1940 U.S. Federal Census of Malone, Hill, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Hill County > 1940 Census of Malone

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AshmoreEaster born about 1873

B Surnames

BaldwinAnnie Florenceborn about 1923
BaldwinEdna Ruthborn about 1931
BaldwinJames Kolbborn about 1939
BaldwinJessie Edwinborn about 1929
BaldwinJohn Wborn about 1921
BaldwinLela Jucitaborn about 1898
BaldwinRobert Elmerborn about 1937
BaldwinWalter Laneborn about 1925
BaldwinWilliam Eborn about 1901
BarnesAnnie born about 1885
BarrettBates Wborn about 1911
BarrettC Prestonborn about 1887
BarrettEthel born about 1894
BarrettMamie Bellborn about 1895
BarrettSamuel Fborn about 1870
BattaileEdwin Lborn about 1888
BattaileEdwin L Jrborn about 1930
BattaileEffie Cborn about 1892
BaylessAlma born about 1891
BaylessChristine born about 1924
BaylessJulius Aborn about 1888
BiekerstaffSusie born about 1890
BohannanMmisa Eborn about 1867
BohannanWilliam Cborn about 1864
BriscoCarrie born about 1882
BriscoFrank born about 1872
BroederAlbert Lborn about 1898
BroederMata Maryborn about 1903
BrownAdam born about 1935
BrownAnna Dorisborn about 1939
BrownErmogene born about 1937
BrownFrank born about 1907
BrownRuby born about 1918
BrownRuby Geanborn about 1937
BrunsonLula born about 1894
BrutonDavid Nborn about 1875
BrutonNellie Pborn about 1874
BurnettJo Aliceborn about 1938
BurnettL Dborn about 1917
BurnettLouis Dborn about 1937
BurnettThelma born about 1913

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C Surnames

CamptonEdward Dborn about 1863
CollierAmanda born about 1893
CollierEmmet Fborn about 1888
CollierMargaretann born about 1927
CollierMarie born about 1920
ColsonLaura Bborn about 1905
ColsonW Guthrieborn about 1900
CoxBarbara Lborn about 1916
CoxJames Jborn about 1875
CoxNanny Lborn about 1875
CrossBessie Mayborn about 1898
CrossJ Oborn about 1925
CrossMaxine born about 1923
CrossW Clydeborn about 1891

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D Surnames

DanielEd Wborn about 1893
DavenportAlma born about 1891
DavenportJ Lesterborn about 1906
DavisAlice Maudborn about 1884
DavisJime Cborn about 1922
DavisLois born about 1925
DavisVerniel born about 1922
DavisWalter Aborn about 1919
DavisWalter Wborn about 1883
DefordCarolyn Janeborn about 1938
DefordMaurine born about 1913
DefordRussell Dborn about 1910
DowsonBenjamin Fborn about 1874
DowsonMary Dansborn about 1878
DunbarEverett Oborn about 1897
DunbarGrace born about 1900
DunbarGussie Loraborn about 1897
DunbarRobert Oborn about 1927
DunbarVernon born about 1892

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E Surnames

EmersonNicie born about 1893
ErnstAlma born about 1883
ErnstEmil born about 1860
ErskineLillian Vborn about 1878
ErskineWill Rborn about 1877

F Surnames

FlemonsMartha born about 1919
FlemonsWallace born about 1916
FosterAlbertine born about 1932
FosterAnna Dorisborn about 1908
FosterDee Rborn about 1903
FosterMaradee born about 1927
FosterThala Mildredborn about 1930
FreemanEliza Xborn about 1885
FreemanJames Dborn about 1875

G Surnames

GarrettAubrey Mborn about 1932
GarrettDorothy Lborn about 1924
GarrettMyra Fborn about 1925
GarrettRobert Lborn about 1895
GarrettRobert L Jrborn about 1929
GarrettSenney Bborn about 1899
GateBeulah born about 1928
GateBilly Jaeborn about 1927
GateFrances born about 1906
GateWillie Lborn about 1906
GaySambo born about 1922
GehringEdward H Jrborn about 1921
GehringEdward H Srborn about 1896
GehringMattie born about 1898
GiltonDorothy born about 1915
GiltonFrankie Jamesborn about 1913
GiltonJocaline Joyceborn about 1935
GoodIna Dborn about 1922
GoodThomas Pborn about 1920
GoodWilliam Tborn about 1939
GoodeAndy Joeborn about 1904
GoodeJ Edward Jrborn about 1924
GoodeJ Edward Srborn about 1875
GoodeJoe Leeborn about 1931
GoodeRuby Leeborn about 1908
GoodmanJoseph Nborn about 1905
GoodmanKotie Eborn about 1912
GoodmanMildred Eborn about 1914
GoodmanNora Hborn about 1873
GreenhillBlanche born about 1899

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H Surnames

HahnAnna born about 1894
HahnAnna Mayborn about 1926
HahnMary born about 1859
HahnOscar born about 1919
HahnOtto G Srborn about 1891
HahnOtto Mayborn about 1924
HahnVernon born about 1923
HancockGwendolyn born about 1918
HancockJ Rossborn about 1918
HancockStella born about 1884
HarrisonCamlee born about 1866
HarrisonEva Nellborn about 1936
HarrisonGene Raymondborn about 1939
HarrisonRada born about 1912
HarrisonRaymond born about 1914
HartfordEmma born about 1868
HawellApal born about 1907
HawellBert born about 1908
HawellJimmie Bborn about 1937
HawellSara Eborn about 1868
HaynesAmos born about 1892
HaynlsHenry born about 1903
HaynlsL Cborn about 1923
HaynlsLottie born about 1902
HaynlsMinnie Leeborn about 1921
HaynlsRuby Leeborn about 1925
HaywoodEugene born about 1927
HaywoodGladys born about 1925
HaywoodHannah born about 1904
HellPauline born about 1908
HellWilliam Cborn about 1896
HendersonBobbie Jeanborn about 1933
HendersonIna Mayborn about 1912
HendersonMarvin born about 1931
HendersonPotsy born about 1918
HendersonVelma born about 1934
HendersonVera Leeborn about 1932
HendersonWillie Fborn about 1930
HendersonZ Dborn about 1919
HerrellBessie born about 1920
HerrellEmma Jeanborn about 1938
HerrellFountain born about 1915
HerrellJames Richardborn about 1939
HoddeFrances born about 1925
HoddeHilda born about 1899
HoffmanAmmie born about 1908
HoffmanGeorge Annborn about 1938
HoffmanGeorge Jborn about 1910
HollingsworthAzuilla Cborn about 1894
HollingsworthJoe Pborn about 1923
HollingsworthLucy Iborn about 1893
HollingsworthMattie Lborn about 1920
HowardBobbie Jeanborn about 1930
HowardHazel born about 1908
HowardHazel Lborn about 1927
HowardJohn Wborn about 1911
HowardW Floydborn about 1901
HudimsLester Fborn about 1896
HugoEmma born about 1883
HunterEdward Lborn about 1896
HunterRunie Maeborn about 1901
HynesE Hborn about 1926
HynesFlorence born about 1873

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J Surnames

JacksonLinda Jeanborn about 1925
JacksonVernon Lborn about 1886
JacksonWillie Jborn about 1930
JeffersonLonnie born about 1912
JeffersonRosy Mayborn about 1917
JohnsonLuella born about 1925
JonnsonCarrie born about 1917
JonnsonDelnoice born about 1939
JonnsonMiller born about 1915
JuddHarold Lborn about 1929
JuddNettie born about 1913
JuddSelby Dborn about 1905

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K Surnames

KandrickCarl Tborn about 1904
KandrickClara born about 1903
KandrickJoanne born about 1927
KandrickPatricia Iveborn about 1929
KillxamsAulton Lborn about 1909
KillxamsMildred Sborn about 1910
KillxamsRobert Floydborn about 1932
KillxamsSybil Anneborn about 1934
KillxamsVan Anlton born about 1928
KirbyAlta born about 1904
KirbyJ Lutherborn about 1896
KorbCarl born about 1904
KorbEdmund born about 1901
KorbGeraldine born about 1933
KorbMyrtle born about 1906
KorbTella born about 1902
KrugerAlbert Lborn about 1893
KrugerAubrey born about 1928
KrugerDelton born about 1923
KrugerFrances born about 1925
KrugerHershel born about 1936
KrugerTillie born about 1892

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L Surnames

LangfordDorothy Mborn about 1922
LangfordJack Wborn about 1933
LangfordJinnie born about 1895
LangfordLee born about 1898
LangfordWallace Gborn about 1920
LangstonJoe born about 1891
LartyohnBob Allenborn about 1931
LartyohnC Carlisleborn about 1902
LartyohnIdyl born about 1901
LartyohnPeggy Annborn about 1937
LehdeJohn Hborn about 1909
LehdeLeona born about 1918
LehdeMilton Mborn about 1939
LentzEthel Bellborn about 1896
LentzLouie Eborn about 1889
LerryAmanda born about 1889
LerryBennie born about 1920
LerryEra Leeborn about 1925
LerryJames born about 1925
LerryRobert born about 1921
LeutzMalon born about 1920
LittlejohnD Jborn about 1872
LittlejohnNellie born about 1882
LuaasBuby Lenborn about 1937
LuaasJohnie Lborn about 1911
LuaasRuby born about 1915

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M Surnames

MaderaJessie Leeborn about 1912
MaderaJessie Mborn about 1935
MaderaMinnie born about 1914
ManningJim Davisborn about 1915
ManningVirginia born about 1876
ManningWill born about 1877
MantieBertha born about 1910
MarrArchie born about 1929
MarrJack born about 1932
MarrMargaret Pborn about 1923
MarrMaude born about 1900
MarrN Earlborn about 1898
MassengaleBobbie Ruthborn about 1929
MassengaleFrankie Pborn about 1927
McClamThomas Jborn about 1854
McKelveyDutch born about 1896
McKelveyL Gradyborn about 1896
McKelveyLa Kellah Hborn about 1917
McKelveyPatsy Ruthborn about 1926
McNealMartha born about 1900
McNealyIda born about 1889
McNealyJohn born about 1883
McNeely born about 1918
McNeelyBillie Joeborn about 1932
McNeelyBugg born about 1885
McNeelyClarice born about 1936
McNeelyEdward Jborn about 1934
McNeelyFaylee born about 1939
McNeelyIrece born about 1911
MielerWilliam Sborn about 1937
MilburnHarry born about 1912
MilikienWill Hborn about 1880
MillerCalvin Bborn about 1889
MontgomeryHershel born about 1917
MontgomeryLela Marieborn about 1939
MontgomeryOpal Corinneborn about 1920
MyersCalirn Pborn about 1878
MyersDavid Fborn about 1930
MyersLucretia Eborn about 1894
MyersRichard Cborn about 1935

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N Surnames

NewtonGeorge born about 1872
NewtonWillie Armborn about 1875
NicholsClarence Mborn about 1890

O Surnames

OrsagElodia born about 1914
OrsagJames Lborn about 1934
OrsagJim Vineborn about 1905
OrsagSilvia Annborn about 1939

P Surnames

PerryBen born about 1880
PerryLouise born about 1915
PhiferJohana born about 1855
PierseC Paulborn about 1892
PierseCharles Pborn about 1931
PierseEunice born about 1902
PierseTheda Jackborn about 1933
PowersEarl born about 1904
PraylorCleo Dborn about 1892
PraylorFrances Janeborn about 1921
PraylorMalon Mborn about 1883
PriebeEdwin born about 1919
PriebeHerman born about 1872
PriebeTheophille born about 1874

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R Surnames

RadkeEdwin Hborn about 1880
RadkeLena born about 1883
RagnorAlice born about 1866
RanterAndrew born about 1901
RanterPera born about 1915
ReedMarie born about 1910
ReinkeAnna Margaretborn about 1932
ReinkeFred born about 1924
ReinkeHulda Lborn about 1892
ReinkeMildred born about 1934
ReinkePearl born about 1926
ReinkeVictor born about 1922
ReinkeWilliam Aborn about 1887
RenkendorferMinnie born about 1874
RosentreterJohn Cborn about 1877
RosentreterLouise born about 1868

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S Surnames

SandersonSarah born about 1866
SchmidtAlice born about 1901
SchmidtAlvin born about 1918
SchmidtCharles F Jrborn about 1921
SchmidtCharlie Fborn about 1896
SchmidtEdna Lewisborn about 1922
SchmidtLouise born about 1921
SchmidtOlga born about 1885
SchmidtWilliam Hborn about 1921
SchulteBarbara Jr born about 1937
SchulteCarole Denaborn about 1940
SchulteDolly Mayborn about 1933
SchulteJoe Jborn about 1908
SchulteLillian Nadineborn about 1916
SledgeElwood born about 1931
SledgeJanell born about 1936
SledgeJulia Aborn about 1913
SledgeLeo Davidborn about 1909
SledgeMona Fayeborn about 1934
SmithAlvin Aborn about 1910
SmithBen Mborn about 1873
SmithBettye Annborn about 1936
SmithCorinne born about 1874
SmithDan Wborn about 1872
SmithDora Maeborn about 1908
SmithElbert Lborn about 1890
SmithHattie born about 1883
SmithSettie Aborn about 1889
SmithWilliam Oborn about 1865
StallingsLon Virgieborn about 1882
StallingsM Horsceborn about 1880
StilesJulia Corinneborn about 1919
SwageBernice born about 1918
SwageSusan born about 1939

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T Surnames

TackerEvelena Lborn about 1871
TackerLester Lborn about 1910
TackerThelma born about 1915
TackerWilliam Jborn about 1871
TateFloyd born about 1908
TateMattie born about 1879
TatumAlonzo born about 1917
TatumChristine born about 1904
TatumElla born about 1868
TatumJames Oscarborn about 1927
TatumMarvin born about 1887
TatumSueed born about 1890
TeekerH Eldridgaborn about 1929
TeekerHoward Eborn about 1894
TeekerParl Eborn about 1901
ThomasLillian Eattaborn about 1908
ThomasLon born about 1874
ThomasPete born about 1910
TilfordHulda born about 1900
TooneIra born about 1897
TooneLona born about 1898
TooneWayne born about 1929
TylerHenryf born about 1856

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W Surnames

WalkerCecil born about 1919
WalkerMary born about 1901
WalkerRoy Lborn about 1892
WallingPara born about 1896
WallingR Travisborn about 1889
WarrenBobbie Jenetteborn about 1930
WarrenHarold Forrestborn about 1932
WarrenInez born about 1910
WarrenJosephine born about 1929
WarrenLoyd Rayborn about 1938
WarrenR Forrestborn about 1903
WatsonBillie Wayneborn about 1935
WatsonClyde born about 1924
WatsonFloyd born about 1913
WatsonHallie born about 1892
WatsonJinnie Deanborn about 1932
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1885
WatsonLillie Bellborn about 1933
WatsonNellie born about 1909
WebbAlmer Royborn about 1905
WebbArnold born about 1915
WebbEthel born about 1886
WebbTressie born about 1910
WelekFrank Gborn about 1901
WelekPolly born about 1910
WellsJaequeline Iveborn about 1934
WellsMozelle born about 1910
WellsRose Maryborn about 1938
WellsS Evanborn about 1908
WestAzlee born about 1914
WestCharlie Dborn about 1912
WestHenry Earlborn about 1939
WestJ Cborn about 1931
WestJosephine born about 1932
WhiteasckerJessie born about 1905
WillefordFrank Rborn about 1899
WillefordLewis born about 1891
WillefordMattie Eborn about 1872
WintersL Nathen Jrborn about 1938
WintersL Natthan Srborn about 1905
WintersPauline born about 1910
WorleyG Dowborn about 1929
WorleyGeorge Dborn about 1895
WorleyJenny Mborn about 1907
WorleyRoss Bborn about 1903
WorleyVona born about 1901
WrightAudrey Eborn about 1933
WrightJoan Celesteborn about 1936
WrightMary Lonborn about 1910
WrightMelvin Bborn about 1909
WyattNettie born about 1870

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Y Surnames

YeagerCalvin Hborn about 1914

Z Surnames

ZetterEmma born about 1872
ZetterHenry Sr born about 1867

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