1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pocahontas, Tazewell, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Tazewell County > 1940 Census of Pocahontas

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottArthe born about 1919
AbbottBoby Lborn about 1939
AbbottLucy Mborn about 1900
AbbottPearl Aborn about 1922
AdamsAnnye Bborn about 1894
AdamsEdward born about 1919
AdamsGeorge Eborn about 1903
AdamsGeorge E Jrborn about 1934
AdamsMary Eborn about 1903
AdamsPaul Lborn about 1936
AdamsWisley born about 1890
AdkinsBettie Lborn about 1936
AdkinsClarence born about 1931
AdkinsJess born about 1872
AdkinsLouise Eborn about 1915
AdkinsMildred Aborn about 1921
AdkinsWilliam Gborn about 1914
AlbertClara Mborn about 1887
AlbertD Gborn about 1888
AlbertEarley Fborn about 1911
AlbertaAudry born about 1935
AlbertaBessie born about 1923
AlbertaGladis born about 1913
AlbertaJack born about 1926
AlbertaLouis born about 1883
AlbertaLouis born about 1929
AlbertaRobert born about 1921
AlenBessie born about 1895
AlenBettie Mborn about 1932
AlenJames born about 1890
AlenThomas Hborn about 1933
AllenAndrey born about 1920
AllenCasper Eborn about 1877
AllenChristina born about 1923
AllenDonald born about 1938
AllenDorthy born about 1895
AllenHazel born about 1921
AllenJuanita born about 1917
AllenLionel born about 1914
AllenNanine born about 1939
AllenNillie born about 1928
AllenRichard born about 1936
AllenRobert Eborn about 1916
AllenRoland born about 1931
AllenTerry born about 1938
AllenWilliam Aborn about 1925
AlleyEarnestine born about 1920
AlleyHezikiah born about 1914
AllisonEtta born about 1907
AllisonJohn born about 1912
AmeenJoe born about 1891
AmosAnna Mborn about 1906
AmosLuceil born about 1939
AndersonCara born about 1890
AndersonJohn born about 1880
AndrewsClarence born about 1900
AndrewsEnna Aborn about 1911
AndrewsJackson born about 1930
AndrewsShirley born about 1933
AnthonyJim born about 1891
AnthonyRosa born about 1900
ArmsteadEthel born about 1905
ArmsteadIrvin born about 1898
ArringtonBittie born about 1881
ArringtonDavid Wborn about 1915
ArringtonFlorena Mborn about 1915
ArringtonJames Sborn about 1908
ArringtonJoyce Gborn about 1936
ArringtonRandal Bborn about 1939
ArringtonRoy Dborn about 1901
ArringtonWillie Mborn about 1911
AshKatherin born about 1915
AshShirly Aborn about 1938
AshWilliam born about 1913
AshleyDoyal Dborn about 1931
AshleyJames Lborn about 1909
AshleyJewell Mborn about 1934
AshleyLois Yborn about 1937
AshleyMary Rborn about 1929
AshleyMinnie Bborn about 1908
AtkinsBettie born about 1928
AtkinsBrown born about 1906
AtkinsLeah Eborn about 1892
AtkinsLenard born about 1888
AtkinsMable born about 1920
AtkinsVinson born about 1901
AtroshSteve born about 1902
AtwellVelmer born about 1925
AxonLee born about 1892
AxonLee Jr born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyEmory born about 1922
BaileyHattie born about 1902
BaileyHattie born about 1925
BaileyJulia Annborn about 1927
BaileyMalinda born about 1921
BaileyOpie born about 1896
BaileyParis Jborn about 1901
BaileyParis J Jrborn about 1922
BaileyWilliam born about 1882
BakerCharles born about 1872
BakerDonald Jborn about 1931
BakerEstella Jborn about 1935
BakerHazel Aborn about 1909
BakerJaems Eborn about 1930
BakerW Fborn about 1879
BakerWilliam Aborn about 1901
BakerWilliam A Jrborn about 1925
BalinDaily Eborn about 1887
BalinHoward born about 1926
BalinMildred Fborn about 1915
BalinRonald born about 1937
BalinTheora born about 1881
BallardArther Gborn about 1887
BallardClaud born about 1927
BallardErcie Sborn about 1905
BallardEthel Lborn about 1913
BallardEvlyn born about 1925
BallardFilbert born about 1934
BallardFred born about 1933
BallardGarfield born about 1924
BallardHoward Hborn about 1897
BallardMinnie born about 1900
BallardNaomie born about 1926
BallardOkla Jborn about 1902
BallardRuth born about 1929
BallardWoodrow born about 1929
BarayClara born about 1868
BarbonThurlow born about 1901
BarkerBarbara born about 1935
BarkerC Rborn about 1896
BarkerDollie born about 1915
BarkerFrank born about 1909
BarkerHelen born about 1928
BarkerInfant born about 1937
BarkerJackie born about 1936
BarkerOrla born about 1888
BarksdaleArther born about 1898
BarksdaleArther Jr born about 1923
BarksdaleFreda Mborn about 1926
BarksdaleMamie born about 1907
BarksdaleWoodland born about 1930
BarnesWilliam born about 1902
BarrettAndrew born about 1910
BarrettAnnie born about 1905
BeachJenny Lborn about 1871
BeachSolon born about 1869
BeaufordAnie born about 1904
BeaufordGlodis born about 1930
BeaufordJames born about 1902
BeaufordJanes born about 1925
BeaufordRudolph born about 1928
BeaufordSherman born about 1923
BedwellJames Fborn about 1913
BedwellRoger Kborn about 1937
BedwellTheresa born about 1916
BelcherAughty born about 1904
BelcherDayton Pborn about 1891
BelcherDoris Aborn about 1920
BelcherEdward Jborn about 1913
BelcherHoward Eborn about 1939
BelcherIscel Mborn about 1908
BelcherJames Eborn about 1928
BelcherLina Eborn about 1908
BelcherMabel Gborn about 1930
BelcherMalinda born about 1917
BelcherWillie Mborn about 1937
BellDaisy born about 1884
BellDorthy born about 1902
BellHattice born about 1927
BellHenry born about 1891
BellRudolph born about 1929
BellRuth born about 1925
BellerGeorge born about 1870
BentleyDella Eborn about 1910
BentleyDelphia born about 1932
BentleyJames Oborn about 1937
BentleyRobert born about 1905
BentleyRobert Jr born about 1935
BerbertLaura born about 1896
BerbertSam born about 1884
BerbetAda Mborn about 1919
BerbetLouis Fborn about 1939
BerbetSamuel Cborn about 1938
BerbetTheodore born about 1913
BerryArther Lborn about 1939
BerryDelores Yborn about 1937
BerryJames Cborn about 1909
BerryJames C Jrborn about 1934
BerryLoretta born about 1932
BerryMable born about 1911
BerryVivian Lborn about 1938
BerryWalace born about 1936
BertokAlexander born about 1918
BertokBela born about 1877
BertokCharlotte born about 1927
BertokEarnest born about 1920
BertokEdith born about 1926
BertokGrace born about 1896
BertokGrace born about 1926
BertokLeslie born about 1924
BertokWilliam born about 1917
BethelOcie born about 1907
BishopMary Lborn about 1885
BishopMildred born about 1916
BishopW Aborn about 1875
BishopWalter A Jrborn about 1920
BlackMagie born about 1852
BlaineR Lborn about 1881
BlairEliza born about 1910
BlairGeorge born about 1900
BlairMary Eborn about 1924
BlairMary Jborn about 1935
BlairRalph born about 1922
BlankenshipJames Aborn about 1877
BlankenshipSarah born about 1885
BlochJonnella Fborn about 1901
BlochJonnella Fborn about 1935
BlochMichael born about 1934
BlochSidney born about 1888
BoatwrightW Aborn about 1908
BollingerJames born about 1872
BooneBessie Mborn about 1894
BooneCarl Eborn about 1915
BooneClaud Dborn about 1937
BooneClaud Sborn about 1911
BooneDonald Mborn about 1939
BooneEtta Mborn about 1935
BooneFloyd Gborn about 1919
BooneGayla born about 1939
BooneGuy Eborn about 1893
BooneHazel Oborn about 1926
BooneLena born about 1920
BooneRebecca born about 1913
BooneThelma Iborn about 1914
BorbasEthel born about 1919
BorbasHelen born about 1918
BorbasJoe born about 1913
BorbasJoe Jr born about 1939
BorbasKathiline born about 1882
BorbasLouis born about 1920
BorbasSteve born about 1875
BorbasSteve Jr born about 1916
BordenHerbet born about 1920
BordenIsabel born about 1924
BordenJohn born about 1891
BordenMary born about 1892
BourneBuddy Lborn about 1934
BourneHarold born about 1912
BourneJarild Lborn about 1929
BourneMargaret born about 1917
BourneRobert Rborn about
BowdenDot Hborn about 1919
BowdenEvelyn Hborn about 1878
BowdenR Hborn about 1868
BowersCharles Jborn about 1937
BowersDorthy Sborn about 1931
BowersEugene born about 1939
BowersHelen born about 1933
BowersJames Rborn about 1936
BowersLuther born about 1924
BowersRay born about 1905
BowersRay Sborn about 1929
BowersRuth Sborn about 1927
BoyMargaret born about 1916
BradleyDora born about 1896
BradleyW Eborn about 1883
BransomGertrude born about 1896
BransomHary Cborn about 1891
BransonAddie born about 1909
BransonTheodore born about 1898
BrookeBillie born about 1926
BrookeFrancis born about 1924
BrookeMary Eborn about 1892
BrookeRichard born about 1938
BrookeRobert born about 1928
BrookeRobt Cborn about 1894
BrownAlice born about 1929
BrownArther Jborn about 1910
BrownClarence born about 1910
BrownDolphes born about 1894
BrownEmit born about 1896
BrownEmma Gborn about 1930
BrownEmma Gereborn about 1930
BrownEula born about 1913
BrownGeorge born about 1920
BrownGuy Pborn about 1901
BrownHelen born about 1928
BrownHogie Mborn about 1876
BrownJames Cborn about 1903
BrownJames Jr born about 1923
BrownJohn born about 1905
BrownJohn Jr born about 1931
BrownJoseph Gborn about 1911
BrownLene born about 1904
BrownLillie born about 1901
BrownMartha born about 1914
BrownMertic born about 1905
BrownNettie born about 1888
BrownRoy Wborn about 1921
BrownSamuel born about 1916
BrownWilliam Aborn about 1925
BrownWillie born about 1911
BuffalowBeatrie born about 1910
BugaBill born about 1911
BugaJoe born about 1869
BugaJulia born about 1918
BugaLydia born about 1875
BugaVera born about 1938
BunkerClerence born about 1922
BunkerEmma born about 1925
BunkerWillie Jborn about 1904
BurdettPobt born about 1870
BurkettBessie Lborn about 1895
BurkettFrances Eborn about 1919
BurkettHarry Eborn about 1895
BurkettMary Kborn about 1923
BurtonAnna Eborn about 1891
BurtonJ Rborn about 1895
BurtonJanes Wborn about 1877
BurtonLeniel Lborn about 1904
BurtonLillian born about 1910
BurtonMyrtle Aborn about 1912
BurtonRobert Lborn about 1910
ButnerAndrew Dborn about 1919
ButnerAndy Pborn about 1886
ButnerBessie Vborn about 1889
ButnerElinor Cborn about 1933
ButtAnn born about 1930
ButtBentley born about 1907
ButtCharles Aborn about 1921
ButtCharles Wborn about 1887
ButtFreeda Sborn about 1904
ButtGeorge Wborn about 1898
ButtHerbet Hborn about 1902
ButtHerbet H Jrborn about 1931
ButtHoward born about 1927
ButtMartin born about 1894
ButtMary born about 1907
ButtThomas Eborn about 1936
ButtVirginia Lborn about 1865
ButtWilliam Wborn about 1940
ButterworthJoe Hborn about 1914
ButterworthMargaret born about 1915
ByrdClaude Wborn about 1913
ByrdGeorgia Aborn about 1916
ByrdJearlin born about 1935

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C Surnames

CadeCharley born about 1877
CalhownHazel born about 1913
CalhownLeroy born about 1903
CampbellBobby born about 1937
CampbellJessie Aborn about 1912
CampbellRosalie born about 1938
CampbellSally Eborn about 1915
CardwellAlma Lborn about 1927
CardwellAlphonso born about 1900
CardwellLala born about 1911
CardwellLeslie born about 1925
CardwellWalter born about 1924
CarltonClarence born about 1916
CarltonEarl born about 1936
CarltonEarnest born about 1924
CarltonHattie Mborn about 1918
CarnivaleElane born about 1926
CarnivaleGloria Mborn about 1935
CarrDorthy Lborn about 1931
CarrLennie Bborn about 1897
CarrMyrtle born about 1927
CarrWilliam Eborn about 1897
CarrierBertie born about 1917
CarrierEdna born about 1919
CarrierFrank born about 1892
CarrierKathyline born about 1925
CarrierPearl born about 1900
CarterCharles Fborn about 1904
CarterDorothy Aborn about 1931
CarterDorothy Hborn about 1910
CarterEarnestine born about 1933
CarterElenor Jborn about 1934
CarterJames born about 1910
CarterJohn Bborn about 1910
CarterMary Hborn about 1915
CarterNannie Eborn about 1877
CartwrightEmmett born about 1900
CassellMary born about 1906
CatronBessie born about 1903
CatronClarence born about 1929
CatronClaude born about 1932
CatronCreide Fborn about 1890
CatronHubert born about 1939
CatronJohnie born about 1936
CatronNeal born about 1934
CatronSpart born about 1876
CatronW Eborn about 1868
CatronWilliam born about 1925
CattaruzaElio born about 1912
CattaruzaJosephine born about 1885
CattaruzaMedico born about 1915
CattaruzaVictor born about 1882
CaudellCharles born about 1905
CheathamLuther born about 1921
CheckBarnes Eborn about 1931
CheckJames Hborn about 1903
CheckJames H Jrborn about 1924
CheckLillie born about 1907
CheckPearl Lborn about 1934
CheckSarah Mborn about 1927
ChildressMary born about 1869
ChubbySteve born about 1877
CirsoNara born about 1894
CirsoTodor born about 1882
ClarkBlain born about 1912
ClarkCleveland born about 1919
ClarkCynthia born about 1934
ClarkLelia born about 1909
ClarkWillie born about 1895
ClarkWillie born about 1904
ClaytonAnnie Mborn about 1902
ClaytonRoy Hborn about 1892
ClaytonRoy Rborn about 1926
CoburnLeah Mborn about 1938
CoburnSarah Mborn about 1913
CoburnWilliam Bborn about 1913
CochranMichey born about 1936
CochranPearl born about 1915
CochranRobert born about 1937
CochranThomas born about 1904
CockrumJera Bborn about 1892
CoferJohnie born about 1931
ColdwellMary Hborn about 1908
ColdwellRuth born about 1915
ColeeCloyd Rborn about 1938
ColeeDonld born about 1920
ColemanCurly born about 1918
ColesGeneva Sborn about 1922
ColesJ Cborn about 1890
ColesNannie born about 1915
ColesVincent born about 1914
CollinsFinis born about 1923
CollinsMathew born about 1903
CollinsStacy born about 1909
ConleyJames Lborn about 1919
ConleyMary Ritaborn about 1898
CornerDelia born about 1857
CorrellErastus Lborn about 1883
CorrellHannah Rborn about 1931
CorrellJeanett Gborn about 1894
CorterBertha born about 1926
CostenJarrus* born about
CottonGeorgie born about 1913
CottonJoe born about 1913
CoyerBirdie born about 1878
CraftClyde Mborn about 1913
CraftDavis Jborn about 1914
CraftEdsel Dborn about 1934
CraftGarden Lborn about 1937
CraftLaveta Cborn about 1938
CragheadDouglas born about 1902
CraigLouise born about 1881
CrawfordAnnette born about 1937
CrawfordAugusta born about 1919
CrawfordCharles born about 1903
CrawfordElizabeth born about 1921
CrawfordEvelyn born about 1935
CrawfordHampton Bborn about 1910
CrawfordJames born about 1915
CrawfordJerry Mborn about 1880
CrawfordKay born about 1938
CrawfordLacy Dborn about 1878
CrawfordMary born about 1880
CrawfordNatalie born about 1936
CrawfordThelma born about 1903
CriggerBillie Jborn about 1933
CriggerLeona Rborn about 1925
CriggerLorraine Mborn about 1929
CriggerMaude Mborn about 1903
CriggerWilliam Cborn about 1891
CristAnna born about 1917
CristFrancis born about 1923
CristJames born about 1913
CristJohnie born about 1921
CristJosephine born about 1925
CristJudith Aborn about 1939
CristMary born about 1903
CristNick born about 1892
CristVirginia Bborn about 1916
CristWinford Tborn about 1906
CrocketMattie born about 1924
CrockettBetsy Cborn about 1937
CrockettEulah Bborn about 1904
CrockettHazel Rborn about 1909
CrockettIshmael Iborn about 1911
CrockettMary Gborn about 1882
CrockettNancy Lborn about 1938
CrockettPatsy Aborn about 1933
CrockettPierce born about 1922
CrockettRoy Oborn about 1917
CrockettWilliam Cborn about 1907
CrockettWilliam Hborn about 1880
CrottyAustin born about 1919
CrottyWalter born about
CrowfordBessie Yborn about 1901
CrowgeyHenry Lborn about 1909
CurtisDilla Wborn about 1889
CurtisJ Pborn about 1887
CurtisRuth Geneborn about 1926
CurtisWillow Deanborn about 1927

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D Surnames

DaltonMozell born about 1914
DaltonPeter born about 1910
DanielsClint born about 1897
DanielsEddie born about 1918
DanielsInez born about 1930
DanielsMamie born about 1898
DankoAnna born about 1917
DankoHelen Eborn about 1916
DankoJoe born about 1915
DankoJohn born about 1913
DankoJulia born about 1907
DankoLouise born about 1934
DankoMary born about 1888
DankoMike born about 1888
DankoMike born about 1908
DankoSteven born about 1939
DankoThersa born about 1929
DatriEugene born about 1933
DatriJohn Aborn about 1902
DatriJohn Jr born about 1928
DatriMary Hborn about 1910
DavisAnderson born about 1917
DavisAnnie born about 1908
DavisBlanche born about 1927
DavisBulah Lillyborn about 1910
DavisCharles Tborn about 1874
DavisEugenia born about 1888
DavisHubert Jborn about 1906
DavisHubert J Jrborn about 1938
DavisJames born about 1907
DavisJames born about 1933
DavisJames Jr born about 1928
DavisLarence born about 1892
DavisMarlene born about 1934
DavisMary Eborn about 1936
DavisOctavia born about 1929
DavisRena born about 1910
DavisSherman born about 1909
DavisSherman Jr born about 1937
DavisValerie born about 1907
DavisWilliam Aborn about 1912
DeatonBertha Lborn about 1896
DeatonJohn Dborn about 1877
DeatonMae Jborn about 1908
DeatonMay Rborn about 1894
DeatonSally born about 1870
DennenAlford Uborn about 1894
DennenJohn Sborn about 1885
DennenRoe born about 1896
DennenWilliam Tborn about 1891
DennenWinefred born about 1899
DickersonMay born about 1869
DillieArther born about 1908
DillieLizzie born about 1907
DillonDenny Wborn about 1849
DillonElsie Vborn about 1901
DillonGenevieve born about 1927
DillonJames Wborn about 1922
DillonLorina Lborn about 1919
DillonMiles born about 1896
DillonMiles Iii born about 1937
DillonMiles Jr born about 1913
DimasHister born about 1852
DishmanJames born about 1908
DishmanMable born about 1920
DishmanSilvia born about 1939
DobbsAndrew born about 1896
DobbsElizabeth born about 1861
DobbsElizabeth born about 1900
DobbsHelen born about 1930
DobbsJoe born about 1919
DobbsJohny born about 1928
DonaldElizabeth Cborn about 1936
DonaldGlora Cborn about 1939
DonaldJames Dborn about 1911
DonaldJames Lborn about 1931
DonaldJoyce Aborn about 1934
DonaldLula Fborn about 1910
DouthartVirginia born about
DrouckAnita Rborn about 1931
DrouckCatherine born about 1932
DrouckJohn Rborn about 1902
DrouckJohn R Jr Iiiborn about 1933
DrouckMargie Eborn about 1917
DudleyJohn born about 1899
DudleyMargaret born about 1897
DudleyWilliam born about 1896
DunicanHersie born about 1908
DyeFrech born about 1888
DyeJennie born about 1887
DyeMargaret born about 1924
DyeOtes born about 1913

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E Surnames

EddyJoe born about 1872
EddyMary born about 1879
EdmonsonPaulin Hborn about 1906
EldridgeEarl born about 1924
EldridgeHoward born about 1927
EldridgeLida born about 1904
EldridgeLucille born about 1922
EldridgeViola born about 1929
EldridgeWilliam born about 1900
Ellett??? Wborn about 1903
EllettAda Lborn about 1873
EllettDorothy Aborn about 1928
EllettEarnest Jborn about 1873
EllettFrank Cborn about 1895
EllettJane Dborn about 1930
EllettKathlen born about 1900
EllettMary Bborn about 1903
EllettMary Lborn about 1926
EllingtonCora born about 1901
EllingtonCora Vellborn about 1923
EllingtonJessie born about 1927
EllingtonJohn Dborn about 1926
EllingtonM Bborn about 1894
EllingtonRudone born about 1921
EllisJulia born about 1882
ElmoreCarrie Tborn about 1889
ElmoreEugene Eborn about 1916
ElmoreJohn Tborn about 1884
ElmoreRaymond born about 1911
ElmoreReginia born about 1916
EppeJames born about 1871
ErrosAlexander born about 1921
ErrosAnthony Mborn about 1926
ErrosEves Vborn about 1919
ErrosFrances Lborn about 1923
ErrosWilson Jborn about 1917
EskutBarbara born about 1938
EskutBertha Aborn about 1935
EskutBillie Lborn about 1932
EskutDorhty born about 1922
EskutFrank Jr born about 1910
EskutFrank Sr born about 1875
EskutJanice Iborn about 1938
EskutJennie born about 1915
EskutJohn Jborn about 1914
EskutJohn Jr born about 1939
EskutJoseph Aborn about 1907
EskutJoseph A Jrborn about 1939
EskutKatherine born about 1892
EskutKatherine born about 1917
EskutKathleen born about 1914
EskutMargaret born about 1920
EskutMike born about 1926
EskutSteve born about 1923
EvickBillie Jborn about 1930
EvickCharles Fborn about 1936
EvickEdward Eborn about 1932
EvickFred Hborn about 1938
EvickJames Fborn about 1904
EvickJosephine born about 1912
EvickKarl Eborn about 1939
EvickLois Gborn about 1927
EvickMargaret Mborn about 1881
EvickPete Cborn about 1934

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F Surnames

FadeyJoe born about 1918
FadeySusie born about 1891
FarleyAdeleen born about 1916
FarleyGeorge Eborn about 1939
FarleyHoward Hborn about 1939
FarleyShirley Gborn about 1936
FarleySilas Lborn about 1912
FarleySilas L Jrborn about 1937
FawellBertha born about 1895
FaxEmily born about 1900
FaxWiley Sborn about 1896
FeinknopfLouis born about 1885
FeldLogan Dborn about 1906
FeltyCharles Lborn about 1883
FergusonCatherne born about 1920
FergusonLouis born about 1913
FergusonMathew born about 1919
FergusonRandolph born about 1913
FernLitchfield born about 1913
FernMary born about 1920
FerrellCharles Mborn about 1903
FerrellCharles M Jrborn about 1933
FerrellLouise Eborn about 1911
FinneyMcneal born about 1916
FisherCharles Mborn about 1894
FisherRffie Jborn about 1895
FisherRuth Lborn about 1928
FisherVirginia Pborn about 1925
FitzgeraldAdaline born about 1924
FitzgeraldArdilia born about 1920
FitzgeraldBertha born about 1922
FitzgeraldCharles born about 1940
FitzgeraldClarence born about 1925
FitzgeraldDouglas born about 1923
FitzgeraldDudley born about 1893
FitzgeraldGladis born about 1938
FitzgeraldHoward born about 1918
FitzgeraldJames born about 1915
FitzgeraldLouise born about 1921
FitzgeraldMargaret born about 1927
FitzgeraldThomas born about 1929
FitzgeraldVirginie born about 1890
FlaniganT Jborn about 1912
FlemingAndrew Eborn about 1893
FlemingAndrew E Jrborn about 1930
FlemingHattie Hborn about 1904
FleshmanAlen born about 1909
FleshmanAlmeta born about 1913
FleshmanClara born about 1939
FleshmanEtta born about 1910
ForsterBetty Aborn about 1925
ForsterGrieve born about 1903
ForsterGrieve Jr born about 1923
ForsterIda Mborn about 1906
FosterAnnie born about 1895
FowlerPerry born about 1870
FoxAmbrose Rborn about 1899
FoxEllen Pborn about 1900
FoxRichard Pborn about 1927
FoxShirley Bborn about 1921
FrancisElwood born about 1925
FrancisJohn Pborn about 1929
FrancisKatherine born about 1920
FrancisOlivine born about 1923
FrancisThomas born about 1927
FrancisWillie born about 1902
FrancisWillie Eborn about 1901
FranklinAmerica born about 1905
FranklinEugene born about 1927
FranklinGeraline Lborn about 1913
FranklinH Walkerborn about 1910
FranklinMary Aborn about 1925
FranklinVirginia born about 1893
FranklinWendell born about 1923
FranklinWillie born about 1895
FreellH Pborn about 1898
FrenchBarbara Aborn about 1934
FrenchDonola Tborn about 1939
FrenchEugene Dborn about 1929
FrenchJack Hborn about 1924
FrenchJames Mborn about 1937
FrenchLevi born about 1939
FrenchLinna Vborn about 1913
FrenchMabel Cborn about 1897
FrenchMarvin Rborn about 1896
FrenchMarvin Jr born about 1923
FrenchNorma Jborn about 1938
FrenchThomas Aborn about 1898
FrenchThomas A Jrborn about 1937
FroeMartin Aborn about 1887
FroeMary Wborn about 1871
FroeMaud Aborn about 1890
FugateJoseph Dborn about 1922
FugateLottie born about 1901
FugateThomas Jborn about 1933
FullerAlice born about 1905
FullerEthel Mborn about 1925
FullerWillie Jborn about 1905
FultonBeverly Lborn about 1901

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G Surnames

GainesMarie born about 1908
GainesWilliam born about 1908
GalashawJoe born about 1918
GarnettHarriet born about 1916
GarrettMinnie Pborn about 1915
GarrettRussell born about 1915
GarrettVera born about 1891
GarrisAmbris born about 1926
GarrisAnnie born about 1932
GarrisFloyd born about 1883
GarrisFranklyn Dborn about 1936
GarrisLouis born about 1918
GarrisTo?np?y born about 1898
GentryC Bborn about 1905
GeorgeE Mborn about 1900
GeorgeLoretta born about 1910
GeorgeMary Eborn about 1872
GeorgeRobert Pborn about 1885
GeorgeVirgie Lborn about 1882
GermanAnna Hborn about 1878
GermanW Jborn about 1887
GibsonEura born about 1907
GibsonMilford Rborn about 1905
GilbertAlwin born about 1908
GillespieBettie Jborn about 1917
GillespieEarl Gborn about 1913
GillespieNye Lborn about 1908
GillespieOra born about 1910
GillespieWilliam Hborn about 1932
GilliamAngie born about 1916
GilliamBessie born about 1895
GilliamCarle born about 1925
GilliamClayde born about 1915
GilliamG Wborn about 1886
GilliamJames Rborn about 1912
GilliamLoraine born about 1929
GilliesDonald born about 1884
GilliesMinnie Mborn about 1884
GilliesNeil Mborn about 1926
GilmoreAlace Mborn about 1910
GilmoreBarbara Jborn about 1940
GilmoreCharles W Jrborn about 1931
GilmoreChorle Wborn about 1905
GilmoreElizabeth born about 1928
GilmoreJack Nborn about 1924
GilmoreLaura Eborn about 1902
GilmoreMinor Lborn about 1906
GilmoreMinor L Jrborn about 1932
GilpinWand born about 1905
GilpinWoodson born about 1914
GistBeatrice born about 1921
GistDeloris born about 1937
GistJames Tborn about 1917
GoochGladys born about 1919
GoochJames born about 1913
GoochKatherine Eborn about 1938
GoochRome born about 1885
GoochSenuar Gborn about 1935
GoodloeAnnie born about 1917
GoodloeCleo born about 1906
GoodloeEdward born about 1920
GraveleyAlice Cborn about 1931
GraveleyHenry Mborn about 1892
GraveleySarah Eborn about 1891
GravelyEster Mayborn about 1925
GravelyJames born about 1903
GravelyMary born about 1909
GravesMckinley born about 1902
GravesRussell born about 1901
GravesWillie born about 1910
GravleyCecil Aborn about 1920
GravleyJerry Cborn about 1939
GravleyRuth Vborn about 1924
GrayJohn Bborn about 1871
GrayMary Sborn about 1874
GreemepWalter born about 1892
GreenDariy Eborn about 1909
GreenDavid Lborn about 1931
GreenGeorge Hborn about 1936
GreenJames Rborn about 1897
GreenMary Eborn about 1932
GreenNancy Bborn about 1934
GreenbergJoe born about 1888
GreenbergKate born about 1892
GreenburgJoseph Eborn about 1928
GreeneJames Eborn about 1888
GreeneRuth born about 1899
GregoryCecil Lborn about 1905
GregoryCecil Lborn about 1933
GregoryVerda born about 1907
GreogryRichard born about 1891
GreogryRosa born about 1905
GriffinFletcher born about 1915
GriffinLonnie born about 1919
GriffinWallie Mayborn about 1939
GriffthBessie Lborn about 1930
GriffthGeorge Wborn about 1892
GriffthGeorge W Jrborn about 1920
GriffthJohn Mborn about 1932
GriffthJoseph Fborn about 1928
GriffthMartha Lborn about 1917
GriffthMinnie Rborn about 1894
GriffthNell Pborn about 1922
GriffthRosezella Rborn about 1924
GriffthRuth Lborn about 1915
GrimesG Mborn about 1899
GurleyBernice Bborn about 1902
GurleyJoe Cborn about 1901
GurleyRowena born about 1940
GurnerGarland Lborn about 1908
GurnerLouella Bborn about 1905
GuynneMack Sborn about 1926
GuytonFrank born about 1900
GuytonGeorgia born about 1911
GwynEthel born about 1892
GwynMarie born about 1913
GydoshDora born about 1888
GydoshMike born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagaClarence Cborn about 1906
HagaHannah Fborn about 1908
HaggerRobert born about 1901
HairstonChristine born about 1901
HairstonMargaret born about 1914
HairstonWillie born about 1911
HairstoneRoxie born about 1905
HairstoneWillie Cborn about 1921
HallGaye Lborn about 1895
HallJames Aborn about 1927
HallLewis born about 1877
HallLottie Mborn about 1893
HallMary Lborn about 1923
HallMoses born about 1891
HalseyMittie born about 1908
HamletNora born about 1885
HamlinLuther born about 1911
HamlinMildred born about 1920
HammedAlbert Jr born about 1926
HammedEstil born about 1930
HammedJewell born about 1928
HammedMacie born about 1924
HammedNorman born about 1935
HammedPaul Aborn about 1916
HammedPhilis born about 1932
HammedS Aborn about 1884
HammedThursa born about 1894
HammedVernon born about 1937
HammittButler Mborn about 1895
HammittJill born about 1928
HammittJoy born about 1923
HammittMary Kborn about 1903
HanceSallie born about 1875
HankinsJohn Hborn about 1908
HankinsNoah Eborn about 1932
HankinsViolet Mborn about 1914
HankinsVirgile Uborn about 1936
HankleyDorothy born about 1923
HankleyEdw Tborn about 1885
HankleyLois born about 1924
HankleyViolet born about 1901
HannaCharles Tborn about 1908
HannaMillie born about 1873
HannaOma Leeborn about 1898
HannaW Mborn about 1869
HarberFrank born about 1893
HarberIrwin born about 1918
HardnettCharles born about 1928
HardnettDewey born about 1905
HardnettDewey born about 1926
HardnettLouise born about 1910
HarisonJohnie born about 1927
HaristonCathern born about 1895
HaristonPete born about 1889
HarmonAurora Mborn about 1920
HarmonCarole Aborn about 1939
HarmonLillie Mborn about 1891
HarmonMarie born about 1916
HarmonMeek Dborn about 1888
HarmonRobert Eborn about 1918
HarrelAbert born about 1895
HarrelOtta born about 1895
HarrellClyde Wborn about 1892
HarrisCharley born about 1875
HarrisonBettie born about 1930
HarrisonCarrie born about 1923
HarrisonCharles born about 1938
HarrisonDella born about 1900
HarrisonGeorge born about 1895
HarrisonGeorge Jr born about 1925
HarrisonJames born about 1921
HarroldBrenda Mborn about 1935
HarroldPatricia born about 1922
HarroldSammie Kborn about 1939
HarroldWilliam Jborn about 1920
HarryClarence Mborn about 1898
HarryClarence M Jrborn about 1925
HarryMuriel Dborn about 1900
HarveyMary Bborn about 1919
HaydenMartha born about 1908
HaydonWilliam born about
HayseErvin born about 1912
HeadAudiry Oborn about 1913
HeadErnest Lborn about 1902
HeadGeorgia born about 1876
HeadMay born about 1910
HeadRondall born about 1927
HeadWilma Cborn about 1908
HearlMelvin born about 1918
HeckJoe Lborn about 1913
HeckVirginia born about 1918
HedrickCharles Wborn about 1884
HedrickHelen born about 1923
HedrickHoward born about 1910
HedrickMae born about 1925
HedrickMinta born about 1889
HedrickPauline born about 1918
HedrickRoy born about 1920
HeffinerLenard born about 1900
HeltonJenny born about 1936
HeltonJessca born about 1907
HeltonPhilis born about 1938
HeltonStella born about 1918
HendersonElla born about 1911
HendersonEllwood born about 1923
HendersonGranville born about 1901
HendersonHallie born about 1910
HendersonJames Eborn about 1918
HendersonMartha Aborn about 1939
HendersonMartha Jborn about 1920
HendersonNora born about 1884
HendersonPhyllis Aborn about 1928
HendersonW Bollingborn about 1906
HendersonW Bolling Jrborn about 1931
HendrickBettie Jborn about 1930
HendrickLula born about 1871
HendricksAlen born about 1935
HendricksAlice born about 1931
HendricksBetty born about 1930
HendricksLouise born about 1907
HendricksPat born about 1910
HenlyWilliam Fborn about 1927
HenryWilliam born about 1885
HenryWilliam Dborn about 1921
HerdsonRobert born about 1919
HerleyJack Lborn about 1933
HerleyJane Bborn about 1900
HerleyMacon Hborn about 1922
HerleyNerine Hborn about 1901
HerleyRobert Bborn about 1920
HerraldBryant born about 1920
HerrelGrace Mborn about 1928
HerrelNannie born about 1900
HerrelVernon Rborn about 1923
HerrelWill Mborn about 1898
HicksEarnestine born about 1924
HicksEunice born about 1908
HicksHoward born about 1903
HicksHoward born about 1927
HicksHoward Jr born about 1928
HicksMary Eborn about 1926
HicksMary Eborn about 1927
HildrethEdna Bborn about 1898
HildrethElizabeth Jborn about 1922
HildrethWalter Bborn about 1896
HillJames born about 1938
HillMargaret born about 1917
HillRay Jr born about 1939
HillRoy born about 1891
HillmanHelen Wborn about 1937
HillmanMarcue* Lborn about 1890
HillmanMark Hborn about 1931
HillmanMyrtle born about 1900
HimeIda born about 1905
HindleyChas Cborn about 1896
HindleyMartha Sborn about 1899
HobsonRufus born about 1910
HodgeMary Bborn about 1922
HoffmanC Gborn about 1895
HoffmanMarjorie Pborn about 1905
HoffmanPeggy born about 1929
HoganCharles Lborn about 1905
HoganMargaret Wborn about 1914
HoganMartha Jborn about 1939
HollandWilliam born about 1918
HollinsworthAlberta born about 1920
HollinsworthArther Jr born about 1933
HollinsworthCelo born about 1929
HollinsworthDella born about 1923
HollinsworthEdith born about 1932
HollinsworthEdward born about 1919
HollinsworthElenor born about 1937
HollinsworthEvilin born about 1922
HollinsworthLeslie born about 1935
HollinsworthMargarett born about 1931
HollinsworthNaomi born about 1930
HollinsworthSusie born about 1925
HollinsworthSylvester born about 1939
HollinsworthUna born about 1898
HollowayLee born about 1904
HollyClarence born about 1906
HolmsDavid Oborn about 1909
HolmsGertrude Mborn about 1910
HolmsVida born about 1929
HoltsclawWm born about 1891
HomerAlfonso Iborn about 1925
HomerBirseny* Eborn about 1905
HomerMarey Lborn about 1906
HomerMartin born about 1928
HomerVirginia born about 1935
HonakerAlbert Nborn about 1890
HonakerAlbert N Jrborn about 1922
HonakerBernard Mborn about 1913
HonakerBillie born about 1930
HonakerDora Kborn about 1895
HonakerEugene born about 1920
HonakerEvelyn born about 1921
HonakerGail born about 1939
HonakerJack Bborn about 1927
HonakerJimmy born about 1939
HonakerMahoda* born about 1931
HonakerMargaret born about 1934
HonakerMartin born about 1935
HonakerMary born about 1914
HonakerShelby born about 1937
HopkinsWilliam born about 1931
HordnethThos born about 1923
HornAnnie Bborn about 1900
HornW Hborn about 1890
HostonLucindy born about 1930
HostonMyrtle born about 1914
HostonRuvenia born about 1932
HoweBernard born about 1929
HoweJohn Hborn about 1924
HoweJohnie Wborn about 1896
HoweJosephine born about 1934
HoweLelia born about 1927
HoweLoraine born about 1933
HoweMattie Aborn about 1917
HoweRaymond born about 1935
HoweRemona born about 1935
HoweRobert born about 1930
HoweRos born about 1905
HoweVance born about 1913
HowertonCharles born about 1924
HoweryBula born about 1913
HoweryJohn born about 1901
HrametzBetty born about 1931
HrametzMary Jr born about 1933
HrametzRosa born about 1906
HrametzRose Maryborn about 1923
HrametzTheresa born about 1928
HudsonJessie Tborn about 1890
HudsonMary Jborn about 1871
HuffmanCharlie Sborn about 1918
HuffmanGeorge born about 1931
HuffmanLuebell Bborn about 1909
HuffmanMack born about 1907
HuffmanMax born about 1927
HughesBryan Hborn about 1932
HughesCharles Wborn about 1907
HughesEdna Mborn about 1890
HughesEdward Wborn about 1860
HughesFrances born about 1927
HughesFredrie Lborn about 1929
HughesInez Fborn about 1908
HughesJames Iborn about 1909
HughesMary Lborn about 1875
HughesPearl Aborn about 1911
HuntEdward born about 1879
HunterAndrew born about 1924
HunterBarbbra born about 1925
HunterDoris born about 1930
HunterJames Eborn about 1933
HunterJoel born about 1938
HunterLelia born about 1908
HunterLouise born about 1908
HunterMary Lborn about 1925
HunterWilliam born about 1928
HunterWillie born about 1902
HurtBuddy Tborn about 1936
HurtCarrol Lborn about 1939
HurtEllie Jborn about 1878
HurtExie Mborn about 1920
HurtJackie Dborn about 1940
HurtJerry Jborn about 1937
HurtLarry Wborn about 1874
HurtRobert Tborn about 1909
HyltonBillie born about 1933
HyltonCara born about 1905
HyltonDonal born about 1934
HyltonEthel born about 1938
HyltonHarry Gborn about 1903
HyltonHazel born about 1929
HyltonMadeline born about 1928
HyltonPauline born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrwinFrank born about 1910

J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1891
JacksonDoris born about 1928
JacksonE Lborn about 1894
JacksonFanny born about 1879
JacksonFrancis born about 1926
JacksonIda Mborn about 1871
JacksonJerry Rborn about 1896
JacksonJohn Lborn about 1895
JacksonJohn Jr born about 1913
JacksonJriah born about 1876
JacksonLee born about 1857
JacksonLouise born about 1897
JacksonMaggie born about 1890
JacksonMarie Lborn about 1904
JacksonMartha born about 1901
JacksonMattie born about 1880
JacksonMay Fborn about 1923
JacksonMollys Vborn about 1911
JacksonNannie born about 1871
JacksonRobt Lborn about 1873
JacksonRosa born about 1931
JacksonRussell born about 1890
JacksonRuth Lborn about 1891
JacksonSam born about 1868
JacksonWillie born about 1921
JacobBela born about 1915
JacobLena born about 1876
JamesR Wborn about 1863
JarvisDonald Eborn about 1940
JarvisHazel Vborn about 1914
JarvisJoe born about 1912
JarvisWilliam Eborn about 1938
JefferyAnna Kborn about 1911
JefferyEdgar Mborn about 1903
JefferyThomas Lborn about 1938
JenningsLucy born about 1919
JenningsMartha born about 1915
JenningsWilliam Eborn about 1910
JohnsonAlbert Dborn about 1896
JohnsonAlice born about 1913
JohnsonAnnie Mayborn about 1919
JohnsonBertha Iborn about 1893
JohnsonBertha Mborn about 1905
JohnsonBurl born about 1915
JohnsonCarla born about 1929
JohnsonEthel born about 1901
JohnsonFranklin Fborn about 1887
JohnsonGrant born about 1895
JohnsonHarvey Eborn about 1924
JohnsonJohn Gborn about 1888
JohnsonJohn G Jrborn about 1929
JohnsonJune born about 1939
JohnsonKaturah born about 1890
JohnsonLillie born about 1908
JohnsonLuciel born about 1939
JohnsonMargaret born about 1918
JohnsonMary born about 1931
JohnsonMary Kborn about 1926
JohnsonMaud born about 1886
JohnsonMelvin born about 1930
JohnsonReoma born about
JohnsonSam born about 1917
JohnsonThomas born about 1880
JohnsonThomas born about 1938
JohnsonThomas Hborn about 1904
JohnsonVirginia born about 1910
JohnsonWayne born about 1935
JohnsonWheeler born about 1907
JohnsonWilliam born about 1908
JohnsonWillie born about 1904
JohnsonZola Moeborn about 1922
JohnstonMary Eborn about 1906
JonesAda born about 1906
JonesAlf Tborn about 1888
JonesAlfonso born about 1939
JonesAnnie Mborn about 1918
JonesBarry Lborn about 1939
JonesBernard born about 1909
JonesBettie born about 1871
JonesClarence born about 1915
JonesDallas born about 1927
JonesDeabra Vborn about 1901
JonesDoris Mborn about 1929
JonesElane born about 1936
JonesEugene Gborn about 1900
JonesFrank Sborn about 1906
JonesGentle born about 1918
JonesGrace Lborn about 1891
JonesHelen Hborn about 1892
JonesHery Cborn about 1916
JonesJ Michaelborn about 1931
JonesJames born about 1905
JonesJaney Vborn about 1919
JonesLallie born about 1885
JonesLaura born about 1904
JonesLouis born about 1907
JonesMary Mborn about 1908
JonesMathew born about 1913
JonesMathew born about 1917
JonesMyrtle born about 1905
JonesNanie born about 1878
JonesNomai born about 1929
JonesNora Lborn about 1890
JonesRichard born about 1914
JonesRoy Eborn about 1931
JonesSam born about 1886
JonesVirginia born about 1910
JonesWesley born about 1868
JonsonCleo born about 1930
JordanHazel Mborn about 1914
JordanW Banksborn about 1909
JordenClora born about 1916
JordenJames Oborn about 1907
JordenJames O Jrborn about 1940
JordenMadgline born about 1933
JordenNathenel born about 1935
JordinCorine born about 1916
JordinGilbert born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KabaAlbert Sborn about 1932
KabaEthel Sborn about 1907
KabaJoseph Mborn about 1939
KabaRudolph born about 1900
KabaRudolph Jr born about 1930
KazaiMike born about 1866
KeenoppleTheo born about 1866
KellyMalinda born about 1907
KellyMollie Eborn about 1877
KellyOlen Pborn about 1906
KellyRobert born about 1914
KendrickDaniel born about 1913
KendrickElvina born about 1922
KendrickGeorge born about 1877
KendrickHattie born about 1881
KendrickHerman Iborn about 1937
KendrickJames Mborn about 1936
KendrickJohn Wborn about 1926
KendrickMarcel born about 1935
KendrickMary Leeborn about 1918
KendrickMunroe born about 1917
KendrickRobert Eborn about 1939
KeyEarl born about 1917
KifferCharlitte born about 1918
KimbleJoe born about 1904
KingEster born about 1938
KingHelen born about 1897
KingHohom G Jrborn about 1933
KingHokom Gborn about 1892
KingL Vborn about 1895
KingLess born about 1918
KingRose Aborn about 1920
KingThomas Nborn about 1881
KingVincent born about 1917
KingWilliam born about 1918
KingWilliam Hborn about 1916
KnowleeMay Cborn about 1901
KolkouskiTrohan born about 1888
KovachAndy born about 1877
KovachAndy Jr born about 1914
KovachAron born about 1878
KovachFrank born about 1894
KovachGaza born about 1918
KovachJulia born about 1885
KovachKilly born about 1910
KovachPaul Iii born about 1939
KovachPaul Jr born about 1913
KovachSophie born about 1920
KovachWilliam born about 1915
KovacsJohny born about 1929
KovacsKatherine born about 1916
KovacsLouie born about 1918
KovacsPaul born about 1888
KovacsPeter born about 1887
KovacsSafa born about 1890
KozmaAnton born about 1875
KozmaJosephine born about 1921
KozmaJulia born about 1878
KusmaAndro born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertFrancis born about 1914
LambertHelen Bborn about 1913
LambertJerry born about 1938
LambertNewton born about 1910
LambertWilliam Eborn about 1909
LanceMaud born about 1869
LandonWill born about 1891
LarenceSallie born about 1886
LarmanCharles Mborn about 1896
LarmanLee born about 1922
LarmanMarine born about 1921
LarmanOrpha born about 1933
LarmanZada born about 1896
LathamCharles born about 1874
LathamElla born about 1885
LaughlinJ Rborn about 1910
LawCurtis born about 1935
LawEdna Mborn about 1913
LawfordJasper Wborn about 1871
LawfordMaud Hborn about 1872
LawsonAlace born about 1923
LawsonGertrude born about 1897
LawsonKathlen born about 1926
LaxtonChristofer born about 1879
LaxtonLola Bborn about 1888
LaxtonPhylis born about 1929
LeeBeatrice born about 1900
LeeEdwin born about 1923
LeeIola born about 1900
LeeOtes born about 1875
LeisterJames Cborn about 1931
LeisterRufus Cborn about 1899
LeisterRuth Cborn about 1897
LesterBen born about 1918
LesterMildred born about 1917
LevayJames Dborn about 1934
LevayJulene Jr born about 1923
LevayJulian born about 1896
LevayMary Hborn about 1906
LevayWilliam Bborn about 1925
LevoyJohnie born about 1904
LevoyJudith Dborn about 1938
LevoyMargaret Lborn about 1916
LewisBettie Jborn about 1939
LewisJonnie Lborn about 1933
LewisRoosevelt born about 1929
LewisRosa born about 1911
LewisRosetta born about 1935
LewisThomas born about 1928
LewisVicie born about 1926
LewisWilliam born about 1895
LewisWilliam born about 1931
LilliyHessie born about 1890
LilliyLeroy born about 1880
LineberryMary Eborn about 1920
LineberryRennie Cborn about 1914
LitchfordJoe born about 1884
LittleLouis Gborn about 1885
LittleLouis G Jrborn about 1922
LittlePorter Bborn about 1883
LittlejohnNillie born about 1902
LittlejohnWill born about 1898
LiveleyJames Mborn about 1913
LiveleyJames M Jrborn about 1939
LiveleyJoean born about 1939
LiveleyRuby born about 1921
LivelyAlford born about 1926
LivelyAlford Nborn about 1901
LivelyElizabeth born about 1900
LivelyOra Leeborn about 1925
LivelyRuby born about 1930
LondonIrine born about 1890
LotitoAnna Kborn about 1912
LotitoChristpher born about 1876
LotitoCrist born about 1915
LotitoDomnick born about 1914
LotitoFrank born about 1920
LotitoJosiephine born about 1919
LotitoNick born about 1923
LotitoRalph born about 1917
LotitoSteve born about 1878
LotriJack Sborn about 1904
LotriMary Bborn about 1904
LowCosby Cborn about 1871
LowWilliam Bborn about 1867
LuskCarding Cborn about 1908
LuskEdna Mborn about 1901
LynchCleo Pborn about 1931
LynchDonald born about 1935
LynchEmerson born about 1932
LynchJennie born about 1907
LynchWilma born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachaTessie born about 1912
MacomAnnie born about 1877
MacomJohn Aborn about 1878
MacomJohn A Jrborn about 1918
MacomRuth born about 1915
MacomVirginia Mborn about 1916
MagrillL born about 1872
MagrillPearl born about 1874
MartinAddie born about 1899
MartinCharles Hborn about 1896
MartinDortha Eborn about 1920
MartinElsie Mborn about 1919
MartinGearldine born about 1929
MartinJimmie born about 1936
MartinJosephine born about 1936
MartinMargaret born about 1908
MartinMary born about 1927
MartinOhie born about 1907
MartinRuth born about 1931
MartinShirley Aborn about 1938
MartinThelma born about 1933
MartinWalter born about 1900
MartinWandalee born about 1940
MasonCecil Pborn about 1931
MasonCleda Gborn about 1930
MasonEmma Mborn about 1914
MasonFloyd Tborn about 1939
MasonJohn Hborn about 1908
MasonJohn H Jrborn about 1934
MasonLilian born about 1930
MasonPaul born about 1912
MasonRuby Eborn about 1909
MathewsCalvin born about 1926
MathewsEvelyn born about 1914
MathewsGrandison born about 1921
MathewsHenry born about 1924
MathewsHerman born about 1922
MathewsMary born about 1919
MathewsSamuel Tborn about 1905
MathuseBlanch born about 1921
MathuseJohn Jr born about 1909
MathuseJohn Jr born about 1938
MathuseWilliam Kborn about 1939
MatneyAnnie born about 1903
MatneyCharles born about 1882
MatneyEstella born about 1900
MatneyJohn born about 1918
MatneyRuth born about 1893
MatneyThomas Eborn about 1897
MaxeyCharles Mborn about 1909
MaxeyCharles M Jrborn about 1936
MaxeyDorthy born about 1936
MaxeyEmma Vborn about 1883
MaxeyErnest Eborn about 1887
MaxeyGrace Vborn about 1912
MaxeyHelen born about 1921
MaxeyHerbert born about 1918
MaxeyMaggie born about 1895
MaxeyWilliam Cborn about 1937
MaxeyWilliam Kborn about 1879
MaxwellPatsy Aborn about 1918
McCannArminda born about 1884
McCannDaisy Cborn about 1878
McCannThomas Wborn about 1876
McClanahanCassie Leeborn about 1924
McClanahanClarles born about 1899
McClanahanHattie born about 1883
McClanahanHattie Leeborn about 1926
McClanahanJames born about 1901
McClanahanJames Jr born about 1928
McClanahanMasud born about 1906
McClanahanRachel born about 1906
McClanahanVerna Mborn about 1933
McClanahanViola born about 1929
McClanahanWillie Mayborn about 1927
McCloudElenor Jborn about 1930
McCloudElizabeth born about 1861
McCloudEva born about 1891
McCloudHerman Rborn about 1924
McCloudSam Pborn about 1886
McCloudThomas Rborn about 1921
McCollumCecelice born about 1936
McCollumEugene born about 1908
McCollumFern Eborn about 1938
McCollumGene born about 1935
McCollumJosephine born about 1909
McCollumLawrence born about 1910
McCollumLeslie born about 1940
McCollumMollie born about 1883
McCollumNed born about 1867
McCollumRuth born about 1917
McCollumScarlett born about 1939
McComasFrank Rborn about 1900
McComasKelly born about 1914
McCormickGeorgia born about 1913
McCormickHazel Gborn about 1933
McCormickJames Hborn about 1907
McCormickNorma Gborn about 1935
McCormickWilliam Rborn about 1931
McCoyJulie born about 1908
McCoyMagie born about 1939
McCoyWilliam born about 1902
McDonaldJohn Jborn about 1877
McFarlaneRaymond born about 1928
McGeorgeJames Eborn about 1929
McGeorgeLucy born about 1907
McGeorgeMarstillo born about 1916
McGeorgeTanzeller born about 1937
McGeorgeWalter born about 1891
McGeorgeWalter Jr born about 1925
McKennyLouise Dborn about 1910
McKennyNorman Tborn about 1938
McKennyRonald Jborn about 1930
McKennyWilliam Oborn about 1907
McKinneyLiota born about 1872
McKinneyRobert born about 1906
McLaughlinEdith born about 1910
McLaughlinJimmy born about 1936
McLaughlinMargaret born about 1931
McLaughlinMary Aborn about 1939
McMickleMaurice born about 1928
McNardCharles J Jrborn about 1930
McNardChas Jborn about 1901
McNardHelen born about 1907
McNeillElvata born about 1916
McNeillJames Tborn about 1938
McNeillJames Wborn about 1915
McNultyFrank Sborn about 1916
McNultyGlenn born about 1888
McNultyHannah Sborn about 1919
McNultyJohn born about 1907
McNultyMary Mborn about 1923
McNultyNelle Sborn about 1891
McNultySarah Lborn about 1920
MiholinaElizabeth born about 1938
MiholinaFrank born about 1900
MiholinaJulia born about 1909
MiholinaMary born about 1934
MilesAlfred Kborn about 1924
MilesElmer Fborn about 1918
MilesRay Rborn about 1922
MillerBessie born about 1924
MillerBessie Rborn about 1895
MillerBetty Rborn about 1923
MillerBillie Rborn about 1937
MillerBilly Tborn about 1928
MillerCleo born about 1900
MillerElsie Tborn about 1918
MillerEmma Lborn about 1898
MillerGene Bborn about 1913
MillerHerbet Gborn about 1914
MillerJames Cborn about 1896
MillerJames Mborn about 1920
MillerKeneth Mborn about 1940
MillerLena Mborn about 1918
MillerPaul Rborn about 1922
MillerPhebie born about 1890
MillerReva born about 1916
MillerWilliam Aborn about 1893
MillesMay Vborn about 1936
MillsAgnes born about 1905
MinnichMae born about 1886
MinnichWilliam Pborn about 1918
MintonJ Cborn about 1885
MitchelAnnie born about 1898
MitchelFrank born about 1923
MitchelJames born about 1897
MitchelJames Jr born about 1923
MitchelJoseph born about 1939
MitchelMathew born about 1920
MitchelWoodroe born about 1928
MitchellArthur born about 1915
MitchellBettie Joborn about 1938
MitchellBillie born about 1910
MitchellEthel born about 1914
MitchellJanes born about 1912
MitchellJohn Lborn about 1903
MitchellNettie Nborn about 1917
MitchemAlex born about 1887
MitchemMary born about 1881
MonroeBulah born about 1898
MonroeConer born about 1935
MonroeJanes born about 1895
MoodyCharles Wborn about 1884
MooreBarbara born about 1883
MooreBobby Lborn about 1937
MooreCharley born about 1912
MooreElizabeth born about 1920
MooreMary born about 1914
MooreRosa born about 1886
MooreShirley Aborn about 1938
MooreThomas Dborn about 1911
MoresBetty born about 1925
MoresBiddy born about 1934
MoresBillie born about 1928
MoresEleanore born about 1926
MoresLois born about 1924
MoresLucile born about 1906
MorganBillie born about 1930
MorganFred born about 1909
MorganMamie Mborn about 1909
MormanJames Ralph Rjborn about 1928
MormanLillian born about 1905
MormanMattie born about 1907
MormanRalph born about 1910
MormanWillie born about 1907
MorrisA born about 1897
MorrisCarle Hborn about 1905
MorrisEster born about 1910
MorssJohn born about 1869
MossBarbra Annborn about 1940
MossBen Jr born about 1931
MossEster born about 1880
MossEvalyen born about 1930
MossThomas born about 1906
MottCornelia born about 1912
MottCurtis born about 1909
MulholandBill born about 1875
MulholandBonnie born about 1907
MulholandEverett born about 1903
MulholandGuy born about 1906
MulholandTerry born about 1933
MullinFranklin Rborn about 1928
MullinHarriett Lborn about 1898
MullinJohn Dborn about 1926
MullinJohn Sborn about 1895
MullinMary Eborn about 1930
MullinWilliam Lborn about 1923
MureArchie Fborn about 1921
MureJeanette born about 1901
MureJohn Rborn about 1922
MureWillie Oborn about 1925
MurrayBillie born about 1929
MurrayEvelyn Gborn about 1926
MurrayGarnet born about 1904
MurrayGeneva Cborn about 1904
MurrayHarry born about 1899
MurrayIrine born about 1925
MurrayJeon Iborn about 1935
MurrayLuther born about 1936
MurrayPearley born about 1918
MurrayRoosvelt born about 1908
MurrayThomas born about 1898
MurrayThomas Wborn about 1939
MurrayTravis born about 1922
MurrayVicie born about 1893
MurrayWoneice Bborn about 1929
MuseBertha born about 1898
MuseJohn Hborn about 1886
MussalowHenry born about 1913
MussalowJoe born about 1868
MussalowJohn born about 1916
MussalowTharse born about 1878
MustardAbert Sborn about 1885
MustardBrenda Lborn about 1939
MustardClinton Lborn about 1913
MustardElizbeth born about 1924
MustardGeneva Mborn about 1919
MustardGrat Fborn about 1880
MustardGrat F Jrborn about 1919
MustardJean Aborn about 1929
MustardJennie Rborn about 1888
MustardMargaret born about 1880
MustardMargret Eborn about 1892
MustardMarguerite born about 1898
MustardMarguerite born about 1931
MustardOscar Jborn about 1884
MyersGale Iborn about 1938
MyersGladys Aborn about 1920
MyersJames Fborn about 1914
MyersShirley Lborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagyFrances born about 1928
NagyFrank born about 1922
NagyGaspar born about 1880
NagyGaspar Jr born about 1924
NagySusie born about 1889
NagyWilliam born about 1926
NagyWilma born about 1930
NaperCecil born about 1919
NapierBertha born about 1929
NashCarl Carerborn about 1866
NaumchuckGeorge born about 1894
NealBessie born about 1905
NealHenry Hborn about 1940
NealJoe born about 1905
NealLorrain born about 1923
NealSarah Lborn about 1923
NealWillie born about 1921
NesbittJohn born about 1931
NesbittMinnie born about 1899
NewmanArther born about 1916
NewmanJames born about 1919
NewmanJames Bborn about 1874
NewmanLewis born about 1923
NewmanNillie born about 1891
NicewanderDavid born about 1908
NicewanderJessie born about 1899
NicewanderJosie born about 1881
NicewanderSan born about 1870
NiedzialkoskiEmily Gborn about 1920
NiedzialkoskiJoe born about 1916
NiedzialkoskiJohn born about 1914
NipperElza Jborn about 1852
NipperGeorge Wborn about 1877
NoechelHenry born about 1879
NoechelJames Eborn about 1922
NoechelJeneva Mborn about 1924
NoelHerbert Mborn about 1900
NoelNancy Leeborn about 1925
NoelRuth Aborn about 1902
NormanMinnie born about 1907
NormanRobert born about 1911
NowlenMckinley born about 1933
NowlenPleas born about 1925
NowlinMartha Jborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaksDougles born about 1895
OaksPansy born about 1906
ObrianAnn born about 1905
OldhamCarrol born about 1937
OldhamDoris born about 1933
OldhamFern born about 1939
OldhamJohn Wborn about 1910
OldhamOrnah born about 1911
OldhamShirley born about 1935
OleyBert born about 1913
OleyCharles born about 1876
OleySusie born about 1885
OliverPatrick born about 1900
OliverPricilla born about 1877
OsborneEffie Lborn about 1896
OsborneJohn Wborn about 1916
OsborneRobert Lborn about 1892
OverstreetClarence born about 1910
OverstreetReba born about 1904
OwensJohn Lborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PacheyBertha born about 1878
PacheyFrank born about 1913
PageAlma Aborn about 1909
PageJoyce Aborn about 1930
PageRobert Jborn about 1909
PageRoger Dborn about 1939
PageWilliam Eborn about 1934
PaisAnthony born about 1878
PaisEdna Vborn about 1914
PaisElwood Aborn about 1913
ParkerBeatrice born about 1940
ParkerCharley born about 1929
ParkerCorine born about 1931
ParkerDollie born about 1866
ParkerEffie Mayborn about 1938
ParkerGeraldine born about 1924
ParkerLorence born about 1936
ParkerOscar born about 1892
ParkerOscar Jr born about 1926
ParkerRosa born about 1901
ParksEarl born about 1910
ParksEarl Jr born about 1932
ParksHerman born about 1907
ParksJaunita born about 1910
ParksRuby born about 1910
ParterDonald born about 1937
ParterFontaine born about 1935
ParterGeorge born about 1931
ParterJames born about 1933
ParterMarvin Eborn about 1907
ParterNorma Sborn about 1939
ParterOlga Gborn about 1913
PateRobert born about 1898
PatrickGeorge born about 1888
PatrickHelen born about 1933
PatrickHervy born about 1913
PatrickMary born about 1922
PatrickN Lborn about 1874
PatrickNannie Eborn about 1895
PatrickRuth born about 1929
PawellHelen born about 1915
PawellPhylis Jborn about 1936
PawellWillie born about 1913
PearsonBooker Dborn about 1905
PearsonEleaser born about 1907
PearsonVerline born about 1924
PedigoBobby Eborn about 1931
PedigoJerry Sborn about 1940
PedigoJohn Cborn about 1907
PedigoLilian born about 1914
PedigoSandra born about 1936
PeeplesDoris born about 1927
PeeplesGlodis born about 1929
PeeplesJasper born about 1893
PeeplesLenoer born about 1899
PeeplesTilmon born about 1933
PeeplesWilliam Eborn about 1920
PennRoxey born about 1902
PenningtonLouise Mborn about 1877
PerkinsF Mborn about 1897
PerryBuben Dborn about 1910
PerryElicha born about 1882
PerryEmma Jenaborn about 1939
PerryGeorge Vborn about 1897
PerryHelen Lborn about 1936
PerryJimmy Eborn about 1937
PerryJohn Vborn about 1936
PerryJoyse Mborn about 1939
PerryMartha Aborn about 1934
PerryMyrtle Eborn about 1913
PerryPatsy Rborn about 1930
PerryReba born about 1905
PetereEarthnel Eborn about 1892
PetereEvilyn Aborn about 1918
PetereJoseph Kborn about 1892
PetrovicSteve born about 1877
PhelpsBettie Jborn about 1925
PhelpsEmma Pborn about 1904
PhelpsOwen Cborn about 1913
PhelpsSarah Eborn about 1916
PhelpsThomas Eborn about 1939
PhelpsWilliam Iborn about 1882
PhilipAnthony born about 1911
PhilipPearl born about 1917
PhilipPhilip Jr born about 1938
PhilipsGorden born about 1921
PhillipsBillie Juneborn about 1931
PhillipsDixie born about 1912
PhillipsGeorge born about 1894
PhippAlline born about 1917
PhippJames born about 1915
PoindexterAlbert Eborn about 1889
PoindexterClayce Fborn about 1912
PoindexterElaine born about 1924
PoindexterEmma born about 1910
PoindexterEva born about 1892
PoindexterJame born about 1893
PoindexterKathleen born about 1928
PoindexterLillie born about 1901
PoindexterNancy Vborn about 1887
PoindexterRobert born about 1894
PoindexterVirginia born about 1921
PoindexterWilliam Cborn about 1930
PopovichLouis born about 1906
PowellTyrone Hborn about 1920
PraylowEddie born about 1929
PrelowMack born about 1912
PrenticeAlis Mborn about 1887
PrenticeAltman Mborn about 1914
PrenticeEdith born about 1923
PrenticeMargaret born about 1916
PrenticeNill Rborn about 1911
PrenticeThomas born about 1889
PrenticeWilliam Hborn about 1883
PrenticeWilliam Hborn about 1921
PruntyAdline born about 1916
PruntyHerbert born about 1933
PruntyJacob born about 1927
PruntyJames Hborn about 1883
PruntyJames H Jrborn about 1929
PruntyJannatta born about 1936
PruntyJessie born about 1901
PruntyLillian born about 1902
PruntyPercy born about 1939
PruntyRandolph born about 1934
PughElizabeth A Hborn about 1920
PughJilia born about 1904
PughMariah Lborn about 1883
PughPatrick Nborn about 1906
PughSamuel Kborn about 1924
PughThomas born about 1903
PughVirginia born about 1920
PughWilliam Wborn about 1873
PuryEarl Vborn about 1904
PurySue Mborn about 1907
PuryWilliam Aborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamseyCeicil born about 1919
RamseyDennis Hborn about 1925
RamseyElla Mborn about 1924
RamseyFlora Bborn about 1903
RamseyGilbert Eborn about 1929
RamseyHazel born about 1922
RamseyIsom Hborn about 1879
RamseyJackie Pborn about 1935
RamseyJessie Bborn about 1928
RamseyJoseph Lborn about 1928
RamseyLaura born about 1892
RamseyMossie Mborn about 1910
RamseyOrmer born about 1911
RamseyPatricia born about 1938
RamseyPeggy Sborn about 1937
RamseyWilliam Lborn about 1916
RangoBertha born about 1939
RangoBittie born about 1936
RangoElizabeth born about 1937
RangoEvlyn born about 1919
RangoStanley born about 1912
RayJohnson born about 1889
RayMeta Jborn about 1892
ReddyEaster Mborn about 1908
ReddyMillard Rborn about 1905
ReedyAnita born about 1936
RenkinsAlace Vborn about 1898
RenkinsHarold born about 1898
ReynoldsBilly Gborn about 1929
ReynoldsBobby Rborn about 1936
ReynoldsEdward born about 1906
ReynoldsJames Eborn about 1931
ReynoldsNorma Jborn about 1933
ReynoldsSudie born about 1910
RheaHerbet born about 1904
RheaIda born about 1905
RhodesCarolyn Bborn about 1937
RhodesMinna Bborn about 1906
RhodesW Eborn about 1907
RichardsonAndrew Gborn about 1895
RiedCarle Hborn about 1924
RiedElsien* born about 1896
RiedGarnet Wborn about 1928
RiedJames Vborn about 1935
RiedMary Lborn about 1933
RiedPaul Bborn about 1920
RiedRobert Bborn about 1912
RiedShirley born about 1936
RiedVirginia born about 1926
RinglerAnna Mborn about 1902
RinglerElanor Gborn about 1926
RinglerEvelyn Hborn about 1931
RinglerHarry Tborn about 1894
RinglerWarren Dborn about 1933
RiveAmos born about 1916
RiveDonearl born about 1926
RiveIsabell born about 1910
RiveJames Aborn about 1930
RiveLeo born about 1927
RiveRudolphk born about 1932
RobersonBetty Jborn about 1938
RobertsonElizabeth born about 1914
RobertsonJackson born about 1906
RobertsonMary born about 1916
RobinettGene born about 1937
RobinettJames born about 1902
RobinettJames Eborn about 1928
RobinettJesse born about 1926
RobinettJohn born about 1934
RobinettMarraret born about 1922
RobinettMaud born about 1900
RobinettRay born about 1931
RobinetteRobert Fborn about 1917
RobinsonAnnie born about 1898
RobinsonBessie born about 1895
RobinsonEmma born about 1889
RobinsonHazel born about 1926
RobinsonJoe born about 1935
RobinsonJohn Hborn about 1896
RobinsonLester born about 1915
RobinsonLorensa* born about 1900
RobinsonRobert born about 1908
RobinsonSam born about 1897
RodgerCharles Mborn about 1934
RodgerGwendolyn born about 1918
RodgerJames M Iiiborn about 1939
RodgerJames M Jrborn about 1915
RodgersGeraldine born about 1923
RodgersHilda born about 1930
RodgersJames Sborn about 1886
RodgersJulia Eborn about 1901
RodgersWilliam Maeborn about 1918
RolleyGladis born about 1916
RolleyWill born about 1886
RoseCecil Oborn about 1900
RoseCleo born about 1929
RoseCleo Bborn about 1916
RoseEldrege Fborn about 1934
RoseFrancis Aborn about 1870
RoseGretta Cborn about 1938
RoseJames born about 1931
RoseNella Mborn about 1932
RoseSelvia Aborn about 1938
RoseTroy Eborn about 1936
RoseVisa born about 1901
RoseWillaim Bborn about 1892
RosserAgatha born about 1916
RosserWillie born about 1913
RothIrma born about 1900
RothM born about 1868
RouerWillie born about 1913
RowdenAltha born about 1927
RowdenIris born about 1929
RoyLucy born about 1920
RubyHelen born about 1924
RubyJamie born about 1908
RuckerFannie born about 1900
RuckerJessie Jborn about 1879
RuffLilly born about 1916
RuffinsDavid born about 1929
RuffinsJames born about 1910
RuffinsLizzie born about 1913
RuffinsMargaret born about 1924
RuthfordJ Hborn about 1900
RuthfordMarie Wborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaboAlex born about 1916
SaboCharles born about 1877
SaboNira born about 1882
SaboSteve born about 1888
SafewrightEckdahl Aborn about 1892
SafewrightJames born about 1877
SahagianS Gborn about 1890
Salenig born about 1903
SalozFrank born about 1886
SalozLigabell born about 1870
SandersonBessie born about 1910
SandersonBetsy Rborn about 1933
SandersonJames Rborn about 1932
SandersonRussell born about 1905
SandersonShirley Aborn about 1931
SandersonTillie Dborn about 1937
SanfilippoChas born about 1888
SanfilippoRosie born about 1901
SarahG Wborn about 1908
SaundersBernice born about 1922
SaundersDorthy born about 1929
SaundersEugene Lborn about 1899
SaundersGracie born about 1920
SaundersGus born about 1907
SaundersHampton born about 1919
SaundersHattie born about 1896
SaundersHerbet born about 1926
SaundersJ Tborn about 1871
SaundersJames born about 1917
SaundersMartha born about 1890
SaundersMattie born about 1936
SaundersNannie born about 1924
SaundersRoger Taniaborn about 1939
SaundersRuth born about 1919
SaundersThomas born about 1922
SaundersWilliam born about 1896
SaykoDorothy born about 1919
SaykoElizabeth born about 1935
SaykoJoseph Mborn about 1912
SaykoShirly Aborn about 1938
ScalesHenry born about 1888
ScalesLelia born about 1885
ScalesRuth born about 1920
ScarburgRoy Nborn about 1914
ScolesElizabeth born about 1916
ScottCaroline born about 1915
ScottEvan Bborn about 1871
ScottJean Aborn about 1934
ScottJohnie Bborn about 1907
ScottLucy born about 1880
ScottMary Eborn about 1881
ScottVirginie born about 1927
ScottWilliam Dborn about 1907
ScottWilliam D Jrborn about 1926
SeccoJohn born about 1916
SeccoPauline Mborn about 1921
SeknDill born about 1926
SeknFrank born about 1896
ShannonGladys born about 1901
ShawAmanda Sborn about 1882
ShawLufus born about 1873
ShawRoufus* Fborn about 1906
ShellHarry Lborn about 1900
ShellHarry Jr born about 1921
ShellMary Eborn about 1925
ShellNancy Cborn about 1930
ShellNannie Sborn about 1901
SheltonVirginia born about 1921
ShermaterIris Fayeborn about 1938
ShermaterMildred born about 1918
ShermaterNancy Kaysborn about 1939
ShermaterPaul Hborn about 1916
ShewFranklin Dborn about 1939
ShewMargaret Lborn about 1937
ShewNoah born about 1913
ShewStella Eborn about 1919
ShickelIva Mborn about 1916
ShickelWilbur Sborn about 1908
ShoemateBarnes Jborn about 1918
ShoemateMary born about 1897
ShoemateVintes Eborn about 1921
ShoemateW Fborn about 1888
ShraderNellie born about 1911
ShraderThomas Wborn about 1931
ShupeBeggy born about 1934
ShupeGae born about 1911
ShupeWalter born about 1908
ShupeWalter Jr born about 1929
SiboldKate born about 1909
SimeJohn born about 1895
SimpsonBitty Jborn about 1924
SimpsonGeorgia born about 1905
SimpsonRosemary born about 1927
SinkfordAnnie born about 1895
SinkfordRichard born about 1895
SinklerElizabeth born about 1892
SinklerHenry born about 1892
SinklerNancy born about 1917
SinklerWillie Jborn about 1936
SkewesAnn born about 1898
SkewesDavid Jborn about 1931
SkewesElizabeth Aborn about 1917
SkewesJames Rborn about 1915
SkewesWilliam Gborn about 1927
SkewesWilliam Lborn about 1900
SladeFletcher born about 1913
SladeJohn Hborn about 1889
SlagleCarrol Jborn about 1933
SlagleDuff Cborn about 1906
SlagleDuff Jr born about 1931
SlagleEvelyn born about 1902
SlagleJackie Rborn about 1935
SlagleMarry born about 1927
SlovackAnn born about 1879
SlovackJohn born about 1873
SlushDorthy born about 1930
SlushElise born about 1910
SlushGeorge born about 1910
SlushShirley born about 1937
SmithAlberta born about 1920
SmithArwilda born about 1930
SmithBuley born about 1917
SmithCharles Aborn about 1907
SmithDoris born about 1932
SmithEarnest born about 1901
SmithFannie Mborn about 1851
SmithGertrude born about 1915
SmithHelen Bborn about 1938
SmithHomer born about 1916
SmithHubert born about 1902
SmithHubert Jr born about 1923
SmithHulie born about 1907
SmithJoe born about 1881
SmithKent Dborn about 1922
SmithLillie born about 1885
SmithLucile born about 1934
SmithMable Jborn about 1936
SmithMurphy born about 1932
SmithMyrtle born about 1911
SmithPauline born about 1936
SmithRobert born about 1906
SmithRobert Hborn about 1911
SmithRobert Lborn about 1924
SmithSallie Mborn about 1916
SmithSusie born about 1883
SoosBarbara born about 1886
SoosBarbara born about 1929
SoosFrank born about 1921
SoosHelen born about 1924
SoosJoe born about 1881
SoosJoe Jr born about 1912
SoosJohn born about 1926
SoosRose born about 1919
SparksGladys Gborn about 1895
SparksRobert Wborn about 1891
SpruceBetty Rborn about 1884
StakesWillie born about 1912
StaleyEmma born about 1897
StaleyGeorge Mborn about 1895
StaleyGranson born about 1916
StanleyAnnie Bborn about 1894
StephensonJack born about 1895
StephonEleanor born about 1929
StephonFrank Jr born about 1915
StephonIrine born about 1911
StephonJohn born about 1924
StephonJulia born about 1891
StephonLouis born about 1921
StithBerther Rborn about 1917
StithDolores Rborn about 1936
StithFrances Yborn about 1939
StithGloria Lborn about 1934
StithJanie Bborn about 1910
StithJohn Dborn about 1910
StithJosiah born about 1907
StithJosiah Jr born about 1938
StithRonald Lborn about 1940
StoneJerline born about 1932
StoneJohn born about 1877
StoneMinervia born about 1887
StoneTeddie born about 1933
StonsBertha born about 1919
StonsOtha born about 1901
StreaterMayon born about 1909
StreaterWillie Mborn about 1914
StrongAlfred born about 1920
StrongBennie born about 1902
StrongDorthy born about 1936
StrongFreeland born about 1912
StrongGrace Cborn about 1913
StrongHelen born about 1923
StrongJoe Hborn about 1923
StrongJoyce Lborn about 1939
StrongNannie Mborn about 1926
StrongNathaniel born about 1918
StrongSarah born about 1899
StrongSusie Cborn about 1934
StrongWilliam Fborn about 1932
StrongWillie Dborn about 1930
StrugillMary Lborn about 1866
SultEmma Eborn about 1891
SultEmma Sueborn about 1939
SultJames Kborn about 1884
SultJames K Jrborn about 1913
SultJohn Kborn about 1889
SultMary Sueborn about 1912
SultRobert Lborn about 1930
SultSallie Gborn about 1897
SwaimBeverly Cborn about 1939
SwaimBobby Leeborn about 1934
SwaimCourtland Jborn about 1938
SwaimKathleen Rborn about 1910
SwaimMarchall Jborn about 1909
SwaimTeddy Oborn about 1931
SwimmBonnie born about
SwimmDewey born about 1939
SwimmJelma born about 1910
SwimmRoy Eborn about 1909
SzaboCharles Aborn about 1938
SzaboElizabeth born about 1939
SzaboJohn born about 1910
SzaboJohn born about 1935
SzakacsAlbert born about 1909
SzakacsElizabeth born about 1920
SzakacsIrene born about 1938
SzakacsJulia born about 1912
SzakacsMargaret born about 1935
SzakacsOlga born about 1937
SzakacsSusana born about 1874
SzichakJoseph Fborn about 1893
SzichakJoseph F Jrborn about 1940
SzichakMary born about 1919
SzuchAlbert born about 1880
SzuchElizabeth born about 1907
SzucsAlbert Jr born about 1909
SzucsElizabeth born about 1910
SzucsElizabeth born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaborCharles Wborn about 1874
TaborLula Mborn about 1915
TaborMaggie born about 1868
TaborMargaret Aborn about 1935
TaborMildred Gborn about 1938
TaborRoy Bborn about 1914
TaborRoy Jborn about 1937
TaborVernon Rborn about 1940
TailorDonie born about 1890
TanzymoreLouisa born about 1874
TateEleanor Cborn about 1914
TateFred Sborn about 1913
Taylor born about 1920
TaylorBarbra Jborn about 1937
TaylorBusia born about 1892
TaylorClyde born about 1913
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1887
TaylorMerrill born about 1922
TaylorRay born about 1915
TaylorRoy born about 1919
TerryDove born about 1866
ThermondBeatrice born about 1921
ThermondJames born about 1913
ThermondJames Jr born about 1938
ThomasAda born about 1909
ThomasAnna born about 1881
ThomasBobby Lborn about 1939
ThomasC Sborn about 1875
ThomasCarle born about 1918
ThomasCharles Bborn about 1907
ThomasElbert born about 1907
ThomasElwood born about 1924
ThomasEssie Bborn about 1930
ThomasEthel born about 1908
ThomasEva born about 1909
ThomasFrank L Jrborn about 1925
ThomasFrank Tborn about 1901
ThomasFranklin Dborn about 1937
ThomasGeorge Cborn about 1909
ThomasGeorge C Jrborn about 1931
ThomasGertrude born about 1913
ThomasJohn Hborn about 1881
ThomasLilly Gborn about 1910
ThomasMargarett Cborn about 1920
ThomasMathew born about 1927
ThomasRoxie Mborn about 1900
ThomasShirley Aborn about 1934
ThomasVirginia Mborn about 1930
ThompsonA Jborn about 1894
ThompsonAlice Mborn about 1936
ThompsonDave born about 1908
ThompsonFlorence Jborn about 1929
ThompsonHelen born about 1924
ThompsonIrwin born about 1908
ThompsonJackie Iborn about 1934
ThompsonJacy Fborn about 1936
ThompsonJames Jborn about 1918
ThompsonLilian Aborn about 1893
ThompsonM Yatesborn about 1920
ThompsonRobert Rborn about 1923
ThompsonWilliam Eborn about 1930
ThompsonWilliam Jborn about 1931
TisoskyAgness born about 1919
TisoskyBertha born about 1887
TisoskyJoe born about 1879
TothJohn born about 1922
TothMary born about 1896
TothMary born about 1919
TothMike born about 1894
TothMike born about 1926
TothZollie born about 1924
TrepplinBell born about 1895
TrepplinG Bborn about 1884
TrepplinGordon Bborn about 1927
TrepplinOscar born about 1915
TrepplinShirley Rborn about 1934
TurberEffie Lborn about 1927
TurberMartin Lborn about 1908
TurberMary Lborn about 1926
TurberMattie Eborn about 1907
TurberWilliam Cborn about 1929
TurnerJohn Lborn about 1909
TurnerRuby born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UraSophia born about 1872

V Surnames

VawterJanet Lborn about 1939
VawterJean Mborn about 1908
VawterJean Pborn about 1935
VawterRobert Aborn about 1904

W Surnames

WadeJoyce born about 1930
WadeLeo born about 1933
WagnerClara born about 1916
WagnerFloyd Eborn about 1889
WagnerFloyd E Jrborn about 1914
WagnerJohnson Gborn about 1921
WagnerThelma Pborn about 1897
WagnerVirginia born about 1923
WagonerAdam Sborn about 1928
WagonerEarnest Gborn about 1901
WagonerEarnest Jr born about 1926
WagonerElizabeth Zborn about 1924
WagonerHattie Gborn about 1902
WagonerL Jborn about 1899
WagonerMyrtle Jborn about 1930
WagonerPauline born about 1902
WalaceWert born about 1925
WalkerCarrie born about 1903
WalkerClarence born about 1916
WalkerClerence born about 1917
WalkerEleanor born about 1922
WalkerIsabella born about 1903
WalkerJames born about 1881
WalkerJames Jr born about 1925
WalkerJessie Lborn about 1937
WalkerJessie Leeborn about 1937
WalkerMarcial born about 1921
WalkerMaxine born about 1939
WalkerSusie born about 1921
WalkerVirginia born about 1928
WalkerWill born about 1900
WalkerWill Jr born about 1937
WalkerWinford born about 1937
WallArley Cborn about 1909
WallDoris Lborn about 1911
WallJohn Sborn about 1939
WallPhyllis born about 1932
WallWillow Deanborn about 1934
WallWilma Jeanborn about 1935
WallaceEllen Anborn about 1880
WallaceRobt Sborn about 1876
WapperJoe born about 1909
WapperMyrtle born about 1908
WarburtonCard born about 1918
WarburtonEdward born about 1939
WarburtonJohn Eborn about 1888
WarburtonRuth born about 1919
WarburtonThomas Aborn about 1940
WardB Earnestborn about 1878
WardCharles Hborn about 1919
WardLucy Aborn about 1876
WardMary born about 1922
WareFrancie born about 1877
WashingtonAnnie Mborn about 1906
WashingtonJohn Rborn about 1905
WashingtonLeanor born about 1873
WashingtonRoosevelt born about 1905
WatkinsViolet born about 1914
WatsonAlphonso born about 1925
WatsonAndrewe born about 1884
WatsonBertha Lborn about 1927
WatsonBrenda born about 1888
WatsonCharles born about 1926
WatsonCharley born about 1878
WatsonClara born about 1913
WatsonHobert born about 1916
WatsonJessie born about 1919
WatsonJoeanna born about 1918
WatsonJohn born about 1901
WatsonLillian born about 1906
WatsonLorenzo born about 1898
WatsonMary born about 1903
WatsonRandal born about 1928
WatsonSallie born about 1875
WatsonThomas born about 1923
WatsonVirginia born about 1906
WatsonWilliam born about 1913
WatsonWilliam born about 1926
WattersonOdena born about 1915
WattersonTalmage born about 1896
WattesonBernice born about 1927
WattesonJames born about 1924
WattesonNorman born about 1928
WattesonPansy born about 1932
WattesonWilliam born about 1926
WaycasterBessie born about 1893
WaycasterFrances born about 1917
WaycasterJessie born about 1921
WaycasterJohn Wborn about 1895
WaynerGeraldine born about 1917
WaynerRandolph Dborn about 1916
WealBettie born about 1866
WealGeorge born about 1854
WeaverAlice born about 1910
WebbIrene born about 1918
WebbJames Fborn about 1911
WestMary Eborn about 1898
WestSamuel born about 1873
WheelerAlbert born about 1889
WheelerGrace born about 1932
WheelerKatie born about 1905
WheelerMack born about 1930
WhitcheadEdvin Lborn about 1887
WhitcheadR Aliceborn about 1887
WhitcheadThelma born about 1909
WhiteAlena born about 1892
WhiteBeatrice born about 1921
WhiteCatherine born about 1926
WhiteChristina born about 1908
WhiteDorothy born about 1926
WhiteEdgar born about 1903
WhiteEthel born about 1892
WhiteEvelyn born about 1925
WhiteFlora born about 1903
WhiteFloyd born about 1885
WhiteGloria Aborn about 1940
WhiteHaddie Mborn about 1905
WhiteJames born about 1872
WhiteJames Eborn about 1921
WhiteJohn born about 1897
WhiteMarvin born about 1930
WhiteMelvin Gborn about 1907
WhiteMelvin G Jrborn about 1928
WhiteMildred born about 1921
WhiteRalph Wborn about 1913
WhiteRobert born about 1912
WhiteRobert born about 1919
WhiteThomas born about 1916
WhiteheadAreatta Mborn about 1925
WhiteheadCurtis Lborn about 1937
WhiteheadGene born about 1936
WhiteheadGuy Rborn about 1917
WhiteheadHenry Fborn about 1911
WhiteheadHenry F Jrborn about 1937
WhiteheadIrine Gborn about 1915
WhiteheadOscar born about 1939
WhiteheadShirley born about 1933
WhiteheadVicie Fborn about 1901
WhittElenor Jborn about 1937
WhittEllis Rborn about 1917
WhittFlorence Eborn about 1918
WhittJanet Cborn about 1939
WhitworthBruce born about 1937
WhitworthDonald born about 1924
WhitworthJohn Lborn about 1887
WhitworthLawson born about 1922
WhitworthMay born about 1899
WhitworthStuart born about 1938
WhitworthVirginia born about 1920
WidenerCecil Dborn about 1915
WidenerEleonor Vborn about 1929
WidenerHugh Hborn about 1889
WidenerLillan Kborn about 1898
WidenerVelma Gborn about 1917
WidnerRalph Wborn about 1911
WietherfordKatie born about 1867
WietherfordSam born about 1886
WilbornNora born about 1905
WilbornSallie born about 1903
WilbornThomas born about 1886
WilleJ Cborn about 1937
WillePeggy Jborn about 1935
WilliamsAlonza born about 1895
WilliamsBarbbara born about 1935
WilliamsBerdie born about 1894
WilliamsBertha Eborn about 1920
WilliamsDorothy born about 1933
WilliamsFern born about 1938
WilliamsJames Aborn about 1880
WilliamsJerry born about 1897
WilliamsJoe Dborn about 1918
WilliamsJoe D Jrborn about 1940
WilliamsJohn born about 1909
WilliamsJohn F Rinborn about 1904
WilliamsJohn Tborn about 1935
WilliamsJonna born about 1875
WilliamsLuceil born about 1916
WilliamsOcie Lborn about 1913
WilliamsPhilip born about 1915
WilliamsRandolph born about 1927
WilliamsThelma born about 1902
WilliamsThomas born about 1872
WilliamsThornton Sborn about 1910
WilliamsonSam born about 1896
WilsonEmma Mborn about 1920
WilsonGeorge born about 1918
WitcherEarvin born about 1926
WitcherEssie born about 1891
WitcherFannie born about 1902
WitcherFannie Kborn about 1919
WitcherLee born about 1895
WithersAnna Mborn about 1925
WithersCassie born about 1908
WithersDorthy Lborn about 1927
WithersHarry Jr born about 1923
WithersJune Sborn about 1935
WithersRamonia Mborn about 1932
WithersVernon born about 1931
WittAlex born about 1900
WittFanie Bborn about 1901
WittLerory born about 1924
WittRose Vborn about 1927
WittVenice Mborn about 1929
WodyCharles born about 1932
WodyEugenia born about 1930
WolfeCynthie Cborn about 1934
WolfeDonald Lborn about 1927
WolfeMinnie Dborn about 1906
WolfeRoy Aborn about 1904
WolpeEarl Jborn about 1912
WolpeKathaleen Jborn about 1939
WolpeMacie Mborn about 1916
WoodFrank born about 1872
WoodFrank Jr born about 1916
WoodMary Hborn about 1874
WoodRichard born about 1913
WoodenWillie born about 1917
WoodieBarbery Nborn about 1938
WoodieHelen Lborn about 1928
WoodieJoyce Mborn about 1937
WoodieLulla born about 1908
WoodieMajor born about 1894
WoodiePhilis Mborn about 1935
WoodsHerman born about 1917
WoodsJames Eborn about 1873
WoodsVirginie born about 1917
WoodsonJames Eborn about 1924
WoodyAgnes born about 1905
WoodyJames born about 1902
WoodyJoyce born about 1927
WoodyKenneth born about 1926
WorkmanEarnest Eborn about 1899
WorkmanHarrold born about 1922
WorkmanLuther born about 1937
WorkmanRobert born about 1926
WrightDonald born about 1933
WrightDougles born about 1939
WrightGladyce born about 1908
WrightJanice born about 1930
WrightRobert Mborn about 1901
WrightWayne Bborn about 1927
WshingtonJames born about 1904
WshingtonMary born about 1914
WunlyJulia born about 1890
WyattGail born about 1939
WyattIrene born about 1927
WyattJames Mborn about 1895
WyattMable born about 1901
WyattRuby born about 1924
WyattRuth born about 1934
WyattShirley born about 1936
WyattVerna born about 1919
WyrickEva Rborn about 1899
WyrickWalter Fborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyJames born about 1925
YanceySidney Jr born about 1923
YanceyViola born about 1898
YancyYancy born about 1932
YatesEmma born about 1871
YoungArch Tborn about 1883
YoungBetty Eborn about 1868
YoungBillie Cborn about 1923
YoungGladie Pborn about 1919
YoungHazel Lborn about 1912
YoungMaggie born about 1884
YoungMargurite born about 1921
YoungMax Rborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZoborskyAnna born about 1928
ZoborskyFrank born about 1916
ZoborskyLouis born about 1919
ZoborskyMary born about 1893
ZoborskyMathew born about 1921
ZoborskyOlga born about 1924
ZoborskySteve born about 1917
ZyweiskiJoe born about 1904

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