1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cleveland, Emery, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Emery County > 1940 Census of Cleveland

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDonnassare born about 1939
AdamsDorothy born about 1914
AdamsIlene born about 1915
AdamsNorton born about 1915
AlfredDan born about 1926
AlfredEarl born about 1891
AlfredEarline born about 1925
AlfredEldyth born about 1935
AlfredFredrick born about 1938
AlfredGladys born about 1902
AlfredJack born about 1928
AlgerBoyd born about 1936
AlgerGlen born about 1929
AlgerJanice born about 1937
AlgerLee born about 1897
AlgerMarrie born about 1905
AlgerMgrileen born about 1921
AlgerRay born about 1925
AlgerReed born about 1922
AllredAnna born about 1917
AllredClark born about 1930
AllredDanill born about 1939
AllredDayle born about 1915
AllredHarold born about 1913
AllredIsabella born about 1891
AllredJames born about 1887
AllredJimie born about 1937
AllredJoyce born about 1938
AllredKeith born about 1927
AllredLe Roy born about 1935
AllredLo Renborn about 1918
AllredMaynard born about 1897
AllredNetahua born about 1927
AllredOwens born about 1902
AllredReva born about 1939
AllredRoberta born about 1937
AllredRussell born about 1911
AllredVanal born about 1923
AllredWinnie born about 1898
AndersonBerlyle born about 1930
AndersonConey born about 1933
AndersonEllen born about 1869
AndersonFloyd born about 1901
AndersonInfant born about 1940
AndersonJohn born about 1864
AndersonKenna born about 1932
AndersonLee born about 1899
AndersonLeo born about 1907
AndersonMargret born about 1925
AndersonMittie born about 1903
AndersonOna born about 1926
AndersonPaul born about 1935
AndersonRamona born about 1928
AndersonRosanna Rborn about 1900
AndersonVerle born about 1923
ArnoldGamer born about 1901
ArnoldJunior born about 1928
ArnoldKyle born about 1934
ArnoldMarlyn born about 1936
ArnoldRuth Eborn about 1906
ArnoldSheran born about 1938
ArnoldShirley born about 1929
ArnoldYvonne born about 1931
AsayJosephine born about 1937
AsayLovall born about 1939
AsayMildred Yborn about 1909
AsayRayoline born about 1935
AsayZane born about 1914
AverettBeverly born about 1938
AverettClaudette born about 1939
AverettFrances born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerMildred born about 1931
BawdenAnn born about 1885
BawdenCluddie Oborn about 1922
BawdenLean born about 1927
BawdenShrlene born about 1929
BecjMayellen born about 1931
BeshopBannie born about 1928
BeshopColleen born about 1934
BeshopElizabeth born about 1900
BeshopErnest born about 1892
BeshopFaye born about 1920
BeshopKeith born about 1922
BeshopLamar born about 1926
BeshopNeva born about 1924
BishopAnn born about 1925
BishopBob Deenborn about 1935
BishopClara Lborn about 1892
BishopDerdell born about 1922
BishopErma born about 1928
BishopFord Oborn about 1920
BishopReed born about 1923
BishopRobert Oborn about 1890
BishopVerga Leeborn about 1931
BowvierEmil born about 1892
BrysonClara born about 1886
BrysonSamuel Cborn about 1923
BrysonThomas Eborn about 1914

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C Surnames

CarlowHenry Mborn about 1863
CarlowMarie born about 1877
CarlsonBarbara born about 1933
CarlsonBelva born about 1919
CarlsonColleen born about 1936
CarlsonDonald born about 1927
CarlsonEva born about 1923
CarlsonJene born about 1934
CarlsonJoyce born about 1934
CarlsonKeinth born about 1930
CarlsonKenneth born about 1917
CarlsonLoa born about 1925
CarlsonLuella born about 1897
CarlsonOscar born about 1895
CarlsonPaul born about 1922
CarlsonRamond born about 1931
CarlsonRoslie born about 1938
ChildInfant born about 1940
ChristersenDannie born about 1936
ChristersenEmma born about 1896
ChristersenGail born about 1925
ChristersenGeorge born about 1938
ChristersenGloria Deanborn about 1936
ChristersenHoward born about 1890
ChristersenJames born about 1909
ChristersenJames Jr born about 1939
ChristersenJune born about 1919
ChristersenJune born about 1923
ChristersenMary born about 1916
ChristersenMyrlen born about 1919
ChristersenNiels born about 1883
ChristersenPatricia born about 1931
ColbyArleah born about 1939
ColbyClinta born about 1927
ColbyEmma born about 1900
ColbyFrankline born about 1892
ColbyTerril born about 1939
CowleyAddie born about 1877
CowleyAngeline born about 1871
CowleyCarry born about 1894
CowleyClaude born about 1888
CowleyEmary born about 1914
CowleyJohn Mborn about 1872
CowleyMilton born about 1894
CowleyRoy born about 1886
CowleyWilma born about 1920
CramerAgnes born about 1924
CramerEdden born about 1919
CramerLaban born about 1930
CramerMary Aliceborn about 1887
CramerMaybell born about 1927
CramerRudolf born about 1881
CustisBill born about 1916
CustisBob born about 1923
CustisElla born about 1893
CustisGuila born about 1921
CustisGuy born about 1892
CustisJack born about 1928
CustisTessie born about 1930

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D Surnames

DavisBetty Leeborn about 1929
DavisBruce born about 1915
DavisCorde born about 1937
DavisDandel born about 1899
DavisDelma born about 1927
DavisDelman born about 1929
DavisDevan born about 1924
DavisEnist born about 1926
DavisEnuel Eborn about 1873
DavisErna born about 1939
DavisErnest born about 1898
DavisFlora born about 1867
DavisLearae born about 1931
DavisLorain born about 1907
DavisMargetie born about 1927
DavisMark born about 1935
DavisMarna born about 1933
DavisMary Lueborn about 1935
DavisMerlin born about 1931
DavisMillissa born about 1901
DavisNettie born about 1908
DavisOlive born about 1899
DavisPatsy Annborn about 1937
DavisRobert born about 1891
DavisRobert Cborn about 1934
DavisShirley born about 1938
DavisThomas Eborn about 1867
DavisThomas Lborn about 1903
DavisVernan born about 1931
DouglasJohn born about 1882
DouglasMae born about 1892
DrivistieAlin born about 1908
DrivistieLaura born about 1918
DrivistieRodney born about 1937
DurandEmary born about 1923
DurandFrederick born about 1924
DurandIsabell born about 1929
DurandLouis born about 1893
DurandLouise born about 1889
DurandMarie born about 1918

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E Surnames

EdenElmitis born about 1921
EdenJohn Talmageborn about 1938
EdenLu Wannaborn about 1936
EdenVelma born about 1909
EdenVerynica born about 1933
EdenWilliam born about 1894
EdenZora born about 1937
EdwardsDanatue born about 1938
EdwardsEl Danaborn about 1914
EdwardsJ born about 1910
EdwardsJay born about 1937
EmksonCarl born about 1922
EmksonClark Gborn about 1940
EmksonDora born about 1931
EmksonEdna born about 1925
EmksonErick born about 1879
EmksonIsabell born about 1921
EmksonJunior born about 1938
EmksonKate born about 1898
EmksonLevan born about 1928
EmksonRonald born about 1934
EmksonRuth born about 1926
EricksonArther born about 1930
EricksonCarl born about 1887
EricksonCell born about 1907
EricksonThelma born about 1933
EsterbrookAndrew born about 1888
EsterbrookAndrew born about 1915
EsterbrookArvella born about 1924
EsterbrookBarbara born about 1921
EsterbrookBarbara Tborn about 1917
EsterbrookHarry born about 1917
EsterbrookIsabel born about 1919
EsterbrookJ Hborn about 1885
EsterbrookJanette born about 1896

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F Surnames

FarsonHattie born about 1880
FranklineCona born about 1933
FranklineEmerson born about 1901
FranklineLeana born about 1907
FranklineLoker Arleneborn about 1928

G Surnames

GeorgeanResta born about 1915
GilsonCharles Josephborn about 1938
GilsonDella born about 1927
GilsonDora Frostaborn about 1934
GilsonDuamayne born about 1930
GilsonGarest born about 1895
GilsonLavan born about 1924
GilsonMary born about 1926
GilsonPearl born about 1900
GilsonVarn born about 1922
GodfreyJames born about 1888
GrundvigBonnie born about 1932
GrundvigFay born about 1935

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H Surnames

HansenAlbert born about 1859
HansenCaroline born about 1884
HansenCorlyle born about 1926
HansenJoseph born about 1879
HurstCashri born about 1879
HurstChristina born about 1883

J Surnames

JensenAlan born about 1934
JensenAlvin born about 1914
JensenBeth born about 1924
JensenBeverly Jeanborn about 1929
JensenClaton born about 1937
JensenEarnest Wmborn about 1900
JensenEdward Cborn about 1881
JensenEdwin born about 1923
JensenElroy born about 1928
JensenFrank born about 1908
JensenFried born about 1926
JensenGlent born about 1932
JensenHarriet born about 1911
JensenKerwin born about 1935
JensenKivin born about 1933
JensenMarvin born about 1932
JensenMaude born about 1890
JensenNellie born about 1904
JensenThelma Joeborn about 1934
JensenVerlynn born about 1938
JensenWilda Annborn about 1926
JensenWilliam born about 1920
JensenWyanna Bernellborn about 1939
JensonAgnes born about 1911
JensonCarrol born about 1914
JensonClaude born about 1922
JensonDal born about 1935
JensonDale born about 1924
JensonDawin born about 1907
JensonFlorance Mayborn about 1885
JensonJudith born about 1939
JensonMarian born about 1920
JensonMarice born about 1911
JensonMarlin born about 1938
JensonWesley born about 1915
JensonWilford born about 1885
JoehansenAline born about 1918
JoehansenMax born about 1911
JohnsonAnferry born about 1916
JohnsonArvil born about 1914
JohnsonCarrie born about 1889
JohnsonChestal born about 1910
JohnsonCleanor born about 1925
JohnsonClemant born about 1906
JohnsonDaniel born about 1872
JohnsonDean born about 1925
JohnsonDelcina born about 1916
JohnsonDexie born about 1930
JohnsonDora born about 1925
JohnsonEllen born about 1879
JohnsonEmma born about 1879
JohnsonJack born about 1933
JohnsonJanuena born about 1885
JohnsonLane born about 1935
JohnsonMary born about 1938
JohnsonMax born about 1939
JohnsonMaxine born about 1914
JohnsonOdessa born about 1922
JohnsonOwen Mborn about 1910
JohnsonStephen born about 1876
JohnsonThelma born about 1916
JohnsonTommie born about 1936
JohnsonVictor born about 1914
JohnsonWilliam born about 1920
JonesEven born about 1877
JonesMargaret Dborn about 1911
JonesMay Janeborn about 1879
JonesVan born about 1918
JonesVora born about 1918
JonesWilliam born about 1904
JordonCollane born about 1931
JordonElla born about 1910
JordonJames born about 1900
JordonJames born about 1939
JuhesoClaton born about 1927

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K Surnames

KearlAretha born about 1915
KingDonald born about 1924
KingDonena born about 1924
KingEmedine Mborn about 1900
KingLa Roy born about 1935
KingMar Jorrieborn about 1932
KingR Vereborn about 1894
KnightHyrum born about 1919
KnightJohn Dborn about 1939
KnightSarah born about 1908

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L Surnames

LamphAlbert born about 1909
LamphArlun born about 1921
LamphCloludette born about 1936
LamphConstance born about 1931
LamphJames Ardenborn about 1931
LamphJennete born about 1919
LamphJosephine born about 1909
LamphKathlian born about 1912
LamphM Aborn about 1888
LamphMelvin born about 1933
LamphOlder Tborn about 1918
LamphRobert born about 1923
LamphRonald Mborn about 1937
LamphRoss Blacheborn about 1890
LamphRuth born about 1925
LamphRuth born about 1929
LarsenAndrew Sborn about 1900
LarsenCarl born about 1939
LarsenCarolyn born about 1935
LarsenCheryl Maeborn about 1932
LarsenFey born about 1931
LarsenGladys born about 1903
LarsenInfant born about 1940
LarsenKate born about 1910
LarsenKeith born about 1925
LarsenLa Vell born about 1933
LarsenMerrel born about 1905
LarsenRonald born about 1925
LarsonAlice born about 1881
LarsonCarl Aborn about 1873
LarsonCharlat born about 1901
LarsonDelyle born about 1925
LarsonDonald born about 1922
LarsonEdward born about 1869
LarsonEdward Jr born about 1927
LarsonGordan born about 1928
LarsonJoseph Jborn about 1879
LarsonL Pborn about 1859
LarsonLillian born about 1904
LarsonLloyd born about 1901
LarsonLouis born about 1891
LarsonMax born about 1924
LarsonMay Janeborn about 1895
LarsonReley Lueborn about 1932
LarsonSheldon born about 1929
LarsonSherma born about 1935
LarsonTheron born about 1936
LarsonWifford born about 1894
LenaardAnntha Ruthborn about 1940
LenaardEithal born about 1918
LenaardRoss born about 1911
LitsterArnell born about 1923
LitsterConnie Leeborn about 1934
LitsterDoamar born about 1896
LitsterGencol born about 1921
LitsterGeraldine born about 1929
LitsterGloria born about 1925
LitsterIde Vborn about 1886
LitsterKanwen born about 1936
LitsterKennith born about 1921
LitsterLeneva born about 1927
LitsterLeonard born about 1894
LitsterLu Deanborn about 1920
LitsterRobert De Rellborn about 1917
LitsterRobert Leeborn about 1924
LitsterWilliam Fborn about 1881
LitsterYvonne born about 1931
LundyFrank born about 1877
LundyJosephine born about 1888
LundyRalph born about 1913

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M Surnames

MadsenC Dborn about 1882
MadsenRay born about 1925
MartansonGrace born about 1919
MartansonLouise born about 1897
MartensenArva Lueborn about 1924
MartensenHarry Boydborn about 1931
MartensenHary born about 1897
MartensenLack born about 1923
MartensenMuruel born about 1919
MartensenMyrtle born about 1898
MartensenOna Velynborn about 1927
MartensonAndrew born about 1929
MartensonCarma born about 1922
MartensonCharles born about 1923
MartensonDe Vier born about 1921
MartensonDevolynn born about 1929
MartensonHans born about 1887
MartensonIda born about 1889
MartensonMaclvin born about 1932
MartensonMartine born about 1935
MartensonMay Gallborn about 1932
MartensonNiels born about 1931
MartensonNita born about 1925
MartensonStalla born about 1927
McDanielClifford born about 1909
McDanielElaine born about 1927
McDanielIda born about 1903
McDanielRosetta born about 1876
McDanielVern born about 1904
McFarlaneDelvan born about 1938
McFarlaneDuan born about 1939
McFarlaneElva born about 1911
McFarlaneJane Ellenborn about 1878
McFarlaneRex born about 1907
McFarlaneShawna born about 1932
McFarlaneThyrill born about 1935
McFarlaneWilliam born about 1864
McGranhamClair born about 1930
McGranhamIsabell born about 1917
McGranhamJoe Annborn about 1933
McGranhamKenneth born about 1936
McGranhamRobert Kentborn about 1937
McMullinDay born about 1894
McMullinErma born about 1933
McMullinLee born about 1925
McMullinLuella born about 1904
MelsonAndacia born about 1891
MelsonPercy Mborn about 1890
MinchyFrank born about 1937
MinchyHenry born about 1931
MinchyJack born about 1933
MinchyJacob born about 1890
MinchyJune born about 1901
MinchyLavara born about 1903
MinchyLester Vanborn about 1927

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N Surnames

NelsonHelen born about 1928
NielsonArthur born about 1886
NielsonDanial Ilineborn about 1936
NielsonHayler born about 1862
NielsonM Cborn about 1861
NielsonMadge born about 1921
NielsonMewell born about 1919
NielsonMicky born about 1939
NielsonRuth born about 1876
NielsonSally Ruthborn about 1934
NielsonVernice born about 1912

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O Surnames

OlberstranHyaun born about 1861
OlsenAlice born about 1914
OlsenAltafern born about 1929
OlsenDelan born about 1933
OlsenEdward born about 1931
OlsenInfant born about 1937
OlsenNiyle born about 1913
OlsenRebacka born about 1909
OlsenVern born about 1908
OversonBell born about 1882
OversonClarance born about 1890
OversonClaudia born about 1924
OversonEllis Clintonborn about 1930
OversonHannah born about 1891
OversonKent born about 1923
OversonMarie born about 1927
OversonNiels Cborn about 1872
OversonNile born about 1907
OversonValis born about 1922

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P Surnames

PatterAgnes born about 1874
PatterDella born about 1911
PatterJames born about 1907
PatterJoseph born about 1872
PatterMack born about 1937
PriceDan Cborn about 1878
PriceEvelyn born about 1927
PriceJay born about 1936
PriceMax born about 1929
PriceOleah born about 1905
PriceThomas born about 1900

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S Surnames

SandersonHenry Sborn about 1939
SandersonIrene born about 1905
SandersonSe Sborn about 1894
SandersonVal Wborn about 1938
SandersonViola born about 1936
SeymourChristo born about 1873
ShoemakerJohn born about 1879
SorensonElaine born about 1917
SorensonJerry born about 1939
SorensonLeslie Royborn about 1938
SorensonLister born about 1910
SorensonMicks born about 1882
SorensonRachel born about 1890
StokesGrace Eborn about 1889
StokesHelen Jeneborn about 1928
StokesHelga Mborn about 1884
StokesIda born about 1915
StokesJames Aborn about 1900
StokesJary Eugeneborn about 1936
StokesJella born about 1904
StokesJoan born about 1925
StokesL Grantborn about 1922
StokesLawrence Jborn about 1934
StokesNolan born about 1918
StokesRay born about 1931
StokesReed born about 1911
StokesReva born about 1931
StokesRuth Janeborn about 1925
StokesWm Dborn about 1879
StokesWm Pborn about 1888
SwinkCasey born about 1920
SwinkFerrel Jayborn about 1936
SwinkFried born about 1903
SwinkLetha born about 1908
SwinkNaman Robertborn about 1932
SwinkShanan born about 1928

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T Surnames

ThimathAlice Jborn about 1892
ThimathEmma Jeanborn about 1925
ThimathHarnie born about 1886
ThimathLouis Earlborn about 1920
ThomasColleen born about 1928
ThomasMargaret born about 1936
ThomasMarian born about 1934
ThomasMavnalke born about 1926
ThomasShanan born about 1932
ThomasVera born about 1929
ThordersonChad born about 1937
ThordersonFreda Lynneborn about 1940
ThordersonLa Relle born about 1935
ThordersonLawrence born about 1910
ThordersonLynette born about 1912
TuckerAlice Mayborn about 1927
TuckerCeldia born about 1911
TuckerDar Vellborn about 1931
TuckerDawell Renborn about 1935
TuckerDay born about 1939
TuckerDerald Dernborn about 1929
TuckerDoris born about 1927
TuckerDouglas born about 1925
TuckerEdith Corrineborn about 1938
TuckerEdna Mayborn about 1909
TuckerFlorance born about 1882
TuckerFlorance born about 1925
TuckerGail born about 1933
TuckerJohn Wborn about 1916
TuckerJunior born about 1929
TuckerLuella born about 1908
TuckerLyle born about 1937
TuckerMerrel born about 1903
TuckerMoses born about 1884
TuckerNedra born about 1932
TuckerRoy born about 1939
TuckerSteven born about 1912
TuckerTed Earlborn about 1936
TuckerVance born about 1905
TuckerWars F Fosterborn about 1927
TuckerWilliam Vanborn about 1939
TwichelBeth born about 1917

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V Surnames

ValtonCecil born about 1925
ValtonClarissia born about 1933
ValtonCorna born about 1938
ValtonJack born about 1936
ValtonJerrald born about 1929
ValtonLoren born about 1900
ValtonOrsan born about 1927
ValtonWinana born about 1931
ValtonWinnie Louborn about 1908

W Surnames

WardAlice born about 1859
WardBill born about 1925
WardDuane born about 1915
WardEdgar born about 1912
WardJerry Leeborn about 1940
WardJohn born about 1920
WardJohn Eborn about 1855
WardRay born about 1922
WardStandley born about 1937
WardThomas born about 1935
WarenDayle born about 1938
WarenDean born about 1934
WarenMelvin born about 1900
WarenMelvin born about 1937
WarenRuth born about 1939
WarenWinifred born about 1909
WellsLarna born about 1934
WhimpyJohn born about 1886
WhimpyLouis born about 1859
WhimpyLouis born about 1925
WhimpySarah born about 1892
WhiteElizabeth born about 1890
WhiteEmary born about 1893
WhiteEmary born about 1937
WhiteFrank born about 1926
WhiteGeorge Pborn about 1892
WhiteGeorge Rborn about 1925
WhiteJack born about 1919
WhiteLavan born about 1918
WhiteLillian born about 1912
WhiteLucile born about 1898
WhiteRay Leanborn about 1930
WhiteTed born about 1934
WhiteThomas Lborn about 1922
WhiteWilliam born about 1923
WhiteheadJena born about 1927
WhiteheadOlivia born about 1896
WhiteheadRobert born about 1893
WilliamsGwendlina born about 1874
WilliamsHarry born about 1869
WilliamsHarvey born about 1912
WilsonDelan born about 1932
WilsonDelma born about 1937
WilsonDerly born about 1939
WilsonJames Cborn about 1893
WilsonMyrtle born about 1907
WilsonOscar Lborn about 1903
WindersAgnas Mirieborn about 1938
WindersAungus born about 1917
WindersDavid Dborn about 1937
WindersEva born about 1917
WinklerBell born about 1880
WinklerHarold born about 1917
WycherleyJohn born about 1903

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