1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dodsonville, Collingsworth, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Collingsworth County > 1940 Census of Dodsonville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderBetty Jborn about 1929
AlexanderEllen Tborn about 1904
AlexanderEmory Cborn about 1893
AlexanderFreddie Jborn about 1936
AlexanderRuel Wborn about 1926
AllenJack Wborn about 1925
AllenJohn Aborn about 1909
AllenMargaret Eborn about 1888
AllenMary Aborn about 1914
AllenNorman Rborn about 1934
AllenOrvile Wborn about 1911
AllenZina Uborn about 1888

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B Surnames

BairdJacqueline born about 1926
BairdJake born about 1888
BairdJohn Hborn about 1905
BairdJohnny Lborn about 1937
BairdJuanita born about 1923
BairdKenneth Wborn about 1931
BairdOla born about 1896
BairdOpal Mborn about 1907
BairdPaul born about 1921
BairdSarah Cborn about 1886
BairdSarah Fborn about 1940
BairdShirley Lborn about 1934
BairdVerna Mborn about 1929
BairdVernon Hborn about 1925
BairdWarren Cborn about 1883
BakerMargaret Cborn about 1875
BassOgie Lborn about 1891
BattsRuby Cborn about 1892
BiggsBennie Sborn about 1932
BirchfieldEdna Cborn about 1909
BirchfieldFae Hborn about 1868
BirchfieldJoan Mborn about 1932
BirchfieldJoe Hborn about 1909
BirchfieldLara Fborn about 1879
BirchfieldMary Nborn about 1937
BirchfieldPaul born about 1918
BirchfieldThomas Hborn about 1917
BirchfieldVesper Nborn about 1920
BoAlena Tborn about 1918
BoYuonne Mborn about 1939
BodenhammerWalter born about 1873
BogleBenjamin Eborn about 1901
BogleDella Lborn about 1908
BonneauCharis Lborn about 1929
BonneauEdwin Vborn about 1932
BonneauFrancis Eborn about 1935
BonneauMattie Eborn about 1906
BonneauRichard Vborn about 1902
BonneauVoncille born about 1934
BowlingEster Mborn about 1891
BowlingJanet Eborn about 1922
BowlingJoann Vborn about 1925
BowlingPaul Lborn about 1932
BowlingThomas Jborn about 1894
BoydAdah Rborn about 1901
BoydFred born about 1896
BoydFrederika born about 1938
BoydGloria Yborn about 1930
BoydJo Aborn about 1928
BrandDonna Jborn about 1940
BrandEdith Lborn about 1911
BrandEugene born about 1913
BreedloveAnnie Fborn about 1904
BreedloveElwin Aborn about 1939
BreedloveGertrude born about 1922
BreedloveMarion Fborn about 1900
BreedloveMarion F Jrborn about 1924
BreedloveMarvell Gborn about 1937
BreedloveWilber Aborn about 1935
BreedloveWilma Lborn about 1930
BrewsterAnna Lborn about 1914
BrewsterElwyn Lborn about 1921
BrewsterOtha Aborn about 1889
BrewsterWillam Eborn about 1890
BrewsterWilliam E Jrborn about 1917
BrewsterWilma Mborn about 1922
BrightEugene Wborn about 1920
BrightJohn Rborn about 1889
BrightRobert Hborn about 1916
BrightVerna Aborn about 1888
BrooksAtha Jborn about 1940
BrooksEarnest Wborn about 1916
BrooksMildred Eborn about 1917
BrownJames Hborn about 1916
BrownLena Mborn about 1920
BurdineMary Eborn about 1905
BurdineReatta Aborn about 1925
BurgeAnna Maeborn about 1904
BurgeJoice Fborn about 1930
BurgeNeal Cborn about 1908
BurgeWendell Gborn about 1931
ButcherCecil Aborn about 1900
ButcherRobert Lborn about 1885

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C Surnames

CaddellBiley Eborn about 1891
CaddellDollie Cborn about 1895
CaddellRily Lborn about 1924
CalderonLewis Lborn about 1900
CampCliff born about 1882
CampDero Cborn about 1886
CampGrace Eborn about 1891
CampSadie Sborn about 1890
CampWalter Cborn about 1911
CarterAda Mborn about 1937
CarterAlfred Fborn about 1911
CarterBillie Fborn about 1935
CarterFrancis Eborn about 1935
CarterGlenn Oborn about 1927
CarterGrace Lborn about 1905
CarterHansell Hborn about 1923
CarterHattie Mborn about 1875
CarterHenry Aborn about 1901
CarterLillian Vborn about 1925
CarterMarie Iborn about 1912
CarterWilliam Wborn about 1866
CartwrightCecilia Nborn about 1939
CartwrightGladys Dborn about 1910
CartwrightJohn Eborn about 1937
CartwrightLennie Aborn about 1907
CassKenyth Cborn about 1913
CassMarion Gborn about 1938
CassMary Lborn about 1920
ChandlerDonald Fborn about 1938
ChandlerFloyd Aborn about 1919
ChandlerJophine born about 1921
ChandlerLula Bborn about 1875
ChandlerWilliam Fborn about 1871
ChriscoDarwin Lborn about 1930
ChriscoLeona Aborn about 1937
ChriscoLowell Rborn about 1901
ChriscoReba Lborn about 1928
ChriscoShirley Lborn about 1908
ClementAlma Sborn about 1892
ClementEarl Nborn about 1921
ClementElmer Wborn about 1925
ClementTravis Cborn about 1888
ClementTravis Gborn about 1917
CofferAnna Mborn about 1925
CofferBeryl Tborn about 1923
CofferLela Eborn about 1887
CofferMarvin Hborn about 1922
CofferMonroe Hborn about 1886
ColeNaomi born about 1904
ColeVirgil Cborn about 1898
ColemanEltice Nborn about 1930
ColemanKatie Nborn about 1907
ColemanWilliam Aborn about 1902
ColemanWilliam A Jrborn about 1931
CorneliusCharlie Mborn about 1910
CorneliusEva Bborn about 1898
CorneliusFarris Lborn about 1905
CorneliusFarris Mborn about 1935
CorneliusGarnetta Mborn about 1925
CorneliusLeona Kborn about 1920
CorneliusLettie Cborn about 1868
CorneliusManison Rborn about 1923
CorneliusMart Cborn about 1888
CorneliusRuben Cborn about 1928
CorneliusRuby Cborn about 1928
CorneliusTom Mborn about 1864
CorneliusVelma Nborn about 1924
CorterBilly Gborn about 1931
CorterElsie Lborn about 1898
CorterVelma Mborn about 1926
CorterWilliam born about 1900
CoveyEdward Dborn about 1931
CoveyJames Aborn about 1901
CoveyJames Kborn about 1935
CoveyLittie Lborn about 1913
CrownoverBurnie Eborn about 1917
CrownoverTeddy Mborn about 1935
CrownoverThurman born about 1912
CrowoverJ Wborn about 1923
CrowoverLucy born about 1888
CrowoverWilliam Rborn about 1883

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D Surnames

DavisAnna Lborn about 1895
DavisBessie Gborn about 1902
DavisBobbie Rborn about 1934
DavisDorothy Lborn about 1925
DavisDorothy Wborn about 1911
DavisEuphemia Lborn about 1872
DavisGoldie Jborn about 1921
DavisJack Mborn about 1905
DavisJames Aborn about 1905
DavisJimmie Eborn about 1937
DavisJoe Hborn about 1893
DavisJoe Kborn about 1929
DavisLen Wborn about 1867
DavisMartha Jborn about 1938
DavisMary Lborn about 1923
DavisMattie Fborn about 1868
DavisMertie Mborn about 1903
DavisPaul Lborn about 1910
DavisSam Hborn about 1931
DavisTresia Gborn about 1925
DavisUlric Nborn about 1898
DavisWilliam Wborn about 1862
DavisZana Nborn about 1927
DeahlLester Hborn about 1878
DeahlMattie Eborn about 1878
DillardB Dborn about 1901
DoblinL Orvin J Dborn about 1914
DodsonElmar Hborn about 1865
DodsonJaunita Hborn about 1915
DodsonMary Eborn about 1877
DoughertyRaymond Lborn about 1917
DoughertyRaymond Lborn about 1937
DoughertyRuby Nborn about 1920
DouglasElizabeth born about 1849

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E Surnames

EddingsAron Rborn about 1925
EddingsIke Eborn about 1923
EddingsSimon Bborn about 1903
EllisRubin Wborn about 1877
EsterJesse Dborn about 1880
EverttWanda Mborn about 1928

F Surnames

FarisJames Eborn about 1869
FarisNancy Mborn about 1866
FarrisBetty Zborn about 1929
FarrisDon Wborn about 1927
FarrisDoyle Kborn about 1926
FarrisJ Jborn about 1936
FarrisJames Wborn about 1924
FarrisJudith Aborn about 1939
FarrisJulien Jr born about 1902
FarrisKate Lborn about 1901
FillpotLucy Lborn about 1879
FordBuddy Sborn about 1933
FordFranky Vborn about 1884
FordGeorge Vborn about 1904
FordGlenn Gborn about 1933
FordGlenn Oborn about 1910
FordHelen Mborn about 1902
FordJanett Wborn about 1868
FordJefferson Lborn about 1939
FordJordon Jborn about 1872
FordLee Gborn about 1924
FordOliver Eborn about 1874
FordOpal Eborn about 1912
FordPaul Mborn about 1910
FordPaula Jborn about 1939
FordRonald Kborn about 1936
FordWarner Bborn about 1938
FordWilliam Fborn about 1901
FosterHenry Fborn about 1884
FosterJoseph Aborn about 1857
FosterLee Aborn about 1892
FosterRobert Sborn about 1916
FusonBetty born about 1927
FusonFlorence Lborn about 1895
FusonFrank Cborn about 1890
FusonLonnie Wborn about 1934
FusonOlive born about 1923

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G Surnames

GeeBittie Fborn about 1927
GeeEdwin Dborn about 1931
GeeWillie Bborn about 1909
GentryAna Mborn about 1928
GentryAnnie Lborn about 1901
GentryCarrie Bborn about 1932
GentryOwen Cborn about 1903
GentryPatsie Bborn about 1937
GentryWanda Mborn about 1930
GibsonBenjamin Fborn about 1864
GibsonCecil Jborn about 1908
GibsonCornelia born about 1874
GibsonDavid Aborn about 1862
GibsonDurell Cborn about 1922
GibsonFrances Mborn about 1870
GriffithMargaret born about 1918
GuckerEphraim Pborn about 1874
GuckerJohn Wborn about 1920
GuckerLilly Mborn about 1878

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H Surnames

HallamanMattie Lborn about 1915
HallamanWilliam Pborn about 1913
HammanBell Eborn about 1860
HammanBernie Aborn about 1925
HammanCharlie Oborn about 1880
HammanPearl born about 1895
HarmonJohn Eborn about 1872
HarmonLena Mborn about 1929
HarmonWendell Jborn about 1927
HarmonZelma Jborn about 1925
HartonRobert Rborn about 1855
HarwellEthel Pborn about 1912
HarwellLester Jborn about 1912
HaysElbert Fborn about 1926
HaysJames Lborn about 1922
HaysLeola Mborn about 1904
HaysWillie Fborn about 1895
HaysWillie F Jrborn about 1924
HendersonBetty Jborn about 1930
HendersonMyrtle Aborn about 1900
HesterJoy Lborn about 1938
HesterLaurana Rborn about 1920
HesterNancy Eborn about 1939
HesterSam Iborn about 1910
HightowerBynum Mborn about 1924
HightowerClifford Eborn about 1898
HightowerGarland Oborn about 1925
HightowerJewell Eborn about 1898
HightowerJoyce Dborn about 1931
HightowerLera Mborn about 1909
HightowerRobert Rborn about 1909
HightowerWanda Mborn about 1933
HightowerWilma Fborn about 1933
HightownJewel Fborn about 1895
HightownOwen Nborn about 1894
HoddDewey Mborn about 1926
HoddHazel Mborn about 1901
HoddOtto Hborn about 1897
HoddRuby Lborn about 1923
HoddWinona Dborn about 1935
HodgesAnnie born about 1890
HodgesGreen born about 1886
HollandDennis born about 1920
HollandMary Mborn about 1887
HollandRobert Jborn about 1879
HollandTonett Sborn about 1914
HollimanHelen Mborn about 1921
HoroganIra Iborn about 1895
HoroganJesse born about 1898
HowellHelen Oborn about 1912
HowellJimmie Cborn about 1939
HowellJohn Cborn about 1910
HudsonIva born about 1890
HudsonRalph Sborn about 1890
HunsakerBeulah Kborn about 1895
HuntBillie Dborn about 1933
HuntElba Gborn about 1921
HuntErma Lborn about 1927
HuntGilbert Eborn about 1898
HuntHoward Aborn about 1922
HuntJeraldine Mborn about 1921
HuntMarlyn Jborn about 1937
HuntNewell Vborn about 1932
HuntRobert Aborn about 1923
HuntRobert Lborn about 1885
HuntRuth Mborn about 1902
HunterBobby Rborn about 1932
HunterCarl Eborn about 1934
HunterDorothy Mborn about 1926
HunterEdith Mborn about 1930
HunterLela born about 1906
HunterRoy Dborn about 1928
HunterRoy Rborn about 1905
HunterWada Sborn about 1938

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J Surnames

JacksonAdda Eborn about 1883
JacksonAlta Mborn about 1939
JacksonBessie Lborn about 1910
JacksonDurward Jborn about 1922
JacksonErving Hborn about 1919
JacksonGrace Mborn about 1916
JacksonJohn Wborn about 1916
JacksonMandy Lborn about 1861
JacksonMay Cborn about 1908
JacksonVernon Lborn about 1916
JamesonJack Dborn about 1938
JamesonMattie Aborn about 1878
JamesonRufus Tborn about 1903
JamesonViola Mborn about 1907
JamesonWalter Dborn about 1935
JefferyLee Gborn about 1884
JefferyMagill Fborn about 1926
JefferyShelby Fborn about 1886
JohnsonDora Wborn about 1892
JohnsonEllis Sborn about 1913
JohnsonGussie born about 1905
JohnsonLena Mborn about 1914
JohnsonMurd Lborn about 1887
JohnsonPearson Mborn about 1889
JohnsonRonald Lborn about 1917
JohnsonThomas Lborn about 1871
JohnsonWalter Eborn about 1890
JonesAnglee born about 1924
JonesAnnie Dborn about 1931
JonesDave Bborn about 1886
JonesDorma Lborn about 1927
JonesFloyd Eborn about 1901
JonesFloydene born about 1932
JonesMartha Wborn about 1923
JonesMittie Mborn about 1887
JonesVelma Iborn about 1902
JonesWilton Rborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KeslerFields Eborn about 1919
KeslerFields Hborn about 1884
KeslerMama Dborn about 1888
KeslerSara Lborn about 1876
KeslerSteven Cborn about 1881
KingBobby Dborn about 1937
KingCornelia Mborn about 1890
KingLarence Cborn about 1888
KingLeona Fborn about 1914
KingLoal Rborn about 1915
KinsnerKay born about 1928

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L Surnames

LambArthur Jborn about 1892
LambEva Rborn about 1907
LambMax Rborn about 1933
LambPeggy Dsborn about 1939
LanceAgnes Mborn about 1911
LanceBillie Bborn about 1931
LanceElmer Jborn about 1902
LaraErna Fborn about 1922
LaraEthel Eborn about 1895
LaraHenry Jborn about 1927
LaraLexie Eborn about 1895
LaraLexie Eborn about 1924
LentschFloyd Fborn about 1921
LentschLeavy Jborn about 1889
LentschThomas Mborn about 1924
LewallenAlexander born about 1885
LewallenEula Mborn about 1890
LewisArnice Dborn about 1919
LewisArthur Tborn about 1887
LewisCarthel Gborn about 1925
LewisDenzil Hborn about 1930
LewisDonna Sborn about 1939
LewisDoris Gborn about 1937
LewisEugene Hborn about 1927
LewisFreeman Wborn about 1918
LewisGeorge Mborn about 1890
LewisGeorge Rborn about 1898
LewisJame H Jrborn about 1916
LewisJames Aborn about 1884
LewisJames Hborn about 1889
LewisJohny born about 1898
LewisMae Aborn about 1890
LewisMary Iborn about 1863
LewisMayone Fborn about 1906
LewisNora Jborn about 1891
LewisOcie Aborn about 1900
LewisPatsy Nborn about 1932
LewisRobert Aborn about 1925
LewisTeddy Rborn about 1931
LewisTommy Jborn about 1928
LewisWanda Fborn about 1919
LewisWilliam Cborn about 1900
LewisWilliam Hborn about 1921
LewisWilliam Hborn about 1926
LindseyEunice Mborn about 1865
LindseyJohn Cborn about 1863

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M Surnames

MaddoxAnnie Mborn about 1908
MaddoxLloyd Cborn about 1925
MaloneAnna Bborn about 1906
MaloneBetty Sborn about 1929
MaloneDewey born about 1898
MartinBurk Bborn about 1895
MartinFrancis Fborn about 1904
MayJohn Rborn about 1878
MayMaggie Mborn about 1880
MayVivin Gborn about 1902
MayhughAlice Gborn about 1900
MayhughAlice Jborn about 1936
MayhughAthan born about 1923
MayhughJ Cborn about 1897
MayhughVerdell born about 1927
McDowellEstelle born about 1906
McDowellJoyce Lborn about 1933
McDowellMinnie Cborn about 1879
McDowellPalmer Hborn about 1929
McDowellThomas Wborn about 1872
McKinneyAline Jborn about 1919
McKinneyCurtis Dborn about 1912
McKinneyEdna Fborn about 1916
McKinneyElton Dborn about 1924
McKinneyGeorgia Aborn about 1894
McKinneyIna Jborn about 1921
McKinneyJewell Mborn about 1921
McKinneyLola born about 1887
McKinneyWilliam Oborn about 1878
McKinneyZ Oborn about 1889
McOtisJames Aborn about 1901
McOtisJimmy Dborn about 1939
McOtisNela Mborn about 1912
McPhersonSam Bborn about 1866
McWhorterEunice Fborn about 1904
McWhorterEunice Lborn about 1927
McWhorterHerbert Aborn about 1905
McWhorterMary Lborn about 1929
MillerAlvin Lborn about 1906
MillerEarl Fborn about 1900
MillerKittie Lborn about 1910
MillerLois Aborn about 1902
MillerRonnie Lborn about 1936
MillerWallace Sborn about 1922
MillnerDorothy Cborn about 1931
MillnerGrover Cborn about 1890
MillnerLera Mborn about 1923
MillnerMarie Mborn about 1926
MillnerMirtie Jborn about 1892
MillsBulah Mborn about 1890
MillsDurward Bborn about 1911
MillsEfton Jborn about 1915
MillsTressie Dborn about 1912
MilnerCathryn Sborn about 1937
MilnerGoldwyn Dborn about 1904

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N Surnames

NaborsBillie Fborn about 1930
NaborsJohn Wborn about 1883
NaborsMary Fborn about 1887
NaborsRaymond Wborn about 1911
NaborsSammie Rborn about 1933
NaborsViena born about 1910
NewtonCalvin Rborn about 1928
NewtonMyrtle Eborn about 1899
NewtonNancy Eborn about 1867
NewtonWilliam Rborn about 1891
NipperBasil Dborn about 1940
NipperEarnest Tborn about 1909
NipperVada Lborn about 1913
NipperWade Jborn about 1938
NoblesSam born about 1902
NoblesZulma Lborn about 1908

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O Surnames

OkinCharles Wborn about 1935
OkinEdith Lborn about 1922
OkinEverett Pborn about 1902
OkinLela Aborn about 1902
OkinLeonara Eborn about 1927
OkinMildred Lborn about 1925
OrbisonWillaim Aborn about 1886
OrbisonWillie Iborn about 1888
OrrElbarlan Rborn about 1932
OrrIla Lborn about 1908
OrrJoe Fborn about 1903
OrrJtaun Jborn about 1936
OwensBillie Jborn about 1930
OwensFlorence Vborn about 1880
OwensGeorge Lborn about 1895
OwensGeorgia born about 1927
OwensHenry Iborn about 1877
OwensHesman Sborn about 1918
OwensLela Mborn about 1906

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P Surnames

PainterCora Eborn about 1903
PainterFrank Tborn about 1922
PainterHugh Aborn about 1900
PainterMorgan Aborn about 1925
PallerAdell born about 1918
PallerC Bborn about 1912
PallerCalvin born about 1936
PallerJames Lborn about 1938
PattersonBetty Nellborn about 1930
PattersonEffie Jborn about 1890
PattersonFannie Eborn about 1871
PattersonFred born about 1893
PattersonFreddie born about 1919
PattersonHarry born about 1890
PattersonHary Lowellborn about 1924
PattersonLewis Eborn about 1911
PattersonLucy born about 1901
PattersonOla Iborn about 1891
PattersonWilliam Eborn about 1890
PattsEdith born about 1906
PowersCharles Gborn about 1902
PowersJulius Aborn about 1870
PowersMinnie Lborn about 1877
PowersUnice Mborn about 1908
PowersWilliam Fborn about 1875

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R Surnames

RenoldsJames Fborn about 1932
RenoldsJames Rborn about 1895
RenoldsLeona Eborn about 1901
ReynoldsEddy Aborn about 1912
ReynoldsElmer Wborn about 1917
ReynoldsJohn Eborn about 1883
ReynoldsLessie Bborn about 1886
ReynoldsUla Lborn about 1909
ReynoldsWanda Jborn about 1939
RichardsonMyrtle born about 1900
RichardsonSilas Rborn about 1909
RickettsJoe Aborn about 1876
RickettsMamie Lborn about 1900
RickettsRuth Aborn about 1878
RiddleBernice Dborn about 1924
RiddleDaris Cborn about 1929
RiddleGrover Cborn about 1894
RiddleLester born about 1896
RinianRaynal Aborn about 1937
RippitoeHalson Eborn about 1911
RippitoeJames Gborn about 1934
RippitoeKenneth Dborn about 1931
RippitoePercie Dborn about 1912
RobersonA Rborn about 1913
RobertsonRosalie Mborn about 1898
RobertsonWalker Cborn about 1888
RobinsonCarry born about 1908
RobinsonDavid born about 1897
RobinsonJohn Kborn about 1881
RobinsonMattie Lborn about 1879
RoddyAdell Aborn about 1924
RoddyAlbert born about 1900
RoddyAubrey born about 1927
RoddyLowell born about 1926
RoddyPearl born about 1904
RollingsLuther Aborn about 1884
RollingsMary Vborn about 1882
RoyalLadean Lborn about 1922
RussellCharles Cborn about 1869

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S Surnames

SaragoCharlie born about 1922
SaragoDorthy Lborn about 1919
SaragoEd born about 1916
SaragoElgore born about 1898
SaragoGrant born about 1884
SaragoJoe born about 1918
SaragoMarie born about 1922
SaragoRosie born about 1924
SaragoRuby Fborn about 1939
SavageAnita Lborn about 1939
SavageClaude Rborn about 1905
SavageFay Lborn about 1911
SavageFloyd Cborn about 1929
SavageIla Aborn about 1910
SavageLowell Eborn about 1907
SavageLowell Lborn about 1937
SavageMaude born about 1908
SavageNaomi Rborn about 1938
SavageQuilda Eborn about 1884
SavageVirgil Wborn about 1936
ScottBen Cborn about 1902
ScottDan Eborn about 1939
ScottDorally Cborn about 1915
ScottDuard Eborn about 1907
ScottEllen Aborn about 1876
ScottElmer Eborn about 1915
ScottGladys Iborn about 1908
ScottHarold Mborn about 1925
ScottHattie Eborn about 1875
ScottJennie Aborn about 1935
ScottJohn Hborn about 1871
ScottLeroy Fborn about 1923
ScottLottie Lborn about 1912
ScottMabel Cborn about 1902
ScottMary Cborn about 1875
ScottMildred Pborn about 1880
ScottMinnie Bborn about 1926
ScottMinnie Eborn about 1899
ScottNellie Rborn about 1880
ScottPaul Dborn about 1923
ScottTarleton Hborn about 1928
ScottTaylor Lborn about 1899
ScottWill Tborn about 1873
SeymourChecy Mborn about 1883
SeymourJerry Hborn about 1881
SeymourMarie Eborn about 1922
SeymourNorman Dborn about 1940
SeymourWillie Mborn about 1917
ShawClaude Eborn about 1886
ShawIda Mborn about 1895
ShawJohn Jborn about 1876
ShawVirgil Pborn about 1914
SimsHunter Jborn about 1890
SimsMattie Eborn about 1898
SmithA Bborn about 1933
SmithAlexander Bborn about 1881
SmithEdna Jborn about 1870
SmithElvy Jborn about 1898
SmithHarold Lborn about 1922
SmithJohn Dborn about 1931
SmithLorena Aborn about 1913
SmithOlive Hborn about 1891
SmithOma Lborn about 1915
SmithThomas Wborn about 1866
SomervilleJewel Fborn about 1921
SpenserEvangeline Rborn about 1940
SpenserEvelyn Rborn about 1917
SpenserLouise Eborn about 1915
StanleyBetty Jborn about 1931
StanleyEffie Lborn about 1906
StanleyHarold born about 1935
StanleyMarie Dborn about 1929
StanleyPeggy Jborn about 1933
StewartDave Cborn about 1894
StewartEdith Rborn about 1920
StewartLawerence Jborn about 1929
StewartLucille Eborn about 1919
StewartMartha Lborn about 1896
StewartMaynard Lborn about 1933
StewartMoneta Cborn about 1923
StewartVirginia Gborn about 1925
StokesDale Cborn about 1918
StokesGarnet Mborn about 1884
StokesGeorgia Lborn about 1882
SwiftPauline Vborn about 1914
SwiftSarah Sborn about 1938
SwiftSarah Wborn about 1868
SwiftWilliam Oborn about 1904
SwiftWilliam Pborn about 1937

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T Surnames

TaberAgnes Lborn about 1908
TaberRobert Dborn about 1903
ThomasonAva Lborn about 1907
ThomasonMelvin Cborn about 1926
ThomasonRoy Fborn about 1904
ThomasonTroy Hborn about 1938
ThompsonAlice Bborn about 1898
ThompsonBillie Rborn about 1927
ThompsonEvelyn Sborn about 1925
ThompsonVirgil Vborn about 1918
TisdaleRoy Lborn about 1903
TisdaleVela Aborn about 1905
TitusEarnstin born about 1936
TitusElba Bborn about 1901
TitusEvelyn born about 1911
TitusLorrita born about 1937
TitusMary Cborn about 1939
TitusWilliam Rborn about 1931
TobarsAlma born about 1910
TobarsHerschel Eborn about 1913
TrimbleGeorgia Eborn about 1885
TrimbleSarah Aborn about 1864
TuckerWalter Eborn about 1908

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U Surnames

UnderwoodDillie Pborn about 1933
UnderwoodElla Mborn about 1928
UnderwoodFrances born about 1902
UnderwoodFrancis Lborn about 1921
UnderwoodGeorgia Lborn about 1932
UnderwoodJames Tborn about 1924
UnderwoodJessie Mborn about 1930
UnderwoodMary Cborn about 1926
UnderwoodMildred Pborn about 1922
UnderwoodRoy Rborn about 1939
UnderwoodThomas Mborn about 1888
UnderwoodWilliam Bborn about 1935

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V Surnames

VaughanAustin Mborn about 1910
VaughanMaude Eborn about 1891
VaughanWilliam Oborn about 1909
VaughanWinfred Fborn about 1882

W Surnames

WadeCeburn Bborn about 1907
WadeJ Bborn about 1920
WadeOttie Hborn about 1910
WadeWalter Wborn about 1881
WadeWillie Eborn about 1922
WalkerAlvis born about 1897
WalkerAnn born about 1917
WalkerBud Wborn about 1930
WalkerJack Cborn about 1917
WalkerJerry Aborn about 1928
WalkerNora Bborn about 1933
WalkerP Aborn about 1932
WalkerQuinton Jborn about 1937
WalkerRomie Eborn about 1908
WarrellJames Cborn about 1876
WarrellLucy Mborn about 1881
WarrellVivian Eborn about 1920
WarrenBen Eborn about 1886
WarrenBennie Eborn about 1923
WarrenCallie Fborn about 1906
WarrenDenver Rborn about 1927
WarrenDora Oborn about 1931
WarrenEugene Eborn about 1925
WarrenFranklin Pborn about 1933
WarrenFred Nborn about 1936
WarrenGerald Wborn about 1929
WarrenNellie Aborn about 1938
WashingtonAlice born about 1907
WashingtonMatija born about 1905
WatsonAlgie Eborn about 1913
WatsonCecil Dborn about 1939
WatsonPatricia Aborn about 1933
WatsonThomas Wborn about 1934
WatsonTom Wborn about 1909
WebbMaggie Mborn about 1894
WestR Jborn about 1926
WeverMaggie Cborn about 1879
WeverWilliam Wborn about 1923
WhisnantDolly Dborn about 1890
WhiteCandia Nborn about 1891
WhiteEthel Mborn about 1891
WhiteFletcher Lborn about 1917
WhiteFletcher L Srborn about 1891
WhiteHelen born about 1919
WhiteJeana born about 1926
WhiteJimmie Fborn about 1921
WhiteJimmie Nborn about 1932
WhiteJohn Wborn about 1915
WhiteKelly born about 1923
WhitePeggy Lborn about 1928
WhiteWinfield Sborn about 1889
WhitsonEarl Lborn about 1935
WhitsonEvelyn Mborn about 1940
WhitsonFloyd Sborn about 1907
WhitsonVera Eborn about 1912
WilchCoumnd Lborn about 1926
WilchJeffrie Oborn about 1902
WilchKenneth Jborn about 1929
WilchRuth Lborn about 1922
WilchSamuel Aborn about 1901
WilchZelda Mborn about 1925
WilfongBobbie Jr born about 1930
WilfongCallie Cborn about 1888
WilfongCecil Cborn about 1911
WilfongWesley Dborn about 1927
WilfongWilliam born about 1903
WilliamsLaverna born about 1923
WilsonIslamae born about 1907
WilsonJoseph Mborn about 1902
WilsonOlga Iborn about 1914
WilsonRobert Fborn about 1867
WilsonSylvia Sborn about 1936
WilsonVinienne Aborn about 1897
WilsonWoodrow born about 1914
WilsonWoodson Lborn about 1898
WoodDiane born about 1938
WoodMaurine Aborn about 1915
WoodTom Vborn about 1914
WrightMattie Lborn about 1887
WynnBillie Kborn about 1937
WynnBobbie Lborn about 1935
WynnEddie Tborn about 1934
WynnErna Mborn about 1926
WynnFara Fborn about 1929
WynnHenry Eborn about 1893
WynnIra Cborn about 1906
WynnKenneth Hborn about 1937
WynnMargaret Nborn about 1924
WynnMarvin Rborn about 1901
WynnPhillip Aborn about 1924
WynnPlevna Aborn about 1906
WynnVada Jborn about 1898
WynnVey Pborn about 1905
WyrichLenora born about 1894
WyrichMartin Wborn about 1869

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Y Surnames

YarboraughJohn Pborn about 1867
YarboraughSally Mborn about 1867
YorkFreddie Fborn about 1939
YorkMarie born about 1920
YorkRoys Lborn about 1918
YoungElsie Hborn about 1906

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