1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lorenzo, Crosby, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Crosby County > 1940 Census of Lorenzo

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyAnnie Tborn about 1890
AbernathyLela Mborn about 1894
AbernathySamuel Eborn about 1893
AdamsRuby Mborn about 1914
AddisonIloyce Pborn about 1916
AddisonJoy Mborn about 1907
AddisonJoy Mborn about 1936
AlexanderGladys born about 1904
AlexanderGranada born about 1919
AlexanderJoe Tborn about 1920
AlexanderJohn R Jrborn about 1903
AlexanderJohn R Seborn about 1868
AlexanderJohn Sborn about 1929
AlexanderPeggy Joborn about 1940
AlexanderRichard Eborn about 1932
AveraAbner Pborn about 1849
AveraLoise born about 1915
AveraNancy Pborn about 1862

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B Surnames

BakerElwanda born about 1937
BakerEtta Clborn about 1907
BakerIssac Dborn about 1907
BakerT Lborn about 1936
BakerTroy Oborn about 1909
BaldwinEmma Mborn about 1883
BallingerDon Rborn about 1935
BallingerEllis Wborn about 1918
BallingerHenry Dborn about 1937
BallingerLawrence born about 1928
BallingerLida Maeborn about 1917
BallingerN Billeborn about 1919
BallingerOliver born about 1915
BallingerOliver Eborn about 1884
BallingerPaul born about 1913
BallingerVernell born about 1936
BallingerWalter Eborn about 1926
BartlettBillings born about 1932
BartlettLeonard Eborn about 1908
BartlettLynda Fborn about 1940
BartlettWillie Sborn about 1909
BaughB Hallborn about 1908
BaughOpal Pborn about 1908
BaughPatsy Rborn about 1939
BaughSamuel Dborn about 1862
BawmanFrida Fborn about 1918
BawmanRubel Dborn about 1938
BawmanRubel Tborn about 1915
BeddingfieldA Doreeneborn about 1938
BeddingfieldJohn Wborn about 1913
BeddingfieldJohn W Jrborn about 1939
BeddingfieldPearle born about 1920
BiggsElizabeth born about 1857
Biskop??? Lborn about 1910
BiskopClayburn born about 1895
BlevinsMattie Vborn about 1888
BogleyRobert Lborn about 1930
BoromanRuble Lborn about 1880
BoromanStella Gborn about 1896
BoundsBerry Dborn about 1938
BoundsDoris Lborn about 1937
BoundsJ Irvinborn about 1904
BoundsJone Eborn about 1906
BowenE Dborn about 1939
BowenErnest Dborn about 1878
BowenJ Cullenborn about 1909
BowenJ Pborn about 1939
BowenOdell Oborn about 1907
BowenWillie Rborn about 1884
BowersJennie Mborn about 1881
BowersMarion Tborn about 1876
BrackeenDurwood Cborn about 1922
BriscoEmily born about 1875
BriscoJoseph Hborn about 1909
BrownInez Mborn about 1899
BrownJoe Wborn about 1931
BrownW Ellisborn about 1895
BrownWalter Eborn about 1935
BrownZerline born about 1921
BruceCarl Eborn about 1920
BruceFrank Hborn about 1936
BruceKenneth Dborn about 1922
BrucePolly born about 1897
BruceVirginia Lborn about 1926
BruceWilliam Eborn about 1893
BucknerErnest Hborn about 1906
BucknerS Leonaborn about 1906
ButlerMartha Fborn about 1870
ButlerWilliam born about 1866
ByersBessie Mborn about 1914
ByersBetty Hborn about 1934
ByersCharline Bborn about 1932
ByersDorothy Mborn about 1935
ByersJoe Wborn about 1909
ByersWilly Jborn about 1939

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C Surnames

CatchingJoe born about 1896
CatchingNell born about 1896
CatchingNora born about 1859
ChastineHerman Aborn about 1899
ClartBeh born about 1898
ClartFannie born about 1870
CookJohn Mborn about 1901
CookMootie Lborn about 1900
CopelaneAlvin Bborn about 1940
CopelaneB Louiseborn about 1919
CopelaneLloyd Kborn about 1915
CopelaneMickey Sborn about 1938
CorrClifton born about 1917
CwardRuth Mborn about 1920

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D Surnames

DavisBenjamin Tborn about 1876
DavisEula Mborn about 1918
DavisMae Eborn about 1893
DavisMaude Mborn about 1937
DavisSamuel Eborn about 1895
DavisSamuel Oborn about 1939
DayJames born about 1891
DayJames Aborn about 1922
DayJosephine Eborn about 1924
DayKay born about 1892
DayVincent Gborn about 1915
DayWallace born about 1914
DicksonBessie Lborn about 1901
DudleyFarnkie Mborn about 1937
DudleyJohn Eborn about 1909
DudleyLola born about 1909
DudleyV Pearlborn about 1939
DuncanJames Rborn about 1885
DuncanJames R Jrborn about 1925
DuncanParle Aborn about 1891

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E Surnames

EasonClifford Aborn about 1907
EasonElnora Aborn about 1918
EasonRosetta born about 1878
EasonWilliam Aborn about 1874
EasterJake Oborn about 1885
EasterMaurice Tborn about 1887
EasterO Tborn about 1900
EasterSebie born about 1875
EasterVida Vborn about 1895
EchalsAlta Bborn about 1910
EchalsLee Mborn about 1909
ElliottClara Aborn about 1934
ElliottEdward born about 1931
ElliottErnest born about 1933
ElliottFrances born about 1924
ElliottIna Eborn about 1922
ElliottJewell born about 1927
ElliottLouise born about 1923
ElliottMary Mborn about 1898
ElliottRobert born about 1929
ElliottWilliam Eborn about 1883
ElliottWilliam Fborn about 1926
EllisA Nodineborn about 1927
EllisJohn Hborn about 1895
EllisMable Aborn about 1922
EllisRuby Gborn about 1895
ErsonBillie Lborn about 1923
ErsonWilliam Pborn about 1919
EskewEva Bborn about 1912
EskewJossie born about 1885
EverettChas Aborn about 1874
EverettJohnnie Bborn about 1875

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F Surnames

FlowersAbye Jborn about 1928
FlowersBurt Wborn about 1904
FlowersClyde Wborn about 1933
FlowersDorotha Fborn about 1926
FlowersFay Aborn about 1906
FlowersM Helenborn about 1931
FullingimeMay born about 1875
FullingimeWilliam Pborn about 1876

G Surnames

GamronJames Mborn about 1923
GamronJones Sborn about 1900
GamronMargaret Aborn about 1901
GoodwinSarah Eborn about 1865
GraceAddie born about 1892
GraceBilly Gborn about 1933
GraceE Paulineborn about 1914
GraceElmer born about 1912
GraceThomas Lborn about 1873
GraceVelda Kborn about 1935
GrahamCalvin Cborn about 1926
GrahamChas Hborn about 1884
GrahamEunice Wborn about 1891
GrahamFrancis Hborn about 1931
GrayJ Edwardborn about 1919
GrayJessie born about 1922
GrayM Vinnaborn about 1894
GrayMary Lborn about 1921
GrayPaul Hborn about 1932
GrayW Scottborn about 1884
GrayWilliams born about 1926
GreenAlice Mborn about 1932
GreenL Areneborn about 1916
GreenVera born about 1912
GreenhawH Fordborn about 1917
GreenhawMabel Pborn about 1920
GreenhawWalter Mborn about 1940
GregerIda born about 1901
GregoryArvin Lborn about 1935
GregoryLillian born about 1905
GregoryThomas Fborn about 1907
GregoryVanda Mborn about 1919
GrizleMattie Bborn about 1910
GrizleTravis Jborn about 1905

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H Surnames

HaleFrancis Lborn about 1929
HamblinHarold Wborn about 1926
HamblinQuineta born about 1922
HaralsonIda born about 1906
HarnFrank Jborn about 1865
HarnMargaret Eborn about 1900
HarpCecil Wborn about 1925
HarpEllis Mborn about 1891
HarpMaude born about 1901
HarpRex Eborn about 1922
HarpWilma Sborn about 1924
HarresW Lee O'danielborn about 1939
HarvisGene Autryborn about 1936
HarvisWillie Bborn about 1906
HemblinN Gleaborn about 1913
HemblinNora Cborn about 1883
HendrickJerry Wborn about 1939
HendrickLucy Mborn about 1881
HendrickNell Oborn about 1906
HendrickSherrill Aborn about 1940
HendrickT Gusborn about 1879
HendrickThomas Gborn about 1907
HenryJack born about 1922
HenryMabel born about 1881
HenryPaul born about 1912
HenryRuth born about 1919
HenryStockton born about 1873
HeusleyEdward Pborn about 1927
HeusleyL Paulineborn about 1921
HeusleyL Rayborn about 1891
HeusleyRescoe Sborn about 1893
HicksEva Lborn about 1934
HicksJunior Lborn about 1933
HicksRose Leeborn about 1917
HicksWillie Jborn about 1936
HoodDale Hborn about 1939
HoodGeraldine born about 1920
HoodSam Hborn about 1917
HowardAubrey Hborn about 1903
HowardChas Aborn about 1934
HowardJodie Wborn about 1929
HowkinsAllice born about 1895
HowkinsWilliam Kborn about 1892
HuckabayJ Edwardborn about 1868
HuckabayJohn Rborn about 1872
HuckabayLeslie Vborn about 1909
HuckabayMary Kborn about 1873
HuckabayNadine Oborn about 1911
HuckabaySarah Eborn about 1871
HuckobeyJosph Eborn about 1902
HuckobeyStanley Rborn about 1926
HuckobeyValeria born about 1909
HuckobeyWillouise born about 1932
HughesE Leonardborn about 1898
HughesFrancis Lborn about 1929
HughesIrene Vborn about 1901
HughesL Normaborn about 1927
HughesNancy born about 1938
HughesOscar Mborn about 1921
HughesVelma Vborn about 1936
HughisClifton Jborn about 1918
HughisFrank Cborn about 1880
HughisMiddie Mborn about 1892

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I Surnames

IngramEvelyn Cborn about 1935
IngramJune Aborn about 1916
IngramLinda Jborn about 1940
IngramPaul Vborn about 1912
IngramWilma Lborn about 1937

J Surnames

JenningBobby Jr born about 1939
JenningDela Dborn about 1910
JenningJoe Vborn about 1912
JohnsonA Claytonborn about 1875
JohnsonJohn Cborn about 1894
JohnsonMattie Bborn about 1877
JohnsonMattie Sborn about 1897
JoinerMethel Dborn about 1926
JoinerMurray Mborn about 1933
JoinerOlive Mborn about 1900
JoinerOlyn born about 1899
JoinerThalia Mborn about 1924
JonesBilly Bborn about 1933
JonesJ Bborn about 1926
JonesJames Lborn about 1908
JonesMary born about 1905
JonesRachel Cborn about 1870
JonesRay born about 1939
JonesTownsel Rborn about 1867
JonesTroy Gborn about 1901
JonesWile born about 1918
JonesWilliam born about 1929
JordnGertalou born about 1917
JordnMargaret born about 1939
JordnW Lowiseborn about 1919

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K Surnames

KempChristine born about 1923
KempOla Lborn about 1899
KempOmer Hborn about 1898
KempOmer H Jrborn about 1929
KendallArthur Aborn about 1903
KendallBarbra Joborn about 1936
KendallLida Eborn about 1905
KernFred Fborn about 1912
KernHazel Mborn about 1910
KingBobby Mborn about 1933
KingPernice born about 1908
KingWilliam Aborn about 1910

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L Surnames

LairdJames Lborn about 1926
LairdLlanos Mborn about 1894
LairdLloyd Eborn about 1922
LairdMinnie Dborn about 1898
LairdNancy Bborn about 1923
LendmanEtta Pborn about 1922
LendmanIva Aborn about 1914
LendmanMaggie Lborn about 1916
LendmanOttist Bborn about 1901
LendropC Fayeborn about 1902
LendropEarl Rborn about 1899
LettLester Tborn about 1875
LettLuella born about 1878
LeverettBeulah Eborn about 1884
LeverettElla Aborn about 1855
LewallanAlbert born about 1895
LindsenE Evelynborn about 1879
LindsenWilliam Bborn about 1878
LitleFloyd Cborn about 1906
LitleJames Iborn about 1936
LitleMildred Lborn about 1915
LitleNoomi Rborn about 1934
LitleRex Eborn about 1939
LofitsE Lonborn about 1920
LofitsHampton Pborn about 1885
LofitsMary Eborn about 1888
LofitsMary Kborn about 1922
LottArron Wborn about 1915
LottE Virginiaborn about 1917
LunchB Louiseborn about 1916
LunchCecil Dborn about 1909
LunchJohn Cborn about 1936
LunchSandra Aborn about 1937
LunchVera Lborn about 1939
LuttleRobert Lborn about 1916
LuttleSally Lborn about 1886

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M Surnames

MaakFirman Eborn about 1910
MaakNora Eborn about 1889
MaakWilliam Vborn about 1883
MankinsClora Eborn about 1898
MankinsErnest Rborn about 1896
MankinsGaylon Fborn about 1925
MankinsHarold Mborn about 1924
MankinsJohn Aborn about 1931
MankinsWanza Rborn about 1922
MarlarBonnie Rborn about 1923
MarlarMinnie Lborn about 1883
MarlarTommie Mborn about 1916
MarlarW Barneyborn about 1909
MarlonClifford Dborn about 1931
MarlonGlenna Eborn about 1933
MarlonLonnie Rborn about 1910
MarlonP Moriceborn about 1938
MarlonPaul Bborn about 1906
MarlonVelela Jborn about 1930
MartinAcklos born about 1900
MartinCarrol Hborn about 1923
MartinClyde Dborn about 1934
MartinEthel Mborn about 1901
MartinNancy Jborn about 1860
MartinValisse Gborn about 1879
MartinWeldon Sborn about 1927
MartinWillien born about 1885
Mauldine??? Bborn about 1879
MauldineD Ellaborn about 1884
McCauleyGladys Iborn about 1935
McCauleyLeslie Mborn about 1900
McCauleyLittie Eborn about 1909
McCauleyNellie Aborn about 1930
McCauleyRay Jborn about 1939
McCauleyRoy Gborn about 1939
McCoryAndrew Jborn about 1859
McMurryBeba born about 1885
McReynoldsIzzie born about 1887
McReynoldsJessie Wborn about 1884
McReynoldsLeslie Rborn about 1920
McReynoldsRaymond Wborn about 1906
MercerBillie Fborn about 1929
MercerHelen Mborn about 1912
MercerSelman Gborn about 1910
MiddletonBilly Scottborn about 1931
MiddletonJonnie born about 1893
MiddletonWilliam Sborn about 1891
MillerMary Eborn about 1885
MontgomeryBobbie Lborn about 1929
MontgomeryHelen Lborn about 1925
MontgomeryRobert Fborn about 1903
MontgomeryStella Mborn about 1908
MooreAddie Mborn about 1912
MooreClyde Aborn about 1906
MooreMarthe Jborn about 1931
MooreOscar Fborn about 1903
MoreDela Hborn about 1906
MoreJerry Lborn about 1931
MoreViola born about 1877
MoreyChester Eborn about 1922
MoreyLura Lborn about 1894
MoreyW Fredborn about 1888
MorrisGeorge Mborn about 1918
MorrisJames Hborn about 1916
MortinGwenita born about 1930
MortinL Bborn about 1933
MortinOmer Fborn about 1895
MortinWilliam Iborn about 1926
MortinZella born about 1905
MullingsFred Rborn about 1905
MullingsVivian Kborn about 1908

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N Surnames

NicholasEssie Sborn about 1910
NicholasHerbert Hborn about 1904
NicholasJudith born about 1940
NicholsonClarisa Mborn about 1900
NicholsonRobert Pborn about 1890
NicholsonRobert P Jrborn about 1923

O Surnames

OerarEtta born about 1894
OerarGeorge Gborn about 1933
OerarGeorge Tborn about 1884
OerarLouetta born about 1921
OerarRoy born about 1915
OerarS Eborn about 1917
OgleCharlotte Dborn about 1935
OgleHomer Dborn about 1912
OgleJessie Pborn about 1915
OgleWanda Cborn about 1934
OkfordBelvie Lborn about 1873
OkfordWillie Cborn about 1899
OkinsNancy born about 1882
OskerDoyle Wborn about 1939
OskerEmma Mborn about 1919
OskerW Terrellborn about 1916
OwensLela Eborn about 1926
OwensMattie born about 1913
OwensMattie Lborn about 1885

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P Surnames

ParwayBetty Dborn about 1932
ParwayDaisy Bborn about 1911
ParwayNan born about 1938
ParwayRuby Tborn about 1930
PattersonC Rborn about 1886
PattersonLillian Eborn about 1888
PauittMonnye Lborn about 1912
PeakAddie Sborn about 1887
PeakSherman Rborn about 1912
PearsonClara Aborn about 1885
PearsonH Claraborn about 1878
PearsonHildra Aborn about 1868
PearsonHouston Cborn about 1923
PearsonJames Mborn about 1918
PearsonMyrtle Loisborn about 1921
PearsonMyrtle Mborn about 1891
PearsonRobert Dborn about 1929
PearsonsCora Aborn about 1882
PearsonsH Fosterborn about 1878
PetcherEllie born about 1889
PetcherJ James Wborn about 1888
PetcherWaylon J Rborn about 1923
PillipsBilly Mborn about 1936
PillipsBobby born about 1927
PillipsCecil Lborn about 1905
PillipsHosea born about 1899
PillipsJohnny born about 1930
PillipsMilton Hborn about 1932
PillipsRuby Nborn about 1934
PintertonAllen Rborn about 1902
PintertonC Eborn about 1929
PintertonTonny Eborn about 1902
PotilloMary Jborn about 1858
PruittDorla Geneborn about 1932
PruittMarvin Tborn about 1907
PuratHarold Wborn about 1936
PuratLeon Cborn about 1912
PuratWinnie Bborn about 1912

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R Surnames

RachelFrances Dborn about 1936
RachelViola born about 1909
RakerCharles born about 1917
RebbFred Aborn about 1894
RectonErnest Cborn about 1932
RectonLeona Sborn about 1914
ReestChas born about 1918
ReestJohn Wborn about 1896
ReestOllie born about 1899
ReestPauline born about 1921
RiceBenjamin Hborn about 1887
RiceJ Ralphborn about 1922
RiceNola Lborn about 1926
RiceW Melvyborn about 1887
RiversBernice Fborn about 1914
RiversBuddie Fredborn about 1939
RiversM Albertaborn about 1914
RobertsVictor Lborn about 1886
RobertsonAlma born about 1896
RobertsonChas Hborn about 1873
RobertsonIre born about 1891
RobertsonOlivia Vborn about 1868
RobertsonWinston Mborn about 1920
RounsavilleEdna born about 1903
RounsavilleH Jborn about 1899
RounsavilleH T Jrborn about 1924
RounsavilleJewell born about 1921

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S Surnames

SchulerAlva born about 1903
SchulerDorothy Jborn about 1934
SchulerJoe born about 1903
SchulerRobert Aborn about 1932
SchulerWalter Lborn about 1937
ShamMyrtle Cborn about 1920
SheltonAleen born about 1862
SheltonKenneth Rborn about 1937
SheltonR Lborn about 1935
SheltonRoy born about 1905
SheltonTommy Lborn about 1932
SheltonWyanona Jborn about 1939
ShirleyCalvin Eborn about 1861
ShirleyEtta born about 1876
ShirleyJerome born about 1902
ShirleyMary born about 1861
SkirlockLizzie Mborn about 1874
SkirlockLouis Aborn about 1870
SmallinEsther Yborn about 1875
SmallinJohn Oborn about 1875
SmiderFrancis born about 1890
SmiderJohn Dborn about 1888
SmiderJohn Eborn about 1922
SmithAda Mborn about 1893
SmithAlbert Jborn about 1898
SmithBeverly Jborn about 1930
SmithCarrie Mborn about 1927
SmithCharles Wborn about 1933
SmithE Coreneborn about 1913
SmithEmilie Lborn about 1896
SmithGladys born about 1896
SmithJoe Jborn about 1909
SmithRuby Fborn about 1918
SmithThomas Aborn about 1870
SmithThomas Eborn about 1898
SmithWiley Aborn about 1916
SmyerLawrence Nborn about 1914
SmyerMattie Mborn about 1916
SmyerS Dellarborn about 1871
SpeerEmmie Mborn about 1891
SpeerG Jackborn about 1919
SpeerJames Tborn about 1920
SpeerR Gradyborn about 1889
StenleyElda Rborn about 1879
StephensJames Rborn about 1887
StevensBettie Jborn about 1883
StewartEva Lborn about 1889
StobaughElene born about 1904
StobaughJohn Aborn about 1904
StobaughJohnson born about 1884
StreetJoe Aborn about 1886
StreetStella born about 1896

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T Surnames

TarrW Mborn about 1862
TemperBlanche Lborn about 1908
TemperBurnes Wborn about 1913
TemperJames Eborn about 1938
TerrellAllen Rborn about 1935
TerrellJames R Rborn about 1857
TerrellMable Mborn about 1898
TerrellRoy Jborn about 1888
ThorntonOctavia Bborn about 1894
ThorntonOscar born about 1894
TrozelleBilly Jborn about 1936
TrozelleMary Eborn about 1879
TurkesMary Jborn about 1920
TurnerJames Mborn about 1917

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U Surnames

UndrwoodJames C Jborn about 1922
UndrwoodJames Eborn about 1890
UndrwoodPauline born about 1892

W Surnames

WamplerHarvey Hborn about 1881
WamplerM Pearlborn about 1884
WatersG Dallasborn about 1907
WatersKohl Gborn about 1934
WatersRuth Gborn about 1911
WattsGenell born about 1918
WattsWoodrow Fborn about 1918
WhitacreNettie Bborn about 1869
WhiteLeia Eborn about 1920
WhiteLeo Aborn about 1915
WieseFred Eborn about 1896
WieseLinnie Mborn about 1904
WileyMary Cborn about 1877
WileyWilliam Aborn about 1871
WilliamsCecil Aborn about 1922
WilliamsClaude Sborn about 1888
WilliamsEthel Mborn about 1888
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1910
WilliamsMary born about 1905
WilliamsNennie Fborn about 1924
WimsJohn Rborn about 1911
WimsVerna Eborn about 1918
WittJohn born about 1901
WittVera Lborn about 1908
WittWillard Gborn about 1937
WoodsD Moriceborn about 1923
WoodsTruda Cborn about 1903
WoodsW Francesborn about 1921
WoodsW Jborn about 1925
WoodsW Mishieborn about 1927
WoodsWilliam Rborn about 1899
WristenLou Eborn about 1887

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Y Surnames

YoungBeatrice born about 1896
YoungFloyd born about 1919
YoungJohny born about 1921
YoungMabel Gborn about 1929
YoungMaude Bborn about 1925
YoungNewal born about 1924
YoungOpal born about 1939
YoungRosie Mborn about 1930
YoungVirginia born about 1936
YoungWilbur born about 1933
YoungWillie born about 1868

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