1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lewiston, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Lewiston

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyAlfonse born about 1926
AbernathyAnnie born about 1928
AbernathyArthur born about 1896
AbernathyAudrey born about 1934
AbernathyChristine born about 1929
AbernathyFannie born about 1905
AbernathyFannie born about 1924
AbernathyGeorge Wborn about 1939
AbernathyHarie born about 1930
AbernathyHerma born about 1933
AbernathyHerman born about 1905
AbernathyHewitha born about 1930
AbernathyIrvin born about 1925
AbernathyJames Oborn about 1934
AbernathyJessie born about 1908
AbernathyLewis born about 1925
AbernathyLina born about 1936
AbernathyNellie born about 1933
AbernathyRichard born about 1932
AbernathyRosa born about 1902
AbernathyRoss born about 1931
AbernathySherley born about 1937
AbernathyTheodore born about 1906
AbernathyZena born about 1938
AllenSebon born about 1864
ArvenAmanda born about 1919
ArvenMaud born about 1901
ArvenMickloerry born about 1925
ArvenNorman born about 1877
ArvenWilliam born about 1921
ArvinLouise A Bborn about 1905
ArvinMaggie born about 1872
ArvinZelfton born about 1869
AshworthBlanche born about 1895
AshworthBula born about 1901
AshworthCatherine born about 1937
AshworthCharles born about 1935
AshworthClarence Nborn about 1921
AshworthElizabeth born about 1925
AshworthElvan Oborn about 1926
AshworthEverette Fborn about 1928
AshworthGilbert Lborn about 1927
AshworthGoldie born about 1920
AshworthHarry Fborn about 1898
AshworthHerbert born about 1929
AshworthHerman Eborn about 1933
AshworthHoward born about 1900
AshworthMaraline born about 1926
AshworthMary Eborn about 1939
AshworthMataline born about 1898
AshworthMildred born about 1935
AshworthNellie Mborn about 1930
AshworthRobert Aborn about 1887
AshworthRobert Bborn about 1924
AshworthWoodrow born about 1916
AthensEarnie born about 1904
AthensMary born about 1912
AtkinsCristine born about 1939
AtkinsEarl Nborn about 1896
AtkinsEarl Jr born about 1937
AtkinsElsie born about 1922
AtkinsMargaret born about 1907
AtkinsMary born about 1910
AtkinsMary born about 1933
AtkinsNanie born about 1936
AtkinsRowena born about 1932
AtkinsWillard born about 1927
AtkinsZack born about 1906
AustinBurton Eborn about 1925
AustinOlga Eborn about 1897
AustinWilliam born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaisalAlice Aborn about 1915
BaisalEdward born about 1917
BaisalJoseph born about 1918
BaisalKent born about 1872
BaisalRegnon born about 1915
BannettBessie Sborn about 1901
BannettGeorge Aborn about 1892
BannettGeorge Wborn about 1925
BannettGessie Lborn about 1927
BannettJosephine born about 1931
BayneAnnie born about 1919
BayneAnnie Ruthborn about 1928
BayneHattie born about 1887
BayneHazel born about 1922
BayneJohnny born about 1880
BayneLucile born about 1924
BayneMary born about 1919
BayneMary Hborn about 1851
BayneOdell born about 1910
BayneRosa born about 1897
BayneStella born about 1921
BayneThomas Fborn about 1893
BayneWilma Bborn about 1934
BellAline born about 1924
BellCarlton born about 1930
BellFred born about 1905
BellLester born about 1922
BellLinwood born about 1919
BellMilton born about 1920
BellOta born about 1926
BelleAldridge born about 1900
BelleElida born about 1930
BelleIda born about 1895
BelleIva born about 1910
BelleVirginia born about 1931
BelleWilliam born about 1890
BerryEdward born about 1920
BerryEstelle born about 1896
BerryLenous born about 1911
BishopAlbert born about 1927
BishopEmma Lborn about 1933
BishopIda born about 1923
BishopPete born about 1913
BlankenshipCorene born about 1868
BlankenshipCorenne born about 1930
BlankenshipEffie born about 1906
BlankenshipErcell born about 1892
BlankenshipHugh born about 1898
BlankenshipMyron born about 1935
BoswellAlfred born about 1913
BoswellAnnie Pborn about 1938
BoswellDavid born about 1908
BoswellEarnest born about 1934
BoswellFrances born about 1912
BoswellGrace born about 1929
BoswellHerman born about 1906
BoswellJennie born about 1876
BoswellLoretta born about 1936
BoswellRosevelt born about 1930
BoswellVirginia born about 1939
BowmanLeona born about 1921
BowmanMary Gborn about 1872
BowmanMary Lborn about 1895
BowmanRachel born about 1925
BowmanRay born about 1909
BowmanRex born about 1901
BowmanWortha born about 1896
BraggBerley born about 1927
BraggJohn Bborn about 1888
BraggJohn B Jrborn about 1932
BraggMrs Nanie born about 1866
BraggSadie born about 1902
BraggWillis born about 1924
BraggsHenry born about 1917
BraggsMary Aborn about 1877
BraggsNeal Wborn about 1916
BridgeforthJoe born about 1918
BromfieldGeorge Lborn about 1936
BromfieldJuha born about 1916
BromfieldNoel born about 1908
BromfieldRobee born about 1933
BrooksSelas born about 1914
BroomfieldDavid born about 1886
BroomfieldMargaret Aborn about 1939
BroomfieldNorine born about 1915
BrownBernard born about 1876
BrownJames born about 1915
BrownPattie born about 1882
BrownRichie born about 1877
BrownWade born about 1878
BruceClede born about 1900
BruceHershel Vborn about 1873
BruceKate born about 1871
BruchfieldCuster born about 1915
BuchananJoe Rborn about 1878
BuchananJoseph Eborn about 1914
BuchananMary Kborn about 1880
BuchananNathaniel Eborn about 1916
BuchananRaymond Cborn about 1909
BuchananWilliam Hborn about 1868
BurnetteEllis born about 1925
BurnetteHalen Eborn about 1899
BurnetteInez born about 1921
BurnetteIrvin born about 1924
BurnetteJohn born about 1892
BurnetteJoyce born about 1938
BurnetteLouis born about 1928
BurnetteLouise born about 1920
BurnetteMary born about 1905
BurnetteMrs Perl born about 1919
BurnettePatricia born about 1939
BurnetteRoy born about 1919
BurnetteThomas born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallahanDorothy born about 1924
CallahanElinora born about 1939
CallahanEmmett born about 1930
CallahanJames born about 1936
CallahanJohn Fborn about 1927
CallahanLucy born about 1904
CallahanLucy born about 1935
CallahanPearl born about 1931
CallahanThelma born about 1925
CallahanViola born about 1932
CallahanVirginia born about 1928
CallahanWillie born about 1894
CappsGordon Hborn about 1900
CappsLucille born about 1903
CarsonDoris born about 1923
CarsonEnghbright born about 1873
CarsonJessie Lborn about 1889
CarsonMartha Eborn about 1892
CarsonThomas Wborn about 1921
CarsonVirgil Fborn about 1927
CausonAllice born about 1890
CausonJohn born about 1872
CavesnsAnna born about 1895
CavesnsBernard born about 1922
CavesnsCarol born about 1933
CavesnsLawrence born about 1900
CavesnsMagnus born about 1924
CavesnsRhaccun born about 1926
CheatamBettie born about 1882
CheatamEsabelle born about 1924
CheatamFrank born about 1903
CheatamFrank born about 1926
CheatamGaluer born about 1885
CheatamGarrett born about 1930
CheatamGeorge Wborn about 1922
CheatamHorace born about 1872
CheatamJenie born about 1863
CheatamJohn born about 1865
CheatamOlivia born about 1933
CheatamRussell born about 1927
CheatamThelma Wborn about 1908
ChildressAlice born about 1917
ChildressHenry born about 1911
ChildressHenry Jr born about 1939
ClarkEarl Wborn about 1900
ClarkEffie Lborn about 1899
ClarkFloyd born about 1925
ClarkNellie Mborn about 1926
ClarkNellie Mborn about 1928
ClarkRobert Wborn about 1936
CoasonsJackson born about 1865
CoasonsJackson born about 1922
CoasonsJohns Esterborn about 1916
CoasonsLucile born about 1939
CoasonsMarca born about 1935
CoasonsWinnie born about 1869
ColemanDaisy born about 1900
ColemanDellard Aborn about 1922
ColemanJohn Eborn about 1876
ColemanTarlton born about 1913
ColemanWilson born about 1925
CookeRose Marieborn about 1939
CookeVirginia born about 1915
CoxGladia born about 1934
CoxHellen born about 1910
CoxNorman born about 1930
CoxWilliam born about 1940
CoxWillie born about 1890
CraftonJames Cborn about 1914
CraftonKate born about 1878
CraftonMary born about 1909
CraftonStuart Aborn about 1919
CraftonWavely born about 1879
CranderRichard born about 1935
CranderRobert Tborn about 1934
CranderVirgie born about 1902
CrawleyBernard born about 1920
CrawleyRena born about 1873
CrawleyRobert born about 1872
CrawleyWilliam born about 1922
CrayLelia born about 1875
CreateAnne Lborn about 1873
CreshawAlease born about 1926
CreshawArthur born about 1888
CreshawArthur B Jrborn about 1921
CreshawEdward born about 1923
CreshawHarold Eborn about 1925
CreshawMyrtle born about 1888
CreshawRalph born about 1932
CrowderClyde born about 1923
CrowderElie born about 1904
CrowderEsther born about 1905
CrowderEsther born about 1924
CrowderFrank born about 1939
CrowderGeorge born about 1926
CrowderIda born about 1896
CrowderJames born about 1923
CrowderLandon born about 1931
CrowderLucy born about 1890
CrowderThomas born about 1887
CrowderWilber born about 1926
CrowderWilliam born about 1894
CunnieIna born about 1900
CunnieLuther born about 1903
CunnieSallie Gborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavinEthel born about 1921
DavinJack born about 1917
DavinJack born about 1940
DavisCharlie born about 1880
DavisNannie born about 1897
DemetteDaisy born about 1930
DemetteJoel Iborn about 1857
DemetteRaymond Aborn about 1905
DemetteVivian born about 1912
DorisCharlie born about 1910
DorisLeroy born about 1924
DorrisGeorge born about 1933
DorrisGriffith born about 1925
DorrisJackson born about 1890
DorrisJulius born about 1932
DorrisThenia born about 1905
DorrisWilliam born about 1928
DreggsMarion born about 1912
DreggsMelvin born about 1915
DriggsAlice Oborn about 1928
DriggsAubrey Nborn about 1927
DriggsGertrude Eborn about 1921
DriggsGordon Rborn about 1930
DriggsHenry born about 1918
DriggsIrene Cborn about 1925
DriggsJessie Mborn about 1889
DriggsJessie Pborn about 1923
DriggsMunroe Oborn about 1885
DumountAndrew born about 1917
DumountAnnie Mborn about 1923
DumountClaud born about 1904
DumountOla Mborn about 1907
DuncanDavid Lborn about 1939
DuncanEarnest born about 1927
DuncanMatt born about 1880
DuncanMaude born about 1902
DuncanPauline born about 1931
DuncanRuby Nellborn about 1934
DuncanRuth born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EaghertJames born about 1926
EastwoodAlfred born about 1906
EdmondsEllen born about 1924
EdmondsEmma born about 1930
EdmondsJosephine born about 1898
EdmondsLuther born about 1915
EdmondsRobert born about 1890
EdmondsRobert Jr born about 1918
ElderAlbert Wborn about 1881
ElderHaywood born about 1915
ElderLila Sborn about 1897
ElkersonGeorge born about 1910
ElkersonMary born about 1915
EppsRudger born about 1844

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FainHorrace born about 1870
FainLucy born about 1878
FasterRuth born about 1882
FawlkerBetena born about 1924
FawlkerJean born about 1931
FawlkerLois born about 1935
FawlkerMattie Kborn about 1903
FawlkerNellie born about 1902
FawlkerRichard born about 1926
FawlkerRichard Jborn about 1895
FawlkerThomas Wborn about 1903
FawlkerWinnie Gborn about 1922
FaylorPheaba born about 1874
FaylorThomas Jborn about 1869
FaylorWonston Eborn about 1933
FordJohn born about 1900
FreemanFlorence born about 1886
FreemanThomas Jborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GalleonJames born about 1897
GalleonMary born about 1935
GalleonOtis born about 1934
GalleonSadie born about 1912
GaryAnne born about 1936
GaryHaden born about 1906
GaryOrmand born about 1909
GauldingGauldery Alfredborn about 1905
GauldingMabel born about 1909
GauldingSteven born about 1909
GeeArlene born about 1938
GeeBarbara Iborn about 1930
GeeBernard Fborn about 1883
GeeBernard Jr born about 1928
GeeCarolyn born about 1932
GeeCarrol Lborn about 1928
GeeClarence born about 1938
GeeEarnestine born about 1926
GeeEllen born about 1905
GeeEmma Gborn about 1933
GeeEmma Lborn about 1936
GeeGeorge Cborn about 1934
GeeGracie born about 1918
GeeHannah Eborn about 1925
GeeHelen born about 1906
GeeHenry Mborn about 1898
GeeHoward Cborn about 1892
GeeJack Tborn about 1930
GeeLewis Aborn about 1861
GeeLula Lborn about 1905
GeeMary Eborn about 1925
GeeMildred born about 1867
GeeSharpe Lborn about 1927
GeeThomas born about 1893
GeeThomas Jr born about 1924
GeeTimothy born about 1939
GeeVera born about 1903
GeeVera born about 1936
GeeWayne born about 1913
GerryFannie born about 1871
GerryJ Caleborn about 1866
GerryRoney born about 1895
GheeBertha born about 1935
GheeCarrie Lborn about 1924
GheeEveroll born about 1901
GheeFrank Fborn about 1906
GheeFrank Jr born about 1937
GheeHelen Rborn about 1939
GheeJohn born about 1901
GheeJulia born about 1910
GheeLula born about 1881
GheeMary Eborn about 1933
GheeSallie born about 1840
GheeThelma born about 1906
GheeWilliam Hborn about 1939
GledewellCatherine born about 1927
GledewellRobert born about 1922
GlidewellClaud born about 1932
GlidewellIrvin born about 1897
GlidewellRay born about 1928
GoardClara born about 1938
GoardDavid born about 1933
GoardDoris born about 1940
GoardEarson born about 1921
GoardElise born about 1935
GoardFlora Lborn about 1927
GoardIda Aborn about 1907
GoardJessie Wborn about 1894
GoodwynCarry Eborn about 1906
GoodwynEmery Bborn about 1908
GoodwynEmery B Jrborn about 1937
GoodynLaura born about 1914
GoodynMabel born about 1875
GoodynMelton born about 1914
GoodynMilton Eborn about 1868
GrangeEdgar born about 1905
GrangeEmerelda born about 1910
GrangeJean born about 1931
GrangeW E Jrborn about 1932
GreenBernard born about 1935
GreenBertom born about 1886
GreenCharles Aborn about 1894
GreenCharles Jr born about 1920
GreenClarence Wborn about 1930
GreenDavid born about 1930
GreenEdward born about 1928
GreenFlorence born about 1900
GreenGrace born about 1898
GreenHarold born about 1926
GreenHorrace born about 1892
GreenIsaac Eborn about 1933
GreenIzar born about 1907
GreenJack born about 1927
GreenJohn Hborn about 1898
GreenJosh born about 1895
GreenLee born about 1926
GreenLois Jborn about 1937
GreenLorena born about 1913
GreenMartha born about 1895
GreenMartha Aborn about 1873
GreenMary Aborn about 1886
GreenMinnie born about 1877
GreenNelson born about 1886
GreenStephen born about 1874
GreenStephen Fborn about 1898
GreenSteven born about 1923
GreenThomas born about 1925
GreenTom born about 1923
GregoryCharles born about 1934
GregoryHilda Rborn about 1911
GregoryRalph Rborn about 1908
GregoryRobert Rborn about 1932
GreofsheewElsie born about 1881
GreofsheewNela Wborn about 1878

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H Surnames

HamiltonClinton Gborn about 1923
HamiltonDorothy Mborn about 1926
HamiltonIrene born about 1888
HamiltonJoseph born about 1890
HamiltonLeter born about 1928
HamiltonLucile Cborn about 1919
HamiltonVan born about 1904
HamiltonWillard born about 1918
HamiltonWoody born about 1893
HardLucy born about 1885
HardingThomas Bborn about 1874
HardyAlice born about 1935
HardyAnnie Mborn about 1927
HardyBessie born about 1895
HardyClarence born about 1927
HardyCurtis born about 1921
HardyDoloris born about 1933
HardyDonald Wayneborn about 1939
HardyDora born about 1903
HardyDora born about 1937
HardyEarl Leeborn about 1935
HardyEarnest born about 1897
HardyEarnest Jr born about 1924
HardyEdith Carrollborn about 1928
HardyEdith Fborn about 1901
HardyEthel born about 1899
HardyHarold born about 1932
HardyHarry born about 1928
HardyHenry born about 1925
HardyJoyce born about 1926
HardyKeith born about 1930
HardyKizzie born about 1924
HardyLander born about 1893
HardyLee born about 1917
HardyLewis born about 1928
HardyLizzie Pborn about 1920
HardyLouise born about 1932
HardyLucile born about 1931
HardyMorris born about 1927
HardyPattie born about 1935
HardyPattie born about 1939
HardyShular born about 1930
HardyTheodore B Jrborn about 1898
HardyThomas born about 1892
HardyVirginia born about 1930
HardyWill born about 1922
HardyWillie Dborn about 1915
HarkinsWillis born about 1900
HarrisEdith born about 1915
HarrisElinora born about 1908
HarrisEthel born about 1917
HarrisFrankie born about 1890
HarrisGeorge Wborn about 1938
HarrisHenderson born about 1887
HarrisLinder born about 1918
HarrisLinder Jr born about 1937
HarrisThomas born about 1930
HarrisTimothy born about 1935
HarrisWavely born about 1906
HarrisWavely born about 1915
HasperDorothy born about 1934
HatchettAbraham born about 1868
HatchettArchie born about 1896
HatchettGeorge born about 1928
HatchettIndina born about 1892
HatchettJohn Hborn about 1895
HawkinBaston born about 1932
HawkinElwin born about 1919
HawkinGolem Bborn about 1878
HawkinLaura Mborn about 1923
HawkinLee born about 1921
HawkinPearl born about 1892
HawthorneAudrey born about 1903
HawthorneSegma born about 1869
HawthorneSterling born about 1902
HawthorneWilliam Hborn about 1862
HazlewoodHarry born about 1927
HazlewoodJohn Wborn about 1918
HazlewoodMartha born about 1895
HazlewoodRobert born about 1882
HendersonAlice born about 1936
HendersonBettie born about 1931
HendersonHarley born about 1901
HendersonViola born about 1904
HerbyAdelande born about 1903
HerbyAdlaede born about 1935
HerbyBeatrice born about 1933
HerbyMary born about 1930
HerbyRichard born about 1923
HerbyStephen Hborn about 1894
HerbyStephen Jr born about 1928
HerbyTom born about 1925
HillEugenia born about 1860
HintonGeorgie born about 1924
HintonHerman born about 1926
HintonMccoy born about 1925
HodgesLouise born about 1919
HodgesRebecca born about 1894
HodgesWilson B Jrborn about 1916
HodgesWilson Gborn about 1888
HolderAudrey born about 1928
HolderCharles born about 1863
HolderEdwin born about 1922
HolderElbert born about 1939
HolderElizabeth born about 1879
HolderEugene born about 1931
HolderFrances born about 1925
HolderGerald born about 1937
HolderHugh born about 1925
HolderJohn Rborn about 1926
HolderJoseph Lborn about 1879
HolderLucile born about 1922
HolderMary born about 1908
HolderMary born about 1914
HolderRoger Jborn about 1906
HolderRonald born about 1936
HolmesAbraham Bborn about 1924
HolmesAdell born about 1939
HolmesAlex born about 1932
HolmesAnnie born about 1888
HolmesAnnie born about 1936
HolmesAnnie Mborn about 1907
HolmesElmo born about 1920
HolmesFlord born about 1934
HolmesGeorge born about 1880
HolmesGeorge born about 1917
HolmesJames born about 1894
HolmesLeathy born about 1922
HolmesMaggie born about 1923
HolmesOllie born about 1937
HolmesRobert born about 1927
HolmesRosa Mborn about 1928
HolmesThomas born about 1930
HoodClifford born about 1932
HoodClyde born about 1930
HoodEdith born about 1936
HoodElvin born about 1922
HoodFloyd born about 1924
HoodKeneth born about 1928
HoodLela born about 1898
HoodLola Eborn about 1878
HoodMathew Tborn about 1900
HoodRobert born about 1926
HoodShirley born about 1936
HooperAllice born about 1924
HooperBessie born about 1903
HooperHershall born about 1926
HooperIsaac Aborn about 1902
HooperJames born about 1932
HooperThelma born about 1927
HooperThomas born about 1939
HudgensEdward born about 1883
HudgensEllen born about 1924
HudgensFrances born about 1922
HudgensHudgens born about 1886
HudsonEllen born about 1938
HudsonHerbert born about 1916
HudsonWycinda born about 1919
HurtAlfred born about 1937
HurtAndie Aborn about 1922
HurtAnnie Lborn about 1925
HurtCaryle born about 1930
HurtCharles Hborn about 1905
HurtCora born about 1888
HurtDarnell Harryborn about 1896
HurtDellas born about 1940
HurtEdith born about 1935
HurtEdna born about 1877
HurtEleaser born about 1895
HurtElen born about 1917
HurtEliza born about 1935
HurtFloyd born about 1938
HurtHarold born about 1926
HurtHolver born about 1925
HurtJames born about 1933
HurtJohn Lborn about 1880
HurtLouise Aborn about 1913
HurtLucy Mborn about 1892
HurtMable born about 1928
HurtMargaret born about 1921
HurtMargureta born about 1923
HurtMyrtice born about 1927
HurtPatrick Hborn about 1877
HurtRobert Hborn about 1882
HurtRuby born about 1903
HurtThomas Pborn about 1911
HurtWilma born about 1939
HustCharlie born about 1865
HustCharlie Tborn about 1914
HustHelen born about 1927
HustJoseph born about 1922
HustMary born about 1881
HustNellie born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngeDaisy born about 1890
IngramAngenia born about 1922
IngramJulian born about 1862
IngramJulian Jr born about 1926
IngramMartha born about 1875
IngramMary born about 1924
IngramWacon born about 1902
IngramWilliam born about 1899
IngranAlberta born about 1940
IngranBell Jr born about 1938
IngranElizabeth born about 1934
IngranEstelle born about 1934
IngranEugene born about 1937
IngranHenry born about 1907
IngranLevi born about 1929
IngranLewis born about 1931
IngranOvelia born about 1910
IrbyAlma born about 1914
IrbyBettie Gborn about 1935
IrbyDarrell born about 1939
IrbyEarly born about 1908
IrbyGeorge born about 1929
IrbyHarry born about 1935
IrbyIzah born about 1873
IrbyLannie born about 1921
IrbyLena born about 1891
IrbyMary born about 1923
IrbyRichard Hborn about 1926
IrbySallie born about 1893
IrbySam born about 1930
IrbyThelma born about 1926
IrbyWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlvin born about 1926
JacksonArcher born about 1860
JacksonJulius born about 1929
JacksonLestha born about 1880
JacksonLinwood born about 1924
JacksonLloyd born about 1927
JacksonMelvin born about 1926
JacksonRosevelt born about 1901
JeffersonAnderson born about 1906
JeffersonAnnie Bborn about 1896
JeffersonBeatrice born about 1938
JeffersonClarence born about 1925
JeffersonEddie born about 1913
JeffersonHerman born about 1880
JeffersonIgene born about 1931
JeffersonIrene born about 1930
JeffersonJames born about 1935
JeffersonJenelle born about 1903
JeffersonJohn born about 1935
JeffersonMattie born about 1900
JeffersonPattie born about 1870
JeffersonTheodore born about 1925
JeffersonThomas Rborn about 1910
JeffersonVerrene born about 1933
JeffersonViola born about 1913
JeffersonWilliam born about 1874
JeffersonWilliam born about 1927
JeffersonWillie born about 1924
JenkinsAda born about 1882
JenkinsAda born about 1890
JenkinsEverette born about 1911
JenkinsEvert Gborn about 1887
JenningsFrank Rborn about 1915
JohnsonCharles born about 1937
JohnsonLettie born about 1939
JohnsonLillie Lborn about 1938
JohnsonLula Mborn about 1918
JohnsonUyly Jborn about 1911
JonesElizabeth Cborn about 1906
JonesRuby P Rborn about 1932
JonesWilliam Dborn about 1896
JurdanOtis born about 1932

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K Surnames

KellerAdline born about 1871
KellerKeller Nelsonborn about 1863
KellerRuth born about 1908
KellerWalter Lborn about 1874
KeyserCecil born about 1918
KeyserMrs Nadine born about 1893
KnightAsa born about 1892
KnightBertina born about 1922
KnightClifton Jborn about 1925
KnightDonald born about 1939
KnightDorethea born about 1932
KnightFred born about 1924
KnightGear born about 1895
KnightGeorge Rborn about 1939
KnightHattie born about 1925
KnightIndiana born about 1890
KnightJannie Fborn about 1908
KnightJim born about 1880
KnightJohn born about 1911
KnightJohn born about 1928
KnightLenor born about 1916
KnightLeroy born about 1913
KnightLester Jborn about 1898
KnightLottie born about 1920
KnightMadeline born about 1930
KnightMaggie born about 1912
KnightMaggie born about 1920
KnightMargueritte born about 1933
KnightPenk born about 1926
KnightTheodore born about 1930
KnightTom born about 1935
KnightWalter born about 1915
KnightWillie born about 1914

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L Surnames

LaneMira Mborn about 1917
LankfordDenell born about 1937
LankfordEdith born about 1933
LankfordMamie born about 1905
LayneAllie Magborn about 1921
LayneAlma born about 1882
LayneE B Jrborn about 1925
LayneEmmette born about 1886
LayneErnest Lborn about 1877
LayneFrank born about 1930
LayneHubert born about 1919
LayneLeah Wborn about 1915
LayneMaud born about 1886
LayneMildred born about 1923
LeeAnna born about 1926
LeeDorthy born about 1938
LeeFannie born about 1898
LeeJohn born about 1891
LeeRoy born about 1935
LeeSilver born about 1931
LoaustAlese born about 1923
LoaustClinton born about 1892
LoaustJanie born about 1902
LoaustMary Lborn about 1927
LoveConley born about 1867
LoveDavid Eborn about 1930
LoveInez born about 1905
LoveMandy Vborn about 1887
LoveMary Lborn about 1900
LoveMrs W Hborn about 1870
LoveWavely born about 1934
LowersArnold Rborn about 1931
LowersCarolyn born about 1933
LowersCatherine born about 1938
LowersHarold born about 1934
LowersHorace Wborn about 1929
LowersJosephine born about 1907
LowersLarence born about 1936
LowersRebecca born about 1925
LowersTorriston Oborn about 1897
LowersWilliam Mborn about 1927
LyneJerry Mborn about 1937
LyneOline born about 1915
LyneWillie Cborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MackerHoward born about 1894
MackerLilia born about 1931
MaddoxBeatrice born about 1936
MaddoxBrent born about 1902
MaddoxCharlotte born about 1932
MaddoxLeah born about 1908
MaddoxLeonard born about 1938
MaddoxOliver born about 1934
MaddoxPauline born about 1929
MaddoxRuby Lborn about 1940
MaddoxTeresa born about 1926
MansonMargaret Pborn about 1921
MarherEster born about 1869
MarkerBen born about 1905
MarkerBula born about 1928
MarkerCharles born about 1922
MarkerDavid born about 1902
MarkerEarlee born about 1935
MarkerEarles born about 1907
MarkerEdward born about 1933
MarkerElizabeth born about 1933
MarkerGarrett born about 1928
MarkerLilie born about 1905
MarkerMarge born about 1910
MarkerMary born about 1936
MarkerNora born about 1903
MarkerPaul born about 1926
MarkerPauline born about 1930
MarkerWilliam born about 1938
MarkerWinston born about 1935
MarlinAnnie Mborn about 1929
MarshallJohn born about 1867
MartinAusten Oborn about 1879
McGhinnisBettie born about 1924
McGhinnisMagell born about 1883
McGhinnisMinnie born about 1887
McGhinnisO born about 1883
McGhinnisWilber born about 1915
MerkelFred born about 1891
MerkelMary born about 1897
MillerCary born about 1928
MillerEliabeth Sborn about 1926
MillerJohn born about 1875
MillerJohn Wborn about 1932
MillerLottie born about 1890
MillerMary born about 1931
MontgomeryDorothy born about 1919
MontgomeryJohn Eborn about 1921
MorganEugene Cborn about 1926
MorganHerbert Lborn about 1895
MorganHerbert S Jrborn about 1921
MorganJoylar Mrs Mamieborn about 1847
MorganVirginia Eborn about 1889
MorganVirginia Eborn about 1922
MorganWilliam Cborn about 1924
MosesAlbert Jborn about 1899
MosesDarnell born about 1901
MosesEthel born about 1930
MosesGerove born about 1929
MosesGertrude born about 1905
MosesJames born about 1926
MosesLeonard Jborn about 1928
MosesRosa Mborn about 1927
MosesSydney born about 1900
MundonEugene born about 1901
MundonHazel born about 1934
MundonMaude born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealCarfield born about 1911
NealGarfield born about 1911
NealOdell born about 1917
NealOdell Hborn about 1917
NealSherman born about 1939
NeblettVirginia Aborn about 1907
NeblettW Edwinborn about 1897
NebletteDetrort born about 1917
NebletteMrs Rosa born about 1880
NunalyChester Lborn about 1867
NunalyMorey born about 1884
NunalyPaul born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverEdward born about 1930
OliverJames born about 1929
OliverSarah born about 1908
OliverWilliam born about 1858
OliverWilliam born about 1875
OverbyBeatrice born about 1935
OverbyEmogene born about 1939
OverbyFrankie born about 1919
OverbyIrene born about 1923
OverbyMarie born about 1935
OverbyMollie born about 1887
OverbyPearl born about 1908
OverbyRosa born about 1933
OverbyRuston born about 1875
OverbyVernon born about 1913
OvertonBabbie born about 1938
OvertonCary Aborn about 1913
OvertonCary Eborn about 1939
OvertonMarie born about 1918
OvetorLove born about 1919
OwenBack Oborn about 1939
OwenJack Bborn about 1898
OwenOllie born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerBessie born about 1922
ParkerJoseph born about 1913
ParrishWillie born about 1905
PenningtonGeneva born about 1928
PerkinsCaball born about 1921
PerkinsGeorge Lborn about 1866
PerkinsJohn Rborn about 1936
PerkinsRosa Lborn about 1898
PerkinsSudie born about 1925
PerryMargaret Aborn about 1841
PoolCarl born about 1924
PoolClarence Lborn about 1881
PoolEven born about 1926
PoolLoyfatte born about 1889
PoolMartha born about 1894
PoolMrs Janice Nborn about 1875
PoolOdell Powell Jborn about 1931
PoolVirgil born about 1928
PoolWalter born about 1908
PoolWiley born about 1896
PowersAnna born about 1893
PowersDorothy born about 1928
PowersInez Eborn about 1938
PowersJoyce born about 1932
PowersJunius Fborn about 1895
PowersKathleen born about 1922
PowersRichard born about 1926
PowersWilliam born about 1930
PulleyIsack Hborn about 1901
PulleyIsack Hborn about 1921
PulleyMable Gborn about 1933
PulleyMamie born about 1874
PulleyMary Gborn about 1896
PulleyPattie born about 1884
PulleyThomas Gborn about 1919
PulleyWatkins Jborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RameyCorene born about 1930
RameyEstell born about 1921
RameyGertrude born about 1926
RameyJim born about 1888
RameyJonnie born about 1931
RameyLena born about 1892
RameyRuth A Bborn about 1919
RashVirginia born about 1921
ReevesAubrey Eborn about 1935
ReevesIda Belleborn about 1914
ReevesJohn Hborn about 1884
ReevesJohn Rborn about 1914
ReevesMargurita Louiseborn about 1934
ReevesWilliam born about 1907
ReevesWilliam R Jrborn about 1931
ReevesWyllie born about 1889
RoadsThomas born about 1868
RobertsonDorethy born about 1926
RobertsonGeorge born about 1878
RobertsonGeorge Jr born about 1907
RobertsonJames Jborn about 1893
RobertsonLee born about 1915
RobertsonLouise born about 1916
RobertsonLutha born about 1924
RobertsonMabel Eborn about 1895
RobertsonMary born about 1890
RoyallPearl born about 1901
RoyallSam Rborn about 1873
RoyallSamuel Jr born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SeamsterBertha born about 1923
SeamsterBillie born about 1918
SeamsterJohn Wborn about 1939
SeamsterLacy born about 1915
SeamsterRebecca born about 1920
SewardBula born about 1908
SewardEmma born about 1877
SewardLena born about 1912
SewardMartha Bborn about 1920
SewardRobert born about 1906
SewardThomas born about 1908
SharpArthur born about 1911
SharpArthur born about 1931
SharpCecil born about 1936
SharpHarry Hborn about 1927
SharpJack born about 1898
SharpJames born about 1925
SharpJane Mborn about 1938
SharpMary born about 1902
SharpRuth born about 1916
SharpVirginia Dborn about 1933
SharpWillie Eborn about 1921
SheffieldVerbie born about 1894
SheffieldWilliam born about 1887
SheltonHarold born about 1904
SheltonMae Lborn about 1911
SkettonLois born about 1920
SkettonTom born about 1907
SmithBernice born about 1932
SmithCardelia born about 1880
SmithCharles Jr born about 1938
SmithClide born about 1934
SmithDavid Hborn about 1938
SmithDavid Rborn about 1905
SmithElla born about 1895
SmithEsia born about 1926
SmithGarland born about 1936
SmithHenry born about 1875
SmithHoward Mborn about 1912
SmithIda born about 1882
SmithJenlia born about 1892
SmithJohn born about 1933
SmithLon born about 1880
SmithMamie born about 1902
SmithMargaret born about 1915
SmithMary born about 1910
SmithMildred born about 1938
SmithMirna born about 1939
SmithMyrtle born about 1911
SmithOra born about 1924
SmithSusie born about 1923
SmithVernice born about 1914
SmithWilliam born about 1914
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1907
SmithWillie born about 1917
SmithsonArdell born about 1923
SmithsonBernard born about 1928
SmithsonEdward born about 1925
SmithsonElsie born about 1921
SmithsonGussie born about 1893
SmithsonHorrace born about 1919
SmithsonMartin born about 1888
SneadLaura born about 1887
SneadWillie born about 1886
StalleyCharles born about 1870
StalleyChristine born about 1924
StalleyJanne born about 1887
StalleyMargaret born about 1926
StokesAlbert born about 1898
StokesAnnie Mborn about 1937
StokesBertha born about 1905
StokesFelix born about 1868
StokesFrances born about 1924
StokesJames born about 1937
StokesJannie born about 1905
StokesJohn born about 1896
StokesJohn born about 1928
StokesJohn Eborn about 1939
StokesLela born about 1895
StokesLynwood born about 1921
StokesMarie born about 1921
StokesMary born about 1935
StokesRichard born about 1930
StokesSam born about 1916
StokesSam born about 1936
StokesThomas born about 1927
StokesVirgie born about 1915
StokesVirginia born about 1939
StokesWalter born about 1898
StuardCarroll born about 1921
StuardClosen born about 1915
StuardSallie born about 1879
StuardWallace born about 1883
StuzkaJoyce born about 1930
StuzkaSallie born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallyIne born about 1900
TallyLloyd Hborn about 1902
TallyMargarete born about 1928
TallyRuth born about 1925
TaylorAnnie born about 1933
TaylorArthur born about 1927
TaylorIda born about 1889
TaylorLorenza born about 1925
TaylorRichard born about 1906
TaylorVersie born about 1907
TaylorVirgine born about 1938
TaylorWilliam Rborn about 1936
TaylorWilson born about 1869
TerryAnnie born about 1910
TharpCurtis born about 1927
TharpElizabeth born about 1936
TharpElizabeth born about 1938
TharpFrank Jborn about 1900
TharpKatie born about 1898
TharpMaria Rborn about 1931
TharpWilliam born about 1890
TharpWillie Eborn about 1935
TharpZelma Iborn about 1909
ThompsonAlma born about 1931
ThompsonBernard born about 1887
ThompsonBessie born about 1897
ThompsonCarlton born about 1922
ThompsonMavis born about 1928
ThompsonRoland born about 1926
TisdaleDuglas born about 1890
TisdaleIrvin born about 1910
TisdaleJessie Eborn about 1939
TisdaleLeathey born about 1918
TisdaleMable born about 1917
TisdaleMary born about 1896
TompsonErsell born about 1908
TompsonFloyd born about 1937
TompsonJames born about 1893
TompsonKenneth born about 1939
TowsendElbert born about 1934
TowsendElizabeth born about 1917
TowsendEugene born about 1938
TowsendGertie born about 1894
TowsendHelen born about 1925
TowsendHorace born about 1932
TowsendJessie born about 1924
TowsendJessie Nborn about 1896
TowsendMabel born about 1920
TowsendWader born about 1895
TravisAllen Rborn about 1934
TravisBetha born about 1931
TravisDora born about 1928
TravisMary born about 1932
TravisNellie born about 1892
TravisRutha born about 1912
TravisWoody born about 1898
TuckFloyd born about 1908
TuckFloyd Jr born about 1930
TuckJessie Lborn about 1937
TuckLois born about 1933
TuckMarie born about 1928
TuckMelvin born about 1935
TuckMinnie born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughanCalvin Hborn about 1923
VaughanFlossie born about 1928
VaughanJames Wborn about 1891
VaughanJohn born about 1921
VaughanKnight born about 1886
VaughanLois born about 1892
VaughanMildred born about 1919

W Surnames

WageAlice born about 1933
WageHattie born about 1901
WagePeter born about 1925
WageThelma born about 1930
WageWillie born about 1918
WallaceBertha born about 1895
WallaceCharles Jborn about 1939
WallaceCharles Lborn about 1907
WallaceClara born about 1874
WallaceDorthy born about 1929
WallaceDorthy Aborn about 1926
WallaceDottie born about 1907
WallaceEarl born about 1931
WallaceFannie born about 1889
WallaceGeorge Wborn about 1904
WallaceHayne born about 1917
WallaceHenry born about 1896
WallaceHenry born about 1937
WallaceHilda born about 1937
WallaceIris born about 1923
WallaceLucy born about 1896
WallaceManard born about 1922
WallaceMary Bborn about 1887
WallaceMildred born about 1927
WallaceNellie born about 1914
WallaceRansone born about 1889
WallaceSam Aborn about 1882
WallaceSamuel born about 1929
WallaceSterling born about 1905
WallaceTom Dborn about 1935
WallaceViolet born about 1915
WallaceVirgie born about 1922
WallaceWilliam Maeborn about 1889
WardFay born about 1924
WardHerbert born about 1927
WardJean born about 1934
WardMildred born about 1929
WardMrs Louise born about 1898
WardVivian born about 1932
WatkinsAnderson born about 1888
WatkinsEdith born about 1928
WatkinsJulia born about 1877
WatkinsLoyne born about 1911
WatkinsMagola born about 1933
WatkinsOphelia born about 1930
WatkinsRobert born about 1881
WatkinsWashington born about 1866
WeaverFanna born about 1912
WeaverHerman Eborn about 1938
WeaverLee born about 1938
WeaverRay Hborn about 1934
WeaverRay Wborn about 1936
WeaverRobert born about 1917
WebsterArthur Lborn about 1934
WebsterArthur Jr born about 1906
WebsterEva born about 1902
WebsterKingfield born about 1911
WebsterMarylou born about 1927
WebsterPaul Fborn about 1936
WebsterSheller Mborn about 1940
WebsterVirginia born about 1922
WestAllice born about 1880
WestErnest born about 1913
WestThomas born about 1872
WestThomas born about 1916
WhiteLewis Rborn about 1898
WhiteRosa born about 1901
WhiteVincent born about 1930
WhitlowAlton born about 1936
WhitlowB Nealborn about 1930
WhitlowCharles born about 1909
WhitlowIrene born about 1909
WilliamsJessie born about 1914
WilliamsonAnna Sborn about 1872
WilliamsonArbelig born about 1930
WilliamsonBertha Lborn about 1905
WilliamsonEarl Jborn about 1904
WilliamsonElmore born about 1914
WilliamsonFlorence Tborn about 1936
WilliamsonHarry born about 1927
WilliamsonHerman born about 1888
WilliamsonHorace Lborn about 1938
WilliamsonJames Earl Jrborn about 1930
WilliamsonLeonel born about 1915
WilliamsonLinwood born about 1885
WilliamsonLouise Lborn about 1907
WilliamsonMay born about 1918
WilliamsonMerdith born about 1921
WilliamsonRivers born about 1925
WilliamsonRobert born about 1870
WilliamsonRobert Tborn about 1933
WilliamsonRuby born about 1897
WilliamsonStanley born about 1913
WilliamsonWarden born about 1887
WilliamsonWeldon born about 1928
WilsonAline born about 1934
WilsonCharles Bborn about 1937
WilsonDorothy born about 1918
WilsonEdward Nborn about 1932
WilsonElizabeth born about 1868
WilsonEssie born about 1932
WilsonEvelina born about 1928
WilsonFloyd born about 1939
WilsonHelen born about 1935
WilsonHenry born about 1920
WilsonHersell Wborn about 1933
WilsonInell born about 1912
WilsonJames born about 1923
WilsonJohn born about 1876
WilsonJohn Aborn about 1856
WilsonJohn Sborn about 1878
WilsonJosephine born about 1916
WilsonJosh born about 1909
WilsonJulia born about 1915
WilsonLelia born about 1858
WilsonLeon born about 1910
WilsonLeon Rborn about 1863
WilsonLillie born about 1937
WilsonLucy Ellenborn about 1934
WilsonMable born about 1906
WilsonMarguerite born about 1933
WilsonMarguriete born about 1873
WilsonMarie Lborn about 1935
WilsonMartha Aborn about 1875
WilsonMary Cborn about 1918
WilsonMary Lborn about 1930
WilsonNellie Gborn about 1927
WilsonNelson born about 1875
WilsonPantha born about 1937
WilsonPreston born about 1905
WilsonPreston Aborn about 1938
WilsonPullie Tborn about 1929
WilsonRichard born about 1930
WilsonRichard Lborn about 1909
WilsonRufus born about 1939
WilsonVirnettie born about 1906
WilsonWash born about 1880
WilsonWillie born about 1921
WilsonWillie born about 1924
WilsonWillie Eborn about 1938
WinklerEdward born about 1880
WinklerGracie born about 1892
WinnCorrie born about 1923
WinnLoyd born about 1921
WinnOrniss born about 1936
WinnShowaler born about 1938
WinnWalter born about 1902
WitlowSallie born about 1863
WoodIda born about 1858
WoodJohn Mborn about 1862
WorshamGeorge Cborn about 1893
WorshamJames Fborn about 1879
WorshamJohn Lborn about 1885
WorshamLeatha born about 1882
WorshamLuther born about 1888
WorshamThomas Eborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesBertie Mborn about 1910
YatesLula Lborn about 1911
YatesLuther Eborn about 1866
YatesRoy Lborn about 1895
YatesWilliam Aborn about 1861

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