1940 U.S. Federal Census of Prospect, Prince Edward, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Prince Edward County > 1940 Census of Prospect

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbittAlice Sborn about 1911
AbbittBettie born about 1925
AbbittGeneva born about 1897
AbbittGeorge Rborn about 1884
AbbittGeorge Jr born about 1928
AbbittRobert Oborn about 1893
AbbittSusie born about 1939
AbbittTom Carolborn about 1931
AbbottGeneva Wborn about 1908
AbbottPelton Wborn about 1906
AbelCharles Rborn about 1872
AbelWilliam born about 1874
AddlemanWinfield born about 1886
AllenA O Jrborn about 1920
AllenAddison Dborn about 1891
AllenAndrew born about 1885
AllenAnnie Belleborn about 1914
AllenArchie born about 1890
AllenBessie born about 1894
AllenBettie born about 1875
AllenBeulah born about 1921
AllenBeulah born about 1926
AllenC Arthurborn about 1880
AllenCharles born about 1924
AllenClif born about 1932
AllenDaisy born about 1895
AllenDaisy born about 1900
AllenDonald Wborn about 1934
AllenEarl born about 1924
AllenEdith born about 1932
AllenElizabeth born about 1928
AllenElizabeth Aborn about 1929
AllenEllen born about 1880
AllenElsie born about 1920
AllenElsie Mayborn about 1925
AllenEmma born about 1901
AllenEmma Fborn about 1892
AllenEthel Cborn about 1903
AllenFred born about 1892
AllenGeorge born about 1878
AllenGrace born about 1923
AllenHorace Tborn about 1937
AllenInez born about 1917
AllenJames born about 1922
AllenJames born about 1925
AllenJames born about 1936
AllenJanie born about 1929
AllenJoseph Tborn about 1883
AllenKatie born about 1937
AllenLe Roy born about 1913
AllenLeamon born about 1923
AllenLena born about 1888
AllenLily born about 1924
AllenLloyd born about 1939
AllenLoreen born about 1934
AllenLottie Lborn about 1890
AllenLuther born about 1897
AllenMargaret born about 1863
AllenMarion born about 1932
AllenMary born about 1910
AllenMertis born about 1891
AllenMirtha born about 1898
AllenMorris born about 1881
AllenMorton born about 1930
AllenNannie born about 1903
AllenOla Glennborn about 1920
AllenOlelia born about 1925
AllenPearl born about 1885
AllenRichard born about 1890
AllenRose Lillianborn about 1926
AllenRuth born about 1931
AllenSusie born about 1926
AllenThaddues Mc Kborn about 1903
AllenThelma born about 1938
AllenThomas born about 1888
AllenVirginia born about 1922
AllenVirginia born about 1934
AllenWalker born about 1888
AllenWalter born about 1933
AllenWarren born about 1930
AllenWillie born about 1921
AllenWilma born about 1928
AllenWm born about 1867
AlsopJoseph Fborn about 1920
AlsopMarigie Cborn about 1881
AmnioteadIvory born about 1890
AmnioteadJames born about 1860
AndersonBessie Mborn about 1937
AndersonCharles born about 1921
AndersonClarence Eborn about 1923
AndersonCora Jborn about 1906
AndersonCora Lborn about 1935
AndersonEdmund born about 1907
AndersonFannie Mborn about 1932
AndersonJohn Tborn about 1928
AndersonLouise born about 1925
AndersonMaggie born about 1885
AndersonNiolly born about 1880
AndersonOscar born about 1921
AndersonRalph Jborn about 1939
AndersonRaymond born about 1934
AndersonRussell born about 1931
AndersonVan born about 1933
AndersonWm born about 1853
AndrewsIda Aborn about 1872
ArmisteadAnnie Bborn about 1925
ArmisteadCurtis born about 1885
ArmisteadEstelle Jborn about 1912
ArmisteadJames born about 1913
ArmisteadJames Cborn about 1928
ArmisteadJames Cborn about 1934
ArmisteadJames Cborn about 1939
ArmisteadJohn Hborn about 1926
ArmisteadJoseph Bborn about 1922
ArmisteadKatherine Bborn about 1918
ArmisteadMargie Jborn about 1939
ArmisteadSalena Fborn about 1882
ArmisteadWarren Cborn about 1925
ArmisteadWilliam born about 1902
ArmisteadWilliam Jr born about 1932
ArmisteadWillie Lborn about 1938
ArmisteadWillsie Jborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagbyBoyd born about 1905
BagbyMary born about 1890
BagbyWalter born about 1923
BaileyAnna Pborn about 1939
BaileyDavid born about 1880
BaileyDelois Gborn about 1931
BaileyEdward born about 1936
BaileyElnora born about 1932
BaileyJohn born about 1934
BaileyJoseph born about 1900
BaileyJosephine born about 1933
BaileyMary Eborn about 1906
BaileyMary Eborn about 1938
BaileyRuth Hborn about 1911
BaileyWilliam born about 1930
BakerDoris Vborn about 1930
BakerLelia born about 1875
BakerMartha Wborn about 1884
BakerSidney Lborn about 1934
BakerThomas Hborn about 1882
BarnettAnnie Leeborn about 1888
BarnettRobert Grantborn about 1872
BealeMamie Bborn about 1917
BealeScott Tborn about 1911
BeasleyAlfred born about 1933
BeasleyEdward born about 1916
BeasleyElwood born about 1902
BeasleyElwood Jr born about 1932
BeasleyEssie Fborn about 1885
BeasleyFrancelle born about 1923
BeasleyGeorgia Sborn about 1901
BeasleyJames born about 1934
BeasleyJames Hborn about 1875
BeasleyJames Hborn about 1931
BeasleyJoseph born about 1924
BeasleyMartha born about 1921
BeasleyNeal Mborn about 1911
BeasleyNeal Jr born about 1938
BeasleyQueen Eborn about 1940
BeasleyReese born about 1915
BeasleyReginald born about 1933
BeasleyRobert Aborn about 1932
BeasleySamuel born about 1879
BeasleyThomas Hborn about 1917
BeasleyVictoria Qborn about 1882
BeasleyWillie Gborn about 1916
BellLewis Bborn about 1892
BerkleyCelia born about 1921
BerkleyClara born about 1919
BerkleyEstelle born about 1928
BerkleyEstelle Mborn about 1891
BerkleyFloyd born about 1926
BerkleyJames born about 1932
BerkleyJohn born about 1931
BerkleyJohn Rborn about 1881
BerkleyReed born about 1933
BerryFrances born about 1936
BerryJoseph Gborn about 1909
BerryMary born about 1912
BerrymanJoseph born about 1927
BerrymanMarjorie born about 1921
BerrymanRolland born about 1883
BerrymanSamuel born about 1925
BerrymanTellie born about 1892
BerrymanThornton born about 1891
BerrymanWalter born about 1932
BeverlyElwin born about 1935
BeverlyMac born about 1936
BeverlyRuth born about 1937
BigelowAlice born about 1924
BigelowEdward born about 1891
BigelowEliza born about 1922
BigelowEllen born about 1917
BigelowEmma born about 1926
BigelowFrederick born about 1931
BigelowHerbert born about 1926
BigelowJack born about 1920
BigelowJames born about 1922
BigelowLillian born about 1938
BigelowLinda Mborn about 1896
BigelowMartha Lborn about 1936
BigelowMary born about 1921
BigelowMay born about 1929
BigelowPaul born about 1917
BigelowSarah Aborn about 1914
BigelowWesley born about 1877
BlandElizabeth born about 1929
BlandFloyd born about 1932
BlandFred born about 1925
BlandLeonard born about 1902
BlandMamie Lborn about 1926
BlandWallace born about 1922
BlandWinfield born about 1934
BollingBelle Hborn about 1893
BollingOlin Mborn about 1885
BookerAnnebelle born about 1890
BookerBlanche Bborn about 1915
BookerCarey born about 1878
BookerCatherine Aborn about 1929
BookerClaudia born about 1923
BookerD Arleneborn about 1937
BookerEdward born about 1860
BookerEdward born about 1885
BookerEdward Gborn about 1931
BookerElgin Gborn about 1908
BookerElizabeth born about 1928
BookerG Westborn about 1896
BookerHattie born about 1878
BookerHazel Oborn about 1938
BookerIrene born about 1879
BookerJames born about 1931
BookerJames Aborn about 1881
BookerJeremiah born about 1925
BookerJohn Tborn about 1918
BookerJohn Wborn about 1894
BookerKatherine born about 1924
BookerL Hborn about 1882
BookerLewis born about 1929
BookerLois Aborn about 1932
BookerLouisa Sborn about 1888
BookerLucy Lborn about 1918
BookerLulu born about 1901
BookerMary Aborn about 1890
BookerMary Kathneeborn about 1924
BookerNannie Aborn about 1935
BookerNannie Mborn about 1884
BookerRobert Mborn about 1873
BookerRobert Sborn about 1921
BookerThomas born about 1887
BookerThomas Lborn about 1916
BookerWilliam Aborn about 1877
BookerWm Edwborn about 1930
BooneHoward born about 1921
BootheFrances born about 1926
BootheGeorge Lborn about 1900
BootheJudith Fborn about 1918
BootheMamie born about 1930
BootheMilton born about 1925
BootheO Hborn about 1911
BoothePearl born about 1905
BootheRowena Mborn about 1868
BowlesHattie Sborn about 1878
BowlesLelia born about 1894
BowlesRaymond born about 1935
BowlesRichard Sborn about 1876
BowlesRonald born about 1904
BowlesRonald Jr born about 1931
BowlesWeldon born about 1933
BowlesWillie Hborn about 1922
BraceyBetty Hborn about 1919
BranchThomas born about 1875
BrentDavid Tborn about 1907
BrentDavid Wborn about 1937
BrentEvelyn born about 1910
BrightwellLeah Cborn about 1886
BrightwellPlatte Eborn about 1919
BrightwellWilliam Eborn about 1882
BrinkleyFreddie born about 1915
BrisentineAlbert Vborn about 1910
BrisentineAnnie Pborn about 1911
BrisentineBertha Kborn about 1905
BrisentineBessie Cborn about 1909
BrisentineBlanche Sborn about 1877
BrisentineCharles Kborn about 1930
BrisentineDonald Mborn about 1932
BrisentineDoris Mborn about 1927
BrisentineDorothy Mborn about 1930
BrisentineEdgar Tborn about 1886
BrisentineElsie Bborn about 1915
BrisentineH Marshallborn about 1898
BrisentineHarold Kborn about 1931
BrisentineIda Dborn about 1882
BrisentineIra born about 1888
BrisentineJoyce Aborn about 1936
BrisentineMae Mborn about 1901
BrisentineMildred Lborn about 1915
BrisentineNancy Aborn about 1939
BrisentineNola Mborn about 1925
BrisentineR Allenborn about 1894
BrisentineRobert Aborn about 1928
BrisentineRuth Dborn about 1939
BrisentineSarah Jborn about 1935
BrisentineSybil born about 1921
BrisentineWatkins Dborn about 1891
BrooksEthel Sborn about 1888
BrooksLucy Mborn about 1865
BrownAaron born about 1897
BrownAaron Jr born about 1918
BrownAlice born about 1900
BrownBertha born about 1926
BrownBettie Kborn about 1928
BrownBeverly Aborn about 1936
BrownCarl Eborn about 1925
BrownCarol Aborn about 1939
BrownCarry born about 1924
BrownCharity born about 1914
BrownCharles born about 1900
BrownCharlie born about 1924
BrownClyde born about 1923
BrownDoris Aborn about 1935
BrownEdward born about 1920
BrownEdward Tborn about 1888
BrownEdward T Jrborn about 1922
BrownElizabeth born about 1939
BrownErnest born about 1917
BrownErnest Vborn about 1922
BrownErnestine born about 1937
BrownEthel born about 1928
BrownEthel Qborn about 1930
BrownFrank Fborn about 1929
BrownFred born about 1931
BrownGenter born about 1928
BrownGeorge born about 1890
BrownGladys born about 1924
BrownHoward born about 1939
BrownHoward Wborn about 1911
BrownIsabbla born about 1926
BrownIsabel born about 1925
BrownJames born about 1895
BrownJames born about 1914
BrownJames born about 1920
BrownJames Lborn about 1930
BrownJerry Tborn about 1932
BrownJessie born about 1925
BrownJohn born about 1850
BrownJudeal Jborn about 1908
BrownJulia born about 1884
BrownJunius born about 1938
BrownKate born about 1918
BrownLemon born about 1931
BrownLeslie born about 1918
BrownLillian born about 1904
BrownMargaret born about 1913
BrownMargaret born about 1923
BrownMattie Hborn about 1898
BrownMinis born about 1879
BrownMissouri Eborn about 1927
BrownMoses born about 1899
BrownNannie Tborn about 1900
BrownOlivia Wborn about 1916
BrownOnly born about 1850
BrownPauline born about 1930
BrownPhilip born about 1935
BrownRaleigh born about 1915
BrownRosa Aborn about 1891
BrownRoxiana born about 1933
BrownRoy born about 1898
BrownRoy Wborn about 1896
BrownSallie born about 1875
BrownSallie born about 1895
BrownSelma born about 1936
BrownSophia Mborn about 1923
BrownVirgina born about 1930
BrownW Mborn about 1872
BrownWalter Tborn about 1934
BrownWaverley born about 1929
BrownWillie born about 1912
BrownWillie born about 1918
BrownWystoria Eborn about 1915
BruceAlma born about 1894
BruceC Alexanderborn about 1920
BruceClarence born about 1922
BruceEdgar born about 1897
BruceGeorge born about 1912
BruceHarlie born about 1935
BruceJenny born about 1916
BruceJeorge Wborn about 1936
BruceJosephine born about 1924
BruceLouise born about 1924
BruceMittie Bborn about 1938
BryanFlora born about 1887
BucknamAmin Bborn about 1908
BucknamArthur Hborn about 1930
BucknamCharles Eborn about 1931
BucknamFred Cborn about 1934
BucknamJames Mborn about 1939
BucknamJohn Eborn about 1928
BucknamMarshall Eborn about 1901
BucknamWesley Eborn about 1939
BurksJoyce born about 1935
BurksMary born about 1918
BurksShirley born about 1937
BurksW Bborn about 1916
ByrumCatherine Oborn about 1848

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CamdenHarry Rborn about 1917
CampbellAllene Eborn about 1921
CampbellCrawley born about 1879
CampbellEmily Bborn about 1925
CampbellErnest born about 1930
CampbellFrank Kborn about 1926
CampbellFred Jborn about 1929
CampbellJ Allanborn about 1885
CampbellJohn A Jrborn about 1932
CampbellJohn Allenborn about 1918
CampbellJoyce born about 1939
CampbellMae Jborn about 1900
CampbellMarguerite born about 1916
CampbellMary Mborn about 1891
CampbellRobert Cborn about 1923
CampbellRobert Mborn about 1922
CampbellSamuel born about 1913
CannonWilliam Fborn about 1923
CardwellAdeline born about 1928
CardwellCarrie Hborn about 1892
CardwellFrank Eborn about 1930
CarrAlfred Lborn about 1937
CarrCharles born about 1911
CarrEllen Eborn about 1922
CarrGrace Lborn about 1939
CarrLester born about 1934
CarrLucile Bborn about 1916
CarrMary Wborn about 1887
CarrNelson born about 1883
CarterAndrew born about 1903
CarterEstell born about 1916
CarterEugenia Pborn about 1879
CarterHazel born about 1908
CarterKathrine born about 1921
CarterMary Jborn about 1879
CarterMattie Lborn about 1868
CarterWilliam Aborn about 1875
CartwellFloyd born about 1896
CartwellHubbard Lborn about 1928
CartwellJohn Hborn about 1933
CartwellJulius born about 1926
CartwellLeonard born about 1939
CartwellMargaret born about 1922
CartwellRuth born about 1931
CartwellTheodore Rborn about 1934
CarwileThomas Hborn about 1907
CasonCaroline born about 1927
CasonCharles Leeborn about 1931
CasonElverna born about 1929
CasonHubert Cborn about 1925
CasonThessa born about 1926
CawthorneCarrie born about 1893
ChapmanBerta Gborn about 1900
ChapmanJohn Jborn about 1917
ChappelJ Sborn about 1881
ChernaultAlice Cborn about 1929
ChernaultBarbara Aborn about 1935
ChernaultFrank Eborn about 1926
ChernaultJ Rayborn about 1925
ChernaultJohn Hborn about 1899
ChernaultJohn Jborn about 1888
ChernaultJuanita Hborn about 1931
ChernaultLoreta Fborn about 1931
ChernaultLulu Mayborn about 1921
ChernaultMildred Gborn about 1928
ChernaultNeal Oborn about 1938
ChernaultZella Hborn about 1899
ChickClaude Eborn about 1882
ChickEmory born about 1896
ChickJoseph Wborn about 1884
ChickKatherine Cborn about 1930
ChickMartha Gborn about 1904
ChickMary Eborn about 1931
ChickMattie Lborn about 1928
ChickOra Hborn about 1884
ChickVirginia Rborn about 1924
ChickWillim Cborn about 1873
ClayBillie born about 1905
ClementsClaive Eborn about 1925
ClementsGeorge Cborn about 1882
ClementsLounell born about 1931
ClementsMary Aborn about 1926
ClementsVilla Pborn about 1889
CobbMartha Eborn about 1874
CobbsAlberta born about 1937
CobbsAlfred born about 1911
CobbsAlfred born about 1917
CobbsAlvin born about 1934
CobbsCarina born about 1939
CobbsClarice born about 1912
CobbsDolly born about 1937
CobbsDover born about 1922
CobbsEdward born about 1923
CobbsEmanuel born about 1907
CobbsHarry born about 1915
CobbsHunter born about 1898
CobbsHunter Jr born about 1929
CobbsIra born about 1897
CobbsJaunita born about 1931
CobbsLena born about 1910
CobbsLeslie born about 1918
CobbsLoyd Sborn about 1935
CobbsLuther born about 1909
CobbsLuther Jr born about 1931
CobbsMary Leeborn about 1933
CobbsMildred born about 1926
CobbsOdaris born about 1939
CobbsPreston born about 1935
CobbsRichard born about 1933
CobbsSarah born about 1880
CobbsWillie born about 1893
CocksGeorge Fborn about 1905
CocksLillian born about 1871
ColeGracie born about 1900
ColeHarriet Pborn about 1869
ColeLottie born about 1922
ColeLouise born about 1930
ColeOtis born about 1926
ColeSarah Hborn about 1871
ColeWalter Bborn about 1898
ColemanAlice Oborn about 1930
ColemanAmanda Gborn about 1872
ColemanAnderson born about 1925
ColemanBenny born about 1915
ColemanCelia Jborn about 1935
ColemanChristine born about 1930
ColemanDelphine born about 1925
ColemanElizabeth born about 1927
ColemanErnest Cborn about 1936
ColemanFrank Jr born about 1928
ColemanIrene born about 1902
ColemanIris Wborn about 1928
ColemanIrvin born about 1900
ColemanIrvin Jr born about 1929
ColemanJ Fborn about 1878
ColemanJanie Eborn about 1926
ColemanJennie born about 1932
ColemanKatherine Gborn about 1903
ColemanLloyd Gborn about 1931
ColemanLloyd Mborn about 1895
ColemanLulu Rborn about 1927
ColemanMary born about 1930
ColemanMelvin Bborn about 1924
ColemanPauline born about 1931
ColemanPinkney Dborn about 1896
ColemanRosa Davisborn about 1885
ColemanThomas Tborn about 1932
ColemanTola Kborn about 1934
ColesAlfred born about 1914
ColesAndrew born about 1923
ColesAnnie born about 1920
ColesBooker born about 1882
ColesDavid born about 1917
ColesElinor born about 1912
ColesElla born about 1890
ColesFenne born about 1885
ColesHelen born about 1916
ColesHenry born about 1885
ColesJohn born about 1921
ColesLizzie born about 1888
ColesMary Ellenborn about 1934
ColesNancy born about 1878
ColesRosa born about 1890
ColesWm Stanleyborn about 1873
CollEsther Mborn about 1875
CollHunter Jr born about 1928
CollinsGladys Hborn about 1907
CollinsJesse Cborn about 1902
ConkleArthur Wborn about 1918
ConklePeggy Jborn about 1939
ConkleVirginia Bborn about 1917
CookJohn Hborn about 1878
CookLudie born about 1865
CookM Ethelborn about 1912
CookVirginia Aborn about 1877
CovingtonAaron Bborn about 1938
CovingtonAlfred born about 1916
CovingtonArnold Wborn about 1876
CovingtonArnold Jr born about 1922
CovingtonClifton born about 1914
CovingtonClifton born about 1936
CovingtonDavid Bborn about 1914
CovingtonEvelyn Wborn about 1924
CovingtonGeorge Aborn about 1915
CovingtonGeorge Hborn about 1878
CovingtonHilda Fborn about 1911
CovingtonIda born about 1900
CovingtonJ Moseyborn about 1922
CovingtonJanie born about 1923
CovingtonJerman Hborn about 1886
CovingtonJessie Mborn about 1919
CovingtonJohn Mborn about 1880
CovingtonJudson Aborn about 1881
CovingtonJuliette Jborn about 1922
CovingtonLou Pborn about 1895
CovingtonLula Gborn about 1881
CovingtonMargaret Wborn about 1892
CovingtonMary Fborn about 1918
CovingtonRussell Gborn about 1916
CovingtonSadie Jborn about 1913
CovingtonSarrah Lborn about 1924
CovingtonSusie Pborn about 1881
CovingtonWeldon Sborn about 1928
CoxCallie Pborn about 1869
CrawleyCamilla born about 1891
CrawleyCharles born about 1887
CrawleyMargaret Aborn about 1927
CrawleyT Edwardborn about 1920
CrewsBenjamin born about 1905
CronerGeorge born about 1898
CronerHenry Fborn about 1901
CronerMildred born about 1928
CronerRoosevelt born about 1936
CronerSusie Pborn about 1916
CrumpBertha Cborn about 1924
CrumpLottie born about 1918
CrumpMary Louiseborn about 1939
CrumpNewton born about 1906
CrumpShirley born about 1937
CuffeyAnnie Mborn about 1940
CuffeyMary Fborn about 1920
CuffeyMoses born about 1920
CulpepperLaura born about 1936
CumminghamBailey born about 1842
CumminghamIvory born about 1875
CumminghamRosa born about 1888
CunninghamAsa born about 1894
CunninghamJemy born about 1890
CunninghamMary Jeanborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielDonald born about 1934
DanielDorothy Lborn about 1927
DanielGeorgia Gborn about 1906
DanielHaywood Vborn about 1929
DanielWilbert Janborn about 1928
DannCahrles Jborn about 1857
DannMott Wborn about 1919
DannOla Pborn about 1870
DavenportBeatrice Lborn about 1905
DavenportHattie born about 1901
DavenportIsaac born about 1901
DavenportLovina born about 1896
DavenportMartha born about 1856
DavisAlexander Aborn about 1884
DavisArietta Eborn about 1936
DavisDora Gborn about 1882
DavisElsie Bborn about 1940
DavisEnry born about 1877
DavisFrank Lborn about 1906
DavisFrank L Jrborn about 1932
DavisGeorge born about 1917
DavisHazel Wborn about 1936
DavisJunius born about 1924
DavisMyrtis Sborn about 1912
DavisRaymond Fborn about 1939
DavisRosa Fborn about 1914
DavisRuth born about 1923
DavisShirley Tborn about 1884
DavisThelma born about 1931
DavisWalter Lborn about 1909
DavisWalter Mborn about 1938
DavisWarren Lborn about 1935
DeanLaura Dborn about 1870
DeaneCarry born about 1900
DillardBetty Lborn about 1934
DillardColey born about 1935
DillardJohn born about 1875
DillardMyrtle born about 1926
DillardRobert born about 1927
DillardScott born about 1921
DorisBertha born about 1927
DorisMarie born about 1913
DorisRussell born about 1928
DorisWalter born about 1902
DorseyJulia born about 1872
DorseyJustin born about 1848
DossBarry Lborn about 1939
DossCalvin Hborn about 1919
DossLouise Bborn about 1919
DowdyBernice born about 1934
DowdyEpsie Veraborn about 1931
DowdyGertrude born about 1926
DowdyHermon born about 1922
DowdyJames Aborn about 1883
DowdyJoan born about 1936
DowdyJulia born about 1918
DowdyKathrine born about 1928
DowdyMyrtle born about 1923
DowdyNellie born about 1893
DowdyNina born about 1919
DowdyRobert born about 1924
DriverFitzgerald Aborn about 1913
DriverMary Aborn about 1919
DriverWillard Aborn about 1938
DungeeAlfonza born about 1920
DungeeBeatrice born about 1939
DungeeBeulah born about 1927
DungeeBonny born about 1938
DungeeCarter born about 1924
DungeeDolly born about 1931
DungeeEdward born about 1921
DungeeElizabeth born about 1918
DungeeIsaac born about 1925
DungeeJunius born about 1932
DungeeLacy born about 1940
DungeeMckenley born about 1897
DungeeQuela born about 1923
DungeeSadie born about 1908
DungeeSam born about 1937
DungeeWillie born about 1932
DunkumJames born about 1917
DunkumMamie born about 1916
DurfeeBessie Cborn about 1907
DurfeeBettie born about 1933
DurfeeBobby born about 1937
DurfeeLewis Aithurborn about 1903
DurphyDell Bborn about 1934
DurphyHaywood born about 1923
DurphyJames born about 1877
DurphyMary Bborn about 1898
DurphyMattie Mborn about 1878
DurphyOscar born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EastAleen born about 1927
EastDonald born about 1933
EastHazel born about 1910
EastJack born about 1926
EastJoseph born about 1867
EastJune born about 1931
EastLillian born about 1873
EastPatricia born about 1932
EastRichard born about 1930
EastWalter born about 1910
EastWm Russellborn about 1897
EastWm Russell Jrborn about 1928
EdmundsBenny born about 1936
EdmundsBeulah born about 1930
EdmundsBurvell born about 1911
EdmundsJohn born about 1930
EdmundsLeon born about 1932
EdmundsManice born about 1928
EdmundsMary Elizabethborn about 1927
EdmundsSpencer born about 1910
EdwardsCleveland born about 1933
EdwardsEdith born about 1936
EdwardsErnest born about 1910
EdwardsEula born about 1935
EdwardsFrencella born about 1939
EdwardsHerman born about 1931
EdwardsHoward born about 1917
EdwardsIsiah born about 1910
EdwardsJerry born about 1934
EdwardsJewel born about 1933
EdwardsJoe Nathanborn about 1938
EdwardsJohn born about 1894
EdwardsKathrine born about 1911
EdwardsMary born about 1880
EdwardsNelsie Iborn about 1916
EdwardsRosette born about 1937
EdwardsViola born about 1901
ElamA Mortonborn about 1880
ElamAnnie Lborn about 1892
ElamEmma Fborn about 1921
ElamHarry Bborn about 1933
ElamHubert Oborn about 1889
ElamJames Aborn about 1912
ElamJane Fborn about 1894
ElamK Nonaborn about 1888
ElamRobert Eborn about 1929
ElamRosemary born about 1924
ElamWilliam Cborn about 1886
ElamWilliam C Jrborn about 1915
ElderWm born about 1870
EllisAmmie Leeborn about 1916
EllisCarl born about 1910
EllisEliza born about 1882
EllisFran born about 1904
EllisJohn born about 1885
EllisJoseph born about 1927
EllisReginald born about 1929
EllisSadie born about 1925
EllisShirley born about 1892
EllisWillie born about 1890
EnglishEleanor born about 1866
EppersonBenny born about 1918
EppersonRachel born about 1888
EppersonWillie born about 1888
EppersonWillie Jr born about 1934
EppisonMarie born about 1917
EppsJohn born about 1885
EppsRobert born about 1916
EppsSallie Walkerborn about 1893
EvansWoodson born about 1878

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F Surnames

FanslerChristine Tborn about 1904
FanslerGerald born about 1928
FarrarClaud Edwborn about 1923
FarrarMaud born about 1886
FarrarMaud Eborn about 1921
FarrarOmah born about 1885
FelderElvin born about 1916
FelderLuvinia born about 1917
FergusonArthur Jborn about 1934
FergusonArthur Lborn about 1910
FergusonBettie born about 1930
FergusonCornelius born about 1932
FergusonD Wesleyborn about 1909
FergusonDaniel Tborn about 1898
FergusonEllen born about 1875
FergusonEthel Aborn about 1910
FergusonFrances born about 1925
FergusonGladys born about 1935
FergusonGrace Eborn about 1927
FergusonHattie Wborn about 1877
FergusonHelen Eborn about 1908
FergusonHerman Tborn about 1923
FergusonHodges Aborn about 1933
FergusonHunter born about 1898
FergusonJames born about 1916
FergusonJames Mborn about 1937
FergusonJames Wborn about 1898
FergusonJosephine born about 1916
FergusonMary born about 1901
FergusonRuth born about 1936
FinchumDayton Aborn about 1916
FinchumDecatur Rborn about 1938
FinchumSusie Aborn about 1915
FisherMary born about 1937
FitzgeraldFrancis Bborn about 1881
FitzgeraldMargaret Dborn about 1877
FitzgeraldThomas Eborn about 1919
FitzgeraldVirginia Jborn about 1917
FlaggLewis born about 1900
FleshmanBeatrice born about 1918
FleshmanFelicia Sborn about 1873
FlomroyAlice Iborn about 1875
FlomroyJoe born about 1885
FloydCeleste Wborn about 1913
FloydElizabeth Aborn about 1938
FloydFred Wborn about 1936
FloydHoward Lborn about 1913
FloydHoward Lborn about 1934
ForbesGraham Hborn about 1928
ForbesLillie Mborn about 1939
ForbesMarie Lborn about 1940
ForbesMary Jborn about 1914
ForbesMorton Aborn about 1926
ForbesRoosevelt Wborn about 1909
ForbesRoosevelt Jr born about 1938
FordAlbert born about 1936
FordBerry born about 1913
FordBettie born about 1853
FordBonny Mayborn about 1934
FordDavid born about 1908
FordDorothy born about 1935
FordEddie Jborn about 1931
FordFannie Mayborn about 1937
FordGertrude born about 1927
FordGlorie born about 1939
FordHenry born about 1908
FordHunter born about 1939
FordJames born about 1932
FordJanie born about 1926
FordJeremiah born about 1938
FordJoanna born about 1911
FordJohn Henryborn about 1931
FordLeroy born about 1922
FordLeslie born about 1892
FordLeslie Jr born about 1919
FordLucile born about 1935
FordLuther born about 1935
FordMary born about 1905
FordMary born about 1912
FordMary born about 1923
FordMattie born about 1902
FordMattie born about 1903
FordMoses born about 1909
FordNorman born about 1906
FordNorman Leeborn about 1940
FordOdell born about 1925
FordPolly born about 1914
FordQueen born about 1926
FordRachel born about 1936
FordReba born about 1915
FordRosa Lborn about 1932
FordRuth born about 1930
FordSara Mayborn about 1940
FordThomas born about 1929
FordVernell born about 1931
FordVirginia born about 1939
FordWalter born about 1932
FordWilliam born about 1938
FordWillie Howborn about 1936
ForeAnnie Rborn about 1925
ForeEmmett born about 1898
ForeHardmand born about 1880
ForeHartman born about 1922
ForeSamuel born about 1880
ForeWallace born about 1926
FosterMartha Cborn about 1865
FoustMolly born about 1885
FoustWalter born about 1884
FowlkesJames born about 1895
FranklinBarbara born about 1937
FranklinCalvin born about 1926
FranklinCharles Hborn about 1877
FranklinCharles Mborn about 1936
FranklinClarence born about 1933
FranklinCourtney born about 1912
FranklinCourtney Rborn about 1903
FranklinCurtis born about 1935
FranklinDoris Rborn about 1935
FranklinDorothy born about 1918
FranklinEdward born about 1930
FranklinElizabeth born about 1921
FranklinElla Lborn about 1932
FranklinElton born about 1934
FranklinEmma born about 1922
FranklinGeorgia Mborn about 1935
FranklinGladys Lborn about 1924
FranklinH Lborn about 1890
FranklinHallie born about 1913
FranklinHarrison born about 1889
FranklinHarry born about 1921
FranklinHelen Aborn about 1933
FranklinIda Lborn about 1921
FranklinJames born about 1902
FranklinJames born about 1936
FranklinJesse born about 1913
FranklinJuanita Jborn about 1911
FranklinJulia Aborn about 1926
FranklinLloyd born about 1919
FranklinLouise born about 1922
FranklinM Juneborn about 1929
FranklinMarjory born about 1919
FranklinMattie Dborn about 1934
FranklinMerdis Wborn about 1887
FranklinMilly born about 1865
FranklinMozelle born about 1923
FranklinNannie Vborn about 1936
FranklinRobert born about 1910
FranklinRobert Kborn about 1939
FranklinSallie born about 1887
FranklinShirley Eborn about 1933
FranklinThelma born about 1920
FranklinVenus Aborn about 1938
FulcherCharles Rborn about 1897
FulcherColey Rborn about 1930
FulcherDaniel Lborn about 1920
FulcherDonald born about 1939
FulcherDonald Rborn about 1939
FulcherEliza born about 1884
FulcherGertrude born about 1921
FulcherGladys Cborn about 1915
FulcherH Leonardborn about 1891
FulcherHazel Lborn about 1914
FulcherHennings Hborn about 1938
FulcherJames Aborn about 1922
FulcherJohn Hborn about 1894
FulcherJohn Hborn about 1916
FulcherKatherine born about 1923
FulcherNannie born about 1903
FulcherPatsy Jborn about 1937
FulcherR Wesleyborn about 1910
FulcherRosa Gborn about 1896
FulcherRoy born about 1918
FulcherVirginia Rborn about 1925
FulcherWilliam born about 1902
FuquaEmma Gborn about 1871
FuquaWilfred born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaffordCurtis born about 1929
GaffordDavid born about 1902
GaffordDavid Jr born about 1938
GaffordEdward born about 1931
GaffordNancy born about 1934
GaffordPearl born about 1914
GaffordPearl born about 1936
GainesJansie Myrtleborn about 1922
GainesJoseph born about 1919
GainesMamie Mborn about 1879
GainesW H Eborn about 1875
GallierCleveland born about 1896
GallierGeorge Lborn about 1888
GallierJohn Dborn about 1891
GallierJossie born about 1893
GallierMary Luceborn about 1916
GallierMattie born about 1881
GallierMolly born about 1890
GallierMonroe born about 1880
GallierNorwood born about 1894
GallierPeter born about 1890
GardenC Aborn about 1874
GardenMaud born about 1876
GarrettLois born about 1931
GarrettLucy born about 1905
GarrettWilliam Bborn about 1927
GarrettWillie born about 1903
GeeJohn Wmborn about 1875
GeeMamie born about 1881
GeeMargaret born about 1927
GilliamAlma Cborn about 1878
GilliamArnold Cborn about 1913
GilliamArthur Wborn about 1933
GilliamBennett Cborn about 1906
GilliamBessie Rborn about 1914
GilliamElla Wborn about 1862
GilliamEugene Hborn about 1875
GilliamHorace born about 1914
GilliamHoward Sborn about 1858
GilliamInez Cborn about 1888
GilliamIrene Wborn about 1872
GilliamJames Aborn about 1879
GilliamJames Wborn about 1906
GilliamLeslie Bborn about 1931
GilliamLois Cborn about 1915
GilliamMaggie Gborn about 1878
GilliamMary Cborn about 1874
GilliamMary Eborn about 1909
GilliamNannie Lborn about 1937
GilliamOtis Hborn about 1890
GilliamR Taylorborn about 1922
GilliamRuby Tborn about 1904
GilliamSidney Jborn about 1877
GilliamWarren Hborn about 1882
GlazeBessie born about 1873
GlennA Clydeborn about 1898
GlennAnn born about 1934
GlennBarbara Cborn about 1930
GlennClaire Tborn about 1897
GlennD Edwardborn about 1903
GlennDonald Tborn about 1926
GlennDorothy Aborn about 1912
GlennE Melvinborn about 1869
GlennEdward Eborn about 1873
GlennEtta Rborn about 1879
GlennFrench born about 1912
GlennGeorge Rborn about 1878
GlennHarvey Hborn about 1910
GlennHattie Wborn about 1879
GlennHenry Hborn about 1901
GlennI Peytonborn about 1889
GlennIsaac Cborn about 1899
GlennIsaac Hborn about 1866
GlennJ Ernestborn about 1891
GlennJ Ernestborn about 1918
GlennJ Melvinborn about 1895
GlennJane Marieborn about 1926
GlennJennie Wborn about 1868
GlennJohn Porterborn about 1928
GlennJoseph Fborn about 1912
GlennKathleen born about 1923
GlennLena Nborn about 1898
GlennLouise Dborn about 1906
GlennLucy Wborn about 1854
GlennLulu Fborn about 1913
GlennMargaret Aborn about 1877
GlennMargaret Jborn about 1939
GlennMary Gborn about 1884
GlennMattie Fborn about 1871
GlennMattie Yborn about 1844
GlennMaude born about 1902
GlennPearl Mborn about 1910
GlennPhyllis Lborn about 1938
GlennRochette Mborn about 1878
GlennTola Lborn about 1934
GlennW Cooperborn about 1880
GlennW Henryborn about 1875
GlennW Newtonborn about 1904
GloverBlanche born about 1907
GobbleHolly born about 1917
GobbleJames Tborn about 1939
GobbleMary Pborn about 1925
GoinAndrew Jborn about 1881
GoinBeyerl born about 1923
GoinCharles born about 1932
GoinChristine born about 1935
GoinConrad Jborn about 1926
GoinEarl born about 1927
GoinEdward born about 1927
GoinEllet Mborn about 1910
GoinEllet M Jrborn about 1939
GoinEmmett Jborn about 1911
GoinEmmett J Jrborn about 1937
GoinEsau born about 1914
GoinEthel Cborn about 1904
GoinFrank Nborn about 1890
GoinGrace Eborn about 1935
GoinGrace Rborn about 1916
GoinHenry Rborn about 1924
GoinIla born about 1903
GoinJacob Hborn about 1900
GoinJoseph born about 1924
GoinLela born about 1871
GoinLeonard born about 1925
GoinLouise Tborn about 1922
GoinMary Ellenborn about 1933
GoinMary Gborn about 1869
GoinMary Iborn about 1940
GoinMoses born about 1921
GoinOtis Wborn about 1908
GoinRichard Bborn about 1910
GoinWalter born about 1930
GoodeAnnie Rborn about 1932
GoodeElla Mborn about 1925
GoodeIrene Aborn about 1908
GoodeJames Jborn about 1928
GoodeJulias Pborn about 1901
GoodeMaria born about 1902
GoodeMildred Lborn about 1937
GoodeR Sylvesterborn about 1935
GoodeRobert Rborn about 1930
GoodhopeAlfred Tborn about 1923
GoodhopeClara Wborn about 1891
GoodhopeHerman Aborn about 1932
GoodhopeMarion Kborn about 1925
GoodhopeMaxalee born about 1929
GoodhopeSherman born about 1888
GoodhopeVictoria Pborn about 1933
GoodhopeVirginia Aborn about 1924
GoodhopeZelma born about 1927
GoodwinMary Mborn about 1868
GordonCharles born about 1869
GordonClara Jborn about 1925
GordonConnie Lborn about 1935
GordonEmanuel born about 1892
GordonEstelle born about 1923
GordonFlorine born about 1932
GordonHenry born about 1922
GordonL Berniceborn about 1933
GordonMary Eborn about 1874
GordonMary Hborn about 1898
GordonTola Aborn about 1938
GordonTomas Eborn about 1927
GottAddie Fborn about 1890
GottOtis Cborn about 1893
GownLois born about 1926
GownLucy Dborn about 1896
GownSamuel Hborn about 1893
GownThelma born about 1930
GradyAnnie Mayborn about 1938
GradyKenneth born about 1936
GrayCallie Lborn about 1928
GrayCatherine Vborn about 1922
GrayCharles born about 1902
GrayCharles born about 1938
GrayEula Mborn about 1939
GrayFlorence Oborn about 1920
GrayJoseph born about 1939
GrayJoseph Tborn about 1897
GrayJulia born about 1907
GrayLeo Tborn about 1932
GrayMary Cborn about 1900
GrayRudolph born about 1931
GrayStanley Wborn about 1937
GreenAlice born about 1912
GreenArthur born about 1884
GreenFloyd Tborn about 1939
GreenJohn born about 1875
GreenJohn Aborn about 1936
GreenLeland born about 1929
GreenLois Bborn about 1907
GreenRoberta Lborn about 1938
GreenRuth Eborn about 1933
GreenSidney Nborn about 1935
GreenWilliam born about 1937
GreeneFreeman Eborn about 1918
GreeneLeroy Mborn about 1919
GreeneMary Vborn about 1880
GuerrantJoseph born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagaClifford Aborn about 1876
HagaJosie Mborn about 1882
HaireJames born about 1907
HairePerpia born about 1877
HaireRuben born about 1882
HallL Lborn about 1912
HancockAnthony born about 1872
HancockCarry Bborn about 1882
HancockDannese born about 1926
HancockFlora born about 1893
HancockLawrence Aborn about 1928
HancockLizzie Tborn about 1861
HancockThomas Rborn about 1906
HarrisAlexander born about 1907
HarrisAlice born about 1917
HarrisAnnie Mborn about 1918
HarrisCharles Tborn about 1919
HarrisEdith Dborn about 1922
HarrisEllen Hborn about 1910
HarrisEsther Jborn about 1860
HarrisFloyd born about 1891
HarrisFloyd Jr born about 1923
HarrisFord born about 1918
HarrisFrancis born about 1920
HarrisJames born about 1932
HarrisJohn born about 1908
HarrisJohn born about 1926
HarrisLena Wborn about 1917
HarrisLouise born about 1924
HarrisMaggie Hborn about 1877
HarrisMargaret born about 1915
HarrisMarshall Dborn about 1882
HarrisMartha born about 1901
HarrisMary Aborn about 1887
HarrisMary Mborn about 1936
HarrisMolly born about 1864
HarrisNannie born about 1922
HarrisPiny Gborn about 1885
HarrisRobert Sborn about 1902
HarrisRuth born about 1894
HarrisRuth born about 1926
HarrisSampson Tborn about 1880
HarrisTravis born about 1914
HarrisTucker born about 1922
HarrisW Leslieborn about 1904
HarrisWilliam born about 1912
HarveyElla Mayborn about 1924
HarveyEmma Pborn about 1908
HarveyFannie Lborn about 1842
HarveyMary Kborn about 1871
HarveyMildred Aborn about 1938
HarveyNeal born about 1870
HarveyReymond born about 1922
HarveyT Edwardborn about 1911
HarveyTennie born about 1898
HarveyThornton born about 1885
HarveyVergil born about 1894
HarvisChristine Vborn about 1921
HarvisEdward born about 1909
HatcherLeona Jborn about 1897
HatcherMinnie born about 1925
HatcherWilliam born about 1883
HawkinsAdeline born about 1936
HawkinsEutha born about 1900
HawkinsHenry born about 1912
HawkinsHoward born about 1932
HawkinsJohn born about 1915
HawkinsLinette born about 1917
HawkinsMay born about 1938
HawkinsShack born about 1915
HayesFloyd Eborn about 1928
HayesFrank born about 1850
HayesIda Mborn about 1924
HayesJames Bborn about 1926
HayesMarie Wborn about 1901
HayesReuben born about 1901
HeartwillMaria born about 1865
HellomHenry born about 1928
HellomMary Magdaleneborn about 1925
HendricksAlto born about 1913
HendricksAlvoyd born about 1935
HendricksArliene born about 1930
HendricksAubrey born about 1925
HendricksBertie born about 1892
HendricksBranch born about 1926
HendricksCassell born about 1915
HendricksCharlie born about 1889
HendricksChristine born about 1932
HendricksClara born about 1915
HendricksClarnce born about 1923
HendricksCleo born about 1921
HendricksEarl born about 1913
HendricksEmanuel born about 1926
HendricksEugie born about 1900
HendricksEvelyn born about 1940
HendricksGrace born about 1924
HendricksHerman born about 1911
HendricksHeyward born about 1909
HendricksHubert born about 1928
HendricksJasper born about 1930
HendricksJesse born about 1894
HendricksJoyce born about 1919
HendricksLetha born about 1934
HendricksLillian born about 1910
HendricksLorine born about 1937
HendricksMabel Pborn about 1939
HendricksMary born about 1914
HendricksMattie born about 1900
HendricksMattie Leeborn about 1916
HendricksMaurine born about 1929
HendricksMerty Aborn about 1938
HendricksMittie born about 1919
HendricksNaomi born about 1933
HendricksNellie born about 1924
HendricksNorman Tborn about 1886
HendricksPhyilip born about 1922
HendricksQuincy born about 1912
HendricksRoyal born about 1916
HendricksTheresa born about 1928
HendricksThurman born about 1928
HendricksWaverley born about 1922
HendricksWillis born about 1933
HendricksWm Earlborn about 1936
HicksArthur Lborn about 1928
HicksDouglas born about 1930
HicksEdward born about 1856
HicksEdward born about 1896
HicksEdwin Mborn about 1931
HicksElberta Bborn about 1913
HicksGarfield born about 1907
HicksGeorge born about 1915
HicksH Eborn about 1903
HicksInez born about 1906
HicksJoseph born about 1928
HicksLemuel born about 1924
HicksMary Bborn about 1886
HicksMelvin born about 1926
HicksNannie born about 1852
HicksNannie Wborn about 1873
HicksOla Gborn about 1910
HicksPernell born about 1936
HicksRosevelt Owensborn about 1935
HicksVernon Alexborn about 1937
HicksWardell born about 1933
HicksWilliam Hborn about 1930
HigginbothamMildred born about 1918
HigginbothamWillie born about 1913
HiggonbothamElsie born about 1906
HiggonbothamJames Sborn about 1905
HiggonbothamJames Tborn about 1928
HillAlice Mborn about 1898
HillArchie born about 1880
HillCalvin born about 1896
HillCalvin Jr born about 1924
HillCarrie Wborn about 1889
HillClara born about 1913
HillCloyd Jamesborn about 1926
HillEllen Jborn about 1894
HillEmanuel born about 1935
HillFannie Rborn about 1904
HillFlorine born about 1937
HillFloyd born about 1910
HillGeorge Fborn about 1928
HillHazel born about 1912
HillJohn born about 1899
HillJohn Oborn about 1932
HillJoseph born about 1925
HillJulia born about 1928
HillLe Roy born about 1933
HillLe Roy born about 1934
HillLee born about 1869
HillLillie Mborn about 1927
HillLottie Eborn about 1878
HillMary born about 1867
HillMinnie born about 1917
HillNell Lborn about 1937
HillNorman Bborn about 1911
HillPage Edwardborn about 1933
HillPatrick born about 1870
HillReymond born about 1933
HillSarah Eborn about 1934
HillSelma born about 1907
HillSidney born about 1910
HillSpencer born about 1881
HillValerie Gborn about 1914
HillWilliam born about 1888
HinesBertha Aborn about 1935
HinesD Henryborn about 1932
HinesLucille Lborn about 1912
HinmanElizabeth Cborn about 1904
HinmanRichard Cborn about 1898
HiteHenry born about 1926
HixBessie Sborn about 1911
HixHilda Bborn about 1904
HixMary Eborn about 1936
HixSusie Gborn about 1870
HixThomas Bborn about 1864
HixThomas Cborn about 1906
HopkinsEtta Sborn about 1918
HopkinsFannie Lborn about 1894
HopkinsJacob Cborn about 1894
HopkinsJane Eborn about 1929
HopkinsJohn Aborn about 1918
HopkinsMary Aborn about 1893
HopkinsMary Aborn about 1940
HopkinsMary Eborn about 1923
HopkinsWinfield Aborn about 1891
HoskinsIda born about 1870
HouseMary Woodborn about 1924
HouseMelba born about 1896
HousePaul born about 1929
HouseRobert born about 1896
HoweBetty Mborn about 1895
HoweClarence Hborn about 1893
HubbardEmmie Hborn about 1877
HubbardFlossie Aborn about 1927
HubbardFlossie Mborn about 1893
HubbardFrederick born about 1890
HubbardHallie born about 1932
HubbardJames born about 1911
HubbardLois born about 1933
HubbardOra Aborn about 1922
HubbardRobert Lborn about 1864
HubbardSamuel Rborn about 1896
HubbardSamuel R Jrborn about 1924
HubbardWalter Wborn about 1934
HubbardWilliam Dborn about 1885
HubbardWilliam Mborn about 1937
HudsonClara Mborn about 1878
HudsonDaisy Hborn about 1894
HudsonEvelyn Jborn about 1927
HudsonHerman born about 1917
HudsonHoward Mborn about 1925
HudsonJ Donaldborn about 1922
HudsonRonald born about 1939
HudsonRuth born about 1919
HudsonUlus L Oborn about 1889
HudsonUlus Jr born about 1931
HudsonVergil Lborn about 1921
HumphriesChalres Aborn about 1904
HurtDaniel Jborn about 1870
HurtIda Wborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrvingFanny born about 1885

J Surnames

JacksoCharlie born about 1886
JacksoLucy born about 1900
JacksoWalter born about 1888
JacksoWilbut born about 1930
JacksonAnderson born about 1916
JacksonAnnie Sborn about 1918
JacksonArcher Aborn about 1875
JacksonBenjamin born about 1913
JacksonCharles Wborn about 1877
JacksonElizabeth born about 1921
JacksonEmma Jborn about 1925
JacksonGladys Jborn about 1908
JacksonHelen born about 1924
JacksonHorace born about 1904
JacksonJennie Mborn about 1939
JacksonJesse born about 1929
JacksonJohn Rborn about 1937
JacksonJohn Tborn about 1938
JacksonJulia born about 1936
JacksonLee born about 1899
JacksonLevi Cborn about 1916
JacksonLillie Wborn about 1908
JacksonLizzie born about 1910
JacksonLouis born about 1934
JacksonLucy Dborn about 1905
JacksonMartha Lborn about 1920
JacksonMartha Lborn about 1939
JacksonMatilda Mborn about 1915
JacksonMonroe born about 1938
JacksonOla Mborn about 1930
JacksonRobert born about 1939
JacksonSusie born about 1878
JacksonThelma born about 1910
JacksonThomson born about 1910
JacksonVernelle Jborn about 1918
JacksonWilbur Lborn about 1930
JacksonWilliam born about 1912
JamesEmma Mborn about 1889
JamesHilda Mborn about 1925
JamesJohn Hborn about 1875
JamesMarshall Mborn about 1922
JamesRosa Mborn about 1889
JamesRoy Dborn about 1887
JeffersSt Patrickborn about 1937
JeffersonJames born about 1915
JeffersonJames Jr born about 1939
JeffersonJulia born about 1936
JeffersonLouise born about 1938
JeffersonVirginia born about 1917
JenkinsAlice Jborn about 1938
JenkinsAnnie born about 1929
JenkinsArthur born about 1888
JenkinsArthur Gborn about 1916
JenkinsBeverly born about 1921
JenkinsElizabeth Aborn about 1917
JenkinsGladys Jborn about 1921
JenkinsHenry born about 1924
JenkinsJames born about 1923
JenkinsJoseph Jborn about 1918
JenkinsMattie Jborn about 1940
JenkinsQueenie born about 1926
JenkinsRosa Bborn about 1919
JenkinsThomas born about 1884
JenkinsWeldon born about 1931
JenningsAda Mborn about 1875
JenningsDoris Eborn about 1898
JenningsEva Cborn about 1892
JenningsFrances born about 1924
JenningsHarry Gborn about 1890
JenningsHudson born about 1871
JenningsJesse born about 1910
JenningsRixie born about 1920
JohnsonAbram born about 1880
JohnsonAdvie born about 1913
JohnsonAndrew born about 1930
JohnsonBenjamin born about 1913
JohnsonBernard Lborn about 1936
JohnsonBernice born about 1885
JohnsonBetty born about 1881
JohnsonBetty born about 1938
JohnsonBeulah born about 1914
JohnsonCatherine born about 1862
JohnsonCharles Eborn about 1939
JohnsonClarence born about 1910
JohnsonClyde Jborn about 1920
JohnsonCorinne born about 1931
JohnsonDannie Bborn about 1880
JohnsonDavid Lborn about 1910
JohnsonEdgar born about 1909
JohnsonEdward born about 1935
JohnsonEdward Rborn about 1916
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1882
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1910
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1918
JohnsonElla born about 1875
JohnsonElsie Mayborn about 1939
JohnsonFrances Cborn about 1920
JohnsonFrank Mborn about 1906
JohnsonFred Jborn about 1876
JohnsonGranville Eborn about 1915
JohnsonHarry Kingborn about 1925
JohnsonHelen born about 1924
JohnsonHenry born about 1910
JohnsonHollis born about 1915
JohnsonJames born about 1934
JohnsonJames Fborn about 1913
JohnsonJanie born about 1897
JohnsonJessie born about 1940
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1907
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1933
JohnsonKate born about 1895
JohnsonLawrence born about 1938
JohnsonLewis Hborn about 1928
JohnsonLou Gborn about 1887
JohnsonMarshall born about 1873
JohnsonMary born about 1894
JohnsonMary Jborn about 1911
JohnsonMary Wborn about 1922
JohnsonMattie Bborn about 1938
JohnsonMinnie Fborn about 1911
JohnsonMinnie Mborn about 1932
JohnsonMorton Gborn about 1921
JohnsonMoselle born about 1925
JohnsonNancy born about 1937
JohnsonNannie Cborn about 1905
JohnsonOdell born about 1939
JohnsonPaul Oborn about 1922
JohnsonRaymond born about 1922
JohnsonRobert Iborn about 1915
JohnsonRoosevelt Tborn about 1922
JohnsonRover born about 1937
JohnsonRuby Mayborn about 1936
JohnsonS Raymondborn about 1913
JohnsonSelma born about 1913
JohnsonSherman born about 1928
JohnsonSidna Lborn about 1924
JohnsonThomas Hborn about 1887
JohnsonThomas Hborn about 1915
JohnsonUlysses born about 1933
JohnsonVernelle Wborn about 1920
JohnsonViolet born about 1928
JohnsonVirginia born about 1903
JohnsonVirginia Lborn about 1929
JohnsonWillard Jborn about 1918
JohnsonWilliam born about 1880
JohnsonWilliam Aborn about 1903
JohnsonWilliam Eborn about 1927
JohnsonWilliam Tborn about 1873
JohnsonWillie Wallaceborn about 1937
JohnsonWilson born about 1917
JonesAda born about 1860
JonesAndrew Lborn about 1925
JonesBenjamin born about 1893
JonesBettie Rborn about 1900
JonesBetty Annborn about 1935
JonesBetty Pouenskiborn about 1925
JonesCatherine born about 1930
JonesChristine born about 1939
JonesClarence Eborn about 1933
JonesDavid Lborn about 1937
JonesDelous born about 1934
JonesEarl Tborn about 1928
JonesEarline born about 1925
JonesElise Mborn about 1913
JonesElizabeth born about 1922
JonesElizabeth born about 1926
JonesElizabeth Eborn about 1938
JonesElmore born about 1918
JonesEmma Cborn about 1936
JonesFlorence born about 1922
JonesFrank born about 1922
JonesFrank Lborn about 1887
JonesFranklin born about 1934
JonesFred Rborn about 1930
JonesGassie Tborn about 1938
JonesGeorge Dborn about 1934
JonesGeorge Rborn about 1939
JonesGertrude Fborn about 1890
JonesGilbert born about 1933
JonesHannah Cborn about 1912
JonesHenry born about 1918
JonesHeyward born about 1923
JonesHiram Rudolphborn about 1933
JonesJ Thomasborn about 1923
JonesJack Lborn about 1931
JonesJack Wborn about 1888
JonesJames born about 1907
JonesJames Edwborn about 1928
JonesJames Nborn about 1936
JonesJessie born about 1920
JonesJohn born about 1900
JonesJohn Fborn about 1938
JonesJohn Henryborn about 1926
JonesJohn Wborn about 1929
JonesJoseph born about 1893
JonesJoseph born about 1915
JonesJoseph Lborn about 1883
JonesJoseph Lborn about 1926
JonesJoseph Sborn about 1876
JonesJosephine born about 1935
JonesJulia born about 1902
JonesJunior Rborn about 1924
JonesL Napoleonborn about 1930
JonesLillian born about 1933
JonesLillian Bborn about 1895
JonesLouise born about 1928
JonesLulu Tborn about 1932
JonesMamie Dborn about 1903
JonesManfree Hborn about 1930
JonesManning born about 1895
JonesMargaret born about 1892
JonesMargarite born about 1937
JonesMarguerite Mborn about 1933
JonesMartha born about 1865
JonesMary Aborn about 1903
JonesMary Eborn about 1922
JonesMary Eborn about 1939
JonesMary Fborn about 1917
JonesMary Jborn about 1875
JonesMattie born about 1882
JonesMattie Lborn about 1922
JonesMattie Lborn about 1930
JonesMay Fborn about 1940
JonesMildred born about 1931
JonesMilton born about 1910
JonesMozelle born about 1925
JonesNapoleon born about 1891
JonesNora born about 1939
JonesPercy born about 1915
JonesPercy Lborn about 1912
JonesR Welseyborn about 1923
JonesRobert born about 1875
JonesRobert born about 1881
JonesRobert Hborn about 1934
JonesRobert Lborn about 1936
JonesRoosevelt born about 1934
JonesRosa Fborn about 1927
JonesSadie born about 1929
JonesSam Porterborn about 1935
JonesSamuel born about 1856
JonesSamuel Jborn about 1939
JonesSolomon born about 1905
JonesSpencer born about 1879
JonesSpencer Sikiahborn about 1927
JonesThomas born about 1936
JonesThomas Rborn about 1939
JonesVirgil Wborn about 1906
JonesWalter born about 1924
JonesWalter Lewisborn about 1930
JonesWarren born about 1876
JonesWaymon born about 1931
JonesWilliam born about 1927
JonesWillie Aborn about 1902
JonesWillie Jr born about 1934
JonesWillsie Jborn about 1934
JonesWinfred born about 1909
JoranWillie born about 1875
JordanAlfred born about 1920
JordanAnnie Maudborn about 1929
JordanAnnie Rborn about 1928
JordanCharlie born about 1880
JordanClara born about 1926
JordanEdna Eborn about 1922
JordanEllis born about 1919
JordanHelen Cborn about 1919
JordanIthre Jenetteborn about 1940
JordanJames born about 1901
JordanJesse born about 1928
JordanJohn born about 1923
JordanLena born about 1939
JordanLena Mayborn about 1925
JordanLeroy born about 1922
JordanLibby born about 1912
JordanLoreen born about 1938
JordanLucile born about 1925
JordanLula born about 1900
JordanMarie Jborn about 1926
JordanMattie born about 1905
JordanNancy born about 1940
JordanNewton born about 1902
JordanOlemuel born about 1925
JordanRebecca born about 1875
JordanRoberta born about 1880
JordanSarah born about 1872
JordanWallace born about 1922
JordanWalter born about 1904
JordanWalter born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KreyeBlanche born about 1886
KreyeJoseph Rborn about 1915
KreyeMarguerite Cborn about 1920
KreyePlummer Hborn about 1885
KreyeWilliam Hborn about 1909

L Surnames

LaforceGlenn Aborn about 1922
LambertEmmett born about 1880
LambertWm Henryborn about 1922
LangHobart born about 1899
LangMarguerite born about 1908
LangThomas born about 1907
LawarneWilliam Aborn about 1888
LeeJane born about 1860
LeeMillie born about 1877
LewarneAshton Lborn about 1888
LewarneBernice Wborn about 1891
LewarneD Horstonborn about 1883
LewarneEdward Jborn about 1937
LewarneHoward born about 1922
LewarneJames born about 1932
LewarneJohn Sborn about 1934
LewarneKearney Lborn about 1936
LewarneLake Wborn about 1933
LewarneMary Vborn about 1919
LewarneRhoda Hborn about 1910
LewisA Wborn about 1888
LewisJ Williamborn about 1856
LewisJames Vborn about 1891
LewisRoxie born about 1890
LewisRuby Hborn about 1898
LewisVirginia born about 1932
LewisWilliam born about 1922
LigonClara born about 1929
LigonClarence born about 1929
LigonDelois born about 1934
LigonEdward born about 1882
LigonEverett born about 1882
LigonIsaiah born about 1924
LigonJennie Wborn about 1889
LigonLeon born about 1937
LigonLeonard born about 1930
LigonLewis born about 1916
LigonLillian born about 1889
LigonLillie Pborn about 1934
LigonMarion born about 1928
LigonNannie born about 1914
LigonPauline born about 1939
LigonReymond born about 1920
LigonRosa Fborn about 1911
LigonRussell Albertaborn about 1938
LigonWilliam Fborn about 1907
LigonsAline born about 1938
LigonsBarbara born about 1914
LigonsEddie Bborn about 1937
LigonsEdward born about 1867
LigonsGeorge born about 1918
LigonsLucile born about 1938
LigonsMalvine born about 1911
LigonsMattie born about 1871
LigonsRussell born about 1912
LindemanAnne Eborn about 1855
LindseyAnna born about 1865
LindseyJohn born about 1882
LindseyMarcus born about 1865
LipscombSarah born about 1907
LockettAlice Dborn about 1899
LockettAlma Bborn about 1911
LockettAlpha born about 1923
LockettArneather born about 1937
LockettClara born about 1929
LockettEloise Eborn about 1932
LockettEstelle born about 1931
LockettFrank K Hborn about 1889
LockettGertrude born about 1939
LockettLeonard born about 1911
LockettMattieleon born about 1927
LockettNeomi born about 1925
LockettNethaniel born about 1936
LockettOtelia born about 1938
LockettQuincy born about 1934
LockettRoberta born about 1934
LockettSadie born about 1903
LockettTheaniel Jborn about 1894
LoweClark Wborn about 1936
LoweDora born about 1934
LoweJohn Hborn about 1928
LoweJohn Wmborn about 1891
LoweLeona born about 1907
LoweMary Annborn about 1925
LoweWilliam Rborn about 1931
LoydCharles Eborn about 1918
LoydFrances Mborn about 1914
LoydJames Eborn about 1939
LoydLucille Dborn about 1918
LoydOscar Fborn about 1911
LyesClyed born about 1929
LyesJoseph born about 1930
LyleAddie Dborn about 1886
LyleAnnie Cborn about 1929
LyleAnthony Fborn about 1937
LyleClark Gborn about 1890
LyleDavid born about 1884
LyleEliza born about 1917
LyleElizabeth born about 1924
LyleEmma born about 1924
LyleFrank Sborn about 1903
LyleFred born about 1926
LyleHarold born about 1917
LyleHarriet Aborn about 1928
LyleHarriet Mborn about 1904
LyleHoward born about 1921
LyleIlee born about 1924
LyleJames born about 1933
LyleJoe Eborn about 1931
LyleLottie born about 1886
LyleMildred born about 1923
LyleOscar born about 1890
LylePatsy born about 1885
LyleRosevelt born about 1903
LyleRussell born about 1915
LyleWarren born about 1922
LyleWillie born about 1870
LyleWm Rborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarshallRobert born about 1930
MasseyHunter born about 1934
MathewsBert born about 1937
MathewsLucile born about 1933
MatthewsEmma Wborn about 1875
MatthewsFlorence born about 1910
MatthewsHenry Aborn about 1868
MatthewsHunter born about 1911
MatthewsLizzie Wborn about 1871
McQuarryFrank Oborn about 1891
McQuarryLucy born about 1895
McQuarryMargaret Vborn about 1924
McQuarryMattie Lborn about 1920
McQuarryPreston Fborn about 1922
McQuarryThomas Cborn about 1931
MeadowsErnest born about 1917
MeadowsEunice Hborn about 1919
MeckElizabeth Dborn about 1901
MeckEtta Eborn about 1928
MeckGillie Bborn about 1931
MeckMargaret Mborn about 1934
MeckMary Aborn about 1940
MeckRussell born about 1898
MeredithJanie born about 1880
MeredithJanie born about 1916
MilesAlfred Cborn about 1922
MilesFrances Sborn about 1926
MilesMilton Eborn about 1928
MitchellElizabeth born about 1924
MitchellHamilton born about 1916
MitchellHester born about 1890
MitchellJoseph born about 1932
MitchellLaunzer born about 1915
MitchellMattie born about 1921
MitchellMckinley born about 1910
MitchellSamuel Pborn about 1880
MitchellSidney born about 1912
MooreElsie Pborn about 1898
MooreEvelyn Mborn about 1928
MooreHenry Lborn about 1891
MooreMary Dborn about 1871
MooreReymond born about 1930
MooreRichard Hborn about 1926
MooreRobert born about 1939
MooreRussell born about 1927
MooreStanley born about 1871
MooreVernon Gborn about 1931
MortonDennis born about 1874
MortonElwood born about 1934
MortonIsaiah born about 1930
MortonJacob born about 1933
MortonJames Sborn about 1885
MortonLaurena born about 1928
MortonLeon born about 1922
MortonLucy born about 1926
MortonMajor born about 1924
MortonMary Hborn about 1896
MortonPleasant born about 1920
MoseleyChris Columbusborn about 1916
MoseleyElizabeth born about 1919
MoseleyFred Oborn about 1918
MoseleyLily born about 1890
MoseleyNora born about 1915
MoseleyNorman born about 1886
MoseleyNorman born about 1919
MoseleyNorman Jr born about 1919
MossEllen Rborn about 1855
MottleyAlfred Kborn about 1933
MottleyArlene Wborn about 1935
MottleyClarence Eborn about 1924
MottleyDale Lborn about 1927
MottleyEdward Cborn about 1889
MottleyEva Bborn about 1923
MottleyJohn Eborn about 1938
MottleyJoseph Rborn about 1931
MottleyLorene Mborn about 1928
MottleyMay Sborn about 1898
MyersWillia Mborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanceCharlie born about 1925
NanceErnest born about 1906
NanceLelia born about 1910
NanceMary born about 1932
NashBernard Lborn about 1918
NashHarrison Wborn about 1891
NashMartha Tborn about 1899
NewtonBettie Mborn about 1913
NewtonClaude Gborn about 1906
NewtonDoris Jborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienBettie Aborn about 1885
ObrienRobert Lborn about 1913
ObrienWalter Fborn about 1915
ObrienWilliam Lborn about 1885
OliverBenjamin Tborn about 1924
OliverBessie Mborn about 1897
OliverBessie Mayborn about 1899
OliverCharles born about 1908
OliverEmma Fborn about 1918
OliverEva born about 1905
OliverFlorence Aborn about 1929
OliverFrances born about 1925
OliverGlenna Mborn about 1934
OliverHenry Pborn about 1926
OliverMargaret born about 1920
OliverMildred born about 1928
OliverOtto born about 1894
OliverReuben Hborn about 1897
OliverRichard Bborn about 1901
OliverRobert Eborn about 1934
OliverRussell Hborn about 1921
OliverShirley Aborn about 1938
OliverSusan Rborn about 1923
OrangeBessie Gborn about 1906
OrangeD born about 1900
OrangeDaisy born about 1929
OrangeErnest Wborn about 1937
OrangeFrances Mborn about 1928
OrangeFrank Dborn about 1906
OrangeGladys Vborn about 1926
OrangeIrene born about 1900
OrangeIvy born about 1931
OrangeJoyce Mborn about 1937
OrangeJunior born about 1922
OrangeLulu Cborn about 1916
OrangeRay born about 1927
OrangeVirginia born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageAnna born about 1875
PageCaroline Mborn about 1933
PageCurtis born about 1887
PageEdmonia born about 1900
PageEmma born about 1920
PageEugene Bborn about 1936
PageGladys born about 1916
PageHenry born about 1907
PageHenry born about 1938
PageJames Wborn about 1934
PageJaunita born about 1939
PageMary born about 1885
PageMary Elizabethborn about 1940
PageNorman born about 1936
PageRodoatha born about 1906
PageTaylor born about 1906
PageWhit born about 1915
PageWillie born about 1919
PageWinfield born about 1936
ParksBertha born about 1922
ParksDooley born about 1885
ParksElizabeth born about 1901
ParksEthel born about 1927
ParksGrace born about 1934
ParksRussell born about 1930
PattersonAlbert born about 1915
PattersonArcher born about 1887
PattersonArcher born about 1918
PattersonArthur born about 1920
PattersonBessie Mborn about 1923
PattersonCharlie born about 1880
PattersonChristine born about 1939
PattersonClara born about 1930
PattersonCooper born about 1922
PattersonCornel born about 1912
PattersonCramon born about 1880
PattersonEdward born about 1927
PattersonErnest Edwborn about 1937
PattersonFannie Wborn about 1891
PattersonFrances born about 1934
PattersonHattie born about 1922
PattersonIrene Jborn about 1888
PattersonLillie born about 1928
PattersonLilly Mayborn about 1933
PattersonMarge born about 1916
PattersonMary Cborn about 1884
PattersonMattie born about 1931
PattersonMaxwell born about 1929
PattersonMyrtis born about 1893
PattersonNorman born about 1915
PattersonOdell born about 1932
PattersonWalter born about 1919
PauleteFrances Bborn about 1918
PauleteSamuel Jborn about 1918
PauleteThomas Oborn about 1939
PaulettR Eborn about 1871
PaulettThalia born about 1875
PaulsonDouglas born about 1923
PaulsonErnest born about 1916
PaulsonJohn born about 1911
PaulsonMargaret Cborn about 1890
PayneAlice born about 1937
PayneRebecca born about 1909
PenickElva Pborn about 1910
PenickEmma Rborn about 1894
PenickFrank born about 1869
PenickHal born about 1915
PenickJean Eborn about 1940
PenickMabel born about 1920
PenickMargaret Eborn about 1937
PenickMelvin born about 1893
PerkinsAlice born about 1928
PerkinsAnnie Lborn about 1926
PerkinsDaniel born about 1910
PerkinsElijah Tborn about 1878
PerkinsEstelle born about 1925
PerkinsFrances born about 1920
PerkinsHarry born about 1910
PerkinsIneather born about 1935
PerkinsIva Sborn about 1914
PerkinsLillie Dborn about 1887
PerkinsLou Eborn about 1924
PerkinsReuben Cborn about 1928
PerkinsThomas Tborn about 1922
PhillipsAnnie Cborn about 1916
PhillipsDonald Bborn about 1918
PhillipsDonald Lborn about 1939
PhillipsHerman Bborn about 1884
PhillipsJames Rborn about 1939
PhillipsSusie Mborn about 1873
PierceBilly born about 1932
PierceMargaret born about 1911
PierceMary Elizabethborn about 1930
PierceThomas born about 1905
PierceThomas Eborn about 1934
PollardCharles Wborn about 1849
PriceArchibald born about 1876
PriceC M Jrborn about 1932
PriceC Miltonborn about 1898
PriceCary Bborn about 1934
PriceH Pearlborn about 1921
PriceLaura Bborn about 1911
PriceLester Cborn about 1918
PriceMarvin Aborn about 1888
PriceRastas Mborn about 1923
PriceVadie Wborn about 1910
PriceZelle Bborn about 1890
PrinceEdyth Eborn about 1895
PrinceFrancis Iborn about 1892
PrinceMary Aliceborn about 1891
PryonJohn born about 1910
PryonViola born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandolphCharles born about 1884
RandolphClarence born about 1919
RandolphEthel Bborn about 1918
RandolphPhilip Mborn about 1937
RandolphRosha born about 1882
RandolphWallace born about 1917
ReedArlene born about 1922
ReedClarence born about 1924
ReedEdith Vborn about 1938
ReedJames Hborn about 1884
ReedLucile born about 1927
ReedMartyl born about 1940
ReedMoses born about 1886
ReedNellie born about 1890
ReedSanford born about 1916
ReedSusie born about 1917
ReedWilma Mayborn about 1936
ReynoldsAlfred Eborn about 1912
ReynoldsAnnie Eborn about 1888
ReynoldsRobert Hborn about 1878
RichardsonJ Tborn about 1914
RipleyCecil born about 1913
RipleyJohn born about 1907
RobertsonAlfred born about 1917
RobertsonChristine born about 1924
RobertsonEthel born about 1926
RobertsonGrafton born about 1912
RobertsonJohn born about 1891
RobertsonJohn Jr born about 1919
RobertsonMartha born about 1922
RossAlbert born about 1856
RossAnn Carterborn about 1858
RossCaroline born about 1934
RossClem born about 1888
RossCora Wborn about 1900
RossGeorge born about 1921
RossHenr born about 1919
RossJessie born about 1938
RossJoseph born about 1936
RossMoses born about 1902
RossRosa Wborn about 1909
RossSherman born about 1894
RosserAlice born about 1914
RosserDavid born about 1905
RosserDavid Jr born about 1935
RothgebAaron born about 1891
RothgebClyde born about 1917
RothgebJohn Ralfborn about 1924
RothgebRobert born about 1920
RoutonEdger Dborn about 1875
RoutonSamuel Rborn about 1876
RuckerCharles Hborn about 1874
RuckerLily born about 1870
RuckerMargaret born about 1908
RuckerMary Dborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersJames Mborn about 1926
SandersMarion Eborn about 1928
SandersMattie Jborn about 1910
SandersRichard Eborn about 1929
SaundersAlma Bborn about 1913
SaundersAubrey Eborn about 1905
SaundersCollett Gborn about 1912
SaundersCordelia Bborn about 1901
SaundersEdward born about 1901
SaundersHortensie born about 1939
SaundersMamie Sborn about 1881
SaundersMatthew Sborn about 1907
SaundersMattie Tborn about 1903
SaundersMelissa Cborn about 1875
SaundersRosa Lborn about 1937
SaundersRowland Dborn about 1910
SaundersThomas Hborn about 1869
SaundersVernetha born about 1935
ScottAla born about 1933
ScottAlexander born about 1937
ScottAlfred born about 1926
ScottAlice born about 1858
ScottAlice born about 1938
ScottAmanda born about 1908
ScottAvis born about 1934
ScottBessie born about 1934
ScottBlanch born about 1902
ScottCalvin born about 1934
ScottCarrie Aborn about 1921
ScottCharles born about 1936
ScottClevon born about 1937
ScottClinton Lborn about 1940
ScottDaniel born about 1858
ScottDoris born about 1939
ScottElizabeth born about 1921
ScottEstell born about 1911
ScottEsther Eborn about 1900
ScottEunice born about 1932
ScottEva born about 1933
ScottEvelyn born about 1933
ScottFlorida born about 1926
ScottFlossie born about 1924
ScottGeorge born about 1891
ScottGertrude born about 1923
ScottGilbert born about 1906
ScottGladys born about 1901
ScottGrace born about 1932
ScottHawtherne born about 1915
ScottHerbert born about 1929
ScottHetty Bborn about 1903
ScottInez born about 1924
ScottIsabel born about 1931
ScottJames born about 1939
ScottJames Eborn about 1930
ScottJames Rborn about 1913
ScottJames Wborn about 1935
ScottJenny born about 1896
ScottJesse Bborn about 1937
ScottJessie born about 1921
ScottJohn born about 1898
ScottJohn born about 1937
ScottLorene born about 1938
ScottLouise born about 1920
ScottMaggie Leeborn about 1912
ScottMalcolm born about 1918
ScottMargaret Aborn about 1932
ScottMarion born about 1922
ScottMary born about 1933
ScottMary Bborn about 1880
ScottMatilda Wborn about 1889
ScottMattie Leeborn about 1915
ScottMoselle born about 1924
ScottOdaris born about 1928
ScottOtis born about 1890
ScottOtis Lborn about 1921
ScottPaul born about 1871
ScottPolly born about 1867
ScottQuincey born about 1927
ScottRachel born about 1927
ScottRichard born about 1880
ScottRobert born about 1895
ScottRobert born about 1919
ScottRobert Lborn about 1936
ScottRosa born about 1916
ScottRussel born about 1931
ScottRuth born about 1923
ScottSadie born about 1929
ScottSam born about 1908
ScottSarah born about 1931
ScottSidney born about 1901
ScottSusie born about 1898
ScottSusie born about 1929
ScottTheodor born about 1930
ScottThomas Eborn about 1936
ScottThomas Hborn about 1887
ScottWalter born about 1935
ScottWalter Sborn about 1899
ScottWarren born about 1928
ScottWeslie born about 1934
ScottWilie Tborn about 1934
ScottWilliam born about 1870
ScottWillie born about 1927
ScottWillie born about 1931
ScottWilsie born about 1922
ScottWilson born about 1882
ScruggsChristian Dborn about 1922
ScruggsClarence Sborn about 1910
ScruggsEdna Lborn about 1918
ScruggsEula Bborn about 1891
ScruggsGladys Eborn about 1928
ScruggsHelen Fborn about 1919
ScruggsM Marshallborn about 1922
ScruggsPoy Wborn about 1931
ScruggsV Loniseborn about 1925
ScruggsWilliam Mborn about 1868
ShelhorseJohn Cborn about 1906
ShortEthel Mborn about 1901
ShultzArthur born about 1923
ShultzEthel born about 1894
ShultzFrank born about 1891
ShultzM Baxterborn about 1884
SimmonsBettie Lenborn about 1939
SimmonsClaudene born about 1920
SimmonsJames born about 1916
SimmonsRoger Leeborn about 1937
SimpsonAverete Jr born about 1940
SimpsonAverette born about 1916
SimpsonCharles Aborn about 1908
SimpsonHarold Wborn about 1896
SimpsonLena Rborn about 1940
SimpsonLeslie born about 1920
SimpsonLetcher Sborn about 1894
SimpsonMildred Lborn about 1934
SimpsonPeggy born about 1935
SimpsonPocahontas Dborn about 1873
SimpsonPolly born about 1935
SimpsonRose Sborn about 1900
SimpsonRuth Kborn about 1916
SimpsonSilena Bborn about 1895
SimpsonVisa Lborn about 1915
SimpsonWilliam Hborn about 1866
SlagleJohn Dborn about 1858
SlaughterGeorge Cborn about 1888
SlaughterMinnie born about 1897
SlaytonClaude Hborn about 1922
SlaytonEdna Bborn about 1895
SlaytonFrances Lborn about 1929
SlaytonMillard Hborn about 1894
SmithAda born about 1929
SmithArcher born about 1927
SmithCarey born about 1923
SmithCharlie born about 1878
SmithCharlie born about 1935
SmithCurtis born about 1927
SmithEleanor born about 1916
SmithEliza born about 1904
SmithGarfield born about 1923
SmithGeorge Bborn about 1932
SmithGrace Eborn about 1922
SmithHugh Mc Kborn about 1933
SmithIrving Jr born about 1937
SmithJames born about 1877
SmithJames Iborn about 1939
SmithJennings born about 1940
SmithJoseph born about 1919
SmithLavinia born about 1932
SmithLove Leanborn about 1925
SmithMaggie Wborn about 1895
SmithMarshall born about 1939
SmithMitchell born about 1899
SmithMyrtle Gborn about 1917
SmithOtway Tborn about 1905
SmithPearline born about 1934
SmithRobert Bborn about 1906
SmithSallie Wborn about 1868
SmithSylvester born about 1930
SmithVirginia Bborn about 1914
SmithVirginia Lborn about 1937
SmithWalker born about 1925
SmothersBetty Hborn about 1875
SmtihRobert Tborn about 1909
SneadElise Mborn about 1888
SneadNathan born about 1872
SouthallBernard born about 1910
SouthallBernard Jr born about 1935
SouthallCalvin born about 1930
SouthallColley born about 1923
SouthallDorothy born about 1924
SouthallDorsey born about 1903
SouthallEdna Cborn about 1907
SouthallElsie born about 1883
SouthallEstelle Rborn about 1881
SouthallFelix Bborn about 1877
SouthallGladys born about 1927
SouthallHazel Edwborn about 1916
SouthallJane born about 1935
SouthallJessie born about 1910
SouthallJimmy born about 1939
SouthallJohn Hborn about 1940
SouthallLawrence born about 1896
SouthallLena Kborn about 1901
SouthallLloyd born about 1902
SouthallLloyd Tborn about 1938
SouthallLois born about 1920
SouthallM Lborn about 1890
SouthallMaggie born about 1880
SouthallMargaret born about 1935
SouthallMary Louborn about 1926
SouthallMildred born about 1933
SouthallMyrtle born about 1908
SouthallNona Mayborn about 1910
SouthallOtha Wborn about 1903
SouthallPaul born about 1933
SouthallPearl born about 1917
SouthallRobert born about 1881
SouthallShirley born about 1938
SouthallThelma Vborn about 1928
SouthallTrent born about 1937
SouthallVirgie born about 1910
SouthallWalter Dborn about 1925
SouthallWalter Tborn about 1867
SouthallWoodrow born about 1915
StanleyG Herbertborn about 1922
StanleyHerbert Cborn about 1884
StanleyJoseph Hborn about 1930
StanleyRobert Wborn about 1914
StanleyViola Lborn about 1926
StaplesDorothy born about 1925
StaplesEmma born about 1901
StaplesEvelyn born about 1928
StaplesHolt born about 1898
StaplesHolt Jr born about 1921
StaplesJohn Hborn about 1934
StaplesKathrine born about 1923
StaplesMary Fayborn about 1930
StaplesWilliam born about 1922
StatonEstelle Aborn about 1918
StatonGordon Wborn about 1916
StatonStella Aborn about 1937
StiffAlberta born about 1934
StiffAnna Bborn about 1935
StiffBertha born about 1929
StiffBettie born about 1865
StiffEliza born about 1901
StiffHelen Lborn about 1936
StiffJohn born about 1940
StiffJules born about 1913
StiffLouise Vborn about 1938
StiffRosa born about 1918
StiffRussell born about 1923
StiffThomas Eborn about 1899
StiffWm Henryborn about 1926
StrawAshley Cborn about 1903
StrawJames Aborn about 1933
StrawMary Aborn about 1878
StrawMary Eborn about 1931
StrawMyrtle Sborn about 1904
StreetArthur born about 1880
StreetClinton born about 1902
StreetClyde Dborn about 1933
StreetDorothy Mayborn about 1930
StreetGeorge born about 1900
StreetGeorge R Jrborn about 1937
StreetGertrude born about 1923
StreetHerbert born about 1939
StreetJanice born about 1912
StreetLouise born about 1934
StreetReymond born about 1914
StylesAlthea born about 1917
StylesArsenia born about 1917
StylesBarbara born about 1938
StylesCedne born about 1934
StylesElizabeth born about 1920
StylesLawrence born about 1920
StylesLeon Eborn about 1933
StylesTalbott Maroonborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarltonAmilee born about 1930
TarltonVirgie born about 1912
TaylorAlfonso born about 1918
TaylorAlfonso born about 1937
TaylorArthaniel born about 1920
TaylorBascom Eborn about 1901
TaylorCharlie born about 1926
TaylorIvory born about 1922
TaylorKing Salomonborn about 1933
TaylorLe Roy born about 1936
TaylorLockett born about 1928
TaylorMary Gborn about 1908
TaylorMary Jr born about 1930
TaylorNancy Lborn about 1934
TaylorPatty born about 1924
TaylorRebecca born about 1933
TaylorRobert Lborn about 1865
TaylorRoxie Lborn about 1914
TaylorTiny Tiny C Jborn about 1931
TaylorVirginia Roshaborn about 1935
TaylorWilliam born about 1927
TerryAdeline born about 1881
TerryArchie born about 1883
TerryArene born about 1925
TerryEthel Gborn about 1895
TerryMary born about 1874
TerryMary Eborn about 1929
TerryPatty Pborn about 1871
TerryWilliam born about 1902
TerryWilliam Mborn about 1871
ThomasGeorge born about 1880
ThomasMelvin born about 1912
ThomasRebecca born about 1886
ThompsonBessie Cborn about 1897
ThompsonCarolyn Nborn about 1929
ThompsonDorothy Jborn about 1927
ThompsonIsaac Rborn about 1933
ThompsonWilliam Lborn about 1906
ThompsonWilliam L Jrborn about 1930
ThorntonBetty Sborn about 1868
TimmerGeorge born about 1914
TinsleyPerry born about 1893
TomlinsonBelle Hborn about 1862
TomlinsonEscus Wborn about 1860
TowsendEdward Wborn about 1905
TowsendLaura Bellborn about 1915
TowsendWoodrow born about 1931
TreatAmos born about 1918
TurnsDavid Rborn about 1913
TurnsEldin born about 1913
TurnsFrances Mborn about 1918
TurnsJ Altonborn about 1918
TurnsJ Thomasborn about 1856
TurnsMrs W Lborn about 1872
TurnsOscar born about 1887
TurnsWm Leslieborn about 1868
TweedyThomas Sborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughanAnnie Bborn about 1927
VaughanEura Rborn about 1909
VaughanFrances Eborn about 1933
VaughanHenderson Cborn about 1882
VaughanIda Sborn about 1890
VaughanJames Rborn about 1930
VaughanLuther Rborn about 1922
VaughanMary Lborn about 1934
VaughanWilliam Wborn about 1890
VaughnBelle born about 1887
VestGott Melvin Wborn about 1906
VestJ Clarenceborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellClem born about 1915
WaddellNannie born about 1913
WadeAnnie Wborn about 1888
WadeRichard Hborn about 1905
WalkerAlberta born about 1921
WalkerAlice born about 1924
WalkerAnnie Mborn about 1937
WalkerAnnie Mayborn about 1924
WalkerBelle born about 1936
WalkerBertha Leeborn about 1936
WalkerBessie Cborn about 1915
WalkerCharity Bborn about 1866
WalkerChristine born about 1927
WalkerChristine born about 1939
WalkerClaud born about 1919
WalkerDora Lborn about 1936
WalkerDoralean born about 1936
WalkerDorothy Mborn about 1935
WalkerEdith born about 1928
WalkerEdmund born about 1935
WalkerEdward born about 1887
WalkerEdward born about 1933
WalkerEliza born about 1905
WalkerElsie Wborn about 1897
WalkerEmily Sborn about 1918
WalkerEmmett born about 1886
WalkerEstelle born about 1937
WalkerEthelena born about 1929
WalkerHayes born about 1921
WalkerHenderson born about 1934
WalkerHenry born about 1898
WalkerHenry born about 1911
WalkerHenry Jborn about 1892
WalkerIsabell born about 1910
WalkerJ Fayborn about 1924
WalkerJames born about 1922
WalkerJames Nborn about 1936
WalkerJasper born about 1915
WalkerJohn Jborn about 1936
WalkerJohn Tborn about 1918
WalkerJosephine born about 1890
WalkerJosephine born about 1914
WalkerJulia born about 1922
WalkerLaurietta born about 1939
WalkerLizzie born about 1914
WalkerLouise Hborn about 1887
WalkerLulu born about 1918
WalkerMabel born about 1934
WalkerMabel Eborn about 1938
WalkerMabel Gborn about 1935
WalkerMamie born about 1928
WalkerMartha born about 1873
WalkerMary born about 1878
WalkerMary born about 1898
WalkerMathew born about 1910
WalkerMattie born about 1902
WalkerMaude born about 1913
WalkerMerrett born about 1881
WalkerMoses born about 1873
WalkerNed born about 1927
WalkerNora born about 1890
WalkerOtha born about 1924
WalkerParthena Dborn about 1918
WalkerParthenia born about 1917
WalkerQueen Estherborn about 1934
WalkerQuincy born about 1936
WalkerReba born about 1940
WalkerRosevelt born about 1913
WalkerRosevelt born about 1938
WalkerRoy born about 1915
WalkerSelma born about 1933
WalkerSusie Hborn about 1895
WalkerTheophilis born about 1911
WalkerTheophilus born about 1916
WalkerVenice Mborn about 1927
WalkerWaverly born about 1920
WalkerWilber Lborn about 1939
WalkerWilbert Lborn about 1939
WalkerWilliam born about 1907
WalkerWilliam born about 1931
WalkerWilliam born about 1937
WalkerWoodson born about 1880
WarrinerAubrey Mborn about 1884
WashingtonAda born about 1895
WashingtonAlred born about 1932
WashingtonAnnie Mborn about 1913
WashingtonArthur born about 1922
WashingtonArthur Bborn about 1922
WashingtonBrancher born about 1935
WashingtonCharles born about 1927
WashingtonDorothy Mayborn about 1938
WashingtonErnest Lborn about 1932
WashingtonEstelle born about 1928
WashingtonFlorence born about 1925
WashingtonGeorge born about 1871
WashingtonGeorge Eborn about 1907
WashingtonHester Jborn about 1938
WashingtonJames born about 1902
WashingtonJames Edwborn about 1931
WashingtonJelee Pborn about 1907
WashingtonJohn born about 1879
WashingtonJohn Tborn about 1923
WashingtonJoseph Lborn about 1935
WashingtonKatherine born about 1875
WashingtonManning born about 1918
WashingtonMargaret Aborn about 1870
WashingtonMarie born about 1938
WashingtonMary Eborn about 1930
WashingtonPatty Mborn about 1885
WashingtonPearl born about 1893
WashingtonRobert born about 1913
WashingtonRoxie Lborn about 1938
WatkinsAnnie Elizaborn about 1940
WatkinsJenny born about 1872
WatkinsLee born about 1865
WatkinsLeroy born about 1938
WatkinsMabel born about 1900
WatkinsMabel born about 1922
WatkinsMaria born about 1918
WatkinsMary Eborn about 1936
WatkinsSamuel born about 1937
WatkinsThomas born about 1868
WatkinsWallace born about 1916
WatsonAlfred born about 1922
WatsonCora born about 1925
WatsonElla Sborn about 1884
WatsonElva Aborn about 1908
WatsonFlorence born about 1928
WatsonJohn born about 1936
WatsonLuther born about 1939
WatsonMartha born about 1930
WatsonMildred born about 1935
WatsonPattie born about 1937
WatsonRoger born about 1923
WatsonWalter born about 1890
WatsonWilliam born about 1932
WattsAddie born about 1896
WattsCharles born about 1864
WattsEdwina born about 1926
WattsJoseph born about 1894
WattsLuther born about 1889
WattsMattie born about 1873
WattsMurrill born about 1917
WattsRaleigh born about 1923
WattsWilliam Oborn about 1892
WattsWillis born about 1898
WayneCarlton Dborn about 1912
WayneEdwyn Dborn about 1871
WayneNora Dborn about 1874
WayneNorwood Dborn about 1913
WeldonEdmund Rborn about 1875
WeldonLillian Hborn about 1885
WeldonMaude Cborn about 1925
WeldonWilliam Cborn about 1919
WeldonWilliam Eborn about 1939
WestChamp born about 1936
WestCora Leeborn about 1933
WestEddie born about 1901
WestJohn born about 1934
WestLottie born about 1927
WestNeta born about 1904
WheelerAlfred born about 1898
WheelerHoward Sborn about 1887
WheelerJaunita born about 1927
WheelerLaurence born about 1927
WheelerLeon born about 1929
WhiteBessie born about 1897
WhiteDossey born about 1896
WhiteHarold born about 1926
WhiteLeonidas born about 1920
WhiteMarvin born about 1929
WhitePauline born about 1923
WhiteSenola born about 1927
WileyArthur born about 1906
WilkensonJames Maxeyborn about 1921
WilkensonJohn Hborn about 1880
WilkensonJohn H Jrborn about 1918
WilkensonMargaret Annborn about 1886
WilkensonRobert Nborn about 1923
WilkersonAlpha Mborn about 1895
WilkersonBettie Mborn about 1880
WilkersonCharles Eborn about 1913
WilkersonEdna born about 1887
WilkersonEmory Cborn about 1921
WilkersonFred Mborn about 1881
WilkersonGeorgia Cborn about 1884
WilkersonHunter born about 1885
WilkersonJ Nathanielborn about 1909
WilkersonJohn Hborn about 1878
WilkersonJohn Rborn about 1930
WilkersonJosephine born about 1889
WilkersonJudith Aborn about 1909
WilkersonLois Aborn about 1935
WilkersonMattie Cborn about 1884
WilkersonR Clittonborn about 1904
WilkersonRobert Hborn about 1878
WilkersonRobert Tborn about 1932
WilkersonWarren Gborn about 1921
WilkersonWiley Aborn about 1881
WilkersonWilliam Hborn about 1906
WilliamsAnny born about 1895
WilliamsEdward born about 1885
WilliamsGeorge born about 1922
WilliamsGrace Hborn about 1889
WilliamsLoman born about 1919
WilliamsMargaret Bborn about 1921
WilliamsRichard Bborn about 1871
WilliamsSandy born about 1884
WilliamsonClee Oborn about 1899
WilliamsonJean Bborn about 1906
WilliamsonLeroy Hborn about 1864
WilliamsonMinerva Frborn about 1872
WilliamsonNannie born about 1915
WilliamsonRoy born about 1911
WilliamsonRuth Annborn about 1940
WilliamsonWallace born about 1934
WilsonWilliam born about 1925
WomackA Lincolnborn about 1877
WomackJane born about 1932
WomackVirginia born about 1879
WomackWm Anthonyborn about 1930
WoodallElijah Hborn about 1855
WoodallJudith Wborn about 1863
WoodallRichard Cborn about 1896
WoodallThomas Hborn about 1883
WoodsonAdele born about 1924
WoodsonDora Hborn about 1900
WoodsonHettie Jborn about 1888
WoodsonRobert Aborn about 1890
WooldridgeAlfred Lborn about 1902
WooldridgeBessie Cborn about 1905
WooldridgeEugene Cborn about 1934
WooldridgeGeraldine Jborn about 1931
WooldridgeMaxine Eborn about 1931
WrightAlice born about 1918
WrightArchie born about 1935
WrightBennit born about 1922
WrightCassell born about 1912
WrightFrance born about 1890
WrightJames born about 1919
WrightJoseph Pborn about 1938
WrightLawrence born about 1936
WrightLillie Mayborn about 1940
WrightOdell born about 1916
WrightOtha born about 1924
WrightPercey born about 1916
WrightWilliam Oborn about 1935
WrightWillie born about 1875
WrightWillie born about 1913
WrightWylie born about 1885
WyattCharles Aborn about 1877
WyattEllen Kborn about 1882
WyattJessie Mborn about 1921
WyattWilliam born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBernice Cborn about 1876
YoungEthel Bborn about 1886
YoungHumphery Pborn about 1908
YoungIva Mborn about 1899
YoungJ Humpheryborn about 1883
YoungJames Wborn about 1927
YoungJennie Sborn about 1886
YoungJohn Rborn about 1920
YoungKyle born about 1901
YoungMarie Cborn about 1911
YoungMary Dborn about 1913
YoungMildred Wborn about 1912
YoungRichard born about 1935
YoungRichard Rborn about 1882
YoungSara Janeborn about 1916
YoungTalmedge born about 1908
YoungWiley Nborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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