1940 U.S. Federal Census of Southside, Appomattox, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Appomattox County > 1940 Census of Southside

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbettMorris born about 1876
AbbieCharles Mborn about 1864
AbbieMartha Eborn about 1904
AbbittAnn Cborn about 1939
AbbittCorinne born about 1910
AbbittGeorge F Jrborn about 1907
AbbittJosephine Cborn about 1911
AbbittVay born about 1910
AbbittVona Bborn about 1883
AbbittWatkins born about 1909
AdamsChaplin born about 1902
AdamsLena Bborn about 1904
AgeeClarence Aborn about 1895
AgeeClarence A Jrborn about 1920
AgeeEarl born about 1935
AgeeKathleen born about 1926
AgeeMarjorie born about 1899
AgeeW Aborn about 1858
AkenElizabeth born about 1886
AlfordJohn Bborn about 1916
AlfordNancy born about 1938
AlfordPauline Eborn about 1922
AllenRobert born about 1909
AllenedDavid Cborn about 1918
AlmandBilly born about 1937
AlmandEula Mborn about 1923
AlmandMaggie born about 1911
AlmandSamuel born about 1913
AlmondAgnes Vaborn about 1918
AlmondAlgie Wborn about 1902
AlmondAlice Eborn about 1926
AlmondAlice Fborn about 1939
AlmondArther Cborn about 1894
AlmondAva born about 1902
AlmondCarol Rborn about 1928
AlmondDewey born about 1920
AlmondDyer Tborn about 1923
AlmondGeorge born about 1928
AlmondHenry born about 1895
AlmondIrene born about 1925
AlmondJoe born about 1906
AlmondJoseph Jr born about 1936
AlmondKenneth Dborn about 1925
AlmondLula born about 1920
AlmondMargaret Uborn about 1919
AlmondMary born about 1901
AlmondMary born about 1902
AlmondMary Bborn about 1896
AlmondRachel Eborn about 1931
AlmondRay Wborn about 1931
AlmondRegie Hborn about 1928
AlmondRobert born about 1918
AlmondRobert Wborn about 1879
AlmondRomie* born about 1933
AlmondRuben born about 1866
AlmondTwyman born about 1928
AlmondVernell born about 1923
AlmondVirginia born about 1879
AlmondWilmena born about 1867
AlvisMary Lucyborn about 1877
AlvisSamuel Wborn about 1870
AndersonBruce born about 1908
AndersonHelen Pborn about 1919
AndersonLeonard born about 1919
AndesonBernard born about 1881
AndesonMandane born about 1915
AngelAlfred born about 1915
AngelAlice born about 1884
AngelJohn born about 1872
AngelLabon Tborn about 1909
AngelLaura Terrellborn about 1939
AngelPrincetta born about 1914
ArmsteadDolly born about 1875
ArringtonDorothy Joy*born about 1931
ArringtonMarvin born about 1929
ArringtonWalter Rborn about 1873
ArringtonWillie G Nborn about 1887
Austin?anell born about 1913
AustinA Francesborn about 1916
AustinAlonzo born about 1917
AustinC Howardborn about 1922
AustinDorthy Gborn about 1918
AustinFrank Sborn about 1884
AustinGarland born about 1902
AustinGeo??? Bborn about 1916
AustinGeorge born about 1920
AustinGrace Lborn about 1886
AustinJani?se Dborn about 1893
AustinJohn Fborn about 1875
AustinLillian Dborn about 1884
AustinNellie Belleborn about 1906
AustinRachel born about 1940
AustinRay Mborn about 1923
AustinRaymond born about 1937
AustinRuth born about 1924
AustinRuth born about 1940
AustinWilliam born about 1927
AustinWilliam Iborn about 1892
AustinWilma Iborn about 1929
AyersAlma Pborn about 1915
AyersAudrey Fborn about 1937
AyersHester Eborn about 1936
AyersMary Lborn about 1939
AyersRobert Aborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockBlanche Mborn about 1864
BabcockMarshall born about 1915
BabcockMary Bborn about 1902
BabcockMildred born about 1920
BabcockReba born about 1896
BabcockVirginia Mborn about 1921
BabcockWebster born about 1917
BabgyMary born about 1910
BakenElsie born about 1916
BakerHettie born about 1920
BakerMattie born about 1910
BalackwellLouise born about 1914
BanlowAldah born about 1925
BanlowFred born about 1929
BanlowKenneth born about 1893
BanlowMattie born about 1901
BanlowNina born about 1933
BanlowWarren born about 1922
BannesMarvin Eborn about 1921
BarnesCharles Jr born about 1938
BarnesCharlie born about 1916
BarnesClyde Rborn about 1940
BarnesRuby born about 1918
BassAlvin born about 1922
BassGladys born about 1916
BassWilliam born about 1916
BatesEdmonia born about 1866
BatesLucille born about 1911
BatesRufus Hborn about 1856
BeardHenry born about 1909
BeardVirginia born about 1914
BearleyJacob born about 1932
BearleyLeah born about 1928
BearleyMary born about 1935
BearleyRobert born about 1926
BearleySadie born about 1930
BearleySara born about 1905
BeltonJulia born about 1911
BeltonRichard Mborn about 1908
BinghamFlorence born about 1872
BinghamFloyd Eborn about 1921
BinghamIrvin born about 1896
BinghamJohn Aborn about 1891
BinghamJohnie Eborn about 1926
BinghamMarjorie Sborn about 1924
BinghamMyrna Sborn about 1899
BinghamRuth Eborn about 1919
BinghamVirginia born about 1928
BinkleySallie Aborn about 1856
BlackEllis Iborn about 1909
BlackRuth born about 1912
BlackwellBarbara Vborn about 1929
BlackwellBettie Wborn about 1932
BlackwellCurtis Hborn about 1898
BlackwellEddie born about 1908
BlackwellEtta Sborn about 1909
BlackwellGeraldine born about 1924
BlackwellHardy born about 1902
BlackwellHerman Fborn about 1933
BlackwellHomer born about 1904
BlackwellJennie Lborn about 1876
BlackwellJoyce Aborn about 1933
BlackwellJune Bborn about 1927
BlackwellOdell born about 1904
BlackwellVergie Vborn about 1899
BlackwellViola Cborn about 1925
BlacwellElla Lborn about 1897
BlacwellJ Lenard Jrborn about 1924
BlacwellJ Linnieborn about 1897
BlainFlent Jborn about 1909
BlainLucy Aborn about 1939
BlainMary Mborn about 1914
BlakeBlanche born about 1875
BlanchEddie born about 1905
BlanchThomas ?born about 1913
BlandEddie born about 1905
BlandThomas Hborn about 1913
BlanksAddie born about 1917
BlanksAr?ie Mborn about 1910
BlanksChristine born about 1924
BlanksDolly born about 1927
BlanksGeorge born about 1922
BlanksGerold born about 1939
BlanksHarold born about 1937
BlanksJesse Wborn about 1894
BlanksJoseph Hborn about 1909
BlanksJoseph Hborn about 1935
BlanksOra born about 1896
BledoseLottie born about 1873
BlueMazie born about 1884
BoozeAlta Pborn about 1905
BoozeMyrna Kborn about 1933
BowlingAlberta born about 1932
BowlingArthur Lborn about 1925
BowlingDoriana born about 1922
BowlingEmmett born about 1921
BowlingEster La???born about 1936
BowlingEva born about 1900
BowlingHerbert born about 1895
BowlingHerman Lborn about 1897
BowlingIda Bellborn about 1925
BowlingJohn Aborn about 1871
BowlingJohn Andrewborn about 1933
BowlingKatie born about 1908
BowlingKatie Violaborn about 1929
BowlingMary Lborn about 1878
BowlingMary Luiseborn about 1939
BowlingOdella born about 1920
BowlingRuth Aborn about 1900
BowlingWilliam Dborn about 1907
BowlingWm Edwardborn about 1927
BraddockGene born about 1936
BraddockVirginia born about 1935
BradleyJimmie Lborn about 1929
BradshawWillie born about 1883
BralHutson born about 1920
BranchSallie Eborn about 1891
BrooksGuy born about 1910
BrownElla Mborn about 1931
BrownFannie born about 1911
BrownGrace born about 1902
BrownHarvey born about 1900
BrownHelen Fborn about 1937
BrownKathleen born about 1922
BrownLawrence born about 1870
BrownManie born about 1879
BrownRegeine born about 1935
BrownRuby born about 1923
BrownRuby born about 1926
BrownVassett born about 1905
BrownWilliam Dborn about 1933
BrownWillie Eborn about 1897
BryantAlice born about 1933
BryantDorthy born about 1933
BryantEarnest born about 1900
BryantIvanhoe born about 1925
BryantJohn Hborn about 1935
BryantJohn Rborn about 1906
BryantLeonard born about 1890
BryantLewis born about 1922
BryantLizzie born about 1912
BryantRobert born about 1933
BryantVirginia born about 1928
BryantZada born about 1913
BuchmanLester ?born about 1906
BuckerJack Lborn about 1913
BuckerJack Wborn about 1938
BuckerLucy Rborn about 1915
BuckmanLester Uborn about 1906
BunkeBenta born about 1885
BunkeEthel Aborn about 1893
BunkeJane born about 1919
BunkeJerry Aborn about 1893
BunkeRichard Fborn about 1920
BunkeRichard Lborn about 1878
BunkeRichard Lborn about 1920
BuntonJames Pborn about 1927
BuntonJean Gborn about 1934
BuntonJulia born about 1903
BuntonJulia Aborn about 1931
BuntonPerry Mborn about 1895
BuntonRichard born about 1938
BurdeyJustin born about 1929
BurdeyKathryn born about 1934
BurdeyMildred Tborn about 1902
BurdeyRobert born about 1936
BurgsHarrison Mborn about 1893
BurgsHarrison Jr born about 1924
BurgsKatherine born about 1923
BurgsWillie Aborn about 1892
BurkeEmily Hborn about 1906
BurkeEula Mborn about 1910
BurkeWilliam Wborn about 1905
BurkeyCora born about 1880
BurkeyNola born about 1904
BurkeyRobert Wborn about 1866
BurkeyRose born about 1900
ButtenAnderson Dborn about 1907
ByrantAlfred born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabaAnnie Cborn about 1891
CabaB???man Cborn about 1888
CabaByron Bborn about 1912
CabaJames Aborn about 1914
CabaJohn Cborn about 1915
CaldwellAnna born about 1890
CaldwellBen Wborn about 1879
CaldwellBessie Hborn about 1907
CaldwellBlanche born about 1862
CaldwellDavid Eborn about 1904
CaldwellDavid Rborn about 1931
CaldwellHarvey born about 1903
CaldwellJanie born about 1889
CaldwellJohn Cborn about 1904
CaldwellJohn C Jrborn about 1939
CaldwellKathleen born about 1909
CaldwellMrs D E Srborn about 1882
CaldwellSara Iborn about 1878
CaleBunn born about 1901
CaleFrank Bborn about 1898
CaleGeorge born about 1922
CaleHarriet born about 1926
CaleMary Jborn about 1937
CaleNell Hborn about 1906
CalePeggy Ellenborn about 1935
CalesAnnie Jborn about 1865
CalesJohn Tborn about 1859
CallahanDasie born about 1925
CallahanEugenia born about 1890
CallahanLawrence born about 1918
CallahanMargaret born about 1927
CallahanP??? ?born about 1871
CallahanPry??? ? Jrborn about 1931
CallowayDorothy born about 1922
CallowayEd Lewisborn about 1935
CallowayEli born about 1900
CallowayElsie born about 1902
CallowayEthel born about 1927
CallowayGeorge born about 1924
CallowayMarthie born about 1937
CallowayWm Jordanborn about 1929
CanterBerkley born about 1914
CanterCabell born about 1873
CanterEtta born about 1915
CanterJean Carrollborn about 1937
CardwellCarlton Wborn about 1910
CardwellElsie Mborn about 1936
CardwellHarmon born about 1897
CardwellJames born about 1912
CardwellLou Aborn about 1939
CardwellOctavia born about 1909
CardwellOtis born about 1910
CardwellShirley born about 1937
CareyJulia born about 1905
CareyLewis born about 1928
CareyLonnie born about 1926
CareyLouise born about 1923
CareyO Dborn about 1896
CareyOscar born about 1924
CarsonA Burtonborn about 1892
CarsonAlice born about 1891
CarsonBurton Jborn about 1924
CarsonClarence born about 1927
CarsonEldridge Pborn about 1862
CarsonElsie Mborn about 1922
CarsonFrances born about 1931
CarterAndrew born about 1878
CarterBerta born about 1877
CarterChas Thomasborn about 1938
CarterDavid Cborn about 1915
CarterGeorge born about 1887
CarterHarmon born about 1911
CarterNannie born about 1905
CarterOcie Elizabethborn about 1938
CarterPearl born about 1907
CarterRobert Leeborn about 1865
CaseJames born about 1896
CaseJames born about 1925
CaseJoe Eborn about 1922
CaseRebecca born about 1907
CaseyMary Syona*born about 1895
CatesCallie Bborn about 1905
CatesEddie Sborn about 1927
CatesJ Lborn about 1925
CawthanFrankie born about 1937
CawthornClayton Tborn about 1873
CawthornDaniel Lborn about 1863
CawthornDolly Aborn about 1904
CawthornDoris Eborn about 1929
CawthornElijah Aborn about 1888
CawthornEva Iborn about 1893
CawthornGeorge born about 1926
CawthornJames Eborn about 1933
CawthornJann Eborn about 1938
CawthornJohn Sborn about 1932
CawthornLillie Mborn about
CawthornR Ethelborn about 1892
CawthornRachel Vborn about 1905
CawthornS Durryborn about 1899
CawthornSallie Gborn about 1883
CawthroneAnn born about 1925
CawthroneEarle born about 1895
CawthroneFred born about 1928
CawthroneRussell born about 1888
ChappAlice Eborn about 1928
ChappEniel Mborn about 1922
ChappHugh Hborn about 1926
ChappJohn Mborn about 1893
ChappJohn M Jrborn about 1924
ChappRuth Mborn about 1893
CharltonEdgar Aborn about 1918
CheathamAdeline born about 1878
CheathamBerta born about 1919
CheathamBobby born about 1938
CheathamClorkie born about 1886
CheathamDave born about 1874
CheathamEdward born about 1914
CheathamElbert born about 1916
CheathamElisie born about 1892
CheathamEllen born about 1879
CheathamFrances born about 1914
CheathamGeorge Mborn about 1936
CheathamHazel born about 1934
CheathamHozel born about 1923
CheathamHudson Jr born about 1866
CheathamJean born about 1933
CheathamKatie Wborn about 1906
CheathamM Oliveborn about 1881
CheathamMargaret born about 1935
CheathamMary Aborn about 1922
CheathamMary Aliceborn about 1933
CheathamMolly born about 1871
CheathamNancy born about 1928
CheathamOscar born about 1876
CheathamR Aubreyborn about 1890
CheathamRichard born about 1937
CheathamRobert Eborn about 1877
CheathamRuth Sborn about 1903
CheathamSam Bborn about 1906
CheathamWilliam born about 1870
CheathamWilliam born about 1909
CheathanBeulah born about 1928
CheathanMary born about 1885
CheathanNorman Lborn about 1881
CheltonCarlton born about 1924
CheltonEdgar born about 1884
CheltonMaria born about 1885
ChenaultEarnest born about 1908
ChenaultFay born about 1936
ChenaultJane born about 1938
ChenaultJean born about 1938
ChenaultJohn born about 1934
ChenaultKay born about 1936
ChenaultRobert born about 1932
ChenaultWilliam born about 1931
ChenaultWillie born about 1908
ChenthamEstelle born about 1874
ChenthamNorman born about 1874
ChickJ Eborn about 1866
ChickLucy born about 1872
ChildersClinton born about 1913
ChildressBilly born about 1924
ChildressEdward born about 1939
ChildressEnns born about 1892
ChildressEthlyn Cborn about 1908
ChildressLois born about 1929
ChildressMary Tborn about 1889
ChildressMildred born about 1926
ChildressRudolph born about 1931
ChiltonAileen born about 1921
ChiltonAnnie born about 1886
ChiltonChapman born about 1915
ChiltonHazel born about 1920
ChiltonJannina Cborn about 1882
ChiltonJohn born about 1872
ChiltonLaura born about 1873
ChiltonRobert born about 1918
ChiltonWilliam born about 1875
ChristianAdeline born about 1890
ChristianBess born about 1920
ChristianBessie Sborn about 1897
ChristianCatherine born about 1926
ChristianCharley born about 1929
ChristianCharlie born about 1934
ChristianDavid born about 1924
ChristianDavid Aborn about 1881
ChristianJake born about 1908
ChristianJoyce born about 1932
ChristianMildred born about 1923
ChristianVictoria born about 1874
ChristianVirginia born about 1919
ChristianWilliam born about 1930
ClandlenAlta Bborn about 1859
ClandlenBarbara Jborn about 1930
ClandlenChaney Gborn about 1887
ClandlenFred Hborn about 1928
ClappAlice Rborn about 1921
ClappB Earlborn about 1930
ClappDoris Jborn about 1939
ClappJ Allenborn about 1917
ClarkAnita Lborn about 1936
ClarkJames Lborn about 1856
ClarkJulia Cborn about 1911
ClarkMildred Hborn about 1859
ClarkTheresa born about 1887
ClarkThomas born about 1887
ClarkTucker Aborn about 1911
ClarkTucker Jr born about 1940
CofflingChas Jr born about 1930
CofflingHamilton born about 1917
CofflingMary born about 1927
CofflingMozzie born about 1887
CofflingRussell born about 1914
CoffmanMildred born about 1878
CoffmanS Sborn about 1876
ColdwellArchie born about 1907
ColdwellJames Wborn about 1868
ColdwellMattie Jborn about 1857
ColdwellOkle born about 1908
ColeBill Wborn about 1897
ColemanAllie born about 1911
ColemanBranch born about 1885
ColemanCharlie Tborn about 1888
ColemanD Georgeborn about 1888
ColemanEarnest born about 1908
ColemanErnest born about 1908
ColemanEsther born about 1884
ColemanEvie born about 1885
ColemanFloyd Cborn about 1918
ColemanGeraldine born about 1905
ColemanHubert Sborn about 1876
ColemanIsabell born about 1920
ColemanJale Tborn about 1878
ColemanJohn W Jborn about 1887
ColemanJoyace Mborn about 1918
ColemanMartha born about 1886
ColemanMary Cborn about 1879
ColemanMary Ellenborn about 1925
ColemanMary Sborn about 1889
ColemanMattie born about 1887
ColemanParaeeza* Aborn about 1886
ColemanRebecca Aborn about 1889
ColemanRonald born about 1939
ColemanRosa Jborn about 1919
ColemanTwyman born about 1915
ColemanWalter born about 1877
ColemanWillie Tborn about 1867
ColemonMary Jborn about 1874
ColemonPleasant Wborn about 1872
CollinsBettie Vborn about 1926
CollinsCarl A Jrborn about 1915
CollinsElla Wborn about 1884
CollinsGeorge born about 1875
CollinsMally born about 1855
CollinsMaude born about 1887
CollinsMildred Cborn about 1916
CollinsSamuel Hborn about 1880
CollinsThomas Bborn about 1886
CollinsVincent Wborn about 1922
ColmanBelvey ?born about 1882
ColmanMary Eborn about 1880
ConnarHassie Oborn about 1892
ConnarJ?? Rborn about 1876
ConnenBolling born about 1931
ConnenClarence born about 1926
ConnenDona Aborn about 1913
ConnenDonn Aborn about 1939
ConnenDuval Aborn about 1889
ConnenEvna? born about 1905
ConnenJames born about 1901
ConnenLois Wborn about 1894
ConnenMary born about 1903
ConnenSam born about 1919
ConnenSidney born about 1922
ConnenWilliam born about 1924
CookCora born about 1918
CookDavis born about 1910
CookRosetta born about 1936
CookRuth Maeborn about 1934
CoseyAmon born about 1897
CoxAngie born about 1898
CoxCharlie born about 1920
CoxCourtney born about 1888
CoxDonald born about 1895
CoxEarl born about 1923
CoxElizabeth born about 1926
CoxEmmett born about 1918
CoxIrma born about 1937
CoxJane born about 1939
CoxMadison born about 1922
CoxMageline born about 1929
CoxMary born about 1920
CoxNancy born about 1890
CrabtneeEstes born about 1918
CrabtneeHelen born about 1939
CrabtneeShirley born about 1922
CraigRichard Lborn about 1930
CraigRobert born about 1871
CraigRuby born about 1933
CrallayJane Bborn about 1921
CralleCharles Cborn about 1886
CralleFannie Mborn about 1928
CralleLucillie born about 1930
CralleLucy born about 1893
CralleVirginia born about 1920
CramleyCharles born about 1915
CramleyLindsey born about 1881
CramleyLouise Sborn about 1918
CramleyLucy Hborn about 1888
CramleyRaymond born about 1924
CrooksEarl Rborn about 1932
CrowgeyW Pborn about 1883
CullopBell born about 1877
CullopMammie born about 1901
CulpeperGloria born about 1922
CulpeperJoe born about 1920
CulpeperMay Lizzieborn about 1940
CulpeperRobert Leeborn about 1935
CynusBunian born about 1889
CyrusDanice born about 1883
CyrusDavid born about 1901
CyrusDavid Jr born about 1928
CyrusEleanor Jettborn about 1915
CyrusHelen born about 1931
CyrusJohn born about 1908
CyrusMackie Leeborn about 1938
CyrusOscar born about 1870
CyrusPearl born about 1885
CyrusSally born about 1882
CyrusStephen born about 1882
CyrusVera born about 1903
CyrusWilliam born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlBarry born about 1907
DahlElanora born about 1911
DanielArnold born about 1934
DanielEllian born about 1924
DanielEstelle born about 1895
DanielFloyd born about 1921
DanielGracie born about 1930
DanielHobert born about 1896
DanielHobert Jr born about 1926
DanielLawrence born about 1916
DanielThelma Mborn about 1928
DassieJames Rborn about 1880
DavidsonAnn born about 1928
DavidsonChap born about 1916
DavidsonCrawford born about 1927
DavidsonCurtis Tborn about 1908
DavidsonFannie born about 1878
DavidsonGladys Iborn about 1937
DavidsonJ Robertborn about 1906
DavidsonJames Lborn about 1939
DavidsonJames Mborn about 1870
DavidsonJim Aborn about 1907
DavidsonJohn Fborn about 1880
DavidsonLelia born about 1885
DavidsonLillian born about 1916
DavidsonLou Hborn about 1877
DavidsonOttie Lborn about 1889
DavidsonRaymond born about 1919
DavidsonSue born about 1878
DavidsonWilliam Tborn about 1874
DavidsonWoonie born about 1918
DavisBilly born about 1930
DavisCecil born about 1933
DavisCharlie born about 1880
DavisClara Cborn about 1893
DavisGra??? born about 1925
DavisHoward born about 1923
DavisHoward born about 1925
DavisJenny born about 1936
DavisJimmie born about 1935
DavisKeath born about 1927
DavisLewis born about 1918
DavisMaria born about 1882
DavisMarie born about 1879
DavisOscar born about 1931
DavisRaymond born about 1922
DavisRaymond Edborn about 1927
DavisRobert Eborn about 1909
DavisSam Jr born about 1940
DavisVivian born about 1934
DavisWilliam Hborn about 1921
DavisWm Hordingborn about 1920
DawsonGrace Bborn about 1875
DawsonNorman born about 1873
DeanGarnett Mborn about 1910
DeanLela Mborn about 1905
DeanMickey born about 1877
DelaneyLacy born about 1875
DickersonEthel born about 1920
DickersonHunter born about 1913
DickersonJane born about 1923
DickersonJesse born about 1886
DickersonVara born about 1887
DickersonW Mborn about 1879
DillardAnnie Mborn about 1911
DillardBernice born about 1939
DillardCarrie Lborn about 1930
DillardDora born about 1875
DillardDora Vborn about 1918
DillardElla born about 1906
DillardHerman born about 1923
DillardIsebelle born about 1933
DillardNorman born about 1910
DillardShirley Aborn about 1935
DillardStewart born about 1914
DillardWilliam born about 1872
DillonHallie born about 1896
DillonRobert Cborn about 1886
DinkinsHilda born about 1924
DinkinsNevelle born about 1874
DixonGeorge born about 1904
DixonMonnie born about 1900
DortyWilliam Hborn about 1863
DossAbbett Dborn about 1910
DossAubrey Lborn about 1900
DossAubrey Jr born about 1924
DossBarbara born about 1936
DossDonald born about 1933
DossDouglas born about 1929
DossFrankie Lborn about 1939
DossGarland Lborn about 1939
DossGeorge Berleborn about 1906
DossGeorge Tborn about 1861
DossGwendolyn born about 1907
DossHarold born about 1938
DossHerman born about 1928
DossHorace born about 1938
DossIrwing born about 1910
DossJackson Delewareborn about 1886
DossJoe born about 1936
DossJune born about 1930
DossKay Francisborn about 1936
DossLaujenia born about 1892
DossLewis born about 1900
DossLillian Lborn about 1934
DossLucy Jborn about 1874
DossMable born about 1927
DossMaggie born about 1915
DossMary Lborn about 1930
DossMay Harrohborn about 1870
DossNannie Lborn about 1917
DossNellie born about 1931
DossNora born about 1934
DossOpal born about 1911
DossPeggy born about 1929
DossPhylis born about 1933
DossRandolph born about 1926
DossReva born about 1878
DossRobert born about 1909
DossRobert born about 1933
DossRyland born about 1922
DossSammie Lowisborn about 1931
DossSamuel Hborn about 1871
DossVernon Sborn about 1910
DossWilliam born about 1935
DossWinfred Leeborn about 1938
DossWm Eborn about 1875
DresserFrank Cborn about 1890
DresserFrankie born about 1929
DresserNettie Mborn about 1904
DresserWalter born about 1927
DrinkardL Marieborn about 1882
DrinkardPaul Sborn about 1896
DrinkardSarah born about 1918
DriscollJohn Lborn about 1854
DriscollMartha Vborn about 1859
DriscollWesley Wborn about 1884
DurrumAnn Rborn about 1848
DurrumJ Wilsonborn about 1880

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E Surnames

EagleAdis Loreneborn about 1932
EagleAlfred born about 1935
EagleAudre born about 1935
EagleCurtis born about 1924
EagleDavid Wborn about 1888
EagleEdna born about 1922
EagleElizabeth born about 1927
EagleJunior born about 1928
EagleLula Maeborn about 1895
EagleWiley born about 1937
EamerArthur born about 1917
EamerAthar born about 1917
EamerEdward born about 1918
EamerJames born about 1915
EamerJim born about 1868
EamerPaulett born about 1920
EamesMabel born about 1914
EdmundsLeon Pborn about 1939
EdmundsPaul born about 1915
EdmundsViolet born about 1921
ElderCalvin born about 1910
ElderCalvin Jr born about 1930
ElderKennedy born about 1934
ElderRichard born about 1931
ElderStella Mborn about 1910
EllioettEliose born about 1931
EllioettHudson born about 1888
EllioettQueenie born about 1889
ElliottBetty born about 1920
ElliottCharles born about 1938
EllisDelia Rborn about 1888
EllisRobert born about 1892
EvansAnn born about 1938
EvansBetty Janeborn about 1932
EvansBilly born about 1923
EvansCharles Tborn about 1873
EvansClarence born about 1898
EvansFrancis born about 1923
EvansImogene Aborn about 1882
EvansLillie born about 1892
EvansLouise ?born about 1914
EvansMargaret Fborn about 1914
EvansMarion Jborn about 1928
EvansMeredith born about 1915
EvansMyrtice born about 1900
EvansNannie Mborn about 1925
EvansSallie born about 1904
EvansSam born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FannenJohn born about 1910
FarleySimon born about 1915
FarmanNorman Kborn about 1910
FarmanOneanna born about 1911
FarmanWalter Lborn about 1896
FarmerMae Cborn about 1922
FarmerNorman Kborn about 1910
FarmerOneamma born about 1911
FarmerWalter Lborn about 1896
FarrarAdia Jborn about 1870
FarrarEarnest Fborn about
FarrarElijah Wborn about 1903
FarrarJohn born about 1906
FarrarK Carleenborn about 1911
FarrarWesley Bborn about 1921
FarrerJohn born about 1910
FarronG Louiseborn about 1907
FarronGeorgie Wborn about 1912
Featherstone born about 1874
FeatherstoneEmily born about 1872
FeatherstoneMary born about 1913
FergusonAdelia Cborn about 1875
FergusonAlmar Fborn about 1929
FergusonAriana born about 1929
FergusonBeatrice Jborn about 1917
FergusonBernard born about 1898
FergusonBetty Lborn about 1933
FergusonBeulah born about 1905
FergusonClara Bborn about 1939
FergusonDan born about 1931
FergusonDavid born about 1936
FergusonDorthy Eborn about 1931
FergusonEdward ?born about 1907
FergusonEdward Hborn about 1938
FergusonEhues* born about 1890
FergusonEllen born about 1892
FergusonEsther born about 1916
FergusonEula born about 1920
FergusonEvelyn born about 1911
FergusonEverett born about 1899
FergusonFrank Eborn about 1916
FergusonFrankey born about 1938
FergusonHarry Dborn about 1924
FergusonHenrietta born about 1938
FergusonInfant born about 1940
FergusonJames Culloyborn about 1935
FergusonJames Jborn about 1911
FergusonJesie born about 1909
FergusonLaura born about 1905
FergusonLewis born about 1901
FergusonLucy Wborn about 1892
FergusonMarie born about 1934
FergusonMary born about 1884
FergusonMattie born about 1875
FergusonMerle born about 1927
FergusonMerlie Jborn about 1939
FergusonMorris born about 1908
FergusonMorris Jr born about 1930
FergusonMyrlene born about 1916
FergusonNancy born about 1936
FergusonNeola Mborn about 1936
FergusonObie Wborn about 1903
FergusonRay born about 1927
FergusonSally born about 1899
FergusonSamuel Lborn about 1903
FergusonSarah Aborn about 1936
FergusonShirley Mborn about 1934
FergusonTerry Jborn about 1934
FergusonTom Wborn about 1896
FergusonTony born about 1880
FergusonViola born about 1908
FergusonViola Fborn about 1911
FergusonWillie born about 1916
FergusonWm Hborn about 1856
FinchAlice born about 1879
FitchSue born about 1868
FitzCharlie born about 1903
FitzgeraldJessie born about 1913
FlannoganPhilip Wborn about 1922
FlechmanEmma Lborn about 1903
FleshmanAdams born about 1937
FleshmanAlberta born about 1908
FleshmanAlvin born about 1910
FleshmanAubry Tborn about 1905
FleshmanAver born about 1898
FleshmanBeveley born about 1919
FleshmanBilly born about 1938
FleshmanClara born about 1916
FleshmanClyde born about 1903
FleshmanCornelia Iborn about 1932
FleshmanCrother born about 1870
FleshmanDelma Mborn about 1928
FleshmanDoris Eborn about 1933
FleshmanDorothy born about 1917
FleshmanEmmett born about 1907
FleshmanEula born about 1909
FleshmanFloyd born about 1935
FleshmanFloyd Wborn about 1907
FleshmanFloyd Jr born about 1938
FleshmanHelen born about 1934
FleshmanHenry born about 1898
FleshmanHenry Leeborn about 1937
FleshmanHobson born about 1915
FleshmanHomer born about 1934
FleshmanJames born about 1918
FleshmanJames Hborn about 1936
FleshmanJennie Pborn about 1911
FleshmanJoe Rayborn about 1935
FleshmanJohn born about 1926
FleshmanKathleen born about 1925
FleshmanLoran born about 1935
FleshmanLoyd born about 1938
FleshmanMadison born about 1917
FleshmanMaggie born about 1885
FleshmanMartha born about 1918
FleshmanMary born about 1907
FleshmanMary Vborn about 1879
FleshmanMattie born about 1907
FleshmanMattie Lborn about 1936
FleshmanNathan born about 1895
FleshmanNettie Eborn about 1908
FleshmanOcie born about 1926
FleshmanOcie Maeborn about 1885
FleshmanOra Beelborn about 1928
FleshmanRay born about 1928
FleshmanRoselle born about 1937
FleshmanRussell Oborn about 1923
FleshmanRuth Jborn about 1931
FleshmanSally born about 1900
FleshmanSam born about 1891
FleshmanSilvia Iborn about 1873
FleshmanSue born about 1870
FleshmanTom born about 1933
FleshmanVirgie born about 1918
FleshmanVirginia born about 1917
FleshmanWeldon born about 1914
FleshmanWiley born about 1920
FleshmanWill S Wborn about 1939
FleshmanWillie Maeborn about 1939
FleshmanYee born about 1925
FleshmanZan born about 1901
FloodAnnie born about 1915
FloodDorothy Eborn about 1909
FloodEdd born about 1870
FloodJoel born about 1895
FloodLucy Eborn about 1907
FloodLucy Wborn about 1939
FloodMargaret Maeborn about 1931
FloodVinla born about 1900
FlordBettie born about 1897
FlordBettie Lborn about 1936
FlordMildred born about 1924
FlordPeter born about 1921
FlordWalter born about 1927
FlowersAgnes Ruthborn about 1933
FlowersAnnie born about 1890
FlowersBeatrice Wborn about 1929
FlowersCharles Aborn about 1881
FlowersCharlie born about 1925
FlowersEdward born about 1903
FlowersEdward Jr born about 1934
FlowersGeo Edborn about 1933
FlowersHelen born about 1921
FlowersHelen Kborn about 1937
FlowersHenry born about 1888
FlowersHoward Jborn about 1910
FlowersJames Hborn about 1940
FlowersJane Oborn about 1935
FlowersLena born about 1929
FlowersMamie Sborn about 1916
FlowersNellie born about 1914
FlowersOlessa born about 1934
FlowersSara Jborn about 1884
FlowersSherman Lborn about 1939
FordAnna born about 1902
FordElizabeth Sborn about 1907
FordJames Bborn about 1898
FordJames Jr born about 1929
FordThomas Hborn about 1873
FordWalter Wborn about 1925
ForeMary born about 1905
ForeMary Sborn about 1857
ForestLloyd born about 1917
ForestMary Mborn about 1921
ForestShirley Sborn about 1939
FrankRuth born about 1881
FrankieBettie born about 1939
FrankieElise born about 1916
FrankieEvant born about 1938
FrankieWalker born about 1908
FranklinAlbert born about 1918
FranklinAllen born about 1929
FranklinBettie Lborn about 1936
FranklinBobby born about 1929
FranklinBurke born about 1910
FranklinDonald born about 1938
FranklinDonie born about 1882
FranklinDoris Lenaborn about 1931
FranklinEarly born about 1902
FranklinEdith born about 1907
FranklinEdith Annborn about 1935
FranklinElmo born about 1921
FranklinEmily born about 1912
FranklinEthel born about 1915
FranklinEugene born about 1924
FranklinGeo Cliftonborn about 1930
FranklinJames born about 1926
FranklinJames born about 1936
FranklinJulian born about 1907
FranklinLawrence born about 1927
FranklinLizzie born about 1900
FranklinLuther born about 1894
FranklinLynwood born about 1916
FranklinMargaret born about 1926
FranklinNancy born about 1935
FranklinOtis born about 1913
FranklinShirley born about 1935
FranklinViola born about 1901
FrentCharlie born about 1917
FrentDavid born about 1937
FrentMargaret born about 1921
FulpConstance born about 1923
FulpLennell born about 1894
FulpMargaret born about 1925
FurgesonJoseph Dborn about 1908
FurgesonJoseph D Jrborn about 1927
FurgesonMaton Lborn about 1929
FurgesonSamuel Lborn about 1933
FurgesonSarah Tborn about 1906
FurgusonAlice Lborn about 1878
FurgusonFrances Vborn about 1915
FurgusonHallie Mborn about 1911
FurgusonJohn Tborn about 1876
FurllBeulah born about 1914
FurllJoe born about 1924
FurllLillian born about 1886
FurllWalter Pborn about 1877
FurllWalter Jr born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabbleCarrie born about 1917
GabbleClarence born about 1914
GadseyAmma Leeborn about 1911
GadseyAnis born about 1922
GadseyCarlton born about 1911
GadseyCharles Bborn about 1933
GadseyClyde Bborn about 1899
GadseyDelphia born about 1910
GadseyElma Wborn about 1887
GadseyHobert Lborn about 1884
GadseyJane born about 1932
GadseyLoyd born about 1932
GadseyLuther born about 1907
GadseyMartha Sborn about 1912
GadseyPolley born about 1909
GadseyRichard born about 1935
Gadsy??? born about 1903
GadsyAnnie Eborn about 1888
GadsyHildia born about 1937
GadsyMayola Eborn about 1918
GadsyWilliam Eborn about 1910
GainAlvie born about 1923
GainAnnie Maeborn about 1930
GainBurt born about 1925
GainCatherine born about 1921
GainEarnest born about 1901
GainEdna born about 1908
GainErnest Howadborn about 1932
GainJames born about 1925
GainLloyd Fborn about 1891
GainMamie born about 1927
GainNellie Fborn about 1898
GainOtis Edwadborn about 1936
GainPaul Eugeneborn about 1939
GalcherJames born about 1932
GalcherMary Eborn about 1937
GalcherNellie born about 1910
GalcherWilliam Rborn about 1937
GallierAnnie Hborn about 1887
GallierBennie born about 1936
GallierClaude born about 1926
GallierHazel born about 1907
GallierHubert born about 1904
GallierMargaret born about 1928
GallierNancy Leeborn about 1940
GallierShelton Cborn about 1926
GallierSterling born about 1921
GannetteAnnie Iborn about 1910
GannetteDorthy born about 1932
GannetteJohn born about 1937
GannetteLewis born about 1934
GannetteWalker Lborn about 1892
GardnerRobert Mborn about 1883
GarlandPat born about 1912
GarretBarbara Aborn about 1936
GarretBettie Mborn about 1914
GarretKermit born about 1911
GarretKermit Jr born about 1940
GarretMaynard Eborn about 1932
GarrettBarbara Annborn about 1934
GarrettBeatrice Eborn about 1896
GarrettBrenda Joeborn about 1939
GarrettChap born about 1902
GarrettClara Katieborn about 1931
GarrettDavid Iborn about 1931
GarrettDoris Mborn about 1933
GarrettEdna born about 1930
GarrettFrank Christianborn about 1938
GarrettGeneva born about 1932
GarrettGeorge Annaborn about 1907
GarrettH Louiseborn about 1928
GarrettHenry Aborn about 1928
GarrettHubert born about 1890
GarrettJerry Leeborn about 1935
GarrettLester born about 1931
GarrettMargaret Lborn about 1926
GarrettRaymond born about 1928
GarrettRuby born about 1911
GarrettWill Cborn about 1883
GayleEdythe born about 1895
GayleLee Lborn about 1883
GeingJames born about 1902
GentryAnnie Bellborn about 1873
GentryJames Gborn about 1866
Giles?rsoy Tborn about 1896
GilesAllen Tborn about 1932
GilesEdward Jr born about 1935
GilesElma Hborn about 1923
GilesEthel Jborn about 1937
GilesEtta Jborn about 1896
GilesGeorgia born about 1922
GilesHarry Bborn about 1926
GilesInez Lborn about 1925
GilesJulia Sborn about 1895
GilesL Eborn about 1921
GilesLou Eborn about 1893
GilesNellie ?born about 1927
GilesShirley born about 1929
Gilley?anice born about 1887
GilleyCr??? Fborn about 1888
GilleyJim Eborn about 1924
GilliamAnnie born about 1878
GilliamLily Cborn about 1861
GilliamMarguerite born about 1901
GillsHelen born about 1915
GillsJean born about 1937
GillsLennie Rborn about 1870
GillsLouise born about 1892
GillsRebecca born about 1936
GillsVirgil Hborn about 1911
Gilly? Maudeborn about 1897
GillyJohn Aborn about 1883
GlennCarrie Pborn about 1896
GlennErie Rborn about 1884
GlennPeal Iborn about 1880
GlennRobert Aborn about 1875
GobbleArthur born about 1894
GobbleHazel born about 1897
GobbleMargaret born about 1919
GodseyArnold born about 1922
GodseyCarl Dborn about 1924
GodseyCarrie born about 1928
GodseyGene Leoborn about 1936
GodseyGrover Cborn about 1907
GodseyJack born about 1924
GodseyJoan born about 1938
GodseyKatherine born about 1929
GodseyKeith Fborn about 1898
GodseyKeith Jr born about 1920
GodseyLeah born about 1893
GodseyLizzie born about 1902
GodseyMarion Gborn about 1916
GodseyMarjorie born about 1932
GodseyMary Leeborn about 1928
GodseyRicahrd born about 1926
GodseyTed Gilesborn about 1938
GodseyWeley Wborn about 1895
GodsyLorane Uborn about 1919
GodsyOla Vborn about 1889
GodsyRichard Lborn about 1927
GodsyWittitney Lborn about 1889
GoinBilly born about 1925
GoinCurtis born about 1936
GoinDavid born about 1898
GoinDavid Cborn about 1922
GoinEdward born about 1930
GoinEstelle born about 1898
GoinGeorge born about 1939
GoinJohn born about 1907
GoinMargaret born about 1919
GoinMary born about 1932
GoinMyrtle born about 1928
GoodmanA Mborn about 1856
GoodmanLelia born about 1878
GoodmanRobert born about 1876
GordonGeorge Aborn about 1870
GordonJimmie Jborn about 1872
GrayLu Vborn about 1889
GrayhamDollie born about 1916
GrayhamGodsey born about 1931
GrayhamHenry born about 1933
GrayhamMary born about 1939
GrayhamRobert born about 1915
GreenSara born about 1863
GregoryLillie Hborn about 1880
GreyhamHarry Pborn about 1921
GreyhamLouise Rborn about 1923
GrishawAcie born about 1887
GrishawBertha born about 1913
GrishawChancey born about 1895
GrishawEllis Claneborn about 1936
GrishawEmma born about 1865
GrishawEugene born about 1915
GrishawFred born about 1920
GrishawHerman Wborn about 1910
GrishawKenneth born about 1917
GrishawLois Evelynborn about 1935
GrishawMackie born about 1893
GrishawMartha born about 1891
GrishawMay Hzelborn about 1939
GrishawRay Metchellborn about 1937
GrishawRichard Iborn about 1921
GrishawShirley born about 1925
GrishawWalter born about 1898
GrishawWhitfield born about 1879
GuillAlice born about 1924
GuillAnn Nomechaborn about 1937
GuillAnnie Mborn about 1925
GuillBilly born about 1930
GuillBurkley born about 1920
GuillCarlton born about 1936
GuillDelaware born about 1921
GuillDonis born about 1925
GuillEddie Tborn about 1904
GuillElmo born about 1913
GuillFletcher born about 1892
GuillFloyd born about 1938
GuillHal born about 1929
GuillHilda born about 1916
GuillHilda born about 1936
GuillIda Dborn about 1897
GuillJ Dborn about 1939
GuillJames Mborn about 1921
GuillJeanette born about 1939
GuillJesse born about 1911
GuillJesse Jr born about 1936
GuillJoe Dborn about 1915
GuillJohn Sborn about 1897
GuillLuevenie born about 1906
GuillLula Iborn about 1908
GuillMadeline Carrolborn about 1939
GuillMargaret born about 1917
GuillMarilyn born about 1939
GuillMarion born about 1926
GuillMary Colemanborn about 1920
GuillMattie Dborn about 1897
GuillMaty Sborn about 1891
GuillMerlie born about 1929
GuillMollie born about 1933
GuillMyrtle Mborn about 1891
GuillNancy born about 1931
GuillNellie born about 1933
GuillNellie Francesborn about 1939
GuillNettie Aborn about 1916
GuillOttway born about 1935
GuillRobert Allenborn about 1929
GuillRochel born about 1923
GuillRuby Eborn about 1925
GuillRuth Annborn about 1931
GuillSadie born about 1892
GuillTom born about 1922
GuillVirginia born about 1936
GuillWarren Eborn about 1939
GuillWarren Fborn about 1914
GuillWebster born about 1935
GuillWillie Harmonborn about 1889
GuillWilson Hborn about 1913
GunnJessie born about 1927
GunnSallie born about 1880
GunnTurner born about 1871
GutherieJohn Dborn about 1905
GuthrieAnnie born about 1893
GuthrieBennie born about 1917
GuthrieClaude born about 1923
GuthrieDonnell born about 1932
GuthrieJohn born about 1891
GuthrieJohn Dborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaarEmma born about 1878
HaarGideon Jr born about 1876
HaarLillie born about 1870
HackneyBernard born about 1929
HackneyDelia born about 1926
HackneyDella born about 1935
HackneyHazel born about 1933
HackneyJames born about 1931
HackneyMary born about 1900
HackneyMelvin born about 1895
HackneyMertie born about 1924
HallJames born about 1928
HallJohn Cborn about 1891
HallJohn Fborn about 1926
HallLeo born about 1931
HallLucy Iborn about 1884
HallOscar Wborn about 1887
HallRaymond born about 1918
HallVirginia born about 1916
HallVirginia Sborn about 1898
HallyHarriet born about 1892
Hamilet??? Wborn about 1906
HamiletEzra born about 1926
HamiletJulian born about 1906
HamiltonDaniel born about 1903
HamiltonHarry born about 1927
HamiltonJennie born about 1868
HamiltonJohn Kborn about 1909
HamiltonJun Rborn about 1872
HamiltonMarrie born about 1886
HamiltonRussell born about 1906
HamletBilly born about 1880
HamletClorina born about 1877
HamletMartha born about 1882
HammockOllie born about 1920
HancockAnna born about 1916
HancockAnna Bborn about 1870
HancockAnna Mborn about 1933
HancockAnthony born about 1881
HancockBooker born about 1860
HancockBraxton born about 1900
HancockBurt born about 1909
HancockClaramae born about 1935
HancockDavie Mottborn about 1938
HancockHelen born about 1932
HancockHelen Sborn about 1909
HancockHoward born about 1917
HancockJames born about 1919
HancockJanette born about 1926
HancockJessyln born about 1905
HancockKate born about 1932
HancockLillian born about 1910
HancockMitilda born about 1868
HancockMrs James born about 1896
HancockNaomi born about 1891
HancockNed born about 1906
HancockRussell born about 1915
HancockWilliam born about 1929
HanenknetCharles born about 1895
HanenknetClara born about 1905
HanenknetDorothy born about 1929
HanenknetElizabeth born about 1935
HanenknetFred born about 1924
HanenknetInez born about 1933
HanenknetThomas born about 1927
HarleyAnnie born about 1853
HarneyMaggie Jborn about 1882
HarperHeneritta born about 1939
HarperTony E Neilborn about 1940
HarperWilliam Wborn about 1916
HarrisCalvin born about 1905
HarrisCharlie born about 1875
HarrisClark Gilbertborn about 1926
HarrisClayton born about 1919
HarrisDaniel Mborn about 1895
HarrisEdith born about 1924
HarrisElijah born about 1923
HarrisEugene born about 1889
HarrisEugene Jr born about 1930
HarrisHenry born about 1886
HarrisIsabell born about 1918
HarrisLawrence born about 1911
HarrisLela born about 1894
HarrisLevia Hborn about 1870
HarrisLouise born about 1893
HarrisMargaret Annborn about 1934
HarrisMary born about 1912
HarrisMazie born about 1881
HarrisRichard born about 1917
HarrisRobert born about 1921
HarrisRussell born about 1916
HarrisSamuel born about 1867
HarrisThelma born about 1909
HartMildred born about 1908
HarveyAndrew born about 1859
HarveyAnn Pborn about 1937
HarveyAnnie born about 1913
HarveyAnnie Ruthborn about 1932
HarveyBennie Wborn about 1890
HarveyBettie born about 1890
HarveyC Francesborn about 1923
HarveyCharles born about 1911
HarveyCharlie Jr born about 1897
HarveyClarence born about 1937
HarveyCour??? Cborn about 1894
HarveyDaniel Pborn about 1933
HarveyDella Pettyborn about 1934
HarveyEdgar born about 1916
HarveyEdward Nborn about 1918
HarveyElizabeth Fborn about 1891
HarveyElla born about 1919
HarveyElla born about 1921
HarveyElla Hborn about 1918
HarveyElma born about 1921
HarveyElnora born about 1934
HarveyElsie born about 1912
HarveyElvira Hborn about 1925
HarveyEmma Florenceborn about 1930
HarveyEstell Eborn about 1930
HarveyEvelyn born about 1935
HarveyFloyd born about 1892
HarveyFrances born about 1916
HarveyFred born about 1915
HarveyGarland born about 1938
HarveyH Hutsonborn about 1889
HarveyHerman Wborn about 1923
HarveyHoward born about 1910
HarveyIrma Rborn about 1930
HarveyJ Mattborn about 1889
HarveyJ Payton Jrborn about 1936
HarveyJessie born about 1920
HarveyJohn born about 1908
HarveyJohn born about 1920
HarveyJohn Bborn about 1930
HarveyJosephine Vborn about 1926
HarveyLester Bborn about 1886
HarveyLindsay born about 1936
HarveyLinwood born about 1905
HarveyLois Eborn about 1895
HarveyLucinda born about 1912
HarveyM Odelleborn about 1897
HarveyMaggie born about 1852
HarveyMajorie born about 1938
HarveyMargaret Lborn about 1891
HarveyMargaret Vborn about 1925
HarveyMary born about 1928
HarveyMary Aborn about 1888
HarveyMary Mittieborn about 1886
HarveyMattie Jborn about 1934
HarveyMattie Lborn about 1891
HarveyMattie Mborn about 1908
HarveyMenace born about 1919
HarveyMillard Vborn about 1922
HarveyNancy Leeborn about 1937
HarveyNannie born about 1890
HarveyNannie Bborn about 1932
HarveyNannie Gborn about 1902
HarveyOtis born about 1928
HarveyPayton born about 1897
HarveyPinkey Bborn about 1895
HarveyR Pinckborn about 1894
HarveyRachel born about 1919
HarveyRobert born about 1903
HarveyRobert Jr born about 1939
HarveySallie born about 1924
HarveySam?rson born about 1925
HarveySue Jborn about 1867
HarveyThalia Lborn about 1924
HarveyThomas Eborn about 1929
HarveyTom born about 1913
HarveyTravis Pborn about 1888
HarveyVirginia born about 1937
HarveyVivian Aborn about 1927
HarveyW Dewettborn about 1900
HarveyWalter Mborn about 1918
HarveyWalter Mborn about 1939
HarveyWalter M Jrborn about 1939
HarveyWilliam Aborn about 1930
HarveyWillie born about 1908
HarveyWillie Rborn about 1927
HarveyWm Thomasborn about 1929
HarwoodAlford R Jrborn about 1914
HarwoodAlfred Aborn about 1881
HarwoodAlice born about 1909
HarwoodBessie Sborn about 1879
HashmanArnold born about 1934
HashmanEvan born about 1932
HashmanNathaniel born about 1934
HaskinsMary Lborn about 1885
HatcherEde?ard born about 1910
HatcherThelma Aborn about 1911
HaumanAdolphus Bborn about 1878
HaumanAdolphus Jr born about 1928
HaumanAnna Billborn about 1930
HaumanSarah Francesborn about 1908
HaveyCorine born about 1922
HaveyJohn born about 1911
HawkinsThos Bborn about 1869
HawleyGeorge born about 1914
HawleyJeffren Cborn about 1937
HawleyLavana born about 1936
HawleyLillian born about 1895
HawleyLois born about 1928
HawleyLouise born about 1915
HaysFloyd born about 1932
HemikeChristin Tborn about 1882
HemikeMallie Sborn about 1891
HenncallLouis Nborn about 1891
HenncallMarvin Aborn about 1920
HerbaughJohn born about 1913
HigginbathamAlpha born about 1921
HigginbathamAlphaon? born about 1895
HigginbathamBetty born about 1929
HighKenneth born about 1934
HighRonald born about 1937
HobbardEma Bborn about 1875
Hodger??? born about 1899
HodgerAnnie Mborn about 1938
HodgerCarlie Lborn about 1934
HodgerLana Bborn about 1912
HodgerMeria Dborn about 1936
HollandInez born about 1912
HollandJohn Iborn about 1939
HollandMary Sborn about 1915
HollinsCatherine born about 1925
HollinsCora Deaneborn about 1927
HollinsEtta Marieborn about 1934
HollinsHettie born about 1894
HollinsTom born about 1914
HollinsUla Francesborn about 1930
HollinsWilliam born about 1875
HollinsWilliam born about 1922
HoltFred born about 1919
HoltIrene born about 1920
HoltJames born about 1888
HoustonShirley Maeborn about 1930
HowertonAbner Hborn about 1860
HowertonAdelle born about 1892
HowertonLilea Jborn about 1870
HowertonLura born about 1892
HowertonSamuel born about 1900
HubbardFrank born about 1915
HubbardLou Bettyborn about 1920
HubbardMattie Fborn about 1879
HubbardRobert Cborn about 1913
HubbardShely Maeborn about 1938
HubbardWilliam Oborn about 1915
HubbleMaria born about 1854
HuddletonMattie born about 1920
HudginsBessie Pborn about 1896
HudginsLester born about 1922
HudginsR B Jrborn about 1925
HudginsRubin Bborn about 1889
HudginsRuby Lborn about 1924
HudsonEva Mborn about 1886
HudsonFrank born about 1888
HudsonGeneva born about 1926
HudsonIrwin born about 1932
HudsonJerry born about 1939
HudsonLandon born about 1920
HudsonLawrence born about
HudsonLillian born about 1895
HudsonMaitland born about 1927
HudsonRay born about 1928
HudsonRussell born about 1933
HudsonShelton born about 1892
HungateCharles Dborn about 1882
HunterDan born about 1919
HunterEmma born about 1900
HunterKendall born about 1897
HunterKendall Jr born about 1935
HunterRichard born about 1920
HunterRuth born about 1923
HutchinsonBilly Rborn about 1937
HutchinsonDouglas born about 1918
HutchinsonEarl Tborn about 1939
HutchinsonEunice Eborn about 1938
HutchinsonLudie Iborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InbyAnnie Cborn about 1864
InbyLizzie born about 1873
InbyLula Gborn about 1886
IngeAllison Tborn about 1885
IngeMary Mborn about 1898
InzeJoel Hborn about 1866
IrbyDaniel Bborn about 1902
IrbyDaniel B Jrborn about 1934
IrbyGaynell born about 1933
IrbyGracie Pborn about 1907
IrbyHerman Bborn about 1916
IrbyIda Maeborn about 1929
IrbyIrene born about 1924
IrbyJoseph born about 1905
IrbyLucy Marieborn about 1939
IrbyMary born about 1902
IrbyPearl Bborn about 1930
IrbyRosa Annaborn about 1939
IrbyRosa Leeborn about 1874
IrbyViolet Leeborn about 1927
IrvingAnnie born about 1887
IrvingCharlie born about 1888
IsabellFred born about 1884
IsabellMarin Sborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJames E Dborn about 1931
JacksonL Lewisborn about 1928
JacksonMammie born about 1896
JacksonReva born about 1913
JacksonShelby born about 1892
JacksonThelma born about 1933
JacksonWalter born about 1908
JacksonWalter Leeborn about 1936
JacksonYovnnia born about 1938
JamersonBarbara born about 1937
JamersonEmma born about 1874
JamersonEtta Fborn about 1890
JamersonEva born about 1907
JamersonFrances born about 1920
JamersonGeo Wborn about 1868
JamersonGertie born about 1910
JamersonGrover Cborn about 1886
JamersonHerbert born about 1926
JamersonHunter born about 1905
JamersonJames Eborn about 1903
JamersonJames Rborn about 1931
JamersonKenneth Wborn about 1935
JamersonLoela Sborn about 1909
JamersonMary born about 1889
JamersonOscar born about 1888
JamersonRaymond born about 1916
JamersonRoland born about 1876
JamersonThomas Jborn about 1918
JamersonVirginia born about 1938
JamersonWilliam born about 1934
JamesAda Mborn about 1889
JamesAlbert born about 1903
JamesAlbert born about 1913
JamesCharles Fborn about 1885
JamessonElizabeth born about 1930
JamessonFrances Sborn about 1903
JamessonNancy born about 1935
JamessonPete born about 1901
JamessonWalter born about 1928
JamsJoseph born about 1927
JarrellsBertha born about 1882
JarrellsElam born about 1874
JarrellsFloyd born about 1920
JarrellsHarry born about 1919
JarrellsHenry born about 1887
JarrellsVirginia born about 1923
JenkinsBessie born about 1912
JenkinsCharles Jr born about 1922
JenkinsCharlie Sborn about 1893
JenkinsEarl Tborn about 1935
JenkinsGeorge Dborn about 1907
JenkinsGeorge Rborn about 1923
JenkinsJosephine born about 1919
JenkinsLillian born about 1894
JenningsAlam Ganeborn about 1938
JenningsAlice Lenaborn about 1929
JenningsAnn born about 1934
JenningsBetty Janeborn about 1933
JenningsClaude born about 1907
JenningsElizabeth born about 1918
JenningsEster Claudineborn about 1938
JenningsGertrude born about 1911
JenningsHarry born about 1912
JenningsHarry Lborn about 1933
JenningsLawrence born about 1908
JenningsMaggie born about 1923
JenningsMartha Tborn about 1930
JenningsMissie born about 1883
JenningsRaymond born about 1924
JenningsRuth born about 1919
JenningsTucker born about 1937
JimmieHettie Jborn about 1932
JimmieJoe Aborn about 1936
JimmieLouise Bborn about 1895
JimmieO Marieborn about 1929
JimmieRobert Lborn about 1890
JimmieRobert Wborn about 1926
JimmingsLillie born about 1904
JimmingsTod Wborn about 1937
JimmyRosa Eborn about 1867
JimmyWalker Wborn about 1891
JimmysClarence born about 1916
JimmysRosa born about 1868
JohnsClarence born about 1907
JohnsMary Mckinneyborn about 1886
JohnsonAndrew Bborn about 1898
JohnsonAnnie Dborn about 1870
JohnsonAubrey Fborn about 1931
JohnsonBonnie Aborn about 1900
JohnsonCarolyn Eborn about 1934
JohnsonClaude born about 1901
JohnsonClyde Bborn about 1938
JohnsonEarlie Mborn about 1901
JohnsonEdward Joeborn about 1908
JohnsonEmma born about 1905
JohnsonEps born about 1898
JohnsonErnest Eborn about 1902
JohnsonEula Mborn about 1909
JohnsonFlorence Aborn about 1939
JohnsonFrances Annborn about 1925
JohnsonHarry born about 1916
JohnsonHelen Fborn about 1935
JohnsonIda Sborn about 1873
JohnsonInez born about 1907
JohnsonJennie born about 1878
JohnsonJessie Hborn about 1919
JohnsonJoyce Eborn about 1936
JohnsonJulian Dborn about 1938
JohnsonLiza Mborn about 1922
JohnsonMargaret Jborn about 1936
JohnsonMckinley born about 1910
JohnsonOctavia born about 1912
JohnsonPearl born about 1916
JohnsonRichard Wborn about 1866
JohnsonRose Annaborn about 1882
JohnsonSallie born about 1911
JohnsonThomas Aborn about 1926
JohnsonThomas Eborn about 1883
JohnsonWalter Sborn about 1899
JohnstonCharlie born about 1921
JohnstonDollie born about 1928
JohnstonDudley born about 1891
JohnstonEmma born about 1924
JohnstonIsabella born about 1893
JohnstonJane Aborn about 1925
JohnstonJohn Dborn about 1885
JohnstonJohn Jr born about 1920
JohnstonMary born about 1894
JohnstonWilliam born about 1934
JonesAnna born about 1871
JonesBank Peytonborn about 1930
JonesBetty Annborn about 1939
JonesBowling born about 1908
JonesBuck born about 1936
JonesCelia born about 1923
JonesCharlie born about 1926
JonesClara Fborn about 1916
JonesCrowford born about 1907
JonesEarl born about 1927
JonesEdward born about 1921
JonesEdythe born about 1922
JonesElbert born about 1875
JonesElla born about 1882
JonesEsther Macborn about 1931
JonesEthel born about 1914
JonesEugene born about 1938
JonesEunice born about 1895
JonesFrank born about 1883
JonesFrank Thosborn about 1926
JonesFred born about 1901
JonesHarold born about 1929
JonesHazel born about 1924
JonesHerbert Sborn about 1888
JonesHerbert S Jrborn about 1923
JonesHilda born about 1934
JonesIris born about 1923
JonesIsabell born about 1906
JonesJunior born about 1939
JonesJunior Crawfordborn about 1935
JonesLenard born about 1911
JonesLewis born about 1934
JonesLouise born about 1927
JonesMackie born about 1888
JonesMajorie born about 1933
JonesMargaret born about 1916
JonesMary Elizabethborn about 1931
JonesMelcolm born about 1913
JonesMilton born about 1939
JonesNannie born about 1914
JonesNannie born about 1921
JonesNinna born about 1866
JonesNorman born about 1919
JonesOtie born about 1902
JonesPaul Jborn about 1922
JonesSam Danielborn about 1925
JonesSherly* Annborn about 1937
JonesSidney born about 1913
JonesThelma born about 1900
JonesVirginia born about 1924
JonesWalter born about 1904
JonesWalter born about 1911
JonesWalter J Jrborn about 1936
JonesWarren born about 1925
JonesZan born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahRoy Dborn about 1907
KestnerEssie born about 1906
KestnerEthel Vborn about 1917
KestnerEula Fayborn about 1933
KestnerHardy born about 1874
KestnerLacy Evelynborn about 1931
KestnerLillie Fborn about 1909
KestnerMary born about 1873
KestnerMary Clareneborn about 1929
KestnerMary Mborn about 1911
KestnerTheodore Rborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacezJosephine born about 1917
LaneBertha born about 1909
LaneBruce born about 1933
LaneEdward born about 1931
LaneMargaret born about 1929
LanePauline born about 1937
LaneRobert Lborn about 1903
LaneThelma Mborn about 1935
LangranBeatrice Eborn about 1890
LangranGeorge Fborn about 1886
LanleySimon born about 1915
LaughanJohn Dborn about 1903
LawingEstell Jborn about 1936
LawingFlorence Jborn about 1911
LawingLeon Aborn about 1932
LawingMary Aborn about 1936
LawingRaymond Lborn about 1910
LawseyAnna Cborn about 1917
LawseyAudrey born about 1937
LawseyJ??? Oborn about 1913
LawseyJennings D Jrborn about 1938
LawsonFay Bborn about 1910
LawsonFerd Hborn about 1930
LawsonHarry Gborn about 1932
LawsonJohn Rborn about 1926
LawsonMildred born about 1916
LawsonNeally Hborn about 1875
LawsonRachel Fborn about 1906
LawsonRaymond Jborn about 1895
LawsonS Aborn about 1911
LawsonSamuel Rborn about 1929
LayneAlice Pborn about 1932
LayneArie Lborn about 1928
LayneBetty Janeborn about 1936
LayneCharlie Tborn about 1925
LayneEdward Lborn about 1875
LayneElla Mborn about 1907
LayneFlorence born about 1927
LayneFlossie born about 1930
LayneJack Dborn about 1934
LayneL Estellborn about 1898
LayneLeonard Iborn about 1938
LayneMary Eborn about 1925
LayneMildred Wborn about 1879
LayneRollie Wborn about 1927
LayneTom Rborn about 1901
LayneTom Wborn about 1932
LayneWilliam Eborn about 1896
LayneWm E Jrborn about 1929
LeeAddie Tborn about 1875
LeeAnnie born about 1928
LeeAnnie Lborn about 1880
LeeBenjamin born about 1885
LeeBessie Jborn about 1903
LeeEsther born about 1901
LeeEthlyn born about 1909
LeeFranklin born about 1934
LeeHerman born about 1924
LeeHubert born about 1885
LeeJessie Mborn about 1875
LeeLillian born about 1908
LeeMarie born about 1930
LeeMathew born about 1930
LeeRobert born about 1897
LeeRobert Lborn about 1882
LeeRobert Jr born about 1925
LeeStanly born about 1937
LeeWalter Cborn about 1888
LeeWarren born about 1938
LeftwichClara born about 1893
LeftwichNed born about 1890
LegrandAlfred born about 1922
LegrandElizabeth born about 1920
LegrandJoe born about 1882
LegrandJohn born about 1908
LegrandLucy born about 1911
LegrandLula born about 1886
LegrandMary Annborn about 1910
LegrandWalter born about 1927
LewarneGertrude born about 1923
LewisJames Cborn about 1918
LewisMitchell born about 1908
LewisRonald born about 1938
LewisThos born about 1914
LigenJames Gborn about 1919
LigonAlice Eborn about 1889
LigonBarbara Gborn about 1921
LigonBettie Jborn about 1934
LigonChester Pborn about 1921
LigonDaniel Jborn about 1929
LigonJames Gborn about 1919
LigonPeter born about 1889
LigonWilliam Hborn about 1920
LindsayBerley born about 1910
LindsayClyde born about 1910
LindsayPhyliss born about 1931
LindsayThos Eugeneborn about 1936
LinusHenry born about 1913
LinusThelma Fborn about 1919
LoveCarrie born about 1899
LoveDorothy born about 1922
LoveElizabeth born about 1923
LoveEmma Leeborn about 1925
LoveJohn Lborn about 1885
LoveLinwood born about 1930
LoveMildred born about 1928
LovelaceBlanche born about 1905
LovelaceClaude born about 1934
LovelaceEdna Mborn about 1932
LovelaceEvelyn born about 1936
LovelaceFloyd born about 1930
LovelaceMckinney born about 1933
LovelacePaul born about 1932
LovelaceRoosevelt born about 1937
LovelaceToby born about 1898
LucadoAllen born about 1896
LucadoBeaulah born about 1871
LucadoGladys Nborn about 1898
LucadoJames born about 1893
LucadoMary born about 1897
LucadoMary Jborn about 1915
LucadoRobert born about 1907
LucadoWilliam Hborn about 1869
LuverJ Loydborn about 1874
LuverLouise born about 1917
LwymanHarry Sborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaberyCarrie Eborn about 1900
MaberyWilliam born about 1898
MadoxEunice born about 1908
MadoxVirginia born about 1926
MadoxWelson born about 1907
MamAlford Tborn about 1910
MamBettie born about 1886
MamDavid Hborn about 1937
MamElanor Cborn about 1935
MamIrene Eborn about 1915
MamRaymond Eborn about 1913
MamRonald Bborn about 1940
ManEmmett Gborn about 1875
MannAlice born about 1921
MannAnnie Louiseborn about 1935
MannAnnie Ruthborn about 1862
MannAnnie Wborn about 1897
MannBernice born about 1909
MannBo?? Eborn about 1908
MannBradley born about 1935
MannCharlie born about 1926
MannClara Bborn about 1938
MannEddie born about 1891
MannElizabeth born about 1876
MannEmma Violaborn about 1923
MannGeorgia born about 1917
MannHarold born about 1932
MannHarvey born about 1908
MannHazel Rborn about 1909
MannHenry born about 1916
MannJack born about 1914
MannJames Vborn about 1933
MannJohnson born about 1880
MannJulian born about 1900
MannLaura Vborn about 1871
MannLawrence Wborn about 1939
MannLewis born about 1919
MannLillie Aborn about 1884
MannMary Eborn about 1920
MannNora Maeborn about 1937
MannOdell born about 1911
MannOla born about 1910
MannRas born about 1917
MannReland Mborn about 1906
MannRussell born about 1906
MannRymond born about 1912
MannShelby Jborn about 1939
MannThelma born about 1939
MannViolet Bborn about 1924
MannWalter ?born about 1880
MannWilliam Mborn about 1886
MannWm Edwardborn about 1928
MarshallAtwell Dewittborn about 1898
MarshallBeatrice born about 1930
MarshallCharlie born about 1896
MarshallCurtis born about 1931
MarshallDorothy Sborn about 1930
MarshallEdwin born about 1916
MarshallElliott Hborn about 1877
MarshallElliott Wborn about 1898
MarshallElmo born about 1933
MarshallEmma born about 1877
MarshallEmma Rborn about 1899
MarshallEvert W Jrborn about 1926
MarshallFranklin born about 1905
MarshallGeo Hunterborn about 1910
MarshallHerman Pborn about 1910
MarshallHoward Bborn about 1881
MarshallIlene born about 1923
MarshallJames born about 1927
MarshallJames Dborn about 1932
MarshallJoe Mborn about 1899
MarshallJohn Forestborn about 1932
MarshallJohn Pborn about 1887
MarshallJohn P Jrborn about 1924
MarshallJoseph Wborn about 1926
MarshallJunita born about 1936
MarshallLinsay born about 1928
MarshallLouise Sborn about 1911
MarshallLucille born about 1910
MarshallMargaret born about 1906
MarshallMarguerite born about 1924
MarshallMary Lucyborn about 1931
MarshallMary Willieborn about 1885
MarshallMissouri born about 1899
MarshallModessie born about 1896
MarshallMyrtie Wborn about 1870
MarshallNannie born about 1905
MarshallNathan Dborn about 1870
MarshallR Cborn about 1888
MarshallReva Mborn about 1890
MarshallRobert Leeborn about 1938
MarshallRosa born about 1875
MarshallSarah Graceborn about 1928
MarshallSusie born about 1896
MarshallThomas born about 1928
MarshallThornton born about 1923
MarshallWillie Dborn about 1925
MartinAce born about 1912
MartinAlbert born about 1936
MartinAlbert Eborn about 1921
MartinAllen born about 1896
MartinAllen Jr born about 1939
MartinBen born about 1933
MartinBertha born about 1875
MartinBessie born about 1908
MartinBettie Lborn about 1935
MartinBlanch born about 1912
MartinCharles born about 1905
MartinConnie born about 1914
MartinDorothy born about 1910
MartinDorothy born about 1931
MartinDruscilla born about 1893
MartinE Dellborn about 1898
MartinEd Eugeneborn about 1927
MartinErma born about 1927
MartinEstell born about 1906
MartinEstella born about 1907
MartinEva Lborn about 1924
MartinFitzhugh Lborn about 1870
MartinFrances born about 1924
MartinFred born about 1938
MartinGillian born about 1937
MartinHarvy born about 1908
MartinHorace Lborn about 1929
MartinHowlett born about 1898
MartinHowlett Jr born about 1932
MartinHubert Aborn about 1925
MartinHugh born about 1906
MartinIrene Ellenborn about 1905
MartinIrene Ellenborn about 1931
MartinJames Aborn about 1883
MartinJennie born about 1901
MartinJoel Dborn about 1936
MartinJoel Holmesborn about 1876
MartinJohn Sborn about 1901
MartinJohn S Jrborn about 1926
MartinJohn Wborn about 1881
MartinJoyce born about 1933
MartinJulia born about 1929
MartinLaura born about 1935
MartinLeslie born about 1900
MartinLeslie Jr born about 1937
MartinLevanna born about 1865
MartinLewis born about 1902
MartinLucy Janeborn about 1934
MartinMarvin born about 1926
MartinMary born about 1921
MartinMary born about 1930
MartinMary Aborn about 1910
MartinMary Lizaborn about 1882
MartinMary Lottieborn about 1927
MartinMary Sborn about 1913
MartinMaude Cborn about 1908
MartinMilton born about 1927
MartinMollie Sborn about 1878
MartinMyrtle Jborn about 1934
MartinNancy Gborn about 1939
MartinPhyllis born about
MartinRebecca Eborn about 1906
MartinRichard Hunterborn about 1930
MartinTole Wborn about 1900
MartinWesley Aborn about 1915
MartinWilliam born about 1910
MartinWilliam born about 1939
MartinWilliam Gborn about 1936
MartinWilliam Wborn about 1869
MartinWinnie born about 1914
MartinWm Haroldborn about 1925
MatthewsRobert born about 1905
MatthewsWm Sborn about 1886
MayberryAlex Carrollborn about 1920
MayberryAndrew Aborn about 1892
MayberryAvis born about 1918
MayberryBillie born about 1933
MayberryCharlie Nborn about 1922
MayberryClara born about 1907
MayberryCleve born about 1903
MayberryCurtis born about 1932
MayberryCurtis Otisborn about 1926
MayberryCurvin Oliverborn about 1928
MayberryDaisy Janeborn about 1931
MayberryEdward Lborn about 1923
MayberryEdward Wborn about 1918
MayberryEugene born about 1933
MayberryFloyd Tborn about 1913
MayberryFrances born about 1904
MayberryFrances born about 1924
MayberryFrank Hborn about 1939
MayberryGrace Louborn about 1932
MayberryGracie born about 1876
MayberryHenry Tborn about 1939
MayberryHoward born about 1922
MayberryIda Bellborn about 1927
MayberryJack born about 1919
MayberryJames Bborn about 1900
MayberryJames Hborn about 1925
MayberryJanie born about 1904
MayberryJessie Ackmanborn about 1899
MayberryLenard born about 1901
MayberryMammie Iborn about 1922
MayberryMartha Janeborn about 1853
MayberryMary Lawborn about 1880
MayberryMary Mborn about 1905
MayberryMary Oborn about 1918
MayberryMary Sborn about 1880
MayberryMazie Lborn about 1925
MayberryMildred born about 1935
MayberryMildred born about 1937
MayberryNancy born about 1939
MayberryNellie born about 1913
MayberryRachel born about 1932
MayberryRawleigh born about 1910
MayberryRaymond born about 1936
MayberryRichard born about 1930
MayberryRochel born about 1940
MayberryRolph born about 1926
MayberryRosa born about 1925
MayberryRoy born about 1933
MayberryRoyal Bborn about 1921
MayberryRuby born about 1921
MayberryRussell born about 1895
MayberryRussell Edborn about 1934
MayberrySamuel born about 1880
MayberryShirley Annborn about 1937
MayberryThelma born about 1935
MayberryThurman born about 1933
MayberryWarren born about 1938
MayberryWilliam born about 1912
MayberryWillie born about 1915
MayberryWillie Aborn about 1894
MayberryWillis Jr born about 1914
MayberryWm Tborn about 1873
MaysClarence born about 1918
McAnallyElla Maeborn about 1920
McAnallyPearl born about 1900
McAnallyWillie Gertrudeborn about 1926
McCannArcher born about 1925
McCannFrank born about 1927
McCannIda born about 1904
McCannIelene born about 1934
McCannJames born about 1886
McCannLillian born about 1921
McCannOrmand born about 1882
McCayLucile born about
McCormickBenny born about 1914
McCormickColvin Cborn about 1925
McCormickCurtis Wileyborn about 1930
McCormickFlorence born about 1922
McCormickIris Eleanorborn about 1927
McCormickLewis born about 1888
McCormickMackie O'nellborn about 1934
McCormickMatt born about 1919
McCormickMay born about 1923
McCormickQueen Victoriaborn about 1890
McCormickRussell Bborn about 1923
McCormickShelby Juneborn about 1938
McCoyDolores Dborn about 1930
McCoyDouglas born about 1902
McCoyJohn Henryborn about 1932
McCoyNettie born about 1904
McCoyPaul born about 1939
McCoyShirley born about 1937
McCrackerEdgar born about 1929
McCrackerElbert born about 1932
McCrackerJames born about 1885
McCrackerMabel born about 1921
McCrackerMollie born about 1894
McCrackerWoodrow born about 1922
McDanielGeorge born about 1923
McDanielHenry born about 1923
McDanielJudyth born about 1877
McDanielMary Eborn about 1879
McDanielVermont born about 1921
McDearmanClarence born about 1872
McDearmanElizabeth born about 1912
McDearmanLewis Cborn about 1906
McDearmanLewis Jr born about 1939
McDearmanMamie Tborn about 1868
McDearmanOlive born about 1907
McDearmanRichard born about 1909
McDearmanWilhus born about 1905
McDearmanWillie Aborn about 1916
McFaddenCharlie born about 1896
McFaddenElizabeth born about 1924
McFaddenFlorence born about 1929
McFaddenFloyd born about 1928
McFaddenJack born about 1892
McFaddenJames born about 1926
McFaddenLouise Wayneborn about 1940
McFaddenNellie born about 1866
McFaddenRochel born about 1910
McFaddenWm born about 1923
McKinneyFrankie born about
McKinneyJanie born about 1880
McKinneyMary born about 1899
McKinneyWinston Hborn about 1877
McNallyBobbie Vborn about 1937
McNallyEdith born about 1916
McNallyElizah Hborn about 1905
McNallyEllis Rborn about 1936
McNallyRay Burnettborn about 1934
MillinerCecil Marieborn about 1938
MillinerCornelia Nborn about 1932
MillinerDishmond born about 1872
MillinerGordon born about 1930
MillinerJ Gordonborn about 1903
MillinerMartha born about 1909
MillinerMason Leenborn about 1939
MillinerOrie Jborn about 1936
MitchellBetty Fborn about 1939
MitchellBobby born about 1929
MitchellCaney born about 1871
MitchellClara born about 1906
MitchellEmily born about 1895
MitchellEwen Tborn about 1896
MitchellFloyd born about 1904
MitchellHalcomb born about 1869
MitchellHelen Lborn about 1927
MitchellHilda born about 1923
MitchellLim Mborn about 1866
MitchellLora Aborn about 1891
MitchellPearl born about 1918
MitchellRobert Mborn about 1889
MitchellRosa born about 1879
MitchellSara born about 1927
MitchellTeddy born about 1937
MitchellVernell born about 1918
MitchellWilliam born about 1920
MittieMargaret ?born about 1876
MongerWinifred born about 1895
MontagueAnnie born about 1870
MoonDavid Pborn about 1891
MoonJoshua born about 1914
MoonLucille born about 1923
MoonMary born about 1896
MooneBaynitt born about 1922
MooneCallie Rborn about 1879
MooneLawrence born about 1913
MooneLegh born about 1924
MooneMary born about 1900
MooneMaude Gborn about 1881
MooneRobert born about 1902
MooneVirgelia born about 1927
MooneWilliam born about 1923
MooreAlbert born about 1929
MooreBetty born about 1935
MooreCarrie Sborn about 1875
MooreCurtis born about 1929
MooreDoris Leeborn about 1933
MooreEdgar born about
MooreFrank born about 1891
MooreFrank born about 1933
MooreJean Cborn about 1936
MooreJohn born about 1890
MooreJohn born about 1919
MooreLola Bborn about 1910
MooreMaggie Fborn about 1895
MooreMary born about 1926
MooreMolly born about 1870
MooreMyrtle born about 1923
MooreMyrtle born about 1924
MooreRachel born about 1904
MooreSandra Hborn about 1940
MooreTheodore born about 1918
MooreWilliam Aborn about 1869
MooreWillie Fborn about 1932
MorehandAlice born about 1904
MorganMary Bborn about 1917
MorganNannie born about 1875
MorganRadie born about 1922
MorrisAlice born about 1892
MorrisAlice Mborn about 1910
MorrisAlice Rborn about 1915
MorrisAnna Eborn about 1937
MorrisDillard Jborn about 1886
MorrisEltha born about 1884
MorrisFrances born about 1914
MorrisGarland born about 1923
MorrisGertrude born about 1904
MorrisHelen born about 1885
MorrisJames Lborn about 1935
MorrisJim Cborn about 1939
MorrisJohn Eborn about 1913
MorrisJohn Eborn about 1916
MorrisJoseph Wborn about 1892
MorrisJoseph Wborn about 1935
MorrisKatie born about 1907
MorrisLawrence born about 1900
MorrisLovella born about 1870
MorrisLucille born about 1914
MorrisLula Eborn about 1885
MorrisLuther born about 1881
MorrisLuther Eborn about 1882
MorrisPage Adairborn about 1938
MorrisPhyllis Aborn about 1937
MorrisRobert Jamesborn about 1913
MorrisRosa Hborn about 1893
MorrisShirley born about 1936
MorrisThelma born about 1916
MorrisWiley Mborn about 1894
MortonClem Rborn about 1883
MortonNellie Bborn about 1898
MosesBilly born about 1925
MosesCarrie Wborn about 1878
MosesCharles ?born about 1898
MosesCharles T Jrborn about 1923
MosesClara Mborn about 1877
MosesClara Wborn about 1925
MosesCon?lyn born about 1910
MosesDon born about 1897
MosesDon Jr born about 1923
MosesFoy Leeborn about 1940
MosesJames Dborn about 1873
MosesJennie Gborn about 1890
MosesJosephine born about 1918
MosesMarvin born about 1911
MosesPeggy born about 1929
MosesThomas Wborn about 1874
MosesWillie Sborn about 1895
MullinsArthur born about 1937
MullinsEdwin born about 1939
MullinsEmary born about 1914
MullinsFrances born about 1921
MullinsJoshua born about 1886
MullinsLucile born about 1918
MunnJohn born about 1875
MunnMary born about 1877
MunnRandolph born about 1907
MunseyBen born about 1908
MunseyDorothy born about 1931
MunseyEula Patricaborn about 1936
MunseyMabel born about 1907
MunseyMarvin born about 1929
MurphyFitz born about 1886
MurphyMary Bborn about 1891
MusgroveHancock born about 1890
MusgroveJames born about 1918
MusgroveSara born about 1898
MyersBerkley born about 1927
MyersHattie born about 1894
MyersKathleen born about 1924
MyersLena born about 1920
MyersLewis born about 1925
MyersObie born about 1892
MyersRay born about 1912
MyersRebecca born about 1918
MyersRobert born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashAndrew born about 1906
NashBenford born about 1934
NashBertha born about 1904
NashBuford born about 1934
NashClyde Wmborn about 1940
NashDavid born about 1930
NashDonald born about 1935
NashEdith born about 1910
NashEdna born about 1913
NashElizabeth born about 1903
NashFlorence born about 1906
NashFrank Jborn about 1904
NashFrank J Jrborn about 1931
NashHenry Elliottborn about 1920
NashHunter born about 1908
NashIrene born about 1842
NashJane Marieborn about 1939
NashJerry born about 1937
NashJohn born about 1908
NashLloyd Eborn about 1940
NashMartha born about 1935
NashMary born about 1887
NashMaude Cborn about 1908
NashMay Janeborn about 1875
NashMilton born about 1911
NashNellie Jborn about 1923
NashPaul born about 1937
NashRaymond born about 1910
NashRaymond born about 1915
NashRichard Lborn about 1926
NashRoy born about 1910
NashThelma born about 1908
NashWilliam Cborn about 1915
NashWilliam Tborn about 1881
NashWillie born about 1910
NewlinWilliam Eborn about 1875
NewmanAlfred born about 1936
NewmanBen Eborn about 1904
NewmanBennie born about 1934
NewmanSusie Cborn about 1910
NorthFarmer born about 1931
NowlinAda born about 1892
NowlinHenry born about 1890
NowlinIda born about 1920
NowlinWill Thomasborn about 1913
NuckalaBettie Wborn about 1919
NuckalaBunuel Dborn about 1908
NuckalaBurnard D Jrborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienClyde Gborn about 1910
ObrienEllen Sborn about 1911
ObrienGrace born about 1908
ObrienRobert Cborn about 1935
ObrienSandra born about 1939
OdorCaroline born about 1899
OdorMary Eborn about 1876
OdorTom Wborn about 1864
OdorW Pierceborn about 1898
OrangeMary Eborn about 1896
OrangeWillie Cborn about 1895
OuldAddie Cborn about 1905
OuldBuddy born about 1924
OuldBuddy born about 1930
OuldCarroll Wborn about 1897
OuldDorothy born about 1929
OuldEthel born about 1905
OuldFlorence Bborn about 1872
OuldHerman Wborn about 1899
OuldL Dborn about 1928
OuldW Lborn about 1875
OuldWilliam born about 1923
OverbyWilliam Hborn about 1890
OwensJames born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaeBlanche born about 1909
PaeClarence born about 1907
PaeClarence born about 1939
PaeHelen Fborn about 1933
PageFancon born about 1925
PageMary born about 1906
PageNorman Wattborn about 1889
PalmerCharlie born about 1915
PalmerClara born about 1921
PalmerHenry born about 1917
PalmerLandora born about 1915
PannellDora Risaborn about 1925
PannellEmmett born about 1919
PannellFiney born about 1886
PannellHattie Bborn about 1922
PannellIsiah born about 1917
PannellJames born about 1877
PannellJames born about 1926
PannellRobert born about 1873
PannellRosa born about 1883
ParkeyBernice Wborn about 1911
ParkeyElizabeth born about 1878
ParkeyEstell Vaborn about 1916
ParkeyJoseph Lborn about 1906
ParkeyKenneth Gborn about 1938
ParkeyRobert born about 1908
ParkeyRobert Pborn about 1870
ParkeyThomas Cborn about 1915
ParksHarry Rborn about 1907
ParnerScott born about 1880
Parrish??? born about 1907
ParrishBarbara born about 1939
ParrishKatherine born about 1908
PartorGeorge Iborn about 1924
PartorHarrett Vborn about 1888
PartorManuel Pborn about 1875
PatrickIrvin Jborn about 1887
PatrickRose Bborn about 1892
PattensonIsla Aborn about 1882
PattensonJean Eborn about 1927
PattensonOla Tborn about 1876
PattensonRobert Iborn about 1929
PattersonDolphus born about 1915
PattersonEddie born about 1887
PattersonEliane born about 1923
PattersonElsie Mborn about 1911
PattersonIsaac born about 1889
PattersonJaquetta born about 1930
PattersonKathleen born about 1904
PattersonLucy born about 1887
PattersonMargaret born about 1925
PattersonVan born about 1882
PauleteMackey born about 1912
PaulettAnita Fborn about 1938
PaulettCarolyn Mborn about 1940
PaulettEdward Tborn about 1921
PaulettEllen born about 1935
PaulettErnest born about 1911
PaulettErnest Mborn about 1932
PaulettEros born about 1911
PaulettGene Lborn about 1927
PaulettIrene Aborn about 1918
PaulettJerry Tborn about 1931
PaulettJno Thomasborn about 1938
PaulettJoyce Leeborn about 1936
PaulettLoraine born about 1934
PaulettLynwood Tborn about 1916
PaulettOre Tborn about 1898
PaulettRoy Bborn about 1924
PaulettWilson Lborn about 1895
PauletteViola born about 1907
PauletteViolet born about 1907
PauletteWilliam born about 1912
PauletteWilliam Cborn about 1912
PentecostEddie Tborn about 1895
PentecostMinnie born about 1898
PerdueDom born about 1860
PerdueE Verneborn about 1877
PerdueGeorge born about 1925
PerdueMary Eborn about 1894
PettersonJewel born about 1905
PettersonPedor Gborn about 1898
PettersonPeggie Mborn about 1926
PettyAddie born about 1929
PettyAllen born about 1929
PettyDora Annborn about 1908
PettyHenry born about 1878
PettyHezzy born about 1922
PettyIda born about 1910
PettyIda Leeborn about 1917
PettyJake born about 1907
PettyJames born about 1904
PettyJames Tborn about 1927
PettyKate born about 1875
PettyLouise born about 1923
PettyLucille born about 1934
PettyMary born about 1911
PettyNellie born about 1890
PettyOsie born about 1926
PhillipG Raynoldsborn about 1914
PillowElliott born about 1925
PillowHarold born about 1922
PillowHerman born about 1911
PillowLillie Mborn about 1884
PillowWalter Hborn about 1879
PlumkettAlice Mborn about 1895
PlumkettAnnie Cborn about 1870
PlumkettCliff born about 1908
PlumkettJ Davidborn about 1893
PlumkettPaul Pborn about 1895
PlunkettSusie Kborn about 1919
PoeJohn Rborn about 1882
PoeLillia born about 1876
PoeRobert born about 1862
PollardErnest born about 1908
PollardEstell born about 1929
PollardLaura born about 1892
PollardLeonard born about 1871
PollardWillard born about 1894
PorterFloyd Bborn about 1898
PorterSamuel ?born about 1894
PorterSamuel Gborn about 1894
PowellAnnie Eborn about 1875
PowellAtwell born about 1908
PowellBascom born about 1911
PowellKatie Eborn about 1922
PowellNathan Fborn about 1914
PrestonJames born about 1936
PrestonJohn Wborn about 1926
PrestonJosephine born about 1899
PrestonLouise born about 1928
PrestonLuther born about 1916
PrestonMattie born about 1924
PrestonStca??? born about 1879
PriceAlfred born about 1913
PriceCarlton born about 1912
PriceElv?lyn Dborn about 1917
PriceFlorence Aborn about 1914
PriceGrace Mborn about 1904
PriceHarris born about 1919
ProffitAndy born about 1922
PuckettAlford Sborn about 1925
PuckettAnnie Eborn about 1887
PuckettFloyd T ?born about 1877
PuckettJames Cborn about 1922
PughAudrey born about 1927
PughDean Aborn about 1895
PughJohn Eborn about 1902
PughJohn Rborn about 1864
PughJonny Leeborn about 1939
PughManson Eborn about 1867
PughThressa born about 1901
PughZora Leeborn about 1921
PulliamBlanche born about 1914
PulliamChas Rborn about 1889
PulliamGeorge born about 1875
PulliamHarney born about 1911
PulliamHerbert Cborn about 1896
PulliamRichard born about 1934
PurdumE Eborn about 1861
PurdumEthel born about 1889
PurdumMattie Wborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaglandCarline Vborn about 1934
RamseyEdward born about 1911
RamseyFrances born about 1939
RamseyKatherine born about 1914
RamseyMary Eborn about 1934
RamseyRobert Fborn about 1875
RamseyViolet born about 1916
RamsonGertrude born about 1878
RandolphDora born about 1884
RasenBessie Eborn about 1934
RasenClyde Fborn about 1933
RasenFrankie Eborn about 1936
RasenUma Eborn about 1914
RautonDelilia Fborn about 1854
ReddingClarence Wmborn about 1924
ReddingJames Rborn about 1923
ReddingLaura Maieborn about 1890
ReddingRobert Eborn about 1861
ReedAlma born about 1909
ReedAlma born about 1921
ReedAnthony born about 1875
ReedBessie Mborn about 1923
ReedDavid Cborn about 1921
ReedDillard born about 1915
ReedEarnest born about 1893
ReedEva born about 1925
ReedHelena born about 1931
ReedHenry Aborn about 1882
ReedHenry Wborn about 1921
ReedJames Aborn about 1917
ReedJames Nborn about 1929
ReedJames Rborn about 1884
ReedJosephine born about 1927
ReedLouise born about 1924
ReedMargaret born about 1932
ReedMary Aborn about 1880
ReedRosa Maeborn about 1926
ReedRuth Mborn about 1904
ReedWillie Sborn about 1884
ReynaldsBillie born about 1919
ReynaldsLinette born about 1922
ReynaldsWm Lutherborn about 1940
ReynoldsCannie born about 1912
ReynoldsCornelia born about 1938
ReynoldsDona Mborn about 1938
ReynoldsDorothy born about 1922
ReynoldsEnna Jeaneborn about 1937
ReynoldsFlorence born about 1931
ReynoldsFoster born about 1935
ReynoldsIris born about 1918
ReynoldsJeannett born about 1937
ReynoldsLizzie Pborn about 1890
ReynoldsLonnie Burtonborn about 1940
ReynoldsLuther Eborn about 1881
ReynoldsMargaret Iborn about 1913
ReynoldsMattie Suseborn about 1892
ReynoldsRachel born about 1935
ReynoldsRossen born about 1933
ReynoldsWm Rborn about 1880
RichardsonArchie Cborn about 1915
RichardsonFrid born about 1926
RichardsonGuner Jborn about 1924
RichardsonJohn Wborn about 1928
RichardsonMagor born about 1922
RichardsonRosa Vborn about 1931
RichardsonSammuel Eborn about 1917
RoachMilton Aborn about 1910
RobertsonAlice born about 1923
RobertsonAuthur born about 1892
RobertsonBessie born about 1892
RobertsonClarence born about 1911
RobertsonClude Eborn about 1928
RobertsonClyde Cborn about 1922
RobertsonDavid Tborn about 1920
RobertsonDella Mborn about 1892
RobertsonEdith born about 1915
RobertsonElsie born about 1912
RobertsonHarriet Leeborn about 1927
RobertsonJames born about 1889
RobertsonJohn Lborn about 1922
RobertsonLouise born about 1923
RobertsonLoyd Bborn about 1923
RobertsonMabie Cborn about 1891
RobertsonNancy born about 1920
RobertsonOra Bborn about 1922
RobertsonPhillip Rborn about 1934
RobertsonRobert Iborn about 1925
RobertsonRosa born about 1923
RobertsonRosa Lborn about 1885
RobertsonRosal born about 1924
RobertsonShearon* born about 1925
RobertsonW Banksborn about 1889
RobertsonW Hborn about 1885
RobertsonWm Dborn about 1888
RobinsonCalvin Hborn about 1906
RobinsonEarl Pborn about 1906
RogersBertha born about 1915
RogersEarnest born about 1911
RogersLou Cborn about 1914
RossMary born about 1923
RosseEurlean born about 1919
RosserJessie Mborn about 1935
RosserMorton born about 1891
RosserVirfinia born about 1905
RudElla Mborn about 1920
RuthedgeO Rborn about 1906
RuthedgeRebecca born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SackersonClaude born about 1919
SackersonErle Howardborn about 1923
SackersonFrederick born about 1920
SackersonNancy born about 1924
SackersonNannie born about 1882
SadawskiEddie Hborn about 1917
SadawskiEunice Sborn about 1918
SavedgeMary Aborn about 1883
ScauggAlexander Jr born about 1901
ScauggFrank born about 1931
ScauggRosa Fborn about 1910
ScauggsSusie born about 1921
SchuttAddie born about 1898
SchuttEdythe born about 1924
SchuttHazel born about 1926
SchuttHerman born about 1897
SchuttHerman Jr born about 1928
SchuttJames Sborn about 1931
ScottAnnie Pborn about 1927
ScottBawnie born about 1925
ScottGeorge born about 1931
ScottJohn born about 1929
ScottLouise born about 1929
ScottMarie born about 1928
ScottRaymond born about 1932
ScottSarah born about 1910
ScottSchuly born about 1934
ScroggsEvie born about 1886
ScroggsHester born about 1911
ScruggsColyer Aborn about 1898
ScruggsE Cborn about 1901
ScruggsGeorge born about 1928
ScruggsJoe born about 1920
ScruggsJohn born about 1902
ScruggsSilas born about 1908
SeansJohn Eborn about 1889
SeansMary Iborn about 1890
SeansMattie Iborn about 1920
SeansRobert Allenborn about 1922
SearsNancy born about 1929
SearsScott born about 1918
SearsSusie Hborn about 1896
SearsWalter born about 1888
SearsWinnie Sborn about 1892
SeayAndrew Pborn about 1911
SeayAnnie Vborn about 1888
SeayBoby Rborn about 1932
SeayCharles Mborn about 1919
SeayFredy Eborn about 1939
SeayHallie Kborn about 1913
SeayJames Rborn about 1934
SeayKatie Cborn about 1928
SeayPaul Rborn about 1925
SewsElla born about 1872
SewsOphelia born about 1902
ShaffenCoral Jborn about 1921
ShankesRuby born about 1917
SharkisCarrie born about 1921
SharpLucy Rborn about 1903
SharpMildred Lborn about 1937
SharpRay Lborn about 1934
SharpRuth Eborn about 1938
SharpSallie Vborn about 1913
SheanenElizabeth Eborn about 1911
SheanenLouis Cborn about 1907
SheanenMary Mborn about 1939
SheltonBurt Dborn about 1894
SheltonHarold born about 1932
SheltonJack born about 1935
SheltonJames Dborn about 1927
SheltonJean born about 1929
SheltonMary Lborn about 1902
SheltonWalter born about 1914
SimmsBeulah born about 1890
SimmsHunter born about 1882
SimmsMott Twymanborn about 1929
SimmsRobert born about 1926
SleppDoris born about 1938
SleppFrances born about 1939
SleppMary born about 1918
SleppWalter born about 1910
SmeltJohn born about 1918
SmithAddie Pborn about 1885
SmithAdell born about 1905
SmithAlice Lborn about 1923
SmithAlice Leeborn about 1916
SmithAlton born about 1938
SmithBertha Nborn about 1883
SmithBessie Mborn about 1899
SmithCarolyn born about 1911
SmithClaude Wborn about 1889
SmithColier born about 1927
SmithCopell Lborn about 1891
SmithCora Fborn about 1882
SmithCornelius born about 1913
SmithEarl born about 1934
SmithEdna born about 1913
SmithEdward born about 1909
SmithEdward Hborn about 1884
SmithElla born about 1885
SmithErma born about 1880
SmithErnest born about 1898
SmithFloyd Bborn about 1897
SmithFrances born about 1909
SmithGarland born about 1916
SmithGrace Ostaviaborn about 1924
SmithGrover born about 1910
SmithGwendell born about 1932
SmithHarriet born about 1923
SmithIleen born about 1898
SmithJake Lborn about 1923
SmithJames Elmoborn about 1916
SmithJerry Aborn about 1919
SmithJohn Aborn about 1890
SmithJohn A Jrborn about 1919
SmithJuanita born about 1912
SmithLattie Nborn about 1904
SmithLe Roy born about 1887
SmithLen Eborn about 1865
SmithLewis born about 1905
SmithLouise born about 1928
SmithLucy born about 1877
SmithMable born about 1894
SmithMartha Rborn about 1920
SmithMinnie born about 1932
SmithMyrtle born about 1905
SmithNeola born about 1914
SmithPeggy born about 1934
SmithReba born about 1935
SmithRichard Wborn about 1868
SmithRobert born about 1914
SmithThelma born about 1921
SmithThomas born about 1923
SmithVernell born about 1934
SmithVeta Mborn about 1939
SmithWill born about 1867
SmithWillie Cborn about 1881
SmithWillie Eborn about 1902
SmithWillie Hazelborn about 1925
SmithWily Herbertborn about 1939
SoursErnest born about 1892
SoursFlorence born about 1907
SpencerSidney Gborn about 1910
SpiggleAlma Dborn about 1876
SpiggleDavid Wilsonborn about 1936
SpiggleJohn Cborn about 1901
SpiggleJohn Jamesborn about 1922
SpiggleMary Almaborn about 1930
SpiggleMazie Bellborn about 1903
StanleyBettie Sborn about 1868
StanleyBobie Aborn about 1938
StanleyClarence born about 1917
StanleyFlora Lborn about 1897
StanleyLillian born about 1920
StanleyMable Cborn about 1912
StanleyMartin Rborn about 1913
StanleyMary Wborn about 1938
StanleyRegie born about 1905
StanleyVenta Sborn about 1904
StanleyWatt Hborn about 1898
StearnAnn Homerborn about 1935
StearnLena born about 1913
StearnSally Betborn about 1933
StearnWillie Hborn about 1906
SteeleAlice Bborn about 1885
SteppDallas Davidborn about 1902
SteppDoris born about 1934
SteppEunice born about 1910
SteppEunice born about 1929
SteppJames born about 1933
SteppMildred born about 1927
SteppPauline born about 1930
StevensElliam born about 1917
StevensGeneral born about 1875
StevensH??? born about 1902
StevensLucy born about 1879
StevensMillie born about 1853
StogdalePaul Dborn about 1915
StrattanElva born about 1899
SummerEarl Wborn about 1894
SummerNaomi Tborn about 1902
SummerlinJessie Jborn about 1913
SwanJohn Dborn about 1937
SwingC Hborn about 1908
SwordSamuel born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerRuth born about 1938
TaylorFannie Sborn about 1877
TaylorHarold born about 1922
TaylorHerman Aborn about 1923
TaylorJohn Pborn about 1909
TaylorVenhenna born about 1902
TaylorWilliam Sborn about 1873
TerrisCatherine born about 1927
TerrisDoris born about 1932
TerrisElmer born about 1902
TerrisEstell born about 1929
TerrisEugene born about 1931
TerrisMyrtle born about 1906
ThoanhillAda Pborn about 1908
ThoanhillRichard born about 1904
ThomasAllison born about 1925
ThomasAnita born about 1938
ThomasBuddy born about 1939
ThomasCecil born about 1919
ThomasClyford born about 1918
ThomasFrank born about 1916
ThomasGeorgia born about 1899
ThomasHarrison born about 1896
ThomasLaughton born about 1920
ThomasLewis born about 1929
ThomasMarjorie born about 1921
ThomasRuth born about 1924
ThomasTarelton born about 1933
ThomasVernard born about 1895
ThomasVernon born about 1895
ThomhillDaisy born about 1918
ThompsonClifford born about 1920
ThompsonEllen Fborn about 1939
ThompsonEugene born about 1938
ThompsonFred born about 1919
ThompsonHelen Rborn about 1939
ThompsonMartice born about 1921
ThompsonPhyllis born about 1919
ThompsonVernell born about 1923
ThomsonAlta Cborn about 1923
ThomsonAmy Rborn about 1926
ThomsonDaniel Hborn about 1924
ThomsonElizabeth born about 1928
ThomsonErma born about 1930
ThomsonFred Eborn about 1921
ThomsonGeorge Hborn about 1919
ThomsonIrene born about 1893
ThomsonMary Aborn about 1933
ThornhillJames born about 1929
ThornhillLillian born about 1932
ThornhillMatilda born about 1912
ThorntonEarly born about 1923
ThorntonFrances born about 1921
ThorntonGeorgia Aborn about 1923
ThorntonHelen born about 1939
ThorntonJames born about 1921
ThorntonJessie Eborn about 1904
ThorntonJoe born about 1868
ThorntonLewis born about 1918
ThorntonMackie born about 1876
ThorntonMartha Annborn about 1930
ThorntonMary born about 1917
ThorntonMary born about 1920
ThorntonMatt born about 1889
ThorntonMazie born about 1873
ThorntonMckinly born about 1899
ThorntonMoses born about 1927
ThorntonSam Mborn about 1873
ThorntonShirley born about 1938
ThorntonVergie born about 1881
ThortonFrances born about 1922
TibbFrancis born about 1921
TibbJohn Wborn about 1874
TibbLucy born about 1883
TibbMaddisa born about 1911
TibbMarie born about 1902
TibbMckinny born about 1918
TibbRebecca born about 1927
TibbTom born about 1875
TibbsEva Mborn about 1926
TibbsGeorge Wborn about 1888
TibbsMaggie born about 1893
TibbsRudolph born about 1929
TibbsWarren Wborn about 1922
TinnellAgnus Rborn about 1931
TinnellAlexander Fborn about 1898
TinnellAlexander Jr born about 1928
TinnellCharles Hborn about 1906
TinnellCharles H Jrborn about 1934
TinnellDoris Cborn about 1928
TinnellHarry Lborn about 1925
TinnellLouise born about 1933
TinnellMartha Lborn about 1929
TinnellMary Kborn about 1926
TinnellMollie Lborn about 1905
TinnellRosa Mborn about 1905
TrentAnnie Gborn about 1892
TrentAnnie Pborn about 1927
TrentBennett born about 1925
TrentDavid born about 1929
TrentFlorence born about 1909
TrentFloyd born about 1893
TrentGeorge born about 1860
TrentHurley born about 1892
TrentHurley born about 1929
TrentJoseph Tborn about 1861
TrentMary Wborn about 1918
TrentMillard Aborn about 1881
TrentThelbert born about 1911
TrentWycliffe born about 1913
TurnerAdella born about 1912
TurnerAlton born about 1924
TurnerArlena born about 1914
TurnerBernice born about 1934
TurnerBurnett born about 1900
TurnerCharles born about 1936
TurnerCloyce born about 1922
TurnerDorothy born about 1925
TurnerEleanor born about 1927
TurnerElizabeth born about 1900
TurnerEsther born about 1932
TurnerEthel born about 1914
TurnerEula born about 1932
TurnerFrank born about 1890
TurnerGeraldine born about 1938
TurnerHelena born about 1931
TurnerIrvin born about 1907
TurnerJames born about 1930
TurnerJesse born about 1912
TurnerJoe born about 1894
TurnerJosephine born about 1918
TurnerLouis Bborn about 1922
TurnerLucy born about 1927
TurnerMarian born about 1896
TurnerMary born about 1900
TurnerMelvin born about 1940
TurnerNorman born about 1890
TurnerRaymond born about 1939
TurnerRobert born about 1891
TurnerSam born about 1905
TurnerWm Bborn about 1934
TweedGlenn born about 1915
TweedyArdelia born about 1928
TweedyEugene born about 1882
TweedyRaymond born about 1896
TwymanAnnie Hborn about 1879
TwymanO Nborn about 1878
TwymanVirginia born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmblesLaura born about 1921
UmblesLottie born about 1917
UmblesMassie born about 1913
UptonEdgar born about 1920
UptonEdward Lborn about 1871
UptonJon born about 1869
UptonMerrie born about 1878

V Surnames

VandenaliceEllis Iborn about 1913
VandenaliceFrances Kborn about 1913

W Surnames

WalkerCarl Aborn about 1932
WalkerCarmil born about 1890
WalkerHaywood Dborn about 1934
WalkerHerman Lborn about 1919
WalkerJessie Lborn about 1926
WalkerKitty born about 1865
WalkerLillie Kborn about 1890
WalkerManial Gborn about 1924
WalkerRobert Aborn about 1929
WardAnna Bborn about 1875
WardHurkmer born about 1871
WarrnerLindy Lborn about 1928
WarrnerM Annborn about 1888
WarrnerRoy Wborn about 1914
WarrnerW Eddieborn about 1884
Watkins?annald born about 1934
WatkinsAllen born about 1938
WatkinsArdoit born about 1930
WatkinsBertha born about 1899
WatkinsDouglas born about 1873
WatkinsElizabeth born about 1928
WatkinsHubert born about 1932
WatkinsJames Hborn about 1919
WatkinsRobert born about 1924
WatkinsSara born about 1936
WatkinsVance born about 1921
Watson?rane born about 1914
WatsonCrag born about 1926
WatsonGeorge born about 1932
WatsonJack born about 1930
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1911
WatsonRobert born about 1913
WattsAurelius born about 1915
WattsFinas born about 1896
WattsHobart born about 1899
WattsLouise born about 1922
WattsNettie born about 1908
WattsSidney born about 1939
WattsVirginia Rborn about 1900
WeaverGrace born about 1915
WeaverLloyd born about 1908
WeaverShirley born about 1939
WebbArcher born about 1895
WebbCharlie Eborn about 1906
WebbCornelia born about 1876
WebbJohn Wborn about 1891
WebbMartin Lborn about 1897
WebbRobert Eborn about 1920
WebbThelma born about 1907
WebbWilliam born about 1900
WelchHelen born about 1900
WelkerAlma Mborn about 1896
WelkerL Mortonborn about 1880
WelkerMable ?born about
WestBarbara born about 1939
WestDorothy born about 1922
WestEdward born about 1918
WestElvyn born about 1916
WestHattie Bborn about 1896
WestHelen born about 1924
WestOscar Lborn about 1914
WesterJunior born about 1930
WheelerArthur born about 1886
WheelerCharlie Sborn about 1870
WheelerClarence Fborn about 1929
WheelerFedrick Fborn about 1922
WheelerFrances Aborn about 1924
WheelerGennie Dborn about 1934
WheelerKing born about 1869
WheelerLucy Cborn about 1882
WheelerLula born about 1877
WheelerMary Annborn about 1926
WheelerRuth born about 1896
WheelerUrill Nborn about 1918
WhitakerCora born about 1854
WhiteBeaulah born about 1930
WhiteGeorge Hborn about 1893
WhiteLizzie Aborn about 1871
WhiteVergie born about 1903
WilesBernt born about 1918
WilkersonClarence born about 1917
WilkersonFrank born about 1935
WilkersonMary born about 1919
WilkersonThomas born about 1919
WilkinsonWm Jborn about 1875
WilliamDolly Gborn about 1928
WilliamEssie Cvborn about 1903
WilliamsBilly Wborn about 1916
WilliamsEllen Aborn about 1938
WilliamsJoseph Kborn about 1889
WilliamsJoseph K Jrborn about 1920
WilliamsLena Pborn about 1899
WilliamsMyrtle born about 1923
WilliamsNewton born about 1918
WilliamsVirginia Dborn about 1921
WilliamsonAndrew Aborn about 1918
WilliamsonClary Bborn about 1925
WilliamsonElinor born about 1927
WilliamsonGoldie Aborn about 1889
WilliamsonRuby Mborn about 1921
WilliamsonWilliam Hborn about 1888
WilliamsonWilliam Rborn about 1922
WillimsAlga born about 1936
WillimsBessie born about 1936
WillimsCharlie born about 1911
WillimsEllie born about 1911
WillimsRaymond born about 1934
WilmerElmo born about 1928
WilmerHerbert Cborn about 1894
WilmerJuanita born about 1922
WilmerMary Eborn about 1896
WilsonSallie born about 1860
WingfieldMelisie born about
WingfieldTwyman born about 1911
WingfieldTwyman Jr born about 1934
WinkfieldBettie Jborn about 1933
WinkfieldJames Jborn about 1900
WinkfieldJames Rborn about 1935
WinkfieldJoyce Bborn about 1931
WinkfieldRichard Lborn about 1929
WinkfieldZelia born about 1908
WintersGracie born about 1900
WintersLewis Bborn about 1888
WodyLeonard born about 1919
WoodbridgeInez Mborn about 1900
WoodbridgeMavis Hborn about 1931
WoodbridgeTravis Tborn about 1901
WoodbridgeVirginia Eborn about 1925
WoodenBernard Gborn about 1917
WoodenFannie Bborn about 1921
Woodson??? born about 1906
WoodsonElla Oborn about 1897
WoodsonPaul born about 1908
WoodsonSamuel born about 1915
WoodsonWm Wborn about 1878
WoodyCharlie born about 1873
WoodyCharlie Jr born about 1914
WoodyGlenn born about 1912
WoodyHazel born about 1937
WoodyHilda born about 1938
WoodyJames born about 1928
WoodyJames born about 1934
WoodyJames Eborn about 1911
WoodyLawrence born about 1931
WoodyMary born about 1885
WoodyMyrtle born about 1891
WoodyWilliam born about 1935
WooldridgeAllen born about 1913
WooldridgeBarbara Aborn about 1939
WooldridgeCarlton born about 1926
WooldridgeDavid Eborn about 1927
WooldridgeEddie born about 1916
WooldridgeEdna Hborn about 1915
WooldridgeEdw?? Fborn about 1892
WooldridgeEleanor born about 1931
WooldridgeEmmer Iborn about 1898
WooldridgeEstell Sborn about 1897
WooldridgeFloyd Eborn about 1885
WooldridgeFrederick born about 1916
WooldridgeGeorge Wborn about 1897
WooldridgeHazel Sborn about
WooldridgeJames Eborn about 1895
WooldridgeJames Nborn about 1871
WooldridgeJohn Lborn about 1922
WooldridgeJohn Tborn about 1885
WooldridgeKathlyn born about 1922
WooldridgeLorene born about 1919
WooldridgeM Wi???born about 1916
WooldridgeMargaret born about 1915
WooldridgeNancy Leeborn about 1935
WooldridgeNorman born about 1893
WooldridgeOrpha born about 1904
WooldridgeRandolph Hborn about 1912
WooldridgeRosa Mborn about 1921
WooldridgeRuby Lborn about 1914
WooldridgeShirley Eborn about 1923
WooldridgeVasati Dborn about 1885
WooldridgeVivian Eborn about 1923
WooldridgeWalter Wborn about 1875
WoolridgeGrover born about 1886
WootenCarl ?born about 1907
WootenCountrey born about 1910
WootenCoy Mborn about 1904
WootenFrances born about 1918
WootenNora born about 1881
WootenPeggy Fborn about 1939
WootenRobert born about 1884
WootenThilbert Aborn about 1939
WoottenCurtis Taylorborn about 1936
WoottenMildred born about 1920
WoottenWilliamson born about 1915
WorltonHelen born about 1921
WorltonRobert born about 1917
WrightAlfred born about 1936
WrightAnn born about 1938
WrightCharles born about 1936
WrightCharlie Eborn about 1936
WrightClay Bborn about 1937
WrightElizabeth born about 1931
WrightEva Mborn about 1910
WrightEvlyn born about 1934
WrightGeorge Wborn about 1939
WrightHallen Bborn about 1912
WrightIrvin born about 1902
WrightJessie Lborn about 1908
WrightLoyd born about 1934
WrightLucille Bborn about 1915
WrightRosa Aborn about 1929
WrightWillie born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeamanAnn Bborn about 1940
YeamanBoh?? Rborn about 1939
YeamanJohn born about 1912
YeamanMozelle born about 1911
YoungEdna Iborn about 1897
YoungJohn Aborn about 1887

Z Surnames

ZostrowAlbert Jborn about 1893
ZostrowEmma Sueborn about 1893

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