1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hampden, Prince Edward, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Prince Edward County > 1940 Census of Hampden

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllanDavid Bborn about 1937
AllanDenison Mborn about 1898
AllanDenison Mborn about 1934
AllanSarah Eborn about 1902
AllenAnna Bborn about 1928
AllenCamie Fborn about 1932
AllenCarroll Mborn about 1926
AllenCharlie Lborn about 1911
AllenClarie born about 1884
AllenDora born about 1918
AllenEarl born about 1923
AllenEdward born about 1886
AllenEva born about 1939
AllenFlorence Gborn about 1934
AllenFranklin Sborn about 1926
AllenG Highlandborn about 1901
AllenHal born about 1910
AllenHal Vborn about 1937
AllenHerman Aborn about 1936
AllenJohn Cborn about 1926
AllenJohn Hborn about 1885
AllenJohn H Jrborn about 1918
AllenLouise born about 1921
AllenMargaret born about 1902
AllenMargaret Cborn about 1896
AllenMarie born about 1897
AllenMary born about 1894
AllenMary Aborn about 1924
AllenNannie born about 1935
AllenRobert born about 1928
AllenSammy born about 1890
AllenSamy Hborn about 1922
AllenSydney Lborn about 1928
AllenVirginia Eborn about 1936
AllenWalker born about 1895
AllenWilliam Hborn about 1937
AllisonAlexander born about 1920
AndersonBessie Aborn about 1914
AndersonBessie C Cborn about 1868
AndersonBettie born about 1884
AndersonDoris born about 1905
AndersonDorothy born about 1934
AndersonEdward born about 1933
AndersonElsie born about 1928
AndersonF Henryborn about 1864
AndersonH Chestermanborn about 1936
AndersonJ Guthrieborn about 1932
AndersonJ Waltonborn about 1934
AndersonJames S Jrborn about 1906
AndersonJames S Srborn about 1868
AndersonJohn Gborn about 1903
AndersonJohn Hborn about 1921
AndersonJohn Tborn about 1900
AndersonJulia born about 1899
AndersonKathrine born about 1925
AndersonLena Aborn about 1909
AndersonLouise born about 1931
AndersonWilliam born about 1860
ArmerI Maeborn about 1882
ArmerR Eborn about 1872
AshworthB Hborn about 1879
AtkinsRaleigh born about 1911
AtkinsonEsther born about 1895
AtkinsonM Estherborn about 1920
AtkinsonP Julaneborn about 1888
AtkinsonP Julane Jrborn about 1921
AtkinsonWilliam Eborn about 1927
AustinErnest born about 1910
AyersBlance born about 1904
AyersLawrence born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagbyCharles Eborn about 1890
BagbyDavid Eborn about 1916
BagbyDorothy Lborn about 1921
BagbyFlorine Fborn about 1891
BagbyGeneva Fborn about 1922
BagbyLofton Wborn about 1925
BagbyLynwood Eborn about 1923
BagbyMattie Lborn about 1862
BagbyStella Dborn about 1894
BagbyVival Sborn about 1887
BagleyAugusta born about 1924
BagleyDorothy born about 1926
BagleyHarry Rborn about 1940
BagleyJames born about 1924
BagleyJohn born about 1930
BagleyLouise born about 1904
BagleyPaul born about 1901
BagleyRay Leeborn about 1933
BagwellElbert born about 1913
BagwellEudell born about 1914
BagwellIris Jborn about 1935
BagwellMattie Ruthborn about 1939
BaileyEdward Lborn about 1880
BaileyGladys born about 1922
BaileyPauleine born about 1924
BaileyWilliam born about 1920
BainesDelila born about 1903
BainesJames born about 1924
BainesJessie born about 1901
BainesRobert born about 1922
BakerJ Edwardborn about 1922
BakerJames born about 1910
BakerJohn born about 1933
BakerM Fulmerborn about 1927
BakerMabel Wborn about 1884
BakerWilliam A Jrborn about 1914
BakerWm A Srborn about 1879
BaldwinHarry Wborn about 1919
BaldwinHazel Mborn about 1916
BaldwinJ Eborn about 1884
BaldwinMattie Fborn about 1896
BanksAdleane born about 1929
BarggerAlexander born about 1868
BarggerAnnie born about 1930
BarggerKate born about 1895
BarggerSevester born about 1938
BarksdaleCharlie born about 1922
BarksdaleEdgar born about 1915
BarksdaleEmma born about 1898
BarksdaleGarfield born about 1928
BarksdaleJunius born about 1889
BarksdaleLee born about 1877
BarksdaleLee born about 1924
BarksdaleLizzie born about 1934
BarksdaleLucile born about 1921
BarksdaleOnie born about 1895
BarksdaleRobert born about 1926
BarksdaleSusan Aborn about 1846
BarnsBessie born about 1914
BaskewilleL Sborn about 1879
BaskewilleMary Mborn about 1879
BaskewilleWilliam born about 1921
BatesAnnie Sborn about 1888
BatesClarence Eborn about 1923
BatesFloyd Lborn about 1921
BatesTomas Jborn about 1892
BealeFrances Gilborn about 1890
BealeRobert Cborn about 1877
BedingerAlma Pborn about 1894
BedingerAlma Pborn about 1930
BedingerGeorge Mborn about 1929
BedingerJohn Fborn about 1925
BedingerMary Annborn about 1932
BedingerNeal Aborn about 1902
BedingerNeal A Jrborn about
BedingerRobert Hborn about 1927
BellAlease born about 1907
BellBeulah Lborn about 1895
BellFlorence Wborn about 1909
BellJohn born about 1934
BellJohn born about 1936
BellJoseph Nborn about 1939
BellRobert Eborn about 1918
BellWalter H Jrborn about 1933
BellWalter Hermanborn about 1901
BellWilliam Wborn about 1921
BenedictHehta Eborn about 1893
BenedictJeanette Jborn about 1931
BenedictKenneth Dborn about 1922
BenedictLoyal Cborn about 1893
BenedictM Henryborn about 1921
BernierCharles Aborn about 1892
BernierGrace born about 1896
BeverageMary Eborn about 1869
BeverageRobert born about 1869
BollingerAlounce born about 1899
BollingerCatherine born about 1937
BollingerPauline born about 1909
BonnAudrey Lborn about 1928
BonnFlorence Eborn about 1900
BonnFrancis Eborn about 1924
BonnMena Aborn about 1931
BonnRichard Lborn about 1876
BonnRichard L Jrborn about 1921
BookerAnna born about 1902
BookerCharles born about 1876
BookerEdd Leeborn about 1919
BookerEmma born about 1902
BookerGeorge born about 1870
BookerGeorge born about 1921
BookerGladys born about 1932
BookerHarry born about 1907
BookerHattie Dborn about 1923
BookerHelen born about 1879
BookerJames born about 1874
BookerJessie born about 1925
BookerJoe Bborn about 1887
BookerLena born about 1904
BookerLetha born about 1937
BookerLouise born about 1927
BookerLucy born about 1846
BookerLucy Aborn about 1881
BookerMary born about 1876
BookerSonny born about 1902
BookerSusan born about 1877
BookerSusie born about 1907
BookerWilliam born about 1908
BookerWilliam Mborn about 1872
BottsAddie Sueborn about 1918
BottsAlfonzo born about 1888
BottsEllen born about 1867
BottsGeorge born about 1917
BottsJames born about 1919
BottsMary born about 1922
BottsPagie born about 1895
BottsSamuel born about 1890
BottsSamuel born about 1912
BottsSamuel Jr born about 1931
BottsSophie Aborn about 1934
BouldenHaskin born about 1907
BouldenJoe born about 1939
BouldenJohn born about 1890
BouldenLulu born about 1880
BouldenMary born about 1891
BouldenMary born about 1923
BouldenRebecca born about 1926
BouldenWilliam born about 1940
BouldinAdell born about 1919
BouldinEllen born about 1880
BouldinElvlean born about 1937
BouldinEmma born about 1886
BouldinEmma born about 1939
BouldinJame born about 1916
BouldinJanie Hborn about 1883
BoyerMabel Eborn about 1925
BoytonDorothy born about 1925
BoytonEloise born about 1924
BoytonLois born about 1927
BrackettHazel born about 1912
BrackettHerbert born about 1911
BranchDorothy born about 1924
BranchJohn born about 1939
BranchLillian born about 1909
BranchMargaret Sborn about 1924
BranchPreston born about 1902
BranchSam born about 1909
BrandonEstell born about 1877
BrayEdgar born about 1912
BridgmanAuther Sborn about 1922
BrihmCharles born about 1901
BrihmMary Gborn about 1907
BrinkleyHarry Lborn about 1922
BrockDelia Eborn about 1886
BrockRobert Kborn about 1881
BrownAlice born about 1936
BrownBertha Bborn about 1920
BrownBessie born about 1910
BrownBessie born about 1938
BrownCharlie born about 1892
BrownClara born about 1916
BrownClara Eborn about 1890
BrownElnore born about 1928
BrownHattie C Aborn about 1890
BrownHenrietta born about 1891
BrownHerman born about 1920
BrownHouston born about 1889
BrownImogene born about 1923
BrownJames born about 1923
BrownJames Hborn about 1890
BrownLancaster born about 1890
BrownLeroy born about 1924
BrownLucile born about 1876
BrownLucy born about 1871
BrownMamie born about 1898
BrownMaregaret Bborn about 1930
BrownMary born about 1918
BrownMildred born about 1925
BrownNapoleon born about 1892
BrownPaul born about 1927
BrownRobert born about 1919
BrownRosa born about 1927
BrownSam born about 1888
BrownSamuel Cborn about 1890
BrownSidney born about 1913
BrownWalter born about 1890
BrownWalter Lborn about 1931
BrownWilliam born about 1872
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1880
BuercockAlice Eborn about 1924
BuercockDorothy Mborn about 1926
BuercockEmma Rborn about 1899
BuercockHinton Bborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabellMancy born about 1895
CabellMary Graceborn about 1898
CableEdith born about 1921
CableJones born about 1881
CableWalter born about 1923
CalhoumIren born about 1922
CalhoumJoseph born about 1929
CalhounA Hughborn about 1908
CalhounAllen Jborn about 1918
CalhounC Linetteborn about 1897
CalhounHenry Wborn about 1922
CalhounMaggie born about 1933
CalhounMary born about 1917
CalhounMaud Eborn about 1878
CalhounRichard born about 1920
CalhounSallie born about 1882
CalhounThomas born about 1865
CallinsDean born about 1937
CallinsMabel born about 1908
CallinsMrs N Bborn about 1875
Carter??? born about 1915
CarterAgnes born about 1917
CarterAlexander born about 1931
CarterAlpheus born about 1915
CarterAnnie Lborn about 1933
CarterAuther Aborn about 1939
CarterBaudie Gborn about 1897
CarterBettie born about 1914
CarterClevland Fborn about 1885
CarterCornelia born about 1880
CarterDorothy Mayborn about 1937
CarterEdward Aborn about 1898
CarterElizebeth Eborn about 1928
CarterEmily born about 1889
CarterFannie Mborn about 1935
CarterFrancis Gborn about 1926
CarterH Stanleyborn about 1879
CarterHorace Rborn about 1925
CarterJames Aborn about 1937
CarterJames Sborn about 1901
CarterKate Oborn about 1877
CarterLoraine born about 1936
CarterLucy Bborn about 1869
CarterLuther Eborn about 1925
CarterMaclouise born about 1935
CarterMandy Cborn about 1912
CarterMartha Bborn about 1939
CarterMary Eborn about 1905
CarterMary Janeborn about 1935
CarterMattie Eborn about 1867
CarterMunford born about 1878
CarterPearl Fborn about 1890
CarterR Joyceborn about 1936
CarterRakford born about 1935
CarterRebecca born about 1937
CarterRoy Wborn about 1921
CarterRuby Cborn about 1908
CarterVirginia A Bborn about 1888
CarterWalter born about 1932
CarterWilliam Hborn about 1871
CarterWillie Aborn about 1912
CaryAda born about 1932
CaryAnnabelle born about 1937
CaryBernard Tborn about 1879
CaryErnest Wborn about 1931
CaryF Lillianborn about 1886
CaryFlorine Eborn about 1907
CaryIrene born about 1935
CaryJosephine born about 1864
CaryMary born about 1934
CaryMattie born about 1930
CaryMaxine born about 1939
CaryNelson Jborn about 1898
CarySusie Cborn about 1879
CaryW Harwoodborn about 1916
ChappelJanie Sborn about 1876
ChappelW Edwardborn about 1873
ChappellAdele Bborn about 1914
ChappellAnne Eborn about 1919
ChappellBalnch Bborn about 1919
ChappellC Whittieborn about 1890
ChappellEdward Tborn about 1929
ChappellJ Washingtonborn about 1912
ChappellM Elizebethborn about 1885
ChappellMamie Mborn about 1883
ChappellMeridith Oborn about 1913
ChappellRosa Mborn about 1915
ChappellT Osborneborn about 1883
ChappellW Bennettborn about 1885
CheathamCharlie born about 1883
CheathamSusie born about 1897
ChernaultBessie Bborn about 1884
ChernaultJames Bborn about 1878
ChernaultJohn Lborn about 1886
ChernaultLois Lborn about 1920
ChernaultRaymond Bborn about 1915
ChernaultWalter Jborn about 1881
ChuaturoGeorge born about 1917
ChuaturoRethan born about 1919
ClairborneMary Mborn about 1875
ClarkDavid born about 1869
ClarkFannie born about 1865
ClarkFlorence born about 1877
ClarkMaud born about 1902
ClarkOden born about 1871
CoinerLaura born about 1851
ColbretaDella born about 1926
CosterArica born about 1926
CovingtonEsler Mborn about 1870
CovingtonEthel Bborn about 1923
CovingtonFloyd Lborn about 1892
CovingtonHarold born about 1927
CovingtonHerbert born about 1923
CovingtonJewel born about 1935
CovingtonLelia born about 1908
CovingtonLillian Bborn about 1902
CovingtonM Lutherborn about 1862
CovingtonMargurite born about 1928
CovingtonMartin born about 1898
CovingtonMelvin born about 1933
CovingtonVirginnia born about 1922
CoxAlbert born about 1926
CoxBertia born about 1928
CoxCharlie born about 1921
CoxDonald born about 1927
CoxEddie born about 1912
CoxGeorge Lborn about 1898
CoxGertrude born about 1896
CoxHattie born about 1891
CoxIda Maeborn about 1929
CoxJames Tborn about 1928
CoxKetty Sueborn about 1940
CoxLandoia born about 1888
CoxLessie born about 1905
CoxLester Aborn about 1930
CoxLizzie born about 1919
CoxMartha born about 1914
CoxMildred born about 1925
CoxMose born about 1923
CoxNorris born about 1875
CoxOtis born about 1892
CoxPaul born about 1891
CoxRaleigh born about 1928
CoxRuby born about 1933
CoxSamuel born about 1922
CoxSteward born about 1881
CoxSusie Hborn about 1912
CoxThomas born about 1886
CoxViolet born about 1926
CoxVirginia born about 1930
CoxWalter born about 1918
CraftLouise born about 1912
CraftSallie Jborn about 1875
CraftWallace born about 1921
CraftWilliam Hborn about 1910
CralleEmma born about 1910
CralleJames born about 1914
CralleJames Wborn about 1872
CralleJames W Srborn about 1910
CralleLaura Nborn about 1920
CralleMellie Gborn about 1884
CralleTaylor born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielAmy Cborn about 1921
DanielBenjamin Fborn about 1879
DanielGoode Wborn about 1893
DanielHenry Aborn about 1902
DanielJewel Kborn about 1920
DanielMason Jborn about 1878
DanielMollie Gborn about 1895
DanielSusie Mborn about 1882
DanielTom Hborn about 1873
DanielVirginia Jborn about 1914
DavenportBertha Mborn about 1900
DavenportFrank born about 1889
DavisBertha born about 1935
DavisCaroline Mborn about 1926
DavisCharles born about 1904
DavisCharlie born about 1889
DavisCharlotte Hallborn about 1932
DavisDorothy born about 1937
DavisEdd born about 1864
DavisElnore born about 1939
DavisGrace born about 1932
DavisHerper Rborn about 1882
DavisHunter Wborn about 1925
DavisInez born about 1934
DavisJohn born about 1912
DavisLee Royborn about 1928
DavisLeon born about 1919
DavisLucile born about 1900
DavisLurie Wborn about 1881
DavisMary born about 1882
DavisMary born about 1896
DavisMary Mborn about 1934
DavisMrs Charles Hborn about 1900
DavisRichard born about 1888
DavisSally Pborn about 1912
DavisTheordore born about 1918
DavisTom Hborn about 1880
DealMaud born about 1866
DickinsonBetty Gborn about 1853
DickinsonSally Bborn about 1859
DishmanArah Eborn about 1898
DishmanDorothy Gborn about 1928
DishmanJ Donaldborn about 1928
DishmanJohn Dborn about 1898
DrinkardBessie born about 1909
DrinkardEthel born about 1923
DrinkardGeorge born about 1940
DrinkardLouise born about 1929
DrinkardMargaret born about 1935
DrinkardRoyal born about 1902
DrinkardRoyal Jr born about 1936
DrinkardThelma born about 1925
DriskillA Masonborn about 1882
DriskillAlec Wborn about 1893
DriskillBernice Mborn about 1929
DriskillBettie Fborn about 1878
DriskillClara Mborn about 1895
DriskillF Everetborn about 1924
DriskillFlave Lborn about 1895
DriskillH Margaretborn about 1929
DriskillHazel Mborn about 1891
DriskillHelen Wborn about 1889
DriskillJame Pborn about 1876
DriskillJavan Cborn about 1925
DriskillMahal Bborn about 1884
DriskillMartha Wborn about 1930
DriskillMildred Eborn about 1923
DriskillMildred Vborn about 1933
DriskillOllie Tborn about 1889
DriskillPattie Sborn about 1855
DriskillRebecca Aborn about 1929
DriskillRobert Lborn about 1887
DriskillRuth Mborn about 1928
DriskillSallie born about 1891
DriskillTomas Bborn about 1925
DriskillTomas Lborn about 1919
DriskillWhearey Mborn about 1891
DuffyMargaret born about 1915
DuffyMargaret Aborn about 1935
DuffyRobert Hborn about 1909
DuffyRobert H Jrborn about 1939
DuffyShirley Gborn about 1936
DuncanGerald Lborn about 1937
DuncanHerman Lborn about 1907
DuncanLillian Fborn about 1879
DuncanLois Aborn about 1935
DuncanLois Bborn about 1915
DuncanMary Eborn about 1915
DuncanRoy Wborn about 1921
DuncanTulane Mborn about 1918
DunningtonAlden born about 1919
DunningtonGordon born about 1921
DupuyChamp born about 1900
DupuyE Lborn about 1860
DupuyEmma born about 1861
DupuyEsaw born about 1914
DupuyRichard born about 1892
DuskellJohn born about 1915

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E Surnames

EarlyAlice born about 1903
EarlyBertha Eborn about 1934
EarlyCarlton born about 1929
EarlyCharlie born about 1904
EarlyEva Lborn about 1903
EarlyJames Aborn about 1876
EarlyJames Mborn about 1933
EarlyJoe Louisborn about 1939
EarlyJohn Aborn about 1937
EarlyL Emersonborn about 1909
EarlyLawrence Eborn about 1935
EarlyMabel Mborn about 1935
EarlyMary Aborn about 1879
EarlyPhilip Lborn about 1899
EarlySadie born about 1889
EarlySally Mborn about 1938
EarlySusie born about 1914
EasterdayOla Eborn about 1870
EasterdayPhilman Hborn about 1861
EdmondsEmma Fborn about 1924
EdmondsJoseph born about 1917
EdmundJames born about 1885
EdmundMary born about 1924
EdmundNealy born about 1927
EdmundOtha Eborn about 1940
EdmundSarah born about 1890
EdwardsLoyd born about 1891
EdwardsMary born about 1938
EgglestonAlberta born about 1906
EgglestonAlexander born about 1938
EgglestonBenjamie born about 1929
EgglestonCarrie born about 1931
EgglestonChancey born about 1903
EgglestonCurtis born about 1932
EgglestonDaisy born about 1891
EgglestonElizabeth Cborn about 1900
EgglestonEmma born about 1911
EgglestonGeorge born about 1924
EgglestonHuth born about 1936
EgglestonJames born about 1924
EgglestonJanet born about 1931
EgglestonJessie born about 1923
EgglestonJohn born about 1869
EgglestonJoseph Dborn about 1868
EgglestonJulia Jborn about 1867
EgglestonMarion born about 1933
EgglestonMildred born about 1935
EgglestonSarah born about 1937
EgglestonTempa born about 1884
EgglestonTinney born about 1940
EgglestonVictora born about 1898
EgglestonYork born about 1872
EglestonJ Wborn about 1903
EglestonJessie Rborn about 1923
EglestonLonne born about 1907
ElderA Oborn about 1891
ElderCarolander born about 1939
ElderCharlotte born about 1937
ElderJohn Lborn about 1911
ElderLouise born about 1912
ElletDorothy Wborn about 1909
ElletEmmet Rborn about 1909
ElliotteElla born about 1865
EllisMorris born about 1900
EppsRichard born about 1932
EvansCharlie born about 1925
EvansDelorise born about 1933
EvansEdward born about 1910
EvansElizabeth born about 1929
EvansEthel born about 1911
EvansGeorge born about 1917
EvansHampton born about 1934
EvansIren born about
EvansJames born about 1930
EvansJohn born about 1898
EvansJohn born about 1920
EvansJohn Dborn about 1919
EvansJulia born about 1924
EvansLellia born about 1899
EvansLellia born about 1917
EvansLovella born about 1904
EvansMargarett born about 1937
EvansMarine born about 1940
EvansMartin born about 1919
EvansMary born about 1898
EvansMary Lborn about 1936
EvansMattie born about 1928
EvansMildred born about 1939
EvansNorman born about 1890
EvansPaul born about 1931
EvansPhilip born about 1922
EvansRobert born about 1908
EvansRobert born about 1936
EvansRosa born about 1918
EvansRoy born about 1924
EvansRuby born about 1932
EvansSam born about 1883
EvansSmith born about 1883
EvansTomas born about 1917
EvansWalter born about 1907
EvansWalter born about 1929
EvansWalter Eborn about 1940
EvansWilliam born about 1918

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F Surnames

FarrarHelen born about 1918
FarrarRonald born about 1939
FarrarTeddy born about 1938
FarrarW Eborn about 1910
FarrerHerbert born about 1939
FarrerJames born about 1919
FaulkesElizebeth born about 1911
FaulkesVirginia born about 1931
FaulknerG Clevlandborn about 1927
FaulknerGeorge Cborn about 1896
FaulknerGertrude born about 1890
FaulknerHelen Gborn about 1898
FaulknerLillian Hborn about 1922
FaulknerMelvin Cborn about 1930
FaulknerMyrtle Eborn about 1939
FaulknerPearline Lborn about 1919
FergusonBlanch born about 1892
FergusonBlanch Eborn about 1939
FergusonBrooks born about 1880
FergusonEmitt Lborn about 1939
FergusonJames born about 1915
FergusonJohn Rborn about 1913
FergusonJohn R Jrborn about 1937
FergusonLaura Aborn about 1934
FergusonMable Lborn about 1940
FergusonMarie Aborn about 1916
FergusonRuby Vborn about 1933
FergusonSadie born about 1917
FinchumA Dborn about 1890
FinchumGladys born about 1930
FinchumHelen born about 1924
FinchumJulia born about 1895
FlournoyCharlie born about 1882
FlournoyEthel born about 1905
FlournoyGillie born about 1890
FlournoyJoe born about 1902
FlournoyLillian born about 1922
FlournoySoloman born about 1909
FloydGeorgia Lborn about 1902
FloydLouis Wborn about 1925
FloydMary Kborn about 1923
FloydWithers Wborn about 1902
FloydWithers W Jrborn about 1926
FordBettie born about 1930
FordChristina born about 1934
FordEmily born about 1926
FordHessie born about 1896
FordRobtha born about 1927
FordTom born about 1868
FosterAnna Iborn about 1933
FosterBessie Mborn about 1939
FosterClyde born about 1931
FosterDaisy Mborn about 1903
FosterErnest Pborn about 1913
FosterFannie Bborn about 1915
FosterH Aliceborn about 1885
FosterHenry Aborn about 1935
FosterJohn Wborn about 1878
FosterLaura Aborn about 1868
FosterM Elizebathborn about 1929
FosterMilton Lborn about 1911
FosterOla Lborn about 1883
FosterPearl Jborn about 1920
FosterReed Mborn about 1921
FosterShirley Aborn about 1939
FosterTomas Aborn about 1873
FosterVerner born about 1899
FosterVirginia Lborn about 1937
FosterWilliam born about 1874
FosterWillie born about 1919
FowlerAllen H Srborn about 1891
FowlerAllen J Jrborn about 1929
FowlerDan Mborn about 1936
FowlerFrank Jborn about 1939
FowlerJennie Aborn about 1890
FowlerMartha born about 1933
FowlerOla Aborn about 1899
FowlkesAlbert born about 1887
FowlkesAlease born about 1922
FowlkesAlexander born about 1934
FowlkesAlice born about 1899
FowlkesAlphonzy born about 1927
FowlkesBellie born about 1889
FowlkesDavid born about 1925
FowlkesDorothy born about 1930
FowlkesEloise born about 1936
FowlkesFrank born about 1879
FowlkesInez born about 1937
FowlkesJames born about 1923
FowlkesJoanna born about 1937
FowlkesJore Mondayborn about 1933
FowlkesJoseph Fborn about 1907
FowlkesJulia Eborn about 1932
FowlkesLibby born about 1914
FowlkesMack born about 1919
FowlkesMattie born about 1878
FowlkesT Rborn about 1880
FowlkesTheordore born about 1931
FowlkesViolet born about 1935
FowlkesWaverly born about 1894
FowlkesWillie Leeborn about 1928
FowlksBurnice born about 1928
FowlksCluazille born about 1939
FowlksGeorge born about 1875
FowlksGeorge born about 1914
FowlksIda Mborn about 1926
FowlksMary Aborn about 1923
FowlksRuth born about 1864
FowlksWillie born about 1930
FranklinBessie Mborn about 1928
FranklinBilly Hborn about 1935
FranklinCharles Eborn about 1889
FranklinCourtney born about 1912
FranklinEdward Jborn about 1923
FranklinEmma Hborn about 1890
FranklinMargaret Lborn about 1868
FranklinMary Bborn about 1915
FranklinRobert Hborn about 1932
FranklinSamuel Oborn about 1870
FriersonIone Seborn about 1907
FriersonRobert born about 1939
FriersonWilliam born about 1934
FriersonWillie Jborn about 1908

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G Surnames

GainesNanie born about 1875
GarlandFrancis born about 1911
GarlandJoe Eborn about 1911
GarmmonBessie Cborn about 1887
GarmmonBlair Cborn about 1926
GarmmonEdgar Gborn about 1885
GarmmonElizabeth Lborn about 1918
GarrettEdd born about 1916
GarrettF Lborn about 1894
GarrettFloyd Lborn about 1939
GarrettGeorge Eborn about 1936
GarrettGracie Dborn about 1903
GarrettMarie born about 1917
GarrettViola born about 1923
GarrettVirginia born about 1933
GarrettVivian born about 1929
GheeMollie Lborn about 1873
GhigoFrances born about 1908
GhigoRuth Dborn about 1916
GilespieClarence born about 1908
GilespieEarl Cborn about 1935
GilespieGoldie born about 1915
GilespieLouis Hborn about 1936
GilespieLucille born about 1930
GilespieRobert Wborn about 1933
GillerFrity born about 1899
GillerLena born about 1877
GilliandFrancis Hborn about 1924
GilliandJames Cborn about 1893
GilliandKenneth Cborn about 1929
GilliandMargurite born about 1906
GilliandMinnie Lborn about 1921
GilliandVictor born about 1927
GilmerBetty Wborn about 1928
GilmerBetty Winstonborn about 1904
GilmerGeorge Hborn about 1938
GilmerMary Fborn about 1933
GilmerThomas Eborn about 1902
GilmerThomas E Jrborn about 1925
GilmerWilliam Nborn about 1927
GilpatricGeorde Aborn about 1849
GlickWendell born about 1916
GoetzMargaret born about 1870
GoldmanAlbert born about 1927
GoldmanBeatrice Eborn about 1918
GoldmanBetty born about 1935
GoldmanCelestine born about 1938
GoldmanFrank born about 1879
GoldmanJeanette Eborn about 1939
GoldmanJohn Oborn about 1918
GoldmanJoseph born about 1922
GoldmanMacon born about 1932
GoldmanMay Dborn about 1930
GoldmanRobert born about 1926
GrayBettie born about 1937
GrayDavid born about 1931
GrayDoris born about 1928
GrayJean born about 1939
GrayJoyce born about 1933
GrayOphia born about 1906
GrayRichard born about 1906
GrayRichard Jr born about 1935
GrileJohn Jr born about 1930
GrileMary born about 1939
GrileThelma born about 1924
GryderEayline Fborn about 1907
GryderMary Fborn about 1931
GryderMattie Lborn about 1933
GryderNorman Wborn about 1938
GryderTomas Jborn about 1939
GryderWayne Aborn about 1903
GunterMarshal Rborn about 1888
GunterRosa Pborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallEdwin born about 1923
HallWillie born about 1907
HamiltonAllen born about 1916
HamiltonBarbra Lborn about 1940
HamiltonEdith born about 1932
HamiltonGracie born about 1915
HamiltonMary Aborn about 1930
HamiltonSadie Kborn about 1937
HamletChristine Eborn about 1928
HamletColeman Oborn about 1879
HamletEmerson Cborn about 1923
HamletLindy Lborn about 1928
HamletMary born about 1890
HamletMildred Pborn about 1925
HamletNelson Cborn about 1921
HamlettBooker born about 1861
HamlettSarah born about 1877
HammockBettie born about 1932
HammockBurnice born about 1935
HammockCharles born about 1938
HammockGene born about 1940
HammockGeorge Lborn about 1934
HammockGertrude born about 1914
HammockRaymond born about 1937
HammockRobert born about 1910
HammockRobert Jr born about 1929
HammockVirginie born about 1930
HammockWilliam born about 1939
HanisFlorence born about 1894
HanisHazel born about 1894
HanisHazel born about 1925
HanisMary born about 1866
HanisOmega born about 1926
HarrisEmma born about 1864
HarrisHoward born about 1921
HarrisWesley born about 1911
HaskinMckinley Wborn about 1920
HaskinsGeorge born about 1876
HaskinsGeorge Jr born about 1924
HaskinsJohn born about 1880
HaskinsMary born about 1838
HaskinsNannie born about 1879
HawkinsJames Rborn about 1918
HawkinsVerbelle born about 1921
HeartAbel Mc?born about 1929
HeartDavid Eborn about 1932
HeartFreeman Hborn about 1890
HeartJames Wborn about 1927
HeartJean Fborn about 1899
HeartJohn Fborn about 1924
HendersonFannie born about 1872
HendersonFerry born about 1872
HendersonFloyd born about 1880
HendersonH Prestonborn about 1904
HendersonJanie born about 1892
HenryJohn Wborn about 1915
HenryLilly Dborn about 1885
HenryW Hborn about 1890
HesterEgar born about 1863
HesterGidion born about 1931
HesterLaura Eborn about 1939
HesterMabel born about 1914
HesterWalter born about 1935
HesterWillie born about 1937
HesterYancey born about 1933
HildebandFannie Cborn about 1869
HildebandG Mborn about 1872
HildebranBrady born about 1917
HildebranHelen born about 1922
HildebranMelvin born about 1922
HildebranWilburn born about 1916
HildebranWilburn Jr born about 1939
HillMildred born about 1925
HillNarman born about 1924
HinesAlberta born about 1932
HinesDavid born about 1937
HinesEanington born about 1902
HinesEvearett born about 1920
HinesFannie Mborn about 1937
HinesFrank born about 1893
HinesGeorge Oborn about 1923
HinesIrene born about 1925
HinesJaunita born about 1921
HinesJoe Aborn about 1910
HinesJones Edwardborn about 1940
HinesJoseph born about 1938
HinesLilly Jborn about 1914
HinesLottie born about 1884
HinesManerva Aborn about 1880
HinesPaulene born about 1934
HinesRalph Pborn about 1936
HinesSam Aborn about 1932
HinesSamuel born about 1915
HinesSarah Eborn about 1898
HinesShadd born about 1911
HinesWalter born about 1930
HinesWatt born about 1935
HinesWillie Pborn about 1927
HochartEvelyn born about 1939
HochartLeona Aborn about 1911
HochartMargaret born about 1938
HochartW born about 1904
HolmesLily Sborn about 1868
HudsonAnnie born about 1895
HudsonGeorge Lborn about 1931
HudsonHenerietta born about 1858
HudsonJohn Hborn about 1928
HudsonLaura born about 1888
HudsonMack born about 1882
HudsonSamuel Hborn about 1926
HughesA Laddieborn about 1924
HughesAdelaide Cborn about 1895
HughesC Elizibethborn about 1927
HughesDora Bborn about 1933
HughesElizabeth born about 1880
HughesEverrette Eborn about 1900
HughesFrancis Eborn about 1921
HughesGeorge Hborn about 1921
HughesGwendoyln born about 1922
HughesHarry Lborn about 1929
HughesHattie Lborn about 1900
HughesIda Mborn about 1938
HughesJames Bborn about 1882
HughesMargaret Aborn about 1900
HughesMattie born about 1903
HughesOtway born about 1894
HughesPauline Aborn about 1927
HughesRichard Nborn about 1890
HughesRuth Aborn about 1935
HughesS Hammondborn about 1898
HughesSamuel Eborn about 1897
HughesTravis Wborn about 1917
HumterAnna Mborn about 1921
HumterHenry Wborn about 1928
HuntEdward born about 1933
HuntEldra born about 1934
HuntJim Jr born about 1919
HuntMary Wborn about 1880
HuntRobert born about 1916
HuntThedore born about 1930
HuntTim Hborn about 1870
HunterAlec born about 1935
HunterArthur born about 1939
HunterDavid born about 1927
HunterElizabeth born about 1919
HunterJessie born about 1924
HunterMary born about 1901
HunterMary born about 1939
HunterNannie born about 1928
HunterRichard born about 1937
HunterRosie born about 1931
HunterWillie born about 1900
HurtAddie born about 1889
HurtCharles born about 1920
HurtChester born about 1910
HurtEarnest born about 1928
HurtEddie born about 1928
HurtEdna born about 1912
HurtEva born about 1911
HurtJohn born about 1934
HurtLaura born about 1927
HurtLouise born about 1906
HurtMinnie born about 1908
HurtNannie born about 1923
HurtNorman born about 1938
HurtNoye born about 1929
HurtSam born about 1902
HurtTom born about 1913
HurtWillie born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IlvingEva Fborn about 1906
IlvingLeonard Lborn about 1886
IlvingLeonard Jr born about 1939
IrvingBessie Bborn about 1905
IrvingCharlie Lborn about 1894

J Surnames

JamesonDaisy born about 1905
JamesonJohn Eborn about 1935
JamesonJohn Rborn about 1902
JefferiesHerny born about 1915
JeffriesMattie born about 1915
JenningsGeorge Wborn about 1911
JenningsMarie Jborn about 1912
JenningsSwanner Dborn about 1940
JeterMaxwell born about 1923
JetesJohn born about 1914
JetesJohn Mborn about 1938
JetesMinnie born about 1939
JetesVirginia born about 1920
JohnsonAaron born about 1890
JohnsonAaron Iborn about 1939
JohnsonAbednegow born about 1932
JohnsonAlma Lborn about 1916
JohnsonAlverta born about 1898
JohnsonAndrew born about 1871
JohnsonArnita Mborn about 1930
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1935
JohnsonCharles born about 1927
JohnsonCharlie Tborn about 1898
JohnsonCole born about 1900
JohnsonEarl Lborn about 1935
JohnsonElsie Dborn about 1927
JohnsonElva Bborn about 1903
JohnsonEnolia Aborn about 1930
JohnsonHarold born about 1922
JohnsonHarriet Jborn about 1881
JohnsonHattie born about 1905
JohnsonHezikia born about 1900
JohnsonHezikia Jborn about 1940
JohnsonHilton born about 1928
JohnsonHomer Eborn about 1937
JohnsonIzia born about 1927
JohnsonJames Eborn about 1915
JohnsonJohn born about 1866
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1893
JohnsonLessie born about 1900
JohnsonLizzie born about 1933
JohnsonLottie born about 1879
JohnsonLucille born about 1932
JohnsonMollie Mborn about 1925
JohnsonNannie Kborn about 1937
JohnsonPaulis Eborn about 1928
JohnsonWalter born about 1938
JoneAllie born about 1878
JonesAnnie born about 1904
JonesBessie born about 1940
JonesCathrine born about 1929
JonesFloyd born about 1927
JonesFloyd Jr born about 1927
JonesGeorge Washingtonborn about 1926
JonesJames born about 1932
JonesJohn Eborn about 1887
JonesJohn Hborn about 1924
JonesLaura born about 1939
JonesLillie born about 1898
JonesLucile born about 1901
JonesMarshall born about 1933
JonesMary born about 1934
JonesMinford born about 1937
JonesMollie born about 1871
JonesMolly born about 1933
JonesRebacca born about 1932
JonesRosa born about 1929
JonesRussel born about 1938
JonesThomas Wborn about 1924
JonesTom born about 1902
JonesTomas Jeffersonborn about 1926
JordonGeorge born about 1885
JordonLelia born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KernodleBessie Iborn about 1907
KernodleBettie Lborn about 1922
KernodleDoris Dborn about 1929
KernodleEster born about 1934
KernodleHarold Lborn about 1920
KernodleIva Iborn about 1924
KernodleJ Mortonborn about 1893
KernodleSidney Wborn about 1927
KingTillie born about 1887
KirbyLone?? born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacyMinnie born about 1890
LambertClarence Aborn about 1932
LambertDavid Dborn about 1906
LambertEdith Rborn about 1937
LambertHenry Aborn about 1894
LambertLucy Rborn about 1866
LambertLucy Rborn about 1925
LambertMack Mborn about 1931
LambertMadalene Gborn about 1915
LambertMary Eborn about 1901
LambertSamuel Jborn about 1936
LancasterA Ellisborn about 1938
LancasterAlbert Hborn about 1888
LancasterAlbert H Jrborn about 1926
LancasterBarbara Lborn about 1930
LancasterHattie Jborn about 1932
LancasterTura Aborn about 1899
LaneAnna born about 1933
LaneBernice born about 1935
LaneCharles born about 1927
LaneErnest born about 1890
LaneFrancis born about 1921
LaneGrace born about 1939
LaneJaunita born about 1925
LaneMildred born about 1937
LaneOla born about 1893
LathwoodFrank born about 1920
LathwoodJosephine born about 1938
LathwoodLulu Bellborn about 1940
LathwoodMary born about 1921
LayneAnnie Bborn about 1890
LayneDorothy Mborn about 1928
LayneJames Wborn about 1926
LayneJohn Tborn about 1888
LeeCalloway born about 1929
LeeCharles Eborn about 1924
LeeEaster Rborn about 1930
LeeEmanuel born about 1930
LeeGinger born about 1922
LeeGracie born about 1931
LeeHenry born about 1926
LeeHerry born about 1928
LeeJack born about 1914
LeeJames born about 1927
LeeJane born about 1938
LeeJesse born about 1930
LeeJohn Pborn about 1879
LeeLucile born about 1923
LeeMary born about 1882
LeeMaud Oborn about 1926
LeeMozelle born about 1924
LeeNora born about 1890
LeePete born about 1919
LeePeter born about 1919
LeeWalker born about 1940
LeeWalter born about 1936
LeeWilburt born about 1921
LeeWinnie born about 1891
LeiggesJohn born about 1874
LeighBessie Mborn about 1894
LeighEdward Mborn about 1920
LeighLeander Fborn about 1892
LewisAlpheus Wborn about 1915
LewisMary Lborn about 1889
LewisWeldon Aborn about 1881
LiggsArthur Eborn about 1926
LiggsBettie Mborn about 1906
LiggsCharlie born about 1870
LiggsErnest born about 1926
LiggsJoe Nborn about 1906
LiggsNannie born about 1880
LipscombFlorence born about 1870
LipscombH Watsonborn about 1902
LipscombSarah Lborn about 1904
LipscombTemple Bborn about 1908
LockeLouis born about 1900
LyleBeatrice born about 1926
LyleFlorence born about 1934
LyleFrank Pborn about 1933
LyleHertha born about 1923
LyleIrene born about 1937
LyleJohn born about 1924
LyleJordan born about 1891
LyleJosephine born about 1895
LyleJulie born about 1928
LyleLester born about 1928
LyleLottie born about 1904
LyleLouise born about 1932
LyleMartha born about 1931
LyleMary born about 1926
LyleMattew born about 1931
LyleMelvin born about 1933
LyleNorris born about 1914
LyleRobert born about 1912
LyleRuby born about 1930
LyleSam Aborn about 1936
LyleShirley Mborn about 1938
LyleTomas Eborn about 1938
LyleVerna born about 1915
LyleWilliam born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarchallAfrane born about 1914
MarshallAddies born about 1903
MarshallAnita born about 1921
MarshallCharlie born about 1893
MarshallCharlie Jborn about 1938
MarshallEthel born about 1921
MarshallMary born about 1885
MarshallNed born about 1885
MarshallSamuel born about 1915
MarshallSara born about 1895
MartinAnnie Bborn about 1865
MartinBobbie born about 1938
MasseyGrace Mborn about 1887
MasseyJames Bborn about 1879
MasseyJean born about 1911
MasseyMargaret born about 1925
McCormackA Jborn about 1873
McCormackFreddie born about 1905
McCormackMeleaia born about 1874
McCormickBernie born about 1921
McCormickLaura born about 1870
McCromickGeorge born about 1872
McGheeAme born about 1876
McGheeJ Clarborneborn about 1886
McGheeRichard Pborn about 1874
McGheeVirginia Wborn about 1872
McKayAudrey born about 1908
McKayBernard born about 1936
McKayCautis born about 1934
McKayClyde born about 1921
McKayDallas born about 1933
McKayEarnest born about 1913
McKayEdmonia born about 1915
McKayGerolene born about 1933
McKayLloyd born about 1935
McKayLonnie born about 1911
McKayMabel Fborn about 1923
McKayPeggy born about 1938
McKayRaymond born about 1909
McKayRuth born about 1926
McKayS Bborn about 1884
McKaySoe Fborn about 1908
McKayVirginia born about 1919
MeadorsClifton Eborn about 1898
MeadowsBertha Mborn about 1934
MeadowsC Ireneborn about 1931
MeadowsClarence Jborn about 1922
MeadowsGeorge Gborn about 1926
MeadowsJohn Jborn about 1890
MeadowsLena Aborn about 1937
MeadowsLena Gborn about 1901
MeadowsLouis Eborn about 1928
MicerLelia Rborn about 1865
MicerOscar born about 1908
Michael born about 1905
MillerAllen born about 1919
MillerAllen Aborn about 1940
MillerAnnie born about 1921
MillerClara born about 1937
MillerFrank born about 1911
MillerRose born about 1914
MitchellSue born about 1856
MohauptMargarette born about 1896
MohauptMax born about 1885
MooreEdith Lborn about 1938
MooreGeorge Lborn about 1905
MooreJohn Aborn about 1924
MoorePauline Smitteborn about 1897
MooreRay Atkinsonborn about 1880
MooreRay C Jrborn about 1920
MooreRichard Dborn about 1937
MooreRobert Pborn about 1923
MooreWilliam Aborn about 1928
MooreWynona born about 1918
MorganAllie born about 1925
MorganAsa born about 1886
MorganCharlie born about 1920
MorganFrancious born about 1895
MorganJoe born about 1897
MorganLula born about 1887
MorganMack born about 1921
MorganMaxine born about 1939
MorganPrisilla born about 1861
MorrisEdith Mborn about 1932
MorrisIda Mborn about 1918
MorrisJames Eborn about 1934
MorrissDudley Wborn about 1916
MorrissEdith Lborn about 1921
MortonA Peckborn about 1871
MortonAnnie born about 1880
MortonAnnie born about 1933
MortonAnnie born about 1938
MortonBertha born about 1886
MortonBertie Jborn about 1882
MortonCharles Hborn about 1915
MortonClaudine born about 1924
MortonColeman born about 1890
MortonDelois born about 1932
MortonEllen Mborn about 1868
MortonEstelle born about 1900
MortonFanny born about 1932
MortonFlorie Bborn about 1903
MortonFred born about 1873
MortonGeorge born about 1936
MortonGeorge Wborn about 1907
MortonH Wesleyborn about 1900
MortonHattie born about 1926
MortonHenry Vborn about 1894
MortonIsham Cborn about 1875
MortonJack born about 1869
MortonJames born about 1937
MortonJanie born about 1936
MortonJoe born about 1913
MortonJohn born about 1914
MortonJoyce born about 1928
MortonL Amosborn about 1906
MortonLewis Wborn about 1900
MortonLulie born about 1930
MortonMadlene born about 1929
MortonMary born about 1920
MortonMary Lborn about 1912
MortonMary Mborn about 1903
MortonMinnie born about 1921
MortonRose born about 1910
MortonRuby born about 1929
MortonRuth Iborn about 1924
MortonTillie born about 1938
MortonW Horaceborn about 1899
MortonWilford born about 1918
MortonWillie born about 1931
MoseleyChester Gborn about 1907
MoseleyDavid Eborn about 1894
MoseleyMarie Bborn about 1900
MoseleyNora Eborn about 1880
MoseleyWilliam Bborn about 1861
MosesLee born about 1899
MosesRosa born about 1901
MylumArie Vborn about 1919
MylumCarrie Jborn about 1939
MylumCharles P Jrborn about 1914
MylumCharlie P Srborn about 1879
MylumEllis Cborn about 1923
MylumElnor Cborn about 1905
MylumKate Fborn about 1890
MylumWilson Dborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeadowsBilly born about 1939
NeadowsConay born about 1934
NeadowsDonald born about 1937
NeadowsFloyd born about 1931
NeadowsFrancis born about 1927
NeadowsFred born about 1932
NeadowsGoldysie born about 1923
NeadowsLilly born about 1897
NeadowsMae Bellborn about 1924
NeadowsW Sborn about 1896
NeadowsWheeler born about 1929
NealAdder born about 1920
NealAshley born about 1884
NealBernice born about 1928
NealBetha born about 1931
NealGloria born about 1926
NealJames Aborn about 1922
NealKathrine born about 1863
NealMaggie born about 1890
NealMamie born about 1897
NealPauline born about 1918
NealSam born about 1896
NealSamuel born about 1919
NelsonFrances born about 1935
NelsonJames born about 1938
NelsonJean Eborn about 1934
NelsonJoseph Wborn about 1885
NelsonKenneth Gborn about 1922
NelsonM Louiseborn about 1920
NelsonMabel Nborn about 1916
NelsonMargarete born about 1937
NelsonMary Dborn about 1887
NelsonOtis born about 1902
NelsonWarren Wborn about 1923
NewcombClarence Eborn about 1908
NewcombMary Eborn about 1927
NewcombMinnie Eborn about 1893
NewcombO Tborn about 1912
NewcombVirginia born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OwenbyAdda Eborn about 1881
OwenbyAlvia F Nborn about 1906
OwenbyAnnbus born about 1876
OwenbyArlie Jborn about 1922
OwenbyNellia born about 1925

P Surnames

PaceGlen Oborn about 1928
PaceH Donaldborn about 1930
PaceJ Brownborn about 1905
PaceNellie Cborn about 1909
PattersonAlbert Gborn about 1904
PattersonBernice born about 1937
PattersonFern born about 1933
PattersonGeneva Bborn about 1936
PattersonIma Gborn about 1930
PattersonMildred Lborn about 1925
PattersonNaona Pborn about 1907
PattersonWilmer Gborn about 1928
PauletteSam Wborn about 1867
PaulsonFred born about 1909
PaulsonMary Rborn about 1918
PearsonDan Cborn about 1929
PearsonJ Lborn about 1860
PearsonKathleen born about 1900
PearsonO Rborn about 1898
PearsonOra Gborn about 1927
PearsonRaymond born about 1924
PearsonVirginia born about 1881
PearsonWilliam Jborn about 1922
PhillipsCallie born about 1912
PhillipsEdna born about 1914
PickettCharles born about 1913
PickettFrancky born about 1871
PollardDrucilla born about 1867
PollardJessie Iborn about 1890
PollardJohn Rborn about 1860
PollardLessie Pborn about 1903
PollardM Evaborn about 1929
PollardRoberta born about 1869
PollardRussell Dborn about 1922
PorterfieldOllie Pborn about 1893
PowellBud Hborn about 1874
PowellElla Eborn about 1873
PriceAlbert born about 1870
PriceEllen Wborn about 1925
PriceJamie Lborn about 1923
PriceLizzie born about 1883
PriceNorvelle Jborn about 1880
PriddyAubrey Pborn about 1938
PriddyBurke Jborn about 1924
PriddyDoris Lborn about 1936
PriddyJewel Eborn about 1932
PriddyKeningham Wborn about 1917
PriddyLucille Cborn about 1927
PriddyLula Pborn about 1895
PriddyMorriss Wborn about 1891
PriddyNellie Mborn about 1930
PriddyPauline Fborn about 1922
PrideAlphonza born about 1927
PrideArvesta born about 1927
PrideBertha born about 1884
PrideFrank born about 1893
PrideGeneva born about 1909
PrideGeneveive born about 1917
PrideHaywood born about 1923
PrideIrvin born about 1921
PrideJohn Hborn about 1922
PrideNellie born about 1894
PridePaul Dborn about 1917
PrideRobert born about 1914
PrideRussel born about 1906
PrideSam born about 1877
PrideWillie Aborn about 1920
PryorMat born about 1866
PryorSallie Lborn about 1872
PuddyAvenia Rborn about 1878
PuddyEverett born about 1905
PuddyF Oborn about 1874
PuddyVernon born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuarlesClarence Yborn about 1895
QuarlesFrances born about 1926
QuarlesJohn Mborn about 1928
QuarlesNancy Mborn about 1897
QuarlesNancy Wborn about 1938
QuarlesRobert Eborn about 1898
QuarlesRobert E Jrborn about 1926
QuarlesWinston born about 1888

R Surnames

RameyBertha Lborn about 1911
RameyClyde Rborn about 1936
RameyHerman Nborn about 1933
RameyNathaniel Gborn about 1907
RameyWilliam Hborn about 1939
RandolphEstelle born about 1900
RandolphJohn born about 1885
RansonClyde born about 1887
RayLahart born about 1930
ReamerEdlie born about 1886
ReamerS Pborn about 1879
Redd??? Vborn about 1923
ReddAlbert born about 1863
ReddAlberta born about 1902
ReddAlexander Lborn about 1892
ReddAlma born about 1880
ReddAnna born about 1880
ReddAurther born about 1933
ReddBettie born about 1889
ReddCharles Wborn about 1927
ReddCharlie born about 1866
ReddCharlie born about 1919
ReddDavid Fborn about 1922
ReddDorothy Mayborn about 1936
ReddEliza born about 1871
ReddElizabeth born about 1890
ReddEugene born about 1920
ReddEunice born about 1899
ReddFitzergald born about 1902
ReddFlorence born about 1880
ReddFloyd born about 1919
ReddGeorge Wborn about 1932
ReddGilbert Fborn about 1926
ReddHenerata born about 1872
ReddHeneratta born about 1927
ReddIren born about 1896
ReddJames born about 1921
ReddJoe Tborn about 1921
ReddJoeanna born about 1927
ReddJohn born about 1890
ReddJohn Eborn about 1864
ReddJunius Eborn about 1923
ReddKathrine born about 1895
ReddKattie Lborn about 1886
ReddLaunce born about 1929
ReddLee born about 1888
ReddLeroy born about 1932
ReddLewis born about 1870
ReddLizzie born about 1930
ReddLouise born about 1924
ReddMary Aborn about 1922
ReddMarybelle born about 1921
ReddMay Willieborn about 1927
ReddSim born about 1924
ReddSims born about 1922
ReddWarner born about 1881
ReddWilliam Dborn about 1876
ReedAnne Lborn about 1923
ReedCharles born about 1929
ReedCharles Hborn about 1926
ReedEdna born about 1895
ReedFrank born about 1861
ReedFredrick Vborn about 1915
ReedIsaac Mborn about 1922
ReedJennie Eborn about 1902
ReedJohn born about 1888
ReedJoseph born about 1933
ReedLiza born about 1880
ReedLouis born about 1921
ReedLouise Cborn about 1879
ReedLucy Pborn about 1928
ReedMary Eborn about 1931
ReedMattie Aborn about 1934
ReedMiller born about 1874
ReedSamuel Mborn about 1879
ReedTomas Cborn about 1936
ReevesChristine born about 1921
ReveleyDavid Rborn about 1907
ReveleyMrs John Gborn about 1885
ReynoldsRoscoe Eborn about 1918
RiceAlberta Cborn about 1886
RiceArthur Pborn about 1932
RiceCharles Eborn about 1935
RiceCharles Wborn about 1925
RiceClarence Eborn about 1934
RiceDora Eborn about 1915
RiceEarl Jborn about 1936
RiceJ Mortonborn about 1885
RiceJames Lborn about 1931
RiceJames Mborn about 1911
RiceJoe Mborn about 1867
RiceMary Bborn about 1922
RiceMary Eborn about 1894
RiceMilton born about 1883
RiceVirginia Cborn about 1924
RiceW Tomasborn about 1928
RichardBettie born about 1894
RichardBray born about 1893
RichardMiller born about 1880
RiddickCharles Fborn about 1923
RiddickFrank Rborn about 1872
RiddickJames Dborn about 1919
RiddickJoe Aborn about 1915
RiddickViola Cborn about 1879
RiddleEarnest born about 1927
RidleyBernice born about 1927
RidleyErnest born about 1925
RidleyEverett born about 1921
RidleyJunious born about 1931
RidleyPearl born about 1902
RidleyRalph born about 1933
RidleyVernon born about 1924
RidleyWilbert born about 1934
RigelmanClara Eborn about 1916
RigelmanMary Lborn about 1939
RigelmanMason Hborn about 1911
RigelmanMason Kborn about 1935
RigelmanNora Lborn about 1934
RobinsonMaggie born about 1897
RodgersAnnie Ruthborn about 1906
RodgersArchey born about 1908
RodgersElizabeth Aborn about 1915
RodgersFannie Eborn about 1877
RodgersGeorge Nborn about 1903
RodgersJohn Edwardborn about 1930
RodgersJohn Wborn about 1880
RodgersMary Jborn about 1881
RodgersPatrica Aborn about 1930
RodgersPearl Fborn about 1911
RodgersRobert Canwayborn about 1931
RodgersRobert Eborn about 1906
RossAndrew born about 1926
RowseyAllen Cborn about 1902
RowseyElizebeth born about 1915
RowseyLucy Blancheborn about 1932
RutledgeAnnie Fborn about 1897
RutledgeAudrey born about 1919
RutledgeCharles born about 1884
RutledgeHelen born about 1915
RutledgeLouise born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SardnesBenn born about 1895
SardnesDella born about 1899
SaundersAnnie Mborn about 1933
SaundersBeatrice Mborn about 1939
SaundersG Aronborn about 1914
SaundersGeneva born about 1937
SaundersLelia Kborn about 1935
SaundersMartha Pborn about 1875
SaundersNamie Zborn about 1916
SaundersSpot Tborn about 1880
ScottAlice born about 1888
ScottAllen born about 1914
ScottArmstead Wborn about 1910
ScottDavid Lborn about 1928
ScottDorothy Sborn about 1920
ScottEmma born about 1932
ScottEugenea born about 1925
ScottF Jakeborn about 1868
ScottFlorence born about 1916
ScottFloyd born about 1925
ScottFrancious born about 1929
ScottGrealey born about 1908
ScottHattie born about 1930
ScottHenry born about 1915
ScottHubert born about 1890
ScottJohn Hborn about 1934
ScottKatheryn born about 1907
ScottLelia born about 1868
ScottLorain born about 1939
ScottLucille born about 1924
ScottLynwood born about 1900
ScottMaggie Cborn about 1870
ScottMary born about 1898
ScottPauline born about 1923
ScottRobert born about 1911
ScottRosa born about 1913
ScottRose born about 1880
ScottSamuel born about 1922
ScottTom born about 1870
ScottWalter Wborn about 1913
ScottWalter W Srborn about 1940
ScottWhitt Fborn about 1925
ScottWilliam Jborn about 1931
ScottWillie born about 1922
ScottWillie Mborn about 1892
ScottWillie Vborn about 1930
ScottWillis born about 1918
SheltonDervie born about 1936
SheltonFlorrie born about 1896
SheltonJames born about 1916
SheltonJessie Mborn about 1926
SheltonJoyice born about 1937
SheltonPilborn Dborn about 1920
SheltonPrincess born about 1930
SheltonRuffus born about 1932
SheltonRuth Hborn about 1920
ShepherdsonEdward born about 1920
ShintaroHasegantte born about 1916
ShookCliford born about 1928
ShookKatie born about 1927
SimpsonPalmer born about 1915
SkinnerBertha Cborn about 1906
SkinnerCharlie Eborn about 1901
SkinnerCharlie E Jrborn about 1929
SkinnerE Nolanborn about 1927
SlaytonBernard born about 1927
SlaytonBillie Cborn about 1933
SlaytonElridge born about 1923
SlaytonFrancis Cborn about 1939
SlaytonJoshua Lborn about 1903
SlaytonJoshua L Jrborn about 1929
SlaytonL Arlineborn about 1924
SlaytonLizzie Oborn about 1895
SlaytonMary Aborn about 1891
SlaytonOdell Hborn about 1903
SlaytonPeggy Anneborn about 1939
SlaytonRussell born about 1925
SlaytonTomas Eborn about 1928
SlaytonW Henryborn about 1892
SlaytonW Tomasborn about 1890
SmithBen Fborn about 1917
SmithCarrie Leeborn about 1938
SmithDavid born about 1939
SmithDorothy born about 1917
SmithEdward born about 1924
SmithEunice born about 1926
SmithFrancis Mborn about 1878
SmithGrace born about 1929
SmithHelen Bborn about 1910
SmithHerman Eborn about 1907
SmithJessie Maeborn about 1936
SmithJohn Jborn about 1912
SmithLizzie born about 1901
SmithMainie born about 1899
SmithMartha born about 1918
SmithNellie born about 1923
SmithReginald born about 1913
SmithWilliam born about 1906
SmithWilliam born about 1920
SouthallAnn Lborn about 1936
SouthallEvelyn born about 1907
SouthallOtway born about 1939
SpainMary born about 1862
SpainRichard born about 1861
SpencerMary born about 1851
SpradleyMary born about 1912
SpradyeyEphriam born about 1903
StameyEugene born about 1928
StaplesA Cborn about 1870
StaplesA C Jrborn about 1902
StaplesCharlie Lborn about 1934
StaplesCornelia Aborn about 1926
StaplesEmma born about 1870
StaplesEmma born about 1935
StaplesJennie Rborn about 1932
StaplesJohn Lborn about 1939
StaplesLovelass born about 1891
StaplesMannie born about 1907
StaplesSamuel Hborn about 1929
StaplesWilliam Jr born about 1927
StearnesAllie Eborn about 1931
StearnesClarence born about 1933
StearnesElvelyn Lborn about 1937
StearnesGaude Lborn about 1936
StearnesGudge born about 1907
StearnesMartha born about 1914
StearnesNancy Hborn about 1938
StearnesNatha born about 1934
StjohnArthur Sborn about 1924
StjohnBeverly Wborn about 1933
StjohnClide Tborn about 1930
StjohnEdward born about 1915
StjohnLessie Mborn about 1916
StjohnNannie Hborn about 1917
StjohnOllie Mborn about 1898
StjohnRobert Lborn about 1919
StjohnRuby Eborn about 1926
StjohnSue Bborn about 1922
StokesC Hborn about 1938
StokesEthel born about 1917
StokesEva born about 1915
StokesFrank born about 1889
StokesFrank Eborn about 1922
StokesGeorge born about 1920
StokesHattie born about 1892
StokesJames born about 1930
StokesJames born about 1938
StokesJohn Jborn about 1927
StokesLoyd born about 1936
StokesMoney born about 1914
StokesTom Wborn about 1940
StokesWalter Rborn about 1929
StrockElsie Vborn about 1883
StrockWilliam Tborn about 1873
StruveBertha born about 1913
StruveCharles Fborn about 1880
StruveVirginia born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateC Beverlyborn about 1882
TateNellie Cborn about 1880
TaylorJames Jr born about 1935
TaylorJoseph born about 1876
TerryArthur born about 1937
TerryCelestine born about 1935
TerryHazel born about 1908
TerryHazel Vborn about 1933
TerryJensie born about 1925
TerryJerry born about 1920
TerryJohn born about 1904
TerryJohn Pborn about 1937
TerryPat born about 1898
TerrySelma born about 1915
TerrySelma Eborn about 1935
ThackstonAmie Iborn about 1872
ThackstonClyde Pborn about 1909
ThackstonHazel Gborn about 1913
ThackstonHerbert Aborn about 1860
ThackstonNancy Gborn about 1930
ThackstonRichard Mborn about 1893
ThackstonViolet Tborn about 1919
ThompsonGrover Hborn about 1907
ThompsonSeila Bborn about 1910
ThortonAlice born about 1900
ThreatColie born about 1900
ThrockmortonAndrew Lborn about 1897
ThrockmortonArnold Jborn about 1925
ThrockmortonCallie Rborn about 1898
ThrockmortonDorothy born about 1915
ThrockmortonE Jacksonborn about 1869
ThrockmortonElizah born about 1908
ThrockmortonElla born about 1914
ThrockmortonFrankie born about 1935
ThrockmortonJackie Dborn about 1932
ThrockmortonLouise born about 1874
ThrockmortonLouise born about 1930
ThrockmortonN Holladayborn about 1913
ThrockmortonRichard Lborn about 1934
ThrockmortonRoy Wborn about 1917
ThrockmortonToreasa born about 1937
ThrockmortonTulane born about 1910
ThrockmortonV Francisborn about 1927
TompsonAnna born about 1875
TownsendAnnie born about 1922
TownsendArleen born about 1935
TownsendClyde born about 1931
TownsendEarl born about 1928
TownsendFlorence born about 1899
TownsendHelen born about 1922
TownsendJames born about 1918
TownsendJohn born about 1891
TownsendJohn Eborn about 1922
TownsendKenneth born about 1926
TownsendLavnett born about 1885
TownsendMason born about 1880
TownsendMildred born about 1937
TownsendRobert Lborn about 1924
TownsendThorborn born about 1921
TownsendWillie born about 1918
TrearAubrey Cborn about 1915
TrearEmma Vborn about 1874
TrearEugene Lborn about 1870
TrearFrank born about 1906
TrearLewis Hborn about 1909
TreatUnice born about 1933
TroxlerClarice born about 1932
TroxlerFreddie born about 1930
TroxlerJulia born about 1908
TroxlerLorena born about 1936
TurnerEdith Mborn about 1916
TurnerRobert Aborn about 1936
TurnerTomas Bborn about 1938
TurnerWalter Aborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VassarAnna Mborn about 1869
VassarBasil Mborn about 1924
VassarEdith Aborn about 1921
VassarLois Rborn about 1917
VassarMamie Aborn about 1886
VassarOscar Lborn about 1890
VassarReginald Lborn about 1919
VassarRichard Lborn about 1859
VaughanFreya born about 1905
VaughanJ Gborn about 1873
VaughanJohn Wborn about 1939
VaughanMinnie Oborn about 1867
VaughanWilliam born about 1905
VaughnJenett born about 1882
VenabelGeorge born about 1865
VenabelLizzie Eborn about 1867
VenableBooker born about 1875
VenableCharlott born about 1875
VenableClem born about 1924
VenableEarl born about 1933
VenableEdward born about 1877
VenableEmma Cborn about 1868
VenableFredric born about 1938
VenableHenry born about 1903
VenableIsabel Hborn about 1914
VenableJohn Bborn about 1937
VenableRacheal born about 1902
VestFannie born about 1924
VowellFlorence born about 1928
VowellFrank Tborn about 1885
VowellGeorge Lborn about 1930
VowellGoldie born about 1908
VowellMarilyn born about 1932
VowellPolly Eborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellCharlie Eborn about 1924
WaddellOlaf Lborn about 1922
WaddellPattie Dborn about 1879
WaddellW Sborn about 1868
WaddillCharlie Eborn about 1879
WaddillMarcellus Eborn about 1930
WaddillRandolph Kborn about 1932
WaddillSally Kborn about 1892
WaddillTom Aborn about 1935
WalkerEmma Florieborn about 1919
WalkerGeorge Lborn about 1888
WalkerGeorge L Jrborn about 1916
WalkerGrace Vborn about 1882
WalkerHelen born about 1939
WalkerLily Wborn about 1886
WalkerMargaret born about 1937
WalkerMorris born about 1915
WalkerMorris Jr born about 1936
WalterBulah born about 1930
WalterEdna born about 1932
WalterIssac born about 1934
WalterJames Wborn about 1931
WalterPearl born about 1912
WalterPearl Bborn about 1936
WalterRosele born about 1937
WalterWillie born about 1906
WaltonAnnie Maeborn about 1938
WaltonCharlie born about 1881
WaltonClara born about 1918
WaltonCurits born about 1936
WaltonEdna born about 1934
WaltonFred born about 1908
WaltonFred Jr born about 1933
WaltonGidion born about 1931
WaltonHarold born about 1921
WaltonInez born about 1933
WaltonJacob born about 1924
WaltonJames Eborn about 1914
WaltonJames Hborn about 1876
WaltonJohn born about 1868
WaltonJosephine born about 1909
WaltonJulious Lborn about 1938
WaltonLanxton born about 1920
WaltonLenwood born about 1923
WaltonLewis born about 1929
WaltonLilly Rborn about 1934
WaltonLizzie born about 1878
WaltonLouise born about 1922
WaltonLucey born about 1887
WaltonLusa Mborn about 1931
WaltonMarie born about 1926
WaltonMary Eborn about 1939
WaltonMinnie born about 1878
WaltonMollie born about 1910
WaltonRaymond born about 1937
WaltonRebaca born about 1906
WaltonRena born about 1917
WaltonRobert Lborn about 1925
WaltonSamuel born about 1914
WaltonSarah born about 1890
WaltonShirley born about 1938
WaltonVopucie born about 1913
WamackAnne born about 1911
WamackCurtis born about 1931
WamackEarl born about 1928
WamackTerry born about 1933
WamackViolet born about 1878
WamackZeida born about 1900
WarrenAmanda born about 1901
WarrenClem Jr born about 1926
WarrenClemnince born about 1894
WarrenEmma born about 1939
WarrenGrace born about 1938
WarrenMattie born about 1921
WathalAtwood born about 1915
WathalGannelle born about 1908
WathalMary Mborn about 1920
WatkinsBlanche Aborn about 1880
WatkinsGeorge born about 1882
WatkinsJames born about 1916
WatkinsThelma born about 1929
WatsonAddie Mborn about 1939
WatsonAdell born about 1934
WatsonAlice born about 1890
WatsonAlice born about 1926
WatsonAlpheus born about 1900
WatsonAlvista born about 1929
WatsonAsa born about 1892
WatsonBetsy born about 1868
WatsonBulleah born about 1933
WatsonCharlie born about 1922
WatsonCora born about 1865
WatsonDorothy Maeborn about 1927
WatsonEddie born about 1887
WatsonEdward Tborn about 1918
WatsonElizah born about 1928
WatsonEstella born about 1935
WatsonGeorge born about 1878
WatsonGeorge born about 1918
WatsonGeorge Jr born about 1929
WatsonHanley born about 1936
WatsonHosley born about 1938
WatsonLaura born about 1889
WatsonLeolia born about 1927
WatsonLuanda born about 1875
WatsonMary born about 1869
WatsonMelviana born about 1879
WatsonMoss Aborn about 1908
WatsonNanie born about 1865
WatsonNathaniel born about 1936
WatsonRaymond born about 1931
WatsonRegina born about 1900
WatsonSarah born about 1890
WatsonThelma born about 1927
WatsonTruly born about 1893
WatsonVincent born about 1916
WatsonWilburn born about 1925
WatsonWilliam born about 1931
WatsonWilliam Aborn about 1932
WatsonWillie born about 1923
WattsSallie born about 1921
WeidmanRoudes born about 1886
WestClarence born about 1924
WestCora Aborn about 1900
WestCora Vborn about 1936
WestLorance born about 1922
WestRayman born about 1927
WestRobert Aborn about 1887
WestRobert A Jrborn about 1917
WestRuby Aborn about 1928
WestSopha Hborn about 1930
WestWillie Mayborn about 1937
WhiteAgnes born about 1931
WhiteBettie Cborn about 1893
WhiteClarence born about 1922
WhiteEdith born about 1933
WhiteErnest born about 1929
WhiteJohn born about 1870
WhiteLaura born about 1927
WhitingWilliam Hborn about 1863
WilkesCarlton Lborn about 1934
WilkesHailey born about 1935
WilkesPolly born about 1913
WilkesTom born about 1911
WilkesWillie Ameborn about 1937
WilliamGeorge born about 1928
WilliamHenry Lborn about 1929
WilliamsA Alexanderborn about 1919
WilliamsAndrew born about 1905
WilliamsFlorence born about 1939
WilliamsGeorge Bborn about 1923
WilliamsJames Hborn about 1930
WilliamsJohn Lborn about 1912
WilliamsLillian born about 1924
WilliamsMactlileans born about 1929
WilliamsMarvin Aborn about 1935
WilliamsNannie Mborn about 1933
WilliamsRosell born about 1934
WilliamsSarah born about 1937
WilliamsTener Bborn about 1915
WilliamsWitwyman born about 1884
WilsonDavid Cborn about 1882
WilsonKathrine born about 1921
WilsonMary Sborn about 1890
WinstonFannie Wborn about 1879
WinstonFrank Currieborn about 1906
WinstonJames Hborn about 1876
WiseBertina born about 1922
WiseBetty Aborn about 1940
WiseElla born about 1897
WiseElla born about 1938
WiseErnest born about 1937
WiseJoan Inezborn about 1939
WiseMargaret born about 1921
WiseRobert born about 1884
WiseRobert Jr born about 1917
WomackAlice born about 1915
WomackCourtney Wborn about 1887
WomackEdith Eborn about 1928
WomackElnora Dborn about 1939
WomackElsie born about 1898
WomackElto Sborn about 1883
WomackGeorge Eborn about 1917
WomackGeorge Hborn about 1916
WomackHoward Wborn about 1910
WomackHugh Tborn about 1921
WomackHunter Mborn about 1884
WomackJack Nborn about 1921
WomackJimnie born about 1882
WomackJulia Aborn about 1893
WomackJulia Cborn about 1914
WomackLarence born about 1933
WomackMargaret Eborn about 1928
WomackMerl Vborn about 1923
WomackMyrtle Bborn about 1899
WomackPeter born about 1889
WomackQuem born about 1882
WomackRobert born about 1903
WomackRobert Lborn about 1927
WomackRobert Sr born about 1940
WomackRonald born about 1936
WomackRose Eborn about 1925
WomackRussell born about 1922
WoodArthur Mborn about 1898
WoodBetty born about 1878
WoodFannie born about 1869
WoodGarland Mborn about 1902
WoodGeorge Wborn about 1867
WoodHarry Hborn about 1907
WoodJesse born about 1873
WoodJohn Earlborn about 1920
WoodTomas Lborn about 1919
WoodleyWalter born about 1922
WordFlorence born about 1920
WordJane born about 1890
WordJoe born about 1895
WordLucy born about 1900
WordRobert born about 1888
WormackAubrey born about 1933
WormackBenn born about 1929
WormackClarence born about 1935
WormackClaude born about 1933
WormackFred Dborn about 1937
WormackKennie born about 1885
WormackWilden born about 1931
WormackZilpha born about 1889
WrightArthur born about 1924
WrightCalvin born about 1934
WrightCharlie born about 1937
WrightDorothy born about 1933
WrightEdward born about 1876
WrightGeorge born about 1874
WrightSherley born about 1936
WrightWilliam born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungCurtis Lborn about 1937
YoungDella Rborn about 1916
YoungJames Eborn about 1939
YoungJoe born about 1914

Z Surnames

ZiebellOtto Wborn about 1867

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