1940 U.S. Federal Census of Arcadia, Duchesne, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Duchesne County > 1940 Census of Arcadia

B SurnamesM SurnamesS Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesT Surnames
H SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
L SurnamesR Surnames

B Surnames

BellJohn born about 1883
BellMelina born about 1889
BellTilden born about 1914
BiggsJessie Gwenborn about 1939
BiggsMarjorie born about 1922
BiggsRobert born about 1913
BirdCharles born about 1901
BirdChester born about 1926
BirdDelaine born about 1934
BirdDeon born about 1933
BirdElsie born about 1907
BirdLeland born about 1930
BirdLurrine born about 1931
BirdMelvin born about 1928
BirdMildred born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GilbertBryant born about 1930
GilbertCandner Jborn about 1893
GilbertCecilia born about 1897
GilbertEllen born about 1935
GilbertEvelyn born about 1929
GilbertGary born about 1922
GilbertGlen born about 1919
GilbertHoward born about 1928
GilbertJack Lborn about 1924
GilbertJane Gborn about 1934
GilbertLarry born about 1938
GilbertLenand born about 1933
GilbertMartha born about 1939
GilbertMildres born about 1939
GilbertNaomi born about 1932
GilbertRobert born about 1917
GilbertRose born about 1894
GilbertRulon Aborn about 1937
GilbertRuth born about 1926
GilbertThomas Mborn about 1896
GilbertWillard born about 1919
GillCyle Rborn about 1926
GillFritba born about 1901
GillRakee born about 1930
GillRay born about 1895
GillRuland Jborn about 1923
GillTrilba Fborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HorrocksClarence born about 1907
HorrocksFrank born about 1881
HorrocksGrant Sborn about 1918
HorrocksHattie Mborn about 1882
HorrocksLavon Tborn about 1911
HorrocksLufa Mayborn about 1921

L Surnames

LarsenChris born about 1867
LarsenCynthia born about 1876
LarsenErna born about 1926
LarsenGale born about 1939
LarsenJune born about 1931
LarsenMilton born about 1901
LarsenPuline born about 1934
LarsenVera born about 1905

M Surnames

MarettGeorge born about 1917
MarettWilda born about 1921

N Surnames

NatcheesViolet born about 1935
NielsonElais born about 1907
NielsonRamona born about 1938
NielsonVernal Jborn about 1907

O Surnames

OdekirkBeverly born about 1925
OdekirkEsther Nborn about 1900
OdekirkLawrence born about 1895
OdekirkMarez born about 1932
OdekirkMax born about 1926
OdekirkMerle born about 1935
OdekirkRichard born about 1934
OdekirkWilliam born about 1937

R Surnames

RedfordFlorence born about 1939
RedfordJames born about 1930
RedfordJames Wborn about 1900
RedfordLa Ru born about 1934
RedfordMarie born about 1911
RedfordNeil born about 1932
RedfordRuth born about 1937
ReeseDee born about 1913
ReeseJimmie born about 1935
ReeseLa Rita born about 1934
ReeseRonald born about 1936
ReeseVirgie born about 1915
RichensHoward born about 1939
RossDelmer born about 1926
RossDonna born about 1937
RossDwain born about 1925
RossFloyd born about 1918
RossFrancis born about 1917
RossJohn Lborn about 1898
RossMargaret born about 1896
RossMerle Mborn about 1902
RossMerlin born about 1934
RossR Gborn about 1932
RossStanley born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ShieldsLeona born about 1922
ShieldsMarion born about 1883
ShieldsMarion Jborn about 1883
SolmonsonGustave born about 1876
SolmonsonVirginia born about 1881

T Surnames

TargarvisAmes Sanborn about 1890
TargarvisHugh born about 1914
TargarvisMylton born about 1916
TargarvisNora born about 1895
TaylorAllice born about 1936
TaylorCaroline born about 1900
TaylorColeene born about 1935
TaylorElmo born about 1939
TaylorJohn born about 1898
TaylorMerrill born about 1925
TaylorNeldon born about 1929
TaylorPreston born about 1934
TaylorShelby born about 1930
ThompsonGerry born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZirkerArdis Annborn about 1937
ZirkerBonnie born about 1928
ZirkerCarl Jborn about 1937
ZirkerCarolee born about 1939
ZirkerEdward born about 1906
ZirkerFern born about 1909
ZirkerJohn E Jrborn about 1897
ZirkerJudith Aborn about 1940
ZirkerJulries Jborn about 1895
ZirkerKenneth Eborn about 1922
ZirkerLucille born about 1921
ZirkerMarilyn born about 1935
ZirkerPearl born about 1900
ZirkerRobald born about 1935
ZirkerShirley Rborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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