1940 U.S. Federal Census of Goshen, Addison, Vermont

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Vermont > Addison County > 1940 Census of Goshen

B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesM Surnames
H SurnamesO Surnames

B Surnames

BlairCleason Hborn about 1928
BlairCrosby Eborn about 1921
BlairEudora Hborn about 1900
BlairHarry Cborn about 1890
BrownCatherine Jborn about 1933
BrownDorothy Aborn about 1914
BrownFrancis Eborn about 1932
BrownMuriel Aborn about 1931
BrownRaymond Lborn about 1909

D Surnames

DuttonCaroline Dborn about 1884
DuttonCharles Tborn about 1865
DuttonThomas Wborn about 1923

E Surnames

EatonLottie Bborn about 1878
EatonRobert Bborn about 1914

F Surnames

FayAlice Eborn about 1938
FayEvelyn Mborn about 1908
FayGarfield Hborn about 1913
FayLilly Eborn about 1872
FayMilo Gborn about 1892

H Surnames

HathawayBurton Hborn about 1929
HathawayHawley Oborn about 1901
HathawayRay Oborn about 1928
HathawayThelma Aborn about 1930
HathawayWindwell born about 1895
HattrawayByron Jborn about 1905
HattrawayCinthia born about 1876
HattrawayCorrielia Mborn about 1903
HattrawayJames Hborn about 1873
HayesClara Mborn about 1875
HayesEdward born about 1913
HayesElain born about 1924
HayesEster Fborn about 1897
HayesLeo Aborn about 1926
HayesMarion born about 1915
HayesMark Tborn about 1893
HayesMary born about 1931
HayesPhyllis Lborn about 1939
HayesRita born about 1933
HayesRobert Bborn about 1877
HayesRussell Jborn about 1935
HayesThad Eborn about 1907
HayesWarren Jborn about 1937
HookerCarey Lborn about 1872
HookerJoseph Sborn about 1875
HormbeckGeorge Aborn about 1912
HormbeckGeorge Eborn about 1939
HormbeckJean Cborn about 1936
HormbeckMyrtle Lborn about 1916
HormbeckNancy Lborn about 1937
HowardConstance Cborn about 1933
HowardHarlan Vborn about 1936
HowardHenry Hborn about 1908
HowardLaurel Hborn about 1904
HowardLaurel Hborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonFrederick born about 1918
JonesHerman Bborn about 1868
JonesJune Fborn about 1875
JonesWilson born about 1915

K Surnames

KingGrace Fborn about 1887
KingWilliam Gborn about 1880
KingWilliam Hborn about 1916
KingsleyFrederick Tborn about 1921

L Surnames

LaddArlie Lborn about 1892
LaddEdmond Wborn about 1927
LaddGuy Eborn about 1895
LaddJoyce born about 1933
LitusAlbert Fborn about 1875
LitusJessie Jborn about 1883
LitusRae Eborn about 1906

M Surnames

MooreCharlotte Lborn about 1918
MooreGeorgia Sborn about 1881
MooreHarry Dborn about 1888
MooreMildred Mborn about 1915

O Surnames

OlsonAndrew Gborn about 1877

R Surnames

RickertZula Cborn about 1881
RollinsDurward Wborn about 1909
RollinsIrean Bborn about 1913

S Surnames

SmithAllen Aborn about 1877
SweryCinthia Lborn about 1939
SweryHugh Lborn about 1915
SweryLidia Jborn about 1908

V Surnames

VassawGrace Lborn about 1919
VassawWilliam Hborn about 1903

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