1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Moab, Grand, Utah

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Utah > Grand County > 1940 Census of West Moab

B Surnames C Surnames L Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BacsonAnyus born about 1920
BoresonPeter Cborn about 1891

C Surnames

CharmberlainAnne born about 1882
CharmberlainDavid Eborn about 1879
CharmberlainOpal born about 1929

L Surnames

LanceCharles born about 1892
LanceCharles Leeborn about 1926
LanceDouglas born about 1939
LanceFaye born about 1927
LanceLarhese born about 1897
LanceMarjory Lborn about 1939
LanceRuth born about 1929

P Surnames

ParriottBurke born about 1925
ParriottDak Mborn about 1885
ParriottLloyd born about 1922
ParriottRuth born about 1901

S Surnames

SchedlerFrancis born about 1897
SchedlerHenry born about 1879
ScorupAlbert born about 1911
ScorupJames born about 1940
ScorupShirley born about 1922

T Surnames

TilleyConnie Mborn about 1934
TilleyJohn Hborn about 1902
TilleyJune Lborn about 1912
TilleyLeroy born about 1936

W Surnames

WalkerBill born about 1922
WalkerIda born about 1890
WalkerLester Aborn about 1886
WestDewin Gordonborn about 1934
WestE Cborn about 1908
WestEmily Bborn about 1912
WestmaedAida Janeborn about 1936
WestmaedIda Leeborn about 1939
WestmaedJames Leoborn about 1937
WestmaedThesnolda born about 1916
WestwoodCaralke born about 1938
WestwoodClara born about 1920
WestwoodDarkis Iomborn about 1935
WestwoodDelma Deeborn about 1926
WestwoodGerald born about 1917
WestwoodJames Sborn about 1882
WestwoodJohn Hborn about 1922
WestwoodSusan Lborn about 1892
WestwoodVernon Henryborn about 1930
WestwoodWilma Vayborn about 1924

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