1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mount Carmel, Kane, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Kane County > 1940 Census of Mount Carmel

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllredArlene born about 1935
AllredBozina born about 1869
AllredDarol born about 1927
AllredDonald born about 1918
AllredGerelda born about 1898
AllredIrvin born about 1902
AllredJ Parleyborn about 1890
AllredLavon born about 1921
AllredVelma born about 1930

B Surnames

BettersonLouis born about 1899
BlackburnMati Idaborn about 1890
BlackburnThos Gborn about 1924
BlackburnThos Wborn about 1889

C Surnames

CarmicalM Jborn about 1858
ChamberlainCarine born about 1938
ChamberlainJ Cornellborn about 1908
ChamberlainJuanita Mborn about 1937
ChamberlainLee Cborn about 1936
ChamberlainSylvia born about 1912

D Surnames

DaitHulda born about 1877
DaitLeonard born about 1934
DaitValentine born about 1887
DilbeckAnnie Wborn about 1875

F Surnames

FalmerRollo born about 1919
FarkellAncel born about 1913
FarkellFern born about 1914
FarkellGail born about 1938
FarkellVictor Lborn about 1935
FrancesBessie Gborn about 1902
FrancesBurdean born about 1937
FrancesHarlan born about 1935
FrancesWm born about 1903

G Surnames

GaitChester born about 1913
GaitInez born about 1919
GaitPauline born about 1939
GardnerAnnie born about 1936
GardnerBert born about 1901
GardnerDora Mborn about 1935
GardnerEthel Mborn about 1939
GardnerGrent Hborn about 1912
GardnerMadaline born about 1871
GardnerMerritt born about 1910
GardnerMerritt Bborn about 1935
GardnerMina Pborn about 1910
GardnerRobert Nborn about 1936
GardnerVerl born about 1916
GardnerZelpha Uborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HealyElizabeth born about 1903
HealyJeniece born about 1928
HealyMelvin born about 1930
HealyRichard born about 1932
HealyThos Hborn about 1883
HealyVarman Tborn about 1924
HodgesC Jborn about 1863

K Surnames

KambAndrew born about 1854

L Surnames

LambCarolyn born about 1939
LambClark born about 1935
LambDalene born about
LambDurrel born about 1927
LambEdna born about 1883
LambEdward Tborn about 1881
LambLamain born about 1923
LambLaura Aborn about 1921
LambLele Cborn about 1896
LambLorena born about 1933
LambMarden born about 1929
LambMont born about 1918
LambOmer born about 1883
LambPerry born about 1909
LambSharon born about 1925
LambVauna born about 1921
LamoreausElizabeth born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MorganJames Hborn about 1889
MorrisonBettie Geanborn about 1938
MorrisonFern born about 1908
MorrisonJ Vergniniaborn about 1929
MorrisonJackie Rborn about 1928
MorrisonJohn Wborn about 1892
MorrisonJohnnie born about 1923
MorrisonMarjory born about 1845
MorrisonMarjory born about 1939
MorrisonO Fborn about 1899
MullinerAllen born about 1938
MullinerBerry born about 1901
MullinerEdith Cborn about 1906
MullinerLeon Sborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PerryFannie Rborn about 1878
PerryJ Hborn about 1873
PughSmith born about 1925

R Surnames

RainesMerlyn born about 1938
ReeseAmy Cborn about 1912
ReeseAnnabel born about 1933
ReeseCathleen born about 1923
ReeseClinton born about 1895
ReeseHellen born about 1926
ReeseJeffrey born about
ReeseJoan born about 1931
ReeseJohn Aborn about 1924
ReeseJohn Hborn about 1883
ReeseJos Hborn about 1906
ReeseKenly born about 1935
ReeseLane born about 1934
ReeseLawrence born about 1938
ReeseRuby born about 1929
ReeseSharon born about 1932
ReeseStuart born about 1914
ReeseSusie born about 1900
ReeseVada born about 1931
ReeseVeil born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalterBarbra born about 1933
SalterCathlene born about 1917
SalterEvaline born about 1940
SalterH Theronborn about 1906
SorensenDale Vborn about 1936
SorensenDemoin born about 1929
SorensenDoyle born about 1916
SorensenEarl born about 1921
SorensenEarl Jborn about 1898
SorensenEarlene born about 1921
SorensenEffie born about 1898
SorensenLawrence Drewborn about 1926
SorensenMarind Aborn about 1874
Stevens Melbaborn about 1930
StevensAnnette born about 1928
StevensArda born about 1931
StevensCorrene born about 1907
StevensCurmilla born about 1911
StevensD Kenehtborn about 1926
StevensDavid W Pborn about 1895
StevensDebora born about 1877
StevensEven born about 1916
StevensEzra Wborn about 1851
StevensHoward born about 1904
StevensHyrum born about 1874
StevensLeah born about 1922
StevensLeo born about 1920
StevensMabel born about 1885
StevensMarvin born about 1925
StevensMeredith born about 1934
StevensMervin born about 1907
StevensMerwin Aborn about
StevensNorma Gborn about 1923
StevensRuth Gborn about 1900
StevensShirley born about 1938
StevensSylvia born about 1922
StevensVergina born about 1912
StevensWilford born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaitAdrian born about 1927
TaitAlice Bborn about 1913
TaitBernard Aborn about 1911
TaitBernard Alborn about 1938
TaitBernette born about 1900
TaitClide Hborn about 1918
TaitDeanna born about 1938
TaitDorotha born about 1926
TaitEsther born about 1918
TaitHans Lineborn about 1911
TaitHendal born about 1940
TaitIda born about 1912
TaitLamond Vborn about 1913
TaitLaverna born about 1903
TaitLavier born about 1929
TaitLeambola born about 1928
TaitLouis Lborn about 1939
TaitLynn Cborn about 1899
TaitMarlene born about 1934
TaitMarylin born about 1934
TaitMas Tborn about 1922
TaitMaxine born about 1930
TaitPatsy Larueborn about 1931
TaitRena Cborn about 1920
TaitReva born about 1923
TaitVonda born about 1925
TaitWm Cborn about 1885
TaitWm Jr born about 1934
TeitElane born about 1925
TeitForest born about 1901
TeitMary Eborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WinderDaniel born about 1905
WinderDelores born about 1930
WinderDoyle Cborn about 1932
WinderGrace born about 1928
WinderLeonard born about 1926
WinderMyrtle born about 1908
WinderMyrtle Dborn about 1935
WinderPaul Sborn about 1940

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