1940 U.S. Federal Census of Buffalo in Harding County, Harding, South Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Dakota > Harding County > 1940 Census of Buffalo in Harding County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AjaFiena born about 1879
AjaKalle born about 1885
AjaNela born about 1923
AjaWalter born about 1909
AlsonAlice born about 1907
AlsonBetty Joeborn about 1931
AlsonJohn born about 1903
AlversonEmily born about 1914
AlversonLeon born about 1911
AlversonLeon Jr born about 1935
AlversonMadona Mborn about 1936
AmesHorton born about 1882
AndersonClarence born about 1921
AndersonFlora born about 1893
AndersonFrancis born about 1923
AndersonGlen born about 1924
AndersonJess born about 1892
AndersonLavonne born about 1923
AndersonLora born about 1930
AndersonLouetta born about 1917
AndersonLydia born about 1861
AndersonOra born about
AndersonRalph born about 1903
AndersonRobert born about 1935
AndersonViola born about 1906

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B Surnames

BagleyAlga born about 1883
BagleyGeo Rborn about 1879
BeckerDonald Lborn about 1916
BeckerLeona Eborn about 1915
BeckerLyle Leroyborn about 1939
BennettAnna Jborn about 1883
BennettDonn born about 1923
BennettH Mborn about 1884
BergeAlaf born about 1906
BergeLinnea born about 1937
BergeMay born about 1913
BergeWanita born about 1940
BerryFrank born about 1878
BlackDorothy born about 1922
BloodLawrence born about 1917
BlumeDelbert born about 1939
BlumeJoan born about 1933
BlumePalma born about 1913
BlumeVincent born about 1937
BlumeWalter born about 1906
BoyerBen born about 1869
BradyChas Lborn about 1885
BradyGenevieve* born about 1895
BrengleElvet born about 1924
BrengleFay born about 1927
BrengleMaude born about 1885
BrengleWilliam Oborn about 1880
BunnelJack born about 1909
BunnelJack Jr born about 1932
BunnelLarry born about 1935
BunnelMargaretx born about 1914
BunnelWilliam born about 1912
BunnellCalvin Aborn about 1859
BurtGladys born about 1936
BurtHenry born about 1927
BurtJack born about 1886
BurtLucile born about 1931
BurtStella born about 1926
BurtViolet born about 1906
BurtWilliam born about 1937

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C Surnames

CalveltA Reidborn about 1939
CalvertAlice born about 1914
CamireCurtis Dborn about 1939
CamireJoe born about 1908
CamireKeith born about 1935
CamireLaura born about 1911
CammeckDonald born about 1920
CammeckLuella born about 1922
CarlsonDarleen born about 1939
CarlsonDonald born about 1939
CarlsonHarlon born about 1932
CarlsonHarold born about 1897
CarlsonKathleen born about 1912
ChaseArthur born about 1919
ChaseMargaret born about 1897
ClarkFrank born about 1872
ClarkFrank Jborn about 1922
ClarkMay??? born about 1885
ClarksonHerbert Wborn about 1876
ColwellInez born about 1929
ColwellLewis born about 1896
ColwellLyda born about 1902
CooperCharles Pborn about 1865
CornellAnna Mborn about 1887
CornellCarl Mborn about 1882
CornellaDelbert born about 1933
CornellaFlorence born about 1898
CornellaRudy Rborn about 1895
CornellaWallace born about 1929
CurlinFred born about 1876
CurlinSylvia born about 1901

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D Surnames

DehlingerDavid born about 1914
DehlingerDavid Jr born about 1935
DehlingerHarry Jborn about 1885
DehlingerRobert born about 1938
DehlingerRuth born about 1915
DenniAlmyra born about 1886
DenzineAmelia born about 1868
DenzineIlene born about 1907
DenzineWilliam born about 1903
DeorteousEva born about 1902
DeorteousGrace born about 1933
DeorteousJack born about 1916
DickinsonH Iborn about 1905
DickinsonMarguerite born about 1909
DickinsonWilliam born about 1936

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E Surnames

EckardAmanda born about 1927
EckardGrace born about 1923
EckardJohn born about 1898
EckardLavina born about 1905
EckardMargaret born about 1929
EckardNina born about 1930
EglandDavid Leeborn about 1936
EglandEster born about 1898
EglandW Oborn about 1885
EllisHarry born about 1911
EnsignJohn born about 1908
EnsignMargaret born about 1911
EscherichLyman Eborn about 1916
EvensonPaul born about 1915

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F Surnames

FaceyAlex born about 1887
FellowsNona Maeborn about 1921
FellowsVelma Eborn about 1919
FellowsVerna Mborn about 1897
FellowsWilliam Vborn about 1894
FlaggArthur Bborn about 1918
FlaggArthur Dborn about 1894
FlaggDama born about 1938
FlaggGertrude born about 1898
FlaggRena born about 1926
FlaggWilma born about 1919
FlathersCarrie born about 1885
FlathersHarry born about 1910
FlathersIrene born about 1912
FlathersVenita born about 1933
FlathersWilbur Cborn about 1882
FlathersWilma born about 1921
FowlerBertha born about 1907
FowlerCharles born about 1930
FowlerEleanor born about 1928
FowlerGeo Rborn about 1882
FowlerHenrietta born about 1892
FowlerLee born about 1935
FowlerMargaret born about 1882
FowlerMarion born about 1926
FowlerPhyllis born about 1931
FredricksonAnna born about 1905
FredricksonCharles born about 1936
FredricksonEmily Annborn about 1940
FredricksonMarvin born about 1905
FredricksonPaul born about 1929
FredricksonRichard born about 1938
FredricksonRuth born about 1935
FritzGladys born about 1910
FritzJoyce born about 1930
FritzMelfred Jborn about 1904
FryCarl born about 1904

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G Surnames

GardnerBilly born about 1926
GardnerW Rborn about 1881
GiannonutteEva born about 1905
GiannonutteGreta Kayborn about 1934
GiannonutteJames born about 1905
GiannonutteKeith born about 1936
GiannonutteRobert born about 1938
GibbsCora born about 1878
GibbsVern born about 1906
GilbertGary born about 1937
GilbertGlady born about 1902
GilbertHarold born about 1903
GlendinningGlen Gborn about 1874
GlendinningInga born about 1887
GlendinningVaney born about 1919
GlendinningVerna born about 1916
GraffAlice born about 1914
GraffDennes born about 1938
GraffLouise born about 1882
GraffMavis born about 1935
GraffTheobald born about 1883
GraffTheodore born about 1910
GrayAleida born about 1914
GrayCarie born about 1890
GrayClara born about 1924
GrayEphriam Hborn about 1898
GrayIra born about 1919
GrayJosephine born about 1939
GrayRamona born about 1937
GrayRichard born about 1915
GrayRose Maryborn about 1931
GriggGlen Eborn about 1932
GriggJohn born about 1867
GriggNorman Eborn about 1933
GriggPaul Eborn about 1929
GriggPearl Mborn about 1909
GullicksonAdelyn born about 1913
GullicksonAmanda born about 1865
GullicksonCilfford Cborn about 1897
GullicksonEleanora born about 1892
GullicksonIda born about 1891
GullicksonNorman born about 1925
GullicksonWaldo born about 1925
GullicksonWanita born about 1921

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H Surnames

HakaEnoch born about 1881
HakaGustava born about 1883
HamaliaBeulah born about 1913
HamaliaGus born about 1905
HamaliaHarold born about 1937
HamaliaKenneth born about 1936
HamaliaLeonard born about 1939
HamaliaLewis born about 1914
HamaliaMuriel born about 1913
HamaliaPaul born about 1934
HannDorothy born about 1922
HannEtta born about 1911
HannMathew Rborn about 1912
HannRussell born about 1916
HansonEarl Cborn about 1913
HansonGeorgia born about 1905
HansonMyrle born about 1903
HansonMyrtle Jr born about 1932
HarvalaSandy born about 1888
HarvalaWesley born about 1922
HaukLester born about 1929
HaukLil born about 1897
HayhurstArlen born about 1934
HayhurstLydia born about 1912
HayhurstMarilyn born about 1935
HayhurstRay born about 1907
HendersonJesse born about 1900
HendersonWilla born about 1925
HendricksonAndrew born about 1878
HendricksonMaria born about 1884
HiedemanLaurin born about 1913
HiedemanMabel born about 1918
HiedemanRichard born about 1938
HillAle born about 1870
HillEdwin born about 1907
HillLamont born about 1938
HillMarilyn born about 1939
HillNeva born about 1917
HolmanFlorence born about 1913
HolmanKarla born about 1939
HolmanPatrick born about 1934
HolmanWilbert born about 1910
HolowkaFrank born about 1889
HolowkaZada born about 1892
HorellAletha born about 1918
HorrellDoris born about 1915
HorrellGale born about 1934
HorrellGene born about 1932
HorrellStanley born about 1910
HorrellWanda Leeborn about 1938
HouseArchie Dborn about 1900
HouseEvelyn born about 1909
HouseJ Maxborn about 1927
HouseLeo Wborn about 1928
HunsuckerAvery born about 1882
HunsuckerClarence born about 1924
HunsuckerEster born about 1927
HunsuckerJohn born about 1923
HunsuckerNora born about 1885

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J Surnames

JohnsonAnne born about 1912
JohnsonE???lia born about 1911
JohnsonNel born about 1886
JohnsonRalph born about 1913
JohnsonWilma born about 1899
JonesHenry born about 1918
JonesJanet born about 1891
JonesJohn Oborn about 1888
JurgensenFaye born about 1903
JurgensenLavina born about 1934
JurgensenLillian born about 1928
JurgensenLoelleta born about 1933
JurgensenLoretta born about 1929
JurgensenWilliam born about 1891

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K Surnames

KerrHelen Vborn about 1919
KiddArlene born about 1926
KiddAudrey born about 1924
KiddEleanor born about 1922
KiddElsie born about 1899
KiddMaynard born about 1921
KiddMyrla born about 1896
KinsleyLynn born about 1876
KlucksdahlOle born about 1884
KlucksdahlOwen born about 1928
KnutsonMyron born about 1895
KruserFredrick born about 1914
KruserJack born about 1940
KruserOrpha born about 1906
KucheraRoman born about 1917

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L Surnames

LahteBlanche born about 1902
LahteEino born about 1895
LahteKenneth born about 1915
LahteLauring born about 1926
LahteLucy Aborn about 1898
LahteMaxine born about 1928
LahteRobert born about 1931
LahteValerie born about 1912
LangFrances born about 1909
LangHarold born about 1905
LangLarry born about 1937
LangLynn Marieborn about 1939
LangermanArthur Rborn about 1904
LangermanFred born about 1888
LangermanReshee born about 1907
LawlerKathryn Annborn about 1916
LedgerMarjorie born about 1920
LemmEvelyn born about 1938
LemmJoe Sborn about 1920
LemmRachel born about 1915
LemmenMary born about 1864
LemmenPeter Nborn about 1862
LermenyLouise born about 1919
LernesRoselle born about 1920
LindholmClarence born about 1924
LindholmElmer born about 1931
LindholmEster born about 1925
LindholmFred born about 1891
LindholmFred Jr born about 1921
LindholmLeroy born about 1927
LindholmMartha born about 1894
LindholmPaul born about 1852
LoberAlpha born about 1926
LoberGene born about 1901
LoberHazel born about 1903
LoberIrene born about 1928
LoberLois Maeborn about 1931
LoberMary born about 1925
LoberMaxine born about 1937
LoberMilton born about 1935
LoftKenneth born about 1900
LoftSadie born about 1874
LownEdith born about 1882
LownJim born about 1880
LuneEmma born about 1886
LuneLloyd born about 1922
LuneNels born about 1880
LyonsBruce born about 1937
LyonsDavid born about 1929
LyonsDean born about 1927
LyonsEster born about 1926
LyonsFrancis born about 1901
LyonsGrace born about 1899
LyonsHarve born about 1903
LyonsKent born about 1939
LyonsLarry born about 1939
LyonsLeana born about 1938
LyonsLeo born about 1903
LyonsLeona born about 1915
LyonsLotis born about 1934
LyonsNouni born about 1924
LyonsPatrick born about 1883
LyonsTimothy born about 1873

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M Surnames

MackGladys born about 1901
MackJames born about 1929
MackWilliam born about 1902
ManeyCharles Hborn about 1901
ManeyEleanor born about 1891
ManeyGordon born about 1929
ManeyJames born about 1918
ManeyLavonne born about 1931
ManeyLily born about 1912
ManeyLyle born about 1922
ManeyRichard born about 1937
ManeyRoy born about 1919
MatsonCharles born about 1928
MatsonKate born about 1865
MatsonLaura born about 1909
MatsonRamona born about 1931
MatsonSandy born about 1897
MatterDonald born about 1926
MatterHallie born about 1899
MatterHarold born about 1896
MatterHarry born about 1923
MatterWilliam born about 1929
McFarlingBetty Jborn about 1931
McFarlingCharles born about 1903
McFarlingDona Maeborn about 1935
McFarlingJames born about 1933
McFarlingMargaret born about 1934
McFarlingMildred born about 1908
McFarlingShirley Annborn about 1938
McMahonG Dborn about 1892
McMahonJoan born about 1936
McMahonMargaret born about 1899
McMahonRita Jeanborn about 1926
McPharlenAnna born about 1880
McPharlenClement born about 1919
McPharlenClyde born about 1913
McPharlenHarold born about 1912
McPharlenTom born about 1875
MitchellAgne born about 1905
MitchellRebecca Annborn about 1860
MoeAle born about 1867
MortAlma born about 1906
MortElaine born about 1924
MortErle born about 1923
MortRaymond born about 1902
MurphyMary born about 1920

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N Surnames

NegaardAgnes born about 1917
NegaardClarence born about 1907
NegaardIrene born about 1910
NegaardNorman born about 1937
NegaardStanley born about 1935
Nelson born about 1899
NeuhauserRobert born about 1918
NortonAmbert born about 1925
NortonHarry born about 1889
NortonMargaret born about 1922
NortonMarion born about 1915
NortonMary born about 1901
NortonRuthanne born about 1937
NortonVerna born about 1927

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O Surnames

OrthDarrell born about 1935
OrthMildred born about 1910
OrthSherrill born about 1938
OrthTheodore born about 1907

P Surnames

ParfreyEdward born about 1914
PaulsonAlice born about 1916
PaulsonFred born about 1915
PayneAndrew born about 1889
PayneAnna born about 1891
PetersonAlbert born about 1874
PetersonLena Lborn about 1877
PughElizabeth born about 1870
PughHumphrey born about 1875

Q Surnames

QuinnMabel born about 1910

R Surnames

RasmusAlbert born about 1918
RasmusIda born about 1920
RitchieAnna Marieborn about 1879
RitchieArthur born about 1884
RitchieBetty born about 1926
RitchieDorothy born about 1932
RitchieEva born about 1937
RitchieHerbert born about 1893
RitchieMarion born about 1929
RitchieMartha born about 1904
RitchieRoberta born about 1924
RobertsAdeline born about 1928
RobertsAlice born about 1906
RobertsCharles born about 1925
RobertsFred born about 1876
RobertsJohn born about 1927
RobertsJoseph born about 1939
RobinsFoster born about 1913
RobinsHelen born about 1924
RobinsIone born about 1901
RobinsRayford Lborn about 1901
RobinsRayford Leeborn about 1927
RobinsRena born about 1888
RobinsRobin born about 1937
RobinsRoy born about 1911
RouseStella born about 1880
RufsvoldArdi born about 1932
RufsvoldJohn born about 1897
RufsvoldLina born about 1930
RufsvoldNorma born about 1895

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S Surnames

SacrisonAxel born about 1900
SacrisonHille born about 1935
SacrisonIrene born about 1913
SacrisonLouise born about 1910
SamsonHans Jaborn about 1936
SamsonJack born about 1927
SamsonLucile born about 1895
SamsonRobert born about 1869
SamsonWilliam born about 1931
SarslandRuth born about 1905
SaylorGideon born about 1912
SaylorHelen born about 1939
SaylorMina born about 1916
SchjodtLawrence born about 1912
SchnellBilly born about 1939
SchnellGene born about 1911
SchnellWilma born about 1914
SenftnerLillie born about 1921
SeppalaDale born about 1933
SeppalaEdwin Wborn about 1910
SeppalaHarold born about 1905
SeppalaIda born about 1908
SeppalaIla born about 1931
SimmonsGeorge born about 1902
SnoozyGlady born about 1916
SnoozyNeil born about 1908
SnoozyPhyllis born about 1938
SoterinJoseph born about 1868
SpencerJohn born about 1893
SpillerHolden born about 1903
SpillerInez born about 1906
SpillerMarlene born about 1932
SpillerPhylli born about 1937
StandardCarie born about 1904
StandardGwendolyn born about 1925
StandardMonty born about 1928
StandardOsmund born about 1891
StensethAudrey born about 1916
StensethBert born about 1910
StensethCarroll Kborn about 1936
StensethHazel born about 1895
StensethJake born about 1896
StroolBeryl Mborn about 1911
StroolGenevieve born about 1909
SturdevantJack Nborn about 1911
SturdevantMadge born about 1914
SuseeJoseph Hborn about 1870
SuseePhilemeen born about 1868
SwansonArthur born about 1930
SwansonCarol born about 1926
SwansonCurtis born about 1929
SwansonEarl Dborn about 1921
SwansonHarriet born about 1898
SwansonKeith born about 1917
SwansonMargaret born about 1924
SwansonRuth born about 1920
SwansonTom born about 1895
SwansonWille born about 1927
SwartzSharon Delborn about 1937
SwartzSolveig born about 1908
SwartzVictor born about 1901

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T Surnames

TempleDorothy born about 1920
TraveraThomas born about 1902
TrombleyElmer Aborn about 1890
TrumanBetty Zoeborn about 1938
TrumanMargaret born about 1914
TrumanMaurice born about 1914

V Surnames

VahlgrenEarnest born about 1928
VahlgrenElise born about 1880
VahlgrenMartha born about 1923
VahlgrenVernon born about 1930
VanhornFrank born about 1876
VanhornTherina born about 1878
VigorenGene born about 1936
VigorenLa Verne born about 1932
VigorenLeonard born about 1907
VigorenMarlene born about 1935
VigorenMildred born about 1912
VigorenVenoy born about 1938
VogelEmil born about 1864

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W Surnames

WaersWinnie born about 1908
WalchJacob born about 1886
WarnMary born about 1864
WarnerArbie born about 1908
WarnerDarline born about 1934
WarnerEllen Cborn about 1924
WarnerElva born about 1903
WarnerFrank born about 1890
WarnerGladys born about 1913
WarnerOpal born about 1922
WarnerVerona Verborn about
WarnesDale born about 1927
WarnesMary born about 1884
WeightBrid Eborn about 1878
WhitneyClaton born about 1933
WhitneyMargaret born about 1893
WickReuben born about 1914
WickstromAlma born about 1884
WickstromAlma born about 1918
WickstromEdward born about 1877
WickstromGus born about 1927
WickstromRaymond born about 1929
WickstromVictor born about 1925
WickstromWilliam born about 1932
WilsonAnna Mborn about 1892
WilsonFred born about 1875
WilsonHarriett born about 1878
WilsonRuth born about 1925
WilsonWilliam born about 1923

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Z Surnames

ZoldeCharley born about 1878

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