1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sheridan, Colleton, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Colleton County > 1940 Census of Sheridan

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

Ackerman born about 1893
AckermanAbie born about 1888
AckermanAddie born about 1900
AckermanAlene born about 1887
AckermanAlice born about 1939
AckermanAllan born about 1880
AckermanAlva born about 1924
AckermanAnna born about 1861
AckermanAnnie born about 1896
AckermanAnnie born about 1910
AckermanApplis born about 1934
AckermanArchie born about 1920
AckermanAustin born about 1922
AckermanB Fborn about 1929
AckermanBeatrice born about 1917
AckermanBerlin born about 1927
AckermanBertha born about 1890
AckermanBessie born about 1903
AckermanBessie born about 1905
AckermanBetty born about 1932
AckermanBeulah born about 1894
AckermanC Macborn about 1934
AckermanCarrie born about 1882
AckermanCharlie born about 1905
AckermanCharlie born about 1932
AckermanClemon born about 1909
AckermanCohen born about 1912
AckermanCorrie born about 1905
AckermanCrawford born about 1931
AckermanDavid born about 1900
AckermanDella born about 1882
AckermanDonald born about 1930
AckermanEdith born about 1935
AckermanEdna born about 1922
AckermanEliott born about 1939
AckermanElise born about 1917
AckermanElizabeth born about 1927
AckermanElla born about 1905
AckermanElva Annborn about 1933
AckermanEssie born about 1890
AckermanEther born about 1902
AckermanEunice born about 1934
AckermanFletcher born about 1897
AckermanFlorrie born about 1885
AckermanForest born about 1927
AckermanFrances born about 1925
AckermanFrancis born about 1933
AckermanFrank born about 1889
AckermanFreddie born about 1886
AckermanGeorge born about 1895
AckermanGeorgie born about 1872
AckermanGlenn born about 1927
AckermanGrace born about 1904
AckermanGwendolyn born about 1928
AckermanGwendolyn born about 1936
AckermanHarris born about 1900
AckermanHenry born about 1874
AckermanHoward born about 1917
AckermanIda born about 1910
AckermanIrene born about 1898
AckermanIrvin born about 1891
AckermanIve born about 1912
AckermanJ Vborn about 1864
AckermanJames born about 1927
AckermanJames born about 1936
AckermanJames born about 1938
AckermanJean Coyborn about 1935
AckermanJeff born about 1938
AckermanJenelle born about 1924
AckermanJennie Leeborn about 1927
AckermanJessie born about 1919
AckermanJimmie born about 1891
AckermanJoe Benborn about 1923
AckermanJohn born about 1930
AckermanJohn Rogersborn about 1912
AckermanJuanita born about 1919
AckermanJulia born about 1890
AckermanJunior born about 1924
AckermanJustin born about 1902
AckermanKathleen born about 1927
AckermanKenneth born about 1892
AckermanKenneth Jr born about 1924
AckermanKistler born about 1883
AckermanLeila born about 1890
AckermanLeona born about 1932
AckermanLetha Maeborn about 1937
AckermanLisher born about 1906
AckermanLizzie born about 1930
AckermanLuther born about 1885
AckermanLuther born about 1904
AckermanM L Jrborn about 1920
AckermanMac born about 1896
AckermanMaggie born about 1884
AckermanMaggie Leeborn about 1933
AckermanMaizie born about 1893
AckermanMarjorie born about 1938
AckermanMarseilles born about 1925
AckermanMartha born about 1870
AckermanMary born about 1869
AckermanMary born about 1928
AckermanMary Ellenborn about 1921
AckermanMilton born about 1918
AckermanMiriam born about 1923
AckermanMorris born about 1940
AckermanMyrttia born about 1932
AckermanNelie born about 1905
AckermanNellie born about 1907
AckermanNelson born about 1905
AckermanOrrin born about 1912
AckermanP Bborn about 1916
AckermanPatricia born about 1937
AckermanPaul born about 1899
AckermanPearl born about 1910
AckermanPearl born about 1931
AckermanPeggy born about 1935
AckermanPerry born about 1921
AckermanPhillip born about 1893
AckermanPreston born about 1873
AckermanReba born about 1929
AckermanRemson born about 1923
AckermanRichmond born about 1917
AckermanRogers born about 1851
AckermanRosa born about 1922
AckermanRuby born about 1909
AckermanSallie born about 1868
AckermanSally born about 1928
AckermanSarah born about 1925
AckermanThelma born about 1926
AckermanThomas born about 1925
AckermanWalter born about 1925
AckermanWarren born about 1914
AckermanWillie born about 1867
AckermanZurie born about 1884
AdamsAda born about 1874
AdamsAllan born about 1903
AdamsAllan Jr born about 1931
AdamsAmanda born about 1929
AdamsAnnie Leeborn about 1919
AdamsArthur born about 1923
AdamsBelle born about 1903
AdamsBennie born about 1903
AdamsBerry born about 1899
AdamsBessie born about 1927
AdamsBetty born about 1908
AdamsBryant born about 1918
AdamsC D Cborn about 1916
AdamsCleveland born about 1884
AdamsDoris born about 1925
AdamsElaine born about 1939
AdamsElizabeth born about 1938
AdamsEllison born about 1917
AdamsEmma Jeanborn about 1926
AdamsEvelyn born about 1936
AdamsGerald born about 1939
AdamsGertrude born about 1908
AdamsHampton born about 1919
AdamsHelen born about 1926
AdamsHerbie born about 1924
AdamsHerman born about 1899
AdamsHeyward born about 1890
AdamsIrene born about 1918
AdamsJames born about 1918
AdamsJennie born about 1900
AdamsJoan born about 1939
AdamsJunior born about 1922
AdamsKancada born about 1893
AdamsLloyd born about 1933
AdamsLula Maeborn about 1939
AdamsMaggie born about 1923
AdamsMarilyn born about 1936
AdamsMarion born about 1915
AdamsMary born about 1915
AdamsMary born about 1923
AdamsMary Eleanorborn about 1938
AdamsMary Ruthborn about 1939
AdamsMinnie born about 1893
AdamsMonroe born about 1909
AdamsNellie born about 1923
AdamsPauline born about 1933
AdamsRachel born about 1931
AdamsRosa Leeborn about 1926
AdamsThomas born about 1933
AdamsTom born about 1868
AdamsVirginia born about 1929
AdamsWendall born about 1934
AdamsWilhelmenia born about 1911
AdamsWillie Sealborn about 1916
AdamsWinnie born about 1908
AddisonAlice born about 1870
AddisonAlice born about 1916
AddisonBernice born about 1910
AddisonBetty Janeborn about 1933
AddisonBill born about 1928
AddisonCaroll born about 1918
AddisonFrank born about 1897
AddisonGeorge Allenborn about 1930
AddisonGeorgie born about 1870
AddisonJacqueline born about 1938
AddisonJames born about 1928
AddisonJohnnie born about 1892
AddisonLegare born about 1930
AddisonLetitia born about 1867
AddisonMabel born about 1895
AddisonMadge born about 1924
AddisonMamie born about 1895
AddisonMamie born about 1901
AddisonMary born about 1925
AddisonOnnie born about 1875
AddisonPercy born about 1906
AddisonRobert Lborn about 1903
AddisonRobert Jr born about 1934
AddisonRuth born about 1923
AddisonVivian born about 1915
AddisonWallace born about 1929
AddisonWanda born about 1927
AddisonWilliam born about 1870
AmakerJulius born about 1911
AmakerLouise born about 1912
AmbroseMary born about 1889
AncrumCharles born about 1931
AncrumIsiah born about 1895
AncrumJames born about 1905
AncrumMarion born about 1934
AncrumMary born about 1901
AncrumMattie born about 1905
ArckermanAngus born about 1917
ArckermanBunis born about 1939
ArckermanCatherine born about 1938
ArckermanMelissa born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAnnie Ruthborn about 1927
BaileyBenjamin born about 1882
BaileyBenjamin Jr born about 1921
BaileyBernice born about 1935
BaileyBowen born about 1935
BaileyCharles born about 1939
BaileyDennis born about 1924
BaileyLee born about 1910
BaileyLeila Maeborn about 1918
BaileyLlewellyn born about 1937
BaileyLula Belleborn about 1926
BaileyMamie born about 1898
BaileyMary born about 1913
BaileyMary Leeborn about 1933
BaileyRuby born about 1929
BaileyWillis born about 1926
BailyHarriette born about 1926
BailyHazel born about 1924
BazzelBessie Leeborn about 1897
BazzelDorothy born about 1928
BazzelEdward born about 1924
BazzelIrvin born about 1882
BazzelRebecca born about 1939
BazzelVerna born about 1932
BazzleDaisy born about 1928
BazzleErnest born about 1928
BazzleGary born about 1925
BazzleJeannette born about 1940
BazzleJulia born about 1885
BazzleL Jborn about 1926
BazzleMamie born about 1906
BazzleMamie Louborn about 1932
BazzleOdom born about 1926
BazzleOlin born about 1937
BazzlePreston born about 1930
BazzleRichard born about 1881
BazzleRuth born about 1935
BazzleTillman born about 1894
BeddardClancey born about 1939
BeddardClaudie born about 1919
BeddardEmois born about 1938
BeddardGeorge born about 1913
BeddardHenrietta born about 1936
BeddardWoodrow born about 1934
BellHazel born about 1901
BellingerCarrie Belleborn about 1909
BellingerCorine born about 1936
BellingerIda born about 1880
BellingerJanie Maeborn about 1930
BellingerJanina born about 1916
BellingerJohn Leeborn about 1934
BellingerLevy born about 1914
BellingerLevy Jr born about 1939
BellingerLilly born about 1932
BellingerMatilda born about 1874
BellingerPete born about 1934
BellingerPeter born about 1882
BellingerRogers born about 1928
BennettBlanchard born about 1885
BennettCatherine born about 1921
BennettClaire born about 1930
BennettFannie born about 1905
BennettIda Maeborn about 1927
BennettJosh born about 1878
BennettJosh Jr born about 1919
BennettLouise born about 1935
BennettMarion born about 1933
BennettNathaniel born about 1932
BennettRiviana born about 1886
BennettWilbur born about 1929
BerryBlease born about 1925
BerryDan born about 1923
BerryElvin born about 1900
BerryLizzie born about 1905
BerryLootsie born about 1938
BerryRuby born about 1928
BessingerLee born about 1881
BingleyMary born about 1874
BirdBertha born about 1888
BirdCatherine born about 1922
BirdClifford born about 1919
BirdCorrie born about 1921
BirdDarley born about 1856
BirdEllis born about 1916
BirdJim born about 1908
BirdRichard born about 1940
BirdRuth born about 1922
BirdW Eborn about 1886
BlakeAlonzo born about 1901
BlakeElizabeth born about 1924
BlakeMattie born about 1903
BlakeOrrie Maeborn about 1928
BlakeRuth born about 1940
BlakeTalmadge born about 1931
BlandonAnnie born about 1898
BlandonEthel born about 1928
BlandonHermie born about 1925
BlandonRichard born about 1899
BlantonBetty Bborn about 1934
BlantonElvinia born about 1924
BlantonMarjorie born about 1902
BlantonMartha born about 1931
BlantonPearl born about 1922
BlantonStoney born about 1929
BlantonWilliam born about 1900
BlockerCora Leeborn about 1895
BlockerDavid born about 1890
BlockerIrene born about 1922
BlockerKermit born about 1933
BlockerVera born about 1919
BodersonCarrie born about 1911
BodersonElizabeth born about 1936
BodersonGeorgie born about 1927
BodersonHarry born about 1933
BodersonMildred born about 1938
BodersonRobert born about 1929
BodersonThomas born about 1930
BodersonWeston born about 1934
BonaparteFrances born about 1880
BonaparteHenry born about 1900
BougesBurie born about 1894
BougesLouise born about 1900
BraxterDorothy born about 1932
BraxterJoan born about 1934
BrelandEdna born about 1918
BrelandElizabeth born about 1922
BrelandMarion Jr born about 1936
BrelandWyman born about 1878
BridgeAriel born about 1887
BridgeAuburn born about 1929
BridgeBennie Wborn about 1905
BridgeBernard born about 1938
BridgeBernice born about 1927
BridgeCarey born about 1891
BridgeClara born about 1900
BridgeDavid born about 1909
BridgeDorothy born about 1932
BridgeElena born about 1920
BridgeFranklin born about 1934
BridgeGeorge Dborn about 1898
BridgeGladys born about 1921
BridgeH Aborn about 1891
BridgeHampton born about 1893
BridgeHarold born about 1927
BridgeHoward born about 1932
BridgeJennie born about 1934
BridgeJoe Leeborn about 1901
BridgeLottie born about 1914
BridgeMae born about 1885
BridgeMargaret born about 1925
BridgeMarion born about 1923
BridgeMary born about 1936
BridgeMary Janetteborn about 1940
BridgeMaxwell born about 1939
BridgeO Gborn about 1878
BridgeO Pborn about 1902
BridgePinch born about 1910
BridgeViola born about 1903
BridgeWillburn born about 1920
BridgeWillis born about 1914
BrittLucius born about 1923
BrockArtis born about 1930
BrockEdgar born about 1890
BrockEdna born about 1898
BrockFreddie born about 1924
BrockJ Cborn about 1928
BrockLidia born about 1920
BrockLonnie born about 1929
BrockWillis born about 1922
BrooksClara born about 1917
BrooksHarold born about 1940
BrooksLester born about 1915
BrothersAiry born about 1919
BrothersArlese born about 1912
BrothersBlue born about 1921
BrothersCharlie born about 1885
BrothersCharlie born about 1927
BrothersClara Annborn about 1940
BrothersDaisy born about 1931
BrothersHenry born about 1925
BrothersI Bborn about 1919
BrothersJoe born about 1912
BrothersKathleen born about 1923
BrothersLouise born about 1919
BrothersLulu born about 1892
BrownBen born about 1905
BrownBen born about 1932
BrownLeroy born about 1930
BrownLilly born about 1917
BrownMary born about 1936
BrownRebecca born about 1940
BrownRosa Leeborn about 1934
BryantJohnnie born about 1939
BryantLeon born about 1915
BryantLois born about 1931
BryantMattie Maeborn about 1917
BryantWendell born about 1936
BurbageJunior born about 1928
BurkeEarl born about 1928
BurkeHarry born about 1904
BurkeJack born about 1932
BurkeJean born about 1939
BurkeLouise born about 1930
BurkeReba born about 1913
BuzzardBetty Roseborn about 1934
BuzzardMcdowell born about 1913
BuzzardMcdowell Jr born about 1937
BuzzardOra born about 1916
BuzzardShirley Annborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellAlice born about 1922
CampbellAnna born about 1916
CampbellAnnie born about 1928
CampbellCambridge born about 1859
CampbellCoritha born about 1935
CampbellElijah born about 1935
CampbellEmma born about 1871
CampbellEssie born about 1924
CampbellFlorence born about 1906
CampbellIda Leeborn about 1940
CampbellJay born about 1913
CampbellLaurie born about 1904
CampbellLilly born about 1933
CampbellLourie Jr born about 1930
CampbellMary Louborn about 1932
CampbellNorma born about 1925
CampbellPink born about 1917
CampbellPricie born about 1913
CampbellVon Leleborn about 1926
CampbellWilfus born about 1915
CanadyCarrie born about 1900
CanadyCarrie Maeborn about 1924
CanadyGeraldine born about 1928
CanadyJanette born about 1938
CanadyL Lborn about 1899
CanadyLewis Aborn about 1932
CanadyWilliam born about 1926
CanteyLizzie born about 1880
CattlesCharlie born about 1924
CattlesJ Rogersborn about 1904
CattlesMadge born about 1938
CattlesRosanel born about 1900
ChisholmEunice born about 1936
ChisholmMartha born about 1938
ChisholmMaude born about 1915
ChisholmRussel born about 1908
ChisolmCharlie born about 1875
ChisolmDorothy born about 1927
ChisolmEarl born about 1927
ChisolmGladys born about 1923
ChisolmIsabel born about 1895
ChisolmJames born about 1920
ChisolmJeff born about 1918
ChisolmJoe born about 1929
ChisolmLish born about 1925
ChisolmLouisa born about 1918
ChisolmMannie born about 1919
ChisolmMarion born about 1937
ChisolmMinnie born about 1895
ChisolmRoy born about 1916
ChisolmVernitta born about 1939
ClarkeJames born about 1917
CoaxumErdelle born about 1928
CoaxumEsdorn born about 1937
CoaxumGeorgie born about 1893
CoaxumHaskell born about 1931
CoaxumJoe born about 1890
CoaxumJohn Wesleyborn about 1938
CoaxumMac born about 1916
CoaxumRuby born about 1918
CobbsEssie born about 1920
CobbsGeorge born about 1875
CobbsLouertha born about 1925
CobbsPender born about 1892
CobbsPhalet born about 1910
CockrumDavid born about 1903
CockrumGenevieve born about 1940
CockrumLaverne born about 1931
CockrumLeone born about 1937
CockrumLugenia born about 1910
CockrumWalter born about 1933
CocoranElizabeth born about 1889
CocoranGeraldine born about 1939
CocoranJeanie born about 1905
CocoranPearly born about 1900
CocoranWillie Leeborn about 1922
ColletonHenry born about 1912
ColletonRudelle born about 1913
CollinsDan born about 1895
CollinsFrancis born about 1934
CollinsLouise born about 1910
CollinsVernelle born about 1932
ColsonAgnes born about 1928
ColsonFrank born about 1883
ColsonGladys born about 1930
ColsonHollens born about 1922
ColsonJefferies born about 1926
ColsonLudlow born about 1899
ColsonOlivia born about 1908
ColsonSarah born about 1884
ConeBlanche born about 1895
ConeMiles born about 1860
ConeRufus born about 1892
CookDennis Sborn about 1888
CookDennis Jr born about 1938
CookHelen born about 1903
CopelandHenry born about 1910
CopelandLulu born about 1878
CravenBernice born about 1932
CravenCapers born about 1880
CravenHowell born about 1901
CravenPerry born about 1927
CravenRachel born about 1933
CravenSallie born about 1911
CrawfordArthur born about 1906
CrawfordBernie Leeborn about 1919
CrawfordClarence born about 1938
CrawfordHenry born about 1922
CrawfordHerbert Leeborn about 1935
CrawfordJosiah born about 1904
CrawfordLeon born about 1939
CrawfordLilly born about 1919
CrawfordNathaniel born about 1936
CrawfordPaul born about 1938
CrawfordRafael born about 1926
CrawfordRobert born about 1917
CrawfordRosa Leeborn about 1919
CrawfordSilas born about 1924
CreelAdam born about 1914
CreelAlex born about 1905
CreelAlice born about 1885
CreelAngie born about 1895
CreelBennie born about 1888
CreelBernice born about 1921
CreelBlue born about 1916
CreelBris born about 1882
CreelBris Jr born about 1928
CreelCalaway born about 1912
CreelCalaway born about 1922
CreelCarlisle born about 1932
CreelClarence born about 1940
CreelDaisy Belleborn about 1927
CreelDolly born about 1924
CreelE Wborn about 1928
CreelEdith born about 1924
CreelElla born about 1883
CreelElla born about 1900
CreelEssie born about 1930
CreelEstelle born about 1917
CreelFebbie born about 1895
CreelFlossie born about 1925
CreelGladys born about 1929
CreelHenry born about 1880
CreelHerbert born about 1929
CreelHester born about 1938
CreelHubert Leeborn about 1939
CreelIda born about 1921
CreelIna born about 1921
CreelIndia born about 1889
CreelJames born about 1927
CreelJames born about 1937
CreelJimmie born about 1933
CreelJohn born about 1926
CreelJohnnie born about 1935
CreelLaura Janeborn about 1911
CreelLawrence born about 1888
CreelLeo born about 1936
CreelLloyd born about 1929
CreelLonnie born about 1900
CreelLonnie born about 1934
CreelMabel born about 1930
CreelMarvin born about 1934
CreelMary Janeborn about 1905
CreelMaxwell born about 1927
CreelMelvin born about 1875
CreelMiley born about 1938
CreelNaldos born about 1939
CreelNathan born about 1881
CreelNealie born about 1893
CreelNellie born about 1930
CreelOffie born about 1910
CreelRosa born about 1904
CreelThelma born about 1926
CreelVernelle born about 1914
CreelVernelle born about 1921
CreelViola born about 1925
CreelWalter born about 1914
CreelWarren born about 1883
CreelWillie born about 1919
CreelWillie born about 1937
CrosbyBernice born about 1925
CrosbyEdward Bborn about 1889
CrosbyEthel born about 1899
CrosbyHumphrey born about 1864
CrosbyJunior born about 1927
CrosbyLois born about 1923
CrosbyMarjorie born about 1921
CrosbyMillard born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DairyCarolyn born about 1928
DairyEula born about 1906
DairyMarie born about 1933
DairyWalter born about 1926
DandridgeAnnie born about 1903
DandridgeBoyd born about 1919
DandridgeClarence born about 1921
DandridgeClarice born about 1929
DandridgeEffie born about 1895
DandridgeElla born about 1866
DandridgeEthel born about 1926
DandridgeGrace born about 1923
DandridgeHubert born about 1925
DandridgeJessie born about 1895
DandridgeJohn Wesleyborn about 1919
DandridgeLuther born about 1893
DandridgeMarvin Sealborn about 1927
DandridgeMary born about 1903
DandridgePhillip born about 1931
DandridgePink born about 1902
DandridgeRobbie born about 1887
DandridgeTish born about 1895
DandridgeVirginia born about 1924
DandridgeWashie born about 1894
DanielsAnnette born about 1939
DanielsE Jborn about 1932
DanielsEdgar born about 1911
DanielsEdgar Jr born about 1935
DanielsElla Louiseborn about 1931
DanielsEugene born about 1910
DanielsEva born about 1911
DanielsMamie born about 1914
DanielsOscar born about 1936
DavisBertha born about 1904
DavisBoyd born about 1932
DavisEdward born about 1934
DavisHattie born about 1930
DavisHenry born about 1900
DavisJames born about 1927
DavisJohn born about 1924
DennisJulis born about 1911
DewittAudrie born about 1938
DewittBen born about 1875
DewittCarl born about 1898
DewittDannie born about 1934
DewittLeo born about 1929
DewittMaida born about 1910
DiligarHannah born about 1890
DiligarHosea born about 1880
DixonJunior born about 1932
DoJoe born about 1883
DobsonAlice born about 1910
DobsonBenjamin born about 1937
DobsonHenry born about 1940
DobsonIsom born about 1905
DobsonJanie Belleborn about 1934
DobsonSallie Maeborn about 1935
DobsonSarah born about 1860
DrawdyGuy born about 1914
DunnEugene born about 1918
DunnSusie born about 1879
DunnWilliam born about 1920
DurantEva born about 1893
DurantHarry born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EaddyDave born about 1905
EaddyJoan born about 1913
EasterlinAnnie born about 1859
EdwardsLevinia born about 1868

F Surnames

FalknerAltie born about 1894
FalknerEmmett born about 1925
FalknerLegare born about 1934
FalknerThomas born about 1927
FalknerWillie born about 1893
FarmerAnnie born about 1923
FarmerBen born about 1887
FarmerBernice born about 1914
FarmerBessie Maeborn about 1921
FarmerEdith born about 1920
FarmerEldridge born about 1939
FarmerLaurie born about 1900
FarmerLee born about 1917
FarmerMary born about 1896
FarmersAzalea born about 1935
FarmersEd born about 1919
FarmersElla born about 1925
FarmersHarold born about 1923
FarmersJervey born about 1890
FarmersJunior born about 1917
FarmersKenneth born about 1921
FarmersOllie born about 1927
FenderLizzie Dborn about 1866
FieldsAlice born about 1915
FieldsAnnie born about 1875
FieldsAsbury born about 1880
FieldsAsbury born about 1910
FieldsBenjamin born about 1933
FieldsCubie born about 1915
FieldsEdward born about 1923
FieldsElias born about 1916
FieldsElijah born about 1933
FieldsElise born about 1920
FieldsEthel born about 1928
FieldsFrancine born about 1905
FieldsHattie born about 1917
FieldsJ Bborn about 1938
FieldsJames born about 1925
FieldsJames born about 1927
FieldsJeferson born about 1925
FieldsJoe born about 1903
FieldsJoe Lloydborn about 1928
FieldsJohn born about 1935
FieldsJulia Ellaborn about 1890
FieldsLanie born about 1900
FieldsMalachai born about 1903
FieldsRuth born about 1939
FieldsSinclair born about 1938
FishburnHerman born about 1912
FishburnIna Maeborn about 1912
FishburneAlene born about 1920
FishburneAlfare born about 1932
FishburneAlma born about 1929
FishburneBelle born about 1923
FishburneBennie born about 1916
FishburneBismark born about 1869
FishburneDavid Jr born about 1930
FishburneEdith born about 1932
FishburneElla Maeborn about 1916
FishburneEmma born about 1910
FishburneFlorrie born about 1910
FishburneFurman born about 1924
FishburneJames born about 1914
FishburneJames born about 1922
FishburneJoe born about 1916
FishburneJosiah born about 1937
FishburneLillie Maeborn about 1915
FishburneLincoln born about 1909
FishburneLucy born about 1888
FishburneMabel born about 1934
FishburneMaree born about 1936
FishburneMary Louborn about 1938
FishburneMilford born about 1908
FishburneMilford Jr born about 1935
FishburnePatsy Lonborn about 1927
FishburneQuiller born about 1938
FishburneRitha born about 1918
FishburneRosella born about 1928
FishburneThomas born about 1890
FishburneVictoria born about 1890
FishburneVirginia born about 1936
FishburneWilliam born about 1920
FishburneWilliam born about 1934
FissureOscar born about 1912
FloodJames born about 1886
FordAlonzo born about 1917
FordBertie Maeborn about 1939
FordCarrie born about 1895
FordColette born about 1930
FordFurman born about 1915
FordGeorgie born about 1875
FordHarvey born about 1917
FordHattie born about 1918
FordLecia Maeborn about 1919
FordLloyd born about 1928
FordLouise born about 1932
FordMarion born about 1908
FordMarion born about 1921
FordShuler born about 1888
FordViola born about 1918
FordZada born about 1926
FraserDannell born about 1924
FraserDavid born about 1900
FraserDavid Jr born about 1930
FraserGeorge born about 1934
FraserHenry born about 1937
FraserInez born about 1927
FraserJessie Maeborn about 1932
FraserJohn born about 1895
FraserJohn Jr born about 1930
FraserLouisa born about 1926
FraserMaizie Belleborn about 1925
FraserMarion born about 1938
FraserMary born about 1902
FraserMary Louborn about 1904
FraseserEula Leeborn about 1924
FreeBobby born about 1936
FreeEloise born about 1918
FreeVance born about 1911
FunderburkeB Tborn about 1911
FunderburkeBooker Tborn about 1908
FunderburkeJoe born about 1904
FunderburkePauline born about 1913
FunderburkePearline born about 1910
FurgesonAllen Benborn about 1922
FurgesonAnna Belleborn about 1924
FurgesonBarbara born about 1867
FurgesonBlanche born about 1925
FurgesonCary born about 1874
FurgesonJames born about 1921
FurgesonJessie born about 1923
FurgesonJohn Henryborn about 1929
FurgesonJunior born about 1925
FurgesonLeon born about 1901
FurgesonLola born about 1892
FurgesonMabel born about 1913
FurgesonMamie born about 1890
FurgesonMarie born about 1916
FurgesonMary Louiseborn about 1939
FurgesonMyrtie born about 1923
FurgesonOllie Maeborn about 1919
FurgesonRalph born about 1933
FurgesonRubin born about 1927
FurgesonRufus born about 1936
FurgesonRuth born about 1929
FurgesonSheppie born about 1904
FurgesonSizley born about 1934
FurgesonSue born about 1898
FurgesonT Oborn about 1900
FurgesonW Tborn about 1855
FurgesonWade born about 1888
FurgesonWheeler born about 1928
FurgsonBoyd born about 1904
FurgsonMillie born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GadsdenAlex born about 1920
GadsdenCharlie born about 1881
GadsdenFado born about 1928
GadsdenMary born about 1890
GadsenAnnie Maeborn about 1928
GadsenEugene born about 1922
GadsenEuranese born about 1932
GadsenFrancina born about 1934
GadsenIda born about 1930
GadsenJoseph born about 1939
GadsenLawrence born about 1926
GadsenLuther born about 1924
GadsenMary born about 1939
GadsenPreston born about 1936
GadsenProzit born about 1883
GadsenRosa born about 1902
GantAgnes born about 1900
GantCleola born about 1938
GantEvert born about 1938
GantHannah born about 1936
GantHenry born about 1924
GantHenry Leeborn about 1936
GantHowell born about 1906
GantHowell Jr born about 1934
GantJakie born about 1915
GantLillman born about 1939
GantLucy born about 1919
GantMarguerite born about 1912
GantMary Ruthborn about 1932
GantRosa Leeborn about 1924
GantZola born about 1917
GardnerArthur born about 1919
GardnerJoe born about 1937
GardnerMamie born about 1913
GardnerMartha Leeborn about 1927
GaskinsEvelyn born about 1911
GaskinsHenry Anneborn about 1936
GaskinsRalph born about 1911
GatchBeck born about 1874
GatchJean born about 1931
GatchLem born about 1879
GatchNancy born about 1938
GatchRaymond born about 1902
GatchSarah born about 1928
GatchVera born about 1907
GatchWilliam Rborn about 1933
GeddersLanie born about 1890
GeddersLeroy born about 1917
GloverAlice born about 1931
GloverElizabeth born about 1936
GloverFrank born about 1927
GloverHerman born about 1907
GloverJettro born about 1934
GloverJosephine born about 1909
GloverLouise born about 1929
GloverMinnie born about 1928
GloverRosaphene born about 1938
GoodwinSarah born about 1921
GradyElizabeth born about 1939
GradyL D Jrborn about 1914
GradyLeila Maeborn about 1918
GradyVernon born about 1938
GrahamDavid born about 1919
GreenAda born about 1870
GreenAnnie Clareborn about 1915
GreenDave born about 1876
GreenJestine born about 1938
GreenJohn born about 1868
GreenJohn Rborn about 1912
GreenJones born about 1924
GreenRiley born about 1927
GreenSarah born about 1889
GriffithAlex born about 1920
GruberDana born about 1895
GruberEarl born about 1938
GruberEssie Maeborn about 1903
GruberJames born about 1924
GruberLeroy born about 1922
GruberMelissa born about 1926
GruberRonald born about 1934
GrubertCalhoun born about 1906
GrubertHazel born about 1932
GrubertNita born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackerArthur born about 1920
HackerGeorge Jborn about 1858
HackerHaddie born about 1882
HackerLewis born about 1878
HamiltonErline born about 1910
HamiltonJanie born about 1911
HamiltonJulia born about 1875
HamiltonLottie born about 1905
HamiltonRobert born about 1909
HamiltonSam born about 1927
HamiltonT Jborn about 1927
HamiltonThelma born about 1934
HarbistonCatherine born about 1930
HarbistonCathrine born about 1890
HarbistonGus born about 1924
HarbistonHenry born about 1920
HarbistonInez born about 1921
HarbistonJames born about 1927
HarbistonJohn born about 1913
HarbistonWillie born about 1878
HaynesAlex born about 1926
HaynesApril born about 1900
HaynesBeatrice born about 1938
HaynesBernetha born about 1928
HaynesChester born about 1905
HaynesClaudius born about 1895
HaynesClifton born about 1934
HaynesEdfert born about 1927
HaynesElijah born about 1935
HaynesEllen born about 1939
HaynesEloise born about 1920
HaynesEmma Maeborn about 1940
HaynesEnoch born about 1902
HaynesErline born about 1930
HaynesErnestine born about 1934
HaynesEthel born about 1937
HaynesEvengus born about 1920
HaynesFlorence born about 1883
HaynesHubert born about 1936
HaynesJanette born about 1938
HaynesJoseph born about 1915
HaynesKaiser born about 1923
HaynesLee born about 1938
HaynesLillie Maeborn about 1932
HaynesLouisa born about 1905
HaynesLuerther born about 1926
HaynesLulu born about 1902
HaynesMary Lizaborn about 1919
HaynesMyers born about 1915
HaynesNebuline born about 1933
HaynesPowell born about 1931
HaynesRosa born about 1905
HaynesRuth born about 1912
HaynesSammy born about 1925
HaynesVictoria born about 1920
HelmsWalter born about 1884
HerndonDell born about 1896
HerndonDoris born about 1931
HerndonHelen born about 1926
HerndonJ Kborn about 1925
HerndonKline born about 1901
HeywardIsabel born about 1875
HeywardJames born about 1917
HeywardJoanna born about 1939
HeywardLilly Annborn about 1918
HeywardMary born about 1934
HeywardRosa born about 1927
HeywardThomas born about 1938
HickmanAnnie born about 1892
HickmanBilly born about 1929
HickmanHorace born about 1927
HickmanMary born about 1931
HickmanRobert born about 1920
HickmanWest born about 1880
HiersBaynard born about 1893
HiersEdgar born about 1882
HiersGeneva born about 1893
HiersJames born about 1913
HiersJennie born about 1885
HiersLouisa born about 1857
HiersWilliam born about 1922
HillAnnie Dborn about 1876
HillBertha born about 1903
HillDave Cborn about 1886
HillEllen Eborn about 1862
HillFrank Mborn about 1855
HillFritz born about 1890
HillJ Carltonborn about 1907
HillJulia born about 1898
HillLena born about 1907
HillMary Annborn about 1865
HillPhillip Sborn about 1859
HillRoland born about 1888
HillVirginia born about 1898
HiottA Oborn about 1868
HiottBen born about 1859
HiottBennie born about 1890
HiottC Cborn about 1919
HiottC Lborn about 1888
HiottCharles born about 1928
HiottCleveland Lborn about 1886
HiottClyde born about 1917
HiottDorothy born about 1927
HiottElizabeth born about 1924
HiottElla Maeborn about 1911
HiottFlorrie born about 1904
HiottFlorrie Oborn about 1896
HiottHarvey born about 1891
HiottHeber born about 1898
HiottJacquelin born about 1938
HiottJames born about 1894
HiottJohn Henryborn about 1929
HiottLanette born about 1904
HiottLarry born about 1923
HiottMerrick born about 1909
HiottMichael born about 1940
HiottMoody born about 1899
HiottNettie born about 1861
HiottRena born about 1888
HiottRudy born about 1934
HiottRuth born about 1922
HiottThelma born about 1901
HodgesClyde born about 1939
HodgesEdna born about 1917
HodgesJanie born about 1919
HoffAlex born about 1899
HoffAlice born about 1905
HoffAndy born about 1923
HoffAnnie Maeborn about 1915
HoffAnnie Rachelborn about 1926
HoffBernice born about 1932
HoffBessie born about 1930
HoffCarrie born about 1935
HoffCharlie born about 1874
HoffClio born about 1932
HoffDoris born about 1929
HoffDorothy born about 1936
HoffEleanor born about 1923
HoffFrances born about 1929
HoffGeorge born about 1927
HoffH Benjaminborn about 1895
HoffHarold born about 1914
HoffHarold born about 1932
HoffHelen born about 1935
HoffHenry born about 1877
HoffHonor Eborn about 1872
HoffHugo born about 1907
HoffJ Bborn about 1924
HoffJennie Leeborn about 1912
HoffJewel born about 1938
HoffJohn Dborn about 1927
HoffJohn Wborn about 1894
HoffLovet born about 1932
HoffMargaret born about 1926
HoffMary born about 1925
HoffMattie born about 1907
HoffMaxine born about 1937
HoffMinnie born about 1891
HoffPearl born about 1913
HoffPreston born about 1929
HoffRobert Hborn about 1892
HoffRussel born about 1903
HoffSallie born about 1878
HoffSammy born about 1897
HoffTom born about 1935
HoffTrudie born about 1905
HoffUlmer born about 1921
HoffWilton born about 1929
HoffmanBarbara born about 1930
HoffmanLeland born about 1902
HoffmanLeland Jr born about 1926
HoffmanLois born about 1933
HoffmanNellie born about 1928
HoffmanVinelle born about 1900
HolmesAdeline born about 1880
HolmesCatherine born about 1923
HolmesClara born about 1922
HolmesEdward born about 1940
HolmesFerbie born about 1912
HolmesFerbie Jr born about 1939
HolmesFletcher born about 1906
HolmesFloyd born about 1925
HolmesFrances born about 1928
HolmesHerbert born about 1932
HolmesJoseph born about 1900
HolmesJoseph born about 1918
HolmesLessie born about 1900
HolmesMary Ettaborn about 1917
HolmesMyrtis born about 1905
HolmesWilliard born about 1922
HudsonBernitha born about 1937
HudsonBettie born about 1934
HudsonErnestine born about 1939
HudsonIda born about 1912
HudsonJoseph born about 1908
HudsonKathleen born about 1938
HudsonLawrence born about 1915
HudsonLill born about 1913
HudsonRansom born about 1915
HudsonRebecca born about 1874
HudsonThelma born about 1919
HughesBen born about 1876
HughesDorothy born about 1937
HughesEsdorn born about 1929
HughesEugene born about 1932
HughesEva born about 1935
HughesJ Pborn about 1905
HughesSarah born about 1912
HughesVirginia born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsgetteGeorge born about 1936
IsgetteHarold born about 1939
IsgetteJudge born about 1902
IsgetteJulia born about 1908
IsgettePauline born about 1928
IsgetteShirley Roseborn about 1935

J Surnames

JacksonRay born about 1905
JacksonRebecca born about 1875
JacquesCarrie born about 1874
JacquesDaisy born about 1875
JacquesDorothy born about 1915
JacquesGeorge born about 1860
JacquesJohnnie born about 1866
JacquesLillian born about 1893
JacquesMary Eborn about 1883
JacquesMaude born about 1884
JacquesSherod born about 1895
JacquesTorrie born about 1919
JacquesWesley born about 1884
JarvinIrvin born about 1909
JarvinJohn born about 1940
JarvinRobert born about 1938
JarvinThelma born about 1916
JenkinsFlossie born about 1917
JohnsonAlbanie born about 1927
JohnsonAlice born about 1915
JohnsonAlice born about 1917
JohnsonAnnie Lizaborn about 1934
JohnsonBetty born about 1934
JohnsonCharlie born about 1900
JohnsonChris born about 1885
JohnsonCorinne born about 1934
JohnsonDorothy born about 1931
JohnsonEdith born about 1929
JohnsonElla Maeborn about 1937
JohnsonEstelle born about 1928
JohnsonEva born about 1910
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1937
JohnsonFlorrie Maeborn about 1931
JohnsonG Wborn about 1934
JohnsonGrace born about 1938
JohnsonHerbert born about 1933
JohnsonIrene born about 1939
JohnsonIshmael born about 1928
JohnsonJunior born about 1924
JohnsonLella born about 1908
JohnsonLewis born about 1938
JohnsonLucy born about 1926
JohnsonMackie born about 1930
JohnsonMazalene born about 1924
JohnsonMcteer born about 1900
JohnsonMildred born about 1927
JohnsonNorman born about 1930
JohnsonOlna born about 1917
JohnsonRalph born about 1906
JohnsonRebecca born about 1935
JohnsonRoscoe born about 1932
JohnsonRudolph born about 1936
JohnsonSadie born about 1903
JohnsonSenie born about 1910
JohnsonTheodore born about 1920
JohnsonWalter born about 1927
JohnsonWillie born about 1911
JonesEddie born about 1907
JonesHenrietta born about 1895
JonesJohn born about 1890
JonesLewis born about 1881
JonesLewis Jr born about 1926
JonesRebecca born about 1881
JonesRena born about 1907
JonesRichard born about 1924
JonesWheeler born about 1922
JordanAnnie Lborn about 1893
JordanHattie born about 1876
JordanLester born about 1880
JordanLester Jr born about 1922
JordanMazarine born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KearseA Wborn about 1899
KearseAnderson born about 1929
KearseMaggie born about 1908
KearseMildred born about 1926
KinseyCatherine born about 1910
KinseyJohn born about 1905
KinseyJohn Anneborn about 1933

L Surnames

LadsonBeulah born about 1919
LadsonFreddie born about 1913
LadsonJames born about 1918
LadsonRuby Leeborn about 1939
LadsonWillie born about 1938
LangdaleJames Lloydborn about 1936
LangdaleLloyd born about 1910
LangdaleLula Belleborn about 1909
LangdalePatricia born about 1938
LeeAnnie born about 1922
LeeBenjamin born about 1924
LeeBetsy born about 1901
LeeDavid born about 1936
LeeEliza born about 1930
LeeLizzie born about 1933
LeeLonnie born about 1928
LeeWashington born about 1939
LeeWillie born about 1891
LeeWillie born about 1934
LemmonWillie Clayborn about 1920
LevineArchie born about 1910
LevineBessie born about 1908
LevineClyde born about 1935
LevineElizabeth born about 1936
LevineEthel Maeborn about 1938
LevineHarold born about 1928
LevineHeyward born about 1933
LevineJunior born about 1932
LevineLucy born about 1922
LevineRobert born about 1867
LevineWillie born about 1927
LewisAlberta born about 1919
LewisAndrew born about 1877
LewisAnna born about 1901
LewisBernice born about 1928
LewisBernice born about 1939
LewisCeleste born about 1937
LewisChristella born about 1913
LewisClare born about 1915
LewisClare born about 1920
LewisFrance born about 1884
LewisFrank born about 1913
LewisFrank born about 1934
LewisFred born about 1914
LewisJosephine born about 1898
LewisJunior born about 1938
LewisLucia born about 1892
LewisMouzon born about 1874
LewisRae born about 1939
LewisRosina born about 1928
LewisRoxalle born about 1923
LewisRutha born about 1936
LewisSimon born about 1898
LewisSinclair born about 1930
LewisSwinton born about 1907
LewisVanda born about 1927
LewisWilliam born about 1921
LindbergCarrie Jeanborn about 1938
LindbergHarold born about 1936
LinderBetty born about 1926
LinderLeola born about 1923
LinderWillie Maeborn about 1905
LinderYoung Sborn about 1896
LinderYoung Jr born about 1925
LittlePorter born about 1917
LowmanEva born about 1917
LowmanJessie Maeborn about 1940
LowmanMarjorie born about 1939
LynahAlma born about 1914
LynahBurie born about 1916
LynahCasey born about 1888
LynahCharlie born about 1932
LynahChris born about 1905
LynahDora born about 1935
LynahGrace born about 1940
LynahHenry born about 1929
LynahHillie born about 1907
LynahJames born about 1934
LynahLaura born about 1910
LynahLottie born about 1879
LynahLulu born about 1935
LynahNathaniel born about 1931
LynahNellie born about 1931
LynahOsie born about 1933
LynahRogers born about 1938
LynahRutha born about 1937
LynahWillie born about 1927
LynahWoodrow born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagwoodEdward born about 1935
MagwoodJames born about 1939
MagwoodLottie born about 1916
MagwoodSylvester born about 1934
MagwoodThadeus born about 1914
MagwoodThadeus Jr born about 1936
ManigaultAlice born about 1919
ManigaultAnna born about 1939
ManigaultArr born about 1900
ManigaultAthalie born about 1915
ManigaultBernice born about 1937
ManigaultCharles born about 1936
ManigaultChris born about 1913
ManigaultClyde born about 1934
ManigaultElizabeth born about 1939
ManigaultErline born about 1918
ManigaultGeorge born about 1925
ManigaultJames born about 1900
ManigaultLaurie born about 1935
ManigaultLeila Maeborn about 1938
ManigaultLem born about 1908
ManigaultLillie Bborn about 1920
ManigaultLilly born about 1927
ManigaultLoney born about 1885
ManigaultMerick born about 1914
ManigaultPaul Jborn about 1932
ManigaultPruella born about 1913
ManigaultRuby Leeborn about 1930
ManigaultSamuel born about 1919
ManigaultSolomon born about 1916
ManigaultWesley born about 1920
ManigaultWesley born about 1940
ManigaultWilliam born about 1914
MarshallDaisy born about 1922
MarshallRosa born about 1882
MarshallSallie born about 1886
MarshallScott born about 1880
MarshallSydney born about 1919
MartinArthur born about 1936
MartinCatherine born about 1927
MartinCornelius born about 1933
MartinEdward born about 1915
MartinElizabeth born about 1888
MartinFederick born about 1922
MartinGadelle born about 1937
MartinInez born about 1926
MartinJennie Maeborn about 1929
MartinJoe Bborn about 1933
MartinJohn Henryborn about 1923
MartinJohn Sborn about 1881
MartinJoseph born about 1904
MartinJoseph born about 1935
MartinLucas born about 1912
MartinMaggie born about 1910
MartinMalachia born about 1899
MartinMonia born about 1931
MartinReddick born about 1927
MartinRobert born about 1938
MartinRutrelle born about 1930
MartinVerona born about 1929
MartinVonita born about 1920
McDonaldFrank born about 1903
McDonaldGladys born about 1927
McDonaldJane born about 1870
McDonaldJestine born about 1929
McDonaldMarie born about 1932
McDonaldRitha born about 1903
McFaddenBeatrice born about 1919
McFaddenClyde born about 1933
McFaddenNathaniel born about 1935
McFaddenRena Belleborn about 1934
McFaddenTimothy born about 1936
McFaddenWilliam born about 1911
McMillanGrady born about 1910
McMillanVivian born about 1910
MelvinClyde born about 1909
MelvinClyde Jr born about 1940
MelvinElmira born about 1922
MettsBeatrice born about 1926
MettsBettie Maeborn about 1934
MettsEthel born about 1924
MettsHarry born about 1920
MettsJohn Alexborn about 1919
MettsJohn Tborn about 1895
MettsJulia born about 1861
MettsJulia Ellenborn about 1921
MettsLadson born about 1929
MettsLillian born about 1895
MettsLizzie Ellenborn about 1871
MettsMyrtle born about 1932
MettsNellie born about 1896
MettsPrice born about 1905
MettsRubin born about 1895
MettsRuth born about 1926
MettsSamuel Dborn about 1893
MettsViola born about 1902
MettsWilliam born about 1922
MiddletonArthur born about 1915
MiddletonBessie Leeborn about 1935
MiddletonDora born about 1895
MiddletonEvelyn born about 1939
MiddletonHattie born about 1915
MiddletonHenry born about 1890
MiddletonIsaac born about 1928
MiddletonMary born about 1933
MiddletonRuby born about 1916
MiddletonSinclair born about 1917
MiddletonWilhelmina born about 1936
MiddletonWillie born about 1910
MileyWilliam Folkborn about 1918
MillenJames born about 1905
MillenMary born about 1916
MillerAlbert born about 1910
MillerBenjamin born about 1938
MillerBuell Judsonborn about 1926
MillerCharles Rayborn about 1870
MillerClyde born about 1940
MillerDelores born about 1940
MillerEdgar born about 1917
MillerEliza born about 1874
MillerEsdorn born about 1938
MillerGrace born about 1918
MillerJames born about 1937
MillerJohn born about 1906
MillerJohn Edwardborn about 1937
MillerMabelle born about 1923
MillerMark Ellisborn about 1924
MillerMary Leeborn about 1914
MillerMattie born about 1907
MillerNorris born about 1936
MillerPaul born about 1922
MitchellAnnie born about 1924
MitchellBlanche born about 1928
MitchellClarence born about 1917
MitchellEdith born about 1923
MitchellEmma born about 1888
MitchellEtta born about 1880
MitchellEva born about 1926
MitchellJames born about 1930
MitchellMary born about 1919
MitchellNaomi born about 1922
MitchellOctavine born about 1924
MitchellOrrie born about 1893
MitchellRuby born about 1921
MitchellThomas born about 1910
MitchellWillie born about 1879
MitchellZelaha born about 1890
MoorerAlbert born about 1927
MoorerAnderson born about 1921
MoorerBlanche born about 1912
MoorerElla born about 1890
MoorerErnestine born about 1919
MoorerEulie born about 1898
MoorerLee born about 1918
MoorerLovetha born about 1925
MoorerParker born about 1913
MoorerRobert born about 1887
MoorerRobert Leeborn about 1939
MoorerTracy born about 1922
MoorerWest born about 1896
MoorerWest Jr born about 1928
MorganEnoch born about 1878
MorganRalph born about 1923
MorganRebecca born about 1877
MuckWillford born about 1918
MuckenfussCallie Belleborn about 1904
MuckenfussClifton born about 1900
MuckenfussDoris born about 1930
MuckenfussEmily born about 1897
MuckenfussFloyd born about 1928
MuckenfussIndia born about 1900
MuckenfussJulius born about 1923
MuckenfussLamar born about 1924
MuckenfussMaggie born about 1869
MuckenfussMargaret born about 1935
MuckenfussMarie born about 1930
MuckenfussMarion Iborn about 1902
MuckenfussMorris born about 1933
MuckenfussRanny born about 1924
MuckenfussSara born about 1936
MucklenennyGanelle born about 1937
MucklenennyWinnie born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NesbitEmridge born about 1929
NesbitHenry born about 1927
NesbitLee born about 1904
NesbitMarie born about 1919
NesbittEdward born about 1933
NesbittEllison born about 1891
NesbittFelton born about 1936
NesbittFrancina born about 1905
NesbittGlanzelle born about 1921
NesbittHarry born about 1905
NesbittHermie born about 1937
NesbittLucile born about 1927
NesbittMaggie born about 1929
NesbittMary born about 1939
NesbittNitha born about 1913
NesbittPaul born about 1901
NesbittPeachie born about 1933
NesbittRubin born about 1908
NesbittTheodore born about 1939
NesbittVernelle born about 1925
NesbittWillie born about 1931
NorthAnna Bborn about 1920
NorthBurley born about 1912
NorthHenry born about 1925
NorthMartha Lborn about 1937
NorthMary born about 1917
NorthNathan born about 1919
NorthSam born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienHubert born about 1920

P Surnames

ParishAlma Ruthborn about 1915
ParkerEunice Eborn about 1882
ParkerSamuel born about 1881
PastorElla Maeborn about 1937
PastorMinnie Leeborn about 1919
PastorWillie Jr born about 1939
PatrickCharlie born about 1875
PatrickCharlie born about 1880
PatrickElla born about 1890
PatrickEllen born about 1884
PatrickFlorrie Maeborn about 1927
PatrickWillie born about 1868
PaulsEddie Leeborn about 1939
PaulsEvelyn born about 1934
PaulsHarriet born about 1937
PaulsLurline born about 1914
PaulsMary Janeborn about 1872
PaulsOdom born about 1910
PaulsSarah born about 1931
PaulsWillis born about 1915
PeelerHattie born about 1888
PeelerLuther born about 1874
PeirceCharlie born about 1878
PeirceNellie born about 1881
PerryBernetha born about 1922
PerryCharlie born about 1894
PerryEliza born about 1900
PerryHector born about 1883
PerryLavell born about 1934
PerryMit born about 1890
PerryWendell born about 1929
PinkeyCasey born about 1910
PinkneyAgnes born about 1924
PinkneyAnna born about 1900
PinkneyArthur born about 1916
PinkneyBelle born about 1919
PinkneyDavid born about 1931
PinkneyElias born about 1915
PinkneyHarrison born about 1920
PinkneyJanie born about 1920
PinkneyJulia born about 1895
PinkneyMae born about 1937
PinkneyMarvin born about 1922
PinkneyMary Ellenborn about 1935
PinkneyRuth born about 1938
PinkneySharper born about 1878
PinkneyWillie born about 1887
PoliteMary born about 1870
PowellEffie born about 1895
PowellEvelyn born about 1905
PowellHarold born about 1918
PowellIshmore born about 1919
PowellJohn born about 1923
PowellLenna born about 1893
PowellNorman born about 1917
PowellOlivia born about 1932
PowellPaul born about 1890
PowellPaul Burleyborn about 1922
PowellPauline born about 1938
PowellPeaceful born about 1921
PowellRachel born about 1920
PowellRichard born about 1868
PowellRuth born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayArretha born about 1914
ReadAddie born about 1925
ReadAlice born about 1929
ReadDave born about 1921
ReadL Jborn about 1932
ReadMary born about 1880
ReadMary born about 1921
ReadSam born about 1934
RedmanAmanda born about 1870
RedmanBennie born about 1892
RedmanBlanche born about 1930
RedmanBoswell born about 1908
RedmanCarlisle born about 1936
RedmanCharlie born about 1896
RedmanEdna born about 1907
RedmanEdward born about 1933
RedmanEva Leeborn about 1925
RedmanEve born about 1897
RedmanFloyd born about 1934
RedmanJohnnie born about 1924
RedmanLaverne born about 1933
RedmanLulu born about 1868
RedmanLulu born about 1910
RedmanLulu Maeborn about 1927
RedmanMalachai born about 1906
RedmanMary born about 1913
RedmanPauline born about 1938
RedmanRogers born about 1895
RedmanRuth born about 1930
RedmanVernelle born about 1928
RedmanVirginia born about 1923
ReedAlice born about 1929
ReevesAlma born about 1926
ReevesBeulah born about 1891
ReevesCatherine born about 1933
ReevesDorothy born about 1928
ReevesEddie born about 1931
ReevesEffie Dborn about 1890
ReevesEthel born about 1911
ReevesEvelyn born about 1916
ReevesGreer born about 1921
ReevesHarry born about 1901
ReevesIra born about 1886
ReevesJackie born about 1937
ReevesJessie Leeborn about 1928
ReevesJoe born about 1869
ReevesJoel Dborn about 1923
ReevesJoel Wborn about 1888
ReevesKirby born about 1908
ReevesLegare born about 1939
ReevesLewis born about 1912
ReevesLizzie born about 1895
ReevesMamie born about 1916
ReevesMary Joeborn about 1925
ReevesMary Louiseborn about 1927
ReevesMercer born about 1916
ReevesMercer Jr born about 1939
ReevesMiona born about 1938
ReevesMiriam born about 1928
ReevesPolly born about 1935
ReevesRosa born about 1868
ReevesRoss E Wborn about 1883
ReevesRuth born about 1905
ReevesSlora born about 1879
ReevesViola born about 1912
ReevesViola Hborn about 1881
ReevesWilliam born about 1933
ReidEtta born about 1911
ReidGeorge born about 1910
ReidGeorge born about 1939
ReidMabel born about 1893
ReidMary born about 1927
ReidNorine born about 1934
ReidThelma born about 1931
ReidWillie born about 1890
RhodeAdrian born about 1900
RhodeAdrian Leeborn about 1933
RhodeBilly born about 1924
RhodeBryant born about 1930
RhodeDelores Annborn about 1935
RhodeEdna Maeborn about 1932
RhodeEdward born about 1936
RhodeGary born about 1886
RhodeGeneva born about 1930
RhodeHattie born about 1913
RhodeIrma born about 1927
RhodeJimmie born about 1922
RhodeLucile born about 1929
RhodeLucius born about 1902
RhodeMamie born about 1891
RhodeRebecca born about 1892
RhodeSerina born about 1927
RhodeTweedie born about 1904
RhodeWulburn born about 1897
RhodesHarold born about 1925
RickenbakerAlie born about 1875
RickenbakerHoyt born about 1935
RickenbakerJeater born about 1903
RickenbakerLewis born about 1905
RickenbakerMickey born about 1911
RickenbakerMiriam born about 1914
RickenbakerMyrtie born about 1933
RickenbakerMyrtle born about 1894
RickenbakerOtto born about 1907
RickenbakerRichard born about 1906
RickenbakerRuth born about 1915
RickenbakerShuwate born about 1917
RobinsonD Wborn about 1900
RobinsonEdlah born about 1900
RobinsonHenry born about 1903
RobinsonHenry born about 1930
RobinsonJohn born about 1933
RobinsonLaura born about 1902
RobinsonLloyd born about 1928
RobinsonMildred born about 1928
RobinsonRuby Leeborn about 1922
RobinsonWillie Maeborn about 1925
RoperAlice born about 1896
RumpM Eborn about 1885
RushtonEdna born about 1920
RushtonMaggie born about 1881
RushtonNathan born about 1932
RushtonOllin born about 1912
RushtonSadie born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalleyAlex born about 1932
SalleyAlma born about 1922
SalleyCurtis born about 1890
SalleyHenrietta born about 1898
SalleyJane born about 1880
SalleyNadine born about 1928
SalleyPhillip born about 1920
SalleyReba Maeborn about 1925
SandersAldron born about 1934
SandersAlex born about 1938
SandersBeatrice born about 1933
SandersBlanch born about 1910
SandersBury born about 1915
SandersClaudie born about 1928
SandersElmer born about 1912
SandersEmilee born about 1932
SandersFannie born about 1905
SandersFred born about 1935
SandersJanetta born about 1917
SandersJanie Belleborn about 1916
SandersJoe born about 1912
SandersLemuel born about 1925
SandersLouise born about 1919
SandersMagdalene born about 1940
SandersMarion born about 1929
SandersMarvin born about 1937
SandersRollis born about 1936
SandersShirley Annborn about 1939
SandersTheodore born about 1935
SandersTimothy born about 1901
SandersWillie born about 1927
SavageClifford born about 1883
SavageJulius born about 1926
SavageLizzie born about 1880
SavageRaymond born about 1929
SeabrookClemson born about 1924
SeiglerClaudie born about 1883
SeiglerDavid Hborn about 1883
ShiderBetty born about 1933
ShiderBridget born about 1895
ShiderClyde born about 1917
ShiderDavid Carlborn about 1931
ShiderGeorge Oliverborn about 1939
ShiderHenry Lewisborn about 1922
ShiderQueenie born about 1900
SimmonsAnnie born about 1864
SimmonsCorinne born about 1904
SimmonsJoe born about 1910
SimmonsRebecca born about 1890
SincletonLillie Maeborn about 1923
SingletonBernard born about 1926
SingletonCatherine born about 1910
SingletonDolly Maeborn about 1934
SingletonJoy born about 1900
SingletonMary born about 1915
SingletonSarah born about 1880
SmallClarence born about 1932
SmallFrancina born about 1934
SmallFrank Jr born about 1932
SmallJoe born about 1911
SmallLeone born about 1927
SmallSarah born about 1911
SmallWoodsie born about 1936
SmallsAllie born about 1910
SmallsAnnie Leeborn about 1912
SmallsAnnie Maeborn about 1926
SmallsArthur born about 1937
SmallsBlanche born about 1930
SmallsCelia born about 1926
SmallsClarence born about 1934
SmallsDavid born about 1900
SmallsDavid born about 1929
SmallsEddie born about 1922
SmallsElla Maeborn about 1930
SmallsErmine born about 1933
SmallsGanelle born about 1920
SmallsGertrude born about 1939
SmallsGrady born about 1932
SmallsJames born about 1926
SmallsLeroy born about 1928
SmallsLizzie born about 1933
SmallsLucile born about 1900
SmallsMannie born about 1924
SmallsMildred born about 1939
SmallsNathan born about 1910
SmallsNathaniel born about 1928
SmallsParler born about 1911
SmallsRosevelt born about 1936
SmallsThelma born about 1931
SmallsVivian born about 1938
SmithBurley born about 1896
SmithDavis born about 1907
SmithDora born about 1877
SmithElizabeth born about 1913
SmithFrank born about 1900
SmithGeorgie born about 1918
SmithHarold born about 1927
SmithHenry born about 1902
SmithHugo born about 1898
SmithHugo Jr born about 1926
SmithJessie born about 1879
SmithJulia Aliceborn about 1934
SmithLee born about 1927
SmithLizzie born about 1906
SmithLove born about 1880
SmithMae born about 1925
SmithMaggie born about 1880
SmithMamie born about 1866
SmithMary born about 1910
SmithMary Eleanorborn about 1929
SmithMary Ruthborn about 1930
SmithMildred born about 1905
SmithNettie Leeborn about 1913
SmithPauline born about 1934
SmithWalter born about 1919
SmoakIsaiah born about 1939
SmoakMamie Louborn about 1918
SmoakMouzon born about 1919
SmoakMouzon Jr born about 1937
SpellAlbert born about 1914
SpellAndrew born about 1938
SpellAnna born about 1865
SpellAnnie Leeborn about 1907
SpellAnnie Lizaborn about 1921
SpellArchie born about 1895
SpellBertie born about 1919
SpellBessie born about 1889
SpellCarrie born about 1889
SpellCharles born about 1920
SpellClyde born about 1934
SpellDave born about 1885
SpellDavid born about 1895
SpellDrusilla born about 1892
SpellEarl born about 1914
SpellEarl born about 1925
SpellEdna Maryborn about 1908
SpellEliott born about 1910
SpellElizabeth born about 1873
SpellEmma born about 1925
SpellErnest born about 1886
SpellEssie born about 1898
SpellEugene born about 1919
SpellEvelyn born about 1931
SpellFlemmie born about 1930
SpellFrancis born about 1934
SpellGladys born about 1917
SpellHelen born about 1928
SpellHenry born about 1879
SpellJames born about 1934
SpellJessie born about 1922
SpellJohn Henryborn about 1930
SpellKenneth born about 1927
SpellLillian born about 1931
SpellLillie Maeborn about 1925
SpellLloyd born about 1916
SpellLouise born about 1910
SpellLurline born about 1895
SpellMamie born about 1873
SpellMildred born about 1920
SpellMurphy born about 1896
SpellOllie born about 1874
SpellOrward born about 1928
SpellThomas born about 1929
SpellTom born about 1933
SpellVon Leheborn about 1915
StanmpsLula Dellborn about 1896
StokesAnnie born about 1896
StokesAnnie Leeborn about 1930
StokesCecil born about 1925
StokesCleveland born about 1928
StokesDoyle born about 1928
StokesEmmett born about 1895
StokesErnest born about 1932
StokesFannie Maeborn about 1925
StokesGeorge born about 1892
StokesHerbert born about 1920
StokesJohn Mborn about 1870
StokesMarion born about 1931
StokesMary born about 1872
StokesMattie Maeborn about 1908
StokesNadine born about 1923
StokesOliv born about 1935
StricklandBelton born about 1877
StricklandBert born about 1895
StricklandDaniel born about 1931
StricklandDavid born about 1931
StricklandGladys born about 1926
SummersJohn born about 1884
SummersSadie born about 1884
SummonsBirley Annborn about 1940
SummonsBlease born about 1928
SummonsCharles born about 1934
SummonsDan born about 1925
SummonsDorothy born about 1932
SummonsGrace born about 1922
SummonsHenry born about 1920
SummonsHowell born about 1900
SummonsJosa Belleborn about 1905
SummonsMary born about 1902
SummonsPaul born about 1924
SummonsS Wborn about 1933
SummonsShirley born about 1936
SummonsWillie born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorFrances born about 1935
TaylorMary born about 1904
TaylorMiriam born about 1933
TaylorOllie born about 1901
TaylorOllie Maeborn about 1929
ThompsonClaud born about 1920
ThompsonDoc born about 1900
ThompsonLilly born about 1905
ThompsonRobert Leeborn about 1928
ThompsonWillie Maeborn about 1924
TillmanMoses born about 1926
TomLulu born about 1871
TuckerAlfred born about 1905
TuckerCelia Maeborn about 1909
TuckerEdith born about 1936
TuckerElizabeth born about 1905
TuckerErta Maeborn about 1930
TuckerFrances born about 1933
TuckerHelen born about 1934
TuckerIda Louborn about 1935
TuckerInez born about 1917
TuckerJames born about 1937
TuckerJoe born about 1932
TuckerJunior born about 1938
TuckerNathaniel born about 1939
TuckerPrince born about 1904
TuckerSinclair born about 1918
TuckerTimothy born about 1929
TuckerVirginia born about 1870
TumbeestonAbbie born about 1890
TumbeestonNoel born about 1881
TumblestonCharles born about 1935
TumblestonEvelyn born about 1914
TumblestonEvelyn born about 1917
TumblestonGrecian born about 1905
TumblestonHaskel born about 1908
TumblestonThomas born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtseyArthur born about 1896
UtseyArthur born about 1929
UtseyLottie born about 1899
UtseyLottie Maeborn about 1922

V Surnames

VandykeCatherine born about 1929
VandykeEdra Maeborn about 1931
VandykeErline born about 1925
VandykeJoe Leeborn about 1938
VandykeLottie born about 1909
VandykeLoure born about 1930
VandykeLucile born about 1922
VandykeLuther born about 1915
VandykeMarie born about 1922
VandykeMary Louborn about 1933
VandykeMattie born about 1916
VandykeRebecca born about 1900
VandykeRosaphene born about 1929
VandykeRufus born about 1920
VandykeWilford born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeIsaac born about 1898
WadeLottie born about 1894
WalkerAnne born about 1939
WalkerAnnie born about 1880
WalkerCharlotte born about 1935
WalkerGeorge born about 1909
WalkerInez born about 1938
WalkerJunior born about 1935
WalkerLillie Maeborn about 1920
WalkerMary born about 1870
WalkerMose born about 1871
WalkerNathan born about 1905
WalkerNita born about 1910
WalkerRosa born about 1917
WalkerVickie born about 1875
WalkerWilbur born about 1915
WalkerWilbur Jr born about 1937
WarrenCarrie born about 1857
WarrenLuke born about 1875
WarrenTracy born about 1890
WashingtonAlbert born about 1922
WashingtonAnnie born about 1880
WashingtonAnnie Maeborn about 1936
WashingtonBen born about 1873
WashingtonBertha born about 1933
WashingtonCatherine born about 1930
WashingtonCelia born about 1870
WashingtonCharlie born about 1912
WashingtonCharlie born about 1932
WashingtonClara born about 1934
WashingtonJohn born about 1922
WashingtonKeeley born about 1924
WashingtonLiza born about 1882
WashingtonLulu born about 1912
WashingtonLuverne born about 1940
WashingtonMary born about 1886
WashingtonNathan born about 1918
WashingtonRuth born about 1924
WashingtonThomas born about 1926
WashingtonVernelle born about 1922
WashingtonWilliam born about 1871
WashingtonWilliam born about 1920
WatsonMargaret born about 1870
WayArthur born about 1912
WayBeulah born about 1914
WeeksLilly born about 1882
WeeksMallard born about 1860
WeeksStephen born about 1862
WestburyFay born about 1938
WestburyJames born about 1915
WestburyLoraine born about 1919
WhiteArthur born about 1927
WhiteBobby Jeanborn about 1939
WhiteCharles born about 1906
WhiteClyde born about 1935
WhiteDorothy born about 1934
WhiteHoner born about 1908
WhiteMary born about 1933
WhiteRuth born about 1930
WhiteThomas born about 1932
WilderDinah born about 1863
WilderIrene born about 1903
WilderOnshe born about 1923
WilderSasportas born about 1891
WilliamsBertha born about 1905
WilliamsBessie born about 1900
WilliamsBeulah born about 1912
WilliamsChris born about 1910
WilliamsClyde born about 1928
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1935
WilliamsEugene born about 1927
WilliamsFurman born about 1887
WilliamsJennie born about 1890
WilliamsJessie born about 1890
WilliamsJimmie born about 1923
WilliamsJohn born about 1928
WilliamsJohn Lborn about 1937
WilliamsKinley born about 1925
WilliamsMae born about 1923
WilliamsMinda born about 1882
WilliamsMood Jr born about 1923
WilliamsMoorer Leeborn about 1929
WilliamsNathaniel born about 1938
WilliamsRodella born about 1892
WilliamsRussell born about 1927
WilliamsWilhelmenia born about 1937
WilliamsWillie Leeborn about 1930
WilliamsZula born about 1939
WillisAllan born about 1915
WillisAsbury born about 1872
WillisBeulah born about 1887
WillisDorothy born about 1914
WillisGeorge Morganborn about 1907
WillisKay born about 1934
WillisLottie born about 1872
WillisLulu born about 1877
WillisMildred born about 1883
WillisRachel born about 1922
WillisThomas born about 1918
WillisViola born about 1882
WillisWilliam Eborn about 1867
WilsonJack born about 1887
WombleFloretta born about 1919
WombleLeroy born about 1915
WombleLeroy Jr born about 1939
WrightAlma born about 1926
WrightClarence born about 1928
WrightGertrude born about 1905
WrightLubby born about 1921
WrightMoody born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoumanBennie born about 1901
YoumanBill born about 1936
YoumanEllison born about 1907
YoumanJames born about 1939
YoumanJoe born about 1871
YoumanLizzie born about 1915
YoumanParker born about 1920
YoumanRobbie born about 1913
YoumanSallie born about 1880
YoumanSarah born about 1935
YoumansAnnie born about 1900
YoumansBilly born about 1928
YoumansEdna born about 1903
YoumansIvy born about 1904
YoumansJoe born about 1910
YoumansJoseph born about 1870
YoumansNoland born about 1898
YoumansPeggy born about 1931
YoumansRoy born about 1930
YoumansTemperance born about 1936
YoumansVerna born about 1922
YoungFlorence born about 1905
YoungHenry born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeiglerAlvilda born about 1923
ZeiglerBrooks 3rd born about 1925
ZeiglerErmine born about 1926
ZeiglerEula born about 1906
ZeiglerJ Dborn about 1930
ZeiglerPreston Bborn about 1896
ZeiglerThelma born about 1928

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