1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pleasant Grove in Lunenburg County, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Pleasant Grove in Lunenburg County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenVirginia Eborn about 1883
AmoGrace born about 1907
AmoKatarine born about 1930
AmoMarcia Gborn about 1938
AmoMary born about 1923
AmoRoberta born about 1928
AmoSam born about 1895
AmoWilliam Sborn about 1933
AmoWillroy born about 1926
AndersonDorothy born about 1930
AndersonEdgar born about 1895
AndersonGrace born about 1894
AndersonHallie born about 1902
AndersonJ Jborn about 1915
AndersonJenny born about 1922
AndersonJohn born about 1912
AndersonRuby Mamieborn about 1923
AndersonSamuel Eborn about 1893
AndersonSamuel Jr born about 1926
ArvinBennie born about 1928
ArvinCornelia born about 1869
ArvinFred born about 1925
ArvinHarry Bborn about 1897
ArvinInez born about 1918
ArvinJunior born about 1929
ArvinLouise born about 1891
ArvinMatt born about 1894
ArvinMaud born about 1874
ArvinStanley born about 1872
ArvinThomas Jborn about 1888
ArvinWilliam born about 1921
ArvisAubrey born about 1879
ArvisCharles born about 1925
ArvisJulia born about 1890
AtkinsonAllison born about 1864
AtkinsonIla born about 1879
AversJames Aborn about 1940
AversJames Rborn about 1916
AversMarion Jborn about 1918
AvisGussie Maeborn about 1928
AvisHughes born about 1913
AvisThomas Eborn about 1888
AvisVirginia born about 1921
AwinGarland born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BailyErvie Lborn about 1907
BailyFlorence born about 1916
BailyNelson Rborn about 1939
BailyWalter Rborn about 1938
BarnesAlice Rborn about 1937
BarnesAnna born about 1903
BarnesBlanch born about 1885
BarnesCharles Lborn about 1876
BarnesElna born about 1915
BarnesEmmett Gborn about 1898
BarnesLena born about 1919
BarnesLerlien born about 1879
BarnesLizzie born about 1911
BarnesMack born about 1904
BarnesMack Jr born about 1938
BarnesMargaret born about 1935
BarnesMary born about 1929
BarnesMattie Hborn about 1891
BarnesMildred born about 1930
BarnesOra Mborn about 1860
BarnesWarren born about 1908
BarnesWarren Rborn about 1936
BarnesWilliam born about 1903
BarnesWilliam Hborn about 1914
BarnesWilliam Wborn about 1932
BellBerell born about 1891
BellBessie born about 1891
BellJames born about 1934
BellMadeline born about 1924
BellOllie born about 1928
BellWillie born about 1870
BenfieldClara born about 1934
BenfieldPauline born about 1914
BenfieldRoman born about 1914
BentleyEdna M Hborn about 1926
BentleyHenry D Jrborn about 1936
BentleyJames Lborn about 1921
BentleyMary Jborn about 1924
BentleyMrs Don born about 1901
BentleyWilliam H Jborn about 1930
BerryFrances born about 1925
BerryHarvey born about 1924
BertlerEugene born about 1938
BertlerLucile born about 1935
BertlerMarie born about 1917
BertlerWilliam born about 1913
BertlerWilliam Jborn about 1937
BeverlyVon born about 1872
BibbsAlice born about 1925
BibbsClarence born about 1929
BiggerAllie Jr born about 1938
BiggerEllen born about 1917
BiggerFrances Lborn about 1934
BiggerHelen Wborn about 1935
BiggerIllie born about 1912
BiggerMary Aborn about 1937
BiggerMary Fborn about 1855
BiggerRandolph Hborn about 1871
BiggerWilliam born about 1882
BohananHelen Eborn about 1919
BoothAddie born about 1884
BoothAlexander Tborn about 1854
BoothElmer Kborn about 1898
BoothHelen born about 1917
BoottErvin born about 1922
BoottOdessa born about 1924
BoottViolet born about 1892
BoughanBernard Dborn about 1896
BoughanElizabeth Aborn about 1891
BoughanFranklin born about 1927
BoughanJanie born about 1924
BoughanMae born about 1897
BoughanSarah Mborn about 1861
BoughanThomas Aborn about 1886
BoughanWilliam born about 1931
BowmanClyde born about 1939
BowmanElizabeth born about 1910
BowmanEmily Fborn about 1869
BowmanGeorge Dborn about 1934
BowmanGeorge Wborn about 1878
BowmanJames Hborn about 1901
BowmanJames Rborn about 1931
BowmanJenny Pborn about 1903
BowmanJoe Mborn about 1936
BowmanMary Eborn about 1932
BoydAnn born about 1920
BoydCarrie born about 1899
BoydCatherine born about 1923
BoydCharles Kborn about 1884
BoydElizabeth born about 1932
BraggClydie born about 1917
BraggEster Gborn about 1939
BraggEvelin born about 1920
BraggMathew Eborn about 1938
BrownHaney born about 1880
BrownLoveline born about 1889
BruceAdrian born about 1893
BruceAles born about 1901
BruceCarol born about 1923
BruceDurwood born about 1932
BruceFrank born about 1900
BruceGeorge born about 1903
BruceJames Gborn about 1923
BruceLillie Gborn about 1896
BruceMattie born about 1869
BruceMorris born about 1908
BruceMrs Oscar born about 1864
BruceNoel Eborn about 1920
BruceNoll born about 1890
BruceViola born about 1867
BuchannanClifton born about 1925
BuchannanDon born about 1887
BuchannanMildred born about 1906
BukleyCora Fborn about 1902
BukleyWilliam Gborn about 1902
BurlesDelly born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CagmerCalleace Cborn about 1935
CagmerEliza born about 1860
CagmerElla Sborn about 1934
CallierAnnie born about 1915
CallierAnnie Madaleeborn about 1928
CallierLe Roy born about 1898
CallierLeroy Jr born about 1930
CallierLottie born about 1899
CapronGreen born about 1875
CapronMary Eborn about 1876
CapronWildon born about 1931
CarterRuth born about 1917
ChalanWillie born about 1872
ChesthamBernard born about 1936
ChesthamLynwood born about 1932
ClaneyAubrey born about 1922
ClaneyClara born about 1917
ClaneyEdmond born about 1881
ClaneyEmily born about 1912
ClaneyGeorgie born about 1937
ClaneyJack born about 1913
ClaneyLetta Aborn about 1885
ClaneyRalph born about 1915
ClaneyRonald born about 1925
ClarkAlton Hborn about 1906
ClarkBlanche born about 1880
ClarkCelia born about 1872
ClarkDora Bborn about 1877
ClarkDoris born about 1937
ClarkDurley born about 1919
ClarkEarl born about 1907
ClarkEddie born about 1892
ClarkEdith born about 1913
ClarkEllener Jborn about 1938
ClarkEugene born about 1930
ClarkFlorence Leeborn about 1940
ClarkFrances born about 1933
ClarkFrank born about 1900
ClarkFrank born about 1929
ClarkGarland born about 1935
ClarkHester born about 1910
ClarkHoward born about 1932
ClarkJames Mborn about 1895
ClarkJasper born about 1869
ClarkJean born about 1936
ClarkJohanna born about 1919
ClarkKate born about 1877
ClarkKatherine born about 1920
ClarkKenneth born about 1940
ClarkLelia born about 1910
ClarkLillian born about 1914
ClarkLynwood born about 1876
ClarkMarion born about 1938
ClarkMary born about 1892
ClarkMorgan born about 1870
ClarkNannie Sborn about 1872
ClarkPaul born about 1916
ClarkPuella born about 1874
ClarkRachel born about 1939
ClarkRichard born about 1937
ClarkRichard Sborn about 1903
ClarkRoy born about 1934
ClarkRuth born about 1926
ClarkTheodore Fborn about 1863
ColemanLidie born about 1866
CollinsEdward born about 1917
CollinsEugene born about 1936
CollinsJames born about 1916
CookAnnabella born about 1908
CookAnnie Mborn about 1915
CookCharlie Hborn about 1920
CookClement born about 1897
CookDolores born about 1924
CookElla born about 1892
CookJames born about 1934
CookLouise born about 1930
CookMary Cborn about 1922
CookRozata born about 1927
CoxAddie born about 1923
CoxAlex born about 1910
CoxAlice born about 1898
CoxBee born about 1925
CoxBerdie born about 1936
CoxElizabeth born about 1912
CoxFrances born about 1926
CoxHattie born about 1914
CoxInez born about 1928
CoxLettie born about 1903
CoxNathaniel born about 1922
CoxPattie born about 1895
CoxReaden born about 1936
CoxTaylor born about 1916
CoxWilliam born about 1921
CoxWilliam born about 1929
CraigCorrie born about 1912
CraigEddie born about 1897
CraigHenderson born about 1929
CraigLizzie born about 1900
CraigLouise born about 1936
CraigMarion born about 1925
CraigThornton born about 1928
CraigWashington born about 1915
CroftonEmma born about 1892
CroftonHunter born about 1904
CroftonStuart born about 1880
CroftonTheodore born about 1918
CroxtonCharlie born about 1890
CroxtonClifford born about 1912
CroxtonLillie Maeborn about 1915
CruiseElzie Kborn about 1930
CruiseIla Aborn about 1920
CruiseVirgie born about 1891
CruiseWilliam born about 1897
CruiseWilliam Hborn about 1927
CrymesDurell born about 1893
CrymesDurell Jr born about 1924
CrymesEllen Tborn about 1931
CrymesHazel born about 1903
CrymesJoseph Tborn about 1930
CrymesNancy born about 1926
CunningsHarry born about 1878
CunningsLue Eborn about 1868
CurrinBobbie born about 1929
CurrinCarlele born about 1923
CurrinLaura born about 1900
CurrinRobert born about 1893
CurrinRussell born about 1924
CurrinSherlie born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaltonAleen born about 1914
DaltonBernice born about 1928
DaltonJane born about 1922
DaltonJulia born about 1931
DaltonLena born about 1907
DaltonPearl born about 1890
DaltonTruly born about 1887
DavisBlanche born about 1923
DavisDaisy Mborn about 1918
DavisGeorge Wborn about 1891
DavisIda born about 1880
DavisJohn Hborn about 1920
DavisLorell born about 1931
DavisMinnie Bborn about 1910
DavisNancy Jborn about 1910
DavisVirginia Gborn about 1940
DawnRosevelt born about 1912
DehartArlen born about 1933
DehartRosella born about 1911
DehartRuby born about 1933
DehartWade born about 1906
DehartWaymon born about 1934
DehontCatherine born about 1926
DehontCelia Jborn about 1872
DehontCharles born about 1929
DehontLawrence born about 1931
DehontThomas Jborn about 1862
DesslerGustave Adolphborn about 1876
DesslerMarie born about 1867
DexBery born about 1908
DexDoris Lborn about 1932
DexEloise Cborn about 1919
DexHelen born about 1906
DexHorace born about 1888
DexMalcolm born about 1901
DexMartha Eborn about 1928
DexNorland born about 1938
DexRaymond born about 1918
DexRobert Eborn about 1929
DexThomas Mborn about 1926
DexWilliam born about 1873
DixonBarbara born about 1939
DixonEdith born about 1915
DixonJoseph Rborn about 1911
DixonShirley Annborn about 1938
DodsonAnnie born about 1935
DodsonDaisy born about 1928
DodsonDavid born about 1927
DodsonDurell born about 1919
DodsonElizabeth born about 1931
DodsonElla Maeborn about 1924
DodsonElwood born about 1933
DodsonGeraldine born about 1936
DodsonJessie born about 1928
DodsonJohn born about 1898
DodsonLena born about 1899
DodsonLewis born about 1922
DodsonShirley Josephborn about 1939
DodsonWalter Leeborn about 1930
DomaschofskyFrederick born about 1867
DomaschofskyLouis born about 1862
DonellGeorgia Mborn about 1934
DoswellAlvinis born about 1886
DoswellBernard born about 1931
DoswellClara born about 1918
DoswellEmmett born about 1872
DoswellErna born about 1926
DoswellFlorence born about 1928
DoswellHasken born about 1925
DoswellHelen born about 1907
DoswellHenry Bborn about 1858
DoswellHerbert born about 1900
DoswellLillie born about 1891
DoswellMarjorie born about 1934
DoswellRudolf born about 1926
DoswellWilliam Pborn about 1890
DoudyMinnie born about 1895
DowdyEarnest born about 1939
DowdyMartha born about 1856
DowdyMoses born about 1922
DowdyRuby born about 1939
DreggBenton born about 1914
DreggBlanche born about 1888
DreggCarson born about 1923
DreggEddie born about 1882
DreggErma born about 1920
DreggIva born about 1917
DunavantEdgar Gborn about 1922
DunavantLena born about 1887
DunavantLeroy born about 1924
DunavantValma born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EalamMrs Ola born about 1858
EalamTom Sborn about 1885
EalamWarline born about 1888
EdwardMinnie Uborn about 1887
EdwardWillie born about 1885
EdwardsBernard born about 1913
EdwardsBessie born about 1888
EdwardsEmmett born about 1876
EdwardsJames born about 1922
EdwardsJames Hborn about 1903
EdwardsJames H Jrborn about 1926
EdwardsLouis born about 1918
EdwardsMarion born about 1925
EdwardsWallace born about 1905
EffaAnnie born about 1908
EffaLeona born about 1935
EffaMary Aborn about 1914
EffaSamuel born about 1885
EgglestonAlonza born about 1940
EgglestonHattie born about 1890
EgglestonHerman born about 1910
EgglestonJames born about 1917
EgglestonJames Aborn about 1937
EgglestonLouise born about 1916
EgglestonMarion born about 1938
EgglestonSweetie born about 1929
EgglestonWest born about 1883
EllisDavid born about 1872
EllisMrs Cecil born about 1894
EllisWilliam born about 1920
ElsaesserEthel born about 1922
ElsaesserGrace born about 1904
ElsaesserHarris born about 1924
ElsaesserLois born about 1931
ElsaesserMargaret born about 1927
ElsaesserRaymond born about 1936
ElsaesserRuben Hborn about 1893
ElsassenJames born about 1912
ElsassenMary born about 1872
EmersonLucy born about 1890
EvansElla born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarisAlma born about 1910
FarisArline born about 1933
FarisCarl born about 1898
FarisEdward born about 1929
FarisGrace born about 1906
FarisHarry Pborn about 1896
FarisPascal born about 1927
FarisPauline born about 1925
FergusonEvelyn born about 1909
FergusonGordon born about 1890
FiggHenry born about 1865
FixGerome born about 1932
FixJessie born about 1899
FixKenneth born about 1935
FixKermit born about 1926
FixMartin Hborn about 1919
FixRose born about 1935
FixRufus born about 1922
FixWaddie born about 1899
FixWalter born about 1920
FlorenceClifton born about 1928
FlorenceDorothy born about 1930
FlorenceEdna born about 1935
FlorenceFlorence born about 1915
FlorenceMilton born about 1903
FlowersCatherine born about 1890
FlowersEdward born about 1926
FlowersIrene born about 1924
FlowersJim born about 1865
FlowersLucy born about 1869
FlowersMargaret born about 1919
FlowersOtis Hborn about 1897
FlowersPaul born about 1928
FlowersRobert born about 1922
FlowersWillie born about 1892
FordCarrie Dborn about 1927
FordFrank born about 1930
FordFred Hborn about 1878
FordFrederick born about 1921
FordHubert born about 1932
FordIris born about 1936
FordLillian born about 1898
FordTheodore Jborn about 1925
FosterS Waldoborn about 1924
FosterWillie Dborn about 1923
FowklerElla born about 1871
FowklerFentie born about 1889
FowklesAmelia Eborn about 1930
FowklesCarrie born about 1930
FowklesDorothy Mborn about 1932
FowklesEddie born about 1880
FowklesEllen born about 1911
FowklesFloyd born about 1898
FowklesFloyd born about 1926
FowklesJohn born about 1920
FowklesLenard Aborn about 1901
FowklesMarion Rborn about 1936
FowklesMartha Aborn about 1924
FowklesMonroe born about 1924
FowklesMrs Marie born about 1874
FowklesNettie Nborn about 1934
FowklesNorman born about 1931
FowklesRichard Vborn about 1922
FowklesSusie Bborn about 1928
FowklesSusie Lborn about 1901
FowklesSweetie born about 1904
FowklesThomas born about 1927
FowklesWestley born about 1922
FowlerAlton born about 1927
FowlerChristine born about 1931
FowlerEvelyn born about 1912
FowlerLois born about 1936
FowlerPorless Lborn about 1896
FowlerRaymond born about 1930
FowlkerCharles born about 1923
FowlkerElizabeth born about 1912
FowlkerElma born about 1885
FowlkerHurt Made Rborn about 1884
FowlkerKathleen born about 1926
FowlkerMalcolm born about 1912
FowlkerMrs Ruth born about 1872
FowlkerRebecca born about 1929
FowlkerRena born about 1890
FowlkerTheodore born about 1899
FowlkerWilliam Jr born about 1938
FranciscoChristine born about 1923
FranciscoGertie born about 1895
FranciscoHarold born about 1932
FranciscoJames Pborn about 1886
FreemanClaude Gborn about 1922
FreemanClaudia Mborn about 1901
FreemanDennis Mborn about 1938
FreemanFrank born about 1926
FreemanJacob Gborn about 1895
FreemanLoumishia born about 1921
FreemanSarah Jborn about 1937
FreemanWaller born about 1916
FreemoreAlice born about 1883
FreemoreMildred born about 1920
FreemoreWilliam born about 1861
FrostDaniel born about 1914
FrostElla born about 1888
FrostThomas Bborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainesJenny born about 1905
GainesJoe born about 1900
GanesBernice born about 1924
GanesCanilea born about 1925
GanesCorine born about 1904
GanesHerman born about 1926
GanesLaura born about 1929
GanesMargarette born about 1937
GanesSuene Aborn about 1930
GauldingAnnie Maeborn about 1933
GauldingEdward Hborn about 1879
GauldingHarold born about 1910
GauldingJames Bborn about 1935
GauldingJames Wborn about 1882
GauldingKirth born about 1919
GauldingLucille born about 1898
GauldingLucille Dborn about 1900
GauldingWhaley born about 1928
GauldingWilliam born about 1917
GeeAlice born about 1880
GeeAlonza Aborn about 1868
GeeBessie born about 1905
GeeCharles Wborn about 1925
GeeEddie born about 1912
GeeEdward Cborn about 1911
GeeEe born about 1876
GeeEleanor Ireneborn about 1937
GeeElizabeth born about 1877
GeeEllie Maeborn about 1892
GeeElsie Grayborn about 1939
GeeEmma born about 1900
GeeEva Maeborn about 1899
GeeFlossie born about 1920
GeeGeorge Maeborn about 1932
GeeHarris Hborn about 1903
GeeHenry Bborn about 1888
GeeHerman born about 1924
GeeJakie born about 1918
GeeJohn Hborn about 1922
GeeJohn Rborn about 1889
GeeJohn R Jrborn about 1921
GeeLucile born about 1921
GeeMartha born about 1895
GeeMary Eborn about 1869
GeeMatthew born about 1914
GeeMilton born about 1883
GeeMollie born about 1924
GeePatrick born about 1884
GeePatrick Henryborn about 1922
GeePauline born about 1925
GeeRosa born about 1926
GeeRuby Beatriceborn about 1935
GeeWarren born about 1931
GeeWilliam Eborn about 1919
GeeWillie born about 1919
GholsonMary Eborn about 1927
GladeyAnnie born about 1932
GladeyCharlie born about 1933
GladeyDavid born about 1919
GladeyHerman born about 1929
GladeyJohn born about 1880
GladeyMattie born about 1892
GladeyMelton Rborn about 1930
GladeySamuel born about 1922
GladeyWillie born about 1925
GlasscockBarley born about 1896
GlasscockBillie born about 1935
GlasscockCecil born about 1904
GlasscockDorothy born about 1932
GlasscockEdward born about 1926
GlasscockHelen born about 1931
GlasscockJean born about 1927
GlasscockLucile born about 1924
GlasscockLurwood born about 1938
GlasscockMarion born about 1930
GlasscockMartha born about 1902
GlasscockPearl Bborn about 1902
GlasscockRobert born about 1902
GlasscockWilliam born about 1898
GlennBernice Bborn about 1920
GlennClarence Eborn about 1925
GlennDavid Hborn about 1930
GlennEdna Estelleborn about 1928
GlennElla Lborn about 1935
GlennEusvia Jborn about 1868
GlennHattie born about 1898
GlennJoe born about 1896
GlennJulia Beatriceborn about 1939
GlennLeon Cborn about 1932
GlennMary Annborn about 1927
GlennWilliam Hborn about 1900
GlidwellMary born about 1882
GlidwellWilliam born about 1877
GloverArmstrong Jr born about 1928
GloverArsmtead born about 1900
GloverDorothy born about 1927
GloverMinnie born about 1906
GloverNancy born about 1925
GloverRichard born about 1935
GloverRose born about 1931
GooldingEdward born about 1915
GooldingHelen born about 1887
GooldingMabel born about 1910
GooldingStuart born about 1910
GooldingWaverly born about 1887
GouldingAlzie Sr born about 1880
GouldingBernard Eborn about 1885
GouldingCharlotte born about 1929
GouldingClarence born about 1922
GouldingDorothy born about 1925
GouldingMaddie born about 1891
GouldingMinnie born about 1885
GouldingNortell born about 1925
GouldingPauline born about 1926
GouldingRachel born about 1921
GouldingWilliam Gborn about 1920
GrantHarry born about 1903
GrantJanie born about 1931
GrantLois born about 1907
GrantRonald Bborn about 1938
GreenDavid Gborn about 1916
GreenLuellen born about 1880
GreenSindy born about 1916
GreenWestley born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaileyLeland born about 1883
HaileyLucy born about 1910
HaileyRobert Fborn about 1910
HaileyRobert F Jrborn about 1936
HamptonGladys born about 1918
HamptonJohn born about 1905
HankeDoris Jborn about 1939
HankeGlen born about 1920
HankeLaura born about 1922
HankeSarah Jborn about 1878
HankeStella born about 1923
HankeWilliam Lborn about 1874
HanksEdna born about 1922
HanksErvin born about 1909
HanksFrancis born about 1939
HanksJunior born about 1924
HanksMabel born about 1918
HanksNancy born about 1933
HanksNora born about 1901
HanksThomas born about 1890
HardenJoe born about 1890
HardingAnnie Margaretborn about 1925
HardingAnnie Wborn about 1883
HardingBernard born about 1926
HardingBessie born about 1924
HardingCarl born about 1932
HardingCharlie born about 1876
HardingCharlie born about 1897
HardingClifford born about 1902
HardingConella born about 1928
HardingCora born about 1902
HardingFill born about 1855
HardingGregary born about 1909
HardingHenry born about 1902
HardingHunter born about 1919
HardingIva born about 1929
HardingJohn born about 1890
HardingLlewellyn born about 1914
HardingLouise born about 1893
HardingMabel born about 1925
HardingPriscella born about 1922
HardingThomas born about 1920
HardingViola born about 1907
HardingWarren born about 1924
HardingWilbur born about 1916
HarlanderFrank born about 1893
HarlanderFrank Jr born about 1927
HarlanderJohn born about 1861
HarlanderKate born about 1897
HarrisCassie born about 1892
HarrisThomas born about 1920
HartElizabeth born about 1901
HartGrady Hborn about 1890
HartLula born about 1897
HartMarcery born about 1921
HartMargaret born about 1925
HartMyrtle born about 1923
HartThornton born about 1894
HatchetteJohn born about 1923
HatchettePerkie born about 1890
HatsonMattie born about 1887
HatsonRuth born about 1923
HatsonWillie born about 1919
HauserEmert born about 1917
HauserHugh born about 1917
HauserJack born about 1935
HauserMary Lborn about 1931
HawkinsAdelia born about 1898
HayesAnna born about 1923
HayesCatherine born about 1932
HayesEvelyn born about 1936
HayesFrances born about 1939
HayesGeorge born about 1894
HayesHarry born about 1922
HayesJohanna born about 1872
HayesLillie born about 1901
HayesLydia born about 1936
HenerBessie born about 1926
HenerDorothy Nborn about 1933
HenerEllie born about 1922
HenerEllie Mborn about 1900
HenerJames born about 1929
HenerJohn born about 1888
HenerJohn Mborn about 1920
HenerThomas born about 1937
HenzesWarren born about 1921
HillRoland Pborn about 1869
HinesAdell born about 1929
HinesAlice born about 1930
HinesChester Jr born about 1922
HinesEarl born about 1920
HinesElizabeth born about 1927
HinesLily born about 1900
HinesLynwood born about 1936
HinesMilton born about 1934
HinesVernice born about 1932
HinesWalker born about 1925
HinesWillie born about 1923
HolmesCarl Mborn about 1935
HolmesCora born about 1876
HolmesGeorge Wborn about 1892
HolmesGeorge W Jrborn about 1933
HolmesJames Jborn about 1921
HolmesJohn born about 1912
HolmesMinnie Mborn about 1891
HolmesSherlock born about 1917
HoodGracie Maeborn about 1939
HoodMargaret born about 1919
HoodThorbon born about 1919
HoolCharles born about 1933
HoovenGeorge Wborn about 1868
HoovenLida born about 1905
HoovenMary born about 1871
HouksLavern born about 1912
HouksMabel born about 1915
HubbardAnnie born about 1931
HubbardFrances born about 1932
HubbardFrancis born about 1892
HubbardGrace born about 1937
HubbardHenry born about 1925
HubbardMargaret born about 1929
HubbardMary Fborn about 1907
HubbardRuth born about 1927
HudsonEliza Annborn about 1850
HudsonEliza Ellisborn about 1879
HullardJames Rborn about 1897
HullardLucille born about 1900
HullardLynwood born about 1925
HullardWilliam Rborn about 1924
HuntAnn Ophieborn about 1870
HuntAnnie born about 1940
HuntAnnie Bellborn about 1918
HuntArthur born about 1922
HuntBernie Grayborn about 1935
HuntCatherine born about 1920
HuntCharlie born about 1878
HuntCharlie born about 1881
HuntDaniel born about 1923
HuntDema born about 1924
HuntElvia born about 1935
HuntFred born about 1928
HuntHortense born about 1930
HuntJames born about 1870
HuntJames born about 1922
HuntJames born about 1927
HuntJerome born about 1922
HuntJessie born about 1882
HuntJessie born about 1920
HuntLeroy born about 1939
HuntLewis born about 1906
HuntLillian born about 1900
HuntMaria born about 1920
HuntMildred born about 1932
HuntRaymond born about 1928
HuntRobert born about 1929
HuntRuby born about 1934
HuntRufus born about 1908
HuntRufus born about 1925
HuntWarren born about 1933
HuntWilliam born about 1920
HuntWinston born about 1939
HuntZenelia born about 1926
HurtAlex born about 1920
HurtAlfred born about 1912
HurtAlfred Jr born about 1934
HurtAlice born about 1870
HurtAllie Dborn about 1916
HurtAnnie Mborn about 1895
HurtArthur Kborn about 1923
HurtAubrey born about 1923
HurtBen born about 1938
HurtBessie born about 1905
HurtBessie born about 1927
HurtBillie born about 1915
HurtBlaze born about 1908
HurtCatherine born about 1929
HurtClarence born about 1926
HurtClarence born about 1927
HurtClifford born about 1881
HurtCora Lborn about 1902
HurtCorestine Mborn about 1916
HurtDorothy Lborn about 1930
HurtDorsey born about 1905
HurtEddie born about 1890
HurtEdward born about 1920
HurtEdward born about 1925
HurtEdward Cborn about 1898
HurtElizabeth born about 1895
HurtElzah born about 1922
HurtEnzie Mborn about 1934
HurtFlossie born about 1929
HurtGenette born about 1927
HurtGeorge born about 1890
HurtGeorge born about 1895
HurtGeorge born about 1922
HurtGordon born about 1923
HurtHardy born about 1936
HurtHerbert born about 1865
HurtIda born about 1881
HurtJames born about 1898
HurtJames born about 1920
HurtJames born about 1924
HurtJames born about 1936
HurtJames Hborn about 1921
HurtJoe born about 1921
HurtJonnie Eborn about 1915
HurtLawrence born about 1912
HurtLawrence born about 1925
HurtLenora born about 1925
HurtLizzie Mborn about 1922
HurtLola Gborn about 1867
HurtLottie born about 1921
HurtLouise born about 1924
HurtLove born about 1890
HurtLynn born about 1932
HurtMabel born about 1938
HurtMaddine born about 1918
HurtMargaret born about 1928
HurtMarie born about 1928
HurtMarion born about 1927
HurtMarlin born about 1913
HurtMary born about 1886
HurtMary Oborn about 1926
HurtMollie born about 1935
HurtNat born about 1929
HurtPearl born about 1931
HurtRaymond born about 1928
HurtRoscoe born about 1887
HurtSaverie born about 1934
HurtTha Eborn about 1940
HurtVirginia born about 1908
HurtVirginia born about 1910
HurtWalter born about 1930
HurtWalter born about 1932
HurtWenston born about 1900
HurtWilliam born about 1918
HurtWilliam Hborn about 1862
HurtWilliam Jr born about 1935
HurtWillie Cborn about 1928
HurtWillie Hborn about 1938
HutsonDorothy Jborn about 1934
HutsonGaetan Hborn about 1890
HutsonIzona born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InettAnnie Mborn about 1925
InettBula born about 1894
InettDorris Cborn about 1930
InettLouise Nborn about 1927
InettMarie born about 1922
InettMary born about 1916
InettPaul born about 1883
InettPaul Jr born about 1920
InettRuth Gborn about 1936
InettThomas Wborn about 1933
InettWilliam Drborn about 1921
IngramBernice born about 1922
IngramCharles born about 1924
IngramEmma born about 1904
IngramHerbert born about 1891
IngramPaul born about 1919
IngramWilliam born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAgnes born about 1923
JacksonAlice born about 1897
JacksonAlonza born about 1938
JacksonAnnie Moeborn about 1917
JacksonBennie born about 1916
JacksonBernard born about 1932
JacksonBobby Hborn about 1936
JacksonCordie born about 1918
JacksonDarvin born about 1932
JacksonEdward born about 1925
JacksonEugene born about 1939
JacksonEunice born about 1939
JacksonEvan born about 1940
JacksonEvelyn born about 1925
JacksonFlorence born about 1934
JacksonGladys born about 1927
JacksonHalt born about 1881
JacksonHarold born about 1930
JacksonHattie Pborn about 1929
JacksonHelen born about 1917
JacksonHerman Wborn about 1902
JacksonHoward born about 1892
JacksonJames born about 1901
JacksonJessie born about 1905
JacksonJoe born about 1917
JacksonJoe Jr born about 1936
JacksonJunius born about 1923
JacksonLois born about 1935
JacksonLucy born about 1917
JacksonMaggie born about 1879
JacksonMary Ruthborn about 1926
JacksonMildred born about 1926
JacksonMilton born about 1935
JacksonMoretth Tborn about 1927
JacksonRahal born about 1890
JacksonRaymond born about 1938
JacksonRobert Bborn about 1930
JacksonRobert Lborn about 1940
JacksonSarah born about 1922
JacksonVerland Bborn about 1934
JacksonVivian born about 1925
JacksonWillie Hborn about 1903
JacksonWynona born about 1917
JefferyCharlie born about 1907
JenkinsEleanora born about 1882
JenkinsJoe born about 1879
JenningsNannie born about 1907
JenningsOphelia born about 1933
JenningsSarah born about 1928
JenningsTiny born about 1930
JohnsAllie Dborn about 1916
JohnsBaker born about 1879
JohnsCarter born about 1909
JohnsCharles born about 1872
JohnsClaudius born about 1934
JohnsCory born about 1911
JohnsDaniel born about 1936
JohnsDannier born about 1880
JohnsElla born about 1883
JohnsEugene born about 1908
JohnsHarvey born about 1914
JohnsJames Eborn about 1865
JohnsMary born about 1874
JohnsMyrtle Eborn about 1913
JohnsPattie Bborn about 1871
JohnsWillet born about 1871
JohnsonAnestha born about 1924
JohnsonCharles Wborn about 1917
JohnsonEdith Maeborn about 1939
JohnsonEdward Wborn about 1867
JohnsonFlorence Rborn about 1923
JohnsonHarvey born about 1915
JohnsonLarell born about 1928
JohnsonLeroy born about 1925
JohnsonLottie born about 1891
JohnsonTheresa born about 1930
JonesElmer born about 1883
JonesMary born about 1887
JonesMuriel born about 1927
JonesRuby born about 1924
JudeBen Lborn about 1854
JudeEulia Wborn about 1864
JudeJuanita Annborn about 1939
JudeVirginia Gborn about 1914
JudeWilliam Lborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KesselerEarnest born about 1923
KesselerHans Gborn about 1919
KesselerHelen born about 1883
KesselerRudolph born about 1883
KollmeyerRuth born about 1919

L Surnames

LambertLaura born about 1865
LawrenceGrace born about 1863
LeayWillie Maeborn about 1921
LeuchtAlfred born about 1894
LeuchtCharles born about 1927
LeuchtClara born about 1863
LeuchtEdward born about 1924
LeuchtLewis born about 1858
LewisCarroll born about 1934
LewisCorron Lborn about 1896
LewisEvelyn Gborn about 1906
LewisJeneva born about 1932
LewisKeith born about 1927
LewisWilliam Cborn about 1924
LiceJulian born about 1916
LiceMargaret born about 1914
LiceO Wborn about 1881
LiceVirginia born about 1918
LinkAnnie born about 1909
LinkFred born about 1907
LinkJohn Fborn about 1936
LinkLouise born about 1931
LinkLula Maeborn about 1937
LinkMargaret born about 1933
LinkRoland Lborn about 1939
LongPerry Oborn about 1909
LoveAllen born about 1875
LoveBettie Annborn about 1934
LoveClarence born about 1874
LoveEllie Mborn about 1878
LoveHarry born about 1916
LoveJohn Aborn about 1876
LoveJohn Aborn about 1930
LoveLawrence born about 1904
LoveLelia born about 1880
LoveLucille born about 1902
LoveOffie Sborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacklinLorenzo Bborn about 1902
MalcombDavid born about 1911
MalcombLutha born about 1901
MalcombPanthea born about 1917
MalcombRalph born about 1913
MalcombTea Eborn about 1901
MalcombThea Oborn about 1914
MarshallDavid born about 1885
MarshallEdward born about 1932
MarshallKatherine born about 1890
MarshallLouis born about 1920
MartansJudin born about 1875
MartansKermit born about 1903
MartansLue born about 1907
MartansWilliam born about 1929
MartinCarrie born about 1888
MartinCora born about 1922
MartinHomer born about 1885
MatsahAnnie Gborn about 1888
MatsahClair born about 1921
MatsahLena born about 1927
MatsahWillard born about 1929
MatsahWilliam Sborn about 1867
MaxwellRebecca born about 1932
McCormickGeorge Eborn about 1885
McCormickHorace born about 1911
McCormickLula born about 1882
MillsChristine born about 1936
MillsEsther Mborn about 1915
MillsJohn Aborn about 1884
MillsJohn Wborn about 1934
MillsRussell Hborn about 1907
MooreJohn Rborn about 1904
MooreJohn Sborn about 1933
MooreMrs John Cborn about 1873
MooreRechetta born about 1912
MooreRobert Lborn about 1937
MortonDelia born about 1875
MortonElla born about 1900
MortonHenry born about 1922
MortonHubert born about 1905
MortonRatt born about 1936
MylumDema born about 1920
MylumErwine born about 1921
MylumJoe born about 1884
MylumJosie born about 1917
MylumLelie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealBetty born about 1865
NewmanAlma born about 1916
NewmanCurtis born about 1939
NewmanEugene born about 1937
NewmanJames born about 1915
NewmanJames born about 1933
NewmanJames born about 1935

O Surnames

OvertonBernice born about 1927
OvertonBessie born about 1893
OvertonHarrell born about 1922
OvertonHarry born about 1920
OvertonJohn Annborn about 1887
OvertonLouis born about 1931
OvertonMary Aborn about 1910
OvertonPerry born about 1925
OvertonRobert born about 1892
OvertonThomas born about 1928
OvertonWallace born about 1926
OwenMonroe Mborn about 1881
OwenRufus Lborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PallardHaywood born about 1890
PassmoreClara Eborn about 1925
PassmoreDorothy Mborn about 1921
PassmoreGordon born about 1860
PassmoreGordon Tborn about 1929
PassmoreLawrence born about 1895
PassmoreLizzie Vborn about 1901
PassmoreViolet born about 1901
PassmoreVirginia Hborn about 1926
PayneAnnie Maeborn about 1938
PayneElmore born about 1922
PayneFlorence born about 1936
PayneLucille born about 1923
PayneRobert born about 1928
PayneRuth born about 1933
PayneVirginia born about 1926
PenningtonAdelbert born about 1877
PenningtonBessie born about 1923
PenningtonClifton born about 1911
PenningtonClifton Jr born about 1926
PenningtonKenneth born about 1924
PenningtonWilliam born about 1876
PettersAlice born about 1848
PettersBertie born about 1881
PettersCharles born about 1885
PoolAbraham born about 1908
PoonAlton born about 1905
PoonConnie Eborn about 1907
PoonGladys born about 1929
PoonMyron born about 1871
PoonReganald born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuensberryFloyd born about 1937
QuensberryGarland born about 1924
QuensberryHenry born about 1894
QuensberryMarion Eborn about 1898
QuensberryShirley born about 1936

R Surnames

RaffinAlbert born about 1890
RaffinIrene born about 1902
RaineyBeulah born about 1902
RakesEarley born about 1915
RakesEdwin born about 1900
RakesJames Sborn about 1870
RakesRosa Aborn about 1894
RapehLonny born about 1934
RapehLouise born about 1932
RedmondArdelle Cborn about 1895
RedmondFlorence Gborn about 1885
RedmondFloyd Jborn about 1890
RedmondIda Rborn about 1886
RedmondThomas Hborn about 1922
RedmondThornton Wborn about 1912
ReenbortEmly born about 1900
ReenbortPeter Oborn about 1880
ReenbortWesley born about 1910
RhodiRuth Bborn about 1908
RiggsAnna born about 1926
RiggsEdwin Jr born about 1923
RiggsEdwin Sr born about 1893
RiggsHazel Graceborn about 1932
RiggsMinnie born about 1900
RiggsPaul Donaldborn about 1936
RobertsonEllen born about 1932
RobertsonJanice born about 1937
RobertsonJohn Lborn about 1902
RobertsonViola born about 1913
RossJohn born about 1874
RothiMax born about 1874
RoyalHamilton born about 1921
RoyalLeona born about 1874
RoyalSarles born about 1872
RoyalWillie Tborn about 1880
RullidgeEvelyn born about 1930
RullidgeHarry born about 1900
RullidgeHenry born about 1922
RullidgeLouise born about 1927
RullidgeMillie born about 1901
RullidgeRichard born about 1920
RuxBruce Mattieborn about 1886
RuxCelia born about 1878
RuxJames born about 1922
RuxJoe Lborn about 1937
RuxLenard born about 1891
RuxLucy born about 1866
RuxNelson Jborn about 1917
RuxRuth born about 1926
RuxWilliam born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchmidtAnnie born about 1875
SchultzJune Eborn about 1934
SchultzMary Bborn about 1915
ScottAnis born about 1922
ScottBernice born about 1936
ScottClayton born about 1938
ScottDorothy born about 1925
ScottEugene born about 1896
ScottJoe born about 1892
ScottJulia born about 1934
ScottJulia born about 1937
ScottLinda born about 1906
ScottLoyd born about 1923
ScottMunzelus born about 1932
ScottOttie born about 1916
ScottRussell born about 1914
ScottSimmie born about 1938
SetliffDelam born about 1903
SetliffLula born about 1868
SetliffWilliam born about 1872
SheadBlanch born about 1918
SheadPercy born about 1907
SheltonAnne born about 1853
SheltonBertha born about 1919
SheltonDaisy Mborn about 1918
SheltonEarnest born about 1882
SheltonEddie born about 1898
SheltonFloyd born about 1852
SheltonFrank born about 1874
SheltonKatheleen born about 1902
SheltonSam Eborn about 1855
SheltonThelma born about 1914
SheltonThomas born about 1925
SheltonWatkins born about 1912
SheltonWesley born about 1920
ShumanAgnes born about 1914
ShumanFrances born about 1938
ShumanLewis born about 1921
ShumanLula born about 1924
ShumanRoland born about 1919
SillerFrank born about 1880
SimonAnna born about 1902
SimonBetty born about 1936
SimonCharles Jr born about 1930
SimonCharlie born about 1901
SimonKatie born about 1872
SimonLouise born about 1923
SimonMarie born about 1925
SimsAnnie born about 1932
SimsElizabeth born about 1921
SimsGeorge born about 1934
SimsLaura born about 1919
SimsOdell born about 1926
SimsPleasant born about 1928
SimsSusie born about 1901
SimsWillie born about 1939
SlaughterAlex Cborn about 1898
SlaughterAlex Cborn about 1937
SlaughterEffie Rborn about 1938
SlaughterJames Cborn about 1930
SlaughterOnie Cborn about 1901
SlaughterRaymond Rborn about 1932
SmithAnderson born about 1867
SmithChristine born about 1939
SmithCora Hborn about 1897
SmithDoris born about 1927
SmithEddie Lborn about 1890
SmithElla born about 1922
SmithEstelle born about 1922
SmithEvelyn born about 1925
SmithFrank Hborn about 1920
SmithGeorge Mborn about 1894
SmithGoldie born about 1884
SmithJames B Drborn about 1898
SmithJohn Eborn about 1920
SmithMartha born about 1888
SmithMaude Uborn about 1928
SmithQuenn born about 1865
SmithRuth born about 1922
SmithWilliam born about 1884
SmithWilliam born about 1924
SneedBurly born about 1915
SneedJames Tborn about 1871
SneedLacin born about 1912
SneedLeer born about 1915
SneedThelma born about 1913
SpencerBurch born about 1939
SpencerGuy born about 1888
SpencerHenry born about 1937
SpencerLaura born about 1934
SpencerSarah born about 1900
SpencerTodd born about 1865
SpencerViola born about 1935
SpencerWalter born about 1933
SpurlockAlvin born about 1934
SpurlockChatman Lborn about 1895
SpurlockClifton Oborn about 1925
SpurlockDoris born about 1927
SpurlockEdward born about 1937
SpurlockEsther born about 1897
SpurlockHarry Lborn about 1923
SpurlockHarvey Wborn about 1920
SpurlockMary Francesborn about 1931
SpurlockWilma born about 1933
StaplesCorline born about 1936
StaplesDavid born about 1931
StaplesDoc Sborn about 1870
StaplesDoc S Jrborn about 1925
StaplesElbert born about 1916
StaplesEleanor Bborn about 1930
StaplesEphriam born about 1870
StaplesEvelyn born about 1922
StaplesGertie Maeborn about 1913
StaplesGladys Lborn about 1928
StaplesIsabelle born about 1935
StaplesJames born about 1920
StaplesJessie born about 1928
StaplesJohn born about 1906
StaplesLaura born about 1865
StaplesLillie Bellborn about 1933
StaplesWalter Sborn about 1930
StautLewis born about 1916
SteeleBlanche born about 1890
SteeleMoses born about 1885
StokesAlfred born about 1892
StokesBarbara born about 1936
StokesBenjamin born about 1928
StokesCarrie born about 1893
StokesDoris born about 1931
StokesEstelle Eborn about 1932
StokesEugene born about 1929
StokesHelen born about 1932
StokesHubert Jr born about 1938
StokesJames born about 1900
StokesJames Eborn about 1931
StokesJoseph born about 1925
StokesJoseph Bborn about 1933
StokesLannie born about 1919
StokesMartha born about 1888
StokesMartha born about 1891
StokesMary born about 1870
StokesMary Mborn about 1938
StokesMinnie born about 1904
StokesOtis born about 1923
StokesPearl born about 1911
StokesRobert Jborn about 1940
StokesRosevelt born about 1921
StokesRuth Vborn about 1930
StokesVivian born about 1936
StokesWilliam Aborn about 1885
StokesWreary born about 1915
StreetAmos born about 1924
StreetCarrie born about 1932
StreetDavid Dborn about 1937
StreetDora born about 1890
StreetEllis born about 1937
StreetEthel born about 1935
StreetGeorge born about 1916
StreetGeorge Jr born about 1939
StreetGuy born about 1923
StreetJames Hborn about 1940
StreetJohn Aborn about 1918
StreetLorraine born about 1933
StreetLuther born about 1926
StreetRuby Lborn about 1939
StreetRuth born about 1922
StreetSadie born about 1920
StreetSammy born about 1890
SultonGeorge Wborn about 1876
SultonSallie Jborn about 1873
SwettAnnie Bborn about 1930
SwettBellie Nborn about 1934
SwettBillie born about 1919
SwettCharlie born about 1927
SwettDorothy Jborn about 1936
SwettDrewey born about 1929
SwettElla born about 1924
SwettEverett Jr born about 1926
SwettEverette born about 1879
SwettFannie Gborn about 1928
SwettFlorence born about 1890
SwettFrances Eborn about 1924
SwettJoe Gborn about 1937
SwettJohn born about 1922
SwettMadie born about 1891
SwettMinnie born about 1904
SwettVirginia born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyLaverson born about 1895
TalleyMary born about 1897
TalleyWillie born about 1894
TaylorAlmater born about 1901
TaylorAlmond born about 1902
TaylorAmestath born about 1932
TaylorAnna born about 1860
TaylorCalvin born about 1880
TaylorEdwin born about 1924
TaylorGarfield born about 1888
TaylorIrene born about 1891
TaylorJohn born about 1886
TaylorJohnny born about 1938
TaylorJoseph born about 1937
TaylorJosephine born about 1925
TaylorLindsey born about 1922
TaylorMargaret born about 1940
TaylorMary born about 1876
TaylorMary born about 1911
TaylorMoses born about 1920
TaylorNaomi born about 1918
TaylorRebecca born about 1927
TaylorRobert born about 1903
TaylorSally born about 1901
TaylorWilliam born about 1875
ThomasCornelis born about 1916
ThomasHerbert born about 1906
ThompsonArdy born about 1908
ThompsonBessie born about 1902
ThompsonBettie Joeborn about 1937
TownsendAlice born about 1937
TownsendArthur born about 1938
TownsendDora Wborn about 1890
TownsendEdward born about 1940
TownsendEverette Jborn about 1935
TownsendHardy Gborn about 1928
TownsendHorrison born about 1890
TownsendHoward born about 1895
TownsendJosie born about 1907
TownsendLena born about 1907
TownsendMargaret born about 1938
TownsendMary born about 1883
TownsendMary Eborn about 1920
TownsendMildred born about 1929
TownsendNellie born about 1915
TownsendRobert born about 1931
TownsendWilliam born about 1902
TownsendWilliam Jr born about 1927
TrommellDaniel born about 1877
TrommellDorothy born about 1928
TrommellFannie born about 1923
TrommellLaura born about 1928
TrommellLula Mborn about 1895
TrommellLula Mborn about 1925
TrommellMabel born about 1927
TrommellMary born about 1920
TuckerMargarett born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodCecil born about 1937
UnderwoodDoris born about 1933
UnderwoodEstelle born about 1908
UnderwoodWilliam born about 1901
UnderwoodWilliam Jr born about 1935

V Surnames

ValentinePearl born about 1905
VaughanDelis born about 1897
VaughanEdward Lborn about 1884
VaughanRosa born about 1927

W Surnames

WalkerBen born about 1932
WalkerCharles born about 1884
WalkerClyde Mborn about 1917
WalkerElizabeth born about 1925
WalkerEmlie born about 1897
WalkerLeslie born about 1891
WalkerRebecca born about 1921
WalperHenry born about 1866
WalperMarie born about 1861
WannJulian born about 1921
WannMrs Sadie born about 1882
WardAnnie born about 1913
WardBernard born about 1936
WardClarence born about 1933
WardEdward born about 1887
WardMary born about 1900
WardSamuel born about 1934
WatsonAnnie born about 1914
WatsonBessie born about 1922
WatsonHansome born about 1920
WatsonJames Eborn about 1939
WatsonJunius born about 1933
WatsonLena born about 1918
WatsonLeroy born about 1937
WatsonLucille born about 1935
WatsonMaggie born about 1880
WatsonRoy born about 1900
WatsonRuth born about 1934
WattsArcher Jr born about 1936
WattsArchie born about 1890
WattsArthela born about 1926
WattsDavid born about 1938
WattsEaster born about 1899
WattsIrene born about 1915
WattsJoseph born about 1930
WattsLouise born about 1927
WattsMary born about 1906
WattsRoss Maeborn about 1910
WattsSarah born about 1936
WattsWilliam born about 1922
WattsWillie born about 1932
WebbAddie Pborn about 1898
WebbLouis Gborn about 1886
WeeksMosely born about 1925
WeirCordelia born about 1887
WeirGladys born about 1914
WeirLonnie born about 1913
WeirNewman born about 1937
WeirRobert Gborn about 1887
WeirWanda Leeborn about 1924
WeirWilliam born about 1938
WeirWilliam Bborn about 1918
WheletsheadCecil born about 1940
WheletsheadClarence Hborn about 1929
WheletsheadElizabeth born about 1928
WheletsheadEva born about 1922
WheletsheadHenry born about 1903
WheletsheadIla Mborn about 1930
WheletsheadLeo born about 1922
WheletsheadLou Aborn about 1933
WheletsheadMary Aborn about 1923
WheletsheadPerline born about 1932
WheletsheadRynal born about 1936
WheletsheadStella born about 1903
WheletsheadWytte born about 1935
WhiteCharles born about 1919
WhiteEllin Lborn about 1898
WhiteFloyd born about 1892
WhiteMason born about 1916
WhiteNewton born about 1923
WhiteOttie born about 1906
WhiteReynold born about 1927
WhiteWalter born about 1893
WilkinsCharlie born about 1913
WilkinsEddie born about 1886
WilkinsElvin Eborn about 1932
WilkinsJasper Jborn about 1925
WilkinsOllie Eborn about 1921
WilkinsRuby Mborn about 1927
WilkinsYvonie born about 1890
WilliamsAlice born about 1915
WilliamsAlice born about 1936
WilliamsArtie born about 1909
WilliamsDorothy born about 1938
WilliamsEarnest born about 1940
WilliamsEddie born about 1882
WilliamsEdward born about 1890
WilliamsFutlon born about 1910
WilliamsGertie Mborn about 1900
WilliamsHilda born about 1915
WilliamsKenneth born about 1913
WilliamsOscar born about 1935
WilliamsShirley born about 1938
WilmarthBessie born about 1924
WilmarthCharles born about 1895
WilmarthGracie born about 1897
WilmarthHarry born about 1916
WilmarthHattie born about 1920
WilmarthMarion born about 1933
WilmarthMildred born about 1930
WilmarthOrean born about 1926
WilmouthAlfred born about 1915
WilmouthDoris Wborn about 1938
WilmouthTonnie Wborn about 1917
WilsonBernard born about 1906
WilsonBetty Mborn about 1937
WilsonEdward born about 1889
WilsonGracie born about 1916
WilsonJames born about 1912
WilsonJames born about 1940
WilsonLod born about 1894
WilsonMadison born about 1861
WinbushJohn born about 1883
WoodBernard born about 1893
WoodBertha born about 1893
WoodCharles born about 1922
WoodCharlie born about 1875
WoodEdgar Lborn about 1887
WoodGoldie born about 1900
WoodLillian Lborn about 1926
WoodMarion Lborn about 1925
WoodMollie born about 1880
WoodWilliam Bborn about 1922
WoosleyWilliam Lborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesBobby born about 1940
YatesCharlie born about 1918
YatesEdith Marieborn about 1939
YatesMary Eborn about 1920

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