Parrottsville Genealogy (in Cocke County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Cocke County (620) > Parrottsville (20)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Parrottsville are also found through the Cocke County and Tennessee pages.

Parrottsville Cemetery Records

Blazer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cooper Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Faubion Cemetery (African-American) Find a Grave online

Faubion Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harneds Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Ellison Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Harned Cemetery Find a Grave online

Parrottsville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Parrottsville Memorial Church and Cemetery Find a Grave online

Peters Parks Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Record of Oven Creek Methodist Church Cemetery, Parrottsville, Tennessee, Riverview Circuit : founded between 1814-1820, May 25, 1842 WorldCat

Robert Smith Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smyth Byrd Cemetery Find a Grave online

William Faubion Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Yett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Yett-Parrott Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Parrottsville Church Records

Record of Oven Creek Methodist Church Cemetery, Parrottsville, Tennessee, Riverview Circuit : founded between 1814-1820, May 25, 1842 WorldCat

Parrottsville Histories and Genealogies

Beneath the oaks at the foot of Meadow Creek Mountain, Oak Hill, Parrottsville, TN FamilySearch Library

Parrottsville School Records

Parrottsville High School : PHS class of 1973, 1961 to 1973 FamilySearch Library

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