1940 U.S. Federal Census of Beaver Dam, Meade, South Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Dakota > Meade County > 1940 Census of Beaver Dam

A Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames M Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAlvin Dborn about 1930
AndersonSteve Jr born about 1932

C Surnames

CollinsIrene Tborn about 1938
CollinsLawrence Tborn about
CollinsStella Lborn about 1910
CollinsTom Hborn about 1909

F Surnames

FeesBetty Annborn about 1928
FeesBlanche born about 1900
FeesCarlos Bborn about 1895
FeesCassius Rborn about 1861
ForresterE Bborn about 1878
ForresterMary Sborn about 1889
ForresterNeva Aborn about 1926

G Surnames

GillpatrickMary Lborn about 1899
GillpatrickSherman born about 1927
GroscostCharles Mborn about 1883
GroscostNora Eborn about 1889

H Surnames

HarveyClarence born about 1919

M Surnames

MoreeClara Bborn about 1874

P Surnames

PeckBetty Mborn about 1926
PeckCarl Lborn about 1932
PeckDarlene Rborn about 1930
PeckDouglas Cborn about 1939
PeckJennie Fborn about 1935
PeckJohn Rborn about 1929
PeckMarie Eborn about 1902
PeckMarjorie Aborn about 1927
PeckMolly Vborn about 1923
PeckRobert Jborn about 1937
PeckWilliam Jborn about 1887
PeckWilliam Jr born about 1934
PrtersonDale Dborn about 1937
PrtersonJune Rborn about 1931
PrtersonLester Vborn about 1921
PrtersonLisa born about 1897
PrtersonTello born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SelbyEvelyn Mborn about 1924
SelbyFrances born about 1937
SelbyHarland born about 1930
SelbyHarry Eborn about 1939
SelbyMary Aborn about 1874
SelbyNettie Aborn about 1904
SelbyOliver Rborn about 1904
SelbyViolet Mborn about 1927

T Surnames

TalleyAllen Rborn about 1934
TalleyClayton Hborn about 1915
TalleyDonald Gborn about 1929
TalleyEvelyn Hborn about 1923
TalleyHarvey Jr born about 1925
TalleyHarvey Sr born about 1889
TalleyIda Mborn about 1889
TalleyMaurice born about 1917
TalleyRobert born about 1920
TalleyRollin born about 1918
TalleyRollin born about 1918
TalleyThelma Mborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VansickelCalvin born about 1925
VansickelGale born about 1927
VansickelKenneth born about 1925
VansickelRoy Aborn about 1895
VansickelRoy A Jrborn about 1924

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