Harriman Genealogy (in Roane County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Roane County (562) > Harriman (50)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Harriman are also found through the Roane County and Tennessee pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Harriman Cemetery Records

Barnett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Branam Cemetery Find a Grave online

Branam Cemetery Billion Graves online

Branam Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Cla Gap Cemetery Find a Grave online

Crow-Ballew Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dry Hill Cemetery Billion Graves online

Dry Hill Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Dyllis Cemetery Billion Graves online

Emory Heights Cemetery Find a Grave online

Emory Heights Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Gamble Cemetery Find a Grave online

Goss Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harriman Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harriman Cemetery Billion Graves online

Harriman Cemetery (Old) Find a Grave online

Locations of Roane County cemeteries : plus tombstone readings of Harriman Cemetery and Willard Park Cemetery in Harriman, Tennessee FamilySearch Library

Locations of Roane County cemeteries, plus tombstone readings of Harriman Cemetery and Willard Park Cemetery in Harriman, Tennessee WorldCat

Mossy Grove Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Calvary Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Margrave Cemetery Find a Grave online

Willard Park Cemetery Find a Grave online

Willard Park Cemetery Billion Graves online

Harriman Church Records

Church records (microform) 1907-1985, South Harriman Baptist Church (Harriman, Tenn.). Archive Grid

The First Presbyterian Church, Harriman, Tennessee, 1891-1991 FamilySearch Library

Harriman Death Records

Kyker Funeral Home of Harriman, Tennessee death index, 1938-December 31, 2004. WorldCat

Maxwell Funeral Home : Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee 1926-1979 FamilySearch Library

Maxwell Funeral Home records : Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, 1926-1979 WorldCat

Harriman Histories and Genealogies

Harriman, the town that temperance built FamilySearch Library

Harriman Map Records

Harriman 1892 Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works online

Harriman 1892 Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Harriman, 1892 Bird's Eye View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Map of Harriman, Tenn. 1892. Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, 1901 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, 1906 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, 1913 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, June 1891 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Harriman, Roane County, Tennessee, November 1895 Library of Congress online

Harriman Newspapers and Obituaries

Harriman record (Tennessee) 1959-1960 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Harriman

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Citizen. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1903-1900s

County-Wide News-Record. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1980-1983

Harriman Daily Advance. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1890-1900

Harriman Observer. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1900s-1900s

Harriman Record. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1900-1972

Harriman Record. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1980-Current

Harriman Weekly Advance. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1891-1900

Today's News-Record. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1978-1980

Today's News. (Harriman, Tenn.) 1971-1978

Harriman School Records

Harriman High School - Arrow Yearbook (Harriman, TN), 1930, 1933, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 E Yearbook online

Harriman High School yearbook, 1930, 1933, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1963, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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