1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jerusalem, Southampton, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Southampton County > 1940 Census of Jerusalem

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrittanDorothy Aborn about 1927
AlbrittanFannie Mborn about 1908
AlbrittanJames Hborn about 1923
AlbrittanWilliam Tborn about 1904
AlleyBettie Annborn about 1932
AlleyGracie Leeborn about 1936
AlleyHugh born about 1914
AlleyJoe born about 1925
AlleyMargaret born about 1919
AlleyMary Eborn about 1939
AlleyNannie born about 1915
AlleyOdie born about 1882
AlleyRuth born about 1892
AndersonCharles born about 1903
AndersonCharles Iii born about 1935
AndersonLucile born about 1905
ArtisBooker Tborn about 1912
ArtisCharles born about 1920
ArtisClaudia born about 1906
ArtisEugene born about 1924
ArtisEvelyn Rborn about 1912
ArtisGarfield born about
ArtisGarfield born about 1940
ArtisHattie born about 1922
ArtisHattie Lborn about 1922
ArtisIda born about 1885
ArtisIvory born about 1884
ArtisJohnnie born about 1928
ArtisJr Booker Tborn about 1939
ArtisLeander born about 1907
ArtisLee Aborn about 1917
ArtisMary born about 1933
ArtisMelvin Lborn about 1940
ArtisOtis Lborn about 1927
ArtisSammie Rborn about 1937
ArtisTommie born about 1918
ArtisWillie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbMary Lborn about 1880
BaileyAnnie Louiseborn about 1928
BaileyBlanche Bborn about 1934
BaileyCharles born about 1939
BaileyCurtis born about 1933
BaileyDavid Pborn about 1934
BaileyElizabeth born about 1923
BaileyGeneva Eborn about 1889
BaileyGladys born about 1916
BaileyGracie Leeborn about 1929
BaileyIda born about 1937
BaileyInez born about 1918
BaileyJames born about 1908
BaileyJames Lborn about 1927
BaileyJessie born about 1939
BaileyJohn born about 1865
BaileyJohn Lborn about 1937
BaileyJr John Aborn about 1917
BaileyKatherine born about 1924
BaileyMac born about 1897
BaileyMamie born about 1914
BaileyManda born about 1885
BaileyNancy Eborn about 1922
BaileyOtis born about 1936
BaileyRena Mayborn about 1921
BaileyRobert born about 1906
BaileyShirley born about 1937
BaileyWilliam born about 1915
BaileyWillie Leeborn about 1902
BailyBen Autherborn about 1917
BailyEstell born about 1875
BailyGussie born about 1920
BailyLouise born about 1939
BailyVirginia Mayborn about 1938
BakerBessie Gborn about 1908
BakerCharlie Cborn about 1905
BakerJr Charlie Cborn about 1938
BakerLillie Gborn about 1939
BanksAnnie born about 1866
BanksBessie born about 1923
BanksBritt born about 1938
BanksCarlandus born about 1921
BanksElla Iborn about 1930
BanksFletcher born about 1925
BanksGeraldine born about 1932
BanksJames Henryborn about 1877
BanksMarion born about 1934
BanksMelvin born about 1936
BanksPerlie Mborn about 1896
BanksRose Eborn about 1922
BanksTimothy born about 1928
BarhamArthur born about 1925
BarhamBernice Eborn about 1936
BarhamBertha born about 1903
BarhamBettie Aborn about 1939
BarhamEssie Vborn about 1934
BarhamEvelyn born about 1926
BarhamFelton born about 1929
BarhamGunnie Mborn about 1938
BarhamLee Fborn about 1898
BarhamLynette born about 1923
BarhamMaggie born about 1905
BarhamWalter Eborn about 1929
BarkleyAdell born about 1921
BarnesAlphonso born about 1934
BarnesBlanche Eborn about 1907
BarnesDorothy Mborn about 1930
BarnesGeorge Lborn about 1929
BarnesJames born about 1934
BarnesJessie Mborn about 1909
BarnesJudge born about 1936
BarnesLonnie Tborn about 1927
BarnesMartha born about 1926
BarnesMary Eborn about 1918
BarnesPercy Lborn about 1927
BarnesPerry born about 1888
BarnesPerry born about 1938
BarnesRalph born about 1939
BarnesRobert born about 1906
BarnesWilliam born about 1932
BarnettAlfred Lborn about 1927
BarrettBoyd born about 1918
BarrettDoris born about 1928
BarrettEnous born about 1933
BarrettGrace Mborn about 1898
BarrettHaywood born about 1922
BarrettIda Bborn about 1920
BarrettJosephine born about 1881
BarrettJosie Fborn about 1900
BarrettJr Mills Bborn about 1932
BarrettJr Richard born about 1929
BarrettJuanita born about 1937
BarrettMaggie born about 1868
BarrettMills Bborn about 1887
BarrettReuben Pborn about 1893
BarrettRichard born about 1903
BarrettRuby Vborn about 1912
BarrettVernon born about 1939
BaymanJoan born about 1930
BealeBess born about 1924
BealeBessie born about 1898
BealeBettie Jborn about 1888
BealeCarmilla born about 1877
BealeDonald Kborn about 1936
BealeElsie born about 1917
BealeEmmett Bborn about 1894
BealeFloyd born about 1901
BealeGarland born about 1920
BealeJohn Bborn about 1916
BealeJr Leland Eborn about 1925
BealeJr Ryland born about 1930
BealeLessie Mborn about 1919
BealeLillian born about 1886
BealeLouis Cborn about 1920
BealeLouise Bborn about 1925
BealeMarion Cborn about 1902
BealeRichard Lborn about 1888
BealeRobert Sborn about 1934
BealeRuby Bborn about 1901
BealeRyland born about 1901
BealeSr Leland Eborn about 1894
BealeTheo Eborn about 1928
BealeWillie born about 1874
BeatonAddie Mborn about 1878
BeatonE Hunterborn about 1876
BeatonEdith Iborn about 1933
BeatonIrma Eborn about 1905
BeatonMarshall Oborn about 1921
BeatonMary Pborn about 1878
BeatonMilton Gborn about 1924
BeatonStafford Mborn about 1897
BeatonWillard Eborn about 1929
BellFlorence Fborn about 1931
BellFreddie born about 1934
BellGrace born about 1919
BellJeff born about 1892
BellMaggie Eborn about 1895
BellSamuel born about 1928
BenJodie born about 1911
BenJohn Eborn about 1940
BenJohnie born about 1882
BenJohnnie born about 1912
BenMaggie born about 1914
BenOra Lborn about 1918
BenPattie born about 1916
BennAddie born about 1905
BennDorothy Mborn about 1931
BennElsie Mborn about 1940
BennGlois Lborn about 1940
BennJae Pborn about 1862
BennJames Cborn about 1931
BennJohn Wborn about 1928
BennJosephine born about 1880
BennJunius Pborn about 1915
BennMary Lborn about 1913
BennRichard born about 1874
BennRichard born about 1937
BennRosa Lborn about 1915
BennRosa Mborn about 1921
BennRuth Eborn about 1928
BennSamuel Gborn about 1884
BennThomas born about 1913
BennThomas Wborn about 1872
BennVicitoria born about 1872
BennWillie born about 1922
BennettFerrell born about 1925
BerlLiney born about 1889
BlantonMary Lborn about 1886
BlowAdeline born about 1924
BlowBernice born about 1938
BlowCharlie born about 1910
BlowDoris born about 1938
BlowEaster born about 1911
BlowElmer born about 1917
BlowElward born about 1923
BlowFannie Bborn about 1936
BlowHylah Mborn about 1917
BlowJames born about 1874
BlowJames born about 1892
BlowJames born about 1932
BlowJasper born about 1933
BlowJessie born about 1921
BlowJohn Eborn about 1923
BlowLuther born about 1889
BlowMazatea born about 1936
BlowMinnie born about 1900
BlowNathaniel born about 1931
BlowOlie born about 1905
BlowPattie born about 1876
BlowRoy born about 1920
BlowRyland born about 1927
BlowSarah born about 1927
BlowSarah Eborn about 1901
BlytheAllie born about 1895
BlytheAllie Mborn about 1924
BlytheAshby born about 1921
BlytheBerkley born about 1924
BlytheBeulah Nborn about 1899
BlytheClinton born about 1928
BlytheDaisey Mborn about 1923
BlytheDavid Cborn about 1920
BlytheDora Cborn about 1888
BlytheEtta born about 1883
BlytheFrank born about 1881
BlytheFranklin born about 1933
BlytheGladys born about 1914
BlytheHunter born about 1897
BlytheIndia Aborn about 1879
BlytheIrene born about 1934
BlytheIrving born about 1911
BlytheJessie Mborn about 1880
BlytheKate Bborn about 1896
BlytheKatherine born about 1926
BlytheKatherine Lborn about 1939
BlytheKelly born about 1916
BlytheLucius Aborn about 1889
BlytheMargaret Annborn about 1928
BlytheMargaret Eborn about 1924
BlytheMargaret Lborn about 1920
BlytheMartha Fborn about 1901
BlytheMaurice born about 1927
BlytheMckinley born about 1890
BlytheMitchell born about 1872
BlytheMorgan Oborn about 1931
BlytheNellie Jborn about 1874
BlytheOcie Lborn about 1922
BlytheOtis Mborn about 1919
BlytheRuel Tborn about 1904
BlytheSarah Bborn about 1932
BlytheSarah Eborn about 1895
BlytheSherman born about 1927
BlytheTazwell Jborn about 1880
BlytheTherman born about 1927
BlytheThomas Aborn about 1884
BlytheThomas Wborn about 1880
BobbAdelaide born about 1918
BobbAdele born about 1934
BobbAgnes Lborn about 1913
BobbAlice born about 1926
BobbAllison born about 1924
BobbAnna Mborn about 1915
BobbAudrey born about 1933
BobbBen Tborn about 1881
BobbBern born about 1926
BobbCaswell Jborn about 1909
BobbCharlie Leeborn about 1922
BobbClaiborne born about 1928
BobbCleveland born about 1884
BobbCorine born about 1927
BobbDavid born about 1922
BobbDavid born about 1928
BobbDorothey born about 1928
BobbEdith born about 1929
BobbElizabeth born about 1914
BobbEllen born about 1921
BobbEmmett born about 1890
BobbEugene Iborn about 1883
BobbFrances born about 1932
BobbGarland born about 1917
BobbGeorge born about 1910
BobbGeorgie born about 1894
BobbGeraldine Eborn about 1939
BobbGertie born about 1887
BobbGurney born about 1892
BobbHarwood born about 1917
BobbHenry Dborn about 1871
BobbHerbert born about 1914
BobbHoward born about 1913
BobbIrma born about 1894
BobbIrma born about 1924
BobbJane born about 1920
BobbJanie born about 1921
BobbJoe born about 1914
BobbJoe Annborn about 1936
BobbJohn born about 1898
BobbJohn Eborn about 1877
BobbJohn Hborn about
BobbJr Gurney born about 1935
BobbJunius born about 1932
BobbLelia Fborn about 1869
BobbLewis born about 1930
BobbLewis Fborn about 1923
BobbLloyd born about 1902
BobbLloyd Leeborn about 1927
BobbLula born about 1888
BobbMac born about 1886
BobbMaggie born about 1866
BobbMary born about 1897
BobbMary Catherineborn about 1933
BobbMcaurther born about 1909
BobbMildred born about 1922
BobbNannie born about 1910
BobbNannie Lborn about 1925
BobbOscar born about 1912
BobbPearl Lborn about 1911
BobbPeggy born about 1939
BobbRaymond born about 1938
BobbRobbie Leeborn about 1917
BobbRose born about 1940
BobbRuby Leeborn about 1909
BobbShirley born about 1935
BobbTheo Winfryborn about 1929
BobbVernon born about 1885
BobbVirginie Pborn about 1925
BobbWinfield born about 1915
BooneAlice Lborn about 1932
BooneBenjamin Cborn about 1916
BooneEthel born about 1914
BooneJunius born about 1938
BooneLavinia born about 1860
BooneLee Aborn about 1911
BooneMartha Aborn about 1934
BooneRay born about 1923
BooneWilliam Cborn about 1936
BoothDecimus Aborn about 1904
BoothEva Eborn about 1904
BowensArthur born about 1897
BowensJunius Lborn about 1930
BowensMary born about 1900
BowensNathaniel born about 1925
BowensWilliam Aborn about 1921
BowersAmos born about 1870
BowersCharles Aborn about 1923
BowersClyde Eborn about 1925
BowersDonald born about 1919
BowersHarriet born about 1855
BowersIsac Pborn about 1929
BowersJohn born about 1915
BowersJoseph Rborn about 1935
BowersKeneth Dborn about 1925
BowersLucy Aborn about 1922
BowersMarion born about 1885
BowersMartha Eborn about 1940
BowersMary Bborn about 1933
BowersMattie Sueborn about 1931
BowersPaul Hborn about 1928
BowersRaymond born about 1918
BowersRobert born about 1910
BowersRosa born about 1923
BowersRosa Lborn about 1917
BowersSusie Aborn about 1894
BowersThomas born about 1884
BowersWilliam Hborn about 1884
BowlesJacquelin born about 1928
BoykinAdelaid born about 1930
BoykinArmand born about 1907
BoykinJr Armand born about 1937
BoykinRobert Mborn about 1934
BoykinRuth Sborn about 1908
BoykinVirginia Eborn about 1935
BoykinWillie Lborn about 1932
BoykinZuaellen born about 1914
BoykinsElsie born about 1927
BoykinsGrady born about 1920
BoykinsJames Fborn about 1917
BoykinsMary Eborn about 1932
BoykinsMary Sborn about 1901
BradshawA Gilliamborn about 1925
BradshawAlice born about 1927
BradshawAlmyra Jborn about 1885
BradshawAnnie Lborn about 1886
BradshawAugust Sborn about 1923
BradshawAurelius Mborn about 1868
BradshawBernard born about 1922
BradshawBertha born about 1919
BradshawBessie born about 1896
BradshawBessie born about 1913
BradshawBurnelle Fborn about 1926
BradshawCalvin Bborn about 1922
BradshawCarolyn born about 1939
BradshawCarrie Aborn about 1889
BradshawCela Dborn about 1896
BradshawCharles Eborn about 1924
BradshawCharles Wborn about 1935
BradshawCharlie born about 1864
BradshawCharlie born about 1888
BradshawClyde Hborn about 1892
BradshawConnie Vborn about 1901
BradshawCorrine born about 1901
BradshawDavis Jborn about 1925
BradshawDoris born about 1915
BradshawEddie Aborn about 1889
BradshawEdith born about 1935
BradshawEdith Mborn about 1922
BradshawEdith Oborn about 1920
BradshawEliza born about 1860
BradshawElsie born about 1929
BradshawEmma born about 1926
BradshawEmma Cborn about 1927
BradshawEugene born about 1937
BradshawEunice Aborn about 1938
BradshawFannie Mayborn about 1937
BradshawFlorence Bborn about 1902
BradshawFrances Oborn about 1898
BradshawFred Jborn about 1935
BradshawGeorge Cborn about 1915
BradshawGertrude born about 1914
BradshawGladys born about 1933
BradshawGladys Lborn about 1936
BradshawGus born about 1870
BradshawHarry Eborn about 1938
BradshawHerbert born about 1916
BradshawHerbert born about 1940
BradshawHerman born about 1915
BradshawHoward born about 1926
BradshawHunley born about 1934
BradshawIda Mayborn about 1925
BradshawInell Eborn about 1928
BradshawIris Dborn about 1939
BradshawJacob born about 1898
BradshawJames born about 1901
BradshawJames born about 1933
BradshawJames Rborn about 1931
BradshawJepthro born about 1889
BradshawJessie Fborn about 1856
BradshawJoseph Lborn about 1932
BradshawJr Hurley born about 1929
BradshawJr Jepthro born about 1934
BradshawJr Reginald born about 1939
BradshawJunius born about 1926
BradshawLama Eborn about 1902
BradshawLaura Eborn about 1868
BradshawLilly Mborn about 1913
BradshawLinwood Eborn about 1901
BradshawLinwood Lborn about 1882
BradshawLloyd born about 1925
BradshawLoyd Eborn about 1925
BradshawMannie born about 1889
BradshawMannie born about 1920
BradshawMarjorie Eborn about 1939
BradshawMartha born about 1906
BradshawMartha Hborn about 1870
BradshawMelvin born about 1925
BradshawMelvin Dborn about 1937
BradshawMildred Rborn about 1929
BradshawMiles Eborn about 1929
BradshawMurray born about 1927
BradshawPearl Sborn about 1902
BradshawR Hurleyborn about 1901
BradshawRachel born about 1936
BradshawReginald born about 1914
BradshawRena Eborn about 1935
BradshawRobert born about 1858
BradshawRobert born about 1934
BradshawRobert Lborn about 1880
BradshawRobert Lborn about 1914
BradshawRoscoe born about 1895
BradshawRuby Mborn about 1940
BradshawSarah Eborn about 1938
BradshawSarah Gborn about 1913
BradshawTabus born about 1912
BradshawThelma Mborn about 1910
BradshawThomas Iborn about 1928
BradshawUsyless born about 1908
BradshawViola born about 1921
BradshawVirginia Cborn about 1926
BradshawWillie born about 1894
BradshawWillie Aborn about 1922
BradshawWillie Mborn about 1924
BranchAlbert Sborn about 1915
BranchAlice Nellborn about 1925
BranchAnnabelle born about 1925
BranchBettie Sborn about 1862
BranchClaudie Cborn about 1925
BranchCrawley Cborn about 1901
BranchDaisy Aborn about 1918
BranchFenton born about 1883
BranchHattie Rborn about 1886
BranchJohn born about 1910
BranchJoseph Lborn about 1939
BranchJoseph Mborn about 1927
BranchKatherine Mborn about 1929
BranchKenny Lborn about 1925
BranchLaura Eborn about 1906
BranchLottye born about 1914
BranchLoyd Aborn about 1933
BranchMaggie Fborn about 1892
BranchMaggie Sborn about 1921
BranchPatrick Eborn about 1938
BranchRichard born about 1918
BranchRichard born about 1940
BranchRobert Fborn about 1892
BranchRosa born about 1919
BranchSarah Aborn about 1935
BranchThelma Rborn about 1917
BranchThomas born about 1938
BranchWallen Wborn about 1921
BranchWilliam Rborn about 1919
BranchWinston Gborn about 1939
BriggsAlwyn born about 1892
BriggsJanie born about 1895
BriggsWilliam born about 1921
BristowCarol born about 1919
BristowGavin born about 1921
BristowGrace Lborn about 1918
BristowJoyce Cborn about 1892
BristowRosalyn born about 1922
BristowSchoeler Cborn about 1893
BristowWillie born about 1903
BristowWithie Oborn about 1935
BrittJr Wayland born about 1925
BrittJulia born about 1884
BrittMansford born about 1919
BrittMelva Lborn about 1939
BrittNarcissus Hborn about 1921
BrittWayland Mborn about 1877
BrittWillie Jr born about 1916
BrooksHelen born about 1918
BrooksJames Rborn about 1878
BrooksVassie born about 1883
BrownAlex born about 1915
BrownAlma born about 1928
BrownAndrew born about 1932
BrownBeatrice born about 1932
BrownBeatrice born about 1936
BrownBenn Jborn about 1869
BrownBernard born about 1936
BrownBessie born about 1926
BrownBettie born about 1921
BrownBetty born about 1938
BrownBobby born about 1938
BrownCarrie born about 1920
BrownChanie born about 1917
BrownCharlie born about 1884
BrownCharlie born about 1922
BrownColumbus born about 1917
BrownColumbus born about 1922
BrownDora Bborn about 1930
BrownEarl Rborn about 1899
BrownEliza born about 1931
BrownEllen born about 1917
BrownEmmett born about 1928
BrownEskew born about 1930
BrownEstelle born about 1923
BrownEthel born about 1927
BrownEunice born about 1900
BrownEvelena born about 1939
BrownFlora born about 1933
BrownFlorence born about 1910
BrownFlorence Bborn about 1907
BrownFlossie born about 1930
BrownGeneva born about 1918
BrownHelen Dborn about 1936
BrownHerman born about 1908
BrownHermon Jr born about 1931
BrownJ Walterborn about 1928
BrownJames born about 1934
BrownJames Eborn about 1937
BrownJames Rborn about 1911
BrownJames Robertborn about 1901
BrownJaunita Mborn about 1932
BrownJessie born about 1926
BrownJessie born about 1931
BrownJohn born about 1935
BrownJoney born about 1912
BrownJr Earl Rborn about 1930
BrownJr Lewis born about 1925
BrownJr William born about 1932
BrownJulia born about 1924
BrownLeander born about 1918
BrownLelia born about 1933
BrownLeon Tborn about 1934
BrownLeroy born about 1909
BrownLewis born about 1888
BrownLilly born about 1910
BrownLilly Bborn about 1929
BrownLindbury born about 1931
BrownLizzie Mborn about 1908
BrownLois born about 1935
BrownLouis Hborn about 1901
BrownLucy born about 1882
BrownLulu born about 1889
BrownMadison born about 1918
BrownMahlon born about 1932
BrownMarion Rborn about 1934
BrownMary born about 1923
BrownMckinley born about 1929
BrownNathanial born about 1917
BrownNathanial born about 1939
BrownRaymond Cborn about 1938
BrownRebbecca born about 1897
BrownRobert born about
BrownRobert born about 1907
BrownRobert Lborn about 1931
BrownRoger born about 1902
BrownRosa Mayborn about 1937
BrownSusie Rborn about 1926
BrownVirginia born about 1923
BrownVirginia born about 1935
BrownWalter born about 1926
BrownWilliam born about 1907
BrownWillie born about 1912
BrownWillie Mborn about 1912
BryantAlice born about 1890
BryantAnnie Lborn about 1890
BryantBernard born about 1888
BryantBessie born about 1895
BryantBessie born about 1930
BryantBessie Kborn about 1889
BryantBruce Tborn about 1939
BryantColeman born about 1940
BryantDorthea born about 1932
BryantEdgar born about 1882
BryantEdith Mborn about 1931
BryantEdward born about 1916
BryantElizabeth born about 1926
BryantElmer born about 1931
BryantEula born about 1917
BryantEunice born about 1909
BryantFenton Lborn about 1910
BryantFloyd born about 1926
BryantFrank born about 1937
BryantFredia born about 1882
BryantGeorge Dborn about 1917
BryantGladys born about 1920
BryantGladys Mborn about 1937
BryantGrace born about 1921
BryantHarvey born about 1923
BryantHenry born about 1914
BryantHerbert born about 1920
BryantJacob Fborn about 1878
BryantJames born about 1917
BryantJaunita Dborn about 1939
BryantJean Lborn about 1937
BryantJohn Rborn about 1933
BryantJoseph born about 1918
BryantJoseph born about 1920
BryantJosephine born about 1876
BryantJr Fenton Lborn about 1935
BryantJr Robert born about 1937
BryantLearie born about 1917
BryantLeroy born about 1928
BryantLizzie Maeborn about 1919
BryantMargaret born about 1923
BryantMary Mborn about 1939
BryantMelvin born about 1935
BryantOdra born about 1920
BryantPage born about 1911
BryantRaymond born about 1938
BryantRobert born about 1910
BryantRose Eborn about 1923
BryantSadie born about 1916
BryantShirley Lborn about 1938
BryantStuart born about 1936
BryantVictor Fborn about 1920
BryantVirginia Mborn about 1927
BryantWilliam Aborn about 1885
BryantZuline born about 1925
BuckAnderson born about 1907
BuckCharlie born about 1936
BuckCharlotte born about 1890
BuckCornelius born about 1875
BuckHarrison born about 1939
BuckIrving born about 1916
BuckJr Cornelius born about 1923
BuckLouise born about 1937
BuckRose Eborn about 1933
BuckSamuel born about 1920
BuckViola born about 1915
BullsBobbie Sborn about 1939
BullsCharles Iborn about 1932
BullsCharlie Wborn about 1905
BullsChesley Mborn about 1939
BullsEddie Nborn about 1901
BullsHattie Tborn about 1901
BullsJames Aborn about 1938
BullsJr Eddie Nborn about 1937
BullsJr Rossie Cborn about 1926
BullsMaggie born about 1871
BullsMarion Eborn about 1937
BullsMildred Aborn about 1934
BullsMinnie Sborn about 1916
BullsMyrtle born about 1913
BullsOtis born about 1911
BullsPauline born about 1911
BullsRossie Cborn about 1896
BurgenAlbert born about 1872
BurgenMary born about 1881
BurgenMary born about 1925
BurgenRoberta born about 1916
ButtsCatherine born about 1931
ButtsChristine born about 1928
ButtsClifton born about 1926
ButtsLucy born about 1908
ButtsRoosevelt born about 1907
BymanFrances Bborn about 1920
BymanJames Sborn about 1923
BymanMary Wborn about 1924
BynumAddie born about 1900
BynumDorothy born about 1918
BynumDukie born about 1897
BynumHersey Wborn about 1926
BynumJames born about 1934
BynumJames Lborn about 1934
BynumJohn Hborn about 1911
BynumJohn Oborn about 1937
BynumMaybelle born about 1915
BynumNello born about 1914
BynumReddick born about 1910
BynumVirginia Dborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallinsClaybourne born about 1923
CallinsMamie born about 1896
CallinsThomas Mborn about 1879
CallinsWorth born about 1925
CampJohn born about 1872
CampMagdalena born about 1907
CampRomine born about 1874
CampSafford Srborn about 1872
CampSafford Iii born about 1932
CampSafford Jr born about 1905
CampTexie born about 1940
CareyEarnest born about 1873
CareyElizabeth born about 1865
CareyMathew born about 1897
CareyNarcissus born about 1876
CargoWillie Lborn about 1922
CarrMary Elizaborn about 1871
CarrOtis born about 1924
CarterArzulia born about 1938
CarterDonald Bborn about 1926
CarterFannie Jborn about 1898
CarterIda Mborn about 1930
CarterJames Hborn about 1922
CarterJohn born about 1882
CarterSamuel Bborn about 1924
CarterSarah Aborn about 1891
CarterWillie Jborn about 1900
CaterDella born about 1882
CaterJunius born about 1882
ChamblessClarence born about 1929
ChamblessJosephine born about 1910
ChamblessJunius born about 1933
ChamblessRobert born about 1907
ChamblessRobert born about 1927
ChamblissCrucy born about 1880
ChappellHerbert Hborn about 1893
ChappellIda Hborn about 1929
ChappellRebecca born about 1923
ChappellRomine born about 1925
ChappellSue Cborn about 1898
ChappellUnity Rborn about 1927
CharlesLulu born about 1870
ClarkLelia born about 1897
ClarkZice Hborn about 1878
ClarkeMary born about 1892
ClemonsAnnie Normanborn about 1925
ClemonsEmma born about 1893
ClemonsMarion born about 1929
ClemonsRobert born about 1893
ClemonsRobert Smithborn about 1918
ClemonsRufert born about 1914
CobbBernice born about 1928
CobbCharlie born about 1872
CobbEdward Lborn about 1923
CobbElsie Mborn about 1932
CobbGertie born about 1880
CobbGordon born about 1921
CobbLawrence born about 1925
CobbLena Rborn about 1936
CobbLorena Bborn about 1889
CobbMrs L Eborn about 1880
CobbPressley born about 1886
CobbRobert Hborn about 1921
CobbSallie Mborn about 1922
CobbSam Uborn about 1897
CobbSamuel Nborn about 1884
CobbSusie Wborn about 1894
CobbThelma born about 1901
CobbWalter Hborn about 1883
CobbWinton born about 1914
CogsdaleAnnie Bborn about 1904
CogsdaleCecil Cborn about 1936
CogsdaleJulian Wborn about 1934
CogsdaleJune Eborn about 1927
CogsdaleJunius Wborn about 1868
CogsdaleNorman Eborn about 1931
CogsdaleRosalyn Wborn about 1929
CogsdaleShirley Mborn about 1938
ColbertAlice born about 1926
ColbertEdna born about 1871
ColbertInell born about 1923
ColbertJoe born about 1917
ColbertLouise born about 1932
ColbertLucy born about 1920
ColbertRichard born about 1880
ColbertRichard Jr born about 1930
ColbertVennie born about 1888
ColeAnnie born about 1899
ColeCharlie born about 1889
ColeCharlie born about 1934
ColeGlan born about 1930
ColeHerman born about 1939
ColeMary born about 1918
ColeOatis born about 1921
ColeRobert born about 1924
ColeVelma born about 1928
ColeWilliam born about 1936
CookCharles Wborn about 1938
CookCharlie born about 1911
CookClarence Mborn about 1940
CookHarold Rborn about 1935
CookLizzie born about 1914
CooperBeatrice born about 1924
CooperBessie Mborn about 1906
CooperJoseph born about 1901
CooperMay Ettaborn about 1923
CooperRachel born about 1925
CooperRyland born about 1925
CooperWilliam Eborn about 1927
CorbettGurley Eborn about 1916
CorbettNancy Rborn about 1874
CorbettRobert Lborn about 1867
CouncillGeneva Bborn about 1875
CouncillJoshua Tborn about 1860
CouncillLizzie born about 1886
CrockerPearl born about 1912
CrossAnnie Mayborn about 1911
CrossClyde born about 1898
CrossEarnest born about 1937
CrossMildred born about 1930
CrossRobert born about 1939
CrumplerJr Lonnie Rborn about 1938
CrumplerLonnie Rborn about 1903
CrumplerVera Lborn about 1910
CutchinsAlice Oborn about 1909
CutchinsDorothy Aborn about 1932
CutchinsEldrige born about 1926
CutchinsWillie born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanyElizabeth born about 1923
DanyJoe born about 1927
DanyMary born about 1891
DanyMary born about 1923
DanySteve born about 1888
DanySteve born about 1929
DardenAlphonso born about 1913
DardenAvin Rborn about 1931
DardenBernard Gborn about 1927
DardenBlanche born about 1907
DardenCalifornia born about 1907
DardenDorothy born about 1916
DardenGeorge born about 1915
DardenHance born about 1923
DardenHattie Mborn about 1913
DardenHiawatha born about 1924
DardenJ Normanborn about 1888
DardenJohnnie born about 1918
DardenKelly Mborn about 1925
DardenMabel born about 1936
DardenOra Bborn about 1908
DardenVictoria born about 1898
DardenWilliam Gborn about 1910
DavisAlease born about 1905
DavisBlanche Eborn about 1932
DavisBrannon born about 1919
DavisCharles Wborn about 1880
DavisDorothy born about 1919
DavisEdd born about 1859
DavisEdith Hborn about 1903
DavisElsie born about 1931
DavisEmmett Jborn about 1880
DavisEstelle born about 1892
DavisGarland Tborn about 1923
DavisGladys born about 1896
DavisGladys born about 1924
DavisGrizzella born about 1900
DavisIvy Jborn about 1929
DavisJames Cborn about 1903
DavisJames Sborn about 1921
DavisJosephine born about 1921
DavisJosephine born about 1939
DavisJr William born about 1936
DavisLorenzo Cborn about 1927
DavisLouise born about 1932
DavisLucy born about 1869
DavisMable Wborn about 1900
DavisMansfield born about 1907
DavisMargaret born about 1929
DavisMarjoria born about 1928
DavisMatthew Lborn about 1925
DavisPaul born about 1896
DavisQuillen born about 1938
DavisRichard born about 1920
DavisSallie born about 1876
DavisSue born about 1922
DavisVirginia Mborn about 1934
DavisWaverly born about 1882
DavisWayland born about 1932
DavisWilliam born about 1923
DavisWillie born about 1897
DavisWillie born about 1928
DavisWillie Rborn about 1921
DayAnnie Lborn about 1931
DayDoris Sborn about 1933
DayGene Cborn about 1929
DayHezekiah born about 1903
DayJames Rborn about 1932
DayKathleen born about 1923
DayMary Aborn about 1925
DayRobert Aborn about 1927
DayRosa born about 1903
DensonAlett born about 1886
DensonAlett Jr born about 1922
DensonEdward born about 1877
DensonEdward Wborn about 1894
DensonFannie Zborn about 1929
DensonJames born about 1924
DensonJennie Zborn about 1904
DensonNaomi Oborn about 1934
DensonRandolf born about 1930
DensonRichard born about 1936
DensonRosa born about 1897
DensonWalter born about 1918
DiggsGandy born about 1885
DiggsLona born about 1910
DiggsMartha born about 1895
DiggsMary born about 1895
DiggsRomine born about 1877
DillardAllen born about 1932
DillardFlora born about 1910
DillardJr Rufus born about 1934
DillardSarah born about 1865
DillardWilliam Rborn about 1938
DolesEthel born about 1914
DolesFreddie born about 1906
DolesLilly Mborn about 1926
DoughtieJoseph Lborn about 1876
DoughtieLillie Mborn about 1880
DoughtyBernice born about 1926
DrakeAnnie born about 1892
DrakeAr Cborn about 1924
DrakeBarbara Cborn about 1935
DrakeCarrie Rborn about 1907
DrakeDorothy Lborn about 1930
DrakeDorothy Lborn about 1932
DrakeElenor Rborn about 1933
DrakeElla Sborn about 1881
DrakeFranklin Rborn about 1938
DrakeFranklin Wborn about 1937
DrakeFrederick born about 1912
DrakeGrabis Eborn about 1908
DrakeIva Leeborn about 1907
DrakeJames born about 1916
DrakeJohn Carrolborn about 1903
DrakeJr Theodore Rborn about 1936
DrakeKelly Hborn about 1881
DrakeLee born about 1888
DrakeLena Mborn about 1911
DrakeLorenza Rborn about 1901
DrakeMary born about 1927
DrakeOlin Wborn about 1896
DrakeOtis Eborn about 1918
DrakeSarah Fborn about 1927
DrakeTheodore Rborn about 1906
DrakeViola Cborn about 1883
DrakeVirginia born about 1917
DrakeVirginia born about 1929
DrakeWillard born about 1889
DrewayForest Bborn about 1923
DrewayJ Westborn about 1916
DrewayJean born about 1926
DrewayJr J Westborn about 1940
DrewayLutie Bborn about 1889
DrewayMabel Dborn about 1917
DrewayRichard Tborn about 1925
DrewayWilliam Hborn about 1886
DrewryAnnie Mborn about 1898
DrewryBelle Rborn about 1890
DrewryBernard born about 1923
DrewryCharles Lborn about 1939
DrewryCharlie born about 1887
DrewryClinton Mborn about 1932
DrewryE Euniceborn about 1926
DrewryEdgar Aborn about 1891
DrewryElliott Bborn about 1937
DrewryFenton Eborn about 1922
DrewryFlorence Nborn about 1935
DrewryFrances born about 1931
DrewryGeorge Sborn about 1925
DrewryHarriet born about 1903
DrewryHattie Wborn about 1897
DrewryIrvin Dborn about 1893
DrewryJohn Bborn about 1877
DrewryJoseph Hborn about 1850
DrewryJoseph Sborn about 1931
DrewryJoyce Lborn about 1922
DrewryLizzie Mborn about 1899
DrewryLois Eborn about 1934
DrewryLottie Sborn about 1892
DrewryLucy Wborn about 1900
DrewryMartha Lborn about 1919
DrewryMary Eborn about 1921
DrewryMary Eborn about 1924
DrewryMary Lborn about 1925
DrewryMckinley born about 1902
DrewryMildred Rborn about 1912
DrewryNancy Eborn about 1931
DrewryOurelius Eborn about 1895
DrewryPearl Eborn about 1929
DrewryReginald Wborn about 1900
DrewryRichard Sborn about 1888
DrewryRobert born about 1920
DrewryRose Lborn about 1928
DrewryRuth Oborn about 1917
DrewryWilbur Rborn about 1939
DrewryWillie Hborn about 1888
DuckBuster born about 1914
DuckEvie Mborn about 1896
DuckHattie Bborn about 1912
DuckHazel born about 1932
DuckJr Putnam Oborn about 1908
DuckLafayette born about 1896
DuckLorraine born about 1925
DuckMary born about 1911
DuckMary born about 1922
DuckPercy Tborn about 1895
DukeLina Kborn about 1895
DunhamTena born about 1876
DunhamWilliam Oborn about 1876
DunlowGeorge born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasterEmma Jborn about 1887
EasterGeorge Mborn about
EasterJames Rborn about 1930
EasterRudolph born about 1933
EdwardsAlton born about 1937
EdwardsAthie born about 1900
EdwardsBernard born about 1933
EdwardsBlanche born about 1912
EdwardsBonnie Mborn about 1921
EdwardsCecil born about 1933
EdwardsCharlotte born about 1928
EdwardsCrawley Cborn about 1887
EdwardsDave born about 1901
EdwardsGladys born about 1935
EdwardsGlennis born about 1936
EdwardsHurley born about 1893
EdwardsJacqueline born about 1936
EdwardsJean Tborn about 1935
EdwardsJessie Lborn about 1922
EdwardsJoe born about 1906
EdwardsJohn Tborn about 1907
EdwardsJoseph born about 1932
EdwardsLeatha born about 1922
EdwardsLloyd Jr born about 1937
EdwardsLouis born about 1914
EdwardsLouis born about 1919
EdwardsLula born about 1890
EdwardsMartha born about 1892
EdwardsMary Lborn about 1939
EdwardsMattie born about 1915
EdwardsNathaniel born about 1939
EdwardsOdell born about 1928
EdwardsOrice Mborn about 1908
EdwardsRichard born about 1932
EdwardsRoger born about 1890
EdwardsRuth born about 1911
EdwardsSarah born about 1870
EdwardsThressa born about 1930
EdwardsWilliam born about 1886
EleyElsie born about 1903
EleyEvangleine born about 1924
EleyIda Cborn about 1879
EleyRuby born about 1908
EleySamuel Jborn about 1873
ElliottEva born about 1900
ElliottHelen born about 1933
ElliottJames born about 1928
ElliottJoe born about 1925
ElliottLazard born about 1923
ElliottRaifield born about 1895
EllisCarlton Rborn about 1922
EllisEtta born about 1889
EllisFannie born about 1884
EllisFrazier Dborn about 1912
EllisJosie Hborn about 1912
EllisLewis born about 1917
EllisMary Mborn about 1927
EllisMyrtle Mborn about 1920
EllisRuby born about 1924
EllisSusie Eborn about 1924
EllisWalter Fborn about 1915
EllisWilliam Eborn about 1878
EnglishLetha born about 1885
EnglishWilliam born about 1885
EppsJessie born about 1914
EppsJunius born about 1916
EppsMary Eborn about 1918
EppsPearl Mborn about 1932
EppsTommie born about 1912
EppsWaverly born about 1882
EppsWill Jborn about 1936
EvansClarence born about 1938
EvansCoreen born about 1916
EvansJr Leroy born about 1935
EvansLeroy born about 1911
EvansLilla Mborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaifordCharles Nborn about 1930
FaifordDorothy Jborn about 1915
FaifordEdmond Jborn about 1923
FaifordErnestine Lborn about 1927
FaifordFranklin Rborn about 1921
FaifordHelen born about 1888
FaifordLee Mborn about 1913
FaifordLoyd Mborn about 1884
FaifordMerit Lborn about 1929
FallsFrances Oborn about 1919
FaltzAlice born about 1907
FaltzAlice Mborn about 1930
FaltzClarence born about 1936
FaltzDoretha born about 1929
FaltzEarnest born about 1931
FaltzEason born about 1933
FaltzFlossie born about 1926
FaltzHazel born about 1921
FaltzIrene born about 1915
FaltzJames born about 1932
FaltzJessie born about 1923
FaltzJoe Nborn about 1868
FaltzJoseph born about 1902
FaltzJr Joseph born about 1926
FaltzJulia born about 1876
FaltzKate born about 1897
FaltzLeman born about 1935
FaltzLeroy born about 1919
FaltzNena born about 1924
FaltzThelma born about 1926
FaltzThelma born about 1938
FaltzThomas born about 1879
FaltzThomas Jr born about 1917
FaltzUlylesses born about 1919
FaltzViola born about 1934
FaltzWilbur born about 1924
FaltzWillis born about 1917
FaulknerDorothy Mborn about 1939
FaulknerEugene born about 1917
FaulknerJohn Lborn about 1926
FaulknerKenny Lborn about 1915
FaulknerLeroy born about 1919
FaulknerMaggie born about 1897
FaulknerMargaret born about 1929
FaulknerPearl born about 1923
FaulknerPercey born about 1894
FaulknerRufus born about 1921
FaulknerSusie born about 1919
FaulknerViola born about 1923
FeketeElizabeth born about 1924
FeketeJohn born about 1889
FeketeJohn born about 1923
FeketeMary born about 1894
FeketeSteve born about 1927
FeltsChristine born about 1922
FeltsDorothy born about 1919
FeltsFrances born about 1924
FeltsHelen born about 1918
FeltsLewis Dborn about 1873
FenimoreAddie Fborn about 1875
FenimoreEthel Iborn about 1906
FergusonEula born about 1895
FergusonMary born about 1932
FieldsAgnes born about 1923
FieldsHazel Nborn about 1926
FieldsIsabelle born about 1926
FieldsJane born about 1890
FieldsJr Walter born about 1920
FieldsLinwood born about 1899
FieldsMary Aborn about 1889
FieldsMary Aborn about 1924
FieldsWalter born about 1885
FiersBessie born about 1929
FiersFrances born about 1924
FiersLinwood born about 1882
FiersLinwood Jr born about 1926
FiersOnie born about 1892
FiersWillie Mborn about 1934
FloodElla Mborn about 1934
FloodGladys born about 1911
FloodJr Worley born about 1936
FloodWilliam Jborn about 1931
FloodWorley born about 1906
FordFrank born about 1898
FordGladys born about 1926
FordHenry born about 1926
FordJames born about 1924
FordJaunita born about 1932
FordLee born about 1897
FordNellie born about 1934
FordWalter born about 1910
FordWillie Fborn about 1922
ForestBilly born about 1929
ForestElenor born about 1924
ForestGarland born about 1934
ForestJohn born about 1915
ForestKeneth born about 1926
ForestRay born about 1936
ForestWillie born about 1894
ForrestEula born about 1907
ForrestJean born about 1939
ForrestJoe born about 1872
ForrestJoe Iii born about 1938
ForrestJoe Jr born about 1918
ForrestMarvin born about 1923
ForrestNellie born about 1885
ForrestRuby born about 1921
FowlerAnnie Eborn about 1906
FowlerCharles Rborn about 1934
FowlerClaude Eborn about 1939
FowlerD Violaborn about 1928
FowlerDavid Jborn about 1936
FowlerEdna Lborn about 1926
FowlerJr William Jborn about 1922
FowlerOdella Eborn about 1932
FowlerOscar Rborn about 1930
FowlerRachelle born about 1925
FowlerWilliam Jborn about 1895
FreemanAran born about 1934
FreemanHoward born about 1905
FreemanJr Howard born about 1928
FreemanLeroy born about 1938
FreemanLoucille born about 1936
FreemanLucille born about 1915
FreemanMary Eborn about 1939
FreemanMildred born about 1932
FreemanRosa born about 1875
FreemanSam born about 1905
FreemanTom born about 1880
FullerCharles born about 1867
FullerHelen born about 1878
FullerPaul born about 1911
FunchusAnnie Mborn about 1932
FunchusAurthur born about 1900
FunchusInell born about 1939
FunchusJr Arthur born about 1937
FunchusLois born about 1911
FunchusMozelle born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaltressWillie Rborn about 1882
GardenSavanah born about 1878
GardenWallace born about 1911
GardnerAnna Sborn about 1905
GardnerBarbara born about 1934
GardnerGeorge Tborn about 1853
GardnerKathleen born about 1923
GardnerRuby born about 1895
GardnerSusan born about 1874
GardnerWilliam born about 1900
GardnerWilson Cborn about 1859
GathingAnnie born about 1920
GatlingAnnie born about 1927
GatlingAnnie Mborn about 1912
GatlingCrafton born about 1935
GatlingEddie born about 1910
GatlingJames Eborn about 1929
GatlingJoel Lborn about 1932
GatlingJulia born about 1933
GayRufus born about 1911
GaySarah Eborn about 1873
GayVirgie Bborn about 1916
GilletteEvelyn Tborn about 1929
GilletteJoseph Eborn about 1935
GilletteLucy Sborn about 1904
GilletteMary Lborn about 1925
GillettePatricia Aborn about 1936
GilletteRyland Eborn about 1933
GilletteRyland Wborn about 1902
GlenRichard born about 1900
GoodmanJr Robert born about 1940
GoodmanLilly Mborn about 1933
GoodmanMary Bborn about 1918
GoodmanRobert born about 1919
GoodwinMarshell born about 1900
GordinWilliam born about 1934
GordonFrank born about 1874
GordonLizzie Eborn about 1913
GrantFannie born about 1922
GrantGodwin born about 1908
GrantJames born about 1921
GrantJames born about 1933
GrantLillie Aborn about 1905
GrantLottie born about 1916
GrantMary Louiseborn about 1935
GrantWaverly born about 1908
GrayBen born about 1890
GrayBenjamin born about 1920
GrayBennie Fborn about 1895
GrayBruce born about 1937
GrayFrank Rborn about 1932
GrayGertrude born about 1914
GrayHarry Leeborn about 1939
GrayJohn born about 1910
GrayJohn Jr born about 1934
GrayJulia born about 1900
GrayLuther born about 1880
GrayMartha Aborn about 1915
GrayRobert Lborn about 1931
GreenAnnie born about 1900
GreenCurtis Mcborn about 1930
GreenEmily born about 1905
GreenFrances born about 1921
GreenFrances born about 1922
GreenJohn born about 1884
GreenJohn born about 1926
GreeneAnna born about 1890
GreeneAurthur born about 1922
GreeneCleveland born about 1920
GreeneJames born about 1864
GreeneJames born about 1922
GreeneJoe born about 1895
GreeneLena born about 1915
GreeneLucy born about 1902
GreeneLulu born about 1918
GreeneRobbie Lborn about 1924
GreeneSallie born about 1925
GriffenMartha Jborn about 1874
GriffenRandolph born about 1906
GriffinAnnie Mborn about 1931
GriffinCarrie Lborn about 1937
GriffinEunice born about 1923
GriffinGeorge born about 1918
GriffinHelen Lborn about 1911
GriffinHelen Lborn about 1931
GriffinHenry Bborn about 1935
GriffinIda Gborn about 1921
GriffinIndianna born about 1869
GriffinJean Fborn about 1936
GriffinJohn Aborn about 1933
GriffinJr George born about 1939
GriffinJr William Fborn about 1939
GriffinNusa Bborn about 1910
GriffinRuby Mborn about 1938
GriffinViolet Mborn about 1939
GriffinWilliam born about 1910
GriffinWilliam Fborn about 1907
GrissomJennie Leeborn about 1918
GrissomVance born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallLaura Lborn about 1936
HallLee born about 1895
HallViola Bborn about 1915
HalseyBeatrice Tborn about 1919
HalseyJoan born about 1938
HalseyJoseph born about 1919
HalseySylvester born about 1877
HalseyTexie Aborn about 1877
HalseyWalter born about 1913
HamblinCharlie born about 1920
HamblinInell born about 1919
HamblinRobbie Lborn about 1939
HamblinSarah born about 1886
HamelinBeatrice Sborn about 1890
HamilinJacob born about 1902
HamilinMarsella born about 1870
HamptonSam born about 1874
HancockCatherine born about 1936
HancockGarth born about 1921
HancockJacquline born about 1928
HancockLillian Eborn about 1917
HancockMarie born about 1910
HancockMary Eborn about 1936
HancockMary Jborn about 1894
HancockPatricia Aborn about 1938
HancockRobert Lborn about 1891
HancockRobert Lborn about 1916
HancockRonnie born about 1902
HancockRonnie Jr born about 1932
HardyHilda born about 1870
HardyRosella born about 1910
HardyRussell born about 1905
HargroveAlice Rborn about 1910
HargroveClyde Wborn about 1937
HargroveJames Eborn about 1935
HargroveJr Sherman born about 1940
HargroveLucille born about 1932
HargroveMatthews Lborn about 1930
HargroveMinnie born about 1898
HargroveRuth Vborn about 1927
HargroveSherman born about 1907
HarpHoward Iborn about 1923
HarperCarrie born about 1880
HarrellAndrew Jborn about 1902
HarrellBentie Mborn about 1911
HarrellLinda Aborn about 1937
HarrellMary Lborn about 1935
HarrellWilliam Hborn about 1931
HarringtonClarence born about 1915
HarrisAnnie born about 1935
HarrisAnnis born about 1936
HarrisBetty Francesborn about 1937
HarrisDoc born about 1890
HarrisEdward Bborn about 1935
HarrisFlossie born about 1937
HarrisGeorge Eborn about 1910
HarrisGeorge Wborn about 1933
HarrisGracie Lborn about 1935
HarrisIrving born about 1912
HarrisJames born about 1940
HarrisJoseph Lborn about 1940
HarrisLinwood Bborn about 1911
HarrisManly Rborn about 1927
HarrisMartha Jborn about 1915
HarrisMary Vborn about 1931
HarrisMattie born about 1914
HarrisMoses born about 1925
HarrisNorfleet born about 1920
HarrisRichmond born about 1910
HarrisRoosevelt born about 1935
HarrisRosa Mborn about 1937
HarrisSarah born about 1906
HarrisSusie Lborn about 1915
HarrisonAlice born about 1921
HarrisonAnnie born about 1932
HarrisonAuther born about 1890
HarrisonAuther born about 1924
HarrisonBertha born about 1911
HarrisonBessie born about 1933
HarrisonCharlie born about 1923
HarrisonCherry born about 1882
HarrisonDella born about 1932
HarrisonDorothy born about
HarrisonEarl born about 1933
HarrisonGarland born about 1924
HarrisonGeorge born about 1925
HarrisonGeorge Aborn about 1935
HarrisonHarvey born about 1900
HarrisonJames born about 1926
HarrisonJoe born about 1918
HarrisonJohn born about 1880
HarrisonJohn born about 1891
HarrisonJohn Rborn about 1916
HarrisonJoseph born about 1930
HarrisonJosephine born about 1931
HarrisonJr John born about 1912
HarrisonKathleen born about 1927
HarrisonLena Mborn about 1917
HarrisonLouise born about 1909
HarrisonLouise born about 1939
HarrisonMania Eborn about 1919
HarrisonMary born about 1893
HarrisonMary born about 1926
HarrisonMathew born about 1921
HarrisonNancy Mborn about 1928
HarrisonNannie born about 1885
HarrisonNovella born about 1923
HarrisonOwen Wborn about 1924
HarrisonRuth Eborn about 1918
HarrisonRyland born about 1934
HarrisonSarah Aborn about 1900
HarrisonShirley born about 1936
HarrisonVirgie born about 1914
HarrisonWalter born about 1910
HarrisonWilliam born about 1870
HarrupAlice born about 1926
HarrupCarroll born about 1918
HarrupClaude born about 1895
HarrupDorris born about 1921
HarrupEdward born about 1925
HarrupElmer born about 1929
HarrupEmma born about 1899
HarrupJames born about 1934
HarrupLula born about 1929
HarrupRuby born about 1922
HaskinsClayborn Lborn about 1923
HaskinsHerbert born about 1888
HaskinsIola born about 1898
HaskinsRobert born about 1916
HastyAlfred born about 1929
HastyCarlton born about 1927
HastyDoris born about 1931
HastyGerald born about 1939
HastyIola born about 1933
HastyJosephine born about 1926
HastyLucille born about 1937
HastyMable born about 1904
HastyPercy born about 1898
HatchBernice Oborn about 1926
HatchEva Eborn about 1924
HatchFlorence born about 1899
HatchJames Pborn about 1928
HatchRobert born about 1900
HatchSarah Eborn about 1931
HatfieldAlice born about 1876
HatfieldAlvin born about 1913
HatfieldBertha Cborn about 1885
HatfieldJames born about 1917
HatfieldJames Eborn about 1879
HatfieldJohn Lborn about 1889
HawksBenton born about 1939
HawksCornelia born about 1910
HawksDora born about 1867
HawksJessie born about 1902
HicksAnnie Bborn about 1899
HicksAnnie Mborn about 1930
HicksDorothy born about 1936
HicksEmma born about 1900
HicksEthel Mborn about 1932
HicksEunice Mborn about 1934
HicksEva born about 1920
HicksEvelyn born about 1922
HicksFilman born about 1894
HicksFloyd Lborn about 1932
HicksGracie Mborn about 1939
HicksHarvey born about 1931
HicksHaywood Pborn about 1890
HicksIrvin Pborn about 1919
HicksJames born about 1919
HicksJohn Rborn about 1927
HicksLawrence born about 1936
HicksLouis born about 1934
HicksLucy born about 1918
HicksLucy Mborn about 1920
HicksMabel born about 1895
HicksMorris Rborn about 1939
HicksNat born about 1916
HicksOrethea born about 1921
HicksRomain born about 1914
HicksRussell Lborn about 1923
HicksThomas Jborn about 1925
HicksViola born about 1917
HicksVirginia born about 1917
HicksWarren born about 1931
HighLeigh Bborn about 1887
HighOscar Jborn about 1869
HillAndrew born about 1916
HillAnnie born about 1915
HillArthur born about 1921
HillBernice born about 1937
HillChristine born about 1935
HillClarence Jborn about 1919
HillClinton born about 1928
HillDavis born about 1934
HillDorothy born about 1933
HillEarnest born about 1891
HillEarnestine born about 1938
HillEdith born about 1900
HillEdward born about 1874
HillElijah born about 1896
HillElijah born about 1928
HillElizabeth born about 1922
HillElizabeth born about 1932
HillElla born about 1888
HillElla Mborn about 1925
HillEmma born about 1930
HillErnest born about 1910
HillEster born about 1890
HillEthel born about 1924
HillFannie born about 1925
HillFrances born about 1921
HillFrances born about 1930
HillFredia Mayborn about 1917
HillGeorge born about 1922
HillGeorge born about 1928
HillGeorge Tborn about 1930
HillGertie born about 1930
HillGertrude born about 1900
HillGertrude Mborn about 1938
HillGlenier born about 1934
HillHenry born about 1892
HillJame Jrborn about 1907
HillJames born about 1916
HillJames born about 1931
HillJames born about 1936
HillJanie born about 1912
HillJessie born about 1926
HillJim born about 1890
HillJohn born about 1921
HillJohn Jr born about 1928
HillJohny born about 1873
HillLeo born about 1927
HillLeon born about 1923
HillLinnie born about 1897
HillLucinda born about 1892
HillMary Eborn about 1922
HillMesursi born about 1922
HillNancy Bborn about 1923
HillOneida born about 1925
HillOtelia Oborn about 1895
HillPerry born about 1930
HillRebecca born about 1894
HillRobert born about 1920
HillRobert Leeborn about 1936
HillRoberta born about 1928
HillRoosevelt born about 1916
HillSam born about 1919
HillSpratley Dborn about 1885
HillSue Bellborn about 1927
HillSusie born about 1874
HillTherman born about 1940
HillVirginia born about 1926
HillWallace born about 1919
HillWilliam born about 1900
HillWillie Mayborn about 1932
HillWilroy born about 1919
HillandQuenn born about 1896
HillandRobert born about 1884
HillardSylvester born about 1917
HinesAlfonzo born about 1922
HinesArona born about 1921
HinesDavid born about 1865
HinesDorothy born about 1938
HinesJenie born about 1911
HinesLeon born about 1922
HinesMartha born about 1883
HinesMary Aborn about 1929
HinesPreston born about 1898
HinesRobert Cborn about 1896
HinesSamuel born about 1926
HinesSanny born about 1876
HinesVirgie born about 1902
HobbBeatrice born about 1920
HobbHerbert born about 1921
HobbsEffie Sborn about 1886
HoleyAlex born about 1858
HoleyHarding born about 1923
HoleyMary born about 1877
HoleyNannie Bborn about 1910
HoleyWillie born about 1924
HollandCharlie born about 1910
HollandElizabeth born about 1875
HollandEvelyn born about 1935
HollandFlorence born about 1912
HollandJune born about 1879
HollandMollie born about 1876
HolmsEsther born about 1893
HoltAddie Lborn about 1893
HoltAlbert Nborn about 1888
HoltAndrew Jborn about 1850
HoltClifton Mborn about 1883
HoltEarl born about 1939
HoltMary Bborn about 1918
HoltMary Eborn about 1892
HoltNelada Pageborn about 1938
HoltShelton Mborn about 1916
HowellEdgar born about 1863
HowellHelen Wborn about 1907
HowellKenneth Gborn about 1897
HowellLizzie Wborn about 1907
HowellPattie born about 1878
HundleyEdna born about 1922
HundleyFrances born about 1921
HundleyFrank Bborn about 1916
HundleyGardner Tborn about 1886
HundleyJack Wborn about 1931
HundleyJo Tborn about 1920
HundleyJohn Cborn about 1902
HundleyLaura Rborn about 1890
HundleyMartha Wborn about 1918
HundleyMyrtle Mborn about 1892
HundleyRainey born about 1923
HundleyThomas Fborn about 1892
HundleyYancey Cborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonEverett born about 1889
JacksonKatherine born about 1939
JacksonMary born about 1891
JacksonPinkie born about 1923
JamesCynthia Aborn about 1872
JamesJacob Tborn about 1863
JarniganSawnie born about 1919
JarrattGadys born about 1919
JarrattHerbert born about 1919
JarrattJoseph born about 1917
JarrattWillie born about 1874
JenkinsBessie Leeborn about 1929
JenkinsCharlie born about 1938
JenkinsGladys born about 1920
JenkinsJames Hborn about 1927
JenkinsMargie born about 1934
JenkinsMary Aborn about 1888
JenkinsRobert born about 1887
JenkinsThomas born about 1930
JenkinsVirgie born about 1914
JenkinsWilliam born about 1883
JenkinsWilliam Jr born about 1918
JenningsReddick born about 1919
JerniganJr Loyd born about 1937
JerniganLoyd born about 1912
JerniganMarion born about 1914
JerniganThelma Jborn about 1939
JoeChristine born about 1919
JoeClyde born about 1904
JoeDelia born about 1907
JoeEdward Lborn about 1933
JoeNettie Mborn about 1926
JohnsonAbertha born about 1903
JohnsonAgnes born about 1864
JohnsonAllie Hborn about 1903
JohnsonAlton Lborn about 1919
JohnsonAnnie Dborn about 1916
JohnsonCharlotte Nborn about 1929
JohnsonChristine born about 1927
JohnsonColla Lborn about 1901
JohnsonDelaware born about 1893
JohnsonDoris Lborn about 1921
JohnsonEarnest born about 1935
JohnsonEdward Lborn about 1928
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1925
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1929
JohnsonFrank Eborn about 1930
JohnsonGeorge Dborn about 1932
JohnsonJ Frankborn about 1896
JohnsonJ Hborn about 1930
JohnsonJ Maynardborn about 1895
JohnsonJack born about 1930
JohnsonJacquline Aborn about 1936
JohnsonJames born about 1922
JohnsonJames Fborn about 1880
JohnsonJames Lborn about 1922
JohnsonJohn Eborn about 1870
JohnsonJohnnie Hborn about 1886
JohnsonLilla Mborn about 1924
JohnsonLucy born about 1914
JohnsonLulu Bborn about 1892
JohnsonMamie Jborn about 1882
JohnsonMargaret Lborn about 1927
JohnsonMarie born about 1896
JohnsonMarion born about 1908
JohnsonMary born about 1930
JohnsonMildred born about 1925
JohnsonNancy Pborn about 1930
JohnsonOlia Bborn about 1903
JohnsonPage Aborn about 1909
JohnsonRaymond born about 1939
JohnsonRufus Lborn about 1886
JohnsonRuth Lborn about 1938
JohnsonShratley born about 1928
JohnsonSophronia Pborn about 1871
JohnsonTexie Bborn about 1928
JohnsonVirginia born about 1928
JohnsonVirginia Lborn about 1928
JohnsonWiley Lborn about 1883
JohnsonWilliam born about 1921
JohnsonWilliard Lborn about 1921
JonesBessie born about 1911
JonesCattie born about 1911
JonesEddie born about 1885
JonesEmmette born about 1878
JonesGentle Lborn about 1912
JonesHannah born about 1883
JonesHerman born about 1910
JonesJasper Eborn about 1933
JonesJohn Thomasborn about 1926
JonesJonathan born about 1910
JonesJosephine born about 1888
JonesLow Pborn about 1935
JonesMarjorie born about 1930
JonesMary Fborn about 1923
JonesMary Lborn about 1940
JonesMatthew born about 1912
JonesOtis Mborn about 1928
JonesRobert Lborn about 1938
JonesTom born about 1870
JonesVirginia Mborn about 1934
JonesWilliam Bborn about 1898
JordanEmily born about 1868
JordanJoe born about 1912
JordanJoe Jrborn about 1936
JordanRuby born about 1917
JordanRuby born about 1939
JoynerAnnie Eborn about 1882
JoynerAustin born about 1920
JoynerBertha Hborn about 1906
JoynerBettie Lborn about 1902
JoynerBlanche born about 1879
JoynerBrogie born about 1924
JoynerBurton Lborn about 1931
JoynerCora Cborn about 1881
JoynerDoris born about 1919
JoynerDoris born about 1922
JoynerDudley born about 1895
JoynerEddie Tborn about 1928
JoynerEdward born about 1901
JoynerEdwin Jborn about 1933
JoynerElizah born about 1911
JoynerEssie born about 1910
JoynerEstelle born about 1901
JoynerFlorence born about 1904
JoynerGeorge Wborn about 1922
JoynerHayward born about 1927
JoynerHellen born about 1915
JoynerHurley Rborn about 1885
JoynerJack born about 1912
JoynerJames born about 1929
JoynerJoe Bborn about 1861
JoynerJoe Henryborn about 1903
JoynerJohn Aborn about 1871
JoynerJohn Hborn about 1926
JoynerJohn Tborn about 1919
JoynerJohnnie Bborn about 1934
JoynerJohnny born about 1915
JoynerLilla Mborn about 1926
JoynerLloyd born about 1911
JoynerLou born about 1902
JoynerLucy Bborn about 1936
JoynerMamie born about 1905
JoynerMargaret born about 1864
JoynerMary born about 1878
JoynerMary born about 1922
JoynerMary Leeborn about 1938
JoynerMollie born about 1885
JoynerNannie born about 1865
JoynerNed Eborn about 1905
JoynerNettie born about 1872
JoynerNimrod Pborn about 1903
JoynerOscar born about 1899
JoynerPhilip born about 1917
JoynerRoger born about 1910
JoynerRosa Mborn about 1869
JoynerRyland born about 1868
JoynerSallie born about 1879
JoynerSherman born about 1932
JoynerTed born about 1918
JoynerThelma born about 1936
JoynerVictoria born about 1876
JoynerVirgie born about 1914
JoynerWalter born about 1872
JoynerWilliam born about 1905
JusticeJohn Lborn about 1913
JusticeLillian born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyDaniel born about 1929
KellyFannie born about 1934
KellyIda born about 1932
KellyJames Aborn about 1884
KellyLeon born about 1927
KellyRedden born about 1935
KellyZella born about 1906
KindredAsberry born about 1925
KindredElla Vborn about 1926
KindredElsie born about 1901
KindredElsie Mborn about 1934
KindredEssie Mborn about 1932
KindredMary Edithborn about 1922
KindredWillie born about 1898
KitchenAnn born about 1935
KitchenBetty Bborn about 1914
KitchenGeorge Tborn about 1920
KitchenGodwin Tborn about 1915
KitchenHinton born about 1915
KitchenOwen born about 1912
KitchenPatricia Aborn about 1939
KitchenTexanna born about 1875
KitchenVirginia born about 1918
KitchenWaverly born about 1938
KitchenWilliam Mborn about 1940
KnightJames born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandfordAnnie Bborn about 1920
LandfordButler born about 1901
LandfordMary Jborn about 1898
LandfordMckinley born about 1926
LanfordDorothy Mborn about 1927
LanfordEunice Mborn about 1921
LanfordHoward Rborn about 1937
LanfordIrene born about 1930
LanfordOdell born about 1925
LanfordRuby born about 1929
LanfordShelton Lborn about 1934
LanfordThomas born about 1900
LangCharlie born about 1938
LangCleveland Wborn about 1929
LangJobe born about 1930
LangKatie Bborn about 1906
LangManesta born about 1936
LangPaul born about 1895
LankfordCharles born about 1906
LankfordCharlie Jr born about 1930
LankfordCurtise born about 1927
LankfordDoc born about 1885
LankfordEffie born about 1874
LankfordEmma born about 1907
LankfordIda born about 1912
LankfordJulia born about 1903
LankfordLeon born about 1925
LankfordLois born about 1937
LankfordMary born about 1885
LankfordMary Fborn about 1927
LankfordNorman born about 1925
LankfordOliver born about 1868
LankfordOtto born about 1906
LankfordRaymond born about 1934
LankfordReginald Rborn about 1894
LasloFrank born about 1917
LasloWilliam born about 1919
LassiterAeba born about 1886
LassiterRichard born about 1871
LawderClifton Hborn about 1877
LawderJr Clifton Hborn about 1916
LawderSarah Pborn about 1883
LewisHelen Lborn about 1930
LewisJames Rborn about 1921
LewisLemuel Aborn about 1866
LewisMamie Bborn about 1899
LewisMary Aborn about 1925
LewisRichard born about 1903
LewisRobert Lborn about 1885
ListherBettie born about 1914
LloydJoe born about 1895
LloydJohn Henryborn about 1927
LloydLee Willeborn about 1934
LloydNellie born about 1897
LloydWill born about 1930
LouisJoe born about
LouisLawrence born about 1905
LouisLawrence born about 1938
LouisSylvia born about 1919
LoweChanie born about 1877
LoweFrank born about 1918
LoweRobert born about 1877
LoweTommie born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagetteCora born about 1908
MagetteJohn born about 1915
MahlonSamuel born about 1932
MajettElmer born about 1910
MajettJohn Hborn about 1904
MajettMilton born about 1928
ManlyCecile born about 1923
ManningAndrew Lborn about 1909
ManningLulu Rborn about 1882
MannyEdward born about 1894
MarkAnn born about 1929
MarkBessie born about 1903
MarkEdward born about 1908
MarkEdward Jr born about 1928
MarkJames born about 1932
MarkShirley born about 1931
MaryLizzie born about 1864
MasonAlice born about 1896
MasonDanial born about 1907
MasonDanial Jr born about 1939
MasonEarl born about 1930
MasonEdward born about 1914
MasonEmmett born about 1892
MasonEunice born about 1917
MasonHarry born about 1875
MasonInez born about 1910
MasonLouke born about 1933
MasonMattie born about 1877
MasonMildred born about 1920
MasonOatis born about 1922
MasonOliva born about 1940
MasonRuth born about 1910
MasonSarah born about 1928
MasonSusie born about 1925
MathewsFannie Bborn about 1866
MathewsJohn Mborn about 1881
MayesGarfield born about 1914
MayesInez born about 1916
McClenneyMckinley born about 1913
McClennyAnnie Hborn about 1883
McClennyJames Dborn about 1872
McClennyJennie born about 1885
McClennyJohn born about 1880
McClennyJoseph Eborn about 1914
McClennyJunius born about 1925
McClennyMaggie born about 1927
McClennyMarion born about 1924
McClennyQueen born about 1895
McClennyWillie born about 1891
McKlennyFrank Eborn about 1938
McKlennyHurley born about 1905
McKlennyMary born about 1920
McKlennyStaley Hborn about 1939
MiddletonMinni Lborn about 1880
MoffatGeonmel born about 1925
MoffatJames Lborn about 1888
MoffatMargaret born about 1890
MooreWilliam born about 1924
MorrisAnnie born about 1922
MorrisBenjiman born about 1926
MorrisBennie born about 1881
MorrisByrd born about 1918
MorrisCatherine born about 1939
MorrisEdith born about 1934
MorrisEmily born about 1938
MorrisEmmett born about 1912
MorrisJoseph born about 1936
MorrisLouise born about 1938
MorrisMac born about 1932
MorrisMattie born about 1875
MorrisThad born about 1880
MorrisVirginia born about 1909
MumfordAlfred Sborn about 1936
MumfordAllie Mborn about 1890
MumfordBeamon Mborn about 1924
MumfordCalvin Leeborn about 1926
MumfordCarl Hborn about 1931
MumfordCrawford born about 1885
MumfordDavid Mborn about 1928
MumfordDorothy born about 1918
MumfordEdna born about 1930
MumfordEffie Oborn about 1905
MumfordEmmette Eborn about 1887
MumfordGeorge Dborn about 1924
MumfordJack Bborn about 1935
MumfordJimmie Lborn about 1892
MumfordJohn Aborn about 1921
MumfordJohn Tborn about 1893
MumfordJr Crawford born about 1920
MumfordMary Cborn about 1932
MumfordMoses Sborn about 1892
MumfordRuth Eborn about 1891
MumfordSallie Bborn about 1896
MumfordSallie Mborn about 1902
MumfordSusie Eborn about 1933
MumfordVirgie Eborn about 1901
MunfordCharlie Jborn about 1927
MunfordGrover Hborn about 1934
MunfordHerman born about 1900
MunfordHoward Lborn about 1930
MunfordJohn Hborn about 1924
MunfordMary Lborn about 1918
MunfordMittie Lborn about 1900
MunfordMoody Eborn about 1935
MunfordMorgan Cborn about 1938
MunfordRufus Jborn about 1935
MunfordWillie Hborn about 1923
MurpheyHelen born about 1925
MurpheyMansfield born about 1923
MurpheyWilliam Aborn about 1927
MurphyOllie Mborn about 1929
MurphyRuby born about 1930
MurrayNora Sborn about 1921
MurrayWalter Lborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelmsEma Mborn about 1930
NelmsEstelle born about 1926
NelmsJean born about 1936
NelmsMinnie Mborn about 1906
NelmsWilson Cborn about 1904
NelmsWilson Lborn about 1925
NewsomGracie born about 1921
NewsomHarry born about 1910
NewsomJames born about 1940
NewsomePhonsie Pborn about 1906
NewsomeViolet Jborn about 1904
NewtonCharlie born about 1872
NewtonNamie born about 1869
NickolsFannie Sborn about 1904
NickolsThomas born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomRebecca born about 1860
OvensCarrie born about 1903
OvensRufus born about 1895
OverbyCornelia born about 1919
OverbyGeorge born about 1906
OverbyMary Janeborn about 1875
OverbyPaul Dborn about 1896
OverbyVinney Bborn about 1911
OwenAnnie Lborn about 1897
OwenAudrey Mborn about 1936
OwenBarbara Annborn about 1929
OwenCarolyn Bborn about 1906
OwenClarence Bborn about 1887
OwenDorothy Lborn about 1926
OwenEdward Bborn about 1939
OwenHarold born about 1936
OwenHoward born about 1939
OwenJoseph Dborn about 1903
OwenJr Clarence Bborn about 1920
OwenJr Joseph Dborn about 1934
OwenMary Cborn about 1902
OwenRichard born about 1910
OwenRussell Wborn about 1901
OwenShirley Mborn about 1937
OwensAgnes born about 1905
OwensDavid born about 1935
OwensElizabeth born about 1918
OwensHelen born about 1883
OwensHelen born about 1922
OwensJames Wborn about 1930
OwensJessie born about 1925
OwensJohn Tborn about 1937
OwensJohnny born about 1900
OwensJr John born about 1928
OwensLucius Tborn about 1927
OwensRawlings born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkBristow born about 1917
ParkInez born about 1925
ParkJoseph born about 1927
ParkLottie Mayborn about 1902
ParkWhit born about 1887
ParkerAlmond born about 1931
ParkerAmos Lborn about 1888
ParkerAnnie Mborn about 1935
ParkerAudrey born about 1904
ParkerBenjamin Aborn about 1928
ParkerBrutus born about 1923
ParkerDavid Pborn about 1884
ParkerElijah born about 1921
ParkerElizabeth born about 1890
ParkerElliot born about 1924
ParkerFannie born about 1922
ParkerFlorence born about 1921
ParkerFrances born about 1936
ParkerFrank Wborn about 1938
ParkerFranklin born about
ParkerHarold born about 1931
ParkerIcie born about 1900
ParkerIsaac born about 1929
ParkerJoe Louisborn about 1931
ParkerJr Frank Lborn about 1915
ParkerKathleen born about 1933
ParkerLizzie born about 1924
ParkerLula Bborn about 1924
ParkerMadgelene born about 1935
ParkerMary born about 1927
ParkerMary Iborn about 1930
ParkerMattie Lborn about 1919
ParkerMoss born about 1914
ParkerPaul born about 1918
ParkerSarah Fborn about 1917
ParkerSr Frank Sborn about 1889
ParkerTom born about 1846
ParkerVirginia Lborn about 1939
ParkerW??? born about 1916
ParkerWellie born about 1896
ParkerWillie born about 1932
ParsonLinwood Pborn about 1915
ParsonRobert Rborn about 1940
PearsonC Rudolphborn about 1931
PerryHayward born about 1928
PinnerElex born about 1877
PinnerJoe born about 1922
PinnerJohn born about 1879
PinnerJulia born about 1921
PinnerRosa born about 1883
PittmanMary Eborn about 1921
PittmanRuth born about 1890
PondAdele Bborn about 1914
PondAnnie Lborn about 1927
PondBeverly Aborn about 1939
PondGeorge Dborn about 1888
PondHannah Eborn about 1864
PondIda Mborn about 1888
PondJoe Lborn about 1898
PondJr George Dborn about 1925
PondJr Jacob Tborn about 1926
PondLouise born about 1903
PondMaynard Mborn about 1881
PondOtelia born about 1893
PopeGeorge born about 1922
PopeLillie born about 1927
PopeLucile born about 1930
PopeRobert born about 1924
PopeRomine born about 1890
PopeVirgie born about 1897
PopeWill born about 1923
PopeWillie born about 1875
PorterAnnie Fborn about 1903
PorterJoe born about 1890
PorterMary Aborn about 1884
PorterOdell born about 1936
PorterVerdell born about 1922
PowellClaudia born about 1908
PowellGladys born about 1923
PowellHudson born about 1914
PowellLaura born about 1931
PowellMollie born about 1876
PowellS Jborn about 1875
PowellThomas born about 1902
PowersAnnie Ruthborn about 1902
PowersCornelius Hborn about 1877
PowersEdna born about 1936
PowersEdward born about 1933
PowersEvelyn Iborn about 1928
PowersFloyd Sborn about 1905
PowersFrances Iborn about 1917
PowersJimmie born about 1935
PowersJunius born about 1927
PowersKatherine born about 1929
PowersLewis Fborn about 1919
PowersMargaret Cborn about 1922
PowersMay Tborn about 1897
PowersRyland born about 1931
PowersShirley Aborn about 1939
PowersThelma Eborn about 1925
PrinceElla Mayborn about 1938
PrinceHelen born about 1922
PrincePearl born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaifordAndry Eborn about 1937
RaifordAnnie Lborn about 1939
RaifordBenny Eborn about 1919
RaifordBerta born about 1901
RaifordEmmett born about 1896
RaifordEunice born about 1915
RaifordEvelyn Cborn about 1920
RaifordGeorge Pborn about 1916
RaifordHattie born about 1892
RaifordHattie Lborn about 1900
RaifordHubert Rborn about 1922
RaifordJ Hborn about 1922
RaifordJohn Sborn about 1909
RaifordJohn Wborn about 1888
RaifordJohn Wborn about 1934
RaifordJr George Pborn about 1940
RaifordLily Vborn about 1890
RaifordLizzie Bborn about 1884
RaifordLucille born about 1920
RaifordMartha Tborn about 1854
RaifordMary Jborn about 1899
RaifordRobert Hborn about 1882
RaifordSadie Eborn about 1913
RaifordSanky born about 1894
RaifordTillie born about 1913
RaifordVernard Lborn about 1922
RaineyLaura Cborn about 1851
ReddickRufus born about 1927
ReedOlander born about 1880
ReedSavanna born about 1871
ReeseAddiel born about 1928
ReeseAnne Zborn about 1923
ReeseBerta born about 1882
ReeseBeth Eborn about 1895
ReeseCaldonia born about 1890
ReeseCleary born about 1930
ReeseClyde Lborn about 1926
ReeseEmily born about 1925
ReeseEugenia born about 1896
ReeseGertrude born about 1896
ReeseGoldie Mborn about 1920
ReeseIrvey Lborn about 1924
ReeseJames Wborn about 1933
ReeseJr George born about 1929
ReeseJr William Lborn about 1931
ReeseRena born about 1886
ReeseRichard born about 1923
ReeseRobert born about 1883
ReeseRochelle born about 1920
ReeseWilliam born about 1886
ReeseWilliam Lborn about 1887
ReidAndrew born about 1900
ReidAndrew Jborn about 1937
ReidC Jackborn about 1896
ReidCharles Wborn about 1931
ReidCleder Oborn about 1926
ReidEarnestine born about 1930
ReidEliza Aborn about 1920
ReidGarland Jborn about 1934
ReidGeorge Nborn about 1938
ReidGertrude born about 1929
ReidGladys born about 1931
ReidJames Cborn about 1922
ReidJunius born about 1930
ReidLawrence born about 1927
ReidLilly born about 1910
ReidMabel Oborn about 1928
ReidMartha Sborn about
ReidMartha Sborn about 1901
ReidRodger Dborn about 1937
ReidSadie born about 1927
RickClifton born about 1911
RicksAdick born about 1904
RicksAlexandria born about 1921
RicksAlfonzo born about 1909
RicksAlvin born about 1928
RicksAmelia born about 1940
RicksAnnie born about 1894
RicksAnnie Mborn about 1925
RicksAnthony born about 1871
RicksArmenta born about 1937
RicksArthur born about 1938
RicksBerta born about 1893
RicksCalvin born about 1890
RicksCalvin Lborn about 1908
RicksCalvin Jr born about 1933
RicksCaptosa Rborn about 1923
RicksCaroline born about 1906
RicksChristine born about 1923
RicksCorrie born about 1890
RicksCorrine born about 1919
RicksDavis born about 1935
RicksDorothy Vborn about 1933
RicksEddie born about 1896
RicksEdna Lborn about 1937
RicksEdward born about 1916
RicksEffie Mborn about 1931
RicksEleanor Mborn about 1935
RicksElizabeth Cborn about 1935
RicksElla Lborn about 1919
RicksElla Mborn about 1886
RicksElvyn Vborn about 1928
RicksErma born about 1919
RicksErselle born about 1938
RicksEstelle born about 1915
RicksEttie Mborn about 1926
RicksFletcher Mborn about 1907
RicksGarfield born about 1885
RicksGarland born about 1916
RicksGeorge born about 1907
RicksGertrude born about 1898
RicksGladys born about 1940
RicksGracie Leeborn about 1928
RicksGurley Rborn about 1906
RicksHarvey born about 1890
RicksHenley born about 1937
RicksHerman born about 1910
RicksHerman Sborn about 1929
RicksHood born about 1908
RicksIlene born about 1886
RicksInetha born about 1913
RicksIrene born about 1883
RicksJames born about 1920
RicksJames Lborn about 1937
RicksJane born about 1871
RicksJanos born about 1925
RicksJasper born about 1931
RicksJim born about 1886
RicksJimmie Lborn about 1936
RicksJoe born about 1930
RicksJoe born about 1936
RicksJohn born about 1874
RicksJohn Aborn about 1925
RicksJohn Sborn about 1921
RicksJohn Tomborn about 1919
RicksJoseph Cborn about 1935
RicksJr Anthony born about 1910
RicksJr Ruby born about 1922
RicksJune born about 1919
RicksLake born about 1884
RicksLaura born about 1867
RicksLena born about 1887
RicksLeo born about 1912
RicksLillian Hborn about 1914
RicksLillie Mborn about 1910
RicksLoraine born about 1940
RicksLouise born about 1920
RicksLouise born about 1934
RicksLucinda born about 1907
RicksLucy Mborn about 1940
RicksMadgett born about 1923
RicksMaggie born about 1899
RicksMamie born about 1926
RicksMark Jborn about 1928
RicksMary born about 1907
RicksMary born about 1921
RicksMary Lborn about 1916
RicksMatthew Mborn about 1900
RicksMaude born about 1931
RicksNancy born about 1870
RicksOllie Mayborn about 1917
RicksOscar born about 1923
RicksPage born about 1926
RicksPattie born about 1875
RicksPaul born about 1929
RicksPercy born about 1870
RicksPerell born about 1928
RicksPhillip born about 1925
RicksRena Bborn about 1915
RicksRomine born about 1877
RicksRoosevelt born about 1932
RicksRoosevelt born about 1937
RicksRuby born about 1895
RicksSam born about 1885
RicksSamuel born about 1915
RicksSarah born about 1926
RicksShirley Eborn about 1939
RicksSylvester born about 1938
RicksThelma born about 1934
RicksTheressa born about 1920
RicksThomas Lborn about 1934
RicksTommy born about 1892
RicksVictoria born about 1923
RicksViola born about 1895
RicksViola born about 1923
RicksViola born about 1935
RicksWilliam born about 1908
RicksWilliam born about 1931
RicksWinfield born about 1916
RidleyAmy born about 1856
RidleyAsbury born about 1897
RidleyClinton born about 1920
RidleyEarnest born about 1918
RidleyEva Mayborn about 1922
RidleyFannie born about 1903
RidleyFloy Mayborn about 1939
RidleyGeorge born about 1882
RidleyJohn born about 1896
RidleyRebecca born about 1895
RidleyRosa born about 1887
RidleyWillie born about 1919
RobertsJames Hborn about 1871
RobertsMaggie Lborn about 1926
RobertsMary Eborn about 1892
RobertsWillie Eborn about 1914
RobertsonCornellius born about 1888
RobertsonFelix born about 1922
RobertsonHannah born about 1896
RobertsonMelvin born about 1935
RobeyBerta Cborn about 1893
RobeyRichard born about 1873
RobeyStella Mborn about 1924
RobinsonDaniel born about 1932
RodgersRufus born about 1918
RollingsAmos Tborn about 1888
RollingsNancy Rborn about 1892
RossJulia born about 1885
RossSydney born about 1881
RountreeCharles born about 1937
RountreeCharlie born about 1902
RountreeEdward born about 1923
RountreeEliza born about 1903
RountreeElizabeth born about 1934
RountreeSallie born about 1925
RountreeVirgilia born about 1931
RoweBettie born about 1929
RoweCharles born about 1939
RoweCharlie born about 1883
RoweElla born about 1864
RoweHarvey Vborn about 1895
RoweRuth born about 1928
RoweUnity born about 1888
RoweVirginia born about 1926
RowlingJanie Mborn about 1912
RowlingPaul born about 1899
RowlingsAlma Aborn about 1933
RowlingsArmenia Lborn about 1906
RowlingsCalenius Aborn about 1929
RowlingsClarice Oborn about 1937
RowlingsEnnis Tborn about 1931
RowlingsIdanders born about 1927
RowlingsLina Hborn about 1925
RowlingsMabel Sborn about 1923
RowlingsRichard Aborn about 1904
RowlingsRichetta born about 1926
RowlingsThomas born about 1935
RuffinMeade born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaundersFannie Mborn about 1907
SaundersJohn Tborn about 1878
SaundersVirgie Eborn about 1916
ScottAlease born about 1888
ScottAlfred Cborn about 1936
ScottAlice Lborn about 1933
ScottAlphonzo born about 1935
ScottAndrew born about 1886
ScottAnne Zethaborn about 1940
ScottAnnie born about 1890
ScottAnnie Eborn about 1922
ScottBent Lborn about 1926
ScottBernice born about 1918
ScottButler born about 1908
ScottCarolina born about 1938
ScottCaroline born about 1856
ScottCatherine born about 1930
ScottCharles Eborn about 1931
ScottCharlie born about 1903
ScottCharlie born about 1914
ScottCharlie Rborn about 1893
ScottClaudia born about 1884
ScottCrawley born about 1911
ScottDavid born about 1910
ScottEdna Eborn about 1932
ScottElla Warrenborn about 1870
ScottEstelle born about 1912
ScottEva Leeborn about 1916
ScottFiatta Rborn about 1868
ScottFlora Lborn about 1887
ScottFrank born about 1889
ScottGeraldine born about 1936
ScottGladys born about 1928
ScottHallie born about 1929
ScottHattie born about 1869
ScottHerbert born about 1933
ScottIla Mborn about 1913
ScottJ Thomasborn about 1931
ScottJack Mborn about 1904
ScottJames born about 1915
ScottJasper born about 1913
ScottJessie Hborn about 1919
ScottJoe born about 1896
ScottJohn Lborn about 1886
ScottJohn Mborn about 1872
ScottJoseph born about 1886
ScottJoshua born about 1910
ScottJr James born about 1937
ScottJr Waverly born about 1922
ScottJunius born about 1908
ScottJunius Lborn about 1934
ScottLeafey Mborn about 1914
ScottLeroy born about 1917
ScottLoucille Bborn about 1881
ScottLula born about 1890
ScottMabel Eborn about 1901
ScottMaggie born about 1917
ScottMarie born about 1912
ScottMartha born about 1926
ScottMary born about 1886
ScottMary born about 1921
ScottMary Eborn about 1919
ScottMary Jborn about 1940
ScottMildred born about 1921
ScottMildred born about 1934
ScottMildred Hborn about 1921
ScottMillen born about 1895
ScottPauline born about 1939
ScottPearline born about 1931
ScottPlunks born about 1935
ScottR Theoborn about 1914
ScottRalph born about 1914
ScottRobert born about 1871
ScottRobert born about 1935
ScottRobert Aborn about 1919
ScottRobert Lborn about 1877
ScottRoland born about 1940
ScottRoosevelt born about 1935
ScottSallie born about 1912
ScottSamuel born about 1884
ScottSarah born about 1842
ScottSarah born about 1897
ScottSarah Lborn about 1917
ScottSarah Leeborn about 1936
ScottStella born about 1928
ScottSultanna born about 1910
ScottSusianna born about 1889
ScottSusie Mborn about 1926
ScottThomas born about 1905
ScottThomas born about 1924
ScottThomas born about 1934
ScottVirgie Mborn about 1918
ScottWaverly born about 1887
ScottWill born about 1913
ScottWillie born about 1917
ScottWillie born about 1937
ScottWillie Eborn about 1938
ScottWillie Mborn about 1934
ScrewsThomas Pborn about 1883
SeabornGlovis Lborn about 1938
SeabornJames Eborn about 1913
SeabornJr James Eborn about 1939
SeabornMary Iborn about 1886
SeabornSusie born about 1915
SeabornWilliam Jborn about 1871
SebrellElizabeth born about 1933
SebrellGertrude born about 1917
SebrellHerbert born about 1906
SebrellJames born about 1935
SebrellKathleen born about 1939
SebrellMaggie born about 1880
SebrellRegie Leeborn about 1938
SebrellRobert born about 1895
SebrellWillie Joeborn about 1905
SebrellWillie Jrborn about 1934
SigpenWilliam born about 1922
SimmonCatherine born about 1921
SimmonGrant born about 1927
SimmonInro born about 1923
SimmonMarion born about 1924
SimmonMelvin born about 1924
SimmonPearl Bborn about 1896
SimmonPearl Tborn about 1920
SimmonThomas Mborn about 1894
SimmonsAlfred born about 1933
SimmonsBertha Oborn about 1933
SimmonsEdward Jborn about 1892
SimmonsEstelle Dborn about 1896
SimmonsFrances Lborn about 1927
SimmonsGarland Lborn about 1930
SimmonsHomar born about 1893
SimmonsHyla Cborn about 1896
SimmonsJean born about 1932
SimmonsJoyce born about 1922
SimmonsLinwood Jborn about 1924
SimmonsMargaret born about 1923
SimmonsMarie Eborn about 1920
SimmonsMarvin Eborn about 1922
SimmonsMary Sueborn about 1919
SimmonsMay born about 1921
SimmonsThurman born about 1924
SimmonsWilliam Iii born about 1921
SimmonsWilliam Jr born about 1896
SipiczkyAndrew born about 1889
SipiczkyAndrew Eborn about 1931
SipiczkyMagdaline Lborn about 1908
SipiczkyMary Eborn about 1933
SipiczkyRobert Pborn about 1935
SmithAil born about 1931
SmithAlease born about 1930
SmithAlice born about 1928
SmithBell born about 1908
SmithBobby Leeborn about 1938
SmithCherrine born about 1916
SmithColline born about 1913
SmithDanial born about 1932
SmithDaron born about 1910
SmithDavis Wborn about 1919
SmithEarnest born about 1909
SmithEnoch born about 1926
SmithFlossie born about 1932
SmithGeorgie Hborn about 1899
SmithHenry born about 1873
SmithIrving Jborn about 1915
SmithJoe born about 1885
SmithJohn born about 1920
SmithJohn Dborn about 1931
SmithJohn Hborn about 1917
SmithJr Earnest born about 1932
SmithJuan Mborn about 1936
SmithJulia born about 1887
SmithLaura born about 1870
SmithLaymen born about 1921
SmithLinwood born about 1928
SmithLoreen born about 1927
SmithMary Lborn about 1924
SmithMary Wborn about 1896
SmithNelson born about 1924
SmithOakley born about 1894
SmithQueen born about 1921
SmithRassey born about 1922
SmithRena Mborn about 1938
SmithSandy born about 1890
SmithSarah Lborn about 1935
SmithWilliam born about 1933
SmithWright Lborn about 1936
SpineyElla Dborn about 1870
SpineyEmmett born about 1872
SpiveyEdward born about 1918
SpiveyElton born about 1914
SpiveyEmerson born about 1906
SpiveyJoseph Hborn about 1874
SpiveyMary born about 1923
SpiveySallie Bborn about 1885
SpiveyVirginia born about 1924
SprvillCelestine born about 1907
SprvillSam born about 1923
StanbackJr Earl born about 1935
StephensonCarrie Mborn about 1903
StephensonForis Aborn about 1906
StephensonMary Lborn about 1932
StephensonRobert Hborn about 1938
StephensonVirginia Mborn about 1936
StephensonWilliam born about 1928
StewardOthan born about 1896
StithInez born about 1916
StithJames Robertborn about 1907
StoryBernice Uborn about 1912
StoryJasper born about 1901
StoryLeland born about 1910
StoryMartha Eborn about 1939
StoryMary born about 1920
StoryMildred born about 1921
StoryRobert born about 1915
StorySammie born about 1908
StoryShirley Aborn about 1937
StoryTiny born about 1860
SuiterBartholomew born about 1934
SuiterFred Lborn about 1932
SuiterHarvey Eborn about 1930
SuiterHerbert born about 1902
SuiterHerbert Rborn about 1929
SuiterLoreen born about 1909
SuiterMarcella born about 1913
SuiterMattie Sborn about 1871
SuiterRobert born about 1862
SuthAnn born about 1880
SuthPhilip born about 1870
SykesCatherine born about 1939
SykesDora born about 1881
SykesGladys born about 1924
SykesHenry born about 1913
SykesHenry Jr born about 1939
SykesJoe born about 1916
SykesJoe Tourborn about 1939
SykesJohn born about 1914
SykesJohn Wborn about 1939
SykesLuetreel born about 1936
SykesMartha born about 1892
SykesMinnie born about 1924
SykesNannie Bborn about 1914
SykesNovella born about 1925
SykesRosa Pborn about 1920
SykesStonewall Jacksonborn about 1917
SykesStonewall Thomasborn about 1937
SykesSusie Bborn about 1931
SykesTom born about 1886
SykesWilliam born about 1862
SykesWillis born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyBanks born about 1924
TalleyJ Aborn about 1916
TalleyJoe Aborn about 1918
TalleyLizzie Jborn about 1890
TalleyWilliam Aborn about 1886
ThawerAdelia born about 1878
ThomasRaleigh born about 1938
ThorntonAdell born about 1917
ThorntonDunreath Dborn about 1923
ThorntonEmily Hborn about 1890
ThorntonHerbert Vborn about 1890
TilleryBeverly Mborn about 1927
TilleryCatherine born about 1925
TilleryCecil Tborn about 1921
TilleryDavid Lborn about 1880
TilleryHubert born about 1915
TilleryLessie Aborn about 1890
TilleryLessie Tborn about 1923
TomlinAlma Lborn about 1932
TomlinEunice born about 1908
TomlinJessie Mborn about 1931
TomlinRoger born about 1906
TrotterChristine born about 1923
TrotterLucy Mborn about 1922
TrotterLulu born about 1905
TurnerAlice born about 1911
TurnerAlice born about 1929
TurnerAlvin born about 1932
TurnerAran born about 1935
TurnerAubery born about 1919
TurnerBeulah born about 1921
TurnerClarence born about 1928
TurnerClarence Eborn about 1923
TurnerDavid born about 1930
TurnerDorothy born about 1923
TurnerEdgar born about 1894
TurnerEdward Rborn about 1917
TurnerErdie born about 1897
TurnerEthel born about 1939
TurnerFern born about 1923
TurnerFlorence born about 1869
TurnerFrank born about 1911
TurnerGeorge born about 1933
TurnerHarvey born about 1892
TurnerHelen born about 1907
TurnerIrene born about 1923
TurnerJames born about 1912
TurnerJames born about 1931
TurnerJames Hborn about 1926
TurnerJames Tborn about 1928
TurnerJessie Mborn about 1918
TurnerJoe Lewisborn about 1939
TurnerJohn born about 1925
TurnerLaura born about 1926
TurnerLaura Aborn about 1936
TurnerLawrence born about 1918
TurnerLethia born about 1913
TurnerLilly Mborn about 1916
TurnerLin Pborn about 1890
TurnerLinwood born about 1916
TurnerLouise born about 1939
TurnerLulie born about 1894
TurnerMabel born about 1919
TurnerMamie Lborn about 1916
TurnerMargaret born about 1935
TurnerMelvin born about 1922
TurnerMildred Mborn about 1926
TurnerMiles born about 1909
TurnerNora Bborn about 1899
TurnerPaul Jborn about 1891
TurnerRebecca born about 1930
TurnerRichard born about 1906
TurnerRichard born about 1935
TurnerRichard born about 1937
TurnerRobert born about 1888
TurnerRoberta born about 1910
TurnerRonald born about 1938
TurnerRoosevelt born about 1906
TurnerRosena Pborn about 1886
TurnerSallie born about 1890
TurnerSamuel Cborn about 1904
TurnerSarah born about 1873
TurnerSherman Lborn about 1931
TurnerShirley Aborn about 1918
TurnerSmith born about 1889
TurnerSusie born about 1873
TurnerSusie born about 1931
TurnerTheo born about 1925
TurnerTheodore born about 1932
TurnerTomas born about 1918
TurnerWalter born about 1937
TurnerWaverly born about 1914
TurnerWilbur born about 1924
TurnerWill Eborn about 1923
TurnerWilliam born about 1927
TurnerWillis Cborn about 1932
TwittyElla born about 1893
TwittyEssie born about 1922
TwittyJames born about 1915
TwittyJessie born about 1922
TwittyTimothy born about 1916
TwittyVirginia born about 1917
TwittyWalter born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmphletteCora born about 1921
UmphletteJack born about 1925
UrquhartLucy born about 1875

V Surnames

ValentineAlice born about 1921
ValentineBarbara Aborn about 1936
ValentineBeatrice born about 1905
ValentineFletcher born about 1923
ValentineHenry born about 1888
ValentineMargaret born about 1924
ValentineMarie born about 1897
ValentineMarlin born about 1920
ValentineShirley born about 1935
ValentineThelma born about 1919
ValentineWilliam born about 1893
ValentineWilliam Lborn about 1938
VannClara born about 1915
VannFannie Lborn about 1916
VannJames Tborn about 1875
VasserEdward Lborn about 1937
VasserJ Dborn about 1924
VasserJames Tborn about 1925
VasserMartha Eborn about 1903
VasserPhyllis Lborn about 1932
VasserWilbur Rborn about 1938
VasserWilliam Dborn about 1902
VaughanAlta Sborn about 1909
VaughanAnn Aborn about 1934
VaughanCharlotte Eborn about 1938
VaughanCouncill Dborn about 1939
VaughanElizabeth Sborn about 1930
VaughanGeorge born about 1915
VaughanGeorge Eborn about 1936
VaughanGrace born about 1904
VaughanGrover born about 1886
VaughanJr William Wborn about 1928
VaughanMargaret Lborn about 1931
VaughanNannie born about 1886
VaughanNicholas born about 1880
VaughanThelma born about 1923
VaughanViolet born about 1924
VaughanVirginia born about 1918
VaughanWilliam Wborn about 1906
VaughnJim born about 1885
VickAda born about 1916
VickBeatrice born about 1933
VickCarrie Lborn about 1934
VickCatherine born about 1930
VickHoward born about 1939
VickJames born about 1937
VickMary Jborn about 1879
VickRobert born about 1938
VickRosa Mborn about 1878
VickWalter Lborn about 1876
VinsonCurtis born about 1932
VinsonDavid born about 1929
VinsonElizabeth born about 1914
VinsonHarry born about 1918
VinsonHenry born about 1880
VinsonInro born about 1912
VinsonJames born about 1939
VinsonJohn born about 1905
VinsonLeonadus born about 1917
VinsonMannie born about 1875
VinsonMartha born about 1890
VinsonMary Lborn about 1881
VinsonPeal born about 1917
VinsonVirginia born about 1919
VinsonWalter born about 1880
VinsonWalter Lborn about 1939
VinsonWalter Jr born about 1909
VinsonWillie born about 1920
VrquhartJulia Rborn about 1891
VrquhartWilliam born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeCatherine born about 1928
WadeCrawford born about 1889
WadeElmer Nborn about 1911
WadeEunice born about 1929
WadeGladys born about 1902
WadeHumphrey born about 1931
WadeJames Kborn about 1870
WadeJohn Rborn about 1936
WadeJunius born about 1925
WadeLeonard Lborn about 1904
WadeMollie born about 1873
WadeSamuel Rborn about 1903
WadeSylvia Dborn about 1939
WadeVirgie Bborn about 1904
WadeVirginia born about 1935
WadeWilliam Rborn about 1935
WadeWinfred born about 1924
WalkerJack born about 1901
WambleBeatrice Bborn about 1911
WambleCecil born about 1911
WambleCharles Mborn about 1939
WambleJohn Tborn about 1871
WambleMargaret Sborn about 1869
WambleWillard Earlborn about 1937
WambleWillie Tborn about 1938
WambleWillis Pearlborn about 1937
WarrenA Bborn about 1936
WarrenAda born about 1911
WarrenAdelaid born about 1905
WarrenAlfred Cborn about 1938
WarrenAndrew Lborn about 1925
WarrenBernice Qborn about 1940
WarrenBonnie Mborn about 1916
WarrenCharlie born about 1900
WarrenClaude Rborn about 1928
WarrenCorine born about 1924
WarrenDoretha born about 1933
WarrenEdward born about 1932
WarrenEdward Lborn about 1939
WarrenEffie Gborn about 1905
WarrenElla Mborn about 1920
WarrenErcell Vborn about 1920
WarrenFelnor born about 1922
WarrenFrank born about 1926
WarrenFreddie born about 1939
WarrenGeorge born about 1903
WarrenGeorge born about 1920
WarrenGeorge Wborn about 1935
WarrenHelen born about 1928
WarrenIrene born about 1931
WarrenIritha born about 1927
WarrenJake born about 1926
WarrenJames born about 1917
WarrenJames Wborn about 1901
WarrenJames Wborn about 1923
WarrenJohn Tborn about 1939
WarrenJosse born about 1900
WarrenKatherine born about 1933
WarrenLaura Fborn about 1932
WarrenLeander born about 1934
WarrenLee Aborn about 1918
WarrenLessie Mborn about 1929
WarrenLloyd Hborn about 1930
WarrenLouise born about 1930
WarrenMamie Lborn about 1937
WarrenMarie born about 1927
WarrenMary Eborn about 1935
WarrenMary Lborn about 1901
WarrenMary Pborn about 1926
WarrenMaurice born about 1914
WarrenMelvin born about 1939
WarrenPercy Lborn about 1940
WarrenPricilla born about 1905
WarrenRichard born about 1923
WarrenRindy born about 1921
WarrenSarah born about 1937
WarrenShafton born about 1908
WarrenShirley born about 1935
WarrenSusie Mborn about 1932
WarrenSylvester Wborn about 1925
WarrenVictoria born about 1928
WarrenVirginia Lborn about 1926
WarrenWilliam born about 1902
WarrenWilliam Eborn about 1913
WarrenWilliam Eborn about 1938
WarrenWilliam Jborn about 1938
WashingtonBessie born about 1908
WashingtonBlanch born about 1918
WashingtonDavid born about 1878
WashingtonDorothy born about 1939
WashingtonIsreal born about 1901
WashingtonIsreal Jr born about 1936
WashingtonJ Davidborn about 1927
WashingtonJosephine born about 1934
WashingtonLorenza born about 1925
WashingtonLucy born about 1900
WashingtonMckinley born about 1928
WashingtonRandolf born about 1924
WashingtonRichard born about 1913
WashingtonRosa born about 1911
WashingtonWilliam born about 1902
WatsonAllen Cborn about 1931
WatsonHelen Jborn about 1932
WatsonRebecca born about 1911
WatsonVivian Lborn about 1939
WatsonWilkes Bborn about 1901
WayAlice born about 1928
WayBuster born about 1920
WayJane born about 1938
WayJoe born about 1895
WayJoe Iiiborn about 1932
WayMaria born about 1905
WeeksHattie born about 1903
WeeksRiddick born about 1903
WelchEvelyn Rborn about 1930
WelchFrank Bborn about 1903
WelchHarold Fborn about 1932
WelchMary Fborn about 1927
WelchMary Lborn about 1906
WellonsAnn Hborn about 1936
WellonsCecelia Bborn about 1935
WellonsCecil Lborn about 1889
WellonsLaverne born about 1917
WellonsMary Eborn about 1933
WellonsMattie born about 1883
WellonsMinnie born about 1878
WellonsStella Hborn about 1905
WellonsWilliam Bborn about 1852
WestAntionette born about 1925
WestBertha born about 1931
WestCharlie Lborn about 1938
WestEmma Bborn about 1907
WestEula Bborn about 1895
WestFrancis born about 1917
WestGeorge born about 1913
WestGeorge Aborn about 1884
WestGeorge Wborn about 1916
WestJessie Tborn about 1937
WestJoyce Eborn about 1935
WestLulu Eborn about 1940
WestNettie born about 1880
WestThomas born about 1888
WestWillie Sborn about 1926
WestbrookLudie Aborn about 1861
WestbrookOphelia born about 1867
WestbrookRosa born about 1877
WestbrookSydney born about 1865
WestbrookVirginia born about 1911
WesterSamuel Cborn about 1882
WesterWilliam Sborn about 1891
WhiteheadAlvin born about 1935
WhiteheadDorris born about 1916
WhiteheadEdna born about 1901
WhiteheadElizabeth born about 1881
WhiteheadElizabeth born about 1920
WhiteheadElla Fborn about 1916
WhiteheadElmore born about 1891
WhiteheadElton born about 1911
WhiteheadFannie Iborn about 1880
WhiteheadFrank born about 1892
WhiteheadGeno born about 1917
WhiteheadHenry Lborn about 1883
WhiteheadHomer born about 1912
WhiteheadIra born about 1877
WhiteheadIrapeal born about 1924
WhiteheadLeslie born about 1910
WhiteheadLizzie born about 1888
WhiteheadLouise born about 1918
WhiteheadPearl born about 1880
WhiteheadRoose born about 1907
WhiteheadRoy born about 1905
WhiteheadSam born about 1881
WhiteheadSam Jr born about 1913
WhiteheadW Thomasborn about 1870
WhiteheadWalter born about 1924
WhiteheadWille born about 1921
WhitfieldBobbie Eborn about 1934
WhitfieldEmerson born about 1907
WhitfieldHylah Eborn about 1907
WhitleyNeomia born about 1917
WhitneyFlorence Lborn about 1917
WhitneyGracie Lborn about 1939
WhitneyJames Kborn about 1916
WilkinsAlberta Dborn about 1925
WilkinsBenta Hborn about 1897
WilkinsElton Rborn about 1923
WilkinsFloyd Eborn about 1939
WilkinsGurney Lborn about 1917
WilkinsLayfayette Tborn about 1917
WilkinsLayfayette Tborn about 1938
WilkinsThomas Hborn about 1890
WillamsSamuel born about 1886
WillansBessie Hborn about 1904
WillansJr William Bborn about 1888
Williams??? born about 1931
WilliamsA Bborn about 1926
WilliamsAbbert born about 1895
WilliamsAda born about 1896
WilliamsAdell born about 1931
WilliamsAlberta born about 1937
WilliamsAnna born about 1876
WilliamsAnne born about 1939
WilliamsAnnie born about 1901
WilliamsAnnie Leeborn about 1928
WilliamsArcher born about 1933
WilliamsArchie born about 1898
WilliamsAsa born about 1930
WilliamsBernice born about 1910
WilliamsBernice born about 1921
WilliamsBessie born about 1898
WilliamsClarence born about 1927
WilliamsClarence born about 1934
WilliamsClyde born about 1925
WilliamsDella born about 1925
WilliamsDorothy Mayborn about 1928
WilliamsEdward born about 1937
WilliamsElsie born about 1939
WilliamsEmmett born about 1921
WilliamsEster born about 1924
WilliamsEugean born about 1935
WilliamsEunice born about 1927
WilliamsFrances born about 1909
WilliamsFrances born about 1919
WilliamsFrances Cborn about 1915
WilliamsGarrie Leeborn about 1921
WilliamsGeorge born about 1921
WilliamsGracie Lborn about 1938
WilliamsGuley born about 1914
WilliamsGurney born about 1914
WilliamsHarry born about 1927
WilliamsHattie born about 1931
WilliamsHaywood born about 1931
WilliamsHazel born about 1924
WilliamsHelen born about 1935
WilliamsHenry born about 1886
WilliamsHenry born about 1891
WilliamsHoward born about 1940
WilliamsHurley born about 1911
WilliamsHurley Jr born about 1933
WilliamsJack Eborn about 1913
WilliamsJames born about 1913
WilliamsJoe Sborn about 1911
WilliamsJoe Tourborn about 1919
WilliamsJohn Wallaceborn about 1928
WilliamsJoseph born about 1924
WilliamsKate born about 1939
WilliamsLeona born about 1890
WilliamsLeona born about 1935
WilliamsLester Lborn about 1913
WilliamsLilly Mborn about 1878
WilliamsLizzie born about 1900
WilliamsLizzie born about 1914
WilliamsLouise born about 1930
WilliamsLuellen born about 1933
WilliamsMable born about 1913
WilliamsMable born about 1924
WilliamsMary born about 1929
WilliamsMary Bellborn about 1922
WilliamsMaud born about 1939
WilliamsMaurice born about 1919
WilliamsMay Belleborn about 1916
WilliamsMindock born about 1890
WilliamsNannie born about 1887
WilliamsNeel Thomasborn about 1936
WilliamsNell born about 1931
WilliamsNell Iborn about 1919
WilliamsNicholas born about 1875
WilliamsOaklea born about 1934
WilliamsOatis born about 1908
WilliamsOatis Jr born about 1935
WilliamsOra born about 1894
WilliamsPattie born about 1932
WilliamsPaul born about 1881
WilliamsPercell born about 1924
WilliamsPernell born about 1938
WilliamsQueen Eborn about 1910
WilliamsRaymond born about 1932
WilliamsRegina born about 1939
WilliamsRena born about 1923
WilliamsRobert born about 1886
WilliamsRobert born about 1925
WilliamsRobie born about 1896
WilliamsRoosevelt born about 1935
WilliamsRuby born about 1918
WilliamsRuby born about 1923
WilliamsRufus born about 1905
WilliamsRufus born about 1914
WilliamsStephen born about 1878
WilliamsSylvester born about 1936
WilliamsThelma born about 1879
WilliamsThomas born about 1876
WilliamsThomas born about 1932
WilliamsTom born about 1919
WilliamsVictoria born about 1887
WilliamsViolet born about 1933
WilliamsVirgie Mborn about 1894
WilliamsVirginia born about 1919
WilliamsWalter born about 1916
WilliamsWestley born about 1939
WilliamsWife born about 1880
WilliamsWill Thomaborn about 1910
WilliamsWilliam Jr born about 1932
WilliamsWillie born about 1921
WilliamsWillie Joeborn about 1928
WilliamsWillie Rborn about 1906
WilliamsWynn born about 1926
WillsArthur Oborn about 1887
WillsBetty Oborn about 1891
WillsMarjorie Eborn about 1926
WillsNeddie Wborn about 1892
WillsNellie Dborn about 1902
WillsThomas Nborn about 1934
WillsWesley Fborn about 1927
WilsonBennie born about 1919
WilsonBertha Mborn about 1912
WilsonHarlie born about 1915
WilsonJoe Rborn about 1940
WinborneClara Eborn about 1916
WinborneEdith Mborn about 1939
WinborneElla Fborn about 1873
WinborneLillian born about 1915
WinborneWilliam Eborn about 1872
WinbourneEarnest born about 1915
WinbourneFlossie born about 1899
WinmanEva born about 1910
WinmanFrank born about 1905
WinmanLilly Mborn about 1931
WinsteadElizabeth Lborn about 1923
WinsteadElizabeth Rborn about 1899
WinsteadNellie Clydeborn about 1929
WinsteadNorman Cborn about 1890
WinsteadRuby Mborn about 1932
WinsteadThomas Eborn about 1935
WisemanAnn born about 1917
WisemanEmmett born about 1883
WisemanJuanita born about 1921
WisemanLelia born about 1880
WithamAlbert born about 1876
WithamLelia Rborn about 1886
WoodleyElla born about 1927
WoodleyJames born about 1930
WoodleyWilliam Dborn about 1935
WoodleyWillie born about 1899
WorldsWalter born about 1918
WorrelDorothy born about 1927
WorrelElmer born about 1938
WorrelFloyd Mborn about 1937
WorrelJohnnie born about 1909
WorrelJudge born about 1910
WorrelMary Lborn about 1929
WorrelPrince Oborn about 1935
WorrellAlice born about 1910
WorrellJohn born about 1905
WorrellOdelsie born about 1928
WrightBlanche born about 1922
WrightDavid Pborn about 1934
WycheJames born about 1934
WycheMaria born about 1878
WycheMaria born about 1936
WycheNamie born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBernice born about 1922
YoungElizabeth born about 1920
YoungEstrell born about 1911
YoungHezekiah born about 1920
YoungHosea born about 1925
YoungJames Eborn about 1915
YoungJohn Pborn about 1880
YoungJosephine born about 1917
YoungJoyce born about 1930
YoungJunius born about 1886
YoungLa Verne born about 1932
YoungLeah Eborn about 1886
YoungLilly born about 1928
YoungLucy born about 1888
YoungMagaret born about 1926
YoungMoisy born about 1927
YoungNettie born about 1886
YoungPearle born about 1919
YoungRandolf born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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