1940 U.S. Federal Census of Scenic, Pennington, South Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Dakota > Pennington County > 1940 Census of Scenic

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesM Surnames

A Surnames

AlsonMary Bborn about 1880
AlsonNelius Jborn about 1883
ArathHannah born about 1883

B Surnames

BallLewis Wborn about 1906
BandyLered born about 1892
BellBert born about 1889
BessetteEmert Eborn about 1924
BessetteJones Lborn about 1895
BessetteLeona Vborn about 1938
BessetteMary Mborn about 1929
BessetteVictoria born about 1901
BessetteVirginia Tborn about 1926
BessetteWalter Tborn about 1920
BrionJohn Hborn about 1879
Brost??? born about 1868
BrostArther Fborn about 1910
BrostEmma Mborn about 1881

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C Surnames

CorderJohn Bborn about 1886
CorderSusie Eborn about 1885
CulpArdis Mborn about 1919

D Surnames

DlsonJesse Lborn about 1893
DlsonLeila Mborn about 1901
DlsonTena Lborn about 1861
DlsonThelma Gborn about 1927

E Surnames

EdwardsAlice Eborn about 1902
EdwardsEmma born about 1896
EdwardsEvan Pborn about 1923
EdwardsJohn Pborn about 1930
EdwardsMary Jborn about 1921
EdwardsRobert Sborn about 1927

F Surnames

FremelWesley born about 1879

G Surnames

GannanMary Jborn about 1920
GramitaRuth born about 1919

H Surnames

HabinckMary Eborn about 1875
HabinckWilliam Mborn about 1874
HanifanClara born about 1891
HanifanComelins Rborn about 1885
HanifanHerold Bborn about 1911

J Surnames

JanischClarence Mborn about 1900
JanischDurward Eborn about 1927
JanischGoldie Bborn about 1908
JanischLewis Lborn about 1929
JanischMarko Eborn about 1932
JensenAbbert Cborn about 1895
JensenAlbert Jborn about 1922
JensenLerandes Mborn about 1926
JensenViolet Mborn about 1904
JurichDakota Bborn about 1906
JurichErnest Tborn about 1901
JurichJoyce Amborn about 1930
JurichRobert Eborn about 1933

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K Surnames

KarevoldClayton Hborn about 1908
KarevoldMabel Abborn about 1909

L Surnames

LandenrlagerBernard Jborn about 1924
LandenrlagerEdna Gborn about 1906
LandenrlagerGeorge born about 1895
LandenrlagerWallace Gborn about 1926
LarsenEdith Lborn about 1889
LarsenRoland Rborn about 1886
LevyAnna Bborn about 1883
LevyAvis Mborn about 1924
LevyEldon Gborn about 1922
LevyLindley Vborn about 1915
LevyWilliam Hborn about 1876
LewisFrances Pborn about 1896
LewisJerald Vborn about 1929
LewisJoan Cborn about 1927
LewisJoel Ivanborn about 1923
LewisJude Eborn about 1933
LewisRalph born about 1902
LewisReterer* Fborn about 1893
LownsberryDellvin Eborn about 1889

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M Surnames

MallbyPatricia Fborn about 1864
MekeyAlta Lborn about 1875
MekeyJohn Wborn about 1870
MulloyKatherine born about 1861

P Surnames

PadgttHarvey born about 1883
PattonAne Mborn about 1906
PattonMarjorie Aborn about 1937
PattonMary Lborn about 1939
PattonTurner Aborn about 1906

R Surnames

RosseBrvnnie Nborn about 1919
RosseDeloris born about 1927
RosseRose Rborn about 1896
RosseRoy Dborn about 1896

S Surnames

SchultsSamuel born about 1913
ShellitoAlex Hborn about 1906
SlellitoMinnie Aborn about 1869
StricherUlirich born about 1906
StromBlanch born about 1909
StromHilda Jborn about 1886
StromPeter Fborn about 1879
StromRuth Eborn about 1923

T Surnames

TonerCarl Bborn about 1913

W Surnames

WadsworthBabert Eborn about 1925
WadsworthJulia Aborn about 1893
WadsworthRobert Wborn about 1886
WalmonenAnnile Eborn about 1880
WalmonenTennis Hborn about 1876
WelchJames Lborn about 1928
WelchLimmatsy Pborn about 1900
WelchMarvin Eborn about 1930
WelchMildred Iborn about 1924
WelchMyrtle Lborn about 1906
WhiteDurale Wborn about 1928
WhiteDwight Eborn about 1932
WhiteElenor Jborn about 1926
WhiteEllen Cborn about 1893
WhiteIna Jborn about 1930
WhiteMary Pborn about 1936
WhiteMulloy Katheran Fborn about 1929
WhiteRalph A Wborn about 1929
WhiteRobert Mborn about 1920
WhiteRoberta Mborn about 1927
WhiteRose Fborn about 1924
WhiteSwsen Aborn about 1887
WhiteWard Cborn about 1933
WhiteWard Wborn about 1887
WhiteWayne Aborn about 1888
WilliamsFrank Lborn about 1879
WilliamsIda Marieborn about 1924
WilliamsMyrtle Aborn about 1884
WilliamsViolet Eborn about 1926

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