1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Meade County, Meade, South Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Dakota > Meade County > 1940 Census of Union in Meade County

B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames H Surnames K Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BradleyElizabeth born about 1899
BradleyMary Ellenborn about 1935
BradleyMatt born about 1893
BradleySharon born about 1938
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1875
BrunsonDelia born about 1883
BrunsonEarl born about 1932
BrunsonEdgar born about 1881
BrunsonEileen born about 1932
BrunsonJohn born about 1908
BrunsonJohn Edgarborn about 1936
BrunsonMartha born about 1904
BrunsonMrs Harry born about 1911
BurdittCloyd Eborn about 1890
BurdittLoy born about 1920
BurdittNeva born about 1889

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C Surnames

ClinchJohn born about 1887
ClinchWilla born about 1905

E Surnames

EllefsonAlma born about 1883
EllefsonJohn Wborn about 1886
EllefsonMildred born about 1928
EllefsonVictor born about 1919
EllefsonWilliam born about 1922

H Surnames

HowieAddie Boydborn about 1921
HowieAlice Leeborn about 1925
HowieErvin born about 1917
HowieJohn Wborn about 1879
HowieMallie born about 1897
HowieRay Rborn about 1893

K Surnames

KilnessBethel born about 1926
KilnessHarold born about 1931
KilnessHelen born about 1922
KilnessJosephine born about 1886
KilnessKenneth born about 1917
KilnessMilton born about 1912
KilnessPhilip Gborn about 1881
KingBetsy Annborn about 1937
KingDee born about 1934
KingDonn born about 1933
KingElmer born about 1905
KingHenry Lborn about 1903
KingIsabell born about 1908
KingMargaret born about 1939
KingMarguerite born about 1905
KovarikAgnes Lborn about 1874
KovarikAnton Lborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SimonsAda born about 1906
SimonsClara born about 1932
SimonsFreda born about 1929
SimonsGladys born about 1939
SimonsOrry born about 1918
SimonsSam born about 1903
SimonsVern born about 1928
SimonsWalter born about 1931
SimonsWayne born about 1934
StarkLouis born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThompsonEdwin born about 1879
ThompsonMary Eborn about 1886
ThompsonRobert Mborn about 1877

W Surnames

WeyerMerle born about 1917
WilsonAndy Mborn about 1878
WilsonBruce Aborn about 1913
WilsonFrances born about 1914
WilsonJessie Bborn about 1881

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