1940 U.S. Federal Census of Browns Store, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Browns Store

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AcresChristine born about 1932
AcresDurwood born about 1930
AcresEdward born about 1892
AcresLillie born about 1897
AcresNellie born about 1920
AcresWoodrow born about 1935
AlmondCharles Bborn about 1923
AlmondEdward Aborn about 1934
AlmondH Aborn about 1885
AlmondIverson Hborn about 1918
AlmondJosephine Hborn about 1895
AlmondMary Lborn about 1921
AmissArnie Cborn about 1895
AmissMary Rborn about 1893
AmissRobert born about 1930
AndersonBernice born about 1925
AndersonCrystine born about 1921
AndersonJulia born about 1923
AndersonMalina born about 1870
AndersonOdelia born about 1927
AndersonRebecca born about 1892
AndersonThomas born about 1920
AndersonWillard Kborn about 1890
AngllaMarion born about 1935
ArendallCarter born about 1915
ArthurHolmes born about 1916
ArthurIrvell born about 1913
ArthurLeroy born about 1938
ArthurLucy born about 1907
AshworthBurke born about 1884
AtkinsIda Maeborn about 1920
AvantTom born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyAnna Bborn about 1925
BagleyAnnie born about 1934
BagleyAntie born about 1912
BagleyArkley born about 1904
BagleyArkley Jr born about 1937
BagleyArthur born about 1927
BagleyBaskerville born about 1898
BagleyBerna Mborn about 1932
BagleyBertha born about 1931
BagleyBertia born about 1932
BagleyBud born about 1901
BagleyBula born about 1935
BagleyCalvin born about 1931
BagleyClarence born about 1910
BagleyClarence Lborn about 1884
BagleyClumbus born about 1926
BagleyCordelia born about 1886
BagleyCornelia born about 1930
BagleyCurtis born about 1916
BagleyCurtis Jr born about 1939
BagleyDan born about 1928
BagleyDavie born about 1934
BagleyDorothy born about 1936
BagleyEdd born about 1876
BagleyEdward Gborn about 1884
BagleyEdward G Jrborn about 1921
BagleyEffie born about 1890
BagleyEffie Aborn about 1894
BagleyElla born about 1928
BagleyEllen born about 1860
BagleyEllen born about 1939
BagleyElwood born about 1923
BagleyEmily born about 1866
BagleyEmily born about 1874
BagleyEthel Hborn about 1885
BagleyFrances born about 1930
BagleyFrances born about 1936
BagleyFranklin born about 1934
BagleyFrederick born about 1919
BagleyGarland born about 1883
BagleyGarland Bborn about 1930
BagleyGeorge born about 1896
BagleyGeorge born about 1940
BagleyGeorge Jr born about 1923
BagleyHarriett born about 1915
BagleyHattie born about 1885
BagleyIda Eborn about 1890
BagleyIsham born about 1899
BagleyJames born about 1884
BagleyJames born about 1923
BagleyJames Hborn about 1891
BagleyJoe born about 1874
BagleyJohn Allenborn about 1935
BagleyJoseph born about 1930
BagleyJosephine born about 1921
BagleyJuliet born about 1937
BagleyLabb born about 1919
BagleyLena born about 1913
BagleyLillian born about 1934
BagleyLillian born about 1939
BagleyLucy born about 1909
BagleyMack born about 1911
BagleyMallie born about 1902
BagleyMarvin born about 1923
BagleyMary born about 1872
BagleyMary born about 1908
BagleyMason Dborn about 1927
BagleyMildred born about 1909
BagleyNancy born about 1929
BagleyNannie born about 1900
BagleyNorman born about 1924
BagleyOdis Cborn about 1919
BagleyOtis born about 1918
BagleyOtis born about 1925
BagleyPauline born about 1933
BagleyRichard born about 1883
BagleyRichard Pborn about 1935
BagleyRobert born about 1937
BagleyRosa born about 1906
BagleyRoscoe born about 1891
BagleyRoscoe born about 1929
BagleyRoyal born about 1917
BagleyRuth born about 1928
BagleySallie born about 1921
BagleySallie Mborn about 1935
BagleySamuel born about 1937
BagleySidney born about 1862
BagleySlornie Mborn about 1938
BagleyThomas born about 1939
BagleyViola born about 1927
BagleyVirginia born about 1911
BagleyVirginia born about 1936
BagleyWatts born about 1864
BagleyWilliam born about 1925
BagleyWilliam born about 1926
BagleyWilliam born about 1928
BagleyWillie born about 1889
BagleyWillie born about 1923
BagleyWillie born about 1931
BagleyWillie Revborn about 1923
BaileyAlvin born about 1922
BaileyBen Jborn about 1870
BaileyCarrie Jborn about 1870
BaileyGlenn born about 1934
BaileyMarjorie born about 1925
BaileyPercy Bborn about 1892
BaileyRuby born about 1892
BaileyWinfrey born about 1919
BankAddie Bborn about 1930
BankJames born about 1930
BarnerBarfield born about 1927
BarnerDorothy born about 1925
BarnerHerbert born about 1885
BarnerHerbert Hooverborn about 1929
BarnerLucy born about 1890
BarnerLucy born about 1920
BarnerMargaret born about 1922
BarnesBetty Gborn about 1939
BarnesCaroline born about 1909
BarnesClaude born about 1887
BarnesCornelius born about 1903
BarnesEarl born about 1934
BarnesEdward born about 1919
BarnesEugene born about 1915
BarnesHelen born about 1916
BarnesLillian born about 1893
BarnesLillian born about 1926
BarnesLittleton born about 1922
BarnesLois born about 1924
BarnesLouise Sborn about 1899
BarnesLuellen born about 1897
BarnesThomas born about 1917
BatesEmma born about 1887
BatesJohn born about 1887
BeckEtha born about 1904
BeckG Everettborn about 1900
BeckJune born about 1929
BeckMarjorie born about 1924
BeepleAlgie born about 1915
BellB Josephineborn about 1939
BellEthel born about 1913
BellEthel Vborn about 1937
BellGeorge born about 1916
BellGeorge Wborn about 1933
BellHarry born about 1915
BellHorestine born about 1934
BellJane Pborn about 1935
BellJimmie born about 1918
BellJohn Cborn about 1935
BellJr George born about 1913
BellLucy Mborn about 1922
BellNanie born about 1890
BellRuby Maeborn about 1924
BillingsDelia born about 1889
BillingsMarion born about 1924
BillingsMaurice Tborn about 1886
BishopCarlton born about 1919
BishopEarly born about 1910
BishopElma born about 1918
BishopErcelle born about 1895
BishopEvelin born about 1920
BishopGeorge born about 1937
BishopGladys born about 1933
BishopJames born about 1935
BishopMary born about 1880
BishopMorris born about 1918
BishopNancy born about 1939
BishopNanie born about 1870
BishopNorma born about 1928
BishopOtis born about 1915
BishopThomas born about 1915
BishopWalter born about 1887
BishopWilliam born about 1921
BlackwellAnnie Sborn about 1895
BlackwellCabney born about 1905
BlackwellDora Bellborn about 1936
BlackwellGeorge Hborn about 1929
BlackwellHellen born about 1911
BlackwellJoel born about 1913
BlackwellJohn Eborn about 1937
BlackwellJohn Wborn about 1907
BlackwellJohnnie Eborn about 1923
BlackwellLillie Mborn about 1918
BlackwellLinwood Wborn about 1928
BlackwellLula born about 1908
BlackwellLuther Eborn about 1927
BlackwellMartha born about 1933
BlackwellMary born about 1880
BlackwellMary born about 1917
BlackwellMary Lborn about 1933
BlackwellMary Leeborn about 1939
BlackwellMaxine born about 1934
BlackwellMccary born about 1932
BlackwellMcguire born about 1938
BlackwellNannie Sborn about 1940
BlackwellPearl born about 1902
BlackwellRalph born about 1935
BlackwellRebecca born about 1875
BlackwellRobert born about 1898
BlackwellRobert Jr born about 1938
BlackwellRosa Lborn about 1930
BlackwellRoy born about 1937
BlackwellRuth born about 1906
BlackwellThomas born about 1894
BlackwellThomas Oborn about 1921
BlackwellThomas Sborn about 1931
BlackwellWalter born about 1895
BlackwellWalter Lborn about 1932
BookerLinwood born about 1868
BookerMary born about 1883
BoothFlorence born about 1900
BoothWilfred born about 1895
BoothWilliam born about 1920
BottonEmmett born about 1875
BottonIda born about 1875
BouldinClaiborn born about 1864
BouldinClaiborn Jr born about 1912
BouldinMary Cborn about 1868
BouldinThomas Tborn about 1907
BowenLewis born about 1910
BradshamDaisy born about 1881
BradshamGarland Aborn about 1920
BradshamHelen Vborn about 1925
BradshamJohn Eborn about 1885
BradshamManard born about 1923
BraggAdell born about 1909
BraggArthur born about 1909
BraggEdmonia born about 1890
BraggElnora born about 1927
BraggEthel born about 1921
BraggGertrude born about 1912
BraggJohn born about 1885
BraggRasin Eborn about 1874
BraggRosa born about 1923
BraggSollie born about 1874
BraggSusan born about 1882
BranesGeorge born about 1922
BranesJ Pborn about 1883
BranesRacheal born about 1914
BrettAudrey born about 1933
BrettCorbell born about 1902
BrettJoyce born about 1929
BrettPearl born about 1903
BridgeforthArkley born about 1894
BridgeforthArkley born about 1924
BridgeforthDaisy born about 1880
BridgeforthDan born about 1876
BridgeforthEdward born about 1888
BridgeforthElbert born about 1934
BridgeforthElia born about 1901
BridgeforthElizabeth born about 1938
BridgeforthGenette born about 1928
BridgeforthGertrude born about 1916
BridgeforthGrace born about 1932
BridgeforthHattie Oborn about 1907
BridgeforthHenretta born about 1914
BridgeforthHorace born about 1909
BridgeforthJames born about 1915
BridgeforthJoe born about 1900
BridgeforthLelia born about 1880
BridgeforthLewis born about 1921
BridgeforthLillie born about 1887
BridgeforthMabel born about 1900
BridgeforthMarguerite born about 1917
BridgeforthMary Eborn about 1936
BridgeforthMonroe born about 1923
BridgeforthStanley born about 1930
BridgeforthVirginia born about 1913
BridgesArnold born about 1917
BridgesCarrie Hborn about 1889
BridgesEdward Jborn about 1906
BridgesLouise Mborn about 1925
BridgforthAllen born about 1939
BridgforthBeechy born about 1909
BridgforthElizabeth born about 1929
BridgforthIda born about 1914
BridgforthJoseph born about 1912
BridgforthKatherine born about 1938
BridgforthLee Andrewborn about 1931
BridgforthMack born about 1937
BridgforthOphelia born about 1885
BridgforthOtis born about 1925
BridgforthRandolpoh born about 1923
BridgforthSusie born about 1921
BridgforthVirginia born about 1927
BridgforthW Sidneyborn about 1940
BridgforthWillie born about 1906
BrinerMag born about 1900
BrinerWilliam born about 1909
BrownDavid born about 1927
BrownMary Ellenborn about 1939
BrownSarah Hborn about 1912
BrownWilliam Josephborn about 1913
BrydieAlvin born about 1909
BrydieAlvin Jr born about 1931
BrydieBarbara born about 1936
BrydieBetty born about 1870
BrydieBlackwell born about 1930
BrydieElen born about 1935
BrydieEugene born about 1932
BrydieFletcher born about 1913
BrydieFletcher born about 1923
BrydieGeorge Mborn about 1940
BrydieGeorgia Mborn about 1927
BrydieGladys born about 1927
BrydieHarold born about 1932
BrydieKathleen born about 1916
BrydieLillian born about 1909
BrydieLois born about 1929
BrydieMary born about 1903
BrydieMorris born about 1904
BrydieMorris born about 1922
BrydieRichard Mborn about 1936
BrydieSue Lborn about 1898
BrydieWilliam Cborn about 1925
BrydieWillie Mborn about 1932
BuchananHelen Wborn about 1914
BuchananOscar Fborn about 1911
BucknerBlanche born about 1899
BucknerTheo born about 1889
BurtonThomas Oborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabnersEverette born about 1912
CageAnnie Lborn about 1908
CageWillie born about 1860
CallierJohn Wborn about 1897
CallierMinnie born about 1907
CampbellGoran born about 1912
CapersEdward born about 1932
CapersEllen born about 1900
CapersGeorge born about 1918
CapersIsiac born about 1930
CapersLouis born about 1927
CapersPinkney born about 1890
CapersRobert born about 1929
CapersRosevelt born about 1925
CapersWarren born about 1922
CarringtonClara born about 1890
CarringtonTheodore born about 1901
CastleClarence Cborn about 1909
CastleDorthy Jborn about 1927
CastleHarold born about 1930
CastleNannie Lborn about 1889
CaytonLouise born about 1921
ChapbellJames Wborn about 1921
ChapbellJohn born about 1893
ChapbellMarie born about 1890
ChappellClaiborne born about 1870
CheeleyDennis born about 1912
CheeleyEdward born about 1901
CheeleyEdward Jborn about 1911
CheeleyElizabeth born about 1890
CheeleyGloria born about 1928
CheeleyJoyce born about 1931
CheeleyJudith born about 1925
CheeleyMilton born about 1877
CheeleyNorwood born about 1923
CheeleyRebecca born about 1920
CheeleyRuby born about 1910
CheeleyWesley born about 1909
ClemGeorge born about 1936
ClemHenry born about 1911
ClemJohn Jr born about 1934
ClemMary born about 1940
ClemMating born about 1918
ClemMattie born about 1912
ClemNelson born about 1938
ColemanGeorge Lborn about 1938
ColemanIzac born about 1940
ColemanJoe born about 1937
ColemanLizzie born about 1919
ColemanRobert born about 1914
ColemanSarah born about 1935
ColesBetty born about 1885
ColesBetty born about 1925
ColesCaliph born about 1915
ColesHoward born about 1923
ColesJulia born about 1924
ColesLewis born about 1920
CollingsNettie born about 1895
CollingsRaymond born about 1924
CookGertrude Hborn about 1882
CookGertrude Vborn about 1921
CookIsaac Eborn about 1872
CookeHarris born about 1874
CookeValene born about 1914
CordleAnna born about 1878
CordleCharlie Aborn about 1903
CordleCoye born about 1918
CordleEdward Eborn about 1901
CordleEtton born about 1922
CordleLilly born about 1907
CordleTom born about 1897
CordleVivian Pborn about 1911
CoxAlice born about 1917
CoxAmelia born about 1878
CoxArlene born about 1922
CoxDonald born about 1913
CoxEdith Maeborn about 1919
CoxEva born about 1924
CoxGussie born about 1914
CoxHelen born about 1914
CoxMaude born about 1889
CoxPalmer born about 1874
CoxWilliam Sborn about 1903
CraftonAdolph born about 1886
CraftonBerkley born about 1861
CraftonLicy born about 1887
CraftonRobert born about 1889
CraftonThomas Cborn about 1926
CragheadAlexander Hborn about 1884
CragheadLeola Eborn about 1893
CragheadWilliam Jr born about 1919
CraigEdwin born about 1940
CraigElsie Maeborn about 1923
CraigJessie born about 1919
CraigJosh born about 1860
CrassLouise born about 1874
CrawleyAnnie born about 1903
CrawleyAnnie Maeborn about 1925
CrawleyArmistead born about 1882
CrawleyBettie born about 1885
CrawleyCarrie born about 1884
CrawleyCarrie born about 1920
CrawleyCharlie born about 1870
CrawleyEdward Jr born about 1935
CrawleyElie born about 1915
CrawleyGeorge born about 1871
CrawleyGracie born about 1939
CrawleyGuster born about 1924
CrawleyHattie born about 1880
CrawleyIda Maeborn about 1939
CrawleyJames born about 1929
CrawleyJames Hborn about 1933
CrawleyJohn born about 1901
CrawleyJohn born about 1919
CrawleyJohn Jr born about 1930
CrawleyJosie born about 1925
CrawleyLucille born about 1908
CrawleyLula born about 1879
CrawleyMaggie born about 1885
CrawleyMary born about 1870
CrawleyMelba born about 1922
CrawleyMildred born about 1933
CrawleyMolly born about 1907
CrawleyMyrtle born about 1932
CrawleyNancy born about 1913
CrawleyPeter born about 1904
CrawleyTheodore born about 1936
CrawleyThomas born about 1880
CrawleyThomas born about 1912
CrawleyWaverly born about 1872
CrawleyWaverly born about 1927
CrawleyWilburn born about 1935
CraytonChristian born about 1906
CraytonFrank Dborn about 1903
CraytonGladys Fborn about 1915
CraytonHarry born about 1908
CraytonMary born about 1876
CrittGeorge born about 1890
CrittLelia born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyMary Lborn about 1938
DailyWilliam born about 1870
DalyAddie born about 1890
DalyEdward born about 1915
DalyFreddie born about 1931
DalyLouise born about 1935
DalyOctavia born about 1928
DanielClara born about 1931
DanielEthel born about 1928
DanielLois born about 1932
DanielM Aneborn about 1939
DanielMary Lborn about 1938
DanielMinnie born about 1920
DanielNoel Wborn about 1912
DanielNoel Wborn about 1937
DanielOdell born about 1938
DanielRobert born about 1916
DanielSaroney born about 1929
DanielViola born about 1905
DavisHelen born about 1912
DavisHelen Aborn about 1938
DavisMinne born about 1936
DawsonAnnie Mborn about 1879
DawsonAubrey born about 1929
DawsonCarroll born about 1939
DawsonEddie born about 1903
DawsonFlorence Mborn about 1915
DawsonFrank born about 1926
DawsonGenevine born about 1935
DawsonGeorge born about 1919
DawsonGeorge Mborn about 1879
DawsonHeldey born about 1939
DawsonHoward born about 1929
DawsonJames Hborn about 1909
DawsonJoseph born about 1921
DawsonJoyce born about 1932
DawsonLangdon born about 1932
DawsonLouis born about 1901
DawsonLouis born about 1934
DawsonMargaret born about 1910
DawsonMyrtle born about 1908
DawsonNannie Cborn about 1918
DawsonRobert Cborn about 1911
DawsonShirley born about 1937
DelatsDoris born about 1936
DeweyArthur born about 1927
DeweyJennie born about 1890
DeweyJessie born about 1868
DillworthJ Wborn about 1869
DillworthLillian born about 1894
DixonAshton Lborn about 1920
DixonDorothy Aborn about 1919
DixonEva born about 1887
DixonJames Eborn about 1924
DixonLagarus born about 1877
DixonLucille born about 1922
DondlyAndrew born about 1912
DondlyBessie born about 1913
DondlyLem born about 1909
DoroBandy Lborn about 1933
DoroEdward born about 1932
DoroEveline born about 1930
DoroGladys born about 1934
DoroIrena born about 1921
DoroJames born about 1917
DoroLizzie born about 1928
DoroMary born about 1895
DoroRenkin born about 1905
DoroShirley born about 1932
DoroSussie born about 1926
DouglasAnnie Sborn about 1893
DouglasClaude born about 1919
DouglasLinwood born about 1926
DouglasVirginia Fborn about 1929
DrumboldFlelster born about 1917
DrumboldRosa born about 1923
DrumboldSydna born about 1921
DupreastCharles born about 1881
DupreastMildred born about 1894
DupreastNelson born about 1921
DuprestJ Bborn about 1875
DuprestJessie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmondsChester born about 1883
EdmondsEvelyn born about 1935
EdmondsGeorge Jr born about 1933
EdmondsGlenwell born about 1933
EdmondsHelen born about 1911
EdmondsJames born about 1893
EdmondsJames born about 1927
EdmondsJimmie born about 1890
EdmondsJoe born about 1870
EdmondsLillie born about 1932
EdmondsLinda born about 1894
EdmondsMary born about 1891
EdmondsMattie born about 1888
EdmondsMattie born about 1937
EdmondsRachel born about 1867
EdmondsRachel born about 1905
EdmondsReubin born about 1931
EdmondsThad Sborn about 1931
EdmondsWalter Nborn about 1911
EdmondsWalter Jr born about 1938
EdmondsWilliam born about 1940
EdmondsWilliam Jr born about 1924
EdmundsGeorge Wborn about 1894
EdmundsHoward born about 1909
EdmundsHoward Jr born about 1930
EdmundsJohn born about 1906
EdmundsMary Aliceborn about 1920
EdmundsMattie born about 1901
EdmundsPallacia born about 1922
EdmundsRobert born about 1924
EdmundsSarah Annborn about 1932
ElderAlbert born about 1920
EliottGarland born about 1910
EliottGarland Jr born about 1931
EliottLois born about 1939
EliottMartha born about 1934
EliottVirginia born about 1913
EppersonAlma born about 1921
EppersonArthur born about 1923
EppersonEarnest Eborn about 1895
EppersonEdward born about 1929
EppersonHelen born about 1926
EppersonHenry born about 1897
EppersonIda born about 1898
EppersonJames born about 1925
EppersonLucy Cborn about 1874
EppersonNancy born about 1929
EppersonNina Lborn about 1867
EppersonThomas born about 1933
EppersonVirginia born about 1917
EppersonVirginia born about 1927
EppersonWillie Bborn about 1867
EppsBettie born about 1885
EppsDorothy born about 1917
EppsWillie born about 1862

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F Surnames

FaisonClaudius born about 1894
FaisonClaudius born about 1927
FaisonGertrude born about 1894
FauldsJohn born about 1870
FelderAlice born about 1933
FelderAnnie Mborn about 1926
FelderElla Jborn about 1899
FelderFreddie born about 1930
FelderHarvey born about 1928
FelderJoe born about 1935
FelderWillie born about 1919
FeltonEaler born about 1931
FeltonRobert Lborn about 1933
FergusonAlice Gborn about 1910
FitzgeraldAnderson born about 1898
FitzgeraldCornelia born about 1898
FitzgeraldEmma Bborn about 1929
FitzgeraldLouise born about 1870
FitzgeraldWillie born about 1888
FlippingAlbert born about 1873
FoulksCharlie born about 1888
FoulksClinton born about 1925
FoulksDewey born about 1921
FoulksDolores born about 1929
FoulksFrieda born about 1933
FoulksMarion born about 1927
FoulksOmega born about 1924
FoulksWilburn born about 1926
FowlksBurnell born about 1900
FowlksFred born about 1903
FowlksMary born about 1886
FowlksPearly born about 1920
FreemanPreston born about 1880
FultzBessie born about 1898
FultzEmma Lborn about 1934
FultzRobert born about 1902
FultzStella born about 1870
FultzWalter born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarlandAgnes born about 1931
GarlandArthur born about 1912
GarlandBeatrice born about 1932
GarlandBinlus born about 1888
GarlandBrutus born about 1918
GarlandDick born about 1917
GarlandDorthy born about 1923
GarlandEllen born about 1913
GarlandEva born about 1914
GarlandFred born about 1905
GarlandFreddie born about 1940
GarlandGeraldine born about 1934
GarlandGertrude born about 1932
GarlandHodge born about 1887
GarlandLee born about 1930
GarlandLorene born about 1921
GarlandLouis born about 1925
GarlandLula Mborn about 1935
GarlandOtis born about 1923
GarlandScott born about 1933
GarlandSill born about 1895
GarlandStanley born about 1924
GarlandSuzie born about 1904
GarlandThomas born about 1931
GarlandWillie Mborn about 1926
GarnerBettie born about 1921
GarnerFrank born about 1909
GarnerMargaret born about 1938
GeeAnderson born about 1858
GeeDannie born about 1917
GeeFlorence born about 1920
GeeHunter Wborn about 1905
GeeJames born about 1921
GeeJames Eborn about 1912
GeeLila Bborn about 1915
GeeMartha born about 1885
GeeMoser born about 1915
GeeSallie born about 1860
GeeSarah Sborn about 1913
GeeThomas born about 1937
GheeHenry Bborn about 1889
GheeLillian born about 1903
GheeMartha Hborn about 1938
GilliamAlice born about 1930
GilliamAnnie born about 1890
GilliamAnnie Bborn about 1910
GilliamClarence born about 1928
GilliamEdna born about 1936
GilliamHelen born about 1926
GilliamJames born about 1878
GilliamJohn Bborn about 1922
GilliamLilly Bborn about 1938
GilliamMary born about 1918
GilliamMary born about 1934
GilliamMert born about 1895
GilliamMert Jr born about 1928
GilliamOscar born about 1892
GilliamPinkie born about 1923
GilliamTitus born about 1915
GilliamTucker born about 1926
GilliamWaverly born about 1937
GillsAshby Bborn about 1897
GillsCnestane born about 1922
GillsDorothy born about 1924
GillsEmma born about 1900
GillsHelen born about 1920
GillsMargaret born about 1927
GillsRobert Eborn about 1916
GillsVivian Sueborn about 1939
GoodwynCharles Eborn about 1890
GoodwynCharles Jr born about 1924
GoodwynDoris Sborn about 1929
GoodwynElizabeth born about 1907
GoodwynFleda Hborn about 1900
GoodwynIrener Sborn about 1893
GoodwynLizzie born about 1868
GoodwynMargaret born about 1926
GoodwynRuth Pborn about 1897
GordonBernard born about 1906
GordonBlanche born about 1914
GordonEmma Lborn about 1937
GordonJohn Albertborn about 1932
GordonKatherine Sueborn about 1939
GordonPearl Cborn about 1904
GordonPinkie Nealborn about 1933
GordonRose Eborn about 1935
GovernorCarrie born about 1865
GrahamLouise born about 1924
GrahamMarguriete born about 1885
GrahamRuth born about 1927
GrahamW Robertborn about 1883
GrantBeatrice born about 1900
GrantBetty born about 1880
GrantBetty Janeborn about 1938
GrantCharles born about 1930
GrantCharles Rborn about 1886
GrantClyde Aborn about 1939
GrantEleanor born about 1932
GrantGeorge born about 1880
GrantGeorge Jr born about 1904
GrantGladys born about 1915
GrantJacqueline born about 1935
GrantJohn born about 1889
GrantNannie born about 1893
GrantRichard Wborn about 1936
GrantRobert Lborn about 1939
GrantRuby born about 1922
GrantRuth born about 1928
GreeAnna born about 1889
GreeFrank Aborn about 1885
GreeJohn Sborn about 1924

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H Surnames

HalcombAlex born about 1902
HalcombMargaret born about 1914
HammockGeorge born about 1900
HammockKate born about 1876
HardawayRichard Eborn about 1888
HardyAnn Oborn about 1931
HardyDouglas born about 1930
HardyGertrude born about 1888
HardyJulia born about 1914
HardyLynus born about 1868
HardyWill Mborn about 1886
HardyWilliam born about 1929
HardyWillie born about 1913
HargroveAlbert born about 1892
HargroveGeorge born about 1928
HargroveHallie born about 1903
HargroveLinwood born about 1901
HargroveMary born about 1926
HargroveRobert born about 1927
HarrisAlice born about 1915
HarrisAnna Hborn about 1940
HarrisAnna Rborn about 1926
HarrisCatherine born about 1919
HarrisCharlie born about 1899
HarrisDoris Wborn about 1936
HarrisDorothy born about 1934
HarrisDorthy born about 1921
HarrisElenor born about 1912
HarrisElsie born about 1902
HarrisGarland born about 1928
HarrisHarry born about 1923
HarrisHelen born about 1919
HarrisJohn born about 1889
HarrisJohn Wborn about 1936
HarrisL Mborn about 1885
HarrisLevi born about 1883
HarrisLillie born about 1890
HarrisLouis born about 1938
HarrisMarguerite born about 1933
HarrisMarin born about 1924
HarrisMarvin born about 1920
HarrisMary born about 1935
HarrisMary born about 1936
HarrisMary Wborn about 1907
HarrisNancy born about 1938
HarrisRichard born about 1905
HarrisRoswell born about 1907
HarrisSpencer born about 1914
HarrisWillie born about 1917
HarrisWillie Anneborn about 1884
HatchetEdith born about 1898
HatchetFrank Cborn about 1893
HatchettElizabeth born about 1878
HatchettFrank Cborn about 1938
HatchettHaily born about 1884
HatchettHarie born about 1923
HatchettHenry Sborn about 1874
HatchettJohn born about 1878
HatchettJohn Hborn about 1940
HatchettJohn Sborn about 1920
HatchettJohn Wborn about 1910
HatchettLouise born about 1920
HatchettMary born about 1886
HatchettNorman born about 1887
HatchettPhiliss born about 1889
HatstikElizabeth born about 1920
HawkinsAnette born about 1928
HawkinsEsther born about 1935
HawkinsFlorence born about 1924
HawkinsIda born about 1916
HawkinsJames born about 1921
HawkinsJoe born about 1933
HawkinsJosephine born about 1930
HawkinsJunita born about 1928
HawkinsJunius Eborn about 1887
HawkinsMark born about 1939
HawkinsMather born about 1939
HawkinsQuicken born about 1906
HawkinsRuby Eborn about 1898
HawkinsRuth born about 1936
HawthorneAnnie born about 1919
HawthorneArlene born about 1938
HawthorneAshton born about 1929
HawthorneBernard born about 1927
HawthorneBlackwell born about 1922
HawthorneC Gborn about 1899
HawthorneCharles born about 1940
HawthorneEarl born about 1939
HawthorneEddie Wborn about 1908
HawthorneEdith born about 1927
HawthorneElla born about 1889
HawthorneElvie born about 1907
HawthorneG Tborn about 1874
HawthorneGeorge born about 1922
HawthorneHolland born about 1880
HawthorneHugh born about 1931
HawthorneJoe Bborn about 1878
HawthorneLawrence born about 1914
HawthorneLewis born about 1904
HawthorneLillian born about 1877
HawthorneLloyd born about 1907
HawthorneLucy born about 1892
HawthorneMary Eborn about 1935
HawthorneMary Jborn about 1885
HawthornePansy born about 1919
HawthorneRay born about 1930
HawthorneRebecca born about 1925
HawthorneRobert born about 1885
HawthorneSallie born about 1908
HawthorneThelma Gborn about 1902
HawthorneVirginia born about 1917
HawthorneWilkin born about 1912
HawthorneWilyn born about 1902
HayesEarl born about 1935
HayesJoe Jr born about 1933
HayesJohn born about 1887
HayesLucy born about 1899
HaysAlbertha born about 1919
HaysCarrie born about 1936
HaysCharles Eborn about 1939
HaysCharlie born about 1915
HaysElizabeth born about 1919
HaysEmma Lborn about 1926
HaysFlorence born about 1937
HaysInez Rborn about 1930
HaysLucinda born about 1890
HaysNike born about 1924
HaysWillie born about 1856
HaysWillie born about 1880
HaysWillie born about 1910
HaysWillie Tborn about 1932
HazlewoodArkley born about 1924
HazlewoodBessie born about 1905
HazlewoodBessie born about 1933
HazlewoodBettie born about 1938
HazlewoodDavid born about 1926
HazlewoodFaham born about 1926
HazlewoodGladys born about 1930
HazlewoodJohn born about 1880
HazlewoodJunius born about 1939
HazlewoodLucy born about 1936
HazlewoodOllie born about 1928
HazlewoodRaymond born about 1932
HazlewoodRenkin born about 1890
HazlewoodRenkin born about 1939
HazlewoodRobert born about 1933
HazlewoodStanley born about 1925
HazlewoodWillie born about 1905
HendersonA Cborn about 1939
HendersonMary Eborn about 1922
HenryBoyd born about 1884
HenryEthel born about 1932
HenryHenry born about 1921
HenryJasper born about 1929
HenryJohn born about 1927
HenryLois born about 1924
HenryMary born about 1893
HercumAnna born about 1882
HercumCharles Hborn about 1875
HesterHattie born about 1922
HesterJames born about 1891
HesterJames born about 1918
HesterLucile born about 1927
HesterMargurite born about 1930
HesterNettie born about 1921
HesterRuth born about 1925
HesterWalker born about 1933
HezlewoodGeorge born about 1919
HicksAnnie Mayborn about 1916
HicksBaxter born about 1895
HicksDennis born about 1934
HicksGarfield born about 1918
HicksHenry born about 1892
HicksJim Nedborn about 1853
HicksJunious born about 1912
HillEdna born about 1938
HillEdward born about 1889
HillEva born about 1915
HillGeorge born about 1918
HillJohn born about 1873
HillJohn born about 1924
HillKate born about 1925
HillLillian born about 1892
HillLizzie born about 1872
HillMarie born about 1920
HillMarie born about 1926
HillSue born about 1926
HillThomas born about 1929
HillWilliam born about 1918
HiteAnnette born about 1925
HiteEdward born about 1937
HiteFletcher born about 1927
HiteGeorge born about 1910
HiteJessie Lborn about 1933
HiteMartha born about 1932
HiteRobert born about 1930
HiteSallie born about 1919
HiteThelma born about 1934
HiteWilliam born about 1915
HixCordina born about 1937
HixEarnest born about 1936
HixElizabeth born about 1935
HobbsEphrain born about 1928
HolmesAgnes Vborn about 1934
HolmesAnnie born about 1895
HolmesLaura Sueborn about 1927
HolmesLouise born about 1928
HolmesMagnus Bborn about 1926
HolmesWillie born about 1887
HopsonBlanche born about 1927
HopsonDaniel born about 1921
HopsonLewis born about 1890
HopsonLillian born about 1931
HopsonMeredith born about 1917
HopsonOctavia born about 1900
HopsonOllie born about 1891
HopsonOtis born about 1924
HopsonVincent born about 1925
HowardEsther Mborn about 1913
HowardJim born about 1903
HowardJim Lborn about 1935
HowardLaura Aborn about 1939
HudonAnne Eborn about 1889
HudonRamson born about 1878
HudonThomas born about 1919
HudsonCharles born about 1936
HudsonClyton born about 1915
HudsonGarnet born about 1920
HudsonJames born about 1939
HudsonLloyd born about 1902
HudsonLloyd Jr born about 1927
HudsonLois born about 1917
HudsonLottie born about 1888
HudsonLucy born about 1908
HudsonM Evelynborn about 1937
HudsonRay Lborn about 1940
HudsonStanley born about 1918
HudsonWilliam born about 1933
HudsonWillie born about 1881
HurtAnn born about 1919
HurtEdith born about 1925
HurtHunter born about 1917
HurtLerley born about 1924
HurtLewis born about 1930
HurtPercell born about 1895
HurtPondenter born about 1920
HurtSarah born about 1895
HurtSarah born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngeCurtis born about 1920
IngeFrances born about 1924
IngeJames born about 1919
IngeLottie born about 1881
IngeSam Oborn about 1888
InghramBettie born about 1861
IrbyAlma born about 1905
IrbyAnnie Bborn about 1928
IrbyBenjamin born about 1914
IrbyBetty born about 1892
IrbyBuddy born about 1901
IrbyCora Sueborn about 1938
IrbyDorothy born about 1918
IrbyEdith born about 1926
IrbyElla born about 1923
IrbyEmma born about 1864
IrbyEmma born about 1870
IrbyErnest born about 1913
IrbyEvelyn Lborn about 1930
IrbyGeorge born about 1865
IrbyGeorge Eborn about 1882
IrbyGilman born about 1885
IrbyHarry born about 1902
IrbyHenry born about 1925
IrbyHester born about 1909
IrbyIda born about 1897
IrbyImla born about 1875
IrbyJames born about 1922
IrbyJames born about 1930
IrbyJean born about 1938
IrbyJennie born about 1886
IrbyJessie born about 1919
IrbyJoan born about 1934
IrbyJohn born about 1899
IrbyJohn Cborn about 1918
IrbyJohn Fborn about 1928
IrbyJosie born about 1905
IrbyKatherine born about 1918
IrbyLawrence born about 1922
IrbyMargaret born about 1927
IrbyMattie Hborn about 1870
IrbyMorris born about 1894
IrbyNannie born about 1905
IrbyNorman born about 1900
IrbyPlumcher born about 1893
IrbyRobert born about 1858
IrbyRussell born about 1918
IrbySallie born about 1926
IrbyThomas born about 1920
IrbyThomas Hborn about 1890
IrbyTom born about 1913
IrbyWilliam Maeborn about 1939
IrbyWillie born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonBessie born about 1875
JacksonC Hamiltonborn about 1876
JacksonJames Henryborn about 1872
JacksonMary born about 1887
JanschAlice born about 1891
JanschCharlie Rborn about 1918
JanschHerman born about 1891
JanschKora Jborn about 1897
JanschMargaret born about 1929
JanschMary born about 1923
JanschPaul born about 1896
JanschWarren born about 1912
JeffresLoreberta born about 1909
JeffresWilhemia born about 1928
JeffresWilliam born about 1901
JenkinsJ Mborn about 1902
JenkinsJordon Jr born about 1938
JenkinsNancy Gborn about 1908
JohnsonAustin born about 1916
JohnsonB Fborn about 1919
JohnsonBaxter born about 1872
JohnsonBruce born about 1939
JohnsonCalvin born about 1925
JohnsonEdwina born about 1937
JohnsonLavena Aborn about 1885
JohnsonP A Mborn about 1880
JohnsonRoberta born about 1915
JohnsonStanley born about 1915
JohnsonVirginia born about 1923
JonesAlbert born about 1865
JonesAnnie born about 1917
JonesAnnie born about 1935
JonesAnnie Mborn about 1922
JonesArcher born about 1938
JonesBeatrice born about 1923
JonesBen Sborn about 1868
JonesBerkley Lborn about 1930
JonesCarrie born about 1892
JonesCarrie born about 1893
JonesCharles Hardyborn about 1882
JonesCharles Wborn about 1901
JonesCharlie born about 1888
JonesClara born about 1926
JonesClarence born about 1873
JonesClyde born about 1930
JonesCordelia born about 1910
JonesEddie born about 1877
JonesEmma born about 1875
JonesEmmett born about 1931
JonesErcell born about 1917
JonesErnise born about 1922
JonesEsther born about 1940
JonesEthel born about 1918
JonesEtton born about 1924
JonesEverett born about 1905
JonesGarland born about 1916
JonesGeorge Iborn about 1939
JonesGraves born about 1937
JonesHanrietta born about 1926
JonesHarriett born about 1937
JonesHenry born about 1863
JonesHenry born about 1891
JonesHenry born about 1924
JonesIdela born about 1911
JonesIrene born about 1922
JonesJacquline born about 1902
JonesJames born about 1930
JonesJames born about 1932
JonesJoe born about 1871
JonesJohn born about 1895
JonesJohn Aborn about 1873
JonesJohn Rborn about 1926
JonesJunius born about 1924
JonesLaura born about 1893
JonesLee Eborn about 1914
JonesLillian born about 1934
JonesLlewellyn born about 1907
JonesLorenza born about 1916
JonesLucile born about 1919
JonesMable born about 1919
JonesMaggie born about 1932
JonesMary born about 1896
JonesMary born about 1934
JonesMattie born about 1888
JonesMaud born about 1884
JonesMay born about 1940
JonesNannie born about 1934
JonesNarcissus born about 1908
JonesNellie Maeborn about 1939
JonesQueen born about 1928
JonesRachal Jborn about 1934
JonesRichard born about 1873
JonesRichard born about 1926
JonesRichard born about 1928
JonesRichard Bborn about 1937
JonesRobert born about 1891
JonesRobert born about 1939
JonesRobert Lborn about 1931
JonesRobert Sborn about 1908
JonesRosa born about 1879
JonesRosa born about 1927
JonesRoscoe born about 1930
JonesRoy Lborn about 1936
JonesRussel born about 1917
JonesRussell born about 1939
JonesSallie born about 1889
JonesStanley born about 1909
JonesStella born about 1875
JonesThomas born about 1910
JonesViolet born about 1888
JonesVirginia born about 1930
JonesVirginia born about 1939
JonesWillie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KendrickCharlie born about 1905
KendrickEdmond born about 1930
KendrickEffie born about 1908
KendrickLouise born about 1931
KendrickRonald born about 1939
KennedyMax Jr born about 1933
KimballCharles born about 1930
KimballEdward born about 1920
KimballJames born about 1890
KimballMaybyro born about 1892
KimballMeldon born about 1927
KirkAnnie Ruthborn about 1931
KirkEugena born about 1927
KirkHinda born about 1890
KirkJ Bborn about 1862
KirkJohn Rborn about 1923
KirkL Bborn about 1872
KirkMrs Belle born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LafoonGeorge born about 1902
LafoonLeonard born about 1907
LafoonWalter born about 1876
LambertAlice born about 1932
LambertAtline born about 1908
LambertBetsy born about 1933
LambertCharles born about 1901
LambertCharlie born about 1931
LambertJames Lborn about 1928
LambertJoseph born about 1939
LambertJunius born about 1930
LambertMary born about 1930
LambertPaul born about 1934
LambertThomas Hborn about 1855
LanierEmma born about 1913
LanierEvelyn born about 1939
LanierGeorge born about 1907
LanierHazel Bborn about 1936
LanierJames born about 1917
LanierOdell born about 1910
LanierSallie born about 1905
LanierSidney born about 1912
LanierSidney Jr born about 1937
LanierSolomon born about 1871
LanierSusie Lborn about 1940
LanierWilliam born about 1917
LassiterAnnie born about 1895
LasterEdward born about 1924
LasterFreddie born about 1897
LasterJunius born about 1926
LasterSuzie born about 1904
LasterSuzie born about 1931
LasterTame born about 1930
LasterWilford Lborn about 1929
LavyCocolough born about 1894
LavyElise born about 1924
LavyJohn Dborn about 1925
LavyJoseph Leeborn about 1935
LavyMillie born about 1898
LavyMillie born about 1939
LavyRichard born about 1929
LavyRuth born about 1927
LavyVirginia born about 1930
LaysonAnnette born about 1938
LaysonAnnie Hborn about 1882
LaysonDorothy Lborn about 1916
LaysonLewis Bborn about 1915
LaysonLewis B Jrborn about 1937
LaysonMaryland born about 1939
LeeAlice born about 1927
LeeBertha Eborn about 1939
LeeCharlie Mborn about 1932
LeeCharline born about 1935
LeeDuglas born about 1900
LeeEdward Lborn about 1933
LeeElenor born about 1901
LeeFrances born about 1928
LeeFrank born about 1922
LeeGarland born about 1909
LeeJohn Eborn about 1939
LeeLaura born about 1916
LeeMeredith Frborn about 1934
LeeNora Bborn about 1928
LeeRobert born about 1921
LeeRobert born about 1936
LeeSid Dborn about 1934
LeeWillie Wborn about 1936
LeggeClay born about 1893
LeggeElizabeth born about 1921
LeggeJoe born about 1880
LeonardBernice born about 1928
LeonardBobe born about 1893
LeonardDorthy born about 1925
LeonardEd born about 1891
LeonardEdna born about 1931
LeonardEdward born about 1918
LeonardElizabeth born about 1927
LeonardFrancis born about 1930
LeonardGeorge born about 1923
LeonardIda born about 1900
LeonardMinnie born about 1898
LeonardUhel born about 1921
LesleyClara born about 1921
LesleyElwood born about 1913
LesleyLeroy born about 1925
LesleyMary born about 1894
LesleyTinky born about 1875
LesleyTinky Jr born about 1924
LesleyWilliam born about 1912
LesleyWillie born about 1927
LindseyNannie born about 1890
LindseyWillie born about 1896
LindsonEugene born about 1938
LintonTillie born about 1895
LoftisBobbie Lborn about 1937
LoftisDorethi born about 1915
LoftisDorothy born about 1933
LoftisElenor born about 1939
LoftisHerbert Cborn about 1928
LoftisIda Bborn about 1911
LoftisJames Hborn about 1935
LoftisJohn born about 1912
LoftisJohn Lborn about 1930
LoftisLouise Bborn about 1921
LoftisMary Aborn about 1933
LoftisRichard Hborn about 1903
LoftisWilliam born about 1937
LoveArthur born about
LoveBernice born about
LoveClarence born about
LoveFrances born about 1918
LoveGenette born about 1938
LoveGerome born about 1917
LoveMary Cborn about
LoveOllie Gborn about 1939
LowcksAlfreda born about 1933
LowcksEarl born about 1930
LowcksErnest born about 1927
LowcksGeorge born about 1906
LowcksIva born about 1908
LowcksJames born about 1923
LowcksPauline born about 1925
LowcksRuth born about 1936
LuckerClifton born about 1935
LuckerWoodrow born about 1934
LucyFlorence Eborn about 1940
LucyHazel Lborn about 1903
LucyHoward Hborn about 1936
LucyJessie Eborn about 1920
LucyRichard Fborn about 1907
LucyRichard Tborn about 1934
LucyWoodrow born about 1917
LucyWoodrow Jr born about 1939
LufterJohn Wborn about 1865
LufterMaggie born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddoxHerbert born about 1885
MaddoxRichard born about 1925
MadduxAdolphus born about 1894
MadduxAgnes born about 1923
MadduxArlene born about 1925
MadduxAsher born about 1936
MadduxBernice born about 1924
MadduxCatherine born about 1901
MadduxCharles born about 1916
MadduxCleveland born about 1933
MadduxCorley born about 1900
MadduxDorothy Mborn about 1933
MadduxEarnest born about 1909
MadduxEugene born about 1936
MadduxEva born about 1927
MadduxFrank born about 1890
MadduxGladys born about 1924
MadduxHenrietta born about 1917
MadduxHerbert born about 1932
MadduxHerbert Mborn about 1939
MadduxHorace born about 1920
MadduxJohn born about 1922
MadduxJohn born about 1930
MadduxJohn Wborn about 1938
MadduxLawrence Cborn about 1939
MadduxLena born about 1878
MadduxLeola born about 1869
MadduxLeon born about 1901
MadduxLewis born about 1922
MadduxLizzie born about 1890
MadduxLuther born about 1896
MadduxLuther Jr born about 1919
MadduxMabel born about 1921
MadduxMae Jonesborn about 1930
MadduxMary born about 1890
MadduxMason born about 1877
MadduxMildred born about 1919
MadduxNick born about 1887
MadduxOllie born about 1913
MadduxPreston born about 1910
MadduxRobert born about 1925
MadduxRobert born about 1933
MadduxRosa born about 1865
MadduxRosa born about 1884
MadduxSam Hborn about 1930
MadduxSamuel born about 1917
MadduxSpencer born about 1877
MadduxTom born about 1917
MadduxWalter born about 1884
MadduxWilliam born about 1892
MaloneAlgie born about 1937
MaloneDorothy Annborn about 1939
MaloneEdward born about 1934
MaloneLouis born about 1912
MaloneMarie born about 1916
MaloneNorman born about 1914
MarableJethro born about 1915
MarablePricie born about 1917
MarshallBertha born about 1844
MarshallBilly born about 1917
MarshallElizabeth born about 1930
MarshallEthel born about 1936
MarshallFreddie born about 1901
MarshallGeneva born about 1911
MarshallGeorge born about 1909
MarshallMary born about 1928
MarshallVirginia born about 1932
MasonChambers born about 1940
MasonEdward born about 1904
MasonLucy born about 1918
MasonMarie born about 1895
MatthewsC Bborn about 1875
MatthewsDonald born about 1930
MatthewsLillian born about 1875
MayAnne Eborn about 1939
MayDora born about 1922
MayJames Eborn about 1917
MaysCarry born about 1905
MaysHoward born about 1928
MaysWillie born about 1887
MaysWillie born about 1923
MaytonAllie born about 1911
MaytonBarbara born about 1937
MaytonBernie born about 1913
MaytonBessie born about 1914
MaytonBuck born about 1916
MaytonChristine born about 1939
MaytonEarl born about 1935
MaytonEdward born about 1911
MaytonEstelle born about 1938
MaytonHenry born about 1936
MaytonJames born about 1929
MaytonJoe Aborn about 1926
MaytonJoseph Nborn about 1925
MaytonLucille born about 1936
MaytonLucy born about 1868
MaytonMargaret born about 1919
MaytonMary born about 1918
MaytonRobert born about 1909
MaytonRobert Jr born about 1932
MaytonSarah Gborn about 1930
MaytonShirley born about 1935
McClellanAustin born about 1926
McClellanJack born about 1919
McClellanJimmie born about 1929
MellsCornelia born about 1920
MellsRobert born about 1915
MellsRobert Mborn about 1939
MerrimanJohn Lborn about 1894
MerrimanProzalia born about 1900
MillesLouise born about 1897
MooreAddie Lborn about 1888
MooreBerkley born about 1901
MooreBeulah born about 1895
MooreBlanche born about 1896
MooreC Gborn about 1876
MooreDoris Eborn about 1923
MooreEdith Mborn about 1929
MooreElla Jborn about 1860
MooreGeorge Eborn about 1896
MooreGeorge Wborn about 1885
MooreGlennis born about 1926
MooreH Mborn about 1889
MooreHarold born about 1932
MooreIrvy born about 1929
MooreJeff born about 1891
MooreKatherine born about 1920
MooreLillian born about 1909
MooreLouise born about 1905
MooreMadoline born about 1926
MooreMaggie Bborn about 1884
MooreMargery born about 1926
MooreNathaniel born about 1901
MooreNathaniel Wborn about 1931
MooreRoland Mborn about 1915
MooreSuzie born about 1923
MooreVirgie born about 1901
MoorfieldA Jborn about 1899
MoorfieldAlva born about 1920
MoorfieldBessie born about 1900
MoorfieldCharles born about 1924
MoorfieldEdith born about 1928
MoorfieldEstell born about 1922
MoorfieldHerman born about 1936
MoorfieldInez born about 1924
MoorfieldJames born about 1931
MoorfieldLucy born about 1926
MoorfieldLuther born about 1932
MoorfieldLuther Jborn about 1897
MoorfieldMary born about 1893
MoorfieldNancy born about 1930
MorganAnna born about 1875
MorganBurgers born about 1933
MorganCharlie born about 1937
MorganClara born about 1910
MorganDennis born about 1915
MorganEarnest born about 1920
MorganFannie born about 1908
MorganGeorge born about 1939
MorganHenry born about 1934
MorganJohn born about 1898
MorganLaura born about 1870
MorganLucy Aborn about 1928
MorganMary born about 1919
MorganPierpont born about 1907
MorganSamuel born about 1901
MorganSamuel born about 1935
MorganWilliam born about 1929
MosesLelia Mborn about 1887
MosesLewis Hborn about 1906
MosesWillie Lborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeblettEmily born about 1866
NebletteMac born about 1904
NebletteMary born about 1912
NelsonClaudia born about 1936
NelsonClaudie born about 1907
NelsonEarl born about 1939
NelsonEva born about 1934
NelsonWillie born about 1900
NelsonWyly born about 1929
NolleyMrs N Willieborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesAlma Lborn about 1922
OakesEsser Tborn about 1894
OakesGrovine born about 1927
OakesHarold Kborn about 1925
OakesM Elsieborn about 1923
OakesOrpha L Jrborn about 1920
OakesOrpha Tborn about 1887
OakesWilliam Lborn about 1921
OakleyEdward born about 1917
OakleyJeannettie born about 1876
OakleyRay born about 1907
OdeanJ Wborn about 1917
OdeanLouise born about 1922
OgbornAnna born about
OgbornCharles born about
OgbornJack born about
OgbornWesley born about
OrganGeorge born about 1883
OrganLucy Maeborn about 1923
OrganLucy Nborn about 1887
OverbyEmily born about 1932
OverbyFrances born about
OverbyGanne born about 1904
OverbyHorace born about 1904
OverbyLucile born about 1937
OverbyMary Aborn about 1927
OverleyClarence born about 1890
OverleyLucile born about 1898
OverlyFanny born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerCharlie born about 1920
ParrishBernard born about 1930
ParrishCatherine born about 1881
ParrishE Sborn about 1908
ParrishElsie born about 1935
ParrishI Bborn about 1905
ParrishJames born about 1932
ParrishJoe Cborn about 1908
ParrishJohn Eborn about 1917
ParrishM Sborn about 1867
ParrishMartha Aborn about 1920
ParrishMyrtle born about 1910
ParrishNettie Leeborn about 1940
ParrishPauline born about 1917
ParrishR Lborn about 1902
ParrishWashington Bborn about 1862
ParrishWayne Jborn about 1939
ParrishWillie Eborn about 1895
ParsonElizabeth born about 1925
ParsonElmer Rborn about 1921
PattersonLucy born about 1880
PaulettJeff born about 1865
PeareMinnie Bellborn about 1880
PeareRose Bborn about 1933
PeareSquire Hborn about 1860
PeaseNannie born about 1871
PeaseRebecca born about 1883
PerryCharlie born about 1922
PhilipsDorothy born about 1918
PhilipsMadelene born about 1938
PhilipsMarshall born about 1912
PhilipsPolly born about 1940
PhillipsAlma born about 1924
PhillipsBernard born about 1928
PhillipsBessie born about 1918
PhillipsCary born about 1916
PhillipsEdward born about 1916
PhillipsEthel born about 1925
PhillipsGordon born about 1935
PhillipsJames Wborn about 1891
PhillipsJordon born about 1882
PhillipsLelia born about 1892
PhillipsLewis born about 1930
PhillipsLilly born about 1921
PhillipsMabel born about 1927
PhillipsMattie Aborn about 1937
PhillipsPattie Sueborn about 1930
PhillipsRobert born about 1928
PhillipsSallie Vborn about 1894
PhillipsThelma born about 1939
PhillipsWaverly born about 1934
PierecyEmma Jborn about 1861
PortellGrace born about 1912
PortellJames born about 1909
PortellJames born about 1930
PortellRosa Mborn about 1928
PowellKathleen born about 1927
PowellLilly Fborn about 1907
PowellW Edwardborn about 1908
PowersAlmeda born about 1906
PowersIlson Aborn about 1930
PowersLynn Tborn about 1903
PowersShirley born about 1936
PowersTom born about 1925
PryorIrby born about 1925
PryorJames Eborn about 1929
PryorLucile born about 1921
PryorLucy born about 1900
PryorLuellen born about 1894
PryorNellie Aborn about 1923
PryorRobert born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuilerLucy born about 1885

R Surnames

RagsdaleAmelia born about 1926
RagsdaleAnne Pborn about 1913
RagsdaleAnnie Eborn about 1919
RagsdaleCharles born about 1913
RagsdaleCordelia born about 1918
RagsdaleElsie born about 1922
RagsdaleKatherine born about 1916
RagsdaleMary Aborn about 1889
RagsdaleNorman born about 1886
RagsdaleNorman Jr born about 1929
RagsdaleRobert Mborn about 1938
RagsdaleThomas born about 1912
RagsdaleWalker born about 1936
RagsdaleWanda Leeborn about 1938
RagsdaleWilliam born about 1924
RaineyBernice born about 1923
RainyCharles born about 1926
RainyLula Mborn about 1927
RashAvery born about 1929
RashDavid born about 1878
RashErnest born about 1902
RashRuth Hborn about 1907
RayneyOtis born about 1920
RaysterAnnie Bborn about 1880
RaysterEdward Pborn about 1924
RaysterGeorge born about 1928
RaysterMargaret born about 1927
RaysterRobert born about 1938
ReavisArlene born about 1928
ReavisBessie born about 1927
ReavisCharles born about 1924
ReavisClaude born about 1902
ReavisFred Leeborn about 1920
ReavisFreddie born about 1921
ReavisJunius born about 1878
ReavisNannie born about 1874
ReavisSue Lborn about 1890
ReavisWaddell born about 1929
ReavisWayman born about 1926
ReavisWilliam born about 1874
ReeceAdell born about 1931
ReecePearl born about 1926
ReeceRosa born about 1929
ReeseAda Pborn about 1923
ReeseAlice born about 1922
ReeseAlvin born about 1913
ReeseAnnie Pborn about 1924
ReeseBecola born about 1927
ReeseCarlin born about 1934
ReeseEdna born about 1935
ReeseHenry born about 1917
ReeseJames born about 1895
ReeseJames Jr born about 1938
ReeseJoseph born about 1921
ReeseLizabeth born about 1935
ReeseLoraine born about 1931
ReeseLouise born about 1933
ReeseMary born about 1909
ReeseMillie born about 1929
ReeseOtis born about 1939
ReesePeggy born about 1939
ReeseRobert born about 1937
ReeseRosa born about 1886
ReeseRuby born about 1929
ReeseSusie born about 1914
ReeseThomas born about 1929
ReeseVirginia born about 1927
ReeseWesley born about 1895
ReeseWilliam born about 1929
ReydieEva born about 1876
RhoadsBeatrice born about 1901
RhoadsD Lenwardborn about 1919
RhoadsDavid born about 1919
RhoadsDyzie born about 1894
RhoadsHenry born about 1916
RhoadsHenry born about 1920
RhoadsJasper born about 1915
RhoadsJohn born about 1923
RhoadsLewis born about 1926
RhoadsLuther born about 1888
RhoadsMary Ettaborn about 1925
RhoadsRuth born about 1924
RhoadsSamuel born about 1921
RickersCharles born about 1937
RickersEmma born about 1905
RickersLouis Cborn about 1902
RickersMayme born about 1878
RickersViolet born about 1914
RicksBertha born about 1925
RishCleo born about 1936
RishJames born about 1921
RishMary born about 1917
RishShirley Tborn about 1938
RobertsonAmerica born about 1861
RobertsonJim born about 1911
RobertsonJudith born about 1892
RobertsonLoretta born about 1900
RobertsonRosa born about 1919
RoysterBetty born about 1932
RoysterDorothy born about 1923
RoysterElfton born about 1925
RoysterGlady born about 1894
RoysterMargaret Bborn about 1899
RoysterReginald born about 1928
RoysterSusan born about 1940
RusselAnnie born about 1893
RusselHazel born about 1923
RusselWilliam born about 1883
RutledgeRobert born about 1903
RutledgeRosa born about 1874
RutledgeWalter born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SappArline born about 1939
SaundersBetty Jeanborn about 1939
SaundersClyde born about 1897
SaundersEmily born about 1938
SaundersMarian born about 1932
SaundersMary born about 1911
SaundersPeggy born about 1935
SaundersPercy Aborn about 1905
SaundersR Carterborn about 1854
SaundersRuth Gborn about 1910
SchulthorpeBessie born about 1907
SchulthorpeJiles Mborn about 1907
SearsEddie born about 1937
SearsJessie born about 1930
SearsJoseph born about 1917
SearsNellie born about 1919
SearsWilliam Hborn about 1935
SeayEvelyn Lauraborn about 1933
SeayGeorge born about 1911
SeayGeorge Jr born about 1931
SeayGeraldine born about 1938
SeayJane born about 1913
SeayJulian Rborn about 1938
SeayLouisa born about 1861
SeayLucy born about 1939
SeaySallie born about 1903
SeaySidney born about 1936
SeayWillie born about 1892
SeldonHoward born about 1921
SeldonMarshall born about 1918
SeldonRuth born about 1900
SeldonW Howardborn about 1897
SewardJames Sborn about 1848
SewardLouise born about 1884
ShearinEmma Dborn about 1900
ShearinF Eborn about 1905
ShellBen born about 1885
SheltonArthur Sborn about 1931
SheltonClyde Sborn about 1923
SheltonDaisy born about 1893
SheltonDaisy Cborn about 1937
SheltonEdna born about 1924
SheltonEdward Tborn about 1920
SheltonJames Eborn about 1928
SheltonMargery Aborn about 1939
SheltonRobert born about 1891
SheltonRuby born about 1921
SheltonThelma born about 1935
SiddonsEarl born about 1933
SiddonsMary Etherborn about 1930
SimmonsDelia born about 1878
SimmonsWalter born about 1880
SkinnerElsie born about 1901
SkinnerGlennie born about 1902
SkinnerJ Sborn about 1875
SkinnerRosa born about 1867
SkinnerShirley born about 1927
SlaplesElla born about 1892
SlaplesGeorge born about 1925
SlaplesWilliam born about 1883
SlaughterGladys born about 1910
SlaughterJoan born about 1930
SlaughterPeggy born about 1935
SlaughterRichard born about 1904
SmithAlice born about 1929
SmithAnnie Ruthborn about 1924
SmithBlanche born about 1928
SmithCary born about 1919
SmithCharles Jamesborn about 1923
SmithCharles Mborn about 1894
SmithCostelle born about 1934
SmithEleanor born about 1936
SmithElizabeth born about 1898
SmithElizabeth born about 1925
SmithElsie born about 1924
SmithFlorence born about 1930
SmithFrances born about 1936
SmithGertrude born about 1935
SmithGladys born about 1932
SmithGracy born about 1924
SmithHarry born about 1922
SmithHaynie born about 1930
SmithHaynie born about 1934
SmithInez born about 1931
SmithJames born about 1927
SmithJohn Rborn about 1920
SmithLaura Mborn about 1935
SmithLevy born about 1870
SmithLottie born about 1896
SmithLouise born about 1919
SmithMandy born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1891
SmithMary born about 1922
SmithMilton born about 1927
SmithMilton born about 1940
SmithNat Tborn about 1937
SmithNellie born about 1926
SmithRay born about 1915
SmithRaymond born about 1923
SmithRichard born about 1894
SmithRobert born about 1924
SmithRobert born about 1925
SmithSallie born about 1902
SmithSallie born about 1939
SmithSam born about 1896
SmithSidney born about 1915
SmithSue born about 1894
SmithThomas born about 1920
SmithWalter born about 1919
SmithWilliam born about 1925
SmithWillie born about 1894
SmithWillie born about 1924
SmithsonEugene born about 1869
SnowdenDr Milton born about 1879
SnowdenJennie Mborn about 1928
SnowdenLarence born about 1924
SnowdenMarie born about 1930
SnowdenMary Jborn about 1887
SnowdenNorthorp born about 1922
SpencerEdward born about 1873
SpencerEleanor Bborn about 1939
SpencerEmma Lborn about 1938
SpencerHarette born about 1919
SpencerJames Eborn about 1937
SpinellHelen born about 1913
SpinellScott Eborn about 1909
SpringsJames born about 1925
SpringsRobert Lborn about 1930
SpringsVirginia born about 1927
SpruiellCarrol Rborn about 1897
SpruiellCarroll R Njrborn about 1919
SpruiellDorothy Maeborn about 1921
SpruiellHattie Bborn about 1898
SpruiellHugh Worthborn about 1928
SpruiellJohn Wborn about 1924
SpruiellWilliam Eborn about 1925
StanselBetty Joyceborn about 1937
StanselGloria Annborn about 1938
StewartArthur Rborn about 1940
StewartJames Cborn about 1932
StewartRebecca born about 1914
StithBlanche born about 1894
StithElizabeth born about 1922
StithFrank born about 1890
StithLucille born about 1923
StithMaria born about 1934
StithNancy born about 1930
StithNathan born about 1917
StithNathaniel born about 1915
StithRebecca born about 1924
StithWillie born about 1921
StokerAgnes born about 1926
StokerFannie Pborn about 1889
StokerGarland born about 1883
StokerGarland Jr born about 1930
StokerJames born about 1933
StokerJudith born about 1939
StokerKatherine born about 1923
StokerRichard born about 1912
StokerSallie Jborn about 1893
StokerWarren born about 1920
StokesBettie born about 1930
StokesDavid born about 1884
StokesEdward born about 1938
StokesIrby born about 1871
StokesJohn born about 1928
StokesLilly born about 1884
StokesMartha born about 1903
StokesMorris born about 1927
StokesTerry born about 1860
StroudAgnes born about 1919
StroudBettie born about 1939
StroudJames Aborn about 1938
StroudLeon born about 1917
StuartEdna born about 1934
StuartEugene born about 1911
StuartFranklin born about 1939
StuartLillian born about 1912
StuartNorell born about 1909
StuartOctavia born about 1925
StuartPurnie born about 1921
StuartRebecca born about 1890
StuartSam born about 1880
StuartWinn born about 1922
SullivanCharlie born about 1910
SwankGeorge Dborn about 1908
SwankJane Aborn about 1938
SwankLois born about 1936
SwankMargarete born about 1913
SwankVirginia born about 1934
SydnorCarl born about 1939
SydnorDaisy born about 1910
SydnorEdward born about 1936
SydnorJuhan born about 1913
SydnorP Wborn about 1860
SydnorWilliam born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabonAnnie Rborn about 1921
TabonDolph born about 1919
TabonElia born about 1877
TabonTom born about 1860
TahneJames Eborn about 1919
TaylorAnnie Oborn about 1899
TaylorBettie born about 1880
TaylorCarl Jr born about 1939
TaylorEarl born about 1907
TaylorFannie born about 1896
TaylorFanny born about 1889
TaylorJames born about 1882
TaylorLucille born about 1927
TaylorMargaret born about 1911
TaylorMary Sborn about 1868
TaylorMaude born about 1910
TaylorRobert born about 1883
TaylorWilliam born about 1873
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1885
ThomasAlbert born about 1910
ThomasAlice Kborn about 1931
ThomasCharlie Wborn about 1932
ThomasElizabeth born about 1938
ThomasGeorge born about 1890
ThomasLorette Hborn about 1914
ThomasMabel born about 1900
ThomasNancy Mborn about 1935
ThomasRobert Hborn about 1916
ThomasTheodore born about 1931
ThompsonBettie born about 1935
ThompsonHelen born about 1921
ThompsonJohn Aborn about 1926
ThompsonNora born about 1890
ThompsonNorman Jr born about 1924
ThompsonRobert Nborn about 1879
TisdaleAnnie Mborn about 1899
TisdaleBarbara born about 1934
TisdaleBascom born about 1903
TisdaleBennie Aborn about 1932
TisdaleDora Lborn about 1939
TisdaleFrank born about 1930
TisdaleFred born about 1902
TisdaleFred Jr born about 1926
TisdaleGloria born about 1936
TisdaleHettie Rborn about 1929
TisdaleJohn Bborn about 1930
TisdaleLena born about 1905
TisdaleLucile born about 1924
TisdaleMargaret born about 1926
TisdaleNellie born about 1909
TisdalePurena Leeborn about 1928
TisdaleSusie born about 1925
TisdaleTheodore born about 1937
TisdaleWilliam born about 1900
TisdaleWilliam Jr born about 1926
ToddEugene born about 1903
ToddRobert Leeborn about 1917
ToddTom Hborn about 1874
TomlinsonClyde born about 1918
TomlinsonEdward born about 1932
TomlinsonHazel born about 1927
TomlinsonMack born about 1935
TomlinsonMeredith born about 1916
TomlinsonMildred born about 1924
TomlinsonRuth born about 1893
TomlinsonRuth born about 1920
TomlinsonVivian born about 1922
TomlinsonW Dborn about 1886
TompsonBarbara born about 1936
TompsonCatherine born about 1917
TompsonElvan Cborn about 1940
TompsonJames born about 1913
TompsonJames Rborn about 1938
TompsonMable born about 1880
TompsonRobert born about 1866
TorkesEmma Ruthborn about 1934
TorkesRobert born about 1927
TorkesSallie Wborn about 1895
TorkesWalter Gborn about 1884
TownsendDavid born about 1926
TownsendEvelyn born about 1915
TownsendLawrence born about 1919
TownsendLottie born about 1896
TownsendOtis born about 1920
TowsendI Jborn about 1890
TratterJoe born about 1876
TratterPattie born about 1879
TurnerArlene born about 1918
TurnerBertha born about 1886
TurnerGeorge born about 1926
TurnerHarold born about 1924
TurnerJames Eborn about 1885
TurnerMeridith born about 1929
TurnerWayne born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannersPercy born about 1904
VannessCharles born about 1875
VannessCharles born about 1898
VannessElmer born about 1922
VannessLida Jborn about 1877
VannessVirginia born about 1919
VaughanElmo born about 1926

W Surnames

WalkerAnna born about 1900
WallaceBoyce born about 1939
WallaceCharlotte Pborn about 1936
WallaceClaud Mborn about 1925
WallaceEarnest born about 1900
WallaceElizabeth born about 1908
WallaceEula born about 1915
WallaceEunice born about 1929
WallaceGerald Aborn about 1932
WallaceHilda born about 1922
WallaceHugh Gborn about 1929
WallaceIsham Jborn about 1900
WallaceJ Morganborn about 1898
WallaceJames Cborn about 1888
WallaceJunius born about 1910
WallaceLaverna born about 1924
WallaceLeks born about 1869
WallaceMarguerite born about 1925
WallaceMary Eborn about 1923
WallaceMillan born about 1909
WallaceRuth Cborn about 1930
WallaceSerena born about 1896
WallaceThelma born about 1923
WallaceVirgie born about 1891
WallaceWilliam Jborn about 1918
WalterCharlie born about 1865
WaltonEllis born about 1935
WaltonEsther born about 1932
WaltonJoe born about 1926
WaltonJohn born about 1933
WaltonLucy born about 1929
WaltonMary born about 1925
WaltonPollie born about 1930
WaltonRalph born about 1924
WaltonRobert Hborn about 1923
WatkinsEva born about 1890
WatkinsMitter born about 1884
WatkinsS Aborn about 1877
WatkinsWinston born about 1916
WellArnie born about 1917
WellLouise born about 1920
WestRosa Bborn about 1910
WestWilber born about 1898
WhiteCalvester born about 1903
WhiteElizabeth born about 1931
WhiteEstell born about 1905
WhiteEthel born about 1927
WhiteEthel Leeborn about 1933
WhiteJohn born about 1938
WhiteLerenza born about 1939
WhiteLilly born about 1905
WhiteLucille born about 1932
WhiteNannie Wborn about 1930
WhitePauline born about 1935
WhitePercell born about 1936
WhiteSulivie born about 1924
WhiteSusie Cborn about 1938
WhiteThomas born about 1884
WhiteThomas Jborn about 1934
WilksA Sborn about 1908
WilksEdward born about 1906
WilksL Cborn about 1910
WilliamsAddie Aborn about 1914
WilliamsAlice born about 1937
WilliamsArcher born about 1893
WilliamsBaxter born about 1912
WilliamsBettie born about 1927
WilliamsCary born about 1926
WilliamsCurtis Rborn about 1935
WilliamsEdna born about 1884
WilliamsGeorge born about 1929
WilliamsHenry born about 1917
WilliamsHenry born about 1938
WilliamsJames born about 1935
WilliamsJames Rborn about 1926
WilliamsJane Aborn about 1917
WilliamsJoan born about 1914
WilliamsJosh born about 1901
WilliamsJunius born about 1919
WilliamsLlevelyn born about 1884
WilliamsLouise born about 1928
WilliamsLucille born about 1937
WilliamsLucy born about 1922
WilliamsMary born about 1927
WilliamsMattie born about 1918
WilliamsOllie Bborn about 1921
WilliamsOtis born about 1935
WilliamsPaul born about 1926
WilliamsPauline born about 1904
WilliamsPauline born about 1932
WilliamsPinkie born about 1902
WilliamsRezen born about 1934
WilliamsRichard born about 1922
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1931
WilliamsRobert Mborn about 1920
WilliamsRose born about 1895
WilliamsSelma born about 1933
WilliamsThomas born about 1891
WilliamsWavely born about 1932
WilliamsWilliam born about 1923
WilliamsWoodrow born about 1913
WingfieldBert born about 1900
WingfieldCarlton born about 1924
WingfieldCharlie born about 1924
WingfieldJames born about 1886
WingfieldJames Jr born about 1931
WingfieldLuther born about 1920
WingfieldWillie born about 1933
WingoldNettie Sborn about 1896
WinnAnnie born about 1906
WinnAthleen born about 1930
WinnBettie born about 1937
WinnCharles Wborn about 1939
WinnClaud born about 1920
WinnDoris born about 1936
WinnEdna born about 1885
WinnEdward born about 1928
WinnElliott born about 1905
WinnElliott Jr born about 1928
WinnFannie born about 1884
WinnFrances born about 1934
WinnFrances Mborn about 1930
WinnGeorge Eborn about 1902
WinnGeorge Eborn about 1933
WinnHattie Sueborn about 1915
WinnHazel Eborn about 1931
WinnJiles Aborn about 1940
WinnLouisa born about 1924
WinnMarie born about 1894
WinnMary Eborn about 1939
WinnMattie Sborn about 1911
WinnNannie born about 1908
WinnNorman Eborn about 1879
WinnOtelia born about 1926
WinnOtis born about 1922
WinnPeter Bborn about 1880
WinnRay born about 1934
WinnRobert born about 1904
WinnRosyle born about 1936
WinnSavannah born about 1938
WinnTony born about 1907
WoodCordelia born about 1930
WoodHattie born about 1891
WoodJames Eborn about 1882
WoodsonWillie born about 1923
WrennBeulah born about 1925
WrennBuford born about 1923
WrennClyde born about 1925
WrennElizabeth born about 1931
WrennGeorge Wborn about 1886
WrennGeorge Jr born about 1932
WrennJoseph born about 1919
WrennSophie born about 1895
WrightAnnie born about 1914
WrightMarie born about 1905
WrightRobert born about 1910
WyattAleene born about 1929
WyattBarbara Leeborn about 1938
WyattBeulah born about 1932
WyattElizabeth born about 1912
WyattRader Anneborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanseyWille born about 1921
YatesEula born about 1907
YatesFrank born about 1903
YatesFrank Jr born about 1935
YatesGracey born about 1932
YatesMarron born about 1930

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