USA (1,380,571) > Texas (60,638) > Val Verde County (111) > Val Verde County Birth Records (7)
USA (1,380,571) > Texas (60,638) > Texas Birth Records (1,692) > Val Verde County Birth Records (7)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Val Verde County are also on the Texas Birth Records page.
1926-1995 Texas Births MyHeritage
Birth data of men with links to Val Verde County, Texas, who were born, 1873-1900 FamilySearch Library
Births 1926-1934 US Gen Web Archives
Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1932 Ancestry
Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 Ancestry
Texas, Birth Records, 1903-present Texas Department of State Health Services
Val Verde County, Texas, death certificates (1932-1971), marriage records (1885-1955), card index of birth records (1903-1932), and birth records (1906-1929) FamilySearch Library