1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hyde Park, Cache, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Cache County > 1940 Census of Hyde Park

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames E Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AshcroftBarbara born about 1917
AshcroftC Lelandborn about 1892
AshcroftGretta born about 1932
AshcroftHarry Lborn about 1928
AshcroftVerna Lborn about 1931
AshcroftWanda Rborn about 1893

B Surnames

Balls??? Nborn about 1874
BallsOttis Cborn about 1902
BallsRuby Fborn about 1905
BullockCarl Wborn about 1903
BullockJames Sborn about 1901

D Surnames

DainesAfton born about 1928
DainesDelner Lborn about 1897
DainesGeorgene born about 1930
DainesJames Aborn about 1864
DainesLillian Hborn about 1903
DainesMaria born about 1934
DainesRay born about 1927

E Surnames

ElwoodLaura Sborn about 1874
ElwoodRex born about 1920

H Surnames

HydeElise Jborn about 1894
HydeGloyd Hborn about 1891
HydeVila born about 1924

J Surnames

JensenDarwin born about 1933
JensenDee Rayborn about 1931
JensenWilds Sborn about 1911
JonesHellen born about 1923

L Surnames

LambJohn Jborn about 1876
LambTracy born about 1875
LundArlene born about 1924
LundMarie born about 1920

M Surnames

MatkinKate Sborn about 1871
MatkinThomas born about 1870
MichelsonJanice Kborn about 1939
MichelsonOlga born about 1909
MichelsonRoy Mborn about 1905
MillerAnna Cborn about 1865
MillerNicolie Cborn about 1861
MorrellHattie born about 1903
MorrellMary Dborn about 1869
MorrellSulivan born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NielsonLettie Sborn about 1877
NielsonThomas born about 1867

P Surnames

PetersenAvon born about 1919
PetersenFerrel born about 1917
PetersenJoyce born about 1932
PetersenMervin born about 1920
PetersenMildred Bborn about 1909
PetersenMilton born about 1934
PetersenSelbert Aborn about 1909

R Surnames

ReederDoris born about 1921
ReederMarnett born about 1928
ReederMartin Cborn about 1872
ReederNettie Wborn about 1886
RudensAlice Hborn about 1867
RudensGeorge Dborn about 1867
RudensWilliam Fborn about 1928
Rudue??? Dborn about 1938
RudueGeorge Lborn about 1894
RudueRuby Oborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SambGene born about 1929
SambLa Preal Sborn about 1906
SambMax born about 1935
SambSuel Hborn about 1905
SambVerl born about 1931
SeamonsAss Kborn about 1898
SeamonsBlanche Cborn about 1920
SeamonsCarol born about 1926
SeamonsH Ervinborn about 1921
SeamonsHarvey Nborn about 1896
SeamonsMelba born about 1899
SeamonsRendell Mborn about 1924
SeamonsVern Wborn about 1915
SeamonsViolet Mborn about 1906
SeamonsVirginia born about 1927
SimmonsAnna Lundborn about 1883
SimmonsWm Aborn about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThurstonAnna Cborn about 1908
ThurstonCamille born about 1931
ThurstonLeo Simborn about 1938
ThurstonOrion Jborn about 1901
ThurstonRhonda born about 1930
ThurstonTheral born about 1927

W Surnames

WaiteFinton Hborn about 1898
WaiteIdalene born about 1929
WaiteKenneth born about 1922
WaiteMary Aborn about 1932
WaiteMary Dborn about 1904
WaitePaul born about 1926
WaiteRodney born about 1924

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