1918
McGuirtJulian born about 1914
McGuirtMartha Janeborn about 1888
McGuirtNell born about 1919
McGuirtRufus born about 1921
McGuirtRussell born about 1926
McGuirtVirginia born about 1928
McGuirtWillie born about 1913
McInnisCarloine born about 1891
McInnisFred born about 1911
McInnisJim born about 1886
McInnisLemor born about 1924
McInnisMarie born about 1930
McInnisMary born about 1914
McInnisMary born about 1927
McIntyreAngus born about 1882
McIntyreAnnie Janeborn about 1885
McIntyreDaisy born about 1881
McIntyreMattie born about 1895
McIntyreSally born about 1922
McIverEula Mborn about 1901
McIverJohn Eborn about 1925
McIverLucino born about 1924
McKengelJames born about 1931
McKengelJasper born about 1925
McKengelJohn born about 1928
McKensieAddie born about 1931
McKensieCecil born about 1937
McKensieElla born about 1903
McKensieFay born about 1930
McKensieJack born about 1887
McKensieJack Jr born about 1929
McKensieMaggie born about 1906
McKensieRuth Mayborn about 1935
McKenzieCharlie born about 1911
McKenzieFlaudy born about 1915
McKenzieLouise born about 1912
McKenzieRobert born about 1908
McKinnisAllie Maeborn about 1924
McKinnisCatherine born about 1935
McKinnisElizbeth born about 1900
McKinnisErnest born about 1922
McKinnisFred Jr born about 1934
McKinnisJames born about 1920
McKinnisJames Jr born about 1912
McKinnisJames Jr born about 1935
McKinnisJohn Cborn about 1939
McKinnisKatie Jr born about 1937
McKinnisLouis Bborn about 1931
McKinnisLugenia born about 1926
McKinnisMargaret born about 1897
McKinnisMary born about 1912
McKinnisOla Leeborn about 1934
McKinnisSam born about 1891
McKinnisWillie born about 1915
McLainCimcon Pborn about 1859
McLaurinAddie born about 1933
McLaurinAlma born about 1883
McLaurinC Sborn about 1878
McLaurinC S Jrborn about 1910
McLaurinCarrie Bborn about 1934
McLaurinCharles born about 1939
McLaurinD Lborn about 1875
McLaurinEffie born about 1879
McLaurinElizabeth born about 1913
McLaurinElizabeth born about 1915
McLaurinFannie born about 1915
McLaurinFlorence born about 1881
McLaurinIda born about 1894
McLaurinInez born about 1924
McLaurinJohn Fborn about 1908
McLaurinJohn Mborn about 1937
McLaurinJonnie born about 1934
McLaurinLalla born about 1877
McLaurinLean born about 1916
McLaurinLillie Maeborn about 1922
McLaurinMargie born about 1878
McLaurinMary Cborn about 1916
McLaurinMelvin born about 1883
McLaurinNancy born about 1936
McLaurinRalph born about 1886
McLaurinSusan Anneborn about 1940
McLaurinVirgie born about 1877
McLaurinVirginia born about 1911
McLaurinWillis born about 1914
McLemoreDorothy born about 1926
McLemoreElwood born about 1924
McLemoreGeorge born about 1936
McLemoreJulia born about 1904
McLemoreLacy born about 1903
McLendonDaniel born about 1867
McLeodSamuel born about 1891
McLucasChristine born about 1924
McLucasEffie born about 1880
McLucasHughie born about 1930
McLucasJean born about 1920
McLucasLeslie born about 1919
McLucasLynn born about 1928
McLucasWillie born about 1901
McMurlynAlberta born about 1920
McNairCharlie born about 1868
McNairViola born about 1890
McNealAnnie Maeborn about 1934
McNealDaniel born about 1926
McNealDommie Jr born about 1938
McNealDonnie born about 1912
McNealElizabeth born about 1906
McNealEula born about 1928
McNealGeorge born about 1899
McNealGeorge Mborn about 1930
McNealHarris born about 1936
McNealLida born about 1905
McNealLida Rborn about 1931
McNealLillian born about 1930
McNealMargaret born about 1919
McNealMary born about 1873
McNealNancy born about 1934
McNealNeil born about 1927
McNealOtis born about 1929
McNealTom born about 1913
McNealTommie Leeborn about 1939
McNealWillie born about 1890
McNeilBessie born about 1913
McNeilCarl born about 1920
McNeilClaude born about 1904
McNeilHattie Maeborn about 1933
McNeilHouston born about 1911
McNeilHouston Jr born about 1939
McNeilLula born about 1901
McNeilMag born about 1900
McNeilMaria born about 1931
McNeilNathaniel born about 1914
McNeilNathaniel born about 1928
McNeilWillie Blancheborn about 1936
McNeilWillie Janeborn about 1907
McQuageSon born about 1897
McQueenClarison born about 1910
McQueenM Dborn about 1909
McQueenWinnie born about 1935
McRaeAlford born about 1928
McRaeCallie Leoborn about 1939
McRaeCarrie born about 1915
McRaeCharity born about 1925
McRaeGolda Maeborn about 1935
McRaeHazel born about 1926
McRaeIda born about 1907
McRaeJames born about 1931
McRaeJohn Simonborn about 1872
McRaeKatie Maeborn about 1932
McRaeLeo born about 1908
McRaeLuther born about 1897
McRaeMaybella born about 1925
McRaeMillie born about 1900
McRaeVirginia born about 1936
McRaeWillie born about 1906
McRaeWillie Douglasborn about 1928
McRaeWillie Jr born about 1934
MeltonCharlie born about 1902
MeltonParis born about 1905
MigginsHattie Louborn about 1884
MigginsJ Wborn about 1887
MigginsJasper born about 1916
MilesJames born about 1889
MillerAndrew born about 1898
MillerBertie born about 1904
MillerDoris born about 1929
MillerEarl born about 1923
MillerFranklin Dborn about 1937
MillerJohn Wborn about 1925
MillerLillie Maeborn about 1931
MillerRobert born about 1928
MillerRoland born about 1894
MillerSudie born about 1904
MillerVirginia born about 1927
MillerWilliam Tborn about 1901
MilliganAllen born about 1932
MilliganBogan born about 1939
MilliganCreasey born about 1873
MilliganDoshia born about 1907
MilliganElise born about 1925
MilliganEmanuel born about 1906
MilliganFannie born about 1912
MilliganFinley born about 1915
MilliganFlorida born about 1880
MilliganHarvey born about 1937
MilliganJames Aborn about 1935
MilliganJoe born about 1882
MilliganKay Fborn about 1939
MilliganLillian born about 1932
MilliganLouise born about 1929
MilliganLucille born about 1929
MilliganLula born about 1893
MilliganLuler born about 1909
MilliganMartha born about 1937
MilliganMattie born about 1888
MilliganMaxie born about 1926
MilliganMillie born about 1920
MilliganMillie Jborn about 1936
MilliganNathan born about 1888
MilliganRobert born about 1925
MilliganSamuel born about 1926
MilliganThomas born about 1934
MilliganV Dborn about 1907
MilliganWill born about 1883
MillsCharles born about 1930
MillsDonella born about 1911
MillsEstella born about 1934
MillsEugene born about 1916
MillsFrank born about 1905
MillsIradora born about 1916
MillsJames born about 1932
MillsLettia born about 1912
MillsMissouri born about 1860
MillsMissouri born about 1936
MillsRobert born about 1911
MishueCora born about 1912
MishueFranklin born about 1934
MishueHilton born about 1908
ModlinBenford born about 1924
ModlinClara born about 1926
ModlinEdith born about 1917
ModlinElsie born about 1928
ModlinFrancis born about 1935
ModlinFrank born about 1911
ModlinGeorgia born about 1911
ModlinLula Maeborn about 1889
ModlinMarcus born about 1887
ModlinMarquis born about 1937
ModlinRichard born about 1930
MolleyFrancis born about 1929
MolleyJames born about 1917
MolleyKennis born about 1919
MolleyLouise born about 1924
MolleyMargaret born about 1930
MolleyMattie born about 1910
MonroeBlanchard born about 1925
MonroeEmma born about 1890
MonroeErnest Jr born about 1930
MonroeHattie born about 1915
MonroeLonnie born about 1900
MonroeSumter born about 1892
MooreBen Frankborn about 1921
MooreBilly Royborn about 1939
MooreBonner born about 1911
MooreCarlisle born about 1903
MooreCharles born about 1934
MooreCreola born about 1922
MooreDorothy born about 1915
MooreEffie born about 1910
MooreElizabeth born about 1937
MooreEllis born about 1930
MooreErnest born about 1911
MooreErnestine born about 1939
MooreGeorge born about 1908
MooreHaroldean born about 1937
MooreJohn born about 1908
MooreLillie Ruthborn about 1918
MooreLois born about 1916
MooreMargaret Jr born about 1938
MooreMarie born about 1917
MooreMyrtle born about 1882
MoorePerry born about 1935
MooreSam born about 1922
MooreSamuel Jr born about 1939
MooreWilliam Eborn about 1907
MooreWillie born about 1911
MorrisonAnnie Mborn about 1885
MosbeyErline born about 1916
MourasBeatrice born about 1928
MourasE Vborn about 1931
MourasFanny Leuborn about 1936
MourasJames born about 1888
MourasJames Jr born about 1933
MourasKatie born about 1903
MourasLee born about 1939
MourasOwenis born about 1930
MourasRosabel born about 1928
MullisNannie Eborn about 1884
MurdochA Zborn about 1866
MurphyJohn Bborn about 1870
MurphyOdessa born about 1914
MurphyRebecca born about 1887
MurphyWill born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealCorrie born about 1882
NealD Lborn about 1887
NealEthel born about 1912
NealLeonard born about 1920
NealMajor born about 1918
NealPrince born about 1916
NealyRachael born about 1880
NewtonGertrude born about 1917
NicholsonCarolyn born about 1931
NicholsonDaisy born about 1900
NicholsonEugene born about 1938
NicholsonFred born about 1898
NicholsonNell born about 1934
NicholsonPaul born about 1924
NicholsonRichard born about 1935
NoblesDaisy born about 1913
NoblesElnora born about 1934
NoblesEverette born about 1938
NoblesFrancis born about 1870
NoblesJohn Dborn about 1939
NoblesJunior born about 1936
NoblesK Dborn about 1919
NoblesMartha born about 1921
NoblesMarvin born about 1910
NormanGrover born about 1892
NormanInez born about 1915
NorrisAnnie Lborn about 1915
NorrisEdward born about 1905
NorrisFrank born about 1913
NorrisFranklin born about 1936
NorrisJames Eborn about 1934
NorrisMarilyn born about 1939
NorrisRufus Eborn about 1862
NorrisVirginia born about 1918
NortonAlbert born about 1895
NortonBerta born about 1907
NortonBille born about 1900
NortonCarolyn born about 1936
NortonCecil born about 1929
NortonClaudia born about 1933
NortonDella born about 1885
NortonDouglas born about 1908
NortonEber born about 1924
NortonErnest born about 1934
NortonFlossie born about 1918
NortonFrancis born about 1935
NortonGertrude born about 1925
NortonGrover born about 1914
NortonJimmie Dborn about 1940
NortonJulia born about 1896
NortonJunior born about 1934
NortonLawrence born about 1885
NortonLeroy born about 1936
NortonLila Mayborn about 1934
NortonLina born about 1875
NortonLulu born about 1900
NortonMable born about 1906
NortonMajor born about 1907
NortonMajor Jr born about 1931
NortonMary Eborn about 1936
NortonPrince born about 1884
NortonPrince Jr born about 1930
NortonShelley born about 1918
NortonThomas born about 1920
NortonThomas born about 1922
NortonWade born about 1910
NungiataJosephine born about 1915
NungiataMartin born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomBernice born about 1882
OdomHenry Jborn about 1916
OdomJoe born about 1877
OdomNadine born about 1920
OrvinAllie Maeborn about 1907
OrvinBarbara Jborn about 1939
OrvinCecil Rayborn about 1927
OrvinDonald Mborn about 1936
OrvinHarvey Lborn about 1929
OrvinIsla Mborn about 1938
OrvinLola born about 1910
OrvinLouise born about 1891
OrvinM Lborn about 1906
OrvinMelvin Aborn about 1933
OutlawAlbert born about 1927
OutlawAngus Mborn about 1874
OutlawAnnie born about 1910
OutlawBoyd born about 1914
OutlawBrooks born about 1922
OutlawHilbert born about 1928
OutlawLauter born about 1905
OutlawNeil born about 1912
OutlawSallie born about 1885
OwensAnnie Mborn about 1936
OwensBlance born about 1898
OwensEna born about 1907
OwensEstelle born about 1921
OwensInez born about 1902
OwensJoseph born about 1938
OwensMargaret born about 1921
OwensMary Fborn about 1934
OwensRobt born about 1910
OwensRuta born about 1931
OwensVirgie born about 1928
OwensWinston born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaeSusie born about 1874
PalmerJohn Olaborn about 1939
PalmerT Russelborn about 1923
ParishAngerie born about 1916
ParishArthur Sborn about 1936
ParishBettie Jeanborn about 1935
ParishBilly Joborn about 1939
ParishBishop born about 1896
ParishDurward born about 1903
ParishEmily born about 1873
ParishEvelyn born about 1913
ParishLeo born about 1921
ParishLester born about 1924
ParishLucile born about 1933
ParishLucy Qborn about 1939
ParishMarshall Dborn about 1939
ParishMay born about 1914
ParishMinnie born about 1901
ParishMinnie Jborn about 1875
ParishMyrtle born about 1915
ParishPeggy born about 1936
ParishShirley born about 1937
ParishThelbert born about 1937
ParishVirgina born about 1926
ParishWalton Tborn about 1912
ParkerOla born about 1895
ParkerWilliam Bborn about 1892
ParksB Fborn about 1884
ParksBlease born about 1925
ParksCarrie born about 1917
ParksFrankie born about 1936
ParksRussell born about 1935
ParmBertha born about 1907
ParmBertha Lborn about 1938
ParmEdward born about 1918
ParmEthel born about 1922
ParmJoe born about 1921
ParmLewis Eborn about 1939
ParmMajella born about 1924
PateAlbert born about 1885
PateAnnie born about 1882
PateBettie born about 1936
PateBonnie born about 1896
PateBruce born about 1895
PateCharity born about 1926
PateDouglas born about 1937
PateEdgar born about 1897
PateEdith born about 1928
PateEdna born about 1902
PateElbert born about 1935
PateEugene born about 1909
PateHarold born about 1923
PateLillie Nealborn about 1931
PateLoretta born about 1937
PateMary Aliceborn about 1940
PateMay born about 1917
PateMildred born about 1893
PateMildred born about 1924
PateNormanb born about 1914
PatePreston Bborn about 1901
PateRaymond born about 1923
PateSarah born about 1874
PateThomas born about 1882
PateVera Bborn about 1928
PateViola born about 1932
PateWillie born about 1900
PatockinBeatrice born about 1918
PatockinBennie born about 1932
PatockinFred born about 1915
PatockinLillie Maeborn about 1915
PatockinLois born about 1939
PatockinMary Janeborn about 1885
PatockinOdessa born about 1933
PatockinRetha Maeborn about 1927
PattersonBessie born about 1916
PattersonGertrude born about 1923
PattersonHoover born about 1930
PattersonJeff born about 1895
PelhamEssie born about 1922
PelhamJoseph born about 1919
PendarvisSara born about 1917
PenderConnie born about 1934
PenderOla born about 1907
PenderSimon Jr born about 1926
PenderSimons born about 1901
PenfieldBernice born about 1928
PenfieldBillie born about 1926
PenfieldCharles born about 1934
PenfieldIda born about 1884
PenfieldJanice born about 1935
PenfieldJoyce born about 1931
PenfieldMillie born about 1907
PenfieldRuth born about 1910
PenfieldSarah Fborn about 1938
PenfieldWilliam born about 1870
PerkinsAnnie born about 1888
PerkinsD Wborn about 1903
PerkinsLeon born about 1924
PerkinsMary born about 1900
PerkinsWilliam born about 1886
PeteJames born about 1939
PeteLouise born about 1922
PeteNeal born about 1918
PhilipsCharlotte born about 1890
PhilipsDoc born about 1875
PhippsCora born about 1912
PhippsLeonard born about 1905
PhippsNorman born about 1940
PhippsRobert born about 1936
PhippsStanley born about 1932
PierceJanie born about 1917
PiercePercy born about 1919
PipkinCarry born about 1914
PipkinCarry Jr born about 1935
PipkinDee born about 1894
PipkinDorothy born about 1930
PipkinDorothy born about 1931
PipkinEtheline born about 1938
PipkinFlora born about 1921
PipkinFreddie born about 1927
PipkinGeorge born about 1928
PipkinGladys born about 1918
PipkinHelen born about 1904
PipkinJames born about 1921
PipkinLennie born about 1891
PipkinLessie born about 1891
PipkinLonnie born about 1912
PipkinLouise born about 1924
PipkinLucille born about 1906
PipkinLuther born about 1888
PipkinMildred born about 1918
PipkinRosanna born about 1925
PipkinSarah born about 1937
PlassmanAllen born about 1926
PlassmanDicky born about 1932
PlassmanNaomi born about 1891
PlassmanWright born about 1884
PlassmanWright Jr born about 1924
PlattLaura born about 1871
PlayerArchie born about 1922
PlayerBillie born about 1925
PlayerCurtis born about 1928
PlayerEugena born about 1930
PlayerJames born about 1927
PlayerLouise born about 1920
PlayerMay born about 1908
PlayerMinnie born about 1902
PlayerNeal born about 1907
PlayerSydney born about 1900
PlayerVirginia born about 1937
PlummerCarrie born about 1862
PlylerClaud Rborn about 1937
PlylerEuphra born about 1919
PlylerHarris born about 1936
PlylerHoward born about 1916
PlylerHoward born about 1940
PoeLou Dborn about 1917
PoeMaggie Bborn about 1922
PolsonLee born about 1874
PolstonBetty born about 1936
PolstonBeulah born about 1927
PolstonDavid born about 1889
PolstonDoris born about 1915
PolstonFannie born about 1886
PolstonHarold born about 1914
PolstonIda born about 1895
PolstonJerry born about 1884
PolstonJuanita born about 1935
PolstonJulius born about 1901
PolstonJulius Jr born about 1921
PolstonLamar born about 1931
PolstonLila born about 1916
PolstonLonie born about 1893
PolstonMargaret born about 1924
PolstonNellie born about 1923
PolstonRichard born about 1939
PolstonRobert born about 1938
PolstonRudy born about 1891
PolstonSylvia born about 1938
PolstonThelma born about 1919
PooleGrand Jr born about 1929
PooleGrant born about 1900
PooleJesse Annaborn about 1904
PooleLindbergh born about 1933
PooleLouie born about 1921
PooleMarcella born about 1939
PoolePaul born about 1939
PoolePerlie born about 1925
PopeCatherine born about 1935
PopeGeorge born about 1903
PopeNellie Cborn about 1913
PorterBessie born about 1893
PorterMacie born about 1915
PorterTommie born about 1909
PorterWoodrow born about 1918
PostonDouglas born about 1909
PostonElizabeth born about 1939
PostonEugene born about 1935
PostonFay born about 1932
PostonFranklin Eborn about 1935
PostonGertrude born about 1912
PostonHattie Bborn about 1912
PostonHerbert born about 1911
PostonInez born about 1933
PostonJenette born about 1937
PostonJessie Lborn about 1936
PostonLeoma born about 1931
PostonLury born about 1910
PostonLuther Jr born about 1929
PostonMay born about 1909
PostonNellie born about 1935
PostonWillie born about 1916
PresnellMary born about 1922
PrevattGrady born about 1901
PrevattJohn Tborn about 1940
PrevattMartha born about 1918
PrevattMary Rborn about 1937
PrevattMonroe born about 1916
PriestAnnie born about 1905
PriestAnnie Lborn about 1924
PriestLuther born about 1898
PriestVera born about 1927
PrinceCharlotte born about 1927
PrinceFred born about 1909
PrinceMarie born about 1911
ProsserAddie born about 1909
ProsserBoyce born about 1935
ProsserEarl born about 1932
ProsserGwendolyn born about 1938
ProsserLaverne born about 1931
ProsserLorie born about 1907
PurcellAlfred born about 1928
PurcellSara born about 1900
PurcellWalter born about 1919
PurcellWilliam born about 1929
PursellBessie born about 1901
PursellWill born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickAlexander born about 1873
QuickD Cborn about 1915
QuickGertie born about 1895
QuickJacqueline born about 1930
QuickJudson born about 1909
QuickLuke born about 1904
QuickMattie born about 1907
QuickRosa Leeborn about 1914
QuickRose Annborn about 1934
QuickWill born about 1894
QuintonBessie born about 1885
QuintonEugene born about 1925
QuintonM Gborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabonD Cborn about 1927
RabonFernie born about 1893
RabonMaggie born about 1902
RabonRebecca born about 1922
RabonRosette born about 1930
RadfordJ Cborn about 1923
RadfordLinburg born about 1929
RadleyKing born about 1905
RainwaterEvander born about 1898
RansomAlma Lborn about 1926
RansomCarl born about 1932
RansomCarrie born about 1897
RansomCavie born about 1908
RansomEarl born about 1920
RansomHelen born about 1931
RansomHoward Bborn about 1929
RansomJack born about 1927
RansomJames born about 1921
RansomJim born about 1896
RansomJimmie Ruthborn about 1934
RansomKittie born about 1882
RansomLuther born about 1879
RansomMamie born about 1906
RansomMie born about 1892
RansomTed born about 1939
RansonBettie Jborn about 1934
RansonCarl born about 1922
RansonCarrie born about 1889
RansonCornelia born about 1910
RansonEthel Mborn about 1929
RansonJ Wborn about 1931
RansonJohn Wborn about 1884
RansonMarvin born about 1908
RansonMarvin Jr born about 1929
RansonMay born about 1924
RansonRoss Eborn about 1892
RansonShirley born about 1936
RansonVelton born about 1928
RansonWillie Eborn about 1930
RasberryAlice born about 1900
RasberryAmos born about 1934
RasberryAnita Lborn about 1936
RasberryBettie Ruthborn about 1935
RasberryBillie born about 1905
RasberryCarson born about 1902
RasberryCharles Eborn about 1939
RasberryEarl born about 1925
RasberryFlorence born about 1907
RasberryLonnie born about 1905
RasberryLonnie Jborn about 1938
RasberryMagelene born about 1929
RasberryMary born about 1910
RasberrySallie born about 1932
RayAaron born about 1916
RayCharles born about 1916
RayColumbus born about 1939
RayDave born about 1872
RayElla Maeborn about 1930
RayErline born about 1922
RayJohn Jr born about 1933
RayLena born about 1917
RayLillie born about 1932
RayLudie born about 1911
RayLuke born about 1906
RayLuther born about 1938
RayNovella born about 1875
RayWalter born about 1934
RayWillie born about 1931
RayfieldBessie born about 1918
RayfieldClaud born about 1905
RayfieldJuanita born about 1939
ReavesCecil born about 1927
ReavesJo born about 1902
ReavesMyrtle born about 1906
ReynoldsCharles born about 1878
ReynoldsCharles Jr born about 1924
ReynoldsClio born about 1939
ReynoldsFay born about 1930
ReynoldsMaggie born about 1902
RichAlice born about 1907
RichVernon born about 1932
RichardsNancy Lborn about 1939
RichardsRuth born about 1912
RichardsSidney born about 1912
RickettsBuyan born about 1889
RobbinsA J Jrborn about 1922
RobbinsErnest born about 1930
RobbinsGrover born about 1925
RobbinsJames born about 1920
RobbinsPauline born about 1932
RobbinsSarah born about 1896
RobersonJ Lborn about 1918
RobertsonAllen born about 1902
RobertsonElizabeth born about 1936
RobertsonEutha born about 1911
RobertsonGarfield born about 1907
RobertsonGeneva born about 1924
RobertsonGeraldine born about 1936
RobertsonJames born about 1913
RobertsonJames born about 1926
RobertsonLudie born about 1914
RobertsonMartha born about 1938
RobertsonMary born about 1902
RobertsonOlivia born about 1935
RobinsonHattie Mayborn about 1891
RogenAda born about 1906
RogenAddie born about 1927
RogenErnest born about 1932
RogenW Eborn about 1890
RogersAgnes born about 1900
RogersBeulah born about 1904
RogersBob born about 1921
RogersCarol born about 1939
RogersChester born about 1938
RogersGeorge born about 1923
RogersHelen born about 1913
RogersIsla Bborn about 1935
RogersJames Wborn about 1923
RogersJas Sborn about 1881
RogersJohn born about 1905
RogersJohn Bborn about 1914
RogersLence born about 1885
RogersMarie born about 1929
RogersMary born about 1922
RogersMillie Maeborn about 1924
RogersOtelia born about 1910
RogersPercy born about 1910
RogersVirginia born about 1927
RogersW Dborn about 1892
RogersW D Jrborn about 1931
RosberryBessie born about 1905
RosberryCarolyn born about 1937
RosberryEarly born about 1915
RosberryJack born about 1939
RossBetty Juneborn about 1933
RossBobby born about 1939
RossBuford born about 1935
RossDorothy born about 1915
RossShirley born about 1937
RossT Dborn about 1915
RoyColumbus Jr born about 1924
RushingBetty born about 1891
RymanCarlotta born about 1917
RymanRoy born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagravesCharles born about 1908
SagravesFannie born about 1911
SagravesHubie born about 1939
SagravesJohn Cborn about 1933
SagravesLuther born about 1936
SandersArthur born about 1931
SandersClarence born about 1900
SandersDaniel born about 1899
SandersEffie Janeborn about 1871
SandersJames born about 1936
SandersMartha Lborn about 1939
SandersMary born about 1886
SandersMinnie born about 1903
SandersRosa Lborn about 1917
SandersRoy born about 1917
SandersWilliam Rborn about 1919
SandersonAlex born about 1925
SandersonBertha born about 1898
SandersonEliot born about 1898
SandersonErline born about 1938
SandersonHampton born about 1901
SandersonOdell born about 1928
SandersonShirley Maeborn about 1930
SandersonWade H Jrborn about 1933
ScottAlbert born about 1907
ScottAnnie Maeborn about 1912
ScottAugust Dborn about 1882
ScottBernice born about 1921
ScottBobbie born about 1932
ScottBuck born about 1934
ScottDavid born about 1919
ScottDoris born about 1932
ScottElbert born about 1929
ScottFrances born about 1939
ScottHarvel born about 1929
ScottInez born about 1924
ScottJack born about 1932
ScottJackie born about 1940
ScottJosie born about 1908
ScottLillian born about 1934
ScottLillie Bborn about 1915
ScottLouise born about 1915
ScottLula Maeborn about 1890
ScottMargaret born about 1931
ScottMarvin born about 1909
ScottMary Louborn about 1915
ScottMaxine born about 1938
ScottOlin born about 1934
ScottOliva born about 1925
ScottR J Jrborn about 1931
ScottRoland born about 1907
ScottRoy Wborn about 1936
ScottRuth born about 1900
ScottThomas born about 1917
ScottVirginia born about 1927
SettlemyerAnnie born about 1860
SeveattAnnie Mborn about 1921
SeveattPolly Annborn about 1939
SewellAugusta born about 1923
SewellCharles born about 1927
SewellDorothy born about 1914
SewellEllis born about 1883
SewellElwood born about 1919
SewellFannie born about 1901
SewellFrank born about 1889
SewellFranklin born about 1937
SewellGracie Mborn about 1936
SewellJackie born about 1936
SewellLonnie born about 1884
SewellMarshall born about 1907
SewellMaybelle born about 1917
SewellNorwood born about 1919
SewellOties born about 1915
SewellThelma born about 1910
ShankleDewy born about 1910
ShankleLena Mborn about 1912
ShieldsMartha born about 1870
ShufordBecky born about 1939
ShufordDeann born about 1937
ShufordEvelyn born about 1918
ShufordFrank Hborn about 1915
ShufordGeorge Aborn about 1879
ShufordGeorge Jr born about 1908
SimpsonFlorence born about 1918
SimsJames born about 1940
SimsJohn born about 1917
SimsJohn Jr born about 1938
SimsLillie Maeborn about 1919
SimsWillie Dborn about 1934
SimsWillie Maeborn about 1937
SingletonAlbert born about 1922
SingletonM Zborn about 1867
SingletonMary born about 1923
SkipperAngie born about 1883
SkipperEdith born about 1939
SkipperEllie Bborn about 1936
SkipperEllie Nborn about 1880
SkipperEsther Cborn about 1934
SkipperFerney born about 1914
SkipperFrank born about 1922
SkipperFred born about 1923
SkipperHenry born about 1872
SkipperJames Hborn about 1933
SkipperJohn Cborn about 1909
SkipperJoseph Cborn about 1925
SkipperLillie Maeborn about 1913
SkipperLucile born about 1929
SkipperThalbert Jr born about 1931
SkipperVinie Aborn about 1885
Smith??? born about 1917
SmithAlex born about 1938
SmithAlice born about 1880
SmithAnna Maeborn about 1926
SmithArchie born about 1913
SmithBell born about 1911
SmithCaper Jr born about 1933
SmithCarolina born about 1927
SmithCarrie born about 1889
SmithCecil born about 1919
SmithCharles born about 1940
SmithCleveland born about 1906
SmithDorothy born about 1939
SmithElizabeth born about 1906
SmithElizabeth born about 1929
SmithEstella born about 1916
SmithEstelle born about 1907
SmithEsther born about 1912
SmithEthel born about 1902
SmithGertie born about 1912
SmithHannah Renevaborn about 1936
SmithHattie Jeneborn about 1920
SmithJames born about 1881
SmithJames born about 1885
SmithJames Jr born about 1930
SmithJessie born about 1923
SmithJulia born about 1880
SmithKilgo born about 1890
SmithLebia born about 1922
SmithLelia Maeborn about 1924
SmithLillie born about 1877
SmithLucile born about 1922
SmithLucille born about 1937
SmithMargaret born about 1913
SmithMary born about 1931
SmithMattie born about 1892
SmithMaud born about 1920
SmithMelvin born about 1902
SmithMoses born about 1933
SmithMullin born about 1900
SmithMullin Jr born about 1933
SmithNadine born about 1920
SmithNettie born about 1933
SmithNicie born about 1931
SmithOlive born about 1936
SmithPatricia born about 1938
SmithPearl born about 1899
SmithRowena born about 1919
SmithRuth born about 1925
SmithTom born about 1903
SmithWalter born about 1881
SmithWillie Jamesborn about 1936
SmitheyLetha born about 1925
SmootBerta born about 1876
SmootLawrence born about 1915
SneedArthur Sborn about 1902
SnipesDurham born about 1916
SnipesEllen born about 1884
SnipesFred born about 1880
SnipesMargaret born about 1919
SnipesRachael Eborn about 1939
SolebeeAlec born about 1894
SolebeeCary born about 1892
SolebeeRebecca born about 1888
SolesAlberta born about 1925
SolesIrene born about 1930
SolesMarjory born about 1906
SolomanElizabeth born about 1925
SolomanWilliam Cborn about 1901
SoutherlandAnnie born about 1911
SoutherlandBuck born about 1899
SoutherlandJames Wborn about 1926
SoutherlandRoger born about 1921
SoutherlandVernon born about 1930
SparksEunice born about 1909
SpineyEva born about 1921
SpineyHubert born about 1920
SpiveyEdith born about 1922
SpiveyFred born about 1922
SpiveyJanie Fayborn about 1932
SpiveyKathleen born about 1927
SpiveyMillie Fborn about 1938
SpiveyThomas born about 1920
SpiveyW Pborn about 1893
SpiveyW P Jrborn about 1931
SpringsAlden born about 1924
SpringsGalane Bborn about 1939
SpringsGillian born about 1893
SpringsKatie born about 1899
SpringsLillia Maeborn about 1928
SpringsLloyd born about 1922
SpringsMary born about 1936
SpringsRosa Leeborn about 1933
StakesAnnie Maeborn about 1901
StakesPeter born about 1900
StantonAlex Jborn about 1916
StantonAnnie Ruthborn about 1931
StantonBettie born about 1871
StantonBonnie born about 1933
StantonEulah born about 1911
StantonFelix born about 1870
StantonGladys born about 1929
StantonLawrence born about 1880
StantonLou born about 1897
StantonMaggie born about 1876
StantonMary born about 1870
StevensRandolf born about 1904
StewartDona Wborn about 1900
StewartDona Jr born about 1920
StewartEdna born about 1901
StewartEdna born about 1925
StewartJean born about 1932
StognerFlorence born about 1917
StokerC Cborn about 1882
StokerLula born about 1882
StoweOra born about 1878
StricklandJessie born about 1873
StricklandLawrence born about 1872
StricklandLonnie born about 1926
StricklandSuzanne born about 1908
StricklandWillie born about 1915
StricklinAlfred born about 1935
StricklinDan born about 1897
StricklinEugene born about 1936
StricklinEverette born about 1926
StricklinMary Oborn about 1932
StricklinOllie born about 1909
StrokerCornelia born about 1916
StubbsAlec born about 1926
StubbsCarrie born about 1885
StubbsDearwood born about 1911
StubbsEarl born about 1904
StubbsEugenia born about 1920
StubbsFrank born about 1908
StubbsFrankie born about 1935
StubbsGladys born about 1929
StubbsGus born about 1883
StubbsJames Fborn about 1929
StubbsJanie born about 1933
StubbsJessie born about 1931
StubbsJohn Wborn about 1885
StubbsMarion born about 1930
StubbsMary born about 1901
StubbsMary born about 1913
StubbsMollie born about 1907
StubbsNora born about 1908
StubbsRena born about 1884
StubbsRobert born about 1922
StubbsRuby born about 1904
StubbsRuby born about 1912
StubbsWade born about 1878
StubbsWill born about 1899
StubbsWilliam born about 1882
SumerelFrancis born about 1861
SurlesErnest born about 1892
SurlesReed born about 1917
SutherlandAlberta born about 1915
SutherlandAnnie born about 1923
SutherlandBobby born about 1931
SutherlandCatherine born about 1928
SutherlandClarissa born about 1927
SutherlandJames born about 1933
SutherlandJammie born about
SutherlandJohn born about 1911
SutherlandSandy born about 1932
SutkerAbraham born about 1921
SutkerKolman born about 1927
SutkerLewis born about 1922
SutkerMeyer born about 1890
SutkerMollie born about 1890
SweattAlma born about 1907
SweattDorothy born about 1935
SweattEdith born about 1924
SweattEstelle born about 1900
SweattKirley born about 1899
SweattMargaret born about 1937
SweattMarvin born about 1899
SweattNeal born about 1930
SweattRoland born about 1939
SweattThomas born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarboroBettie born about 1939
TarboroDonald born about 1927
TarboroGeorge born about 1899
TarboroJack born about 1929
TarboroJimmie born about 1937
TarboroKathleen born about 1924
TarboroLayton born about 1922
TarboroMarie born about 1904
TarboroRuby born about 1935
TatumBen born about 1932
TatumBen Moore Jrborn about 1936
TatumBen Mooseborn about 1905
TatumBillie born about 1924
TatumCharles born about 1922
TatumDonald born about 1929
TatumF Pborn about 1886
TatumGilchrist born about 1879
TatumJesse born about 1892
TatumKate born about 1910
TatumMary Dborn about 1898
TatumOla born about 1881
TatumThomas born about 1939
TatumWill Fborn about 1899
TaylorAgnes born about 1897
TaylorJ Wborn about 1934
TaylorJenette born about 1924
TaylorMaggie born about 1874
TaylorMaggie born about 1926
TaylorMary born about 1886
TaylorMary born about 1922
TaylorPickett born about 1873
TaylorSadie born about 1930
ThomasBelton born about 1910
ThomasBelton Jr born about 1934
ThomasBennie born about 1936
ThomasBertha Leeborn about 1938
ThomasCarl born about 1911
ThomasCarrie Fborn about 1937
ThomasGeorge Lborn about 1920
ThomasLillian Wborn about 1940
ThomasLinnie born about 1914
ThomasLouella born about 1863
ThomasMartha born about 1900
ThomasStella born about 1915
ThompsonBice born about 1900
ThompsonBillie born about 1930
ThompsonBillie Leaborn about 1936
ThompsonCharles born about 1935
ThompsonClara Maeborn about 1932
ThompsonCleon born about 1888
ThompsonHelen born about 1926
ThompsonJack born about 1936
ThompsonJohn Lborn about 1910
ThompsonLevon born about 1938
ThompsonLois Wborn about 1939
ThompsonLoyd born about 1912
ThompsonMaggie born about 1908
ThompsonMarie born about 1914
ThompsonMary Francesborn about 1934
ThompsonMillie Cborn about 1930
ThompsonMyrtle born about 1895
ThompsonReid born about 1901
ThompsonReidg born about 1928
ThompsonRobert Sborn about 1939
ThompsonRuth born about 1910
ThompsonRuth born about 1916
ThompsonWayne born about 1936
TierneyCurtis born about 1922
TierneyElise born about 1926
TierneyHattie born about 1902
TierneyHazel born about 1936
TierneyRuby born about 1925
TierneyVendie born about 1929
TierneyWillard born about 1899
TierneyWillard Jr born about 1931
TindallBessie born about 1910
TindallBetty Louborn about 1935
TindallCarl born about 1939
TindallDoris born about 1929
TindallFrances born about 1931
TindallFrank born about 1909
TisdaleFranklin born about 1931
TisdaleJennie born about 1935
TisdaleMac born about 1927
ToddChester born about 1936
ToddRandell born about 1939
ToddRichard born about 1928
TrullWayne born about 1921
TuckJosie born about 1915
TuckerDorothy born about 1929
TuckerElinor born about 1924
TuckerLois born about 1893
TuckerMattie born about 1917
TuckerRobert Rborn about 1883
TuckerSebe born about 1915
TullerLou born about 1882
TullerWille born about 1869
TurnerArjorie born about 1920
TurnerBeggy born about 1931
TurnerClyde born about 1930
TurnerDavid born about 1933
TurnerEdith Lborn about 1939
TurnerEffie born about 1908
TurnerFrank born about 1921
TurnerJames Pborn about 1882
TurnerJunius born about 1910
TurnerLera born about 1925
TurnerLizzie born about 1900
TurnerMattie Cborn about 1885
TurnerMax born about 1929
TurnerRachael born about 1928
TurnerRosa born about 1911
TurnerWardell born about 1908
TuttleClaud born about 1902
TylerBawden born about 1923
TylerEmy Leeborn about 1940
TylerGrover born about 1897
TylerGrover Jr born about 1926
TylerHarold born about 1932
TylerJames born about 1939
TylerJenette born about 1899
TylerMarion born about 1917
TylerMildred born about 1925
TylerPeggy born about 1934
TylerSam born about 1917
TyndallF Wborn about 1939
TyndallFrank born about 1900
TyndallHazel born about 1931
TyndallJessie born about 1937
TyndallJoe born about 1906
TyndallJohn Cborn about 1917
TyndallJoyce born about 1934
TyndallLessie born about 1904
TyndallMaggie born about 1919
TyndallMargaret born about 1939
TyndallMarie born about 1919
TyndallMary born about 1875
TyndallMazie born about 1894
TyndallMinnie Lborn about 1908
TyndallOdell born about 1923
TyndallPatricia born about 1939
TyndallRufus born about 1927
TyndallSamuel Wborn about 1867
TyndallWalter born about 1918
TyndallWinnefred born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UsherBelle born about 1898
UsherNeil born about 1891

W Surnames

WadeHallie born about 1882
WadeJesse born about 1882
WalkerRuby Maeborn about 1933
WallaceEmma Joneborn about 1922
WallaceKatherine born about 1937
WalterBeatrice born about 1920
WalterCharles born about 1929
WalterFrank born about 1917
WalterJunior born about 1927
WalterMary Cborn about 1925
WalterWilliam born about 1901
WaltersAngish born about 1909
WaltersClarence born about 1898
WaltersEdna born about 1923
WaltersJohn Hborn about 1872
WaltersMable born about 1929
WaltersMary born about 1871
WaltersMattie born about 1884
WaltersMattie born about 1919
WaltersMay born about 1910
WaltersTheodore born about 1916
WaltersVenice born about 1918
WardClarence born about 1906
WardInez born about 1906
WardJane born about 1932
WardJoyce born about 1930
WardJunior born about 1936
WarlickHarold born about 1911
WarlickMaurice born about 1911
WashingtonAddie born about 1931
WashingtonBeatrice born about 1898
WashingtonCharles born about 1927
WashingtonEdna born about 1921
WashingtonGeorge born about 1896
WashingtonGeorge Jr born about 1923
WashingtonHerbert born about 1937
WashingtonJohn born about 1925
WashingtonRoglerick born about 1929
WashingtonWilliam born about 1933
WattersHenrietta born about 1910
WattersTom born about 1884
WattersVirginia born about 1930
WattsLila Mborn about 1921
WeatherlyArchie born about 1916
WeatherlyBettie born about 1931
WeatherlyEarl born about 1926
WeatherlyFlorrie born about 1900
WeatherlyGilbert born about 1913
WeatherlyJohn born about 1885
WeatherlyJohn Hborn about 1924
WeatherlyRosa born about 1905
WeatherlyRufus born about 1902
WeatherlySarah born about 1933
WebbBettie Jeanborn about 1931
WebbFrancis born about 1923
WebbGrace born about 1904
WebbHoward born about 1928
WebbJackquline born about 1926
WebbJames born about 1903
WebbLloyd born about 1935
WebsterAlton born about 1937
WebsterJarvey born about 1939
WebsterLouise born about 1915
WebsterMarvin born about 1914
WelchyHenry born about 1876
WelchyMillie born about 1918
WelchyMinnie born about 1879
WertzKatherine Aborn about 1919
WhaleyGrace born about 1915
WhiteAlmenia born about 1934
WhiteErnest born about 1915
WhiteFannie born about 1900
WhiteHazel born about 1921
WhiteJean born about 1939
WhiteMary born about 1885
WhiteRobert born about 1936
WhiteSara Maeborn about 1933
WhiteThomas born about 1901
WhitingtonDorothy born about 1929
WhitingtonJames born about 1924
WhitingtonJessie born about 1900
WhitingtonJessie Eborn about 1922
WhitingtonOra Dborn about 1905
WhitingtonWendell born about 1927
WhitneyJulius born about 1910
WhtieCarlton born about 1939
WhtieCharley born about 1913
WhtieCleo born about 1920
WhtieRuby born about 1938
WhtieWillie born about 1935
WigginsGeorge born about 1903
WigginsHenry born about 1882
WigginsJunior born about 1929
WigginsMattie born about 1906
WigginsOllie born about 1886
WigginsWillie Rborn about 1938
WilderNina born about 1885
WilderWilliam Jborn about 1876
WilkersonEdith born about 1919
WilkersonJunius born about 1915
WilkersonSandra born about 1939
WilkesJ Bborn about 1926
WilkesLula born about 1890
WilkieGlenn born about 1912
WilkieJanie born about 1916
WilkieJoel born about 1940
WilkieMitchell born about 1937
WilliamsAlice born about 1939
WilliamsAnnie Maeborn about 1922
WilliamsAnnie Ruthborn about 1931
WilliamsAnthony born about 1928
WilliamsArnie born about 1933
WilliamsBettie born about 1938
WilliamsBill born about 1912
WilliamsChalmers born about 1935
WilliamsCharley born about 1907
WilliamsClarence born about 1935
WilliamsCornelia born about 1871
WilliamsDella born about 1897
WilliamsDorothy born about 1935
WilliamsEdith born about 1921
WilliamsEva Jeneborn about 1903
WilliamsFanny born about 1920
WilliamsFlora Jamesborn about 1927
WilliamsG Hborn about 1937
WilliamsGeneva born about 1933
WilliamsGeorge Eborn about 1936
WilliamsGillgan born about 1925
WilliamsGladys ??born about 1898
WilliamsGus born about 1889
WilliamsHenry born about 1902
WilliamsHenry Maeborn about 1937
WilliamsJ Gborn about 1900
WilliamsJ Wborn about 1922
WilliamsJames born about 1931
WilliamsJames born about 1932
WilliamsJanie born about 1916
WilliamsJohn born about 1919
WilliamsJohn Cborn about 1895
WilliamsJohn Cborn about 1911
WilliamsJohn C Jrborn about 1939
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1934
WilliamsJohnnie born about 1930
WilliamsJunior born about 1933
WilliamsLawrence born about 1890
WilliamsLillie born about 1924
WilliamsLillie Maeborn about 1922
WilliamsLizzie born about 1877
WilliamsLois born about 1937
WilliamsLulu born about 1907
WilliamsMadaline born about 1928
WilliamsMaggie born about 1897
WilliamsMargaret born about 1908
WilliamsMargaret born about 1926
WilliamsMargaret born about 1933
WilliamsMartha born about 1940
WilliamsMary born about 1891
WilliamsMary born about 1923
WilliamsMary born about 1940
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1929
WilliamsMary Leeborn about 1904
WilliamsMary Leeborn about 1925
WilliamsMattie born about 1909
WilliamsMelan born about 1900
WilliamsMinnie born about 1909
WilliamsNathaniel born about 1910
WilliamsNell born about 1936
WilliamsNellie born about 1905
WilliamsOdessa born about 1925
WilliamsPearline born about 1914
WilliamsPearline born about 1927
WilliamsPeggy born about 1936
WilliamsPrentice born about 1911
WilliamsRagnald born about 1923
WilliamsRonnie born about 1925
WilliamsRos born about 1905
WilliamsRuth born about 1915
WilliamsThelma born about 1925
WilliamsVerme born about 1935
WilliamsW Fborn about 1926
WilliamsWillie Blancheborn about 1928
WilliamsWillie Ruthborn about 1936
WilliamsonDorothy born about 1938
WilliamsonEdgar born about 1932
WilliamsonEdith born about 1926
WilliamsonEmery born about 1908
WilliamsonIda born about 1911
WilliamsonIda Maeborn about 1938
WilliamsonJake Jr born about 1935
WilliamsonSadie born about 1910
WilliamsonTaft born about 1910
WilliamsonTalmadge born about 1934
WillisAlice born about 1872
WillisAllen born about 1883
WillisCornelia born about 1884
WillisEvelyn born about 1912
WillisJack born about 1911
WillisWindy born about 1900
WilsonCorine born about 1928
WilsonDoctor born about 1921
WilsonJ Dborn about 1927
WilsonJames born about 1933
WilsonKatherine born about 1902
WilsonKathleen born about 1923
WilsonKathleen born about 1930
WilsonMaggie born about 1929
WilsonMarie born about 1936
WilsonMary born about 1911
WilsonMary Lborn about 1932
WilsonNathan born about 1925
WilsonRosevelt born about 1916
WilsonVirginia born about 1937
WilsonWillie born about 1907
WilsonWillie Jr born about 1934
WilsonWillile Jr born about 1918
WollingNell born about 1923
WoltersCatherine born about 1934
WoltersDorothy born about 1932
WoltersGlendora born about 1938
WoltersJohn born about 1908
WoltersLillie Maeborn about 1915
WoltersPatricia born about 1936
WorthamAnnie born about 1940
WorthamArtie born about 1919
WorthamJames born about 1937
WorthamTom born about 1917
WrightAlford born about 1930
WrightBennie born about 1933
WrightCora Leeborn about 1912
WrightDane born about 1890
WrightDoris born about 1937
WrightEstella born about 1915
WrightEverett born about 1928
WrightGeorge born about 1917
WrightLaura born about 1876
WrightLaura born about 1928
WrightLena born about 1886
WrightLewis born about 1912
WrightLillie Maeborn about 1933
WrightLuella born about 1893
WrightMary Cborn about 1939
WrightRosa Leeborn about 1916
WrightSpencer born about 1884
WrightTommie Jborn about 1890
WrightWillie born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboroJohn born about 1916
YarboroSara Eborn about 1917
YatesAllie Mborn about 1913
YatesAnnie born about 1892
YatesInezer born about 1936
YatesJannie born about 1911
YatesRuthie Mborn about 1939
YatesVerdie born about 1919
YatesZannie Jr born about 1934
YoungJ Jborn about 1896

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