1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clover, Tooele, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Tooele County > 1940 Census of Clover

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlvinMaxwell born about 1909
AndersonC Tborn about 1866
AndersonMinnie Dborn about 1877

B Surnames

BenardBerry born about 1901
BenardDewey born about 1898
BenardJack born about 1927
BushDan born about 1877
BushJohn Vborn about 1875

C Surnames

CarsonArther Dobaborn about 1922
CarsonClifford born about 1919

D Surnames

DavisClarence Cborn about 1921
DavisEthel born about 1901
DavisGeorge Cborn about 1902
DavisSarah Jborn about 1857
DymockBetty born about 1927
DymockEvaline born about 1933
DymockGeorge born about 1902
DymockLadeen born about 1925
DymockLillian born about 1936
DymockReed born about 1931
DymockSerita born about 1906
DymockShirley born about 1929

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F Surnames

FrederickOtto born about 1911

G Surnames

GreenBush Lawrenceborn about 1899
GreenCharles Tomborn about 1926
GreenClifford born about 1925
GreenDavid born about 1882
GreenGuendlyn Annborn about 1939
GreenIreene born about 1929
GreenLa Vern born about 1932
GreenLeatrice Gborn about 1928
GreenLida Ruthborn about 1929
GreenMarjorie born about 1926
GreenMax born about 1934
GreenRalph Tborn about 1924
GreenRuth born about 1906
GreenSarah Treenborn about 1886
GreenWalter born about 1886
GreenWilliam born about 1884

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H Surnames

HatchBert born about 1874
HatchDelbert born about 1920
HatchElizabeth born about 1917

J Surnames

JohnsonClaude born about 1901
JohnsonEdwin Mborn about 1877
JohnsonLeona born about 1890
JohnsonMerlin Mborn about 1903
JohnsonOrson Aborn about 1922
JohnsonPauline born about 1878

K Surnames

KilliomRalph born about 1911

O Surnames

OrrDan Tborn about 1874
OrrEmma born about 1867
OrrHamilton born about 1870
OrrHamilton born about 1899
OrrRodney born about 1914

R Surnames

RenstromArnold Pborn about 1896
RussellGerildine born about 1930
RussellGertrude Rborn about 1922
RussellIrene Jborn about 1887
RussellJ Wborn about 1887
RussellJoseph Relloborn about 1939
RussellJoseph Williamborn about 1913
RussellMargaret born about 1925
RussellMaxine Aborn about 1916
RussellMerina Cborn about 1937
RussellSterling Aborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SevereDean born about 1871
StjackAnna born about 1889
StjackEtt born about 1874
StjackSima born about 1879
StjackWalter born about 1883
StookeyEnos Aborn about 1898
StookeyFanny Aborn about 1868
StookeyGarth Aborn about 1936
StookeyGladys Lborn about 1909
StookeyLincoln Aborn about 1894
StookeyMilton born about 1904
StookeyPaul Wborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThayerAlvine Sborn about 1909
ThayerBenjiman Lborn about 1931
ThayerGeraldine born about 1939
ThayerLenora Aborn about 1927
ThayerLeo Kimball Jrborn about 1928
ThayerLeo Kimbellborn about 1905
ThayerRobert Lborn about 1932

W Surnames

WaltersCandace born about 1892
WaltersLadare born about 1925
WaltersLouise Henryborn about 1890
WaltersVern born about 1936
WaltersZona born about 1932
WarrCharles born about 1909
WarrGlade born about 1937
WarrJay born about 1934
WarrMable Bborn about 1913
WarrSue born about 1939
WebesterDellia born about 1920
WebesterFrank born about 1939
WebesterWilliam born about 1912

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