1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kenbridge, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Kenbridge

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEva Cborn about 1893
AdamsJack Rborn about 1888
AdamsJacquelin Mborn about 1918
AkersBarbara Aborn about 1939
AkersBlanche Mborn about 1917
AkersMelva Aborn about 1934
AkersWillie Dborn about 1938
AkersWillie Pborn about 1907
AllenBertha Jborn about 1878
AllenCharles Mborn about 1887
AllenEstelle born about 1897
AllenJean Rborn about 1925
AllenJohn Wall Jrborn about 1923
AllenLena Pborn about 1900
AllenMargerie Jborn about 1905
AllenThomas Hborn about 1868
AllenVirginia Eborn about 1918
AllenWilliam Mborn about 1927
AlwardClaris Aborn about 1931
AlwardClaude Dborn about 1897
AlwardMary Mborn about 1927
AlwardWilliam Aborn about 1897
AndersonHunter Cborn about 1916
AndertonDavid Sborn about 1901
AndertonLucy Eborn about 1897
AugburnAnnie Sborn about 1903
AugburnAshby Wborn about 1908
AugburnRichard Kborn about 1891
AugburnViola Vborn about 1873

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B Surnames

BagleyAnna Lborn about 1882
BagleyCardellia Mborn about 1906
BagleyCarlyh Rborn about 1933
BagleyCecila Lborn about 1926
BagleyCleopus born about 1935
BagleyCollin Cborn about 1929
BagleyEster Mborn about 1931
BagleyGeorge Eborn about 1928
BagleyGloria Jborn about 1928
BagleyHorace Sborn about 1892
BagleyIrene born about 1895
BagleyJames S Jrborn about 1919
BagleyJohn Eborn about 1923
BagleyJohn Rborn about 1888
BagleyJoseph born about 1903
BagleyJoseph Oborn about 1927
BagleyLaura Sborn about 1926
BagleyLouise Cborn about 1935
BagleyM Elizabethborn about 1936
BagleyMag Fborn about 1930
BagleyMargaret Lborn about 1932
BagleyPeterson born about 1884
BagleyReginold born about 1939
BagleySamuel Dborn about 1931
BagleyT Freemanborn about 1933
BagleyVirginia Dborn about 1917
BagleyWilliam Aborn about 1924
BaileyAllen Lborn about 1921
BakerJack Pborn about 1854
BakerSally Eborn about 1885
BarbeeHorace Fborn about 1913
BarbeeJulia Sborn about 1918
BarberCharles Rborn about 1898
BarberCharles R Jrborn about 1934
BarberNettie Mborn about 1933
BarberRuby Mborn about 1913
BarnesCharles Bborn about 1917
BarnesElla Bborn about 1913
BarnesHester born about 1912
BarnesJoseph Pborn about 1908
BarnesJoseph P Jrborn about 1929
BarnesLinwood born about 1933
BarnesMary Eborn about 1931
BellBenjamin Dborn about 1916
BellBetty Cborn about 1899
BellKatie Eborn about 1924
BellLucas Aborn about 1889
BellLucille Aborn about 1927
BellN Virginiaborn about 1913
BellRosa Lborn about 1925
BettsWilliam Mborn about 1922
BirdsongJohn Lborn about 1886
BirdsongMattie Wborn about 1884
BishopRoosevelt born about 1937
BlackburnJoseph Williamborn about 1916
BlackmanJoseph Lborn about 1890
BlackmanLillian Kborn about 1891
BlackwellAnne Cborn about 1899
BlackwellCrowley Fborn about 1898
BlackwellLaura born about 1862
BlackwellMarion Tborn about 1863
BlackwellMary Gborn about 1887
BlackwellTessie Lborn about 1888
BlandJohn Sborn about 1868
BlankenshipA Naelborn about 1930
BlankenshipAdelaide Nborn about 1893
BlankenshipRobert Eborn about 1877
BoykinsMary Cborn about 1904
BoyneCarrie Tborn about 1885
BoyneCornelius Bborn about 1884
BoyneJudith Bborn about 1888
BoyneWilliam Hborn about 1883
BraggBertram born about 1872
BraggJames Rborn about 1910
BraggSarah Hborn about 1915
BrideyAlberta Lborn about 1932
BrideyTheodore Rborn about 1911
BrideyVictoria born about 1915
BridgefortAustin S Iiborn about 1930
BridgefortAustin S Jrborn about 1900
BridgefortConnie Gborn about 1911
BridgefortKatherine Eborn about 1902
BridgefortKatherine Sborn about 1926
BridgefortW Benjaminborn about 1907
BridgeforthE Mcphilborn about 1906
BridgeforthE Mcphil Jrborn about 1935
BridgeforthSue Bborn about 1914
BridgeforthWillie Bborn about 1938
BrooksNorman Bborn about 1916
BrownFanny born about 1929
BrownFrank born about 1923
BrownHoward born about 1931
BrownHoward Wborn about 1935
BrownMary born about 1863
BrownNanny born about 1928
BrownNellie born about 1926
BrownPercy Cborn about 1886
BurgenRay Jborn about 1929

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C Surnames

CalahanBoyd born about 1920
CalahanKelly born about 1890
CallisCharles Fborn about 1915
CallisFlorence Hborn about 1917
CardleJohn Aborn about 1911
CarsonCharlie Mborn about 1902
CarsonDaisy Fborn about 1908
CarsonElnora Cborn about 1934
CarsonEugene Bborn about 1939
CarsonGeorge Mborn about 1928
CarsonMelvin Fborn about 1936
CarsonOllie Aborn about 1930
CasolaWillie born about 1905
ChappellHerbert Sborn about 1925
ChappellSusie Wborn about 1883
ChappellSydney Bborn about 1919
ChatmanBessie Eborn about 1925
ChatmanEdward Gborn about 1892
ChatmanEdward G Jrborn about 1927
ChatmanEthel Bborn about 1903
ChatmanFlorence Mborn about 1931
ChatmanJulia Aborn about 1939
ChatmanLaura Eborn about 1920
ChatmanMilford Lborn about 1936
ChatmanOtis Lborn about 1933
ChatmanWilliam Hborn about 1922
ClarkeAlice Wborn about 1892
ClarkeGeorge Bborn about 1915
ClarkeJessie Cborn about 1926
ClarkeJohn Wborn about 1935
ClarkeJulia Jborn about 1928
ClarkeKatherine Dborn about 1924
ClarkeKatherine Fborn about 1884
ClarkeMary Aborn about 1921
ClarkeMortimer Lborn about 1884
ClarkeRebecca Aborn about 1896
ClarkeRobert Tfborn about 1934
ClarkeThomas Dborn about 1917
ClarkeWilliam Wborn about 1876
ClayKathryn born about 1912
CobbOwen born about 1911
CocksElizabeth Pborn about 1940
CocksMargaret Eborn about 1912
CocksThomas Rborn about 1896
ColemanElizabeth Lborn about 1901
ColemanElizabeth Mborn about 1923
ColemanIda Mborn about 1924
ColemanVirginia Lborn about 1927
ColemanWadelin Fborn about 1911
ColemanWilliam Gborn about 1892
CoonMyrtie Eborn about 1876
CoonRosie Wborn about 1868
CopleyBennie born about 1920
CothranDoris Cborn about 1928
CothranEssie Kborn about 1896
CothranJames Vborn about 1922
CothranJohn Bborn about 1924
CothranJulian Eborn about 1925
CothranRichard Aborn about 1895
CothranRobert Aborn about 1921
CraddleSusie born about 1880
CraddleWilliam born about 1918
CraftonClaud Cborn about 1885
CraigA Mauriceborn about 1922
CraigFrances Mborn about 1900
CraigJulia Mborn about 1924
CraigVina Aborn about 1915
CralleAlease born about 1910
CralleChester born about 1932
CralleCurtis Fborn about 1908
CralleCurtis F Jrborn about 1934
CralleElva Bborn about 1908
CralleGeorge Pborn about 1928
CralleHugh Hborn about 1901
CralleJames Cborn about 1923
CralleKeith Bborn about 1933
CralleKenneth born about 1927
CralleLillian Mborn about 1938
CralleMcneal Bborn about 1870
CrallePattie Sborn about 1931
CralleRobert Gborn about 1940
CralleTheron Lborn about 1918
CralleWilfred Mborn about 1915
CralleyLaura born about 1895
CralleyMinnie Sborn about 1922
CralleyRichard born about 1918
CralleySarah born about 1920
CrenshawJ Edwardborn about 1915
CrittenderRobert Nborn about 1936
CrittenderThomas Fborn about 1908
CrittenderVirginia Wborn about 1911
CrowderElizabeth born about 1891
CrowderHarvey Aborn about 1880
CrowderL Tinsleyborn about 1933
CrowderLinda Hborn about 1925
CrowderMrs Ruth born about 1898

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D Surnames

DanMary born about 1923
DanielAllie Wborn about 1919
DanielEdwin Wborn about 1921
DanielEvelldine born about 1905
DanielFanny Mborn about 1892
DanielLois Aborn about 1930
DanielMorrison Mborn about 1914
DanielRobert Wborn about 1923
DanielStanley Cborn about 1894
DanielStanley C Jrborn about 1924
DanielSusie Lborn about 1872
DavisHostie born about 1916
DavisJames Eborn about 1935
DavisLuther born about 1906
DavisMartha Eborn about 1930
DavisMary Aborn about 1933
DavisOdaline born about 1918
DavisOlivia born about 1909
DavisPrudy born about 1918
DavisThomas Wborn about 1938
DejarnetteGordon Aborn about 1925
DejarnetteNora Wborn about 1899
DickersonJames Tborn about 1864
DickersonSally Bborn about 1877
DickersonWilliam Lborn about 1917
DouglasRobert born about 1905
DraperBessie Jborn about 1883
DraperHerbert Aborn about 1879
DuncanHenry Rborn about 1876
DunlopJohn Oborn about 1898
DunlopMay Sborn about 1893

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E Surnames

EarlyMary Pborn about 1920
EdwardsCharles Eborn about 1910
EdwardsEldrey Mborn about 1913
EdwardsJames Rborn about 1931
EdwardsMargaret born about 1933
EdwardsSusie Mborn about 1934
EdwardsWilliam Eborn about 1936
ElderClifton Hborn about 1915
ElderClyde Dborn about 1922
ElderEva Jborn about 1882
ElderEva Jborn about 1928
ElderLouise Gborn about 1917
ElderThomas Wborn about 1875
EnglishCharles Bborn about 1876
EnglishJuliett born about 1879

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F Surnames

FarrisDorothy Aborn about 1929
FarrisEvelyn Mborn about 1909
FarrisPhilip Lborn about 1898
FelderNancy Lborn about 1917
FergusonAlice Gborn about 1919
FergusonHerman Mborn about 1897
FergusonIra Aborn about 1901
FergusonJack Pborn about 1868
FergusonMary Jborn about 1886
FitzgeraldAlma Cborn about 1918
FitzgeraldBertha Bborn about 1901
FitzgeraldChambers born about 1894
FitzgeraldCharles Hborn about 1934
FitzgeraldClaude Dborn about 1930
FitzgeraldFletcher Cborn about 1931
FitzgeraldJulia born about 1901
FitzgeraldRichard born about 1914
FitzgeraldRobert born about 1883
FitzgeraldRussell Wborn about 1936
FlemingAbner Bborn about 1899
FosterLeo Wborn about 1922
FreemanAnna Lborn about 1911
FreemanDr Kester Sborn about 1907

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G Surnames

GardenCharles Aborn about 1909
GardenMildred Bborn about 1910
GarlandAnna Aborn about 1908
GarlandBeatrice Eborn about 1911
GarlandBilly Cborn about 1926
GarlandDorothym born about 1923
GarlandFrank Tborn about 1934
GarlandGeraldine born about 1936
GarlandJulia Mborn about 1933
GarlandRuth Gborn about 1933
GarlandStanley born about 1925
GarlandSusan born about 1939
GarlandThomas born about 1902
GarlandThomas Cborn about 1930
GarlandWilliam Dborn about 1893
GarlandWillie born about 1938
GaryHerbert Hborn about 1871
GaryN Eliazbethborn about 1913
GaryVirginia Aborn about 1874
GaryVirginia Aborn about 1899
GaryWilliam Nborn about 1897
GeeBenj Dborn about 1916
GeeBrady Lborn about 1882
GeeCharlie born about 1909
GeeClaudia Mborn about 1897
GeeDaisy Mborn about 1896
GeeElla Hborn about 1879
GeeEvelyn Cborn about 1885
GeeEverette Wborn about 1916
GeeGeorge Hborn about 1881
GeeJohn Aborn about 1883
GeeJohn Hborn about 1919
GeeMargaret born about 1912
GeeMildred Jborn about 1915
GeeMinnie Gborn about 1931
GeeMinnie Lborn about 1890
GeeNathan Mborn about 1927
GeeSally born about 1903
GeeV Louiseborn about 1920
GeeVirginia Cborn about 1911
GeeVirginia Mborn about 1918
GeeWilliam Nborn about 1897
GeeWilliam N Jrborn about 1929
GillMary Pborn about 1912
GillWilliam Sborn about 1913
GillsCarrie Cborn about 1891
GillsEdward Aborn about 1850
GillsHorace Eborn about 1875
GregoryMart Hborn about 1897
GregoryReva Gborn about 1902

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H Surnames

HamiltonVanderbilt born about 1886
HammockGeorge born about 1910
HankelGarris Eborn about 1908
HardingLavise Hborn about 1914
HardingLynwood Gborn about 1914
HardyAlice Jborn about 1908
HardyArline born about 1930
HardyBarbara Aborn about 1940
HardyChristine Aborn about 1936
HardyDorothy Lborn about 1933
HardyElizabeth Gborn about 1918
HardyErma Lborn about 1932
HardyHattie Lborn about 1928
HardyHella Sborn about 1900
HardyJo Annborn about 1931
HardyJohn Aborn about 1898
HardyJohn Sborn about 1935
HardyJoseph Eborn about 1906
HardyJudith Mborn about 1913
HardyL Adkinborn about 1888
HardyLettie Bborn about 1925
HardyLillian Mborn about 1922
HardyLizzie Gborn about 1888
HardyMary Eborn about 1924
HardyMary Lborn about 1924
HardyMrs Mary Jborn about 1879
HardyRev B born about 1892
HardySusie Lborn about 1905
HarrisAnnie Wborn about 1887
HarrisArthur Cborn about 1897
HarrisCharlie born about 1889
HarrisElizabeth Hborn about 1915
HarrisForest Jborn about 1890
HarrisHelen Bborn about 1919
HarrisJames Tborn about 1866
HarrisLucy Rborn about 1888
HarrisMarie Wborn about 1896
HarrisMary Eborn about 1929
HarrisRichard Sborn about 1908
HarrisRuby Sborn about 1893
HarrisWilliam Mborn about 1889
HarveyGrace Eborn about 1895
HarveyJames Eborn about 1923
HarveyLucille Fborn about 1921
HarveyRoselia Eborn about 1927
HarveyStonewall Jborn about 1892
HarveyThomas Wborn about 1924
HawkinsAllena born about 1930
HawkinsDaisy Aborn about 1895
HawkinsJohn Wborn about 1929
HawthornG Loydborn about 1890
HawthornKathryn Cborn about 1892
HawthornKathryn Lborn about 1920
HawthornMinnie Rborn about 1925
HawthornNanny born about 1872
HawthorneIda Bborn about 1912
HazelwoodBetty born about 1919
HazelwoodCecil Rborn about 1917
HazelwoodNora Gborn about 1876
HazelwoodWilliam Wborn about 1871
HicksCharles Eborn about 1913
HicksThomas Rborn about 1936
HillBernard Lborn about 1938
HillCaroline born about 1860
HillEmma Lborn about 1917
HillEstell born about 1923
HillGeorge Hborn about 1914
HillRobert Bborn about 1936
HistonMary Wborn about 1921
HodgesThomas Eborn about 1907
HubbertElizabeth Mborn about 1899

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I Surnames

IngeByrdie Wborn about 1910
IngeG Cliftonborn about 1874
IngeHelen Mborn about 1878
IngeJ Thomasborn about 1875
IngeMary Sueborn about 1878
IngeMaude Aborn about 1900
IngeNancy Wborn about 1939
IngeRose Mborn about 1934
IngeSally Bborn about 1887
IngeThomas Bborn about 1910
IngeThomas B Jrborn about 1937
IrbyEdward Cborn about 1925
IrbyElizabeth Wborn about 1927
IrbyJennie Hborn about 1881
IrbyL Williamborn about 1919
IrbyW Scottborn about 1886

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J Surnames

JeffersonWilliam born about 1900
JenschCharlie born about 1887
JenschLaura Lborn about 1897
JettMarian Lborn about 1908
JettMrs Susan born about 1876
JohnsonAnne Hborn about 1927
JohnsonE Hazelborn about 1917
JohnsonEdward Cborn about 1885
JohnsonEdward C Jrborn about 1918
JohnsonElvin Fborn about 1923
JohnsonJack Cborn about 1925
JohnsonLucy Aborn about 1890
JohnsonNana Gborn about 1893
JonesCarl Hborn about 1925
JonesGeorge Fborn about 1931
JonesGeraldine Eborn about 1905
JonesGertrude Cborn about 1940
JonesJame born about 1878
JonesJames born about 1938
JonesJohn Hborn about 1919
JonesJohn Jborn about 1934
JonesLeanna born about 1936
JonesLucy Tborn about 1936
JonesLyle Mborn about 1928
JonesMcguire Lborn about 1893
JonesMeredith Rborn about 1933
JonesMildred Kborn about 1894
JonesPortia Lborn about 1938
JonesRichard Bborn about 1922
JonesRobert Eborn about 1888
JonesRuby Bborn about 1885
JonesShaffer Pborn about 1901
JonesSimon born about 1884
JordonJulie born about 1873
JordonWillie born about 1875

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K Surnames

KeetonCollen born about 1925
KeetonFlora born about 1903
KeetonHarry Mborn about 1929
KeetonJoe Lborn about 1939
KeetonJohn born about 1900
KeetonLula born about 1907
KeetonMary Mborn about 1922
KeetonRobert Sborn about 1936
KeetonSarah born about 1918
KeetonWillie born about 1933
KendyDr Walter Dborn about 1881
KendyHelen Mborn about 1887
KendyJohn Dborn about 1921
KingAnnie Hborn about 1866
KingHebbard Lborn about 1906
KingR Sylveyborn about 1892
KingRev Joseph Lborn about 1862
KingThelma Gborn about 1922

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L Surnames

LafoonBetty Aborn about 1933
LafoonEarnest Hborn about 1892
LafoonEunice Eborn about 1924
LafoonSusie Mborn about 1908
LambertLou Cborn about 1874
LaneC Glennborn about 1918
LaneE Paulborn about 1886
LaneElizabeth born about 1922
LaneElizabeth Aborn about 1889
LaneMeredith Tborn about 1920
LashleyNancy born about 1917
LeBertha born about 1890
LesterEarl Wborn about 1939
LesterGeorge Wborn about 1915
LesterGeorgia Aborn about 1914
LipscombBruce Aborn about 1917
LoveMargaret Mborn about 1912
LoveRichard Sborn about 1918
LoveV Aubreyborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MaddoxGeorge Lborn about 1899
MaddoxLeva born about 1910
MannSarah Eborn about 1882
MansonJohn E Bborn about 1880
MansonMalcolm Nborn about 1907
MansonMary Sborn about 1902
MansonSadie Wborn about 1892
MansonWaverly Sborn about 1873
MansonWaverly S Jrborn about 1901
MasonEmma Lborn about 1920
MasonIda Mborn about 1939
MasonWilliam born about 1917
MatteyEdgie Eborn about 1920
MatteyLucy born about 1896
MatthewWilliam Jborn about 1885
MatthewsAlfred Rborn about 1888
MatthewsBessie Bborn about 1938
MatthewsBessie Jborn about 1867
MatthewsCharlotte Hborn about 1926
MatthewsEva Gborn about 1894
MatthewsGuy Fborn about 1890
MatthewsGuy F Jrborn about 1934
MatthewsLyle Nborn about 1909
MatthewsMadline Mborn about 1906
MatthewsMargie Aborn about 1924
MatthewsP Bernardborn about 1895
MatthewsPeter Aborn about 1862
MatthewsRobert Aborn about 1922
McDonellArtie Dborn about 1901
McDonellChristine Bborn about 1923
McDonellL Louiseborn about 1903
McIntireSylvester born about 1862
McSparranMrs Bessie Nborn about 1881
MellettAddie born about 1872
MellettSterling born about 1890
MontgomeryMary Vborn about 1915
MooreCarrie Bborn about 1903
MooreDavid Bborn about 1939
MooreE Bryanborn about 1897
MooreEdward Aborn about 1925
MooreJoseph born about 1907
MorrisonArchie Bborn about 1888
MorrisonEvelyn born about 1922
MorrisonLucy Mborn about 1887
MorrisonWilliam Mborn about 1915

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N Surnames

NashDavid Cborn about 1931
NebbettAnnie Sueborn about 1938
NeblettAddie Bborn about 1928
NeblettAnna Eborn about 1908
NeblettCharlie Dborn about 1913
NeblettGladys Eborn about 1926
NeblettInez Bborn about 1874
NeblettJames born about 1918
NeblettOtta Sborn about 1922
NeblettRobert Eborn about 1934
NeblettSusan Hborn about 1917
NeblettSusie Hborn about 1881
NeblettWillie Jborn about 1913
NorttingtonAnnie born about 1884

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O Surnames

OliverJimmie Sborn about 1921
OliverPaul Jborn about 1919
OliverSylvia Mborn about 1939
OrgainAnna Cborn about 1889
OrgainAnnie Sborn about 1889
OrgainMary Cborn about 1856
OrgainSolon Jborn about 1870
OverlyHenry Lborn about 1882
OverlyHunter Lborn about 1924
OverlyIva born about 1897
OvertonBernard Pborn about 1924
OvertonFlorence Mborn about 1895
OvertonJohn Mborn about 1885
OvertonJohn Mborn about 1920
OzlinThomas Wborn about 1885
OzlinVirginia Mborn about 1905

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P Surnames

ParsonBernard Rborn about 1907
ParsonCalder Fborn about 1914
ParsonJanie Bborn about 1923
ParsonShirley Lborn about 1912
PastelsArchie Dborn about 1937
PastelsNathan born about 1910
PastelsNathan Jr born about 1934
PastelsOllie born about 1911
PastelsRichard born about 1930
PerkinsAddie Sborn about 1900
PerkinsAlfred Lborn about 1920
PerkinsAlice Cborn about 1926
PerkinsCharlie Bborn about 1897
PerkinsDorothy Aborn about 1930
PerkinsElsie Mborn about 1940
PerkinsHelen Dborn about 1931
PerkinsHerbert Eborn about 1923
PerkinsHerley Wborn about 1892
PerkinsLessie Eborn about 1906
PerkinsLois Mborn about 1925
PerkinsMable Eborn about 1908
PerkinsMaxine Mborn about 1936
PerkinsO Howardborn about 1932
PerkinsOtis Jborn about 1902
PerkinsStanley Dborn about 1932
PlessantAnnie Eborn about 1907
PlessantNoel Jborn about 1908
PritchettAneida born about 1916
PritchettAnne Mborn about 1937
PritchettBetty Mborn about 1939
PritchettCharles Kborn about 1914
PritchettWilliam Wborn about 1907

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R Surnames

RabyEthelbert Sborn about 1881
RabyEthelbert S Jrborn about 1916
RabyJenny Mborn about 1880
RagsdaleLewis Bborn about 1920
RaineyBallen Eborn about 1875
RaineyElsie Cborn about 1905
RaineyEthel Fborn about 1882
RaineyFlorence Gborn about 1931
RaineyLorvell Lborn about 1933
RaineyMary Rborn about 1930
RaineySadie Rborn about 1912
RashE Virginiaborn about 1921
RashEdward Tborn about 1918
RashElma Vborn about 1888
RashLois born about 1922
RashLucy Eborn about 1912
RashMorman born about 1922
RasserJulia Aborn about 1924
ReamsAnne Hborn about 1939
ReavisBernice Mborn about 1928
ReavisEmma Aborn about 1936
ReavisFlorina born about 1910
ReavisGeorge Sborn about 1908
ReavisGeorge S Jrborn about 1930
ReavisWilliam Sborn about 1933
RevereJames Hborn about 1900
RevereJames H Jrborn about 1928
RevereWillie Hborn about 1908
RewisLorette born about 1911
RewisWillie Cborn about 1911
RicharsonPauline Vborn about 1913
RicharsonWilliam Dborn about 1912
RipbergerAnnette born about 1910
RipbergerAnnie Mborn about 1884
RipbergerCarl Tborn about 1876
RipbergerCarl T Iiiborn about 1940
RipbergerCarl T Jrborn about 1911
RipbergerVirginia Cborn about 1920
RobertsAlfred Fborn about 1896
RobertsIda Fborn about 1901
RobertsImogen Fborn about 1927
RobertsJames born about 1923
RobertsonBeula Mborn about 1894
RobertsonEugene Gborn about 1935
RobertsonHenry Dborn about 1893
RobertsonJames Cborn about 1924
RobertsonL Thomasborn about 1916
RobertsonMary Bborn about 1926
RobertsonMeredith Kborn about 1922
RobertsonWesley Gborn about 1932
RoysterWillie Dborn about 1915
RoysterWillie Mborn about 1915

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S Surnames

SanfordBertha Tborn about 1925
SanfordChristopher Jborn about 1935
SanfordClaiborne born about 1888
SanfordElinor Lborn about 1923
SanfordRosetta Eborn about 1909
SanfordRoy Wborn about 1932
SanfordRuline Gborn about 1928
SanfordScott Dborn about 1930
SanfordWilliam Aborn about 1923
SappRev Frederick Aborn about 1899
SappRuth Lborn about 1895
SaundersFrances Eborn about 1922
SaundersHarriet Aborn about 1870
ScottFloyd Aborn about 1935
ScottFrank Aborn about 1890
ScottMaggie born about 1895
SeayEarnest Wborn about 1868
SeayL Francesborn about 1920
SeayMary born about 1871
SeayMrs Mattie Hborn about 1878
SeayPattie Bborn about 1880
SheltonHattie Lborn about 1903
SheltonLandon Gborn about 1902
SheltonLandon G Jrborn about 1924
ShieldsEmmit Wborn about 1917
ShowalterDr H Bernardborn about 1910
ShowalterEdna Kborn about 1915
ShowalterEloise born about 1911
ShowalterEthel Mborn about 1890
ShowalterGiles Wborn about 1874
ShowalterGrace Fborn about 1882
ShowalterH Bernard Jrborn about 1937
ShowalterJ Robertborn about 1882
SilvermanAtwell Cborn about 1937
SilvermanEdward Jborn about 1914
SilvermanHagren Eborn about 1918
SilvermanRonald Lborn about 1935
SinkerFrancis Gborn about 1928
SinkerMrs Lena Gborn about 1905
SlaughterRosa Aborn about 1872
SmithAlice born about 1920
SmithAllen Tborn about 1912
SmithAndrew Jborn about 1899
SmithAnnie Gborn about 1912
SmithBetsy Aborn about 1938
SmithDorothy Pborn about 1922
SmithFloyd Eborn about 1916
SmithFrost Hborn about 1920
SmithHenry Rborn about 1925
SmithHerbert Lborn about 1916
SmithJoseph Wborn about 1914
SmithMarion Mborn about 1928
SmithMary Aborn about 1895
SmithNancy Pborn about 1898
SmithPaul born about 1918
SmithR Maclinborn about 1907
SmithR Maclin Jrborn about 1934
SmithRoy Jborn about 1920
SmithRuth Eborn about 1924
SmithWilliam Aborn about 1889
SmithsonMrs Annie Gborn about 1884
SoursLoyd Hborn about 1940
SoursMary Hborn about 1915
SoursWilliam Aborn about 1913
SoursWilliam A Iiiborn about 1937
SpindlerElizabeth Vborn about 1928
SpindlerFrances Wborn about 1934
SpindlerFrank Wborn about 1902
SpindlerJudith Hborn about 1932
SpindlerJulia Vborn about 1902
SpinnerGrace Lborn about 1908
SpinnerHarry Mborn about 1905
SpinnerIla Mborn about 1930
SpinnerJoseph Lborn about 1936
SpinnerJoyce Aborn about 1934
StaterBenny born about 1914
StaterBertha born about 1918
StokesAnnie Cborn about 1881
StokesHarry Bborn about 1876

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T Surnames

TailorMamie born about 1921
TannerBetsy Jborn about 1932
TannerMona Bborn about 1905
TannerWinton Rborn about 1905
TaylorAlthea born about 1931
TaylorBulin born about 1905
TaylorCharles Pborn about 1922
TaylorEmogene born about 1937
TaylorErma born about 1930
TaylorJack Jborn about 1912
TaylorOtis born about 1935
TaylorSalie Lborn about 1910
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1935
TaylorWillie born about 1898
TaylorWillie Gborn about 1938
TaylorWilmer born about 1933
TerrellEdward Gborn about 1902
TerrellEdward G Jrborn about 1939
TerrellEva Bborn about 1892
TerrellFrances Rborn about 1911
TerrellSally Bborn about 1868
ThomasClyde born about 1926
ThomasElla born about 1916
ThomasEstelle born about 1929
ThomasFrank born about 1909
ThomasGeorge Mborn about 1931
ThomasGeorgia Oborn about 1905
ThomasHolman born about 1906
ThomasIzdel born about 1929
ThomasJohn born about 1883
ThomasJohn Wborn about 1883
ThomasRussell born about 1938
ThomasSamuel Jborn about 1921
ThomasSusan born about 1906
ThomasTony born about 1923
ThomasViola Rborn about 1913
ThomasWillnet born about 1935
ThompsonCharles Mborn about 1896
ThompsonCharles W Jrborn about 1939
ThompsonGrace Aborn about 1930
ThompsonJudia Lborn about 1901
TisdaleAnna born about 1921
TisdaleBelle born about 1868
TuckerClara Bborn about 1939
TuckerHarvey born about 1910
TuckerRosetta born about 1921
TurnerFloyd Cborn about 1906
TurnerJames Oborn about 1908
TurnerJannie born about 1880
TurnerMince Wborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughanAlva Mborn about 1903
VendleMary Mborn about 1873

W Surnames

WalkerEdith born about 1918
WalkerHoward born about 1937
WalkerMrs Leroy Bborn about 1862
WalkerWindell born about 1913
WallaceW Templetonborn about 1887
WardThelma born about 1919
WatkinsMary Nborn about 1879
WatkinsStanley Bborn about 1881
WebbJohn Mborn about 1925
WebbLouise Mborn about 1890
WebbRichard Gborn about 1885
WebbVirginia Sborn about 1927
WhitcheadA Carter Jrborn about 1937
WhitcheadCharlotte Aborn about 1913
WhitcheadI Carterborn about 1904
WhiteFrances Eborn about 1915
WhiteRobert Aborn about 1910
WhittonAlvin Lborn about 1874
WhittonCharles Wborn about 1928
WhittonEarl Sborn about 1918
WhittonKathrine born about 1878
WilliamHattie Mborn about 1938
WilliamJohn born about 1935
WilliamJohn Lborn about 1912
WilliamKatherine Hborn about 1913
WilliamsA Claiborneborn about 1920
WilliamsFrances Jborn about 1936
WilliamsHarry born about 1913
WilliamsHelen Cborn about 1918
WilliamsIsabel born about 1918
WilliamsJames Hborn about 1893
WilliamsJames H Jrborn about 1915
WilliamsJohn Cborn about 1940
WilliamsJoseph Rborn about 1921
WilliamsLynwood Eborn about 1890
WilliamsMildred Mborn about 1893
WilliamsNanny Gborn about 1895
WilliamsRalph Oborn about 1933
WilliamsRichard Bborn about 1939
WilliamsonJohn Lborn about 1875
WilliamsonLummie Lborn about 1891
WilliamsonNancy Tborn about 1924
WilliamsonThomas Cborn about 1914
WingoldAnnie Cborn about 1922
WingoldCharles Fborn about 1919
WingoldJohn Cborn about 1882
WingoldJohn C Jrborn about 1917
WingoldMamie Cborn about 1892
WingoldRaymond Aborn about 1921
WinnLoyd born about 1906
WoodsonAbbie born about 1910
WoodsonDoretta born about 1921
WoodsonEva Lborn about 1931
WoodsonEvelyn Gborn about 1929
WoodsonJames Gborn about 1903
WrennDexter Lborn about 1890
WrennLucy born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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