1940 U.S. Federal Census of Old Bennington, Bennington, Vermont

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Vermont > Bennington County > 1940 Census of Old Bennington

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndrewsFrances Aborn about 1885
AndrewsFred Eborn about 1884

B Surnames

BalnesFred born about 1895
BarryElizabeth born about 1890
BarryFrances Eborn about 1924
BarryMarjorie Eborn about 1930
BarryWalter Hborn about 1858
BarryWalter H Jrborn about 1922
BaylandElizabeth born about 1880
BenevideAngeline born about 1940
BlackmerFanny born about 1870
BlackmerKatherine Rborn about 1902
BlackmerPatricia Aborn about 1927
BlackmerSamuel Hborn about 1902
BoothMirian Vborn about 1877
BoothVincent Rborn about 1877
BroaddusJohn born about 1894
Brockway born about 1902
BrockwayThomas born about 1899
BurgessAlbert Aborn about 1885
BurgessJohn Aborn about 1935
BurgessJulia Jborn about 1895
BurgessWilliam Aborn about 1924

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C Surnames

ClarkAnna Tborn about 1884
ColeKelly Pborn about 1892
CormierAnn born about 1907
CormierAnna born about 1930
CormierPatricia born about 1931
CowanJanet born about 1883
CoyleMartha born about 1919
CoyleMary Eborn about 1908
CoyleRichard Wborn about 1915
CushmanBarbara Hborn about 1937
CushmanDeborah Mborn about 1939
CushmanEillen Gborn about 1911
CushmanGeorgiana Lborn about 1882
CushmanHall Wborn about 1908
CushmanJohn Lborn about 1872

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D Surnames

DayesEllen born about 1900
DaytonNellie born about 1876
DennisDavid Hborn about 1925
DennisJames Sborn about 1895
DennisMargaret born about 1898
DennisNancy Gborn about 1922
DonahueJane born about 1890

E Surnames

EldredBlendine Wborn about 1887
EldredLeon Wborn about 1886

F Surnames

FeeleyGillian born about 1940
FeeleyHelen Wborn about 1915
FeeleyPaul Tborn about 1911
FowlieWallace born about 1909

G Surnames

GallagherMargaret born about 1905
GallagherWilliam born about 1934
GoddardCard Jborn about 1932
GoddardMargaret Bborn about 1903
GoddardMarion Lborn about 1931
GoddardTheodore Nborn about 1903
GoddardTheodore Nborn about 1936

H Surnames

HaleBertha Bborn about 1873
HalloranLillian born about 1895
HarwoodMargaret born about 1868
HoldenArthur Jborn about 1870
HoldenFrances Cborn about 1875
HoldenWaldo Cborn about 1903
HopkinsMary Sborn about 1905

J Surnames

JeromeAnn Hborn about 1928
JeromeHope Cborn about 1895
JeromeHope Cborn about 1921
JeromeJames Cborn about 1924
JeromeM Evelynborn about 1930
JeromeWilliam T 3rdborn about 1920
JeromeWilliam T Jrborn about 1891
JonesHelen Lborn about 1895
JonesMyra Hborn about 1886

K Surnames

KellyDelia Tborn about 1876
KellyEdward Fborn about 1873
KellyElizabeth Bborn about 1897
KellyJohn Aborn about 1865
KellyNancy Wborn about 1929
KellySusan Mborn about 1926
KellyTheresa Lborn about 1899
KelsonHans born about 1866
KelsonLena Jborn about 1866
KennyBridget Eborn about 1928
KennyCecelia Aborn about 1923
KennyCelia born about 1898
KennyJames Cborn about 1927
KennyJohn Pborn about 1933
KennyMargaret Mborn about 1924
KennyThomas Aborn about 1936
KennyThomas Bborn about 1886
KurAgnes born about 1898

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L Surnames

LanaganCharlotte Nborn about 1880
LanaganFrank Rborn about 1882
LeighMildred Bborn about 1893
LeighRobert Dborn about 1891
LeighV Bborn about 1922
LeroyEmily Mborn about 1885
LeslieGladys Yborn about 1891
LyleMartha born about 1888

M Surnames

MannSarah Eborn about 1878
MatthewsMary born about 1900
MerrillLaura Vborn about 1909
MerrillMary born about 1857
MillerEleoner Hborn about 1904
MillerElizabeth Lborn about 1925
MillerJ Leoborn about 1899
MossElizabeth born about 1934
MossMargaret born about 1896
MossMary Eborn about 1932
MurphyAgnes Lborn about 1931
MurphyAnn Lborn about 1923
MurphyCatherine Mborn about 1921
MurphyJoan Vborn about 1933
MurphyJoseph Lborn about 1928
MurphyLena Cborn about 1929
MurphyLeo Kborn about 1937
MurphyLillian Eborn about 1898
MurphyMargaret Eborn about 1919
MurphyMary Francesborn about 1922
MurphyOlga Eborn about 1930
MurphyPatrick Jborn about 1936
MurphyThomas Jborn about 1926
MurphyThomas Pborn about 1896
MurrayLouise born about 1881

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O Surnames

OconnorMary born about 1870

P Surnames

ParmeleeEster born about 1893
ParmeleeRobert Mborn about 1857
PekisenIda born about 1890
PereySarah Hborn about 1863
PhilipsCaroline Pborn about 1928
PhilipsGeorgiana Cborn about 1905
PhilipsJohn Jborn about 1930
PresleyStella born about 1885

R Surnames

ReynoldsMartha Dborn about 1897
RidlonHarry Cborn about 1885
RidlonPolly Pborn about 1923
RobinsonLulu born about 1859

S Surnames

SanfordMary born about 1860
SchaefferBarbara Mborn about 1939
SchaefferMargaret Cborn about 1900
SchaefferWilliam Hborn about 1897
SpargoJohn born about 1876
SpargoMary Bborn about 1880
StevenGladys Lborn about 1911
StokesHelen born about 1871

T Surnames

ThompsonJane born about 1870
TibbitsJohn Kborn about 1869
TibbitsMarguerite born about 1885
TyanHenry Jborn about 1909
TyanKatherine born about 1936
TyanMartha born about 1938
TyanMartha Cborn about 1906
TyanPatrick born about 1869

V Surnames

VanderveerGrace Aborn about 1897
VanderveerSchyler born about 1896

W Surnames

WalkerJosephine Vanborn about 1873
WellesAlice Rborn about 1870
WellesCharles born about 1903
WellesCharles E Jrborn about 1934
WhiteArthur Rborn about 1882
WhiteBeula Wborn about 1872
WillsAnne Kborn about 1922
WillsHazel Mborn about 1887
WillsWilliam Hborn about 1883
WilsonFrancis born about 1860
WilsonJohn Gordonborn about 1865
WilsonLilias born about 1875
WilsonMary Eborn about 1867

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