1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rappahannock in Essex County, Essex, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Essex County > 1940 Census of Rappahannock in Essex County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyAnne born about 1907
AbernathyJohn K Jrborn about 1907
AbramsBland Sborn about 1896
AbramsElizabeth born about 1894
AbramsLucy Aborn about 1869
AbramsPauline Sborn about 1901
AbramsWilliam J Jrborn about 1902
AkersBuford born about 1930
AkersCameriel born about 1938
AkersCara born about 1917
AkersCarrie born about 1933
AkersEmily born about 1905
AkersEmma born about 1918
AkersFrank born about 1918
AkersGladys born about 1930
AkersHenry born about 1908
AkersHenry born about 1932
AkersLake born about 1917
AkersLucy born about 1937
AkersMarie born about 1920
AkersMarion Eborn about 1933
AkersMartha Gborn about 1896
AkersMary born about 1920
AkersMary Leeborn about 1939
AkersNannie born about 1894
AkersSadie born about 1915
AkersSam born about 1902
AkersStanley born about 1935
AkersSusie born about 1933
AkersThelma Gborn about 1924
AkersThomas Pborn about 1896
AkersWesley born about 1916
AkersWilliam B Srborn about 1875
AkersWilliam Jr born about 1914
AkesAlice born about 1898
AkesBessie born about 1930
AkesCauthorn born about 1897
AkesElla Gborn about 1928
AkesElsie born about 1923
AkesGrace born about 1939
AkesJames born about 1935
AkesLeniod born about 1924
AkesMelvin born about 1936
AkesPursie born about 1920
AtkinsDawson Nborn about 1889
AtkinsEmma Eborn about 1925
AtkinsEthel Hborn about 1895
AtkinsHunter Mborn about 1883
AtkinsMary Tborn about 1869
AtkinsRichard Wborn about 1919
AtkinsVirginia Mborn about 1918
AtkinsWilbert Oborn about 1892
AtkinsWilliam Tborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerHazel born about 1908
BakerJames born about 1908
BakerJames born about 1927
BakerLillie born about 1884
BakerShirley born about 1926
BaldersonEdna Mborn about 1931
BaldersonJames Lborn about 1909
BaldersonJames Nborn about 1932
BaldersonJohn Gborn about 1936
BaldersonJosephine Aborn about 1940
BaldersonLaura Hborn about 1910
BaldersonRayland Fborn about 1935
BaldersonRobert Hborn about 1937
BaldwinBernard Cborn about 1898
BaldwinHilda Mborn about 1938
BaldwinLena Aborn about 1934
BaldwinNettie Mborn about 1912
BankeBenjamin born about 1916
BankeFred born about 1918
BankeJames born about 1927
BankeJoseph born about 1912
BankeLeah born about 1890
BankeSallie born about 1922
BankeWilliam Eborn about 1870
BanksAbraham born about 1913
BanksLeslie born about 1911
BanksMary born about 1873
BanksMary Bborn about 1880
BanksVirginia born about 1890
BanksWilliam Aborn about 1903
BarefordCountess born about 1894
BarefordJohn Bborn about 1890
BarefordJohn B Jrborn about 1920
BarefordWilliam Gborn about 1923
BarrierHenry Wborn about 1934
BaughanCharles Rborn about 1872
BaughanDolly Annaborn about 1924
BaughanFlorence born about 1877
BaughanJ Edwardborn about 1888
BaughanJ Edward Jrborn about 1927
BaughanLitha born about 1890
BaughanMary born about 1899
BaughanMildred born about 1926
BaughanW Jborn about 1892
BaughanWilliam Aborn about 1880
BaylorHenry born about 1885
BaylorJohn born about 1919
BaylorLucy Anneborn about 1895
BaylorMoses born about 1924
BaylorWesley born about 1927
BaytonBanks born about 1902
BaytonClara Lborn about 1904
BaytonGeorge born about 1878
BaytonGeorge Sborn about 1914
BaytonMary Eborn about 1890
BaytonNannie born about 1881
BaytonRichard Hborn about 1870
BaytonRuby born about 1918
BaytonVictor born about 1907
BealCleavno born about 1926
BealEvelin born about 1923
BealFlossie born about 1880
BealGrace Bborn about 1931
BealeBetty Mborn about 1938
BealeClayton Lborn about 1940
BealeClinton Jborn about 1902
BealeLaura born about 1876
BealeLorenzo born about 1864
BealeMilton Jborn about 1868
BealeRosie Eborn about 1902
BerryKathryn born about 1886
BerryMarion born about 1924
BerrySpencer born about 1885
BeyleyGertrude born about 1898
BeyleyLollie born about 1916
BeyleyRobert born about 1888
BillupsJulia born about 1895
BillupsMary Eborn about 1923
BillupsRobert born about 1895
BirchJack Cborn about 1910
BirchWilliam Sborn about 1874
BishopJohn Cborn about 1906
BishopLaura Pborn about 1874
BishopOlga born about 1912
BobbitByrd born about 1903
BobbitCarey born about 1900
BobgyBlanche born about 1890
BobgyCharlie born about 1870
BoughtonAllen born about 1936
BoughtonGeorga Mborn about 1928
BoughtonJenny Vborn about 1922
BoughtonJohn born about 1895
BoughtonJohn Bborn about 1933
BoughtonNettie born about 1902
BoughtonNettie Mborn about 1918
BoughtonStella Lborn about 1921
BowlerEarl born about 1936
BowlerEmma born about 1866
BowlerEugene Wborn about 1934
BowlerJohn born about 1860
BowlerKatherine born about 1932
BowlerMattie born about 1875
BowlerVirginia born about 1938
BowlersWillie Wborn about 1874
BoydJulia Aborn about 1884
BranionGertrude born about 1927
BrayFred Pborn about 1892
BrayLucile born about 1916
BrayRuth Wborn about 1880
BrightwoodCharles Iborn about 1887
BrightwoodElenor born about 1927
BrightwoodJoseph born about 1924
BrightwoodMattie born about 1897
BrightwoodMildred born about 1934
BrightwoodWilliam born about 1929
BrigtineAnnie Hborn about 1872
BrizendineArchie born about 1915
BrizendineBarbara born about 1933
BrizendineBetty Anneborn about 1937
BrizendineCathrine born about 1862
BrizendineEdna born about 1926
BrizendineEdward Mborn about 1911
BrizendineElvin Gborn about 1927
BrizendineEthel Gborn about 1905
BrizendineEva Sborn about 1882
BrizendineFrancis born about 1922
BrizendineFrank born about 1905
BrizendineFranklin born about 1936
BrizendineJohn Mborn about 1877
BrizendineLaura born about 1882
BrizendineMary born about 1905
BrizendineNellie born about 1887
BrizendinePhillip Cborn about 1876
BrizendineRichard born about 1929
BrizendineRobert Cborn about 1894
BrizendineWheeler born about 1880
BrizentineAnne Eborn about 1875
BrizentineFloyd born about 1907
BrokenboughSarah born about 1859
BrookAlma Rborn about 1933
BrookFrances born about 1914
BrookHarvey born about 1904
BrookHarvey Jr born about 1931
BrookLula born about 1880
BrookRuby Cborn about 1935
BrookWilliam born about 1890
BrookeEdward born about 1929
BrooksAnnie born about 1923
BrooksArthur Nborn about 1939
BrooksClarence born about 1917
BrooksClytie Wborn about 1902
BrooksDella born about 1887
BrooksDoris born about 1928
BrooksEarl Tborn about 1928
BrooksEdward born about 1921
BrooksEmily born about 1922
BrooksFloyd born about 1937
BrooksFrank born about 1905
BrooksFranklin born about 1935
BrooksGeorge born about 1925
BrooksIda born about 1890
BrooksJohn Cborn about 1892
BrooksJohn Rborn about 1887
BrooksJunior born about 1886
BrooksMalcolm Jborn about 1935
BrooksMargaret born about 1902
BrooksMathias born about 1897
BrooksMattie born about 1929
BrooksMaude born about 1888
BrooksMay born about 1902
BrooksNelton Lborn about 1928
BrooksNelton Wborn about 1898
BrooksRushel born about 1929
BrooksSadie Lborn about 1905
BrooksTallie Hborn about 1894
BrooksWalsh born about 1886
BroughamAlice born about 1938
BroughamJames Tborn about 1939
BroughamJohn born about 1900
BroughenhrMary born about 1864
BrownAnne Eborn about 1936
BrownAnnie Hborn about 1916
BrownLucy born about 1890
BrownMilton born about 1919
BrownWilliam born about 1910
BundyAlice Mborn about 1880
BurchHannah born about 1886
BurchRichard born about 1885
BurfodJulia born about 1927
BurksSally born about 1915
BurnettAuthur born about 1914
BurnettDelilah born about 1905
BurnettFrank born about 1895
BurnettFrank born about 1934
BurnettLaura born about 1885
BurnettLawson Wborn about 1870
BurnetteCarter born about 1892
BurnetteFrancis Eborn about 1934
BurnetteGertrude born about 1928
BurnetteWilmar Gborn about 1930
ByrdElizah born about 1927
ByrdEmma born about 1890
ByrdEmma born about 1913
ByrdMajor Bborn about 1860
ByrdMajor Bborn about 1924
ByrdMary Bborn about 1884
ByrdRobert born about 1875
ByrdRuth Aborn about 1893
ByrdTom born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CambellContance born about 1932
CambellFred born about 1906
CambellWilliam born about 1868
CambellWilliam Mborn about 1891
CannonAnnie Bborn about 1918
CannonBessie born about 1878
CannonElla Rborn about 1905
CannonEllis born about 1927
CannonGrant Fborn about 1875
CannonIvory Wborn about 1908
CannonJames born about 1929
CannonMarie born about 1929
CannonMary Eborn about 1928
CannonRaleigh Jborn about 1898
CannonSusie born about 1937
CarlinAlice born about 1902
CarlinBatrice born about 1900
CarlinCharlie born about 1880
CarlinEdward born about 1927
CarlinElno born about 1922
CarlinEmma Lborn about 1890
CarlinFanny born about 1923
CarlinMargaret born about 1922
CarlinMary Jborn about 1921
CarlinMilton born about 1918
CarlinSarah born about 1928
CarlinWillard born about 1884
CarlinWillard Jr born about 1925
CarltonAlfred Rborn about 1939
CarltonAlma Kborn about 1884
CarltonAlvin Jborn about 1925
CarltonBarbara Aborn about 1930
CarltonBessie Mborn about 1895
CarltonBrester Cborn about 1909
CarltonEdna Gborn about 1918
CarltonFrances Jborn about 1927
CarltonIszah Gborn about 1884
CarltonMyrtle Aborn about 1924
CarltonPearle Pborn about 1926
CarltonRussell Aborn about 1914
CarltonSinclaire Wborn about 1890
CarltonTemple Mborn about 1924
CarmaediWilliam born about 1919
CarterArline born about 1927
CarterBob Lborn about 1889
CarterChico born about 1931
CarterClarence born about 1890
CarterEthalbert born about 1912
CarterFanny born about 1900
CarterFlossie born about 1895
CarterGeorge born about 1920
CarterGussaway born about 1917
CarterHandley born about 1929
CarterHarry born about 1922
CarterJack born about 1868
CarterJames born about 1871
CarterJohn born about 1919
CarterJohn Hborn about 1904
CarterLealia born about 1928
CarterMarjoie Eborn about 1938
CarterMary Eborn about 1914
CarterMary Gborn about 1905
CarterMertine born about 1875
CarterNormie born about 1875
CarterRobert born about 1873
CarterRobert born about 1924
CarterSelva born about 1928
CarterSharley Dborn about 1937
CarterThomas born about 1932
CarterWesley born about 1895
CarterWilliam born about 1917
CarterWilliam Rborn about 1905
CauthorneAlberta born about 1927
CauthorneAlice born about 1914
CauthorneAnnie born about 1929
CauthorneCletta born about 1918
CauthorneCornelia born about 1934
CauthorneElizabeth born about 1939
CauthorneElnora born about 1925
CauthorneEtta born about 1885
CauthorneEvelyn born about 1929
CauthorneGlenn Vborn about 1927
CauthorneGrace born about 1894
CauthorneHelen Mborn about 1904
CauthorneJames Wborn about 1886
CauthorneJohn Pborn about 1898
CauthorneJohn Rborn about 1924
CauthorneKatherine born about 1935
CauthorneKenneth born about 1894
CauthorneLee Fborn about 1889
CauthorneLeonard born about 1937
CauthorneLloyd born about 1924
CauthorneMary born about 1898
CauthorneMary Eborn about 1939
CauthorneMary Fborn about 1934
CauthorneMary Lborn about 1870
CauthorneMary Lborn about 1913
CauthorneRebecca Lborn about 1898
CauthorneRichard Tborn about 1893
CauthorneRobert born about 1926
CauthorneRobert Sborn about 1860
CauthorneRobert Sborn about 1916
CauthorneRobert Wborn about 1859
CauthorneRose Eborn about 1937
CauthorneRose Lborn about 1920
CauthorneRoseline born about 1929
CauthorneRosena born about 1894
CauthorneSarah Eborn about 1931
CauthorneThomas born about 1913
CauthorneThomas born about 1933
CauthorneWilliam born about 1923
ChildressMary Eborn about 1904
ChildressWilliam Rborn about 1898
ClarkAlbert born about 1927
ClarkBenjamin born about 1927
ClarkHarry born about 1921
ClarkPolly born about 1862
ClarkRebecca born about 1924
ClarkRosa born about 1902
ClarkShirley Aborn about 1932
ClarkeElsie Rborn about 1923
ClarkeLula Kborn about 1885
ClarkeOleatha Jborn about 1919
ClarkeRichard Rborn about 1922
ClarkeSallie born about 1883
ClarkeSusie Rborn about 1928
ClarksonJanet Bborn about 1900
ClarksonJulian Wborn about 1862
ClarksonMargaret Lborn about 1870
ClarksonMarion born about 1898
CoatsAtuel born about 1895
CoatsLouise born about 1900
ColeRosa born about 1919
ColemanJohn born about 1881
ColemanLeah born about 1888
ColemanRobbie born about 1903
ColesLettie born about 1874
ConleyEdward Jborn about 1920
ConleyIrving Gborn about 1927
ConleyKatherine Fborn about 1924
CookCharles born about 1921
CookFannie born about 1891
CookRichard born about 1858
CouingtonForest born about 1910
CouingtonIda Gborn about 1922
CouingtonMary Fborn about 1890
CouingtonRobert born about 1881
CouingtonSusie born about 1917
CouingtonSusie Eborn about 1918
CouingtonThomas born about 1875
CountessFrances Sborn about 1934
CountessFred Sborn about 1932
CountessShelley Cborn about 1936
CourtneyC Adeleborn about 1933
CourtneyEdwin Pborn about 1935
CourtneyLeslie born about 1931
CourtneyLouise born about 1915
CourtneyPower Pborn about 1902
CourtneyRobert Wborn about 1889
CourtneyWayne Hborn about 1940
CoxAnnie born about 1890
CoxGalriella born about 1892
CoxGeorge T Jrborn about 1919
CoxGeorge T Srborn about 1882
CoxMyrtle born about 1889
CoxNelson born about 1918
CrippinAnnie Bborn about 1939
CrippinDelsia born about 1914
CrippinJoseph born about 1908
CrippinJoseph Cborn about 1936
CrippinThomas Sborn about 1937
CrippinWilliam Eborn about 1935
CroxtonRobert Dborn about 1938
CrutchfieldNancy born about 1928
CurlettJohn born about 1870
CurlettMary Nborn about 1877
CurtisLogan born about 1914
CurtisLouise Bborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabneyMary Sborn about 1881
DabneyRichard Hborn about 1874
DamdridgeArchie born about 1865
DamdridgeLillie born about 1875
DandridgeAlberta born about 1909
DandridgeAnnie born about 1880
DandridgeCarrie Mborn about 1921
DandridgeDorothy Nborn about 1940
DandridgeEveredine Mborn about 1932
DandridgeFlorence Nborn about 1929
DandridgeGeorge born about 1874
DandridgeGeorge Cborn about 1923
DandridgeHoward born about 1919
DandridgeJames Edwardborn about 1925
DandridgeJean Aborn about 1937
DandridgeLouise born about 1922
DandridgeMary born about 1898
DandridgeMay Bborn about 1919
DandridgePhillip born about 1877
DandridgeRaymond Bborn about 1928
DandridgeRitchie born about 1908
DandridgeRose Cborn about 1934
DandridgeSteven born about 1897
DandridgeVirginia Vborn about 1930
DandridgeWilliam Fborn about 1925
DanielsRobert born about 1872
DarhamMolly born about 1862
DavisBlanch Lborn about 1889
DavisCharles Franklinborn about 1940
DavisClara born about 1882
DavisDaniel Jborn about 1927
DavisDolly born about 1921
DavisDoris Hellenborn about 1938
DavisDorothy Mborn about 1935
DavisEarnest born about 1919
DavisEdward born about 1906
DavisElizabeth born about 1869
DavisElla born about 1937
DavisEmma Lborn about 1933
DavisEthel Hopeborn about 1880
DavisEva Mjborn about 1904
DavisFanny born about 1911
DavisFrank Bborn about 1894
DavisFranklin born about 1930
DavisFranklin Wborn about 1931
DavisGeorge born about 1927
DavisGilbert Eborn about 1926
DavisGrey born about 1869
DavisHelen born about 1927
DavisHelen Pborn about 1922
DavisHorace born about 1871
DavisHoward Wborn about 1880
DavisJ Kborn about 1881
DavisJames born about 1929
DavisJames Edwardborn about 1930
DavisJenny Bborn about 1928
DavisJohn Allenborn about 1936
DavisJohn Prestonborn about 1933
DavisJohn Rborn about 1922
DavisJulia Aborn about 1900
DavisKathryn born about 1921
DavisLarkin born about 1907
DavisLottie born about 1925
DavisLucinda born about 1875
DavisLucy born about 1895
DavisLula born about 1890
DavisMaggie Leeborn about 1935
DavisMarie born about 1917
DavisMennie born about 1877
DavisMillie born about 1900
DavisMilton Gborn about 1900
DavisMilton Tborn about 1930
DavisPeggie born about 1880
DavisRobert born about 1898
DavisRobert born about 1927
DavisRobert Hborn about 1864
DavisRobert Lborn about 1869
DavisRobert Lborn about 1904
DavisRobert Sborn about 1905
DavisRussell Bborn about 1928
DavisSmith Leeborn about 1932
DavisSyvandors Eborn about 1924
DavisThelma Eborn about 1935
DavisThomas born about 1919
DavisThomas Lborn about 1872
DavisVernal born about 1930
DavisVirginia born about 1911
DavisVirginia born about 1917
DavisVirginia Aborn about 1858
DavisWallace born about 1939
DavisWilliam born about 1907
DavisWilliam born about 1917
DeleaverClara born about 1861
DickersonVivian Eborn about 1939
DickersonWindel born about 1936
DidlakeAnn Eborn about 1934
DidlakeBlanche born about 1881
DidlakeDorothy born about 1923
DidlakeElizabeth born about 1904
DidlakeGearline born about 1931
DidlakeGertrude born about 1924
DidlakeJohn Aborn about 1916
DidlakeLillian born about 1903
DidlakeMarjorie born about 1931
DidlakeMarvin born about 1898
DidlakeNettie Bborn about 1929
DidlakeRaymond born about 1928
DidlakeRaymond Sborn about 1904
DidlakeSarah Eborn about 1919
DillardElla Fborn about 1887
DillardIrene Nborn about 1916
DillardJohn Hborn about 1884
DillardRobert Gborn about 1880
DixEdna Bborn about 1878
DixEverett born about 1882
DixLila Lborn about 1890
DixMazuda born about 1874
DowellClifton Aborn about 1938
DowellClifton A Jborn about 1912
DowellCourtney Nborn about 1910
DunnAnne born about 1928
DunnForest born about 1918
DunnIra Mborn about 1886
DunnJames Eborn about 1924
DunnMary born about 1888
DunnWaller born about 1869
DunnWilliam Hborn about 1905
DurbanIla Lborn about 1878
DurbanR Dborn about 1874
DurhamAnnie Bborn about 1880
DurhamAnnie Lborn about 1919
DurhamCharlie born about 1913
DurhamCharlie Tborn about 1867
DurhamDora Eborn about 1860
DurhamEugene Aborn about 1873
DurhamEva Cborn about 1871
DurhamJohnny Eborn about 1862
DurhamLaura born about 1920
DurhamMartha born about 1923
DurhamMary born about 1908
DurhamRobert born about 1912
DurhamTallie Tborn about 1877
DurhamThomas Lborn about 1870
DurhamWilliam Mborn about 1876

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E Surnames

ElliottBetty Pborn about 1936
ElliottCharles Bborn about 1932
ElliottElnora Sborn about 1921
ElliottEugunia born about 1909
ElliottFrancis Eborn about 1939
ElliottGeorge Bborn about 1935
ElliottGeorge Fborn about 1895
ElliottGeorge Oborn about 1910
ElliottGrover born about 1915
ElliottHarry Fborn about 1897
ElliottHarry T Jrborn about 1926
ElliottHenry Fborn about 1938
ElliottJames Hborn about 1917
ElliottJean Eborn about 1933
ElliottLena Bborn about 1890
ElliottMargaret Aborn about 1928
ElliottMarian born about 1932
ElliottMary Bborn about 1934
ElliottRobert born about 1908
ElliottRobert Jr born about 1931
ElliottRuth born about 1916
ElliottSusie Rborn about 1896
ElliottVirginia born about 1919
EllisHoward born about 1881
EllisJames Rborn about 1921
EllisLily born about 1893
EstisJames born about 1911
EstisMiriam born about 1913
EubankBlanche born about 1868
EubankRichard Bborn about 1883
EubankWilliam born about 1919
EvansAllen born about 1938
EvansArchie Rborn about 1881
EvansBlanch Pborn about 1920
EvansCharlotte Aborn about 1939
EvansCope Fborn about 1870
EvansDouglas Pborn about 1924
EvansFrank Eborn about 1912
EvansGeorge Dborn about 1914
EvansGolden Rborn about 1928
EvansHattie Lborn about 1890
EvansIsaih born about 1900
EvansJames Wborn about 1886
EvansJessie Lborn about 1890
EvansJoe Cborn about 1921
EvansJohn Gborn about 1881
EvansLela Gborn about 1885
EvansLena Jborn about 1939
EvansMabel born about 1910
EvansMary Lborn about 1906
EvansNettie Lborn about 1921
EvansRobert Jborn about 1917
EvansSusie Dborn about 1912
EvansThomas Aborn about 1909

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F Surnames

FannyCarrie born about 1931
FannyElizabeth born about 1888
FannyFred Lborn about 1930
FannyLenad born about 1924
FannyMary Lborn about 1936
FannyPairl born about 1857
FannyRowe born about 1927
FauntleroyAnnie born about 1928
FauntleroyHarry Buckborn about 1922
FauntleroyHerbert born about 1919
FauntleroyIda born about 1923
FauntleroyJames Bborn about 1865
FauntleroyJames Calvinborn about 1930
FauntleroyJames Edwardborn about 1928
FauntleroyJohn Cborn about 1876
FauntleroyJosephine born about 1898
FauntleroyMaggie born about 1860
FauntleroyPolly Aborn about 1940
FauntleroyRobert Nborn about 1931
FauntleroyRoberta Lborn about 1865
FauntleroyRosa born about 1882
FauntleroyThomas Cborn about 1920
FauntleroyWilliam Bborn about 1898
FaylavorMaggie born about 1882
FentressEdward Jborn about 1909
FentressMargaret Fborn about 1913
FordJames Aborn about 1923
FoxwellCharles Lborn about 1930
FoxwellEliza Eborn about 1905
FoxwellJohn Sborn about 1893
FoxwellJohn Jr born about 1935
FoxwellJoseph Sborn about 1928
FoxwellLola Mborn about 1924
FoxwellVernie Pborn about 1925
FrenchHenry Eborn about 1869

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G Surnames

GainesAlex Aborn about 1925
GainesCamauh Cborn about 1885
GainesEdna born about 1901
GainesElzbella born about 1883
GainesGeorge born about 1930
GainesGeorge born about 1933
GainesGrant born about 1867
GainesHattie Eborn about 1939
GainesHelen Pborn about 1928
GainesHenly born about 1918
GainesJack Rborn about 1937
GainesJoohny Rborn about 1901
GainesJulia born about 1865
GainesJulius born about 1882
GainesLucy Aborn about 1883
GainesMary Bborn about 1900
GainesRichard born about 1887
GainesRobert Lborn about 1936
GainesSarah born about 1936
GainesSarah Eborn about 1931
GainesThomas Hborn about 1880
GainesVictoria Lborn about 1889
GainesVivian Lborn about 1920
GainesWanick Gborn about 1924
GallagherAnnie Lborn about 1891
GallagherElizabeth born about 1919
GallagherFrank born about 1886
GallagherLee Dborn about 1929
GallagherThomas born about 1925
GanesKitty born about 1908
GanoLouise Cborn about 1916
GarnettFred Lborn about 1910
GarnettLucy Cborn about 1914
GarnettManie Lborn about 1874
GarnettMilton born about 1918
GarrettAda Hborn about 1871
GarrettBlanch Lborn about 1908
GarrettEugene Lborn about 1869
GarrettFielding born about 1890
GarrettFrederick Lborn about 1887
GarrettLouise born about 1900
GarrettMarvin Jborn about 1906
GarrettMyrtine Wborn about 1884
GarrettTitus born about 1933
GarrettWilliam Cborn about 1922
GaskinAlbert Thomasborn about 1926
GaskinEliza born about 1866
GaskinElizabeth born about 1924
GaskinThomas born about 1900
GaskinWoodie Jr born about 1925
GatewoodJohn Rborn about 1876
GatewoodMyrtle Sborn about 1890
GibsonBessie born about 1932
GibsonCarroll born about 1928
GibsonDot born about 1927
GibsonEdith born about 1901
GibsonEleana born about 1933
GibsonEmma born about 1887
GibsonLaura born about 1925
GibsonLevy Kborn about 1888
GibsonMarion Cborn about 1890
GibsonWilliam born about 1928
GoldenDorothy born about 1937
GoldenLorene born about 1916
GoldenWilbert born about 1915
GoldenWilbert born about 1938
GoodeJunior E Sborn about 1904
GoodeSally Ruthborn about 1866
GrayErvin Bborn about 1896
GrayEtta born about 1898
GrayFord born about 1928
GrayHoward born about 1936
GrayHubert born about 1930
GrayLuscuall born about 1933
GrayMartha born about 1934
GrayTemple born about 1927
GreegsIrma Lborn about 1914
GreegsIrma Lborn about 1935
GreegsMay Cborn about 1932
GreenCharlie Kborn about 1890
GreenEarnest born about 1875
GreenLouise born about 1892
GreenMary born about 1883
GreenbelCatherine Rborn about 1908
GreenbelFlora Aborn about 1870
GreenbelJohn Lborn about 1895
GreenbelJoseph Lborn about 1935
GreenwoodBessie born about 1888
GreenwoodBessie born about 1911
GreenwoodCharlie born about 1875
GreenwoodGertrude born about 1919
GreenwoodJane born about 1885
GreenwoodJester born about 1870
GreenwoodLewis born about 1921
GreenwoodPete born about 1902
GreenwoodThedore born about 1918
GreenwoodWalter born about 1864
GreshamEthel Mborn about 1928
GreshamLottie born about 1882
GreshamMary Eborn about 1901
GreshamPeaches born about 1884
GreshamSmith born about 1874
GreshamWilliam Bborn about 1930
GreshemDrusilla born about 1913
GreshemErvin Rborn about 1936
GreshemJames Mborn about 1935
GreshemMayno born about 1908
GreshemWalter born about 1909
GrimesFanny Aborn about 1870
GrimesJames Wborn about 1908
GuestAlvin Lborn about 1922
GuestDella Eborn about 1927
GuestElla Fborn about 1931
GuestEmma Mborn about 1907
GuestLucy Eborn about 1898
GuestPeyton Rborn about 1902
GuestPeyton R Jrborn about 1932
GuestRobert Cborn about 1928
GuggsChastine born about 1871
GuggsLaura born about 1876

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H Surnames

HaileBessie Lborn about 1932
HaileElla Mborn about 1933
HaileFrances Eborn about 1930
HaileIrene Eborn about 1928
HaileJames Cborn about 1939
HaileJames Mborn about 1909
HaileJohn born about 1937
HaileJohn Hborn about 1877
HaileJohn Jr born about 1906
HaileLillian Mborn about 1931
HaileLucy Mborn about 1877
HaileMaggie Lborn about 1915
HaileMay Bborn about 1935
HaileRichard born about 1913
HaileSusie born about 1908
HaleyFlora Bborn about 1921
HaleyShelby Jborn about 1939
HallEvelyn Dborn about 1885
HallFrank Bborn about 1870
HammondFlorence born about 1875
HandleyPreston born about 1916
HarperAlice Mborn about 1899
HarperAnnie Bborn about 1896
HarperBesty born about 1903
HarperDouglas born about 1885
HarperEarnest born about 1924
HarperEleanor born about 1906
HarperFrancis Lborn about 1921
HarperHenry Jborn about 1865
HarperNannie born about 1890
HarperPayne born about 1880
HarperPearl born about 1890
HarperRaymond Eborn about 1927
HarperStanley born about 1899
HarperStanley Mborn about 1924
HarperT Lborn about 1896
HarperTom born about 1870
HarperViola born about 1877
HarperWilliam Lborn about 1928
HarperWillie Tborn about 1920
HarrisArthur Bborn about 1895
HarrisAugustus born about 1880
HarrisBlanch Vborn about 1894
HarrisElizabeth Bborn about 1879
HarrisEllen born about 1864
HarrisRuby Jborn about 1939
HarrisSarah born about 1871
HarrisWilliam born about 1858
HarrisonAllen born about 1933
HarrisonArchibald Cborn about 1901
HarrisonCarl born about 1932
HarrisonLucile Bborn about 1904
HarveyCalvin Jborn about 1900
HattonDonald born about 1929
HattonGenevieve born about 1902
HattonMarion born about 1932
HattonRichard Gborn about 1937
HattonWilliam Hborn about 1897
HattonWilliam H Srborn about 1935
HayesAmos born about 1904
HayesAmos Mborn about 1933
HayesAnnie Mayborn about 1932
HayesColumbus born about 1927
HayesDelia Mborn about 1908
HayesEdward born about 1925
HayesEdward Sborn about 1881
HayesGaberila born about 1934
HayesHattie born about 1921
HayesHenry born about 1925
HayesHolland Cborn about 1939
HayesJames Mborn about 1865
HayesJohn Sborn about 1923
HayesMartha Wborn about 1870
HayesMary Emmaborn about 1928
HayesRuth born about 1885
HayesRuth born about 1890
HayesRuth Jr born about 1930
HayesSusie Emmaborn about 1935
HemsleyEmma born about 1881
HemsleyJames Lborn about 1919
HemsleyJames Rborn about 1881
HemsleyWillie Wborn about 1920
HenceJuland born about 1870
HickmanAndrew Lborn about 1871
HickmanAnnie born about 1878
HickmanCharles Fborn about 1938
HickmanJeniber born about 1868
HickmanMartha born about 1883
HickmanThomas born about 1924
HillAlice Mborn about 1927
HillAndrew born about 1923
HillBenjamin born about 1932
HillBerkley Lborn about 1933
HillBertha born about 1895
HillBlanche born about 1930
HillClinton born about 1934
HillEarl Cborn about 1883
HillEda born about 1883
HillEmma born about 1901
HillFloyd born about 1935
HillFrank born about 1886
HillGeorge born about 1882
HillGeorge Mborn about 1926
HillGerline born about 1927
HillHarriett Eborn about 1934
HillHarvey born about 1919
HillIra born about 1892
HillJames Eborn about 1920
HillJames Rborn about 1878
HillJohny born about 1914
HillJoseh born about 1930
HillJoseph born about 1897
HillJulia Vborn about 1901
HillJunior born about 1932
HillKate born about 1925
HillLimmie born about 1898
HillLula Bborn about 1922
HillMac Mborn about 1925
HillManuel Rborn about 1884
HillMargie born about 1936
HillMarguerite born about 1928
HillMaria Lborn about 1881
HillMary Tborn about 1891
HillMatilda born about 1892
HillNannie born about 1925
HillNorman born about 1880
HillRichard born about 1930
HillRobert born about 1893
HillRobert born about 1916
HillRoland born about 1880
HillRussel born about 1933
HillSquire born about 1880
HillTazel born about 1933
HillThomas born about 1937
HillVirginia Dborn about 1937
HillWalter born about 1882
HinksonLeon Wborn about 1890
HodgesBertha Rborn about 1891
HodgesCleavaland born about 1885
HodgesEarnest Wborn about 1920
HodgesGazelle born about 1918
HodgesMary born about 1880
HodgesRussel born about 1915
HolmesFrederick born about 1927
HolmesLily born about 1884
HolmesLindsey Fborn about 1872
HolmesRichard born about 1876
HolmesSarah born about 1923
HolmesWillhelmina born about 1924
HommockArchie born about 1935
HommockEmma born about 1934
HommockGertie born about 1917
HommockLeroy born about 1909
HookElla born about 1880
HookJohn Lborn about 1875
HoskinCarter born about 1902
HoskinCarter Tborn about 1930
HoskinColoniaus Rborn about 1935
HoskinDelma born about 1910
HoskinEmma Bborn about 1939
HoskinGenett born about 1872
HoskinJames born about 1866
HoskinJames Willardborn about 1929
HoskinMary Cborn about 1936
HoskinRichard Hborn about 1933
HoskinsCharlie born about 1935
HowardBessie born about 1919
HowardEddie born about 1902
HudgerSarah Fborn about 1912
HudgerThomas Eborn about 1899
HudsonRoert Cborn about 1878
HundleyAgnes born about 1929
HundleyAlmeta born about 1937
HundleyAnnie Lborn about 1886
HundleyBerhley born about 1933
HundleyBernice born about 1930
HundleyCharles Dborn about 1923
HundleyCorinne born about 1935
HundleyCornelia born about 1934
HundleyDean born about 1880
HundleyEddie born about 1886
HundleyEdith born about 1936
HundleyEmey born about 1910
HundleyFrancis born about 1877
HundleyJames Hborn about 1910
HundleyJames H Jrborn about 1937
HundleyJohn Bborn about 1882
HundleyLaddue born about 1921
HundleyLaura Cborn about 1881
HundleyLorietta born about 1910
HundleyMarion born about 1880
HundleyMary Eborn about 1915
HundleyMaury born about 1874
HundleyNettie born about 1925
HundleyParthinia born about 1931
HundleyPayton Jborn about 1908
HundleyPayton J Serborn about 1866
HundleySadie born about 1927
HunterEdward Thomasborn about 1933
HunterFloyd Allenborn about 1938
HunterIrene born about 1917
HunterJames Robertborn about 1907
HunterWilliam Jamesborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJames Aborn about 1892
JacksonLeonard born about 1922
JacksonMary Lborn about 1887
JacksonPatricia born about 1933
JacksonRose Oborn about 1900
JacksonSaide born about 1875
JacksonSamuel born about 1912
JefferiesRobert Lborn about 1919
JeffersonLawrence born about 1890
JeffersonMinnie born about 1891
JeffriesArchie born about 1898
JeffriesBen born about 1913
JeffriesInez born about 1900
JeffriesSpot Bborn about 1895
JohnsonAlberta born about 1915
JohnsonAlberta born about 1917
JohnsonAlice born about 1927
JohnsonAnna Lborn about 1914
JohnsonAnnie Lborn about 1910
JohnsonBrooking born about 1924
JohnsonCharlie born about 1923
JohnsonCharlie Sborn about 1907
JohnsonChester Bborn about 1910
JohnsonDonavin born about 1911
JohnsonDorothy born about 1939
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1931
JohnsonElla born about 1900
JohnsonEllen Jborn about 1913
JohnsonEmma born about 1871
JohnsonEstele born about 1911
JohnsonEva born about 1920
JohnsonFrances born about 1928
JohnsonFrancis born about 1885
JohnsonFrancis born about 1924
JohnsonGaskin born about 1939
JohnsonGlodardell born about 1934
JohnsonHattie Bborn about 1927
JohnsonHenry Fborn about 1933
JohnsonHerbert born about 1929
JohnsonHulda born about 1871
JohnsonIdnues born about 1925
JohnsonIrene born about 1927
JohnsonIrvin Wborn about 1935
JohnsonJames born about 1908
JohnsonJames Jborn about 1908
JohnsonJasper Lborn about 1886
JohnsonJoe Wborn about 1938
JohnsonJoseph born about 1922
JohnsonJosephine born about 1912
JohnsonJosephine born about 1919
JohnsonJosie born about 1890
JohnsonJulia born about 1887
JohnsonKatherine born about 1924
JohnsonLarkin Dborn about 1904
JohnsonLarkin Jr born about 1932
JohnsonLouise born about 1936
JohnsonLucuis born about 1917
JohnsonMammie born about 1911
JohnsonMartha Eborn about 1892
JohnsonMartha Eborn about 1933
JohnsonMartha Fborn about 1892
JohnsonMartha Lborn about 1915
JohnsonMarwood Vborn about 1936
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1896
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1930
JohnsonMary Tborn about 1887
JohnsonMattie born about 1926
JohnsonPauline born about 1939
JohnsonPrescott born about 1912
JohnsonPrescott Jr born about 1936
JohnsonPreston born about 1892
JohnsonRayland born about 1912
JohnsonRichard Hborn about 1927
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1934
JohnsonRoosevelt born about 1939
JohnsonRose Naborn about 1933
JohnsonRuby Jborn about 1937
JohnsonRuth born about 1936
JohnsonSam born about 1895
JohnsonSam Jr born about 1928
JohnsonSarah born about 1937
JohnsonShelley born about 1884
JohnsonThomas born about 1910
JohnsonThomas Vborn about 1931
JohnsonVan Bborn about 1881
JohnsonWilliam born about 1912
JohnsonWilliam born about 1914
JohnsonWillie born about 1910
JohnsonWillie Fborn about 1928
JonesAlice Gborn about 1928
JonesAshley born about 1891
JonesElla born about 1900
JonesEmma born about 1910
JonesHenry born about 1901
JonesJane Iborn about 1862
JonesLucy Mborn about 1914
JonesMary Cborn about 1925
JonesMary Eborn about 1874
JonesMary Eborn about 1926
JonesMattie born about 1865
JonesMonroe Cborn about 1902
JonesMont born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaighnLottie Jborn about 1865
KaighnRichard born about 1862
KellyChristine born about 1920
KellyLewis born about 1913
KellyRuth born about 1939
KerrPage Bborn about 1877
KeyLucile born about 1920
KeyNancy born about 1921
KiesteGeorge Bborn about 1874
KirkBurnely born about 1915
KrieteBlanche born about 1887
KrieteClaude Sborn about 1881
KrieteGeorge born about 1879
KrieteGertrude born about 1882
KrieteGrace born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaceyEdward born about 1924
LaceyEva born about 1890
LaceyWilliam born about 1885
LaneEmma born about 1886
LaneJames born about 1866
LaneJames born about 1902
LaneLamare born about 1897
LangfordAlice born about 1922
LangfordMildred born about 1939
LangfordWillie Eborn about 1909
LankfordAndrew Tborn about 1928
LankfordCharles Rborn about 1937
LankfordDeane Hborn about 1940
LankfordEarly born about 1896
LankfordEarly Sborn about 1926
LankfordEdward Pborn about 1924
LankfordIrene Sborn about 1906
LankfordJohn Gborn about 1932
LankfordThomas Hborn about 1931
LawsonBessie born about 1918
LewisEdmund born about 1915
LewisJohn Wborn about 1875
LewisLaura born about 1931
LewisMary Lborn about 1913
LewisNoel born about 1867
LewisSusie Aborn about 1873
LewisVictoria born about 1892
LewisWaring born about 1919
LindseyAnne born about 1919
LindseyBuster born about 1917
LindseyJames born about 1914
LindseyJancian born about 1876
LindseyLizzy born about 1890
LittlepageMolly born about 1874
LittlepageRobert Bborn about 1876
LockleyHarriett Gborn about 1870
LondonHattie Bborn about 1937
LongBertha Pborn about 1893
LongFlorence born about 1923
LongJoseph Iborn about 1890
LoudersGeorge born about 1873
LouisFrances born about 1898
LouisMarion born about 1924
LovingElizabeth born about 1888
LovingGeorge Cborn about 1893
LovingSarah born about 1860
LumpkinAlice Bborn about 1909
LumpkinBen born about 1904
LumpkinCarry Lborn about 1916
LumpkinCharles Fborn about 1927
LumpkinDorothy Sborn about 1926
LumpkinElizabeth born about 1924
LumpkinElnor Cborn about 1929
LumpkinElsie Bborn about 1912
LumpkinEstelle Eborn about 1921
LumpkinGeorge born about 1899
LumpkinGertrude born about 1908
LumpkinHattie Bborn about 1891
LumpkinJames Rborn about 1881
LumpkinJohn Sborn about 1933
LumpkinJunior Cborn about 1919
LumpkinLeonard Rborn about 1895
LumpkinLola born about 1888
LumpkinMable Pborn about 1905
LumpkinMary Lborn about 1924
LumpkinNannie Rborn about 1885
LumpkinPinkie born about 1886
LumpkinRamond Fborn about 1923
LumpkinRobert Hborn about 1918
LumpkinWilliam Bborn about 1879
LumpkinWilliam B Jrborn about 1929
LumpkinWilliam Rborn about 1921
LyllJohn Rborn about 1862
LyllWillie born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackendricAnnie Lborn about 1893
MackendricFrances Vborn about 1926
MackendricJames Sborn about 1928
MackendricLouise Aborn about 1921
MackendricSidney born about 1888
MaddoxSusie Wborn about 1885
MartinElise born about 1908
MartinRobert born about 1895
MatchelCelia born about 1879
MatchelFloyd born about 1908
McGuireMartha born about 1888
McGuireNathaniel born about 1924
McGuireRandolph born about 1922
McNoelChristine born about 1932
McNoelRobert born about 1939
McTyreBiyne born about 1908
McTyreCoolidge born about 1924
McTyreDiane born about 1918
McTyreMaud born about 1886
McTyreWright born about 1920
MeckerEdna born about 1925
MitchellAlma born about 1910
MitchellEllen Eborn about 1905
MitchellFranklin born about 1909
MitchellJames Mborn about 1938
MitchellJoseph born about 1904
MitchellJoseph Mborn about 1935
MitchellMary Jborn about 1874
MitchellRobert Bborn about 1862
MoodyAlbert born about 1937
MoodyAnniel Aborn about 1928
MoodyBessie Mayborn about 1902
MoodyChristine born about 1924
MoodyFrank born about 1933
MoodyGeorge born about 1940
MoodyGeorge Robertborn about 1920
MoodyJames born about 1929
MoodyJames Rborn about 1897
MoodyJosephine born about 1927
MoodyLea Wborn about 1890
MoodyLeslie born about 1901
MoodyMarie born about 1890
MoodyMary born about 1906
MoodyMary Iborn about 1906
MoodyMary Jborn about 1936
MoodyMilley born about 1858
MoodyPhil born about 1880
MoodyRobert Aborn about 1926
MoodyRobert Cborn about 1927
MoodySt Clair born about 1938
MoodyThelma born about 1932
MoodyWilliam Cborn about 1923
MoodyWilton born about 1930
MorrisArchie born about 1916
MorrisCarroll Pborn about 1894
MorrisCarroll P Jrborn about 1930
MorrisChristine born about 1923
MorrisEarnest born about 1928
MorrisHenry born about 1874
MorrisLillian Eborn about 1928
MorrisSarah Eborn about 1886
MorrisThomas Wborn about 1935
MorrisVelma Eborn about 1902
MorrisVirginia born about 1927
MortonJames Mborn about 1939
MossEnid Mborn about 1914
MostonWilliam born about 1926
MurbillBessie Tborn about 1890
MurbillBurnely Tborn about 1928
MurbillCharles Bborn about 1893
MurbillFrancis Cborn about 1926
MuseAlexander born about 1916
MuseAnnie born about 1870
MuseArneta Rborn about 1927
MuseBeatrice Hborn about 1934
MuseBuck born about 1888
MuseCharity Aborn about 1898
MuseCharlotte born about 1904
MuseChristine born about 1924
MuseCountess Dborn about 1925
MuseElla Bborn about 1897
MuseElla Bborn about 1935
MuseFrank born about 1922
MuseGarfield born about 1920
MuseGeraldine born about 1921
MuseGracie Eborn about 1939
MuseGressie Wborn about 1913
MuseGurthe born about 1936
MuseHerbert Lborn about 1893
MuseHerbert L Jrborn about 1922
MuseJames born about 1931
MuseJohn Sborn about 1930
MuseJosephine born about 1916
MuseLewis Eborn about 1932
MuseLucy Lborn about 1928
MuseLula Dborn about 1917
MuseMary Eborn about 1919
MusePearl Aborn about 1940
MuseRobert Cborn about 1929
MuseRuby Nborn about 1939
MuseThomas born about 1892
MuseWilliam born about 1880
MuseWilliam Fborn about 1927
MuseWilliam Pborn about 1937
MyattGeorge Sborn about 1894
MyattLottie born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NameAulton Lborn about 1910
NameGrace Aborn about 1910
NashAgatha Cborn about 1927
NealCourtney Cborn about 1875
NewEddie born about 1873
NewMary Qborn about 1881
NewhillSydney Sborn about 1888
NewhillVangus Aborn about 1886
NickersonAllie born about 1922
NicksonHelen born about 1931
NicksonHenry Wborn about 1928
NicksonJames Aborn about 1938
NicksonLillia born about 1925
NicksonPearl born about 1936
NicksonVirginia born about 1904
NicksonWalter born about 1933
NicksonWillie born about 1901
NoelCharles Hborn about 1887
NoelElwood Rborn about 1885
NoelFreddie Cborn about 1934
NoelHannah born about 1880
NoelPercy Lborn about 1889
NoelWalter born about 1916
NorrisGrace born about 1890
NorthenWilliam Aborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakleyAnnie born about 1932
OakleyFrancis born about 1931
OakleyLena born about 1929
OakleyMary born about 1911
OakleyNannie born about 1868
OakleyNannie born about 1925
OakleyOscar born about 1925
OakleyRaymond born about 1927
OakleySolomon born about 1927
OakleyWallace born about 1902
OakleyWallice Jborn about 1926
ObertonAlbert Wborn about 1887
ObertonFannie Cborn about 1888
OwenAnne Louiseborn about 1938
OwenElla Mborn about 1889
OwenElla Mborn about 1922
OwenEunice Annaborn about 1919
OwenFrances born about 1926
OwenJohn Robertborn about 1924
OwenMorton Rborn about 1888
OwenMorton Jr born about 1920
OwenPhilis Leeborn about 1939
OwensCalvin Bborn about 1925
OwensGertrude born about 1884
OwensIva Fborn about 1927
OwensSt Clair Cborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackettCarol born about 1901
PackettHoward Cborn about 1932
PackettPearl born about 1906
PackettSue Ellenborn about 1934
PackettWilliam Eborn about 1930
PageMolley born about 1880
ParkerFranklin born about 1931
ParkerGeorge Wborn about 1885
ParkerGeorge W Jrborn about 1926
ParkerJames born about 1886
ParkerJosephine born about 1939
ParkerLily born about 1923
ParkerMary born about 1921
ParkerMolly Grayborn about 1899
ParkerOtis born about 1934
ParkerRauleigh born about 1936
ParkerRuth born about 1928
ParkerWalter born about 1919
ParryAlbert Sborn about 1875
ParryFanny Eborn about 1880
PassagaluppiJohn born about 1873
PearsonBertha born about 1914
PearsonEveline born about 1929
PendeltonDaniel born about 1928
PendletonArthur born about 1887
PetersonEasier born about 1908
PhillipsAlice born about 1929
PhillipsAnna Jennyborn about 1930
PhillipsBessie born about 1921
PhillipsClara born about 1927
PhillipsElizabeth born about 1925
PhillipsEnglish born about 1925
PhillipsEverdun born about 1932
PhillipsJames born about 1914
PhillipsJames Nborn about 1939
PhillipsJohn Hborn about 1913
PhillipsNettie born about 1927
PhillipsSarah Eborn about 1923
PhillipsSillas born about 1933
PhillipsWebster born about 1925
PhipplipsClarence born about 1876
PittHilda Aborn about 1900
PittRobert Aborn about 1903
PittRobert A Jrborn about 1931
PittsAlvin Aborn about 1919
PittsAlvin Dborn about 1879
PittsAnnie Bborn about 1920
PittsJames born about 1895
PittsLena born about 1898
PollardHaile born about 1882
PollardIsaac born about 1870
PollardLola Jborn about 1936
PollardMannie born about 1885
PollardWilliam born about 1925
PollardWoodie Wborn about 1885
PrinceCharles born about 1927
PrinceElizabeth born about 1892
PrinceJohn Cborn about 1881
PrinceLucy Eborn about 1921
PrinceWilliam Eborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuintonLilly born about 1885

R Surnames

RansomeBettie Lborn about 1928
RansomeEdward Sborn about 1912
RansomeMary Sborn about 1919
RansomeNina Bborn about 1899
RansomeRyan Sborn about 1892
RansomeRyan S Jrborn about 1924
RayGeorge born about 1900
RayJosephine born about 1910
RedmanSolomon born about 1926
ReeseJohn Sborn about 1885
ReeseMary Aborn about 1891
RenoldsLily Pborn about 1879
RenoldsWilliam Gborn about 1880
RiceCharles W Jborn about 1929
RiceFaulkner born about 1910
RiceFaulkner Jborn about 1910
RiceJames Mborn about 1926
RiceKatherine Aborn about 1930
RiceKatherine Wborn about 1897
RiceLotane Jborn about 1893
RiceLouise Bborn about 1881
RicePayne Eborn about 1888
RiceRussell Gborn about 1923
RiceWilliam Jborn about 1881
RitchieRobert Pborn about 1870
RobersonAl Fborn about 1930
RobersonChrist born about 1905
RobersonEarl born about 1938
RobersonEmma Fborn about 1932
RobersonHenry born about 1871
RobersonJames born about 1928
RobersonKatherine born about 1927
RobersonMary born about 1914
RobinEdna Vborn about 1929
RobinNewton Fborn about 1923
RobinRuth Lborn about 1930
RobinSarah Gborn about 1896
RobinsonAlice born about 1918
RobinsonBertie born about 1889
RobinsonCalvin born about 1870
RobinsonCalvin born about 1938
RobinsonClagette Cborn about 1888
RobinsonClara Pborn about 1896
RobinsonDelilah born about 1877
RobinsonDorothy Mborn about 1927
RobinsonEdna Pborn about 1886
RobinsonEdward Bborn about 1930
RobinsonEthel born about 1922
RobinsonGeorge born about 1911
RobinsonGrace born about 1923
RobinsonHela born about 1905
RobinsonHoward born about 1933
RobinsonJames Cborn about 1923
RobinsonJames Nborn about 1932
RobinsonJoe born about 1929
RobinsonJulius Hborn about 1918
RobinsonKate born about 1874
RobinsonKitty born about 1895
RobinsonLaura Nborn about 1920
RobinsonLollie born about 1890
RobinsonLollie Jr born about 1935
RobinsonLuther born about 1891
RobinsonMary born about 1939
RobinsonMarzell born about 1931
RobinsonRichmond Cborn about 1888
RobinsonRobert Bborn about 1927
RobinsonSam born about 1877
RobinsonThomas born about 1890
RobinsonThomas Aborn about 1922
RobinsonThomas Dborn about 1939
RobinsonVirginia born about 1924
RollinsAdnett born about 1921
RollinsEugene born about 1911
RollinsEugene Jr born about 1934
RollinsJohn Wborn about 1935
RollinsMary Eborn about 1936
RollinsNash born about 1924
RollinsOla born about 1914
RollinsOneal born about 1926
RollinsSusie born about 1892
RollinsSusie born about 1930
RollinsTheodore born about 1927
RoyEmma born about 1901
RoyJames born about 1864
RuffinAlexander born about 1935
RuffinEdward Jborn about 1889
RuffinGeorge Hborn about 1933
RuffinGriffin Lborn about 1928
RuffinIda Mborn about 1907
RuffinJoe Bborn about 1940
RuffinJohn Eborn about 1923
RuffinKathrine Eborn about 1938
RuffinMary Eborn about 1936
RuffinNannie Lborn about 1925
RuffinSue born about 1922
RuffinWilliam born about 1931
RussellCharlie born about 1898
RussellCharlie Cborn about 1932
RussellEdward Rborn about 1927
RussellElizabeth born about 1908
RussellJeannett born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerHelen Gborn about 1887
SadlerJohn Eborn about 1863
SadlerJohn Fborn about 1867
SadlerMattie Bborn about 1875
SadlerT Eborn about 1880
SaundersEleanor Sborn about 1931
SaundersFrances Vborn about 1928
SaundersFrancis Gborn about 1900
SaundersPatterson Hborn about 1925
SaundersVirginius Aborn about 1885
ScheltonMolly born about 1918
ScheltonRushel born about 1915
SchoolsAndrew Bborn about 1912
SchoolsFlorence Fborn about 1939
SchoolsGazell born about 1910
SchoolsHarold Wborn about 1924
SchoolsHattie Bellborn about 1932
SchoolsJames Rborn about 1915
SchoolsJohn born about 1919
SchoolsMary born about 1891
SchoolsMary Lborn about 1939
SchoolsMary Vborn about 1934
SchoolsPancy Lborn about 1920
SchoolsRobert Bborn about 1935
SchoolsRosa Bborn about 1883
SchoolsSam born about 1918
SchoolsThomas Eborn about 1893
SchoolsThomas Eborn about 1920
SchoolsVirginia born about 1919
SchoolsWalter Wborn about 1909
SchoolsWalter Wborn about 1936
SchoolsWillie Pborn about 1875
ScottAnnie born about 1890
ScottBenjamin born about 1908
ScottBertha born about 1916
ScottEdith Sborn about 1937
ScottFanny Eborn about 1934
ScottHarry born about 1880
ScottMable Rborn about 1937
ScottMary Mborn about 1939
ScottMary Sborn about 1920
ScottMelvin born about 1882
ScottMinnie born about 1895
ScottRose born about 1878
ScottWilliam Tborn about 1939
SegarJohn Rborn about 1864
SegarLouise Hborn about 1922
SegarMary born about 1877
SegarMary Lborn about 1940
SegarThomas born about 1939
SegarWilliam born about 1917
SewardAugusta Fborn about 1875
SewardGeneva born about 1894
SewardJames Eborn about 1920
SewardWilliam Jborn about 1916
ShawlyWilliam Fborn about 1928
ShewoodJ Rborn about 1851
ShullEmma Kborn about 1919
SmithAnnie Pborn about 1886
SmithArchie born about 1915
SmithBen born about 1896
SmithCalvin born about 1914
SmithCarrie born about 1889
SmithCarrie born about 1939
SmithDelphia born about 1880
SmithEdna born about 1923
SmithEdward Cborn about 1873
SmithEmmett born about 1875
SmithEstelle born about 1901
SmithFannie Pborn about 1892
SmithGeorge Rborn about 1899
SmithGloria Nborn about 1937
SmithHarry Lborn about 1884
SmithHope born about 1896
SmithIrene born about 1914
SmithJames born about 1883
SmithJames Hborn about 1900
SmithJohn born about 1911
SmithJohn Bborn about 1930
SmithJohn Lborn about 1886
SmithJohn Mborn about 1918
SmithJohn Rborn about 1911
SmithJohn R Jrborn about 1936
SmithJohn Sborn about 1918
SmithJohn Sborn about 1939
SmithJoseph born about 1923
SmithLaura Bborn about 1886
SmithLeila Sborn about 1926
SmithLeverta born about 1933
SmithLewis Eborn about 1928
SmithLewis Sborn about 1935
SmithLila born about 1905
SmithLucy born about 1890
SmithLucy Dborn about 1915
SmithMalissa born about 1868
SmithMarian born about 1901
SmithMartha Vborn about 1914
SmithMary born about 1891
SmithMary Dborn about 1926
SmithMary Eborn about 1935
SmithMary Sborn about 1922
SmithMaude Mborn about 1895
SmithMelvin born about 1931
SmithMyrna Jborn about 1939
SmithMyrtle Iborn about 1913
SmithNannie born about 1913
SmithNelly born about 1875
SmithPhillip born about 1898
SmithRichard Bborn about 1889
SmithSarah born about 1870
SmithScott Wborn about 1939
SmithTilden born about 1921
SmithVirgil Rborn about 1915
SmithVirginia Rborn about 1940
SmithWalker born about 1884
SmithWalter Pborn about 1867
SmithWilbur born about 1916
SmithWilliam born about 1890
SmithWilliam born about 1891
SmithWilliam born about 1908
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1907
SmithWilliam Mborn about 1937
SoudenMattie born about 1896
StaffordClarston born about 1854
StaffordElnora Lborn about 1874
StephenBessie born about 1918
StephenChristine born about 1923
StephenGladys born about 1921
StephenJohn born about 1913
StephenJoyce born about 1937
StephenLaurence born about 1892
StephenLois born about 1933
StephenLucy born about 1875
StephenMoklly Sborn about 1872
StiffFrank Aborn about 1861
StiffKate Sborn about 1871
StjohnMargaret born about 1923
StjohnMattie Rborn about 1886
StjoneGeorge Aborn about 1858
StokeleyJulia born about 1875
StokeleyLillie Mborn about 1928
StokerAndrew born about 1912
StokerAnne Louiseborn about 1938
StokerAubury born about 1910
StokerBlanch born about 1920
StokerHugh Aborn about 1940
StokerKathryn born about 1937
StokerMarie born about 1922
StokerMary born about 1937
StokerSaddie born about 1903
StokerSusan born about 1878
StokerWalter born about 1917
StokesFloyd born about 1935
StokesIrene born about 1939
StokesMabel born about 1921
StokesRobert born about 1937
StreetIrene Bborn about 1879

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T Surnames

TallentJohn Bborn about 1873
TallentMildred Jborn about 1881
TallentRichard Alvinborn about 1921
TateBessie Iborn about 1901
TateClide born about 1925
TateFloyd born about 1908
TateMatthews born about 1929
TatePorter born about 1932
TateRain born about 1900
TaylorAddie Bborn about 1911
TaylorAlice Mborn about 1932
TaylorAlvin Lborn about 1936
TaylorAnn Eborn about 1939
TaylorAnne born about 1937
TaylorBernard born about 1934
TaylorBertha born about 1910
TaylorCharlie born about 1908
TaylorClara born about 1929
TaylorClara Sborn about 1932
TaylorClaude born about 1914
TaylorElizabeth Nborn about 1935
TaylorElsie Mborn about 1931
TaylorErnest Eborn about 1930
TaylorFanny Lborn about 1870
TaylorFred born about 1923
TaylorFred Tborn about 1930
TaylorFred Jr born about 1928
TaylorGeorge born about 1900
TaylorGeorge Bborn about 1937
TaylorGeorge Fborn about 1889
TaylorGladys Mborn about 1934
TaylorHorace born about 1914
TaylorIda born about 1887
TaylorInez born about 1899
TaylorInez Fborn about 1929
TaylorIrene born about 1907
TaylorJack born about 1888
TaylorJames Hborn about 1871
TaylorJoe born about 1920
TaylorJoseph Cborn about 1882
TaylorKate born about 1859
TaylorKathryn born about 1927
TaylorLeurta Cborn about 1894
TaylorLinwood born about 1910
TaylorLoyd Sborn about 1936
TaylorMabel Cborn about 1925
TaylorMargarett Eborn about 1928
TaylorMarvin born about 1938
TaylorMary Fborn about 1904
TaylorMary Lborn about 1923
TaylorMason Wborn about 1900
TaylorMolly born about 1872
TaylorMyrtle born about 1915
TaylorNoel born about 1888
TaylorRobert Hborn about 1904
TaylorRussel born about 1932
TaylorRuth born about 1922
TaylorSusie Aborn about 1888
TaylorSusie Aborn about 1893
TaylorThomas Mborn about 1935
TaylorWilliam born about 1919
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1919
TaylorWillie born about 1892
TaylorWillie Mborn about 1926
TaylorWilson born about 1924
TaylorZora born about 1921
TempleBenjamin born about 1932
TempleCorinie born about 1925
TempleFlora Dborn about 1909
TempleFreddie born about 1928
TempleHilda born about 1933
TempleJames Eborn about 1902
TempleJames Jr born about 1923
TempleJoseph born about 1932
TempleMabel Aborn about 1924
TempleNovella Dborn about 1930
TempleRobert Aborn about 1921
TempleShelley Fborn about 1937
ThorntonAlvin born about 1924
ThorntonEmma born about 1908
ThorntonEstell born about 1924
ThorntonFranklin born about 1928
ThorntonHarry Cborn about 1894
ThorntonLewis born about 1878
ThorntonLucy born about 1900
ThorntonMargaret born about 1939
ThorntonMary Juletborn about 1932
ThorntonMathew born about 1890
ThorntonMathew born about 1892
ThorntonMattie born about 1895
ThorntonMelvin Jamesborn about 1929
ThorntonNathanal born about 1931
ThorntonRaymond born about 1927
ThorntonSusvia born about 1933
ThorntonThelma Lborn about 1930
ThorntonViolet born about 1890
ThriftLucy Eborn about 1858
ToddCharlie Bborn about 1932
ToddDaisy born about 1916
ToddGrace born about 1938
ToliverArchie Eborn about 1934
ToliverLewis born about 1918
ToliverLouis Lborn about 1930
ToliverMinnie born about 1892
ToliverWilliam Hborn about 1918
ToliverWillie Anneborn about 1919
TomkinsNettie Rborn about 1902
TomkinsPaul born about 1895
TompkinCareline born about 1862
TompkinCharlotte born about 1902
TompkinCharlotte Aborn about 1939
TompkinEdna Rborn about 1925
TompkinHurbert born about 1905
TompkinJannie born about 1907
TompkinJohn Williamborn about 1923
TompkinLucely born about 1901
TompkinMary Eborn about 1924
TompkinRichard born about 1925
TompkinRobert born about 1927
TompkinSusie born about 1915
TompkinThelma born about 1926
TompkinThelma born about 1927
TompkinsJamie Aborn about 1875
TonerAda Sborn about 1882
TonerFloyd Sborn about 1890
TribleClara born about 1870
TribleDrusilla born about 1889
TribleElizabeth born about 1885
TribleGeorge Mborn about 1863
TribleMary Sborn about 1874
TribleRobert born about 1887
TribleWaring born about 1908
TribleWilliam Aborn about 1916
TunstallLewis born about 1864
TunstallLewis Hborn about 1873
TunstallLollie born about 1912
TunstallLollie born about 1937
TunstallMartha born about 1917
TunstallMartha Bborn about 1919
TurnerElla born about 1890
TurnerGeorge born about 1877
TurnerGeorge Jr born about 1909
TurnerJames born about 1939
TurnerJohn born about 1939
TurnerLucy Aborn about 1908
TylorBen Mborn about 1875
TylorBetty Mborn about 1923
TylorIrene Sborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughanAlice born about 1883
VaughanAlvonia born about 1911
VaughanBessie born about 1927
VaughanCallie born about 1886
VaughanCatherine born about 1939
VaughanEulla born about 1935
VaughanJames born about 1904
VaughanJames born about 1931
VaughanJennie born about 1911
VaughanJohn Mborn about 1924
VaughanLewis born about 1870
VaughanMary Rborn about 1929
VaughanMeridith born about 1910
VaughanMinnie Pborn about 1896
VaughanMoses born about 1881
VaughanSue born about 1929
VaughanSusie born about 1873
VaughanSusie born about 1933
VaughanThelma born about 1930
VaughanViolet born about 1933
VaughanWilliam Aborn about 1880
VaughanWilliam Mborn about 1931
VerlanderAnn born about 1929
VerlanderBessie Cborn about 1897
VerlanderCatherine born about 1926
VerlanderCharlie born about 1899
VerlanderGeorge Bborn about 1921
VerlanderHenry Bborn about 1936
VerlanderIrma born about 1902
VerlanderJohn Thomasborn about 1922
VerlanderJulia Iborn about 1919
VerlanderRichard Eborn about 1883
VerlanderRobert Bborn about 1929
VerlanderSmithy born about 1924
VerlanderVirginia Bborn about 1924
VerlanderWilson Hborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaitesViola Lborn about 1922
WaldenAlice Mborn about 1914
WaldenBarbara Aborn about 1939
WaldenGarland Jborn about 1908
WaldenLenox Bborn about 1920
WaldenMary Gborn about 1887
WaldenRichard Cborn about 1909
WaldenRose Mborn about 1913
WalkerElsie born about 1932
WallerJohn Bborn about 1912
WallerJohn B Jrborn about 1937
WallerMary Eborn about 1917
WallerRoyel Eborn about 1940
WalterCelestine born about 1933
WalterHenry born about 1886
WalterJoe born about 1924
WalterJohn Wborn about 1931
WalterQueen born about 1926
WalterSam born about 1928
WaltonEmma born about 1939
WaltonEthel born about 1930
WaltonIrene born about 1935
WaltonJoseh born about 1933
WaltonMartha born about 1901
WaltonPearl born about 1924
WaltonThomas born about 1926
WaltonWillie Anneborn about 1936
WardersAlice Sborn about 1912
WardersFlorence Jborn about 1937
WardersJoise Mborn about 1935
WardersRaymond born about 1911
WareAuthur born about 1921
WareBanborn Sborn about 1936
WareCatishey born about 1882
WareCharlie born about 1862
WareCora born about 1868
WareEleanor Gborn about 1912
WareElla born about 1895
WareElla born about 1918
WareGuilford born about 1925
WareHenry born about 1931
WareIla Wborn about 1871
WareIly born about 1927
WareJoe born about 1882
WareJohn born about 1881
WareJohn Wborn about 1914
WareJoseph Lborn about 1923
WareLila born about 1890
WareLila Jborn about 1928
WareLuciile Rborn about 1875
WareLuciile Rborn about 1917
WareMacon born about 1886
WareMacon Mborn about 1931
WareMargaret Tborn about 1929
WareMargarett Mborn about 1891
WareMartha born about 1885
WareMary Eborn about 1932
WareMary Gborn about 1906
WareMary Vborn about 1915
WareNannie born about 1922
WareRobert Fborn about 1916
WareStanley Fborn about 1906
WareWilliam Eborn about 1907
WareWilliam Eborn about 1939
WareWilliam Lborn about 1903
WareWilliam L 3rdborn about 1928
WareWilson Cborn about 1925
WaringCarrie born about 1891
WaringEleanor born about 1917
WaringEugenia born about 1863
WaringJohn S Srborn about 1877
WaringJohn S Srborn about 1913
WaringMerdith Fborn about 1891
WaringWilliam Aborn about 1909
WarrentonJames born about 1887
WashingtonClara born about 1932
WashingtonClare born about 1931
WashingtonCrawford born about 1892
WashingtonCrawford Jr born about 1933
WashingtonEva born about 1911
WashingtonEvelin born about 1934
WashingtonFanny born about 1936
WashingtonFrances born about 1884
WashingtonHoward born about 1930
WashingtonIrene born about 1928
WashingtonIvony born about 1908
WashingtonJacob born about 1867
WashingtonJacob born about 1910
WashingtonJoseh born about 1915
WashingtonLucy Anneborn about 1911
WashingtonRollan born about 1910
WashingtonRuth born about 1927
WaterfieldAnne born about 1939
WaterfieldJames Lborn about 1937
WaterfieldMildred born about 1911
WayettEdna Lborn about 1932
WayettHorace Mborn about 1935
WayettJoiel Mborn about 1940
WayettLeslie born about 1916
WayettPickett born about 1906
WayttJulin born about 1931
WestAnn Wborn about 1895
WestChristine Bborn about 1912
WestChristine Eborn about 1932
WestDavid born about 1902
WestFrances Dborn about 1938
WestGeorge Fborn about 1937
WestHelen Pborn about 1934
WestJames Gborn about 1914
WestLantie Mborn about 1939
WestRose Mborn about 1936
WheelerHarry Cborn about 1880
WheelerJames Hborn about 1875
WheelerJoice born about 1880
WheelerLucy born about 1850
WheelerMattie Cborn about 1884
WheelerWilliam Eborn about 1872
WilkersonFrancis Aborn about 1917
WilkersonMary Tborn about 1891
WilkersonRuth Mborn about 1919
WillabyWilliam born about 1920
WillamanDoris born about 1908
WillamanH Aborn about 1907
WillamanMary Janeborn about 1937
WillamanSuzanne born about 1935
WilliamsAlbert Cborn about 1914
WilliamsAllive born about 1890
WilliamsAnna born about 1929
WilliamsBessie Mborn about 1921
WilliamsBuck born about 1858
WilliamsCelestine born about 1890
WilliamsEmma Iborn about 1929
WilliamsGeorge born about 1884
WilliamsJames born about 1928
WilliamsMagie born about 1908
WilliamsMamie born about 1870
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1909
WilliamsNathan born about 1930
WilliamsThelma born about 1939
WillisAlberta born about 1890
WillisAuthur born about 1920
WillisCharles Cborn about 1889
WillisCharles C Jrborn about 1921
WillisJauntin born about 1928
WinderAnnice born about 1923
WinderBrady born about 1925
WinderEatha born about 1927
WinderEmma Lborn about 1893
WinderGeorge born about 1912
WinderJoel Bborn about 1884
WinderMary Mborn about 1931
WinderMauriel born about 1919
WinterEvelyn born about 1924
WinterHallie born about 1886
WinterJames born about 1880
WoodC Cborn about 1871
WoodCorey Fborn about 1865
WoodJulia Mborn about 1891
WoodMiriam Sborn about 1908
WoodSusie Eborn about 1871
WoodSuzanne born about 1856
WoodlandEunice born about 1910
WoodlandJ Eborn about 1907
WoodlandLois born about 1933
WrightBessie born about 1917
WrightEdgar born about 1890
WrightFrankie Aborn about 1894
WrightJohn Rborn about 1886
WrightLeon Wborn about 1931
WrightMilvina born about 1892
WrightSilas Aborn about 1879
WrightWillie born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAlice Eborn about 1922
YoungArvid Mborn about 1927
YoungCatherine born about 1931
YoungClementine Bborn about 1924
YoungDoris Mborn about 1922
YoungFannie Bborn about 1893
YoungFrancis born about 1927
YoungFrank born about 1926
YoungHarry born about 1922
YoungIrene born about 1929
YoungJames born about 1936
YoungJoe born about 1893
YoungJohn born about 1868
YoungJulia born about 1926
YoungKatherine born about 1930
YoungMargaret Eborn about 1928
YoungMary born about 1902
YoungSallie born about 1875
YoungSarah born about 1928
YoungThomas born about 1877
YoungThomas Nborn about 1928
YoungVera Bborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanCalludwig born about 1880
ZimmermanJoe Annaborn about 1885

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