1940 U.S. Federal Census of Westford, Parker, Texas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Texas > Parker County > 1940 Census of Westford

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsFred Wborn about 1907
AdamsIda Mayborn about 1870
AdamsN Wborn about 1866
AdamsTheslie Hborn about 1909
AdyAllie born about 1919
AllenJ Bborn about 1862
AllenLily born about 1872
AustinCharlie born about 1897
AustinDora born about 1899
AustinOrville Donborn about 1930

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B Surnames

BakerRoy born about 1929
BakerWynelle born about 1925
BarnesClarence born about 1895
BarnesD P Mrsborn about 1860
BarnesMayme born about 1909
BeckBessie born about 1873
BeckJohn Mborn about 1865
BengeJoe Tborn about 1872
BengeOla born about 1882
BennettJ Lborn about 1900
BennettKittie Maelborn about 1904
BlevinsFlorence born about 1871
BlevinsJohn born about 1867
BowieDoris Jeanborn about 1932
BrooksHenrietta born about 1890
BrooksJ Jborn about 1882
BurnsAlma born about 1900
BurnsEdith Louiseborn about 1927
BurnsJosie Annborn about 1935
BurnsideK E Mrsborn about 1879
ButrillAnnie Mborn about 1885
ButrillC Mborn about 1885
ButrillJennie born about 1919
ButrillLeta born about 1917
ButrillMargurite born about 1921
ByarsAnna born about 1908
ByarsCharles born about 1937
ByarsCharlie born about 1894
ByarsG Wborn about 1906

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C Surnames

CaldwellHoward born about 1914
CaldwellJake Carrollborn about 1937
CaldwellThelma born about 1916
CampbellJames born about 1915
CampbellLily Mayborn about 1911
CarrolAnnie Mayborn about 1926
CarrolCecil Oweneborn about 1925
CarrolG Aborn about 1891
CarrolLily born about 1894
CherryNora Nissborn about 1881
CottonJanet Leeborn about 1939
CottonRuby Leeborn about 1919
CreelBertha born about 1891
CreelBillie born about 1932
CreelJames born about 1924
CreelL Rborn about 1881
CreelPauline born about 1928
CriderBarbara born about 1938
CriderHenry Abbettborn about 1940
CriderNadinen born about 1911
CriderS Hborn about 1908
CurrentWillie born about 1884
CurryJohn Cborn about 1854

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D Surnames

DaughertyBobbie Rayborn about 1928
DaughertyJessie Mborn about 1901
DaughertyW Dborn about 1901
DaughertyW Dborn about 1926
DavidsonEloise born about 1921
DavidsonIrby born about 1918
DavidsonLorena born about 1878
DavidsonW Rborn about 1880
DavisBarney born about 1932
DavisElbert born about 1898
DavisIrene born about 1904
DavisKatherin born about 1926
DavisSybil born about 1924
DobbsBillie born about 1937
DobbsBobby born about 1935
DobbsFrancis born about 1926
DobbsHattie born about 1903
DobbsJ Lborn about 1902
DobbsJames Lborn about 1932
DobbsRaymond born about 1917
DobbsRetha Leeborn about 1919
DobbsUnice born about 1900
DonaldMyrtle born about 1897
DraceyAnnie born about 1877
DraceyMaurice born about 1915
DraceyMinnie born about 1907
DuncanJ Pborn about 1873
DuncanSadie born about 1871

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E Surnames

EddlemanGeraldine born about 1908
EddlemanR Sborn about 1905
EllisHenry born about 1920
EllisR E Mrs Kborn about 1886

F Surnames

FargusonAnnie born about 1880
FarrerAmbrose Tborn about 1879
FarrerCarry Mborn about 1878
FulksF Aborn about 1870
FulksHarty Vborn about 1875
FykeE Dborn about 1877
FykeLenora born about 1874
FykeMary born about 1859

G Surnames

GarvinFred Wborn about 1883
GarvinJ M Mrsborn about 1864
GarvinNellie born about 1885
GoreAbbie born about 1878
GoreEvelyn born about 1917
GoreGeorge born about 1876
GoreJanice Annborn about 1937
GoreThomas born about 1913
GravesMildred born about 1915
GriffinAlda born about 1911
GriffinC Wborn about 1929
GriffinEthel born about 1933
GriffinLoretta born about 1931
GriffinMarvin born about 1901
GriffinShirley Annborn about 1936
GroganMinnie Mborn about 1880

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H Surnames

HardinBessie born about 1909
HardinCecil born about 1935
HardinDerby born about 1908
HardinRobert born about 1938
HarleyGyerlie born about 1901
HarleyJ Wborn about 1896
HarperCora born about 1895
HarperGeorge Bborn about 1882
HeathEslie born about 1868
HeathSallie born about 1878
HenlineDorothy born about 1926
HigginsJ Eborn about 1887
HillAda born about 1904
HillIda born about 1882
HillWilliam born about 1875
HordinLily born about 1878
HordinRobert Sr born about 1878
HudsonDave born about 1906
HudsonEdna Joyceborn about 1930
HudsonViola born about 1906

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J Surnames

JenkinsEmma born about 1896
JenkinsWilliam Tborn about 1916
JohnsonHenry Wborn about 1900
JohnsonHoward born about 1928
JohnsonJaunita born about 1927
JohnsonJessie Rborn about 1904
JonesCora born about 1880
JonesDouglas Wborn about 1938
JonesGeorge Mborn about 1875
JonesHarlan born about 1917
JonesJulia born about 1918
JonesVera born about 1939
JordanBob born about 1904
JordanDow born about 1907
JordanJack Winctonborn about 1939
JumezAdell born about 1926
JumezErnest born about 1913
JumezLee Sborn about 1875
JumezLouise born about 1885
JumezRose born about 1904

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K Surnames

KeatonJennie born about 1883
KempBillie Louiseborn about 1924
KempCharlie Robertborn about 1937
KempDixie Vborn about 1939
KempJ Dborn about 1898
KempLaveda born about 1912
KempMary born about 1889
KempV Eborn about 1905
KempV E Jrborn about 1927
KnightEvelyn born about 1932
KnightHelen born about 1927
KnightM Hborn about 1901
KnightMame born about 1911
KnightShirley born about 1937
KnightWm born about 1930

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L Surnames

LanierFrancis born about 1895
LanierFrank born about 1895
LanierMartha born about 1931
LanierP Mborn about 1893
LanierP Mrs born about 1866
LothridgeDona born about 1905
LovellMattie born about 1887
LoweryBlanche born about 1928
LoweryC Cborn about 1883
LoweryChristine born about 1894
LoweryElwood born about 1923
LoweryR Kborn about 1877
LoweryWessie born about 1890
LytleManifee born about 1905
LytleNell born about 1907

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M Surnames

MathisonClovis born about 1916
MathisonDowling born about 1914
MathisonSallie born about 1888
MauldinD Lborn about 1908
MauldinHarold born about 1927
MauldinHazel born about 1909
MauldinLavoy born about 1934
McDavidBen Cborn about 1870
McDavidMontie born about 1879
McDonaldLeorena born about 1917
McGuireFrankie Lborn about 1939
McGuireJanice born about 1933
McGuireJohn born about 1905
McGuireLily born about 1877
McGuireMarjine born about 1929
McGuireRuth born about 1909
McMichaelBob born about 1926
McMichaelCharles born about 1928
McMichaelGeorgia born about 1896
McMichaelJames born about 1929
MeadorA Nborn about 1892
MeadorBertha Mayborn about 1896
MesserElizabeth born about 1856
MesserEnoch born about 1897
MillerChristine born about 1931
MillerFannie Mborn about 1910
MillerHenry born about 1907
MillerHenry Jr born about 1933
MillerMary Joyceborn about 1937
MillionVirgie born about 1889
MitchellJ Jborn about 1897
MitchellJess Avaryborn about 1923
MitchellMattie Pearlborn about 1898
MootyJ Hborn about 1890
MootyLeo born about 1906
MorganBessie born about 1910
MorganDerriel born about 1933
MorganH Bborn about 1926
MorganH Lborn about 1901
MorganHelen Louiseborn about 1935
MorganJames Eborn about 1928
MorganMerlin Sborn about 1937
MorganW L Davidborn about 1939
MorrisJoeshine born about 1884
MoyerJessie Leeborn about 1911
MoyerStella Mayborn about 1915

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N Surnames

NicholsCrow D Fborn about 1887
NicholsEli born about 1873
NicholsLeola born about 1921
NicholsLucy born about 1876
NortonAlta born about 1894
NortonD Cborn about 1892
NortonDennis Jr born about 1922

O Surnames

OffordBonnie born about 1926
OliphantJessie born about 1889

P Surnames

PetersClara born about 1898
PetersLeonard born about 1928
PetersMildred born about 1918
PetersNoble born about 1922
PetersTom born about 1890
PhillipsEvelyn born about 1914
PhillipsJossie born about 1875
PhillipsPauline born about 1916
PickardNora born about 1876
PickardOllie born about 1908
PickersonVirginia born about 1923
PondJennie Maudeborn about 1885
PondO Bborn about 1882
PoweelClarence born about 1894
PoweelEarl Wayneborn about 1915
PoweelGeorge Mborn about 1940
PoweelHazel born about 1917
PoweelLeah born about 1897
PoweelPaul born about 1917
PrichardEvelyn born about 1922
PrichardIvan born about 1908
PrichardLois born about 1909

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R Surnames

RichBetty Carrolborn about 1940
RichC Mborn about 1916
RichEddie born about 1934
RichMarzelle born about 1917
RichVirginia Mayborn about 1936
RiggisJ Mborn about 1873
RobertsMyrtie Lenoraborn about 1902
RobertsNorman Lborn about 1902
RobertsNorman L Jrborn about 1930
RyleM Aborn about 1868

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S Surnames

SargentMary Lynnborn about 1938
SargentMellie Pborn about 1909
SargentNellie born about 1930
SargentSidney born about 1935
SargentWilliam Rborn about 1903
SealingerElla born about 1875
SheltonJ Jborn about 1861
SheltonMary Eborn about 1875
ShippMary Mrs born about 1868
ShopikMary born about 1886
SmithAnna born about 1875
SmithLouis Kborn about 1869
SnyderMike born about 1873
StultsAllison born about 1881
StultsAnnie Leeborn about 1918
StultsBarney born about 1925
StultsCarl born about 1919
StultsCarol born about 1915
StultsL Vborn about 1891
StultsMarjory born about 1929
StultsMarshall born about 1923
SuttonJ Hborn about 1910
SuttonMarie born about 1920

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T Surnames

TempleJohn Iborn about 1869
TempleLaurinda born about 1904
TempleOdus born about 1875
ThomasJames Dborn about 1932
ThomasRobert Cborn about 1935
ThomasWren Marsborn about 1905
TiptonLester born about 1907
TiptonMonroe born about 1908
TurnerAngel born about 1891
TurnerClaude born about 1892
TurnerClaude Jr born about 1923
TurnerEthel Mborn about 1921
TurnerJohn Rborn about 1925
TurpinBobby Geneborn about 1932
TurpinDora born about 1893
TurpinHomer born about 1890

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V Surnames

VandagriffJ Vborn about 1886
VandagriffMyrtle born about 1887
VanlandinghamAlene born about 1907
VanlandinghamG Dborn about 1907
VanlandinghamJames Sborn about 1939

W Surnames

WagnorCharlie born about 1907
WagnorJ Dborn about 1932
WagnorVieta born about 1908
WalkerFritz born about 1914
WalkerLola born about 1914
WallMay born about 1887
WallW Cborn about 1901
WellsEverett born about 1859
WellsLillian Bborn about 1867
WiggingtonArgo born about 1887
WiggingtonBessie born about 1893
WiggingtonDorothy born about 1918
WiggingtonJ Tborn about 1921
WiggingtonMartin born about 1923
WiggingtonWyonla born about 1932
WilbergE Pborn about 1877
WileyEarnest born about 1909
WileyJames Haroldborn about 1934
WileyKatherin Fayborn about 1931
WileyVerna born about 1913
WilliamsChesley born about 1935
WilliamsHendricks born about 1912
WilliamsSybil born about 1915
WitherspoonOra born about 1876
WitherspoonRuth born about 1905
WitherspoonW Rborn about 1875
WoodJames born about 1918
WoodJames Sborn about 1938
WoodMaxine born about 1920
WrightJohnne Mrs born about 1884
WrightMaude born about 1890

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Y Surnames

YearyCleo born about 1920
YearyDewey born about 1927
YearyFreddie Annborn about 1936
YearyInez born about 1917
YearyJeff born about 1888
YearyLeta born about 1892
YearyStarlon born about 1910

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