1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sturgeon, Brunswick, Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Virginia > Brunswick County > 1940 Census of Sturgeon

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyA E Jrborn about 1932
AbernathyAlwyn born about 1927
AbernathyC Bborn about 1875
AbernathyC Hborn about 1892
AbernathyCharles Mborn about 1928
AbernathyEdith Rborn about 1919
AbernathyElezibeth Pborn about 1920
AbernathyEugene Hborn about 1930
AbernathyF Hborn about 1900
AbernathyFrances born about 1936
AbernathyFranklin born about 1922
AbernathyG D Jrborn about 1914
AbernathyGuretude born about 1899
AbernathyHattie Sborn about 1904
AbernathyHuberd Cborn about 1932
AbernathyJane Hborn about 1894
AbernathyJohn born about 1872
AbernathyMarion born about 1927
AbernathyNannie born about 1870
AbernathyR Eborn about 1908
AbernathyRachiel born about 1921
AbernathySussie born about 1931
AbernathyVirginia born about 1908
AbernathyW Sborn about 1862
AbernathyWarde Rborn about 1939
AldridgeCornen born about 1920
AldridgeDeloris born about 1934
AldridgeElmo born about 1917
AldridgeFrances Bborn about 1925
AldridgeG??? born about 1884
AldridgeHarding Wborn about 1922
AldridgeRobert born about 1906
AldridgeZeb?? born about 1881
AllenEve Louiseborn about 1932
AllenHoward born about 1897
AllenJames born about 1867
AllenJames born about 1925
AllenJames Aborn about 1927
AllenJohn Bborn about 1886
AllenLabina Wborn about 1901
AllenLabina Wborn about 1916
AllenLouise born about 1926
AllenNattie Pborn about 1896
AllenRoberta Sr born about 1888
AllenSammy Cborn about 1919
AndersonAdel born about 1923
AndersonEdna born about 1877
AndersonEtta born about 1883
AndersonGarland born about 1916
AndersonGeorge born about 1927
AndersonHenry born about 1880
AndersonHerman born about 1925
AndersonJ Tborn about 1873
AndersonJames born about 1910
AndersonLucy Aborn about 1888
AndersonLula born about 1900
AndersonTaylor born about 1910
AndersonWalter born about 1885
AndersonWilliam born about 1914
AnnisCatherine born about 1894
AnnisRobert born about 1891
ArcherT Wborn about 1885
ArmsteadHawkin born about 1873
ArringtonAdel Eborn about 1939
ArringtonAnne Mborn about 1936
ArringtonCharley born about 1900
ArringtonCharley Leeborn about 1928
ArringtonEstell Lborn about 1924
ArringtonLessie born about 1910
ArringtonOtes Nborn about 1926
ArringtonShirley Bborn about 1937
ArzmarJames Eborn about 1920
ArzmarMildred born about 1919
ArzmoreJames Bborn about 1860
ArzmoreJoe born about 1916
ArzmoreJulia born about 1889
ArzmoreSarah Bborn about 1918
AveryAmelia Gborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaishedHugh Eborn about 1903
BaishedJames Hborn about 1930
BaishedLouise born about 1935
BaishedMelvis born about 1932
BaishedMoris born about 1928
BaishedSallie born about 1906
BaishedVivew Eborn about 1934
BarnesClarence Lborn about 1938
BarnesDaniel born about 1920
BarnesEliza Fborn about 1902
BarnesElsie Rborn about 1935
BarnesI F Jrborn about 1930
BarnesJennette born about 1927
BarnesJessie born about 1913
BarnesJoseph Fborn about 1887
BarnesLee Louiseborn about 1917
BarnesLouise born about 1939
BarnesSadie born about 1901
BarnesVivian Pborn about 1933
BarnesWilliam born about 1936
BarnesWillie Bborn about 1931
BaylorFrank born about 1881
BaylorIsah born about 1925
BaylorJames Aborn about 1910
BaylorKatherline born about 1924
BaylorLouise born about 1898
BaylorRichard born about 1883
BaylorRichard Jr born about 1914
BaylorSally Mborn about 1888
BaylorShirley Anneborn about 1937
BaylorTheanther* born about 1921
BaylorWillie Maeborn about 1921
BirdsongEarnst Jborn about 1877
BirdsongEarnst J Jrborn about 1916
BirdsongLena Fborn about 1882
BirdsongMarjie born about 1916
BirdsongRichard born about 1939
BlackwellClaudie born about 1921
BlackwellDale born about 1930
BlackwellFrances born about 1925
BlackwellHugh born about 1891
BlackwellJohn Dborn about 1923
BlackwellLucy born about 1889
BlairEdna born about 1899
BlairJohnson born about 1895
BlickFannie born about 1916
BlickIda Leeborn about 1918
BlickJ Tborn about 1873
BlickJinnie Gborn about 1875
BlickLu Eborn about 1913
BlickThomas Eborn about 1906
BooneAra Lborn about 1936
BottomM Wborn about 1866
BottomNannie born about 1873
BowdenDoria Jborn about 1930
BowdenJosephine born about 1928
BowdenM Burlyborn about 1933
BowdenRuth Hborn about 1906
BowenCora Lborn about 1896
BranchDoroth Mborn about 1931
BranchJoe Mborn about 1939
BranchNanny born about 1914
BranchThomas Sborn about 1935
BranchWilliam born about 1911
BranchWilliam Jr born about 1934
BraswellE born about 1872
BraswellJack born about 1936
BraswellMami born about 1914
BraswellMary Aborn about 1887
BraswellSallie born about 1923
Brockw33ellClifton born about 1929
Brockw33ellEva born about 1909
Brockw33ellFrances born about 1926
Brockw33ellJosephine born about 1927
Brockw33ellPeter born about 1931
Brockw33ellPhyllis born about 1934
Brockw33ellShirley born about 1936
BrockwellAlma born about 1920
BrockwellFrank born about 1913
BrockwellGertrude born about 1928
BrockwellJohn born about 1931
BrockwellLawrence born about 1925
BrockwellLouise born about 1922
BrockwellMattie Leeborn about 1889
BrockwellW Eborn about 1882
BrockwellWalter born about 1915
BrodenClaria Bborn about 1902
BrodenMamie born about 1927
BrodenRaymond born about 1931
BrooksAddie born about 1933
BrooksAlbert born about 1880
BrooksBen born about 1881
BrooksBertha born about 1912
BrooksBrooks Bborn about 1882
BrooksDeloris born about 1929
BrooksElic born about 1909
BrooksEmma Bborn about 1939
BrooksFrances born about 1911
BrooksGeorge Aborn about 1885
BrooksGeorge A Jrborn about 1919
BrooksHattie born about 1925
BrooksHerbert born about 1921
BrooksHerbert born about 1929
BrooksJames born about 1924
BrooksJessie born about 1925
BrooksLewis born about 1931
BrooksLillia born about 1898
BrooksLonnie born about 1921
BrooksR Theodoreborn about 1927
BrooksThomas born about 1917
BrooksVirginia born about 1927
BrooksVirginia born about 1928
BrowderAlice born about 1920
BrowderB Lborn about 1906
BrowderDaisy Lborn about 1925
BrowderElois Eborn about 1878
BrowderHattie born about 1888
BrowderHattie Eborn about 1927
BrowderHazel Lborn about 1918
BrowderJ Bborn about 1875
BrowderJames Hborn about 1914
BrowderMamie Gborn about 1920
BrowderMarshal born about 1916
BrowderPatrica Aborn about 1937
BrowderPhillip born about 1922
BrowderRandolph born about 1913
BrowderSusie Aborn about 1916
BrowderW Lborn about 1916
BrowderWalter Eborn about 1886
BrowderWalter Wborn about 1922
BrowderWilliam L Jborn about 1939
BrowderWilliam Tborn about 1919
BrowdonMinnie Bborn about 1939
BrowmanEssie Lborn about 1936
BrowmanEstell born about 1914
BrowmanJohn born about 1915
BrowmanMary Lborn about 1937
BrownAlvin born about 1937
BrownBarbara born about 1936
BrownBen born about 1915
BrownBismack born about 1918
BrownCalvin Cborn about 1927
BrownCharles born about 1932
BrownCharlie born about 1887
BrownDavid Rborn about 1929
BrownEarnest born about 1893
BrownEdward Dborn about 1908
BrownEdward Dborn about 1931
BrownElizabeth Oborn about 1938
BrownElla Ruthborn about 1920
BrownEthel Bborn about 1901
BrownFannie born about 1897
BrownGladis born about 1921
BrownGodfrey born about 1923
BrownGracie born about 1926
BrownH Cborn about 1893
BrownHattie born about 1900
BrownHelen born about 1924
BrownHerman born about 1929
BrownHermon born about 1936
BrownHubert Hborn about 1931
BrownIda born about 1923
BrownIrdia Aborn about 1921
BrownIrean born about 1923
BrownJames born about 1918
BrownJames born about 1936
BrownJoe born about 1928
BrownJohn Jborn about 1934
BrownKathleen born about 1909
BrownLelia born about 1886
BrownLeonard born about 1921
BrownLinwood born about 1916
BrownLinwood Jr born about 1939
BrownLouise born about 1924
BrownLucy Janborn about 1923
BrownManie born about 1923
BrownMaria born about 1934
BrownMartha born about 1900
BrownMary Anneborn about 1922
BrownMary Eborn about 1931
BrownMary Eborn about 1936
BrownMattie born about 1926
BrownMattie Sborn about 1928
BrownMelvin born about 1932
BrownMiller Nborn about 1930
BrownMinnie born about 1930
BrownMoses born about 1924
BrownNathan Hborn about 1920
BrownNicholas born about 1907
BrownRandolph born about 1928
BrownRichard born about 1916
BrownRichard born about 1917
BrownRichard Sborn about 1922
BrownRosa Vborn about 1929
BrownRowland born about 1922
BrownSally Rborn about 1927
BrownSan born about 1885
BrownSusie born about 1895
BrownTheodore Rborn about 1939
BrownThomas Hborn about 1890
BrownThomas Jr born about 1919
BrownViola Mborn about 1934
BrownVirgin born about 1890
BrownVirginia Lborn about 1925
BrownWilliam born about 1917
BrownWilliam born about 1929
BrownWilliam Mborn about 1921
BrownWillie born about 1883
BrownWillie born about 1918
BrownWillie Aborn about 1922
BrownWillie Eborn about 1939
BrugeEdward born about 1921
BrugeHoward born about 1915
BrugeMaude born about 1935
BrugeWillie Tborn about 1917
BuffordNelson born about 1865
BufordAlbert born about 1921
BufordAndrew born about 1928
BufordEarter born about 1863
BufordJoe born about 1928
BufordJohn born about 1889
BufordJohn born about 1906
BufordJohn born about 1922
BufordLucille born about 1926
BufordManuel born about 1930
BufordSallie born about 1899
BufordWillis born about 1924
BuggsMartha born about 1868
BunchLee born about 1918
BunchLue born about 1920
BurgeJames Rborn about 1901
BurgeJohn Aborn about 1898
BurgePearl Lborn about 1902
ByrdFrances Mborn about 1934
ByrdJosphin born about 1910
ByrdLillie Mborn about 1929
ByrdRuby Mborn about 1931
ByrdThelma Aborn about 1939
ByrdWalton born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabnerJames born about 1922
CahillA Tborn about 1891
CahillG Wborn about 1891
CahillGuritude Sborn about 1894
CallisCleveland born about 1920
CallisCleveland born about 1922
CallisHenry born about 1938
CallisVirginia born about 1922
CambiaEdward born about 1924
CambiaGrover born about 1937
CambiaJohn born about 1897
CambiaPhilis born about 1893
CanslerB Burniceborn about 1933
CanslerF Fborn about 1896
CanslerF F Jrborn about 1927
CanslerStella born about 1923
CaringtonAddie born about 1928
CaringtonHenry born about 1899
CaringtonMary born about 1930
CaringtonOsker born about 1923
CaringtonTom born about 1924
CarsonFrances Nborn about 1937
CarsonLouise born about 1933
CartesClarence born about 1924
CartesLawrence born about 1922
CartesLucy born about 1900
CheeleyCarrie Lborn about 1883
CheelyAnne born about 1931
CheelyBlanche Fborn about 1898
CheelyClaude born about 1935
CheelyDelkin born about 1930
CheelyEdith Maeborn about 1926
CheelyGene born about 1933
CheelyHerbert Rborn about 1929
CheelyHunter Fborn about 1923
CheelyLinwood Jr born about 1914
CheelyLucy Eborn about 1903
CheelyNora Lborn about 1885
CheelyRobert Mborn about 1894
CheelyRobert M Jrborn about 1926
CheelyThomas Rborn about 1903
CheelyThomas Jr born about 1864
ChristopherMay Ettaborn about 1920
ChristopherMildred born about 1900
ChristopherSabet Eborn about 1887
ChristphorCharles Aborn about 1930
ChristphorJoe Wborn about 1925
ChristphorKelby Tborn about 1898
ChristphorMary Eborn about 1903
ChristphorMary Lborn about 1928
ChristphorNannie born about 1924
ClarkCharles Rborn about 1936
ClaryA ???born about 1933
ClaryBessie born about 1917
ClaryCourtny Eborn about 1901
ClaryE??? born about 1920
ClaryEdith Eborn about 1938
ClaryFannie born about 1923
ClaryKate born about 1913
ClaryR Gborn about 1898
ClaryThomas born about 1938
ClaryWates born about 1910
ClaryWebster born about 1932
ClaryWillie born about 1934
ClauyEddie born about 1921
ClayEarnest Lborn about 1928
ClayEmmett born about 1920
ClayHuberd born about 1915
ClayLouise born about 1932
ClayLucy born about 1923
ClayMarvin born about 1918
ClayMary Fborn about 1888
ClayThelma born about 1921
ClayWill Dborn about 1886
ClementsHenry born about 1914
ClementsJosie born about 1891
ClementsW Rborn about 1873
ClementsWilliam born about 1916
CliaboneAlice Maeborn about 1926
CliaboneAnnie born about 1905
CliaboneJames born about 1939
CliaboneMargrett born about 1932
CliaboneSherman Leeborn about 1885
CliaboneSterlin born about 1890
CliaborneBurnice born about 1877
CliaborneCharles Wborn about 1880
CobnenAnn born about 1926
CobnenMeade born about 1924
ColdmanCurtis born about 1916
ColdmanInez born about 1923
ColemanAnnie born about 1849
ColemanAsa born about 1915
ColemanCharlie born about 1913
ColemanFannie born about 1893
ColemanFlorene born about 1924
ColemanFranklin Rborn about 1934
ColemanGladis born about 1932
ColemanHerman born about 1913
ColemanHortence born about 1924
ColemanJames Eborn about 1939
ColemanJessie Jborn about 1935
ColemanLilian born about 1916
ColemanLilly Maeborn about 1928
ColemanLorean born about 1939
ColemanMattie Sueborn about 1926
ColemanMinory born about 1930
ColemanMolly born about 1891
ColemanNorbone* Wborn about 1938
ColemanPolly Pborn about 1917
ColemanRaymond born about 1929
ColemanRobert Hborn about 1938
ColemanRosa born about 1937
ColemanRussel born about 1938
ColemanSamuy* born about 1917
ColemanWilbert born about 1928
ColenanCharles Aborn about 1886
ColenanLucy Vborn about 1891
ColenanMildred Bborn about 1921
ColleyArthur born about 1910
ColleyMatter born about 1887
ColleyWilliam born about 1880
CollisCarie Mrs born about 1913
CollisCathlyn born about 1901
CollisCleveline born about 1936
CollisDaniel born about 1940
CollisMary born about 1917
CollisOtes born about 1938
CollisWilliam born about 1936
CollisWilliam Bborn about 1880
CollisWillie born about 1923
CollisWillie born about 1939
ConderDaisy born about 1906
Connelly??? born about 1895
ConnellyEdward Wborn about 1878
ConnellyFroney S Masborn about 1866
ConnellyL Mborn about 1877
ConnellyLeafy born about 1916
ConnellyLottie Gborn about 1874
ConnellyLula Pborn about 1873
ConnellyWalter born about 1871
ConnerFannie Mborn about 1937
ConnerFrank born about 1938
ConnerJohn Hborn about 1907
ConnerJohn Joeborn about 1935
ConnerMary Sborn about 1913
ConnerMary Sborn about 1932
CoremElizabeth born about 1916
CoremHilda Gborn about 1939
CoremLeonard born about 1911
CoremNancy born about 1937
CorumForest Lborn about 1868
CrossAlice born about 1890
CrossAlice born about 1926
CrossBlackwell born about 1933
CrossCharley born about 1887
CrossE Wborn about 1915
CrossEthlyn born about 1917
CrossInon born about 1919
CrossJohn born about 1929
CrossMinnie born about 1924
CrossShelton born about 1917
CrossVirginia born about 1921
CrowderA Bborn about 1919
CrowderAda born about 1923
CrowleyG??? born about 1892
CrowleyIsaac born about 1885
CumbiaClarice Mborn about 1902
CumbiaHenry Dborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DameronGeo L Jrborn about 1905
DameronRuth Wborn about 1908
DanielAlma Hborn about 1901
DanielDonel born about 1933
DanielEarnest Rborn about 1884
DanielEarnest Jr born about 1924
DanielEdith born about 1930
DanielEdward born about 1926
DanielFrances born about 1934
DanielGeorge Wborn about 1936
DanielJ Sborn about 1901
DanielJ S Jrborn about 1929
DanielLee Hborn about 1888
DanielMary Eborn about 1893
DanielMinnie born about 1892
DanielMinnie Rborn about 1928
DanielNora Eborn about 1892
DanielPaul born about 1929
DanielPauline born about 1924
DanielRuffus born about 1918
DanielVirginia born about 1924
DantosMarvin born about 1910
DantosMarvin Jborn about 1938
DantosMary Dborn about 1914
DantosMay Jborn about 1937
DavisAnn born about 1928
DavisAtt born about 1936
DavisBettie Mborn about 1900
DavisCharlie born about 1933
DavisEmily born about 1929
DavisHoward born about 1931
DavisJane born about 1924
DavisMaria born about 1932
DavisMartha Eborn about 1889
DavisMccellan born about 1900
DavisRandolph born about 1924
DavisRichard born about 1923
DavisSussie born about 1885
DavisW Eborn about 1883
DavisWilliam Hborn about 1883
DavisonCharles Sborn about 1883
DavisonLillian Jborn about 1892
DelbridgeClarence Eborn about 1906
DelbridgeLucy born about 1898
DelbridgeLula Lborn about 1870
DelkMarian born about 1872
DemontGrace Bborn about 1877
DemontWalter Tborn about 1881
DenisM Janeborn about 1878
DenisRichard born about 1876
DennisCatherine born about 1939
DennisE Elizabethborn about 1921
DennisElla born about 1924
DennisEthel born about 1920
DennisJohn born about 1922
DennisJoseph born about 1920
DennisLaura born about 1919
DennisOkee born about 1910
DennisTherese born about 1896
DennisWeldon born about 1893
DennisWilliam born about 1930
DentenEdna Maeborn about 1918
DentenEldoria born about 1876
DentenMelvin born about 1914
DentenP Aborn about 1877
DentenPatricia Annaborn about 1939
DillardCora born about 1888
DillardGertie Fborn about 1895
DillardHerbert born about 1931
DillardJ Hborn about 1882
DillardJames Aborn about 1935
DillardJames Dborn about 1867
DillardJames Rborn about 1912
DillardLouise born about 1905
DillardManie born about 1915
DillardMinnie born about 1880
DillardRobert Cborn about 1939
DillardWhaton Hborn about 1937
DillardWilliam born about 1900
DillardWilliam Lborn about 1936
DorisMary born about 1860
DoyleElon Nborn about 1884
DoyleMary Sborn about 1883
DoyleNorfone born about 1920
DrummondEdna born about 1886
DrummondLena Ri?iborn about 1920
DuggsElizabeth born about 1935
DuggsMaggie born about 1920
DuggsMike Lewisborn about 1908
DukeN G Jrborn about 1923
DukeNorwood Gborn about 1892
DukePearl Mborn about 1894
DukeShirley Wborn about 1933
DummondAlluntis* born about 1932
DummondAlvin born about 1928
DummondBeatrice born about 1922
DummondC Aborn about 1886
DummondFrancis born about 1930
DummondGladis born about 1901
DummondJessie Mborn about 1936
DummondLeroy born about 1937
DummondMarjorie born about 1926
DummondSophia born about 1923
DunlapJames Gborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasterCharlie born about 1936
EdmanFat??? born about 1890
EdmanWash born about 1870
EdmanWilliam born about 1898
EdmonsCalvin born about 1924
EdmonsEddie Nborn about 1893
EdmonsElvin born about 1926
EdmonsMaggie born about 1893
EdmonsRobert born about 1930
EdmonsShel?tta born about 1932
EdwardsAlice born about 1894
EdwardsDorothy Eborn about 1939
EdwardsJohn born about 1887
EdwardsLesley born about 1915
EdwardsLeslli Jr born about 1938
EdwardsLillie Mborn about 1923
ElderAnnie Bborn about 1924
ElderArthur born about 1884
ElderArthur Wborn about 1935
ElderArthur Jr born about 1915
ElderDasie born about 1891
ElderDell Sborn about 1920
ElderEarl born about 1926
ElderEddie Greenborn about 1927
ElderElgia born about 1886
ElderEua born about 1900
ElderHattie born about 1930
ElderJack Mborn about 1918
ElderJack Pborn about 1920
ElderJames born about 1876
ElderJames Eborn about 1936
ElderJessie born about 1926
ElderLonnie born about 1929
ElderMarion born about 1922
ElderNellie born about 1922
ElderNora born about 1875
ElderRobert Tborn about 1926
ElderStuard born about 1915
ElderSusie born about 1928
ElderVirgie born about 1888
ElderVirgie born about 1917
ElderWillie born about 1880
ElderWillie Jr born about 1923
ElderWillis Lborn about 1914
Elliott??? Lborn about 1933
Elliott??? Pborn about 1939
ElliottAnn born about 1910
ElliottArcher Lborn about 1936
ElliottArther born about 1919
ElliottArthur Gborn about 1937
ElliottB L Srborn about 1885
ElliottCarie Eborn about 1932
ElliottCleveland born about 1923
ElliottEmma born about 1924
ElliottG Wilson Dborn about 1918
ElliottGeorgia born about 1921
ElliottHattie born about 1873
ElliottJessie born about 1915
ElliottLouis Lborn about 1906
ElliottMaggie Mborn about 1935
ElliottMinnie born about 1882
ElliottNancie Aborn about 1938
ElliottO Bborn about 1905
ElliottO B Jrborn about 1935
EllisAdria Maeborn about 1939
EllisBen born about 1865
EllisEdward Fborn about 1938
EllisGeorge born about 1930
EllisHattie Mborn about 1919
EllisJohn Lborn about 1937
EllisMabel born about 1892
EllisMarie born about 1889
EllisMary born about 1912
EllisMendozia born about 1935
EllisPowell W Cborn about 1881
EllisR born about 1904
ElyGracie born about 1931
ElyJames born about 1928
EppsSue born about 1901
EppsWillie born about 1868
EthelRuth born about 1932
EzsoAubrey born about 1902
EzsoDavid born about 1929
EzsoEarnest Dborn about 1932
EzsoJohn Wborn about 1938
EzsoM Ireneborn about 1934
EzsoM Mauriceborn about 1931
EzsoMarion Cborn about 1928
EzsoMartha born about 1904
EzsoPartheny Vborn about 1935
EzzellFay Dborn about 1940
EzzellMamie born about 1919
EzzellShirley Aborn about 1938
EzzellVictor Hborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FacklerBernice born about 1939
FacklerHoward born about 1913
FacklerJames born about 1922
FacklerMyrtle born about 1916
FacklerSarah Robertsborn about 1910
FacklerWillard Hborn about 1915
FacklerWilliam born about 1937
FaganJohn ?born about 1887
FaganJosephin born about 1892
FaganLeonard born about 1914
FagensCad born about 1853
FagensClaris born about 1861
FagensGlades Eborn about 1931
FagensJohn Eborn about 1934
FarlessHellen born about 1867
FeganArmston born about 1875
FenchMary Oborn about 1869
FieldCleo born about 1927
FieldGladys born about 1929
FieldNancy born about 1925
FieldSebastian born about 1892
FieldThelma born about 1930
Fields??? born about 1923
FieldsA Bborn about 1873
FieldsAlfred Lborn about 1938
FieldsBettie born about 1939
FieldsDavid born about 1929
FieldsDoris Lborn about 1891
FieldsDorthy born about 1932
FieldsDosie Leeborn about 1925
FieldsEddie born about 1889
FieldsEdith born about 1894
FieldsElizabeth born about 1917
FieldsElmore born about 1923
FieldsGeorge born about 1905
FieldsGeorge born about 1925
FieldsGladys born about 1931
FieldsGracie born about 1928
FieldsHattie born about 1904
FieldsHester born about 1921
FieldsHillard Gborn about 1928
FieldsJames born about 1916
FieldsJames born about 1917
FieldsJames born about 1923
FieldsJames Jr born about 1939
FieldsJay?ious born about
FieldsJessie born about 1919
FieldsJulia born about 1875
FieldsJulia born about 1933
FieldsJulia Mborn about 1938
FieldsLaura born about 1928
FieldsLillian born about 1923
FieldsLizzie born about 1896
FieldsLouise born about 1925
FieldsMarie born about 1917
FieldsMattie born about 1926
FieldsMay Fborn about 1936
FieldsRandolph born about 1937
FieldsSarah born about 1922
FieldsSussie born about 1933
FieldsTom born about 1918
FieldsVerlia born about 1932
FieldsViola born about 1914
FieldsWarren born about 1934
FieldsWashington born about 1879
FieldsWilliam Tborn about 1930
FieldsWilson born about 1921
FinchA Tborn about 1885
FinchAndrew born about 1926
FinchAnna Jborn about 1911
FinchCamp born about 1928
FinchCharley Eborn about 1877
FinchClaude Rborn about 1939
FinchCleveland born about 1924
FinchDean born about 1914
FinchEdward Wborn about 1927
FinchElizabeth born about 1925
FinchGilbert born about 1921
FinchHardy born about 1890
FinchHelen born about 1917
FinchJames Mborn about 1926
FinchJoe born about 1886
FinchKenneth born about 1919
FinchLouise born about 1897
FinchLucy born about 1923
FinchMeredith born about 1934
FinchNellie born about 1931
FinchRobert Hborn about 1936
FinchRosa born about 1919
FinchRoy Kborn about 1929
FinchSarah Fborn about 1892
FinchThomas born about 1919
FinchThomas Jr born about 1937
FinchWilliam Rborn about 1908
FranklinRose Bborn about 1939

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G Surnames

GageFrank Cborn about 1884
GageKate Bborn about 1888
GammonMattie born about 1879
GammonW Fborn about 1889
GarkinsBen Fborn about 1928
GarkinsEdward Bborn about 1930
GarkinsJeneva born about 1934
GarkinsMaggie Mborn about 1890
GarkinsRobert Mborn about 1911
GarkinsSadie born about 1919
GarkinsThomas Jborn about 1925
GarkinsWilliam Hborn about 1923
GarkinsWilliam Rborn about 1873
GeorgeLena born about 1939
GeorgeLua born about 1936
GibbinCornigia born about 1922
GibbinGeneral born about 1876
GibbinHattie born about 1926
GibbinJames born about 1920
GibbinMae born about 1924
GibbinsClarence born about 1928
GibbinsElgia born about 1916
GibbinsElsie born about 1937
GibbinsLouise born about 1916
GibbinsMary born about 1867
GibbinsSylvia Sborn about 1938
Gibbs??? Eborn about 1927
GibbsDenton born about 1932
GibbsJames Nborn about 1923
GibbsJoe Lborn about 1925
GibbsMarie Bborn about 1930
GibbsVictoria born about 1891
GibbsonMary Fborn about 1864
GilesKatie born about 1900
GillayClarence born about 1907
GillayJohn Wborn about 1878
GillayNettie born about 1888
GillisFred born about 1905
GillisLizzie born about 1874
GillisVirginia born about 1909
GlidewellC Nborn about 1880
GlidewellD Wborn about 1879
GlidewellElizabeth born about 1882
GlidewellJ Jueyborn about 1939
GlidwellEdith born about 1910
GlidwellJ Lborn about 1877
GlidwellLee born about 1908
GodneyEdward born about 1917
GoldsberryAdell born about 1930
GoldsberryBen born about 1933
GoldsberryBennie born about 1882
GoldsberryCalvin born about 1938
GoldsberryCharley born about 1930
GoldsberryClarie Lborn about 1939
GoldsberryClifton Fborn about 1938
GoldsberryCr??? born about 1913
GoldsberryElnora born about 1887
GoldsberryHortance born about 1926
GoldsberryJohn born about 1928
GoldsberryLelia born about 1921
GoldsberryLona born about 1923
GoldsberryLucile born about 1913
GoldsberryLucille born about 1919
GoldsberryMaggie born about 1936
GoldsberryMinnie born about 1891
GoldsberryNathan born about 1885
GoldsberryRosa born about 1934
GoldsberrySussie born about 1932
GoldsburryAla born about 1936
GoldsburryAlberta born about 1892
GoldsburryAnnis born about 1925
GoldsburryCarrie born about 1928
GoldsburryClarence born about 1913
GoldsburryDavid born about 1923
GoldsburryDorithy born about 1929
GoldsburryEarly born about 1920
GoldsburryGertude born about 1939
GoldsburryH Ethelborn about 1932
GoldsburryHellen born about 1917
GoldsburryJohn born about 1924
GoldsburryJosie born about 1899
GoldsburryLeroy born about 1928
GoldsburryLilian born about 1922
GoldsburryLilly Mborn about 1930
GoldsburryLouise born about 1931
GoldsburryMay born about 1934
GoldsburryMorton born about 1898
GoldsburryOllie Dborn about 1924
GoldsburryThey?nis born about 1927
GoodmanJohny born about 1875
GoodmanMary born about 1876
GoodmanMolly born about 1878
GoodwynGeorge born about 1885
GoodwynGeorge born about 1923
GoodwynJames born about 1932
GoodwynNancy born about 1900
GoodwynShirley Mborn about 1936
GordeEzell born about 1929
GordonAlia Bborn about 1893
GordonCharles Rborn about 1914
GordonJ Rborn about 1884
GordonRichard Aborn about 1923
GouldenBobbie Jborn about 1934
GouldenCarl born about 1918
GouldenDaniel Aborn about 1882
GouldenDora Cborn about 1925
GouldenElsie Bborn about 1927
GouldenJessie Oborn about 1889
GouldenLucy born about 1923
GouldenRicahrd Oborn about 1919
GrantCarolyn born about 1939
GrantElmer born about 1920
Graves?nindland Cborn about 1939
GravesAmanda Eborn about 1925
GravesAndie born about 1888
GravesAnjie born about 1925
GravesAnnie Gborn about 1898
GravesCalvin born about 1927
GravesEdith Bborn about 1900
GravesEloise born about 1921
GravesHerman born about 1904
GravesHerman Hborn about 1926
GravesHubert born about 1888
GravesJames born about 1929
GravesJames Hborn about 1876
GravesJoehe born about 1923
GravesJohn Rborn about 1875
GravesLucell Lborn about 1923
GravesMack Jr born about 1936
GravesMark born about 1908
GravesMary born about 1892
GravesMary Rborn about 1932
GravesNannie born about 1918
GravesOra born about 1908
GravesOra Oborn about 1934
GravesPondora born about 1937
GravesSusie born about 1882
GravesWilliam Hborn about 1873
GreenAddie born about 1898
GreenEdward born about 1922
GreenHellen born about 1922
GreenLeni born about 1926
GreenMaggie Lborn about 1939
GreenMaude born about 1924
GreenMay born about 1934
GreenNorman born about 1919
GreenRebecca born about 1937
GreenRichard born about 1899
GreenRobert born about 1919
GreenSidner born about 1928
GreenWesley born about 1921
GunnBessie born about 1911
GunnClaud Wborn about 1901
GunnHarold born about 1938
GunnKenneth born about 1936
GunnLeonard born about 1934
GunnLewis born about 1939
GunnVade Wborn about 1932
GwensHarriet Mborn about 1908
GwensRessie Wborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagoodFrank born about 1889
HaleGeorge Lborn about 1918
HaleGeorge Mborn about 1892
HaleI O Quintonborn about 1926
HaleJoel born about 1862
HaleRuby Bborn about 1920
HaleRuby Mborn about 1890
HaleWilliam born about 1906
HallAlice Mborn about 1930
HallCarie Ruthborn about 1925
HallCarrie Fborn about 1906
HallElizabeth born about 1922
HallEmmett born about 1917
HallEster Mborn about 1939
HallGeorge born about 1926
HallHenry Tborn about 1929
HallIrine born about 1927
HallJames born about 1934
HallJames Mborn about 1923
HallJosie born about 1895
HallMae born about 1936
HallMary Leeborn about 1923
HallMatterson born about 1872
HallPeter born about 1896
HallPreston born about 1928
HallRichard Leeborn about 1938
HallVirginia born about 1918
HalliganLola Dborn about 1882
HallowayAddie Jborn about 1897
HallowayBernard Tborn about 1892
HallowayElla Hallaborn about 1913
HallowayEmma Leeborn about 1924
HallowayHazel Dborn about 1928
HallowayHerman Leeborn about 1939
HallowayJohn Aborn about 1936
HallowayKenneth born about 1911
HallowayLouise born about 1933
HallowayMae born about 1900
HallowayMaggie Lborn about 1926
HallowayRandal Hborn about 1921
HallowayRobert born about 1938
HallowayThelma born about 1931
HallowayWilliam Hborn about 1900
HankinEmma born about 1864
HapsonBetha born about 1890
HapsonDavis born about 1927
HapsonElic Pearlborn about 1922
HapsonLuther born about 1919
HapsonRobert born about 1918
HapsonWilliam born about 1885
HarmanDorothy born about 1919
HarmanDr W Cborn about 1877
HarmanJessie Cborn about 1886
HarrisCalvin born about 1925
HarrisCarter born about 1934
HarrisEugene born about 1923
HarrisG Freemanborn about 1897
HarrisLouellen born about 1869
HarrisLouise born about 1903
HarrisNancy born about 1927
HarrisonAgnes Mborn about 1902
HarrisonAlbert born about 1922
HarrisonAlma born about 1930
HarrisonAnnie born about 1896
HarrisonBarbara born about 1934
HarrisonBetty born about 1875
HarrisonBobby Lborn about 1934
HarrisonCarrie born about 1904
HarrisonCharley Cborn about 1922
HarrisonCharlie born about 1927
HarrisonClevland born about 1931
HarrisonCora born about 1926
HarrisonDandy born about 1890
HarrisonDennis Jborn about 1932
HarrisonElnora born about 1919
HarrisonFlorence born about 1912
HarrisonFrances born about 1926
HarrisonFrederick born about 1930
HarrisonGertie born about 1895
HarrisonHarvey Oborn about 1929
HarrisonIda born about 1877
HarrisonJ Mborn about 1905
HarrisonJames born about 1902
HarrisonJames born about 1915
HarrisonJames born about 1937
HarrisonJames Fborn about 1928
HarrisonJames Leeborn about 1936
HarrisonJames Jr born about 1939
HarrisonJessie Sborn about 1923
HarrisonJewel Mborn about 1924
HarrisonJohn Gborn about 1875
HarrisonKit born about 1893
HarrisonKit Jr born about 1934
HarrisonMary born about 1896
HarrisonMattie born about 1932
HarrisonMaude born about 1924
HarrisonMildred born about 1924
HarrisonMissouri born about 1928
HarrisonMoses born about 1925
HarrisonMyrtle born about 1902
HarrisonNoreathers* born about 1939
HarrisonOliver born about 1926
HarrisonPaul born about 1920
HarrisonPaul born about 1923
HarrisonRoy born about 1912
HarrisonRuby born about 1929
HarrisonSylvia born about 1865
HarrisonTommy born about 1881
HarrisonVirginia born about 1938
HarrisonVoilet born about 1928
HarrisonWilliam born about 1937
HarrisonWilliams Hborn about 1932
HarrisonWillis born about 1906
HawkinsA Aborn about 1911
HawkinsAlwoyer* Tborn about 1937
HawkinsAubrey born about 1903
HawkinsC Bborn about 1901
HawkinsDorithy Gborn about 1930
HawkinsElla Wborn about 1877
HawkinsElsie Mborn about 1934
HawkinsIndie born about 1909
HawkinsJohn Cborn about 1940
HawkinsM Christineborn about 1928
HawkinsMabel Gborn about 1907
HawkinsMargaret Aborn about 1929
HawkinsMary Aborn about 1912
HawkinsMary Fborn about 1939
HawthornEugene Sueborn about 1912
HawthornLouise Mborn about 1919
HawthornMary Fborn about 1940
HaxwellClaudie Mborn about 1931
HaxwellRichard Lborn about 1935
HendrickGeorge born about 1939
HendrickLaw?? born about 1918
HendrickPearl born about 1921
HicksAlma born about 1934
HicksAlvin born about 1935
HicksBenjaman born about 1927
HicksDot born about 1932
HicksFloyd born about 1913
HicksFrances born about 1925
HicksHerbert born about 1920
HicksHester born about 1933
HicksIda born about 1904
HicksJoe born about 1887
HicksJohn born about 1931
HicksLevi born about 1929
HicksMaggie Louiseborn about 1929
HicksMary born about 1926
HicksOlibia born about 1931
HicksRebecca born about 1927
HicksRobert born about 1870
HicksRobert born about 1906
HicksRuth born about 1928
HicksTherodore born about 1934
HicksThomas born about 1918
HicksVirgie born about 1891
HicksWilliam born about 1905
HicksWillie born about 1886
HightowerBarbara born about 1931
HillAnna born about 1934
HillEdward born about 1921
HillEtta born about 1888
HillFrances born about 1924
HillHester born about 1901
HillIda Mborn about 1922
HillJessie born about 1924
HillJohn born about 1922
HillJohnston born about 1885
HillJohnston Jr born about 1913
HillMable born about 1929
HillMalunder born about 1891
HillMelvin born about 1932
HillRashell born about 1895
HillRichard born about 1892
HillRichard Jborn about 1931
HillRobert born about 1926
HillSam born about 1917
HillThelma Leeborn about 1926
HillVirginia born about 1937
HillWebster born about 1900
HillWillie born about 1931
HollowayBeth born about 1917
HollowayElizabeth born about 1893
HollowayJoyce born about 1922
HollowaySarah born about 1925
HollowayShirley born about 1927
HopsonSarah born about 1914
House??? Nborn about 1918
HouseFrances Kborn about 1920
HouseGarland born about 1904
HouseLillie born about 1888
HouseMary born about 1905
HouseMinnie born about 1881
HouseMinnie Mborn about 1923
HouseR Cborn about 1918
HouseT Sborn about 1877
HouseThomas born about 1920
HouseWallace born about 1922
HowertonAnnie Bborn about 1898
HowertonBetty Jborn about 1932
HowertonElwood born about 1923
HowertonGeorge Dborn about 1895
HubbardC Bborn about 1916
HubbardNancie Lborn about 1938
HubbardVirginia Leeborn about 1938
HuckstepMaude Mrs born about 1880
HuntWillie born about 1930
HuskeyCharley born about 1923
HuskeyChristine born about 1939
HuskeyGeorge Iborn about 1869
HuskeyJemmie born about 1918
HuskeyMae born about 1920
HuskeySarah born about 1888
HydeF B Mrsborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramFredrick born about 1925

J Surnames

JacksonAde?? born about 1937
JacksonAlbert born about 1877
JacksonBurnice born about 1932
JacksonCleo born about 1931
JacksonCollins born about 1890
JacksonElizabeth born about 1923
JacksonEtta born about 1871
JacksonEugene born about 1916
JacksonEugene born about 1939
JacksonEuora born about 1934
JacksonFrances Mborn about 1892
JacksonGarfield born about 1938
JacksonHattie born about 1883
JacksonIda born about 1918
JacksonJames born about 1935
JacksonJames Dborn about 1922
JacksonJohn Pborn about 1911
JacksonKit born about 1930
JacksonLelo? born about 1939
JacksonLiliy* born about 1910
JacksonLouise born about 1895
JacksonMable born about 1921
JacksonMaggie born about 1914
JacksonMargaret Hborn about 1917
JacksonMary Nborn about 1894
JacksonMolly Leeborn about 1935
JacksonPaul born about 1871
JacksonSamuel Bborn about 1920
JacksonSelest born about 1923
JacksonTimoty born about 1910
JacksonTom born about 1925
JacksonWilliam Eborn about 1888
JajcksonAbert born about 1929
JajcksonCarrie born about 1927
JajcksonEarly Leeborn about 1935
JajcksonElmer born about 1929
JajcksonGeorge born about 1905
JajcksonNettie born about 1910
JajcksonWillie Rborn about 1937
JallyMartha born about 1900
JallyThomas born about 1890
JamesAgnes born about 1890
JamesJoe born about 1890
JeffersonJames born about 1898
JeffersonJoanna born about 1880
JeffersonLouise born about 1915
JohnAnnie Bborn about 1892
JohnsonJack born about 1875
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1858
JohnsonJone Lborn about 1929
JohnsonJoseph Rborn about 1866
JohnsonJossie Lborn about 1897
JohnsonKathren Gborn about 1925
JohnsonLena Bborn about 1901
JohnsonLena Lborn about 1929
JohnsonLewis Rborn about 1900
JohnsonWilliam Hborn about 1887
JohnsonWilliam Oborn about 1868
JohnstonBenjamin born about 1922
JohnstonBertha Eborn about 1932
JohnstonBessie born about 1936
JohnstonBetty Eborn about 1892
JohnstonChristine Cborn about 1931
JohnstonClara Rborn about 1930
JohnstonDorothy Mborn about 1934
JohnstonEtta Rborn about 1902
JohnstonFank born about 1877
JohnstonFrances born about 1880
JohnstonGracie born about 1930
JohnstonJohn Aborn about 1928
JohnstonJohn Bborn about 1896
JohnstonJohn Bborn about 1933
JohnstonJohn Tborn about 1924
JohnstonJosie born about 1910
JohnstonKathrine born about 1935
JohnstonLinwood E Jborn about 1938
JohnstonLinwood Mborn about 1914
JohnstonLovenia born about 1928
JohnstonMary Eborn about 1929
JohnstonMell born about 1905
JohnstonNathaniel born about 1922
JohnstonPharah born about 1938
JohnstonRena Eborn about 1913
JohnstonRichard born about 1897
JohnstonRichard Hborn about 1924
JohnstonRuth Oborn about 1934
JohnstonSally born about 1939
JohnstonSarah Mborn about 1890
JohnstonThomas born about 1894
JohnstonThomas born about 1900
JohnstonWillie Cborn about 1926
JolleyL Lborn about 1871
JolleyLois born about 1898
JollieFrank born about 1892
JollieFrank Eborn about 1912
JollieHannibal born about 1890
JollyJack born about 1886
JonesAbedih Wborn about 1921
JonesAlfred born about 1936
JonesAlgalvester* born about 1939
JonesAmelia born about 1934
JonesAnne born about 1939
JonesAnnie born about 1936
JonesAnnie Sueborn about 1939
JonesAuston Jborn about 1904
JonesBeatrice born about 1931
JonesBennie Sborn about 1937
JonesCarlton born about 1923
JonesCatherline born about 1927
JonesCliabone* born about 1910
JonesClioham* born about 1938
JonesDavid born about 1901
JonesDollie Bborn about 1893
JonesDora Aborn about 1929
JonesDossie born about 1924
JonesEarl born about 1922
JonesEddie Gborn about 1918
JonesEdith Uborn about 1935
JonesEdward born about 1926
JonesElizabeth born about 1932
JonesElla Rborn about 1936
JonesEthel Mborn about 1898
JonesEula born about 1919
JonesEunice Rborn about 1936
JonesEva born about 1917
JonesEverett born about 1927
JonesFrank born about 1920
JonesFred born about 1869
JonesFred born about 1916
JonesFred born about 1939
JonesFrederick born about 1918
JonesFrederick born about 1928
JonesGeorge born about 1890
JonesGeorge born about 1918
JonesGeorge Lborn about 1939
JonesGeorgie born about 1891
JonesGertrude Hborn about 1925
JonesGracie Maeborn about 1919
JonesHarold born about 1912
JonesHazel born about 1923
JonesHorace born about 1922
JonesHoward Jr born about
JonesIda born about 1919
JonesIda Mborn about 1932
JonesIdela born about 1930
JonesIrine born about 1926
JonesJames born about 1886
JonesJames born about 1937
JonesJames Jr born about 1921
JonesJeneva born about 1918
JonesJessie born about 1893
JonesJessie born about 1928
JonesJohn born about 1925
JonesJohn Qborn about 1934
JonesKay born about 1882
JonesKieth born about 1895
JonesKrenni Bborn about 1882
JonesLawrence born about 1902
JonesLawrence born about 1925
JonesLeone born about 1917
JonesLilia born about 1916
JonesLillie born about 1901
JonesLoretta born about 1933
JonesLottie born about 1896
JonesLoucille born about 1916
JonesLouise born about 1885
JonesLouise born about 1916
JonesLouise born about 1917
JonesLula Wborn about 1899
JonesLulie born about 1904
JonesMable born about 1924
JonesMable born about 1933
JonesMalery born about 1912
JonesMaley Jr born about 1936
JonesMaria born about 1910
JonesMarion born about 1921
JonesMarion born about 1932
JonesMartha born about 1899
JonesMarvin Dborn about 1923
JonesMaryland born about 1927
JonesMattie born about 1918
JonesMattie Sborn about 1926
JonesMelvin born about
JonesMillie born about 1840
JonesMinnie born about 1888
JonesMinnie born about 1915
JonesNora born about 1893
JonesNorman born about 1922
JonesNudham Wborn about 1928
JonesPearl born about 1924
JonesPearl born about 1925
JonesPeggy born about 1930
JonesPrecilla born about 1873
JonesRachiel born about 1919
JonesRichard Hborn about 1881
JonesRichard Jr born about 1919
JonesRobert born about 1884
JonesRobert born about 1893
JonesRobert born about 1905
JonesRobert born about 1920
JonesRobert born about 1927
JonesRobert Leeborn about 1930
JonesRosa born about 1894
JonesRuffin born about 1928
JonesRuth born about 1922
JonesSadie born about 1910
JonesSadie born about 1936
JonesSally Aborn about 1927
JonesSamuel born about 1911
JonesSarah born about 1921
JonesSoloman born about 1924
JonesSussie born about 1881
JonesTilman born about 1922
JonesViney born about 1875
JonesVitinia* born about 1931
JonesW Cborn about 1930
JonesWalker born about 1919
JonesWatty* born about 1910
JonesWilliam born about 1870
JonesWilliam born about 1890
JonesWilliam born about 1916
JonesWilliam Jr born about 1938
JonesWilliam Jr born about 1939
JonesWillie born about 1880
JonesWillie born about 1919
JonesWillie Lborn about 1921
JonesWillie Sborn about 1936
JonesWyche Bettieborn about 1853

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyAlice Cborn about 1880
KellyJoseph Eborn about 1869
KingBilly born about 1928
KingEdna Sborn about 1917
KingJames Cborn about 1919
KingJames Hborn about 1894
KingKester born about 1922
KingMinnie Lborn about 1894
KnightMalten born about 1903
KnightWilliam born about 1900
KnoxBenjiman born about 1936
KnoxCarrie Lborn about 1926
KnoxElla born about 1912
KnoxGeorge born about 1922
KnoxHebert born about 1929
KnoxJames born about 1937
KnoxLouise born about 1921
KnoxNick born about 1919
KnoxRosa born about 1928
KnoxRosvelt born about 1924
KnoxSula born about 1930
KnoxThersa born about 1913
KnoxWilliam Hborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambetEdward Bborn about 1928
LambetFannie Lborn about 1930
LambetFlorence born about 1925
LambetJames born about 1900
LambetJames Jborn about 1923
LambetMary Aliceborn about 1926
LampkinGrant born about 1875
LampkinIda born about 1890
LampkinJohn Hborn about 1916
LampkinRussell born about 1923
LampkinWillie born about 1873
LanDorothea born about 1936
LanElsie Leeborn about 1938
LanLewis Leviborn about 1910
LanMamie born about 1915
LashleyAmos born about 1933
LashleyFlordie born about 1901
LashleyGuy born about 1895
LashleyLinwood born about 1931
LashleyMelvin born about 1929
LashleyWilliam born about 1934
LaweLarry born about 1925
LaweLillie born about 1899
LaweR?in W Jrborn about 1930
LaweRoy born about 1929
LaweRvin Wborn about 1897
LeeRobert Eborn about 1875
LeeSallie born about 1880
LeeVirginia born about 1938
LewisAllen Mborn about 1921
LewisAnderson born about 1926
LewisBeatrice born about 1921
LewisC Lawrenceborn about 1910
LewisCalvin born about 1926
LewisCenton Lborn about 1883
LewisCharles born about 1927
LewisDorothy Mborn about 1936
LewisEdward born about 1916
LewisEdward Dborn about 1939
LewisElizabeth born about 1918
LewisElla born about 1902
LewisElla Lborn about 1932
LewisElma born about 1901
LewisEvon born about 1937
LewisFrancis born about 1918
LewisGlenlie* born about 1918
LewisHattie born about 1926
LewisHaywood born about 1917
LewisHelen born about 1928
LewisHerbert Jborn about 1892
LewisJames born about 1924
LewisJohn Cborn about 1922
LewisJohnston born about 1921
LewisJonnie born about 1900
LewisKathrin born about 1924
LewisLester born about 1918
LewisLillian born about 1898
LewisLoucile born about 1926
LewisMarid born about 1927
LewisMarjora born about 1915
LewisMarshell born about 1918
LewisMartha born about 1883
LewisMartha born about 1927
LewisMary born about 1923
LewisMary born about 1927
LewisMoses Jr born about 1910
LewisOdel born about 1931
LewisOtelia born about 1903
LewisPearl Romayborn about 1899
LewisRebecca born about 1886
LewisRobert born about 1929
LewisRosa born about 1887
LewisRuby born about 1934
LewisRuth born about 1918
LewisSalli Mborn about 1924
LewisSarah born about 1923
LewisShirley born about 1930
LewisVirginia born about 1922
LewisVirginia Dborn about 1939
LewisW Hborn about 1921
LewisWade born about 1891
LewisWalter born about 1885
LewisWilliam born about 1875
LewisWilliam Gborn about 1919
LewisWilliam Sborn about 1930
LewisWilliam Jr born about 1932
LewisWillie born about 1921
LinkCarlton born about 1925
LinkGean born about 1937
LinkMaude born about 1928
LinkOnie born about 1891
LinkW Bborn about 1890
LoneMay Cborn about 1937
LonePauline born about 1935
LoneWalter born about 1914
LoneWalter Jborn about 1938
LoucasSoloman born about 1936
LucasFlorence born about 1938
LucasGladdie born about 1939
LucasMalvin born about 1936
LucasRobert born about 1913
LucasVirginia born about 1919
LuckerAshton born about 1903
LuckerCarrie Bborn about 1910
LuckerGeorge born about 1929
LucyA Eborn about 1878
LucyAlbert Wborn about 1893
LucyAlice born about 1920
LucyAlvin born about 1927
LucyAnne born about 1928
LucyArthur born about 1911
LucyAudey Pageborn about 1933
LucyBenjiman born about 1918
LucyBunard Wborn about 1939
LucyByrd born about 1911
LucyCarleton born about 1936
LucyCarlton born about 1932
LucyChristane born about 1930
LucyDarithy Janeborn about 1929
LucyDorothy Sborn about 1921
LucyE Haroldborn about 1924
LucyE Kborn about 1891
LucyEdith Mborn about 1925
LucyElizabeth born about 1913
LucyElla Mborn about 1932
LucyElna born about 1925
LucyElsie born about 1930
LucyElva Cborn about 1911
LucyEmory Hborn about 1937
LucyEra born about 1891
LucyEra Jborn about 1924
LucyEtta Lauborn about 1926
LucyFrances born about 1930
LucyGrace Nborn about 1896
LucyH Dborn about 1883
LucyHelma Eborn about 1921
LucyIndie born about 1914
LucyJ Cborn about 1906
LucyJ C Jrborn about 1935
LucyJ Wborn about 1884
LucyJames born about 1912
LucyJames Cborn about 1938
LucyJanet Rareborn about 1927
LucyJennie Eborn about 1902
LucyJohn born about 1921
LucyJohn Kborn about 1895
LucyJoice Leeborn about 1936
LucyJoseph Hborn about 1939
LucyKatherleen born about 1926
LucyKathlin born about 1923
LucyKenieth born about 1922
LucyLeland born about 1895
LucyLewis Wborn about 1918
LucyLucille born about 1927
LucyMable born about 1916
LucyMalcolm born about 1935
LucyMargaret born about 1919
LucyMarie born about 1933
LucyMartha Aborn about 1938
LucyMary Cborn about 1895
LucyMaxie born about 1924
LucyMildred born about 1912
LucyMurtis Sborn about 1904
LucyNancie Sueborn about 1934
LucyNellie born about 1934
LucyR Lborn about 1890
LucyRobert Eborn about 1913
LucyRuby born about 1914
LucyRuth born about 1882
LucySallie born about 1896
LucyShirley born about 1936
LucyShittors born about 1920
LucyStetson born about 1914
LucySusie Jborn about 1870
LucyThelma born about 1905
LucyWelford Jr born about 1932
LucyWilliam Fborn about 1886
LucyWilliam Tborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabeCharley born about 1904
MabeCharley Jr born about 1934
MabeM??? born about 1923
MabePaul born about 1929
MabePearly born about 1908
MabeWilliam born about 1925
MackeyWilliam born about 1891
MacklinAnnie Bborn about 1936
MacklinBoma born about 1930
MacklinHilton born about 1927
MacklinJohn Hborn about 1891
MacklinJosie born about 1895
MacklinLilly born about 1910
MacklinLora Mborn about 1881
MacklinLouise born about 1922
MacklinMinnie born about 1925
MacklinNathaniel Pborn about 1870
MacklinWillie born about 1908
MacklinWillie Jr born about 1939
MaclinCharles born about 1923
MaclinHilton born about 1904
MaclinTheodore born about 1906
MaclinWillie born about 1888
MafflandJohn Hborn about 1870
MafflandSarah Hborn about 1910
Maitland??? born about 1922
MaitlandAndrew born about 1926
MaitlandBertha Gborn about 1932
MaitlandCora born about 1916
MaitlandEdna Gborn about 1910
MaitlandFrancis Mborn about 1929
MaitlandGladys Mborn about 1937
MaitlandHebert Lborn about 1936
MaitlandHester born about 1897
MaitlandHugh born about 1890
MaitlandJames born about 1930
MaitlandLina born about 1906
MaitlandLinda Leeborn about 1924
MaitlandLinwood Cborn about 1900
MaitlandLinwood C Jrborn about 1927
MaitlandMilton born about 1905
MaitlandOlis born about 1917
MaitlandPrince Eborn about 1933
MaitlandWalter Lborn about 1939
MaitlandWilliam Eborn about 1909
MaitlandWilliam Eborn about 1930
MallenThomas born about 1866
MalleryMilton born about 1921
MalloneFrances Aborn about 1939
MalloneGeorge born about 1910
MalloneGeorge Jborn about 1935
MalloneHenry born about 1870
MalloneHester born about 1934
MalloneMary Mborn about 1912
MalloryAnnie born about 1906
MalloryBillie Bborn about 1926
MalloryFannie born about 1932
MalloryGeorge born about 1935
MalloryLee Grantborn about 1930
MalloryMary born about 1924
MalloryMinnie born about 1899
MalloryPaul born about 1897
MalloryRuffin born about 1887
MalloryViola born about 1929
MalloryVirginia born about 1937
MalloyJane born about 1861
MalloyMollie born about 1910
MalloyPeter born about 1913
MalloyStmen born about 1864
MaloneAda born about 1890
MaloneAnnie Pborn about 1937
MaloneBallard born about 1918
MaloneBurnice born about 1914
MaloneC Eborn about 1887
MaloneCarl born about 1929
MaloneCharley born about 1923
MaloneCleaton born about 1913
MaloneEarnest born about 1934
MaloneEdith born about 1926
MaloneEffie born about 1899
MaloneElnora born about 1894
MaloneEstell born about 1931
MaloneEthel born about 1919
MaloneEva born about 1929
MaloneGarland Leeborn about 1937
MaloneGeorge Aborn about 1914
MaloneIrine born about 1928
MaloneLeroy born about 1931
MaloneLilia born about 1926
MaloneMamie born about 1930
MaloneMinnie born about 1924
MaloneMont born about 1887
MaloneNediem* born about 1930
MalonePaul born about 1917
MaloneRaymon born about 1925
MaloneRichard born about 1914
MaloneS Maeborn about 1918
MaloneTempy born about 1922
MaloneTheardre born about 1919
MaloneWade born about 1936
MaloneWillie born about 1934
MaloneWinston born about 1916
MaloneyEmmett born about 1883
MaloneyEmmett Jr born about 1918
MaloneyMattie born about 1892
MansonCelia born about 1868
MansonFred born about 1871
MansonJoe born about 1907
MansonSoleka born about 1917
MarkHenry born about 1915
MarsGeorge born about 1923
MarsLula born about 1898
MarsPeter born about 1926
MarsTom born about 1927
MarsVirginia born about 1924
MarsWillie born about 1895
MartinAndrew Lborn about 1902
MartinAnne born about 1929
MartinCalvin Dborn about 1926
MartinClarence Mborn about 1923
MartinEsther Lborn about 1931
MartinEthel Jborn about 1929
MartinGeorge Eborn about 1935
MartinHelen Dborn about 1931
MartinMary Fborn about 1903
MartinMary Sborn about 1891
MartinRichard Dborn about 1924
MartinWallis Hborn about 1937
MartinWilber E Jrborn about 1933
MartinWilliam Eborn about 1886
MartinsCarrie Fborn about 1926
MartinsCarrier Fborn about 1894
MartinsJohn Hborn about 1888
MartinsWilliam Aborn about 1919
MasonAdelina born about 1900
MasonAden Belleborn about 1937
MasonAgnes Gborn about 1931
MasonAlbert Mborn about 1925
MasonChristian born about 1938
MasonEarnest Bborn about 1932
MasonEthel Mborn about 1928
MasonFlorence Cborn about 1897
MasonGeorge born about 1926
MasonHardy Bborn about 1890
MasonJessie Lborn about 1940
MasonJohn Aborn about 1933
MasonLawrence Bborn about 1921
MasonMaggie Jborn about 1930
MasonPinkie Cborn about 1860
MasonRichard born about 1884
MasonRichard Leeborn about 1916
MasonWilliam Hborn about 1935
MasonWillie born about 1910
MatlandCelia born about 1894
MatlandCharles Pborn about 1929
MatlandMonne Gborn about 1926
MatlandTred born about
MatlandWilbur Lborn about 1891
MaysAgnes Bborn about 1892
MaysAlice born about 1931
MaysAlice Dborn about 1940
MaysAlzera born about 1903
MaysAndrew Lborn about 1923
MaysAnna born about 1933
MaysAnnie born about 1935
MaysAnnie Bborn about 1933
MaysArminta born about 1921
MaysArthur Leeborn about 1914
MaysBessie born about 1925
MaysBlanche born about 1904
MaysBurnel born about 1917
MaysC Leroyborn about 1938
MaysCarmel born about 1921
MaysCatherline born about 1929
MaysCharlie born about 1893
MaysCla?bone born about 1895
MaysClarb??? Jr born about 1926
MaysClaud born about 1927
MaysColonel born about 1879
MaysCornelia born about 1868
MaysCornelia born about 1929
MaysCornia Eborn about 1937
MaysDavid born about 1936
MaysDoretha born about 1937
MaysEarnest born about 1906
MaysEarnest Jr born about 1934
MaysEmber born about 1912
MaysEmber Jr born about 1938
MaysEmily Rborn about 1890
MaysEmma Bborn about 1927
MaysEthel Lborn about 1925
MaysEulia born about 1909
MaysFlo??? born about 1922
MaysFlorence Eborn about 1921
MaysFranklin Maeborn about 1937
MaysFreddie born about 1916
MaysGeorge born about 1876
MaysGilbert born about 1920
MaysGoode born about 1895
MaysGracie born about 1894
MaysGuritude born about 1926
MaysHarriel born about 1922
MaysHebert born about 1901
MaysHebert Lborn about 1916
MaysHelena born about 1930
MaysHenrata born about 1903
MaysHenretta born about 1890
MaysHobert born about 1901
MaysHobert Jr born about 1925
MaysIda Leeborn about 1934
MaysJames born about 1931
MaysJames Aborn about 1929
MaysJessie born about 1891
MaysJoe born about 1936
MaysJohn born about 1886
MaysJohn Hborn about 1938
MaysJohn Mborn about 1911
MaysJohn Tborn about 1921
MaysJulia born about 1902
MaysJulia A Mapsborn about 1918
MaysKate Eborn about 1936
MaysLambert born about 1887
MaysLelia born about 1890
MaysLeonard born about 1900
MaysLewis born about 1913
MaysLewis Jborn about 1935
MaysMable born about 1923
MaysMarie born about 1938
MaysMattie Sueborn about 1927
MaysMaude born about 1925
MaysMelvin Sborn about 1934
MaysNancie born about 1922
MaysNancy born about 1915
MaysNancy Eborn about 1939
MaysNig* Rborn about 1939
MaysNorman born about 1921
MaysNotie Bborn about 1908
MaysOra Bborn about 1925
MaysPaul born about 1926
MaysPearl born about 1903
MaysPercie born about 1921
MaysRaleigh Mborn about 1923
MaysRichard born about 1919
MaysRosa Nborn about 1937
MaysRosevelt born about 1905
MaysRudolph born about 1929
MaysRuth Eborn about 1932
MaysSam born about 1911
MaysShelton born about 1910
MaysShirley Jborn about 1939
MaysSue Jborn about 1930
MaysSussie born about 1887
MaysVina born about 1920
MaysVirginia born about 1923
MaysVirginia born about 1925
MaysVirginia born about 1929
MaysW Freddie Jrborn about 1938
MaysW?nely born about 1900
MaysWarner born about 1892
MaysWashington Gborn about 1927
MaysWavely* S Jrborn about 1927
MaysWilliam born about 1933
MaysWilliam born about 1937
MaysWillie born about 1878
MaysWillie Aborn about 1931
MaysWillie Aborn about 1937
McKlinBeatrice born about 1926
McKlinBernice born about 1928
McKlinJennett born about 1924
McKlinJohn Hborn about 1890
McKlinLaura born about 1890
McKlinMargay born about 1930
McKlinPaul born about 1921
MensonHashington born about 1890
MensonIda born about 1895
MerrittAnnie born about 1884
MerrittCharles born about 1932
MerrittClarence born about 1925
MerrittElnora born about 1910
MerrittErwin born about 1917
MerrittHenry born about 1914
MerrittI Weseleyborn about 1934
MerrittJohn Jborn about 1920
MerrittJonnie born about 1928
MerrittLonnie born about 1921
MerrittManie born about 1922
MerrittMary born about 1885
MerrittMollie Eborn about 1923
MerrittRosa born about 1906
MerrittRussel born about 1917
MerrittTom born about 1925
MerrittViola born about 1907
MerrittVirginia born about 1938
MerrittWiller born about 1936
MerrittWillie born about 1906
MevittBennie born about 1898
MevittDan born about 1913
MevittDan Rborn about 1932
MevittJohn Hborn about 1934
MevittMargaret born about 1913
MevittMary born about 1937
MevittPattie born about 1878
MoffatCharles Eborn about 1920
MoffatCharles Hborn about 1891
MoffatEmily Tborn about 1884
MoffatIda Oborn about 1889
MoffatRandol? Gborn about 1923
MoffatRobert Lborn about 1920
MonroeClarice Aborn about 1928
MonroeElizabeth Lborn about 1938
MonroeEmily Jborn about 1920
MonroeEsther born about 1893
MonroeGeorge Wborn about 1923
MonroeThomas Jborn about 1916
MoodyAlvin Wborn about 1940
MoodyAnna Lborn about 1916
MoodyFannie born about 1888
MoodyH J Mborn about 1877
MoodyJohn Aborn about 1908
MoodyLelia born about 1912
MoodyMarion Rborn about 1908
MoodyMarvin Jr born about 1934
MoodyStanley born about 1937
MorganAlbert Rborn about 1913
MorganFrances born about 1914
MorrisFannie born about 1891
MorrisRobert born about 1921
MossDonald Wborn about 1921
MossEdith Fborn about 1915
MossJohn Hborn about 1884
MossMarha Aborn about 1877
MurphyHenry born about 1936
MurphyJack born about 1910
MurphyNannie Lborn about 1916
MurphyOdel born about 1938
MurphyOdelia Bborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NannyGarland born about 1887
NobleDaniel born about 1888
NobleDorothy born about 1897
NobleLucille Eborn about 1922
NobleRobert born about 1926
NobleRufos Bborn about 1936
NobleSamuel Rborn about 1928

O Surnames

OwenCharley born about 1923
OwenElla Eborn about 1933
OwenFannie Leeborn about 1926
OwenJames born about 1927
OwenPearl Cborn about 1875
OwenRobert Lborn about 1922
OwenRussell Tborn about 1910
OwenWilliam Pborn about 1930
OwensCaroline born about 1877
OwensRebecca born about 1928
OwensRobert born about 1867
OzmoreGeorge Ettaborn about 1895
OzmoreGoods Eborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageGladis born about 1928
PageIda born about 1871
PageJ Wborn about 1893
PageJessie born about 1912
PageJohn born about 1926
PageMartha Eborn about 1924
PageMary Fborn about 1934
PageSusie born about 1901
ParachNannie Aborn about 1934
ParachRuth Pborn about 1901
ParachW Royborn about 1925
Parham??? born about 1928
ParhamAlpharn born about 1905
ParhamArthur Eunisborn about 1939
ParhamBaker born about 1922
ParhamBessie born about 1904
ParhamBessie Bborn about 1934
ParhamCostello born about 1926
ParhamCrostelle born about 1900
ParhamElija born about 1868
ParhamEndie born about 1915
ParhamFranklin Dborn about 1939
ParhamGeorge born about 1862
ParhamJoe Lborn about 1938
ParhamJoseph born about 1925
ParhamKat Rborn about 1933
ParhamMakth?? born about 1908
ParhamMary El??lborn about 1935
ParhamMary Jborn about 1872
ParhamPricilla born about 1923
ParhamRobert Lborn about 1919
ParhamRosevelt born about 1937
ParhamSam born about 1874
ParhamWilliam Rborn about 1930
ParrishAtwell born about 1918
ParrishGladys Eborn about 1896
ParrishInez Maeborn about 1901
ParrishJ Bborn about 1889
ParrishJoham Jr born about 1925
ParrishJoham* Aborn about 1899
ParrishLizie Tborn about 1875
ParrishLoura born about 1918
ParrishMaude Cborn about 1886
ParrishMilton born about 1930
ParrishOdney* born about 1896
ParrishUnice Mborn about 1923
PascalLillian born about 1900
PascalLottie born about 1930
PascalWaverly born about 1893
PattyCorear* born about 1921
PearsonAndrew born about 1917
PearsonBessie born about 1920
PearsonHarvey born about 1899
PearsonJessie born about 1940
PearsonJoe born about 1905
PearsonRosa born about 1939
PearsonRussel born about 1916
PearsonWillie Aborn about 1925
PeeblesAnnie Rborn about 1889
PeeblesB??? born about 1927
PeeblesBaker born about 1884
PeeblesElizabeth born about 1892
PeeblesElizabeth born about 1920
PeeblesJonnie born about 1876
PeeblesKathri? Eborn about 1928
PeeblesLola Bborn about 1925
PeeblesShirley Dborn about 1925
PeeplesEarnest born about 1930
PeeplesJames born about 1885
PeeplesJessie born about 1931
PeeplesJohn Lborn about 1922
PeeplesMinnie born about 1894
PegramEarl born about 1927
PerkinsonGordon born about 1914
PerkinsonSarah born about 1919
PerrivallGeorge Sborn about 1896
PerrivallGeorge S Jrborn about 1931
PerrivallJohn Sborn about 1935
PerrivallMary Dborn about 1905
PerryJossie Pborn about 1882
PetersClifton born about 1938
PetersHale born about 1930
PetersJoe born about 1903
PetersJulia born about 1927
PetersLewis born about 1934
PetersMartha born about 1910
PetersThelma born about 1937
PetersWilliam born about 1935
PetersonCarrie Lborn about 1877
PetersonCarrie Wborn about 1891
PetersonCharley born about 1875
PetersonHellean Hborn about 1913
PettersonLeathea born about 1916
PettersonWarrent born about 1932
PettieBen born about 1920
PettieCalvine born about 1925
PettieFloyd Lborn about 1929
PettieHenry born about 1931
PettieJames born about 1923
PettieJohn born about 1890
PettieMae Eborn about 1924
PettieNanny born about 1892
PettieRosa Maeborn about 1918
PettyBenjaman Aborn about 1935
PettyBurnard born about 1904
PettyFlossn?y born about 1906
PettyJames Tborn about 1937
PettyMary Aborn about 1931
PettyRichard Fborn about 1933
PhillipKat born about 1926
PhillipLessie Lborn about 1885
PhillipRuth born about 1924
PhillipWillie Bborn about 1879
PiersonArther born about 1892
PiersonCollin born about 1926
PiersonJessie born about 1920
PiersonLawyer born about 1919
PiersonMattie born about 1895
PinesClifton born about 1933
PinesDasie born about 1929
PinesGeorgia born about 1939
PinesIrma born about 1927
PinesJerry Oborn about 1875
PinesMarvin born about 1931
PinesSally born about 1881
PinesSoctteasse* born about 1924
PitchfordF Gborn about 1884
PittyBulla born about 1919
PittyRichard Leeborn about 1937
PoarchCharlie Mborn about 1897
PoarchMarie Sborn about 1903
PowellDorothy Gborn about 1904
PowellElizabeth born about 1915
PowellGrant born about 1905
PowellHellen Eborn about 1935
PowellJoice Eborn about 1934
PowellLewis born about 1919
PowellLoucile born about 1923
PowellMajorie Cborn about 1927
PowellMattie born about 1875
PowellShirely Jr born about 1936
PowellShirley born about 1913
PowellWilliam Eborn about 1905
PriceCharlie born about 1926
PriceFrank born about 1914
PriceGoodiyn* born about 1863
PriceHobert born about 1925
PriceJohn Mborn about 1932
PriceMartha born about 1896
PriceRobert Fborn about 1928
PriceVirginia born about 1922
PriceWillie born about 1924
PriceWillie Fborn about 1892
PryorBarbara born about 1940
PryorMary born about 1923
PryorNick born about 1884
PryorRichard born about 1919
PryorSussie born about 1895
PubbsJerkins Iborn about 1915
PubbsMattie born about 1921
PubbsRoland born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaneyA Mborn about 1885
RaneyAnnie born about 1886
RaneyEmmett Aborn about 1920
RaneyEstelle Bborn about 1898
RaneyHamlin Tborn about 1923
RaneyJohn born about 1923
RaneyMonroe Jr born about 1919
RaneyRobert Aborn about 1892
RaneySue born about 1921
RaynoldsWillard born about 1922
RaysterWilliam born about 1936
ReevesLoyd born about 1925
RiceAlice born about 1868
RiceCharlie born about 1917
RiceEllen Oborn about 1933
RiceJennette Mborn about 1938
RiceLillie born about 1895
RiceMartha Bborn about 1934
RiceMinnie Sborn about 1930
RiceThomas born about 1899
RicksLeroy born about 1917
RicksMary born about 1917
RidleyCharlie born about 1922
RidleyEddie born about 1892
RidleyEddie Jr born about 1921
RidleyEdward Jborn about 1927
RidleyEva Maeborn about 1931
RidleyGeorge born about 1918
RidleyJames born about 1926
RidleyLee born about 1893
RidleyMilton born about 1919
RidleyMinnie born about 1915
RidleyPaul Fborn about 1926
RidleyWilliam born about 1916
RidleyZebdae* born about 1929
RobertsAllen Leeborn about 1921
RobertsBessie born about 1897
RobertsBurtha Fborn about 1886
RobertsBurtha Maeborn about 1939
RobertsCarlton born about 1934
RobertsCharles Lborn about 1919
RobertsEarnest born about 1902
RobertsEleanor born about 1922
RobertsElla born about 1896
RobertsEmma Sueborn about 1923
RobertsEmmett born about 1893
RobertsFranklin born about 1938
RobertsGeorge born about 1936
RobertsHildredge Rborn about 1928
RobertsJessie Aborn about 1931
RobertsJessie Cborn about 1924
RobertsLindsey born about 1892
RobertsLula Fborn about 1940
RobertsMargrette Fborn about 1921
RobertsMarrion born about 1924
RobertsR Rborn about 1869
RobertsRandolph Wborn about 1934
RobertsRobert born about 1932
RobertsVirginia born about 1923
RobertsWilliam born about 1931
RobertsWillie Cborn about 1904
RobertsonBessie born about 1892
RobertsonC Fborn about 1899
RobertsonDorithy born about 1921
RobertsonElizabeth born about 1898
RobertsonH T Abborn about 1892
RobertsonHarold born about 1925
RobertsonJ Wborn about 1896
RobertsonJewel born about 1928
RobinsonE Sborn about 1903
RobinsonEdward S Jborn about 1934
RobinsonGeorge born about 1918
RobinsonMargrete born about 1935
RobinsonMartha born about 1916
RobinsonMary born about 1882
RobinsonRivers born about 1901
RobinsonRobert born about 1915
RobinsonWalter born about 1866
RogersBessie Cborn about 1885
RogersChristine born about 1924
RogersDaniel born about 1920
RogersEdith born about 1920
RogersJimi born about 1927
RogersK Jborn about 1879
RonaldCharlie born about 1940
RonaldDaisy Maeborn about 1927
RonaldEmmett born about 1898
RonaldEmmett Jr born about 1938
RonaldHazel born about 1935
RonaldManie born about 1929
RonaldRaymond born about 1924
RonaldSusie born about 1901
RoseHoward born about 1920
RoseJohn born about 1891
RoseSara born about 1923
RoseSarah born about 1890
RoulettJohn born about 1905
RoulettLaura born about 1888
RoulettMary born about 1881
RoulettMary Aborn about 1935
RoulettMary Gborn about 1915
RoulettTed Lborn about 1939
RoulettWillie Nborn about 1903
RowlingsAnna Dborn about 1906
RowlingsCharles Hborn about 1912
RowlingsPearl Lborn about 1880
RowlingsThelma born about 1908
Royal??ane Wborn about 1933
RoyalArthur Hborn about 1910
RoyalEarvin Wborn about 1910
RoyalEdna Dborn about 1920
RoyalFrank born about 1919
RoyalFred Aborn about 1886
RoyalLillian Pborn about 1913
RoyalLucy Eborn about 1900
RoyalMaray Lborn about 1939
RoyalMary Hborn about 1906
RoyalMildred Kborn about 1935
RoyalShirley Aborn about 1934
RoyalTimothy Dborn about 1881
RoyalViolia Mborn about 1937
RoyalVirgie Pborn about 1890
RoysterDoris born about 1919
RoysterHarvey born about 1910
RoysterJ Eborn about 1865
RoysterJames Wborn about 1935
RoysterMildred born about 1916
RoysterW Wborn about 1914
RuffinNed born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaksIrving born about 1897
SandfordAnne Rborn about 1936
SandfordHazel Rborn about 1902
SandfordJohn Eborn about 1889
SandfordJohn E Jrborn about 1933
SandfordMary Bborn about 1935
ScottAlias born about 1928
ScottEdna born about 1939
ScottEva Maeborn about 1939
ScottGorge Leeborn about 1931
ScottJester born about 1933
ScottPleasant born about 1935
ScottRosa Leeborn about 1937
ScottSarah born about 1913
ScottWilliam born about 1905
ScottWilliam Jr born about 1930
SewardEddie born about 1875
SewardMartha born about 1887
SewardRosa born about 1873
SewardSallie born about 1932
ShacksMary born about 1918
SheltonAnna born about 1915
SheltonHerman born about 1934
SheltonHilard born about 1920
SheltonJake born about 1913
SheltonJake Jr born about 1938
SheltonThomas born about 1937
ShortAlbert born about 1882
ShortAlma born about 1922
ShortAvon born about 1935
ShortBernell born about 1918
ShortBessie born about 1907
ShortC Cborn about 1874
ShortCalvin born about 1918
ShortCharley born about 1921
ShortCharlott born about 1914
ShortCharotte* born about 1914
ShortClarence born about 1919
ShortCorrie ?born about 1889
ShortEddie Lborn about 1936
ShortEdna born about 1902
ShortEdward born about 1923
ShortElizabeth born about 1927
ShortEvelyn born about 1926
ShortFred born about 1930
ShortGeorge born about 1928
ShortGeorge Rborn about 1906
ShortHebert Rborn about 1939
ShortHelton born about 1906
ShortInda Hborn about 1875
ShortJoe born about 1893
ShortLilla Mborn about 1871
ShortLorenza born about 1925
ShortLovine born about 1931
ShortMargaret born about 1915
ShortMattox Hborn about 1900
ShortMinnie born about 1896
ShortMinnie Sborn about 1923
ShortNanny born about 1887
ShortNavely born about 1932
ShortPhilis born about 1934
ShortWilliam born about 1910
ShortWilliam Sborn about 1888
ShortWillie Aborn about 1901
ShreattFannie born about 1926
ShreattPeter born about 1900
ShreattPeter Jr born about 1931
ShreattVirginia Aborn about 1914
SimmonsClarie born about 1931
SimmonsEmmett Wborn about 1929
SimmonsHanna Jborn about 1937
SimmonsJohn born about 1931
SimmonsLouise born about 1901
SimmonsLuther born about 1901
SimmonsLuther Jr born about 1931
SimmonsMable Sueborn about 1927
SimmonsMarie born about 1916
SimmonsMaude born about 1936
SimmonsPaul Hborn about 1924
SimmonsVirginia born about 1939
SimmonsWillie born about 1905
SithBetrice born about 1937
SithClara born about 1939
SithEdward born about 1903
SithMillie born about 1913
SithShirley born about 1938
SittersonAudrey born about 1938
SittersonJ Jborn about 1873
SittersonJohn Hborn about 1910
SittersonPettie Sborn about 1913
SkornisLola born about 1874
SkornisRobert born about 1900
SlateJosephine born about 1917
SlatePilham born about 1883
SlaytonJ G Jrborn about 1936
SlaytonJ Hborn about 1877
SlaytonJames Gborn about 1914
SlaytonJoseph Hborn about 1938
SlaytonMaysie born about 1916
SlaytonMolly Lborn about 1901
SlaytonPatracia born about 1938
SlaytonPauline born about 1921
SlaytonWalter Lborn about 1917
SmithAlbert born about 1870
SmithAlma born about 1928
SmithAlvin born about 1899
SmithArthur born about 1934
SmithBeatrice born about 1933
SmithBessie born about 1914
SmithCharlie born about 1925
SmithDaniel born about 1928
SmithDavid born about 1914
SmithDavid Lborn about 1865
SmithElnora born about 1936
SmithElsie Maeborn about 1938
SmithEthel born about 1923
SmithGeorge born about 1915
SmithGeorge born about 1918
SmithGreen born about 1924
SmithHattie born about 1911
SmithJanatte born about 1930
SmithJoan born about 1932
SmithJoe Mborn about 1913
SmithLeslie born about 1885
SmithLola Cborn about 1898
SmithMaggie Jborn about 1900
SmithMary Lborn about 1919
SmithMattie born about 1899
SmithMay Lborn about 1887
SmithNorman born about 1926
SmithPattie Fborn about 1925
SmithPaul born about 1920
SmithRaymon born about 1930
SmithRichard born about 1868
SmithRichard born about 1932
SmithRobert born about 1872
SmithRussel Leeborn about 1940
SmithTom born about 1932
SmithViolet born about 1938
SmithWilliam born about 1938
SmithWillie born about 1914
SmithWillie born about 1918
SmithWright born about 1889
SopkoJohn Jr born about 1914
SopkoNallie born about 1916
SpencerEdna Lborn about 1881
StakesColonel Wborn about 1912
StarkesJames born about 1875
SteedCalvin Bborn about 1926
SteedCharles Rborn about 1885
SteedRachel Rborn about 1885
SteedRobbie Mborn about 1919
SteedRuffus Hborn about 1929
SteedSallie Eborn about 1925
SteedWilber Bborn about 1915
StennKate Aborn about 1939
StennMildred born about 1862
StennRoy born about 1918
Steth??? born about 1935
StethPearl born about 1934
StethVan Dborn about 1936
StewartDallas born about 1891
StewartEmma born about 1928
StewartHerbert born about 1919
StewartJunior born about 1892
StewartJunior Jr born about 1934
StewartLena born about 1904
StewartSallie born about 1928
StewartSherman born about 1925
StiethBessie born about 1927
StillAdell born about 1921
StillEarly born about 1918
StillVirginia Eborn about 1937
StithAlex born about 1911
StithAlex born about 1918
StithAlex born about 1922
StithAlice born about 1920
StithAlice Mborn about 1938
StithAllen born about 1908
StithAmberss born about 1907
StithAmnerss Jr born about 1936
StithArthur born about 1886
StithBetrene born about 1933
StithBettie born about 1925
StithCarrie born about 1922
StithDasie Leeborn about 1931
StithDavid born about 1933
StithDorothy Mborn about 1937
StithEdward born about 1930
StithElsie born about 1930
StithFranklin born about 1926
StithFred Aborn about 1939
StithGertrude born about 1934
StithHarry born about 1922
StithHenry Jr born about 1937
StithHerbert Lborn about 1940
StithHubert Lborn about 1939
StithIrene born about 1931
StithJames Fborn about 1890
StithJoe Lborn about 1939
StithJohn Aborn about 1921
StithJohn Greenborn about 1923
StithJosephine born about 1919
StithJua Cborn about 1939
StithLelia Maeborn about 1923
StithLevi born about 1914
StithLinard born about 1928
StithLouise born about 1919
StithMark Cborn about 1925
StithMattie born about 1895
StithMattie Sueborn about 1924
StithMolly Bettborn about 1934
StithOlla born about 1881
StithOphelia born about 1911
StithPete born about 1911
StithPeter born about 1872
StithPeter born about 1926
StithQuinton born about 1920
StithRobert born about 1932
StithRosa born about 1896
StithRosa born about 1917
StithRosa Leeborn about 1936
StithRuffus born about 1912
StithSallie Lborn about 1939
StithSolomon born about 1928
StithThomas born about 1919
StithVictoria born about 1925
StithWilliam born about 1885
StithWilliam Jr born about 1921
StithWillie Lborn about 1927
StithZeal born about 1934
StjohnJohn Baidesborn about 1862
StockesEmmett born about 1919
StockesEmmett Jr born about 1939
StockesMinnie born about 1922
StokesJohn born about 1910
StokesJohn Tborn about 1939
StokesMary Sborn about 1936
StokesSarah born about 1918
StoksVirginia born about 1931
StorkeAlma born about 1925
StorkeBeatrice born about 1933
StorkeElla Mborn about 1924
StorkeJulia born about 1932
StorkeLee Bborn about 1930
StorkeLula born about 1900
StorkeNick born about 1896
StorkeRandolph born about 1927
SutphinC Fborn about 1877
SutphinCharlie Wborn about 1923
SutphinNell born about 1919
SutphinRosa born about 1881
SutphinW Earlborn about 1921
SydnerSarah Adaborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEdward born about 1897
TaylorElna born about 1909
TaylorElsie born about 1927
TaylorFannie Maeborn about 1923
TaylorGordon born about 1910
TaylorHubert born about 1937
TaylorLaliar* born about 1936
TaylorNed born about 1913
ThomasBlanche born about 1894
ThomasBula born about 1932
ThomasCornie born about 1937
ThomasElix born about 1885
ThomasElla born about 1912
ThomasElla Fborn about 1932
ThomasHattie born about 1921
ThomasJames born about 1892
ThomasJessie born about 1917
ThomasJohn born about 1924
ThomasJulia born about 1920
ThomasLorine born about 1937
ThomasMable born about 1927
ThomasMary born about 1895
ThomasMoras born about 1930
ThomasOscar born about 1935
ThomasRobert born about 1919
ThomasVirginia Gborn about 1935
ThomasWilliam Hborn about 1936
ThomasWillie Eborn about 1928
ThompsonAlese born about 1927
ThompsonAnita born about 1925
ThompsonC Bborn about 1888
ThompsonClarian born about 1935
ThompsonFrancis born about 1926
ThompsonFrank born about 1901
ThompsonGeorge born about 1856
ThompsonLecy born about 1931
ThompsonLi?ywood born about 1922
ThompsonLonnie born about 1867
ThompsonMarie born about 1924
ThompsonMary born about 1904
ThompsonMason born about 1901
ThompsonMelvin born about 1930
ThompsonUlia born about 1927
ThompsonViola born about 1902
ThompsonW Oborn about 1899
ThreattArmstean born about 1926
ThreattErvin born about 1932
ThreattJames born about 1923
ThreattKathrene born about 1928
ThreattRobert born about 1890
ThreattSusie born about 1895
ThreattThelma born about 1931
ThrockA Leeborn about 1930
ThrockL B Jrborn about 1927
ThrockLillian born about 1937
ThrockMorton Bborn about 1896
ThrockMorton Violaborn about 1904
ThrockmortonBertha born about 1885
ThrockmortonF Dborn about 1904
TilliamMargaret born about 1867
TilliamSam born about 1893
TratterAddie Mborn about 1912
TratterRosa Mborn about 1907
TrotterAnthony born about 1864
TrotterBeatrice born about 1930
TrotterBernard born about 1880
TrotterBurnard Jr born about 1924
TrotterClarie born about 1921
TrotterDorthy Mborn about 1937
TrotterDossey born about 1907
TrotterElix Mborn about 1932
TrotterEstell born about 1938
TrotterEthel Mborn about 1936
TrotterForest born about 1914
TrotterFranklin Bborn about 1928
TrotterLee Rborn about 1939
TrotterMack born about 1889
TrotterMary born about 1884
TrotterMary Eborn about 1926
TrotterNorman Jborn about 1933
TrotterRuth born about 1922
TrustyEvylyn born about 1930
TrustyHenry born about 1926
TrustyLucy born about 1891
TrustyMarjorie born about 1920
TrustyPaul born about 1928
TrustySenny Pborn about 1918
TrustyWillie born about 1898
TrustyWillie Jr born about 1932
TuckerBeatrice Eborn about 1923
TuckerClementies born about 1925
TuckerDrucilla born about 1902
TuckerEvelyn born about 1931
TuckerGeorge Bborn about 1895
TuckerGeorge Dborn about 1899
TuckerGeorge Eborn about
TuckerGeorge Jr born about 1924
TuckerHilton born about 1934
TuckerInez born about 1926
TuckerJames Rborn about 1930
TuckerJosephine born about 1923
TuckerLaura Eborn about 1931
TuckerLeroy born about 1932
TuckerLoral Bborn about 1929
TuckerMable I Nborn about 1922
TuckerMaggie Rborn about 1928
TuckerMarice born about 1921
TudorLucy Aborn about 1867
TurnerCatherine born about 1931
TurnerHelen born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtleyAnnie born about 1924
UtleyBenjaman born about 1911
UtleyKeith born about 1922
UtleyMable born about 1892
UtleyW Tborn about 1893
UtleyWillie Tborn about 1925

V Surnames

VajanaAlfred Tborn about 1896
VajanaClaudia Eborn about 1896
VajanaClorie Wborn about 1930
VajanaEugene born about 1921
VaughanE Eborn about 1890
VaughanFrancis born about 1923
VaughanG Pborn about 1916
VaughanHellen Pageborn about 1927
VaughanLawrence Tborn about 1940
VaughanLoucille born about 1898
VaughanMaris born about 1920
VaughanNellie Lborn about 1915
VaughanOlist Nborn about 1937
VaughanRosa born about 1905
VaughanRuth Wilksborn about 1920
VaughanT Kborn about 1913
VaughnAgnes Mborn about 1927
VaughnBelma Tborn about 1914
VaughnC Aborn about 1887
VaughnEunice born about 1891
VaughnFred born about 1920
VaughnHarvy Sborn about 1938
VaughnIsaac born about 1922
VaughnLeroy Sborn about 1913
VaughnNellie Rborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddingtonEdmonia born about 1910
WaddingtonSam born about 1906
Walker??? born about 1928
WalkerAda born about 1927
WalkerAllen born about 1903
WalkerAnna Sborn about 1885
WalkerArthur born about 1906
WalkerBessie born about 1939
WalkerCharles Eborn about 1930
WalkerCharley born about 1918
WalkerCharlie born about 1928
WalkerDaniel born about 1937
WalkerDot born about 1937
WalkerEarnestine born about 1931
WalkerElizabeth born about 1931
WalkerEstell born about 1917
WalkerEtta born about 1880
WalkerEverete born about 1931
WalkerFannie born about 1933
WalkerFrank born about 1872
WalkerFrank born about 1909
WalkerFrank Iii born about 1935
WalkerGeorgia born about 1906
WalkerHarvey born about 1935
WalkerHoward Aborn about 1934
WalkerHoward Jborn about 1934
WalkerJames born about 1939
WalkerJohn Tborn about 1938
WalkerJoseph born about 1936
WalkerLe??h born about 1927
WalkerLillian born about 1924
WalkerMable Oborn about 1936
WalkerMandie born about 1880
WalkerMarion Lborn about 1931
WalkerMartha Aborn about 1936
WalkerOlivia Maeborn about 1923
WalkerOra born about 1909
WalkerPaul born about 1934
WalkerPete born about 1912
WalkerThedore born about 1926
WalkerVictoria born about 1918
WalkerWilliam born about 1898
WalkerWilliam born about 1925
WalkerWillie Rborn about 1936
WalkesChester born about 1927
WalkesCraymer born about 1930
WalkesEthel born about 1934
WalkesJune born about 1929
WalkesOtist born about 1929
WaltonAnnie born about 1929
WaltonAtis born about 1929
WaltonAzzlay born about 1901
WaltonB C Jrborn about 1915
WaltonCharley born about 1901
WaltonCharley Jborn about 1936
WaltonDonal Eborn about 1934
WaltonM Cborn about 1926
WaltonMinnie Annborn about 1914
WaltonRobert born about 1930
WaltonRobert Rborn about 1938
WaltonSady Bborn about 1924
WaltonWalter born about 1923
WashburnAnnie born about 1919
WashburnAnnie Sborn about 1919
WashburnClarence born about 1913
WashburnClyde born about 1915
WashburnEarl born about 1924
WashburnF Cborn about 1887
WashburnFrances Eborn about 1939
WashburnGrady born about 1921
WashburnJonnie born about 1928
WashburnJonnie Sueborn about 1891
WashburnMargaret born about 1919
WashburnMargaret Aborn about 1938
WashingtonDelorise born about 1932
WashingtonElnora born about 1930
WashingtonGeneva born about 1925
WashingtonGennie Eborn about 1917
WashingtonGeorge born about 1923
WashingtonHenderson born about 1897
WashingtonHerman born about 1902
WashingtonVictoria born about 1932
WatkerBittie born about 1939
WatkerLenard born about 1918
WatkerMattie born about 1919
WatkerPeggy born about 1938
WattsCora Bborn about 1887
WattsI Earnestborn about 1919
WattsJ Hborn about 1877
WebsterMilton born about 1939
WeddingtonBaker Tborn about 1910
WeddingtonBaker T Jrborn about 1937
WeddingtonBarbara Aborn about 1940
WeddingtonBennie Fborn about 1927
WeddingtonBessie born about 1917
WeddingtonDavid born about 1924
WeddingtonDorithy born about 1920
WeddingtonDorothy born about 1933
WeddingtonEarnest born about 1914
WeddingtonElsie born about 1935
WeddingtonEstelle born about 1904
WeddingtonEvelyn born about 1932
WeddingtonFlorence born about 1924
WeddingtonGeorge Fborn about 1934
WeddingtonGracie born about 1927
WeddingtonHarry Jr born about 1878
WeddingtonHe?len born about 1917
WeddingtonHenry born about 1934
WeddingtonIsiah born about 1921
WeddingtonJ?aih born about 1902
WeddingtonJames born about 1925
WeddingtonJohn Eborn about 1937
WeddingtonJohn Lborn about 1934
WeddingtonLilian born about 1930
WeddingtonLilly born about 1904
WeddingtonLouise born about 1907
WeddingtonLoukester born about 1928
WeddingtonLucy born about 1877
WeddingtonMaggie Lborn about 1936
WeddingtonMamie born about 1928
WeddingtonPreston born about 1936
WeddingtonR Pearlborn about 1932
WeddingtonRandolph born about 1894
WeddingtonRichard born about 1935
WeddingtonRobert Lborn about 1920
WeddingtonRussel born about 1939
WeddingtonSussie born about 1929
WeddingtonThelma Dborn about 1938
WeddingtonTheodore born about 1926
WeddingtonWillie Rborn about 1930
WellisCarson born about 1923
WellisEda Leeborn about 1897
WellisFannie born about 1918
WellisJames Eborn about 1890
WellisJoyce Mborn about 1934
WellisRichard born about 1930
WellisWillard born about 1916
WellsHerman Lborn about 1938
WellsPearl born about 1921
WellsRobert born about 1914
WersonJames born about 1876
WessonBessie born about 1910
WessonChand* born about 1934
WessonElizabeth born about 1932
WessonEvelyn born about 1935
WessonJames born about 1928
WessonLaura born about 1931
WessonLawrence born about 1912
WessonLevi born about 1930
WessonLewis born about 1923
WessonOdela born about 1921
WessonOtelia born about 1905
WessonOtelia born about 1927
WessonParham born about 1937
WessonRaymond born about 1925
WessonRosa born about 1901
WessonRuth Annborn about 1916
WessonVernon born about 1898
WessonWillie Bborn about 1935
WhilowAla born about 1913
WhilowCarylon born about 1931
WhilowEarnest Leeborn about 1929
WhilowHarmon born about 1938
WhilowHarvey born about 1932
WhilowJohn born about 1909
WhilowR Bborn about 1936
WhiteheadFlorence Eborn about 1905
WhiteheadTurner Fborn about 1900
WhiteyEdna Maeborn about 1939
WhiteyFannie born about 1918
WhiteyLilly Aborn about 1940
WhiteyPersey born about 1918
WilkinsAlexander born about 1939
WilkinsBetty born about 1930
WilkinsEary Eborn about 1922
WilkinsEmmett born about 1927
WilkinsFrank born about 1902
WilkinsFrank Jr born about 1927
WilkinsGloria born about 1933
WilkinsJames born about 1929
WilkinsJessie Lborn about 1932
WilkinsJulius born about 1933
WilkinsMary born about 1906
WilkinsMary Lborn about 1907
WilkinsMattie Eborn about 1924
WilkinsMonroe born about 1903
WilkinsNancy born about 1936
WilkinsRebecca born about 1920
WilkinsRobert born about 1897
WilkinsSallie born about 1910
WilkinsSarah Sborn about 1898
WilkinsVernon born about 1923
WilkinsWinfield born about 1901
WilkinsWinfield Jr born about 1936
WilleyAnn born about 1939
WilleyFeeling born about 1922
WilleyFrances born about 1917
WilleyFranklin born about 1934
WilleyJoe Fborn about 1938
WilleyJohn Kborn about 1937
WilleyJohn Tborn about 1924
WilleyKenieth born about 1926
WilleyMary Eborn about 1939
WilleyO Sborn about 1891
WilleyOscar Jr born about 1935
WilliamMattie born about 1933
WilliamMildred born about 1932
WilliamSusie Bborn about 1935
WilliamWellie Bborn about 1932
WilliamsAlbert Mborn about 1911
WilliamsAndrew born about 1921
WilliamsBenjaman Fborn about 1936
WilliamsBillie born about 1857
WilliamsBillie Jr born about 1926
WilliamsCharles born about 1935
WilliamsChristine born about 1927
WilliamsCristine born about 1934
WilliamsDorithy born about 1932
WilliamsDorothy born about 1920
WilliamsEarnest born about 1918
WilliamsEtta Bborn about 1930
WilliamsGeorge born about 1897
WilliamsGeorge born about 1927
WilliamsGeorgia born about 1901
WilliamsGeritude* Wborn about 1913
WilliamsHenry born about 1877
WilliamsHerbert born about 1887
WilliamsIda born about 1894
WilliamsJames born about 1929
WilliamsJanet born about 1936
WilliamsJenett born about 1939
WilliamsJessie born about 1932
WilliamsJohn Kborn about 1932
WilliamsJoseph born about 1934
WilliamsJoyce born about 1937
WilliamsJussie born about 1890
WilliamsLincoln born about 1890
WilliamsLois born about 1926
WilliamsLorette born about 1940
WilliamsLulu born about 1918
WilliamsMaggie born about 1921
WilliamsMargaret born about 1922
WilliamsMarie born about 1925
WilliamsMary born about 1929
WilliamsMildred born about 1936
WilliamsOscar born about 1939
WilliamsPauline born about 1927
WilliamsRaymond Cborn about 1922
WilliamsRobert born about 1912
WilliamsRobert Jr born about 1921
WilliamsRosa Aborn about 1938
WilliamsRuffen Lborn about 1933
WilliamsSam born about 1931
WilliamsSarah born about 1898
WilliamsSarah born about 1923
WilliamsShirley born about 1934
WilliamsSusie born about 1915
WilliamsV??? born about 1923
WilliamsWalace Eborn about 1934
WilliamsWilford born about 1931
WilliamsWillie born about 1890
WillieClara born about 1932
WilliePearl born about 1929
WillyAnnie born about 1898
WillyCharlie Bborn about 1925
WillyDoris born about 1923
WillyJames born about 1926
WillyLuther born about 1936
WillyMary born about 1928
WillyW Lborn about 1887
WilsonPattie born about 1875
WinnLeola born about 1896
WinnW Wborn about 1891
WlliottBarbara Aborn about 1935
WlliottBernice born about 1930
WlliottCatherine born about 1916
WlliottDoris born about 1937
WlliottEarlie born about 1931
WlliottHerman born about 1934
WlliottLawrence born about 1910
WlliottLuther born about 1915
WlliottMary born about 1914
WlliottVirginia born about 1936
WrayBennie Bborn about 1886
WrayCalvin Hborn about 1936
WrayHilton Mborn about 1932
WrayHiton Pborn about 1902
WrayIra Lborn about 1883
WrayJoseph Gborn about 1922
WrayJoseph Kborn about 1868
WrayLena Mborn about 1934
WrayMark Fborn about 1917
WrayMary Bborn about 1913
WrayOdel born about 1917
WrayPeggy Oborn about 1939
WrayR Wborn about 1888
WrayVirginia Hborn about 1919
WyattCathetrine born about 1928
WyattElen born about 1900
WyattJessie born about 1898
WyattJessie Jr born about 1924
WyattMag Sborn about 1939
WyattMom?nie born about 1922
WyattOphelis born about 1929
WyattRoman Cborn about 1934
WyattRosa Leeborn about 1916
WyattShad born about 1913
WyattVeonias born about 1926
WycheAlese born about 1926
WycheAlice born about 1915
WycheAustin born about 1872
WycheBarnell born about 1932
WycheBen born about 1930
WycheBettie Lukeborn about 1901
WycheCha??? born about 1919
WycheClayton born about 1915
WycheClayton Jr born about 1937
WycheDella born about 1891
WycheDora born about 1923
WycheDosie Anneborn about 1940
WycheDuglas Jborn about 1853
WycheEarnest born about 1911
WycheElizabeth born about 1932
WycheElla Maeborn about 1938
WycheElmo born about 1929
WycheFrank Dborn about 1881
WycheJames born about 1915
WycheJames Eborn about 1921
WycheKatherine Cborn about 1923
WycheLendwood born about 1940
WycheLouise born about 1873
WycheLouise born about 1911
WycheLouise born about 1912
WycheLuke born about 1889
WycheMable born about 1920
WycheMartha born about 1908
WycheMary Eborn about 1877
WychePaul born about 1924
WychePauline Vborn about 1936
WycheRaymond born about 1927
WycheRichard born about 1884
WycheRichard Eborn about 1939
WycheRobert born about 1920
WycheRosa born about 1919
WycheRosa Leeborn about 1937
WycheRoy ???born about 1939
WycheSamuel born about 1926
WycheSamuel Leeborn about 1931
WycheThelma born about 1929
WycheTom born about 1891
WycheVirginia born about 1916
WycheWay?y born about 1922
WycheWilliam born about 1899
WycheWilliam born about 1918
WycheWilliam Mborn about 1940
WynnArnesta Rborn about 1870
WynnOliver born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesClifton born about 1937
YatesEarly born about 1930
YatesEdward Hborn about 1895
YatesEmma Rborn about 1927
YatesHenry born about 1932
YatesMarion born about 1933
YatesQueen born about 1910
YatesRosevill born about 1939
YatesThomas born about 1923
YatesWilliam born about 1928
YcheBettie Lborn about 1878
YcheMary born about 1897
YoungAnnie born about 1929
YoungBilly born about 1934
YoungDillard Bborn about 1871
YoungEdward Dborn about 1932
YoungFrances Eborn about 1899
YoungFrances Pborn about 1935
YoungFredrick born about 1937
YoungGeorge Wborn about 1924
YoungHenry Eborn about 1939
YoungLillie Jborn about 1869
YoungLynn Bborn about 1937
YoungLynn Dborn about 1902
YoungMargaret Eborn about 1927
YoungSusie Wborn about 1909
YoungWiley born about 1890
YoungWiley Jr born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeiglerGiles born about 1864
ZeiglerMary born about 1880

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