1940 U.S. Federal Census of Columbia Grove, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Columbia Grove

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlease Bborn about 1932
AdamsDonald Lborn about 1927
AdamsElbert Cborn about 1920
AdamsElsie Nborn about 1930
AdamsEula Aborn about 1924
AdamsHirrim Tborn about 1890
AdamsMary Aborn about 1928
AdamsNora Lborn about 1897
AdamsReese Cborn about 1936
AdamsRomer Eborn about 1916
AdamsThelma Dborn about 1939
AdamsWesley Lborn about 1921
AdamsWillard Hborn about 1935
AllenClaude born about 1925
AllenMathan born about 1923
AllenMathel born about 1923
AllenOakley Hborn about 1928
AndrewsAron born about 1921
AndrewsCecil Gborn about 1939
AndrewsCharles Hborn about 1938
AndrewsEarnest Gborn about 1923
AndrewsEllen Eborn about 1937
AndrewsEmily Jr born about 1926
AndrewsEula Lborn about 1918
AndrewsFrances born about 1930
AndrewsFrank born about 1887
AndrewsFrank Lborn about 1916
AndrewsGessie Gborn about 1873
AndrewsJames Eborn about 1936
AndrewsJohn Rborn about 1921
AndrewsJoseph born about 1924
AndrewsLangston Mborn about 1914
AndrewsLiza born about 1890
AndrewsLucy Mborn about 1878
AndrewsMargaret Rborn about 1920
AndrewsMartha Mborn about 1933
AndrewsMary Lborn about 1932
AndrewsNanny Bborn about 1896
AndrewsNellie Aborn about 1917
AndrewsRichard born about 1928
AndrewsRichard Lborn about 1912
AndrewsRosa born about 1915
AndrewsSue born about 1932
AndrewsTheodore Rborn about 1939
AndrewsWalter Lborn about 1910
AndrewsWilliam Mborn about 1936
AshworthMable born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyArthur Lborn about 1908
BagleyCarlton Hborn about 1916
BagleyEdith born about 1868
BagleyHardy Wborn about 1897
BagleyJames Sborn about 1893
BagleyMabie Eborn about 1913
BagleyMary Eborn about 1891
BagleyRichard Aborn about 1865
BagleyVirginia Lborn about 1875
BaileyAnnie Lborn about 1888
BaileyJ Henryborn about 1883
BaileyMiss Ina Lborn about 1881
BaileyMiss Josephine born about 1851
BaileyVala born about 1873
BaineLander born about 1908
BaineMarie Lborn about 1896
BaineMary Jborn about 1866
BarberAlbert Hborn about 1919
BarberFloyd Wborn about 1923
BarberLynwood Rborn about 1925
BarberMrs Margie born about 1888
BarnerJerry Mborn about 1932
BarnerJessie Cborn about 1937
BarrowEarnest born about 1910
BarrowMazella Nborn about 1915
BaskervilleColeman born about 1900
BaskervilleDell Cborn about 1912
BaskervilleDover born about 1928
BaskervilleHerbert born about 1907
BaskervilleInell born about 1937
BaskervilleJunius born about 1926
BaskervilleMary Aborn about 1907
BaskervillePercy Eborn about 1934
BaterCarrie born about 1901
BaterHugh Kborn about 1893
BaterJames born about 1931
BaterJulia born about 1853
BaterJulia Leeborn about 1924
BaterMaxine born about 1928
BaterRathea born about 1933
BaterTheodore born about 1936
BellAgatha Hborn about 1925
BellAlbert Lborn about 1932
BellAlice born about 1899
BellAnna Bborn about 1923
BellArvin Bborn about 1912
BellClaude born about 1931
BellClaude Aborn about 1932
BellCorlyle Jborn about 1926
BellDavid Bborn about 1916
BellDoctor Dborn about 1893
BellDoris Gborn about 1918
BellEdward Wborn about 1873
BellElinor Wborn about 1920
BellEthel Aborn about 1890
BellEunice Cborn about 1934
BellEvelyn Aborn about 1939
BellFrancis born about 1939
BellGeorge Cborn about 1870
BellGertrude Lborn about 1878
BellGlennis Aborn about 1927
BellHarriet Eborn about 1915
BellHunter Jborn about 1892
BellHunter J Jrborn about 1921
BellJames Hborn about 1902
BellJohn Eborn about 1935
BellJohn Gborn about 1938
BellJohn Lborn about 1930
BellLanson born about 1913
BellLilly Mborn about 1927
BellLouise Jborn about 1904
BellLucille born about 1910
BellMable born about 1919
BellMae Lborn about 1936
BellMajor Mborn about 1922
BellMartha Aborn about 1914
BellMartha Jborn about 1883
BellMartha Mborn about 1928
BellMary Eborn about 1897
BellRandolph Rborn about 1927
BellRebecca born about 1936
BellRichard Aborn about 1925
BellRobert Eborn about 1932
BellRobert Lborn about 1911
BellRosa Eborn about 1904
BellRoyal born about 1914
BellS Marshallborn about 1915
BellSophie Fborn about 1890
BellThodenia Cborn about 1879
BellThomas born about 1895
BellWalter Aborn about 1925
BellWaverly born about 1907
BellWilbur born about 1934
BellWilliam Gborn about 1878
BellWilliam Mborn about 1926
BishopAlwyn Kborn about 1908
BishopBetty Lborn about 1920
BishopEthel Mborn about 1922
BishopGracie Pborn about 1914
BishopJanie Cborn about 1939
BishopLula Mborn about 1905
BishopR Gilbertborn about 1898
BishopRobert Eborn about 1924
BishopWilliam Gborn about 1919
BlackwellBeatrice born about 1914
BlackwellDora Eborn about 1937
BlackwellJames Wborn about 1914
BlackwellJames W Jrborn about 1940
BoswellAnne Pborn about 1939
BoswellAnnie born about 1920
BoswellArcher born about 1921
BoswellBenjamin Aborn about 1931
BoswellBertha Mborn about 1928
BoswellClaude Lborn about 1929
BoswellClyde born about 1926
BoswellCora born about 1928
BoswellCora Jborn about 1878
BoswellDellie born about 1905
BoswellDelney Aborn about 1921
BoswellDoctor Alexborn about 1884
BoswellEdward Eborn about 1906
BoswellEdward Nborn about 1923
BoswellElinor born about 1897
BoswellElizabeth born about 1910
BoswellEmmett Mborn about 1904
BoswellEthel Kborn about 1930
BoswellEvaline Gborn about 1924
BoswellGloria Lborn about 1933
BoswellHarney born about 1927
BoswellHattie born about 1917
BoswellHenderson Pborn about 1917
BoswellHenry born about 1906
BoswellHorace Lborn about 1933
BoswellHoward born about 1927
BoswellJames born about 1884
BoswellJames born about 1932
BoswellJeff born about 1895
BoswellJohn Lborn about 1859
BoswellJohn Wborn about 1935
BoswellKatherine born about 1922
BoswellKatie Mborn about 1926
BoswellLetty born about 1898
BoswellLouise Sborn about 1908
BoswellMae Lborn about 1929
BoswellMarie Eborn about 1929
BoswellMary born about 1865
BoswellMinnie born about 1937
BoswellOlivia born about 1935
BoswellRichard Lborn about 1926
BoswellSarah Fborn about 1910
BoswellThomas Dborn about 1900
BoswellThomas Jr born about 1924
BoswellViolet Eborn about 1937
BridgeforthAnderson born about 1884
BridgeforthArcher Eborn about 1913
BridgeforthCalvin Gborn about 1927
BridgeforthGeorge Kborn about 1938
BridgeforthIndia born about 1883
BridgeforthOvelia born about 1886
BridgeforthRichard born about 1885
BridgeforthWilliam Aborn about 1920
BridgeforthWinnie Mborn about 1915
BridgerEdgar Dborn about 1885
BridgerMccay born about 1911
BridgerMymie Lborn about 1887
BrownAlease born about 1902
BrownAlfred born about 1918
BrownAnnie Bborn about 1935
BrownAnnie Mborn about 1910
BrownDavy born about 1929
BrownDollie born about 1886
BrownElizah born about 1938
BrownJames Lborn about 1885
BrownJohn Aborn about 1872
BrownJohn Lborn about 1930
BrownLawrence born about 1907
BrownLawrence Sborn about 1934
BrownLucy Mborn about 1929
BrownMilton born about 1907
BrownRobert born about 1925
BrownRossa born about 1860
BrownVirginia born about 1932
BuchannanBessie born about 1890
BuchannanClell Oborn about 1924
BuchannanD Sterlingborn about 1926
BuchannanErma Fborn about 1929
BuchannanGeraldine Gborn about 1931
BuchannanJanet born about 1928
BuchannanKenneth Kborn about 1918
BuchannanKirby Lborn about 1937
BuchannanL Louiseborn about 1920
BuchannanLyla Bborn about 1933
BuchannanM Kennyborn about 1934
BuchannanNaomi born about 1912
BuchannanRockwell Gborn about 1885
BuchannanThomas Bborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabanissJohn born about 1881
CabanissLeda born about 1888
CabanissMack born about 1928
CalahanAlois born about 1935
CalahanDella Oborn about 1936
CalahanDouglas born about 1897
CalahanElozer born about 1897
CalahanHenry born about 1938
CalahanLacy born about 1900
CalahanMack Nborn about 1926
CalahanRussell born about 1933
CalahanRuth born about 1904
CalahanThessalonia born about 1923
CalahanWilliam Bborn about 1928
CalahanWillie Mborn about 1932
CallerElizabeth Mborn about 1898
CallerJames Wborn about 1895
CallerJames W Jrborn about 1923
CallerMiles Mborn about 1934
CallerRachel Oborn about 1922
CamptonAlbert born about 1925
CamptonBeleton born about 1928
CamptonJames Hborn about 1877
CamptonJames Rborn about 1920
CamptonLouise born about 1888
CamptonMary Fborn about 1939
CamptonNellie Gborn about 1908
CamptonWhitton born about 1930
CamptonWilliam Hborn about 1907
CarterAda born about 1922
CarterAlex born about 1869
CarterAlex Mborn about 1930
CarterCharlie born about 1924
CarterJohn Rborn about 1938
CarterMaggie born about 1884
CarterNancy born about 1905
CarterR Bernardborn about 1927
CarterRyland Wborn about 1904
CarterWilliam born about 1928
CarterWilliam Lborn about 1919
ColeAnnie born about 1895
ColeBarbara born about 1939
ColeBenny Wborn about 1893
ColeCharles Wborn about 1922
ColeDaniel Wborn about 1932
ColeElla Lborn about 1897
ColeFrederick Wborn about 1928
ColeGladys Aborn about 1937
ColeGreen Cborn about 1893
ColeHenry born about 1914
ColeHorace born about 1936
ColeJames Cborn about 1907
ColeKenneth born about 1938
ColeLucy Mborn about 1918
ColeMarion Fborn about 1938
ColeMary Fborn about 1920
ColeMinnie Mborn about 1882
ColeStewart born about 1937
ColeWilbur Aborn about 1934
ColeWilliam Hborn about 1925
ColeWilliam Lborn about 1933
CottleFern Eborn about 1923
CottleGrant born about 1901
CottleJames Hborn about 1934
CottlePearl Oborn about 1921
CottleRuth Mborn about 1925
CottleViolet Jborn about 1928
CottleW Harveyborn about 1895
CottleWilliam H Jrborn about 1930
CraddockAlice born about 1914
CraddockCharlie born about 1914
CraddockEmma Bborn about 1939
CraddockFanny Lkborn about 1918
CraddockJames Hborn about 1937
CraddockWalter Sborn about 1918
CraftonAnna Rborn about 1935
CraftonAntey Rborn about 1910
CraftonClarence Lborn about 1917
CraftonCornelius Rborn about 1882
CraftonEdward Cborn about 1905
CraftonEtta born about 1876
CraftonEva Lborn about 1934
CraftonGerald Tborn about 1933
CraftonHarold Mborn about 1939
CraftonHelen Mborn about 1913
CraftonJames Eborn about 1931
CraftonJames Wborn about 1882
CraftonJoyce Eborn about 1937
CraftonMinnie Bborn about 1931
CraftonMinnie Lborn about 1910
CraftonRuth born about 1896
CraftonS Haroldborn about 1905
CraftonStephen Bborn about 1856
CraftonWalter Dborn about 1920
CrawleyWilliam born about 1915
CrenshawErsell born about 1931
CrenshawHorrace born about 1933
CrenshawMargaret Cborn about 1929
CrenshawRudolph Vborn about 1934
CroslinAlice Mborn about 1900
CroslinIva Lborn about 1929
CroslinJohn Hborn about 1895
CroslinJohn H Jrborn about 1926
CrowderAlice Mborn about 1939
CrowderFrederick born about 1906
CrowderFrederick Jr born about 1936
CrowderKatherine born about 1907
CrowderRena Cborn about 1934
CrowderRoosevelt born about 1927
CrowderRosa born about 1929
CrowderWilliam Leeborn about 1931
CrowderWilliam Mborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DadsonRobert born about 1911
DadsonThelma born about 1912
DaultonCarrie Wborn about 1883
DaultonLottie born about 1885
DaultonRandolph born about 1923
DaultonRaymond born about 1909
DaultonRoy born about 1911
DavisAllie born about 1913
DavisArnold Mborn about 1909
DavisDaisy born about 1893
DavisElizabeth Aborn about 1940
DavisElizabeth Lborn about 1922
DavisJames Rborn about 1916
DavisM Sueborn about 1905
DavisTanny Aborn about 1868
DavisThomas Lborn about 1879
DavisWarren born about 1904
DavisWilliam Eborn about 1897
DavisWillie born about 1905
DennisCharles born about 1864
DennisEmma born about 1920
DennisIndia born about 1870
DixonCharles Iborn about 1884
DoyleErlin Wborn about 1907
DoyleRalph Fborn about 1898
DoyleRobert Eborn about 1938
DoyleRobert Wborn about 1875
DoyleWilliam Tborn about 1932

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E Surnames

EastwoodAlfred born about 1905
EastwoodAlfred Tborn about 1935
EastwoodChristine Bborn about 1939
EastwoodGeorge born about 1912
EastwoodKendie born about 1936
EastwoodWillie Lborn about 1905
EastwoodWillie Jr born about 1934
EdmondsJames Algieborn about 1866
EdmondsLucy Gborn about 1902
EdmondsRobert born about 1927
ElderAnnie Bborn about 1934
ElderErline Eborn about 1936
ElderJohn Dborn about 1871
ElderKatherine Eborn about 1917
ElderRalph Lborn about 1938
ElderSam Eborn about 1914
ElderSamuel born about 1939
EstesEdward Wborn about 1882
EstesEdward W Jrborn about 1917
EstesMaxine Mborn about 1920
EstesVivian Bborn about 1887

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F Surnames

FarrarDorothy born about 1935
FelderRobert born about 1924
FergusonAile Bborn about 1873
FergusonEvelyn Aborn about 1908
FergusonPaul Eborn about 1866
FergusonWilbur Hborn about 1874
FinchA Douglasborn about 1939
FinchBarbara Aborn about 1938
FinchCarlton born about 1920
FinchElizabeth born about 1918
FinchHerbert born about 1895
FinchHerbert Lborn about 1932
FinchHerman born about 1914
FinchHerman Jr born about 1936
FinchLogan Dborn about 1913
FinchMargaret Jborn about 1917
FinchMary Aborn about 1901
FinchMattie Eborn about 1918
FinchRay Lborn about 1925
FinchRosa Lborn about 1878
FlippenElinor Pborn about 1928
FlippenHarney Gborn about 1926
FlippenHorace Lborn about 1916
FlippenIrene Aborn about 1923
FlippenJulia Eborn about 1883
FlippenVanon Hborn about 1931
FreemanAlma Lborn about 1919
FreemanFlorence Jborn about 1922
FreemanGeneva born about 1931
FreemanGeorge Wborn about 1929
FreemanGoodwyn born about 1888
FreemanHarold Hborn about 1940
FreemanJohn Rborn about 1935
FreemanJoseph Gborn about 1926
FreemanMammie Lborn about 1920
FreemanMary Aborn about 1936
FreemanRichard Jborn about 1918
FreemanSamuel born about 1919
FreemanSarah born about 1928
FreemanWilliam Cborn about 1925

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G Surnames

GarlandAdkins Jborn about 1921
GarlandAnna Oborn about 1931
GarlandCalvin Wborn about 1940
GarlandDavid born about 1891
GarlandEula born about 1936
GarlandGeorge Wborn about 1926
GarlandGrant Lborn about 1923
GarlandHattie Lborn about 1935
GarlandJohn Cborn about 1905
GarlandLeroy born about 1914
GarlandMary Cborn about 1917
GarlandMildred Jborn about 1935
GarlandMrs Eula born about 1925
GarlandNathaniel born about 1940
GarlandPleasant Lborn about 1920
GarlandRebecca born about 1860
GarlandRoy born about 1938
GarlandSusie Lborn about 1920
GarnerEthel Lborn about 1919
GarnerFloyd Lborn about 1940
GarnerLeola born about 1936
GarnerLuther born about 1913
GarnerWilliam Aborn about 1938
GarrettCharles born about 1900
GarrettLizzie born about 1912
GarrettMartha Annborn about 1875
GarrettThomas born about 1901
GeeAgerie Lborn about 1926
GeeAnita born about 1937
GeeArchie Gborn about 1934
GeeArkley Pborn about 1891
GeeBarbara Aborn about 1937
GeeBerley Mborn about 1924
GeeChristine born about 1926
GeeClaudia born about 1919
GeeCourtney Mborn about 1917
GeeCrawley born about 1899
GeeDorothy Lborn about 1933
GeeEarl Rborn about 1936
GeeEddie Eborn about 1874
GeeEdna born about 1902
GeeEdward Pborn about 1927
GeeEllis Wborn about 1925
GeeElvin Hborn about 1935
GeeEmerson Wborn about 1935
GeeEthel Mborn about 1915
GeeEunice born about 1922
GeeGarland born about 1888
GeeGladys Oborn about 1930
GeeGlennis Hborn about 1940
GeeHallie Eborn about 1918
GeeHarold Bborn about 1904
GeeHarold B Jrborn about 1933
GeeHarold Gborn about 1932
GeeHarold Iborn about 1910
GeeJames born about 1923
GeeJames Cborn about 1928
GeeJanie Gborn about 1896
GeeJenny Lborn about 1918
GeeJohn R Srborn about 1893
GeeJulia born about 1905
GeeLeslie Jborn about 1876
GeeLillian Bborn about 1880
GeeLois Lborn about 1939
GeeLouise born about 1940
GeeLouise Mborn about 1930
GeeLulie Jborn about 1928
GeeM Nelsonborn about 1932
GeeMarie Mborn about 1918
GeeMarion born about 1922
GeeMartha Aborn about 1906
GeeMartha Aborn about 1913
GeeMartha Eborn about 1903
GeeMartha Vborn about 1929
GeeMason Mborn about 1886
GeeMaude Mborn about 1858
GeeNannie Bborn about 1879
GeeOra Lborn about 1917
GeeRachel Vborn about 1922
GeeRobert Mborn about 1905
GeeRosa Bborn about 1890
GeeRosa Mborn about 1891
GeeRuby Aborn about 1891
GeeStanley Wborn about 1927
GeeThomas Eborn about 1881
GeeThomas Mnborn about 1924
GeeWillie Mborn about 1926
GoddeWillie born about 1892
GoldsberySylvia born about 1916
GoldsberyThomas Hborn about 1914
GoodeBarbara born about 1933
GregoryKenneth born about 1932
GregoryLewis Nborn about 1937
GregoryMattie Lborn about 1904
GregoryRuben Nborn about 1903
GregoryViolet Mborn about 1933
GunnAaron Dborn about 1925
GunnAdie Aborn about 1937
GunnAlice Cborn about 1929
GunnBeulah Wborn about 1923
GunnClarence Wborn about 1895
GunnElemiske Rborn about 1920
GunnElfred Cborn about 1921
GunnLeroy Cborn about 1932
GunnMaurice Eborn about 1927
GunnRay Rborn about 1934

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H Surnames

HamletHarold Wborn about 1917
HamletHarold W Jrborn about 1936
HamletJerry Bborn about 1875
HamletSterling Eborn about 1873
HamletVirginia Aborn about 1937
HamletWillie Rborn about 1918
HardyAnnie born about 1929
HardyCharles Cborn about 1883
HardyCharlotte born about 1916
HardyEmerson Cborn about 1910
HardyHoward born about 1919
HardyIda born about 1917
HardyKathleen Gborn about 1916
HardyLewis Eborn about 1912
HardyMarian born about 1925
HardyMary Cborn about 1872
HardyMyrtle born about 1923
HarperAdaline born about 1899
HarperLewis born about 1895
HarperLewis Cliftonborn about 1921
HarperLillian Lborn about 1933
HarperMagnolia Mborn about 1928
HarperMary Cborn about 1926
HarperThomas Mborn about 1924
HarringtonAllen Lborn about 1903
HarringtonAnna Mborn about 1930
HarringtonEllen Gborn about 1927
HarringtonJunita Wborn about 1925
HarringtonThelma Dborn about 1906
HarrisAggerine born about 1918
HarrisAnnie Bborn about 1895
HarrisBenjamin Gborn about 1927
HarrisCarrie Aborn about 1904
HarrisCarrie Lborn about 1929
HarrisCharles Bborn about 1927
HarrisCharles Gborn about 1896
HarrisCharlie born about 1939
HarrisHattie Gborn about 1926
HarrisJames Bborn about 1934
HarrisJames Dborn about 1909
HarrisJames Gborn about 1923
HarrisJohn Wborn about 1897
HarrisJunius born about 1900
HarrisLawrence born about 1915
HarrisLawrence Mborn about 1938
HarrisLuther Fborn about 1932
HarrisMary born about 1909
HarrisMary Bborn about 1931
HarrisOla born about 1890
HarrisRichard Hborn about 1921
HarrisRobert born about 1900
HarrisSarah born about 1875
HarrisSimon Pborn about 1874
HarryJames born about 1899
HarryJames Aborn about 1922
HarryJanie born about 1937
HarryJohn Dborn about 1923
HarryMary born about 1901
HatchettEverette Lborn about 1937
HatchettJames Hborn about 1919
HatchettOtis born about 1893
HatchettRosa Bborn about 1919
HatchettShirley Lborn about 1937
HatchettVictoria born about 1895
HathorneAubrey Rborn about 1917
HathorneEdward Sborn about 1923
HathorneGlyn Jborn about 1905
HathorneKenneth born about 1921
HathorneLewis Lborn about 1904
HathornePearl Lborn about 1879
HathorneSusie Cborn about 1917
HathorneWiley Aborn about 1874
HawthorneBessie Mborn about 1921
HawthorneCleopatra born about 1926
HawthorneCurtiss born about 1929
HawthorneEmma Lborn about 1932
HawthorneEmma Lborn about 1933
HawthorneEula Mborn about 1929
HawthorneEula Mborn about 1931
HawthorneHattie Fborn about 1903
HawthorneJames Wborn about 1855
HawthorneJohn Tborn about 1924
HawthorneLeroy born about 1935
HawthorneMiss Betty born about 1855
HawthorneSydney A Jrborn about 1936
HawthorneW Melvinborn about 1925
HawthorneWilliam Aborn about 1934
HawthorneWilliam A Jrborn about 1899
HayesDorothy Mborn about 1922
HayesEverleen born about 1930
HayesHorace born about 1928
HayesJannie born about 1924
HayesMartha Jborn about 1895
HayesMckinley born about 1925
HayesRuth born about 1930
HayesThomas born about 1890
HazelwoodAnnabelle born about 1908
HazelwoodArline Oborn about 1919
HazelwoodBessie Bborn about 1884
HazelwoodCommie Wborn about 1906
HazelwoodCommie Wborn about 1939
HazelwoodCrawley Tborn about 1889
HazelwoodDavid Tborn about 1912
HazelwoodEdith Tborn about 1909
HazelwoodEmma Lborn about 1937
HazelwoodGeorge Eborn about 1877
HazelwoodGeorge Gborn about 1919
HazelwoodGeorge Wborn about 1919
HazelwoodGladys Sborn about 1917
HazelwoodHarry Nborn about 1922
HazelwoodHazel Lborn about 1935
HazelwoodHelen born about 1921
HazelwoodIrby born about 1904
HazelwoodIrby Mborn about 1891
HazelwoodIrby Jr born about 1939
HazelwoodIsaac Bborn about 1918
HazelwoodJames Aborn about 1908
HazelwoodJames Pborn about 1913
HazelwoodJames Rborn about 1938
HazelwoodJohn Aborn about 1874
HazelwoodLaura Aborn about 1905
HazelwoodLucy Bborn about 1878
HazelwoodManny Aborn about 1881
HazelwoodMary Aborn about 1895
HazelwoodMary Lborn about 1881
HazelwoodMildred Aborn about 1914
HazelwoodPauline Cborn about 1927
HazelwoodRichard Tborn about 1872
HazelwoodRobert Hborn about 1888
HazelwoodRobert Mborn about 1939
HazelwoodRobert Tborn about 1913
HazelwoodRoy Bborn about 1915
HazelwoodWinifred born about 1924
HazelwoodWoodrow Cborn about 1932
HicksBenjamin born about 1888
HicksBernie born about 1911
HicksErnest Jborn about 1932
HicksFanny Mborn about 1929
HicksGertrude Bborn about 1926
HicksHenry born about 1930
HicksIda Aborn about 1888
HicksMattie Cborn about 1923
HicksRosa Bborn about 1920
HicksThelma Gborn about 1935
HicksThomas Cborn about 1932
HicksWilliam Hborn about 1909
HillAlfred born about 1931
HillAlvin born about 1931
HillBeline born about 1925
HillEva born about 1900
HillJames born about 1927
HillJames Gborn about 1928
HillJoseph Eborn about 1921
HillMandy Lborn about 1937
HillMary Gborn about 1933
HintonBetty born about 1921
HintonElsie born about 1892
HintonMaurice born about 1919
HintonRobert Aborn about 1888
HiteBertha Mborn about 1928
HiteCatherine born about 1938
HiteDaisy Aborn about 1907
HiteEarnest Jborn about 1935
HiteJessie born about 1910
HiteLaura born about 1911
HiteLlewellyn Hborn about 1906
HodgeGeorge born about 1926
HodgeKate born about 1928
HodgeKing born about 1910
HodgeLessie born about 1900
HodgeMarie born about 1905
HodgeWilbur born about 1924
HodgeWilliam born about 1886
HolmesAnnie Fborn about 1937
HolmesCharles born about 1882
HolmesIrene born about 1918
HolmesJoseph born about 1913
HolmesLucien born about 1907
HolmesNaomi born about 1923
HolmesRoberta born about 1885
HolmesRuth born about 1922
HoodHenry born about 1902
HopsonAlexander born about 1893
HopsonAnna Lborn about 1891
HopsonAnnie Bborn about 1892
HopsonAnnie Lborn about 1928
HopsonCharles Mborn about 1881
HopsonClem born about 1887
HopsonDorothy Mborn about 1929
HopsonEarnest Pborn about 1925
HopsonJack Hborn about 1888
HopsonJack Jr born about 1937
HopsonJohn born about 1855
HopsonJohn Wborn about 1919
HopsonLoyd Wborn about 1933
HopsonMarie Lborn about 1935
HopsonMarion Jborn about 1922
HopsonMary born about 1887
HopsonPage Eborn about 1922
HopsonRosa Aborn about 1921
HopsonWill Cborn about 1925
HuntonBetty born about 1867
HuntonCharles Mborn about 1864
HuntonRobert Mborn about 1925

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I Surnames

IngramConley born about 1878
IngramMaggie born about 1886
IngramPearl Eborn about 1935
IngramThomas born about 1923

J Surnames

JacksonAlfred born about 1924
JacksonElla born about 1900
JacksonLewis born about 1923
JacksonLou born about 1870
JeffersonJames born about 1875
JeffersonLillian Maeborn about 1938
JeffersonMary born about 1919
JeffersonWilliam born about 1916
JenkinsCora Oborn about 1900
JenkinsJohn Rborn about 1920
JenkinsMick Cborn about 1881
JenkinsMick C Jrborn about 1932
JohnsMary Eborn about 1896
JohnsMildred Eborn about 1925
JohnsSamuel Aborn about 1891
JohnsonMartha born about 1874
JohnsonWillie Wborn about 1867
JonesAgnes Mborn about 1939
JonesAnna born about 1918
JonesArchie born about 1859
JonesArchie Lborn about 1893
JonesArchie Lborn about 1939
JonesC Juanitaborn about 1934
JonesDaisy Bborn about 1923
JonesDavid Eborn about 1919
JonesDavid Jborn about 1938
JonesDorothy Rborn about 1930
JonesEugenia Lborn about 1917
JonesHedy Lborn about 1892
JonesHenry born about 1940
JonesJenny Aborn about 1897
JonesJenny Klborn about 1939
JonesLouise Mborn about 1929
JonesMagnolia A Dborn about 1918
JonesMary Aborn about 1922
JonesMary Cborn about 1936
JonesOtelia born about 1919
JonesRobert Lborn about 1893
JonesRobert L Jrborn about 1925
JonesSaviaus Eborn about 1885
JonesSusie born about 1896
JonesT Lovelaceborn about 1917
JonesWashington Lborn about 1927
JonesWeldon Wborn about 1940
JonesWilliam Hborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KeeterBlanche born about 1900
KeeterClaudia born about 1925
KeeterDee Cborn about 1927
KingAddie born about 1895
KingAlvesta born about 1938
KingBessie born about 1935
KingBessie Mborn about 1931
KingCallie Fborn about 1916
KingDavid Lborn about 1918
KingDenmack born about 1894
KingDorothy Lborn about 1934
KingFlossie Vborn about 1926
KingFloyd Lborn about 1932
KingJames born about 1918
KingJohn born about 1909
KingJohn Rborn about 1937
KingKenneth Hborn about 1928
KingLoyd born about 1926
KingMargaret born about 1934
KingMoses born about 1886
KingNanny born about 1889
KingOllie born about 1907
KingPattie Cborn about 1936
KingPearl born about 1916
KingRobert Eborn about 1916
KingRobert Wborn about 1940
KingRosa born about 1933
KingSarah Eborn about 1940
KingThelma Gborn about 1923
KingTheodore Mborn about 1932
KingVirginia born about 1936
KingVirginia Mborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertAnnie Pborn about 1935
LambertDavid Lborn about 1940
LambertEdith Mborn about 1939
LambertEunice Jborn about 1938
LambertFlorence born about 1915
LambertIrving Tborn about 1917
LambertJames Lborn about 1939
LambertViola Vborn about 1914
LambertWilliam born about 1914
LambertWillie Nborn about 1936
LaneEmily Kborn about 1912
LaneEverette Kborn about 1907
LaneJohn Hborn about 1865
LaneM Christineborn about 1914
LaneSarah Eborn about 1871
LarringBranford Aborn about 1939
LarringCalahan born about 1938
LarringClarence born about 1935
LarringHarry born about 1937
LarringWilliam born about 1933
LaveDaisy Eborn about 1882
LaveFrank Hborn about 1893
LaveFrederick Oborn about 1916
LaveL Lynnborn about 1880
LaveMary Lborn about 1888
LaveMary Sborn about 1895
LaveRay Dborn about 1914
LaveStephen Hborn about 1911
LaveWillard Lborn about 1909
LawsonJames Rborn about 1920
LawsonJanie born about 1900
LawsonJohn Lborn about 1925
LawsonRobert Lborn about 1899
LawsonRobert L Jrborn about 1919
LeeAlfred born about 1912
LeeChristine Rborn about 1938
LeeDaisy born about 1889
LeeDaisy born about 1921
LeeDella Mborn about 1916
LeeDouglas born about 1918
LeeEdith born about 1922
LeeFrank born about 1931
LeeHartnell born about 1886
LeeJohn Bborn about 1911
LeeJohn Lborn about 1937
LeeLucille born about 1928
LeeMelvin born about 1939
LeeNora Aborn about 1930
LeeVenable born about 1932
LeeVirginia born about 1923
LeeWaverly born about 1924
LeeWesley born about 1928
LeryMarrie Fborn about 1887
LeryTheodore Cborn about 1883
LeryWilliam born about 1924
LittleFloyd Eborn about 1921
LittleJames Hborn about 1919
LittleJerry Lborn about 1926
LittleLouise born about 1885
LittleManuel Eborn about 1923
LittleMary Aborn about 1932
LittleSammy Lborn about 1917
LoftisFanny Mborn about 1937
LoftisGrace Eborn about 1932
LoftisJenny born about 1908
LoftisJoe Lborn about 1900
LoftisLaverna Fborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddoxAlfred Hborn about 1918
MaddoxB Alvoy Lborn about 1934
MaddoxCharlie born about 1915
MaddoxClaiborne born about 1856
MaddoxClara born about 1925
MaddoxEaster Vborn about 1934
MaddoxElla Mborn about 1924
MaddoxFrank born about 1898
MaddoxGertrude born about 1896
MaddoxGloria Cborn about 1936
MaddoxGrace born about 1924
MaddoxHagie Lborn about 1926
MaddoxJohn Hborn about 1928
MaddoxJoseph Fborn about 1921
MaddoxLucille born about 1920
MaddoxMartha Aborn about 1930
MaddoxR Scottborn about 1908
MaddoxRuby born about 1932
MaddoxSally Oborn about 1935
MaddoxSarah born about 1859
MaddoxWalter born about 1928
MaddoxWalter Bborn about 1887
MaddoxWilliam Aborn about 1936
MaddoxWilliam Eborn about 1930
MaddoxWillie Lborn about 1921
MasonAllen born about 1888
MasonGeorge born about 1873
MaudJohn Cborn about 1880
MayBenjamin born about 1907
MayGladys born about 1932
MayHainey Wborn about 1910
MayLeroy born about 1929
MayThomas Hborn about 1930
MayWallicia born about 1939
McGhinnisBara Lborn about 1873
McGhinnisFlynn Sborn about 1871
McGhinnisLillian born about 1912
McGhinnisTheodore born about 1911
McGhinnisVincent born about 1894
MooreCharles born about 1860
MooreJoyce Lborn about 1928
MorganAlice born about 1935
MorganAnnie born about 1902
MorganAnnie Gborn about 1924
MorganArtine born about 1933
MorganElinor Eborn about 1935
MorganHarry born about 1893
MorganLinwood born about 1933
MorganLou Jborn about 1920
MorganNaomi Sborn about 1933
MorrisWilliam born about 1921
MorrisonAlvin Rborn about 1922
MorrisonBessie Nborn about 1934
MorrisonCassie born about 1919
MorrisonEdward born about 1920
MorrisonGeorge Aborn about 1924
MorrisonGilberta born about 1898
MorrisonHattie Pborn about 1932
MorrisonHerman Aborn about 1939
MorrisonJennings born about 1882
MorrisonJohn Gborn about 1920
MorrisonJohn Hborn about 1918
MorrisonLillian Mborn about 1925
MorrisonOrlina born about 1936
MorrisonWilliam Sborn about 1931
MurphyArline born about 1932
MurphyBernice born about 1938
MurphyFanny Oborn about 1918
MurphyJasper born about 1935
MurphyPeter born about 1936
MurphyWillie Mborn about 1911
MurphyWillie M Jrborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashElla Mborn about 1884
NashElsie born about 1914
NashGilbert Aborn about 1913
NashHugh Cborn about 1874
NashJames Dborn about 1927
NashMary Aliceborn about 1926
NashMary Bborn about 1904
NashWilliam Rborn about 1900
NeblettBernice born about 1925
NeblettBertha Sborn about 1920
NeblettCurtis born about 1928
NeblettEdward born about 1872
NeblettElizabeth born about 1892
NeblettEstelle born about 1920
NeblettGeorge Wborn about 1935
NeblettJames born about 1883
NeblettJames born about 1924
NeblettMargaret born about 1938
NeblettMary Eborn about 1871
NeblettMary Gborn about 1931
NeblettNell born about 1923
NeblettRobert born about 1891
NeblettRosalee born about 1937
NeblettSally born about 1888
NeblettSally born about 1914
NeblettViola born about 1921
NeblettViolet Lborn about 1939
NeblettWalton born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdileBessie born about 1910
OdileThomas Eborn about 1931
OverbyAnnie born about 1900
OverbyCharles Sborn about 1908
OverbyEgbert Mborn about 1873
OverbyMack Gborn about 1895
OverbySarah Aborn about 1891
OverbyWillie Hborn about 1878

P Surnames

PalmerManuel born about 1904
PalmerManuel Cborn about 1939
PalmerOtelia Hborn about 1900
ParhamNettie Wborn about 1910
ParhamRusell Aborn about 1909
ParhamShirley Aborn about 1931
ParhamTaylor Jborn about 1906
ParhanBernard Lborn about 1918
ParhanGeorge Bborn about 1876
ParhanJoseph born about 1915
ParhanViola born about 1880
ParhanZelma born about 1924
ParrishAnna born about 1919
ParrishBen Fborn about 1876
ParrishCalvin born about 1927
ParrishEdith born about 1932
ParrishFanny Lborn about 1895
ParrishGrace born about 1887
ParrishHarvey Wborn about 1894
ParrishHazel born about 1937
ParrishMattie born about 1913
PiercyJames Mborn about 1880
PowersAddie Mborn about 1893
PowersHarvey Sborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnDavid born about 1904
QuinnDavid Jr born about 1936
QuinnEtta born about 1908

R Surnames

RagsdaleAlice born about 1927
RagsdaleArline born about 1927
RagsdaleDennis Rborn about 1925
RagsdaleDorothy born about 1928
RagsdaleDouglas Iborn about 1917
RagsdaleGracie born about 1905
RagsdaleHerbert born about 1898
RagsdaleJasper Gborn about 1900
RagsdaleJasper Iborn about 1873
RagsdaleJohn Ellieborn about 1916
RagsdaleLeroy born about 1936
RagsdaleLola born about 1928
RagsdaleLucy born about 1905
RagsdaleMable Nborn about 1906
RagsdaleMargaret born about 1930
RagsdaleMarion Oborn about 1921
RagsdaleMonroe Sborn about 1917
RagsdalePhyllis born about 1933
RagsdaleRuby Mborn about 1923
RagsdaleRuth born about 1931
RagsdaleTabby Lborn about 1881
RagsdaleThomas Aborn about 1882
RagsdaleWillie Bborn about 1898
RaineyAlice born about 1920
RaineyBertha Eborn about 1937
RaineyBetty Eborn about 1904
RaineyCatherine born about 1913
RaineyClarence born about 1915
RaineyDavid born about 1929
RaineyDorothy Mborn about 1933
RaineyEverette Lborn about 1939
RaineyGenova born about 1911
RaineyGreen born about 1892
RaineyHarriet born about 1901
RaineyHarry born about 1900
RaineyHoward born about 1938
RaineyHugh Mborn about 1934
RaineyJacob Dborn about 1902
RaineyJames Eborn about 1938
RaineyJames Jborn about 1869
RaineyJoe Lborn about 1937
RaineyJuanita born about 1940
RaineyKatherine born about 1918
RaineyLawrence Eborn about 1939
RaineyLewis born about 1901
RaineyLovel born about 1932
RaineyLucy born about 1916
RaineyLula Mborn about 1934
RaineyMartha Aborn about 1875
RaineyMartha Aborn about 1877
RaineyMartha Mborn about 1937
RaineyMaxine born about 1935
RaineyMorris born about 1876
RaineyQueen born about 1917
RaineyRasdesa born about 1930
RaineyRebecca Aborn about 1873
RaineyRobert Lborn about 1914
RaineyS Ellinborn about 1915
RaineySadie Yborn about 1938
RaineyThelbert born about 1925
RaineyWalter born about 1901
RaineyWalter Jr born about 1940
ReeseAllie Mborn about 1922
ReeseArkley born about 1929
ReeseBessie Mborn about 1934
ReeseCharles Lborn about 1938
ReeseGeorge Wborn about 1926
ReeseJames Eborn about 1897
ReeseJames Rborn about 1932
ReeseLaura born about 1900
ReeseLewis Cborn about 1924
ReeseRobert Pborn about 1936
ReeseThomas Eborn about 1920
ReeseWilliam Mborn about 1927
RidgwayGrace Mborn about 1924
RobertsonBernard Eborn about 1939
RobertsonClyde Lborn about 1898
RobertsonEdward Bborn about 1914
RobertsonEllis Mborn about 1918
RobertsonFred Bborn about 1873
RobertsonHoward Dborn about 1929
RobertsonJames Tborn about 1937
RobertsonJohn Tborn about 1878
RobertsonLela Bborn about 1914
RobertsonLula Mborn about 1896
RobertsonMildred Wborn about 1926
RobertsonRosa Lborn about 1884
RobertsonSamuel Bborn about 1911
RobertsonWilliam Gborn about 1940
RobertsonWilliam Hborn about 1902
RossAnnie born about 1868
RossStephen Lborn about 1885
RuddAlice Bborn about 1924
RuddAlice Mborn about 1856
RuddEdward Lborn about 1858
RuddElizabeth Bborn about 1879
RuddGrace Lborn about
RuddHenry Tborn about 1916
RuddJames born about 1911
RuddJohn Eborn about 1918
RuddLizzie Gborn about 1884
RuddRoger Eborn about 1882
RuddSidney Lborn about 1872
RuddWilliam Eborn about 1852
RussellEmmett Aborn about 1931
RussellIrby Wborn about 1906
RussellNancy born about 1938
RussellRuby Cborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersMaria born about 1908
SchulthorpeAlphena born about 1873
SetzerArthur born about 1889
SetzerLouise Aborn about 1922
SetzerNebater Aborn about 1894
ShellClarence born about 1921
SheltonAubrey born about 1918
SheltonIda born about 1875
ShieldsFanny Wborn about 1888
ShieldsGeorge Rborn about 1876
ShieldsHarney Wborn about 1922
ShieldsHerbert born about 1915
ShieldsLois Nborn about 1935
ShieldsMary Eborn about 1925
ShieldsVirginia Bborn about 1927
SimpkinsJohn Sborn about 1893
SimpkinsMany Wborn about 1879
SlaughterBilly born about 1929
SlaughterClyde Hborn about 1900
SlaughterDan born about 1918
SlaughterDonald Jborn about 1936
SlaughterHerbert Mborn about 1893
SlaughterJames Hborn about 1917
SlaughterKenneth born about 1928
SlaughterLouise born about 1920
SlaughterPearl Eborn about 1906
SlaughterPeter Lborn about 1902
SlaughterRay Hborn about 1923
SlaughterRichard Eborn about 1927
SlaughterRuth born about 1925
SmithAnnie Kborn about 1931
SmithAudrey Pborn about 1891
SmithC Henryborn about 1913
SmithClarence Eborn about 1904
SmithEdward Bborn about 1928
SmithElizabeth born about 1873
SmithEmma Dborn about 1887
SmithFlorence born about 1890
SmithGinny Hborn about 1878
SmithHarry Yborn about 1928
SmithHerbert Mborn about 1888
SmithHilda Mborn about 1939
SmithJames Mborn about 1894
SmithJames M Jrborn about 1924
SmithJohn born about 1879
SmithJoseph Pborn about 1873
SmithLenon born about 1880
SmithLila Cborn about 1898
SmithLillian Lborn about 1918
SmithLizzie Mborn about 1903
SmithLouise Eborn about 1931
SmithMaxine Eborn about 1938
SmithMoses Wborn about 1914
SmithMyrtle Lborn about 1929
SmithR Lelandborn about 1899
SmithRachel Mborn about 1924
SmithRobert Fborn about 1926
SmithRobert Pborn about 1903
SmithSarah Hborn about 1915
SmithThelma Eborn about 1933
SmithViolet Rborn about 1940
SneadArnette born about 1929
SneadBenjamin Cborn about 1907
SneadDorothy Jborn about 1936
SneadDurwood Lborn about 1920
SneadG Frankborn about 1916
SneadGeorge Cborn about 1880
SneadGladys Gborn about 1910
SneadHazel born about 1920
SneadHunter born about 1890
SneadHunter Cborn about 1934
SneadKenneth Cborn about 1922
SneadL Landon Jrborn about 1939
SneadLandon Lborn about 1916
SneadMable born about 1908
SneadMillie Lborn about 1894
SneadRalph Cborn about 1929
SpasksSamuel Wborn about 1875
SpencerAnna born about 1898
SpencerBen born about 1894
SpencerCary Eborn about 1920
SpencerFrancis Lborn about 1926
SpencerLette born about 1923
SpencerLindberg born about 1928
SpencerMinnie Cborn about 1938
SpencerSelestia born about 1934
SpencerThesalonia born about 1924
SpencerVernell born about 1936
SpencerWesley Wborn about 1931
StoneAlice born about 1919
StoneAlice Mborn about 1915
StoneAubrey Wborn about 1912
StoneBerta Rborn about 1914
StoneDavid born about 1893
StoneDoris Hborn about 1935
StoneEddie born about 1887
StoneEmma Hborn about 1912
StoneGertrude born about 1930
StoneJenny born about 1918
StoneJoseph born about 1910
StoneLonnie Bborn about 1933
StoneLucille Lborn about 1917
StoneLucy Jborn about 1916
StoneLucy Mborn about 1897
StoneLuther Jborn about 1910
StoneMoses born about 1915
StoneRay Dborn about 1939
StoneRobert Lborn about 1938
StoneShirley Lborn about 1936
StoneWilliam Aborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAmos born about 1872
TaylorAnna born about 1876
TaylorAnnie born about 1911
TaylorAnnie Pborn about 1924
TaylorArthur born about 1922
TaylorArthur born about 1923
TaylorCharlie born about 1905
TaylorCurtis Jborn about 1929
TaylorEtta born about 1902
TaylorHoward born about 1916
TaylorHoward born about 1935
TaylorJames Wborn about 1901
TaylorLavie born about 1931
TaylorLouise born about 1933
TaylorMaggie born about 1918
TaylorMelinda born about 1862
TaylorOtis born about 1925
TaylorStephen born about 1858
ThomasAlfred born about 1932
ThomasEdith Maeborn about 1924
ThomasFrancis Eborn about 1895
ThomasGeorge born about 1900
ThomasGrace Eborn about 1912
ThomasJames Pborn about 1925
ThomasMay Eborn about 1875
ThomasPetty Dborn about 1892
ThomasR Leeborn about 1871
ThomasRichard Wborn about 1921
ThomlinsonDaisy Mborn about 1904
ThomlinsonRobert Tborn about 1885
ThomlinsonThomas Wborn about 1926
TisdaleAllie Rborn about 1889
TisdaleAlvin Rborn about 1879
TisdaleAlvin R Jrborn about 1919
TisdaleBernice born about 1921
TisdaleCharles Mborn about 1938
TisdaleCharles Rborn about 1919
TisdaleChristine born about 1924
TisdaleCornelius Lborn about 1930
TisdaleEara Eborn about 1939
TisdaleEliza Mborn about 1896
TisdaleElizabeth born about 1928
TisdaleElsie born about 1935
TisdaleEmaline Lborn about 1875
TisdaleEthel born about 1913
TisdaleEvelyn Eborn about 1938
TisdaleFanny Bborn about 1919
TisdaleGeorge Hborn about 1900
TisdaleGeorge Wborn about 1916
TisdaleHarry Lborn about 1872
TisdaleHarry Nborn about 1923
TisdaleIrby born about 1901
TisdaleJames Sborn about 1882
TisdaleJames Vaborn about 1923
TisdaleJoseph born about 1893
TisdaleLucy Cborn about 1904
TisdaleMarie Mborn about 1915
TisdaleMartha Aborn about 1892
TisdaleNaomi born about 1926
TisdaleRay Sborn about 1881
TisdaleRaymond Bborn about 1937
TisdaleRobert Lborn about 1934
TisdaleSammie born about 1884
TisdaleSammy Dborn about 1930
TisdaleSarah born about 1899
TisdaleSarah Lborn about 1926
TisdaleSarah Vborn about 1939
TisdaleThomas Dborn about 1888
TisdaleWilliam born about 1912
TisdaleWilliam Cborn about 1930
TisdaleWilliam Lborn about 1936
TisdaleWilliam Rborn about 1923
TuckerCecelia Eborn about 1870
TuckerDoris Mborn about 1915
TuckerHainey Lborn about 1882
TuckerIsabel born about 1919
TuckerLewis Cborn about 1924
TuckerLula Mborn about 1888
TuckerMelvin Eborn about 1920
TuckerR Lawrenceborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerArthur Jborn about 1927
WalkerFrancis born about 1924
WalkerLily Cborn about 1925
WalkerMartha Aborn about 1903
WalkerMary Aborn about 1939
WalkerNancy Aborn about 1935
WalkerRedmond Lborn about 1899
WallaceAnne Bborn about 1930
WallaceDennis Rborn about 1929
WallaceDoris Mborn about 1916
WallaceElla Sborn about 1898
WallaceEverette Wborn about 1925
WallaceJames Cborn about 1922
WallaceKent born about 1934
WallaceNancy born about 1932
WallaceW Edwardborn about 1885
WallaceWiley Postborn about 1936
WallaceWill Rogersborn about 1936
WamackAlexander born about 1863
WamackCarrie born about 1892
WamackEcyttia born about 1936
WamackElizah born about 1939
WamackElma born about 1919
WamackGeorge Wborn about 1911
WarrenJulia born about 1867
WatkinsJames Tborn about 1920
WatkinsMae Fborn about 1923
WatkinsRalph Tborn about 1920
WatkinsRuby Jborn about 1925
WatkinsVirginia born about 1888
WatkinsWilliam Tborn about 1885
WebbAlease Lborn about 1901
WebbAnna Bborn about 1905
WebbCatherine born about 1926
WebbCeleste born about 1939
WebbCurtiss born about 1919
WebbDenis born about 1896
WebbGilbert born about 1923
WebbGlennie Mborn about 1936
WebbGracie born about 1921
WebbHattie Lborn about 1934
WebbHelen Eborn about 1929
WebbJames Lborn about 1914
WebbJames Rborn about 1932
WebbJohn born about 1875
WebbLewis born about 1918
WebbOtis Aborn about 1931
WebbRichard born about 1902
WebbRichard Bborn about 1905
WebbSadie Lborn about 1924
WebbThomas Lborn about 1936
WhiteArthur Sborn about 1908
WhiteKatherine born about 1921
WhittleJames born about 1911
WhittleMary Jborn about 1915
WilliamsAlice Eborn about 1928
WilliamsAnnie Eborn about 1892
WilliamsArthur Iborn about 1917
WilliamsBen Jborn about 1911
WilliamsCharles Aborn about 1888
WilliamsLawrence Eborn about 1935
WilliamsLee Eborn about 1937
WilliamsLewis Eborn about 1933
WilliamsLouise Eborn about 1931
WilliamsLucille Eborn about 1939
WilliamsMaude Lborn about 1914
WilliamsRalph Eborn about 1912
WilliamsVirginia Dborn about 1919
WilliamsonAlfred Lborn about 1886
WilliamsonMattie Sborn about 1900
WilsonColleen born about 1930
WilsonDaisy born about 1901
WilsonEdna Mborn about 1933
WilsonEster born about 1926
WilsonFrances Aborn about 1927
WilsonGeorge Rborn about 1936
WilsonHenry born about 1898
WilsonHerman born about 1909
WilsonLinwood born about 1938
WilsonLotta Maeborn about 1921
WilsonMary born about 1916
WilsonMinerva born about 1890
WilsonRebecca Aborn about 1934
WilsonRichard born about 1885
WilsonRobert Aborn about 1931
WilsonRobert Jr born about 1919
WilsonRoosevelt born about 1930
WilsonSusan born about 1939
WilsonThelma Cborn about 1939
WilsonTheodore born about 1934
WilsonWilliam born about 1925
WilsonWilliam Hborn about 1924
WingoldAlbert Lborn about 1879
WingoldDaisy Aborn about 1880
WingoldE Andersonborn about 1913
WingoldEdward Wborn about 1885
WingoldEugenia Eborn about 1890
WinnCarmell born about 1938
WinnCecil Rborn about 1936
WinnClarence Mborn about 1909
WinnClifton born about 1900
WinnEdward Gborn about 1902
WinnEdward G Jrborn about 1930
WinnElward born about 1935
WinnGrace born about 1929
WinnHoward born about 1911
WinnJessie born about 1915
WinnJohn Hborn about 1937
WinnKatherine Sborn about 1935
WinnLewis born about 1933
WinnLinel born about 1935
WinnMann Wborn about 1880
WinnMann W Jrborn about 1923
WinnNora Lborn about 1912
WinnNora Mborn about 1938
WinnRobert Lborn about 1939
WinnRosa Leeborn about 1940
WinnRuby Wborn about 1916
WinnRussell born about 1933
WinnThomas Hborn about 1934
WinnVivian Lborn about 1937
WinnWarren Mborn about 1939
WinnWillie Hborn about 1934
WomackCalvin born about 1903
WomackDaniel born about 1908
WomackNettie born about 1904
WoodsonAlexander born about 1922
WoodsonArthur born about 1900
WoodsonBetty born about 1915
WoodsonClarence Bborn about 1910
WoodsonCornellia born about 1888
WoodsonEtay born about 1913
WoodsonGladys born about 1936
WoodsonLaura Mborn about 1939
WoodsonLeroy Wborn about 1911
WoodsonMary Eborn about 1940
WoodsonMilton born about 1917
WoodsonPatty born about 1919
WoodsonRuth Vborn about 1933
WoodsonVirginia Hborn about 1923

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Y Surnames

YatesAbraham Gborn about 1885
YatesAnnie Lborn about 1918
YatesClaude Hborn about 1920
YatesDorothy Mborn about 1923
YatesEtta Lborn about 1883
YatesGene Bborn about 1938
YatesLena Mborn about 1916
YatesLeslie Rborn about 1914
YatesLillie Rborn about 1918

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