1940 U.S. Federal Census of Leigh in Prince Edward County, Prince Edward, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Prince Edward County > 1940 Census of Leigh in Prince Edward County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEdward Wborn about 1913
AdamsElizabeth born about 1892
AdamsElizabeth born about 1921
AdkinsDave Cborn about 1894
AdkinsDave C Jrborn about 1920
AdkinsElla Eborn about 1900
AdkinsFreddie Bborn about 1928
AdkinsJoan born about 1938
AgnewBenjima Hborn about 1898
AgnewElnora born about 1887
AgnewForest Jborn about 1913
AgnewJosephine Hborn about 1896
AlexanderJames Rborn about 1922
AllenConnie Mborn about 1928
AllenCousy Wborn about 1902
AllenEmly born about 1851
AllenFrances Eborn about 1926
AllenHannah Eborn about 1882
AllenHelen Jborn about 1932
AllenMargret Eborn about 1924
AllenMary Jborn about 1933
AllenSarah Mborn about 1902
AllisonEvelyn Iborn about 1924
AllisonJames Lborn about 1877
AllisonViola Mborn about 1883
AndersonCatherine born about 1843
AndersonClaud born about 1887
AndersonClaud Jr born about 1923
AndersonEdward born about 1928
AndersonHester Sborn about 1911
AndersonJohn Tborn about 1932
AndersonJohn Wborn about 1901
AndersonPauline born about 1927
AndersonPeyton Eborn about 1858
AndersonRaleigh Lborn about 1936
AndersonRobert Cborn about 1934
AndersonShirley Jborn about 1938
AndersonSpencer born about 1913
ArcherHerbert born about 1923
ArdreyGeorgia Lborn about 1922
ArdreyMaggie born about 1901
ArimesteadBertha Mborn about 1909
ArimesteadElizabeth Cborn about 1869
ArimesteadFrank Lborn about 1927
ArimesteadLena Tborn about 1931
ArimesteadMartha Cborn about 1933
ArimesteadNed Sborn about 1929
ArimesteadWillie Sborn about 1904
ArmerBessie Cborn about 1920
ArmerGeorge Cborn about 1906
ArmerVelma Rborn about 1938
ArmfieldAlbert Vborn about 1925
ArmfieldBlanch Aborn about 1929
ArmfieldGeorgie born about 1923
ArmfieldI Thomas Gborn about 1894
ArmfieldI Thomas G Jrborn about 1927
ArmfieldJulia born about 1894
ArmfieldNancy born about 1932
ArmfieldRuby Hborn about 1920
ArmsEssie Gborn about 1939
AveretteMckinley born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyArthur Fborn about 1927
BagleyLawrence born about 1936
BagleyLinnie born about 1931
BagleyNannie born about 1890
BaileyBertha Aborn about 1920
BaileyHilda born about 1920
BaileyJessie Jborn about 1918
BaileyJunius born about 1920
BaileyNellie Eborn about 1939
BaileySamuel Jr born about 1880
BantonIda Sborn about 1930
BantonJanie born about 1935
BantonLucy born about 1937
BantonMattie born about 1908
BantonRuth born about 1929
BantonWillie Aborn about 1902
BantonWillie A Jrborn about 1932
BarkerAllen Hborn about 1931
BarkerAnne Dborn about 1935
BarkerBertha Mborn about 1900
BarkerBertha Mborn about 1923
BarkerIva Cborn about 1925
BarkerLucy born about 1863
BarkerSamuel Aborn about 1893
BarkerSamuel A Jrborn about 1921
BarksdaleAnnie Mborn about 1926
BarksdaleBernice born about 1934
BarksdaleBerniece born about 1932
BarksdaleEdward born about 1917
BarksdaleHarry Tborn about 1928
BarksdaleJack Tborn about 1926
BarksdaleJacob born about 1875
BarksdaleJanie born about 1934
BarksdaleJohnnie born about 1937
BarksdaleJoseph born about 1921
BarksdaleLue Fborn about 1895
BarksdaleMary Eborn about 1870
BarksdaleRebecca born about 1918
BarksdaleRoosvelt born about 1936
BarksdaleWilliam Mborn about 1887
BarnesArlie Nborn about 1919
BarnesArthur born about 1938
BartonAlder Bborn about 1884
BartonAnna Gborn about 1933
BartonBennie Tborn about 1928
BartonBernie Lborn about 1894
BartonCharles Aborn about 1880
BartonCharles Dborn about 1915
BartonDaisy Bborn about 1910
BartonDaisy Eborn about 1932
BartonEdward Aborn about 1878
BartonEva Aborn about 1920
BartonGeorge Aborn about 1917
BartonGeorge Dborn about 1882
BartonJames Lborn about 1888
BartonJohn Tborn about 1891
BartonJohn T Jrborn about 1924
BartonJohnson Mborn about 1916
BartonLenious Lborn about 1928
BartonLillie Mborn about 1931
BartonMabel Eborn about 1924
BartonMary Vborn about 1898
BartonMattie Fborn about 1934
BartonMazie L Tborn about 1926
BartonTom Bborn about 1936
BartonVernie Cborn about 1921
BartonWilburn Cborn about 1929
BartonWoodrow Dborn about 1926
BeckCharles Bborn about 1897
BeckCharles Bborn about 1927
BeckDavid Hborn about 1904
BeckDoris Jborn about 1932
BeckEdna Eborn about 1907
BeckElizabeth Lborn about 1900
BeckLudema born about 1873
BeckMack Lborn about 1873
BeckMartha Fborn about 1932
BedsaulWoodrow Wborn about 1913
BellEdmond Vborn about 1932
BellEgbert Dborn about 1889
BellFlorence Eborn about 1900
BellFrank Jborn about 1925
BellMary Fborn about 1925
BellRichard Lborn about 1927
BellSarah born about 1888
BellWalter born about 1922
BernardBettie Mborn about 1936
BernardEdith Aborn about 1933
BernardFred Jborn about 1925
BernardGaynell Rborn about 1938
BernardLucile Vborn about 1903
BernardRussell Bborn about 1895
BernardRussell B Jrborn about 1929
BerryAnna born about 1866
BerryAnna Eborn about 1932
BerryBessie Bborn about 1895
BerryClifton Lborn about 1933
BerryDorothy Mborn about 1937
BerryEarnest born about 1931
BerryEddie Lborn about 1929
BerryFranklin Wborn about 1934
BerryIrma Hborn about 1896
BerryJames Eborn about 1930
BerryJames Fborn about 1936
BerryJennie born about 1846
BerryJohn born about 1931
BerryJohn Tborn about 1870
BerryJohn Wborn about 1934
BerryJunius Bborn about 1880
BerryKennith Vborn about 1928
BerryMalcolm Sborn about 1932
BerryMary Jborn about 1870
BerryMaudie Rborn about 1920
BerryMonta Mborn about 1896
BerryRobert Eborn about 1889
BerryRobert E Jrborn about 1924
BerryWilliam Rborn about 1891
BerryWilliam R Jrborn about 1925
BerryWilliam Sborn about 1918
BerryWillie born about 1892
BiggerHazel born about 1936
BlalockDorothy Mborn about 1923
BlalockNettie Mborn about 1895
BlandDorothy born about 1929
BollingerBlanch Eborn about 1895
BollingerJohn Hborn about 1890
BollingerJohn Pborn about 1930
BoltonAlbert Mborn about 1887
BoltonAlbert M Jrborn about 1925
BoltonEva Mborn about 1901
BookerCatherine born about 1877
BookerClarence Eborn about 1921
BookerClarence Pborn about 1904
BookerDaisy Aborn about 1918
BookerDavid Tborn about 1925
BookerEugene born about 1934
BookerLelia Fborn about 1890
BorumHilda Kborn about 1910
BorumHoward Sborn about 1897
BorumMartha Vborn about 1929
BorumMollie Sborn about 1861
BorumOscar Jborn about 1893
BorumOscar J Jrborn about 1932
BoswellEffie Bborn about 1885
BoswellHenry Eborn about 1879
BoswellHodges Sborn about 1916
BoswellWilliam Lborn about 1919
BowmanFannie Cborn about 1878
BowmanJohn Wborn about 1872
BoyceKelly Wborn about 1917
BoyceRoby Wborn about 1886
BradshawAlexander born about 1928
BranchJames born about 1856
BranchMary Aborn about 1924
BrownLewis born about 1923
BrownPhilip born about 1921
BrownThomas born about 1922
BullardJohn Bborn about 1893
BurnsMary Bborn about 1860
BurrussFrances Eborn about 1921
BurtonSamuel born about 1881

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C Surnames

CalfeeCharles born about 1922
CalhounDaisy Lborn about 1892
CalhounFrank Tborn about 1884
CampbellAnna Mborn about 1911
CampbellCharles Eborn about 1866
CampbellDora Bborn about 1871
CampbellSena Rborn about 1914
CarterAda born about 1900
CarterAda born about 1923
CarterEverett born about 1888
CarterFannie born about 1910
CarterJames Hborn about 1925
CarterJohn born about 1921
CarterJoseph born about 1929
CarterLucy Mborn about 1940
CarterMoses Aborn about 1934
CarterSamuel born about 1929
CephasJames born about 1898
ChaneyBetty Jborn about 1934
ChaneyEthel Wborn about 1902
ChaneyJohn Rborn about 1900
ChaneyRobert Sborn about 1936
CheathamStella Iborn about 1909
CheathamWilliam Bborn about 1881
CheathamWilliam Sborn about 1904
CheathamWilson Bborn about 1918
ChildressHerman Sborn about 1912
ChildressJames Eborn about 1903
ClarkAgusta born about 1891
ClarkClaudie Mborn about 1907
ClarkDouglas Tborn about 1914
ClarkEdith Mborn about 1937
ClarkEmma Mborn about 1928
ClarkJohn Aborn about 1935
ClarkLewis Eborn about 1926
ClarkMaggie Eborn about 1855
ClarkRena Eborn about 1917
ClarkRoyal Wborn about 1940
ClarkWalter Gborn about 1938
ClarkWatson Tborn about 1877
ClarkWilliam Aborn about 1894
ClarkWilliam A Jrborn about 1932
ClarkWinston born about 1924
ClementsBranch Cborn about 1891
ClementsGladys Vborn about 1914
ClementsVirginia Aborn about 1894
CobbsRobert Lborn about 1927
ColemanGeorge Wborn about 1886
ColemanMamie Lborn about 1870
ColemanSamuel Cborn about 1868
ColemanSamuel Eborn about 1906
ColleyAlden Rborn about 1902
ColleyHoward Dborn about 1928
ColleyMildred Lborn about 1938
ColleyPhyllis Aborn about 1930
ColleyRuth Eborn about 1906
ColleyShirley Mborn about 1939
ConnerFrank Jborn about 1898
ConnerNannie Mborn about 1891
CookEthel Eborn about 1914
CookEva Wborn about 1894
CookFrederick Wborn about 1939
CookPhyllis Aborn about 1937
CookSamuel Aborn about 1923
CookWilliam Tborn about 1916
CoxBettie Cborn about 1878
CoxBryan Jborn about 1938
CoxBryan Rborn about 1901
CoxMattie Jborn about 1910
CoxTalmadge Rborn about 1918
CraddockIsabelle born about 1887
CraftonAubrey Aborn about 1913
CraftonCharles Aborn about 1937
CraftonJohn Wborn about 1889
CraftonLandon Fborn about 1935
CraftonLawrence Cborn about 1907
CraftonMargaret Aborn about 1924
CraftonMary Hborn about 1928
CraftonRosa Bborn about 1894
CraftonSune born about 1917
CrawleyCattie born about 1850

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D Surnames

DanceBessie Wborn about 1862
DanceJanie Dborn about 1880
DanceNannie Lborn about 1866
DanceSamuel Fborn about 1881
DavisBeatrice Hborn about 1908
DavisBetty Mborn about 1935
DavisBlanch Lborn about 1930
DavisDoris Jborn about 1929
DavisEmma Lborn about 1914
DavisHenry Vborn about 1882
DavisJames born about 1876
DavisMartha Lborn about 1918
DavisThomas Jborn about 1895
DeanEvabelle born about 1908
DeanMary Mborn about 1883
DeanStewart Wborn about 1921
DeboseBernard born about 1923
DehartAlice Cborn about 1934
DehartCatherine Bborn about 1926
DehartCharles Tborn about 1928
DehartCreed Hborn about 1908
DehartCreed Wborn about 1936
DehartDonald Pborn about 1931
DehartHarold Tborn about 1932
DehartHelen Wborn about 1914
DehartIda Jborn about 1916
DehartNorman Eborn about 1937
DehartVirginia Mborn about 1933
DehartWilliam Pborn about 1906
DehartYvone Eborn about 1931
DiggsJune Tborn about 1929
DiggsMatilda Jborn about 1909
DoswellAlexander born about 1929
DoswellArlie Aborn about 1931
DoswellElnora born about 1869
DoswellEster Mborn about 1931
DoswellJames Sborn about 1896
DoswellKermit Wborn about 1926
DoswellLawrence Lborn about 1936
DoswellMartha Lborn about 1905
DoswellMary Oborn about 1926
DoswellQuinton Dborn about 1925
DoswellShirley Nborn about 1924
DoswellWilliam Nborn about 1934
DoswellWillie Mborn about 1894
DungansClifton Dborn about 1936
DungansCurtis Cborn about 1932
DungansEllen Lborn about 1935
DungansHerbert Wborn about 1922
DungansHunter Dborn about 1900
DungansJosephine Hborn about 1904
DungansKate Iborn about 1933
DungansLeon Lborn about 1888
DungansMary Lborn about 1930
DungansOna Eborn about 1900
DungansOna Mborn about 1925
DungansRobert Gborn about 1929
DungansRuth Cborn about 1927
DunnavantRichard Tborn about 1898
DupeyAsa born about 1873
DupeyFannie born about 1918
DupeyJohn born about 1872
DupeyNannie born about 1880

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E Surnames

EanesCarolyn Aborn about 1939
EanesDorothy Mborn about 1932
EanesErnestine Lborn about 1928
EanesEttie Jborn about 1929
EanesHelen Eborn about 1930
EanesIoma born about 1909
EanesOkey Pborn about 1906
EanesOkey P Jrborn about 1934
EcholsElsie Gborn about 1927
EcholsJessie Wborn about 1915
EcholsJoseph Tborn about 1871
EcholsLaura Mborn about 1882
EcholsLester Wborn about 1913
EcholsNellie Mborn about 1925
EcholsVirginia Eborn about 1922
EisenLouis born about 1912
ElliottBarbara Aborn about 1937
ElliottCristine Fborn about 1919
ElliottDoris Jborn about 1939
ElliottHattie Lborn about 1917
ElliottHattie Nborn about 1894
ElliottLeland Oborn about 1911
ElliottLyricrgus Lborn about 1891
ElliottRuby Gborn about 1926
EwingAshley born about 1900
EwingHenry Nborn about 1877
EwingMargaret Aborn about 1855
EwingMay Wborn about 1905
EwingSusie born about 1923

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F Surnames

FaulknerJames born about 1923
FearsAlma Dborn about 1900
FearsAndrew Jborn about 1897
FearsCharles Wborn about 1891
FearsFrances Jborn about 1925
FearsJulia Gborn about 1868
FearsLee born about 1869
FearsLorrine Vborn about 1923
FearsMary born about 1872
FlemingEdward born about 1922
FlippinBlanchie Eborn about 1886
FlippinFred Oborn about 1916
FlippinThomas Kborn about 1924
FlippinThomas Nborn about 1885
FlowersDaisy Mborn about 1888
FordCarnether born about 1935
FordJoseph born about 1922
FordJulia born about 1939
FordRogers born about 1936
FordSue born about 1879
FordThamon born about 1938
FordVirginia born about 1898
FordWilliam born about 1922
FosterCharles Aborn about 1885
FosterCouswell Mborn about 1930
FosterHarold Rborn about 1924
FosterLouise born about 1870
FosterSusie Jborn about 1889
FosterWoodrow Wborn about 1928
FowlkesBessie Rborn about 1911
FowlkesIla Mborn about 1926
FowlkesJohn Hborn about 1936
FowlkesOla Gborn about 1882
FowlkesPolly born about 1860
FowlkesReginald Lborn about 1939
FowlkesRobert Lborn about 1934
FowlkesWharey Lborn about 1910
FowlksLaura Jborn about 1875
FrancisAshby Lborn about 1898
FrancisLillian Jborn about 1925
FrancisLillian Mborn about 1899
FranklinLucille Aborn about 1908
FreemonGeorge Wborn about 1891
FreemonLillian Bborn about 1918
FreemonMabel Vborn about 1896
FreemonOliver Wborn about 1920
FrenchEarnest Lborn about 1879
FrenchNannie Aborn about 1879

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G Surnames

GainesCharles Wborn about 1926
GainesGates born about 1883
GarrettAnna Eborn about 1927
GarrettBailey Lborn about 1937
GarrettBarbara Aborn about 1939
GarrettBettie Gborn about 1938
GarrettCharles Bborn about 1890
GarrettFrances Tborn about 1894
GarrettJames Cborn about 1913
GarrettLee Eborn about 1899
GarrettMaggie Lborn about 1929
GarrettMary Eborn about 1916
GarrettMary Gborn about 1925
GarrettMattie Lborn about 1923
GarrettMattie Sborn about 1904
GarrettMyrtle Lborn about 1928
GarrettRobert Eborn about 1933
GarrettWilliam Aborn about 1901
GayAnnie Lborn about 1930
GayCalvin Bborn about 1936
GayHilda Lborn about 1900
GayI Sam Gborn about 1934
GayJames Oborn about 1928
GayMartha Lborn about 1932
GayRobert Bborn about 1902
GayRobert Sborn about 1927
GheeBertha Mborn about 1907
GheeDorothy Mborn about 1938
GheeElizabeth born about 1865
GheeFlorence Rborn about 1939
GheeFreddie born about 1932
GheeHoward born about 1922
GheeIsac Tborn about 1927
GheeJerry born about 1864
GheeJohn Eborn about 1896
GheeMartha born about 1875
GheeMary born about 1898
GheeMary Aborn about 1929
GheeMozzio born about 1933
GheeReginald born about 1928
GheeSquire Wborn about 1886
GheeWiley born about 1895
GheeWilliam Cborn about 1925
GholsonAlma Aborn about 1914
GholsonJoseph Tborn about 1912
GibboneyLena Mborn about 1916
GilliamElla Fborn about 1884
GilliamJohn Jborn about 1856
GilliamPearl Oborn about 1890
GlasgowAubrey Bborn about 1926
GlasgowFrank Eborn about 1931
GlasgowGracie Cborn about 1928
GlasgowJames Tborn about 1917
GlasgowJohn Lborn about 1923
GlasgowLessie born about 1887
GlasgowLessie Mborn about 1921
GlasgowMattie Lborn about 1913
GlasgowWilliam Bborn about 1880
GlasscockFrancis born about 1930
GlasscockJames Mborn about 1913
GlasscockMary Rborn about 1925
GlasscockRobert Hborn about 1910
GlasscockVirginia born about 1923
GlasscockVirginia Cborn about 1887
GlasscockWalter Cborn about 1921
GlasscockWilliam Cborn about 1881
GlasscockWilliam Cborn about 1919
GlennHuelia Cborn about 1921
GlennMartha Eborn about 1893
GoodwinAlma Fborn about 1934
GoodwinAnnie Jborn about 1894
GoodwinDorothy Eborn about 1930
GoodwinEmma Mborn about 1926
GoodwinMary Jborn about 1926
GoodwinRichard Mborn about 1922
GoodwinRobert Fborn about 1923
GoodwinSamuel Hborn about 1919
GoodwinThomas Aborn about 1931
GoodwinThomas Mborn about 1884
GoodwinWilliam Cborn about 1923
GouldCornelia Bborn about 1934
GouldElizabeth Aborn about 1886
GouldSally Aborn about 1933
GouldWilliam Hborn about 1875
GrantJulius born about 1924
GrimAlma Gborn about 1894
GrimGrover Lborn about 1887

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H Surnames

HaileyAudrey Lborn about 1934
HaileyCatherine Bborn about 1927
HaileyEvie Gborn about 1888
HaileyLillie Eborn about 1925
HaileyThomas Iborn about 1880
HallEdith Mborn about 1924
HallHelen Tborn about 1904
HallHerbert Tborn about 1927
HallMamie born about 1924
HallMargaret Lborn about 1928
HallRennie Hborn about 1902
HaltGeorgia Annaborn about 1860
HaltWitt Aborn about 1889
HamlinJames Eborn about 1871
HamlinLucy Jborn about 1873
HamlinSimmie born about 1923
HammerCharles Lborn about 1938
HammerPearl Lborn about 1919
HammerRoy Wborn about 1907
HammerSelona born about 1868
HardawayJames born about 1900
HardawayLily born about 1877
HardieJames Dborn about 1875
HardieMattie Cborn about 1890
HardingLouisa born about 1837
HarrisJanie Bborn about 1925
HarrisLottie Bborn about 1921
HarrisMartha Jborn about 1883
HarrisRobert Hborn about 1936
HarrisonBettie born about 1919
HarrisonClifford born about 1928
HarrisonDora born about 1894
HarrisonGrace born about 1925
HarrisonJohn Hborn about 1882
HarrisonJoseph born about 1921
HarrisonLeroy born about 1926
HarrisonPhilip born about 1921
HarrisonRosetta born about 1940
HarrisonRussell born about 1916
HarrisonWillie born about 1928
HaskinsEmma born about 1860
HatchellBertha Mborn about 1920
HatcherEarl Cborn about 1928
HatcherGarnet Aborn about 1901
HatcherHarold Hborn about 1932
HatcherHildred Mborn about 1925
HatcherIrene Fborn about 1930
HatcherJames Gborn about 1926
HatcherPattie Oborn about 1905
HavensHazel Sborn about 1906
HavensHenry Aborn about 1901
HavensJane Eborn about 1933
HavensNancy Lborn about 1939
HerzigAlbert born about 1891
HerzigAnna Lborn about 1929
HerzigClaude Sborn about 1920
HerzigEarnest Eborn about 1892
HerzigEdward Aborn about 1925
HerzigElla Mborn about 1899
HerzigErnestine born about 1858
HerzigFred born about 1858
HerzigFred Lborn about 1928
HerzigHazel Bborn about 1924
HerzigThelma Lborn about 1932
HockettJoseph Dborn about 1907
HodgesHelen Rborn about 1916
HodgesHenry Tborn about 1911
HodgesWillie Jborn about 1939
HolmesHarry Nborn about 1928
HolzerEmel Aborn about 1870
HopewellMerlyn Vborn about 1926
HowardJames born about 1870
HudsonAlex born about 1871
HudsonNannie Bborn about 1891
HudsonWillie Eborn about 1890
HumphreysAnne born about 1933
HumphreysFaye born about 1930
HumphreysHomer Aborn about 1902
HumphreysJoie born about 1932
HumphreysRuth Eborn about 1905
HuntAnna Rborn about 1920
HuntAnnie Lborn about 1896
HuntAnnie Rborn about 1926
HuntEddie born about 1924
HuntMamie Lborn about 1939
HuntMartha Eborn about 1937
HuntPreston born about 1915
HuntTruly Jborn about 1922
HuntWilliam born about 1864
HurtGarland born about 1930
HurtGeorge born about 1929
HurtHelen Mborn about 1915
HurtLilly born about 1925
HurtRobert born about 1932
HurtRudolph born about 1934
HurtSam born about 1885
HurtWalter born about 1928

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I Surnames

IrbyAda Hborn about 1925
IrbyArthur Sborn about 1923
IrbyCalvin born about 1925
IrbyCecil Wborn about 1920
IrbyEdwin Lborn about 1927
IrbyEudora Fborn about 1928
IrbyEvelyn Tborn about 1933
IrbyFannie Mborn about 1898
IrbyHarvey Lborn about 1937
IrbyHilda Mborn about 1935
IrbyJoe Nborn about 1880
IrbyJoseph Eborn about 1918
IrbyLena Cborn about 1931
IrbyLena Jborn about 1893
IrbySamuel Mborn about 1895
IrvinDorthea born about 1939
IrvinElnora born about 1939
IsenhourBertha Mborn about 1929
IsenhourDavid Cborn about 1939
IsenhourDelores Fborn about 1937
IsenhourEstil Nborn about 1930
IsenhourEthel Jborn about 1909
IsenhourJackson Lborn about 1934
IsenhourMyra Mborn about 1875
IsenhourWalter Gborn about 1909
IsenhourWalter G Jrborn about 1932

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J Surnames

JacksonAlice Eborn about 1914
JacksonAlice Mborn about 1926
JacksonCharles Mborn about 1933
JacksonClinton Cborn about 1937
JacksonClivord born about 1922
JacksonCornelius Aborn about 1936
JacksonElla Lborn about 1924
JacksonEunice born about 1924
JacksonHerman Lborn about 1921
JacksonIvory born about 1928
JacksonJames Lborn about 1939
JacksonJerry Lborn about 1939
JacksonJohn Mborn about 1894
JacksonJohn M Jrborn about 1937
JacksonKeston born about 1938
JacksonLee Aborn about 1896
JacksonLessie Vborn about 1900
JacksonLizzie born about 1870
JacksonMary Eborn about 1937
JacksonMollie born about 1880
JacksonOthelia born about 1929
JacksonThelma born about 1934
JacksonVirginia Lborn about 1928
JacksonWardell born about 1930
JacksonWilliam born about 1857
JacksonWilliam Sborn about 1926
JeffersonMittie born about 1886
JeffersonWilliam Hborn about 1886
JeffersonWilliam H Jrborn about 1922
JeffressJohn Wborn about 1887
JenkinsAlma Hborn about 1914
JenkinsAndy Jborn about 1904
JenkinsCalvin Jborn about 1928
JenkinsCardie Wborn about 1896
JenkinsCharlie Rborn about 1892
JenkinsIra Hborn about 1886
JenkinsLucile Gborn about 1924
JenkinsMargaret Mborn about 1933
JenkinsMary Eborn about 1905
JenkinsMildred Iborn about 1920
JenkinsMurl Lborn about 1911
JenkinsPhyllis Hborn about 1939
JenkinsRalph Lborn about 1917
JenkinsRobert Eborn about 1898
JenkinsRoy Cborn about 1913
JenkinsVester Tborn about 1888
JenningsHorace born about 1922
JohnsonAlbert Jr born about 1893
JohnsonBettie Lborn about 1884
JohnsonBurnice born about 1930
JohnsonCleura born about 1931
JohnsonDelores Cborn about 1929
JohnsonEmma born about 1893
JohnsonEugene born about 1918
JohnsonEvery born about 1935
JohnsonFannie Lborn about 1905
JohnsonFlorence Lborn about 1932
JohnsonGrace born about 1924
JohnsonHenry Hborn about 1927
JohnsonIda Mborn about 1921
JohnsonJenet born about 1935
JohnsonJosephine Sborn about 1929
JohnsonJudie Aborn about 1927
JohnsonLarry Aborn about 1940
JohnsonLil Nborn about 1932
JohnsonLucille Tborn about 1928
JohnsonLucy born about 1882
JohnsonMargret Gborn about 1934
JohnsonMary Bborn about 1921
JohnsonMattie born about 1930
JohnsonMurl born about 1926
JohnsonOdessia Aborn about 1938
JohnsonPercy C Lborn about 1931
JohnsonPernell born about 1922
JohnsonSamuel born about 1920
JohnsonVan M born about 1912
JohnsonWillie Eborn about 1914
JonesAnnie Rborn about 1882
JonesFlorence Aborn about 1926
JonesFoster Fborn about 1904
JonesFrank Hborn about 1879
JonesJohn born about 1922
JonesMurriel born about 1910
JonesPaul born about 1916
JonesWilliam Tborn about 1853
JordanFerdenand born about 1867
JordanLina born about 1867

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K Surnames

KarnsAngie Dborn about 1904
KarnsDora Rborn about 1925
KarnsDoris Gborn about 1938
KarnsJulius Fborn about 1897
KarnsMaggie Pborn about 1926
KarnsRaymond Fborn about 1930
KarnsVirginia Bborn about 1931
KauffmanCharles Pborn about 1929
KauffmanHilda Mborn about 1928
KauffmanOtto Cborn about 1894
KauffmanVivian Mborn about 1907
KearneyArline Gborn about 1934
KearneyRuth Cborn about 1908
KearneySamuel Mborn about 1911
KebelGeorge born about 1870
KeyserAubrey Hborn about 1904
KirsteinAlice Eborn about 1922
KirsteinAmelia Hborn about 1898
KirsteinChester Hborn about 1928
KirsteinFrank born about 1879
KirsteinFrank Rborn about 1925
KirsteinMarjorie Lborn about 1920
KnightDaisy born about 1888
KnightDoris born about 1923
KnightEtta Mborn about 1930
KnightHenry Fborn about 1880
KnightIola born about 1875
KnightJames born about 1842
KnightMattie Hborn about 1873
KnightRoy Fborn about 1924

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L Surnames

LanghorneGeorge Mborn about 1878
LanghorneRichard Eborn about 1881
LashFrank Eborn about 1887
LashSusie Aborn about 1858
LayneJohn Hborn about 1912
LayneMamie Hborn about 1921
LaynePhyllis Aborn about 1939
LeeBeatrice born about 1931
LeeBettie born about 1908
LeeFlossie Mborn about 1934
LeeHildred Vborn about 1928
LeeHoward Lborn about 1936
LeeLottie Bborn about 1935
LeeMarjorie Eborn about 1930
LeeSarah Jborn about 1885
LeeTilda born about 1862
LeeWilliam Eborn about 1933
LeeWilliam Iborn about 1939
LesterDorothy Eborn about 1926
LesterElsie Mborn about 1934
LesterFannie Fborn about 1908
LesterGeorge Eborn about 1930
LesterLillian Lborn about 1932
LesterShirley Kborn about 1937
LesterThomas Lborn about 1894
LesterWilliam Eborn about 1939
LewisBelle born about 1888
LewisBoyd born about 1931
LewisCarol born about
LewisEugene born about 1929
LewisLeonard Aborn about 1916
LewisLora born about 1927
LewisMary Dborn about 1938
LewisMeriweather born about 1894
LewisVerona born about 1918
LewisWalter born about 1922
LewisWilla Kborn about 1937
LockettRosa Rborn about 1873
LockettWilliam born about 1933
LoveHenry born about 1921
LynchArthur Hborn about 1906
LynchDorothy Lborn about 1930
LynchEdna born about 1907
LynchEvelyn Rborn about 1936
LynchFrank Hborn about 1927
LynchMary born about 1886
LynchMary Bborn about 1928
LynchShirley Eborn about 1933
LynchWilliam Aborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacfarlaneRosa born about 1858
MagillMildred Jborn about 1919
MagillWalter Bborn about 1917
MarkerAgnes born about 1911
MarkerJames Wborn about 1863
MarkerJoseph Eborn about 1908
MarkerMildred Eborn about 1922
MarkerSeth Wborn about 1903
MartinAnna Lborn about 1926
MartinClarence Eborn about 1922
MartinDorcas Lborn about 1928
MartinEffie Pborn about 1887
MartinEverette Aborn about 1902
MartinFlorence Mborn about 1894
MartinHartwell Cborn about 1917
MartinHoward Wborn about 1916
MartinJames Hborn about 1918
MartinJohn Eborn about 1894
MartinMabel Bborn about 1902
MartinSamuel Fborn about 1894
MasonMary born about 1922
MatlackElizabeth Pborn about 1878
MatlackSamuel Bborn about 1867
MaysFrank born about 1917
McFarlandEmma Aborn about 1876
McFarlandJohn Wborn about 1874
McKayEvelyn Lborn about 1939
McKayIva Vborn about 1915
McKayJoseph Lborn about 1918
McMilliamEldridge Eborn about 1924
McMilliamElma Wborn about 1926
McMilliamIva Kborn about 1931
McMilliamJohn Wborn about 1902
McMilliamNellie Aborn about 1906
MillerAlpha Dborn about 1923
MillerBerniece born about 1928
MillerClassie born about 1932
MillerDorothy born about 1933
MillerEarlie born about 1888
MillerEva Mborn about 1898
MillerFrank Lborn about 1882
MillerGloria Dborn about 1932
MillerHelen Cborn about 1928
MillerHenry Cborn about 1932
MillerHenry Hborn about 1910
MillerJames Sborn about 1876
MillerJohn Oborn about 1886
MillerJohn Rborn about 1881
MillerLewis Bborn about 1874
MillerLewis Cborn about 1911
MillerLizzie born about 1867
MillerMattie Jborn about 1874
MillerMyron Cborn about 1917
MillerNannie Lborn about 1892
MillerOdell born about 1926
MillerPack born about 1858
MillerPauline Rborn about 1891
MillerRalph Eborn about 1931
MillerRobert Lborn about 1934
MillerRoena born about 1931
MillerSusie Gborn about 1894
MillerWillie born about 1881
MillerWilson born about 1916
MoonSallie Aborn about 1898
MoonThomas Mborn about 1882
MooreElla Jborn about 1925
MoorefieldHenry Tborn about 1919
MoorefieldHilton Lborn about 1923
MoorefieldLaura Fborn about 1891
MoosmanWalter born about 1918
MortonMaggie Mborn about 1923
MortonSamuel born about 1924
MotleyHallie Mborn about 1926
MotleyLucille Hborn about 1925
MotleyPreston Rborn about 1924
MurrielJoan Kborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashElizabeth Aborn about 1936
NashMollie Mborn about 1883
NashWhitford Rborn about 1884
NealBettie Eborn about 1922
NealCatherine Gborn about 1934
NealClinwood Eborn about 1923
NealElnora Mborn about 1909
NealLee Eborn about 1934
NealMarion born about 1929
NealMary born about 1930
NealMary Bborn about 1887
NealMildred Lborn about 1925
NealThelma Rborn about 1927
NealViola Jborn about 1900
NealWilliam Hborn about 1867
NealWilliam Jborn about 1900
NeatheryBertie Mborn about 1924
NeatheryBessie Lborn about 1892
NeatheryCharles Mborn about 1938
NeatheryDaniel Jborn about 1897
NeatheryDaniel J Jrborn about 1931
NeatheryDavid Eborn about 1937
NeatheryEdith Eborn about 1928
NeatheryHodges Wborn about 1921
NeatheryJohn Wborn about 1922
NeatheryMabel Lborn about 1925
NeatheryMary Eborn about 1918
NeatheryRobert Eborn about 1917
NeatheryWillard Jborn about 1916
NelsonClara Vborn about 1906
NelsonGraham Hborn about 1906
NelsonGraham H Jrborn about 1937
NelsonLula Eborn about 1909
NelsonMinnie Jborn about 1938
NelsonReginald Iborn about 1933
NelsonRichard Aborn about 1933
NelsonRobert Lborn about 1930
NelsonSamuel Lborn about 1902
NevelAlma Mborn about 1921
NevelCalvin Lborn about 1924
NevelClyde Dborn about 1890
NevelClyde D Jrborn about 1928
NevelFrances Jborn about 1932
NevelLelia Jborn about 1903
NevelLewis Bborn about 1936
NevelMargaret Vborn about 1926
NevelShirley Dborn about 1939
NewcombAda Eborn about 1899
NewcombAda Fborn about 1938
NewcombAlice Gborn about 1940
NewcombEmma born about 1934
NewcombGean Aborn about 1938
NewcombJames Hborn about 1883
NewcombJames H Jrborn about 1923
NewcombMary Lborn about 1922
NewcombMinniie Lborn about 1929
NewcombRichard Cborn about 1918
NewcombRuth Eborn about 1928
NewcombVirginia Bborn about 1939
NortonClaude Tborn about 1910
NortonMary Gborn about 1915
NorwoodElvin Eborn about 1887
NorwoodErnestine born about 1926
NorwoodJames Eborn about 1880
NorwoodJohn Fborn about 1924
NunnallyAddie Sborn about 1896
NunnallyBertha Aborn about 1901
NunnallyBessie Dborn about 1886
NunnallyCarroll Bborn about 1924
NunnallyEarl Cborn about 1892
NunnallyFrank Cborn about 1920
NunnallyGeorge Aborn about 1884
NunnallyGeorge Pborn about 1877
NunnallyJames Wborn about 1915
NunnallyJohn Rborn about 1890
NunnallyJohn R Jrborn about 1935
NunnallyLucile Pborn about 1898
NunnallyMary Lborn about 1856
NunnallyMary Mborn about 1862
NunnallyNaomi Eborn about 1922
NunnallyRuby Mborn about 1895
NunnallySallie Eborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverBenjiman born about 1926
OliverGeorge Wborn about 1884
OliverGlady born about 1936
OliverJames Aborn about 1875
OliverKeyston born about 1929
OliverLaura Aborn about 1879
OliverMary Rborn about 1895
OliverRobert born about 1932
OrdAlice Hborn about 1874
OsborneEtta Vborn about 1878
OsleyAlma Gborn about 1927
OsleyAmelia Jborn about 1898
OsleyOaxley Tborn about 1924
OsleySamuel Cborn about 1878
OwenAgnes born about 1910
OwenAnn Lborn about 1929
OwenAnnie Fborn about 1938
OwenBessie Hborn about 1898
OwenCharles Cborn about 1927
OwenCora born about 1921
OwenJohn born about 1885
OwenJohn Hborn about 1923
OwenJohn Jr born about 1921
OwenJunius born about 1895
OwenLelia Bborn about 1853
OwenLouise born about 1905
OwenMeriah born about 1890
OwenNathan born about 1918
OwenPearl born about 1935
OwenRosa Mborn about 1921
OwenThomas Vborn about 1890
OwenThomas V Jrborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaigeBessie Rborn about 1930
PaigeEdward born about 1882
PaigeGeorge Wborn about 1929
PaigeJames Hborn about 1925
PaigeJohn Eborn about 1921
PaigeMinnie born about 1883
PaigeRosa Eborn about 1933
PaigeSarah born about 1923
PalmerGeorge Wborn about 1894
PalmerRuth Iborn about 1908
PanielMartha Eborn about 1918
PanielRoy Sborn about 1918
ParrishJames Lborn about 1920
PayneAlice born about 1858
PayneElsie born about 1933
PayneEmma born about 1905
PayneEtta born about 1915
PayneHazell born about 1935
PayneJames Hborn about 1915
PayneJames Hborn about 1939
PayneJasper born about 1936
PayneLizzie Mborn about 1939
PayneNovella born about 1930
PaynePercy born about 1934
PayneRichard born about 1900
PayneSam Jborn about 1868
PayneThomas born about 1921
PennJohn born about 1920
PerkinsonIda Mborn about 1891
PerkinsonJohn Pborn about 1888
PerryCarlton Eborn about 1933
PerryJames Hborn about 1924
PerryMyrtle Lborn about 1902
PerryNorman Mborn about 1902
PerryOwen Rborn about 1922
PettusCharles Rborn about 1872
PhippsArthur born about 1923
PoindexterHenry born about 1923
PollardAnnie Jborn about 1890
PollardClaud Gborn about 1922
PollardEdward Aborn about 1912
PollardElizabeth Gborn about 1914
PollardFrancis Wborn about 1930
PollardGrover Lborn about 1940
PollardJohn Wborn about 1900
PollardMargaret Aborn about 1936
PollardMartha Lborn about 1927
PollardMildred Dborn about 1899
PollardPhyllis Jborn about 1938
PollardSamuel born about 1860
PollardStanley Lborn about 1924
PollardStephanie Hborn about 1914
PollardWalter Cborn about 1910
PollardWalter Gborn about 1940
PollardWaverly Gborn about 1885
PollardWilliam Dborn about 1926
PriceBeatrice Aborn about 1913
PriceGeorge Aborn about 1914
PriceHope Rborn about 1921
PriceJune Mborn about 1936
PriceMaury Qborn about 1915
PriceSterling Bborn about 1918
PriceThaddeus Jborn about 1902
PriceWilhetta Aborn about 1934
PriceWilliam Bborn about 1939
PriceWilliam Lborn about 1903
PulliamDorothy Eborn about 1931
PulliamElizabeth born about 1914
PulliamMary Fborn about 1933
PulliamMike born about 1912
PulliamRosa Mborn about 1935
PuryearAlexander Bborn about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaifordMary Lborn about 1898
RandleCharles Eborn about 1940
RandleElnora born about 1921
RandleLucy Aborn about 1915
RandleMary Mborn about 1931
RandleRobert Rborn about 1933
RandleRosa Eborn about 1938
RandleWilliam Cborn about 1910
RandleWilliam C Jborn about 1935
RandolphDarrie born about 1934
RandolphJames born about 1930
ReddAlfred born about 1913
ReddArthur born about 1909
ReddArthur born about 1927
ReddCarrie Rborn about 1934
ReddCharles Tborn about 1888
ReddCharlie Eborn about 1936
ReddClarence born about 1933
ReddElsie born about 1914
ReddEvelyn Bborn about 1921
ReddFlorence born about 1930
ReddFrances born about 1865
ReddFrances born about 1928
ReddFrances Lborn about 1891
ReddGeorge W Jrborn about 1885
ReddGladys Eborn about 1934
ReddHarriet Aborn about 1930
ReddHarry born about 1882
ReddIda Mborn about 1915
ReddJohn Eborn about 1925
ReddLillie Mborn about 1935
ReddLucile Fborn about 1927
ReddMarjorie born about 1925
ReddMartha Eborn about 1940
ReddMay Bborn about 1938
ReddMillie born about 1939
ReddMillie Aborn about 1867
ReddMittie Fborn about 1902
ReddMittie Lborn about 1926
ReddNannie Mborn about 1924
ReddNathaniel born about 1922
ReddNellie born about 1903
ReddOtis born about 1937
ReddPauline born about 1936
ReddPinkie born about 1920
ReddRobert born about 1930
ReddRobert Tborn about 1929
ReddSadie born about 1925
ReddSallie Hborn about 1888
ReddSamuel Lborn about 1938
ReddShirley born about 1928
ReddSilas Fborn about 1900
ReddSilas F Jrborn about 1922
ReddVerneeda born about 1928
ReddVirginia Gborn about 1926
ReddVirginia Lborn about 1890
ReddWarner born about 1910
ReddWilliam Hborn about 1932
ReddWillie Hborn about 1900
ReddWillie H Jrborn about 1925
ReedAmanda born about 1867
ReedAmelia born about 1860
ReedFrank born about 1895
ReedIda born about 1898
ReedJoseph born about 1911
ReedLaura Aborn about 1885
ReedMeriah Eborn about 1905
ReedSamuel born about 1888
ReedWillie Rborn about 1898
ReevesMalcolm Bborn about 1911
ReevesOra Aborn about 1918
RichardBeatrice born about 1926
RichardJoseph Wborn about 1922
RichardsonBeverly Bborn about 1893
RichardsonBeverly B Jrborn about 1934
RichardsonDorothy Aborn about 1937
RichardsonElma Mborn about 1907
RichardsonFloyd born about 1926
RichardsonIda born about 1898
RichardsonLula Bborn about 1929
RichardsonNorman born about 1924
RichardsonRealin Tborn about 1940
RichardsonTheodorea born about 1927
RichardsonWillie born about 1892
RickmondHenry Eborn about 1915
RickmondSadie Cborn about 1910
RigginsBettie Nborn about 1864
RigginsJulian Bborn about 1865
RigginsLillian Vborn about 1910
RoachAnna Lborn about 1916
RoachDelia Dborn about 1919
RoachErcell Cborn about 1922
RoachFloyd Tborn about 1909
RoachHarry Eborn about 1885
RoachHenry Lborn about 1915
RoachJacob Wborn about 1912
RoachLouise born about 1915
RoachMaggie Cborn about 1885
RoachMartin Eborn about 1920
RoachWilliam Jborn about 1916
RoachWilliam Wborn about 1938
RobertsonGladys Bborn about 1935
RobertsonMary Eborn about 1933
RobertsonMaude Mborn about 1909
RobertsonOla Aborn about 1884
RobertsonShirley Mborn about 1939
RobertsonWilliam Aborn about 1905
RobinsonPernie Pborn about 1920
RogersJohn Hborn about 1871
RogersJohnnie born about 1884
RossGeorge Hborn about 1882
RowlettJunius Lborn about 1886
RowlettPinkie Wborn about 1883
RowlettPurcell Gborn about 1929
RowlettReginald born about 1936
RowlettRevella Aborn about 1923
RowlettRosetta Tborn about 1925
RuxLoveline Vborn about 1896
RuxLoyd Dborn about 1923
RuxMartha Jborn about 1866
RuxStewart Aborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchmidtFred born about 1908
SchultzAmelia born about 1867
SchultzCharles Hborn about 1901
SchultzEdward Oborn about 1898
SchultzJohn Wborn about 1890
ScottAgnes Lborn about 1886
ScottAnna Cborn about 1932
ScottAshley born about 1930
ScottBerman Mborn about 1925
ScottCharles Tborn about 1934
ScottClayborne Bborn about 1930
ScottCleveland born about 1921
ScottClifton born about 1919
ScottEdith born about 1925
ScottElizabeth Dborn about 1924
ScottEmma born about 1894
ScottEthel born about 1902
ScottGeorge born about 1923
ScottHerbert Bborn about 1908
ScottHortense born about 1928
ScottJames Aborn about 1931
ScottJames Eborn about 1921
ScottJohn born about 1880
ScottJohnnie born about 1926
ScottLouise born about 1920
ScottLouise born about 1932
ScottMargaret Lborn about 1928
ScottMarie born about 1934
ScottMark Dborn about 1922
ScottMarquest born about 1912
ScottMary born about 1927
ScottMary Wborn about 1919
ScottMason Tborn about 1904
ScottMax born about 1900
ScottMildred Aborn about 1886
ScottMilton Eborn about 1933
ScottPearl Eborn about 1909
ScottRaymond born about 1922
ScottRichard born about 1882
ScottRosa born about 1933
ScottSamuel Rborn about 1935
ScottSusie born about 1890
ScottThomas born about 1928
ScottVenable born about 1917
ScottWeldon born about 1882
ScottWeldon Jr born about 1921
ScottWillie Lborn about 1929
ScottWillie Rborn about 1937
SeayCharles Hborn about 1874
ShackletonElanor Mborn about 1917
ShackletonFrances Iborn about 1925
ShackletonJames Sborn about 1875
ShackletonMary Mborn about 1882
ShackletonVirginia Gborn about 1922
ShawFrances Dborn about 1891
ShelburneHattie Pborn about 1872
ShelmanAlberta born about 1918
ShelmanEarnest Lborn about 1939
ShelmanJohn Hborn about 1877
ShelmanMary Bborn about 1871
ShelmanRalph born about 1917
ShephardsonAlex born about 1890
ShephardsonAlexander born about 1920
ShephardsonCharles Hborn about 1930
ShephardsonDorothy Gborn about 1924
ShephardsonEarnest Wborn about 1936
ShephardsonFlorlean born about 1936
ShephardsonGertrude born about 1891
ShephardsonKate born about 1915
ShephardsonLester Hborn about 1934
ShephardsonLoneal born about 1939
ShephardsonMartha born about 1917
ShephardsonMary Lborn about 1916
ShephardsonPatrick Hborn about 1911
ShephardsonQueenie Mborn about 1929
ShephardsonSilas born about 1926
ShephardsonWillie Lborn about 1938
ShermanJames born about 1922
ShinaultCora Lborn about 1887
ShinaultEdward Mborn about 1879
SkipwithSarah born about 1857
SkurlickLeonard born about 1921
SmalleyBooker Tborn about 1911
SmalleyBooker T Jrborn about 1938
SmalleyVenetta Fborn about 1916
SmithAelies born about 1929
SmithCarl born about 1930
SmithClausell born about 1925
SmithCleveland born about 1930
SmithCourtney Fborn about 1906
SmithCoy born about 1917
SmithEward W 3rdborn about 1917
SmithGeeder born about 1923
SmithGertie born about 1882
SmithJames born about 1926
SmithJunius Eborn about 1924
SmithLula born about 1900
SmithRussell born about 1901
SmithSquire born about 1872
SmithThomas born about 1924
SmithViola born about 1921
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1925
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1926
SoretRosina Vborn about 1902
SparkmanElla Mborn about 1898
SparkmanFred Jborn about 1924
SparkmanGerald Gborn about 1929
SparkmanMelvin Dborn about 1927
SpenceDaisy Aborn about 1912
SpenceGertie Aborn about 1932
SpenceHazel Eborn about 1935
SpenceRaymond Aborn about 1907
SpenceRichard Aborn about 1934
SpenceThomas Eborn about 1937
SpencerMartha born about 1892
SpradleyByrd Hborn about 1868
SpradleyCarrie born about 1886
SpradleyFlorence born about 1915
SpradleyJacob born about 1938
SpradleyJohna born about 1937
SpradleyMildred born about 1933
SpradleyPearl born about 1935
SpradleyPhilip born about 1885
SpradleyPhilip Jr born about 1912
StaplesGeorgia Aborn about 1925
StaplesJohn Eborn about 1920
StaplesLottie Jborn about 1923
StaplesLucy born about 1934
StaplesMoses Pborn about 1921
StaplesNannie Lborn about 1893
StaplesRoosevelt born about 1929
StaplesThomas born about 1875
StokesAlexand Jborn about 1905
StokesAlexander born about 1868
StokesAlexander born about 1893
StokesBettie Oborn about 1903
StokesCharlie Lborn about 1926
StokesClara Bborn about 1930
StokesCreed Bborn about 1872
StokesDorothy Mborn about 1934
StokesErnysteen Jborn about 1933
StokesEugean Jborn about 1934
StokesFannie Mborn about 1923
StokesFannie Sborn about 1884
StokesFannie Vborn about 1903
StokesFranklin Rborn about 1939
StokesJames Aborn about 1922
StokesJohn Eborn about 1923
StokesJohn Hborn about 1874
StokesLee born about 1931
StokesLillie born about 1863
StokesMamie Lborn about 1896
StokesMary Lborn about 1890
StokesMathew Lborn about 1899
StokesMeater Eborn about 1905
StokesMildred Aborn about 1937
StokesMoses Rborn about 1931
StokesRobert Fborn about 1898
StokesRobert Wborn about 1914
StokesRosetta Cborn about 1921
StokesSamuel Rborn about 1911
StokesSeless born about 1930
StokesThelma Mborn about 1936
StokesThelma Rborn about 1940
StokesViola Eborn about 1900
StokesWilbert Lborn about 1903
StokesWilliam Pborn about 1894
StokesWillie Lborn about 1901
StokesWinston Cborn about 1927
StreatCharlie born about 1884
StreatDave Hborn about 1921
StreatHuston born about 1924
StreatJames Hborn about 1927
StreatJanie Eborn about 1895
StreatJohn born about 1875
StreatJones Jborn about 1919
StreatLilly Lborn about 1884
StreatMary Eborn about 1934
StreatMathew Dborn about 1931
StreatPinkie born about 1886
StreatVernell born about 1926
StreatWilliam Mborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaneyEdward Jborn about 1876
TaneyLou Vborn about 1875
TanksleyLouise Vborn about 1926
TanksleyMamie born about 1900
TanksleyMary born about 1923
TanksleyWilliam Eborn about 1929
TanksleyWilliam Mborn about 1882
TaylorBessie born about 1929
TaylorCalvin Lborn about 1931
TaylorEarnest Tborn about 1931
TaylorEdith Oborn about 1933
TaylorEmma born about 1880
TaylorEugene Hborn about 1912
TaylorFannie Lborn about 1939
TaylorFloyd Lborn about 1922
TaylorGeorge Eborn about 1890
TaylorGeorge Eborn about 1931
TaylorIrene Mborn about 1935
TaylorJames Eborn about 1920
TaylorJames Eborn about 1923
TaylorJohn Rborn about 1875
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1936
TaylorJoseph born about 1923
TaylorJunior born about 1923
TaylorJunius born about 1929
TaylorLee Bborn about 1928
TaylorLucile born about 1927
TaylorMabel Eborn about 1925
TaylorMary Rborn about 1928
TaylorMary Vborn about 1936
TaylorMattie Lborn about 1900
TaylorMollie Eborn about 1886
TaylorOcie Eborn about 1898
TaylorOdessia born about 1905
TaylorPercy Lborn about 1916
TaylorRobert born about 1925
TaylorRobert Rborn about 1938
TaylorSamuel born about 1895
TaylorSinclair born about 1924
TaylorWillie Mborn about 1912
ThomasAgnes Oborn about 1917
ThomasCharlie born about 1882
ThomasElizabeth born about 1935
ThomasEmmett born about 1890
ThomasFrank born about 1917
ThomasFrank born about 1927
ThomasFrederick Wborn about 1933
ThomasGeorge Eborn about 1929
ThomasIrene Eborn about 1913
ThomasJennie born about 1895
ThomasJohn born about 1910
ThomasJohn Hborn about 1931
ThomasLeroy born about 1917
ThomasSylvester Nborn about 1939
ThomasWillie Mborn about 1922
ThompsonAda Lborn about 1887
ThompsonBennie Fborn about 1903
ThompsonCatherine Sborn about 1934
ThompsonEarly Dborn about 1938
ThompsonElsie Mborn about 1909
ThompsonFlorence Lborn about 1911
ThompsonFrances Lborn about 1932
ThompsonGeorge Eborn about 1883
ThompsonGeorge Eborn about 1924
ThompsonGeorgie Mborn about 1920
ThompsonJames Oborn about 1898
ThompsonJames Rborn about 1929
ThompsonJohn born about 1890
ThompsonJohn Rborn about 1918
ThompsonJoyce Iborn about 1934
ThompsonJoyce Mborn about 1939
ThompsonLucy Bborn about 1930
ThompsonMary Fborn about 1934
ThompsonMavis Aborn about 1936
ThompsonSallie Aborn about 1907
ThompsonSamuel Lborn about 1932
ThompsonShirley Jborn about 1938
ThompsonThomas Hborn about 1900
ThompsonWaverly born about 1923
ThompsonWilliam Bborn about 1866
ThornhillAnnie Mborn about 1916
ThornhillBernard born about 1929
ThornhillMamie Iborn about 1893
ThorpAnnie Lborn about 1918
ThorpJames Eborn about 1911
TilleryFlorence Eborn about 1920
TilleryHattie Eborn about 1940
TilleryJames born about 1880
TilleryLondon born about 1915
TilleryMaggie born about 1890
TilleryVirginia Mborn about 1938
TravisAnnie Pborn about 1885
TravisJames Mborn about 1885
TravisMildred Eborn about 1922
TuckerJames born about 1920
TurnerFannie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughanThomas Hborn about 1860
VaughnMargret Mborn about 1868
VaughnThomas Mborn about 1862
VerellRoland Oborn about 1887

W Surnames

WaddellAnnie Lborn about 1903
WaddellBertha Mborn about 1926
WaddellBessie Jborn about 1925
WaddellEmly born about 1872
WaddellEmly Mborn about 1935
WaddellGeneva Gborn about 1933
WaddellGeorge Cborn about 1893
WaddellGeorge C Jrborn about 1927
WaddellHoward born about 1906
WaddellJames born about 1909
WaddellJoe born about 1912
WaddellJohn Nborn about 1925
WaddellJoseph Bborn about 1882
WaddellMary Aborn about 1930
WaddellMyra Mborn about 1930
WaddellRobert Eborn about 1940
WaddellRufus Sborn about 1938
WaddellStella Bborn about 1905
WaddellThomas Jborn about 1934
WardAnnie Sborn about 1876
WardJames Hborn about 1876
WarrenAdel born about 1930
WarrenAnnie born about 1898
WarrenArthur Dborn about 1898
WarrenBarbie Gborn about 1935
WarrenCharlie born about 1892
WarrenChristen born about 1929
WarrenClara born about 1927
WarrenEffie Jborn about 1930
WarrenElizabeth Eborn about 1877
WarrenMartha born about 1920
WarrenRaymond born about 1938
WarrenRobert Mborn about 1865
WarrenRoosevelt born about 1922
WarrenVivian born about 1928
WatkinsAlexander Cborn about 1888
WatkinsBetty Lborn about 1937
WatkinsDoretha Lborn about 1939
WatkinsErma Lborn about 1937
WatkinsFranklin Rborn about 1935
WatkinsGideon Lborn about 1926
WatkinsHarvey Gborn about 1926
WatkinsHaywood Rborn about 1925
WatkinsHenry Lborn about 1855
WatkinsIsham Nborn about 1884
WatkinsJasper Hborn about 1919
WatkinsJessie Aborn about 1891
WatkinsJessie Eborn about 1923
WatkinsLenora Mborn about 1931
WatkinsLorain Eborn about 1939
WatkinsLucile born about 1932
WatkinsLucy Aborn about 1890
WatkinsMary Iborn about 1889
WatkinsMorset born about 1913
WatkinsNannie Lborn about 1878
WatkinsOliver Iborn about 1923
WatkinsRobert Mborn about 1910
WatkinsRobert M Jrborn about 1930
WatkinsSamuel Eborn about 1918
WatkinsThomas born about 1867
WatsonBernard born about 1922
WattsAdeline Aborn about 1875
WattsLloyd Gborn about 1922
WattsOdie Gborn about 1889
WattsWilliam Eborn about 1878
WeaverAnnie Lborn about 1899
WeaverAsa Lborn about 1899
WeaverBetty Jborn about 1857
WeaverBetty Jborn about 1935
WeaverCharles Fborn about 1927
WeaverChloris Eborn about 1896
WeaverEgbert Mborn about 1882
WeaverElizabeth Fborn about 1896
WeaverHenry Tborn about 1924
WeaverHoward Jborn about 1928
WeaverRuby Eborn about 1922
WeaverSamuel Mborn about 1895
WeaverWilliam Aborn about 1893
WebsterEstell Mborn about 1933
WebsterEthel Oborn about 1938
WebsterHester Bborn about 1878
WebsterLemuel Rborn about 1913
WebsterLemuel Sborn about 1936
WebsterRichard Eborn about 1871
WelkerDonald Lborn about 1933
WelkerMaybelle Aborn about 1905
WelkerPaul Lborn about 1898
WelkerPhilip Eborn about 1936
WestBessie Lborn about 1917
WestFannie Vborn about 1875
WestLeroy Aborn about 1922
WestSamuel born about 1875
WestSamuel Hborn about 1917
WestWilliam Rborn about 1924
WhitbyEddie Lborn about 1938
WhitbyEdna Bborn about 1919
WhitbyWilliam born about 1916
WileyClaudie Fborn about 1917
WileyGoldie Aborn about 1934
WileyMary Dborn about 1915
WileyRussell Jborn about 1908
WileyTed Eborn about 1912
WilliamsBernard born about 1915
WilliamsCharlie born about 1936
WilliamsElsie Mborn about 1939
WilliamsFlorence Mborn about 1904
WilliamsGeorge Mborn about 1925
WilliamsHelen Wborn about 1930
WilliamsJohn Fborn about 1933
WilliamsJosephine Aborn about 1930
WilliamsMilton born about 1929
WilliamsPaul Eborn about 1930
WilliamsRosa Lborn about 1911
WilliamsWilliam Fborn about 1899
WillisCarrie Lborn about 1938
WillisClifford Gborn about 1932
WillisDaisy Mborn about 1935
WillisLottie Cborn about 1937
WillisLouise born about 1914
WillisRobert Aborn about 1934
WillisWilliam Hborn about 1939
WilsonFannie Fborn about 1891
WilsonGraham Wborn about 1925
WilsonLeigh Aborn about 1891
WilsonMabel Vborn about 1888
WilsonMargaret Sborn about 1920
WilsonRobert born about 1920
WilsonRobert B Jrborn about 1884
WilsonRobert B Jrborn about 1930
WingoFrank Tborn about 1883
WingoSally born about 1872
WinklerAlpha born about 1912
WinklerAneta born about 1938
WinklerEva born about 1919
WinklerIva Eborn about 1939
WinklerLewis Pborn about 1886
WinklerRosa Mborn about 1937
WinklerWalter born about 1921
WinstonElla Mborn about 1912
WinstonHarvey Jborn about 1876
WinstonMabelle Lborn about 1924
WinstonMartha Jborn about 1926
WinstonNancy Bborn about 1918
WinstonNannie Lborn about 1891
WoodAda born about 1927
WoodAllen born about 1928
WoodBeatrice born about 1918
WoodFlorence Lborn about 1938
WoodGean Mborn about 1939
WoodLawrence born about 1930
WoodLizzie born about 1894
WoodMargaret Lborn about 1939
WoodMerdieth born about 1924
WoodSpencer born about 1862
WoodSpencer Jr born about 1914
WoodWalter born about 1923
WoodsonJames Hborn about 1865
WoodsonJennie Aborn about 1895
WootonJoseph Sborn about 1886
WootonMattie Sborn about 1895

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