1940 U.S. Federal Census of Stonewall in Appomattox County, Appomattox, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Appomattox County > 1940 Census of Stonewall in Appomattox County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbitCurry born about 1880
AbbitFannie born about 1875
AbbittAnna Bborn about 1928
AbbittAnna Bellborn about 1927
AbbittAsia born about 1921
AbbittChancey born about 1911
AbbittClifton born about 1917
AbbittDouglas born about 1913
AbbittEarnest born about 1921
AbbittEarnest born about 1922
AbbittElla born about 1892
AbbittElla born about 1893
AbbittGeorge born about 1926
AbbittJames born about 1894
AbbittJames Jr born about 1920
AbbittJim born about 1895
AbbittJunie born about 1919
AbbittLeorne born about 1923
AbbittLucel born about 1926
AbbittLucille born about 1926
AbbittMary Lborn about 1880
AbbittMary Lborn about 1882
AbbittMattie Sueborn about 1925
AbbittMaude Fborn about 1883
AbbittNettie born about 1922
AbbittWesley born about 1922
AbbittWesley born about 1924
AbbittWillie born about 1885
AbbittYancy born about 1890
AbbottFront Wborn about 1882
AbbottPhinizy born about 1874
AbbottWillie Cborn about 1883
AdamsClarence born about 1894
AdamsMable born about 1895
AkersGeorge Dborn about 1927
AkersWinnie Bultonborn about 1891
AlmondCassie Mborn about 1903
AlmondEdith born about 1915
AlmondInis born about 1938
AlmondJ Tborn about 1893
AlmondJames born about 1939
AlmondJames Pborn about 1869
AlmondRuben born about 1936
AlmondSamuel Hborn about 1935
AlmondThomas born about 1926
AlmondVirginia born about 1924
AlmondWillie born about 1914
AlvisJohn Pborn about 1866
AlvisJohn P Jrborn about 1914
AlvisLucy Wborn about 1876
AndersonBettie Wborn about 1878
AndersonRichard Aborn about 1884
AndersonSamuel Eborn about 1868
AustinClifton born about 1918
AustinEmery born about 1912
AustinGeorge born about 1879
AustinLizzie Lborn about 1888
AustinMaggie Rborn about 1923
AustinManda Jborn about 1920
AustinMargaret Lborn about 1939
AustinMyrtle Vborn about 1939
AustinViola Barbourborn about 1914
AustinWilliam Hborn about 1881
AustinWillie Mborn about 1920
AustonBeatrice born about 1913
AustonCorey born about 1907
AustonErman born about 1911
AustonErman Jr born about 1931
AustonFrances born about 1933
AustonMarry born about 1905
AustonRargret born about 1870
AyersBessie born about 1881
AyersWilliam born about 1917
AyresReva born about 1894
AyresWirt Hborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BanksElnora Vborn about 1937
BanksFlorence born about 1915
BanksHarriet Lborn about 1934
BanksHurtwell born about 1914
BanksJoe born about 1914
BanksJoe Lborn about 1938
BanksLee born about 1920
BanksLucy born about 1939
BanksMarie born about 1926
BanksOllia born about 1910
BarbourCora Eborn about 1878
BarbourCurtis born about 1925
BarbourRandolph Pborn about 1872
BarkerGeorge born about 1910
BarkerGeorge Jr born about 1930
BarkerMarlyn born about 1937
BarkerMartha Hardinborn about 1911
BassChristine born about 1931
BassEmma Sborn about 1887
BassMary born about 1918
BassRichard Lborn about 1926
BassWilliam Cborn about 1891
BatesMunford born about 1892
BealeAlbert born about 1884
BealeBenjamin Eborn about 1880
BealeClarence Eborn about 1905
BealeEverell born about 1936
BealeJames born about 1919
BealeLola Magginsonborn about 1883
BealeMartha born about 1938
BealeVirginia Harveyborn about 1917
BealeWalker born about 1911
BealeWilliam born about 1874
BeardGeorge born about 1913
BeardHerman born about 1915
BeardJames born about 1878
BeardJoshua born about 1921
BeardJuantia born about 1926
BeardLottie born about 1888
BeardRobert born about 1924
BellAlvin born about 1898
BellClay born about 1902
BellLula born about 1876
BellRobert Aborn about 1921
BellRonald born about 1876
BengeDortha born about 1939
BengeElizabeth born about 1902
BengeFletcher born about 1906
BengeFletcher Jr born about 1928
BengeLelia born about 1929
BengeRichard born about 1937
BengeRoberta born about 1934
BensleyRichard born about 1904
BensleySarah Nowlinborn about 1911
BergmanAudrey born about 1928
BergmanMaggie born about 1905
BergmanVirginia born about 1927
BergmanWalter born about 1905
BerkleyThomas Aborn about 1889
BerksFay born about 1913
BernardChilders born about 1908
BernardClyde Dborn about 1940
BernardElizabeth Scruggsborn about 1873
BernardMinnie Childersborn about 1917
BlankingshipLyle born about 1920
BlankingshipPreston born about 1923
BlankingshipRichard born about 1914
BlankingshipSallie born about 1888
BlankingshipSidney born about 1928
BocockWillie Pborn about 1862
BoghAmine Jborn about 1861
BohannanAulus Aborn about 1914
BohannanMary born about 1918
BohannanThomas Dborn about 1938
BollingHerman born about 1896
BollingIdell born about 1924
BollingMartha born about 1898
BondurantCarter born about 1937
BondurantMadeline born about
BondurantRebecca Yborn about 1906
BondurantRichard born about 1938
BondurantVirginia Lborn about 1933
BondurantW Eborn about 1926
BondurantWallace Eborn about 1897
BondurantWilliam born about 1935
BookerAlexander born about 1919
BookerAlice born about 1928
BookerAurthor born about 1883
BookerBarbor born about 1939
BookerBernie born about 1923
BookerBeverly Colemanborn about 1922
BookerCharlie born about 1911
BookerCharlie Jr born about 1934
BookerClarence born about 1912
BookerEarl born about 1932
BookerGurving* born about 1900
BookerHazel born about 1933
BookerIrene born about 1869
BookerJesse born about 1876
BookerJessie born about 1914
BookerJohn Rborn about 1871
BookerJulia born about 1896
BookerMable Colemanborn about 1879
BookerMalcolm Aborn about 1915
BookerMartha born about 1892
BookerMary Lizzieborn about 1887
BookerPearl born about 1907
BookerRobert born about 1919
BookerVirginia born about 1919
BookerWillie born about 1912
BowlinTredgin born about 1917
BowlingAlphonse born about
BowlingCharles born about 1939
BowlingDorothy born about 1923
BowlingDuval* born about 1911
Branch??? born about 1904
BranchBerda born about 1889
BranchGeorge born about 1913
BranchHarry born about 1932
BranchJim born about 1895
BranchMable born about 1921
BranchMary born about 1902
BranchMildred born about 1905
BranchSam Leeborn about 1936
BranchTomas born about 1927
BrowinMary born about 1870
BrownAnnie Eborn about 1883
BrownCharlie Pborn about 1886
BrownEarnest born about 1930
BrownEdward born about 1877
BrownGeorge born about 1922
BrownHampton born about 1890
BrownMattie Sborn about 1882
BrownNorvell born about 1900
BrownPaul Cborn about 1926
BrownPaul Sborn about 1873
BrownSamie born about 1920
BrownWilliam born about 1924
BryantDaniel born about 1930
BryantEdmosia Sborn about 1877
BryantJoseph Wborn about 1904
BryantJulius born about 1930
BryantPeter Aborn about 1876
BurcherBillie Jamesborn about 1934
BurcherMary born about 1912
BurcherWilliam born about 1912
BurgeAlberta born about 1859
BurgeClayton born about 1921
BurgeHubert born about 1929
BurgeIola born about 1923
BurgeJames Fborn about 1916
BurgeJoseph Henryborn about 1924
BurgeLula Ayresborn about 1921
BurgeMary born about 1900
BurgePaul born about 1925
BurgeSadie born about 1927
BurgeTomas born about 1884
BurkeW Hallieborn about 1877
BurksAnn Eborn about 1935
BurksCharlie born about 1938
BurksClara born about 1880
BurksClifford Wborn about 1873
BurksEugene born about 1926
BurksHenry born about 1887
BurksHubert born about 1900
BurksHugh born about 1867
BurksJane Mborn about 1936
BurksJean born about 1937
BurksJonnie born about 1874
BurksMable born about 1911
BurksMaggie born about 1895
BurksMattie Burkeyborn about 1876
BurksMinnie born about 1879
BurksSammie born about 1908
BurksShirley Mborn about 1938
BurksWalter born about 1905
BurnettAndine born about 1925
BurnettAnna Lucileborn about 1902
BurnettAurby born about 1923
BurnettJames Rborn about 1859
BurnettJohn Eborn about 1896
BurnettJoseph born about 1921
BurnettLouise born about 1935
BurnettMaude born about 1919
BurnettMinnie born about 1897
BurnettRufus Jborn about 1897
BurnettTomas Rayborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabellAnne born about 1931
CabellCatherine born about 1924
CabellClifton born about 1922
CabellGuy born about 1881
CabellGuy born about 1921
CabellHenry born about 1927
CabellPaul born about 1923
CabellValentine born about 1891
CabellWest born about 1920
CaldwellBarbara Eborn about 1924
CaldwellCharlie Wborn about 1848
CaldwellChristine born about 1920
CaldwellClarence Eborn about 1878
CaldwellCleveland born about 1885
CaldwellElizabeth born about 1928
CaldwellElsie Aborn about 1899
CaldwellElsie Cborn about 1899
CaldwellElwins born about 1923
CaldwellGeneva born about 1888
CaldwellGrove Mborn about 1887
CaldwellJack Sborn about 1891
CaldwellJack S Jrborn about 1920
CaldwellLina born about 1930
CaldwellLyle born about 1897
CaldwellMargrett born about 1890
CaldwellMary born about 1928
CaldwellMax Sborn about 1930
CaldwellMelvin born about 1917
CaldwellMillner born about 1924
CaldwellSusie Bborn about 1882
CaldwellWilliam Tborn about 1883
CallowayEarnest born about 1916
CallowayFannie born about 1918
CallowayJames born about 1935
CampbellAlice born about 1896
CampbellCam born about 1913
CampbellClyde Bernellborn about 1939
CampbellDoris born about 1933
CampbellElizabeth born about 1921
CampbellGladwell born about 1928
CampbellHarold born about 1923
CampbellHarold born about 1930
CampbellHazel Lborn about 1904
CampbellHerbert born about 1895
CampbellHerbert Jr born about 1922
CampbellJessie born about 1872
CampbellMary born about 1906
CampbellMenden born about 1910
CampbellNannie born about 1873
CampbellSallie Leeborn about 1935
CampbellTomas Lborn about 1934
CampbellWilliam Dborn about 1874
CarlAllen Dborn about 1900
CarlJohn Aborn about 1920
CarlMary Aborn about 1926
CarlMary Eborn about 1902
CarlMerle Cborn about 1930
CarlTheodore Dborn about 1933
CarlThomas Hborn about 1927
CarnefixAnnie Gborn about 1890
CarnefixAnnie Lborn about 1934
CarnefixBetty Woodsonborn about 1896
CarnefixJames Hborn about 1882
CarnefixThomas Mborn about 1888
CarrollAllen born about 1935
CarrollAnnie born about 1923
CarrollBerta born about 1880
CarrollEstell born about 1915
CarrollH Oborn about 1885
CarrollHarry born about 1925
CarrollJohn born about 1920
CarrollLaura born about 1883
CarrollMargaret born about 1921
CarrollOtha born about 1910
CarrollRoy born about 1933
CarrollSusie born about 1925
CarrollWilliam born about 1910
CarsonAgnes Dborn about 1898
CarsonCarrie Jr born about 1914
CarsonEdwin Hborn about 1859
CarsonElizabeth born about 1940
CarsonIrene born about 1878
CarsonJ Eborn about 1924
CarsonJessie born about 1870
CarsonJohn born about 1900
CarsonKathleen born about 1895
CarsonLester born about 1896
CarsonMary Oborn about 1922
CarsonMerce born about 1913
CarsonOwen born about 1895
CarsonSallie born about 1868
CarsonSona Eborn about 1868
CarsonWilliam born about 1938
CarterAlvin born about 1875
CarterAnnie Bellborn about 1908
CarterBarbara Jborn about 1933
CarterBessie Morrisborn about 1890
CarterCharles Dborn about 1935
CarterCharlie Mborn about 1907
CarterCorrington Lborn about 1884
CarterDavid Wborn about 1913
CarterElizabeth Lborn about 1928
CarterEthel Guillborn about 1912
CarterHarry born about 1939
CarterJames born about 1936
CarterJimie born about 1908
CarterLaura Jborn about 1885
CarterLouella born about 1877
CarterMaggie born about 1869
CarterOla born about 1923
CarterPhyllis Mborn about 1930
CarterRandolph born about 1881
CarterRichard Bborn about 1930
CarterRobert Wborn about 1938
CarterThronton born about 1921
CarterVirginia born about 1929
CarterVirginia born about 1932
CarterWilliam born about 1937
CarterWillie Hborn about 1917
CarwillAlfred born about 1928
CarwillAurthor born about 1905
CarwillBula born about 1906
CarwillDeloris born about 1935
CarwillJohn born about 1930
CatlettCorrine Colemanborn about 1908
CatlettJoann born about 1934
CatlettMartin Fborn about 1904
CawthornFrances born about 1876
ChambersCelestine born about 1939
ChambersDavid born about 1933
ChambersElla born about 1937
ChambersFrancis born about 1927
ChambersGeorgia born about 1888
ChambersGordon Dborn about 1892
ChambersHerbert born about 1890
ChambersJohn born about 1909
ChambersJosephine Dborn about 1896
ChambersLillian born about 1915
ChambersNannie Prestonborn about 1903
ChambersNelton born about 1927
ChambersTom born about 1858
ChambersVirgie Lborn about 1885
ChenaultElizabeth born about 1911
ChenaultRalph born about 1934
ChenaultShirley Mayborn about 1935
ChenaultVernon born about 1908
ChernaultEdna Fborn about 1918
ChernaultEthel Lborn about 1936
ChernaultEvelyn Cborn about 1933
ChernaultHallie Cborn about 1929
ChernaultHenry Tborn about 1923
ChernaultJames Bborn about 1921
ChernaultJessie Jborn about 1894
ChernaultJosie Colemanborn about 1897
ChernaultMargery Wborn about 1937
ChernaultMaude Fborn about 1927
ChernaultRobert Hborn about 1925
ChernaultRussell Aborn about 1919
ChernaultSallie Lborn about 1934
ChernaultWalter Dborn about 1916
ChickAllen Bborn about 1872
ChickIrving Lborn about 1882
ChickRachel Aborn about 1926
ChickRuby Mborn about 1889
ChildersCalvin born about 1935
ChildersElizabeth born about 1929
ChildersEster born about 1925
ChildersEthel Marshborn about 1890
ChildersFannie Jamersonborn about 1896
ChildersGlenn born about 1936
ChildersHallie Bryantborn about 1918
ChildersHazel born about 1930
ChildersIda Bborn about 1883
ChildersJames Lborn about 1875
ChildersJerald born about 1924
ChildersJeremiah born about 1932
ChildersJoel born about 1916
ChildersJulian Oborn about 1913
ChildersLena Burksborn about 1897
ChildersLeonard born about 1894
ChildersPaul born about 1926
ChildersRobert Cborn about 1915
ChildersRobert Lewisborn about 1939
ChildersThomas Aborn about 1916
ChildersThomas Bborn about 1871
ChildersThomas Eborn about 1920
ChildersVira born about 1927
ChildersWilliam born about 1923
ChildersWilliam Cborn about 1886
ChildsonGames born about 1911
ChildsonGrover born about 1911
ChildsonMargaret O'brienborn about 1915
ChildsonMary born about 1883
ChildsonMary Helenborn about 1937
ChildsonWilliam Tborn about 1884
ChristianElwood born about 1913
ChristianJanie born about 1913
ChristianKatherine Bborn about 1936
ChristianPeggy Sueborn about 1929
ChristianSerania born about 1933
ChristianSue Bborn about 1900
ClarkVivian born about 1906
CobbsBessie born about 1915
CoffeyFrances born about 1913
CoffeyFrank born about 1940
CoffeyGuy Wborn about 1915
ColemanAbbitt born about 1923
ColemanAdrian born about 1914
ColemanAlfrad born about 1924
ColemanAlva Bborn about 1932
ColemanC Louiseborn about 1871
ColemanCharlie born about 1844
ColemanCharlie Sborn about 1936
ColemanDavid born about 1922
ColemanDenry Dborn about 1906
ColemanDora Wooldridgeborn about 1891
ColemanEdmonia born about 1865
ColemanEmma Fergusonborn about 1862
ColemanFlorence Wborn about 1867
ColemanGrace Gilbertborn about 1909
ColemanHazel born about 1916
ColemanJames born about 1923
ColemanJoseph Pborn about 1893
ColemanKathleen born about 1924
ColemanKetie born about 1926
ColemanKineth born about 1927
ColemanKyle born about 1921
ColemanLillian Ingeborn about 1900
ColemanLily Kyleborn about 1891
ColemanLois born about 1907
ColemanLucille born about 1925
ColemanLula Aborn about 1890
ColemanMary born about 1890
ColemanMary ???born about 1901
ColemanMary Aliceborn about 1922
ColemanMary Kborn about 1885
ColemanOra Scottborn about 1893
ColemanPreston born about 1928
ColemanRachel born about 1926
ColemanRalph born about 1920
ColemanRobert Hborn about 1895
ColemanRoyal Jborn about 1889
ColemanRoyal Martinborn about 1918
ColemanSamuel born about 1906
ColemanSamuel Rborn about 1934
ColemanShirley born about 1935
ColemanSpurgeon Jr born about 1901
ColemanTalley Fborn about 1853
ColemanTaylor Hborn about 1899
ColemanThomas Dborn about 1871
ColemanVirginia Pearlborn about 1926
ColemanWesley born about 1896
ColemanWilliam born about 1933
ColemanWilliam Hborn about 1909
CollenHattie born about 1897
CollenSallie born about 1917
ComedoLouis born about 1919
ConnerCarrie born about 1937
ConnerEvelena Cborn about 1916
ConnerJames Rborn about 1911
ConnerJimmie born about 1936
CoplandAlbert born about 1905
CoplandClarence born about 1935
CoplandGannie born about 1930
CoplandGeorge born about 1936
CoplandJoe Louisborn about 1940
CoplandJoshery born about 1931
CoplandLearnce born about 1938
CoplandMildred born about 1913
CoplandRachel born about 1933
CornefixEulelia Rborn about 1881
CornefixJoel Wborn about 1889
CornefixJohn Eborn about 1916
CornefixLouise Dborn about 1916
CorrinsBetty born about 1865
CousinJames born about 1926
CoxStanley born about 1919
CoxsonAnn Eborn about 1930
CoxsonCatherine born about 1919
CoxsonClyde Dborn about 1899
CoxsonEleanor born about 1917
CoxsonElliot Oborn about 1884
CoxsonGeorge born about 1913
CoxsonHattie born about 1878
CoxsonLouise Aborn about 1926
CoxsonNannie born about 1919
CoxsonRuby born about 1902
CoxsonWalter Oborn about 1875
CragwayJefferson born about 1866
CragwayVirginia Hborn about 1876
CrawleyFlorence born about 1885
CrewsCharlie born about 1928
CrewsCharlie Dborn about 1877
CrewsDayton born about 1915
CrewsEliza born about 1895
CrewsFannie born about 1895
CrewsGarland born about 1854
CrewsHazel born about 1927
CrewsJohny born about 1913
CrewsJoseph born about 1890
CrewsRosa born about 1881
CrewsTomas born about 1925
CrewsWaren born about 1921
CulpepperAlberta born about 1929
CulpepperBenjamin born about 1912
CulpepperCallie born about 1895
CulpepperCharles born about 1927
CulpepperClara born about 1888
CulpepperConey born about 1934
CulpepperElnora born about 1932
CulpepperFleming born about 1910
CulpepperFred born about 1927
CulpepperGeneva born about 1937
CulpepperJennie born about 1887
CulpepperJohn born about 1908
CulpepperLonza born about 1936
CulpepperLuther born about 1893
CulpepperLyle born about 1925
CulpepperMary born about 1903
CulpepperMary born about 1924
CulpepperMattie born about 1919
CulpepperMckinley born about 1923
CulpepperReben* born about 1931
CulpepperRobert born about 1933
CulpepperRosella born about 1935
CulpepperRuben born about 1883
CulpepperSallie born about 1905
CulpepperWilliam Lborn about 1867
CumberHarry Bborn about 1916
CumberHarry Lborn about 1887
CumberMattie Wadeborn about 1890
CumberTwymon born about 1913
CumbyGarland born about 1929
CumbyMyrtle born about 1898
CumbyPaton born about 1935
CumbyPatsey Mborn about 1899
CumbyVertis born about 1924
CunninghamConham* born about 1862
CunoAnnie Rborn about 1913
CunoEthel Gborn about 1922
CunoEugene Aborn about 1918
CunoHarry Lborn about 1925
CunoHattie Mborn about 1928
CunoHudson Lborn about 1888
CunoMarcus Hborn about 1915
CunoNona Iborn about 1920
CunoOtis Mborn about 1933
CunoRuth Wborn about 1894
CunoWatson Tborn about 1929
CunoWhite Lborn about 1939
CyrusArulia born about 1898
CyrusHelen born about 1933
CyrusJacqueline born about 1930
CyrusMargaret born about 1927
CyrusMatt Uborn about 1898
CyrusMatt Jr born about 1928
CyrusMildred born about 1926
CyrusPaul born about 1931
CyrusSarah born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielElijah born about 1875
DanielGeorge born about 1913
DanielGladys Wborn about 1922
DanielJohn born about 1907
DanielJosephine Scruggsborn about 1888
DanielMoses born about 1880
DanielRobert Aborn about 1928
DanielWilliam born about 1904
DannerFrank Cborn about 1934
DannerHula born about 1905
DannerMattie born about 1868
DannerRichard born about 1931
DannerThomas Uborn about 1908
DavidsonAgnes born about 1938
DavidsonAnn born about 1935
DavidsonAnnie Tborn about 1921
DavidsonAubrey born about 1902
DavidsonCatherine born about 1917
DavidsonClarence born about 1934
DavidsonClaude born about 1893
DavidsonCrawford born about 1886
DavidsonElizabeth born about 1918
DavidsonJessie Dborn about 1894
DavidsonJessie Oborn about 1883
DavidsonKate born about 1888
DavidsonKenissen* born about 1908
DavidsonLillie Bborn about 1926
DavidsonMinnie born about 1892
DavidsonMinnie born about 1901
DavidsonSamuel born about 1933
DavidsonThomas born about 1921
DavidsonThomas Bborn about 1896
DavidsonVirginia born about 1939
DavisArthur born about 1926
DavisBernice born about 1938
DavisEula Cborn about 1918
DavisFrank born about 1910
DavisGeorge Annaborn about 1928
DavisHattie born about 1916
DavisJames born about 1922
DavisJoyce Annborn about 1937
DavisMarie Childersborn about 1914
DavisMary born about 1904
DavisMattie born about 1880
DavisRichard born about 1919
DavisRichard Eborn about 1920
DavisRobert born about 1924
DavisThomas born about 1898
DavisThomas Jr born about 1918
DavisWilliam born about 1875
DayDaisy born about 1939
DayDaisy Morganborn about 1916
DayEarl Aborn about 1932
DayEarl Dborn about 1910
DayErnest Cborn about 1937
DayIziah born about 1934
DayeOliva born about 1918
DeanerCharles Eborn about 1903
DeanerJohn Rborn about 1867
DeanerLaura born about 1916
DeanerMargaret Eborn about 1939
DeanerMary Pageborn about 1913
DeanerNannie Phelpsborn about 1872
DeanerTheodore Rborn about 1905
DentonWesley born about 1879
DossBarbara Cborn about 1932
DossBernice Blackwellborn about 1898
DossCharles Eborn about 1932
DossClarence Gborn about 1922
DossDaisy born about 1904
DossFrances born about 1939
DossGeorgia Fborn about 1909
DossHelen Eborn about 1930
DossHenry Allenborn about 1934
DossJames Cborn about 1940
DossJohn Aborn about 1885
DossJoyce Marieborn about 1929
DossKenneth Tborn about 1935
DossLisa Bborn about 1878
DossMinnie born about 1896
DossNancy Elizabethborn about 1938
DossPaul Oborn about 1924
DossPeggy Anneborn about 1936
DossSamuel Bborn about 1901
DossSamuel B Jrborn about 1927
DossShirley Fayborn about 1935
DossSimon Lborn about 1895
DossThomas Aborn about 1909
DossWalker born about 1868
DowdyMillard born about 1895
DrankardClarence born about 1890
DrankardColine born about 1927
DrankardFlemerg born about 1925
DrankardFrances born about 1923
DrankardMalcom Tborn about 1918
DrankardSusie born about 1888
DrinkardClaude Mborn about 1885
DrinkardColina Cborn about 1896
DrinkardHowlet born about 1912
DrinkardHowlet Jr born about 1933
DrinkardLellie born about 1871
DrinkardMarvin Mborn about 1893
DrinkardMattie born about 1936
DrinkardPatty born about 1859
DrinkardPhyllis born about 1929
DrinkardVirginia born about 1915
DrinkardWilliam Wborn about 1938
DrinkardWillie Rborn about 1878
DrinkhardAlige born about 1915
DrinkhardMelvin born about 1914
DrinkhardPatricia born about 1939
DungieHenry Cborn about 1900
DungieLizzie born about 1870
DurrCatherine born about 1924
DurrDella Lucidaborn about 1890
DurrEstelle born about 1923
DurrGertrude born about 1927
DurrThelma born about 1930
DusieCharlie born about 1924
DusieDora born about 1897
DusieElwin born about 1934
DusieHarvey born about 1939
DusieJohn born about 1921
DusieLeslie born about 1932
DusieNellie born about 1919
DusieRobert born about 1922
DusieWinthrop born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EagleAngie born about 1886
EagleBerta born about 1928
EagleBilly born about 1926
EagleCales born about 1919
EagleCharlie born about 1882
EagleClaude born about 1934
EagleCleveland born about 1894
EagleClide born about 1927
EagleDora born about 1924
EagleEarnestine born about 1923
EagleFrank born about 1930
EagleMarshall born about 1930
EagleMattie born about 1902
EagleMinnie born about 1892
EagleNellie born about 1922
EaglePearl born about 1890
EagleRichard born about 1883
EagleRichard Jr born about 1924
EagleWalter born about 1918
EagleWilliam born about 1923
EarleySam born about 1866
EasleyRoly born about 1919
EasleySame born about 1922
EaslyEdythe born about 1932
EaslyRosie born about 1930
EvansCharles Eborn about 1936
EvansDorry born about 1917
EvansEthel Evansborn about 1916
EvansGeneva Pattersonborn about 1917
EvansHelen born about 1908
EvansJohn Eborn about 1930
EvansLily born about 1889
EvansMary born about 1933
EvansMaydel born about 1933
EvansRobert Fborn about 1880
EvansStephen born about 1919
EvansWilliam born about 1908
EversonColumber born about 1915
EversonWillie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FeggersonJoe born about 1857
FegursonAmillean born about 1929
FegursonBass born about 1916
FegursonJames born about 1938
FegursonJoe Jr born about 1904
FegursonJohn born about 1932
FegursonMazie born about 1887
FegursonMe?cen born about 1936
FegursonOphide born about 1938
FegursonOvone born about 1939
FegursonRuby born about 1904
FegursonSara born about 1877
FegursonSusan born about 1884
FegursonTammie born about 1917
FegursonVirginia born about 1927
FegursonWalter Bassborn about 1936
FegursonWilliam born about 1875
Ferguson??? born about 1861
FergusonAbbie born about 1937
FergusonAlbert born about 1929
FergusonAlexander born about 1886
FergusonAlfred born about 1929
FergusonAlice born about 1934
FergusonAlma born about 1927
FergusonAlphonse born about 1939
FergusonBettie born about 1931
FergusonBoyd born about 1935
FergusonCharles born about 1859
FergusonClarence born about 1929
FergusonColeman born about 1926
FergusonDavid born about 1906
FergusonDorthy born about 1927
FergusonElmer born about 1922
FergusonEugene born about 1928
FergusonEzra born about 1892
FergusonFannie born about 1932
FergusonFred born about 1934
FergusonFredricka born about 1931
FergusonGlenna born about 1924
FergusonHarrit born about 1935
FergusonHenry born about 1931
FergusonHenry Hborn about 1895
FergusonHerman born about 1919
FergusonIda born about 1910
FergusonInis born about 1904
FergusonJenny born about 1923
FergusonJoel born about 1903
FergusonJohn born about 1906
FergusonJohn Tborn about 1931
FergusonKatheline born about 1932
FergusonLessie Mborn about 1891
FergusonLestis born about 1928
FergusonMable born about 1922
FergusonMack born about 1926
FergusonMamie born about 1917
FergusonMamond born about 1939
FergusonManly born about 1930
FergusonMartha ???born about 1879
FergusonMary born about 1892
FergusonMary born about 1906
FergusonMary born about 1930
FergusonMary Sborn about 1910
FergusonMildred Lborn about 1935
FergusonMinnie Gborn about 1912
FergusonMitchell born about 1934
FergusonNancy born about 1938
FergusonNannie born about 1889
FergusonNannie born about 1895
FergusonNelder born about 1933
FergusonNorman born about 1933
FergusonOk born about 1892
FergusonOlia born about 1934
FergusonPercy born about 1915
FergusonPhyllis Armborn about 1937
FergusonRachel Cborn about 1906
FergusonRay born about 1939
FergusonRichard born about 1937
FergusonRobert born about 1906
FergusonRobert born about 1930
FergusonRossy Dborn about 1915
FergusonRuby born about 1935
FergusonRuby Lborn about 1933
FergusonSada born about 1933
FergusonSamuel Dborn about 1916
FergusonSamuel Lborn about 1933
FergusonSamuel Lborn about 1937
FergusonSara born about 1898
FergusonSusan born about 1936
FergusonSusin born about 1865
FergusonTruemellora born about 1935
FergusonWaren born about 1921
FergusonWarren born about 1922
FergusonWilliam born about 1908
FergusonWilliam Jborn about 1862
FergusonWilliam Rborn about 1923
FergusonWinston born about 1887
FergusonWinston born about 1890
FisherJohn born about 1858
FitchBessie born about 1896
FitchJim born about 1907
FitchJohn born about 1919
FitchRobert born about 1928
FitchRoberta born about 1915
FitchWillie born about 1890
FoultonDouglas born about 1902
FoultonInez born about 1872
FranklinAbdala born about 1875
FranklinBennie born about 1894
FranklinEmory born about 1904
FranklinGeorge born about 1932
FranklinHenry born about 1927
FranklinJessie born about 1849
FranklinJunie born about 1923
FranklinLangon born about 1903
FranklinLeroy born about 1935
FranklinLouella born about 1888
FranklinMarshall born about 1925
FranklinMary born about 1938
FranklinRobert born about 1940
FreedomCoral born about 1905
FreemanArchie born about 1902
FrisbyAnnie Lborn about 1860
FugersonBlanch born about 1923
FugersonLenord born about 1915
FulcherFleecy born about 1903
FulcherJim born about 1919
FulcherJoe born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainCharlie born about 1875
GainEmmett born about 1922
GainHarry born about 1919
GainJerry born about 1926
GainLelian born about 1918
GainMinnie born about 1885
GappMarcella born about 1847
GappMoses born about 1877
GardnerAllen born about 1919
GardnerClara born about 1924
GardnerElizabeth born about 1918
GardnerEmzon born about 1922
GardnerEthel Maeborn about 1916
GardnerMaggie born about 1890
GardnerRoberta born about 1927
GardnerThomas Jborn about 1880
GarlandFrances born about 1928
GarlandJudy born about 1898
GarnerJames born about 1891
GarnerMary born about 1900
GarrettAlfred Hborn about 1913
GarrettAlice Eborn about 1922
GarrettAnnie Bborn about 1897
GarrettBraxter Cborn about 1924
GarrettBukley born about 1918
GarrettCharlie Vborn about 1939
GarrettDavid born about 1930
GarrettDavid Tborn about 1935
GarrettEmma Kborn about 1928
GarrettEthel Carionborn about 1900
GarrettEunice Annborn about 1931
GarrettGarland Bborn about 1925
GarrettHarold Bborn about 1927
GarrettHenry Sborn about 1886
GarrettJames Tborn about 1930
GarrettJoseph Mborn about 1912
GarrettLeonard born about 1914
GarrettMallie Sborn about 1887
GarrettMary Robertsonborn about 1907
GarrettMildred Ireneborn about 1922
GarrettNathan born about 1923
GarrettPerry Aborn about 1898
GarrettQueen Harrisborn about 1887
GarrettRobert Aborn about 1937
GarrettThomas Aborn about 1895
GarrettWesley born about 1918
GarrettWilliam born about 1928
GarrettWilliam Fborn about 1888
GibsonGeorge born about 1915
GibsonMartha born about 1907
GilbertElliott born about 1915
GilbertIrene Davidsonborn about 1873
GilbertMurphy born about 1908
GilbertRobert Tborn about 1866
GilbertRussell born about 1914
GrahamAnna Belleborn about 1923
GrantJames born about 1876
GrantRoss born about 1880
GreenAdolphus born about 1912
GreenAdolphus born about 1914
GreenDorothy Vborn about 1934
GreenElnora born about 1929
GreenGeorge born about 1891
GreenJune born about 1924
GreenLouise born about 1926
GreenMarvin born about 1922
GreenSallie Eborn about 1867
GreenSylvia born about 1897
GreenWilliam born about 1931
GreenWilliam Lborn about 1867
GrishawBella born about 1920
GrishawBurl born about 1907
GrishawCecila born about 1914
GrishawCorrie born about 1915
GrishawEarl Bborn about 1937
GrishawEmma born about 1889
GrishawLyle born about 1906
GrishawMazie Cborn about 1939
GrishawOsie Mborn about 1935
GrishawRussell born about 1911
GrowJames born about 1875
GrubbsAlfred born about 1920
GrubbsDella Dborn about 1922
GrubbsJessie born about 1916
GrubbsJohn Hborn about 1906
GrubbsWilliam Hborn about 1877
GuillFrances born about 1923
GuillNicola born about 1915
GuillRichard Sborn about 1918
GuillTerry Dborn about 1933
GuillThomas Aborn about 1884
GuillWillie Ettaborn about 1860
GunterAlice born about 1938
GunterAline born about 1939
GunterBerta Mborn about 1878
GunterBetty Gborn about 1868
GunterBobby Aborn about 1927
GunterCharlie born about 1912
GunterDiane born about 1920
GunterDunkley Rborn about 1906
GunterEdward born about 1916
GunterFanny Bryantborn about 1909
GunterJames born about 1909
GunterJohn Wborn about 1863
GunterJohn W Jrborn about 1900
GunterKate Harveyborn about 1898
GunterMinnie Bborn about 1916
GunterNellie Aborn about 1907
GunterOsmal born about 1896
GunterPaul Eborn about 1903
GunterPaul Mborn about 1933
GunterRoy Eborn about 1936
GunterThomas born about 1916
GunterVirginia Riverborn about 1910
GunterWillie Mcfaddenborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HamdonBorba Annborn about 1938
HamdonChristine born about 1936
HamdonJames born about 1910
HamdonMartha born about 1915
HamdonVirginia born about 1870
HamdonVirginia Mayborn about 1934
HamiltonBoyd Dborn about 1872
HamiltonElkin born about 1908
HamiltonGladys Iborn about 1913
HamiltonRuby Bborn about 1877
HamlettAleia Mborn about 1905
HamlettBernice born about 1926
HamlettClifford born about 1920
HamlettElsie born about 1932
HamlettJessie Hborn about 1892
HamlettMary Lborn about 1938
HamlettShirley born about 1936
HamlettWatkins born about 1934
HardingAnnie born about 1900
HardingBennett born about 1897
HardingBud born about 1922
HardingCharlie born about 1865
HardingEarl born about 1899
HardingGarland born about 1917
HardingHerman born about 1889
HardingIla born about 1920
HardingJean born about 1932
HardingMary Janeborn about 1868
HardingRoyal born about 1919
HardingSherlie born about 1924
HardingVerna born about 1910
HarrisAlice Hborn about 1927
HarrisAlice Jonesborn about 1883
HarrisAlma Spiggleborn about 1904
HarrisAlma Thornhillborn about 1893
HarrisC Randolphborn about 1881
HarrisCarlton born about 1910
HarrisCarlton Jr born about 1935
HarrisChapman born about 1928
HarrisCharles born about 1904
HarrisCorine born about 1876
HarrisCrawford Wborn about 1931
HarrisDorothy born about 1928
HarrisEdward born about 1937
HarrisEmma Sueborn about 1919
HarrisEvelyn born about 1918
HarrisHarry born about 1904
HarrisJohn born about 1874
HarrisJohn Williamborn about 1940
HarrisKathleen born about 1922
HarrisLawrence Aborn about 1904
HarrisLee born about 1882
HarrisLouis Hborn about 1925
HarrisLouis Mborn about 1895
HarrisLula Fborn about 1878
HarrisM Lborn about 1876
HarrisMargert born about 1906
HarrisMary Francesborn about 1938
HarrisMary Marshborn about 1885
HarrisMildred Venerableborn about 1910
HarrisPerrimar born about 1910
HarrisRachel Marshborn about 1914
HarrisRalph born about 1926
HarrisRalph Leeborn about 1938
HarrisRobert born about 1928
HarrisRobert Leeborn about 1905
HarrisRuby Louiseborn about 1903
HarrisShelby born about 1939
HarrisShirley Leeborn about 1936
HarrisWarren Nborn about 1933
HarrisWilliam born about 1926
HarrisWilliam Bborn about 1891
HarryBoss born about 1880
HarryFrank born about 1895
HarveyAnna Bellaborn about 1876
HarveyBernard born about 1919
HarveyBernard* born about 1899
HarveyCharles Aborn about 1932
HarveyHazel Seuingborn about 1907
HarveyJames born about 1923
HarveyJerry Mclaneborn about 1927
HarveyJessie born about 1878
HarveyJessie Jr born about 1910
HarveyJohn born about 1920
HarveyLola born about 1884
HarveyLucian born about 1874
HarveyLymus born about 1878
HarveyMagie Aborn about 1937
HarveyMary Wooldridgeborn about 1860
HarveyRobert born about 1884
HarveyThomas Cborn about 1901
HarveyThomas C Jrborn about 1926
HarveyW Robertborn about 1910
HarveyWilliam born about 1880
HashMattie born about 1918
Hatcher??? Cborn about 1884
HatcherMable Garrettborn about 1891
HazegroveAlice born about 1900
Hicks??? born about 1876
Hicks?elima born about 1881
HicksEarnest born about 1918
HicksJewell born about 1934
HicksJuanita born about 1938
HicksMattie born about 1916
HicksNovella born about 1936
HicksSamuel born about 1910
HicksVirginia born about 1914
HollandsPhilip born about 1897
HonkersAnnie born about 1925
HonkersDorothy born about 1930
HonkersGeorge Wborn about 1929
HonkersJohn Jborn about 1874
HonkersJohn Wborn about 1923
HonkersJoseph born about 1918
HonkersMary Trentborn about 1893
HonkersVirginia born about 1926
HoraceAnna Martinborn about 1890
HoraceBirdie born about 1932
HoraceHamlett Tborn about 1924
HoraceLathon born about 1884
HoraceLathon born about 1922
HorsleyAnna Gborn about 1875
HorsleyRoff born about 1868
HubbardAdele born about 1922
HubbardEffie born about 1904
HubbardFannie born about 1903
HubbardFloyd born about 1887
HubbardFrank born about 1898
HubbardHorace born about 1922
HubbardJacqueline born about 1936
HubbardJohn born about 1875
HubbardLaura born about 1919
HubbardLena born about 1927
HubbardLottie born about 1889
HubbardLouise born about 1924
HubbardLouise born about 1938
HubbardLuther born about 1893
HubbardMagey born about 1937
HubbardMalcolm born about 1923
HubbardMalissa born about 1936
HubbardMargaret Aborn about 1930
HubbardMarie born about 1930
HubbardMattie born about 1928
HubbardMinnie born about 1906
HubbardRobert born about 1913
HubbardRobert Jr born about 1932
HubbardScott born about 1919
HubbardThomas born about 1901
HubertEstell born about 1922
HubertFlorence born about 1895
HubertHenry born about 1937
HubertJohn born about 1900
HubertMack born about 1925
HubertMary born about 1901
HubertRobert born about 1929
HubertSam born about 1927
HubertTomas born about 1920
HughesHenry born about 1870
HughesLiza born about 1851
HumberErnest born about 1939
HumberPayton born about 1917
HumberPonky Smithborn about 1919
HumbersAlfred born about 1917
HumbersBoyd born about 1911
HumbersCatherine born about 1938
HumbersGarrison born about 1914
HumbersHarry Leeborn about 1930
HumbersHenry born about 1924
HumbersLloyd born about 1880
HumbersRose Vborn about 1923
HumbersWillie born about 1928
HumbersWillie Johnsonborn about 1891
HunterAllen born about 1930
HunterArtie Bborn about 1935
HunterDorothy born about 1916
HunterDouglas born about 1895
HunterFlorid born about 1928
HunterFredrick Mborn about 1940
HunterGarland born about 1900
HunterIomia born about 1929
HunterMary ???born about 1910
HunterMilton born about 1907
HunterMyra born about 1878
HunterNorbie born about 1927
HunterRoss Eborn about 1933
HunterSamuel Wborn about 1931
HunterSherman born about 1912
HunterSue born about 1905
HunterTad born about 1926
HunterVirginia born about 1912
HunterWyatt born about 1892
Hutson??? born about 1926
HutsonBurford born about 1890
HutsonBurth Jr born about 1921
HutsonChristine born about 1936
HutsonEutha born about 1928
HutsonJack born about 1930
HutsonMartha Warfieldborn about 1897
HutsonThelma born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsebellClara born about 1932
IsebellElla born about 1936
IsebellEllen born about 1868
IsebellWilliam born about 1875

J Surnames

JacksonCanetta born about 1919
JacksonDaisy born about 1910
JacksonEdwin born about 1915
JacksonHenry born about 1880
JacksonJames born about 1900
JacksonJames Rborn about 1939
JacksonJosephin born about 1919
JacksonJulius born about 1918
JacksonLelie born about 1937
JacksonLena born about 1877
JacksonRosie born about 1938
JamersonAnnie Mccormickborn about 1876
JamersonArmanda Vborn about 1860
JamersonCharles Wborn about 1868
JamersonDaniel Wborn about 1873
JamersonFloyd Leeborn about 1939
JamersonMargaret born about 1923
JamersonMelvin born about 1903
JamersonMelvin Jr born about 1940
JamersonNellie Gborn about 1900
JamersonRaymond Eborn about 1922
JamersonRaymond Wborn about 1901
JamersonSallie Bborn about 1902
JamersonVirgil Estellborn about 1920
JamersonWarren Bborn about 1898
JenningsAgnes Gborn about 1921
JenningsEleanor born about 1922
JenningsEmory born about 1924
JenningsFannie Cborn about 1890
JenningsG Pborn about 1887
JenningsGeorge born about 1863
JenningsGeorge Cborn about 1923
JenningsHarman Cborn about 1936
JenningsHarman Dborn about 1893
JenningsLena Eborn about 1878
JenningsMony Fborn about 1927
JenningsNannie Mborn about 1897
JenningsNellie Oborn about 1923
JenningsThomas Hborn about 1925
JohnsonAddington born about 1875
JohnsonAlbert born about 1879
JohnsonAlberta born about 1933
JohnsonAlice born about 1927
JohnsonAnderson born about 1858
JohnsonAnne born about 1930
JohnsonAnnie Cborn about 1893
JohnsonCatherine born about 1870
JohnsonCharles born about 1907
JohnsonCornelius born about 1925
JohnsonCynthia born about 1920
JohnsonDaisy born about 1934
JohnsonDaniel born about 1875
JohnsonDaniel born about 1903
JohnsonEarnest born about 1935
JohnsonElla born about 1862
JohnsonElsie Vborn about 1916
JohnsonEtta born about 1929
JohnsonGenava born about 1920
JohnsonHarvey born about 1894
JohnsonHenry born about 1862
JohnsonHester Mborn about 1939
JohnsonJames born about 1914
JohnsonJohn Dborn about 1937
JohnsonJoseph born about 1936
JohnsonJunior born about 1928
JohnsonLestine born about 1939
JohnsonLucy born about 1903
JohnsonMally born about 1900
JohnsonMammie born about 1880
JohnsonMargaret born about 1914
JohnsonMary born about 1912
JohnsonMattie born about 1931
JohnsonMinnie born about 1923
JohnsonMott born about 1930
JohnsonMyrtle born about 1927
JohnsonNorman born about 1925
JohnsonOthie born about 1937
JohnsonRaymond born about 1921
JohnsonRosa born about 1870
JohnsonSamuel born about 1845
JohnsonVictoria Lansborn about 1872
JohnsonVirgie born about 1931
JohnsonWaverly born about 1916
JohnsonWilliam born about 1908
JohnsonWilliam Hborn about 1916
JohnsonWilliam Jr born about 1935
JohnsonWillie born about 1889
JohnsonWillie Annborn about 1929
JohnstonAndrew born about 1894
JohnstonBillie born about 1931
JohnstonLolia Juneborn about 1926
JohnstonMary Hellenborn about 1924
JohnstonSue Gborn about 1901
JomesAlbert born about 1912
JonesAbner born about 1850
JonesAlpha born about 1899
JonesAlphonsus born about 1929
JonesAnnie born about 1915
JonesAnnie Lborn about 1918
JonesBernard born about 1890
JonesBernard Jr born about 1924
JonesCharlie born about 1935
JonesClara born about 1900
JonesCora Leeborn about 1893
JonesDanial born about 1931
JonesDrucella born about 1855
JonesEdward born about 1919
JonesEmma Cborn about 1934
JonesErnest born about 1925
JonesEssie born about 1897
JonesFinis Aborn about 1934
JonesFrank Wborn about 1935
JonesIda Wborn about 1846
JonesJacqueline born about 1940
JonesJames Hborn about 1927
JonesJohn Hborn about 1886
JonesKate born about 1872
JonesLee born about 1916
JonesLila born about 1890
JonesLillie Belleborn about 1930
JonesLouise born about 1922
JonesMorris born about 1925
JonesMyrtle born about 1925
JonesOtis born about 1911
JonesOtis Jr born about 1934
JonesPascal Cborn about 1894
JonesPaul born about 1903
JonesRachel born about 1921
JonesRevella born about 1924
JonesRobert Tborn about 1933
JonesSammie born about 1883
JonesThomas born about 1886
JonesVernell born about 1923
JonesW Dborn about 1891
JonesWhitt born about 1927
JonesWillie Bborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KernAlbert born about 1900
KernHelen born about 1879
KernLouis born about 1871
KernThomas born about 1919
KimLee Kenborn about 1909
KingFloyd Bborn about 1848
KingLouisa Dborn about 1881
KingThomas Aborn about 1880
KinneyJefferson B Jrborn about 1928
KinneyJefferson Rborn about 1901
KinneyJudson Sborn about 1892
KinneyMyrtle Maddoxborn about 1905
KinneyWillie Mossborn about 1892
KinnyEllen Eborn about 1928
KinnyJudson Jr born about 1919
KinnyKennon Wborn about 1923
KinnyLaura Mborn about 1921
KinnyRobert Pborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamberthAlbert born about 1904
LamberthAlbert born about 1913
LamberthCassie born about 1910
LamberthCassie Aborn about 1913
LamberthChristine born about 1912
LamberthClarence born about 1911
LamberthClaude born about 1935
LamberthCorry Eborn about 1940
LamberthCurtis born about 1904
LamberthEarl Hborn about 1937
LamberthEdna born about 1916
LamberthElex born about 1915
LamberthElizabeth born about 1932
LamberthElizabeth born about 1933
LamberthFred born about 1920
LamberthGrace born about 1884
LamberthGracie born about 1938
LamberthIrene born about 1932
LamberthJasper born about 1908
LamberthJessie born about 1924
LamberthJoe born about 1913
LamberthMally born about 1935
LamberthSamuel Cborn about 1940
LamberthWilliam born about 1936
LamberthWilliam born about 1937
LamberthWilton born about 1884
LaughanGeorgia Aborn about 1880
LaughanJohn Hborn about 1883
LaughanMarkey born about 1914
LedbetterHarry Laeborn about 1908
LeeAnna born about 1874
LeeBettie Jborn about 1898
LeeBobby Janeborn about 1939
LeeEarnest born about 1918
LeeGlover Mborn about 1890
LeeHelen Vborn about 1934
LeeMargaret born about 1913
LeeNannie Lborn about 1926
LeeShirley Lborn about 1937
LeeTilden Sborn about 1904
LeeWayne born about 1937
LenninsClarice born about 1905
LenninsDavid born about 1936
LenninsEarle born about 1916
LetchfordJames born about 1859
LewisAnderson born about 1926
LewisCharles born about 1907
LewisCharles Eborn about 1875
LewisCharlie born about 1925
LewisClark born about 1928
LewisCornelius born about 1922
LewisDaniel born about 1930
LewisEllis born about 1929
LewisErnest born about 1925
LewisEula Maeborn about 1930
LewisFlorence Fergusonborn about 1901
LewisFoster born about 1933
LewisHanley born about 1933
LewisHarsley Mckborn about 1897
LewisHoward born about 1931
LewisJessie born about 1923
LewisJohn born about 1880
LewisLily Maeborn about 1935
LewisMartha Jborn about 1887
LewisMary born about 1928
LewisMary Eborn about 1858
LewisMoce born about 1892
LewisPelly born about 1894
LewisRalph born about 1921
LewisRoberta born about 1932
LewisRoberta born about 1939
LewisRoosevelt born about 1927
LewisRuby Caldwellborn about 1906
LewisViola Mborn about 1877
LewisVirginia born about 1919
LewisVirginia born about 1933
LewisVirginia born about 1935
LippordPinkey Pborn about 1924
LippordRandolph born about 1914
LippordWilliam Gborn about 1939
LitchfordCharlie born about 1935
LitchfordChristian born about 1933
LitchfordClyde born about 1938
LitchfordDorothy born about 1924
LitchfordEdna born about 1932
LitchfordElizabeth born about 1921
LitchfordJosephine born about 1937
LitchfordLoyd born about 1898
LitchfordNannie born about 1926
LitchfordPearl born about 1898
LitchfordThomas born about 1928
LowPauline born about 1922
LucadoAddie born about 1927
LucadoBrandford born about 1925
LucadoClinton Wborn about 1936
LucadoElizabeth born about 1895
LucadoGeraldine born about 1938
LucadoHarry born about 1912
LucadoLawson born about 1907
LucadoLila Wborn about 1924
LucadoLola born about 1913
LucadoRobert Hborn about 1882
LucadoThelma born about 1932
LucadoTherman Wborn about 1920
LucadoVenice Hamiltonborn about 1914
LynchMary Hborn about 1939
LynchRuby born about 1923
LynchWillie Lborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadersonMary Lizzieborn about 1882
MadersonMat born about 1874
MadisonFannie born about 1900
MadisonJames Eborn about 1933
MadisonLawrence born about 1927
MadisonLouise born about 1934
MadisonMinnie born about 1919
MadisonRay born about 1911
ManafieldWalter born about 1889
MannAnna Wrightborn about 1878
MannJohn A Jrborn about 1908
MannJohn A Srborn about 1866
MannKenneth born about 1939
MannLillian Fergusonborn about 1910
MannMildred Eborn about 1932
MarkerIda Fborn about 1868
MarkerJohn Rborn about 1886
MarkerMary Dixonborn about 1896
MarksEarl born about 1936
MarksJames born about 1937
MarksLeroy born about 1908
MarksLottie born about 1915
MarksPeggy born about 1935
MarrHanley born about
MarrJames born about 1914
MarrKate Colleenborn about 1920
MarrMartha Annborn about 1936
MarrMary Aliceborn about 1936
MarrMelvin born about 1938
MarshAlfred born about 1919
MarshClara Wborn about 1882
MarshEdward Jborn about 1878
MarshElizabeth born about 1903
MarshLudwell born about 1925
MarshThomas Hborn about 1893
MarshallJames born about 1875
MarshallJoe born about 1891
MarshallWillie born about 1890
MartinAbner born about 1927
MartinAlfred Carrollborn about 1937
MartinAlice Walkerborn about 1934
MartinAllen ???born about 1935
MartinAllen Rborn about 1933
MartinAlonza born about 1905
MartinAnnie Bellborn about 1927
MartinAshley born about 1896
MartinBeverly born about 1921
MartinCarl born about 1923
MartinCarter born about 1913
MartinCharleen born about 1923
MartinCharlie born about 1923
MartinClayton Rborn about 1929
MartinDorthy born about 1908
MartinDoyle born about 1926
MartinEdgar born about 1877
MartinEdith born about 1909
MartinEdward Kinkyborn about 1940
MartinEmmett born about 1880
MartinEmory born about 1913
MartinEsmonia Cborn about 1870
MartinEthel born about 1900
MartinEthel born about 1904
MartinEthel Leeborn about 1925
MartinEverett Walkerborn about 1931
MartinGib born about 1899
MartinGib Jr born about 1926
MartinGordon born about 1928
MartinGraydon Cborn about 1924
MartinGrayton born about 1902
MartinHarold born about 1907
MartinHelen born about 1924
MartinHiram born about 1891
MartinIrma born about 1893
MartinIsabella born about 1914
MartinJ D Jrborn about 1928
MartinJack born about 1919
MartinJames born about 1918
MartinJoe born about 1905
MartinJohn Dborn about 1893
MartinJosephine born about 1931
MartinJune born about 1936
MartinKenith born about 1931
MartinKinky born about 1885
MartinLela born about 1902
MartinLelan born about 1890
MartinLelan Crossborn about 1924
MartinLenord born about 1907
MartinLincoln born about 1920
MartinLouise born about 1912
MartinMaggie born about 1879
MartinMalle born about 1884
MartinMargaret born about 1918
MartinMargert born about 1917
MartinMarshall born about 1894
MartinMartha born about 1924
MartinMary Adamsborn about 1885
MartinMary Fborn about 1926
MartinMaude Mborn about 1882
MartinNannie Leeborn about 1919
MartinNillie born about 1902
MartinOllie Gborn about 1904
MartinRobert born about 1915
MartinRobert born about 1938
MartinRobert Bborn about 1912
MartinRuby born about 1922
MartinRussell born about 1917
MartinRuth born about 1895
MartinSallia born about 1923
MartinSidney born about 1883
MartinThomas born about 1887
MartinThomas Hborn about 1857
MartinThomas Rborn about 1894
MartinTomas born about 1920
MartinVerta born about 1932
MartinViolet Mborn about 1938
MartinVirginia born about 1935
MartinVirginia Parkerborn about 1916
MartinWarren Cborn about 1928
MartinWinston born about 1912
MasonAnnie Maeborn about 1935
MasonBessie born about 1901
MasonEdith Bryantborn about 1916
MasonEdward born about 1924
MasonGeorge Wborn about 1898
MasonHenry born about 1922
MasonJohn Hborn about 1916
MasonTobe born about 1879
MasonWilliam Aborn about 1939
MasonWilliam Wborn about 1911
MaxeyAlbert born about 1932
MaxeyBessie born about 1927
MaxeyBrinkley born about 1929
MaxeyLizzie born about 1901
MaxeyRuth born about 1936
MaxeyTom born about 1911
MayberrryEvelyn born about 1932
MayberrryHarry born about 1936
MayberrryJames born about 1928
MayberrryLucy born about 1907
MayberrryRay born about 1934
MayberrryRuby born about 1930
MayberrryTalmadge born about 1938
MayberrryWalker born about 1904
MayberryEmma born about 1900
MayberryFrances born about 1920
MayberryJames born about 1901
MayberryJane born about 1865
MayberryNewton born about 1875
MayberryPeter born about 1890
MayberryRobert born about 1939
MaysB Wborn about 1864
MaysBessie born about 1917
MaysJam born about 1897
MaysKern born about 1892
MaysSann born about 1866
McCay??? born about 1912
McCayBenjman born about 1935
McCayEarnest born about 1910
McCayEarnestine born about 1933
McCayEdith born about 1937
McCayErcie born about 1925
McCayFanny born about 1929
McCayFleming born about 1904
McCayIna born about 1927
McCayLawrence born about 1932
McCayLinnie born about 1936
McCayMary Mooreborn about 1906
McCayRobert born about 1939
McCayRobert born about 1940
McCaySylvester born about 1934
McCayVanna born about 1939
McComickAnnie born about 1901
McComickCarl born about 1934
McComickCharles born about 1937
McComickClyde born about 1933
McComickHubert born about 1919
McComickIvenhoe born about 1923
McComickLeonard born about 1892
McComickLouise born about 1940
McComickLucy born about 1919
McComickNora born about 1897
McComickOscar born about 1916
McComickOtis born about 1921
McComickPerron born about 1908
McComickRobert Leeborn about 1921
McComickSherlie Annborn about 1936
McComickSusie born about 1911
McComickTee born about 1895
McCormickAdell born about 1932
McCormickAlbert born about 1931
McCormickAlton Wborn about 1934
McCormickAmeline Burksborn about 1867
McCormickCharles born about 1933
McCormickCharles Gborn about 1896
McCormickCrafton born about 1928
McCormickDanice born about 1936
McCormickDorothy Mborn about 1940
McCormickDunal Fborn about 1936
McCormickEarl Cborn about 1902
McCormickEdward Nborn about 1932
McCormickEffie Jamersonborn about 1901
McCormickEloise born about 1934
McCormickEthel Ledbetterborn about 1904
McCormickEunice born about 1924
McCormickEva born about 1911
McCormickFrances born about 1923
McCormickFrances Mborn about 1937
McCormickFrank born about 1891
McCormickFrank Jr born about 1930
McCormickHelen born about 1928
McCormickHelen born about 1931
McCormickHilda born about 1928
McCormickIrving Lborn about 1930
McCormickJames born about 1927
McCormickJohn Tborn about 1894
McCormickLeighton born about 1929
McCormickLeonard Aborn about 1939
McCormickLewis Sborn about 1911
McCormickLorraine born about 1920
McCormickLouise born about 1933
McCormickLucille born about 1925
McCormickMable Robertsonborn about 1907
McCormickMargaret born about 1935
McCormickMarion born about 1922
McCormickMartha born about 1862
McCormickMattie born about 1925
McCormickMony Eborn about 1934
McCormickMyrtle Childersborn about 1903
McCormickNettie born about 1896
McCormickRandolph born about 1933
McCormickSaxton born about 1898
McCormickThomas Wborn about 1925
McCormickTimmy Evelynborn about 1907
McCormickW Bborn about 1882
McCormickWilliam Wborn about 1896
McCoyAntre Fergusonborn about 1912
McCoyBell born about 1929
McCoyClarence born about 1920
McCoyDarswell born about 1887
McCoyDorthy born about 1927
McCoyDouglas born about 1910
McCoyEdward Leeborn about 1938
McCoyEffe born about 1938
McCoyElizabeth born about 1926
McCoyElwood born about 1905
McCoyElwood born about 1937
McCoyGladys born about 1912
McCoyHellen born about 1936
McCoyJack born about 1902
McCoyJamiam* born about 1933
McCoyJessie Beverlyborn about 1902
McCoyJoe born about 1875
McCoyJohn born about 1890
McCoyJohn born about 1935
McCoyJoseph born about 1919
McCoyLornza born about 1929
McCoyLucelle born about 1931
McCoyMabel born about 1915
McCoyMartha born about 1923
McCoyMary born about 1911
McCoyMaudie born about 1902
McCoyMelvin born about 1939
McCoyNannie Fergusonborn about 1874
McCoyOtelia born about 1925
McCoyPaul born about 1924
McCoyPety born about 1914
McCoyRaymond born about 1932
McCoyReene born about 1934
McCoyRuby born about 1935
McCoyShirley born about 1937
McCoyStephen Jr born about 1917
McCoySteven born about 1863
McCoyTom born about 1888
McCoyViola born about 1931
McDanialJudson born about 1901
McDanialLarking born about 1876
McFaddenEva born about 1876
McFaddenJames born about 1904
McFaddenJohn Wborn about 1915
McFaddenRudy ???born about 1920
McFaddenSarah born about 1909
MegersonEdythe born about 1920
MegersonRiley born about 1916
MeggersonJoe born about 1925
MeggersonMarshall born about 1930
MeggersonPete born about 1916
MeggersonRoberta born about 1930
MeggersonSurena born about 1887
MegginsonAlvin born about 1922
MegginsonAnnie Lborn about 1937
MegginsonBeatrice born about 1914
MegginsonCharlie Lborn about 1940
MegginsonClenton born about 1875
MegginsonCloyd born about 1921
MegginsonDorothy born about 1934
MegginsonEdna born about 1877
MegginsonEdward Lborn about 1938
MegginsonEldridge born about 1915
MegginsonElsie Morganborn about 1898
MegginsonEmma Eborn about 1922
MegginsonErnestine born about 1939
MegginsonFrances born about 1935
MegginsonGertrude born about 1931
MegginsonHarold born about 1936
MegginsonHerman born about 1913
MegginsonHisekirk born about 1900
MegginsonJ K Kborn about 1882
MegginsonJacqueline Jborn about 1927
MegginsonJames born about 1938
MegginsonJames Aborn about 1936
MegginsonJoseph Rborn about 1924
MegginsonJunior born about 1939
MegginsonLizzie born about 1878
MegginsonLucy born about 1916
MegginsonMaggie born about 1876
MegginsonMargaret Cborn about 1915
MegginsonMary born about 1923
MegginsonNorman born about 1870
MegginsonNorval born about 1864
MegginsonNorval Jr born about 1916
MegginsonOllie born about 1913
MegginsonVesta Lborn about 1932
MegginsonVirginia born about 1939
MegginsonWarren Nborn about 1934
MillerClifton born about 1915
MillerWilber born about 1921
MillesLizzie born about 1873
MillesNannie born about 1916
MillesWill Tborn about 1873
MillesWilliam born about 1912
MonaleeClarabell born about 1936
MonaleeIzetta born about 1910
MonaleeJames Mborn about 1939
MonaleeMary Annborn about 1929
MonaleeSusie born about 1928
MonaleeWarren born about 1933
MoomanJohn Hborn about 1917
MoomanLeonard born about 1901
MoomanLucille born about 1926
MoomanRobert Bborn about 1873
MoomanSophia born about 1886
MoonCarroll born about 1922
MoonFeming born about 1902
MoonOscar Sborn about 1871
MoonValara born about 1879
MoonVictora born about 1912
Moore??? born about 1919
MooreAlease born about 1931
MooreAlfred born about 1920
MooreAlice born about 1922
MooreAlpha born about 1895
MooreAlton born about 1930
MooreAlva born about 1894
MooreAnnie born about 1916
MooreAubrey born about 1915
MooreBacker Bborn about 1877
MooreBillie born about 1886
MooreBobby born about 1939
MooreBoyrd born about 1908
MooreButlar born about 1926
MooreCareline born about 1934
MooreCarleton born about 1932
MooreCarrie Emzaborn about 1910
MooreCharlie born about 1893
MooreCharlie born about 1932
MooreCharlie born about 1937
MooreChristine born about 1912
MooreChristine born about 1935
MooreClarence Fborn about 1897
MooreClark born about 1911
MooreClaude Aborn about 1938
MooreClaudie Corkborn about 1907
MooreColeman born about 1922
MooreConrad born about 1892
MooreCurry born about 1908
MooreDallas born about 1929
MooreDoris born about 1906
MooreDoris born about 1927
MooreDoris born about 1929
MooreEllen born about 1876
MooreEloise born about 1932
MooreEvelyn born about 1924
MooreEvrett born about 1934
MooreFaye born about 1939
MooreFlossie Phelpsborn about 1909
MooreFrances Cborn about 1877
MooreFrank born about 1923
MooreFred born about 1939
MooreGeorge born about 1939
MooreGrace Colemanborn about 1896
MooreHarrison born about 1928
MooreHazel born about 1918
MooreHazel born about 1936
MooreHelen born about 1936
MooreHence born about 1903
MooreHenry Cborn about 1909
MooreHerbert born about 1898
MooreHerman born about 1887
MooreHerman Jr born about 1924
MooreHester Aborn about 1888
MooreHoward Rborn about 1923
MooreHowel born about 1936
MooreHubberd Cborn about 1907
MooreHubert Jr born about 1922
MooreIda born about 1896
MooreIda born about 1931
MooreIlene born about 1921
MooreIra born about 1886
MooreIrene born about 1890
MooreJane born about 1939
MooreJessalyn born about 1926
MooreJim born about 1884
MooreJohn born about 1923
MooreJohn C Jrborn about 1878
MooreLawrence born about 1923
MooreLillian born about 1896
MooreLouis born about 1905
MooreLouis born about 1936
MooreLyle born about 1918
MooreLyle born about 1924
MooreMable born about 1903
MooreMaggie born about 1899
MooreMaggie born about 1900
MooreMaggie Mborn about 1893
MooreMargueritte born about 1929
MooreMarjorie born about 1904
MooreMartha Eborn about 1921
MooreMartin Jr born about 1926
MooreMarvin born about 1891
MooreMary born about 1891
MooreMary Colemanborn about 1905
MooreMary Ellenborn about 1935
MooreMary Josephineborn about 1931
MooreMary Lizzieborn about 1926
MooreMat born about 1860
MooreMattie born about 1900
MooreMelvin born about 1903
MooreMiles Fborn about 1895
MooreMilton born about 1891
MooreMinnie born about 1917
MooreMinnie Mborn about 1886
MooreMolly born about 1867
MooreMundy born about 1894
MooreNannie Wborn about 1903
MooreNapoleon born about 1880
MooreNed born about 1863
MooreNellie born about 1875
MooreNeville born about 1880
MooreOlia born about 1930
MooreOsie born about 1875
MooreRalph born about 1924
MooreRamond born about 1924
MooreRebecca born about 1923
MooreRebecca born about 1937
MooreRice born about 1920
MooreRichard born about 1936
MooreRichard born about 1939
MooreRobert born about 1864
MooreRobert born about 1885
MooreRosa born about 1930
MooreRoyal born about 1915
MooreRussell born about 1923
MooreRuth born about 1925
MooreRuth Oborn about 1890
MooreSpencer born about 1881
MooreStella born about 1902
MooreSue born about 1935
MooreT Burgeborn about 1856
MooreTom born about 1921
MooreVera born about 1913
MooreVirgilia born about 1921
MooreVirgle born about 1933
MooreVurna born about 1916
MooreW Clarkeborn about 1901
MooreWalice born about 1938
MooreWalter born about 1905
MooreWatts born about 1933
MooreWilliam born about 1936
MooreWilliam Wborn about 1886
MooreYancey born about 1902
MorehouseBessie born about 1920
MorehouseJames Hborn about 1913
MorganCalvin born about 1907
MorganErnest born about 1921
MorganFannie born about 1911
MorganFrancis born about 1930
MorganHenry born about
MorganJohn born about 1911
MorganJohn Wborn about 1879
MorganJosephine born about 1935
MorganLaney born about 1896
MorganMary born about 1881
MorganMayer Sborn about 1933
MorganNelson born about 1909
MorganNelson Jr born about 1930
MorganOtis Lborn about 1938
MorganSimon born about 1933
MorganStella Maeborn about 1936
MorganStrode born about 1924
MorganWalter Lborn about 1925
MorganWilliam Fborn about 1934
MorganWilliam Hborn about 1905
MormanCharlie born about 1864
MormanMary Lborn about 1868
MorrisChessie born about 1888
MorrisFrances born about 1917
MorrisIda Tborn about 1877
MorrisJatson born about 1915
MorrisJoel Tborn about 1888
MorrisLouise born about 1892
MorrisRoebrt born about 1927
MorrisSherlie Mayborn about 1938
MorrisVirginia born about 1924
MorseEmma born about 1924
MorseHenderson born about 1928
MorsePercy born about 1929
MorseRobert born about 1923
MorseSamuel born about 1894
MorseWilliam born about 1926
MorseWillie Robertsonborn about 1906
MoseSue Bborn about 1849
MosesClara Vborn about 1916
MosesCora Bborn about 1875
MosesLunard born about 1890
MosesMary Lborn about 1901
MosesRobert Lborn about 1876
MosleyAdolphus born about 1904
MosleyCalvin born about 1928
MosleyClara born about 1936
MosleyClayton born about 1910
MosleyClayton Jr born about 1938
MosleyElizabeth born about 1916
MosleyFrank born about 1878
MosleyFrank Jr born about 1917
MosleyGeorge born about 1930
MosleyGladys born about 1918
MosleyJune born about 1925
MosleyLillie born about 1883
MosleyLyle born about 1933
MosleyMory Eborn about 1936
MosleyNellie born about 1938
MosleyRosa Bborn about 1933
MosleySherman born about 1924
MosleyShirley born about 1939
MosleyThelma born about 1928
MosleyThomas born about 1932
MosleyTomas born about 1931
MosleyWalker born about 1894
MosleyWalter born about 1939
MosleyWindley born about 1920
MossWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashCarl born about 1920
NashCharlie born about 1885
NostonFloyd born about 1933
NostonJames Bborn about 1888
NostonMinnie born about 1898
NostonRuth born about 1935
NowlinEmma born about 1860
NowlingMary born about 1870

O Surnames

ObrienGarland born about 1916
ObrienHiram born about 1924
ObrienMary Nowlinborn about 1883
ObrienWilliam Dborn about 1913
ObrienWilliam Wborn about 1881
OwenNellie Aborn about 1889
OwenRemond born about 1926
OwenWilliam Aborn about 1892
OwensTomas born about 1865
OwensWillie Eborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageAlbert born about 1922
PageAndrey born about 1932
PageAnna born about 1913
PageAnnie born about 1885
PageBerta born about 1884
PageBuddy born about 1920
PageCatherine born about 1928
PageCharles Bborn about 1885
PageCharles B Jrborn about 1925
PageClara born about 1921
PageClyde born about 1939
PageDorothy born about 1939
PageDorothy Maeborn about 1939
PageGeorge Bborn about 1932
PageGeorge Wborn about 1911
PageGrace Colemanborn about 1891
PageGracie born about 1909
PageIda born about 1923
PageIrene born about 1920
PageIrene born about 1923
PageJohnny born about 1930
PageLavern born about 1927
PageLena born about 1929
PageLillian Pughborn about 1906
PageLoyd born about 1881
PageLoyd born about 1917
PageLucille born about 1921
PageMartha Lborn about 1931
PageMary born about 1883
PageMatthew Wborn about 1922
PageRachel Gborn about 1926
PageRay born about 1937
PageRaymond born about 1937
PageRoy born about 1934
PageRuth born about 1915
PageRuth born about 1926
PageSam born about 1895
PageSam Cborn about 1877
PageSam Hborn about 1918
PageSaxton born about 1927
PageTheodore born about 1908
PageThomas born about 1914
PageThomas Lborn about 1876
PageThomas Lborn about 1935
PageViola born about 1926
PageVirginia born about 1918
PageVirginia Amandaborn about 1910
PageWilliam Bborn about 1902
PageWilliam Rborn about 1924
PageWilliam Wborn about 1875
PankeyAdelia born about 1925
PankeyAdolphus born about 1929
PankeyCrater born about 1932
PankeyEdna born about 1900
PankeyEthel born about 1926
PankeyHazel born about 1922
PankeyHubert born about 1926
PankeyHuzell born about 1930
PankeyJohn born about 1895
PankeyKathleen born about 1924
PankeyMathew born about 1890
PankeyMildred born about 1933
PankeyNannie born about 1935
PankeyNelson born about 1924
PankeyRaymond born about 1931
PankeyRobert born about 1922
PankeyRosa born about 1928
PankeySadie born about 1897
PankeySadie born about 1939
PankeyUnis born about 1930
ParkerCharlie born about 1868
ParkerJames born about 1920
ParkerMaggie born about 1887
ParkeyAlfred born about 1882
ParkeyAlice born about 1936
ParkeyAlice Johnsonborn about 1885
ParkeyAllen born about 1924
ParkeyArabell born about 1922
ParkeyBertha Bessleyborn about 1898
ParkeyDolphus born about 1896
ParkeyEllen born about 1929
ParkeyEsther born about 1897
ParkeyEugene born about 1888
ParkeyFrance born about 1929
ParkeyJames Aborn about 1934
ParkeyMargareta born about 1925
ParkeyOdessa born about 1933
ParkeyOlivia born about 1932
ParkeyOtis born about 1922
ParkeyRachel born about 1935
ParkeyVelma born about 1928
ParkeyWilliam Iborn about 1925
ParrisLouise born about 1908
ParrisMable born about 1921
ParrisMallie born about 1931
ParrisMargaret born about 1927
ParrisMattie born about 1901
ParrisOscar born about 1911
PatrickNorma Jeanborn about 1939
PatrickOla born about 1909
PatrickPatsie born about 1936
PattersonCalvin born about 1913
PattersonDouglas born about 1904
PattersonDouglas born about 1924
PattersonEdward born about 1936
PattersonEthel born about 1940
PattersonEthel Queenborn about 1918
PattersonFlorine born about 1938
PattersonMargaret Eborn about 1926
PattersonRuth born about 1908
PattersonS Hborn about 1878
PattersonWilliam born about 1911
PattersonWilliam Eborn about 1934
PendueBilly Rborn about 1934
PendueDoris born about 1915
PendueEd born about 1884
PendueHenry born about 1918
PenduePaul born about 1893
PendueSallie Yborn about 1888
PenixJohn born about 1924
PennixAlton born about 1935
PennixEugene born about 1903
PennixGenia born about 1905
PennixIrven* born about 1906
PennixJohn born about 1868
PennixMary born about 1910
PennixMeral born about 1933
PennixShirley born about 1939
PennixTheads born about 1929
PennixVirginia born about 1908
PerdienArchie born about 1875
PerdienCharlie born about 1917
PerdieuBarbara Dborn about 1939
PerdieuCharles Eborn about 1882
PerdieuCharlie born about 1924
PerdieuClarence Aborn about 1915
PerdieuDavid born about 1928
PerdieuDona Rborn about 1935
PerdieuDorothy Leeborn about 1937
PerdieuElsie Markborn about 1908
PerdieuEunice born about 1927
PerdieuEunice Odellborn about 1901
PerdieuFannie ???born about 1893
PerdieuGeorge Tborn about 1889
PerdieuGrubbs born about 1913
PerdieuHenry Cborn about 1886
PerdieuJames Lborn about 1924
PerdieuLena Hborn about 1894
PerdieuMagy Lborn about 1892
PerdieuMatt born about 1897
PerdieuMinnie born about 1893
PerdieuNaomi born about 1911
PerdieuNillie Vborn about 1933
PerdieuOllie Aborn about 1887
PerdieuPhillis Annborn about 1933
PerdieuWalter Dborn about 1914
PerkinsAlex born about 1907
PerkinsCalvin born about 1920
PerkinsJone born about 1936
PerkinsJunior born about 1938
PerkinsManfield born about 1924
PerkinsMary born about 1937
PerkinsOcenenia born about 1917
PerkinsRobert born about 1923
PerkinsSankey born about 1933
PerrowCharles Fborn about 1869
Phelps??? born about 1931
PhelpsAllen born about 1925
PhelpsAlvin born about 1937
PhelpsAnna born about 1927
PhelpsBinford Rborn about 1935
PhelpsBlanche born about 1914
PhelpsBobby born about 1932
PhelpsBurleigh born about 1920
PhelpsCalvin born about 1927
PhelpsCalvin Tborn about 1925
PhelpsCarlyle born about 1911
PhelpsCharles born about 1922
PhelpsChristine born about 1913
PhelpsClara born about 1884
PhelpsCurtis Wborn about 1915
PhelpsCurtis W Jrborn about 1934
PhelpsDavid born about 1929
PhelpsDavid born about 1936
PhelpsDavid Aborn about 1915
PhelpsDella born about 1911
PhelpsDorothy born about 1900
PhelpsDorothy born about 1920
PhelpsEdla Eagleborn about 1895
PhelpsEdward born about 1878
PhelpsEffie born about 1919
PhelpsElaine born about 1928
PhelpsEldridge Lborn about 1913
PhelpsEnid born about 1916
PhelpsEthel Leeborn about 1922
PhelpsEverett born about 1919
PhelpsFlorine Mooreborn about 1892
PhelpsGerald born about 1938
PhelpsHarold born about 1939
PhelpsHenry born about 1875
PhelpsHorace born about 1913
PhelpsHoward born about 1936
PhelpsHoward Wborn about 1882
PhelpsIra Bborn about 1886
PhelpsIra B Jrborn about 1929
PhelpsJames Nborn about 1878
PhelpsJoyce born about 1940
PhelpsLester Wborn about 1926
PhelpsLouise born about 1914
PhelpsLouise Dossborn about 1914
PhelpsLucille born about 1929
PhelpsLucille Robertaborn about 1919
PhelpsLue Eborn about 1927
PhelpsLyle born about 1933
PhelpsMargrane born about 1924
PhelpsMarion born about 1935
PhelpsMary born about 1925
PhelpsMary Chervaultborn about 1901
PhelpsMary Eborn about 1940
PhelpsMary Gordonborn about 1879
PhelpsMaude Nowlinborn about 1890
PhelpsMelvin born about 1930
PhelpsMony born about 1856
PhelpsMurphy born about 1917
PhelpsNannie Kborn about 1932
PhelpsOscar Sborn about 1921
PhelpsPauline born about 1907
PhelpsPearl born about 1923
PhelpsReginal born about 1924
PhelpsRichard born about 1937
PhelpsRichard Leeborn about 1922
PhelpsRobert Gborn about 1938
PhelpsSamuel Bborn about 1874
PhelpsSamuel Cborn about 1919
PhelpsSusie born about 1896
PhelpsThomas born about 1882
PhelpsVivian born about 1918
PhelpsWalter Pborn about 1896
PhelpsWilliam born about 1920
PointerWilliam born about 1892
PowelLyle born about 1921
PowellAurthy born about 1930
PowellBerta Mborn about 1939
PowellEllan Annborn about 1937
PowellErene Lborn about 1940
PowellFrances Eborn about 1922
PowellGeorge born about 1935
PowellGeorge Wborn about 1938
PowellMartha Eborn about 1890
PowellMyra born about 1906
PowellMyrtle born about 1928
PowellNewton Pborn about 1914
PowellOrie Leeborn about 1932
PowellSarah Fborn about 1922
PowellTomas born about 1926
PowellWesley Mborn about 1916
PrestonBill born about 1915
PrestonDinksie born about 1926
PrestonElla born about 1867
PrestonEmma born about 1890
PrestonEstelle Pborn about 1922
PrestonGeorge born about 1915
PrestonLawrence born about 1918
PrestonMattie Sborn about 1918
PrestonThelma born about 1922
PrestonThomas born about 1917
PritchettHenry Aborn about 1914
PritchettMarional born about 1879
PuckettEdith Mccormickborn about 1917
PuckettFlora Maeborn about 1939
PuckettOtis Dborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaglandCarroll born about 1937
RaglandClarence born about 1938
RaglandJenie Fborn about 1880
RaglandLewis Dborn about 1906
RaglandNora born about 1870
RaglandPerse born about 1900
RaglandVirginia born about 1934
RandolphAgnes born about 1937
RandolphAndrew born about 1892
RandolphEleanor born about 1934
RandolphJames Rborn about 1925
RandolphViola born about 1895
RatcliffAdamae born about 1927
RatcliffLinord born about 1895
RatcliffMada born about 1900
RayBob born about 1870
ReardHarold born about 1911
ReardRoy Cborn about 1884
ReedAlton born about 1916
ReedCorinne born about 1925
ReedGeorge born about 1922
ReedJames born about 1929
ReedLoretta born about 1928
ReedMittie born about 1917
ReidConstance born about 1940
ReidGloria born about 1934
ReidMargaret born about 1930
ReidMinnie born about 1931
ReidNorman Wborn about 1937
ReidSallie Elderborn about 1912
ReidWyatt Thomasborn about 1907
ReynoldsAlfred Dborn about 1932
ReynoldsAlice Hatwoodborn about 1896
ReynoldsClyde Hborn about 1925
ReynoldsDoris Lborn about 1927
ReynoldsEmma Robertsonborn about 1902
ReynoldsFrances Phelpsborn about 1921
ReynoldsGarland Hborn about 1929
ReynoldsGeorge Hborn about 1929
ReynoldsHester Cborn about 1925
ReynoldsHomer Dborn about 1899
ReynoldsJinie Hborn about 1884
ReynoldsLinnie Cborn about 1923
ReynoldsMarvin Gborn about 1916
ReynoldsMerle born about 1937
ReynoldsRalph Dborn about 1939
ReynoldsShirley Rborn about 1923
RileyGeorge Wborn about 1887
RileyHittie Viasborn about 1880
RileyJames Dborn about 1914
RobersonNeola Nborn about 1868
RobertsDon Pborn about 1930
RobertsJames Wborn about 1877
RobertsMattie Kborn about 1900
RobertsMattie Vborn about 1924
RobertsNannie Rborn about 1932
RobertsNellie Mborn about 1928
RobertsRichard Hborn about 1925
RobertsWilliam born about 1922
Robertson??? born about 1870
RobertsonAngeline born about 1877
RobertsonBaxter Wborn about 1884
RobertsonBeatrice born about 1918
RobertsonBeatrice born about 1920
RobertsonCarroll Mccormickborn about 1885
RobertsonDan born about 1940
RobertsonEdward born about 1894
RobertsonEmma born about 1919
RobertsonFlorence born about 1932
RobertsonFrazier born about 1887
RobertsonGeorge born about 1886
RobertsonGeorge Wborn about 1872
RobertsonIrvin born about 1897
RobertsonJannita born about 1929
RobertsonJohn born about 1915
RobertsonMary Mccoyborn about 1886
RobertsonMary Wrightborn about 1865
RobertsonNatalie Hborn about 1884
RobertsonRobert Lborn about 1936
RobertsonSamuel born about 1920
RobertsonSissie born about 1891
RobertsonThomas Aborn about 1914
RobertsonThomas Hborn about 1887
RobertsonWilliam Eborn about 1937
RobertsonWilliam Hborn about 1921
RodgersBerkley born about 1913
RodgersDaisy born about 1877
RodgersJames Cborn about 1937
RodgersJames Elwoodborn about 1904
RodgersThelma born about 1912
RodgesIrine born about 1922
RodgesTerry born about 1920
RoopAlfra born about 1902
RoopRussell born about 1902
RoutenAnnie born about 1874
RoutenBetty Jborn about 1939
RoutenEtta born about 1889
RoutenHenry born about 1873
RoutenJohn born about 1925
RoutenLillian Lborn about 1910
RoutenMarie born about 1937
RoutenMyrle born about 1935
RoutenRaymond born about 1928
RoutenShelton born about 1920
RoutenWalter born about 1912
RoutenWilton born about 1911
RuckerKenneth Rborn about 1932
RuckerSallie born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachelK Clarenceborn about 1907
SandersBeatrice ???born about 1892
SandersCalvin born about 1927
SandersElliott born about 1923
SandersElsie born about 1926
SandersFrederick born about 1933
SandersGladys born about 1922
SandersHazel born about 1935
SandersIllinois born about 1929
SandersJefferson born about 1894
SandersJohn Lborn about 1867
SandersJohn S Jrborn about 1926
SandersMable born about 1936
SandersMadison born about 1898
SandersMadison Jr born about 1930
SandersPearl born about 1902
SandersPearl Johnsonborn about 1900
ScottCharles Eborn about 1921
ScottEarly born about 1878
ScottEddis Leeborn about 1938
ScottEloise born about 1921
ScottJessie born about 1924
ScottJoseph born about 1917
ScottJulia born about 1893
ScottMargurette Hatcherborn about 1923
ScottMitchell born about 1922
ScruggHelen born about 1906
ScruggOlivia born about 1876
ScruggsAlex born about 1875
ScruggsClayton born about 1907
ScruggsDaniel born about 1905
ScruggsEdna born about 1914
ScruggsEdward born about 1875
ScruggsEdward Rborn about 1884
ScruggsFannie Mborn about 1886
ScruggsFrank born about 1874
ScruggsGertrude born about 1924
ScruggsGertrude ???born about 1898
ScruggsHammer Fergusonborn about 1916
ScruggsJanie born about 1924
ScruggsJohn Wborn about 1881
ScruggsLondon born about 1899
ScruggsMary Aliceborn about 1936
ScruggsMary Garrettborn about 1886
ScruggsMary Morganborn about 1916
ScruggsRoebrt Dborn about 1917
ScruggsRosa born about 1880
ScruggsThomas Rborn about 1886
ScruggsWalker born about 1871
ScruggsWarren Dborn about 1937
ScruggsWilson born about 1915
ShapeMattie Ruthborn about 1936
ShapeMaude born about 1908
ShapeRosa Gertrudeborn about 1934
ShapeWalker born about 1911
ShineyElizabeth Mborn about 1905
ShineyFrank Mborn about 1868
ShineyGeorge Aborn about 1904
ShineyHerbert Hborn about 1896
ShineyJames Bborn about 1938
ShineyVirginia Hborn about 1870
ShineyVirginia Tborn about 1900
ShineyWilliam Hborn about 1898
ShineyWilliam H Jrborn about 1929
SimmonsFrances born about 1901
SimmonsJohn Wborn about 1887
SmithAlfred born about 1926
SmithAlma Eborn about 1931
SmithBarbor Mayborn about 1929
SmithBurnett born about 1912
SmithC Rolandborn about 1899
SmithC Rolandborn about 1927
SmithCarrie born about 1901
SmithChristian Bborn about 1930
SmithEaster born about 1877
SmithElanor Gborn about 1928
SmithEula Mborn about 1931
SmithFrank Jborn about 1889
SmithFranklin born about 1932
SmithGrace Bborn about 1906
SmithHarvey Aborn about 1891
SmithHenry born about 1934
SmithJim born about 1905
SmithJoel Wborn about 1936
SmithJohn Tborn about 1892
SmithKirby Hborn about 1905
SmithLenwood born about 1937
SmithLizzie Bborn about 1904
SmithLloyd born about 1918
SmithMallie Bborn about 1923
SmithMary Perdieuborn about 1901
SmithMerce born about 1906
SmithMildred born about 1925
SmithRachel born about 1927
SmithRalph Hborn about 1932
SmithRichard born about 1900
SmithRichard Eborn about 1936
SmithRichard E Jrborn about 1931
SmithRichard Fborn about 1894
SmithSallie Berleborn about 1894
SmithSara Jborn about 1922
SmithWilliam Tomasborn about 1932
SpencerBlanche born about 1922
SpencerCharles born about 1926
SpencerDouglas born about 1907
SpencerEmlena born about 1923
SpencerGeorge born about 1920
SpencerJessie born about 1928
SpencerJohn born about 1912
SpencerLawrence born about 1932
SpencerLewis born about 1930
SpencerMarell born about 1909
SpencerMartha born about 1916
SpencerMary born about 1891
SpencerMary born about 1916
SpencerNona born about 1920
SpencerQueen born about 1910
SpiggleAda born about 1923
SpiggleBarkesdale born about 1921
SpiggleEstelle Louborn about 1918
SpiggleFrances born about 1937
SpiggleGeorge Wborn about 1914
SpiggleGeorge W Jrborn about 1938
SpiggleJohn born about 1899
SpiggleJohn Wborn about 1875
SpiggleJulia Wborn about 1914
SpiggleLeslie Mborn about 1939
SpiggleLloyd Rborn about 1935
SpiggleMargaret Harrisborn about 1890
SpiggleRaymond Bborn about 1911
SpiggleRaymond B Jrborn about 1933
SpiggleRobert Nborn about 1895
SpiggleVirginia born about 1926
SprouseWillie born about 1922
StanleyAvis born about 1919
StanleyBurrell born about 1907
StanleyClayton born about 1935
StanleyEdwin Tborn about 1921
StanleyEmma Vborn about 1883
StanleyHarry Byrdborn about 1926
StanleyLadin born about 1924
StanleySamuel Sborn about 1905
StanleyWilliam Hborn about 1881
StarsonJohn Bborn about 1877
StarsonVirgie born about 1894
StathamElla born about 1873
StephensAlice born about 1898
StephensAlice born about 1900
StephensBula born about 1889
StephensCecil born about 1935
StephensClarnce born about 1914
StephensClaude born about 1920
StephensEarnest born about 1894
StephensEugene born about 1926
StephensHugh born about 1940
StephensJack born about 1878
StephensJennia born about 1860
StephensJim born about 1876
StephensMarshall born about 1926
StephensRachel born about 1923
StephensRobert born about 1928
StephensRobert born about 1929
StephensTaff born about 1910
StephensThomas born about 1932
StephensVergia born about 1890
StevensHerbert In Jailborn about 1900
StevensLula Bryantborn about 1903
StevensMinnie born about 1925
StevensWilliam Aborn about 1876
StoryMaxine born about 1919
StoryThelma born about 1934
StoryWilliam born about 1938
StrattonAlbert born about 1866
StrattonAlbert born about 1882
StrattonBessie Lborn about 1872
StrattonDela Hborn about 1872
StrattonEula Cborn about 1891
StrattonFay born about 1922
StrattonHartwell born about 1874
StrattonIda Vborn about 1892
StrattonJessie Sborn about 1892
StrattonKelly born about 1926
StrattonLee born about 1916
StrattonMargaret born about 1925
StrattonMargaret born about 1929
StrattonMarshall born about 1864
StrattonMarshall Jr born about 1911
StrattonMarvin Aborn about 1888
StrattonPaul Bborn about 1889
StumpLee born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannesCharles Eborn about 1922
TannesCharles Wborn about 1891
TannesDaniel Aborn about 1926
TannesFred born about 1929
TannesJohn Mborn about 1934
TannesLawrence Mborn about 1931
TannesLe Foan born about 1933
TannesMargaret born about 1919
TannesMary Mborn about 1892
TaylorBilly born about 1929
TaylorEric born about 1906
TaylorJames born about 1918
TaylorLula born about 1870
TaylorMarvin born about 1910
TaylorVirginia born about 1908
ThomasAnna born about 1934
ThomasCharlene born about 1940
ThomasFay born about 1927
ThomasFrank born about 1905
ThomasHelen born about 1907
ThomasLyle born about 1902
ThomasRay born about 1930
ThomasStella born about 1937
ThompsonElizabeth Rborn about 1915
ThompsonOmar Lborn about 1940
ThompsonPercy Lborn about 1915
ThornhillArnold Gborn about 1935
ThornhillBenjamin Aborn about 1900
ThornhillBessie born about 1927
ThornhillDonald Wborn about 1934
ThornhillElsie Cborn about 1900
ThornhillElsie Cborn about 1929
ThornhillFitzhugh Lborn about 1885
ThornhillFlorine Bealeborn about 1913
ThornhillGeorge Oborn about 1877
ThornhillGladys Mborn about 1915
ThornhillHalcome Cborn about 1912
ThornhillHarry Tborn about 1925
ThornhillIda Leeborn about 1935
ThornhillJames Aborn about 1923
ThornhillJanie Wborn about 1875
ThornhillLaura Mayborn about 1933
ThornhillLeonard Nborn about 1892
ThornhillLily born about 1929
ThornhillLois ???born about 1902
ThornhillLula Harrisborn about 1897
ThornhillLula Mborn about 1928
ThornhillMartha Wborn about 1925
ThornhillMary Eborn about 1919
ThornhillMattie Gunterborn about 1887
ThornhillMildred born about 1908
ThornhillMildred Aborn about 1938
ThornhillPaul Aborn about 1907
ThornhillPaul A Jrborn about 1936
ThornhillPauline Owenborn about 1911
ThornhillPeter Wborn about 1884
ThornhillRaymond Hborn about 1926
ThornhillRobert Hborn about 1897
ThornhillRosa Mborn about 1933
ThornhillSallie Mborn about 1929
ThornhillSamuel Nborn about 1904
ThornhillSylvia Jborn about 1932
ThornhillThelma Jamersonborn about 1905
ThornhillThomas Vborn about 1911
ThornhillWilson Wborn about 1876
TibbsCelestine born about 1902
Toddy??? born about 1940
ToddyBeatrice born about 1939
ToddyChristian born about 1912
ToddyDorothy Leeborn about 1940
ToddyDouglas born about 1925
ToddyEmma Spiggleborn about 1914
ToddyHazel Dunnborn about 1921
ToddyJames born about 1921
ToddyLeslie born about 1915
ToddyMattie born about 1889
ToddyRobert Aborn about 1911
ToddyRuth born about 1923
ToddyWilliam born about 1919
TomasFletcher born about 1855
ToppsAllen Aborn about 1873
ToppsCecil born about 1861
TorrenceClarice born about 1919
TorrencePate born about 1909
TorrencePatricia Lborn about 1939
TrantDelia Annborn about 1931
TrantHellen born about 1936
TrantIssak born about 1938
TrantKatherine born about 1934
TrantMary born about 1939
TrentAngela born about 1895
TrentArmond born about 1912
TrentBernice born about 1925
TrentDick born about 1863
TrentFlorid born about 1927
TrentIssa born about 1905
TrentJames born about 1939
TrentJerry born about 1938
TrentJohn born about 1921
TrentJohn Wborn about 1874
TrentJulius born about 1933
TrentLou born about 1926
TrentLucy born about 1875
TrentMartha born about 1867
TrentMartha born about 1935
TrentMary Kborn about 1923
TrentNaomi born about 1914
TrentNora born about 1915
TrentOtis born about 1911
TrentReamus born about 1940
TrentRichard born about 1937
TrentRoyal born about 1937
TrentRufes born about 1940
TrentVerna born about 1929
TrentVirginia born about 1932
TurnerCallie born about 1918
TurnerCaroline born about 1870
TurnerCarry born about 1930
TurnerCharles Lborn about 1875
TurnerCharles L Jrborn about 1928
TurnerCharlie born about 1919
TurnerDorthy born about 1919
TurnerEtna born about 1873
TurnerHattie born about 1935
TurnerHerbert Sborn about 1904
TurnerJames born about 1911
TurnerJames born about 1918
TurnerJohn born about 1899
TurnerJohn born about 1926
TurnerLarence born about 1934
TurnerLenora born about 1935
TurnerLeon born about 1932
TurnerLollie born about 1907
TurnerMary Ellaborn about 1933
TurnerMattie born about 1933
TurnerMurel born about 1912
TurnerRaymond born about 1898
TurnerRobert born about 1900
TurnerRussel born about 1916
TurnerSara born about 1874
TurnerSarah Lborn about 1873
TurnerSusie born about 1906
TurnerSusie born about 1910
TurnerVirginia born about 1924
TurnerWillie born about 1939
TurnsGladys Mborn about 1898
TurnsNellie born about 1919
TurnsRussel born about 1891
TweedyBettie Sueborn about 1919
TweedyChalie born about 1937
TweedyRosser born about 1916
TynceLilly Bborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughterAnderson born about 1892
VaughterHarry born about 1918
VaughterJames Dborn about 1926
VaughterLuther born about 1900
VaughterMinnie born about 1929
VaughterRobert born about 1897
VaughterRosa ???born about 1889
VaughterThomas born about 1891
VaughterWilliam Hborn about 1868
VonkeyBarbara Leeborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerEmanuel born about 1910
WalkerFrances born about 1911
WalkerPatricia born about 1938
WalkerRichard born about 1915
WaltonDallas born about 1887
WaltonElizabeth born about 1930
WaltonEugenia born about 1923
WaltonFrances Harveyborn about 1891
WaltonJohn Cborn about 1902
WaltonJosephine born about 1933
WaltonLorine born about 1928
WaltonLoyd born about 1936
WaltonMary born about 1907
WaltonMillie Davisborn about 1908
WaltonRuby born about 1910
WaltonRuth born about 1897
WaltonShirley born about 1935
WaltonWalker Lborn about 1892
WaltonWilliam Jborn about 1886
WaltonWilliam J Jrborn about 1931
WaltonWinston born about 1933
WaltonZan born about 1905
WasttonInez born about 1878
WatkinsInvester* born about 1932
WatkinsJames born about 1928
WatkinsJasper born about 1921
WatkinsLouis born about 1904
WatkinsNathan born about 1936
WatkinsWarren born about 1934
WatkinsWillie born about 1906
WatsonBetty Scayborn about 1893
WatsonEdith Tborn about 1876
WatsonLawrence Tborn about 1904
WatsonLawrence T Jrborn about 1931
WatsonRuth Gborn about 1902
WatsonThomas Rborn about 1887
WeakleyAlexander born about 1856
WeakleyAtwill born about 1895
WeakleyDelores born about 1940
WeakleyDorcas born about 1927
WeakleyEileen born about 1932
WeakleyFaye born about 1929
WeakleyMary born about 1901
WeakleyShearer born about 1926
WeakleyThomas born about 1937
WeakleyWilfred born about 1934
WebbEdna born about 1932
WebbEdna Gborn about 1917
WebbEllis born about 1915
WebbFrank born about 1937
WebbGorden born about 1928
WebbLeonard born about 1939
WebbMyrtle Mborn about 1887
WebbOris Jborn about 1879
WebbRonald born about 1925
WebbSwink born about 1921
WebbThelma born about 1935
WebberAmerica born about 1901
WebberDorothy born about 1924
WebberRay born about 1935
WebberSam Wborn about 1888
WebberSamuel Wborn about 1928
WebberWarren born about 1931
WeeksGracie Jborn about 1939
WeeksGracie Lborn about 1920
WeeksJunie Wborn about 1915
WeeksMaude born about 1888
WeeksStevens Aborn about 1886
WellsAtler born about 1920
WellsCatherine Hborn about 1923
WellsEarley Jborn about 1887
WellsLoretta born about 1937
WellsLouise Phelpsborn about 1912
WellsOther Jr born about 1939
WellsRichard born about 1923
WellsRoy Wborn about 1911
WellsVirginia born about 1934
WellsWhitcombe Wborn about 1881
WestAlice born about 1932
WestBenjamin born about
WestBennie born about 1934
WestDaniel Wborn about 1874
WestEdith born about 1908
WestEdith born about 1914
WestFannie Lborn about 1936
WestFleming Rborn about 1909
WestFlorence born about 1919
WestHarrison born about 1908
WestJ Dborn about 1931
WestJane born about
WestJoe born about 1935
WestLorraine born about 1939
WestMartha born about 1918
WestMary born about 1892
WestMary Cborn about 1876
WestMaxine born about 1937
WestMayela born about 1909
WestNellie born about 1936
WestRobert born about 1886
WestVirginia born about 1937
WheelerBen Dborn about 1925
WheelerBennie Lborn about 1876
WheelerBertha Lborn about 1936
WheelerBetty Lborn about 1934
WheelerBilly Aborn about 1930
WheelerCora Leeborn about 1876
WheelerElizabeth Gborn about 1917
WheelerEloise Aborn about 1904
WheelerInby Bborn about 1899
WheelerMax born about 1913
WheelerMrs V B Carsonborn about 1871
WheelerRobert Iborn about 1927
WhiteClarence born about 1935
WhiteClide born about 1917
WhiteErna born about 1933
WhiteFlorrie born about 1915
WhiteHenry born about 1871
WhiteheadLandon born about 1891
WhiteheadLouise born about 1922
WhitleyLee Aborn about 1927
WhitleySarah born about 1878
WhittenJoe born about 1862
WilkersonElmore born about 1871
WilkersonHubert born about 1923
WilkersonHulah* born about 1925
WilkersonNannie Sueborn about 1893
WilliamGladys born about 1910
WilliamsMary Wborn about 1866
WilliamsonAudney born about 1924
WilliamsonClbert born about 1926
WilliamsonLonell born about 1929
WilliamsonMelva born about 1933
WilliamsonMervyn born about 1921
WilliamsonRuth Mborn about 1895
WilliamsonWilliam born about 1935
WilliamsonWilliam Hborn about 1855
WilliamsonWilliam Lborn about 1890
WilsonNannie born about 1926
WilsonVina born about 1917
WilsonVirginia born about 1938
WilsonWilliam Wborn about 1900
WiteheadJohn born about 1900
WittKittie born about 1926
WittLouise born about 1939
WittMandie Louiseborn about 1916
WittWilliam born about 1915
WittWilliam born about 1936
WoodMelline born about 1918
WoodMillard Bborn about 1914
WoodOlza Wborn about 1939
WoodridgeRodie born about 1863
WoodsHerman born about 1915
WoodsMaynard born about 1940
WoodsVirginia Cborn about 1917
Woodson??? Cborn about 1906
WoodsonBernice ???born about 1900
WoodsonCora born about 1877
WoodsonEdna Scayborn about 1916
WoodsonEdward born about 1913
WoodsonFrank born about 1908
WoodsonJoe born about 1912
WoodsonKate Vborn about 1924
WoodsonMarjorie born about 1935
WoodsonMary born about 1936
WoodsonNannie Austinborn about 1915
WoodsonOdell born about 1918
WoodsonPhoebe born about 1935
WoodsonRobert born about 1874
WoodsonWilliam Aborn about 1902
WoodsonWilliam Cborn about 1935
WoodyAnnie Gborn about 1889
WoodyElizabeth born about 1919
WoodyPhylis born about 1939
WooldridgeEd Cborn about 1883
WooldridgeNannie Pborn about 1876
WooldridgeWalker born about 1878
WoottonCliffot born about 1878
WoottonElizabeth born about 1921
WoottonEster born about 1893
WrightAgnes Stanleyborn about 1920
WrightAngie born about 1870
WrightCecil Eborn about 1887
WrightCharlie Wborn about 1857
WrightCurtis born about 1921
WrightEdna Letchfordborn about 1888
WrightElizabeth born about 1936
WrightLee born about 1885
WrightMinor Dborn about 1934
WrightRaleigh Cborn about 1890
WrightSallie Sborn about 1863
WrightThomas Hborn about 1861
WrightWilliam Eborn about 1939
WrightWilliam Jborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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