1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clarendon, Arlington, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Arlington County > 1940 Census of Clarendon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbindscheinBrinton born about 1897
AbindscheinChester born about 1924
AbindscheinEthel born about 1896
AdamsConstance born about 1940
AdamsDoris born about 1921
AdamsJanet born about 1935
AdamsMargaret born about 1909
AdamsMarlene born about 1932
AdamsNeal born about 1939
AdamsWillard born about 1907
AlbrichtJohn born about 1916
AlexanderJames born about 1870
AlexanderJohn born about 1895
AlexanderRobert born about 1922
AlfordBarry born about 1937
AlfordKatherine born about 1910
AllisonCharles born about 1913
AllisonCharles Cborn about 1921
AllisonEugene born about 1929
AllisonJames Dborn about 1917
AllisonKatherine born about 1922
AllisonLena born about 1886
AllisonLena Fborn about 1919
AllisonLouise born about 1924
AndrickNellie born about 1903
AndrickTobies Vborn about 1902
AngeloHarry born about 1886
AppletonFredrick born about 1884
AppletonFredrick Lborn about 1926
AppletonGeorge born about 1906
AppletonMable born about 1892
AppletonRobert born about 1927
AppletonShirley born about 1934
ArnoldCharles Bborn about 1897
ArnoldIsla Gborn about 1871
ArnoldVirginia Gborn about 1904
AshbySarah born about 1888
AshbyWilliam born about 1876
AustinCharles Cborn about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BailieBetty Jeanborn about 1928
BailieElizabeth born about 1905
BailieRuth Maeborn about 1925
BailieThomas born about 1926
BakerBoyd born about 1904
BakerFlora born about 1898
BakerFrancis Pborn about 1903
BakerJohn Austinborn about 1914
BakerSusan born about 1919
BaldwinLena born about 1886
BaldwinNorman Eborn about 1899
BallAnna Mborn about 1883
BallMary Lborn about 1870
BallS Ralphborn about 1873
BallWilliam Mborn about 1863
BangstonTion Matteborn about 1895
BarclayElspet born about 1887
BarclayWilliam born about 1885
BarkeBarbara Annborn about 1935
BarkeHazel born about 1915
BarkeKirk Bradleyborn about 1937
BarkeKorkwood born about 1914
BarkleyJohn born about 1929
BarkleyMason born about 1926
BarkleyPearl born about 1901
BarkleyWilliam born about 1921
BarstowFrancis Dborn about 1865
BassettMary Ellenborn about 1922
BassfordKenneth born about 1920
BassfordOlga born about 1896
BassfordRalph born about 1922
BassfordRobert L Jrborn about 1918
BassfordRobert Sborn about 1895
BassfordWalter born about 1928
BassistFrank born about 1910
BassistNina born about 1885
BaurnAnna born about 1898
BaurnBenj born about 1896
BaurnStanley born about 1923
BaxterCarrie born about 1887
BaxterRobert Cborn about 1888
BayeIrma born about 1927
BayeLorraine born about 1924
BayeMollie born about 1898
BayeOscar born about 1888
BayeOscar Jr born about 1922
BayeThelma born about 1931
BayeWalter born about 1923
BayeWarren born about 1929
BealeDouglas born about 1925
BealeEarle Gborn about 1895
BealeLotta born about 1891
BealeTurner born about 1919
BealeVirginia born about 1922
BellAndrew born about 1905
BellCharles born about 1899
BellHowell born about 1901
BellHowell Bborn about 1931
BellJuliet born about 1900
BennAlice Cborn about 1906
BennJohn Dborn about 1906
BennJohn D Jrborn about 1931
BennPatricia Aborn about 1934
BennWilliam Pborn about 1933
BennettMary Eborn about 1928
BennettNorma born about 1927
BennettSarah born about 1898
BennettWilliam P Jrborn about 1922
BennettWilliam Rborn about 1881
BettsLillian Mborn about 1920
BetzlerAnn born about 1939
BetzlerAudrey born about 1931
BetzlerJean born about 1937
BetzlerJohn born about 1927
BetzlerLawrence born about 1934
BetzlerMable Eborn about 1906
BetzlerMarilyn born about 1935
BetzlerRobert born about 1926
BetzlerWilliam Hborn about 1893
BickleyHarry born about 1917
BildCharles born about 1856
BildCharles Tborn about 1919
BildElizabeth Hborn about 1893
BildRudolph born about 1893
BildRudolph Hborn about 1924
BillerJoseph born about 1900
BillingsEdna Iborn about 1900
BillingsGeorge Dborn about 1900
BirchJames born about 1884
BirchJane born about 1909
BlankLine born about
BodnerLeslie born about 1904
BodnerLouise born about 1925
BodnerMarguerite born about 1906
BoldinElla Jborn about 1855
BolenBlanche Rborn about 1896
BolenDelbert born about 1893
BolenJean Sborn about 1921
BonemanSallie Aborn about 1873
BonemanWilliam Fborn about 1873
BooneNettie Lborn about 1900
BowersVernon Jborn about 1914
BoweryMyrtle born about 1892
BowmanAnnie born about 1904
BowmanLafayette Hborn about 1932
BowmanLafayette Rborn about 1884
BraggEllen born about 1915
BraggPierce born about 1914
BraggWilliam Pborn about 1936
BramanBessie Bborn about 1888
BramanCharlotte born about 1911
BramanJohn Rborn about 1916
BramanMildred Rborn about 1920
BrambackCarl born about 1894
BrambackCarl J Jrborn about 1918
BrambackEva born about 1895
BrentSallie Mborn about 1862
BrerroughsLibbie born about 1902
BrettCecelia born about 1882
BromwellGertrude born about 1876
BromwellWilliam Lborn about 1874
BrooksCharles Wborn about 1889
BrooksMable born about 1892
BrownA Chesterborn about 1894
BrownBeulah born about 1911
BrownBilly born about 1919
BrownCarlyle A Jborn about 1925
BrownCourtney Mborn about 1921
BrownDorothy born about 1916
BrownDorothy born about 1920
BrownEdgar Wborn about 1891
BrownElsie born about 1899
BrownFrances born about 1937
BrownHelean born about 1939
BrownJoyce born about 1930
BrownLillian born about 1891
BrownOllie Leeborn about 1899
BrownPaul born about 1922
BrownRobert born about 1914
BrownSeland born about 1933
BrownShirley born about 1932
BrownShirley born about 1936
BrownTerry born about 1935
BrownWilmer born about 1913
BroyhillDaisey born about 1891
BroyhillReul born about 1884
BroyhillThomas born about 1891
BrudenCarlion Jborn about 1893
BrudenWinifred born about 1893
BrumbackMary born about 1865
BunanDelma born about 1910
BunanMartin born about 1910
BurkeConstance born about 1937
BurkeConway born about 1917
BurkeConway Jr born about 1938
BurkeEugene born about 1887
BurkeMargaret born about 1927
BurkeMarguerite born about 1918
BurkeRobert born about 1924
BurkhardtAnne born about 1890
BurkleyEvelyn born about 1920
BurkleyJanice born about 1935
BurkleyKatherine born about 1885
BurkleyTersa born about 1925
BurksEsther born about 1895
BurnsHazel born about 1898
BurrowsGeorge born about 1917
BurrowsJanet Fayborn about 1940
BurrowsLewis born about 1893
BurrowsMildred Sborn about 1900
BurrowsPauline born about 1922
BurtonHester Sborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalhounHarry Wborn about 1880
CalhounLottie born about 1887
CalvertHenry Wborn about 1915
CampbellJohn Cborn about 1884
CardwellMae Oborn about 1899
CardwellQuinn born about 1924
CardwellRuth Constanceborn about 1928
CarrAnna Sborn about 1909
CarrElmer born about 1906
CarrollClifford born about 1925
CarrollEugene born about 1929
CarrollFrancis born about 1889
CarrollFranklyn born about 1924
CarrollLouise born about 1900
CarrollMargaret born about 1919
CarrollRobert born about 1922
CarrollSidney born about 1916
CarsonFredrick born about 1912
CarsonIrene born about 1911
CatonAdele born about 1902
CatonElton born about 1923
CatonFrancos born about 1904
CavanaughClarence born about 1907
CavanaughFrances born about 1909
CavanaughRobert Rborn about 1939
ChandlerHelen Mborn about 1898
ChandlerMary Jborn about 1922
ChandlerWilliam Wborn about 1896
ChapmanGlover Eborn about 1916
ChristieBetsy Jeaneborn about 1932
ChristieFrances born about 1906
ChristieThomas Hborn about 1907
ChristieThomas Jr born about 1933
CislerArthur born about 1883
CislerMorna born about 1921
CislerRuth born about 1900
ClancyJames Lborn about 1909
ClancyJames L Jrborn about 1938
ClancyKatherine Cborn about 1912
ClarkFrank born about 1903
ClarkGrace born about 1910
ClarkGrace born about 1937
ClarkeBenj born about 1903
ClarkeBenj Jr born about 1938
ClarkeDorothy born about 1902
ClarkeLaura born about 1886
ClarkeVirginia born about 1900
ClarkeWilliam born about 1897
ClarkeWilliam born about 1922
ClaytonKate born about 1916
ClohertyJames born about 1914
ClohertyMargaret born about 1902
CoeJames born about 1901
CoeJessie born about 1906
CoffeltHarry born about 1906
CoffeltSylvia born about 1906
CokseyChester born about 1913
CokseyLeila born about 1875
CokseyWilliam Rborn about 1862
ColangeloJean born about 1923
ColangeloLewis born about 1894
ColangeloVera born about 1905
ColeElsie born about 1900
ColeJames born about 1925
ColeWilliam Tborn about 1897
CollinsAnnie Lborn about 1890
CollinsE Henryborn about 1899
CollinsHarvey born about 1912
CollinsJohn born about 1935
CollinsLeona Marieborn about 1903
CollinsLester born about 1925
CollinsLouise born about 1905
CollinsTheodre born about 1932
ConklinEdward born about 1924
ConklinHelen born about 1922
ConklinMyrtle born about 1905
ConnellHilda born about 1917
ConnellJacqueline born about 1938
ConverArchie Lborn about 1940
ConverDorothy born about 1937
ConverFrances born about 1915
ConverWilliam born about 1914
CookeAnnie born about 1892
CookeLuther born about 1872
CoonPauline born about 1910
CopelandBessie Yborn about 1882
CopelandCherry Fborn about 1880
CopelandHenry Tborn about 1918
CopelandJohn Aborn about 1917
CopelandMattie Eborn about 1884
CopelandRichard born about 1916
CoppageEdward Aborn about 1878
CoppageRose born about 1884
CorderBetty born about 1866
CordessGeorge Eborn about 1903
CordorEdith Bborn about 1895
CordorGeorge Hborn about 1894
CramstonHelen Jborn about 1883
CramstonRobert Jborn about 1880
CrandallPhenias born about 1885
CranstonCharlotte born about 1919
CranstonHelen Jborn about 1916
CrawPhyllis born about 1920
CrawRichard born about 1939
CrawWilliam born about 1919
CrawWilliam Jr born about 1938
CrawfordDavid Mborn about 1917
CrawfordJames born about 1925
CrawfordLeslie born about 1895
CrawfordLeslie born about 1918
CrawfordRussel Leeborn about 1921
CunninghamWilliam born about 1896
CurranJohn Aborn about 1878

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D Surnames

DandeletJerome Hborn about 1906
DandeletJerome H Jrborn about 1937
DavenportJohn Hborn about 1890
DavenportLillian born about 1890
DavisAudus Tborn about 1889
DavisCaroline Rborn about 1900
DavisClara Lborn about 1898
DavisDoris born about 1918
DavisDorothy born about 1917
DavisEdna born about 1922
DavisFrank born about 1878
DavisFreda born about 1892
DavisJohn Mborn about 1892
DavisMarion born about 1921
DavisRuth born about 1914
DavisWinford born about 1919
DavisonEva May Everettborn about 1878
DavisonL Fontaineborn about 1879
DelanoLester Hborn about 1903
DelanoMary Ellenborn about 1927
DelanoPauline born about 1904
DemetriaderHariclia born about 1887
DemetriaderSazari born about 1881
DeppertFrank Sborn about 1891
DeppertMary Francesborn about 1926
DeppertVera Marieborn about 1888
DeweyMary born about 1896
DeweyPreston born about 1883
DeyEdward Sborn about 1872
DeyElizabeth born about 1877
DeyKatherine born about 1922
DindlebeckLe Roy born about 1915
DindlebeckMary born about 1893
DindlebeckRobert Eborn about 1914
DindlebeckWalter born about 1889
DindlebeckWalter Fborn about 1913
DonaheThomas born about 1901
DonaldsonAlfarella born about 1877
DonaldsonWilliam born about 1881
DonghertyJames born about 1926
DonghertyJohn Jborn about 1891
DonghertyJoseph born about 1924
DonghertyJulia born about 1891
DonghertyKatherine born about 1922
DonghertyMary Pborn about 1920
DonnahoeElizabeth Sborn about 1904
DoreEdward Aborn about 1885
DoreIra Jborn about 1888
DouhanAlexander Eborn about 1890
DouhanLillian Maeborn about 1895
DouhanLillian Maeborn about 1933
DowhsMary Sborn about 1882
DownsErman Cborn about 1910
DreyerJohn Mborn about 1897
DreyerOrabelle born about 1874
DuganMary Jborn about 1864
DuncanRuth born about 1903
DuncanWallace Eborn about 1903
DuncanWallace Wborn about 1929
DyerAlice born about 1893
DyerStanislars born about 1866

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E Surnames

EadieC Phyllisborn about 1918
EadieDouglas born about 1915
EadiePhyllis Kborn about 1940
EckloffKatherine born about 1914
EdgarJosepj born about 1872
EdmondsonA Owenborn about 1917
EdmondsonGeorge Rborn about 1939
EdmondsonGertrude born about 1914
EdmondsonJoan Aborn about 1935
EdmondsonJoseph Cborn about 1914
EdmondsonR Owen Jrborn about 1884
EdmondsonWilliam Cborn about 1932
EdwardsDouglas Mborn about 1918
EdwardsGeorge Sborn about 1892
EdwardsRenna born about 1870
EdwardsSavera Hborn about 1893
EkstrandVirginia born about 1911
EkstrandWilbur born about 1910
EllisElmer Fborn about 1906
EllisGarry born about 1935
EllisLorena Hborn about 1904
EllisSama born about 1890
ElyMelvin Gborn about 1866
ElyWillie born about 1894
EmberyAlle Wilsonborn about 1927
EmberyNellie born about 1906
EmbreyAlfred Jborn about 1915
EmbreyEdmonia born about 1896
EmbreyHelen born about 1918
EmbreyJona born about 1937
EmbreyJulius born about 1912
EmbreyMary Vborn about 1925
EmbreyMaude born about 1897
EmbreyRussell born about 1906
EmeryAlbert born about 1918
EricksonElmer Wborn about 1899
EricksonEloise born about 1897
ErneJohn Lukeborn about 1887
EubankE Marvinborn about 1889
EubankN Joyceborn about 1925
EubankPearl Pborn about 1894
EureEva born about 1912
EureEva Marieborn about 1936
EureLucien Cborn about 1907
EureWilliam born about 1937
EvansMatie born about 1862
EvingBeverly born about 1928
EvingFay born about 1899
EvingWilliam Cborn about 1905

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F Surnames

FadileyHenry born about 1918
FaithfulMary Bborn about 1861
FankDelia born about 1890
FankJohn Wborn about 1873
FarrarAmetta born about 1892
FarrarEdward born about 1891
FearsonBernard born about 1916
FearsonBernard Jr born about 1936
FearsonKatherine born about 1919
FellowsEunice born about 1923
FischerBertha Cborn about 1875
FitzgeraldEthel Cborn about 1896
FitzgeraldGerald born about 1936
FitzgeraldHenry born about 1931
FitzgeraldLawrence born about 1889
FitzgeraldLucille Kborn about 1901
FitzgeraldRose Bborn about 1883
FitzgeraldSamuel born about 1883
FletcherCharles born about 1906
FletcherCharles Wborn about 1928
FletcherJulia born about 1930
FletcherMildred born about 1902
FllerCarrie Aborn about 1892
FllerWilliam Gborn about 1882
FloraceViola born about 1895
FloraceWallace Rborn about 1896
FlownoyHarold Hborn about 1906
FlownoyIsla born about 1906
FlownoyL Mayborn about 1933
FlownoyLois born about 1932
FollinClara Sborn about 1874
FoltzMildred born about 1905
FosterHenrietta born about 1888
FosterKenneth born about 1921
FoxEdward Nborn about 1887
FoxGertrude born about 1884
FoxJean Fborn about 1896
FoxManley born about 1884
FoxManley J Jrborn about 1914
FoxOra born about 1914
FoxWoodard born about 1918
FranbargerF Gborn about 1877
FranbargerGrace born about 1882
FrankEdith born about 1905
FrankElmer Aborn about 1903
FrankHarry born about 1918
FrankJoseph Mborn about 1901
FrankMyrle Mborn about 1897
FreeB Frankborn about 1898
FreeClara born about 1901
FreeRussel born about 1924
FriedmanJoe born about 1935
FriedmanSamuel born about 1893
FriedmanSara born about 1903
FriedmanSholom Hborn about 1933
FurrFrances born about 1886
FurrJoseph born about 1914
FurrKatherine born about 1916

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G Surnames

GallenAgnes Mborn about 1903
GarrettMary Pageborn about 1910
GarrettNannie Wborn about 1865
GarrisonBarbara born about 1939
GarrisonLauretta born about 1865
GarrisonMary born about 1912
GarryHarris Pborn about 1930
GaskinsEmma born about 1923
GearheartErnest Iborn about 1915
GerberEdgar born about 1893
GerberEdgar born about 1926
GerberEva born about 1894
GerberJane born about 1928
GerberJoan born about 1933
GerberMathilda born about 1871
GettigJacob Aborn about 1875
GettigMary Tarranceborn about 1877
GibsonCarrie Tborn about 1881
GibsonMarvin Gborn about 1914
GiddingsSallie Dborn about 1860
GilbimanRebecca born about 1885
GilbimanSamuel born about 1886
GilbimanSylira born about 1911
GilleyHarold born about 1910
GilleyNell born about 1904
GilleyRonald born about 1933
GlikmanHenry born about 1915
GodseyKeith Fborn about 1920
GoospeadOliver born about 1893
GordonBessie Jborn about 1904
GordonDonald born about 1932
GordonEarl Dborn about 1903
GordonEthel born about 1904
GordonFloyd Cborn about 1893
GordonMay born about 1910
GordonPatsy born about 1934
GossHenry Aborn about 1870
GossMargaret Jborn about 1907
GraceMary born about 1911
GraceMary born about 1939
GraceRobert born about 1937
GraceThomas born about 1902
GraceThomas born about 1930
GrahamJoyce Marieborn about 1938
GrahamVirginia Eborn about 1918
GrahamWilliam born about 1918
GravesGeorge Pborn about 1910
GravesRichard Cborn about 1939
GravesRuth Eborn about 1913
GrayCaroline born about 1895
GrayJack born about 1924
GrayRay born about 1885
GrayThomas Rborn about 1860
GrayVirginia born about 1930
GrcaeCharles born about 1909
GrcaeFrances born about 1902
GrcaeMaureen born about 1940
GrcaeMichael born about 1937
GreenChambers born about 1917
GreenMargaret born about 1921
GreenMary born about 1890
GrigsbyHugh Aborn about 1892
GrigsbyLouise Cborn about 1919
GrigsbyMarjorie born about 1900
GroachDorothy born about 1885
GroachJohn born about 1880
GrotonHazel born about 1907
GuintherNancy born about 1907
GuintherNancy Cborn about 1933
GuintherRalph born about 1907
GuintherThomas born about 1919
GunterEmmett born about 1913
GunterEvelyn born about 1913
GurnerAmelia born about 1893

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H Surnames

HairRuce Robertborn about 1903
HakesElizabeth born about 1884
HakesWilliam born about 1879
HaleyArchie Cborn about 1870
HaleyVirginia born about 1872
HallCarole born about 1939
HallDorothy born about 1917
HallEdw Gborn about 1870
HallEdward born about 1870
HallEvelyn born about 1914
HallEvelyn Kborn about 1913
HallFrances Maeborn about 1902
HallGlenn born about 1912
HallJohn born about 1906
HallSarah born about 1882
HallVernon born about 1915
HallerAlice born about 1927
HallerArthur born about 1938
HallerBernard born about 1934
HallerCharles born about 1931
HallerFrances born about 1903
HallerLeo born about 1929
HallerLeo Aborn about 1898
HallerMary born about 1936
HallerViola born about 1925
HarbaugerCarrie Eborn about 1886
HarbaugerEarle born about 1917
HarbaugerHarold born about 1913
HarbaugerIra Pborn about 1886
HarbaugerMildred born about 1920
HardingFlora Leeborn about 1905
HardingJudith born about 1931
HardingSamuel born about 1901
HardingSamuel Jr born about 1935
HarrisDorothy Sborn about 1929
HarrisEddie Bborn about 1892
HarrisElmer Sborn about 1892
HarrisFred Wborn about 1939
HarrisHugh born about 1917
HarrisJacquline born about 1927
HarrisJohn Eborn about 1895
HarrisJohn E Jrborn about 1922
HarrisMary born about 1921
HarrisMary Aborn about 1919
HarrisMattie Oborn about 1895
HarrisNellie born about 1889
HarrisRalph born about 1921
HarrisonHelen Eborn about 1895
HarrisonRodney born about 1901
HartisCharles born about 1876
HartisLucile born about 1878
HavennerDorothy born about 1937
HavennerVernon born about 1909
HavennerVernon born about 1934
HavennerViola born about 1912
HazelDouglas born about 1939
HazelJohn Tborn about 1904
HazelRuth Dborn about 1905
HazelTilghman born about 1931
HazelWilliam born about 1935
HecoxClarence born about 1872
HecoxFrank Cborn about 1870
HecoxGeneva born about 1876
HecoxMary Rborn about 1856
HeflinJeanette born about 1924
HeflinMary born about 1898
HegCharles Aborn about 1889
HegEthel Rborn about 1896
HeiderCharles Wborn about 1886
HeiderFlora Rborn about 1885
HeishmanFlorence born about 1877
HelbertEffie born about 1886
HelbertFrances born about 1914
HelbertRowland born about 1911
HelmickBessie born about 1926
HelmickLucille born about 1930
HelmickMartin born about 1907
HelmickVellie born about 1906
HelmsNellie born about 1878
HemmingAlbert born about 1910
HendricksHelen born about 1890
HendricksWilliam born about 1877
HendricksWilliam born about 1921
HesserAnn born about 1912
HesserFrederic born about 1905
HesserJoann born about 1931
HigbeeDoris born about 1935
HigbeeLynn Lborn about 1899
HigbeeRuth born about 1903
HillGrace born about 1870
HillJames born about 1870
HillmanHelen born about 1905
HillmanMary born about 1936
HillmanTommy born about 1934
HillmanWilliam born about 1906
HillmanWilliam born about 1932
HiteEdith born about 1902
HiteGilbert Dborn about 1897
HiteJerry born about 1937
HiteMilton born about 1924
HitePeggy born about 1928
HoffmanLeo born about 1906
HoheinCharles Rborn about 1912
HoheinGeorge Cborn about 1875
HoheinGeorge Fborn about 1905
HoheinKatie born about 1875
HoheinLoretta Mborn about 1899
HoheinOscar Sborn about 1902
HolsimpillerStanley born about 1894
HolsimpillerWilbert born about 1920
HooverRaymond born about 1915
HortonTruby Dborn about 1910
HortonVivian born about 1913
HoughBarbara Annborn about 1937
HoughMartha born about 1915
HoughRobert born about 1914
HubbardOla Vanceborn about 1913
HughesJames born about 1922
HughesMarjorie born about 1924
HukillMaybelle born about 1899
HukillVirginia born about 1929
HukillWilliam Vborn about 1902
HukillWilliam Jr born about 1931
HukillWinifred born about 1927
HullGail born about 1885
HullGail born about 1916
HullRobert Sborn about 1884
HulmeGeorge born about 1865
HulmeMary born about 1864
HulmeStella born about 1900
HummerMinnie Mborn about 1869
HuntJessie born about 1891
HuntK Rexborn about 1886
HuntPhillip born about 1917
HunterDella born about 1891
HunterDonald born about 1920
HunterRoss Dborn about 1894
HunterVirginia born about 1915
HuppuchBeatrice born about 1906
HuppuchCharles born about 1935
HuppuchJanice born about 1930
HuppuchMatchias born about 1908
HusseyLeona born about 1866
HusseyPaul Eborn about 1896
HybnerJames Eborn about 1903
HybnerLonvella Fborn about 1910
HyettCharlotte Kborn about 1919
HyettEdgar Wborn about 1914
HymanEva born about 1883

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I Surnames

IdenMildred born about 1916
IdenVernon born about 1909
IdenVernon Jr born about 1937
ImbodenElizabeth born about 1887
ImbodenMary Cborn about 1879
InbodyDora Bborn about 1867
IrickDaniel Wborn about 1907
IrzerKenneth born about 1907

J Surnames

JacksonBessie born about 1923
JamsonRebecca born about 1907
JamsonWilliam Rborn about 1906
JeffriesJack born about 1935
JeffriesRuth born about 1917
JenkinsAmanda born about 1920
JenkinsLucille born about 1888
JenkinsMarvin born about 1910
JenkinsNorman born about 1922
JenkinsThelma born about 1912
JenkinsWashington born about 1877
JepsonFred Bartleyborn about 1927
JepsonFred Wborn about 1902
JepsonLawrence Peterborn about 1934
JepsonSarah Lborn about 1902
JepsonWilliam Fborn about 1933
JessmerAlphonse born about 1891
JessmerBlanche born about 1890
JohineBeverley born about 1918
JohineRobert born about 1915
JohnsonAnne Belleborn about 1915
JohnsonBarbara Annborn about 1937
JohnsonEvelyn Hborn about 1903
JohnsonJudith Jr born about 1939
JohnsonKatherine Aborn about 1931
JohnsonLenore Eborn about 1928
JohnsonLois born about 1911
JohnsonLois born about 1922
JohnsonLucille born about 1897
JohnsonLynwood born about 1926
JohnsonMilton born about 1911
JohnsonPaul Rborn about 1929
JohnsonSeldon born about 1909
JohnsonShroman Eborn about 1897
JohnsonWallace born about 1887
JonesLillian born about 1890
JonesM Eugeneborn about 1912
JonesMarian Hborn about 1913
JonesMary Elizabethborn about 1913
JonesMilton Eborn about 1938
JonesNellie Dborn about 1884
JonesPatricia Mborn about 1934
JonesSamuel Eborn about 1921
JustiserRuth Annborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KaleLucie born about 1870
KaleNadene born about 1901
KangasAnn Marieborn about 1924
KangasElizabeth born about 1884
KangasM Oscarborn about 1875
KaninkerErvin born about 1929
KaninkerHarry born about 1895
KaninkerHenrietta born about 1901
KaninkerMarilyn born about 1925
KelleyCarolyn born about 1939
KelleyElsie Mborn about 1912
KellyAlice Rborn about 1934
KellyEllen born about 1904
KellyEllen Juneborn about 1932
KellyElsie born about 1933
KellyHarry Gborn about 1938
KellyJames born about 1882
KellyJames born about 1925
KellyJonnie born about 1926
KellyPearl born about 1923
KellyRoy Cborn about 1892
KellyStewart born about 1900
KellyWilson Sborn about 1939
KendallBarbara born about 1929
KendallGeorge born about 1891
KendallJoy born about 1934
KendallKirby born about 1921
KendallMaude born about 1899
KendallRalph born about 1923
KendallWilliam born about 1932
KenndyArighton born about 1917
KenndyCarnelia born about 1914
KerfootGarland Sborn about 1891
KerfootMary Eborn about 1926
KerfootMary Fborn about 1896
KernGeo Robertborn about 1920
KernsDavid Mborn about 1939
KernsDonald Eborn about 1928
KernsDorothy Loisborn about 1926
KernsEdric born about 1859
KernsFlorence born about 1930
KernsGwendolyn born about 1933
KernsMilton born about 1901
KernsMilton Lborn about 1935
KernsSara born about 1905
KesslerHazel born about 1898
KesslerMuriel born about 1924
KesslerWalter born about 1897
KesslerWalter Jr born about 1921
KetteringGeirge Eborn about 1900
KetteringGeorge Edwardborn about 1937
KetteringThelma born about 1908
KildayBernard born about 1895
KildayBernard born about 1933
KildayMarie born about 1903
KildayThimothy born about 1931
KinesCora Leonaborn about 1877
KinesDorothy born about 1920
KinesJohn born about 1908
KingDiana born about 1936
KingDorothy born about 1906
KingEmma born about 1909
KingHoward Jborn about 1905
KingJoseph born about 1933
KingsolverA Priceborn about 1908
KingsolverElizabeth born about 1911
KingsolverJohn Aborn about 1869
KingsolverMyrtle born about 1875
KingsolverNelda born about 1911
KingsolverWilliam born about 1914
KlausmanAlbert born about 1886
KlausmanFrancis born about 1927
KlausmanMinnie born about 1892
KleineFrances born about 1897
KleineWilliam born about 1887
KlineAlive born about 1872
KnappBeatrice Jborn about 1937
KnappErnest Mborn about 1894
KnappErnest M Jrborn about 1933
KnappIrene born about 1897
KnightCharles Louisborn about 1901
KnightRuth born about 1920
KnottWalter Pborn about 1894
KnowldonNellie born about 1870
KodelKatherine born about 1910
KodelKatherine Eborn about 1930
KodelPhilip Nborn about 1908
KodelRobert Cborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertBarbara born about 1926
LambertEdmund born about 1898
LambertPearl born about 1901
LanscheAnne born about 1882
LanscheArnold born about 1917
LanscheWalter born about 1877
LaswellLeonard Eborn about 1901
LaswellOda Paulineborn about 1903
LaughtonBilly born about 1926
LaughtonElizabeth born about 1930
LaughtonMarian born about 1906
LawsonWalter born about 1878
LeeAlva born about 1931
LeeAlva Mborn about 1909
LeeRobert Bborn about 1910
LeeRobert B Jrborn about 1936
LeeWilliam born about 1930
LeggAgnes born about 1922
LeggJames born about 1889
LeggPearl born about 1889
LeonardMarion born about 1907
LeonardMary Margaretborn about 1917
LeonardPaul born about 1908
LesswellJessie Tborn about 1886
LewisOuida born about 1922
LewisRevel born about 1920
LewisTeressa born about 1897
LewisThelma born about 1906
LipscombErma born about 1917
LipscombGereny born about 1913
LipscombRobert born about 1939
LipscombWilliam born about 1916
LitusAnna Mayborn about 1913
LitusBetty Annborn about 1933
LitusFrank born about 1937
LitusJohn born about 1908
LitusJohn born about 1935
LockePearl born about 1892
LockeWalter born about 1879
LongFrances Bborn about 1870
LongLula Lborn about 1865
LorelsClinton born about 1920
LorelsFrances born about 1911
LorelsLillie Fborn about 1882
LorelsMagalin born about 1908
LorelsRobert Aborn about 1886
LorelsRobert Sborn about 1909
LossSarah born about 1870
LossWilliam Sborn about 1868
LovelessDoris born about 1913
LovelessEdward born about 1915
LovelessGertrude born about 1892
LovelessJohn born about 1890
LovellGeorge Wborn about 1889
LovellViola born about 1903
LumpkinMargaret born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagruderAnne born about 1908
MagruderBernice born about 1934
MagruderEarl born about 1903
MaguderElizabeth Bborn about 1873
MaguderJohn born about 1912
MaguderMarion Vborn about 1901
MahoneyJohn Jborn about 1902
MaiceronAlice born about 1899
MaiceronJoseph Jborn about 1905
MalloyMary born about 1857
ManningBessie born about 1884
ManningJohn born about 1885
ManningLawrence born about 1906
ManningMary Louiseborn about 1918
MansfieldHelen born about 1888
MansfieldJanet born about 1920
MansfieldMargaret born about 1916
MansfieldNell born about 1926
MansfieldRichard born about 1924
MansfieldWilliam born about 1888
MansfieldWilliam born about 1918
MaplesChristine born about 1921
MarceyAudry born about 1920
MarceyCurtts born about 1882
MarceyElmer born about 1911
MarceyHarvey born about 1887
MarceyIda born about 1866
MarceyJack born about 1934
MarceyMattie born about 1911
MarceyMaude born about 1888
MarceyRonald born about 1938
MarchantEthel born about 1918
MarchantGrace born about 1885
MarchantJoseph born about 1922
MarchantRuth born about 1885
MarpleEllie born about 1889
MarpleEugene born about 1921
MarpleVera born about 1925
MarpleWilliam born about 1930
MarshEdward Bborn about 1895
MarshEdward B Jborn about 1937
MarshFrances born about 1905
MartinAlice born about 1905
MaschekAntonia born about 1870
MasonEffie born about 1908
MasonEugene born about 1924
MasonWalter Gborn about 1899
MasonWalter G Jrborn about 1930
MauzyReva born about 1921
MayEdith born about 1905
MayPercy born about 1901
McBrideJames born about 1870
McBrienCharles Eborn about 1918
McBrienCharles Fborn about 1890
McBrienMarie Gborn about 1893
McCarthyJ Vincentborn about 1937
McCarthyJohn born about 1900
McCarthyMonica born about 1911
McCuinDonald Wborn about 1937
McCuinHoward born about 1915
McCuinWilma Eborn about 1913
McEachelinE Paulineborn about 1905
McEachelinLewis Dborn about 1894
McEachelinLewis Jr born about 1935
McGarityMarie Exborn about 1892
McGarityVirginia Eborn about 1931
McGarityWalter born about 1891
McGeeBernice born about 1922
McGeeBerta born about 1898
McGeeClaude born about 1926
McGeeJohn Hborn about 1890
McGovernGrover Jborn about 1895
McGownDonald born about 1931
McGownMarie born about 1909
McGownMonroe Iiiborn about 1927
McGownMonroe Jr born about 1904
McKeownGeorge Bborn about 1889
McKeownLeara born about 1893
McKeownSeara born about 1893
McMahonMyrtle born about 1878
McQuinnFannie born about 1887
McSheaMyrtle born about 1899
McSheaRussell born about 1901
McSheaWilliam Rborn about 1927
MerrittFontaine Sborn about 1929
MerrittHobart Wborn about 1925
MerrittSallie Wborn about 1907
MiddletonEdward born about 1900
MilesAgnes born about 1874
MillanBernice born about 1896
MillanW Walterborn about 1895
MillanW Walter Jrborn about 1925
MillerAlva born about 1900
MillerAmry Annieborn about 1870
MillerHenry Jborn about 1889
MillerLouisa born about 1867
MillerLucien born about 1924
MillerMarion Wborn about 1902
MillerRolland born about 1926
MinnerA Marshborn about 1936
MinnerArthur born about 1903
MinnerBetty born about 1932
MinnerTerry born about 1938
MinnerViola born about 1904
MishellCarroll born about 1924
MishellDoris Eborn about 1921
MishellRuth Lborn about 1904
MiskellElizabeth born about 1859
MiskellGrace born about 1896
MiskellRobert born about 1866
MitchellEdna Pborn about 1916
MitchellO Bertborn about 1901
MitchelsonBlanche born about 1891
MobberleyHelen born about 1908
MobberleyJack born about 1929
MobberleyJean born about 1927
MobbyEdna born about 1921
MobbyHerbert born about 1897
MobbyJack born about 1919
MobbyVirginia born about 1897
MooreLucy born about 1912
MooreSammy born about 1930
MooreStewart born about 1934
MorganWilliam Aborn about 1885
MorgensteinJosephhine born about 1895
MorsellErnest born about 1874
MorsellEtta Aborn about 1884
MossburgEulah Mayborn about 1930
MossburgMary born about 1912
MossburgMary Sborn about 1934
MossburgWilliam born about 1910
MsonHelman born about 1895
MullinganPatricia Jborn about 1932
MullinganRobert Mborn about 1935
MullinganRoberta Jborn about 1903
MurrayHundon Pborn about 1916
MusserMary Eborn about 1861
MyersCathrine born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeffCharles born about 1908
NeffCharles Edwardborn about 1939
NeffEdna born about 1910
NeilMinnie born about 1869
NelsonAnna Linborn about 1902
NelsonCarl Hborn about 1889
NeyHerbert born about 1895
NeyMary Dborn about 1894
NillsAnna Nborn about 1886
NillsFrances born about 1921
NillsFrancis born about 1880
NiswanderHall Cborn about 1893
NiswanderHelen born about 1898
NiswanderJean born about 1929
NiswanderJoan born about 1929
NiswanderWilliam born about 1922
NuckollsCharles Sborn about 1922
NugentAnna Marieborn about 1918
NugentGilbert born about 1918
NullenHelen born about 1919
NullenJames born about 1916
NullenJames Jr born about 1936
NullenWilliam born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OffuttEdward T Jrborn about 1902
OffuttKatherine born about 1906
OgdenGladse born about 1904
OgdenGrafton born about 1906
OgilvieGordon born about 1910
OgilvieMary Janeborn about 1916
OgilvieNancy Leeborn about 1937
OldhamMartha born about 1875
OlmstedNancy Eborn about 1855
OswaldAnnie born about 1873
OswaldEvelyn born about 1907
OswaldHarry born about 1915
OswaldWillie born about 1890
OveralMartha born about 1858
OwensCourtney born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettCharles Lborn about 1914
PadgettFloreda born about 1919
PainterAnnie Sborn about 1884
PainterBetty Annborn about 1929
PainterEston Bborn about 1931
PainterIsaac Hborn about 1884
PainterMarvin Lborn about 1906
PainterNamoi born about 1911
PainterS Elizabethborn about 1910
PainterWayne Lborn about 1928
PalmerJames born about 1930
PalmerOllive born about 1909
PalmerWilliam Jborn about 1933
PanavantJuliette born about 1890
PangleMackel born about 1920
ParkerHilda born about 1914
ParkerJohn Wborn about 1914
ParkerJohn W Jrborn about 1940
ParsonsCharles born about 1938
ParsonsJohn Wborn about 1912
ParsonsMary born about 1910
PasternakBessie born about 1907
PasternakJoseph born about 1905
PasternakSandra born about 1934
PasternakSheila born about 1938
PatrickBessie born about 1908
PatrickGeff born about 1894
PattersonBenjamin born about 1886
PattersonGordon born about 1925
PattersonMay born about 1889
PayneHelen born about 1916
PayneHelen born about 1922
PayneHelen Jeanborn about 1939
PaynePearl born about 1894
PayneRoy born about 1896
PayneThomas Cborn about 1915
PberthJosephine born about 1925
PberthMary Eborn about 1886
PberthVirginia born about 1923
PearsonLuella Nborn about 1875
PearsonThomas Jborn about 1875
PenceLonvia born about 1923
PequesIda Jborn about 1866
PetersiliaAlbert Wborn about 1883
PetersiliaElise born about 1891
PetersiliaMargaret born about 1920
PetersiliaMary Dulinborn about 1930
PetersiliaPatricia born about 1925
PetersiliaPaul Pborn about 1908
PetersonCharles born about 1866
PettiLillie born about 1923
PfeifferCarole Kayborn about 1939
PfeifferJohn Nborn about 1914
PfeifferMary born about 1914
PierceCharles Zborn about 1883
PierceKatherine born about 1911
PierceLucy born about 1890
PippensDorothy born about 1922
PittmanDella born about 1886
PomponiaAngelina born about 1927
PomponiaAnna born about 1900
PomponiaJames born about 1892
PomponiaViola born about 1926
PoolGeorge born about 1895
PopeAnna Belle Pborn about 1897
PopeJames Dborn about 1897
PoyreAnnie born about 1878
PoyreLouis Wborn about 1873
PoyreLouis W Jrborn about 1913
PrattAgnes Rborn about 1899
PrattAllan born about 1934
PrattEleanor born about 1935
PrattHarlan Aborn about 1892
PrenderMary Eborn about 1877
PrestonJoyce born about 1939
PrestonMageline born about 1920
PrestonThomas born about 1913
PriceDorothy born about 1906
PriceJames Mborn about 1909
PriestMary born about 1905
PriestRaymond born about 1903
ProsonEdna born about 1889
ProsonElly Bborn about 1885
ProsonEloise Mborn about 1926
PurcellCharles Hborn about 1895
PurcellKeesee Hborn about 1926
PurcellMadie Gborn about 1891
PurnnellLouis Eborn about 1910
PurnnellM Augustaborn about 1910
PutmanAugustus Cborn about 1866
PutnamAugust Cborn about 1865
PutnamErnest Cborn about 1873
PutnamFrances Mborn about 1876
PutnamMabie Aborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuackenbushCora born about 1867

R Surnames

RainesFrancis born about 1928
RainesJohn Hborn about 1887
RainesMary born about 1894
RameyAmelia born about 1913
RameyChester Eborn about 1904
RameyLinda Maeborn about 1940
ReamyBertha born about 1898
ReamyOtis Nborn about 1896
RebelGeorge born about 1919
RechtelJohn born about 1874
RedmondBeulah born about 1907
RedmondJulian born about 1905
RedwiseFloyd Eborn about 1897
RedwiseFloyd Hborn about 1928
RedwiseWealtha born about 1901
ReinersAlwin born about 1892
ReinersAlwin Jr born about 1926
ReinersElizabeth born about 1897
ReinersElizabeth born about 1924
ReinersPriscilla born about 1931
ReynoldsCoy born about 1914
ReynoldsEmma born about 1918
ReynoldsGathel born about 1923
ReynoldsLida Virginiaborn about 1907
ReynoldsMarlene born about 1939
ReynoldsNathan born about 1919
ReynoldsNoaman born about 1919
ReynoldsOllie born about 1887
ReynoldsWalker Bborn about 1882
RhodesAlbert Nborn about 1919
RhodesDavid Tborn about 1925
RhodesNina born about 1890
RichardsonBirda Anna Mayborn about 1905
RichardsonJeanette born about 1938
RichardsonRuth born about 1903
RichardsonVirgin Aborn about 1917
RichardsonWilliam Sborn about 1896
RichardsonWilliam Wborn about 1913
RichardsonWinfield born about 1931
RicheyEthel born about 1898
RicheyHiran born about 1867
RichmanWilliaminia born about 1913
RichmanWyatt born about 1909
RigglesMargaret Sborn about 1884
RitchieCalvin born about 1930
RitchieJames Cborn about 1904
RitchieReginald born about 1928
RitchieVergie born about 1906
RobertsonBessie born about 1903
RobertsonJ Richardborn about 1931
RobertsonVirginia born about 1924
RobertsonWalter born about 1895
RobertsonWalter E Jborn about 1938
RobinsonJohn Sborn about 1907
RobinsonSorrane born about 1914
RogersAlyne born about 1893
RogersArthur born about 1893
RogersPatricia born about 1922
RogsdaleGladys born about 1913
RogsdaleGordon born about 1912
RollinsJ Ashbyborn about 1936
RollinsJoseph born about 1907
RollinsLouise born about 1911
RollinsMarie Cborn about 1898
RollinsMarjorie born about 1932
RollinsNathaniel born about 1892
RollinsWalter Aborn about 1895
RootBarbara born about 1930
RootMarguerite born about 1887
RootWilliam Aborn about 1874
RosenbergerAndrew born about 1876
RosenbergerBetty Annborn about 1934
RosenbergerClarence born about 1905
RosenbergerClaude born about 1912
RosenbergerClaude born about 1916
RosenbergerDoris born about 1915
RosenbergerEleanor born about 1908
RosenbergerMary Janeborn about 1931
RosenbergerPaul born about 1903
RosenbergerPaul Jr born about 1939
RosenbergerTillie born about 1874
RossEffie Marieborn about 1886
RossMargaret born about 1917
RossRussell born about 1915
RosseeWilliam Dborn about 1924
RossonGeorge Sborn about 1924
RossonJohn Hborn about 1889
RossonRose Aborn about 1921
RossonRose Eborn about 1901
RouisJoe born about 1938
RouisRuby born about 1915
RubleArthur Pborn about 1896
RubleLucy Rborn about 1902
RudyonLeonard born about 1897
RudyonLeonard born about 1927
RudyonRuth born about 1902
RueffertCarl Eborn about 1893
RueffertEdla Sborn about 1903
RueffertGustav S Cborn about 1925
RushJohn born about 1895
RushMary born about 1887
RussoCarol Annborn about 1936
RussoFrancis born about 1904
RussoRosa born about 1906
RymanCharles born about 1903
RymanRonald born about 1938
RymanSena born about 1906
RynexEthel Mborn about 1895
RynexStanley born about 1930
RynexWalter Cborn about 1893
RynexWalter C Jrborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaddGraham born about 1909
SafayetteNorman Wborn about 1912
SahmowAnna Maeborn about 1936
SahmowAubrey born about 1897
SahmowVirginia born about 1909
SamprellMamie born about 1886
SamprellRichard Hborn about 1877
SamprellVeila born about 1907
SamprellWalter Cborn about 1910
SamprellWalter Cborn about 1936
SanbertHelen born about 1911
SanbertJohn born about 1909
SanbertJohn Cborn about 1935
SaweyMarilyn born about 1922
SaweyMarshall born about 1919
SchillingIda born about 1880
SchillingWilliam born about 1895
SchmidtCharles Wborn about 1939
SchmidtEli Cborn about 1920
SchmidtFredrick born about 1913
SchmidtFredrick born about 1937
SchmidtMarie born about 1914
SchoellkopfGottlieb born about 1882
SchoellkopfIda born about 1883
SchoenfeltRobert born about 1915
SchroffAnna Mayborn about 1927
SchroffFlorine born about 1912
SchroffFrancis Aborn about 1919
SchroffLouis born about 1885
ScottDwight born about 1932
ScottGudd Wborn about 1910
ScottIra born about 1885
ScottMildred born about 1908
ScottSylvia born about 1939
SeachBessie born about 1885
SeachEllen Vborn about 1918
SeachErnest Nborn about 1877
SeibertDorothy Annborn about 1930
SeibertGeorge born about 1890
SeibertGeorge Jr born about 1932
SeibertMary Dborn about 1909
SelectmanEllen Vborn about 1914
ShafferCharles Pborn about 1902
ShehanCatherine born about 1916
ShehanHattie Eborn about 1895
ShehanRichard born about 1881
ShephardElla Blancheborn about 1883
ShephardR Pageborn about 1885
SheridanAnn born about 1929
SheridanJohn Aborn about 1898
SheridanRobert born about 1926
SheridanSusan born about 1899
SherwoodAnna Rborn about 1902
SherwoodFrances Sborn about 1925
SherwoodOtiie F Jrborn about 1927
SherwoodOttie Fborn about 1900
ShiffletWillie Rborn about 1900
ShockeyErnest Gborn about 1892
ShockeyMaude Bborn about 1896
ShortHenry Cborn about 1885
ShortNora born about 1880
ShroutMary Mborn about 1875
ShroutSamuel born about 1873
SimminsPaul born about 1918
SimmonsDorothy Leeborn about 1913
SisterM Agathaborn about 1876
SisterM Carmelitaborn about 1904
SisterM Clineborn about 1911
SisterM Ignatiaborn about 1877
SisterM Paulaborn about 1886
SisterM Ritaborn about 1904
SisterM Scholasticaborn about 1902
SisterM Vincentborn about 1911
SmarrEthel Dborn about 1897
SmarrKenneth born about 1921
SmarrMargaret born about 1914
SmithAnita born about 1898
SmithBetsy Ellenborn about 1925
SmithBetty Maeborn about 1928
SmithCarlton born about 1926
SmithEdith born about 1909
SmithElizabeth born about 1904
SmithH Wallaceborn about 1895
SmithH Wallace Jrborn about 1921
SmithHarold born about 1904
SmithHelen born about 1911
SmithHelen A Mborn about 1896
SmithHenrietta Tborn about 1914
SmithJames Stanleyborn about 1927
SmithLincoln born about 1909
SmithLynn born about 1914
SmithPace born about 1921
SmithSallie born about 1939
SmithWalter born about 1897
SmithWilliam Aborn about 1901
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1907
SmootJerry born about 1918
SmootMarjorie born about 1921
SnellDale Fborn about 1909
SnellDale F Jrborn about 1939
SnellJeanett born about 1914
SniderAnna born about 1903
SniderAnna Virginiaborn about 1925
SniderBarbara born about 1936
SniderWilliam born about 1928
SniderWilliam Eborn about 1900
SnyderBetty Maeborn about 1928
SnyderCatherine born about 1910
SnyderJacob born about 1912
SnyderMary Catherineborn about 1934
SnyderRobert Bborn about 1907
SnyderRobert B Jrborn about 1930
SorensonChristian born about 1892
SorensonDonald born about 1927
SorensonElizabeth born about 1932
SorensonRuth born about 1931
SorensonVashe born about 1893
SorrellHubert Lborn about 1917
SoursRonald born about 1935
SoursRoselyn born about 1935
SoursRussel Fborn about 1907
SoursRuth born about 1912
SpauldingAmelia born about 1880
SpauldingEdward Gborn about 1875
SpeichAnne born about 1935
SpeichElizabeth born about 1940
SpeichFlorence born about 1914
SpeichRobert born about 1911
SpeichRobert born about 1937
SpencerBeatrice born about 1913
SpencerGeorge Sborn about 1914
SpencerGeorge Jr born about 1934
SpencerGerald Aborn about 1940
SpencerJames Aborn about 1939
SramekChristine born about 1890
SramekFrank Wborn about 1893
SrevensEloise born about 1849
StalnakerIra Aborn about 1874
StarbuckEugene born about 1939
StarbuckLester Mborn about 1909
StarbuckLola born about 1908
StarkCarrie born about 1909
StarkJames Sborn about 1875
StarkJanet Ruthborn about 1940
StarkJohn Wborn about 1905
StarkKenneth Leeborn about 1934
StarkMellie Maeborn about 1930
StarrLonnie Mborn about 1905
SteadmanEthel born about 1889
SteadmanRoyal Cborn about 1876
SteensonIsaac born about 1885
SteensonJean Vanaborn about 1924
SteensonN Albertaborn about 1897
SterlingCharles born about 1913
SterlingHolmes born about 1918
SterlingJo Annborn about 1939
SterlingJoseph born about 1938
SterlingJosephine born about 1912
SterlingViola born about 1915
StewartAnne Eborn about 1935
StewartErnestine born about 1895
StewartJames born about 1892
StewartJohn Rborn about 1852
StewartRalp Zborn about 1895
StewartSadie Sborn about 1898
StinsonKatherine born about 1936
StmartinEdith born about 1917
StmartinHarry born about 1917
StmartinJack born about 1914
StmartinNancy born about 1936
StmartinRobert born about 1937
StoffeAdolf born about 1891
StoffeElizabeth born about 1921
StoffeMeta born about 1881
StoffePaul born about 1916
StotlerAden born about 1896
StotlerIsabell born about 1898
SullivanJohn Mborn about 1891
SullivanJohn M Jborn about 1931
SullivanMargaret born about 1899
SullivanMary Anneborn about 1933
SuningMinnie born about 1901
SuningWilliam Eborn about 1897
SutphinMyrtle born about 1903
SwannJohn Rborn about 1906
SwannRobert born about 1910
SwoneyCornellius born about 1933
SwoneyEleanora born about 1908
SwoneyEleanora born about 1930
SwoneyKathleen Eborn about 1939
SwoneyThomas born about 1887
SwoneyThomas Jr born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyLillie Mayborn about 1921
TalleyWoodrow born about 1915
TannerJennie born about 1864
TateFredrick born about 1910
TateFredrick born about 1940
TateMarilyn Joanborn about 1934
TateMary born about 1915
ThomasRobert Jborn about 1881
ThompsonE Vivianborn about 1909
ThompsonEffie born about 1892
ThompsonLinnie Dborn about 1873
ThompsonMildred born about 1911
ThompsonRoy born about 1906
ThompsonSusie Mborn about 1895
ThompsonWalter Eborn about 1870
TimmonsAlvin born about 1899
TimmonsAnna Leeborn about 1925
TimmonsCary born about 1893
TimmonsEvelyn born about 1924
TimmonsGeorge Aborn about 1898
TimmonsLula born about 1901
ToddEffie born about 1868
TolbertEvelyn Bborn about 1912
TolbertSamuel born about 1912
TownerEvelyn born about 1897
TownerHarold Gborn about 1890
TownerRichard born about 1921
TracyMary born about 1908
TracyThomas Iiiborn about 1929
TracyThomas Jr born about 1901
TrammellEllen Leeborn about 1934
TrammellElva born about 1899
TuncanSena born about 1906
TurnerEdythe Rborn about 1888
TurnerEva born about 1910
TurnerRighter born about 1906
TylerAnn Louiseborn about 1925
TylerEdward Mborn about 1895
TylerLouise born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmbreyArthur born about 1893

V Surnames

VabuskirkAlice born about 1938
VabuskirkJohn Cborn about 1904
VabuskirkMarjorie born about 1912
VanhornNorma Aborn about 1925
VantressEloise born about 1915
VaughanBarbara born about 1934
VaughanCharolotte born about 1935
VaughanFrank born about 1906
VaughanRachel born about 1908
VelardiAugusta born about 1904
VelardiGrace born about 1930
VelardiJoseph born about 1903
VelardiJoseph Jr born about 1932
VirtoPearl born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagonerFay born about 1938
WagonerVirginia born about 1910
WagonerVirginia Anneborn about 1932
WagonerWilliam born about 1909
WakoffLenore born about 1917
WakoffMonty born about 1892
WakoffRose born about 1897
WalkerLilliam Cborn about 1885
WalshMargaret born about 1870
WardenBurdett born about 1904
WardenBurdett Jr born about 1927
WardenElsie born about 1905
WardenNancy born about 1938
WardenNoel born about 1937
WardenRichard born about 1930
WarfelDonald born about 1917
WarrenJoseh born about 1938
WattsCharlia Kborn about 1935
WattsClarence born about 1873
WattsNellie Cborn about 1884
WattsNellie Kborn about 1899
WeaverFrances born about 1913
WeaverGeorge Rborn about 1912
WebbFrank born about 1917
WebbIvy born about 1919
WebbJumings born about 1939
WebbVirginia born about 1938
WeekleyEmma Aborn about 1903
WeekleyRichard born about 1923
WeekleyVernon Fborn about 1898
WeinerRuth Maeborn about 1923
WelchClarence born about 1917
WelchClarence Jr born about 1938
WelchHelene born about 1919
WelchRobert born about 1939
WellsBillie Burnsborn about 1916
WellsCaptola Aborn about 1862
WellsFrank born about 1905
WellsJames Fborn about 1892
WellsMary born about 1891
WelsonKatherine born about 1877
WelsonWilliam Hborn about 1876
WestNell Cborn about 1891
WestonCecelia born about 1901
WestonWalter born about 1897
WhiteTeresa born about 1861
WillardAlice born about 1880
WilleyWade Devittborn about 1892
WilliamsDolores born about 1930
WilliamsLucy born about 1920
WilliamsRuth born about 1911
WilliamsTheodore born about 1909
WilliamsThomas born about 1914
WillmerDora born about 1911
WillmerGeorge Hborn about 1907
WillmerGeorge Jr born about 1931
WilshireBery Fborn about 1881
WilshireCarrie Kborn about 1881
WilsonDonald born about 1916
WilsonEvelyn born about 1923
WilsonLester Fborn about 1890
WilsonLester Jr born about 1925
WilsonMary Eborn about 1917
WilsonRuth Pborn about 1903
WilsonViolet born about 1898
WilsonWilliam Tborn about 1857
WingsAlfred Lborn about 1905
WiseKatherine born about 1899
WithamLillian Eborn about 1873
WolfAlbert Wborn about 1893
WolfDonnelly Jborn about 1932
WolfPatricia Anneborn about 1928
WolfRosemary born about 1930
WolfSillie Mborn about 1892
WoodHallie born about 1892
WoodinVirginia born about 1890
WoodsCora Belleborn about 1885
WoodsCora Leeborn about 1924
WoodsElizabeth born about 1923
WoodsHenry Oborn about 1907
WoodsHenry O Jrborn about 1928
WoodsKatharine Eborn about 1909
WoodsLe Roy born about 1884
WoolschlaguDonald born about 1930
WoolschlaguFred born about 1903
WoolschlaguFred born about 1926
WoolschlaguHelen born about 1908
WorthCora born about 1900
WorthGeorge Kingsleyborn about 1901
WorthMary Aliceborn about 1933
WrenLula born about 1883

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Y Surnames

YeatmanHilda born about 1918
YeatmanPatricia Annborn about 1940
YeatmanRichard born about 1917
YounbloodBrenton born about 1928
YounbloodCharles born about 1933
YounbloodHomer born about 1906
YounbloodMargaret born about 1909
YoungBarbara born about 1862
YoungJinnie born about 1872

Z Surnames

ZinovickDanuel born about 1910

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