1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cherry Dale, Arlington, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Arlington County > 1940 Census of Cherry Dale

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AckerknechtVivian Gborn about 1913
AckerknechtWm Eborn about 1912
AcoffGene born about 1920
AdamsClifford born about 1909
AdamsHarry Cborn about 1882
AdamsHelen born about 1913
AdamsMabel born about 1906
AdamsMary Cborn about 1885
AderJas Sborn about 1892
AderSallie born about 1896
AllenWm Hborn about 1918
AlleyLillie born about 1875
AndersonHelma born about 1900
AngellAllie born about 1910
AngellBertman born about 1910
AngellJno Vincentborn about 1937
ArnaudJos Lborn about 1895
ArnaudJoseph born about 1929
ArnaudMarie born about 1899
ArnaudMarjorie born about 1923
ArndtAlbert Gborn about 1902
ArndtBernard born about 1928
ArndtCatherine born about 1903
ArndtMargaret born about 1933
ArndtPauline born about 1935
ArndtRaymond born about 1931
ArndtThomas born about 1938
ArnetteLaurence born about 1910
ArnetteLillian born about 1908
ArnoldAnse Marieborn about 1928
ArnoldJames Tborn about 1862
ArnoldJos Tborn about 1916
ArnoldJus Tborn about 1916
ArnoldKatherine born about 1916
ArnoldKathrine born about 1916
ArnoldMary Eborn about 1913
ArnoldMary Lonborn about 1935
ArnoldMary Louborn about 1935
ArnoldOscar Aborn about 1894
ArnoldRobert Leeborn about 1922
ArnoldSibbie Aborn about 1890
ArnoldValboro born about 1891
AtkinsonElizabeth born about 1874
AtkinsonJos Fborn about 1870
AtkinsonR Ruthborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaldersonDonald born about 1926
BaldersonEffie born about 1903
BaldersonWm born about 1903
BarghansenElizabeth born about 1873
BarkleWm born about 1908
BarnesMrs May born about 1895
BarochChas Jborn about 1911
BarochGertrude Eborn about 1880
BarochJos Mborn about 1905
BarochJus Jborn about 1925
BarrAndrew born about 1929
BarrEdwina born about 1894
BarrEdwina born about 1921
BarrGeo born about 1891
BarrettColumbus Wborn about 1855
BartaamNell Dr born about 1882
BartlesC Aborn about 1880
BattieDale born about 1885
BaxterJack born about 1922
BaxterRobert born about 1927
BaxterSadie born about 1894
BeanGeorge born about 1913
BeanGussie Sborn about 1890
BeanJoan Loisborn about 1918
BeanJohn Edgborn about 1886
BeckCllara born about 1895
BehamAlbert born about 1881
BellAnne Cborn about 1912
BellJ Sborn about 1913
BellWm Hborn about 1903
BergAnna born about 1903
BergGreta born about 1923
BergKaare born about 1922
BergOlafe born about 1868
BernettCatherine born about 1914
BernettDonald born about 1908
BernettElise born about 1893
BernettMoris born about 1897
BernettMorris Jr born about 1929
BernettNorma Eborn about 1932
BerryMay Belleborn about 1929
BerryOlive Gborn about 1905
BertBillie Sueborn about 1934
BertPaul Davidborn about 1899
BertWonnie Cborn about 1899
BeylorAnna born about 1904
BickleyMargaret born about 1915
BickleyMilton born about 1911
BierleinClas Curtisborn about 1937
BierleinEdw born about 1913
BierleinMary born about 1918
BierleinWm Ednaborn about 1936
BillingsAnna born about 1876
BinnsBilly born about 1926
BinnsCharles born about 1928
BinnsHelen born about 1924
BinnsMarvin born about 1935
BinnsMary Jborn about 1897
BinnsWm Eborn about 1893
BirchAudrey born about 1918
BirchClara born about 1886
BirchE Hborn about 1887
BirchKaymrth born about 1914
BirchKenneth Cborn about 1938
BirchSylvia born about 1917
BischoffAbbie Hborn about 1884
BischoffChas Hborn about 1919
BischoffMan Louiseborn about 1924
BischoffPaul Cborn about 1879
BladenMargaret born about 1898
BladenRossie Tborn about 1901
BlumenacenRoby Edborn about 1910
BohorforeshA Gborn about 1903
BohorforeshAda Kborn about 1901
BohorforeshGeo Anthony Jrborn about 1930
BohorforeshWalter born about 1936
BorvenCpra born about 1917
BorvenGrace born about 1874
BorvenJ Cborn about 1866
BottClara Annaborn about 1891
BottErnest Wborn about 1884
BoylandAddie Mborn about 1893
BoylandChas Klrborn about 1893
BoylandGloria born about 1931
BoylandMildred born about 1925
BransonLorraine born about 1912
BransonMrs Nettoe born about 1886
BrawnerWilbur born about 1895
BreakeyDaisy Mborn about 1901
BreakeyHerbert Aborn about 1896
BrenerElizabeth born about 1921
BrenerLucile born about 1922
BrenerMarin born about 1893
BrenerRichard born about 1936
BrenerRobert born about 1924
BrenerThelen born about 1899
BrennanFrances Mborn about 1920
BrennanFrank Jborn about 1892
BrennanRobert born about 1922
BriggsMarjorie Bborn about 1917
BriggsWm Eborn about 1915
BrigmanClarence born about 1905
BrittDorris born about 1928
BrittMallusia born about 1908
BrittYates born about 1905
BrittenMary born about 1920
BroderickThomas Fborn about 1916
BrokoppJacqueline born about 1938
BrokoppRose Mborn about 1910
BrokoppWm Cborn about 1910
BrooksIna born about 1892
BroussardHenry born about 1903
BroussardMary born about 1910
BroussardSandra born about 1935
BrownAurelia Mayborn about 1915
BrownBarbara born about 1934
BrownBernice born about 1937
BrownBeth Majborn about 1932
BrownBrevard born about 1929
BrownClifton born about 1896
BrownClifton Jr born about 1922
BrownDorothy born about 1908
BrownDorothy Laneborn about 1928
BrownDova Mborn about 1877
BrownEdward born about 1928
BrownEllen born about 1896
BrownGeo Cborn about 1892
BrownGeo Jr born about 1924
BrownJno Edwinborn about 1926
BrownJno Gborn about 1879
BrownJohn born about 1917
BrownJohnny Coliveborn about 1904
BrownJuanita born about 1930
BrownJulia Pborn about 1882
BrownMary Mborn about 1909
BrownNell Bborn about 1899
BrownPhilip born about 1900
BrownRebecca born about 1934
BrownVernard born about 1880
BrownWm Herbertborn about 1902
BrugerClarence Wborn about 1880
BrugerMary Dborn about 1880
BryanCeia born about 1912
BryanHenry Eborn about 1903
BryanHenry E Jrborn about 1928
BryanHerbert Wborn about 1912
BryanJulia Cborn about 1904
BryanMary Hborn about 1934
BryanMildred born about 1886
BryanSamuel born about 1916
BucciElanor born about 1921
BucciErnest born about 1897
BucciMartha born about 1898
BunchEdna born about 1905
BurchardHelen Lborn about 1923
BurchardRuth Lborn about 1889
BurchardTenman Kborn about 1888
BurgeCatherine Wborn about 1927
BurgeClarence W Jrborn about 1899
BurgeMargaret born about 1899
BurgeMargaret Janeborn about 1930
BurkeAshly born about 1904
BurkeChas born about 1935
BurkeClara born about 1914
BurkeElizabeth Leaborn about 1933
BurlesonDorothy Pborn about 1912
BurlesonLee Fborn about 1909
BurnestonI Cborn about 1868
BurnestonMary Lborn about 1880
BurnettEula Leeborn about 1894
BurnettRay born about 1889
ButlerC Brookborn about 1894

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C Surnames

CalhounCarlyn Anneborn about 1937
CalhounImogene born about 1919
CampbellDavid Rborn about 1906
CampbellMargaret Anneborn about 1933
CampbellMargaret Hborn about 1909
CampbellMary Eliabethborn about 1937
CamplinAlfie Oborn about 1876
CamplinGertrude born about 1884
CanadaChas Cborn about 1908
CanadaChas N Infantborn about 1940
CanadaRuth Hborn about 1908
CaravasCemon born about 1889
CaravasGeo born about 1915
CardmellFrank Ednaborn about 1936
CardmellMack Aborn about 1894
CardmellMack Jr born about 1933
CardmellMaudena born about 1906
CardwellJus Thomasborn about 1939
CardwellRose Maryborn about 1938
CarhlaulleyDavis Maeborn about 1935
CarhlaulleyGladys Lowiseborn about 1927
CarhlaulleyKeen born about 1895
CarhlaulleyMrs Pearl born about 1895
CarrollGenevieve born about 1905
CarrollJames born about 1930
CarrollJohn born about 1934
CarrollJus born about 1906
CarrollRosa Maryborn about 1937
CarterGene born about 1938
CarterGolda Mayborn about 1937
CarterHenry born about 1930
CarterIno born about 1906
CarterJulia born about 1909
CarterWm born about 1928
CavainolaAlfred Rborn about 1915
CavainolaAlfred R Jrborn about 1939
CavainolaHelen Rborn about 1916
CaveChas born about 1917
CaveMildred born about 1922
CavinsMabel born about 1902
CharlesArbelia Maeborn about 1924
CharlesCarlton Cborn about 1885
CharlesMary Agnesborn about 1890
ChaseEdith Vborn about 1908
ChaseWalter Bborn about 1906
ChaseWalter Vincentborn about 1933
CheakstonEastman born about 1892
CheakstonVirginia born about 1902
ChenowethHarry Hborn about 1880
ChenowethMrs Nettie born about 1880
CigledyEmil born about 1905
CigledyMartin born about 1929
CigledyRichard born about 1928
CigledyRuth Ruiceborn about 1901
ClaibourneAnna born about 1921
ClarkEdith Mborn about 1887
ClarkEthelwyn born about 1927
ClarkIno Walterborn about 1911
ClarkJames Harryborn about 1882
ClarkJames Harry Jrborn about 1925
ClarkJin Walter Jrborn about 1940
ClarkJohn Owenborn about 1899
ClarkMadeline Mborn about 1923
ClarkMuriel born about 1902
ClarkVirginia Mborn about 1922
ClausBertha born about 1902
ClausHeim Eborn about 1889
ClememsCatherine born about 1909
ClemensWalter Wborn about 1910
ClennerNeva Vaborn about 1907
ClunchChristine Mborn about 1886
ClunchEdith born about 1883
CobbLizzie Gborn about 1870
CobbWm Mckinleyborn about 1867
CobrlyAlma born about 1923
CobrlyEdward born about 1927
CobrlyElizabeth born about 1902
CockerillCatherine born about 1928
CockerillFlorence Marieborn about 1921
CockerillLee born about 1920
CockerillLewis born about 1924
CockerillMelby Hborn about 1895
CockerillNellie born about 1895
CoffmanCleo Louisborn about 1913
CoffmanWm Aborn about 1900
ColeChas Sborn about 1929
ColeIno Sborn about 1903
ColeMarion Bborn about 1903
CollinsBertha born about 1899
CollinsJ Dborn about 1894
ComelyDorothy born about 1914
ComelyEarl born about 1913
ConnorJones Robertborn about 1891
ConnorLelia born about 1884
CookBettyene born about 1917
CookEthel Lborn about 1895
CookFred Hborn about 1885
CookGeo born about 1907
CookMartin Cborn about 1916
CookMrs Margaret born about 1890
CookR Kingsleyborn about 1905
CooksSarah Jborn about 1907
CopenhoverFlorence Elizborn about 1934
CopenhoverGlah Sborn about 1914
CopenhoverLyle born about 1915
CopenhoverPatricia Annborn about 1935
CorbinJames Bborn about 1915
CorbinThos born about 1889
CorbinVirgie born about 1902
CorblyHenry born about 1890
CostolowEllen born about 1867
CostolowJames born about 1875
CostolowRobert born about 1879
CouserDavid born about 1923
CouserJennie born about 1880
CouserRobt Hborn about 1879
CouserRobt Oborn about 1905
CouzzensBessie born about 1903
CouzzensLawrence born about 1900
CouzzensLester born about 1938
CouzzensLoretta Ireneborn about 1937
CouzzensMary Leeborn about 1932
CouzzensThos Marionborn about 1934
CozzensDorris born about 1921
CozzensFrances Tborn about 1909
CozzensJune born about 1932
CozzensLewis born about 1870
CozzensLillian born about 1913
CozzensMargaret born about 1916
CozzensMarion Aborn about 1907
CozzensMary born about 1879
CozzensPatricia born about 1934
CrachLellie born about 1890
CrachWalter Hborn about 1892
CrachWalter H Jrborn about 1923
CraneOwen born about 1910
CressmellEdg Bborn about 1894
CressmellHelen born about 1929
CressmellIvey Vborn about 1891
CriffenAndrew Lucileborn about 1918
CriffenCarole born about 1938
CrimJames A Jrborn about 1903
CrissmanAlice born about 1909
CrissmanWm born about 1907
CrittendenAnne born about 1888
CrittendenPercy Aborn about 1890
CrosonAnnie Hayesborn about 1877
CrosonEdna Makborn about 1915
CrosonMurray Aborn about 1912
CrosonWalter Edwborn about 1873
CrossAnna Vnborn about 1873
CrossAnne Eborn about 1913
CrossChas Fborn about 1871
CrossGladys Hborn about 1908
CrossMary Louiseborn about 1899
CrossRichard Fborn about 1930
CrossWm Laurenceborn about 1929
CrossWm Lawrenceborn about 1894
CrumpCharlotte born about 1932
CrumpChas Fborn about 1910
CrumpMargaret born about 1923
CullenHarris Irvingborn about 1914
CullenHarry Clbertborn about 1885
CullenInfant Barbara Ainneborn about 1939
CullenJoseph born about 1915
CullenPatricia Mayborn about 1938
CullenTheda Eborn about 1917
CullenVirginie Mayborn about 1894
CullerW Wborn about 1884
CullinsT Fborn about 1890
CumminghamEdith Mayborn about 1903
CumminghamEdith V Dborn about 1927
CumminghamJames born about 1894
CunninghamEdith born about 1903
CunninghamJ Francisborn about 1906
CunninghamLina Berniceborn about 1885
CunninghamMary Francesborn about 1918
CunninghamMrs Carrie born about 1872
CunninghamNancy Rborn about 1922
CunninghamPaul Bborn about 1878

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D Surnames

DagastinoBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
DagastinoClaire born about 1910
DagastinoJohn born about 1905
DagastinoJohn Jr born about 1934
DaleyCarter born about 1923
DaleyEthel born about 1906
DaleyHarry born about 1904
DaleyJames born about 1927
DaleyNora Leeborn about 1932
DaleySusan born about 1937
DaleyVan born about 1930
DaleyWallace born about 1925
DanielsWm born about 1891
DavisGrace born about 1905
DavisHarry born about 1905
DavisJos born about 1905
DawsonBernice born about 1920
DawsonGladys born about 1899
DawsonJames born about 1891
DawsonVirginia born about 1922
DelmarElvera born about 1913
DelmarTheodore born about 1912
DenbowNora Hborn about 1894
DenbowPerl Gborn about 1895
DickJeanette Oborn about 1910
DickRoy Bborn about 1909
DimisaMarie born about 1931
DimockMarshall born about 1904
DingledineRuby born about 1923
DonaldsonAttie born about 1916
DonaldsonBeda Eborn about 1876
DonaldsonChas born about 1934
DonaldsonFlorence Mborn about 1885
DonaldsonFrances Carrollborn about 1923
DonaldsonHarry Eborn about 1873
DonaldsonHenry born about 1916
DonaldsonIola born about 1883
DonaldsonLena born about 1909
DonaldsonMary Aborn about 1920
DonaldsonMary Anneborn about 1920
DonaldsonR Wilbertborn about 1882
DonaldsonWalter born about 1910
DonaldsonWalter Jr born about 1932
DonaldsonWilbert Eborn about 1915
DonaldsonWillis born about 1877
DoneArthur born about 1926
DoneFrancis born about 1915
DortbackChristine Mothleeborn about 1865
DortzbachCarrie Sianneborn about 1936
DortzbachJno Albertborn about 1932
DortzbachPaul born about 1939
DortzbachPete born about 1901
DortzbachSolveigh born about 1907
DouglasEdith born about 1901
DouglasGeo Sborn about 1896
DouglasGeo Jr born about 1927
DouglasonClara born about 1888
DouglasonHarry born about 1875
DuleyGilmore born about 1871
DunnDouglas Mborn about 1909
DunnFrances born about 1913
DuthieChas Lborn about 1922
DuthieGeo Aborn about 1884
DuthieRuth Lborn about 1888
DwyerRobt born about 1909
DyeElsie born about 1884
DyeGordon Bborn about 1883
DyerIno Cborn about 1861
DyerWm born about 1857

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E Surnames

EarnerDonald Kborn about 1935
EarnerEthel born about 1908
EarnerPat Josborn about 1908
EarnestChas born about 1933
EarnestOrellan Mrs born about 1911
EarnestPeter born about 1935
EdalbluteJoy born about 1928
EdelbluteEdith Yborn about 1909
EdelbluteHarvey born about 1907
EdmonstonEdie Wborn about 1897
EdmonstonHelen born about 1899
EdmonstonMiriam Louiseborn about 1923
EdmonstonRobert born about 1925
EdmonstonShirley born about 1927
ElarsPatricia Anneborn about 1915
EliottKatherine born about 1903
EllicottHelene born about 1900
EllicottJohn Rborn about 1901
ElliottKathryn born about 1903
ElliottPaul born about 1901
ElliottPaul H Jrborn about 1929
EllisCleffie born about 1910
EllisHorace born about 1908
EllisJ Dborn about 1913
EllisMabel born about 1907
EllisMary Lborn about 1872
ElmoreFrances born about 1940
ElmoreJoe born about 1926
EnthropHelen born about 1912
EnthropM Starrborn about 1907
ErnestGalt born about 1913
EubankAverie born about 1918
EubankFenton Jborn about 1891
EubankFenton J Jrborn about 1917
EubankMary Oborn about 1919
EubankMay Wborn about 1899

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F Surnames

FaralieePauline Lborn about 1927
FarbeePauline born about 1927
FarrellEdith born about 1922
FarrellGeo born about 1916
FarrellHarry Hborn about 1910
FarrellHelen Aborn about 1917
FarrowEleanor Maeborn about 1924
FarrowEmily born about 1917
FarrowHoward born about 1914
FarrowJames born about 1892
FarrowJames Thomasborn about 1918
FarrowJoyce Marieborn about 1932
FarrowPhilip born about 1940
FarrowRichard Grahamborn about 1929
FarrowRobert born about 1940
FarrowSallie born about 1893
FarrowSally Fullerborn about 1926
FearsonEmilie born about 1919
FearsonRay born about 1917
FeltmanRuth born about 1912
FesterLois Gborn about 1939
FesterRussell Aborn about 1903
FesterWinoma Kborn about 1912
FincolomRobert born about 1914
FitzhughLelia Nborn about 1876
FleminMrs Clarence born about 1880
FlenaEdith born about 1897
FlenaFrank born about 1896
FletcherJunelo born about 1861
FlunisHerman born about 1900
FoltzE Kborn about 1872
FoltzMarie Gborn about 1882
FosterAda born about 1895
FosterAnne born about 1925
FosterFlint born about 1923
FosterNancy Cborn about 1890
FosterRobt Leeborn about 1892
FosterRosabelle born about 1894
FoxElias born about 1904
FoxEstelle born about 1911
FoxMargaret Ellenborn about 1938
FoxMarie born about 1929
FoxMartin born about 1931
FoxMorris born about 1933
FrabeeEugene born about 1909
FrabeeEugene born about 1931
FrabeeIrene born about 1910
FrabeeJno Wmborn about 1923
FrabeeJohn born about 1932
FrabeeJohn Wborn about 1881
FrabeeLucia born about 1886
FrabeeLucia born about 1913
FrabeeMargarite born about 1937
FrabeeRegina born about 1905
FranklinMarguerite born about 1917
FranklinMartha born about 1899
FranklinMildred born about 1922
FranklinWm Jborn about 1890
FraserAudrey Geneborn about 1938
FraserDonald Hborn about 1907
FraserMargaret born about 1910
FrizzellBonnie born about 1897
FrizzellEdna born about 1923
FrizzellNancy Anneborn about 1934
FrizzellRachel born about 1927
FrizzellRose Maryborn about 1921
FrizzellWalter born about 1895
FullerMrs Mary born about 1907
FunderBeale born about 1923
FunderMargaret born about 1892
FurrMary born about 1910
FurrWm born about 1889
FurtnerChas born about 1910
FurtnerChas born about 1935
FurtnerGuy Bborn about 1885
FurtnerMargaret born about 1937
FurtnerMary born about 1911
FurtnerMary Aborn about 1892
FurtnerRalph born about 1934
FurtnerThomas born about 1938

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G Surnames

GaitherJno Lborn about 1883
GaitherMary Eborn about 1887
GalladayErvin born about 1911
GarbecHazel born about 1907
GarbecMinnie Mrs born about 1871
GardnerFrank Hborn about 1881
GardnerGardner Chester Wborn about 1921
GardnerMrs Lilly Hborn about 1879
GarrettSophia born about 1917
GattonChas born about 1915
GattonChas Herbertborn about 1935
GattonEdith born about 1916
GattonShara Anneborn about 1936
GeorgeIno Oscar Jrborn about 1922
GeorgeJno Oscar Jborn about 1922
GeorgeLucile born about 1900
GeorgeLucile Violaborn about 1926
GerkeBilly Nelsonborn about 1937
GerkeHarold born about 1911
GerkeMargaret born about 1915
GermanPollen born about 1919
GermanRalph Ed Jrborn about 1940
GermanRalph Eloisborn about 1914
GheenDorothy born about 1924
GheenWalter Fborn about 1916
GingellFrancis born about 1917
GoldleinElizabeth born about 1911
GoldleinLawrence born about 1908
GoodrickBejn W Jrborn about 1923
GoodrickBenj Wborn about 1888
GoodrickBlanche Lborn about 1892
GoodrickShirley Lborn about 1929
GordonChas Richardborn about 1914
GordonJohn P Jrborn about 1909
GordonSarah Gborn about 1883
GordonWm Gborn about 1915
GoreGiles born about 1910
GoreLillian born about 1912
GoreWayne born about 1938
GoucherEd M Pborn about 1892
GoucherIsabelle born about 1864
GoucherMarry Lborn about 1894
GoucherMary Dicksonborn about 1921
GreenCatherine born about 1912
GreenCol Gordanborn about 1890
GreenDonald Fborn about 1909
GreenEllery born about 1928
GreenHarry born about 1896
GreenJames Mborn about 1937
GreenMarjorie born about 1904
GreenMary Nborn about 1923
GreenMary Rborn about 1893
GreenMaurice born about 1902
GreenRichard Rborn about 1926
GreenSam G Jrborn about 1929
GreenWm Bborn about 1933
GriffithDorsey born about 1897
GriffithElizabeth born about 1938
GriffithHilda born about 1901
GriffithMary Elinorborn about 1925
GrosecloseHarley born about 1913
GrosecloseLucias born about 1912
GruceEva Kborn about 1919
GrunmellGrace Bborn about 1908
GrunmellLois Maeborn about 1924
GrunmellMary Louiseborn about 1926
GrynaellWm T Jrborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HagartyA Gborn about 1886
HaglandGrace Mborn about 1889
HaglandHarry Dborn about 1890
HagleElizabeth Nborn about 1919
HagleHarold Hborn about 1936
HagleLester Hborn about 1913
HaincoPrucence born about 1879
HallGeo born about 1884
HallIda born about 1887
HamiltonAgnes Bborn about 1872
HamiltonMary Agnesborn about 1921
HammerCarroll born about 1927
HammerGeo born about 1892
HammerGeorge born about 1898
HammerRobert born about 1930
HammerRuth born about 1908
HammerSally born about 1934
HammondArthur born about 1913
HammondArthur Jr born about 1938
HammondDoris Jeanneborn about 1934
HammondEthel Jborn about 1892
HammondJenne Mborn about 1919
HammondLeroy Cborn about 1886
HammondVirginia born about 1914
HamnerGeo born about 1862
HamsonIne born about 1881
HancockBlanche born about 1924
HancockElizabeth born about 1938
HancockFrances born about 1905
HancockHarlaie born about 1902
HancockHorace Jr born about 1932
HancockMartha born about 1862
HankinsDonald born about 1935
HankinsMildred born about 1914
HankinsStanlee born about 1911
HannesCharles born about 1910
HannesMargaret born about 1910
HannesMargaret born about 1935
HarbertDaniel Infant Jrborn about 1940
HardsDaisy born about 1872
HardsGeo Mborn about 1869
HarmonMercedies Aborn about 1889
HarperDorothy born about 1904
HarperDorothy born about 1938
HarperJohn born about 1900
HarperJohn born about 1928
HarrellBilly born about 1930
HarrellFinis Ervinborn about 1877
HarrisDorothy Lee Wborn about 1912
HarrisEleanor born about 1881
HarrisJoe born about 1900
HarrisOrange born about 1908
HarrisRuth born about 1915
HarrisonAlene born about 1914
HarrisonAnna Eborn about 1885
HarrisonBenj born about 1890
HarrisonDoris Mayborn about 1927
HarrisonEdith Maloneborn about 1929
HarrisonFrances Mborn about 1917
HarrisonJulia born about 1894
HarrisonMrs R Bruceborn about 1882
HarrisonRobt Fborn about 1883
HarrisonRussell born about 1920
HarrisonStanley born about 1923
HartParker Jborn about 1911
HastingsCatherine born about 1921
HastingsChas Wborn about 1919
HastingsEugenia born about 1926
HastingsForest Nborn about 1917
HastingsFrancis born about 1898
HastingsGeorge born about 1929
HastingsHarry born about 1920
HastingsJames Rborn about 1922
HastingsLucille born about 1895
HastingsMaude born about 1895
HastingsWm Francisborn about 1925
HastingsWm Rborn about 1889
HathwayAmma Earelborn about 1890
HathwayAnn Kennardborn about 1923
HathwayLawrence born about 1887
HeathLois Eborn about 1907
HeathPeggyanne born about 1932
HedrickCarl born about 1908
HedrickChas Mborn about 1901
HedrickMarjorie Aborn about 1895
HeimJno Wborn about 1915
HelmaAnderson born about 1902
HendersonAtwell born about 1902
HendersonCarl born about 1934
HendersonCharlotte born about 1926
HendersonE Lborn about 1888
HendersonElmer Payneborn about 1938
HendersonGladys Vaborn about 1915
HendersonIrine born about 1906
HendersonMalcoban born about 1931
HendersonMargaret born about 1902
HendersonReginald born about 1936
HendersonShirley born about 1928
HendersonWilkins Jr born about 1925
HenstonAugusta Aborn about 1863
HerbertElla born about 1934
HerethRalph born about 1909
HeringerBlanche Wborn about 1899
HeringerCarl Cborn about 1893
HermanGenevieve born about 1890
HermanMary Theresaborn about 1929
HermanPatrick born about 1875
HermanRolet Cborn about 1922
HershbergerDula born about 1902
HershbergerGlen born about 1901
HershbergerGrace born about 1934
HershbergerMabel born about 1938
HicksHenry Hborn about 1911
HicksHenry Howardborn about 1899
HicksMae born about 1912
HicksRobert Wmborn about 1938
HigdonErnest born about 1874
HilkertBillie born about 1896
HilkertWm born about 1896
HillC Cborn about 1891
HillCarl born about 1905
HillMarie born about 1892
HoageRalph Sborn about 1895
HoageThefen Jawborn about 1904
HoarCrosby Aborn about 1887
HoarMargaret Hborn about 1886
HoarNancy Hborn about 1915
HoffBetty Leeborn about 1924
HoffCarson Harmundborn about 1877
HoffIsabel born about 1881
HoffMahlon born about 1885
HoffmanBlanche born about 1863
HoffmanDorothy born about 1922
HoffmanEdith born about 1873
HoffmanWalter Wborn about 1900
HofmanArlean born about 1921
HofmanKarls Lborn about 1915
HofmannArlean born about 1921
HofmannKarl Lborn about 1915
HollowayClara Rborn about 1867
HollowayEmily Eborn about 1899
HollowayJ Donald Mborn about 1930
HollowayJerome K Jrborn about 1923
HollowayJerome Rborn about 1897
HollowayJohn Eborn about 1926
HooperBelsy Leeborn about 1921
HooperElizabeth Lborn about 1885
HooperElmer born about 1884
HortmanAus born about 1905
HortmanBarbara born about 1930
HortmanDonaldson born about 1935
HortmanEdwin born about 1927
HortmanMaryln born about 1929
HortmanSusie Bborn about 1907
HowardBernice born about 1929
HowardEdward born about 1924
HowardFrank born about 1885
HowardGilbert born about 1931
HowardMaggie born about 1899
HowserVirginia born about 1912
HudginsHerbert Eborn about 1901
HudginsJean Lborn about 1936
HudginsLouise Bborn about 1911
HuffIva Augustborn about 1898
HuffmanAlfred Aborn about 1876
HuffmanLouise Rborn about 1879
HughesAlbert Hborn about 1889
HughesAudrey Eborn about 1926
HughesGertrude Nborn about 1932
HughesMar Bborn about 1892
HughesNettie born about 1862
HughesRobert Nborn about 1927
HullWm Sborn about 1872
HunkerBasil Oborn about 1873
HunsboughAnna Elizborn about 1907
HunsboughJerre born about 1933
HunsboughJerry born about 1907
HunsboughJoan born about 1936
HurleyEdgar born about 1916
HurleyGrace born about 1918
HurleyMarjorie Infantborn about 1940
HutchinsonCarol Vaborn about 1937
HutchinsonDoris born about 1916
HutchinsonMordecin born about 1909
HutchinsonShron Annaborn about 1938
HutsonBertram born about 1880
HutsonMary born about 1880
HydeHoward Kborn about 1912
HydeS Marieborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IdenBetty born about 1925
IdenEiconda born about 1917
IdenEva born about 1888
IdenJno Wborn about 1911
IdenJune Marieborn about 1937
IdenKatherine born about 1919
IdenMandle born about 1880
IdenPauline born about 1926
IdenWilliam born about 1928
IldertaMary born about 1852
InbordyBertha born about 1890
InbordyEber Fborn about 1888
InbordyPaul Fborn about 1916
InbordyVirginia Mayborn about 1927
InfantDonna born about 1939
InfantElizabeth Louiseborn about 1939
InfantHarold Douglasborn about 1940
InfantHue Harreborn about 1939
InfantMargaret born about 1939
InfantPatricia born about 1940
InfantRalph Leeborn about 1936
InfantRuth Honnahborn about 1940
InfantWm Hafeborn about 1940
IngramFredrick born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonBetty Virginborn about 1933
JacksonMargaret Christineborn about 1913
JacksonMary Aliceborn about 1890
JacksonS Cborn about 1890
JacksonWm born about 1883
JamesBrene Wmborn about 1938
JamesCarrie born about 1917
JamesPhilip born about 1920
JamesTaylor born about 1916
JaphetFaith born about 1929
JaphetM Rayborn about 1877
JaphetViola born about 1901
JarrellArchie Lborn about 1903
JarrellChas born about 1874
JarrellChas Leeborn about 1925
JarrellCora Estelleborn about 1904
JarrellFlossie born about 1910
JarrellFred born about 1912
JarrellRosa Lborn about 1876
JarrellStella born about 1914
JarrellVivian born about 1916
JaryBery Nealborn about 1913
JaryIda born about 1879
JavisBetty Joanborn about 1936
JavisHelen born about 1910
JavisHelen Leeborn about 1934
JavisJohn Jaltborn about 1939
JeffriesKatie Leeborn about 1906
JeffriesRobt Fborn about 1895
JeffriesRonald Fborn about 1934
JesterEleanor Hborn about 1893
JesterNorman Tborn about 1919
JohnsonAlan born about 1909
JohnsonAlnie born about 1934
JohnsonHarvey born about 1905
JohnsonHilda born about 1896
JohnsonLewis Cborn about 1896
JohnsonMildred born about 1916
JohnsonVirginia born about 1919
JohnsonWalter born about 1905
JohntonEdw Wborn about 1895
JonesAlice born about 1918
JonesAnna Mayborn about 1931
JonesBarbara born about 1899
JonesBenj born about 1881
JonesCasey born about 1914
JonesCornelia Gborn about 1853
JonesCraig born about 1938
JonesElmo born about 1909
JonesErnest born about 1890
JonesErnest born about 1922
JonesGordon born about 1916
JonesKenneth born about 1936
JonesLeroy born about 1916
JonesLucy Ellenborn about 1891
JonesMargaret Eborn about 1910
JonesMarsella born about 1920
JonesMaud born about 1891
JonesNettie Violaborn about 1918
JonesPatricia born about 1929
JonesPeggy born about 1930
JonesRuth born about 1909
JonesViola born about 1926
JoscyElizabeth born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahlerEldridge Hborn about 1912
KahlerNoamah born about 1883
KashmerBessie born about 1883
KashmerJno born about 1889
KauffmanAllan Hborn about 1930
KauffmanJno Wborn about 1899
KauffmanJno W Jrborn about 1922
KauffmanVida Fborn about 1899
KeaneJane Eborn about 1861
KeiterBille Lborn about 1928
KeiterDale Dborn about 1939
KeiterJoel Ezra Lborn about 1933
KeiterMargaret Lborn about 1906
KeiterWm Iborn about 1886
KellyElizabeth born about 1908
KellyGraham born about 1905
KempFlora born about 1921
KempGeo born about 1895
KempGeo Weslerborn about 1919
KempRhoda Mayborn about 1897
KennedyChas born about 1914
KentJoyce born about 1936
KentMartin M Headborn about 1905
KentMartin Mrs born about 1905
KesslerHarry M Mborn about 1888
KesslerJeannette born about 1896
KesslerRichard born about 1921
KeyEloise born about 1898
KeyJ Thomasborn about 1908
KeyThomas Wborn about 1937
KeyWilliam Lborn about 1938
KilbyHoward born about 1921
KilbyWes born about 1919
KingJames Fborn about 1908
KingJames F Jrborn about 1938
KingJanet born about 1910
KingKatherine born about 1920
KingLena Kborn about 1877
KingMabelle Eborn about 1888
KingRussell Mborn about 1894
KingW Rborn about 1899
KingWalter Fborn about 1917
KingWm L Infantborn about 1939
KirleyEleanor born about 1916
KirleyIda born about 1890
KirleyJulia born about 1920
KirleyMarjorie born about 1922
KirleyWalter born about 1880
KirschbaumAlbert born about 1885
KirschbaumEdna born about 1925
KirschbaumGed born about 1930
KirschbaumJean born about 1922
KirschbaumJeanette born about 1894
KirschbaumMarion born about 1923
KizerCharles Aborn about 1901
KizerDorothy born about 1932
KizerMildred born about 1914
KlecknerJohn Lborn about 1890
KlineE Hooverborn about 1922
KlineEmma Hborn about 1888
KlineLottie Eborn about 1889
KloeberJacquilyn born about 1933
KloeberKatherine born about 1909
KloeberRichard Mborn about 1908
KneehleChas Fborn about 1878
KockChas Wborn about 1893
KockMarlyne born about 1932
KockRosalie born about 1893
KockRuth Vborn about 1920
KramerAnnie born about 1909
KramerDorothy Louiseborn about 1928
KramerMack born about 1902
KrebsAlfred Vborn about 1908
KrebsSarah Wborn about 1908
KuechleClara Aborn about 1896
KuglerMarie born about 1908
KuglerNancy born about 1934
KuglerPaul born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamaAlfred Cborn about 1880
LamaSarah born about 1892
LancfudorrAllan born about 1932
LancfudorrDavid born about 1933
LancfudorrLetta born about 1912
LancfudorrNeil born about 1935
LancfudorrOren born about 1905
LandisCharles born about 1924
LandisJ Harold Jrborn about 1921
LandisJames Hborn about 1895
LandisSadie born about 1898
LannAnnie born about 1873
LarnleEvelyn born about 1929
LarnleLester born about 1902
LauderBetty Ruthborn about 1930
LauderEvelona Sborn about 1904
LauderWm James Jrborn about 1928
LauderWm Juniorborn about 1905
LawyerAldia born about 1922
LawyerE Rborn about 1900
LeachClarence born about 1893
LeachFrancis born about 1920
LeachGeo born about 1914
LeachGertrude born about 1895
LeachMary born about 1922
LearyHilda Mborn about 1914
LearyRichard Odellborn about 1912
LeeAlbert Lymonborn about 1866
LeeElizabeth Dborn about 1871
LeeVirginia Bborn about 1879
LeighAda born about 1888
LeighE Graceborn about 1889
LeighPaul Eborn about 1910
LeighR Jborn about 1885
LettLaura born about 1921
LewisAdelbert Hborn about 1899
LewisCarol Eborn about 1922
LewisDorothy Mborn about 1923
LewisEthel Gborn about 1893
LewisRichard Aborn about 1938
LewisShirley Eborn about 1928
LinboniVincent born about 1892
LincolnJulia Mayborn about 1921
LindamoodJanet born about 1936
LindamoodJno born about 1903
LindamoodRalph born about 1938
LittleHannah Washborn about 1868
LittleLeroy born about 1901
LivingstonMary Cborn about 1877
LivingstonW Wborn about 1877
LloydAntoinette born about 1874
LockeDonald born about 1906
LockeShiela born about 1909
LorenzBenj born about 1899
LorenzBeny Pborn about 1924
LorenzVirginia born about 1912
LownsLelia born about 1928
LowreySarah born about 1893
LusbyEleanor Elizabethborn about 1938
LusbyEma Janeborn about 1933
LusbyLollie born about 1914
LuziLouis born about 1910
LuziRuth born about 1912
LuziWim Albeeborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabreyJoe born about 1915
MacaboyElizabeth Cborn about 1886
MacdonaldFannie Jborn about 1891
MacdonaldGranville born about 1891
MacdonaldWm Robertborn about 1927
MackEnch Ruthborn about 1925
MackEnna Maryborn about 1904
MackJames Brownborn about 1908
MackK Hopeborn about 1904
MackeyAustin born about 1888
MackeyL Bborn about 1920
MadiganJames born about 1936
MadiganJessie Masborn about 1919
ManaierCatherine born about 1881
MarceyBessie Lborn about 1882
MarceyCalvin born about 1876
MarceyMaggie born about 1890
MarceyNora born about 1866
MarceyRay born about 1879
MarceyRichard born about 1930
MarceySarah Aborn about 1919
MarceyWilliam Eborn about 1910
MarcusAlice Eborn about 1884
MarcusEdward born about 1916
MarcusJessie born about 1914
MarehPauline Vaborn about 1907
MarehRoy Breadfordborn about 1896
MargaretCarol Anneborn about 1939
MargaretNeil born about 1938
MargaretRos born about 1910
MargaretViola born about 1912
MarionFrancis born about 1934
MarionMarion born about 1885
MarionTina born about 1896
MarionWilliam born about 1936
MarkieChas Bborn about 1881
MarkieChas B Jrborn about 1925
MarkieDorothy born about 1921
MarkieLena born about 1890
MarkieLucile born about 1922
MartinAlbert born about 1924
MartinAnna Mborn about 1873
MartinBetty born about 1934
MartinCatherine born about 1932
MartinClifford born about 1929
MartinGeo born about 1894
MartinJohn born about 1902
MartinJohn born about 1930
MartinMabel born about 1895
MartinMargaret Mborn about 1875
MartinMary Roseborn about 1926
MarvinCharles born about 1934
MarvinEile Enborn about 1939
MarvinEsther born about 1909
MarvinMarshall born about 1893
MarvinSoseph born about 1932
MatthewEthel born about 1920
MatthewsEthel born about 1920
MayHarriet born about 1885
MayJas Lborn about 1877
MayhughOlive born about 1884
McAllliooterEmeleen born about 1882
McAllliooterRichard Cborn about 1915
McCaffrerMelvin born about 1928
McCaffrerSarah born about 1907
McCartlyEdw Stephensborn about 1926
McCartlyHelen Clarsborn about 1930
McCartlyRuth Cborn about 1903
McCartlyWalter Jborn about 1898
McCartlyWalter Tuskinborn about 1928
McCartlyWilson Caraborn about 1935
McCoaelKathryn Lborn about 1904
McCoaelWm Rborn about 1904
McDonaldMartha born about 1874
McGheeMan Aborn about 1888
McGivernLoreta Pborn about 1900
McGivernPatricia born about 1930
McGrigonClara Gborn about 1913
McGrigonMichael Fborn about 1909
MearsorEliza born about 1887
MearsorEthel born about 1921
MearsorWm Gborn about 1883
MeeksCharlotte born about 1915
MeeksJames Hborn about 1913
MeeksJames H Jrborn about 1938
MergalAlmeda born about 1881
MergalHoward born about 1880
MiddletonElar Gborn about 1891
MillerBernard born about 1903
MillerCharlene born about 1902
MillerEttie born about 1864
MillerJacquelyn born about 1924
MillerJoanne born about 1929
MillerLottie born about 1906
MillerReeves Wborn about 1901
MillerRegnia Lee Infantborn about 1940
MillerVivian Wborn about 1914
MillsChas born about 1907
MillsChas Jr born about 1933
MillsRuth born about 1916
MinnoAlfred Hborn about 1910
MinnoMary Elizabethborn about 1911
MinnoPhilip Roy Suquentborn about 1940
MirrickStewart born about 1930
MitchellDoris Nborn about 1913
MitchellFrancis Eborn about 1910
MobleyAudrey Louiseborn about 1930
MobleyEleanor Mayborn about 1932
MobleyF Eva Louiseborn about 1911
MobleyJames Wborn about 1888
MobleyKarin Ruthborn about 1939
MoermanConstance born about 1914
MoermanSamuel born about 1914
MoffettPennigton born about 1926
MoffettVirginia Belleborn about 1923
MoffettWallis born about 1930
MogerGay born about 1937
MogerGeorge born about 1937
MogerJacquelin born about 1926
MogerJacqueline born about 1926
MogerKatehrin born about 1903
MogerKathleen born about 1903
MogerKay born about 1934
MogerTheodore born about 1929
MogerWesler born about 1901
MogerWesley born about 1901
MontrossGeorgia Bborn about 1885
MontrossMy W Aborn about 1884
MooneyMary born about 1885
MooreDorthy Eborn about 1922
MooreEileen Cborn about 1923
MooreJames Cborn about 1916
MooreLyman Mborn about 1893
MooreMaude Tborn about 1895
MooreNora born about 1911
MorelandElizabeth born about 1913
MorelandLula born about 1886
MorelandRichard Davidborn about 1935
MorelandWilbur born about 1877
MorelandWilbur born about 1933
MorelandWilbur Hborn about 1912
MorisBeulah Masborn about 1868
MorrisDaisy born about 1905
MorrisEarle Leonborn about 1932
MorrisOtis Earleborn about 1905
MoselyArchie born about 1884
MoselyJohn born about 1927
MoselyLawrence born about 1929
MoselyLillian born about 1892
MoselyRobert born about 1932
MoxleyFrances born about 1908
MoxleyLeslie born about 1906
MoxleyLeslie Francisborn about 1936
MullinsH Rborn about 1870
MurdvekHarry born about 1890
MurdvekKatherine born about 1899
MurdvekLawrence born about 1918
MurdvekMinerva born about 1920
MusgroneJohn born about 1907
MusgroneMildred born about 1914
MusgroneMildred born about 1935
MuskatCarl born about 1938
MuskatFrances born about 1913
MuskatJohn Bborn about 1913
MuskatMichael born about 1933
MyattA Leahborn about 1918
MydlandAnders born about 1893
MyersSon born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NensonElizabeth born about 1907
NewlinGladys W Srborn about 1891
NewlinJoseph born about 1919
NewlinS Rborn about 1859
NewlonLynn born about 1889
NewmanAllan Lcborn about 1900
NewmanBeth Ireneborn about 1939
NewmanLois Mborn about 1912
NewmanPerry Allanborn about 1937
NewmayGeo R Jborn about 1865
NewrothFrederick Wborn about 1928
NewrothPreth Annborn about 1926
NewtonBarbara born about 1930
NewtonBessie born about 1897
NewtonDonald born about 1932
NewtonRobert born about 1891
NicholasBlanche born about 1901
NicholasJefferson born about 1903
NikiforoffConstantcy born about 1887
NikiforoffMyrtle Lborn about 1904
NorthropBarbara born about 1940
NorthropMargaret born about 1906
NorthropMargaret born about 1940
NorthropVernon Dborn about 1905
NyeMabel born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesAlfred Cborn about 1921
OakesRobert Sborn about 1923
OakesRuth born about 1896
OakesWalter Fborn about 1890
OakesWalter Jr born about 1919
ObriantFlorence born about 1926
ObriantJohn born about 1931
ObriantLouise born about 1902
ObriantMeane born about 1928
ObriantVictor born about 1901
ObriantVictor born about 1939
OddssonAddie born about 1931
OddssonBrown born about 1892
OddssonDora born about 1922
OddssonFrances born about 1925
OddssonLois born about 1923
OddssonMary born about 1924
OddssonSadie born about 1900
OlsonTom born about 1904
OmesaOci Eborn about 1884
OmleyErnest Wborn about 1872
OndorfArlene born about 1922
OrndorffRaymond born about 1909
OrndorffRaymond born about 1935
OrndorffVirginia born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceEthel born about 1905
PaceGertrude born about 1929
PackClarence born about 1888
PackKenneth born about 1918
PackLouise born about 1887
PannellEarl born about 1907
PannellElaine born about 1933
PannellErnest born about 1888
PannellMildred born about 1912
ParkChester Jborn about 1913
ParkElvin Suzaneborn about 1919
ParkNancy Hborn about 1916
ParkerKatherine Bborn about 1912
ParkerNelson born about 1883
ParkerSarah born about 1882
ParnellLillian born about 1873
PateClyde born about 1904
PateClyde born about 1936
PateRuth born about 1907
PattonAllie Mborn about 1885
PattonBlance Mayborn about 1886
PattonEdna born about 1922
PattonEdw born about 1914
PaulhamusSelah born about 1882
PayneClyde born about 1923
PayneGlen born about 1893
PayneLydia Vborn about 1900
PayneMary Aborn about 1876
PayneP Lborn about 1891
PaynePhilis Eborn about 1925
PayneRalph Aborn about 1930
PayneRichard Aborn about 1922
PaynemarylM born about 1861
PeeblesDaniel Wborn about 1940
PeeblesDaniel W Jrborn about 1915
PeeblesDarlene born about 1920
PeersonAnston born about 1882
PeiffJoseph born about 1875
PerryAnna Lborn about 1922
PerryImogene born about 1902
PerryLeslie born about 1901
PerryMarjorie born about 1924
PerryRoland born about 1925
PerryRuby born about 1900
PerryRulez born about 1900
PerryStanley born about 1903
PerryStaule born about 1903
PersonWm Howardborn about 1922
PersonWm Martinborn about 1888
PetersonGus born about 1895
PigmanElizabeth born about 1909
PigmanGeo Lborn about 1912
PigmanJohn Wardborn about 1937
PigmanVirginia born about 1913
PigmanWm Wardborn about 1910
PolandAndrew Mborn about 1881
PondBurke born about 1929
PondDana born about 1933
PondGlen born about 1937
PondPhyllis born about 1908
PondReed Kborn about 1904
PondReis born about 1927
PooleJno Herbertborn about 1906
PooleKatherine born about 1908
PorverC C Jborn about 1881
PotterEmma born about 1889
PotterH Stewartborn about 1891
PotterJean born about 1924
PotterRae born about 1915
PowellEmily born about 1921
PowerC Cborn about 1881
PrenderEleanor born about 1904
PridesH Sborn about 1905
PugtisiDornnico born about 1884
PugtisiMary born about 1895
PumphneyAddie born about 1880
PumphneyAudrey born about 1918
PumphneyLouise born about 1917
PumphneyOscar born about 1914
PumphneyReuben Wborn about 1875
PumphneyWalter Lborn about 1905
PuseyC Edmundborn about 1910
PuseyGertrude Hborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RameyC Pborn about 1847
RameyElly Rborn about 1901
RamosCarmen born about 1904
RamosGerold Infantborn about 1939
RamosJames born about 1927
RamosMarcino born about 1896
RamosThomas born about 1933
RathboneDavid Infantborn about 1922
RathboneDe Forest Jborn about 1905
RathboneDee born about 1930
RathboneFay born about 1910
RathboneSalle born about 1937
RathboneSuzanne born about 1931
RaulGilbert Eborn about 1921
RaulGladys Cborn about 1924
RaulMartha Fborn about 1897
RaulOscar Cborn about 1888
ReddingCarolin born about 1939
ReddingHazel born about 1907
ReddingNorma born about 1934
ReddingWilliam born about 1910
RedfearnAdela born about 1902
RedfearnBobby born about 1934
RedfearnE Emmitborn about 1901
ReedHarry Bborn about 1885
ReedRuth Lborn about 1886
ReevesDorothy born about 1914
ReevesFred Kborn about 1894
ReevesMaud Cborn about 1895
ReevesRoy born about 1921
ReillyElizabeth born about 1903
ReillyLaurance born about 1900
RichardFlorence born about 1893
RichardNancy born about 1863
RichardsElva born about 1902
RichardsFlorence born about 1873
RichardsKathrine Eborn about 1907
RichardsMary Annesborn about 1940
RichardsT born about 1900
RichenerFrank Bborn about 1878
RichenerHarry Lborn about 1918
RichenerMattie Sborn about 1887
RiderLeroy born about 1903
RiderLillian born about 1905
RiderPaul Leeborn about 1940
RixelAlice Mayborn about 1893
RixelFranklin Jamesborn about 1924
RixelGeo Edwborn about 1921
RixelIns Harryborn about 1892
RixelJohn Albertborn about 1924
RixelSpencer Bborn about 1920
RixieIno J Jrborn about 1917
RixseCharlotte born about 1919
RobertsonEdna born about 1915
RobertsonHugh Leeborn about 1927
RobertsonMichael born about 1939
RobertsonRoy born about 1913
RobeyAndrew born about 1871
RobinsonAnta born about 1933
RobinsonCecil born about 1910
RobinsonEllen Rborn about 1867
RobinsonGarnette born about 1913
RobinsonJanet born about 1936
RockCatherine born about 1905
RoeEdw Thomasborn about 1909
RoeFred Cborn about 1855
RogerEdith born about 1873
RogerMarie Eloisborn about 1912
RogerPhillip born about 1869
RollieghG F Dborn about 1869
RollieghNettie Kborn about 1867
RollieghRobert Cborn about 1914
RollinsAlma Aborn about 1876
RollinsConstance Bborn about 1918
RollinsDorothy Bborn about 1921
RollinsJaon born about 1934
RollinsLois born about 1913
RollinsMartin Pborn about 1874
RollinsPaul born about 1888
RollinsRaymond born about 1911
RollinsRaymond Jr born about 1938
RouthChristine born about 1896
RouthElaine Cborn about 1925
RouthErnest born about 1920
RouthRalph Hborn about 1928
RouthWm Aborn about 1921
RowatreeDorothy born about 1907
RowatreeIno born about 1890
RowatreeWayne born about 1938
RoyBernard Jr born about 1925
RuhmAurelia born about 1925
RunyanByron Dborn about 1915
RunyanByron Jr born about 1939
RunyanMarjorie Graceborn about 1937
RunyanNede born about 1916
RyneyChas Dborn about 1900
RyneyChas Srury Jrborn about 1928
RyneyDorothy Lborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SacraEmily Anneborn about 1921
SameronHary born about 1903
SarioJno Nborn about 1907
SarioJosephine born about 1912
SarretteElizabeth born about 1914
SarretteJackson Gborn about 1915
SarretteJackson G Jrborn about 1937
SarretteNauce Cborn about 1938
SavageJessie born about 1874
SavageMarjorie born about 1905
SchaeferAnna born about 1914
SchaeferGeo born about 1914
SchaeferMargaret Annborn about 1940
SchmackelClara born about 1921
SchmackelGrace born about 1903
SchmackelLefeinde born about 1927
SchmidtChas born about 1904
SchofieldGertrude born about 1871
SchorrGeo Rborn about 1909
SchorrNina Aborn about 1913
SchuttBella C Mrsborn about 1877
SchuttElizabeth born about 1919
SchuttElla born about 1885
SchuttHelen Vborn about 1901
SchuttLula Eborn about 1887
SchuttMarie born about 1896
SchuttMrs C Rborn about 1863
SchuttVictor Hborn about 1911
ScottAnna Leeborn about 1937
ScottArthur Eborn about 1913
ScottGrace Eborn about 1916
ScriptursEugenia born about 1906
ScriptursLee born about 1901
ScriptursLee born about 1935
ScudderSarah Mborn about 1865
SelfeIrene born about 1901
SelfePatricia born about 1927
SelfeThomas born about 1903
SelfeThomas Lborn about 1929
SeponbrockMagdalen born about 1863
SettleBernice born about 1911
SettleClyde born about 1909
SettleMattie born about 1884
SettleSamuel Cborn about 1884
SevlinCora Sborn about 1902
SevlinGeo Tborn about 1892
ShanholtzWallie born about 1888
ShanholtzWalter born about 1888
ShaverHeny born about 1887
ShaverReatha born about 1884
SheetsEverett born about 1918
SheetzJos Fborn about 1853
SheetzLouisa born about 1861
ShepherdMaleohn Lborn about 1897
ShepherdRuth born about 1904
ShermanFreda born about 1891
ShermanGeo Clitonborn about 1926
ShermanRobt Aborn about 1882
ShermanRobt Lborn about 1924
ShicesHouston born about 1920
ShindlerEli Leeborn about 1887
ShiplerChesley Wborn about 1920
ShiplerDorothy Mborn about 1923
ShiplerTheodosia born about 1889
ShiplerWm Wborn about 1887
ShirahElina born about 1918
ShirahJanet Sue Infantborn about 1940
ShirahWm born about 1915
ShirkFred born about 1912
ShirkZenda born about 1905
ShirleyJulia born about 1898
ShreneArthur Eborn about 1894
ShreneElsie born about 1896
ShreneElsie Buttborn about 1901
ShreneJno Tborn about 1897
ShreneLevis born about 1891
ShreneSada Ireneborn about 1907
ShryockAnnie Francesborn about 1911
ShryockHenry S Jrborn about 1913
SimfearGertrude Mborn about 1862
SimfearRuth Wborn about 1870
SimmondsElizabeth born about 1909
SimmondsElsie Aborn about
SimmondsJames born about 1906
SimmondsJames born about 1936
SimmondsJohn born about 1938
SimmondsSidney Jborn about 1863
SimmsJos Sborn about 1903
SimonDonald born about 1920
SimonsDaise Mborn about 1878
SimonsJos Bborn about 1878
SimsJno David Infantborn about 1940
SinsEarle born about 1937
SinsMac Manieborn about 1934
SinsRochester born about 1897
SinsThelma born about 1907
SinselHope born about 1900
SinselJohn born about 1905
SislerAlbertan born about 1897
SislerAnne born about 1931
SislerBennie born about 1927
SislerHarry born about 1934
SislerIrvin born about 1924
SislerKathryn born about 1929
SislerNancy born about 1938
SislerWilmer born about 1886
SislerWilmer Henryborn about 1922
SkinnerArnold born about 1905
SkinnerClarice Bborn about 1885
SmallDorothy Eborn about 1918
SmallwoodBufford born about 1914
SmartCarrol Louiseborn about 1936
SmartDiane Thensaborn about 1937
SmartEugene Wborn about 1910
SmartEugene W Jrborn about 1933
SmartPatricia Annborn about 1931
SmartVerne born about 1912
SmithCatlee born about 1897
SmithChas Aborn about 1930
SmithClyde born about 1912
SmithElla born about 1889
SmithEthel born about 1929
SmithGrace Bborn about 1901
SmithIsrael born about 1935
SmithJames Marvinborn about 1928
SmithLillian born about 1865
SmithMarkana born about 1910
SmithMarvin born about 1906
SmithMary Ms born about 1897
SmithRobt Jamesborn about 1936
SmithWm born about 1915
SneadCharlotte Anneborn about 1932
SneadGrace born about 1898
SneadGrace Maryborn about 1929
SneadJoanna born about 1935
SneadJr B born about 1896
SoderbergRaymond born about 1911
SoderbergRaymond Jr born about 1936
SoderbergRuth born about 1912
SoeAlice born about 1922
SoeClara born about 1891
SoeElizabeth born about 1918
SoeFae Henrickborn about 1890
SonInfant born about 1939
SouthallEmma born about 1882
SpatesArthur Vernonborn about 1915
SpatesBessie Maeborn about 1884
SpatesIres Aborn about 1884
SpatesMarian Isabelleborn about 1920
SpatesRuth Hazelborn about 1918
SpeerprenderSpeer born about 1932
SpitlerL born about 1884
SpitlerPat born about 1914
StakesDora Jborn about 1873
StancillAnna born about 1915
StancillRederick born about 1914
StancillRederick Leeborn about 1940
StehmanEllen Jeanmitteborn about 1924
StehmanElsie born about 1882
StehmanFloyd Shulkborn about 1915
StehmanJ Harold Jrborn about 1933
StehmanJames De Withborn about 1914
StehmanJno Haroldborn about 1908
StehmanLouise H Masborn about 1906
StehmanVernin Aborn about 1917
StephanEda born about 1901
StephanFrederick born about 1904
StephanFrederick Paulborn about 1928
StephanLouise born about 1933
StephanWalter born about 1932
StewartAllan Hborn about 1928
StewartHarris Cborn about 1920
StewartWillard Aborn about 1930
SticksonMary born about 1918
StoneMartha Gborn about 1900
StoneRobert Eborn about 1896
StoreyEvelyn born about 1910
StoreyJames born about 1906
StoreyJamkes Jr born about 1930
StrattonFlorence Mborn about 1892
StrattonG Wborn about 1886
StrattonHarvey Gborn about 1917
StrattonLouisa Fborn about 1920
StreetJane born about 1874
StreetM Lborn about 1874
StriblingBessie born about 1900
StriblingCornelius born about 1892
StriblingMary Clietonborn about 1927
StrobellLuther Wmborn about 1891
StrobellMartha Aborn about 1895
StrobellRussell born about 1919
StysonMac Helenborn about 1900
SummersEdgar born about 1900
SummersErnest born about 1921
SummersGarland born about 1925
SummersNellie born about 1899
SummersPaul born about 1927
SwansenBarbara Louiseborn about 1939
SwansenC Danielborn about 1934
SwansenCarter born about 1898
SwansenDorothy born about 1935
SwansenFrances born about 1909
SwinlanMary born about 1872
SyderLyle born about 1913
SyderMary born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateBarbara Jeanborn about 1931
TateLanier born about 1910
TateWm born about 1909
TateWm Jr born about 1935
TaylorChas Cborn about 1890
TaylorEthel Eborn about 1893
TaylorFrancis born about 1911
TaylorFrancis born about 1939
TaylorGenevieve born about 1911
TaylorGlen Aborn about 1922
TaylorSandra born about 1938
TebbeChas born about 1908
TebbeFrederick born about 1935
TebbeJohn Infantborn about 1939
TebbeMargaret born about 1906
TeunisGladys born about 1905
TeunisGladys born about 1939
TeunisRobert born about 1928
TeunisRonald born about 1935
ThamesChristine born about 1915
ThamesIrving Jr Infantborn about 1940
ThamesJulia born about 1915
TheckR Fborn about 1873
ThomasAnna Mmborn about 1878
ThomasMellie Iborn about 1920
ThompsonChas born about 1922
ThompsonElizabeth born about 1885
ThompsonG Butlerborn about 1901
ThompsonIsahelle born about 1902
ThompsonLeigle born about 1883
ThompsonMarie born about 1920
ThompsonW Mborn about 1903
ThomsonAlvin Pborn about 1886
ThomsonJosephine born about 1896
ThomsonJosephine Mborn about 1917
ThrowerJas Robtborn about 1894
ThrowerMae born about 1897
ThrowerRobt Jr born about 1924
ThrowerWm Thomasborn about 1927
TinsmanCecil born about 1907
TinsmanVirginia born about 1918
TofleyCleveland born about 1910
TofleyCleveland Howardborn about 1937
TofleyViolet born about 1918
TopleyAlice Aborn about 1890
TopleyCleveland born about 1885
TopleyElois born about 1911
TopleyEmma born about 1886
TopleyJesse Eborn about 1872
TopleyWm Dborn about 1880
TorrevarGrace Ellenborn about 1923
TorrevarMary Lborn about 1899
TorrevarWm Fborn about 1921
TorreySon Wm Fborn about 1898
TousheeBernice Mborn about 1890
TousheeWm Fborn about 1896
TrahanArthur born about 1897
TrahanFlorida born about 1895
TrahanNorman born about 1926
TrakanAuthor born about 1897
TrakanFlorida born about 1895
TrakanNorman born about 1926
TugmanEdgar Aborn about 1913
TugmanEdgar Arthur Fborn about 1939
TugmanN Margueriteborn about 1914
TurtnerGuy Bborn about 1885
TurtnerMary Aborn about 1892
TysonGeo Pborn about 1916
TysonJos born about 1909
TysonJosephine born about 1859
TysonJosephine born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlrichChas Hborn about 1908
UlrichMary Aborn about 1907
UlrichNorma born about 1932
UnruhEdna Leeborn about 1918
UnruhEdna Mborn about 1880
UnsworthBarbara born about 1933

V Surnames

VanIda born about 1903
VanPett born about 1900
VanWarren born about 1925
VandersliceDorothea Lborn about 1926
VandersliceDorothy Wilkinsborn about 1897
VandersliceSamuel Pborn about 1897
VandersliceSamuel Jr born about 1924
VaneNostroud Goeborn about 1888
VanhomIrving Maeborn about 1903
VanhomKatherine born about 1905
VaughnSusan Aborn about 1889
VicoFortunato born about 1892
VicoMary born about 1922
VingoeRichard Cborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WEdw Lesterborn about 1935
WJames Clarenceborn about 1932
WRaymond born about 1929
WaddellBessie Lborn about 1896
WaddellJohn Jr born about 1892
WadeClaude Mborn about 1908
WadeRathel born about 1905
WagnerJacob born about 1894
WagnerMary Juliaborn about 1897
WagnerSadie born about 1860
WagnerSarah Eborn about 1926
WallAllan Sborn about 1877
WallAnna born about 1924
WallAnne Fborn about 1888
WallVirginia born about 1925
WallingFrances born about 1917
WallingHarvey born about 1914
WallingJames Ronaldborn about 1937
WallingThes Eugeneborn about 1939
WallisEllen Sborn about 1874
WallisThomas Sborn about 1876
WalterC Bborn about 1911
WalterMargaret Wborn about 1909
WalterPaul born about 1917
WaltonDouglas Mborn about 1919
WaltonHark Jborn about 1899
WaltonJean born about 1921
WaltonMary Kborn about 1899
WaltonRay born about 1926
WardLottie Mborn about 1897
WardMarion born about 1887
WardWilliam born about 1923
WarkleyJames Arnoldborn about 1912
WarkleyJulia born about 1877
WarkleyRobert Wmborn about 1915
WarkleyRuth born about 1913
WarnerE Sborn about 1876
WarnerKatherine born about 1876
WarrenRaymond born about 1916
WarringterAnnie born about 1877
WarringterDavid born about 1916
WarringterKatherine born about 1916
WasbrentenBernetta born about 1914
WasbrentenOlie born about 1910
WatersDavis Lborn about 1882
WatersElla Sborn about 1883
WatsonElsie Mborn about 1890
WatsonMadeline Eborn about 1904
WattRussell born about 1910
WaudJno Sborn about 1882
WearGrace Wborn about 1902
WearSarah Hborn about 1893
WebbFaye Tborn about 1890
WebbJames Hborn about 1877
WelbornBeverly born about 1933
WelbornGrace born about 1911
WelbornJerry born about 1937
WelbornJesse born about 1909
WelchBessie born about 1872
WellsElizabeth born about 1870
WellsWm Wborn about 1886
WelshHarvey Aborn about 1898
WelshMargaret born about 1900
WelshMarjorie Elizabethborn about 1925
WestonBertha Eborn about 1897
WestonEdgar Allenborn about 1935
WestonNancy Virginiaborn about 1933
WestonPhyllis born about 1919
WestonRaymond born about 1894
WestonRaymond Jr born about 1925
WestonShirley Elameborn about 1936
WestonSylvia born about 1922
WhartonEdith born about 1907
WhartonJoseph Hborn about 1905
WhartonPeggy Annborn about 1935
WhitmerJacqueline Wborn about 1924
WhitmerJno born about 1895
WhitmerMarie born about 1890
WhitmerRuth Marieborn about 1918
WienekaGordon Fborn about 1914
WienekaHenry Fborn about 1893
WienekaSusie Gborn about 1893
WienekiBeatrice Mborn about 1917
WienekiDorthy Anneborn about 1936
WienekiEdna Cborn about 1917
WienekiGordon Eborn about 1939
WienekiJune Gborn about 1921
WikeM Wmborn about 1898
WilkersonEllis born about 1900
WilliamsAlice born about 1910
WilliamsAllie Jborn about 1908
WilliamsAlycc Aborn about 1910
WilliamsBeth Damilleborn about 1938
WilliamsEmily born about 1875
WilliamsHarry Danielborn about 1908
WilliamsJos born about 1908
WilliamsW Hborn about 1867
WilliamsW M Eborn about 1904
WilliamsWm Eborn about 1904
WilliamsWm E Jrborn about 1926
WillisHerbert A Jrborn about 1916
WilsonBette born about 1921
WilsonElizabeth Lynnborn about 1932
WilsonEsther Aborn about 1905
WilsonGeo Levisborn about 1925
WilsonHarry Thendesborn about 1885
WilsonLouie Leeborn about 1921
WilsonMargaret Elizabethborn about 1923
WilsonMargaret Mborn about 1887
WilsonR Loisborn about 1936
WilsonR Thoborn about 1905
WiltonGrey born about 1918
WinstunAlice born about 1916
WinstunLouis born about 1914
WiseElizabeth Annborn about 1931
WiseIno born about 1909
WiseMargaret born about 1911
WiseTeresa born about 1934
WismerCarl born about 1885
WismerCarl Jr born about 1920
WismerHarriet born about 1885
WismerPaul born about 1919
WitlerC Lborn about 1919
WittmanAlice born about 1886
WittmanElmer Bborn about 1902
WittmanHelen born about 1923
WittmanJane born about 1913
WolfeAmelia born about 1885
WoodArthur Aborn about 1909
WoodCatherine born about 1912
WoodEmma born about 1906
WoodEugene born about 1934
WoodJohn born about 1934
WoodThos Bborn about 1879
WoodW H Jrborn about 1906
WoodWm born about 1931
WormaldHarry born about 1889
WormaldMarion Fborn about 1927
WormaldRobert Kborn about 1932
WormaldStella Roeborn about 1900
WrightElla born about 1918
WrightJno Wmborn about 1876
WrightJos Robtborn about 1940
WrightLaura Jborn about 1862
WrightOrven born about 1911
WurtsJoan Mariaborn about 1939
WurtsThelma Rborn about 1916
WurtsWm Alfredborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesJno Cborn about 1873
YatesLee born about 1917
YatesMargaret Fborn about 1886
YatesWindsor born about 1921
YeagerHarold born about 1909
YoungHarvey Wborn about 1888
YoungMaud Hborn about 1889
YoungRichard Wilferborn about 1916
YoungWm Franklinborn about 1920

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