1940 U.S. Federal Census of Randall, Weber, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Weber County > 1940 Census of Randall

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlbersJohn Hborn about 1920
AllredCarl Wborn about 1930
AllredFern born about 1910
AllredVernon Bborn about 1908

B Surnames

BirdMary Rborn about 1920
BirdPaul Hborn about 1913
BolligAnna Mayborn about 1893
BolligBenjamin Bborn about 1889
BolligDudley Bborn about 1913
BrownBarbra born about 1926
BrownElva born about 1900
BrownJohn Aborn about 1898
BrownRobert born about 1925

C Surnames

CaseHelena Bborn about 1895
CaseJean Dborn about 1895
ComishCalvin Rborn about 1930
ComishEthel Mborn about 1895
ComishJohn Gborn about 1933
ComishLeo Sborn about 1889
ComishLeo S Jrborn about 1929
ComishVerla born about 1927
ComishVerleen born about 1927

D Surnames

DeiksonAnton born about 1875
DeiksonJennie born about 1887

F Surnames

FeowickLorane born about 1900
FeowickW Dborn about 1896
FeowickWanetta Rborn about 1931
FiskieJames Eborn about 1911
FiskieJohn born about 1917

G Surnames

GarnerArthur Mborn about 1884
GarnerElizabeth born about 1890
GarnerHalver Bborn about 1917
GarnerJanice born about 1927
GarnerLa Vanborn about 1924
GlennMerna born about 1922
GranerClair born about 1930
GranerDel born about 1938
GranerF Jamesborn about 1904
GranerNorma born about 1906
GranerRerold born about 1933

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H Surnames

HadyattGreenleaf born about 1874
HallGlen Lborn about 1910
HallSharon born about 1938
HallVerona born about 1912
HeinesAnna Sborn about 1856
HersraClarance Jborn about 1896
HersraCleona born about 1924
HersraGary born about 1936
HersraLena born about 1899
HersraLenora born about 1931
HersraLoise born about 1933
HersraNancy born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JonesMattie born about 1906
JonesWilber Fborn about 1904

K Surnames

KeamerBeatrice born about 1907
KeamerJeneane born about 1932
KeamerKent Rborn about 1937
KeamerRalph Aborn about 1907

L Surnames

LavouireGene Lborn about 1910
LavouireJacuquelin born about 1936
LavouireJulia born about 1937
LavouireLeatha born about 1908
LeaigrewBette Aborn about 1928
LeaigrewCharles born about 1926
LeaigrewHarrold born about 1897
LeaigrewHarrold Hborn about 1925
LeaigrewMelba born about 1907
LutzkerDavid born about 1876
LutzkerHanna born about 1879

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M Surnames

MartinDorothy born about 1926
MartinLillian born about 1888
MartinRobert Cborn about 1874
MaynardElnor born about 1917
MaynardSharon born about 1940
MontgomeryArbaan born about 1910
MontgomeryAudrey Annborn about 1935
MontgomeryBessie born about 1896
MontgomeryRobert Fborn about 1934
MontgomeryRosemary born about 1940
MontgomeryWilliam Aborn about 1869
MontgomeryWilliam Fborn about 1901

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O Surnames

OrtanHarold born about 1924
OrtanHoward born about 1919
OrtanJoane born about 1939
OrtanJoseph Aborn about 1891
OrtanLoyde born about 1929
OrtanVerda born about 1927
OrtanVirginia born about 1920
OrtonEster born about 1897
OwensLouise Cborn about 1881

P Surnames

ParkerHarris Dborn about 1923
ParkerMarya Tborn about 1896
ParkerRobert Fborn about 1918
ParkerWilliam Gborn about 1881
ParkinsonLaverna born about 1938
ParkinsonLeona born about 1915
ParkinsonRoyal born about 1914

R Surnames

RandallAda Lborn about 1905
RandallBessie Cborn about 1897
RandallCharles born about 1904
RandallCleone born about 1928
RandallDale born about 1933
RandallDean Gborn about 1935
RandallEarl Aborn about 1896
RandallElaine born about 1930
RandallElenora born about 1934
RandallGrant Mborn about 1922
RandallHoward Lborn about 1919
RandallJames Eborn about 1865
RandallJoyce born about 1939
RandallLeroy Dborn about 1910
RandallLeslie Eborn about 1911
RandallLouis Aborn about 1892
RandallNaomi Wborn about 1910
RandallPercy Eborn about 1901
RandallPhyllis Annborn about 1933
RandallRuth born about 1924
RandallTeressa born about 1903
ReichowElizabeth born about 1917
ReichowWalter Jborn about 1915

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S Surnames

ShepardFern born about 1905
ShepardT Lborn about 1887
SmithBarbra Nborn about 1936
SmithBobby Rborn about 1939
SmithEdward Cborn about 1934
SmithLile born about 1912
SmithMartha Iborn about 1933
SmithRonald Cborn about 1902
SmithVirginia Fborn about 1938
StaleyHenrietta born about 1881
StaleyHenry born about 1876
StalyEvylen born about 1917
StalyFloyd Rborn about 1928
StalyGlen Hborn about 1931
StalyLeland Dborn about 1934
StalyLorine Hborn about 1926
StalyRay Hborn about 1903
SterkeyPaul Wborn about 1862
SterkeySarah Eborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TermanBeatrice born about 1931
TermanBetty Janeborn about 1934
TermanCharles Lborn about 1917
TermanDorothy Mborn about 1904
TermanEvelyne born about 1921
TermanLee Jborn about 1895
TermanLee Jr born about 1932
TermanLouise born about 1925
TermanMary born about 1929
TermanRalph born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WarrenFloyd Aborn about 1893
WarrenViola born about 1899
WeeksHarold Hborn about 1909
WeeksHarold Jr born about 1931
WeeksSally Annborn about 1936
WeeksWilliam born about 1934
WinfredHarold Jborn about 1921
WinfredMartha born about 1885
WinfredWilliam Aborn about 1880

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