1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rehoboth, Lunenburg, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Lunenburg County > 1940 Census of Rehoboth

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharles Cborn about 1928
AdamsCharlie Monroeborn about 1898
AdamsDorthy born about 1937
AdamsEtta Lborn about 1904
AdamsHazel born about 1929
AdamsPansy born about 1934
AdamsPaul born about 1932
AdamsRobert Lborn about 1925
AdamsWilliam Rborn about 1935
AgentIda born about 1874
AlmondEffie Cborn about 1863
AlmondJohn Jborn about 1864
AmosAndrew Wborn about 1930
AmosBennie Wborn about 1898
AmosDaisy born about 1906
AmosDorthy Eborn about 1927
AmosE Danielborn about 1924
AmosEva Fborn about 1932
AmosFanny Oborn about 1929
AmosGladys Mayborn about 1923
AmosH Lusterborn about 1898
AmosHilda Cborn about 1926
AmosIla Wborn about 1899
AmosJ Newtonborn about 1921
AmosJames Dborn about 1938
AmosJean Lborn about 1934
AmosKermit Eborn about 1928
AmosM Paulineborn about 1921
AmosMabel Eborn about 1917
AmosMyrtle Eborn about 1926
AmosNancy Lborn about 1936
AmosNannie Bborn about 1867
AmosNannie Estelleborn about 1925
AmosR Aleaseborn about 1920
AmosTreddway born about 1926
AmosVandy born about 1904
AmosVergie born about 1930
ArrigtonAnnie Bessieborn about 1896
ArrigtonLuther Mborn about 1879
ArvinSally Annborn about 1840
AshwoodAlberry born about 1868
AshwoodAvis Marieborn about 1937
AshwoodElmore Hborn about 1910
AshwoodHugh Fborn about 1934
AshwoodJames Elmoreborn about 1939
AshwoodLula Annborn about 1874
AshwoodLuther Aborn about 1935
AshwoodMargie Fborn about 1930
AshwoodVirginia born about 1913
AshwoodWiley Rogersborn about 1936
AshworthAillen Vborn about 1908
AshworthAlice Kborn about 1919
AshworthB Leeborn about 1931
AshworthBarbara Gborn about 1938
AshworthCharlie Wborn about 1899
AshworthClaude Bborn about 1901
AshworthElla Mayborn about 1884
AshworthEstelle Mborn about 1914
AshworthFlorence Cborn about 1929
AshworthFranklin Bborn about 1937
AshworthGertrude Lborn about 1932
AshworthGloria Cborn about 1934
AshworthGordon born about 1940
AshworthHenry Sborn about 1905
AshworthHoward Aborn about 1896
AshworthHoward Warrenborn about 1892
AshworthKora Eborn about 1884
AshworthLillian Estelleborn about 1910
AshworthLillian Hborn about 1914
AshworthM Bannionborn about 1888
AshworthMargarett Aborn about 1938
AshworthMarshall Pborn about 1854
AshworthMerdith Fborn about 1879
AshworthMerle Eborn about 1939
AshworthMolly born about 1864
AshworthOtis Lborn about 1918
AshworthPattie born about 1870
AshworthPercy Leroyborn about 1927
AshworthR Vborn about 1867
AshworthWilliam Fborn about 1935
AshworthWoodrow Mborn about 1915
AustinStuart Aborn about 1922
AustinWillie born about 1864

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B Surnames

BaconAnnie Mayborn about 1890
BaconEdward born about 1928
BaconInez born about 1924
BaconJessie born about 1928
BaconJohn Henryborn about 1921
BaconMary born about 1895
BaconWalter Tborn about 1931
BaconWoodrow born about 1926
BahannonMary Fborn about 1936
BahannonMary Lillianborn about 1898
BahannonNancy Eborn about 1932
BahannonR Henryborn about 1899
BahannonWilliam born about 1926
BaileyBeril Fborn about 1929
BaileyCharlie Jborn about 1922
BaileyClarence Tborn about 1911
BaileyCornelius Jborn about 1866
BaileyEva Mayborn about 1901
BaileyFloyd Fborn about 1905
BaileyFloyd J Jrborn about 1925
BaileyFrank Lborn about 1920
BaileyGeorge Wborn about 1873
BaileyHunter Eborn about 1939
BaileyJ Andrewborn about 1921
BaileyJames Cborn about 1933
BaileyJane Henryborn about 1911
BaileyJosephine born about 1920
BaileyJulian Bborn about 1932
BaileyLewis Mborn about 1928
BaileyLucy Sborn about 1901
BaileyMargie Mborn about 1925
BaileyMolly Mborn about 1866
BaileyMolly Mborn about 1903
BaileyMorris Moranborn about 1893
BaileyMyrtle Snowborn about 1871
BaileySadie Rborn about 1904
BaileyVerlin Rborn about 1938
BaileyW Henryborn about 1919
BaileyWalter Rborn about 1896
BaileyWarren Eborn about 1928
BaineAnnie Rborn about 1907
BaineBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
BaineBetty Janeborn about 1937
BaineDoris Lborn about 1927
BaineElva Mayborn about 1917
BaineGeorge Eborn about 1922
BaineJene Cborn about 1933
BaineJohn Edwardborn about 1939
BaineJulia Fborn about 1876
BaineLenard Sborn about 1932
BaineLona Graceborn about 1905
BaineMary Eborn about 1880
BaineNellie Eborn about 1923
BaineOtha Cborn about 1904
BaineOtha C Jrborn about 1925
BaineRobert Edwardborn about 1883
BaineRoy born about 1919
BaineRufus Lborn about 1873
BaineSamuel Wborn about 1875
BaineSamuel W Jrborn about 1917
BaineWilliam Lborn about 1928
BalonDurelle born about 1902
BalonIsac Sborn about 1924
BalonMaggie born about 1904
BarksdaleBenjamin Fborn about 1939
BarksdaleCharlie Eborn about 1939
BarksdaleFlorence born about 1926
BarksdaleJohn Bborn about 1911
BarksdaleLaura Jborn about 1916
BarksdaleLesie born about 1885
BarksdaleMattie born about 1886
BarksdaleMerith born about 1916
BarksdaleRose Ellaborn about 1923
BarksdaleRuben born about 1911
BarksdaleSusie Aborn about 1937
BarksdaleWilliam Thomasborn about 1936
BarksdaleWillie Leeborn about 1928
BarnesBell born about 1880
BarnesBillie born about 1917
BarnesElmore born about 1913
BarnesMaggie Bellborn about 1938
BarnesPauline born about 1918
BarsdellKatherine born about 1934
BassElizabeth Bborn about 1906
BassOrrie Eborn about 1869
BaughElizabeth Aborn about 1888
BaughMelvin Marbleborn about 1913
BaughNellie born about 1915
BaughThomas Eborn about 1889
BeckAlfred Tyreeborn about 1932
BeckBlunt Cooperborn about 1887
BeckBlunt Cooper Jrborn about 1917
BeckCharlie Aaronborn about 1922
BeckDaisy Mborn about 1901
BeckEthel Eborn about 1892
BeckH Morrisborn about 1925
BeckHerbert Tborn about 1894
BeckJ Benjaminborn about 1926
BeckWalter Henryborn about 1924
BellElaine born about 1917
BiggerAnnie Leeborn about 1906
BiggerBeatrice Cborn about 1924
BiggerBetty Louborn about 1937
BiggerElizabeth Tborn about 1921
BiggerElnora born about 1925
BiggerFloyd Sborn about 1902
BiggerJames born about 1886
BiggerLuther born about 1876
BiggerMaggie born about 1881
BiggerMary Annborn about 1932
BiggerMary Hborn about 1880
BiggerRamey born about 1912
BiggerSarah Aborn about 1893
BiggerTom Oborn about 1906
BiggerWilliam Aborn about 1858
BiggerWilliam Hborn about 1900
BiggerWilliam H Jrborn about 1934
BlackJohn Fborn about 1873
BlackLula Eborn about 1881
BlevinsCarrie born about 1905
BlevinsCharles Eborn about 1898
BoswellKatherine born about 1934
BoswellMyrlte Bborn about 1934
BouraIsabell born about 1892
BraggAnnie born about 1915
BraggBernard born about 1904
BraggIrene born about 1932
BraggKatherine born about 1930
BraggLena Maffborn about 1937
BraggMary born about 1878
BraggRobert born about 1926
BraggSonk Albertborn about 1878
BraggWilliam Nolanborn about 1908
BrooksArcher Leeborn about 1933
BrooksHunter born about 1901
BrooksJulia born about 1934
BrooksRuth Boostborn about 1924
BrooksWilliam born about 1927
BrotherEmma Jeanborn about 1929
BrownJames born about 1928
BrownJohnnie born about 1935
BrownLonnie born about 1938
BrownMammie Pborn about 1933
BrownRuth Paulineborn about 1910
BrownWilliam born about 1906
BrownsBlanche Eborn about 1904
BrownsE Aleaseborn about 1924
BrownsLonnie Hborn about 1898
BrownsRegiland Hborn about 1921
BryantDoe Henryborn about 1905
BryantHattie born about 1906
BryantHaywood born about 1877
BryantHerbert born about 1916
BryantJosephine born about 1895
BryantPattie born about 1921
BryantWilliam born about 1913
BurnsAndrew born about 1922
BurnsAnnie Delmaborn about 1900
BurnsArcher born about 1908
BurnsJohn born about 1897
BurnsLillian born about 1927
BurnsLouise born about 1925
BurnsRoy born about 1920
BurnsWillie Cborn about 1884
BurtonAlice born about 1928
BurtonDavid born about 1934
BurtonFilmore born about 1922
BurtonFloyd born about 1930
BurtonHarry born about 1938
BurtonJames born about 1924
BurtonJoe Kborn about 1886
BurtonJoe K Jrborn about 1920
BurtonMaggie born about 1939
BurtonMamie Lborn about 1896
BurtonMartha born about 1928
BurtonNancy born about 1905
BurtonRobert born about 1889
BurtonSamuel born about 1925
BurtonSusie born about 1936
BurtonWillie born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarrinA Thomasborn about 1919
CarrinB Geneborn about 1939
CarrinD Lotzerborn about 1882
CarrinEugene born about 1918
CarrinG Markborn about 1873
CarrollAllie Bborn about 1900
CarrollJack Cborn about 1934
CarrollNanny Bborn about 1887
CarverSarah Francisborn about 1873
CassadaCharlie born about 1886
CassadaMary Jborn about 1891
CheatmanCharlie born about 1875
CheatmanMary born about 1877
CheekEllie Mayborn about 1897
CheekEmery Lborn about 1898
CheekEmery L Jrborn about 1929
CheekEthel Mayborn about 1923
CheekHenry Mborn about 1933
CheekJoseph Allenborn about 1918
CheekMabel Lucilleborn about 1917
CheekS Estelleborn about 1926
ChekBertha Eluynborn about 1922
ChekCharlie Elvynborn about 1919
ChidressFrankie born about 1920
ChidressIcia born about 1880
ChidressJohn Harveyborn about 1925
ChidressNellie born about 1922
ChidressRuby born about 1913
ChidressSherman Fborn about 1890
ChidressTommie born about 1917
ChidressZubie born about 1913
ChildersClelia Sborn about 1893
ChildersGarnett born about 1933
ChildersHarry born about 1924
ChildersHoward born about 1923
ChildersHugh born about 1928
ChildersLee Vborn about 1889
ChumneyAubrey Ellisborn about 1888
ChumneyBernard Fborn about 1937
ChumneyBesie Vborn about 1922
ChumneyCharles Ryanborn about 1936
ChumneyClaude born about 1929
ChumneyErnest Cborn about 1914
ChumneyEthel born about 1901
ChumneyEunice Mborn about 1916
ChumneyFlorence born about 1893
ChumneyFlorence Aborn about 1939
ChumneyGeorge Bborn about 1894
ChumneyHerbert Cborn about 1937
ChumneyIva Eborn about 1939
ChumneyJackie Leroyborn about 1935
ChumneyMay Bellborn about 1917
ChumneyMinnie born about 1925
ChumneyPhyllis Aborn about 1938
ChumneyRobert Wborn about 1933
ChumneyVernie Lborn about 1901
ChumneyViola born about 1907
ChumneyW Raelighborn about 1911
ChumneyWilliam born about 1926
ChumneyWilliam Rborn about 1936
ChumneyWillie Cborn about 1886
ClarkAnnie born about 1904
ClarkAubrey born about 1933
ClarkBessie born about 1899
ClarkFlossie Fborn about 1896
ClarkGordon born about 1927
ClarkHoward born about 1931
ClarkJames born about 1938
ClarkLouise born about 1931
ClarkMargaret born about 1936
ClarkMary Bellborn about 1935
ClarkOtis Fieldsborn about 1870
ClarkRosa born about 1927
ClarkStuart born about 1895
ClarkThea Pansyborn about 1884
ClarkThorlin born about 1921
ColeDoris born about 1937
ColeEdna born about 1912
ColeGlenn born about 1932
ColeHelen born about 1935
ColeLuther Aborn about 1892
ColeRuby born about 1930
ColemanAda born about 1893
ColemanAudy Almaborn about 1887
ColemanCornelia born about 1922
ColemanEva born about 1924
ColemanFannie born about 1874
ColemanJames born about 1917
ColemanMontague born about 1927
ColemanOdell born about 1920
ColemanShirley born about 1933
ColesEssie born about 1929
ColeyA Paulborn about 1869
CollinsHelen Sborn about 1889
CollinsJames Homerborn about 1916
CollinsJohn Edborn about 1890
CollinsRedginal born about 1923
CollinsT Whesleyborn about 1875
CollinsT Whesley Jrborn about 1924
ConleyJoe Romeborn about 1916
ConleyJohn Henryborn about 1918
ConleyJohn Wborn about 1891
ConleyLucy Mayborn about 1921
ConleyReginald born about 1926
CookMary Bellborn about 1921
CooperBennie born about 1935
CooperElwin born about 1891
CooperJohn Henryborn about 1906
CowerJohn Thomasborn about 1901
CowerJohn Thomas Jrborn about 1927
CowerMaryruth born about 1928
CowerRuth Sheltonborn about 1893
CrabtonAudrey born about 1926
CrabtonBernard born about 1932
CrabtonHortense born about 1934
CraigCalvin Byrdborn about 1925
CraigCharlie born about 1919
CraigHubert Leeborn about 1927
CraigJames Newtonborn about 1885
CraigJames Thomasborn about 1923
CraigMargaret born about 1892
CraigWashington born about 1922
CraizGeraldine born about 1929
CraizMargie born about 1931
CraizWilliam born about 1895
CrawfordFloyd Wborn about 1881
CrawfordOla B Wborn about 1873
CrenshawAnita Rborn about 1940
CrenshawBetty Lborn about 1938
CrenshawBrina Dborn about 1890
CrenshawCalvin Aborn about 1936
CrenshawCatey Wborn about 1925
CrenshawChristine born about 1932
CrenshawEdith Beatriceborn about 1918
CrenshawEldora Jborn about 1939
CrenshawElmore Jborn about 1911
CrenshawElmore J Jrborn about 1938
CrenshawElsie Mayborn about 1923
CrenshawGordon born about 1922
CrenshawHerbert Jacksonborn about 1887
CrenshawHerman Gborn about 1929
CrenshawJames Rborn about 1936
CrenshawJohn Hborn about 1917
CrenshawLizzie Sborn about 1913
CrenshawLois Gborn about 1937
CrenshawLucy Annborn about 1894
CrenshawLynward Eborn about 1930
CrenshawMabel Oborn about 1916
CrenshawMaggie born about 1876
CrenshawMartha Sborn about 1863
CrenshawMary Louborn about 1894
CrenshawMattie born about 1904
CrenshawMonroe Wborn about 1913
CrenshawNorman Wborn about 1875
CrenshawOscar Wborn about 1883
CrenshawRachel born about 1929
CrenshawSarah born about 1904
CrenshawThomas born about 1925
CrenshawThomas Oborn about 1895
CrenshawWilliam Maronborn about 1926
CrenshawWilliam Wborn about 1914
CrenshawWillie Dborn about 1888
CrowderWillie Hborn about 1873
CurrinElbert Gborn about 1902
CurrinEthel born about 1916
CurrinFannie Bborn about 1908
CurrinGarland Hughborn about 1926
CurrinHoyt Lynwoodborn about 1918
CurrinLona Blanchborn about 1894
CurrinWilliam Hughborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DaggetDonald born about 1915
DavisAnnie Eudaileyborn about 1885
DavisAnnie Mayborn about 1912
DavisBlanch born about 1890
DavisClinton Rborn about 1916
DavisE Eugeneborn about 1937
DavisErnest Lborn about 1916
DavisEster born about 1917
DavisHald Edwardborn about 1930
DavisHattie Blanchborn about 1934
DavisHelen born about 1875
DavisInez born about 1918
DavisIrcia born about 1925
DavisJack Lynnborn about 1885
DavisJoe Louisborn about 1936
DavisJohn born about 1914
DavisLewis born about 1889
DavisMargie born about 1922
DavisMary born about 1923
DavisMaynard born about 1914
DavisMillie Jeanborn about 1937
DavisNellie Lborn about 1922
DavisPeril Leeborn about 1939
DavisRichard born about 1939
DavisRobert born about 1903
DavisSarah born about 1884
DavisTom born about 1866
DavisWalter born about 1922
DenismoreBlanch born about 1920
DenismoreCharlie Wborn about 1882
DenismoreDoyle Eborn about 1931
DenismoreElsie born about 1926
DenismoreMary Eborn about 1884
DenismoreRobert Lborn about 1922
DenismoreRoy born about 1928
DitArtha born about 1905
DitBilly born about 1933
DitBobby Leeborn about 1937
DitBrightwell born about 1904
DitClaude born about 1929
DitEarl Eborn about 1939
DitElma Mayborn about 1924
DitJames born about 1927
DixC Louiseborn about 1939
DixDoris Jborn about 1937
DixElizabeth born about 1924
DixElla Mayborn about 1926
DixErnest Bborn about 1915
DixErnest Jr born about 1935
DixJ Louiseborn about 1917
DixL Ernestborn about 1892
DixMargret born about 1930
DixMildred born about 1928
DixRosa Ellaborn about 1894
DixonHenry born about 1924
DodsonEdward born about 1918
DodsonFannie born about 1923
DodsonKenneth born about 1911
DodsonMattie born about 1884
DodsonMaude Jborn about 1876
DufferDavid Jamesborn about 1891
DufferEllen Brownborn about 1898
DufferJames Iborn about 1926
DufferThomas Sborn about 1892
DufferWillie Fborn about 1876
DunnvantAnnie Mborn about 1907
DunnvantHala Cborn about 1908
DunnvantOra Mborn about 1927

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E Surnames

EgglestonDorthy Mborn about 1921
EgglestonHoward Aborn about 1893
EgglestonJames Mborn about 1923
EgglestonJesse Jborn about 1931
EgglestonLorena born about 1919
EgglestonLucy Eborn about 1919
EgglestonM Monroeborn about 1895
EgglestonMary Fborn about 1897
EgglestonMary Hborn about 1922
EgglestonMattie Aborn about 1904
EgglestonMattie Rborn about 1914
EgglestonRobert Jborn about 1926
EgglestonWilliam Rborn about 1872
EgglestonWillie Aborn about 1886
ElamAlma born about 1892
ElamBilly born about 1890
ElamDorthy born about 1927
ElamElizabeth born about 1924
ElamEmma born about 1929
ElamEstele born about 1927
ElamHoward born about 1930
ElamJames Edwardborn about 1934
ElamRosa born about 1917
ElamSally Annborn about 1922
ElamWalter born about 1915
ElamWilliam born about 1918
EppsChristine born about 1937
EppsCornelius born about 1929
EppsEdna born about 1891
EppsGeorge Edwardborn about 1894
EppsGladys born about 1933
EppsGuy born about 1916
EppsHattie Bborn about 1929
EppsJoseph born about 1939
EppsLawrence Eborn about 1931
EppsLizie born about 1872
EppsMary Beatriceborn about 1917
EppsMary Eborn about 1902
EppsThelma born about 1928
EppsWilliam born about 1925
EubankHenry born about 1922
EubankJack born about 1926
EubankJimmie born about 1925
EubankNanc Mborn about 1896
EubankRalfe born about 1931
EubankSamuel Georgeborn about 1876
EubankSamuel George Jrborn about 1922
EubankWilliam born about 1923
EubanksAlice Eborn about 1931
EubanksCharlie Iborn about 1934
EubanksClifton Eborn about 1927
EubanksErnest Irvinborn about 1907
EubanksEstella Mborn about 1911
EubanksFrank born about 1936
EubanksIvan Eborn about 1938
EubanksWilliam born about 1928
EudaileyJosh Pborn about 1860
EulanksElizabeth born about 1884
EulanksMinnie born about 1894
EvansAlma Rborn about 1926
EvansAnnie Bborn about 1867
EvansCharlie Aborn about 1919
EvansCharlie Jborn about 1886
EvansDavid Lborn about 1932
EvansDorthy born about 1921
EvansJames Lborn about 1892
EvansMargaret born about 1925
EvansMarion born about 1927
EvansMeril Vborn about 1903
EvansP Monroeborn about 1923
EvansRuby Vborn about 1899

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F Surnames

FarrDorthy born about 1924
FarrorDorthy born about 1932
FarrorElsie born about 1916
FarrorRoy born about 1911
FaulknerCarry born about 1937
FaulknerHattie born about 1902
FaulknerIrvin born about 1927
FaulknerLewis born about 1924
FaulknerM Louiseborn about 1930
FaulknerMargarete born about 1932
FaulknerMonroe born about 1934
FaulknerMonzy born about 1896
FaulknerMonzy Leeborn about 1939
FaulknerTabness Jr born about 1935
FerellHugh Bborn about 1871
FerellIsabell Bborn about 1871
FieldsDela born about 1875
FieldsJames Eborn about 1875
FieldsMargrett born about 1933
FieldsMarie born about 1924
FieldsMilton born about 1923
FieldsRichard born about 1935
FieldsRussell born about 1931
FieldsThomas born about 1878
FierceAlice Bborn about 1888
FierceHelen born about 1932
FierceHoover born about 1929
FierceLeland born about 1920
FierceSamuel Aborn about 1885
FierceShula Mayborn about 1925
FierceTreadway born about 1926
FlowerG Katherineborn about 1916
FlowerH Edwardborn about 1936
FlowerHenry Mborn about 1907
FlowerReginald Fborn about 1937
ForeHenry born about 1906
ForeHoward Gborn about 1874
ForeIda Leeborn about 1865
FowklesBertha born about 1908
FowklesHarry born about 1875
FowklesHattie Leeborn about 1935
FowklesLynwood born about 1930
FowklesMattie Reeborn about 1932
FowklesMorris born about 1924
FowklesRoosvelt born about 1933
FowklesSally Perilborn about 1939
FowklesSarah Janeborn about 1937
FowklesVirgie born about 1878
FowklesWashington born about 1908
FowlkesJohn Lewisborn about 1907
FowlkesSally born about 1915
FowlkesTheodore born about 1940
FowlksCharlie born about 1899
FowlksEdward Leeborn about 1934
FowlksElla born about 1870
FowlksHarvey born about 1915
FowlksJim born about 1880
FowlksLula born about 1914
FowlksMissouria born about 1882
FowlksRobert Edwardborn about 1911
FullerAurthur born about 1932
FullerDavid born about 1927
FullerHenry born about 1913
FullerInez born about 1910
FullerJames born about 1921
FullerJohn Warnaborn about 1884
FullerJohnnie Wborn about 1919
FullerKanovie born about 1924
FullerMay Boelborn about 1889
FullerOdell born about 1914
FullerWilliam born about 1910

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G Surnames

GagneyBilly born about 1935
GagneyEvelyn Nborn about 1903
GagneyJack born about 1927
GagneyJoe Cephusborn about 1896
GagneyJosephine born about 1930
GainRichard born about 1924
GarlandAda born about 1937
GarlandEdith born about 1917
GarlandEugene born about 1921
GarlandFanny Gborn about 1916
GarlandGriffin born about 1919
GarlandJohn born about 1890
GarlandLewis born about 1935
GarlandLuvania born about 1933
GarlandStugant born about 1939
GarlandWilliam born about 1911
GarnerEdna Sueborn about 1924
GarnerFranklin Deloborn about 1933
GarnerHarper born about 1913
GarnerJames Aborn about 1918
GarnerJohn Grahamborn about 1883
GarnerMargrett Dborn about 1926
GarnerMartha Gborn about 1930
GarnerMarther Rborn about 1890
GarnerP Thomasborn about 1922
GarnerT Kermitborn about 1920
GeeJoe Thomasborn about 1895
GeeJoe Thomas Jrborn about 1924
GeeThyra born about 1900
GertenCodular born about 1916
GertenHoward Lborn about 1937
GertenJim born about 1890
GertenR Johnborn about 1939
GieldsAnnie born about 1917
GieldsHerman born about 1937
GieldsM Sueborn about 1940
GieldsSherman born about 1938
GieldsWilliam born about 1911
GloverArie Fosterborn about 1863
GloverLaura Lborn about 1868
GoochBoo born about 1918
GoodeAlward born about 1922
GoodeBertha born about 1924
GoodeBetty born about 1890
GoodeBula Annborn about 1939
GoodeCarry born about
GoodeCical born about 1915
GoodeCical Jr born about 1940
GoodeDouglas born about 1912
GoodeIdell born about 1917
GoodeJohnnie born about 1891
GoodeShirley Annborn about 1938
GoodeViola born about 1926
GreenDick born about 1891
GreenNannie born about 1894
GregroyDuvell Jborn about 1870
GregroyMary Sborn about 1872
GuthrieBilly Leeborn about 1932
GuthrieElbert Dborn about 1910
GuthrieElbert D Jrborn about 1939
GuthrieEthel Aborn about 1912
GuthrieGlenn Irvinborn about 1934
GuthrieHilda Lborn about 1936

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H Surnames

HaileyEna born about 1882
HaileyGeorge Wborn about 1922
HallHeater born about 1914
HallJames Rborn about 1878
HallNannie Bborn about 1889
HallSidnor Wborn about 1904
HallWilliam Rsborn about 1925
HalleyBernard Mborn about 1919
HalleyMattie Lborn about 1916
HalleyNanny Eborn about 1895
HalleyStokes Aborn about 1878
HalleyWalter Eugene Jrborn about 1936
HalleyWalter Wborn about 1915
HankinsJohn born about 1870
HanksCelo born about 1910
HanksM Ruthborn about 1933
HanksOrville born about 1907
HanksRobert Lborn about 1936
HanksRuby Jborn about 1939
HanksWilliam Oborn about 1929
HardingAlma Gborn about 1903
HardingAndrew Bborn about 1871
HardingAnnie Lborn about 1880
HardingBarbara Louiseborn about 1933
HardingDewitt Cborn about 1876
HardingDoris Leeborn about 1929
HardingGladys Louiseborn about 1911
HardingHelen Lucilleborn about 1905
HardingJohn Nathanielborn about 1931
HardingJohn Wborn about 1910
HardingMilton born about 1936
HardingMilton Sborn about 1911
HardingRobert Cborn about 1925
HardingShirley Mayborn about 1936
HardyAnnie Lborn about 1896
HardyChander Lborn about 1926
HardyEllen Lborn about 1918
HardyIrene Aborn about 1916
HardyJames born about 1924
HardyJennie W Tborn about 1875
HardyJessie Hborn about 1931
HardyJessie Leeborn about 1913
HardyLois Aborn about 1937
HardyMary Eborn about 1934
HardyWilliam Cborn about 1876
HardyWilliam C Jrborn about 1931
HarrisG Calvinborn about 1932
HarrisHardy Natenborn about 1927
HarrisLillian Cborn about 1880
HarrisLucy Mayborn about 1907
HarrisMartha Allenborn about 1933
HarrisMarvin Lborn about 1901
HarrisOrlen Lborn about 1884
HarrisOscar Leoborn about 1913
HarrisRainey Rborn about 1903
HarrisW Berniceborn about 1908
HarrisonThomas Jborn about 1888
HassJohn Wborn about 1918
HatcherBennie Leeborn about 1912
HatcherClaria Vborn about 1891
HatcherLilly Sborn about 1926
HatcherMyrtle Vborn about 1939
HatcherPaul Greenborn about 1917
HatcherPearl Beatriceborn about 1922
HatcherRichard Aborn about 1886
HatcherSamon Aborn about 1929
HayesAbarham born about 1936
HayesByard born about 1898
HayesIda born about 1875
HayesLeroy born about 1933
HayesLillie born about 1906
HayesMary Dborn about 1930
HayesMyrtle born about 1926
HayesNell born about 1922
HayesPhilip born about 1921
HayesStanley born about 1916
HayesVirginia born about 1922
HazelwoodBilly born about 1930
HazelwoodIsabell born about 1929
HazelwoodLula born about 1905
HazelwoodWillie born about 1891
HedgepathCecil Edardborn about 1918
HedgepathIla Leeborn about 1920
HedgepathLilly Maeborn about 1920
HedgepathN Lorenaborn about 1924
HedgeportMcroy Aborn about 1922
HepbornJuniur born about 1922
HepbornLessie born about 1923
HepbornMinnie born about 1886
HepbornRosa born about 1886
HepbornRosa born about 1930
HepburnAlice born about 1934
HepburnGeorge born about 1871
HepburnGeorge born about 1925
HepburnInez born about 1924
HepburnJames born about 1927
HepburnKatherine born about 1937
HepburnLawrence born about 1905
HepburnLizie born about 1897
HepburnMartha born about 1920
HepburnRichard born about 1931
HepburnRoy born about 1921
HepburnSuzie born about 1930
HerndonBennie born about 1913
HerndonClarence Hborn about 1911
HerndonGoff born about 1876
HerndonIda Blancheborn about 1878
HerndonIrma born about 1915
HerndonJohn Robertborn about 1908
HollowayAlverta born about 1922
HollowayAnnie Sueborn about 1923
HollowayChristine born about 1939
HollowayCullis born about 1922
HollowayDurlight born about 1920
HollowayErnest born about 1918
HollowayGeorge Aborn about 1889
HollowayHerbert Leeborn about 1936
HollowayKennith born about 1915
HollowayLee Rahterborn about 1888
HollowayMary Lborn about 1938
HollowayWhaley born about 1922
HubbardCharlie Lborn about 1872
HubbardErmit Lborn about 1920
HubbardLou Ellaborn about 1883
HubbardSamuel Eborn about 1915
HubbardSamuel Gborn about 1870
HudsonAnis Elizabethborn about 1924
HudsonDella Eborn about 1910
HudsonElvlyn Kayborn about 1938
HudsonJulia Annborn about 1868
HudsonThomas Aborn about 1934
HudsonThomas Edwardborn about 1900
HurtHarriet born about 1918
HurtWilliam born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngeSarah Whiteborn about 1895
IngramA Bellborn about 1883
IngramD Thomasborn about 1881
IngramD Thomas Jrborn about 1921
IngramFrances Aborn about 1931
IngramNellie Grayborn about 1923

J Surnames

JacksonAddie Mborn about 1891
JacksonAlvin born about 1923
JacksonCarl Wborn about 1912
JacksonMelvin born about 1923
JacksonPrince born about 1904
JenkinsEarl born about 1915
JenkinsEdward born about 1917
JenkinsGalvin born about 1921
JenkinsMattie Bborn about 1921
JenkinsNorman born about 1919
JenkinsRichard born about 1919
JenkinsWilliam born about 1895
JerdinMarie born about 1934
JeterJohn Henryborn about 1874
JeterJoseph Taylorborn about 1872
JeterKatherine Eborn about 1926
JeterL Mayborn about 1900
JeterLela Ruthborn about 1920
JeterLeland Allenborn about 1886
JeterLola Ercelleborn about 1909
JeterRuth born about 1887
JohnsonAlexander Jr born about 1928
JohnsonBennie born about 1934
JohnsonCharlie born about 1934
JohnsonDaisy born about 1918
JohnsonDoris born about 1939
JohnsonEddie Cborn about 1893
JohnsonEffie born about 1883
JohnsonEmma Gborn about 1912
JohnsonEnoch born about 1936
JohnsonGertrude born about 1930
JohnsonGrace Vborn about 1899
JohnsonJames Edwardborn about 1921
JohnsonJohnnie born about 1916
JohnsonRussell born about 1916
JohnsonSula born about 1893
JonesEarly born about 1913
JonesEdmonia born about 1873
JonesHammie born about 1926
JordanAlma born about 1939
JordanAreland born about 1936
JordanDee Garborn about 1918
JordanIrene born about 1918
JordanRuby Leeborn about 1916
JordanV Lucilleborn about 1933
JordanWilliam Rborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KerbyIda born about 1896
KerbyMary Ellenborn about 1923
KerbySally Mildredborn about 1925
KerbyWilbert Hborn about 1894
KirkEdwin Mborn about 1917
KirkHouston Lborn about 1881
KirkJohn Thomasborn about 1868
KirkKent Elmoborn about 1926
KirkMary Isabellborn about 1880
KirkMinor Houstonborn about 1921
KnightBeulah born about 1893
KnightCuvan born about 1934
KnightElizabeth born about 1920
KnightElla born about 1900
KnightHouston born about 1930
KnightJoseph born about 1885
KnightJulia born about 1871
KnightJune born about 1928
KnightMargarett born about 1925
KnightMary Aliceborn about 1936
KnightMerel born about 1927
KnightOscar born about 1871
KnightRainy born about 1921
KnightRamond Sborn about 1896
KnightRawligh Lborn about 1920
KnightReginald born about 1925
KnightTruman born about 1923
KnottDoris Oborn about 1928
KnottElna Mborn about 1933
KnottElvyn Cborn about 1930
KnottErnest Lborn about 1924
KnottGracie Lborn about 1892
KnottJames born about 1921
KnottLewis Hborn about 1886
KunathCharles Elwynborn about 1925
KunathCharles Hborn about 1901
KunathEthelyne Loisborn about 1928
KunathIda Vborn about 1862
KunathRollie born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LailJames Craigborn about 1927
LangJean Marieborn about 1931
LangPattie born about 1893
LangWarren Cborn about 1896
LawerenceBeatrice born about 1934
LawerenceBert born about 1910
LawerenceEvernease born about 1936
LawerenceJulia Maeborn about 1913
LawerenceKorean born about 1938
LawerenceMary Fborn about 1933
LawerenceShelly Mborn about 1939
LawerenceWillie Bborn about 1931
LawsonAnnie Bborn about 1890
LawsonCharlie Wborn about 1884
LaytonJames Lborn about 1869
LeachCall Eborn about 1932
LeaffordWade born about 1919
LeeBernard born about 1922
LeeDouglas born about 1873
LeeLessie born about 1879
LeeRichard Jr born about 1928
LethJessie Hborn about 1891
LethJohn Robertborn about 1890
LoveMattie born about 1882
LoveMay Annaborn about 1934
LoveWilliam born about 1875
LulEaster born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MangumGertrude born about 1928
MangumHugh born about 1924
MangumLula Pborn about 1886
MangumShirley born about 1930
MangumWayland born about 1922
MangumWesley born about 1926
MangumWilliam Mborn about 1879
MarbleAnnie Eborn about 1877
MarbleAnnie Eborn about 1927
MarbleEddie born about 1880
MarbleElsise born about 1923
MarbleEugene born about 1937
MarbleHerbert Aborn about 1886
MarbleLeatha Aborn about 1931
MarbleLeone born about 1939
MarbleMadline born about 1933
MarbleMamie born about 1915
MarbleMargie born about 1931
MarbleMary Bborn about 1883
MarbleMattie Sueborn about 1910
MarbleRosa Aborn about 1893
MarbleRufus born about 1934
MarbleThomas Jborn about 1886
MarbleWillie Aborn about 1883
MarbleWinifred born about 1938
MartonHarriet born about 1890
MartonWillie born about 1886
MatesBob Millieborn about 1939
MatesCharlie Wborn about 1937
MatesClarence born about 1918
MatesHelen Vborn about 1934
MatesLouise born about 1938
MatesLula Adaborn about 1919
McCargoClarence born about 1926
McCargoEllen born about 1887
McCargoEtta born about 1932
McCargoHenry born about 1924
McCargoIrwin born about 1931
McCargoJohn born about 1923
McCargoLena born about 1934
McCargoSally born about 1898
McCormickAddie born about 1884
McCormickElich born about 1918
McCormickJarett born about 1915
McCormickJohn Bborn about 1884
McCormickStanley born about 1922
McGinnisBobby Leroyborn about 1935
McGinnisCarrie Wborn about 1905
McGinnisGeorge Aborn about 1907
McGinnisGladys Eborn about 1918
McGinnisHarold Bborn about 1938
McGinnisIrvin born about 1925
McGinnisJames Wborn about 1869
McGinnisNancy Bborn about 1872
McGinnisNancy Lborn about 1933
McGinnisSarah Gborn about 1905
McGinnisTroy born about 1899
McGinnisWillie Leeborn about 1911
McHannaJoseph Gborn about 1889
MitchellAnnie Jr born about 1930
MitchellBessie Mayborn about 1932
MitchellEnie Mayborn about 1935
MitchellFaro born about 1900
MitchellJ Calvinborn about 1927
MitchellJames Jr born about 1925
MitchellLenard Eborn about 1929
MitchellOrdey Maeborn about 1926
MitchellPerla Faborn about 1930
MitterJanie born about 1894
MitterMary Lborn about 1925
MitterRobert born about 1914
MooreAlice Rborn about 1918
MooreHenry born about 1912
MooreJames Eborn about 1938
MooreJames Johnborn about 1916
MortonBradley born about 1926
MortonMary Helenborn about 1932
MortonMonroe born about 1928
MortonWillie Annborn about 1939
MurrayFrank Leeborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashMargaret Wborn about 1877
NashWilliam Rosaborn about 1889
NeilKatie born about 1876
NewcombA Lynwoodborn about 1886
NewcombAndrew Wborn about 1905
NewcombAndrew Wborn about 1938
NewcombAnnie born about 1905
NewcombArlene born about 1916
NewcombBerkly born about 1936
NewcombEddie Craigborn about 1916
NewcombElizabeth born about 1883
NewcombEmitte Hborn about 1936
NewcombEthel Mborn about 1925
NewcombEva Lborn about 1893
NewcombEvlyn Lborn about 1922
NewcombFannie Mborn about 1883
NewcombG Dellborn about 1921
NewcombGarland born about 1929
NewcombGeorge Pborn about 1917
NewcombGladys born about 1926
NewcombJames Archerborn about 1874
NewcombJames Rborn about 1940
NewcombJean born about 1939
NewcombJessie Lborn about 1893
NewcombJessie L Jrborn about 1918
NewcombJoseph Lborn about 1929
NewcombKate Eborn about 1880
NewcombL Ellenborn about 1874
NewcombLarta Cborn about 1920
NewcombLettie born about 1933
NewcombLillian born about 1923
NewcombLoreane born about 1919
NewcombMargaret Jborn about 1931
NewcombMargret born about 1937
NewcombMartha Fborn about 1930
NewcombMary Loisborn about 1927
NewcombMassie Wborn about 1925
NewcombMattie Mborn about 1907
NewcombMuriel born about 1902
NewcombNora Fborn about 1936
NewcombNorma Mayborn about 1914
NewcombOtis born about 1905
NewcombRenzel born about 1887
NewcombRodney born about 1913
NewcombRuby born about 1900
NewcombRufus Cborn about 1869
NewcombRuth Bborn about 1912
NewcombSam born about 1927
NewcombT Arthaborn about 1915
NewcombTebe Baileyborn about 1923
NewcombVince born about 1922
NewcombVirginia born about 1920
NewcombWilliam Aborn about 1878
NewcombWilliam Aborn about 1923
NewcombWilliam Bborn about 1934
NewcombWilliam Jborn about 1902
NewcombWilliam Rborn about 1939
NewcombWoody Jborn about 1932
NicholsDalas born about 1928
NicholsEarl born about 1908
NicholsRay born about 1923
NoelW Watkinsborn about 1902
NolleyBen Elwynborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverGracie Maudeborn about 1897
OliverWilliam born about 1880
OwenFrank born about 1866
OwenOphelia born about 1875

P Surnames

PalmerFrancis Rborn about 1931
PalmerGeorge Mborn about 1869
PalmerGeraldine Hborn about 1920
PalmerL Keithborn about 1909
PalmerMabel Gborn about 1901
PalmerMabel Mborn about 1891
PalmerMary Janeborn about 1871
PalmerRichard Cborn about 1929
PalmerRobert Hborn about 1930
PalmerRoselett Mborn about 1901
PalmerRuby Eborn about 1915
PalmerW Francisborn about 1901
PalmerWillie Wborn about 1868
PamplinCharlie born about 1913
PamplinGeorge born about 1917
PamplinJessie born about 1915
PamplinKora born about 1926
PamplinLucille born about 1924
PamplinMary born about 1931
PamplinMolly born about 1887
PamplinRobert born about 1919
PamplinShula born about 1920
PamplinWilliam Bborn about 1937
ParrichClarence Dborn about 1909
ParrichEmma Bborn about 1878
PartinWillie Bborn about 1926
PartinWillis Oborn about 1926
PennigtonCharlie Nborn about 1901
PennigtonChristine born about 1929
PennigtonEvaline born about 1929
PennigtonHazel Gordonborn about 1907
PennigtonJohn Williamborn about 1858
PennigtonLena Gordonborn about 1928
PenningtonC Barenborn about 1881
PenningtonGrace Mborn about 1889
PenningtonPancy Bborn about 1892
PenningtonPearl Kborn about 1891
PenningtonScott Rborn about 1887
PeterAnnie Estelleborn about 1922
PeterAnnie Thelmaborn about 1898
PeterHerbert Willardborn about 1919
PeterLucius Herbertborn about 1892
PeterN Harveyborn about 1925
PettusC Amosborn about 1876
PettusJosephine born about 1877
PettusLemule born about 1919
PhilipsAda born about 1919
PhilipsHarold born about 1923
PhilipsJack born about 1919
PhilipsMaggie born about 1884
PhilipsMarvin born about 1913
PhilipsMary born about 1937
PhilipsWalter born about 1926
PhilpsLucille born about 1921
PoolC Albertborn about 1924
PorterGeorge Wborn about 1919
PorterHelen born about 1910
PorterInez born about 1931
PorterJohn born about 1901
PoundsSarie born about 1902
PriceHerman born about 1935
PrillAnnie Leeborn about 1887
PrillBernett born about 1920
PrillWalter Sborn about 1889
ProciseBerta Estelleborn about 1922
ProciseMable born about 1920
ProciseRichard Hborn about 1884
ProciseRosa Bellborn about 1890
ProciseRuby Mildredborn about 1916
ProliseErnest Elmoreborn about 1914
ProliseFannie Louborn about 1912
ProliseMary Emmaborn about 1914
ProliseRichard Allenborn about 1935
ProliseRichard Eborn about 1910
PryarJackson born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandolfMary Aborn about 1934
RedLee Andrewborn about 1921
RevisLewis born about 1912
RevisMary Lborn about 1890
RiddickAnn Eborn about 1936
RiddickJames born about 1907
RiddickLewis Hborn about 1932
RiddickSally born about 1911
RobertsonBessie Lelborn about 1896
RobertsonHerbert Lborn about 1876
RobertsonKaro Eborn about 1893
RobertsonMillie born about 1869
RobertsonPauline born about 1888
RobertsonW Lynwoodborn about 1894
RobtersonBradley born about 1888
RobtersonCarbun born about 1918
RobtersonCarl born about 1924
RobtersonErnestine born about 1916
RobtersonHazel born about 1920
RobtersonHoward born about 1927
RobtersonJessie born about 1890
RobtersonPatrick Hborn about 1866
RobtersonWilfred born about 1939
RobtersonWilliam Aborn about 1922
RoseEmma Eborn about 1885
RoseJohn Eborn about 1886
RowellChester Gborn about 1900
RoysterAndrew born about 1912
RoysterBessie born about 1921
RoysterBeulah born about 1918
RoysterEldon Bborn about 1917
RoysterKate born about 1894
RoysterOtis born about 1919
RusselCarey Zaneborn about 1937
RusselHenry Sneadborn about 1915
RusselIsabell born about 1919
RusselRobert Bborn about 1938
RussellHenry born about 1886
RussellWilliam Bborn about 1885
RutledgeAnnie Leeborn about 1930
RutledgeBessie Mborn about 1886
RutledgeEdward Wborn about 1907
RutledgeEdward Wborn about 1932
RutledgeElma Aborn about 1915
RutledgeEmit Mborn about 1922
RutledgeEmit Wborn about 1886
RutledgeEva born about 1901
RutledgeGarland born about 1927
RutledgeGloria born about 1925
RutledgeGordon Tborn about 1937
RutledgeHenry Aborn about 1891
RutledgeJohn born about 1934
RutledgeKaterlene born about 1923
RutledgeKora born about 1921
RutledgeLewis Lborn about 1916
RutledgeLois born about 1929
RutledgeLona Nborn about 1910
RutledgeLonnie Hborn about 1914
RutledgeM Aliceborn about 1919
RutledgeM Elizabethborn about 1912
RutledgeMildred Lborn about 1921
RutledgeRennie Cborn about 1910
RutledgeRoy born about 1900
RutledgeRuby Oborn about 1919
RutledgeSamie born about 1918
RutledgeSarah Aborn about 1876
RutledgeShirley Aborn about 1935
RutledgeShirley Aborn about 1937
RutledgeStuart born about 1936
RutledgeThelma born about 1919
RutledgeVirginia Eborn about 1918
RutledgeW Edwardborn about 1920
RuxAnnie born about 1928
RuxDavid born about 1924
RuxElich born about 1930
RuxElon born about 1934
RuxFultos born about 1919
RuxJennie born about 1895
RuxJennie Sborn about 1926
RyanPhilmore born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SarkaMitie born about 1926
SarkaSam born about 1892
SaundersAnthony born about 1870
ShawG Hermanborn about 1909
ShawGeorge Bborn about 1875
ShawMildred born about 1905
ShawMinnie born about 1873
SheltonAnn Hazelborn about 1920
SheltonAnnie Leeborn about 1900
SheltonAnnie Onestaborn about 1922
SheltonAubrey Fborn about 1912
SheltonBessie born about 1892
SheltonClarence Nborn about 1906
SheltonDaisy Eldenborn about 1893
SheltonDora Eborn about 1885
SheltonEgdell born about 1908
SheltonFitz Hughborn about 1871
SheltonFitzhugh Leeborn about 1907
SheltonFredway born about 1918
SheltonGeorge born about 1884
SheltonHoward born about 1891
SheltonJohn born about 1932
SheltonKendig born about 1926
SheltonLewis born about 1917
SheltonLula Fborn about 1886
SheltonMargie born about 1922
SheltonMary born about 1862
SheltonMary born about 1893
SheltonMary Janeborn about 1913
SheltonMaude Cborn about 1906
SheltonMilton born about 1902
SheltonRaymon Oborn about 1892
SheltonReginald born about 1930
SheltonRobert born about 1872
SheltonRobert born about 1915
SheltonRolie Aborn about 1898
SheltonRoy born about 1896
SheltonRuby born about 1924
SheltonRuth born about 1921
SheltonRuth Lyleborn about 1907
SheltonSterling born about 1926
SheltonViriginia Cborn about 1867
SheltonW Clenlandborn about 1885
SheltonWalter Jonesborn about 1888
SheltonWillie born about 1925
SheltonWillie Aborn about 1864
SheltonWilma Janeborn about 1938
SheltorCameron born about 1923
SheltorG Mildredborn about 1912
SheltorHerbert born about 1920
SheltorMarie born about 1918
SheltorMary Vborn about 1926
SheltorVincent Ellisborn about 1915
ShortLaura born about 1905
SilbyIrma born about 1912
SilbyRobert born about 1912
SimpsonTroy born about 1884
SimsBertha Maeborn about 1939
SimsGeorge born about 1917
SimsLerlene born about 1923
SlaughterHenry Lawreceborn about 1890
SlaughterMary Katherineborn about 1931
SlaughterMattie Pearlborn about 1892
SlaughterRuth Hborn about 1924
SmithGrace Bellborn about 1895
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1886
SmithWilliam L Jrborn about 1916
SmithWillie Templeborn about 1931
SmithsonParthonie born about 1850
SnealThelma Rborn about 1912
SpainMabel born about 1916
SpencerAnnie Pborn about 1892
SpencerBoyard Mborn about 1886
SpencerDelma Rborn about 1926
SpencerEdward Thomasborn about 1874
SpencerWalter Thomasborn about 1886
SpurlockBlanch born about 1900
SpurlockFant Royborn about 1888
SpurlockJames born about 1916
SpurlockVirginia born about 1921
StampCharlie Wborn about 1881
StampLaura Annborn about 1938
StampSusie Dufferborn about 1902
StjohhnHarriet Fleoyborn about 1902
StjohhnRoger Leeborn about 1870
StjohnBessie Gborn about 1937
StjohnByert Mborn about 1913
StjohnMary Mborn about 1918
StokesAtlas born about 1935
StokesBernice born about 1928
StokesElizabeth born about 1910
StokesErniston born about 1939
StokesGoodrith Hborn about 1901
StokesMary Eborn about 1931
StokesShirley born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorS Tborn about 1917
TerryAlice Eborn about 1935
TerryEdward born about 1891
TerryGarland Hborn about 1937
TerryLottie Bborn about 1905
TerryMargie Lborn about 1931
TerryMildred Mborn about 1929
TerryPaul Edwardborn about 1933
ThompsonBessie Leeborn about 1919
ThompsonC Williamborn about 1933
ThompsonEllen Louiseborn about 1920
ThompsonGlynis Eborn about 1916
ThompsonHester born about 1905
ThompsonIda Jeterborn about 1887
ThompsonIlvia born about 1872
ThompsonJeneva born about 1925
ThompsonJohn Hborn about 1875
ThompsonKermit born about 1927
ThompsonLawrence Jr born about 1915
ThompsonMary Fletaborn about 1899
ThompsonMerlin born about 1918
ThompsonMyrtle Eborn about 1910
ThompsonMyrtle Jborn about 1931
ThompsonPaul Ravborn about 1911
ThompsonRoy Leeborn about 1899
ThompsonVernie Tborn about 1917
ThompsonWalter born about 1883
ThompsonWilliam Aborn about 1903
TisdaleAndrew born about 1926
TisdaleAubrey born about 1888
TisdaleHarry born about 1910
TisdaleJames born about 1896
TisdaleMontrose born about 1919
TisdaleRichard born about 1888
TisdaleSamuel born about 1897
TomlerAllen Gborn about 1912
TomlerBertha Eborn about 1905
TomlerLula Jborn about 1875
TomlerM Elizabethborn about 1916
TooneAneata born about 1926
TooneAnnie Bborn about 1891
TooneCharlie born about 1880
TooneChester born about 1888
TooneDavid born about 1916
TooneDewey born about 1919
TooneElick born about 1922
TooneElvyn born about 1938
TooneEmma Dborn about 1913
TooneGeneva Fborn about 1935
TooneHazel born about 1937
TooneJames born about 1909
TooneMattie born about 1886
TooneWalter Eborn about 1909
TooneWalter Eborn about 1933
TooneWyleshia Eborn about 1938
ToppsHelen born about 1939
ToppsJohn born about 1886
ToppsJulia born about 1895
ToppsWillie born about 1894
TorryArther born about 1867
TorryNancy born about 1875
TownsendB Maeborn about 1921
TownsendCarry born about 1926
TownsendCharlie Fborn about 1894
TownsendFanny Cborn about 1901
TownsendFrances Gborn about 1939
TownsendG Oliverborn about 1916
TownsendGeorge born about 1873
TownsendHenry born about 1898
TownsendHenry born about 1931
TownsendI Mayborn about 1921
TownsendIndia born about 1880
TownsendInez Mborn about 1918
TownsendJ Cborn about 1927
TownsendJoana born about 1936
TownsendJohn Eborn about 1910
TownsendKora Lborn about 1878
TownsendLullius Wborn about 1880
TownsendMargaret Aborn about 1882
TownsendMartha born about 1850
TownsendMary born about 1888
TownsendMary Wborn about 1921
TownsendNormond Eborn about 1892
TownsendRuby Rborn about 1931
TownsendTom born about 1895
TownsendWillie Aborn about 1858
TownsendWillis Rborn about 1868
TrammellMontie Wborn about 1912
TrammellRobert Eborn about 1878
TrappAlbert born about 1901
TrappElnora born about 1928
TrappRose Annaborn about 1930
TrappSilvia born about 1933
TrappWill born about 1872
TrappWilliam Hborn about 1927
TuckerArnold Gordonborn about 1933
TuckerBarker born about 1925
TuckerJames Durwoodborn about 1931
TuckerJames Emittborn about 1903
TuckerKatie born about 1886
TuckerMyrtle Elaineborn about 1928
TuckerRobert born about 1930
TuckerVirginia Gordonborn about 1907
TudaileyEdith Vborn about 1924
TudaileyF Lucilleborn about 1917
TudaileyFrancis Mborn about 1898
TudaileyJoe Jborn about 1866
TudaileyRichard Lborn about 1922
TudaileySam Mborn about 1892
TudaileySamuel Pborn about 1919
TunnieAlbertie born about 1910
TunnieAnnie Kateborn about 1932
TunnieFred born about 1898
TunnieSarah Mborn about 1930

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V Surnames

VinableWilliam Mborn about 1926

W Surnames

WaddellLannie born about 1901
WaddellMay born about 1915
WalkerAlma Cheekborn about 1922
WalkerEvertt born about 1920
WalkerNewton born about 1926
WalkerSinkler born about 1923
WalkerW Hardingborn about 1922
WalkerWilliam Newtonborn about 1894
WallaceAnita Lborn about 1937
WallaceAnn Carolborn about 1940
WallaceAnnie born about 1904
WallaceArlan Wborn about 1916
WallaceBernard born about 1920
WallaceBetty Jeanborn about 1939
WallaceEllen born about 1845
WallaceFlane Aborn about 1936
WallaceFleda Bborn about 1889
WallaceFrances Louisborn about 1938
WallaceG Warrenborn about 1884
WallaceGeorge Taylorborn about 1915
WallaceGraten born about 1907
WallaceHoward born about 1915
WallaceIra Jacksonborn about 1882
WallaceLabrom born about 1907
WallaceLucious born about 1922
WallaceLuella born about 1918
WallaceM Louiseborn about 1910
WallaceMable born about 1916
WallaceMadeline born about 1928
WallaceMargaret born about 1924
WallaceMary born about 1874
WallaceMary Lucilleborn about 1917
WallaceMyriel Elsieborn about 1893
WallaceReginald born about 1926
WallaceRena born about 1920
WallaceRichard Jordonborn about 1910
WallaceRoy Howardborn about 1889
WallaceRoy Vborn about 1918
WallaceSam born about 1876
WallaceWarren Jr born about 1935
WallerCharlie born about 1865
WardB Herbertborn about 1901
WardB Herbert Jrborn about 1926
WardBetty Mborn about 1940
WardCarry Cborn about 1889
WardCharles Lborn about 1939
WardClarence Bborn about 1921
WardCurtis Bborn about 1921
WardDoyle Maeborn about 1880
WardEloise born about 1921
WardGladys Aborn about 1911
WardGlennna Maeborn about 1913
WardGuy Howardborn about 1917
WardHenry born about 1895
WardHerbert Rborn about 1881
WardHerbert R Jrborn about 1925
WardHunter Sborn about 1903
WardJ Benjaminborn about 1918
WardJ Franklinborn about 1938
WardJohn Danielborn about 1873
WardLouise born about 1916
WardMartha born about 1923
WardO Loveborn about 1905
WardRobert Tborn about 1913
WardRobert Wborn about 1885
WardRuby Aborn about 1895
WardRuby Gborn about 1922
WardS Leeborn about 1917
WardSarah Jborn about 1916
WardVirginia Gborn about 1926
WardVirginia Leeborn about 1927
WardVirginia Wborn about 1880
WardW Caryleborn about 1932
WardWalter Hborn about 1876
WatkinsAffie born about 1931
WatkinsAnnie born about 1926
WatkinsClara born about 1926
WatkinsClevland born about 1889
WatkinsEliot born about 1925
WatkinsEliza born about 1858
WatkinsElizabeth born about 1930
WatkinsEstelle born about 1904
WatkinsFannie born about 1893
WatkinsJim born about 1862
WatkinsMable born about 1932
WatkinsMary Eborn about 1929
WatkinsNaomi born about 1928
WatkinsPerry born about 1927
WatkinsRobert Jborn about 1893
WatkinsShelby born about 1924
WatkinsTellie born about 1922
WatsonAbgile born about 1907
WatsonAlbert born about 1929
WatsonAlbert Cborn about 1902
WatsonAlbert C Jrborn about 1934
WatsonAlma Cborn about 1934
WatsonAnnie Mayborn about 1924
WatsonBeatrice born about 1923
WatsonBessie born about 1919
WatsonCarolyn Lborn about 1939
WatsonCharles Aborn about 1936
WatsonCurtis born about 1932
WatsonDavid Jborn about 1927
WatsonDorthy born about 1926
WatsonDorthy Mayborn about 1936
WatsonEdward born about 1903
WatsonErlean born about 1935
WatsonEva Bathelborn about 1910
WatsonFannie born about 1886
WatsonFrances Eborn about 1939
WatsonGovernor born about 1893
WatsonGucy Gleanborn about 1938
WatsonHarry Rborn about 1933
WatsonHelen born about 1914
WatsonHelen Aborn about 1931
WatsonJames born about 1909
WatsonJames Hborn about 1921
WatsonJames Jr born about 1934
WatsonJanie Bellborn about 1917
WatsonJosephine born about 1929
WatsonLaura born about 1878
WatsonLouie Jborn about 1929
WatsonLouise born about 1935
WatsonMargret born about 1922
WatsonMary Francesborn about 1913
WatsonMary Francisborn about 1870
WatsonMary Louiseborn about 1907
WatsonMattson born about 1881
WatsonMelvin born about 1939
WatsonMorgan born about 1869
WatsonOla born about 1919
WatsonPercy Eborn about 1926
WatsonPernolia born about 1899
WatsonRobert born about 1920
WatsonRobert Lborn about 1896
WatsonRosa Francesborn about 1877
WatsonRoy Dennisborn about 1908
WatsonRuby born about 1930
WatsonSabie Rborn about 1898
WatsonSamuel Mborn about 1868
WatsonT Russellborn about 1939
WatsonThomas born about 1938
WatsonTillion Hborn about 1878
WatsonViola born about 1921
WatsonVirginia Cborn about 1936
WatsonWalter Wborn about 1913
WatsonWilliam born about 1867
WatsonWilliam Richardborn about 1902
WatsonWilliam Tborn about 1913
WeatherfordDorthy Bborn about 1917
WeatherfordGeorgia Aborn about 1903
WeatherfordJoe Wborn about 1906
WeatherfordJoe W Jrborn about 1931
WeatherfordL Blancheborn about 1933
WeatherfordL Dellborn about 1887
WeatherfordL Evelynborn about 1924
WeatherfordOpie Sueborn about 1881
WeatherfordVinal Sborn about 1877
WeatherfordWillie Aborn about 1880
WhirleyGordon born about 1927
WhirleyJohn born about 1878
WhirleyOtis Hborn about 1907
WhirleyVirginia born about 1885
WhirleyWillie Estelleborn about 1916
WhiteAreane born about 1914
WhiteBernard Sborn about 1887
WhiteHelen born about 1914
WhiteJames born about 1904
WhiteKate born about 1902
WhiteLucille born about 1926
WhiteM Mosesborn about 1936
WhiteMelton born about 1921
WhiteO Beatriceborn about 1892
WhitePerbus born about 1919
WhitePery Thomasborn about 1907
WhiteRobert born about 1882
WhiteRosa Elizabethborn about 1876
WhiteSally Hborn about 1863
WhiteStuart Mborn about 1924
WhiteThomas Carterborn about 1865
WhitelandKiggie born about 1865
WilkersonJohn Eborn about 1882
WilkersonLaura Nborn about 1900
WilkesJ Edwardborn about 1917
WilkesM Elizabethborn about 1920
WillasJ Herbertborn about 1922
WillasOra Roseborn about 1899
WillasWillie Eborn about 1887
WilliamsAdren Lborn about 1935
WilliamsAlvin Cborn about 1935
WilliamsBertha Junitaborn about 1915
WilliamsBertha Mayborn about 1914
WilliamsDorthy Mayborn about 1932
WilliamsErnest born about 1894
WilliamsGuanda Junitaborn about 1939
WilliamsJames Edwardborn about 1914
WilliamsJoe Allenborn about 1892
WilliamsKatrina born about 1927
WilliamsMargery born about 1929
WilliamsMary Bborn about 1893
WilliamsRobert born about 1843
WilliamsRobert Jborn about 1916
WilliamsTerresa born about 1923
WilsonA Paulborn about 1892
WilsonB Bryantborn about 1898
WilsonBenjamin born about 1932
WilsonBenz Naomiborn about 1925
WilsonBetty Vborn about 1901
WilsonIsona Cowenborn about 1902
WilsonM Dellborn about 1885
WingoDavid Mborn about 1939
WingoErnest Mborn about 1902
WingoEsta Eborn about 1918
WingoWayne Fborn about 1937
WinnMargrett born about 1904
WinnNathan born about 1890
WinnRobert born about 1895
WirleyLucy Janeborn about 1851
WoodsonDora born about 1933
WoodsonErnest born about 1928
WoodsonJeneva born about 1926
WoodsonLawerce Eborn about 1939
WoodsonLean born about 1931
WoodsonLidie Bborn about 1894
WoodsonWillie born about 1887
WrennAlice born about 1925
WrennSally born about 1882

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Y Surnames

YatesGeorge Mborn about 1872
YatesMargrett born about 1912
YatesMary Delmaborn about 1916
YatesSally Hborn about 1874
YatesWilliam Eborn about 1911
YorkIla Ruthborn about 1927
YorkWilliam Jborn about 1925

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