1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dale, Chesterfield, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Chesterfield County > 1940 Census of Dale

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAnnie Bborn about 1884
AbbottCharles Wborn about 1883
AdamsGeorgie Jborn about 1897
AdamsH Caryborn about 1919
AdamsHoward Eborn about 1896
AdamsWilliam Bborn about 1924
AdkinsonAlice Eborn about 1912
AdkinsonJoseph Bborn about 1909
AdkinsonLillian Aborn about 1905
AdkinsonRussell Aborn about 1904
AdkinsonRussell A Jrborn about 1927
AgbillHerbert Nborn about 1863
AgbillIda Gborn about 1867
AlbertEmma Tborn about 1896
AlbertFrank Tborn about 1925
AlbertJohn Tborn about 1932
AlbertMaggie Mborn about 1930
AlbertRuth Gborn about 1924
AlbertTheresa Eborn about 1927
AlbertWilliam Wborn about 1897
AllenAaron born about 1865
AllenAileen Wborn about 1922
AllenAlthea Eborn about 1939
AllenBeryl Wborn about 1914
AllenBetty Fborn about 1927
AllenBuleah born about 1920
AllenDaniel born about 1932
AllenEdna born about 1917
AllenEmma born about 1895
AllenEmma born about 1926
AllenEvelyn Lborn about 1922
AllenFay Jborn about 1920
AllenGeo Tborn about 1896
AllenGracie born about 1930
AllenJennie Gborn about 1898
AllenJimmy Lborn about 1919
AllenJoe born about 1915
AllenJohn born about 1892
AllenLewis born about 1924
AllenLouise Hborn about 1924
AllenMabel born about 1937
AllenMagnolia born about 1927
AllenPeggy Aborn about 1863
AllenRalph born about 1921
AllenRosa Bborn about 1920
AllenShirley Mborn about 1938
AllenSusie Eborn about 1906
AllenSusie Lborn about 1900
AllenVirginia Mborn about 1926
AmosLuther Cborn about 1903
AndersonEdward born about 1885
AndersonMary born about 1880
AndrewsErnest Hborn about 1918
AndrewsPierson Mborn about 1899
AndueMabel born about 1889
AndueWalter Nborn about 1876
AppelmanCarl Mborn about 1908
AppelmanFrances Eborn about 1920
AppelmanGeorge Pborn about 1912
AppelmanGeorge Wborn about 1939
AppelmanJohn Bborn about 1914
AppelmanMargaret Bborn about 1906
AppelmanMargareta born about 1879
AppelmanMartha Jborn about 1917
ArcherAlberta Eborn about 1880
ArcherMozell Eborn about 1902
ArcherRuby Aborn about 1906
ArcherSydney Aborn about 1906
ArmstrongEarnest Eborn about 1921
ArmstrongEffie Dborn about 1889
ArmstrongJames Aborn about 1916
ArmstrongKelley born about 1875
ArmstrongKelly Jr born about 1904
ArnoldDonald Hborn about 1934
ArnoldFred Wborn about 1933
ArnoldHelen Rborn about 1936
ArnoldHenry Mborn about 1919
ArnoldJohn Mborn about 1881
ArnoldMarion born about 1903
ArnoldNancy Rborn about 1866
ArnoldWila Jborn about 1892
ArnoldWilliam Hborn about 1868
ArnoldWilliam H Jrborn about 1905
AveryAlbertine Hborn about 1882
AveryFrank Hborn about 1886
AyersEtheridge Vborn about 1938
AyersJean Aborn about 1934
AyersRobert Lborn about 1936
AyersThelma Lborn about 1914
AyersThomas Pborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachronAlvin Wborn about 1914
BachronEmily Bborn about 1939
BachronRuby Gborn about 1921
BaggettDavid Sborn about 1898
BaggettEthel Cborn about 1926
BaggettMary Eborn about 1914
BaggettRaymond Dborn about 1923
BaggettTalbert Lborn about 1919
BagwellBetty Jborn about 1930
BagwellCora Mborn about 1893
BagwellJames Wborn about 1902
BaileyAndrew born about 1880
BaileyBeverly Rborn about 1932
BaileyCarry Gborn about 1879
BaileyEthellynn born about 1885
BaileyEvelyn Mborn about 1933
BaileyHazel Mborn about 1906
BaileyHerbert Lborn about 1895
BaileyJames Bborn about 1907
BaileyJuanita born about 1930
BaileyLottie born about 1884
BaileyMaxine born about 1923
BaileyRuth born about 1909
BaileyShirley Sborn about 1937
BaileyThomas Rborn about 1885
BaileyViola born about 1913
BaileyWilson Lborn about 1919
BalckJames Hborn about 1922
BalckMaude Aborn about 1882
BalckWilliam Tborn about 1869
BallCharles Jborn about 1924
BallCharles Wborn about 1901
BallEugene Bborn about 1929
BallHerman Hborn about 1928
BallMary Eborn about 1906
BalochiAngus Hborn about 1896
BalochiDovie Lborn about 1895
BalochiRalph Eborn about 1929
BambaBerta Jborn about 1881
BambaEva Pborn about 1892
BarberHelen Aborn about 1893
BarberSylvester Cborn about 1890
BarbuClinor Lborn about 1916
BarbuMarion Lborn about 1939
BarbuRobert Cborn about 1915
BarbuRobert C Jrborn about 1938
BardenAbie Vborn about 1916
BardenAnnie Cborn about 1924
BardenCharles Pborn about 1881
BardenEmma Eborn about 1887
BardenGrace Lborn about 1915
BardenJohn Iborn about 1883
BardenJohn Lborn about 1903
BardenJohn Wborn about 1917
BardenJosephine born about 1884
BardenLula Oborn about 1904
BardenMelvin Lborn about 1938
BardenOdell Eborn about 1921
BardenSylvia Jborn about 1940
BardenVivian Mborn about 1920
BartleGilbert Lborn about 1887
BartleHerbert Wborn about 1923
BartleJames Aborn about 1920
BartleVivian born about 1893
BartleVivian Dborn about 1917
BartleWilliam Cborn about 1930
BassEdna Eborn about 1922
BassFlorence Eborn about 1925
BassLottie Mborn about 1907
BassMabel Cborn about 1898
BassRuth Jborn about 1928
BassWilliam Aborn about 1924
BassWilliam Lborn about 1888
BassWillie Aborn about 1903
BeasleyElsie Mborn about 1920
BeasleyJames Aborn about 1906
BeasleyLaura Eborn about 1885
BeasleyPaul Aborn about 1901
BeasleySherman Tborn about 1916
BedwellBilly Jborn about 1929
BedwellJames Pborn about 1923
BedwellMary born about 1904
BedwellSilas Bborn about 1922
BedwellSye born about 1898
BedwellVane born about 1924
BelcherEddie Aborn about 1869
BelcherHorace Aborn about 1899
BelcherLottie Gborn about 1881
BelcherNannie born about 1860
BelcherRobert Bborn about 1874
BellHenry Kborn about 1915
BellLucy Bborn about 1914
BellLucy Iborn about 1937
BellWallace Tborn about 1938
BennettBertha Wborn about 1879
BennettJohn Fborn about 1874
BennettLeo Fborn about 1899
BennettMaurice Dborn about 1934
BennettViola Mborn about 1918
BentleyHenry Cborn about 1868
BentleyLillian Kborn about 1875
BerkleyJames born about 1932
BerkleySamuel born about 1890
BerkleySamuel Jr born about 1929
BerkleyTody Lynnborn about 1903
BescekeeEster Gborn about 1898
BescekeeHazel born about 1918
BescekeeHoward Jborn about 1889
BescekeeHoward Tborn about 1920
BescekeeWilliam Eborn about 1921
BettsEugene Jborn about 1904
BettsHelen Mborn about 1904
BirdsongEdward Mborn about 1900
BirdsongEdward Mborn about 1934
BirdsongElizabeth Bborn about 1938
BirdsongElizabeth Dborn about 1910
BirdsongEmmett Bborn about 1922
BirdsongEthel Tborn about 1926
BlandHerman born about 1904
BlankenshipGeorge Cborn about 1912
BlankenshipGlenn Eborn about 1935
BlankenshipOlivia Mborn about 1933
BlankenshipPearl Oborn about 1916
BoffittEarnest Dborn about 1898
BoffittPearl Eborn about 1900
BoiswallAlma born about 1932
BoiswallEdna born about 1924
BoiswallFlora Dborn about 1920
BoiswallGracie born about 1930
BoiswallHoward born about 1923
BoiswallJennie Vborn about 1928
BoiswallKing Sborn about 1886
BoiswallPhillip born about 1934
BoiswallRena Pborn about 1890
BolBernice Wborn about 1934
BolCharles Wborn about 1924
BolEdwin Jborn about 1926
BolGeorge Eborn about 1927
BolHattie Hborn about 1880
BolHerman Bborn about 1902
BolJames Bborn about 1908
BolJohn Jborn about 1921
BolMartha Aborn about 1933
BolMary Kborn about 1920
BolMary Sborn about 1894
BolNannie Bborn about 1908
BolWilliam Bborn about 1880
BosseauCarrie born about 1910
BosseauCecil born about 1936
BosseauHenrietta born about 1931
BosseauWillie born about 1890
BowlesGloria Jborn about 1923
BowlesJessie Eborn about 1921
BowlesKenneth Lborn about 1920
BowlesMargaret Kborn about 1904
BowlesOscar Lborn about 1893
BowlesOscar Lborn about 1926
BowlesWilliam Nborn about 1923
BowmanEva Mborn about 1890
BowmanHelen Fborn about 1911
BowmanVirgil Jborn about 1911
BowmanWalter Sborn about 1878
BoydJames Wborn about 1936
BoydJohn Wborn about 1890
BoydJohn Wborn about 1940
BoydRichie M Gborn about 1902
BradleyDoct Cborn about 1881
BradleyEdna born about 1890
BradleyElizabeth Gborn about 1898
BradleyLandora born about 1861
BradleyMaxie Aborn about 1935
BradleyRobert Mborn about 1929
BraftonSamuel Aborn about 1905
BranchAgnes Sborn about 1914
BranchAlice born about 1895
BranchAnn born about 1915
BranchAnne Mborn about 1917
BranchCarroll Aborn about 1928
BranchCharles Rborn about 1875
BranchDorothy born about 1924
BranchEdwin Rborn about 1938
BranchEstell born about 1885
BranchEstell Kborn about 1920
BranchEster born about 1904
BranchEthel Lborn about 1892
BranchGladys born about 1921
BranchGlender Sborn about 1898
BranchGrace born about 1928
BranchHenry Nborn about 1918
BranchHenry Tborn about 1922
BranchHoward Bborn about 1930
BranchIsabell born about 1923
BranchJames Jborn about 1903
BranchJames Jborn about 1929
BranchJoe Lborn about 1925
BranchJohn Lborn about 1937
BranchLacy Eborn about 1913
BranchLandon born about 1918
BranchLena Hborn about 1927
BranchLevi Eborn about 1926
BranchLouise born about 1903
BranchMabel Iborn about 1932
BranchMabel Lborn about 1912
BranchMagnolia born about 1928
BranchMartha Fborn about 1902
BranchOtho Lborn about 1886
BranchRebecca born about 1880
BranchRebecca Eborn about 1927
BranchRobert Iborn about 1931
BranchRooks born about 1915
BranchRosetta Wborn about 1934
BranchSusie Bborn about 1913
BranchThomas Jborn about 1923
BranchThomas Rborn about 1892
BranchWalter Sborn about 1878
BranchWarner born about 1895
BranchWillie Eborn about 1923
BrandAnlouise born about 1925
BrandCarolyn Mborn about 1891
BrandGeorge Cborn about 1876
BrandtCharles Vborn about 1896
BrandtKathleen Bborn about 1902
BrandtMartha Wborn about 1939
BrawnbachEva C Cborn about 1896
BrawnbachPhillip Eborn about 1882
BrittonHenry Cborn about 1885
BrittonKathlen Aborn about 1924
BrittonLucille Jborn about 1921
BrittonLucy Hborn about 1888
BrooksLenwood Hborn about 1886
BrooksRose born about 1893
BrosigMartin born about 1897
BrosigPaul J Tborn about 1857
BroughFred Aborn about 1887
BroughLloyd Gborn about 1932
BroughSadie Jborn about 1890
BrownAlice Bborn about 1927
BrownAnnie Rborn about 1890
BrownAnnie Vborn about 1921
BrownCarrie Bborn about 1910
BrownCarrol Lborn about 1918
BrownCora Aborn about 1940
BrownDora Eborn about 1921
BrownDorothy Eborn about 1934
BrownGertrude born about 1904
BrownHariette born about 1907
BrownIrene born about 1910
BrownJames Sborn about 1928
BrownJerry Pborn about 1914
BrownJohn Rborn about 1894
BrownJohn Rborn about 1938
BrownJunior born about 1924
BrownLaura born about 1932
BrownLewinia born about 1930
BrownLewis Jborn about 1922
BrownLucille Aborn about 1936
BrownLuther Tborn about 1898
BrownMaggie born about 1875
BrownMarie born about 1937
BrownMary born about 1927
BrownMary Lborn about 1927
BrownMattie Aborn about 1928
BrownMonroe born about 1901
BrownMorelan born about 1939
BrownMozelle born about 1889
BrownPeter Dborn about 1889
BrownRandolph born about 1921
BrownRuby Lborn about 1901
BrownVirginia Nborn about 1910
BrownWade born about 1908
BrownWalter born about 1877
BrownWaverly born about 1903
BrubankEthel Jborn about 1894
BrubankOle Cborn about 1882
BrubankOle E Jrborn about 1935
BryantLualle Bborn about 1909
BufmanAnna Eborn about 1937
BufmanAnna Mborn about 1914
BufmanRobert born about 1910
BurfordIda Jborn about 1883
BurfordOtto born about 1923
BurfortMandy born about 1881
BurfortWaverly born about 1880
BurkhardtWilliam born about 1872
BurksMary Eborn about 1922
BushElizabeth born about 1935
BushErnest born about 1938
BushFredrick born about 1922
BushHarriett born about 1928
BushJohn born about 1885
BushJohn Jr born about 1921
BushMillicent born about 1901
BushMillicent born about 1931
BushWilliam born about 1923
BushWinston born about 1930
ButlerJessie Cborn about 1884
ButlerMinn Dborn about 1891

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C Surnames

CarltonMary Wborn about 1850
CarrHorace Mborn about 1884
CarrollAlma Mborn about 1934
CarrollJoseph born about 1915
CarrollLavinia born about 1878
CarrollMarion born about 1931
CarrollRuth Lborn about 1929
CarrollThomas born about 1908
CarterArthur Lborn about 1917
CarterClay Lborn about 1896
CarterHebe Eborn about 1893
CarterJones Hborn about 1927
CarterMatthew Hborn about 1921
CarterMay Lborn about 1924
CarterMildred born about 1923
CarterRuth born about 1907
CarterViola Dborn about 1900
CavinRussell born about 1931
CergessonDolly born about 1866
CergessonJohn Hborn about 1895
CergessonMoses born about 1911
CersleyAnn Eborn about 1926
CersleyBessie Eborn about 1895
CersleyEugene Eborn about 1921
CersleyJohn Mborn about 1894
CersleyKathleen Vborn about 1930
CersleyThomas Iborn about 1927
ChalkleyBarbara Annborn about 1933
ChalkleyBlanche born about 1882
ChalkleyBurton Wborn about 1909
ChalkleyElva Dborn about 1909
ChalkleyNannie Bborn about 1877
ChalkleyWilliam Rborn about 1877
ChandlerBarbara Lborn about 1930
ChapmanCurrie Lborn about 1910
ChapmanEva Mborn about 1875
ChapmanMolly Bborn about 1911
ChapmanOliver Hborn about 1879
ChaulklenJanice Gborn about 1928
ChaulklenJohn Hborn about 1916
ChaulklenJohn H Jrborn about
ChaulklenNell Cborn about 1920
CheathamAgatha Cborn about 1892
CheathamArthur born about 1880
CheathamBetty Tborn about 1912
CheathamLottie born about 1885
CheathamMarcellus born about 1914
CheathamMarcellus Cborn about 1885
CheathamOtto Wborn about 1884
CheathamRuth born about 1873
CheekAddie Gborn about 1898
CheekAddie Gborn about 1934
CheekJames Hborn about 1876
CheekJames H Jrborn about 1923
CheekLouise born about 1927
CheekMargaret born about 1931
CheekRalph born about 1936
CheekRichard Cborn about 1925
CherryRobert Lborn about 1924
ChidsJames born about 1877
ClarkAlice born about 1894
ClarkAlie Bborn about 1926
ClarkBessie Lborn about 1920
ClarkBetty Jborn about 1934
ClarkBuleah Eborn about 1910
ClarkCarrie Gborn about 1869
ClarkClifton Jborn about 1885
ClarkDennis Cborn about 1902
ClarkDoris Vborn about 1913
ClarkEddie Rborn about 1908
ClarkElenora Kborn about 1911
ClarkElla Jborn about 1888
ClarkElla Vaborn about 1938
ClarkEugene Tborn about 1935
ClarkEva born about 1897
ClarkEvelyn Cborn about 1889
ClarkFlorence born about 1922
ClarkFloyd Tborn about 1905
ClarkFloyd Wborn about 1894
ClarkFreddie Dborn about 1913
ClarkFreddie D Jrborn about 1937
ClarkGrace Lborn about 1920
ClarkHattie Wborn about 1918
ClarkHilton Aborn about 1933
ClarkIda Cborn about 1868
ClarkJacqueline Lborn about 1939
ClarkJohn Dborn about 1909
ClarkJoseph Rborn about 1926
ClarkLettia Tborn about 1928
ClarkLillian Sborn about 1914
ClarkMabel Bborn about 1919
ClarkMollie Tborn about 1924
ClarkOlean Cborn about 1921
ClarkPhylls Mborn about 1937
ClarkSheley Sborn about 1930
ClarkStewart Rborn about 1922
ClarkThomas Wborn about 1915
ClarkWalter Gborn about 1886
ClarkWalter G Jrborn about 1919
ClarkWilliam Bborn about 1868
ClarkWilliam B Jrborn about 1912
ClarkWilliam Hborn about 1924
ClarkeAlbernice born about 1899
ClarkeAllan Bborn about 1927
ClarkeAllen Dborn about 1908
ClarkeAlona Mborn about 1900
ClarkeAlvin Jborn about 1940
ClarkeBernice Tborn about 1925
ClarkeEdna born about 1885
ClarkeHorace Uborn about 1915
ClarkeJanie Oborn about 1936
ClarkeJean Eborn about 1938
ClarkeJohn Bborn about 1884
ClarkeJoyce Cborn about 1937
ClarkeMargaret Aborn about 1917
ClarkeMaude Eborn about 1917
ClarkeMay Eborn about 1898
ClarkeOtis Hborn about 1911
ClarkeRobert Hborn about 1904
ClarkeRose Eborn about 1934
ClarkeThelma Aborn about 1904
ClarkeVirginia Bborn about 1911
ClarkeVirginia Vborn about 1905
ClarkeWaverly Hborn about 1920
ClayCharles Eborn about 1867
ClayEffie Sborn about 1871
ClayJames Mborn about 1895
ClayLacy Tborn about 1904
ClayLola Hborn about 1902
ClayRagland Gborn about 1901
ClayRaman Bborn about 1897
ClementsCabell born about 1927
ClementsLillian born about 1907
ClementsWalter born about 1931
ClementsWilburne Hborn about 1901
ClementsWilburne H Jrborn about 1926
CleneAttowa Sborn about 1885
CleneCurtis Cborn about 1910
CleneEvelyn Aborn about 1914
ClenePenchita Gborn about 1916
ClesBurton Bborn about 1892
ClesCarter Rborn about 1935
ClesEthel Cborn about 1901
CoalterJohn Eborn about 1890
CoalterOra Mborn about 1893
CoatesAskie* Rborn about 1931
CoatesIva Lborn about 1923
CoatesMaggie Aborn about 1908
CoatesVangier Lborn about 1927
CoatesWillard Rborn about 1900
CoctsBarbara Annborn about 1934
CoctsEthel Mborn about 1904
CoctsGlenwood Oborn about 1928
CoctsJel Wborn about 1904
CoffelliFredrick born about 1936
CoffelliLaura born about 1915
CoffelliMichael born about 1911
CoffelliMichael Jr born about 1935
CogbillAlice Lborn about 1900
CogbillAnnie Fborn about 1888
CogbillHerbert Gborn about 1900
CogbillJohn Cborn about 1900
CogbillJohn V Jrborn about 1924
CogbillJulia Aborn about 1865
CogbillMarcus Aborn about 1931
CogbillMary Cborn about 1889
CogbillNancy Eborn about 1926
CogbillPhilip Vborn about 1861
CogbillPhillip Hborn about 1892
CogbillRichard Bborn about 1928
CogbillTheodore Jborn about 1908
ColeCharles Wborn about 1924
ColeIda Wborn about 1908
CollerAlfred Sborn about 1925
CollerAlvin Bborn about 1921
CollerBertie Bborn about 1886
CollerDavid Jborn about 1923
CollerEmmett Cborn about 1915
CollerJoyce Lborn about 1939
CollerMary Eborn about 1937
CollerMary Mborn about 1919
CollerViolet Vborn about 1889
ColorFred Wborn about 1929
ColorMagnolia born about 1913
ColorNathan born about 1885
ColorNathan Jr born about 1925
ColorRoberta born about 1890
CondreyEdith born about 1915
CondreyThomas Fborn about 1937
ConleyCharles Tborn about 1862
ConleyCora Mborn about 1862
CookEdith Lborn about 1913
CookEdna Mborn about 1911
CookRetta Mborn about 1882
CookRobert Lborn about 1911
CookVinton Wborn about 1883
CookVinton Wborn about 1913
CooleyDaniel born about 1854
CoombeHarold Lborn about 1888
CoombeaHarriett Eborn about 1886
CoombeaJames Wborn about 1892
CooperGeneva born about 1937
CooperMary born about 1920
CooperMilton born about 1918
CoreWillie born about 1911
CoreWillie Nborn about 1937
CoreZelma born about 1913
CoreZelma Dborn about 1939
CowberaMary Cborn about 1914
CowberaWilliam Rborn about 1917
CoxCatherine Eborn about 1921
CoxJames born about 1898
CoxMartin Lborn about 1911
CoxWilliam Wborn about 1876
CoxWillim born about 1899
CraftJames Eborn about 1924
CrewClarence Cborn about 1926
CrewElsie Vborn about 1930
CrewLenwood Wborn about 1936
CrewLillian Vborn about 1905
CrewMarie Lborn about 1938
CrewRaymond Rborn about 1932
CrewThelma Vborn about 1934
CrewWillie Jborn about 1903
CritcherBattle Hborn about 1920
CritcherCarlton Bborn about 1917
CritcherDoris born about 1926
CritcherDoyle Lborn about 1923
CritcherGerald born about 1934
CritcherHarry Sborn about 1926
CritcherLila born about 1904
CritcherLouis Pborn about 1929
CritcherLucy Pborn about 1892
CritcherMildred born about 1928
CronderCondance Rborn about 1908
CroomMary Rborn about 1920
CroomRichard Pborn about 1887
CroomStella Rborn about 1888
CrouchGrace Sborn about 1927
CrouchOma Tborn about 1896
CrouchTerance Iborn about 1926
CrouchWilliam Iborn about 1896
CrouchWilliam I Jrborn about 1930
CrowderAlice Eborn about 1872
CrowderRobert Cborn about 1873
CrumpMattie Eborn about 1891
CrutchfieldNancy Rborn about 1882
CrutchfieldWilliam Wborn about 1872
CulleyBenjamin Tborn about 1931
CulleyDicey Bborn about 1921
CulleyMarvin Dborn about 1934
CulleyWillia Mborn about 1927
CulleyWilliam Wborn about 1885
CylerBetty Rborn about 1930
CylerJessie Lborn about 1895
CylerJessie Wborn about 1921
CylerLucille Mborn about 1925
CylerMarion born about 1918
CylerRosa Lborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarlingJoseph born about 1893
DavenportBernard Wborn about 1917
DavenportMargaret Tborn about 1922
DaviaCarrie Eborn about 1916
DaviaDaniel Cborn about 1903
DavidCharles born about 1921
DavidJohn born about 1879
DavidJohn Jr born about 1917
DavidMartha born about 1919
DavidMary born about 1913
DavidMary Eborn about 1881
DavidOwen Kborn about 1872
DavisDorothy Lborn about 1931
DavisJane Gborn about 1929
DavisMarie Jborn about 1913
DavisPansy Eborn about 1886
DavisRaymond Eborn about 1883
DavisWalter Dborn about 1935
DavisWalter Wborn about 1903
DenningColeman Bborn about 1884
DenningFrances Aborn about 1885
DenningGreyham born about 1925
DentonGeorge Mborn about 1920
DernGeorge Tborn about 1915
DernJosephine born about 1917
DernWilliam Aborn about 1939
DillardCharles Jborn about 1908
DillardRoberta Mborn about 1915
DixEllen Gborn about 1896
DixJames Mborn about 1920
DixRobert Oborn about 1895
DobbinsFrances Wborn about 1939
DukeEddie Bborn about 1917
DukePolly born about 1918
DunfordDorothy Aborn about 1931
DunfordFrank B Jrborn about 1897
DunfordJudith Mborn about 1929
DunfordRuby Sborn about 1899
DunnavantAellie Bborn about 1915
DunnavantBessie Bborn about 1907
DunnavantCharlie Sborn about 1887
DunnavantDoria Pborn about 1914
DunnavantEvelyn Cborn about 1928
DunnavantGeorge Wborn about 1853
DunnavantHilton Bborn about 1914
DunnavantJames Aborn about 1939
DunnavantJoan Nborn about 1937
DunnavantMargaret Jborn about 1919
DunnavantMary Eborn about 1891
DunnavantPatricia Aborn about 1940
DunnavantRoy Cborn about 1911
DunnavantWilliam Sborn about 1922
DurganJohn Rborn about 1931
DurganOlive Vborn about 1874
DuvalJulia Fborn about 1875
DuvalMary Eborn about 1871

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E Surnames

EanesPeggy Annborn about 1939
EanesTheressa born about 1911
EanesThomas Oliverborn about 1910
EdwardsHarold Jborn about 1924
EggersJames Gborn about 1911
EggersMary Eborn about 1915
ElamGeorge Lborn about 1905
EllesEugene born about 1902
EllesGrace born about 1896
EllesRobert Bborn about 1866
ElliottFrances Lborn about 1926
ElliottFred Wborn about 1923
ElliottKetty Mborn about 1938
ElliottMargaret Eborn about 1925
ElliottMelbe Joborn about 1935
ElliottMinnie Lborn about 1883
ElliottMinnie Sborn about 1910
ElliottPaul Aborn about 1913
ElliottRalph Cborn about 1936
ElliottRichard Pborn about 1933
ElliottRoy Mborn about 1927
ElliottWallace Mborn about 1908
ElliottWalter Lborn about 1884
EllisBertha Mborn about 1871
EllisEmma Bborn about 1879
EmlawLucia Hborn about 1910
EresmanEmily Mborn about 1895
EresmanGeorge Hborn about 1870
EvansAudrey Lborn about 1937
EvansEdward Fborn about 1926
EvansHattie Lborn about 1899
EvansIrene Wborn about 1922
EvansJames Hborn about 1914
EvansJoshua Zborn about 1898
EvansMary Aborn about 1933
EvansPolly born about 1884
EvansVirginia Wborn about 1928
EvelyGordon Kborn about 1911
EvelyJosephine born about 1915
EvelyRose Mborn about 1938

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F Surnames

FarmerDalmer Cborn about 1921
FarmerEthel Gborn about 1894
FarmerFrances Aborn about 1925
FarmerJames Mborn about 1880
FarmerLouis Aborn about 1924
FarmerLouis Mborn about 1890
FarmerMabel Lborn about 1929
FarmerMabel Tborn about 1901
FarmerMary Eborn about 1886
FarmerMinnie Sborn about 1895
FarmerWallace Cborn about 1885
FaustnetAlbert Dborn about 1904
FaustnetCharles Aborn about 1869
FaustnetNettie Cborn about 1890
FergusonGeorge Cborn about 1937
FergusonLucille Iborn about 1907
FergusonNathan born about 1905
FinkeAnna Mborn about 1902
FinkeAnna Mborn about 1924
FinkeCharles Eborn about 1898
FinkeDorthy Mborn about 1926
FinkeMatilda Aborn about 1864
FisherRobiel Wborn about 1876
FisherVictoria born about 1872
FivelyElijah born about 1900
FlemingAnderson born about 1887
FlemingLillian Bborn about 1893
FlemingStanley Bborn about 1916
FloraMadeline Lborn about 1936
FloydBarbara Aborn about 1933
FloydEthel Rborn about 1928
FloydFred Mborn about 1901
FloydLouise Vborn about 1908
FloydSarah Fborn about 1936
FordMary Mborn about 1884
FortuneClarence Mborn about 1906
FortuneClarence M Jrborn about 1932
FortuneMyrtle Lborn about 1935
FortuneOtey Iborn about 1916
FortuneRobert Cborn about 1933
FrenchBeulah Lborn about 1932
FrenchGeorge Pborn about 1899
FrenchLella Eborn about 1900
FrenchLola Mborn about 1933
FriendAlvin Jborn about 1886
FriendBetty Tborn about 1863
FriendEarl Aborn about 1920
FriendEddie born about 1923
FriendIsacc born about 1925
FriendIsiah born about 1925
FriendJanet born about 1932
FriendJasper born about 1921
FriendJody Lborn about 1927
FriendJoseph born about 1915
FriendLeola born about 1898
FriendMinnie born about 1860
FriendRoosevelt born about 1918
FriendRuth born about 1921
FriendThelma born about 1938
FrithAdolphas Dborn about 1919
FrithCarry born about 1890
FrithHazel born about 1931
FrithHerbert Eborn about 1929
FrithJohn Wborn about 1882
FrithMae born about 1925
FrithWoodrow Wborn about 1922
FuguaBenjamin Hborn about 1876
FuguaFlorence Lborn about 1903
FuguaMary Eborn about 1876
FuthBenjamin Hborn about 1864
FuthLucy Iborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallarHenry Lborn about 1895
GallarJoy Sborn about 1896
GalsonVernon Eborn about 1919
GarrettDavid Rborn about 1939
GarrettJames Wborn about 1917
GatesAlice Hborn about 1919
GatesErnest Pborn about 1925
GatesIda born about 1889
GatesOrdway Bborn about 1886
GatesOrdway B Jrborn about 1922
GathrightBertha Mborn about 1910
GathrightEthel Mborn about 1931
GathrightJohn Eborn about 1908
GembleJudge Rborn about 1911
GilesDora Lborn about 1890
GilesEarnest Lborn about 1890
GillespieHobart Bborn about 1905
GillespieJames Vborn about 1924
GillespieJeannette born about 1928
GillespieJohn Eborn about 1920
GillespieRichard Cborn about 1926
GillespieRosetta born about 1906
GleasonAlice Gborn about 1935
GleasonDoris Mborn about 1928
GleasonEsther Pborn about 1904
GleasonRobert Nborn about 1900
GleasonRuth Aborn about 1925
GlespiIda Belleborn about 1922
GoodeAnnie Mborn about 1887
GoodeArcher Sborn about 1884
GoodeFreddie Iborn about 1926
GoodeGeorge Eborn about 1875
GoodeGeraldine Wborn about 1936
GoodeHenry Lborn about 1909
GoodeHenry L Jrborn about 1934
GoodeJohn Eborn about 1906
GoodeJohn E Jrborn about 1939
GoodeLeela Gborn about 1923
GoodeLloyd Gborn about 1918
GoodeMarie Eborn about 1906
GoodeMary Eborn about 1912
GoodeNancy Eborn about 1910
GoodeRichard Hborn about 1848
GoodeRussell Gborn about 1900
GoodeRuth Eborn about 1936
GoodeRuth Wborn about 1916
GoodeSavannah Sborn about 1885
GoodeWillie Dborn about 1885
GoodwynAlfred Jborn about 1895
GoodwynCharlie Bborn about 1898
GoodwynGuy Bborn about 1930
GoodwynLeola Mborn about 1907
GoodwynMarianna Sborn about 1900
GoodwynMartha Hborn about 1925
GoodwynNancy Lborn about 1936
GrantAnnie Lborn about 1928
GrantKatie born about 1910
GrantWillie born about 1895
GraucheartJohn Bborn about 1912
GraucheartMary born about 1887
GrayFannie born about 1896
GrayLornie Wborn about 1924
GreyJohn Eborn about 1939
GrubbCharles Lborn about 1928
GrubbDarling Lborn about 1905
GrubbDorothy Aborn about 1925
GrubbEmmet Lborn about 1923
GrubbEmmett Lborn about 1886
GrubbGeorge Sborn about 1915
GrubbJean Bborn about 1935
GrubbJohn Bborn about 1867
GrubbJohn Nborn about 1921
GrubbNancy Cborn about 1890
GrubbRuby Eborn about 1930
GrubbWillie Oborn about 1933
GunterLenwood Gborn about 1940
GunterMildred Eborn about 1924
GurnerElva born about 1924
GurnerHerman born about 1919
GurnerJunius Lborn about 1921
GurnerLafayette born about 1900
GurnerLuvinia born about 1926
GurnerSusie born about 1900
GuteskaNichola born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaganEdward Wborn about 1855
HaganElezabeth Pborn about 1885
HagoodAnn Bborn about 1932
HagoodBessie Tborn about 1899
HagoodBetty Sborn about 1925
HagoodGideon Jborn about 1891
HagoodGideon J Jrborn about 1919
HagoodJames Wborn about 1921
HagoodJohn Gborn about 1929
HagoodJoseph Cborn about 1933
HagoodJudith Cborn about 1939
HagoodKathleen born about 1931
HagoodLyndel Rborn about 1936
HagoodMartha Rborn about 1920
HagoodNancy Lborn about 1923
HalchetGeorgiana born about 1890
HallEarniel Jborn about 1921
HallEula Rborn about 1887
HallFrances I Sborn about 1890
HallFrancis D Jrborn about 1915
HallMary Aborn about 1921
HallMary Dborn about 1916
HallMelton Mborn about 1915
HallPaulanne born about 1939
HallesCharles Aborn about 1901
HallesEvelyn Mborn about 1923
HallesHelen Lborn about 1927
HallesOllie Aborn about 1903
HancheyDorothy Nborn about 1913
HancheyEllwood Eborn about 1924
HancheyJoseph Hborn about 1913
HancheyJoseph H Jrborn about 1937
HancheyMeble Mborn about 1890
HancheyMollie Pborn about 1926
HancheyRobert Lborn about 1939
HancheySarah Mborn about 1928
HancheyWilbur Cborn about 1921
HancheyWilliam H Jrborn about 1932
HancockAlgia Lborn about 1926
HancockBessie born about 1896
HancockBetty Fborn about 1927
HancockGeorge Lborn about 1906
HancockJanice born about 1913
HancockJohn Hborn about 1925
HancockJunior born about 1886
HancockKenneth Wborn about 1936
HancockMary Eborn about 1920
HancockNollie born about 1928
HancockPearl born about 1900
HancockRayfield born about 1922
HancockSusie Jborn about 1865
HancockWalter born about 1914
HancockWalter Lborn about 1895
HancockWilson born about 1925
HarmonMarion Cborn about 1919
HarrisAlfonzo born about 1935
HarrisAlvin Fborn about 1894
HarrisAlvin F Jrborn about 1920
HarrisAnthony Tborn about 1916
HarrisBlanche Vborn about 1903
HarrisCalvin Hborn about 1900
HarrisEvans Rborn about 1914
HarrisFrances Lborn about 1917
HarrisGarnet born about 1937
HarrisKerkwood Bborn about 1913
HarrisLenwood born about 1933
HarrisMaria born about 1909
HarrisNathaniel Lborn about 1919
HarrisNellie Iborn about 1927
HarrisRaymond Hborn about 1911
HarrisRichard Hborn about 1872
HarrisRuben Dborn about 1901
HarrisRuth born about 1902
HarrisSally Bborn about 1930
HarrisStuart Pborn about 1936
HarrisZulume Dborn about 1894
HarveyBertha Eborn about 1934
HarveyMargaret Aborn about 1937
HarveyMyrtle Bborn about 1903
HarveyWillis Pborn about 1904
HarveyWillis Pborn about 1931
HaskinsAlbert L Jrborn about 1910
HatcherAlberta S Jborn about 1894
HatcherEarnest Jborn about 1889
HatcherHenry Hborn about 1900
HatchottAnnie born about 1910
HawellAnita born about 1937
HawellGene born about 1931
HawellLuther born about 1912
HawellMary born about 1908
HawkinsGeorge born about 1882
HayesAnnie Cborn about 1888
HayesJames Mborn about 1881
HayesJames M 3rdborn about 1913
HayesReeves Bborn about 1921
HaysMargaret born about 1914
HaysMason Rborn about 1907
HeathEmerson Aborn about 1907
HeathGarland Eborn about 1931
HeathLula Mborn about 1913
HeathMargaret Eborn about 1940
HeathRalph Dborn about 1934
HeathRuby Mborn about 1908
HeathWilliam Lborn about 1910
HeathWilliam Pborn about 1935
HendersonEddie Tborn about 1875
HendersonLelia Hborn about 1875
HenningEstell Cborn about 1873
HenningJames Gborn about 1869
HenningJames Jr born about 1898
HenshawCharles Rborn about 1899
HenshawCharles R Jrborn about 1931
HenshawElva Vborn about 1933
HenshawFrances Mborn about 1926
HenshawGeorge Jborn about 1896
HenshawHester born about 1902
HenshawLouise Cborn about 1932
HenshawMabel Gborn about 1920
HenshawMartha Hborn about 1898
HenshawRobert Wborn about 1938
HensonDavid Lborn about 1923
HentzSteve Wborn about 1922
HerveyAdleaide Sborn about 1880
HerveyAlbert Jborn about 1880
HerveyElla Jborn about 1912
HerveyHarold Rborn about 1908
HerveyHarold R Jrborn about 1939
HerveyMary Aborn about 1922
HessGeorge H Jrborn about 1917
HessRachel Cborn about 1919
HewlettJoseph born about 1865
HillEdna Lborn about 1888
HillHarry Lborn about 1880
HillNellie born about 1859
HirshbergAlfred Lborn about 1917
HirshbergNellie Gborn about 1884
HirshbergSamuel Bborn about 1865
HoflenCarrie Vborn about 1898
HoflenJohn Aborn about 1888
HoldesEverett Cborn about 1914
HoldesMarjorie Eborn about 1914
HoldesWilliam Eborn about 1934
HolmesAlma Mborn about 1916
HolmesPreston Tborn about 1928
HolmesRaymond Tborn about 1902
HolmesRaymond T Jrborn about 1926
HolmesShirely Mborn about 1935
HolmesStanley Rborn about 1933
HolmesStuart Eborn about 1931
HopsonGeorge born about 1939
HopsonKathleen born about 1922
HopsonLena Vborn about 1917
HopsonMargaret born about 1919
HopsonNathaniel born about 1910
HopsonWashington Nborn about 1907
HopsonWilliam Gborn about 1914
HornesCharles Hborn about 1875
HoughtonClara Eborn about 1892
HoughtonHarry born about 1895
HowardBarbara Eborn about 1937
HowardCalvin Oborn about 1928
HowardDarrell Lborn about 1926
HowardLaura Wborn about 1923
HowardMavia Aborn about 1924
HowardTagwell Eborn about 1881
HowellBurla Eborn about 1915
HowellMary Eborn about 1890
HowellWilliam M Jrborn about 1923
HowellWilliam Wborn about 1890
HowlettEdwin Bborn about 1916
HowlettMary Eborn about 1916
HowlettMattie Cborn about 1880
HowlettRichard Cborn about 1880
HubandMabel born about 1905
HudsonJohn Pborn about 1918
HudsonShirley Lborn about 1917
HudsonShirley Lborn about 1940
HuetWilliam Cborn about 1864
HutchisonMary Cborn about 1879
HutchisonWilliam born about 1884
HutchisonWilliam Jr born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrvinEtta Sborn about 1894
IrvinGeralina born about 1919
IrvinJames Eborn about 1885
IrvinJames Eborn about 1916

J Surnames

JacksonBarbara Aborn about 1940
JacksonBernice born about 1904
JacksonBessie born about 1907
JacksonCharles Jborn about 1936
JacksonCharlie born about 1892
JacksonGertrude born about 1931
JacksonGladys born about 1926
JacksonGladys Mborn about 1911
JacksonHarbey A Jrborn about 1932
JacksonHarvey Aborn about 1906
JacksonMary born about 1936
JacksonMary Aborn about 1936
JacksonMary Lborn about 1935
JacksonMerle born about 1931
JacksonMinnie born about 1928
JacksonPhillipp born about 1898
JacksonPinky born about 1924
JacksonRebecca born about 1933
JacksonRoosevelt born about 1933
JacksonSadie born about 1905
JacksonSylvia born about 1938
JacobEva Cborn about 1884
JacobMack Iborn about 1884
JacobMark J Jrborn about 1921
JadsonMamie born about 1926
JamesAlonzo born about 1934
JamesAlonzo Jborn about 1898
JamesAnn Eborn about 1932
JamesRuby Lborn about 1937
JamesRuby Mborn about 1895
JamesThomas Jborn about 1930
JareyLillie born about 1900
JareyMartha born about 1875
JarnetteEdward Cborn about 1909
JarnetteStella Fborn about 1913
JeffersonAnnie born about 1921
JeffersonCharlie Gborn about 1922
JeffersonDempsey born about 1903
JeffersonGarland born about 1914
JeffersonHenry Tborn about 1886
JeffersonJames Tborn about 1920
JeffersonNed born about 1871
JeffersonOdell Gborn about 1905
JeffersonShirley Mborn about 1938
JeffriesKate Mborn about 1865
JerksMarie Dborn about 1891
JerksWilliam Sborn about 1888
JerryEugene Fborn about 1932
JerryJames Cborn about 1927
JerryJohn Lborn about 1854
JerryLouella Hborn about 1909
JerryLouise Hborn about 1931
JerryRobert Eborn about 1929
JimpieEffie born about 1897
JimpieGeorge born about 1930
JimpieJames Fborn about 1882
JimpieRobert born about 1925
JohnsonAlice Eborn about 1933
JohnsonBenson born about 1920
JohnsonEdward Rborn about 1939
JohnsonHenry born about 1912
JohnsonHenry Jr born about 1937
JohnsonHermie born about 1890
JohnsonHomer born about 1915
JohnsonJoy born about 1923
JohnsonKemper born about 1924
JohnsonKenneth Vborn about 1931
JohnsonMamie Iborn about 1911
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1919
JohnsonMary Kborn about 1928
JohnsonMary Oborn about 1918
JohnsonMerrill Eborn about 1938
JohnsonMyra Kborn about 1889
JohnsonOra Aborn about 1890
JohnsonPhyllie Nborn about 1930
JohnsonRuby Nborn about 1934
JohnsonWilliam born about 1886
JohnsonWilliam Jborn about 1886
JohnsonWilliam Lborn about 1883
JohnsonWilliam Lborn about 1934
JohnsonWilliam Wborn about 1913
JonesAlmeadius Sborn about 1900
JonesBernard Fborn about 1908
JonesCharles Hborn about 1934
JonesCornelia born about 1926
JonesEmma Eborn about 1913
JonesGertrude born about 1919
JonesHarold born about 1922
JonesHelen Vborn about 1938
JonesJames born about 1924
JonesJonathan born about 1916
JonesMaceo Mborn about 1928
JonesMaxine Aborn about 1929
JonesRebecca born about 1899
JonesRebecca born about 1930
JonesRobert Fborn about 1892
JonesSamuel born about 1921
JonesSamuel Aborn about 1878
JonesShirley Aborn about 1932
JonesWilliam born about 1882
JonesWilliam born about 1932
JordanEmmett Lborn about 1939
JordanEugene Dborn about 1937
JordanJames Eborn about 1911
JordanJames E Jrborn about 1934
JordanMary Mborn about 1888
JordanMary Tborn about 1912
JoreAlice Rborn about 1895
JoreJames Eborn about 1894
JosephAnne Mborn about 1923
JosephFrances Aborn about 1940
JosephGraham Fborn about 1938
JosephHassel Oborn about 1915
JosephMary Iborn about 1914
JosephMary Wborn about 1925
JosephSusan Rborn about 1881
JosephThomas Lborn about 1918
JosephVirginia Lborn about 1923
JoyceEtta born about 1895
JoyceMarcella born about 1921
JoyceWillie born about 1879
JoyceWillie Lborn about 1924
JoyceWindell born about 1915
JoynerFrances Aborn about 1916
JoynerHerbert Sborn about 1875
JoynerMaude Aborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeentzJanet Mborn about 1908
KeentzOscar Rborn about 1911
KeentzRandolph Cborn about 1931
KellyFrank Lborn about 1923
KennedyVela Rborn about 1925
KennonBetty Cborn about 1929
KennonDorea Kborn about 1907
KennonEllen Lborn about 1932
KennonFred Eborn about 1906
KennonFred E Jrborn about 1927
KennonGeorge Eborn about 1934
KennonGordon Aborn about 1936
KennonOlive Kborn about 1925
KerseyEvelyn Eborn about 1920
KerseyHelen Mborn about 1926
KerseyJoshua Lborn about 1891
KerseyRuby Vborn about 1908
KeschampAmour Jborn about 1916
KeschampAugust born about 1909
KeschampEugene born about 1899
KeschampLizzie Dborn about 1877
KeschampMary Eborn about 1922
KiddEmma Jborn about 1891
KiddEunice Jborn about 1928
KiddIrene Lborn about 1926
KiddSamuel Dborn about 1867
KiddStuart Wborn about 1932
KingWilliam Tborn about 1861
KirksHelan born about 1916
KirksMerle born about 1937
KrouseLydia Tborn about 1870
KrouseRichard Hborn about 1881
KrouseRichard Tborn about 1911
KulerAnnie Lborn about 1880
KulerIsaac Sborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambShelby born about 1927
LauraAlbert born about 1920
LauterbackHerman Aborn about 1903
LauterbackOra born about 1908
LearyLeo Bborn about 1935
LearyLeslie Bborn about 1908
LearyLouise Aborn about 1908
LeeAlberta born about 1891
LeeClarence born about 1927
LeeEdward born about 1919
LeeJohn Hborn about 1890
LeeMilton born about 1924
LeeRosa Mborn about 1933
LenaElizabeth Aborn about 1912
LenaRobert Hborn about 1905
LewisEdith Jborn about 1921
LewisHelen Hborn about 1926
LewisLeon Lborn about 1894
LewisRada Bborn about 1901
LewisRuth Lborn about 1927
LillyLouise Lborn about 1916
LillyRodman born about 1910
LinckMargaret Eborn about 1888
LinckMarvin Aborn about 1918
LovingHerndon Dborn about 1911
LovingJean Hborn about 1938
LovingMildred Lborn about 1912
LoweWallace born about 1902
LoweyCarlton Eborn about 1912
LoweyChancey Aborn about 1886
LoweyMabel Bborn about 1916
LoweyRobert Mborn about 1918
LoweyRussell Cborn about 1921
LoweySusie Bborn about 1896
LowryCharles Eborn about 1910
LowryCharles Lborn about 1936
LowryEva Lborn about 1932
LowryMelvin Cborn about 1938
LowryOdell Lborn about 1905
LumpkinAnnabelle Tborn about 1919
LumpkinJames Hborn about 1883
LumpkinJames Hborn about 1912
LumpkinMary Eborn about 1880
LythgoeCharles Wborn about 1929
LythgoeGeorge Lborn about 1931
LythgoeJames Wborn about 1896
LythgoeJames W Jrborn about 1928
LythgoeRobert Eborn about 1932
LythgoeVirginia Mborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackJames Bborn about 1897
MackMary Eborn about 1893
MalaAndrew born about 1881
MalaAnnie born about 1885
ManleyElizabeth Gborn about 1921
ManleyEmily Gborn about 1939
ManleyJulius Jborn about 1898
MannFred Mborn about 1905
MariaCarrie Lborn about 1908
MariaGarland Aborn about 1936
MariaJames Aborn about 1930
MariaMary Kborn about 1934
MarrClyde Eborn about 1905
MarrGloria Rborn about 1939
MarrRoy Lborn about 1919
MartinAlfred born about 1904
MartinCarolyn born about 1934
MartinCharlotte born about 1928
MartinChristine born about 1873
MartinClaude born about 1912
MartinDavid Lborn about 1933
MartinDora Lborn about 1902
MartinElouie born about 1928
MartinFloyd Wborn about 1923
MartinFred Fborn about 1879
MartinGeorge born about 1936
MartinHenry Cborn about 1935
MartinJohn Zborn about 1897
MartinMary Fborn about 1931
MartinMaxine born about 1932
MartinMildred Eborn about 1934
MartinNancy Lborn about 1936
MartinRuby Mborn about 1925
MartinRuth born about 1928
MartinVera born about 1908
MartinWalter Aborn about 1930
MartinWilliam born about 1924
MartinWilliam Aborn about 1907
MasonAlbertis born about 1903
MasonElsie Mborn about 1908
MasonGladys Iborn about 1908
MasonHelen Rborn about 1928
MasonJames Lborn about 1929
MasonJoseph Jborn about 1931
MasonLawrence Eborn about 1904
MasonLuther Aborn about 1897
MasonPaul Mborn about 1926
MasonVirginia Pborn about 1908
MasonWilliam Aborn about 1866
MassonJoseph born about 1909
MassonMyrtle born about 1917
MatthewsCarrie Jborn about 1927
MatthewsDellie Aborn about 1910
MatthewsDossie Bborn about 1900
MatthewsJanie Pborn about 1922
MatthewsJennie Aborn about 1864
MatthewsWillie Lborn about 1932
MaysJohn born about 1880
McAllasterThomas Sborn about 1875
McCookBessie Lborn about 1906
McCookDoris Eborn about 1928
McCookGrace Lborn about 1880
McCookJames Lborn about 1937
McCookLouis Mborn about 1866
McCookWilliam Eborn about 1929
McCookWilliam Jborn about 1872
McCutchenJennie born about 1912
McCutchenJohn Aborn about 1939
McCutchenMary Lborn about 1920
McDonaldEmma born about 1905
McGeeJohn Wborn about 1881
McGeeJulian Wborn about 1921
McGeeLillie Jborn about 1891
McGeeLuther Pborn about 1912
McGeeLuther P Jrborn about 1933
McGeeMary Eborn about 1915
McLeodMary Vborn about 1906
McWayEdward born about 1885
McWayElizabeth born about 1901
MeadeDelia Tborn about 1903
MeadeDorothy Eborn about 1925
MeadeInez Cborn about 1930
MeadeMelvin Nborn about 1903
MeadeMonroe Lborn about 1926
MeadeNeva Mborn about 1928
MeadeNorman Rborn about 1933
MerhoutAlyan born about 1939
MerhoutFrances born about 1917
MerhoutJames born about 1936
MerhoutJoseph born about 1907
MidlonJoe born about 1921
MilesElizabeth Bborn about 1901
MilesGeorge Aborn about 1912
MilesGeorge Hborn about 1939
MilesJames Cborn about
MilesMargie Eborn about 1935
MilesMartha Eborn about 1917
MilesPauline Eborn about 1936
MillerEmma Jborn about 1937
MillerFilbert born about 1917
MillerFlorence Lborn about 1896
MillerRichard Cborn about 1924
MillerWilliam Sborn about 1891
MintzHerston Oborn about 1919
MiotkeAgnes born about 1918
MiotkeFrank born about 1900
MiotkeHelen born about 1910
MiotkeJoseph born about 1904
MiotkeMartha born about 1906
MiotkeMary born about 1912
MiotkePeter born about 1900
MiotkeThomas born about 1920
MiotkeVictoria born about 1916
MiotlesFrank Jborn about 1875
MiotlesMary born about 1879
MonroeSadie Sborn about 1893
MonroeWilliam Bborn about 1883
MoodyF De Lavialborn about 1883
MooreBenjamin Oborn about 1919
MooreEarnest Cborn about 1888
MooreFred Mborn about 1920
MooreHester born about 1860
MooreRachel Eborn about 1933
MooreRina Cborn about 1915
MoorefieldHelen Eborn about 1909
MoorefieldJames Gborn about 1906
MoorefieldJames G Jrborn about 1930
MooringBessie Wborn about 1933
MooringFlora Sborn about 1900
MooringFloyd Kborn about 1897
MooringHarriett Sborn about 1929
MooringNettie Kborn about 1923
MooringShirley Lborn about 1931
MooringWalter born about 1895
MorrisFulton Wborn about 1913
MorrisGrace Dborn about 1913
MorrisHazel Fborn about 1916
MorrisJames Cborn about 1898
MorrisWalter born about 1878
MoselyFannie Rborn about 1895
MoselyVia Cborn about 1916
MosesAnnie born about 1888
MosesFrances born about 1924
MosesFrank born about 1921
MosesJohn born about 1925
MosesJoseph born about 1885
MosesLeroy born about 1918
MosesLizzie born about 1930
MosesMargaret born about 1916
MosesMary born about 1919
MosesSusanne born about 1928
MosesWillie born about 1906
MountainDavid born about 1894
MountainDavid Bborn about 1917
MountainWoodley Eborn about 1887
MurrayEdward Fborn about 1930
MurraySue Bborn about 1912
MurrayWalter Aborn about 1932
MurrayWilliam Fborn about 1904
MyersAnn Lborn about 1901
MyersElmer born about 1898
MyersHenry Eborn about 1932
MyersMinerva Aborn about 1934
MyraAnna Mborn about 1932
MyraArther Lborn about 1907
MyraDorothy Eborn about 1939
MyraElsie Bborn about 1913
MyraOathee L Jrborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicholsJohn Aborn about 1879
NicholsJohn Sborn about 1921
NicholsSarah Eborn about 1890
NicholsThomas Mborn about 1923
NovakAnna born about 1884
NovakJoseph Mborn about 1876
NovakJoseph Pborn about 1913

O Surnames

OakesPatricia Aborn about 1934
OakesRobert Cborn about 1937
OakleyCourtney Hborn about 1916
OakleyHermand born about 1881
OakleyLillie Mborn about 1889
OakleySlem* Aborn about 1921
OconnorHamilton born about 1887
OldBessie Aborn about 1868
OldSinclair Bborn about 1895
OldWilliam born about 1898
OliverAnnie Lborn about 1891
OliverCaroline Vborn about 1931
OliverEmmaniel Wborn about 1876
OliverJohn Eborn about 1921
OliverPaul Jborn about 1911
OliverRosemary born about 1925
OliverWilliam Cborn about 1916
OpchamFrancis Dborn about 1930
OpchamJames Mborn about 1883
OsborneEula Eborn about 1928
OsborneJames Lborn about 1920
OsborneJohn Jborn about 1885
OsborneNoble Bborn about 1886
OsborneOla Fborn about 1922
OsterbindArthur Mborn about 1936
OsterbindCarter Lborn about 1925
OsterbindClarence Eborn about 1930
OsterbindLenwood Cborn about 1927
OsterbindRalph Tborn about 1933
OsterbindRuth Cborn about 1901
OsterbindRuth Tborn about 1939
OsterbindWillie J Mborn about 1923
OsterbindWillie Lborn about 1900
OuttonJulius Cborn about 1925
OuttonWilliam Hborn about 1925
OwensBetty Lborn about 1935
OwensCarry Lborn about 1907
OwensFancy Fborn about 1878
OwensJohn Wborn about 1929
OwensLaura Eborn about 1886
OwensLloyd Rborn about 1922
OwensMary Lborn about 1938
OwensWade Hborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PainterEdward Sborn about 1880
PainterEllen Vborn about 1885
PainterGeorge Aborn about 1920
PainterLula Rborn about 1910
PainterThomas Lborn about 1907
PalmoreBennett Wborn about 1906
PalmoreJeannette Aborn about 1910
PalmoreKatherine Gborn about 1880
PalmoreLeo Wborn about 1908
PalmoreMarion A Jrborn about 1911
PalmoreMary Mborn about 1914
PalmoreMary Vborn about 1914
PalmoreWilliam Tborn about 1883
ParhamAddie Dborn about 1867
ParhamAdolphus born about 1917
ParhamBlanche Eborn about 1905
ParhamEdwin born about 1906
ParhamElla Mborn about 1913
ParhamElnora born about 1885
ParhamElnora born about 1923
ParhamFrank born about 1906
ParhamHampton Eborn about 1928
ParhamHarry Cborn about 1904
ParhamJames Lborn about 1910
ParhamJohn Hborn about 1933
ParhamJunior born about 1880
ParhamLewis born about 1915
ParhamLois Gborn about 1924
ParhamMary Eborn about 1925
ParhamPearly Mborn about 1937
ParhamRussell born about 1921
ParksFlorence Mborn about 1886
ParksHugh born about 1900
PatrickDorothy Bborn about 1928
PatrickDwight Eborn about 1933
PatrickElizabeth Kborn about 1920
PatrickEloise Cborn about 1922
PatrickGordon Rborn about 1935
PatrickHelen Mborn about 1925
PatrickKate Eborn about 1901
PatrickMaurice Hborn about 1923
PatrickMelvin Jborn about 1930
PatromHershell born about 1910
PatromMagnolia born about 1885
PatromMagnolia born about 1923
PatromNellie born about 1917
PatromOakley born about 1919
PatronDaniel Aborn about 1915
PatronNaomi Rborn about 1916
PatsonClassie born about 1927
PatsonEmma born about 1932
PatsonHilda born about 1936
PatsonKatherine born about 1909
PatsonMamie born about 1925
PatsonThomas born about 1904
PattonBasil Hborn about 1899
PattonGlennie Vborn about 1914
PauthDesta Eborn about 1901
PauthEarl Eborn about 1900
PauthVerna Bborn about 1927
PauthVista Lborn about 1922
PayneJames Mborn about 1871
PayneLillie Gborn about 1909
PaynePatrick Dborn about 1909
PeleAnton Fborn about 1889
PeleBertha born about 1894
PeleJoseph born about 1920
PentecestAlbert born about 1890
PentecestAnnie Pborn about 1927
PentecestArta Cborn about 1926
PentecestBertha Aborn about 1930
PentecestHazel born about 1933
PentecestHelen Cborn about 1937
PentecestLois Mborn about 1939
PentecestRaymond Eborn about 1936
PentecestRebecca Eborn about 1908
PergersonAdelaide born about 1928
PergersonFlorence born about 1939
PergersonJoseph Aborn about 1912
PergersonJoseph A Jrborn about 1933
PergersonMamie born about 1927
PergersonMary born about 1916
PergersonZoll born about 1935
PettersHallie Mborn about 1909
PettersJames Wborn about 1917
PettwayCliff Hborn about 1888
PettwayDouglas Mborn about 1894
PettwayJames Wborn about 1864
PhillipsBlanche Eborn about 1900
PhillipsBlanche Gborn about 1923
PhillipsHelen Gborn about 1927
PhillipsJane Mborn about 1924
PhillipsLeonard Eborn about 1898
PhillipsLeonard E Jrborn about 1929
PhillipsRuth Eborn about 1933
PhillipsSamuel Eborn about 1936
PibtrowskiJohn Gborn about 1895
PibtrowskiJulia Aborn about 1900
PibtrowskiPaul Jborn about 1924
PillowDoris Cborn about 1936
PillowJack Aborn about 1931
PillowJames Wborn about 1937
PillowJeanette Tborn about 1929
PillowMaude Vborn about 1907
PillowRichard Lborn about 1933
PillowRobert E Jrborn about 1925
PillowRobert Wborn about 1900
PillowViolet Vborn about 1927
PillowWilliam Cborn about 1928
PinkeltonEvelyn Rborn about 1924
PinkeltonGlennie Mborn about 1921
PinkeltonHildreth Eborn about 1934
PinkeltonJewell Eborn about 1928
PinkeltonMattie Eborn about 1899
PinkeltonRaymond Mborn about 1932
PinkeltonRobert Lborn about 1898
PinkeltonRuby Sborn about 1926
PinkeltonShirley Jborn about 1937
PinkeltonWaverly Lborn about 1930
PinkeltonWilma Dborn about 1939
PlayerJennie Rborn about 1937
PlayerMeatie born about 1906
PlayerThomas born about 1891
PollingsMattie born about 1870
PosterfieldErnest Cborn about 1900
PosterfieldNorman born about 1932
PosterfieldViola born about 1912
PottesLillie Fborn about 1880
PottesWalter Dborn about 1882
PowellEvelyn Wborn about 1895
PowellMaynard Rborn about 1891
PowellMaynard R Jrborn about 1925
PowersMary Gborn about 1916
PowersSarah Eborn about 1873
PowersWilliam Mborn about 1903
PowlettMaxwell Jborn about 1921
PowlettPinky Mborn about 1876
PowlettQueen Eborn about 1920
PowlettWilliam Jborn about 1865
PrideEmma Eborn about 1908
PrideFrances Aborn about 1932
PrideJ Miltonborn about 1894
PrideJ Milton Jrborn about 1929
PrideJames Mborn about 1899
PrideJosephine born about 1884
PrideLula born about 1904
PrideMarion Kborn about 1933
PrideWaverly born about 1901
PrudenWilliam Aborn about 1925
PryorClara born about 1934
PryorFloyd Jr born about 1936
PryorJerleen born about 1917
PuckettEdna Cborn about 1892
PuckettRobert Lborn about 1887
PurdieRaymond Eborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuaiffCharles Rborn about 1923
QuaiffChester Rborn about 1926
QuaiffFrances Wborn about 1925
QuaiffFrank Wborn about 1920
QuaiffMarcelle born about 1899
QuaiffWilliam Cborn about 1884

R Surnames

RaileyColumbus born about 1895
RaileyMary born about 1909
RaineyElsie Jborn about 1932
RaineyFlorence Eborn about 1930
RaineyFlorence Jborn about 1910
RaineyRobert Wborn about 1939
RaineyThomas Wborn about 1906
RamseyMargaret Eborn about 1921
RandallAlberta Mborn about 1896
RandallDavid Aborn about 1916
RandallJoseph Rborn about 1883
RandallLewis Mborn about 1923
RandallPercy born about 1890
RandallSusie Oborn about 1924
RandallWilliam Hborn about 1927
ReeseElizabeth Jborn about 1909
ReeseMary Sborn about 1872
ReeseMorgan Wborn about 1878
ReynoldsRobert Bborn about 1874
RichterLeona Eborn about 1909
RichterOtto C Jborn about 1867
RichterOtto Rborn about 1904
RieverFrank Hborn about 1902
RieverJohn Rborn about 1936
RieverMargaret Lborn about 1912
RoachRaymond born about 1910
RobertsonGeorge Kborn about 1883
RobertsonJohn Lborn about 1887
RobinaArcell born about 1889
RobinaFlorence Eborn about 1927
RobinaJohn Aborn about 1923
RobinaMargaret Aborn about 1899
RobinaMargaret Fborn about 1925
RobinsonBernard born about 1931
RobinsonBulech Lborn about 1934
RobinsonEdna Rborn about 1905
RobinsonGloria born about 1938
RobinsonHarold born about 1934
RobinsonHarvey Lborn about 1906
RobinsonHazel Lborn about 1917
RobinsonHowell Lborn about 1936
RobinsonJohn born about 1936
RobinsonJohn Bborn about 1907
RobinsonJohn Lborn about 1885
RobinsonLouise born about 1912
RobinsonPinkie Lborn about 1932
RoseJames born about 1926
RowlettMabel Sborn about 1905
RowlettOtho Lborn about 1893
RoyallThelma Mborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerAlerandria B Jrborn about 1936
SadlerAlexandder Bborn about 1893
SadlerClementine Cborn about 1936
SadlerClementine Eborn about 1897
SasserWalter born about 1880
SavallonNellie Eborn about 1895
SchomburgBlanche Eborn about 1893
SchomburgMarion born about 1887
SchomburgMarion Sborn about 1923
SchwartzGodfrey born about 1890
SchwartzGuy Rborn about 1920
SchwartzMildred Eborn about 1899
ScottEleanor Rborn about 1934
ScottEllen Vborn about 1899
ScottEllen Vborn about 1938
ScottFreddie Eborn about 1935
ScottGarfield born about 1893
ScottHarry born about 1916
ScottHelen Jborn about 1909
ScottJohn Wborn about 1914
ScottMarie born about 1928
ScroggsClifton Rborn about 1919
ScroggsClifton R Jrborn about 1940
ScroggsDelma Jborn about 1919
ShaftoFlorence A Vborn about 1876
ShaftoMary Vborn about 1921
ShaftoWesley K Hborn about 1880
ShaltonFrancis Gborn about 1934
ShaltonHunter Lborn about 1907
ShaltonJanie born about 1906
ShawBessie Eborn about 1908
ShawDoris Aborn about 1916
ShawJohn Fborn about 1906
ShawMary Eborn about 1931
ShawMildred Aborn about 1927
ShawPeter Cborn about 1875
SheltonArnold Gborn about 1930
SheltonBetty Aborn about 1938
SheltonCharles Eborn about 1882
SheltonEdna Lborn about 1902
SheltonHenry Mborn about 1915
SheltonJack Rborn about 1939
SheltonLillie Mborn about 1929
SheltonMary Mborn about 1878
SheltonOtis Dborn about 1898
SheltonVirginia Lborn about 1916
SheltonVirginia Lborn about 1927
ShepphardDavid Sborn about 1903
ShepphardWillie Sborn about 1903
ShermanCarl Eborn about 1889
ShermanEarl E Jrborn about 1924
ShermanJean Mborn about 1931
ShermanMichael Cborn about 1890
ShermanNettie Hborn about 1866
ShifletAlice Mborn about 1912
ShifletJoseph Nborn about 1906
ShifletJoseph Oborn about 1935
ShifletMinnie Bborn about 1876
ShoosmithEdsel born about 1922
ShoosmithHarry Mborn about 1884
ShoosmithHarry M Jrborn about 1919
ShoosmithJack born about 1932
ShoosmithMargaret born about 1916
ShoosmithMinnie born about 1887
SinclairDe Etta born about 1913
SinclairFrank born about 1918
SinclairRobert born about 1939
SlaughterCry Sborn about 1936
SlaughterEthel Mborn about 1937
SlaughterHelen Gborn about 1905
SlaughterRobert Oborn about 1888
SlaughterWalter Dborn about 1899
SmithAlice Lborn about 1909
SmithCarol Oborn about 1903
SmithGloria Dborn about 1933
SmithHelen Aborn about 1907
SmithHerbert Gborn about 1892
SmithHetty Jborn about 1864
SmithJoyce Rborn about 1929
SmithLena Gborn about 1929
SmithRoy Dborn about 1907
SmithShirley Jborn about 1932
SmithUpton Eborn about 1882
SmithVirginia Wborn about 1914
SmithWilliam Gborn about 1875
SmithZenolia born about 1873
SmythJoe Mborn about 1917
SneadMary Lborn about 1859
SontouskiJohn born about 1865
SontouskiJosephine Eborn about 1870
SoutheeHarry Cborn about 1923
SoutheeLeonard Tborn about 1899
SoutheeMabel Lborn about 1899
SpencerCharles Dborn about 1910
SpencerEarl born about 1911
SpencerGilmar Bborn about 1906
SpencerGladys Hborn about 1915
SpencerJames Gborn about 1940
SpencerLillie Mborn about 1926
SpencerMamie Lborn about 1905
SpencerMildred Pborn about 1914
SpencerRobert Bborn about 1879
SpencerRobert Oborn about 1917
SpencerRobert O Jrborn about 1939
SpencerSusie Fborn about 1882
SpencerVirginia Mc Cborn about 1916
SprouseCharles Wborn about 1922
SprouseEstell Wborn about 1911
SprouseIris Mayborn about 1923
SprouseJames Eborn about 1924
SprouseKeith Wborn about 1937
SprouseLarry Aborn about 1937
SprouseLenwood Sborn about 1878
SprouseLilly Jborn about 1923
SprouseLinwood Rborn about 1905
SprouseMacie Lborn about 1906
SprouseMary Iborn about 1928
SprouseRaymond Mborn about 1931
SprouseRegenal Eborn about 1911
SprouseRichard Wborn about 1926
SprouseSally Mborn about 1881
SprouseStuart Rborn about 1913
SprouseWilliam Wborn about 1899
StainbackEvelyn Rborn about 1910
StainbackJulian Wborn about 1919
StainbackLittle Bborn about 1879
StainbackMary Lborn about 1886
StanbackVirginia Eborn about 1922
SteelaEvelynd Iborn about 1930
SteelaJames Hborn about 1899
SteelaJames Jborn about 1920
SteelaLenwood Pborn about 1931
SteelaMabel Iborn about 1904
SteelaMelvin Aborn about 1922
SteinCarrie Bborn about 1878
SteinCharles Sborn about 1875
StofkoCharlotte Aborn about 1934
StofkoIrene Bborn about 1909
StofkoJohn Pborn about 1902
StrangeBernard born about 1896
StrangeDoris born about 1925
StrangeEdward born about 1921
StrangeEllen born about 1859
StrangeInez born about 1900
StrangeVirginia born about 1921
StrangeWilliam born about 1864
StreetBertha Eborn about 1926
StreetJunius Wborn about 1906
StreetNellie Aborn about 1906
StreetRosa Bborn about 1885
StreetWalter Lborn about 1929
StrongArabella Tborn about 1915
StrongFrank born about 1903
SturtewantEdward born about 1931
SturtewantLawrence born about 1933
SweatGladys Lborn about 1935
SweatJoyce Aborn about 1930
SweatRichard Cborn about 1933
SwinefordC Agnesborn about 1901
SwinefordCatherine Eborn about 1870
SwinefordEdward Aborn about 1871
SwinefordElliott B Jrborn about 1917
SwinefordJane Rborn about 1911
SwinefordRose Vborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAllene Mborn about 1920
TaylorClaude born about 1905
TaylorClyde Vborn about 1924
TaylorEarnest Lborn about 1921
TaylorEddie Aborn about 1876
TaylorFlorine born about 1903
TaylorGuy Lborn about 1921
TaylorJessie Lborn about 1892
TaylorLillian Bborn about 1905
TaylorLillie Mborn about 1874
TaylorLillie Sborn about 1912
TaylorLucy Bborn about 1929
TaylorMabel Lborn about 1915
TaylorNellie Mborn about 1924
TaylorRobert born about 1873
TaylorThomas Mborn about 1916
TaylorTom born about 1910
TaylorViola Eborn about 1881
TaylorWilliam born about 1911
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1870
TennellBessie Sborn about 1887
TennellFrank Dborn about 1912
TennellHarry Wborn about 1868
TerancePeter Eborn about 1910
ThomasBessie Gborn about 1909
ThomasBetty born about 1940
ThomasClaude Aborn about 1914
ThomasClaudia Oborn about 1936
ThomasGoldie Mborn about 1913
ThomasIona born about 1906
ThomasJoan Gborn about 1938
ThomasJohn Hborn about 1934
ThomasJoseph born about 1913
ThomasJudson Cborn about 1933
ThomasKern Mborn about 1905
ThomasMary Dborn about 1869
ThomasVita Wborn about 1934
ThomasWalter Hborn about 1893
ThummonCarl Eborn about 1901
ThummonCarl E Jrborn about 1924
ThummonJulia born about 1897
ThummonPhyllis Mborn about 1926
ThummonRonald Wborn about 1932
TingerEdward Lborn about 1917
TingerEdward Lborn about 1939
TingerLucy Pborn about 1919
TittsJ Blairborn about 1891
TittsJames Hborn about 1927
TittsJohn B Jrborn about 1923
TittsMarion Mborn about 1896
TittsRuth Mborn about 1924
ToddJames Rborn about 1868
ToddJessie Lborn about 1922
ToddJulia Lborn about 1881
TownsendOra born about 1917
TownsendWalter born about 1909
TrentAbraham Lborn about 1935
TrentFlorence Rborn about 1929
TrentGeorge E Wborn about 1865
TrentGuy Sborn about 1901
TrentGuy S Jrborn about 1926
TrentHather Mborn about 1924
TrentJoseph born about 1894
TrentMarie Lborn about 1937
TrentMavis Hborn about 1931
TrentRobert Cborn about 1883
TrentRobert E Jrborn about 1915
TrentSarah Jborn about 1898
TrentSerena Eborn about 1933
TrentSerina Aborn about 1903
TrentShirley Rborn about 1939
TrentSusan Bborn about 1923
TrentThomas Eborn about 1927
TrentThomas Jborn about 1914
TrevettQunce Rborn about 1903
TrontPeter Lborn about 1867
TuckCalvin Cborn about 1912
TuckClaudine Maryborn about 1940
TuckEthel Iborn about 1918
TuckJulie Mborn about 1875
TunstallClara Eborn about 1885
TunstallFrank Mborn about 1905
TunstallFrank M Jrborn about 1932
TunstallJames Eborn about 1921
TunstallWilliam Eborn about 1919
TurkeyClarence Lborn about 1919
TurkeyLynn Tborn about 1940
TurkeyMarjory Jborn about 1919
TurnerAlfred Oborn about 1917
TurnerAllen Jborn about 1888
TurnerArthur Lborn about 1886
TurnerClifford Hborn about 1927
TurnerDella born about 1904
TurnerFloyd Eborn about 1930
TurnerFred born about 1931
TurnerGarland born about 1934
TurnerIrene born about 1934
TurnerJoseph Lborn about 1910
TurnerLevinia Eborn about 1936
TurnerLillie Rborn about 1914
TurnerRobert born about 1910
TurnerRobert Jr born about 1936
TurnerRoberta Eborn about 1888
TwittieGozzelle born about 1902
TwittieJerry born about 1860
TylesEunice Tborn about 1912
TyreeDot born about 1913
TyreeElrie Pborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VacinaRaymond Jborn about 1924
ValdeyzWilliam Jborn about 1926
VanstaddenFrank Wborn about 1914
VassNancy Lborn about 1929
VestJoseph Wborn about 1901
VestMary Sborn about 1908
VoprechWilliam Aborn about 1881
VoprechWilliaslader born about 1871

W Surnames

WalkeNancy Dborn about 1926
WalkeNora Dborn about 1899
WalkeWyndham Pborn about 1899
WalkeWyndham P Jrborn about 1930
WalkerEllen Jborn about 1936
WalkerEllen Mborn about 1912
WalkerEster Mborn about 1915
WalkerFlorence Jborn about 1907
WalkerPenckney Hborn about 1913
WalkerWesley Aborn about 1905
WalkerWestley A Jrborn about 1929
WallaceCharles born about 1934
WallaceGeorge Wborn about 1905
WallaceMartha born about 1911
WallsBenjamin Hborn about 1889
WallsBessie Fborn about 1884
WallsCharles Aborn about 1874
WallsMary Eborn about 1895
WalmothCallie Mborn about 1914
WalmothCarol Lborn about 1937
WalmothJulia Mborn about 1928
WalmothRichard Aborn about 1904
WalmothRichard A Jrborn about 1925
WalmothWilliam Hborn about 1930
WalsonIrene Eborn about 1896
WalsonMargarit Iborn about 1931
WalsonPercy Sborn about 1894
WalsonSarah Aborn about 1930
WaltersHenry Wborn about 1931
WaltersJean Gborn about 1927
WaltersJohn Aborn about 1902
WaltersJohn A Jrborn about 1925
WaltersMary Lborn about 1933
WaltersVirginia Aborn about 1908
WaltonFred Jborn about 1883
WaquayMabel born about 1878
WaquayMildred Iborn about 1911
WaquayStella Cborn about 1886
WaquayWilliam Sborn about 1915
WarrenEdward Lborn about 1882
WartDoris Gborn about 1938
WartEddie born about 1935
WartKathleen born about 1925
WartMartha born about 1894
WartOtis born about 1896
WashingtonAdolphus born about 1922
WashingtonArgenia born about 1924
WashingtonBertha born about 1923
WashingtonCora born about 1903
WashingtonDelmus born about 1931
WashingtonEthel born about 1908
WashingtonFrank born about 1917
WashingtonGeorge born about 1883
WashingtonHelena Bborn about 1928
WashingtonJohn born about 1926
WashingtonJohn Eborn about 1877
WashingtonJoseph born about 1923
WashingtonKate born about 1918
WashingtonLuther Pborn about 1915
WashingtonMaria born about 1902
WashingtonMary born about 1924
WashingtonRosa born about 1915
WashingtonRuben born about 1914
WashingtonRuby born about 1926
WashingtonVirginia born about 1922
WashingtonWalter Aborn about 1895
WashingtonWoodson born about 1927
WatkinAlma born about 1880
WatkinBenj W Jrborn about 1917
WatkinBony Wborn about 1882
WatkinJames Dborn about 1913
WatkinReginald Hborn about 1920
WatkinsAllen born about 1928
WatkinsAnna Lborn about 1925
WatkinsArelius born about 1868
WatkinsBlanche Mborn about 1906
WatkinsElizabeth born about 1921
WatkinsGladys born about 1928
WatkinsHarry Tborn about 1902
WatkinsJames born about 1926
WatkinsKate born about 1897
WatkinsMalcolm born about 1929
WatkinsMozelle born about 1926
WatkinsReuben born about 1898
WatkinsRoland born about 1923
WatkinsRoland Jborn about 1902
WatkinsSusie Kborn about 1874
WatkinsThomas Bborn about 1872
WatkinsWilliam Eborn about 1916
WatkinsWilliam Hborn about 1896
WebsterBarbara Lborn about 1937
WebsterCarrie born about 1911
WebsterCharles Rborn about 1939
WebsterEdmond Bborn about 1902
WebsterEdmond B Jrborn about 1936
WebsterEstelle Eborn about 1930
WebsterGrace Eborn about 1933
WebsterHarold born about
WebsterHorace Dborn about 1905
WebsterHorace Jr born about 1939
WebsterJohn Cborn about 1907
WebsterJohn Jborn about 1934
WebsterJoseph born about 1935
WebsterJoseph Rborn about 1937
WebsterKatherine Vborn about 1938
WebsterMargarette born about 1932
WebsterPernie Aborn about 1912
WebsterRobert born about 1930
WebsterRuby Mborn about 1935
WebsterVernelle born about 1909
WebsterVernelle Eborn about 1927
WeiderGilben Sborn about 1877
WeiderLillie Mborn about 1885
WeisegerMartha Eborn about 1868
WeisegerMartha Eborn about 1897
WeisegerWilbur Rborn about 1900
WelchThomas Iborn about 1900
WendtwudtA J Tborn about 1875
WendtwudtLillie Aborn about 1900
WesleyAndrew born about 1901
WesleyAndrew Jr born about 1935
WesleyAudry born about 1928
WesleyBernice born about 1900
WesleyBuelah born about 1931
WesleyDorothy born about 1924
WesleyWilford born about 1937
WestAnnis Mborn about 1932
WestMagnolia born about 1902
WestMargaret Bborn about 1940
WestMary born about 1927
WestRobert Lborn about 1913
WestSally Tborn about 1913
WheelerLeo Rborn about 1898
WheelerPearl Eborn about 1905
WhelanClara Vborn about 1892
WhelanThomas born about 1904
WhitakerMyrl Sborn about 1908
WhitakerRuby Fborn about 1917
WhitakerWilson Rborn about 1938
WhiteClifford Cborn about 1880
WhiteEdwin Cborn about 1918
WhiteEdwin Pborn about 1867
WhiteEdwin Jr born about 1939
WhiteFrances Sborn about 1895
WhiteJohn Bborn about 1923
WhiteMarion Aborn about 1919
WhiteVernon Cborn about 1920
WhulhouseErnest Jr born about 1925
WhulhouseErnst born about 1890
WhulhouseHester born about 1891
WhulhouseLinwood born about 1929
WhulhouseLouis born about 1931
WhulhouseMyrtle born about 1921
WhulhouseRaymond born about 1933
WhulhouseWilliam born about 1924
WilesAlexandria born about 1882
WilesHazel born about 1927
WilesJames Eborn about 1923
WilesSarah born about 1885
WilkinsonBeverly Rborn about 1937
WilkinsonEarnest Wborn about 1907
WilkinsonEarnest Wborn about 1938
WilkinsonEvelyn Eborn about 1912
WilliamsAdell Vborn about 1938
WilliamsArthur born about 1933
WilliamsBertha born about 1859
WilliamsCharles Bborn about 1888
WilliamsClinton born about 1911
WilliamsEugene Gborn about 1924
WilliamsGeorge Wborn about 1878
WilliamsHenry Eborn about 1891
WilliamsHugh Dborn about 1900
WilliamsJerry born about 1913
WilliamsMonroe born about 1915
WilliamsNannie Sborn about 1895
WilliamsNannie Wborn about 1880
WilliamsPinky Aborn about 1865
WilliamsReane born about 1913
WilliamsRosa Mborn about 1936
WilmouthHoward Mborn about 1915
WilmouthLillian Eborn about 1883
WilmouthThomas Hborn about 1923
WilmouthThomas Jborn about 1882
WilsonAlbert born about 1926
WilsonBeverly born about 1928
WilsonCarolyn born about 1905
WilsonClarence Aborn about 1903
WilsonDorothy born about 1904
WilsonErnest born about 1924
WilsonIrving born about 1932
WilsonJames born about 1930
WilsonLillian born about 1928
WilsonLinwood born about 1935
WilsonLouis Rborn about 1894
WilsonMary Eborn about 1871
WilsonRaymond born about 1922
WilsonSherwood born about 1926
WilsonThomas Lborn about 1910
WinfreeEdna Pborn about 1885
WinfreeJohn Wborn about 1859
WinfreeLucy Rborn about 1887
WinfreeMary Cborn about 1893
WinfreeSusan Eborn about 1923
WinfreeThomas Mborn about 1891
WinfreeWilliam Aborn about 1889
WinfreeWilliam Aborn about 1914
WithersCharles Eborn about 1939
WittPeter born about 1892
WoodRobert Mborn about 1878
WoodcockAlfred Rborn about 1878
WoodcockAnnabel born about 1911
WoodcockArlin born about 1897
WoodcockClara Eborn about 1877
WoodcockEthel Wborn about 1892
WoodcockHattie born about 1894
WoodcockHilton Eborn about 1910
WoodcockLawrence Aborn about 1923
WoodcockMaggie born about 1908
WoodechLottie Mborn about 1894
WoodeckAlma Lborn about 1905
WoodeckAlma Sborn about 1881
WoodeckElsie Aborn about 1921
WoodeckLois Eborn about 1917
WoodeckLuther Wborn about 1876
WoodeckMilton Lborn about 1925
WooldridgeLaura born about 1927
WorchamAlexander born about 1919
WorchamAlexander Jr born about 1939
WorchamMary Jborn about 1923
WorshamPhillip born about 1939
WrennAlbert Aborn about 1919
WrennEffie Wborn about 1891
WrennEvylin Tborn about 1925
WrennLloyd Aborn about 1928
WrennMargaret Gborn about 1931
WrennMason Jborn about 1890
WrennMason J Jrborn about 1918
WrennVernon Mborn about 1937
WrightCornelia Vborn about 1896
WrightDorothy Aborn about 1935
WrightElmer Cborn about 1895
WrightGoldie Iborn about 1888
WrightGrace Cborn about 1886
WrightJames Eborn about 1922
WrightKatherine born about 1911
WrightKenneth Cborn about 1925
WrightLeonard Cborn about 1913
WrightWillie Eborn about 1909
WyattCharles Cborn about 1932
WybillBertha born about 1902
WybillHilda Mborn about 1932
WybillTilman born about 1933
WybillWilburn Lborn about 1938
WybillWillis Mborn about 1893

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Y Surnames

YanceyFrank Cborn about 1919
YanceyGerald Aborn about 1926
YanceyMacon Sborn about 1910
YanceyMamie Cborn about 1884
YanceyMartha Eborn about 1900
YanceyMary Tborn about 1921
YanceyPeggy Aborn about 1923
YanceyRoger Sborn about 1874
YatesAddie born about 1921
YatesAlfred born about 1883
YatesCharlie born about 1872
YatesCharlie Jr born about 1913
YatesDaniel Aborn about 1915
YatesEddie born about 1918
YatesEvelyn Vborn about 1914
YatesLiverne born about 1939
YatesLola Aborn about 1936
YatesMarie born about 1922
YatesMattie born about 1877
YatesMattie born about 1931
YatesSpencer born about 1940
YorkAllan Rborn about 1896
YorkMary born about 1903

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