1940 U.S. Federal Census of Genesee, Roberts, South Dakota
Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com
USA > South Dakota > Roberts County > 1940 Census of Genesee
A Surnames
Aschwege | Alma | born about 1908 |
Aschwege | Anna | born about 1888 |
Aschwege | Dietrich | born about 1907 |
Aschwege | Dora | born about 1914 |
Aschwege | Gerhard | born about 1882 |
Aschwege | Herbert | born about 1913 |
Aschwege | John D | born about 1880 |
Aschwege | Marie | born about 1882 |
Aschwege | Mildred | born about 1913 |
Aschwege | Walter | born about 1917 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
B Surnames
Bear | Albert A | born about 1899 |
Bear | Alys | born about 1903 |
Bear | Audrey | born about 1927 |
Bear | August | born about 1870 |
Bear | Frank | born about 1915 |
Bear | Gerald E | born about 1939 |
Bear | Gertrud | born about 1916 |
Bear | Harold J | born about 1919 |
Bear | Iva M | born about 1888 |
Bear | Janice | born about 1928 |
Bear | Lee | born about 1936 |
Bear | Owen | born about 1932 |
Bear | W Kenneth | born about 1917 |
Bear | William M | born about 1882 |
Behagg | Bonnie | born about 1932 |
Behagg | Forish | born about 1918 |
Behagg | Gerald | born about 1928 |
Behagg | Pauline | born about 1900 |
Behagg | William | born about 1883 |
Bleeker | Katheryn | born about 1919 |
Block | Antone | born about 1880 |
Block | Emma | born about 1886 |
Block | Enoch | born about 1871 |
Block | Gladys | born about 1925 |
Block | Rudolph | born about 1916 |
Bohlen | Alvin | born about 1939 |
Bohlen | Annette | born about 1924 |
Bohlen | Doris | born about 1906 |
Bohlen | Edna | born about 1932 |
Bohlen | Elsie | born about 1925 |
Bohlen | Evelyn | born about 1936 |
Bohlen | Ewen | born about 1936 |
Bohlen | George | born about 1899 |
Bohlen | Luella | born about 1930 |
Buck | A E | born about 1873 |
Buck | Carol | born about 1936 |
Buck | Delton | born about 1922 |
Buck | Esther | born about 1928 |
Buck | Loren | born about 1931 |
Buck | Marie | born about 1898 |
Buck | Ruby | born about 1924 |
Buck | Wesley L | born about 1892 |
Buttke | Henry | born about 1866 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
C Surnames
Carston | Andrew O | born about 1882 |
Carston | Ellen | born about 1887 |
Carston | Etta May | born about 1925 |
Carston | Katherine | born about 1927 |
Carston | Lucille | born about 1921 |
Carston | Olet | born about 1914 |
Carston | Tom | born about 1927 |
Cloos | Allen | born about 1899 |
Cloos | Bessie | born about 1905 |
Cloos | Eugene | born about 1935 |
Cloos | Gerald | born about 1927 |
Cloos | John | born about 1929 |
Connelly | Emma | born about 1898 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
D Surnames
Dansambuk | Ella | born about 1919 |
Dansambuk | Francis | born about 1928 |
Dansambuk | Henry | born about 1920 |
Dansambuk | John | born about 1926 |
Dansambuk | Rosella | born about 1932 |
Dansambuk | Sophia | born about 1889 |
Davis | Anne P | born about 1874 |
Davis | Edwin D | born about 1876 |
Dittes | Donald | born about 1938 |
Dittes | Emma | born about 1896 |
Dittes | John B | born about 1897 |
Dittes | Shirley | born about 1933 |
Dittes | Virgil | born about 1929 |
Dohrer | Delton | born about 1939 |
Dohrer | Fred A | born about 1903 |
Dohrer | Hattie | born about 1906 |
Dohrer | Lauren | born about 1929 |
Dohrer | Phyllis | born about 1932 |
Dohrer | Vincent | born about 1936 |
Ducker | Hazel | born about 1906 |
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F Surnames
Febuary | Billy J | born about 1937 |
Febuary | Edith M | born about 1902 |
Febuary | John L | born about 1901 |
Folk | Albert | born about 1927 |
Folk | Barbara | born about 1908 |
Folk | Betty Joye | born about 1937 |
Folk | Carol A | born about 1937 |
Folk | Charles | born about 1939 |
Folk | Edward | born about 1928 |
Folk | Elnora | born about 1923 |
Folk | Florence | born about 1929 |
Folk | Frank G | born about 1911 |
Folk | George | born about 1929 |
Folk | Gerald | born about 1938 |
Folk | Helen | born about 1925 |
Folk | Janet | born about 1931 |
Folk | John | born about 1914 |
Folk | Joseph | born about 1908 |
Folk | Joseph | born about 1921 |
Folk | Katheryn | born about 1903 |
Folk | Larraine M | born about 1912 |
Folk | Leo | born about 1930 |
Folk | Leonard | born about 1939 |
Folk | Lorraine | born about 1926 |
Folk | Louise | born about 1914 |
Folk | Lucille | born about 1939 |
Folk | Mary Jane | born about 1933 |
Folk | Mildred | born about 1916 |
Folk | Paul | born about 1925 |
Folk | Phillip | born about 1898 |
Folk | Robert | born about 1932 |
Folk | Roger | born about 1939 |
Folk | Rose Marie | born about 1934 |
Folk | Rossella | born about 1935 |
Folk | Stephen | born about 1902 |
Folk | Tressa | born about 1936 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
G Surnames
Gerdes | Anna | born about 1881 |
Gerdes | Donald | born about 1923 |
Gerdes | Harold | born about 1912 |
Gerdes | John G H | born about 1876 |
Giessinger | Alfred | born about 1927 |
Giessinger | Arthur | born about 1926 |
Giessinger | Barbara | born about 1898 |
Giessinger | Christina | born about 1929 |
Giessinger | Eva | born about 1926 |
Giessinger | Ignatius | born about 1924 |
Giessinger | Ignatz | born about 1883 |
Giessinger | James | born about 1922 |
Giessinger | John | born about 1887 |
Giessinger | Margaret | born about 1938 |
Giessinger | Peter | born about 1920 |
Giessinger | Phillip | born about 1922 |
Giessinger | Ronald | born about 1934 |
Giessinger | Thersea | born about 1886 |
Giessinger | Willie | born about 1920 |
Gommer | Albert | born about 1905 |
Gommer | Altina | born about 1913 |
Gommer | Charles | born about 1936 |
Gommer | Ruth | born about 1935 |
Gronewold | Edward B | born about 1895 |
Gronewold | Lydia S | born about 1891 |
Gruse | Albert | born about 1886 |
Gruse | Barbara | born about 1862 |
Gruse | Edward | born about 1884 |
Gruse | Henry | born about 1889 |
Gruse | Roberts | born about 1881 |
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H Surnames
Harms | Arlene | born about 1930 |
Harms | Elmer | born about 1924 |
Harms | Harvey | born about 1927 |
Harms | Ibeling | born about 1900 |
Harms | Marlyn | born about 1932 |
Harms | Mary | born about 1904 |
Harms | Sylvia | born about 1936 |
Heilman | Bernice | born about 1925 |
Heilman | Donald | born about 1932 |
Heilman | Dorene | born about 1922 |
Heilman | Frances | born about 1927 |
Heilman | Frank | born about 1899 |
Heilman | Gladys | born about 1902 |
Heilman | Lucille | born about 1935 |
Henze | Anna | born about 1914 |
Henze | Arbutus | born about 1930 |
Henze | David | born about 1939 |
Henze | Harold I | born about 1910 |
Henze | Orland | born about 1932 |
Henze | Richard | born about 1934 |
Hoekman | Herman | born about 1885 |
Hoekman | Katheryn | born about 1889 |
Hoekman | Maynard | born about 1924 |
Hoffart | Frances | born about 1882 |
Hoffart | Frank | born about 1924 |
Hoffart | Joseph | born about 1883 |
Hoffart | Ruth | born about 1922 |
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J Surnames
James | August J | born about 1891 |
Janssen | Christina | born about 1924 |
Janssen | Dorothy | born about 1936 |
Janssen | Edward | born about 1931 |
Janssen | George | born about 1922 |
Janssen | Jerry | born about 1892 |
Janssen | Jurena | born about 1901 |
Janssen | Norbert | born about 1926 |
Johnsen | Alma M | born about 1911 |
Johnson | Arthur | born about 1887 |
Johnson | Arthur Jr | born about 1916 |
Johnson | Christella | born about 1920 |
Johnson | Gene | born about 1939 |
Johnson | Hans C | born about 1863 |
Johnson | Hans P | born about 1898 |
Johnson | Hilma | born about 1880 |
Johnson | John J | born about 1897 |
Johnson | Lauritz | born about 1913 |
Johnson | Phyllis | born about 1918 |
Johnson | Rose | born about 1903 |
Joneshelt | Elizabeth | born about 1908 |
Joneshelt | William | born about 1893 |
Jurgens | Roland | born about 1919 |
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K Surnames
Keyke | Edward | born about 1917 |
Kozak | Henry | born about 1875 |
L Surnames
Larsen | Alvilda | born about 1865 |
Larsen | George | born about 1905 |
Larsen | Harvey | born about 1917 |
Larsen | Matilda | born about 1893 |
Licht | Jake M | born about 1876 |
M Surnames
Manson | Delila | born about 1917 |
Manson | Maynord | born about 1913 |
McNiff | James N | born about 1879 |
McNiff | Katie | born about 1886 |
Minder | Carl | born about 1897 |
Minder | Delton | born about 1927 |
Minder | Elisa | born about 1861 |
Minder | Fred | born about 1894 |
Minder | John R | born about 1892 |
Minder | Kenneth | born about 1931 |
Minder | Martha | born about 1895 |
Minder | Milton | born about 1927 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
N Surnames
Nelson | Anna | born about 1872 |
Nelson | Charles L | born about 1871 |
Nelson | Dorothy | born about 1939 |
Nelson | Florence | born about 1904 |
Nelson | Nick E | born about 1885 |
Nelson | Robert | born about 1935 |
Nelson | Salmer | born about 1892 |
Nielssen | William | born about 1922 |
O Surnames
Otto | Alma | born about 1882 |
Otto | Irene | born about 1916 |
Otto | Peter | born about 1883 |
Otto | Ralph | born about 1916 |
Owade | Caroline | born about 1926 |
Owade | Hannah | born about 1889 |
Owade | Robert | born about 1921 |
Owade | William L | born about 1888 |
P Surnames
Peer | Beverly | born about 1926 |
Peer | Manly J | born about 1900 |
Peer | Shirley | born about 1929 |
Peer | Stanley | born about 1927 |
Peer | Thelma | born about 1908 |
Poppen | Edward | born about 1921 |
Poppen | Emma | born about 1918 |
Poppen | Herman | born about 1915 |
Poppen | Rose | born about 1924 |
Prisinger | Annie | born about 1881 |
Prisinger | Annie | born about 1901 |
Prisinger | Delores | born about 1930 |
Prisinger | Gerome J | born about 1893 |
Prisinger | Janet | born about 1927 |
Prisinger | Paul | born about 1882 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
Q Surnames
Quade | Donald | born about 1936 |
Quade | Ella | born about 1910 |
Quade | Howard | born about 1938 |
Quade | Reuben E | born about 1911 |
R Surnames
Reemts | Ada | born about 1892 |
Reemts | Evelyn | born about 1926 |
Reemts | Herman | born about 1896 |
Reil | Alvin | born about 1934 |
Reil | Hazel | born about 1897 |
Reil | Helen | born about 1937 |
Reil | James | born about 1928 |
Reil | John D | born about 1893 |
Reil | Laverne | born about 1932 |
Reil | Lidy | born about 1899 |
Reil | Reuben | born about 1927 |
Reil | Roland | born about 1925 |
Reil | Ronald | born about 1927 |
Reil | Thelma | born about 1923 |
Reil | William C | born about 1899 |
Reil | William Jr | born about 1939 |
Rethke | Anna | born about 1890 |
Rethke | Eugene | born about 1890 |
Rethke | Laverne | born about 1917 |
Rohlfs | Alice | born about 1923 |
Rohlfs | Alvin | born about 1928 |
Rohlfs | John E | born about 1893 |
Rohlfs | Junior | born about 1925 |
Rohlfs | Mabel | born about 1902 |
Rohlfs | Roger | born about 1935 |
Ruisinger | Anna | born about 1898 |
Ruisinger | Anna May | born about 1928 |
Ruisinger | Antone | born about 1888 |
Ruisinger | Marjorie | born about 1926 |
Ruisinger | Martha | born about 1923 |
Ruisinger | Paul Leo | born about 1932 |
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S Surnames
Sander | Dellie M | born about 1879 |
Sander | Esther M | born about 1925 |
Scheffer | Earl | born about 1934 |
Scheffer | Harold | born about 1911 |
Scheffer | Hilda | born about 1910 |
Scheffer | Marland | born about 1937 |
Schliesman | Ida | born about 1913 |
Schliesman | Leonard | born about 1911 |
Schraeder | Henry D | born about 1872 |
Schraeder | Irwin | born about 1916 |
Schraeder | Sena | born about 1886 |
Schuler | Edward | born about 1904 |
Schuler | Gertrude | born about 1877 |
Schuler | Lillian | born about 1906 |
Schuler | Louis F | born about 1877 |
Schumacher | Carol | born about 1923 |
Schumacher | Elvin | born about 1916 |
Schwandt | Esther | born about 1906 |
Siebel | Emma | born about 1894 |
Siebel | Frank O | born about 1892 |
Spink | Lillian | born about 1900 |
Spink | Richard | born about 1898 |
Sprung | Arlene | born about 1926 |
Sprung | Fred | born about 1901 |
Sprung | Gene | born about 1934 |
Sprung | Swanetta | born about 1903 |
Steege | Alice M | born about 1916 |
Steege | Camillus | born about 1930 |
Steege | Dorothy | born about 1926 |
Steege | Duane W | born about 1940 |
Steege | Fannie | born about 1893 |
Steege | Loren | born about 1936 |
Steege | Sophie | born about 1922 |
Steege | Willard J | born about 1917 |
Steege | William | born about 1886 |
Steltz | Edward | born about 1885 |
Steltz | Frances | born about 1890 |
Steltz | Jacob | born about 1869 |
Stemple | Arthur | born about 1882 |
Stemple | Margaret | born about 1884 |
Stetz | Edward J | born about 1934 |
Stetz | Ella M | born about 1931 |
Stetz | Henry | born about 1903 |
Stetz | Irene | born about 1905 |
Stetz | James R | born about 1929 |
Stetz | Laura M | born about 1930 |
Stetz | Rose M | born about 1937 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
T Surnames
Teasley | Verlin | born about 1918 |
Teitjen | Evelyn | born about 1926 |
Teitjen | Gordon | born about 1923 |
Teitjen | Joann | born about 1931 |
Teitjen | Mabel | born about 1900 |
Teitjen | Merlin | born about 1918 |
Teitjen | William | born about 1890 |
Thyne | James | born about 1932 |
Thyne | John D | born about 1911 |
Thyne | John J | born about 1884 |
Thyne | Mary C | born about 1895 |
Thyne | Mary Catherin | born about 1926 |
Thyne | Patricia | born about 1931 |
Thyne | Robert | born about 1934 |
Tillman | Bertha | born about 1923 |
Tillman | Eunice | born about 1924 |
Tillman | Johanna | born about 1886 |
Tillman | John J | born about 1879 |
Tillman | Norbert | born about 1928 |
Tillman | Phyllis | born about 1926 |
Tillman | Vincent R | born about 1916 |
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U Surnames
Unzicker | Merle | born about 1915 |
V Surnames
Vandeest | Ben | born about 1909 |
Vandeest | Louis | born about 1905 |
Vandeest | Maggie | born about 1872 |
Vandeest | Ralph | born about 1866 |
Vandereyk | William | born about 1913 |
Vanhoork | Gretchen | born about 1880 |
Vanhoork | Rachel | born about 1923 |
Vanhoork | Siebe | born about 1918 |
Vanhoorn | Albert | born about 1921 |
Vanhoorn | Dick Sr | born about 1864 |
Vanhoorn | Fred D | born about 1886 |
Vanhoorn | Harm C | born about 1891 |
Vanhoorn | Theodore | born about 1904 |
Vos | Issac O | born about 1875 |
Vos | Jennie M | born about 1882 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
W Surnames
Wartenbee | Ailene | born about 1915 |
Wartenbee | Howard | born about 1911 |
Wartenbee | Russell J | born about 1936 |
Webber | Clement | born about 1922 |
Webber | Francis | born about 1920 |
Webber | Gregory | born about 1928 |
Webber | Joseph | born about 1892 |
Webber | Marie | born about 1891 |
Weedon | Melvin | born about 1915 |
Weedon | Ruth | born about 1919 |
Wegener | Faythe | born about 1919 |
Wegener | Virgel | born about 1908 |
Wiese | Flora | born about 1913 |
Wiese | George | born about 1913 |
Willett | Ethel | born about 1918 |
Willett | Marilyn | born about 1939 |
Willett | Merrill | born about 1916 |
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Y Surnames
Yann | Harvey | born about 1913 |
Z Surnames
Zeigler | Clara | born about 1907 |
Zeigler | Clayton T | born about 1910 |
Zeigler | Glen R | born about 1937 |
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