1940 U.S. Federal Census of Silver, Juab, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Juab County > 1940 Census of Silver

B Surnames D Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BatesMinnie born about 1880
BatesVergil Henryborn about 1856

D Surnames

DavosBetty Louisborn about 1929
DavosFrances Lborn about 1920
DavosLyman Wborn about 1937
DavosMildred Fborn about 1922
DavosWilliam Hborn about 1897
DodgeHellen born about 1870
DodgeVera Fborn about 1905
DunnJames Wborn about 1925
DunnJerry Eborn about 1931
DunnL Howardborn about 1922
DunnLeroy Fborn about 1904
DunnPearl born about 1906
DunnRoslie Pearlborn about 1937

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G Surnames

GoodrichDonna born about 1932
GoodrichEd Lee Jrborn about 1928
GoodrichEd Lee Srborn about 1898
GoodrichNellie born about 1908
GoodrichNellie Jeanborn about 1924
GoodrickSura born about 1868
GreenEdytha Jborn about 1897
GreenGrace Eborn about 1922
GreenLeo Wborn about 1900
GreenLeona Mborn about 1924
GreenRobert Wborn about 1922

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H Surnames

HendricksonJoey Lborn about 1934
HickmanBessie born about 1920
HickmanSadie Jborn about 1863
HuntHarold born about 1926
HuntJoseph born about 1860
HuntMarie born about 1882

J Surnames

JeffersonBarbara born about 1924
JohnsonAlda Jborn about 1891
JohnsonClarence Oborn about 1910
JuddAlice Mborn about 1934
JuddAlice Taylorborn about 1911
JuddFrank Jeromeborn about 1938
JuddGrant Bborn about 1907
JuddJessie born about 1916
JuddMary Leeborn about 1940

L Surnames

LemmonAda Lavernborn about 1939
LemmonAdon born about 1898
LemmonClarence born about 1883
LemmonClarence Jr born about 1926
LemmonClatie born about 1900
LemmonClide Rexborn about 1939
LemmonDonald Jamesborn about 1929
LemmonEdna Lucileborn about 1924
LemmonElain born about 1928
LemmonElisebeth born about 1926
LemmonElla born about 1905
LemmonElmont born about 1924
LemmonJohn Lborn about 1918
LemmonJohn Sborn about 1886
LemmonKeneth Leonborn about 1925
LemmonLamar born about 1927
LemmonLeland born about 1932
LemmonLeona born about 1928
LemmonLeroy born about 1938
LemmonLoes Raeborn about 1935
LemmonM Eugeneborn about 1931
LemmonMelvion born about 1929
LemmonNelda born about 1923
LemmonRalph born about 1922
LemmonRoe born about 1919
LemmonThaley Mayborn about 1933
LemmonVelma Mayborn about 1934
LemmonVerna born about 1895
LemmonVernon born about 1916
LemmonVictoria Dwaneborn about 1937
LemmonWaldine Joyceborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

McNullyJune born about 1935

O Surnames

OsbornEverett born about 1918
OsbornVern born about 1921
OsbornWilma born about 1922
OsbornWm Hborn about 1881

P Surnames

PattsFrances Ruthborn about 1916
PattsJeraldine born about 1928
PattsJessie born about 1934
PattsNina Sayborn about 1924
PattsW Earlborn about 1896
PattsW Earl Jrborn about 1918
PeayAda born about 1913
PeayAfton born about 1925
PeayLois born about 1936
PeayVern born about 1891
PeayVerona Leeborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RowleyAurther Wborn about 1883
RowleyAurther Jr born about 1910
RowleyDavid Jackborn about 1939
RowleyDora born about 1894
RowleyMyrtle born about 1886
RowleyRobert born about 1917

S Surnames

ShepheardJames Glenborn about 1908
ShepheardLaura born about 1915
ShepheardMarie Louisborn about 1940

T Surnames

TalmanLibbie Lborn about 1868

W Surnames

WahlburgAxel born about 1886
WahlburgMinnie born about 1886
WheelerD B Jrborn about 1899
WheelerDon C Srborn about 1876
WheelerDowan Mborn about 1922
WheelerEmma born about 1879
WheelerGoldie born about 1909
WheelerJoye born about 1920
WheelerMadeline Rborn about 1902
WheelerPatricia Raeborn about 1934
WheelerSharon Leeborn about 1939
WheelerWallace Kborn about 1927
WinscherAlbert born about 1874

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