1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oran, Palo Pinto, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Palo Pinto County > 1940 Census of Oran

B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BaggettMary Louborn about 1919
BaggettOliver Wborn about 1910
BrannanLeone born about 1905
BrannanWilliam Hborn about 1889
BurlsonAaron born about 1910
BurlsonDerell born about 1934
BurlsonDwight born about 1938
BurlsonKatie born about 1910

C Surnames

CavinessI Fborn about 1880

F Surnames

FosterAzel born about 1931
FosterDeloris born about 1939
FosterDoris born about 1935
FosterDow born about 1932
FosterEva born about 1909
FosterHazel born about 1911
FosterJohn Bborn about 1906
FosterRaymond born about 1917
FosterSylva born about 1931
FrancisDoris born about 1925
FrancisEthel born about 1906
FrancisJoewan born about 1930
FrancisMarvin Lborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarrisonAlice born about 1938
GarrisonCharles born about 1937
GarrisonDavid born about 1933
GarrisonEllen born about 1919
GarrisonElsie born about 1927
GarrisonFred Wborn about 1886
GarrisonFred Sr born about 1917
GarrisonMyrtle born about 1898
GarrisonNick born about 1936
GarrisonPauline born about 1919
GarrisonSimp born about 1918
GauldinR Hborn about

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H Surnames

HawsonDwain born about 1936
HawsonMargarete born about 1934
HawsonNathan born about 1912
HawsonRuth born about 1914
HendersonBabe Mborn about 1915
HinksonR Dborn about 1875

J Surnames

JeffriesJim Mborn about 1878
JurightDelphyne born about 1936
JurightGeorge born about 1909
JurightVera born about 1915

K Surnames

KendrickAndrew Cborn about 1873
KendrickTinnie born about 1890

M Surnames

MahanRay Williardborn about 1908
ManleyBobbie born about 1937
ManleyCharles born about 1933
ManleyDolphus born about 1909
ManleyHubert born about 1906
ManleyJearid born about 1939
ManleyKathryn born about 1933
ManleyMelba born about 1936
ManleyRosiley born about 1911
ManleyVerna born about 1909
MannAlvin born about 1912
MannConlee born about 1879
MannJames born about 1913
MannJames Aborn about 1885
MannJoe Eborn about 1919
MannM Cborn about 1911
McAlisterEllen born about 1939
McAlisterJoe Fborn about 1905
McAlisterJoe F Stborn about 1939
McAlisterVerna born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashHerice born about 1927

P Surnames

ParsleyCli??? Dborn about 1921
ParsleyMozelle born about 1922

S Surnames

SmiddyAdell born about 1934
SmiddyEdith born about 1932
SmiddyEstell born about 1934
SmiddyJaunita born about 1926
SmiddyLonnie born about 1901
SmiddyLuther born about 1897
SmiddyMarie born about 1928
SmiddyMelvin born about 1919
SmiddyMildred born about 1930
SmiddyR Lborn about 1924
SmiddyWayne born about 1939
SmithJulius born about
SmithLewis born about 1906
SmithOna born about 1905
SmithYvonne born about 1938
StephensDave born about 1892
StephensJasper born about 1938
StephensJones born about 1929
StephensJoyce born about 1935
StephensLucie born about 1921
StephensMyrtle born about 1896
StephensPalistene born about 1924
StephensSybley born about 1932
StephensVirgel born about 1928
SummersArtie born about 1926
SwinneyBillie born about
SwinneyOleta born about 1914
SwinneyTomothey born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TrewOla born about 1882
TrewThomas Pborn about 1886
TuckerDenton born about 1898
TuckerRose Annborn about 1935
TuckerStella born about 1910
TuckerWatt Dborn about 1938
TylerCurtis born about 1912
TylerInez born about 1905
TylerWanda born about 1934

V Surnames

VaughnAurther Lborn about 1870

W Surnames

WagnonAurther born about 1929
WagnonClara born about 1907
WagnonHenry Lborn about 1903
WagnonImogene born about 1926
WagnonMarjory born about 1937
WagnonMarlyin born about 1932
WagnonWaylin born about 1935
WalstonHerbert born about 1929
WalstonJan born about 1940
WalstonLeta born about 1924
WalstonPatricia born about 1933
WalstonRuth born about 1900
WalstonVernon born about 1921
WestAlbert born about 1883
WestEarl born about 1928
WestHattie born about 1893

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