1940 U.S. Federal Census of Barcroft, Arlington, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Arlington County > 1940 Census of Barcroft

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbsherRoberta born about 1921
AbsherThomas born about 1903
AdamsDaniel born about 1885
AdamsDorthy born about 1920
AdamsLouis Gborn about 1912
AdamsMary born about 1887
AdamsMary Lborn about 1913
AdlerEva Mborn about 1884
AdlerWilliam born about 1886
AlbaughBillie born about 1912
AlbaughEdwin born about 1907
AlbaughEdwin born about 1935
AlexandriaCynthia born about 1905
AlexandriaJohn born about 1903
AlexandriaRobert Bborn about 1938
AlfanoConstance born about 1935
AlfanoJoann born about 1934
AlfanoSamuel born about 1911
AlfanoSanda born about 1915
AllenSylvia Eborn about 1910
AllenWilliam Dborn about 1898
AllisonFrances Cborn about 1899
AllisonNorman Cborn about 1923
AllisonPaul Gborn about 1931
AmbrogneElmer born about 1916
AmbrogneHelena Aborn about 1910
AmbrogneHelene Aborn about 1938
AmbrogneNell Katherineborn about 1939
AmesEunice Mborn about 1914
AmesKenneth Hborn about 1906
AmesMarjorie Eborn about 1938
AmesMarvin Jborn about 1937
AmesRonald Mborn about 1936
AndersonAdeline Vborn about 1937
AndersonAndrew Aborn about 1864
AndersonCharles Bborn about 1908
AndersonCharles Jr born about 1932
AndersonCora Mborn about 1904
AndersonCora Mborn about 1928
AndersonElizabeth Rborn about 1934
AndersonElsie born about 1890
AndersonEsther Bborn about 1910
AndersonFred Bborn about 1899
AndersonHarriet Mborn about 1901
AndersonHenry Rogerborn about 1932
AndersonJohn Rborn about 1937
AndersonLeroy born about 1934
AndersonLily Mborn about 1939
AndersonMarie Vborn about 1914
AndersonMarshall born about 1899
AndersonRichard Jborn about 1938
AndersonRobert Eborn about 1927
AndersonRoher born about 1905
AndersonVirginia born about 1924
ArmstrongAnna Bborn about 1880
ArmstrongCharles Fborn about 1914
ArmstrongChristine Eborn about 1912
ArmstrongThomas Jborn about 1870
ArmstrongVirginia Mborn about 1921
ArnettCharles Lborn about 1915
ArnettGeneve Rborn about 1916
ArnettLawrence Cborn about 1934
AtkinsonJean Aborn about 1892
AughinbaughPearl Eborn about 1897
AughinbaughWm Hborn about 1893
AustinSara born about 1886
AveryCarlyn Lborn about 1931
AveryJohn Aborn about 1936
AveryLois Aborn about 1912
AveryWilliam Eborn about 1900
AveryWilma Jborn about 1933
AyersEmma born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaberAlma Aborn about 1914
BachusConstance Aborn about 1884
BachusHadassah born about 1888
BackusMargaret Mborn about 1887
BackusMargaret Pborn about 1918
BaileyAlice born about 1917
BaileyCharles born about 1937
BairdIrene born about 1936
BairdIsabel born about 1913
BairdJohn born about 1902
BakerBarbar Lborn about 1936
BakerDale born about 1918
BakerElsie Gborn about 1917
BakerLucille born about 1903
BakerMelvin Rborn about 1940
BakerVeceila born about 1915
BakerWalter born about 1902
BakerWalter Jr born about 1938
BakerWestary born about 1920
BalesAnna Sborn about 1878
BalesErnest Aborn about 1916
BallardBernard Rborn about 1928
BallardJames Eborn about 1920
BallardJames Hborn about 1917
BallardJohn Vborn about 1923
BallardJudson born about 1891
BallardLouisa born about 1911
BallardMary Gborn about 1890
BallardPaul Vborn about 1922
BallardRichard Eborn about 1926
BallardSadie born about 1891
BallardThomas Wborn about 1889
BankroftDorthy born about 1922
BarbeeLucy Eborn about 1850
BarnesCarl Aborn about 1927
BarnesDorthy Aborn about 1905
BarnesPaul born about 1894
BarnesPaul Mborn about 1929
BarneyAnna Aborn about 1924
BarneyMilton born about 1930
BarneyMolly Aborn about 1892
BarneySam born about 1892
BarrAnny Dborn about 1863
BaskovilleMary Hborn about 1888
BassieV Lewisborn about 1908
BatemanLawrence born about 1912
BatemanRuth Sborn about 1913
BatesEmma born about 1910
BatesLee Bettyborn about 1932
BatesRobert born about 1906
BatesRobert Jr born about 1936
BausermanCharlie born about 1933
BausermanGeorge born about 1906
BausermanJesse born about 1911
BausermanNancy Jborn about 1935
BaxleyMinnie Lborn about 1904
BaxleyNeal Oborn about 1898
BcallHelen Aborn about 1857
BeaconCatherine Mborn about 1918
BeaconHarry Cborn about 1917
BealgerFredrick born about 1908
BealgerLouisa born about 1913
BeauchampBessie born about 1898
BeauchampDiane born about 1929
BeauchampWilliam born about 1897
BechtelJacob born about 1877
BeckEdith born about 1919
BeckFrank born about 1917
BeckJanice born about 1939
BehlerKatherine born about 1926
BehrensGeorge born about 1906
BehrensSara born about 1910
BellBetty born about 1926
BellEleanor born about 1904
BellFrederick born about 1901
BellFrederick born about 1923
BellFrederick Cborn about 1872
BellJulian born about 1929
BellJune born about 1934
BengeJeanette Gborn about 1918
BengeWilliam Bborn about 1916
BenhamEliz Dborn about 1882
BensonKathleen Hborn about 1877
BensonRobert Lborn about 1922
BesleyLucy Bborn about 1890
BesleyWilliam Iborn about 1878
BibbMyra Masonborn about 1890
BicknellGeorge born about 1905
BicknellHenrietta born about 1871
BiggsIver born about 1907
BishopAugust born about 1891
BishopMartha born about 1901
BishopWilliam born about 1923
BissettGeorgia born about 1914
BissettRobert Sborn about 1935
BissettThomas Dborn about 1936
BissettWilliam born about 1912
BissettWilliam Jr born about 1933
BlainRay born about 1894
BlairCleone born about 1905
BlairCleone Iborn about 1939
BlairThomas Eborn about 1928
BlairWilliam Eborn about 1903
BlakeBannard born about 1888
BlakeCorde Eborn about 1898
BlakeGene Cborn about 1922
BlakeHelen Ruthborn about 1920
BlakeHiram Eborn about 1931
BlamforthGlady born about 1915
BlamforthJohn born about 1876
BlamforthLottie born about 1883
BlankenbakerBeldin born about 1902
BlankenbakerMabel Jborn about 1904
BlankenhomBrigitte born about 1931
BlankenhomElsbeth born about 1900
BlankenhomGisela born about 1921
BlankenhomPaul born about 1892
BloomFrank born about 1891
BloomFrank Hborn about 1929
BloomLillian Hborn about 1904
BloomguissKenneth Wborn about 1940
BloomguissMarcel Mborn about 1917
BloomguissRudolph born about 1908
BloomingburgElza born about 1895
BloomingburgGene Guyborn about 1919
BloomingburgSenia born about 1898
BloomingburgWayne born about 1925
BloomingburgWendell born about 1925
BluedellMabel Kborn about 1905
BluedellMaurice Wborn about 1924
BluedellWm Mborn about 1898
BlundellGeorge Dborn about 1910
BlundellGrace Iborn about 1913
BochleyErhardi Hborn about 1930
BochleyErna Cborn about 1907
BochleyHenry Wborn about 1903
BochleyLawrence Wborn about 1938
BohnClarence born about 1914
BohnWilma born about 1915
BoldRobert born about 1881
BolichCharles Bborn about 1888
BolichOhio Sborn about 1891
BolichSarah Fborn about 1863
BordenDonald Wborn about 1939
BordenDoris Aborn about 1916
BordenNorvell Aborn about 1914
BordenWayne Eborn about 1916
BorileEdward Lborn about 1909
BorileMinnie Deoborn about 1911
BorileRobert Eborn about 1937
BoswellElla Lborn about 1868
BoswellElsie Lborn about 1905
BoswellEthel Vborn about 1921
BoswellIrvin Wborn about 1897
BoswellSadie Lborn about 1908
BoswellWilliam Pborn about 1865
BotelerLaura born about 1875
BowenCharles Rborn about 1927
BowenDonald Cborn about 1931
BowenDouglas Eborn about 1933
BowenEdil Sborn about 1905
BowenGerald Rborn about 1924
BowenIsaac Rborn about 1903
BowenJack Lborn about 1930
BowenJames Lborn about 1879
BowenMaud Cborn about 1882
BowenNatalie Lborn about 1926
BowmanCedric Aborn about 1898
BowmanEddie Lborn about 1896
BoyleJoseph born about 1910
BoylePearl born about 1910
BradfordIda Mborn about 1868
BradfordJohn Mborn about 1859
BradshawBetty Jborn about 1935
BradshawClyde Bborn about 1907
BradshawClyde Hborn about 1930
BradshawEdith Eborn about 1912
BraffordJacquelin born about 1931
BraffordJohn born about 1909
BraffordRuth born about 1913
BraffordRuth Maryborn about 1939
BrasseBarbara Annborn about 1939
BrasseDorothy Lborn about 1919
BrasseErnest born about 1897
BrasseErnest Jr born about 1932
BrasseEthel born about 1920
BrasseHester born about 1913
BrasseIda Cborn about 1874
BrasseJohn Hborn about 1867
BrasseRobert Wborn about 1917
BrasseVirginia born about 1899
BrasseVirginia Lborn about 1929
BrauminCarl born about 1891
BrauminCarl born about 1926
BrauminEdith born about 1933
BrauminLaura born about 1899
BrauminLillian born about 1922
BrauminMildred born about 1918
BrayArlene born about 1936
BrayMiles born about 1908
BrayMurel born about 1909
BrewerBernice Vborn about 1926
BrewerCharles Nborn about 1936
BrewerGerald Fborn about 1933
BrewerJoan Pborn about 1934
BrewerMadeline Vborn about 1926
BrewerNancy Mborn about 1937
BrewerNixon Aborn about 1905
BrewerViola Aborn about 1908
BrookeLouisa born about 1924
BrookeMilton born about 1893
BrooksAlva Hborn about 1884
BrooksAnne Lborn about 1887
BrooksElmor Hborn about 1931
BrooksHerald Wborn about 1914
BrooksMarie born about 1933
BrooksMary born about 1902
BrooksNorma Gborn about 1919
BroseChristine born about 1895
BroseEdwin born about 1895
BroseHarry born about 1918
BrownAgnes born about 1895
BrownBarbara born about 1920
BrownBessie Eborn about 1893
BrownElsie born about 1887
BrownFrancis born about 1908
BrownHarry Eborn about 1892
BrownMarjorie born about 1892
BrownOttway born about 1916
BrownRobert born about 1918
BrownZachariah born about 1894
BrownsBertha Sborn about 1877
BrownsR Rayborn about 1878
BruffeyFrank Sborn about 1916
BruffeyFrank Sborn about 1940
BruffeyKathryn Mborn about 1876
BruffeyMargaret Aborn about 1937
BruffeyRosa Maryborn about 1919
BrumbaughCharles born about 1913
BrumbaughEnda born about 1912
BryantBatrice born about 1904
BryantKenneth born about 1909
BrydenAlma born about 1893
BrydenErnest Wborn about 1893
BrydenTerry Eborn about 1928
BuckinghamMary born about 1888
BullmanEmma born about 1926
BullmanHenry born about 1921
BullmanJohn born about 1924
BullmanRobert born about 1894
BullmanRobert Leeborn about 1919
BullmanSophie born about 1900
BunchLeroy born about 1913
BurchCaroline Sueborn about 1931
BurchGuy Irvingborn about 1900
BurchSally Annborn about 1928
BurchWilhelmine born about 1899
BurchettGrace born about 1914
BurchettWillie born about 1906
BurkeGrace born about 1910
BurkeIda Mborn about 1884
BurkeJesse born about 1907
BurkeThomas Aborn about 1874
BurlyFord born about 1907
BurnsAlma born about 1902
BurnsGeorge Eborn about 1902
BurnsMyrtle Lborn about 1893
BurnsWilliam Wborn about 1890
BurnumAlrjah born about 1869
BurtonPerry Lborn about 1874
ButlerEvangline born about 1918
ButlerGrace Tborn about 1899
ButlerLester born about 1893
ButtsDorthy Mborn about 1932
ButtsFrank born about 1908
ButtsGraham Wborn about 1934
ButtsVirginia born about 1912
ByarsCloyd born about 1869
ByarsJane Bborn about 1873
ByerlineCharles Rborn about 1911
ByerlineLois born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampClarence Cborn about 1904
CampNorma Eborn about 1905
CampbellBonny Mayborn about 1933
CampbellClarence born about 1901
CampbellClarence Cborn about 1923
CampbellElizabeth born about 1934
CampbellGloria born about 1926
CampbellLilas Jborn about 1929
CampbellRichard born about 1928
CampbellRobert Leeborn about 1937
CandellRoy born about 1902
CandellSylvia born about 1903
CandellWilliam born about 1930
CannonAndrew Hborn about 1872
CannonFlorence born about 1888
CardonsGeorge Wborn about 1909
CareyLena born about 1897
CareyMary born about 1895
CarletonAnna born about 1914
CarletonGoerge born about 1911
CarletonJames born about 1939
CarlinClara Mborn about 1882
CarlinWilliam born about 1876
CarsonDonald born about 1930
CarsonElbert born about 1917
CarsonEleanor born about 1922
CarsonGary born about 1933
CarsonLecil born about 1898
CarsonPersis born about 1912
CarsonRoger born about 1936
CarsonWilford born about 1906
CaseyKatherine born about 1869
CasgrainAdrain Eborn about 1897
CasgrainMildred Dborn about 1908
CatchumMannie born about 1884
CatsLeon born about 1913
CecilAlexandria Bborn about 1903
CecilAlexandria Bborn about 1931
CecilAnna born about 1935
CecilBarbar born about 1937
CecilMary Mborn about 1903
CgrverJesse born about 1920
ChambersDorothy born about 1917
ChambersDouglas Dborn about 1906
ChambersRita Bborn about 1940
ChannellAleen Tborn about 1911
ChannellJohn Wborn about 1939
ChannellSuanne Gborn about 1937
ChannellWoodrow Jborn about 1911
ChanneyCarl Leroyborn about 1925
ChanneyEdwin Lborn about 1895
ChanneyGladys Gborn about 1897
ChappelJames born about 1917
ChappelJulia born about 1918
CharlottAger born about 1875
ChewAugustin born about 1888
ChewBowie Tborn about 1903
ChewBowie T Jborn about 1926
ChewCharles Fborn about 1930
ChewEdna Mborn about 1908
ChewIrene Iborn about 1913
ChewMae Lborn about 1890
ChewMarjorie Hborn about 1862
ChewMonroe Gborn about 1913
ChewMonroe Gborn about 1936
ChewRobert Eborn about 1929
ChewRuth Maeborn about 1937
CheyneyElizabeth born about 1907
CheyneyJesse Sborn about 1906
ChildressBetty Elieenborn about 1927
ChildressCharles Eborn about 1894
ChildressJohn Wilsonborn about 1933
ChildressMarguerite born about 1895
ChiltonDoris Eborn about 1914
ChiltonLeroy Bborn about 1916
ChinnLouise born about 1903
ChinnMarion born about 1902
ChristersonHoward born about 1908
ChristersonJames born about 1877
ChristersonMary Kborn about 1918
ChristersonRuth born about 1884
ClalkFred Edwardborn about 1919
ClalkJames born about 1917
ClalkLucile born about 1913
ClardyElsie born about 1886
ClardyJohn born about 1915
ClardyWarren Dborn about 1913
ClardyWarren Rborn about 1886
ClardyWilliam born about 1924
ClarkBoswell Jborn about 1890
ClarkBoswell Jr born about 1921
ClarkEdith Mborn about 1890
ClarkJohn Dborn about 1910
ClarkJoseph Bborn about 1911
ClarkJoseph Rborn about 1936
ClarkMabel Sborn about 1905
ClarkRosalie Nborn about 1913
ClarkRuby Mborn about 1913
ClarkRuth Yborn about 1917
ClarkVirginia Eborn about 1919
ClarkWilliam Josephborn about 1922
ClarkWilliam Mborn about 1913
ClarysFredrick Mborn about 1924
ClarysGaenne Eborn about 1921
ClarysLaurine Mborn about 1919
ClarysLeonie Mborn about 1896
ClarysMartin Lborn about 1926
ClarysMaurice Eborn about 1901
ClausonAlice born about 1873
ClayCharles Wborn about 1907
ClayCharles W Jrborn about 1940
ClaySara Kborn about 1907
ClaytonJames Wborn about 1896
ClaytonNettie Eborn about 1898
ClementsJohn born about 1905
ClementsVirginia born about 1904
ClementsWilton Rborn about 1935
ClodfelterValeria born about 1907
CloverLeola born about 1897
CloverWilliam Eborn about 1884
ClusBetty born about 1930
ClusHoward born about 1893
ClusJune born about 1934
ClusKay born about 1931
ClusMargaret born about 1900
CoalSara born about 1898
CobbEmma born about 1913
CochreanSallie born about 1862
CochresseClaire born about 1934
CochresseClaude Oborn about 1914
CochresseEllen Dborn about 1916
CochresseElsie born about 1906
CochresseErna born about 1928
CochresseWilliam born about 1907
CoeAda born about 1867
CoeAllen born about 1903
CoeAllen Jr born about 1939
CoeEleanor born about 1909
CoeEleanor Jborn about 1939
CoffeltElsie Rborn about 1900
CoffeltGeorge Gborn about 1910
CoffinCarol born about 1917
ColeNell born about 1908
ColltonDorthy born about 1930
ColltonEugene born about 1932
ColltonNorman born about 1897
ColltonRuth born about 1934
ConnerEvelyn Mayborn about 1922
ConnerJohn born about 1893
ConnerOla Iborn about 1903
ConntsJames Fborn about 1910
ConntsMargaret born about 1903
ConntsSara Kayborn about 1939
CooleyJohn Bborn about 1899
CooleyMargaret Dborn about 1898
CooperCarl born about 1931
CooperDana born about 1899
CooperEarl born about 1926
CooperElbert born about 1911
CooperHomer Fborn about 1897
CooperHomer Wborn about 1891
CooperLula Mborn about 1901
CooperMildred born about 1908
CooperPauline born about 1897
CooperVirginia born about 1911
CorbettMildred Nborn about 1895
CorbettSewell S Mborn about 1890
CottonWallace born about 1923
CousinsDorothy born about 1915
CousinsFrancis born about 1914
CowlingHefford Fborn about 1891
CowlingVirginia born about 1903
CoxAnna born about 1882
CraftDorothy Mborn about 1894
CraftJames Cborn about 1900
CrickenbergerDavis born about 1920
CrickenbergerJane born about 1919
CrickenbergerLeon Sborn about 1896
CrickenbergerLeon Jr born about 1917
CrickenbergerLorena born about 1887
CrickenbergerMargaret born about 1925
CrozierCharles Tborn about 1929
CrozierFlorence Eborn about 1907
CrozierJohn Tborn about 1910
CrozierPaula Rborn about 1939
CruzenFrancis Lborn about 1906
CruzenGeorge Tborn about 1892
CulbertBillie Mborn about 1927
CulbertCatherine born about 1924
CulbertMathew born about 1889
CulbertMathew Cborn about 1922
CulbertRobert Aborn about 1930
CulbertRuth born about 1900
CullemberErnest born about 1889
CullemberMuriel Eborn about 1896
CullenJulia Mborn about 1919
CullenMenifee Pborn about 1910
CullenThomas Pborn about 1909
CullenWalter Fborn about 1916
CummingsAlice born about 1919
CummingsGeorge Wborn about 1913
CunninghamAnne born about 1878
CurffuderM Aborn about 1929
CurtinJulia born about 1885
CurtisAnne born about 1879
CurtissDorothy Dborn about 1913
CurtissRalph born about 1911

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D Surnames

DabbsBarbar Annborn about 1939
DabbsCharles Aborn about 1915
DabbsMidred born about 1915
DamerDarrel Sborn about 1922
DamerEyth born about 1920
DamerGrace born about 1885
DanielDoris C Jrborn about 1935
DanielDorris Cborn about 1908
DanielMargaret Sborn about 1908
DanielScott born about 1940
DanielsDoris Mborn about 1922
DanielsElsie Nborn about 1901
DanielsElsie Nborn about 1931
DanielsHelen Cborn about 1925
DanielsWilliam born about 1899
DanielsWilliam Jr born about 1927
DansereanRachel born about 1875
DarceyElla Cborn about 1867
DarceyEthel Eborn about 1902
DarceyJoan born about 1936
DarceyPaul Gborn about 1897
DarceyRichard born about 1915
DarceyRichard born about 1937
DarceyVirginia born about 1915
DarnellJo Annborn about 1939
DarnellMims born about 1908
DarnellRuth born about 1910
DavisAlton born about 1904
DavisBessie born about 1907
DavisCarl born about 1903
DavisClara Eborn about 1897
DavisClara Lborn about 1898
DavisDonald Gborn about 1938
DavisDonald Lborn about 1939
DavisDonald Pborn about 1897
DavisDorothy born about 1934
DavisEdwin born about 1909
DavisEdwin born about 1936
DavisElizabeth Aborn about 1932
DavisEva born about 1876
DavisGilbert born about 1931
DavisGladys born about 1922
DavisGordon born about 1932
DavisGrace Kborn about 1890
DavisHelen Lborn about 1926
DavisIrene born about 1901
DavisJames born about 1939
DavisJean born about 1937
DavisJesse Pborn about 1871
DavisJohn Jborn about 1895
DavisJohn Jborn about 1930
DavisJoseph born about 1935
DavisJudith born about 1927
DavisLaura Jborn about 1922
DavisLelia born about 1867
DavisLloyd Eborn about 1901
DavisMacil born about 1914
DavisMargaret Kborn about 1920
DavisMargaret Mborn about 1908
DavisOlen born about 1897
DavisPauline born about 1902
DavisSidney born about 1900
DavisVirginia born about 1906
DavisVirginia born about 1936
DavisWade Hborn about 1879
DavisWilliam Wborn about 1918
DealLynwood born about 1912
DeaversCarole born about 1934
DeaversFrank born about 1915
DeaversLillian born about 1916
DecutryJames born about
DegrangeElizabeth Vborn about 1922
DegrangeMarie born about 1894
DegraziaAnn born about 1914
DegraziaSamuel born about 1909
DegrootAlfred Eborn about 1879
DegrootGertrude Fborn about 1881
DelinAnsel born about 1877
DelinCarrie born about 1874
DemetrisDommick born about 1892
DemetrisEstell born about 1892
DemikElizabeth born about 1914
DemikGail born about 1940
DemikJanice born about 1938
DemikWilliam born about 1913
DensonAudrey born about 1931
DensonBurl born about 1928
DensonElon born about 1898
DensonFrederick born about 1900
DensonFrederick born about 1924
DensonHarold born about 1926
DensonLaura born about 1901
DensonLeonard born about 1933
DensonWilliam born about 1892
DensonWilliam born about 1929
DerendorfEdward Hborn about 1929
DerendorfFredrick Eborn about 1885
DerendorfFredrick Eborn about 1926
DerendorfSelma born about 1902
DespeauxElla Rborn about 1887
DespeauxRobert Aborn about 1880
DeweyCharles born about 1924
DeweyEthel born about 1898
DeweyFrances born about 1921
DeweyKenneth Aborn about 1898
DewittAnne Mayborn about 1917
DickinsonAlma born about 1906
DickinsonFrancis born about 1904
DicksHattie Eborn about 1902
DicksRay Lborn about 1901
DicksonJohn born about 1913
DiezelElwood Rborn about 1918
DiezelHarry born about
DiezelPhyllis Eborn about 1923
DinanJames Rborn about 1905
DinanMyrtle Rborn about 1904
DinanRaif born about 1884
DinanSamuel Cborn about 1876
DisbrowRuby Rborn about 1903
DisbrowWalter Lborn about 1892
DodgeEarl born about 1914
DodgeHarry born about 1898
DodgeHilda born about 1917
DodgeMalcolm born about 1918
DodgeSusie Hborn about 1894
DodsonBetty Aborn about 1938
DodsonFrancis born about 1914
DodsonJune born about 1939
DodsonLee born about 1916
DodsonLee Jr born about 1940
DodsonMargaret born about 1917
DodsonNorma Jborn about 1936
DodsonRonald Fborn about 1939
DodsonVirginia Sborn about 1917
DonovanCharlie born about 1904
DonovanMargaret born about 1913
DonovanMargaret Mborn about 1939
DonstonEdith Dborn about 1899
DonstonRalph born about 1886
DorseyJulius Wborn about 1888
DorseyMary Eborn about 1892
DotyEdmund Sborn about 1890
DoveCharles Lborn about 1902
DoveMand Nborn about 1901
DowdThomas born about 1917
DowellJames born about 1934
DowellLemuel born about 1909
DowellLouise born about 1907
DowellRobert born about 1936
DowellThomas born about 1938
DowellWilliam born about 1932
DowlingLois Pborn about 1929
DowlingThomas Rborn about 1903
DowlingViolet Wborn about 1904
DowneyGertrude born about 1916
DownsFredrick born about 1918
DownsIrvin Wborn about 1920
DownsRoscoe Iborn about 1885
DownsWilliam Cborn about 1909
DownsWinnie Cborn about 1888
DoyleIrene born about 1918
DoyleWilliam born about 1917
DraegemeyerDon Jborn about 1914
DraegemeyerNellie Cborn about 1917
DrakeJoseph born about 1904
DrakeRebecca born about 1907
DuganAlexandria born about 1855
DulinAnn Mayborn about 1919
DunbaryJames Aborn about 1905
DunbaryJames Eborn about 1933
DunbaryMary Rborn about 1907
DundonAlice Mborn about 1908
DundonDan Rborn about 1935
DundonDaniel Aborn about 1908
DundonJoan Cborn about 1937
DunningtonAlma born about 1924
DunningtonAnna born about 1894
DunningtonCyde born about 1929
DunningtonIrvin born about 1895
DunningtonIrvin born about 1923
DunvantFrances Jborn about 1913
DunvantJoseph Eborn about 1913
DunvantShirley Jborn about 1935
DurceyCharles born about 1923
DurceyClifton Mborn about 1893
DurceyEdda born about 1895
DurceyFrank born about 1928
DurceyLeah born about 1926
DurceyPaul born about 1919
DuryeeHenry R Jrborn about 1907
DuryeeKarna Mborn about 1937
DuryeeMildred Sborn about 1909
DutempleDaisy Iborn about 1911
DutempleElmer Jborn about 1912
DuxburyClinor born about 1877
DwyerHelen Mborn about 1885
DwyerNicholas Lborn about 1899
DyerEdith Annaborn about 1922
DyerEthel born about 1883
DyerEthel Sallieborn about 1921
DyerRoss born about 1893

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E Surnames

EachartClifford Wborn about 1918
EachartRobert Eborn about 1938
EachartStanley Gborn about 1937
EachartVirginia Eborn about 1919
EarlyAbraham Sborn about 1881
EarlyIrene Eborn about 1886
EarlyMary Vborn about 1910
EberleHenry Aborn about 1876
EckenrothCarolyn born about 1917
EckenrothDonald born about 1917
EckenrothDonald born about 1937
EckenrothEdith born about 1940
EdmondFrancis Jborn about 1907
EgeBarrie born about 1928
EgeDonald born about 1922
EgeEleanor born about 1925
EgeEmily Eborn about 1894
EgePhillp Hborn about 1890
EgePhillp Hborn about 1923
EimerDonald born about 1930
EimerMargaret Hborn about 1902
EimerWilson Hborn about 1900
EisenBertha born about 1909
EisenDavid born about 1906
ElyDorthy born about 1911
EmmonsAlfred born about 1895
EmmonsInez Mborn about 1894
EndzelAnthony born about 1909
EndzelEvelyn born about 1909
EndzelEvelyn Bretaborn about 1934
EnnisWilliam Eborn about 1880
EvansAlice Cborn about 1939
EvansEhtel Rborn about 1938
EvansFred Wborn about 1903
EvansMargaret born about 1896
EvansNellie Aborn about 1917
EvansPaeston born about 1924

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F Surnames

FadeleyMargaret Rborn about 1911
FadeleyMerriel born about 1914
FahrneyJames born about 1931
FahrneyJane born about 1931
FahrneyJohn Wborn about 1926
FahrneyLena Jborn about 1895
FahrneyRoy Bborn about 1890
FannciMildrede born about 1899
FarleyLottie born about 1920
FarnhamAdele Katherineborn about 1913
FastElizabeth born about 1908
FastMerilyn born about 1929
FastRalph born about 1901
FauntenbergEdward Hborn about 1916
FauntenbergJohn Henryborn about 1922
FeildBelma born about 1913
FeildEcklin born about 1906
FeildEcklin born about 1932
FergnsonMartin born about 1916
FergusonMatilda born about 1936
FergusonWilliam born about 1886
FerrandBernice born about 1908
FerrandLaura born about 1869
FinleyJohn born about 1916
FisherAurelia Eborn about 1934
FisherFranklin Rborn about 1907
FisherHallie Eborn about 1904
FisherJames born about 1870
FisherMildred Mborn about 1912
FisherSus born about 1871
FisherWilhelm born about 1907
FisherWilliam Kborn about 1939
FitchBenjamin born about 1872
FitchJohn born about 1909
FitchMartha born about 1879
FlahertyCornelia Eborn about 1903
FlahertyMarion Nborn about 1924
FlahertyWillard born about 1922
FlahertyWillard Rborn about 1902
FlanaganEileen born about 1922
FlanaganGrace born about 1898
FlanaganJerry born about 1899
FlanaganJerry Jr born about 1923
FlanaganMary Rborn about 1929
FlemningGeorge born about 1894
FlemningHannah Eborn about 1886
FlemningHoward born about 1927
FletcherBeulah Eborn about 1905
FletcherCharles born about 1906
FletcherCharles Jr born about 1928
FloidDorthy Mborn about 1908
FloidSherman born about 1908
FloidSherman Jr born about 1929
FloidThomas Eborn about 1933
FloidVirginia born about 1937
FolliardCatherine born about 1911
FolliardJohn born about 1907
FoltzAlvin Hborn about 1924
FoltzBabe Ruthborn about 1934
FoltzDavid Lborn about 1932
FoltzDorothy Jborn about 1927
FoltzL Nolanborn about 1922
FoltzLuther Mborn about 1897
FoltzMargaret Lborn about 1937
FoltzMary Lborn about 1902
FooteBlanche born about 1875
FordDonald Cborn about 1933
FordEleanor Gborn about 1899
FordEleanor Jborn about 1926
FordGlen Wborn about 1935
FordJames Dborn about 1898
FordJames D Jborn about 1927
FordMabel Eborn about 1905
FordSamuel Pborn about 1892
FordSamuel P Jrborn about 1932
FordShirley Pborn about 1930
FordVirginia Cborn about 1928
FosterCurtis born about 1916
FosterLeroy Eborn about 1893
FosterPaul born about 1918
FosterPearle born about 1893
FowlerAlene Mborn about 1915
FowlerFannie Leeborn about 1917
FowlerNorma Cborn about 1937
FowlerRaymond Cborn about 1913
FowlerRaymond Cborn about 1938
FranklinCharles born about 1920
FranklinWilliam born about 1919
FreehillJoseph born about 1909
FreehillJoseph born about 1937
FreehillMary born about 1914
FreehillMary born about 1940
FroemmingCharles born about 1894
FroemmingViola born about 1903
FryAlice born about 1910
FryEllsworth born about 1897
FryeOlga Mborn about 1888
FullerBeaulah born about 1900
FullerFrank born about 1899
FullertonHeken C Kborn about 1916
FullertonJames Jborn about 1914
FulmerFrank Rborn about 1909
FulmerFrank Jr born about 1935
FulmerVirginia Wborn about 1913
FurrCharles born about 1939
FurrShirley Pborn about 1914
FurrWarwick Rborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddyAnthony born about 1904
GaddyCarol Jeanborn about 1939
GaddyCatherine born about 1910
GaddyJoan born about 1936
GaddyJoseph Lborn about 1888
GalbahanJohn Lborn about 1925
GallAmos born about 1907
GallJean born about 1910
GallRichard born about 1933
GambillCaroline born about 1893
GanderJames Eborn about 1929
GanderRaymond born about 1922
GanleyFredrick Wborn about 1906
GanleyFredrick Wborn about 1937
GanleyHelen Dborn about 1908
GanleyRichard Eborn about 1940
GarberDavid Sborn about 1929
GarberLela born about 1911
GarberLouise Sborn about 1930
GarberRaymond born about 1907
GarberRaymond Sborn about 1933
GarbersCharles Aborn about 1938
GarbersFrank born about 1888
GarbersFrank Lborn about 1921
GarbersGeorge Wborn about 1924
GarbersRose born about 1902
GardnerDennis born about 1883
GardnerLucy born about 1870
GardnerRose born about 1883
GarlandBleims born about 1919
GarneauJeremiah born about 1939
GarneauJohn born about 1911
GarneauKatherine born about 1917
GarneauPatricia born about 1937
GarneauRichard Leeborn about 1938
GarnerAlffield born about 1896
GarnerHermon born about 1895
GarrettEdith born about 1908
GarrettEdward Wborn about 1907
GarrettEleanor born about 1939
GarrettEllen Mborn about 1931
GarrettHarry Dborn about 1933
GarrettHazel Cborn about 1915
GarrettMary Edithborn about 1931
GarrettWillard born about 1906
GarrettWilliam born about 1867
GastonMay born about 1885
GatesByron Lborn about 1930
GatesDorothy Jborn about 1909
GatesGeorge Wborn about 1909
GatesKathryn Vborn about 1910
GatesLawrence Eborn about 1938
GatesLawrence Mborn about 1907
GauppMargaretta born about 1917
GearbassDale Iborn about 1911
GearbassEthel Pborn about 1917
GearbassIsabelle Eborn about 1902
GearbassMary Aborn about 1939
GearbassSally Aborn about 1937
GearyMary Hborn about 1893
GeorgeDorthy born about 1917
GeorgeHenry Bborn about 1907
GeorgeJoan born about 1935
GeorgeJohn born about 1911
GeorgeWinona Hborn about 1910
GerbishLouise Sborn about 1914
GerbishRichard Sborn about 1938
GerbishSidney Aborn about 1913
GibsonAnna born about 1895
GibsonDenzil born about 1929
GibsonLeonard born about 1926
GibsonWilliam born about 1898
GillJacqueline born about 1903
GillRichard born about 1898
GlissonCarol Aborn about 1939
GlissonDorothy Pborn about 1915
GlissonHugh Dborn about 1914
GodfreyEthel Vborn about 1892
GodfreyHenry Hborn about 1891
GodfreyLaverne born about 1913
GodfreyRichard Cborn about 1919
GoldbergHerbert born about 1910
GoldbergViola born about 1909
GoldenAnna born about 1912
GoldenBarbar born about 1932
GoldenWilliam born about 1935
GoldenWilliams born about 1910
GoodinEllen Lborn about 1936
GoodinGordon Mborn about 1910
GoodinGordon Rborn about 1934
GoodinJean Gborn about 1913
GordonCrockett Fborn about 1911
GorrayMary born about 1887
GorrayPeter born about 1881
GorrayRita born about 1920
GorrayWilliam born about 1916
GottschalkLouis born about 1907
GottschalkRichard born about 1936
GottschalkRobert born about 1936
GottschalkWinfred born about 1911
GrahamAlfred born about 1905
GrahamDelores Eborn about 1937
GrahamGene Aborn about 1934
GrahamMeta born about 1905
GramlichEmily Fborn about 1910
GramlichEmily Rborn about 1934
GramlichJohn Cborn about 1908
GravesBetty born about 1938
GravesHarper born about 1914
GravesJanie born about 1918
GrayBasil born about 1915
GrayDale born about 1940
GrayMarjorie born about 1919
GreenCharles born about 1922
GreenGazelk Huneborn about 1937
GreenHannah Lborn about 1878
GreenHenry Dborn about 1910
GreenJane Cborn about 1912
GreenJohn Lockeborn about 1902
GreenMary Huweborn about 1906
GreggDonald born about 1937
GreggMyra born about 1910
GreggVerane born about 1905
GregoryBarbar Annborn about 1933
GregoryBetty Janeborn about 1930
GregoryElizabeth Eborn about 1917
GregoryFred born about 1916
GregoryJack born about 1927
GregoryJimmy Lborn about 1939
GregoryKathleen born about 1924
GregoryMay born about 1893
GregoryRay born about 1920
GregoryRoy born about 1920
GregoryStafford born about 1892
GriffithMaybuth born about 1913
GriffithRichard born about 1911
GrossAnnie Eborn about 1883
GrossJoseph Hborn about 1877
GrossWilliam Dborn about 1907
GrubbsCoble born about 1905
GrubbsSarah Vborn about 1911
GruberAlice Bborn about 1907
GruberWarren Sborn about 1909
GuyerMini born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasKenneth born about 1898
HaasKenneth Jr born about 1928
HaasNoel born about 1934
HaasVerna born about 1901
HaddoxBlaine born about 1926
HaddoxDeryl born about 1922
HaddoxEarl born about 1897
HaddoxEthel born about 1897
HaddoxKenneth born about 1932
HaefnerErma Kborn about 1920
HaefnerJoseph Aborn about 1912
HainesBeverly Aborn about 1938
HainesHarry Dborn about 1912
HainesMyra Lborn about 1917
HallAnn Marieborn about 1927
HallBetty Cborn about 1925
HallCharles Dborn about 1926
HallForest Jborn about 1899
HallHarry born about 1873
HallJoseph Mborn about 1898
HallKathryn Mborn about 1898
HallPercy born about 1878
HallRichard Wborn about 1907
HallRosalie Mborn about 1900
HallRowena Mborn about 1881
HallStella Mborn about 1898
HallSusan born about 1932
HallWilliam Pborn about 1899
HallWilliam Tborn about 1925
HallmanHelen Vborn about 1910
HallmanNancy Lborn about 1939
HallmanOttis Fborn about 1909
HallmanPatricia Aborn about 1934
HanbyAnnie Eborn about 1890
HanbyEthel Iborn about 1926
HanbyJames Rborn about 1929
HanbyJohn born about 1892
HanbyJohn Rborn about 1921
HandyAlgermon Jr born about 1915
HandyAlgernon Leeborn about 1885
HandyAlnre Cborn about 1885
HandyBetty Eborn about 1921
HandyEtehl born about 1885
HandyHoward Eborn about 1921
HandyWalter born about 1877
HanglighterRobert born about 1939
HannamJohana born about 1908
HannamLeo Jborn about 1906
HannamTheresa born about 1940
HansenCaroline born about 1925
HansenMargaret born about 1915
HansenNickel born about 1881
HansenPearl born about 1887
HansenTedd born about 1911
HarbaughDonald born about 1892
HarbaughDonna Leeborn about 1932
HarbaughDoris Deanborn about 1926
HarbaughMary Bborn about 1898
HardertyIda born about 1882
HardingJohny born about 1918
HarneyEdward Tborn about 1919
HarneyMargaret Eborn about 1887
HarneyRuth Aborn about 1921
HarneySteven Eborn about 1928
HarrisCharles Wborn about 1890
HarrisEdward Wborn about 1894
HarrisEleanor Mborn about 1910
HarrisFrances born about 1911
HarrisFrances Aborn about 1893
HarrisGloria born about 1938
HarrisHarriet born about 1883
HarrisHarry born about 1934
HarrisJames born about 1912
HarrisLesta born about 1904
HarrisLynis Fborn about 1939
HarrisRaymond born about 1912
HarrisRaymond Jr born about 1934
HarrisTheodore Douglasborn about 1918
HarrisWilliam born about 1906
HarrisWoodman born about 1915
HarrisonBetty born about 1924
HarrisonChastine Hborn about 1905
HarrisonElizabeth Oborn about 1911
HarrisonJohn Mborn about 1901
HarrisonJustine Hborn about 1867
HarrisonMarjorie Cborn about 1915
HarrisonMary Jborn about 1905
HarrisonRobert Oborn about 1929
HarrisonSamuel Rborn about 1902
HarrisonSamuel R Jrborn about 1937
HarrisonWilliam Wborn about 1891
HarveyAlice Bborn about 1898
HarveyBruce Rborn about 1924
HarveyEdward Rborn about 1906
HarveyJohn Bborn about 1894
HarveyJohn B Jrborn about 1919
HarveyKathryn born about 1935
HarveyMabel born about 1904
HarveyNelson born about 1929
HarveyRichard Wborn about 1917
HarveySheila born about 1929
HarwardMary Tborn about 1923
HaskellAnne Pborn about 1932
HaskellAnthony Pborn about 1904
HaskellMartha born about 1906
HaskellThomas Lborn about 1939
HatfieldLoraine Hborn about 1898
HatthawayJoan born about 1931
HatthawayNorman born about 1910
HatthawayRuth born about 1908
HaussmannKaran Mborn about 1937
HaussmannMarie Vborn about 1910
HaussmannWm Mborn about 1907
HaussmannWm Mborn about 1935
HawkinsHoward born about 1886
HazelAnne Eborn about 1900
HazelCatherine born about 1932
HazelMargaret born about 1935
HazelThomas Lborn about 1908
HeadJames Wborn about 1884
HeadMargaret born about 1887
HeathJames Bborn about 1939
HeathJosephine born about 1915
HeathMildred born about 1937
HeathWillis born about 1912
HeathWillis Hborn about 1936
HedianHelen Mborn about 1901
HedianWilliam born about 1897
HedrickAnna Eborn about 1901
HedrickBenj Mborn about 1897
HedrickBenj Sborn about 1928
HedrickBetty Mborn about 1928
HeeiserCelia born about 1911
HeeiserHarold born about 1909
HeeiserMary Annborn about 1934
HemmingsJacob born about 1897
HemmingsTressa born about 1911
HendersonElla Lenoraborn about 1909
HendersonMarie Aborn about 1913
HendersonRobert Wborn about 1937
HendersonRussel Cborn about 1903
HendersonWilliam born about 1913
HennesyLeoda born about 1871
HensonCeymour born about 1897
HensonHannah born about 1906
HermanEdwin born about 1905
HermanLucy Pborn about 1905
HermannEmily born about 1908
HermannHarry F Wborn about 1900
HessMatty born about 1860
HickmanBarbara Lborn about 1936
HickmanBarbara Mborn about 1909
HickmanBillie Jborn about 1930
HickmanWilliam Dborn about 1902
HilderBernice Oborn about 1881
HilderFredrick Sborn about 1904
HilderGrace Bborn about 1917
HilderMarjorie Aborn about 1937
HilderRichard Rborn about 1917
HilderRobert Aborn about 1913
HilderStuart Cborn about 1879
HillOden Jborn about 1890
HillWallace Jonesborn about 1865
HittDouglas born about 1922
HittHomer Lborn about 1916
HoffmanAustin born about 1934
HoffmanEdith born about 1887
HoffmanEdith Jborn about 1921
HoffmanEllis born about 1933
HoffmanErnest Eborn about 1920
HoffmanFaith born about 1904
HoffmanGeorge Rborn about 1886
HoffmanPeter born about 1937
HoffmanSusan Mborn about 1923
HoffmanVirginia Lborn about 1925
HoganElizabeth born about 1917
HoganGus Leeborn about 1892
HoganSarah Eborn about 1896
HolcombCharles born about 1939
HolcombErin born about 1910
HolcombErnest Jborn about 1910
HoldenJames born about 1910
HoldenKarlene born about 1931
HoldenLucy born about 1913
HollandHarry Sborn about 1905
HollandHenry Hborn about 1939
HollandSamuel Aborn about 1939
HollandThelma Aborn about 1910
HollembeakCarrie born about 1905
HollembeakHazel born about 1928
HollembeakPhilp born about 1929
HollembeakWilliam born about 1904
HonesLaura born about 1888
HonesWilliam born about 1875
HonnKenneth Lborn about 1915
HooeRichard born about 1913
HooksJanet Mborn about 1913
HooverFrances Jborn about 1918
HooverHoward Vborn about 1918
HooverMarvin born about 1919
HopkinsCalvin born about 1924
HopkinsGeorge Wborn about 1926
HopkinsJohn Jborn about 1937
HopkinsPearl Eborn about 1898
HopkinsWm Jborn about 1893
HoranAndrew born about 1900
HoranLouisa born about 1901
HoranMarcella born about 1932
HornowBetty born about 1912
HornowElizabeth born about 1939
HornowSinter* born about 1915
HoskinsonC Leeborn about 1906
HoskinsonMildred born about 1911
HoughFloyd Pborn about 1914
HoughJoyce Maeborn about 1938
HoughJulia Fborn about 1914
HoughtonHenry Cborn about 1876
HoughtonWinnie Fred Fborn about 1894
HowardAllen Aborn about 1924
HowardEdgar Aborn about 1904
HowardEllen Jborn about 1922
HowardEmma Jborn about 1886
HowardFrank Jborn about 1912
HowardGertrude Mborn about 1910
HowardHelen Lborn about 1921
HowardHenry Jborn about 1918
HowardHenry Mborn about 1938
HowardJames Fborn about 1883
HowardJune Mborn about 1924
HowardLois Wborn about 1913
HowardLovenia born about 1918
HowardLucius Cborn about 1900
HowardMarllyn Wborn about 1939
HowardMelvin Tborn about 1921
HowardRonald born about 1937
HowardRose Eborn about 1927
HowardShirley Mborn about 1927
HowardWilson Rborn about 1915
HowellRuth Mborn about 1915
HowellWilliam Nborn about 1911
HowisonJean born about 1933
HowisonViolet born about 1913
HowisonWilbur born about 1909
HuberAlbert born about 1914
HuberEster born about 1917
HudsonElbannal born about 1891
HudsonLucy Vborn about 1901
HuffAda Mborn about 1904
HuffHarry Oborn about 1919
HuffHenrietta Lborn about 1879
HuffMildred Hborn about 1922
HuffNell Cborn about 1918
HuffRhoda Rborn about 1917
HuffScott Sborn about 1915
HuffWilliam born about 1869
HughtsAlice born about 1878
HuieByron Jr born about 1906
HuiePhyllis born about 1934
HuieSue Ellenborn about 1938
HulveyLinwood Hborn about 1905
HulveyVirginia born about 1904
HulveyWilliam born about 1937
HumphriesAlice born about 1921
HumphriesDorthy Aborn about 1905
HumphriesGeorge Lborn about 1904
HumphriesJean Kborn about 1929
HumphriesWilliam born about 1913
HunterSusie Aborn about 1890
HunterWilliam Wborn about 1893
HustonJohn Hborn about 1907
HutchinsonAubrey born about 1919
HyslopConstance born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IminnJames born about 1884
IminnMargaret born about 1888
IminnRobert born about 1925
InscoeHaywood Lborn about 1900
InscoeHaywood L Jrborn about 1921
InscoeLillian Eborn about 1922
InscoeMary Aborn about 1902
IwallsAbdrews born about 1916

J Surnames

JacobsDoris born about 1920
JamesDuncan born about 1900
JamesElizabeth Nborn about 1884
JarbocHenry Tborn about 1915
JarbocMary Aborn about 1874
JarboeCharles born about 1895
JarboeLorna born about 1894
Jefferson born about 1904
JeffersonFrank Jborn about 1893
JenningsFrances born about 1903
JergermanElizabeth Iborn about 1884
JergermanErnest born about 1894
JerryChester Gborn about 1899
JerryMary Tborn about 1902
JettsCleo born about 1892
JettsGarland born about 1934
JettsGrace born about 1905
JohnsonAda born about 1886
JohnsonAlice born about 1928
JohnsonDixie Aborn about 1939
JohnsonHelen Lborn about 1901
JohnsonHubert born about 1913
JohnsonKatheyn born about 1928
JohnsonKathryn born about 1900
JohnsonLester born about 1896
JohnsonLloyd Cborn about 1908
JohnsonLloyd Cborn about 1931
JohnsonMinnie born about 1909
JohnsonNorman Hborn about 1926
JohnsonRosa born about 1914
JohnsonSusan Rborn about 1866
JohnsonVirginia born about 1921
JohnsonWarren born about 1889
JonesAmelia Fborn about 1907
JonesAnna Bborn about 1916
JonesBertram born about 1885
JonesCalvin born about 1873
JonesCharles Wborn about 1935
JonesDavid born about 1939
JonesEmily Mborn about 1912
JonesErnest born about 1906
JonesErnestine Gborn about 1936
JonesFrank born about 1913
JonesFred Cborn about 1916
JonesGeorge Iborn about 1917
JonesGrace born about 1891
JonesHelen born about 1909
JonesHoward Wborn about 1900
JonesJacqualyn born about 1939
JonesJames born about 1921
JonesJames Fborn about 1906
JonesJuanita Mborn about 1939
JonesKathryne born about 1914
JonesKenneth born about 1939
JonesLawrence born about 1915
JonesLonan born about 1939
JonesLouise Vborn about 1919
JonesMamie born about 1899
JonesMargaret Lborn about 1940
JonesMarion born about 1883
JonesMazie born about 1916
JonesShirley Aborn about 1939
JonesSilas born about 1910
JonesVernon born about 1913
JonesVernon Jr born about 1940
JonesWilber born about 1920
JonesWilliam born about 1913
JonesWillie born about 1919
JuddBarbar born about 1934
JuddBenjamin born about 1907
JuddBenjamin born about 1940
JuddDonald Wborn about 1927
JuddEva born about 1907
JuddShirley born about 1935
JudtClement born about 1901
JudtLeah born about 1901
JullienDorothy Mborn about 1911
JullienPhilip M Jrborn about 1911
JullienPhlip M 3rdborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahnAnne born about 1905
KahnHerman born about 1908
KahnMichael born about 1939
KalerEdith born about 1874
KalerFrancis Wborn about 1863
KalerNorma Jborn about 1904
KarelAdle born about 1902
KarelHelen born about 1934
KarelRulph born about 1900
KayChristine born about 1911
KayGordon born about 1909
KayMargaret born about 1935
KayPaul born about 1937
KellerGertrude born about 1918
KellerIrving born about 1915
KendallArchie Rborn about 1909
KendallEdna Eborn about 1916
KennedyElwood Wborn about 1910
KennedyMargaret Mborn about 1937
KennedyMary Fborn about 1909
KennedyMolly born about 1907
KennedyRobert born about 1878
KennedyWilliam born about 1905
KennedyWilliam Jborn about 1938
KesselJennetta born about 1910
KesselJonas Dborn about 1902
KeyWallace Wborn about 1913
KeyesMarie born about 1928
KiblerMillard born about 1912
KidwellAlma born about 1934
KidwellJean born about 1924
KidwellJesse born about 1932
KidwellMarshall born about 1899
KielerRalph Gborn about 1907
KincheloeEdith born about 1918
KincheloeRalph born about 1884
KincheloeSarah born about 1888
KindigHelen Jborn about 1923
KindigMattie Bborn about 1890
KindigPaul Bborn about 1920
KindigWm Rborn about 1883
KingCaroline Aborn about 1939
KingFrances Vborn about 1858
KingMildred Pborn about 1900
KingMildred Wborn about 1915
KingNorman Aborn about 1905
KingOliver Hborn about 1856
KingRichard Lborn about 1912
KirchnerAlexandria born about 1896
KirchnerCatherine born about 1920
KirchnerDonald born about 1923
KirchnerGertrude born about 1898
KirchnerJames born about 1929
KirchnerJoseph born about 1894
KirchnerMary born about 1898
KirchnerTheodore born about 1924
KirchnerVincent born about 1922
KirkDonald born about 1939
KirkJody born about 1935
KirkJohn born about 1909
KirkJohn Hborn about 1938
KirkMargaret Eborn about 1910
KirkRoland born about 1939
KleemanFritz Cborn about 1905
KlettLloyd Eborn about 1896
KlettLucy born about 1899
KlutsarageVeronica born about 1923
KnieelyLouise born about 1887
KnieelyRobert born about 1915
KnieelyRobert Lborn about 1885
KnightRobert born about 1898
KnightRoberta born about 1913
KnightRobin born about 1939
KnoblockCharles born about 1929
KnoblockEleanor born about 1924
KnoblockEthel born about 1896
KnoblockFrank born about 1895
KnoblockFrank S Jrborn about 1923
KnoblockHerberta born about 1918
KnoblockJack born about 1929
KnotElsie Mborn about 1916
KnotWilliam Mborn about 1911
KochCharles born about 1921
KochRachel born about 1896
KochWilliam Pborn about 1893
KoerbelCarol Mborn about 1931
KoerbelDon Aborn about 1928
KoerbelHarry Fborn about 1906
KoerbelViolet Lborn about 1908
KoldenbacbFrancis Aborn about 1922
KoldenbacbJohn Eborn about 1880
KoldenbacbJohn Eborn about 1914
KoldenbacbLester Aborn about 1918
KoldenbacbMarjorie Aborn about 1916
KoldenbacbMary Eborn about 1912
KoldenbacbMatilda born about 1879
KoldenbacbMinnie Aborn about 1920
KramerAugust Fborn about 1914
KramerMargaret born about 1914
KramerNettie Sborn about 1910
KramerPeter Bborn about 1909
KranseAdelaide born about 1874
KranseEmil born about 1876
KranzJosephine born about 1915
KubatzClarence born about 1921
KubatzHaddie Cborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabonteAlbert Jborn about 1893
LabonteRuth Hborn about 1906
LacyBobby Joeborn about 1931
LacyEdward born about 1929
LacyGrace born about 1936
LacyMarie born about 1899
LacyTolbert born about 1889
LacyWilliam born about 1926
LambDelbert Eborn about 1902
LambMyrtle Aborn about 1908
LamphereEsther born about 1911
LaneDoris born about 1925
LappIsabel Jeanborn about 1921
LaryHal born about 1911
LaryNathalia born about 1916
LaughlinAlice Eborn about 1894
LaughlinDavid Mborn about 1890
LaughlinDavid M Jrborn about 1915
LaughlinDonald Bborn about 1919
LaughlinJames Mborn about 1931
LaughlinLouis Dborn about 1923
LawrenceHeneritta born about 1917
LawrenceMargaret born about 1919
LawsBelvia Oborn about 1909
LawsErnest Wborn about 1906
LecompteDorothy born about 1915
LecompteGeorge born about 1912
LecompteGeorge born about 1936
LeeBenton born about 1874
LeeDavid Eborn about 1939
LeeDelware born about 1886
LeeDorothy Eborn about 1910
LeeMartha Eborn about 1934
LeeNorman Wborn about 1900
LeeNorman W Jrborn about 1935
LeeWilliam born about 1910
LefevreGeorge Wborn about 1879
LefevreSusie born about 1878
LehmanHoward Wborn about 1911
LehmanHugh Fborn about 1937
LehmanJune born about 1916
LemmichJennie born about 1887
LemmichMarion born about 1917
LemmichVirginia born about 1913
LemmondAlice Cborn about 1907
LemmondWm Bborn about 1906
LemmondWm Pborn about 1933
LentzRay born about 1915
LewisDorothy born about 1913
LewisGeorge born about 1938
LewisMarion born about 1905
LewisMary born about 1936
LewisMerna born about 1937
LewisMoody born about 1907
LimonsDorothy Rborn about 1903
LimonsJames Bborn about 1926
LimonsJoseph Aborn about 1877
LimonsJoseph Wborn about 1923
LindseyAlan born about 1899
LindseyEstelle born about 1905
LinsberryBeulah Cborn about 1903
LoganConsel born about 1903
LoganEdith born about 1910
LongEthel born about 1895
LongRobert born about 1934
LongRoy born about 1894
LongRoy Jborn about 1932
LoseleyAta Kborn about 1913
LukasFrances Aborn about 1912
LukasGaze Eborn about 1909
LundyBetty Lborn about 1919
LundyBruce Pborn about 1878
LundyEmma born about 1882
LuttrellBruce 3rd born about 1930
LuttrellBruce Jr born about 1906
LuttrellDorothy born about 1916
LynchLaura Jborn about 1896
LynchThomas Mborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadiganJohn Fborn about 1917
MadiganWilliam born about 1924
MalkiFredrick Hborn about 1872
MalkiGordon born about 1908
MalkiMaude born about 1874
MarcusLeonard born about 1912
MarcusMaybeth born about 1912
MarkhamEdith Bborn about 1938
MarkhamGerald Dborn about 1931
MarkhamGeraldine born about 1931
MarkhamMary Lborn about 1929
MarkhamNellie Pborn about 1909
MarkhamPreston Lborn about 1901
MarkhamRaymond Wborn about 1928
MarksPaul Sborn about 1914
MarmadukeBarbar born about 1916
MarmadukeStanley born about 1912
MarrisonLouisa born about 1896
MarrisonRussel born about 1896
MarshallCharles Wborn about 1906
MarshallMildred Lborn about 1911
MarshallNannie Lborn about 1879
MartinA Jborn about 1906
MartinBlanche Bborn about 1895
MartinJames Cborn about 1933
MartinJames Lborn about 1905
MartinJames Vborn about 1926
MartinL Aborn about 1909
MartinLester Bborn about 1896
MartinMamie Eborn about 1908
MartinMargaret Cborn about 1906
MartinMinor born about
MartinWilliam Mborn about 1885
MarvisJames Rborn about 1912
MarvisMarjorie born about 1915
MarvisMarjorie born about 1936
MaryeAnnie born about 1864
MasiElizabeth Jborn about 1921
MasiJoseph Wborn about 1891
MasiMabel Cborn about 1892
MasiMiriam Mborn about 1919
MasiPhllip Mborn about 1917
MasonElizabeth Cborn about 1912
MasonPenelope Jborn about 1939
MasonReynolds born about 1914
MathersEstelle born about 1932
MathersGuy born about 1903
MathersKatherine born about 1907
MatsonDorothy Sborn about 1909
MatsonJames Eborn about 1911
MatsonMarjorie Lborn about 1939
MatthewsAlice Mborn about 1909
MatthewsDonald born about 1934
MatthewsJames Nborn about 1929
MatthewsWilliam Mborn about 1913
MaunAnne born about 1879
MaupinCharlotte born about 1925
MaupinElizabeth born about 1919
MaupinEva Cborn about 1892
MaupinHenry born about 1887
MaupinMary born about 1921
MayErna born about 1899
MayEvelyn Rborn about 1918
MayF Sborn about 1903
MayHenry born about 1898
MayHenry R Jrborn about 1930
MayJohn M Jrborn about 1915
MayerHannah born about 1897
MayerHarry born about 1924
MayerJack born about 1921
MayerNorbert born about 1896
McCallisterAnne born about 1905
McCallisterSara born about 1862
McCallumJenet born about 1885
McCannBernard born about 1894
McCannMary born about 1926
McCannMaurine born about 1895
McCannRichard born about 1916
McCannVirginia born about 1919
McConnellCarol born about 1912
McConnellShirley born about 1918
McCurdyJames born about 1898
McCurdyMildred born about 1905
McDonaldDennis Lborn about 1934
McDonaldDonald Eborn about 1936
McDonaldFrances born about 1914
McDonaldFrancis Eborn about 1939
McDonaldJennie Eborn about 1861
McDonaldMinnie born about 1900
McDonaldTheodore born about 1904
McDonaldTheodore Rborn about 1935
McDonaldWilliam born about 1903
McGeeMargaret Cborn about 1905
McGeeSamuel Dborn about 1905
McGillBrice born about 1935
McGillFay born about 1915
McGillHerbert born about 1898
McGillLeon born about 1916
McGuinElsie born about 1902
McGuinGeorge born about 1887
McIntoshMary born about 1893
McIntoshMary Annborn about 1920
McIntoshSara Janeborn about 1923
McKayAlvin Gborn about 1938
McKayAlvin Hborn about 1901
McKayEdward Tborn about 1936
McKayHilton Wborn about 1912
McKayIsabel born about 1909
McKlayMary born about 1913
McKlayPatricia born about 1939
McKlayRobert born about 1902
McKlayRobert born about 1935
McKlayTheresa born about 1937
McLearenElva Gborn about 1915
McLearenFrank Cborn about 1911
McMahonKathryn Vborn about 1880
McMahonRichard Wborn about 1886
McNabbMack Dborn about 1928
McNabbMae Rborn about 1926
McNabbMarie born about 1931
McNabbMilford Mborn about 1929
McNabbMona Aborn about 1935
McNabbMont born about 1900
McNabbMont born about 1923
McNabbMurphy born about 1932
McNabbMyrtle born about 1901
McNicolFlossie Cborn about 1896
McNicolFrank born about 1889
McNicolFrankie Lborn about 1922
MeadeBillie Tborn about 1911
MeadeBillie Tborn about 1936
MeadeRobert Hborn about 1906
MeadeRobert H Jrborn about 1931
MeadowsEdwin Pborn about 1911
MeadowsMabel Cborn about 1909
MeadowsTeresa Aborn about 1939
MeansFloyd Eborn about 1894
MeansHelen Gborn about 1900
MelbyBobby born about 1929
MelbyIrene Iborn about 1901
MelbyPhilp born about 1897
MelbyPhilp Jr born about 1922
MelbyRalph born about 1925
MelbyRobert born about 1928
MeredithBetty born about 1914
MeredithJames born about 1914
MeredithJames Fborn about 1939
MetcalfDessie Cborn about 1880
MetcalfJanice born about 1933
MetcalfMeldanette born about 1910
MetcalfMyron born about 1912
MeyersCharlotte Eborn about 1935
MeyersHilda Iborn about 1911
MeyersHilda Iborn about 1933
MeyersNorman born about 1901
MilesAllison Bborn about 1880
MilesAlvin born about 1915
MilesClarence Eborn about 1879
MilesCora Cborn about 1880
MilesElla born about 1882
MilhollandBessie born about 1896
MilhollandThomas born about 1926
MilhollandWilliam born about 1894
MillerBettie Jborn about 1932
MillerClarence Tborn about 1895
MillerEdward Aborn about 1884
MillerErnest Hborn about 1880
MillerEvelyn Bborn about 1909
MillerHenry Cborn about 1899
MillerIda Kborn about 1911
MillerKatharne born about 1903
MillerLucy Fborn about 1881
MillerMargaret Aborn about 1930
MillerMonroe Eborn about 1889
MinnickJenet born about 1923
MoffettCarrie born about 1889
MoffettOwen Cborn about 1886
MoffettSilyl born about 1917
MolloyMargaret Bborn about 1917
MolloyWilliam Eborn about 1918
MolseedBasil Aborn about 1903
MolseedLouise born about 1904
MolseedMary Annborn about 1936
MolseedRobert born about 1933
MoncureElizabeth born about 1880
MonroeCarlyn Pborn about 1938
MonroeDouglas born about 1924
MonroeHannah Aborn about 1918
MonroeJack Lborn about 1907
MonroeJohn born about 1900
MonroeOllie Gborn about 1900
MonshawJames Bborn about 1910
MonshawMary Aborn about 1913
MontgomeryBarbara born about 1913
MontgomeryHazel born about 1885
MontgomeryJames Aborn about 1878
MontgomeryThomas Jborn about 1912
MoodyPhyllis born about 1885
MoodySamuel born about 1927
MooneyJosephine born about 1912
MooreAubury Rborn about 1906
MooreCarroll Annaborn about 1937
MooreElizabeth born about 1913
MooreEsther born about 1932
MooreFrank born about 1875
MooreGertrude born about 1885
MooreIda born about 1913
MooreMildred born about 1907
MooreSheila Francesborn about 1939
MooreThomas born about 1908
MooreVirginia Leeborn about 1934
MorrisCatherine Mborn about 1899
MorrisColeman born about 1919
MorrisRichard Mborn about 1877
MorrisonKenneth Wborn about 1919
MottHarold Eborn about 1913
MottLouise Fborn about 1913
MoultonAnna born about 1882
MoultonCharles Mborn about 1895
MuenchFranz born about 1899
MungerMalcolm Tborn about 1909
MungerMary Susanborn about 1940
MungerSara Annborn about 1909
MurrayArthur born about 1903
MurrayGertrude Lborn about 1903
MuseBlanche born about 1882
MuseCharles born about 1922
MuseClarence born about 1883
MuseClarience born about 1909
MuseMargaret Eborn about 1910
MuthlerDelores born about 1934
MuthlerRobert born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NalleyJohn Rborn about 1932
NalleyLura Dborn about 1905
NalleyMaretta Lborn about 1930
NalleyRichard Kborn about 1904
NalleyRichard K Jborn about 1937
NelsonCharles Dborn about 1882
NelsonCoruse born about 1910
NelsonJulian born about 1909
NelsonMinnie Dborn about 1887
NelsonR Eborn about 1861
NelsonSelma born about 1882
NertzeyMary Eborn about 1866
NetschMarie born about 1903
NewlonArdath Aborn about 1927
NewlonLillian Oborn about 1908
NewlonWalter Jborn about 1909
NewtonCharles born about 1908
NewtonElizabeth born about 1913
NewtonWilliam born about 1918
NewtonWilliam born about 1921
NewyaksAda Mborn about 1895
NewyaksThomas Fborn about 1890
NightingaleCharles born about 1921
NightingaleKatie Eborn about 1891
NightingaleWilliam born about 1885
NimmsJames Fborn about 1901
NimmsJames Fborn about 1925
NimmsKathryn born about 1937
NimmsMary Lborn about 1927
NimmsRuth Sborn about 1896
NimsFrank Eborn about 1911
NimsOttille born about 1913
NorthGeorge Jborn about 1906
NorthMargaret Sborn about 1908
NorthernEva Mborn about 1885
NortonEverett born about 1915
NortonHelen born about 1918
NortonMary Gborn about 1913
NortonPatrick Jborn about 1911
NorwoodAubrey born about 1898
NorwoodBertha born about 1897
NorwoodBeverly born about 1939
NugentEstelle born about 1908
NugentThomas born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaermanCharles Vborn about 1908
OaermanDavid Lborn about 1937
OaermanDiana Mborn about 1939
OaermanMildred Lborn about 1907
OharaCharles born about 1877
OharaCharles Jr born about 1924
OharaRobert born about 1913
OharaRose Cborn about 1895
OharaSusan born about 1916
OhardAnna Bborn about 1887
OhardLewis born about 1914
OhardWalter born about 1883
OkeefeJohn Jborn about 1892
OkeefeJohn Rborn about 1917
OkeefeStella Eborn about 1896
OliverElgy Mborn about 1913
OliverEsther Bborn about 1915
OliverMarilyn born about 1938
OlmasteadAdeline born about 1895
OlmasteadGeorge born about 1922
OlmasteadOrvil Rborn about 1895
OntzenheiserCarl born about 1939
OntzenheiserDonald born about 1911
OntzenheiserKatherine born about 1909
OpenshawJayne born about 1914
OpenshawThomas born about 1912
OrmeCornelia born about 1919
OrmeReverdy born about 1919
OrndorffJesse Aborn about 1900
OsborneEcah Sborn about 1910
OsborneEdward Lborn about 1909
OsborneGerald Rborn about 1936
OwenHelen born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerCharlie born about 1886
ParkerDorothy born about 1924
ParkerEllen born about 1933
ParkerKathleen born about 1898
ParksDon Rborn about 1932
ParksEdgar Kborn about 1904
ParksEsther born about 1895
ParksJack Cborn about 1930
ParksJean Vborn about 1928
ParksJoe Ann Rborn about 1934
ParksKendrick born about 1926
ParksNora Mborn about 1906
ParsonsBarbara Lborn about 1921
ParsonsJean Wborn about 1925
ParsonsJohn Aborn about 1902
ParsonsLouise Wborn about 1890
ParsonsMaurice Gborn about 1887
ParsonsViola Aborn about 1905
PattersonAlice born about 1884
PaulyBruce Henryborn about 1921
PaulyCharlotte Mayborn about 1890
PaulyElmer Gborn about 1891
PayneClaude born about 1908
PayneClaudia born about 1928
PayneGolda born about 1891
PayneHelen born about 1904
PayneLaura Vborn about 1894
PayneLeverett born about 1919
PayneMargaret Lborn about 1894
PayneMilton Bborn about 1891
PayneWilliam Lborn about 1893
PeerCatherine born about 1911
PeerCathleen born about 1927
PeerDelores born about 1933
PeerHazel born about 1928
PeerPaul born about 1904
PenningtonLucille born about 1880
PeppelDorothy Rborn about 1913
PeppelRobert Lborn about 1912
PeppelRobert L Jrborn about 1939
PerrottMable born about 1876
PerryMyrtle born about 1902
PetersRuth born about 1860
PetersonGeorge born about 1894
PetersonGrace born about 1909
PetersonNancy born about 1939
PetrieCleora Hborn about 1891
PetrieJane Eborn about 1866
PetrieJohn Sborn about 1896
PetrieWilliam Lborn about 1923
PfeifferHelen Kborn about 1894
PfeifferLorraine born about 1932
PfeifferMelvin born about 1892
PhilipsonWilhelmus born about 1892
PhillpsFrederick born about 1926
PhillpsHelen born about 1899
PhillpsMargaret born about 1920
PhillpsRichard born about 1928
PierceEdgar born about 1931
PierceEdna born about 1904
PierceJames Rborn about 1933
PierceJohn Eborn about 1928
PierceLewis Mborn about 1925
PierceRichard Lborn about 1935
PintoBessie Yborn about 1907
PintoCora Aborn about 1870
PintoEdgar Sborn about 1907
PintoJohn Eborn about 1936
PiotrowskiJames born about 1905
PiotrowskiNellie born about 1908
PittsJames Eborn about 1905
PittsLucy Louborn about 1909
PittsPhillis born about 1937
PoffJoseph Leeborn about 1922
PoffKatherine born about 1902
PolaskiJacqueline born about 1915
PolaskiSylvester Cborn about 1915
PolworthBertha born about 1861
PolworthMargaret born about 1888
PostDonald Tborn about 1939
PostFrances Eborn about 1913
PostTheodore born about 1914
PostThomas Bborn about 1937
PottsCharles Eborn about 1936
PottsCharles Oborn about 1900
PottsHester born about 1903
PottsJanet Lborn about 1936
PottsRobert Oborn about 1931
PottsVirginia born about 1924
PottsWilliam Oborn about 1928
PoundEsther born about 1916
PoundLeon Sborn about 1907
PoundRichard born about 1924
PoundRuth born about 1919
PoundSusie Jborn about 1885
PowellJulia Rborn about 1882
PowellWilliam Bborn about 1892
PowersGladys Lborn about 1891
PowersJustine Lborn about 1895
ProcterCharles born about 1931
ProcterDee born about 1891
ProcterEleanor born about 1922
ProcterJesse born about 1927
ProcterOlive born about 1898
ProcterSpencer born about 1921
PryonEugene born about 1913
PuryearAlice Mborn about 1929
PuryearAnne Lborn about 1932
PuryearErwin Hborn about 1904
PuryearLouise Wborn about 1905
PuryearWilliam Eborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnMarion born about 1910
QuinnWalter born about 1903

R Surnames

RamsayChristine born about 1923
RamsayHelen Nborn about 1895
RamsayOliver Rborn about 1922
RamsayThomas Mborn about 1896
RamseyHazel born about 1906
ReaganEvalena born about 1910
ReaganWilliam born about 1901
ReaganWilliam born about 1927
RedmondAlice Lborn about 1925
RedmondBeatrice Lborn about 1898
RedmondHarry Gborn about 1895
RedmondMarjorie Eborn about 1921
ReisingerAlbert born about 1877
ReisingerGordon born about 1917
RenardBlanca born about 1900
RenlingDoris Cborn about 1918
RenlingIrvin born about 1914
RepperVirginia Dborn about 1874
RepperWilliam Cborn about 1912
RewwerHarry Eborn about 1886
RewwerHenry Dukeborn about 1926
RewwerMarguerite Eborn about 1889
ReynoldsCamilla born about 1899
ReynoldsChester Tborn about 1922
ReynoldsDorthy born about 1922
ReynoldsForbes Pborn about 1895
ReynoldsJesse Tborn about 1901
ReynoldsLily Mborn about 1931
ReynoldsNellie Mborn about 1882
ReynoldsPatricia Aborn about 1932
ReynoldsPauline Nborn about 1907
ReynoldsSamuel born about 1932
ReynoldsSamuel Tborn about 1878
ReynoldsThomas Pborn about 1897
ReynoldsWilliam Wborn about 1922
RhinehartMarion Bborn about 1923
RiceAlva Wborn about 1915
RiceArlington born about 1911
RiceCharlotte Lborn about 1927
RiceDellia born about 1883
RiceEdgar Pborn about 1924
RiceEstelle born about 1895
RiceGrafton born about 1878
RiceJames Rborn about 1894
RiceJames Rborn about 1918
RiceMabel Eborn about 1935
RichardsonGraham Fborn about 1914
RichardsonJone Cborn about 1918
RichardsonMary born about 1920
RichmondGrace born about 1892
RichmondMarion born about 1884
RileyWalters born about 1918
RiseClara Ellenborn about 1897
RiverDouglas Fborn about 1939
RiverFrancis Eborn about 1932
RiverFrank Eborn about 1904
RiverKathryn Mborn about 1929
RiverKathryn Pborn about 1910
RobertonAdalyne Mborn about 1904
RobertonEloise Wborn about 1902
RobertonLois Mborn about 1926
RobertonNoel Eborn about 1929
RobertsAnn born about 1929
RobertsCatherine born about 1906
RobertsFloyd born about 1902
RobertsHerbert born about 1936
RobertsLucille born about 1895
RobertsMargaret born about 1926
RobertsThomas born about 1930
RobinsonElizabeth Mborn about 1880
RobinsonWilliam born about 1873
RochwellWilhelmia born about 1892
RochwellWilliam Eborn about 1882
RockwellKatharine Lborn about 1909
RockwellMaurice Mborn about 1897
RockwellPatricia Aborn about 1931
RoggNathaniel Hborn about 1911
RookLucille born about 1938
RookMargaret born about 1912
RossArthur Hborn about 1908
RossCarey Oborn about 1913
RossCathryn Lborn about 1914
RossEugene Oborn about 1939
RossIsreal born about 1897
RossNellie Dborn about 1914
RossShirley Cborn about 1936
RowEdna born about 1908
RowThomas born about 1904
RowellGlennard born about 1916
RowlandBailus Jborn about 1893
RowlandBetty born about 1924
RowlandHerbert born about 1899
RowlandJune born about 1899
RowlandKathryn born about 1895
RowlandPamela born about 1935
RowleyCecil Hborn about 1935
RowleyMaude Mborn about 1892
RowleyThomas Uborn about 1889
RowleyVirginia born about 1927
RuckerDelia born about 1869
RudacilleLuther Eborn about 1888
RudacilleNellie born about 1889
RupardDonald born about 1933
RussoJohn born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachlebenHelen Mborn about 1907
SachlebenHenry born about 1869
SachlebenJulia born about 1869
SachlebenPhillip born about 1912
SanzaAnthony born about 1903
SanzaJeanne born about 1908
SanzaJohn born about 1900
SanzaJohn born about 1930
SanzaMargaret born about 1910
SavoryVernon born about 1919
SchadwickEmma born about 1888
SchemenguerRhea Eborn about 1892
SchleyFlorence Aborn about 1903
SchleyWilliam Sborn about 1883
SchmidtJames born about 1903
SchmidtMargaret born about 1906
SchmidtMatilda born about 1866
SchoenEthel born about 1908
SchooffFlora Bborn about 1860
SchooffFlora Mborn about 1889
SchooffJames Bborn about 1893
SchulzeAlice Jborn about 1903
SchulzeCarl Aborn about 1903
SchulzeJohn Aborn about 1901
SchulzeJohn Aborn about 1935
SchwalmElizabeth born about 1919
SchwalmHarry Aborn about 1917
SchwartzAmelia Eborn about 1908
SchweickhartFred Hborn about 1905
SchweickhartLouis Fborn about 1939
SchweickhartMary Aborn about 1912
ScottAlice Hborn about 1859
ScottAnnie Mborn about 1869
ScottEdmond T Jrborn about 1917
ScottHarry Gborn about 1898
ScottJohn Hborn about 1868
ScottMargaret born about 1893
ScottOliver born about 1879
ScottVirginia born about 1884
ScruggBlanch Eborn about 1910
ScruggCarol Maeborn about 1940
ScruggCharles Sborn about 1906
ShafferHoward Cborn about 1938
ShafferMary Eborn about 1936
ShafferMils Bborn about 1897
ShafferMyrna Eborn about 1901
SheckMargaret born about 1892
SheckMargaret born about 1924
SheckRaymond born about 1888
SheenDonald Eborn about 1938
SheenEstelle Mborn about 1933
SheenGeorge Eborn about 1926
SheenHelen Aborn about 1909
SheenJames Dborn about 1907
SheenJames Wborn about 1924
SheenKatherine Lborn about 1936
SheenMary Vborn about 1929
SheenNancy Hborn about 1939
SheffeyEzra born about 1911
SheltonMarguerite born about 1917
SheltonNorman born about 1917
ShepherdClyde Hborn about 1895
ShepherdLucille Iborn about 1902
ShepherdRaymond born about 1922
ShepleeGeorge born about 1909
ShepleeNancy born about 1939
ShepleeSandra born about 1936
ShepleeSylvia born about 1913
SherJoe born about 1935
SherRachel born about 1916
ShifflettCharles Eborn about 1920
ShifflettMarie Eborn about 1924
ShipleyWilliam born about 1897
ShirkeyRoberta Lynnborn about 1922
ShirkyMartha born about 1894
ShorterCalvin R Tborn about 1909
ShorterCatherine Cborn about 1912
ShreveAllen born about 1920
ShreveLaura Lborn about 1937
ShreveLaura Vborn about 1920
SibleEdna born about 1909
SimmonsEdwin born about 1899
SimmsAlbert born about 1905
SimmsMarie born about 1931
SimmsRobert born about 1929
SimmsSaddie born about 1908
SimpsonGeorge Hborn about 1883
SimpsonJames Mborn about 1911
SimpsonJames Mborn about 1938
SimpsonLaura born about 1888
SimpsonLeo born about 1908
SimpsonLouise Eborn about 1912
SligerAlice Nborn about 1888
SligerBetty Lborn about 1930
SligerMary Wborn about 1934
SligerNelly Nborn about 1926
SligerOakey Vborn about 1884
SligerOakey Vborn about 1931
SligerRobert Rborn about 1925
SmithAlbert Eborn about 1915
SmithAlice Lborn about 1916
SmithDavid born about 1938
SmithDouglas Jborn about 1937
SmithEffie Jborn about 1897
SmithElizabeth Aborn about 1916
SmithErnest Wborn about 1919
SmithFrances born about 1926
SmithFrank Eborn about 1892
SmithFred Bborn about 1925
SmithGeorgia Ealineborn about 1922
SmithGertrude Lborn about 1894
SmithHarold Fborn about 1896
SmithHarold Fborn about 1921
SmithIva Dborn about 1890
SmithJ Vernonborn about 1888
SmithJames born about 1935
SmithJanet born about 1935
SmithJune born about 1928
SmithMarjorie Lborn about 1931
SmithMartha Eborn about 1898
SmithMarvin born about 1909
SmithMary born about 1911
SmithNorma Aborn about 1929
SmithOlive born about 1915
SmithPatrica Dborn about 1938
SmithRalph Hborn about 1914
SmithRalph Hborn about 1921
SmithRosalie Gborn about 1927
SmithSamuel born about 1900
SmithSamuel Jr born about 1927
SmithSara born about 1903
SmithShirley Lborn about 1921
SmithTheodore Pborn about 1926
SmithWilliam Dborn about 1892
SmithWilliam Sborn about 1913
SmouseHazel born about 1899
SnottsGeorge Vborn about 1939
SnottsJanice Eborn about 1936
SnottsKathryn Eborn about 1916
SnottsMargaret Vborn about 1937
SnottsMilton Hborn about 1916
SollenbergerFlossie born about 1896
SollenbergerForest born about 1889
SoperEarl Tborn about 1896
SoperEarl T Jrborn about 1919
SoperElizabeth born about 1928
SoperEthel Eborn about 1899
SoperPatricia Aborn about 1937
SoperWilliam Hborn about 1921
SordoClara born about 1916
SordoLouis born about 1914
SorrellChas Wborn about 1879
SorrellDorothy Aborn about 1929
SorrellMary Vborn about 1900
SorrellRichard Fborn about 1934
SoutherlineCarrie born about 1884
SowersA Estonborn about 1911
SowersEthel born about 1914
SowersJohn Dborn about 1937
SowersPatricia born about 1938
SpanglerErnest Bborn about 1904
SpanglerMargaret born about 1923
SpanglerMary Eborn about 1901
SpanglerRoy born about 1925
SparksStella born about 1900
SpecrElmer born about 1879
SpenceDorothy Oborn about 1919
SpenceGuy born about 1900
SpenceJean born about 1921
SpenceLilly Cborn about 1896
SpillmanRobert Sborn about 1920
SpinksBeulah Bborn about 1912
SpinksCarrie born about 1866
SpinksRaymond Eborn about 1903
SprouseBlanche born about 1921
SprouseJoan Annborn about 1940
SprouseOliver born about 1919
SpungLewis born about 1925
SpungNancy Mborn about 1895
SpungOrr Nborn about 1895
SragowDaniel Eborn about 1931
SragowIrvin Lborn about 1911
SragowJeanette Lborn about 1911
StalkerArnold born about 1912
StalkerArnold born about 1939
StalkerDavid born about 1922
StalkerEtta born about 1914
StalkerGale born about 1890
StalkerHelen Bborn about 1891
StalkerLois born about 1889
StalkerR Jborn about 1888
StarCharles born about 1893
StarLouise born about 1898
StarrCharles Rborn about 1868
SteeleAloysius Wborn about 1923
SteeleElsie Fborn about 1920
SteeleVirginia Mborn about 1917
StehoeHenrietta Lborn about 1914
StehoeVernon Sborn about 1903
SteigelFrancis born about 1916
SteigelLeola born about 1915
StetsonCharles Wborn about 1869
StetsonFrancis Cborn about 1897
StetsonMargaret Bborn about 1901
StetsonVirginia Mborn about 1904
StevensCalvin born about 1912
StevensCathryn Eborn about 1909
StevensCharlotte born about 1898
StevensJames Mborn about 1931
StevensJohn born about 1899
StevensRussel Aborn about 1902
StewartElizabeth Mborn about 1922
StewartJohn Wborn about 1883
StewartJosephine Mborn about 1888
StickleyArthur Cborn about 1898
StiegelEdith born about 1891
StiegelFrank born about 1883
StiegelMargaret born about 1921
StiegelWallace born about 1919
StillEverett born about 1903
StillGrayce born about 1909
StillJackqueline born about 1936
StillRichard born about 1929
StoneBenjaman born about 1890
StoneJennie Cborn about 1907
StonePauline born about 1894
StoneSamuel born about 1923
StoneTheodore Rborn about 1901
StoneTheodore Rborn about 1940
StoneburnerBetty born about 1929
StoneburnerCharles Eborn about 1900
StoneburnerClifton Gborn about 1913
StoneburnerDon born about 1938
StoneburnerGladys born about 1901
StoneburnerJosephine born about 1907
StoneburnerLillian Hborn about 1914
StoneburnerSamuel Gborn about 1894
StoneburnerSamuel Jr born about 1929
StoverDonald born about 1936
StoverEdward born about 1929
StoverFrieda born about 1903
StoverLee Rborn about 1903
StoverMaude born about 1875
StrainBelinda born about 1932
SturgisBernice born about 1909
SturgisElaine Lborn about 1940
SturgisFloyd Eborn about 1910
SullivanBeulah Mborn about 1914
SullivanCharles Rborn about 1915
SullivanFrederick Cborn about 1940
SullivanJohn born about 1908
SullivanJohn F Jrborn about 1936
SullivanMarilne born about 1917
SullivanThelma born about 1908
SultonFrances Rborn about 1916
SultonGeorge Lborn about 1912
SultonHoward Rborn about 1939
SwartoutFlorence Lborn about 1891
SwartoutJean Iborn about 1924
SwartoutRay Lborn about 1891
SweeneyBertha Mborn about 1887
SweeneyCele born about 1912
SweeneyJames Wborn about 1922
SweeneyJoseph Bborn about 1884
SweeneyMary Pborn about 1937
SweeneyMichel born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaberDavid born about 1903
TaberDavid born about 1925
TaberGloria born about 1928
TaberHelen born about 1906
TaberJohn born about 1938
TaliaferroLeroy born about 1926
TaliaferroMargaret born about 1907
TaliaferroPhilip born about 1900
TalleyElaine born about 1938
TalleyEvelyn born about 1938
TalleyMarion born about 1910
TalleyNellie Nborn about 1906
TappMargaret Sborn about 1879
TappWilliam Fborn about 1913
TaylorAngelina born about 1885
TaylorCarol born about 1908
TaylorCharles Eborn about 1928
TaylorCharlie born about 1901
TaylorDorothy born about 1911
TaylorEllen born about 1900
TaylorLa Dean born about 1925
TaylorMarie born about 1905
TharstonCarrie born about 1899
TharstonCormina born about 1925
TharstonEverett born about 1889
TharstonHollis born about 1917
TharstonThomas Wborn about 1904
ThompsonE Cborn about 1889
ThompsonGladys born about 1896
ThompsonJames born about 1931
ThompsonJames Cborn about 1898
ThompsonJudson Aborn about 1904
ThompsonKatherine Mborn about 1921
ThompsonMildred Lborn about 1898
ThompsonR Hborn about 1894
ThompsonRalph born about 1925
ThomtonJacqueline born about 1934
ThomtonJeanne Cborn about 1923
ThomtonMyrtle Gborn about 1903
ThomtonRoger Cborn about 1928
ThomtonWilliam Mborn about 1926
ThomtonWilliam Rborn about 1901
ThorntonJohn born about 1914
TidlerBurton Eborn about 1925
TidlerEdna Bborn about 1900
TidlerHarold Sborn about 1927
TidlerStanley Hborn about 1890
TilleyLawrence Eborn about 1899
TilleyMildred Cborn about 1903
TinkleDianne born about 1939
TinkleDoris Eborn about 1917
TinkleWarren born about 1915
TinkleWarren Jborn about 1938
TobiasSadie born about 1881
TobiasSylvia born about 1917
ToddNiece born about 1900
TolbertCecil born about 1908
TolbertJohn Gborn about 1936
TolbertMartha Lborn about 1906
TomlinCharlotte born about 1913
TomlinGeorge born about 1901
TomlinGordon born about 1910
TomlinHattie born about 1880
TompkinsMabel born about 1889
TomsMaxine Hborn about 1908
TowbermanAlden born about 1911
TowbermanDorthy Annborn about 1917
TracyCarol Leeborn about 1939
TracyMyron born about 1915
TracyVirgina born about 1916
TrefoisAndrew born about 1901
TrefoisCarrey Aborn about 1906
TriceJames Rborn about 1887
TriceJames Rborn about 1926
TriceMariana born about 1924
TriceMary Gborn about 1892
TubbsAnna Lborn about 1904
TubbsLewis Gborn about 1902
TuckerHelena born about 1915
TuckerJanice Cborn about 1939
TuckerWilliam Cborn about 1915
TurneyEdwin Vborn about 1895
TurneyMary Nborn about 1893
TurneyMary Tborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrbanDorthy born about 1931
UrbanMary born about 1906
UrbanWillard born about 1906
UrbanWillard Jr born about 1937
UtterbackFridrick Lborn about 1882
UtterbackLucy Eborn about 1887

V Surnames

VanceBarbar born about 1938
VancePaul Eborn about 1908
VanceRobert born about 1936
VanceRuth Sborn about 1913
VaughanRalph born about 1880
VeitchGeorge born about 1871
VeitchMargaret born about 1897
VeitchMargaret born about 1939
VejsickyFrank born about 1912
VejsickyLillian born about 1912
VejsickyMary Eborn about 1938
VristJames Hborn about 1906
VristJames H Jrborn about 1931
VristMary born about 1908
VristWilliam Nborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellMargaret born about 1904
WaddleEvern born about 1918
WagnardRobert Cborn about 1910
WagnardRuth born about 1912
WagnerEdward Rborn about 1905
WagnerEdward R Jrborn about 1930
WagnerRuth born about 1910
WaldropGene born about 1932
WaldropGrady born about 1902
WaldropGrady Jr born about 1931
WaldropHarry Rborn about 1936
WaldropJune born about 1928
WaldropMickey Leeborn about 1938
WaldropRuby born about 1911
WalkerAndrew Cborn about 1908
WalkerJean Annborn about 1933
WalkerLouisa born about 1872
WalkerLucial born about 1910
WalkerThomas born about 1929
WallaceCatherine born about 1940
WallaceEunice born about 1902
WallaceJoseph T Jrborn about 1913
WallaceKatherine born about 1918
WallaceMarjorie born about 1930
WallaceMary born about 1931
WallaceTruman born about 1904
WallaceWilliam born about 1936
WallsBert Lborn about 1917
WaltonMary born about 1863
WardElva born about 1914
WardRobert born about 1908
WashCarroll born about 1905
WashFern born about 1911
WatsonAlbert Rborn about 1923
WatsonBessie born about 1897
WatsonBetty Annborn about 1923
WatsonCarolyn born about 1920
WatsonDavid Aborn about 1910
WatsonDavid Oborn about 1931
WatsonHarry born about 1885
WatsonHelen Jeanborn about 1930
WatsonMargaret born about 1910
WatsonMargaret Wborn about 1912
WatsonMary Aborn about 1893
WatsonNiel born about 1932
WatsonOrie born about 1901
WatsonRuth Janeborn about 1925
WatsonWalter Lborn about 1914
WattsJane Lborn about 1939
WattsJohn Aborn about 1916
WattsNeel Lborn about 1922
WeaverArlene born about 1916
WeaverCarroll born about 1908
WeaverEugene born about 1919
WeaverJeannette born about 1909
WeaverRobert born about 1937
WeaverThomas born about 1939
WeichertGladys born about 1914
WeichertPaul born about 1895
WeidmanEstelle Aborn about 1906
WeidmanLawrence Eborn about 1902
WeigglesworthJesse born about 1893
WeikelJanet Dborn about 1933
WeikelMary Aborn about 1907
WeikelWalter born about 1902
WerkenthinMargaret born about 1934
WerkenthinTheodore born about 1901
WestJohnnie born about 1879
WestMary born about 1903
WestMary Eborn about 1928
WestThomas born about 1903
WestThomas Jr born about 1930
WestbookBlanche born about 1909
WetherRuth Cborn about 1906
WeyraughAlbert born about 1885
WeyraughElizabeth Dborn about 1885
WeyraughJoseph Aborn about 1925
WheelerJoseph born about 1912
WheelerJoseph Wborn about 1902
WheelerJoseph Jr born about 1926
WheelerMary Leeborn about 1905
WheelerShirley born about 1916
WheelerTyler Leeborn about 1929
WheelockHelen Dborn about 1890
WheelockWilliams Wborn about 1887
WhelanCharlotte Jborn about 1923
WhelanGeneva Cborn about 1915
WhelanMargaret Eborn about 1888
WhelanThomas Aborn about 1892
WhelanThomas Jr born about 1917
WhiteCarol born about 1927
WhiteDavid born about 1935
WhiteDavid Rborn about 1901
WhiteEsther born about 1903
WhiteFannie Eborn about 1888
WhiteJanis born about 1938
WhitenerDewitt born about 1910
WhitenerIrma born about 1914
WhitfordHazel Eborn about 1917
WhitingtonCathleen born about 1924
WhitingtonEsta Eborn about 1899
WhitingtonEvelyn Hborn about 1926
WhitingtonWm born about 1888
WhitingtonWm Jr born about 1919
WhitneyGloria Gborn about 1920
WhitneyHenry R Kborn about 1877
WhitneyHoward Fborn about 1938
WhitneyHoward Wborn about 1916
WhitneyJames Mborn about 1939
WhitneyJanette Fborn about 1916
WhitneyMaynard born about 1916
WhitneyMildred Lborn about 1917
WhitneyMinnie Lborn about 1883
WilcoxJean born about 1890
WilcoxKenneth born about 1922
WilcoxMarion born about 1919
WilcoxRobert born about 1920
WilcoxSidney Wborn about 1882
WilcoxWinefred born about 1917
WilgusAustin Mborn about 1937
WilgusAustin Sborn about 1916
WilgusMargaret born about 1902
WilkersonLula born about 1868
WillcocksonAlice Hborn about 1917
WillcocksonBarbar Aborn about 1939
WillcocksonRobert born about 1914
WilliamClara Jborn about 1916
WilliamGeorge born about 1879
WilliamMary Aborn about 1884
WilliamsAgnes born about 1870
WilliamsB Hborn about 1907
WilliamsCharles Fborn about 1912
WilliamsCharles T Jrborn about 1935
WilliamsDonald Lborn about 1933
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1926
WilliamsEvelyn Dborn about 1914
WilliamsFrances born about 1904
WilliamsJean Dborn about 1934
WilliamsJohn Fborn about 1932
WilliamsRobert Eborn about 1894
WilliamsRobert E Jborn about 1922
WilliamsWille Iborn about 1903
WillisBennett Jborn about 1917
WillisGrace born about 1894
WillisJames Mborn about 1919
WilsonChester born about 1884
WilsonChester Lborn about 1913
WilsonClifton Hborn about 1937
WilsonDavis born about 1907
WilsonEllen Cborn about 1897
WilsonHerbert Lborn about 1884
WilsonJames Bborn about 1930
WilsonLila Mborn about 1938
WilsonLila Rborn about 1915
WilsonLouis Aborn about 1928
WilsonMamie born about 1883
WilsonMary Dborn about 1939
WilsonMervin born about 1884
WilsonSaddie born about 1890
WilsonVirginia born about 1917
WimmerBernice born about 1910
WimmerDonn born about 1936
WimmerPaul born about 1903
WimmerRichard born about 1938
WiseHelen born about 1911
WiseJoe Bellborn about 1910
WiseKenneth Hborn about 1940
WiseMargaret born about 1922
WiseParks born about 1919
WiseWayne born about 1919
WiseWayne born about 1939
WiseWilliam born about 1884
WiseWilliam born about 1913
WiseWilliam Jr born about 1936
WisemanSusie Mborn about 1916
WisemanWilliam Fborn about 1917
WitzDonald born about 1938
WitzGertrude born about 1909
WitzLewis born about 1909
WolfAnn Landyborn about 1913
WolfBlanche born about 1902
WolfMortimer Bborn about 1912
WolfWalter Fborn about 1902
WolfWalter Jr born about 1931
WolfaryFlorence born about 1914
WolfaryJoseph born about 1906
WolfaryNaomi born about 1939
WolfreyBarbara Eborn about 1934
WolfreyJack Wborn about 1911
WolfreyLois Mborn about 1939
WolfreyLouise Eborn about 1914
WolowskyAlice born about 1933
WolowskyEthel born about 1913
WolowskyJoseph born about 1903
WolowskyJoseph born about 1937
WolvertonArchie born about 1898
WolvertonRussell born about 1910
WoodOscar born about 1866
WoodsMargaret born about 1917
WrennDavid Nborn about 1940
WrennEdmond Lborn about 1916
WrennGary Eborn about 1916
WrightCarlis born about 1919
WrightLucille born about 1879
WrightWm born about 1914
WurtleMatilda born about 1874
WyckoffAdline Dborn about 1906
WyckoffCharles E Jrborn about 1903
WyckoffErnest Fborn about 1901
WyckoffErnest Fborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarberMay born about 1897
YatesEdward born about 1899
YatesKathleen born about 1923
YatesMartha born about 1926
YatesPearl born about 1898
YatesRbert born about 1934
YatesRussel born about 1890
YostArella Lborn about 1931
YostCharles Gborn about 1929
YostEvangeline Aborn about 1905
YostRobert Cborn about 1905
YoungRebecca Aborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanAnton Eborn about 1860
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1886

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