1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ash in Clark County, Clark, South Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Dakota > Clark County > 1940 Census of Ash in Clark County

B Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BarryidWillia Jborn about 1888
BaumannBurette Mborn about 1905
BaumannDonald Eborn about 1935
BaumannEdna Maeborn about 1937
BaumannJoann Bborn about 1939
BaumannRuby E Wborn about 1925
BaumannWalter Wborn about 1903
BaumannWayne C Vborn about 1928
BoutonFloyd Wborn about 1911
BoutonHelen born about 1907
BoutonMartha born about 1886

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E Surnames

ElwoodWesley Vborn about 1860

F Surnames

FisherMerle Cborn about 1919
FokkenEdward Aborn about 1910
FokkenJohn Lborn about 1876
FokkenSusie born about 1882
FoppenCatherine Fborn about 1901
FoppenEdna Carolineborn about 1935
FoppenEugene Rborn about 1939
FoppenHelena Dborn about 1910
FoppenHenry Aborn about 1906
FoppenLorene Ardithborn about 1934
FoppenLuella Mayborn about 1938
FoppenMargaret Fborn about 1931
FoppenRalph Jborn about 1914
FoxCarleton Pborn about 1919
FriesenDeitrick born about 1864

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G Surnames

GawenitElisebeth born about 1879
GawenitIda born about 1919
GrossTommy Jborn about 1921

H Surnames

HeathLena Mborn about 1898
HeathMary Pborn about 1927
HeathPatrick Jr born about 1938
HeathRose Mborn about 1939
HeathSheila Aborn about 1934
HeathSteve born about 1897
HuberBlanche Eborn about 1891
HuberCarter Jborn about 1898
HuberElisebeth born about 1858
HuberGeorge Fborn about 1923
HuberJohn Sborn about 1885
HuberRobert Jborn about 1930
HuberThomas Cborn about 1925
HuberVivienne born about 1897

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I Surnames

ImmeReinbart Rborn about 1903

J Surnames

JenkinsDoyle born about 1911
JenkinsEthel born about 1908
JenkinsFred Rborn about 1876
JenkinsJames born about 1940
JenkinsJohn born about 1935
JenkinsMarjorie born about 1936
JenkinsMinnie born about 1886
JenkinsVera born about 1916
JohnsonLois Sborn about 1933
JohnsonOlga Hborn about 1905
JohnsonRichard Hborn about 1931
JohnsonTheodore Dborn about 1903
JonesBessie born about 1889
JonesId Lborn about 1874
JonesStuart Aborn about 1880
JulaAlma born about 1880
JulaJohn Jborn about 1880

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L Surnames

LabayHoward Wborn about 1903
LaboyCharles Hborn about 1871
LaboyGladys Jborn about 1917
LaboyJudith Cborn about 1939
LaboyPaula Hborn about 1939
LaboyWarren Cborn about 1938
LambertClifford Aborn about 1924
LambertDelane Dborn about 1930
LambertEldon Aborn about 1938
LambertEmma Mborn about 1904
LambertEvelyn Aborn about 1926
LambertFrank Aborn about 1899
LambertGenevie Eborn about 1934
LambertLa Vonne Lborn about 1931
LambertMartin Aborn about 1891
LambertMarvin Tborn about 1921
LambertMelvin Cborn about 1933
LambertMinnie born about 1902
LambertMoris Eborn about 1928
LambertRichard Fborn about 1934

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M Surnames

McGuireRobert Aborn about 1922
MehlbergAgnes Ireneborn about 1931
MehlbergChas Hborn about 1884
MehlbergClarence Cborn about 1929
MehlbergDoris Hborn about 1927
MehlbergEmma born about 1881
MehlbergHerbert Hborn about 1921
MehlbergHermand born about 1873
MehlbergIrene born about 1908
MehlbergRoland Wborn about 1925
MehlbergWilliam Fborn about 1886
MurrayBernice Eborn about 1912
MurrayRaymond Hborn about 1911

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O Surnames

OsborneFannie born about 1881
OsborneFloyd Oborn about 1878

P Surnames

PotterCatherine born about 1879
PotterMax Kborn about 1903
PotterRay born about 1911

Q Surnames

QuinnArville Eborn about 1919
QuinnEllen Wborn about 1894
QuinnWm Jborn about 1893

R Surnames

RainesCharles Cborn about 1884
RainesClyde Eborn about 1924
RainesEdmund Fborn about 1916
RainesFreda born about 1889
RainesRobert Wborn about 1922
RainesRuth Jborn about 1927
RiddleLeo born about 1901
RiddleMabel Mborn about 1909
RiddleWayne Wborn about 1908
RosenauAdeline born about 1929
RosenauClara born about 1927
RosenauFranklin born about 1931
RosenauHelen born about 1925
RosenauOtto born about 1896
RosenauRuth Eborn about 1907

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S Surnames

SarageEleanor Fborn about 1924
SchaeferGeorge Wborn about 1908
SchaeferLavonne Aborn about 1935
SchaeferSelma Aborn about 1907
SchnertLaura Mborn about 1925
SchnertMelvin Wborn about 1921
SchnertPaul born about 1888
SchnertWanda born about 1888
StoltzLouise born about 1931
StoltzMelvin born about 1932
StoltzRose Pborn about 1900
StoltzViola born about 1934

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W Surnames

WalzGeorge Eborn about 1905
WalzRosemarie born about 1939
WalzWanda born about 1914
WeidemannDoris Jean Dborn about 1934
WeidemannEvelyn Lborn about 1932
WeidemannFrank Jborn about 1930
WeidemannHarry Hborn about 1902
WeidemannKenneth Aborn about 1938
WeidemannLena Hborn about 1907

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