1940 U.S. Federal Census of Indian Creek, Brown, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Brown County > 1940 Census of Indian Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnnie Inezborn about 1902
AdamsByron Jborn about 1897
AdamsMildred born about 1926
AdamsWesley born about 1923
AllenBerna born about 1933
AllenBessie Mborn about 1884
AllenColeta born about 1936
AllenGlen born about 1924
AllenLewis Tborn about 1876
AllenLillie born about 1894
AllenMildred born about 1927
AllenMonroe born about 1896
AllenWanda born about 1930
AllenWinston born about 1921
AllgoodIona born about 1923
AllgoodLeo born about 1921
AllgoodLloyd born about 1908
AllgoodViola born about 1881
AllgoodWalters Pborn about 1873
AllisonN Lborn about 1910
AllisonOpal born about 1921
AndrewsCarl born about 1885
AndrewsLooney born about 1921
AndrewsLucille born about 1921
AndrewsMadia born about 1925
AvantsFloyd born about 1913
AvantsVena Bellborn about 1918

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B Surnames

BaboCuellen born about 1928
BaboGeorge Wborn about 1917
BaboIrene born about 1897
BaileyBrown born about 1929
BaileyDarrell born about 1930
BaileyGarland born about 1937
BaileyMarion Lborn about 1908
BaileyPearl born about 1908
BakerBarbara Aborn about 1939
BakerBillie Myhrlborn about 1931
BakerEvelyn Sueborn about 1940
BakerJ Cecilborn about 1916
BakerL Bborn about 1937
BakerL Cborn about 1920
BakerLinnie Eborn about 1918
BakerMattie born about 1884
BakerOleta born about 1922
BakerRobert Aborn about 1877
BankLeland Wborn about 1917
BankMadeline born about 1921
BankWilliam Hborn about 1940
BarerDorothy Nborn about 1919
BatyAchs Mborn about 1914
BatyBeverly born about 1940
BatyInez born about 1914
BeardClint born about 1923
BeardElton born about 1920
BeardGladys born about 1922
BeardNannie born about 1885
BeardNelda Fborn about 1939
BeardNoah born about 1892
BeardTom born about 1909
BeardWilliam Jborn about 1916
BeemanBessie born about 1900
BeemanHollie born about 1924
BeemanR Royborn about 1896
BeemanRichard born about 1933
BellClaud Fborn about 1879
BellMackie born about 1879
BensonMary Aborn about 1863
BighamDelia born about 1911
BighamEva Neelborn about 1938
BighamJesse born about 1932
BighamKenneth born about 1934
BighamMargaret born about 1930
BighamPerry born about 1929
BighamPervy born about 1908
BighamShirley Fborn about 1936
BlackwoodNathan born about 1921
BoenickeEarnest born about 1886
BoenickeHattie born about 1886
BowinDolf born about 1892
BowinElizabeth born about 1891
BowinWoodie Wborn about 1888
BoyceBilly Donborn about 1937
BoyceErnest born about 1908
BoyceFasla born about 1916
BoyceSandra born about 1939
BoydClaud born about 1916
BoydEarl Jborn about 1889
BoydKenneth born about 1937
BoydMitton born about 1914
BoydMyrtle born about 1890
BoydP Odoborn about 1885
BoydPhebe born about 1894
BoydVida born about 1917
BoydWeldon born about 1914
BrattonAlexander born about 1872
BrattonCloyes born about 1923
BrattonDarlene born about 1935
BrattonDarmon born about 1926
BrattonDelia born about 1883
BrattonDemoss born about 1908
BrattonDoris born about 1929
BrattonJ Lborn about 1939
BrattonLavern born about 1910
BrattonWanda born about 1930
BrattonWilliam Mborn about 1881
BronnanLinnie born about 1920
BronnanMilton born about 1916
BrydGlenda Rborn about 1940
BrydLeslie Wborn about 1911
BrydMary Jborn about 1938
BrydWillie Maeborn about 1913
BullionCharles born about 1925
BullionClara born about 1897
BullionDan born about 1920
BullionHorton born about 1896
BurilAnnie born about 1901
BurilAnnie Maeborn about 1921
BurilDuane born about 1928
BurilHellen born about 1939
BurilL Bborn about 1890
BurilWayne born about 1925
BurnsJohn Dborn about 1916
ByrdAmros Dborn about 1866
ByrdAmros D Jrborn about 1921
ByrdLeota born about 1923
ByrdMinnie born about 1882

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C Surnames

CarrBarbara born about 1927
CarrEdythe Mborn about 1901
CarrJune born about 1924
CarrVernon born about 1895
CarrVernon Jr born about 1921
CarterCharle Mborn about 1872
CarterChester born about 1906
CarterMallene born about 1911
CarterMinnie born about 1871
ChaberlainJack born about 1908
ChaberlainMolly born about 1912
ChamberlainGraves born about 1912
ChamberlainImogene born about 1938
ChamberlainJewell born about 1914
ChamberlainJuanita born about 1919
ChamberlainLynn born about 1909
ChamberlainOnida born about 1935
ChamberlainWiley Aborn about 1877
CheathamBell born about 1907
CheathamS Lborn about 1902
ChraneGeorge Eborn about 1912
ChraneJanis born about 1937
ChraneOleene Mborn about 1918
ChrispensSaur born about 1908
ChrispensThodell born about 1916
ChurchillBarbara born about 1938
ChurchillBertha born about 1912
ChurchillClay born about 1903
ChurchillFinis born about 1911
ChurchillGeo Wborn about 1880
ChurchillJadie born about 1905
ChurchillKenneth born about 1929
ChurchillMary Wborn about 1939
ChurchillMaude born about 1884
ClarkMartin born about 1918
CochranKeziah born about 1877
CoffmanAudrie Leeborn about 1919
CoffmanLuther Lborn about 1917
CoheaAnabal Tborn about 1858
CokendolpherDave born about 1877
CokendolpherGeorgia born about 1886
CokendolpherHilton born about 1926
CokendolpherOscar born about 1911
CokendolpherShirley Bellborn about 1938
CokendolpherVivian born about 1917
CollinsGertie Leeborn about 1936
CollinsJoan born about 1938
CollinsLynn born about 1914
CollinsPauline born about 1913
ConleeRobert Mborn about 1869
CoxBlake born about 1891
CoxD Rborn about 1899
CoxEdwin born about 1938
CoxHarold born about 1937
CoxHellen born about 1934
CoxOpal born about 1905
CoxVictoria born about 1888
CurboDavid Aborn about 1910
CurboDewey Dborn about 1937
CurboFrank Illaborn about 1915
CurboMary Fborn about 1916
CurboRobert Jaeborn about 1940
CurboThomas Mborn about 1863
CurboWilliam Rborn about 1901
CurboWillie Dborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DavisAda born about 1886
DavisAllie born about 1914
DavisD Lborn about 1866
DavisDuane born about 1909
DavisO Aborn about 1923
DavisOleta born about 1925
DavisRoy born about 1905
DeanerAlbert Rborn about 1930
DeanerAnnie born about 1876
DeanerHollie born about 1899
DeanerJack born about 1933
DeanerJessie Cborn about 1924
DeanerRobert born about 1870
DeanerRobert born about 1899
DeasElizabeth born about 1858
DeedsBerta Louborn about 1920
DeedsCurtis born about 1921
DeedsJ Elvieborn about 1912
DeedsJohn Edwinborn about 1936
DeedsMinnie born about 1885
DeedsThomas Mborn about 1878
DenmanAvo born about 1882
DenmanEarly Hborn about 1918
DenmanFranklin born about 1877
DenmanNila born about 1919
DenmanWallis born about 1910
DenmanWilma born about 1922
DixonAnnie Bborn about 1890
DixonArthur born about 1877
DixonCarl Cborn about 1890
DixonCarlye Annborn about 1934
DixonEdith born about 1864
DixonJoe Mborn about 1857
DixonLowell born about 1924
DixonMay born about 1886
DixonOscar born about 1880
DobeyGeorge Lborn about 1875
DobeyPearl born about 1877
DonnellIra Eborn about 1896
DonnellVerda Eborn about 1904
DonnellWalter born about 1925
DrakeJ Mborn about 1873
DrybredBetty Louborn about 1932
DrybredHelen born about 1913
DrybredSidney born about 1909
DukeIra born about 1917
DuncanA Jborn about 1876
DuncanCarrol Janeborn about 1919
DuncanHugh born about 1870
DuncanK Kborn about 1919
DuncanMinnie born about 1873
DunnJohn Templeborn about 1921
DunnJohnnie Sborn about 1896
DunnTemple Bborn about 1888
DyerEffie Mborn about 1895
DyerGoldman born about 1923
DyerRollie Jerryborn about 1923
DyerRollie Rborn about 1892
DyerRosemary born about 1930
DyerRoy born about 1921
DyerWesley born about 1927

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E Surnames

EdwardsBetty Jborn about 1928
EdwardsCurtis born about 1882
EdwardsG Cborn about 1919
EdwardsJess born about 1894
EdwardsLee Royborn about 1907
EdwardsLottie born about 1887
EdwardsLula Mborn about 1895
EdwardsMarvin born about 1918
EdwardsRaymond born about 1921
EggerBilly Jaeborn about 1935
EggerHomer born about 1912
EggerJ Cborn about 1933
EggerJoyce Fborn about 1939
EggerRudolph born about 1931
EggerStella born about 1912
EmbryCliff born about 1892
EmbryJames born about 1924
EmbryMammie born about 1893
EstersJ Bborn about 1921
EstersViola born about 1891
EstersVirgil born about 1924
EstersWilliam Hborn about 1873
EstesEmily Fborn about 1921
EstesRobert Lborn about 1916

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F Surnames

FaberBrown born about 1891
FaberJennie Leeborn about 1893
FerrisBeatrice born about 1910
FerrisJohn born about 1869
FerrisLossie born about 1913
FisherR Normanborn about 1934
FisherRoy Nborn about 1911
FisherStella born about 1912
FitzgeraldBettye Jeanborn about 1924
FitzgeraldEdna born about 1902
FitzgeraldNorman born about 1927
FitzgeraldRobert born about 1930
FloresIrene born about 1914
FloresRoyce Leeborn about 1933
FloresRuby Loisborn about 1931
FloresThomas born about 1910
FortsonBillie Louiseborn about 1934
FortsonEthel born about 1913
FortsonJames born about 1904
FortsonJames Odellborn about 1935
FryCassie born about 1890
FryW Jborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GableAnnie born about 1880
GableLeo born about 1875
GableLewis born about 1907
GableT Aborn about 1922
GarmanImogene born about 1914
GarmanJoe Tborn about 1911
GaskinsBetty Rayeborn about 1932
GaskinsLouise born about 1912
GaskinsLynton born about 1906
GentryDelbert born about 1922
GentryJack Tborn about 1914
GentryJohnnie born about 1882
GentryMartha Eborn about 1867
GilbertCalvin born about 1913
GilbertJoy Mborn about 1939
GilbertRuth born about 1918
GodfreyJames born about 1878
GodfreyMary born about 1883
GollettBilly Joeborn about 1938
GollettD Frank Jrborn about 1929
GollettFrank Dborn about 1906
GollettHerbert born about 1928
GollettLowell Vborn about 1936
GollettVera born about 1908
GradyAnn born about 1866
GradyCharlie born about 1895
GradyMaggie Maeborn about 1890
GradyWilliam Gborn about 1859
GuthrieMabel Eulaborn about 1890
GuthrieMartin Lborn about 1888
GuthrieMarvin Lborn about 1915
GuthrieRuben Cborn about 1918
GuyerGrady Wborn about 1911

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H Surnames

HallBeatrice born about 1914
HallEddie born about 1909
HallEdria Eborn about 1935
HallEdwin born about 1937
HallRosa Leeborn about 1874
HankA Lborn about 1887
HankGeorgia born about 1919
HankHazell born about 1917
HankLois born about 1926
HankParley born about 1852
HankWillie born about 1891
HarrisAlice born about 1919
HarrisBernice born about 1904
HarrisColleen born about 1930
HarrisLizzie Eborn about 1894
HarrisLuke Lborn about 1886
HarrisMeldon born about 1922
HarrisMorris Fborn about 1904
HarrisSherwood born about 1936
HarrisWeldon born about 1922
HarrisWilliam born about 1884
HarrisWilliam Tborn about 1884
HauksHazel born about 1917
HaysDelia born about 1904
HaysLeslie Mborn about 1904
HaysLeslie M Jrborn about 1924
HeadBerika born about 1891
HeadJoseph born about 1911
HeadLeon born about 1933
HeadThorabell born about 1911
HeadVeneta Jeanborn about 1931
HeadWillis Lborn about 1887
HendersonCoolidge born about 1926
HendersonJack born about 1871
HendersonJulious born about 1878
HendersonLewis born about 1915
HendersonNancy born about 1922
HendersonNancy Eborn about 1889
HenniganEdward Wborn about 1882
HenniganFatima born about 1882
HeodManley Joeborn about 1937
HerngFinis Hborn about 1882
HerngLockie Rankingborn about 1922
HerngOra born about 1893
HerringtonAndrew born about 1931
HerringtonCleo born about 1932
HerringtonDave born about 1884
HerringtonDavid Lborn about 1930
HerringtonLouise born about 1923
HerringtonMary born about 1899
HerringtonNellie Marieborn about 1933
HerstAlene born about 1922
HerstNova born about 1924
HerstPearl born about 1888
HerstT Oborn about 1886
HesterBonnie born about 1913
HesterCharles born about 1933
HesterJessie born about 1865
HesterLonnie born about 1912
HesterLoyd born about 1935
HesterLucinda born about 1873
HesterVirginia born about 1936
HesterW Eborn about 1886
HesterWillian Jborn about 1865
HestersCecil born about 1903
HestersCecil Jr born about 1929
HestersVelma born about 1906
HinshawBessie born about 1907
HinshawJerry Deanborn about 1940
HinshawLonnie born about 1908
HinshawWayne born about 1934
HollandMary born about 1872
HollomanAronald Dborn about 1937
HollomanFay born about 1929
HollomanIleene born about 1927
HollomanLeo born about 1939
HollomanMattie born about 1906
HollomanOda born about 1906
HollomanVirgil born about 1933
HollomanWalter Leeborn about 1931
HowellI Danborn about 1873
HowellJudge Nborn about 1875
HowellSusie born about 1893
HowthernBillie Fredborn about 1927
HowthernDollie born about 1891
HowthernTravis born about 1884
HowthernWayne Daleborn about 1929
HuddlestonCaroline born about 1875
HuddlestonWilliam Hborn about 1870
HunterG Leeborn about 1888
HunterHelen born about 1920
HunterMinnie Bborn about 1897
HutkaGeorge born about 1926

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J Surnames

JacobsNina Pearlborn about 1927
JacobsThomas Aborn about 1929
JacobsThomas Wborn about 1899
JacobsVernon Eborn about 1925
JacobsWillie Eborn about 1905
JenningsClara Jborn about 1880
JenningsJoe born about 1873
JenningsWill born about 1867
JerniganCharlie born about 1868
JohansonJohnie born about 1912
JohansonVira Maeborn about 1912
JohnsonCharley born about 1925
JohnsonEmma born about 1903
JohnsonGarrell born about 1925
JohnsonHiram Tborn about 1899
JohnsonJoan born about 1934
JohnsonJoseph Tborn about 1885
JohnsonNelda Sborn about 1936
JohnsonStella born about 1892
JohnsonThomas born about 1928
JonesArthur Cborn about 1883
JonesJohn Jborn about 1882
JonesLucy born about 1886
JonesMary born about 1893
JonesMerle Cborn about 1856

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K Surnames

KaysLume Cborn about 1906
KaysMarien Daleborn about 1932
KaysRuby Leeborn about 1911
KehleyFrancis Eborn about 1911
KehleyJohn Tborn about 1934
KehleyJohn Wborn about 1906
KellerCecil born about 1909
KellerCharles Nborn about 1870
KellerCora born about 1881
KellerDoyle born about 1911
KellerOleta born about 1921
KempEliott born about 1918
KempMary Joborn about 1920
KinmanAddie born about 1905
KinmanAubrey Eborn about 1935
KinmanL Gborn about 1934
KinmanOdis born about 1898
KinmanWillie Rborn about 1937
KnightBillie Paulineborn about 1936
KnightDoris born about 1912
KnightJoe Wborn about 1911
KnightJohn Dborn about 1884
KnightLila Ruthborn about 1926
KnightMarion born about 1933
KnightMataline born about 1914
KnightNora born about 1890
KnightPauline born about 1916
KnightRuss Bborn about 1856
KnightVon born about 1936
KnightWilliam Fborn about 1912

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L Surnames

LackettJohn born about 1916
LeeAlbert born about 1882
LeeAnnie born about 1874
LeeB Wborn about 1880
LeeBrooks born about 1934
LeeC Gborn about 1910
LeeDortha born about 1936
LeeLucille born about 1915
LeePauline born about 1884
LeeRobert Eborn about 1877
LeomsJim born about 1884
LeomsNeta born about 1888
LewisAnnie Lborn about 1928
LewisArlie born about 1925
LewisDuard born about 1930
LewisElla Fborn about 1918
LewisKenneth born about 1923
LewisWilliam Hborn about 1886
LewisWilliam H Jborn about 1916
LittletonHettie born about 1885
LittletonMack Tborn about 1881
LittletonMissouri Hborn about 1860
LittletonO Bborn about 1915
LockettVera born about 1902
LockettW Mborn about 1911
LocksJune born about 1918
LoweFaye born about 1925
LoweIva born about 1898
LoweSam Iraborn about 1900

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M Surnames

MaedgueAustin born about 1914
MaedgueClaude born about 1916
ManleyE Cborn about 1871
MartinAddine born about 1881
MartinDonald Deanborn about 1930
MartinHolms born about 1895
MartinWilhelmenia born about 1904
MartinWilliam Tborn about 1876
MathewsEthel born about 1894
MathewsJoyce born about 1925
MathewsW Draytonborn about 1892
MauldinAllene born about 1925
MauldinAnnette born about 1929
MauldinBettye Lborn about 1919
MauldinBlanche born about 1878
MauldinCynthia Aborn about 1915
MauldinEmly born about 1893
MauldinJimmie Bborn about 1914
MauldinLowell born about 1909
MauldinMarion born about 1918
MauldinRobert born about 1904
MauldinRobert Lborn about 1866
MauldinRupert born about 1921
MauldinSidney born about 1894
MauldinThad born about 1912
MauldinThelma born about 1909
MayBahley Gborn about 1932
MayEva born about 1902
MayLuther born about 1898
MayLuther Jr born about 1929
MayMargie Dborn about 1926
MayMyrtle Wborn about 1924
McAdenBessie born about 1892
McAdenJohn Jborn about 1898
McAdenMary born about 1881
McBeeMyrtle born about 1884
McBrideAlfred born about 1919
McBrideAnnie born about 1888
McBrideCoyt Bborn about 1879
McBrideLella born about 1911
McBrideWendell born about 1922
McChingEtha born about 1892
McChingEva Maeborn about 1924
McChingFrank born about 1925
McChingGeorge born about 1921
McCordA Kborn about 1904
McCoyEdna Maeborn about 1938
McCoyHazel born about 1911
McCoyNorma born about 1932
McCoyRoy born about 1909
McCoyWinfred born about 1935
McDearmonAvis born about 1923
McDearmonGlen born about 1926
McDearmonRay born about 1925
McKinneyBobby born about 1922
McKinneyCasper born about 1923
McKinneyDelmar born about 1926
McKinneyMartha born about 1885
McKinneyWayne born about 1929
McKinneyWriley Rborn about 1882
MedcalffMaurice born about 1923
MedleyAlma born about 1913
MedleyBilly Geneborn about 1934
MedleyLee born about 1908
MedleyMellarsie born about 1912
MedleySila born about 1906
MercerAnnie born about 1880
MercerHolland Yborn about 1898
MercerJessie born about 1902
MercerWilliam born about 1871
MercerWilliam Pborn about 1906
MercerWillie Baeborn about 1908
MercerWillie Jborn about 1936
MickeltonAnnetta born about 1921
MickeltonGarland Rayborn about 1940
MickeltonRaymond born about 1917
MiddletonJoe born about 1896
MiddletonMae Bellborn about 1896
MiddletonWalter Allenborn about 1924
MillerAddison born about 1897
MillerAliene born about 1910
MillerBillie Jborn about 1931
MillerDortha born about 1901
MillerDortha Jeanborn about 1935
MillerElnora born about 1928
MillerGlenda Roseborn about 1937
MillerJackie Ruthborn about 1934
MillerLois born about 1902
MillerLois Wayneborn about 1940
MillerLorena Leeborn about 1931
MillerNetworth born about 1938
MillerWade Franklinborn about 1933
MillewAlbert born about 1913
MillewAlvin born about 1939
MillewFredrick born about 1938
MillewLois born about 1917
MitchellAnnie born about 1909
MitchellBarney born about 1891
MitchellBarney born about 1925
MitchellEunice born about 1912
MitchellJ Everettborn about 1911
MitchellJ Everett Jrborn about 1933
MitchellMary Kborn about 1935
MitchellMinnie born about 1927
MontgomeryLee Sborn about 1873
MooreBilly Curryborn about 1930
MooreBobbie Lborn about 1935
MooreH Byronborn about 1899
MooreHallie Leeborn about 1924
MooreHober Lborn about 1892
MooreKaty born about 1902
MooreLyndall born about 1901
MooreMarvin born about 1926
MullesJames Dborn about 1912
MullisCharles Rborn about 1936
MullisEdolyn Mborn about 1931
MullisEmma Maeborn about 1889
MullisPerry Mborn about 1908
MullisPerry Oliverborn about 1934
MullisVelma born about 1910
MullisWillie Dborn about 1887

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N Surnames

NealLoyd born about 1908
NealReta Maeborn about 1909
NewmanJames Lborn about 1896
NewmanJohn Wborn about 1934
NewmanSerena Jborn about 1897
NewsomeEdith born about 1898
NewsomeEllis born about 1896
NewsomeMack born about 1932
NewsomeTruman born about 1923
NewsomeWard born about 1930
NolorsBuena born about 1890
NolorsDudley born about 1885
NormanAlice born about 1898
NormanC Leeborn about 1894

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O Surnames

OdenAnson born about 1913
OdenB Eborn about 1897
OdenBettie Sueborn about 1939
OdenDorine born about 1916
OdenGilbert born about 1931
OdenPearl born about 1893
OlsonBera born about 1905
OlsonEarnest born about 1900
OlsonNorma Louiseborn about 1930
OlsonOlya Maeborn about 1934

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P Surnames

PageBerry born about 1862
PageEula Bborn about 1889
PallettAdam born about 1901
PallettJoseph born about 1875
PallettKattie born about 1877
ParkerCatherine born about 1929
ParkerCharlie born about 1868
ParkerCorene born about 1925
ParkerLester born about 1896
ParkerLucy born about 1897
ParkerPearl born about 1879
ParkerPhillip born about 1923
PearceEarnest born about 1905
PearceEmma born about 1874
PearsonJohn Wborn about 1868
PenticostJohn Cborn about 1890
PenticostLarene Tborn about 1902
PerryEmma born about 1866
PerryFula born about 1916
PerryGatha Leeborn about 1924
PerryGeorge Hborn about 1894
PerryJewell born about 1903
PerryKate born about 1871
PerryMahlon born about 1912
PerryMary Katherineborn about 1927
PerryMilton born about 1860
PerryOliver Hborn about 1856
PerryRuby Leeborn about 1937
PerryWanda Ruthborn about 1932
PhidenLetha born about 1900
PhidenWillian Jborn about 1892
PhilenWilliam J Jrborn about 1928
PierceAllice born about 1860
PierceDorcas born about 1909
PierceJ Wborn about 1878
PierceJames born about 1905
PierceMartha born about 1888
PierceSallie born about 1883
PierceW Tborn about 1852
PinsonGarland born about 1929
PinsonMinnie born about 1896
PinsonOpal born about 1930
PinsonOrville born about 1924
PinsonWillie born about 1895
PinsonWilma born about 1926
PoseyAllen born about 1922
PoseyBurl Wayneborn about 1934
PoseyElmer born about 1908
PoseyEugene born about 1875
PoseyJosie born about 1878
PoseyNelda Fayborn about 1937
PoseyVila born about 1913
PullianAnna born about 1902
PullianAugusta born about 1891
PullianAugusta Jr born about 1925
PullianBobbie born about 1923
PullianWilliam born about 1930

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R Surnames

RatliffBettie Jennborn about 1930
RatliffHomer born about 1891
RatliffJearldene born about 1922
RatliffMattie Leeborn about 1914
RatliffRaymond born about 1910
RatliffWinnie born about 1893
ReeseAlta born about 1921
ReeseBud Oborn about 1890
ReeseCleophas born about 1879
ReeseEthelyne born about 1925
ReeseFrances Eborn about 1881
ReeseGennie Pearlborn about 1898
ReeseWelcome born about 1924
RiceBertha Eborn about 1906
RiceCoratex born about 1922
RiceDelbern born about 1925
RiceElgene born about 1933
RiceIrene born about 1887
RiceJ Ewingborn about 1911
RiceJ Frankborn about 1901
RiceLela Oborn about 1893
RiceMae Vborn about 1858
RiceNesbit born about 1883
RicePenn Eborn about 1879
RiceVerna Leeborn about 1920
RiceWilliam Nborn about 1911
RichardsonAugust born about 1915
RichardsonBilly born about 1940
RichardsonDavid born about 1918
RichardsonHelen born about 1925
RichardsonHoward born about 1927
RichardsonJohnnie Sr born about 1903
RichardsonLillie Mborn about 1903
RichardsonLois born about 1917
RichardsonLouis Eborn about 1938
RichardsonMary born about 1887
RichardsonMildred Jborn about 1937
RichardsonNelda born about 1935
RichardsonPatsy born about 1933
RingsBessie born about 1896
RingsHowell born about 1893
RingsLillie Maeborn about 1923
RingsVirgie Marieborn about 1928
RobbinsEunice born about 1892
RobbinsJames Rborn about 1874
RobbinsMary Eborn about 1925
RobertsDavie Eborn about 1916
RobertsEdna Mborn about 1937
RobertsEva Deanborn about 1884
RobertsJ Bborn about 1912
RobertsLee born about 1884
RobertsOlen Rborn about 1939
RobertsTeauline born about 1915
RobinsonTom Aborn about 1870
RogersElizabeth born about 1908
RogersNorbelle Jr born about 1927
RogersNorville born about 1903
RoyCallie born about 1890
RoyHenry Dborn about 1891
RoyRichard born about 1925
RoyWarren Gborn about 1921
RussellAnnie born about 1876
RussellLuke born about 1910

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S Surnames

SandersLloyd born about 1907
SandersWillie Mborn about 1907
SandersWilson Mborn about 1939
SattlerAlfred born about 1871
ServerGene born about 1909
ServerJewell born about 1913
SewaltAlvis born about 1927
SewaltAudie born about 1885
SewaltDaphene born about 1925
SewaltHerschel born about 1913
SewaltJess Vborn about 1883
SewaltLa Tonneborn about 1939
SewaltMyra born about 1918
SewaltRoyce born about 1915
SewaltWanda born about 1922
ShannonBirl born about 1904
ShannonCharlotte born about 1938
ShannonJamie Pborn about 1939
ShannonJune born about 1915
SheffieldAnnie born about 1885
SheffieldCarl Wborn about 1899
SheffieldMabel born about 1901
SheffieldRobert Eborn about 1882
SheffieldRobert Leeborn about 1911
SheltonBenenna Jborn about 1927
SheltonCleone born about 1904
SheltonHarold born about 1924
SheltonJackie Lborn about 1936
SheltonWoodford Fborn about 1902
ShieldsBuster born about 1921
ShieldsEuell Vborn about 1895
ShieldsIone born about 1897
ShieldsJohnnie Lborn about 1916
SiegfieldClaude born about 1915
SiegfieldLucy Fayborn about 1923
SiegfriedFred born about 1911
SiegfriedJeff born about 1914
SiegfriedNovella born about 1916
SiegfriedRodney born about 1935
SmithDennis born about 1926
SmithJ Lborn about 1927
SmithJack born about 1883
SmithJohn Dborn about 1873
SmithLockie born about 1888
SmithMaxine born about 1933
SmithMelvin Cborn about 1897
SmithMinnie Bborn about 1875
SmithObidiah Eborn about 1868
SmithPhillip born about 1913
SmithRuby born about 1906
SmithWanda born about 1931
SmothersJames Rborn about 1865
SmothersMarthena born about 1869
SowellLillian born about 1908
SowellW Tborn about 1905
SparkmanSidney Fborn about 1915
SparkmanVoyle born about 1915
SpenceAllen born about 1929
SpenceCathleen born about 1904
SpenceJohn born about 1898
StarkeyTravis born about 1924
StarkeyVirginia Deanborn about 1927
StewartAudrey born about 1913
StewartDocia born about 1914
StewartLynda Joeborn about 1939
StewartPeggie Annborn about 1938
StoneLizzie Sborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallertHomer born about 1914
TallertJoan born about 1938
TallertLouisse born about 1917
TallertS Cborn about 1877
TeaqueGlen Aborn about 1914
TeaqueLottie born about 1915
TongateBillie born about 1932
TongateDouglas Royborn about 1939
TongateE Bborn about 1870
TongateElnora born about 1878
TongateGene born about 1934
TongateGoldie born about 1911
TongateJimma Leeborn about 1937
TongateLaura Leeborn about 1917
TongateLouis born about 1908
TongateWalter born about 1914
TongateWelda Sueborn about 1938
TownsendBernice born about 1924
TownsendFred Jborn about 1881
TownsendNannie born about 1885
TownsendTommie born about 1927
TuckerArchie born about 1915
TuckerFred born about 1917
TuckerJennett born about 1922
TuckerJim born about 1919
TungateHellen born about 1925
TungateTexil born about 1900
TurnerClyde born about 1925
TurnerEd Wborn about 1897
TurnerEvelyne born about 1892
TurnerHomer born about 1928
TurnerPaul born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtzmanEmma born about 1873
UtzmanEvelyn Joyceborn about 1936
UtzmanLoyd born about 1904
UtzmanPautiene born about 1905

V Surnames

VagelEva Maeborn about 1917
VagelGrover Rborn about 1912
VagelHerman Rborn about 1936
VagelJerry Deanborn about 1940
VagelNorman Wborn about 1937
VogelEarlene born about 1921
VogelJewell Lborn about 1935
VogelLuther Bborn about 1914
VogelLuther Nborn about 1937
VogelVelma born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WardSidney born about 1886
WarnockWren born about 1917
WatfordRosa born about 1875
WellsEarnest born about 1883
WellsEva born about 1922
WellsFlorence born about 1891
WellsLee Dellborn about 1916
WellsNeva Leeborn about 1939
WellsViolet born about 1922
WhatleyJoan born about 1939
WhatleyJoe born about 1917
WhatleyMagarie born about 1921
WhiteDella born about 1901
WhiteEsther Mborn about 1876
WhiteGeorgia Pborn about 1928
WhitePatricia Lborn about 1939
WhitePatrick born about 1930
WhiteRufus Aborn about 1890
WhiteRufus Dborn about 1937
WhiteheadJoe born about 1923
WilksAda born about 1887
WilksClaude Rborn about 1877
WilksNina Maeborn about 1928
WilliamClarance born about 1887
WilliamM Ellaborn about 1900
WilliameAlma born about 1898
WilliameAuthor born about 1894
WilliameDocia born about 1924
WilliamePhoebe born about 1921
WilliamsJames Aborn about 1919
WilliamsJim born about 1904
WilliamsLeona born about 1917
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1935
WilmethBlanche born about 1914
WilmethLucy Gborn about 1938
WilmethRalph born about 1911
WilsonBessie born about 1883
WilsonCharlie born about 1912
WilsonGeorge born about 1871
WilsonH Glennborn about 1927
WilsonJames Eborn about 1898
WilsonJames Eborn about 1925
WilsonMattie born about 1888
WilsonNathaniel Bborn about 1875
WilsonNina Geoborn about 1925
WilsonOna Leeborn about 1902
WilsonOtis born about 1882
WilsonPercy born about 1934
WilsonRobert born about 1928
WilsonTommie born about 1932
WiseClifton born about 1889
WiseEmma Marieborn about 1921
WiseIrene born about 1893
WiseMildred Fborn about 1928
WiseR Leeborn about 1879
WiseSamu Ellaborn about 1881
WoodleyH Bascomborn about 1908
WoodleyJackie Wborn about 1934
WoodleyRuby Lborn about 1913
WoodsHerman born about 1918
WoodsRonnie born about 1938
WoodsRuth born about 1919
WoolridgeDan Kborn about 1900
WoolridgeEula born about 1909
WoolridgeMack Hborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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