1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairlee, Orange, Vermont

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Vermont > Orange County > 1940 Census of Fairlee

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanCalvin Lborn about 1927
AckermanEster Rborn about 1896
AckermanGlen Eborn about 1936
AckermanLeeds Cborn about 1925
AckermanLois Eborn about 1918
AckermanLouis Jborn about 1890
AckermanLoyd Wborn about 1923
AckermanRansom Jborn about 1922
AckermanSherley Eborn about 1928
Adams??? Lettieborn about 1868
AdamsCharles Hborn about 1886
AdamsEdith Aborn about 1887
AdamsErnest Lborn about 1868
AdamsGrace Bborn about 1888
AdamsGuy Cborn about 1869
AdamsMary Mborn about 1869
AdamsMercy Fborn about 1926
AdamsMinnie Iborn about 1867
AdamsRalph born about 1891
AlgerAlice Eborn about 1921
AlgerDonald Rborn about 1919
AlgerFrancis Gborn about 1925
AlgerIvan Rborn about 1922
AlgerJoseph Rborn about 1893
AlgerLaura Mborn about 1895
AllbeeAlda Dborn about 1871
AllenElmer Lborn about 1870
AndersonChresten born about 1871
AndersonOttive born about 1871
AtkinsCharles Fborn about 1881
AtkinsRichard Dborn about 1920
AtkinsRobert Fborn about 1924

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B Surnames

BaconAlfred Wborn about 1896
BaconAliguston Pborn about 1881
BadgerEarle Wborn about 1894
BadgerEarle Wborn about 1939
BadgerGeorgia Aborn about 1907
BarrettEarle Rborn about 1926
BarrettNorman Wborn about 1895
BarrettRuel Sborn about 1933
BarrettSadie Tborn about 1898
BatchelderVerne Bborn about 1909
BatcheltonDella Aborn about 1879
BatcheltonElmer Iborn about 1872
BeedeElsie Rborn about 1939
BeedeJohn Gborn about 1900
BeedeJohn Tborn about 1937
BeedeLucy Mborn about 1906
BergAlfred Hborn about 1915
BickfordBetty Louborn about 1937
BickfordGertrude Eborn about 1906
BickfordHarry Aborn about 1907
BickfordHarry A Jrborn about 1927
BickfordLoianc born about 1928
BickfordRoland Gborn about 1932
BickfordShirley Aborn about 1939
BickfordTheodore Fborn about 1935
BlakeAlbert Lborn about 1904
BlakeAnne Bborn about 1875
BlakeBertha Bborn about 1895
BlakeBeverlyam born about 1923
BlakeBurrell Wborn about 1920
BlakeClyde Cborn about 1892
BlakeDonald Cborn about 1930
BlakeIvis Lborn about 1904
BlakeLayton Cborn about 1915
BlakeLlewellyn Fborn about 1906
BlakeRichard Lborn about 1926
BlodgettJereald Hborn about 1914
BogleWinona Rborn about 1910
BoncroftAlvin Wborn about 1924
BoncroftMary Hborn about 1876
BraggNellie Sborn about 1895
BrickJohn Pborn about 1896
BrizzerArlita Jborn about 1932
BrizzerBeverley Bborn about 1927
BryanJames Iborn about 1909
BudeAlbert Rborn about 1872
BudeLillian Fborn about 1871
BudeMildred Fborn about 1906
BullardEmily born about 1891
BullardRalph Eborn about 1882
BurgessAlfred born about 1897
BurkeDaid Fborn about 1881
BurleLaura Cborn about 1883
BurleWard Aborn about 1877
BushSteve Hborn about 1912

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C Surnames

CaggigeMarie Iborn about 1920
CampbellWalter Wborn about 1914
CappBessie Mborn about 1890
CappClarence Eborn about 1885
CappEugenia Jborn about 1938
CappFranklin Lborn about 1928
CappGeneva Aborn about 1925
CappRuby Mborn about 1919
CappVivian Eborn about 1913
CarrFlorence Aborn about 1899
ChandlerCatherine Fborn about 1913
ChandlerJanice Aborn about 1936
ChandlerJoy Nborn about 1938
ChandlerMerrill Eborn about 1912
ChandlerPaul Eborn about 1934
ChapinGayle Oborn about 1939
ChapinMarjorie Aborn about 1916
ChapinOrin Rborn about 1916
ChapmanClellan Bborn about 1921
ChapmanFlorence Tborn about 1888
ChapmanLeland Tborn about 1919
ChapmanMaxwell Fborn about 1892
ChapmanWilliam Eborn about
ChesleyDonald Cborn about 1931
ChesleyEthelyn Hborn about 1910
ChesleyMary Leeborn about 1937
ChesleyNahum Hborn about 1901
ChesleySylvia Jborn about 1934
ChurchAlden Eborn about 1921
ChurchLois Eborn about 1923
ClarkCharles Aborn about 1899
ClarkEvelyn born about 1927
ClarkGeorge born about 1892
ClarkIda Nborn about 1905
ClarkKatherine born about 1919
CloffghEarle Fborn about 1915
ClogstonCharlotte Bborn about 1881
ClogstonCharlotte Mborn about 1911
CloughElwin Fborn about 1915
CoffinLillian Eborn about 1913
CoffinRay Eborn about 1913
CoffinRichard Cborn about 1940
CoffinRoy E Jrborn about 1937
ColbyAlice Jborn about 1872
ColbyClifton Eborn about 1915
ColbyDorothy Mborn about 1919
ColbyJerry Tborn about 1870
ColbyMary Mborn about 1916
ColbyPerley Aborn about 1918
ConantJohn Wborn about 1906
CookCharles Cborn about 1869
CookLuella Sborn about 1867
CookstoneGeorge born about 1922
CookstoneHarold Cborn about 1926
CornierThomas Eborn about 1901
CorpieriErnest born about 1880
CorpieriEthel Hborn about 1909
CorpieriOtis Eborn about 1903
CorpieriOtis Eborn about 1935
CorpieriWinifred Jborn about 1933
CoveyHarold Aborn about 1915
CramerEdna Aborn about 1902
CramerIna Vborn about 1879
CramerReginald Hborn about 1903
CramerReginald H Jrborn about 1929
CraneEdith Cborn about 1899
CraneWalter Cborn about 1904
CreanWilliawm Jborn about 1899
CrouseBarbara Lborn about 1928
CrouseForest Eborn about 1908
CrouseForest E Jrborn about 1928
CrouseHazel Jborn about 1906
CroussRoland Sborn about 1920
CurrierAlton Cborn about 1905
CurrierChancey Hborn about 1877
CurrierEmma Iborn about 1863
CurrierSylvia Fborn about 1907

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D Surnames

DakertyJames Jborn about 1889
DarlingMary Bborn about 1888
DarlingStephen Fborn about 1881
DavidsonHarry Lborn about 1867
DavisCarrie Hborn about 1915
DavisCharlotte born about 1913
DavisWarren Eborn about 1910
DawnerHarold Hborn about 1911
DawnerRichard Nborn about 1939
DawnerTheda Lborn about 1919
DayAnna Bborn about 1885
DayVan Lake born about 1877
DegooshBertha Mborn about 1903
DegooshDorothy Aborn about 1905
DegooshMarion Lborn about 1926
DegooshRobert Aborn about 1903
DegooshSylvia Bborn about 1932
DemsickCharles born about 1916
DieresEvelyn Rborn about 1855
DonahueAnnie Lborn about 1872
DonahueRobert Nborn about 1872
DowMary Eborn about 1857
DufresneJohn Aborn about 1914
DuorayRoger Eborn about 1916

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E Surnames

EarleAllen Lborn about 1876
EdmondsEdna Kborn about 1904
EdmondsHelen Aborn about 1931
EdmondsRobert Sborn about 1930
Elliott??? Cborn about 1927
ElliottAshton Wborn about 1895
ElliottAshton W Jrborn about 1921
ElliottGertrude Aborn about 1882

F Surnames

FarnhamAlice Mborn about 1905
FarnhamBruce Sborn about 1936
FarnhamJanet Eborn about 1939
FarnhamKeith Eborn about 1932
FarnhamStanley Eborn about 1907
FayEdgar Sborn about 1888
FayElmer born about 1920
FayHarold born about 1922
FaySadie Aborn about 1890
FifieldDoris Mborn about 1921
FinniganHenry Iborn about 1890
FlandreauFred Cborn about 1914
FlandreauMary Rborn about 1921
FletcherHoward Bborn about 1918
FooteFrank Rborn about 1888
FooteGeorge Eborn about 1871
FooteSarah Eborn about 1867
FosterEvelyn Dborn about 1908
FraeLouis Sborn about 1920
FramanWalter E Jrborn about 1919
FunderJohn Iborn about 1917

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G Surnames

GardnerAnne Mborn about 1915
GardnerGale Gborn about 1917
GauthierArrestile Jborn about 1920
GeorgeAmi Nborn about 1872
GeorgeBartram Eborn about 1933
GeorgeEthel Mborn about 1894
GeorgeGordon Rborn about 1919
GeorgeJennie Hborn about 1881
GeorgeLeldon Hborn about 1868
GeorgeMarjorie Wborn about 1897
GeorgeNadine Eborn about 1926
GeorgeProctor Hborn about 1920
GiggeyHoward born about 1893
GilpatrickBernard born about 1909
GilpatrickHerman born about 1910
GodfreyBetty Jeanborn about 1932
GodfreyBeverly Dborn about 1928
GodfreyElwood Eborn about 1935
GodfreyRoy Dborn about 1894
GoodAlton Hborn about 1921
GordillDoris Eborn about 1921
GorgenWilliam Phillipborn about 1918
GrayBeulah Mborn about 1918
GrayCarlton Wborn about 1917
GrayEdna Mborn about 1939
GrayJoyce Eborn about 1939
GrayLillian Aborn about 1878
GrayWilmer Hborn about 1881
GulickDonald Aborn about 1922
GulickElizabeth Fborn about 1887
GulickRaymond Jborn about 1886
GulickRaymond Jborn about 1924
GulickRussel Lborn about 1919

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H Surnames

HamiganDavid Dborn about 1911
HardBarbara Bborn about 1933
HardEva Wborn about 1886
HardFrank Wborn about 1883
HardMilton Lborn about 1918
HardyFrank Eborn about 1861
HarveyVictor Rborn about 1893
HaywardFred Rborn about 1915
HaywardFred R Iiiborn about 1937
HaywardLucy Pborn about 1909
HeffonGrace Rborn about 1895
HeffonWinfield Bborn about 1892
HendersonAndrew Wborn about 1875
HendersonDwight Jborn about 1921
HendersonHenry born about 1882
HendersonJesse Mborn about 1882
HendersonLeith Tborn about 1912
HenryOrius Bborn about 1877
HibbardLloyd Cborn about 1920
HodgeAvery Sborn about 1880
HodgeBernice Aborn about 1913
HodgeFloyd Mborn about 1918
HodgeHurbert Jborn about 1928
HodgePauline Mborn about 1930
HodgeRalph Hborn about 1915
HoitArthur Rborn about 1903
HumphreyRay Gborn about 1917
HuntingtonHarold Kborn about 1898
HuntingtonLaura Lborn about 1894
HuntingtonLaurence Hborn about 1928
HuntingtonMarie Rborn about 1922
HuntingtonRussell Cborn about 1933
HuseAlberta Vborn about 1910

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J Surnames

JacksonWarren Hborn about 1917
JobinAlfred Mborn about 1898
JobinGwendolyn born about 1928
JobinIola Mborn about 1906
JobinPatricia born about 1936
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1915

K Surnames

KelleyHarry Eborn about 1864
KelleyMaude Eborn about 1891
KibbeyGeorge Wborn about 1899
KibbeyJane Eborn about 1903
KielyFrances Dborn about 1905
KielyJoseph Pborn about 1908
KingAnnie Mborn about 1875
KingWilliam Hborn about 1874
KurtzWilliam Aborn about 1891

L Surnames

LabelleHettor Jborn about 1916
LackeyDouglas Rborn about 1932
LackeyElizabeth Mborn about 1901
LackeyJessie Mborn about 1923
LackeyLe Roy Hborn about 1922
LackeyLouis Lborn about 1890
LackeyLyle Cborn about 1925
LackeyPhillip Lborn about 1929
LadeanArline Nborn about 1915
LadeanDora Cborn about 1888
LadeanHilda Mborn about 1918
LadeanKenneth Jborn about 1916
LadeanLevi Jborn about 1878
LadeanPauline Dborn about 1939
LadeanRanona Hborn about 1937
LandingAlice Mborn about 1888
LandingPalmer Bborn about 1901
LangBarbara Aborn about 1932
LangRowens Mborn about 1912
LangWilliam Sborn about 1911
LaperleAdrien Lborn about 1911
LavinAngelo Sborn about 1916
LawlinsOscar born about 1877
LeochFlorence Eborn about 1872
LeochWilliam Fborn about 1876
LidgateFrances Bborn about 1901
LidgateSidney Cborn about 1897
LllairArthur Rborn about 1919
LucasMather Iborn about 1859
LufkinGoldie Rborn about 1889

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M Surnames

MacfarlanePaul Jborn about 1922
MarcotteLawrence Jborn about 1916
MartinDonald E Eborn about 1919
MartinDorothy Aborn about 1915
MartinGeorgia Lborn about 1911
MartinGladys Mborn about 1896
MartinLeon Hborn about 1893
McCoffreyLeo Jborn about 1909
McCoyCharles Wborn about 1890
McCoyFredrick Pborn about 1939
McCoyHelen Cborn about 1894
McCoyMarion Bborn about 1915
McCoyPaul Eborn about 1912
McDonaldVerdie Eborn about 1914
McGillwayJohn Aborn about 1885
McGuitnGuss born about 1900
McIndoeDavid Hborn about 1875
McIndoeMartha Aborn about 1874
MeglitzDorothy Aborn about 1903
MeglitzLouis Fborn about 1902
MelansonLenard born about 1891
MelvinCina born about 1864
MoranceyAlbert Fborn about 1920
MulberryTheodore Aborn about 1908
MunnCharles Hborn about 1870
MunnKathleen Mborn about 1875
MunnMabel Sborn about 1898
MunnRalph Hborn about 1895
MunnRalph Jr born about 1927
MunnReginald Gborn about 1898

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O Surnames

OeanLillian Mborn about 1893
OrdwayRosalene Mborn about 1876
OsgoodWalter Hborn about 1921

P Surnames

PageErnest Hborn about 1875
PageFlorence Hborn about 1890
PalmerNellie Lborn about 1872
PerkinsAlice Lborn about 1885
PerkinsDoris Eborn about 1922
PerkinsHomer Eborn about 1884
PerkinsSummer Wborn about 1860
PhelpsHarriette Bborn about 1891
PhelpsWilliam Bborn about 1882
PhillipsCynthia Jborn about 1870
PhillipsLaura Mborn about 1892
PhillipsWilliam Jborn about 1867
PierceDorothy Bborn about 1904
PiersonAmanda Hborn about 1883
PiersonJoe Aborn about 1881
PiersonOlin Tborn about 1916
PikeCharles Hborn about 1890
PikeMary Iborn about 1876
PiperKenneth Bborn about 1923
PloceyIrving Eborn about 1918
PorterEffie Eborn about 1872
PotterEdward Cborn about 1920
PowellsEdwin Mborn about 1913
PowellsPauline Sborn about 1916
PrattElla Sborn about 1872
PrattNeil Jborn about 1911
PriestAnna Rborn about 1915
PriestBetty Janeborn about 1937
PriestCharles Mborn about 1886
PriestCharles Wborn about 1914
PriestDexter Wborn about 1939
PriestMary Eborn about 1887

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R Surnames

RamansFrancis Dborn about 1918
ReddingtonWm born about 1884
RiversRaymond born about 1916
RobinsonDoroth?? born about 1918
RogersBeryl Lborn about 1898
RogersCharles Sborn about 1868
RogersClarence Mborn about 1895
RogersGean Eborn about 1923
RogersRobert Sborn about 1902
RogersWinston Wborn about 1925
RowellGladys Sborn about 1898
RowellVinson Bborn about 1893
RuthledgeHelen Bborn about 1928
RuthledgeRuth Cborn about 1886
RuthledgeWilliam Tborn about 1887
RutledgeCharles Wborn about 1856
RutledgeMary Aborn about 1860

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S Surnames

SaladinsBrigida Jborn about 1927
SaladinsNellie Sborn about 1906
SaladinsPaul Dborn about 1933
SaladinsPeter Jborn about 1901
SaladinsPeter J Jrborn about 1932
SalterRobert Mborn about 1919
SanbarnJane Eborn about 1869
SanbarnRansom Lborn about 1859
SanbornDouglas Vborn about 1936
SanbornHelen Eborn about 1911
SanbornWilliam Gborn about 1911
SanbornWilliam Gborn about 1934
SargentBlevdina Wborn about 1914
SargentErnest Hborn about 1933
SargentHarold Eborn about 1913
SargentPaul Aborn about 1938
SarlingDoris Eborn about 1912
SarlingWilliam Cborn about 1907
SarlingWilliam C Jrborn about 1934
SaucierLeonard born about 1916
SavilleCaroline Eborn about 1862
SavilleOscar Wborn about 1865
ShumwayViolet Pborn about 1900
SilverTimothy Jborn about 1922
SistersIrma Rborn about 1912
SlaytonOscar born about 1873
SmithBernard Wborn about 1905
SmithBruce Aborn about 1937
SmithElona Mborn about 1913
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1863
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1911
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1876
SmithGuy Gborn about 1900
SmithGuy Wborn about 1924
SmithJean Aborn about 1931
SmithLaura Mborn about 1902
SmithLila Mborn about 1873
SmithNellie Mborn about 1892
SmithRobert Hborn about 1933
SnideRaymond Nborn about 1917
SokolikSteve born about 1915
SonbarnEdgar Lborn about 1872
SonbarnEdith Dborn about 1880
SoruggsBertha Eborn about 1888
SoruggsBeverly Hborn about 1914
SoruggsHenry Gborn about 1881
SousaLawrence Aborn about 1929
SousaMay Wborn about 1897
SouthJane Fborn about 1939
SouthRuth Fborn about 1916
SouthSally Annborn about 1935
SouthWorth John Gborn about 1914
SpaarAuson Hborn about 1858
SpaarGrace Bborn about 1876
StcysHomer born about 1873
StearusMary Oborn about 1860
StevensBerla Lborn about 1900
StevensDean Fborn about 1924
StevensDonald Wborn about 1927
StevensHarry Tborn about 1892
StevensRichard Eborn about 1932
StoneWilfred Rborn about 1920
StrattonRalph Eborn about 1919
StreeterPetter Fborn about 1881
StreeterSarah Rborn about 1878
StrzeleeJoseph Jborn about 1918
SweeneyPeter born about 1886
SymesMaude Eborn about 1884
SymesRichard Rborn about 1881

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T Surnames

TaylorClinton Fborn about 1895
TerryAda Aborn about 1877
TerryMileo Jborn about 1856
ThurberAnna Mborn about 1876
ThurberCharles Fborn about 1876
ThurberFred Eborn about 1876
ThurberMargait Mborn about 1884
ThurberMildred Eborn about 1900
ThurberRaymond Lborn about 1907
TitusAalista Adaborn about 1918
TitusAnn Lborn about 1939
TitusAnna Sborn about 1889
TitusAnnie Eborn about 1893
TitusBerne Bborn about 1885
TitusMartha Cborn about 1916
TitusWinston Pborn about 1916
TrussellGrace Hborn about 1877
TrussellJacqueline Mborn about 1930
TrussellKenneth Jborn about 1907
TrussellMargaret Mborn about 1909
TrussellPaul Fborn about 1939
TrussellRonald Kborn about 1936
TuttleBlanche Mborn about 1919

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V Surnames

VezeayEdgar Rborn about 1865

W Surnames

WardFrank Eborn about 1901
WardMarion Wborn about 1901
WardRobert Nborn about 1929
WarjochaAdam Aborn about 1918
WarrenCharles Hborn about 1862
WarrenOger Lborn about 1870
WashburnAlice Bborn about 1887
WashburnCharles born about 1858
WashburnFred Lborn about 1878
WebsterDonald Lborn about 1917
WebsterFlorence Lborn about 1922
WebsterFlorene Mborn about 1898
WebsterIna Tborn about 1880
WebsterWilliam born about 1890
WestermeyerDanial Jborn about 1940
WestermeyerMarion Wborn about 1911
WestermeyerMildred Eborn about 1911
WhitcombAmasa Eborn about 1917
WhitcombCorrie Rborn about 1882
WhitcombHoward Hborn about 1920
WhiteEdith Hborn about 1887
WhiteMarion Edithborn about 1940
WhiteMarjorie Rborn about 1919
WhiteMoses Hborn about 1894
WhiteNorman Fborn about 1911
WhitePatricia Annborn about 1938
WilsonHarold Eborn about 1920
WojickDanial Wborn about 1920
WojickStanley Mborn about 1917
WrightClifton Lborn about 1928
WrightElmer Eborn about 1924
WrightLeon Pborn about 1920

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